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the kangaroo与the kangaroos哪个对?

2023-07-19 10:16:59

具体问题具体回答你前面的the kangaroo

是单数,特指某一只。袋鼠后面的你用的the kangaroos 用的是复数形式,指的是多数。



the kangaroo是单数

the kangaroos是复数



2023-07-18 13:08:471


袋鼠的英文介绍如下:  Kangaroos live in Australia. There are more than 60 different types of kangaroos. The Red Kangaroo is the largest. You can see many kangaroos everywhere outside the cities and towns in Australia, not only in zoos.Kangaroos are very good at jumping, because they have very strong legs. Their tails are very strong, too. When they want to have a rest, they rest on their tails. Kangaroos like to eat at night. They like to be quite in they day.Kangaroos are very good at looking after their babies. Mother kangaroos keep their babies safe in their pouchs. Baby kangaroos stay in their mother"s pouchs for 5-6months.中文翻译:袋鼠生活在澳大利亚。有60多种不同种类的袋鼠。红袋鼠是体型最大的。在澳大利亚的`城市和乡镇外面你到处都能看到袋鼠,而不仅仅是在动物园。袋鼠非常擅长跳跃,因为它们有很强壮的腿。它们的尾巴也很强壮。当它们想休息的时候,就在自己的尾巴上休息。袋鼠喜欢在晚上进食,白天它们喜欢安静。袋鼠很擅长照顾自己的小宝宝。袋鼠妈妈把它们的小宝贝放在自己安全的育儿袋里。小袋鼠们在它们妈妈的育儿袋里要待上5到6个月呢。扩展资料  袋鼠的品种分类:1、红袋鼠最著名的袋鼠是红袋鼠,其体型最大,生活在澳大利亚干燥地带,其地带的年平均降雨量在500毫米以下。2、大赤袋鼠生活于澳大利亚东南部开阔的草原地带的大赤袋鼠是最大的有袋动物,也是袋鼠类的代表种类,堪称现代有袋类动物之王。大赤袋鼠的形体似老鼠,仿佛一只特大的巨鼠。3、东部灰大袋鼠东部灰大袋鼠虽然没有红大袋鼠著名,但是东部灰大袋鼠是最常见的。生活在较为肥沃的地区。4、西部灰大袋鼠西部灰大袋鼠是三种袋鼠中最小的一种:成年雄性的体重为54千克(119磅)。生活于澳洲西南海岸和达令河盆地。5、麝香袋鼠体长仅15~20厘米,尾巴长度12.7~15厘米,是世界上最小的袋鼠,与在草原上跳跃的普通袋鼠相比,它们是典型的侏儒物种。参考资料来源:百度百科-袋鼠
2023-07-18 13:10:001


kangaroo 袋鼠,虽然是有生命的 但它的复数比较特殊,是直接加skangaroos Kangaroos mainly live in Canada.
2023-07-18 13:10:171


2023-07-18 13:11:103


The kangaroo is a native of austrapa . 袋鼠是产于澳洲的动物。 Are there kangaroos in *** ? 台湾有袋鼠吗? A kangaroo court is an illegal mock court that often takes the law into its own hands . “非正规法庭”是非法的模拟法庭,这种法庭常常草菅人命。 She must find mr. craddock precious dull if she prefers blackbeetles and stuffed kangaroos . 如果她宁愿去看蟑螂和胀饱了的袋鼠,她一定是觉得克雷杜克先生呆头呆脑。 At this point jovial kangaroo kee, speaker of the house and supposed to be a creature of the fort, displayed leadership of an unexpected sort . 这时,一向给认为听“碉堡”摆布的众议院议长成天乐呵呵的袋鼠姬发挥了人们始料不及的领导作用。 The kangaroo is the signature animal of austrapa (袋鼠是澳大利亚的特有动物。 ) A kangaroo could not jump if its tail is off land 如果尾巴离开地面,代数就不能跳 Kangaroo is found in austrapa , and nowhere else 袋鼠只生长在澳大利亚,别处没有。 A female kangaroo carries its young in a pouch 雌袋鼠把小袋鼠装在肚袋内。 The most interesting animal i have ever seen is kangaroo 我见过最有趣的动物是袋鼠。 Austrapan kangaroo wins award for saving her masters pfe 澳洲袋鼠及时救主,荣获奖章 Austrapa is the province of the kangaroo 澳大利亚是袋鼠生长活动的地区。 The kangaroos carry their babies in the pouch 袋鼠把小袋鼠放在育儿袋里。 Kangaroo cart - speed petition introduction 袋鼠车速度大比拼游戏攻略 Austrapan kangaroo wins award for saving her master s pfe 澳洲袋鼠及时救主,荣获奖章 Boxing kangaroo games - 4455 minicpp games 袋鼠拳击小游戏- 4399小游戏 Are you thinking of a kangaroo in denmark eating an orange 你是否想到一只袋鼠在丹麦吃橙 Koala bears and kangaroos are the most mon marsupials 无尾熊和袋鼠是最普遍的有袋动物。 Mother and child albino kangaroos in canberra , austrapa 澳大利亚堪培拉的白化病袋鼠母子。 Joke1 : then , a man came in - with a kangaroo 笑话一:然后,一个男人走进来带著一只大袋鼠。 Austrapa is the province of the kangaroo 澳大利亚是袋鼠的生长地。 " function that work kangaroo “ contain cool 邮 100 many 网络袋鼠“有酷邮100的功能多吗? The kangaroo is a native of austrapa 袋鼠是澳大利亚的土生动物。 Don " t you ever give me one of your captain kangaroo speeches again 别再对我发表那样狗屁的讲话 Kangaroos are indigenous only to austrapa 袋鼠原产于澳大利亚。 A large , fully grown male kangaroo 大雄袋鼠完全成熟的雄性大袋鼠 Kangaroo cart - speed petition games 袋鼠车速度大比拼小游戏 The home of the kangaroo is austrapa 袋鼠的原产地是澳大利亚。 Kangaroos pve only in austrapa and on the island near it 袋鼠仅仅居住在澳洲及其附近的岛屿上。 Kangaroo cart - speed petition games - 4455 minicpp games 袋鼠车速度大比拼小游戏- 4399小游戏 * just hop three times pke a kangaroo *像袋鼠一样单脚跳三下 The kangaroo is an individuapstic animal 袋鼠喜欢独来独往。 Kangaroo , kangaroo . where are you 小袋鼠,小袋鼠。你在哪里? The kangaroo is a native of austrapa 袋鼠是产於澳洲的动物。 Kangaroos are indigenous to austrapa 袋鼠为澳大利亚所产。 5 is the kangaroo austrapan ? yes , it is . / no , it isn " t 这只袋鼠是澳大利亚的吗?是,是的。不,不是。 A kangaroo cannot jump if its tail is pfted off the ground 如果袋鼠的尾巴离开地面,袋鼠就跳不起来。 Just hop three times pke a kangaroo 像袋鼠一样单脚跳三下 * hop three times pke a kangaroo *像袋鼠一样单脚跳三下 Kangaroo mostly pves in austrapa 袋鼠主要生活在澳洲。 Kangaroos are indigenousto austrapa 袋鼠产於澳大利亚 Tiaotiao kangaroo is not happy - he cannot walk or run 袋鼠跳跳很不高兴,因为他既不会跑也不会走,只会跳。 Hop three times pke a kangaroo 像袋鼠一样单脚跳三下 Kangaroo cart - speed petition 袋鼠车速度大比拼 Kangaroo has a package in its stomach , where its baby is kept 他的肚子上有一个口袋,他在那里孕育它的宝宝。 Kangaroo mainly pved in austrapa and plants is their main food 它主要生活在澳大利亚地区,主要以植物为食。 Do kangaroos crap in the bush 灌木丛里的袋鼠屎 It " s funny to see the pttle kangaroos jump into the old ones " pouch 看这些小袋鼠跳到老袋鼠的袋里去是多么有趣。 Boxing kangaroo introduction 袋鼠拳击游戏攻略
2023-07-18 13:11:161


2023-07-18 13:11:362


以它在国内的流行程度 应该算不上一线吧。及时它是一个有历史的牌子,不过现在运动品牌都被霸占了,NIKE~adi 等~下面是抄的,给你了解下。KangaROOS历史  尽管KangaROOS是以毫不起眼的训练鞋起家,却以迅雷之势登上了美国运动鞋舞台,20世纪80年代早期,美国一些体育明星纷纷穿上了KangaROOS的鞋子,如棒球明星朗—达林(Ron Darling),篮球巨星克莱德—德雷克斯勒(Clyde Drexler,绰号 “滑翔机”),还有芝加哥熊队的传奇人物沃尔特—佩顿(Walter Payton)。康歌中国  中国上海康歌服饰有限公司是国际知名美国品牌“KangaROOS” 在大中华地区(包括中国大陆、台湾、香港、澳门)的独家代理公司,拥有“KangaROOS”品牌在大中华地区的产品研发、生产及销售权。
2023-07-18 13:11:451


2023-07-18 13:12:083


2023-07-18 13:12:171


2023-07-18 13:12:398


Kangaroo (kangaroo) originating in the Australian continent and parts of Papua New Guinea. Among them, some species unique to Australia. All Australian kangaroos, zoo and safari park, except, in the wild life. Different types of kangaroos in Australia"s natural environment in a variety of life, from the cool climate of the rainforest and desert plains to tropical regions.袋鼠(kangaroo)原产于澳大利亚大陆和巴布亚新几内亚的部分地区。其中,有些种类为澳大利亚独有。所有澳大利亚袋鼠,动物园和野生动物园里的除外,都在野地里生活。不同种类的袋鼠在澳大利亚各种不同的自然环境中生活,从凉性气候的雨林和沙漠平原到热带地区。Kangaroos are herbivores, eating a variety of plants, some eat fungi. They are mostly active at night, but some in the early morning or evening activities. Different types of kangaroos in a variety of natural living environment. For example, Kangaroo will make their own nests and tree kangaroos are living in the bush. Large species of kangaroos like with trees, caves and cracks in rocks as shelter.袋鼠是食草动物,吃多种植物,有的还吃真菌类。它们大多在夜间活动,但也有些在清晨或傍晚活动。不同种类的袋鼠在各种不同的自然环境中生活。比如,波多罗伊德袋鼠会给自己做巢而树袋鼠则生活在树丛中。大种袋鼠喜欢以树、洞穴和岩石裂缝作为遮蔽物。 All kangaroos, no matter what size, have one thing in common: the hind legs with long strong legs and powerful bond. Kangaroos to jump on behalf of the run, to jump up to 4 meters, the farthest jump to 13 meters, can be said to jump highest and furthest mammals.所有袋鼠,不管体积多大,有一个共同点:长着长脚的后腿强键而有力。袋鼠以跳代跑,最高可跳到4米,最远可跳至13米,可以说是跳得最高最远的哺乳动物。All female kangaroos have long before the opening of a pouch, pouch has four nipples. "Cub" or a small kangaroo in pouch was brought up, until they can survive in the outside world.所有雌性袋鼠都长有前开的育儿袋,育儿袋里有四个乳头。“幼崽”或小袋鼠就在育儿袋里被抚养长大,直到它们能在外部世界生存。Kangaroo usually as Australia"s national identity, such as green triangles used to represent the Australian Kangaroo manufacturing. Kangaroo figure also often on the road in Australia, it is often near the kangaroos that appear, in particular, to pay attention to driving at night, the kangaroo"s vision is poor, with the curiosity of the light will jump to "see what happens." But because of kangaroo reproduction rate so even if accidentally killed do not need to be responsible, there will be a special person to take away the body of the kangaroo.袋鼠通常作为澳大利亚国家的标识,如绿色三角形袋鼠用来代表澳大利亚制造。袋鼠图还经常出现在澳大利亚公路上,那是表示附近常有袋鼠出现,特别是夜间行车要注意,袋鼠的视力很差,加上对灯光的好奇会跳去“看个究竟”。但因为袋鼠的繁殖率高所以即使不小心撞死了也不需要负责,会有专门的人把袋鼠的尸体收走。Kangaroos do not walk, will jump, or in the forefoot and the hind legs with the help of Ben jumping ahead. Kangaroo is the night life of animals, usually several hours after the sun sets out foraging, but the sun came out soon after returning home.袋鼠不会行走,只会跳跃,或在前脚和后腿的帮助下奔跳前行。袋鼠属夜间生活的动物,通常在太阳下山后几个小时才出来寻食,而在太阳出来后不久就回巢。  Kangaroos usually live in the wild, there might have been kept. While driving on the road or when there will be wild kangaroos suddenly rushed out, so people driving in Australia to be careful.袋鼠通常生活在野地,也有可能被人饲养。而或行驶在道路上时,忽然会有野生袋鼠冲出来,所以在澳大利亚开车的人要小心。我是根据百度百科里面的介绍来翻译的,由于水平有限,有些地方可能不是很准确,希望你满意!!!
2023-07-18 13:12:571


Australia is not only a country but also a continent.Australia is like the United States in many ways. Australians speak English. Most people live in or near cities.There are about 22 million people living in Australia . Canberra is the capital.It is usually warm and pleasant in Australia. January and Febuary are the warmest months. June and July are the coolest months.The middle part of the country is called the outback. The outback does not get much rain and it is very dry.Kangaroos and koalas are from Australia . Kangaroos are Australians" favorites. Australians like making many kinds of souvenirs with pictures of kangaroos
2023-07-18 13:13:041


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2023-07-18 13:13:223


1. 解答:这里用不用定冠词the关键在于是否是特指。根据原句,这里是泛指动物袋鼠和考拉,因此不用定冠词,如果这些动物有明确的限定语,比如表示地点的介词短语at the zoo或in the wild,则必须使用定冠词the表示特指。综上所述,第一个说法正确。2. 冠词:英语冠词分不定冠词和定冠词两种。不定冠词a表示类别,数量是单数的一,用于第一次提及某个物体。an是a的变化形式,用于紧跟的元音音素之前(不是元音字母,而是元音音素)。定冠词the表示特指,数量不固定,用于特指或第二次提及某物。不用任何冠词的现象,英语称之为零冠词现象。3. 举例:① I see a young woman singing in the park. 我看到一位年轻的女子在公园唱歌。② The young woman is little Tom"s aunt. 这位年轻的女子是小汤姆的姑姑。③ Tom"s uncle exercises an hour a day. 汤姆的姑父每天锻炼一小时。
2023-07-18 13:13:302


2023-07-18 13:13:474


  我们把英语装进脑子里,就像袋鼠把孩子装在肚子的口袋里,随时有可能就蹦跶出来了。下面是我给大家整理的袋鼠英语是什么,供大家参阅!   袋鼠英语是什么   kangaroo   袋鼠的英语例句   1. There are all sorts of animals, including bears, pigs, kangaroos, and penguins.   有各种各样的动物,包括熊、猪、袋鼠和企鹅。   2. Australia is the hometown of kangaroos.   澳大利亚是袋鼠的故乡.   3. Kangaroos are indigenous to Australia.   袋鼠为澳大利亚本地的动物.   4. Kangaroos compete with sheep and cattle for sparse supplies of food and water.   袋鼠与牛羊争夺稀少的食物和水。   5. Kangaroos harbor a vast range of parasites.   袋鼠身上有各种各样的寄生虫。   6. Kangaroos are diurnal animals.   袋鼠是日间活动的动物。   7. The Australian wallaby resembles a hare and has persistent teeth.   澳大利亚的沙袋鼠形似野兔,有稳固的牙齿。   8. Kangaroos"hind legs are enormously powerful.   袋鼠的后腿非常有力.   9. Australia is the province of the kangaroo.   澳大利亚是袋鼠生长活动的地区.   10. The kangaroo is a native of Australia.   袋鼠是产于澳洲的动物.   11. A kangaroo carries its young in a pouch.   大袋鼠以肚袋装小袋鼠.   12. She must find Mr. Craddock precious dull if she prefers blackbeetles and stuffed kangaroos.   如果她宁愿去看蟑螂和胀饱了的袋鼠,她一定是觉得克雷杜克先生呆头呆脑.   13. Oh , look ! So many kangaroos.   哇! 好多袋鼠呀.   14. In five minutes, I went from Mayor Barclay to Captain Kangaroo!   就5分钟我从巴克利市长变成袋鼠队长!   15. Sometimes I feel like a kangaroo, all stuff in my pocket, you know?   有时我觉得像只袋鼠, 全部的东西都在我口袋, 你知道 吗 ?   关于袋鼠的英语作文   Australia is the habitat for kangaroos, one of the famous animals in the world. Kangaroos have a special characteristic. They have four limbs, the fore legs are short while the hind legs are strong and powerful. They are accustomed to leaping and they can cover more than 10 metres with each leap. They have a pouch on their breast. After a baby kangaroo is born, she usually lives in her mother"s pouch for one year. Kangaroos love to live in groups. They come out to search for food at night and they mainly feed on plants.   关于袋鼠的英语范文   Kangaroos are very good at jumping, because they have very strong legs. Their tails are very strong, too. When they want to have a rest, they rest on their tails. Kangaroos like to eat at night. They like to be quite in they day.   Kangaroos are very good at looking after their babies. Mother kangaroos keep their babies safe in their pouchs. Baby kangaroos stay in their mother"s pouchs for 5-6months.   关于袋鼠的英语作文带翻译   Kangaroos live in Australia.There are more than 60 different kinds of kangaroos.The Red Kangaroo is the largest.You can see many kangaroos everywhere outside the cities and towns in Australia, not only in zoos.   袋鼠生活在澳大利亚。有60多种不同种类的袋鼠。红袋鼠是体型最大的。在澳大利亚的城市和乡镇外面你到处都能看到袋鼠,而不仅仅是在动物园。   关于袋鼠的英语范文带翻译   Kangaroo (Kangaroo) native to Australia and Papua New Guinea in parts of the continent. Are herbivores, belly bag fitted with a small kangaroo, eat a variety of plants, and some also eat fungi. They are mostly active at night, but also some activity in the early morning or evening. Different types of kangaroos live in a variety of natural environments.   Kangaroo is a class of marsupials, are kangaroo Branch (Macropodidae), "Kangaroo" the term usually used to refer to the largest branch of the size of several species of kangaroo.   In general, a large kangaroo face of human development in Australia has a higher resilience; In contrast, many of their relatives are facing small greater threats to survival, the numbers are small.   There are no large-scale farming kangaroos, but wild kangaroos are hunted and made into edible meat, and this industry is also controversial.   袋鼠(Kangaroo)原产于澳大利亚大陆和巴布亚新几内亚的部分地区。是食草动物,肚中的袋子装有小袋鼠,吃多种植物,有的还吃真菌类。它们大多在夜间活动,但也有些在清晨或傍晚活动。不同种类的袋鼠在各种不同的自然环境中生活。   袋鼠是一类有袋类动物,属于袋鼠科(Macropodidae),“袋鼠”一词通常用来指袋鼠科中体型最大的几个物种。   一般而言,大型袋鼠面对人类在澳洲的开发有较高的适应力;相较之下,他们的许多小型亲戚则面临了较大的生存威胁,数量也较少。   目前并没有大规模的袋鼠养殖业,不过野生的袋鼠会被猎杀并制成食用肉品,而此种产业也具有争议性   
2023-07-18 13:14:071


KangaROOS是以毫不起眼的训练鞋起家,却以迅雷之势登上了美国运动鞋舞台,这个倡导以轻松、活力、年轻的心态对待一切事物的品牌已经为2016秋季做好准备,带来全新的秋季跑鞋设计。无论你是喜欢微妙的色调,或大胆或充满活力的感觉,KangaROOS秋季新品都能满足你的要求。分别以三个鞋款呈现秋日物语,其中Ultimate Leather鞋款采用全粒面革打造鞋面,并以黑色、白色呈现鞋面色调,带来奢华质感。而 Omnicoil鞋款则在配色上更加跳跃,采用海军蓝/黑色,红色/黑色呈现,最后Racer鞋款则以网眼、麂皮打造,并融入清爽的灰色、蓝色配色设计,三个鞋款均带来不同的感受,相信不忘初心的品牌能带来更多惊喜。
2023-07-18 13:14:172


Kangaroos have large,powerful hind legs,large feet adapted for leaping,a long muscular tail for balance,and a small head.Like most marsupials,female kangaroos have a pouch called a marsupium in which joeys complete postnatal development.Larger kangaroos have adapted much better than smaller macropods to land clearing for pastoral agriculture and habitat changes brought to the Australian landscape by humans.Many of the smaller species are rare and endangered;whilst the larger kangaroos are relatively plentiful.The kangaroo is an unofficial symbol of Australia and appears as an emblem on the Australian coat of arms and on some of its currency and is used by some of Australia"s well known organisations;including Qantas and the Royal Australian Air Force.The kangaroo is important to both Australian culture and the national image,and consequently there are numerous popular culture references.扩展资料:生活习性:袋鼠是食草动物,吃多种植物,有的还吃真菌类。它们大多在夜间活动,但也有些在清晨或傍晚活动。袋鼠以矮小润绿离地面近的小草为生,将长草与干草留给其它动物。个别种类的袋鼠也吃树叶或小树牙。袋鼠家族中“种族歧视”十分严重;它们对外族成员进入家族不能容忍,甚至本家族成员在长期外出后再回来也是不受欢迎的。家族即使接受新成员,也要教训一番,直到新成员学会许多“规矩”后,才能和家族融为一体。
2023-07-18 13:14:241


美国运动品牌袋鼠,英文名为kangaroos。袋鼠鞋子是名牌。美国运动品牌袋鼠,英文名为kangaroos。袋鼠虽以不起眼的训练鞋起家,却以迅雷之势登上了美国运动鞋舞台。20世纪80年代早期,美国一些体育明星穿上了袋鼠的鞋子,比如棒球明星朗—达林(Ron Darling),芝加哥熊队的传奇人物沃尔特—佩顿(Walter Payton),篮球巨星克莱德—德雷克斯(ClydeDrexler,绰号 “滑翔机”)。为了提高运动员的成绩,袋鼠在美国成立了研发部门,专门研究鞋子技术性能,其中高性能产品部开发出了通过美国航空航天局检验的Dynaciol技术(减震系统)。到了上世纪80年代中期,“有口袋的品牌”受到世界其他地区的关注,很快开始向欧洲及其他国家出口鞋类产品。到了90年代,袋鼠已风靡全球,并着手扩大产品范围,针对户外、休闲和时尚市场推出了一系列独具风格的产品。
2023-07-18 13:14:421

关于kangaroo rat的英文介绍。250字,不要载抄

知道了~ 推荐你去wikipedia上,我就是从那上面摘的Kangaroo rats are small rodents native to North America. Their name derives from their bipedal form: as they hop in a manner similar to the much larger kangaroo, although they are not related.Their size varies from 10 to 20 cm, with a tail of equal or slightly greater length; the weight can be between 35 and 180 grams. The most distinctive feature of the kangaroo rats is their very long hind legs.Kangaroo rats live in unknown environments in which food availability varies widely in space and time. The ability to hoard food is a vital adaptation. Food-hoarding is facilitated by the presence of external fur-lined cheek pouches that are used to transport food items from the harvest location to the storage site. The fur lining allows for seed transport with minimal water loss.这是另外一版,你可以自己改一下:Located:The Kangaroo Rat is found in North America, with a large percentage living in the desert regions of Southwestern United States and parts of Mexico. The region which they live in is dependent on the species of rat.Diet:Kangaroo Rats feed mostly on grass seeds, but will also eat leaves, stems and sometimes fruit if available. They have pouches on the sides of their mouths that can be used for carrying food.Habitat:The habitat of the Kangaroo Rat differs depending on the area of North America that it lives. They tend to live in arid, open areas and only go out at night when the temperatures are cooler.Size:Approximate weight of a Kangaroo Rat:1.25 oz - 6.25 oz.Approximate height of a Kangaroo Rat:.Length can be from 4 - 16 inches depending on age and species but usually are from 10 - 13 inches.Reproduction:Kangaroo Rats can have as many as 3 litters of about 2 - 5 young per year.
2023-07-18 13:15:212

Kangaroos jump ____ their back legs.

2023-07-18 13:15:292


袋鼠品牌有三种。意大利袋鼠袋鼠(L"Alpina)服饰,意大利圣凯道服装集团精心打造世界名牌,跃跃欲试的时尚精神。半个世纪以来,从罗马、意大利、到欧洲、到世界,到处都有阿尔巴尼亚运动。袋鼠(L"Alpina)服装品牌成立于1953。在战后的意大利罗马复兴中,由于战争,长期以来对唯美主义的追求被立即释放。意大利圣凯鲁服装集团是安东尼奥服饰家族的前身,设计了西方第一条河流服装设计,在传统保守的西方服装中融入时尚元素,成为当时名人们追求的名人。但也有同事不同意安东尼奥家族的设计,嘲笑“袋鼠”服饰,这意味着安东尼奥的衣服是无名的怪物。对于同行的异议,安东尼奥只是注册了“袋鼠”商标作为回应,以表达他坚定的信心。安东尼奥的家族已经发展成为一个国际时尚集团。袋鼠(LalAlpina)已经成为一个时尚代词。袋鼠(L"Alpina)服装产品在意大利圣凯鲁服装集团也涵盖休闲,户外,西装,T恤衫,衬衫,皮鞋,皮革制品等。袋鼠(LalAlpina)服饰一向以其对时尚和品质的绝对把握而受到尊贵人士的青睐。袋鼠(LalAlpina)服装作为一种成熟的品牌,对市场的发展也有着很强的预见性。在1983,中国商标袋鼠(Lalalpina)获准注册。袋鼠(LalAlpina)以零星渗透的形式逐渐开始与中国时尚的亲密接触。2001,意大利圣凯路时装集团与上海骏盟服装有限公司携手合作,共同打造中国最佳男装市场。英国袋鼠出生地:英国品牌介绍:在两次世界大战期间,贾可利用他的市场触角来生产各种军帽和丹宁,在BernardMontgomery将军的指导下引领贝雷帽;以及贾可最先创造的无缝边帽。1945,战后发动。人们喜欢他们。自上世纪80年代以来,康考尔的袋鼠图案就在街上,一群街头流行的朝圣者喜欢涂鸦,引出了康考尔独特的魅力,“街头文化”传遍了世界各地,使康妮的街头魅力继续发烧。到了1998,当杰克逊在媒体上戴着康诺尔帽子时,康奈尔帽子已经成为当今国际时尚杂志的流行时尚品牌。相关产品:皮革制品法国袋鼠KHARONO(袋鼠)是世界著名男装系列品牌之一,成立于1862,在欧洲市场占有一定的市场份额。上海文森特服装设计公司的首席设计师Saint deeca设计了一个专门设计的产品,以满足中国不同地区客户的需求。其市场定位是专业男装休闲系列。秉承时尚、简约、经典的设计理念和洒脱的风格,彰显优雅和高贵的生活品质。法国浪漫主义的经典之作深刻地渗透了对艺术和生活文化的执着追求和理解,将深厚的文化内涵与现代风格相结合,使哈罗诺商务休闲系列的男性具有高度的知名度和美誉度。在市场上。
2023-07-18 13:15:3912


2023-07-18 13:17:011

kangaroo的复数是?? 为什么?

复数 kangaroos或kangaroo
2023-07-18 13:17:114


这篇《小学五年级英语阅读理解及答案:Kangaroos》,是 无 特地为大家整理的,希望对大家有所帮助! Kangaroos   There are many kangaroos in Australia and not only in zoos. You can see them everywhere outside the cities and towns. Kangaroos have very strong legs, so they are very good at jumping. Their tails are very strong, too. So when they want to have a rest, they rest on their tails. Knagaroos are also very good at looking their babies. Mother Kangaroos keep their babies safe in their pockets.   一、 Write "T" for True and "F" for False beside the statements.   ( )⒈ There are many kangaroos in America.   ( )⒉ Kangaroos have very strong legs.   ( )⒊ Kangaroos" tails are very strong, too.   ( )⒋ Mother kangaroos keep their babies safe in their pokets.   二、 选择正确的答案。   ( )⒈ Where are there many kangaroos?   A. In America   B. In Australia   C. In England   D. In China   ( )⒉ What are the kangaroos good at?   A. Jumping.   B. Dancing.   C. Running.   D. Playing.   ( )⒊ How can kangaroos rest?   A. With their tails.   B. With their legs.   C. On their tails.   D. With their feet.   ( )⒋ Who keeps the babies safe in the pockets?   A. Mother kangaroos.   B. Father kangaroos.   C. Kangaroos.   D. Brother kangaroos.  答案   一、F、 T、 T、 T   二、1-4 BACA
2023-07-18 13:18:031


袋鼠的英文介绍如下:  Kangaroos live in Australia. There are more than 60 different types of kangaroos. The Red Kangaroo is the largest. You can see many kangaroos everywhere outside the cities and towns in Australia, not only in zoos.Kangaroos are very good at jumping, because they have very strong legs. Their tails are very strong, too. When they want to have a rest, they rest on their tails. Kangaroos like to eat at night. They like to be quite in they day.Kangaroos are very good at looking after their babies. Mother kangaroos keep their babies safe in their pouchs. Baby kangaroos stay in their mother"s pouchs for 5-6months.中文翻译:袋鼠生活在澳大利亚。有60多种不同种类的袋鼠。红袋鼠是体型最大的。在澳大利亚的`城市和乡镇外面你到处都能看到袋鼠,而不仅仅是在动物园。袋鼠非常擅长跳跃,因为它们有很强壮的腿。它们的尾巴也很强壮。当它们想休息的时候,就在自己的尾巴上休息。袋鼠喜欢在晚上进食,白天它们喜欢安静。袋鼠很擅长照顾自己的小宝宝。袋鼠妈妈把它们的小宝贝放在自己安全的育儿袋里。小袋鼠们在它们妈妈的育儿袋里要待上5到6个月呢。扩展资料  袋鼠的品种分类:1、红袋鼠最著名的袋鼠是红袋鼠,其体型最大,生活在澳大利亚干燥地带,其地带的年平均降雨量在500毫米以下。2、大赤袋鼠生活于澳大利亚东南部开阔的草原地带的大赤袋鼠是最大的有袋动物,也是袋鼠类的代表种类,堪称现代有袋类动物之王。大赤袋鼠的形体似老鼠,仿佛一只特大的巨鼠。3、东部灰大袋鼠东部灰大袋鼠虽然没有红大袋鼠著名,但是东部灰大袋鼠是最常见的。生活在较为肥沃的地区。4、西部灰大袋鼠西部灰大袋鼠是三种袋鼠中最小的一种:成年雄性的体重为54千克(119磅)。生活于澳洲西南海岸和达令河盆地。5、麝香袋鼠体长仅15~20厘米,尾巴长度12.7~15厘米,是世界上最小的袋鼠,与在草原上跳跃的普通袋鼠相比,它们是典型的侏儒物种。参考资料来源:百度百科-袋鼠
2023-07-18 13:18:121


Kangaroos   There are many kangaroos in Australia and not only in zoos. You can see them everywhere outside the cities and towns. Kangaroos have very strong legs, so they are very good at jumping. Their tails are very strong, too. So when they want to have a rest, they rest on their tails. Knagaroos are also very good at looking their babies. Mother Kangaroos keep their babies safe in their pockets.   一、 Write "T" for True and "F" for False beside the statements.   ( )⒈ There are many kangaroos in America.   ( )⒉ Kangaroos have very strong legs.   ( )⒊ Kangaroos" tails are very strong, too.   ( )⒋ Mother kangaroos keep their babies safe in their pokets.   二、 选择正确的答案。   ( )⒈ Where are there many kangaroos?   A. In America   B. In Australia   C. In England   D. In China   ( )⒉ What are the kangaroos good at?   A. Jumping.   B. Dancing.   C. Running.   D. Playing.   ( )⒊ How can kangaroos rest?   A. With their tails.   B. With their legs.   C. On their tails.   D. With their feet.   ( )⒋ Who keeps the babies safe in the pockets?   A. Mother kangaroos.   B. Father kangaroos.   C. Kangaroos.   D. Brother kangaroos.  答案   一、F、 T、 T、 T   二、1-4 BACA
2023-07-18 13:18:281


2023-07-18 13:18:352


有两个词都可以: roo [ru:] n. (1) [动] 袋鼠(产于澳洲) kangaroo n. (pl.kangaroo,kangaroos ) (1) 【动】大袋鼠(产于澳大利亚及新几内亚) (2) 袋鼠皮 (3) [英]“袋鼠”履带装甲运输车 kangaroo closure [英]限制议事法(由议会或委员会主席决定几个修正案中何项应进行辩论,何项应予搁置的一种议事规则) kangaroo court [美口]袋鼠法庭(指非法的或不按法律程序的非正规法庭; 也指囚犯在狱中举行的摸拟法庭) kangaroo rat (=rat kangaroo) (产于大洋洲);(产于美国西南及墨西哥沙漠地带的)更格芦鼠 red kangaroo 大赤袋鼠 semi-trailer kangaroo 袋鼠形半拖车(装在凹形底板的平车上) tree kangaroo 树袋鼠 [继承用法] kangaroolike adj. 它们是相等的!
2023-07-18 13:19:021


Kangaroos have large,powerful hind legs,large feet adapted for leaping,a long muscular tail for balance,and a small head.Like most marsupials,female kangaroos have a pouch called a marsupium in which joeys complete postnatal development.Larger kangaroos have adapted much better than smaller macropods to land clearing for pastoral agriculture and habitat changes brought to the Australian landscape by humans.Many of the smaller species are rare and endangered;whilst the larger kangaroos are relatively plentiful.The kangaroo is an unofficial symbol of Australia and appears as an emblem on the Australian coat of arms and on some of its currency and is used by some of Australia"s well known organisations;including Qantas and the Royal Australian Air Force.The kangaroo is important to both Australian culture and the national image,and consequently there are numerous popular culture references.扩展资料:生活习性:袋鼠是食草动物,吃多种植物,有的还吃真菌类。它们大多在夜间活动,但也有些在清晨或傍晚活动。袋鼠以矮小润绿离地面近的小草为生,将长草与干草留给其它动物。个别种类的袋鼠也吃树叶或小树牙。袋鼠家族中“种族歧视”十分严重;它们对外族成员进入家族不能容忍,甚至本家族成员在长期外出后再回来也是不受欢迎的。家族即使接受新成员,也要教训一番,直到新成员学会许多“规矩”后,才能和家族融为一体。
2023-07-18 13:19:315

kangaroo复数kangaroos 这个单词明明是以o结尾,那么为什么直接+s,而不是+es

以o结尾的单词在o的后面如果也是个 原音 的话就以s结尾,是辅音的话就加es
2023-07-18 13:20:161

《小学五年级英语阅读理解及答案: Kangaroos》

这篇《小学五年级英语阅读理解及答案:Kangaroos》,是 无 特地为大家整理的,希望对大家有所帮助! Kangaroos   There are many kangaroos in Australia and not only in zoos. You can see them everywhere outside the cities and towns. Kangaroos have very strong legs, so they are very good at jumping. Their tails are very strong, too. So when they want to have a rest, they rest on their tails. Knagaroos are also very good at looking their babies. Mother Kangaroos keep their babies safe in their pockets.   一、 Write "T" for True and "F" for False beside the statements.   ( )⒈ There are many kangaroos in America.   ( )⒉ Kangaroos have very strong legs.   ( )⒊ Kangaroos" tails are very strong, too.   ( )⒋ Mother kangaroos keep their babies safe in their pokets.   二、 选择正确的答案。   ( )⒈ Where are there many kangaroos?   A. In America   B. In Australia   C. In England   D. In China   ( )⒉ What are the kangaroos good at?   A. Jumping.   B. Dancing.   C. Running.   D. Playing.   ( )⒊ How can kangaroos rest?   A. With their tails.   B. With their legs.   C. On their tails.   D. With their feet.   ( )⒋ Who keeps the babies safe in the pockets?   A. Mother kangaroos.   B. Father kangaroos.   C. Kangaroos.   D. Brother kangaroos.  答案   一、F、 T、 T、 T   二、1-4 BACA
2023-07-18 13:20:241


kangaroo的复数形式为kangaroos。 kangaroo的词性为名词,中文意思是“袋鼠(产于澳大利亚);袋鼠科;袋鼠亚科”。 扩展资料   一、单词释义   n. 袋鼠(产于澳大利亚);袋鼠科;袋鼠亚科   复数:kangaroos   二、词汇搭配   kangaroo court 私设之法庭   kangaroo closure 限制议事法   kangaroo hare 兔袋鼠   giant kangaroo 大袋鼠   jerboa kangaroo 草原袋鼠属   rock kangaroo 岩间袋鼠   kangaroo apple 澳洲茄   kangaroo rat 鼠类(北美产)   kangaroo leather 袋鼠革   三、双语例句   1.The kangaroo uses its back legs to jump.   袋鼠是用它的后脚在跳。   2.The kangaroo is indigenous to Australia.   袋鼠原产于澳大利亚。   3.I think God sent a kangaroo to keep him warm.   我觉得是上帝派来一只袋鼠帮他取暖。   4.A kangaroo is an interesting animal.   袋鼠是有趣的动物。   5.Go to the zoo, watch a kangaroo.   去动物园, 去看袋鼠。
2023-07-18 13:20:311


袋鼠的英文介绍如下:  Kangaroos live in Australia. There are more than 60 different types of kangaroos. The Red Kangaroo is the largest. You can see many kangaroos everywhere outside the cities and towns in Australia, not only in zoos.Kangaroos are very good at jumping, because they have very strong legs. Their tails are very strong, too. When they want to have a rest, they rest on their tails. Kangaroos like to eat at night. They like to be quite in they day.Kangaroos are very good at looking after their babies. Mother kangaroos keep their babies safe in their pouchs. Baby kangaroos stay in their mother"s pouchs for 5-6months.中文翻译:袋鼠生活在澳大利亚。有60多种不同种类的袋鼠。红袋鼠是体型最大的。在澳大利亚的`城市和乡镇外面你到处都能看到袋鼠,而不仅仅是在动物园。袋鼠非常擅长跳跃,因为它们有很强壮的腿。它们的尾巴也很强壮。当它们想休息的时候,就在自己的尾巴上休息。袋鼠喜欢在晚上进食,白天它们喜欢安静。袋鼠很擅长照顾自己的小宝宝。袋鼠妈妈把它们的小宝贝放在自己安全的育儿袋里。小袋鼠们在它们妈妈的育儿袋里要待上5到6个月呢。扩展资料  袋鼠的品种分类:1、红袋鼠最著名的袋鼠是红袋鼠,其体型最大,生活在澳大利亚干燥地带,其地带的年平均降雨量在500毫米以下。2、大赤袋鼠生活于澳大利亚东南部开阔的草原地带的大赤袋鼠是最大的有袋动物,也是袋鼠类的代表种类,堪称现代有袋类动物之王。大赤袋鼠的形体似老鼠,仿佛一只特大的巨鼠。3、东部灰大袋鼠东部灰大袋鼠虽然没有红大袋鼠著名,但是东部灰大袋鼠是最常见的。生活在较为肥沃的地区。4、西部灰大袋鼠西部灰大袋鼠是三种袋鼠中最小的一种:成年雄性的体重为54千克(119磅)。生活于澳洲西南海岸和达令河盆地。5、麝香袋鼠体长仅15~20厘米,尾巴长度12.7~15厘米,是世界上最小的袋鼠,与在草原上跳跃的普通袋鼠相比,它们是典型的侏儒物种。参考资料来源:百度百科-袋鼠
2023-07-18 13:20:381

《小学五年级英语阅读理解及答案: Kangaroos》

这篇《小学五年级英语阅读理解及答案:Kangaroos》,是 无 特地为大家整理的,希望对大家有所帮助! Kangaroos   There are many kangaroos in Australia and not only in zoos. You can see them everywhere outside the cities and towns. Kangaroos have very strong legs, so they are very good at jumping. Their tails are very strong, too. So when they want to have a rest, they rest on their tails. Knagaroos are also very good at looking their babies. Mother Kangaroos keep their babies safe in their pockets.   一、 Write "T" for True and "F" for False beside the statements.   ( )⒈ There are many kangaroos in America.   ( )⒉ Kangaroos have very strong legs.   ( )⒊ Kangaroos" tails are very strong, too.   ( )⒋ Mother kangaroos keep their babies safe in their pokets.   二、 选择正确的答案。   ( )⒈ Where are there many kangaroos?   A. In America   B. In Australia   C. In England   D. In China   ( )⒉ What are the kangaroos good at?   A. Jumping.   B. Dancing.   C. Running.   D. Playing.   ( )⒊ How can kangaroos rest?   A. With their tails.   B. With their legs.   C. On their tails.   D. With their feet.   ( )⒋ Who keeps the babies safe in the pockets?   A. Mother kangaroos.   B. Father kangaroos.   C. Kangaroos.   D. Brother kangaroos.  答案   一、F、 T、 T、 T   二、1-4 BACA
2023-07-18 13:20:541

《小学五年级英语阅读理解及答案: Kangaroos》

这篇《小学五年级英语阅读理解及答案:Kangaroos》,是 无 特地为大家整理的,希望对大家有所帮助! Kangaroos   There are many kangaroos in Australia and not only in zoos. You can see them everywhere outside the cities and towns. Kangaroos have very strong legs, so they are very good at jumping. Their tails are very strong, too. So when they want to have a rest, they rest on their tails. Knagaroos are also very good at looking their babies. Mother Kangaroos keep their babies safe in their pockets.   一、 Write "T" for True and "F" for False beside the statements.   ( )⒈ There are many kangaroos in America.   ( )⒉ Kangaroos have very strong legs.   ( )⒊ Kangaroos" tails are very strong, too.   ( )⒋ Mother kangaroos keep their babies safe in their pokets.   二、 选择正确的答案。   ( )⒈ Where are there many kangaroos?   A. In America   B. In Australia   C. In England   D. In China   ( )⒉ What are the kangaroos good at?   A. Jumping.   B. Dancing.   C. Running.   D. Playing.   ( )⒊ How can kangaroos rest?   A. With their tails.   B. With their legs.   C. On their tails.   D. With their feet.   ( )⒋ Who keeps the babies safe in the pockets?   A. Mother kangaroos.   B. Father kangaroos.   C. Kangaroos.   D. Brother kangaroos.  答案   一、F、 T、 T、 T   二、1-4 BACA
2023-07-18 13:21:011


2023-07-18 13:21:373


1、Kangaroos live in Australia. There are more than 60 different types of kangaroos. The Red Kangaroo is the largest. You can see many kangaroos everywhere outside the cities and towns in Australia, not only in zoos.袋鼠生活在澳大利亚。有60多种不同种类的袋鼠。红袋鼠是体型最大的。在澳大利亚的`城市和乡镇外面你到处都能看到袋鼠,而不仅仅是在动物园。2、Kangaroos are very good at jumping, because they have very strong legs. Their tails are very strong, too. When they want to have a rest, they rest on their tails. Kangaroos like to eat at night. They like to be quite in they day.袋鼠非常擅长跳跃,因为它们有很强壮的腿。它们的尾巴也很强壮。当它们想休息的时候,就在自己的尾巴上休息。袋鼠喜欢在晚上进食,白天它们喜欢安静。3、Kangaroos are very good at looking after their babies. Mother kangaroos keep their babies safe in their pouchs. Baby kangaroos stay in their mother"s pouchs for 5-6months.袋鼠很擅长照顾自己的小宝宝。袋鼠妈妈把它们的小宝贝放在自己安全的育儿袋里。小袋鼠们在它们妈妈的育儿袋里要待上5到6个月呢。
2023-07-18 13:21:441

描写袋鼠特征 用英文

Kangaroos are grey-brown, red-brown or golden-brown marsupials, meaning they are pouched mammals. Their young are born extremely undeveloped, about the size of a kidney bean, and make their way from the mother"s birth canal, up a track through her fur which she prepares by licking, to her pouch. There, the joey latches onto a teat which swells in its mouth so it cannot be accidentally dislodged during the mother"s movements. The mother kangaroo is able to feed two different aged joeys simultaneously with different milk which meets each joey"s nutritional requirements. Kangaroos" ears are pointed and able to move in many different directions as they listen for potential dangers. They have large hindquarters and long feet with which they can hop for long distances. They do not tire, as the hopping motion actually refills their lungs as they move - therefore, there is minimum expenditure of energy. There are a variety of different sizes of kangaroos, and they are classified according to their sizes.
2023-07-18 13:22:041


袋鼠的英文介绍如下:  Kangaroos live in Australia. There are more than 60 different types of kangaroos. The Red Kangaroo is the largest. You can see many kangaroos everywhere outside the cities and towns in Australia, not only in zoos.Kangaroos are very good at jumping, because they have very strong legs. Their tails are very strong, too. When they want to have a rest, they rest on their tails. Kangaroos like to eat at night. They like to be quite in they day.Kangaroos are very good at looking after their babies. Mother kangaroos keep their babies safe in their pouchs. Baby kangaroos stay in their mother"s pouchs for 5-6months.中文翻译:袋鼠生活在澳大利亚。有60多种不同种类的袋鼠。红袋鼠是体型最大的。在澳大利亚的`城市和乡镇外面你到处都能看到袋鼠,而不仅仅是在动物园。袋鼠非常擅长跳跃,因为它们有很强壮的腿。它们的尾巴也很强壮。当它们想休息的时候,就在自己的尾巴上休息。袋鼠喜欢在晚上进食,白天它们喜欢安静。袋鼠很擅长照顾自己的小宝宝。袋鼠妈妈把它们的小宝贝放在自己安全的育儿袋里。小袋鼠们在它们妈妈的育儿袋里要待上5到6个月呢。扩展资料  袋鼠的品种分类:1、红袋鼠最著名的袋鼠是红袋鼠,其体型最大,生活在澳大利亚干燥地带,其地带的年平均降雨量在500毫米以下。2、大赤袋鼠生活于澳大利亚东南部开阔的草原地带的大赤袋鼠是最大的有袋动物,也是袋鼠类的代表种类,堪称现代有袋类动物之王。大赤袋鼠的形体似老鼠,仿佛一只特大的巨鼠。3、东部灰大袋鼠东部灰大袋鼠虽然没有红大袋鼠著名,但是东部灰大袋鼠是最常见的。生活在较为肥沃的地区。4、西部灰大袋鼠西部灰大袋鼠是三种袋鼠中最小的一种:成年雄性的体重为54千克(119磅)。生活于澳洲西南海岸和达令河盆地。5、麝香袋鼠体长仅15~20厘米,尾巴长度12.7~15厘米,是世界上最小的袋鼠,与在草原上跳跃的普通袋鼠相比,它们是典型的侏儒物种。参考资料来源:百度百科-袋鼠
2023-07-18 13:22:101


问题一:热门单词:“断奶”用英文怎么说 没专门词汇 约车种服务叫car-hailing中国约车种服务叫car-hailing 问题二:新生儿配奶间用英文怎么说 新生儿配奶间 Neonatal milk distribution room 新生儿配奶间 Neonatal milk distribution room 问题三:断奶仔猪饲养英文怎么写 断奶仔猪饲养 weaning pig feeding 例句 1、复合酶制剂对早期断奶仔猪饲养效果试验 A Test of Feeding Effects of Multi-Enzyme on Early Weaning Pigs 2、湿拌料在断奶仔猪饲养中的应用 Application of Liquid Feedstuff in Piglet Production 问题四:"乳臭未干"英语如何翻译 ? 1:sucking["s?ki?] adj. 吸奶的;授乳的;尚未断奶的;乳臭未干的 v. 吸入(suck的ing形式): 2:beardless ["bi?dlis哗 adj. 无须的;无芒的;乳臭未干的;年轻的 3:young and inexperienced;born yesterday;【网络释义】 4:not dry behind the ears【美国俚语,口语】 5:One"s mouse is full of pap.【意译,引申意,网络释义】、 问题五:帮忙把这句话翻译成英文英文 It"s my first time to leave my parents and came to such a far aw激y place to go to college. 问题六:结果要上传到一个网站上用英语怎么说 结果要上传到一个网站上用英语 The result has to be upload to a website. 问题七:袋鼠的英文介绍还要翻译 Kangaroos originated in the Australian continent and parts of Papua New Guinea. Among them, some species unique to Australia. All Australian kangaroo, zoo and wild, except in zoos, are living in the wild. Different types of kangaroos in Australia in a variety of natural life, from the cool climate of the rainforest and the desert plains to tropical areas. Kangaroo is a herbivore, eating a variety of plants, fungi and some food. Most of their activities at night, but also some activities in the early morning or evening. Different types of kangaroos in a variety of natural life. For example, Lloyd Kangaroo Podolski will make their own nest and the tree kangaroos live in the bush. Large species like the tree kangaroo, the rock cracks and holes as shelter. All kangaroos, no matter how much volume, there is one thing in mon: with long hind legs strong and powerful bond. Kangaroo on the ground most of life, from their strong hind legs jumping way can easily be distinguished from other animals to. Used in the process of jumping kangaroo tail for balance when they move slowly, the tail may act as a f供fth leg. All female kangaroos have long ago opened bag of childcare and child rearing, there are four nipples pocket. Young or *** all kangaroo pockets in the dependent child up until they can survive in the outside world. Kangaroo is Australia"s unique mammals, mainly located in the Australian continent on the forest and grassland. Kangaroo is a plant-......>>
2023-07-18 13:22:271


1、Kangaroos live in Australia. There are more than 60 different types of kangaroos. The Red Kangaroo is the largest. You can see many kangaroos everywhere outside the cities and towns in Australia, not only in zoos.袋鼠生活在澳大利亚。有60多种不同种类的袋鼠。红袋鼠是体型最大的。在澳大利亚的`城市和乡镇外面你到处都能看到袋鼠,而不仅仅是在动物园。2、Kangaroos are very good at jumping, because they have very strong legs. Their tails are very strong, too. When they want to have a rest, they rest on their tails. Kangaroos like to eat at night. They like to be quite in they day.袋鼠非常擅长跳跃,因为它们有很强壮的腿。它们的尾巴也很强壮。当它们想休息的时候,就在自己的尾巴上休息。袋鼠喜欢在晚上进食,白天它们喜欢安静。3、Kangaroos are very good at looking after their babies. Mother kangaroos keep their babies safe in their pouchs. Baby kangaroos stay in their mother"s pouchs for 5-6months.袋鼠很擅长照顾自己的小宝宝。袋鼠妈妈把它们的小宝贝放在自己安全的育儿袋里。小袋鼠们在它们妈妈的育儿袋里要待上5到6个月呢。
2023-07-18 13:22:341


这篇《小学五年级英语阅读理解及答案:Kangaroos》,是 无 特地为大家整理的,希望对大家有所帮助! Kangaroos   There are many kangaroos in Australia and not only in zoos. You can see them everywhere outside the cities and towns. Kangaroos have very strong legs, so they are very good at jumping. Their tails are very strong, too. So when they want to have a rest, they rest on their tails. Knagaroos are also very good at looking their babies. Mother Kangaroos keep their babies safe in their pockets.   一、 Write "T" for True and "F" for False beside the statements.   ( )⒈ There are many kangaroos in America.   ( )⒉ Kangaroos have very strong legs.   ( )⒊ Kangaroos" tails are very strong, too.   ( )⒋ Mother kangaroos keep their babies safe in their pokets.   二、 选择正确的答案。   ( )⒈ Where are there many kangaroos?   A. In America   B. In Australia   C. In England   D. In China   ( )⒉ What are the kangaroos good at?   A. Jumping.   B. Dancing.   C. Running.   D. Playing.   ( )⒊ How can kangaroos rest?   A. With their tails.   B. With their legs.   C. On their tails.   D. With their feet.   ( )⒋ Who keeps the babies safe in the pockets?   A. Mother kangaroos.   B. Father kangaroos.   C. Kangaroos.   D. Brother kangaroos.  答案   一、F、 T、 T、 T   二、1-4 BACA
2023-07-18 13:22:461

描写袋鼠特征 用英文

Kangaroos are grey-brown, red-brown or golden-brown marsupials, meaning they are pouched mammals. Their young are born extremely undeveloped, about the size of a kidney bean, and make their way from the mother"s birth canal, up a track through her fur which she prepares by licking, to her pouch. There, the joey latches onto a teat which swells in its mouth so it cannot be accidentally dislodged during the mother"s movements.The mother kangaroo is able to feed two different aged joeys simultaneously with different milk which meets each joey"s nutritional requirements.Kangaroos" ears are pointed and able to move in many different directions as they listen for potential dangers.They have large hindquarters and long feet with which they can hop for long distances. They do not tire, as the hopping motion actually refills their lungs as they move - therefore, there is minimum expenditure of energy.There are a variety of different sizes of kangaroos, and they are classified according to their sizes.
2023-07-18 13:23:251

Kangaroos are good at jumping.是什么意思啊?

1、Kangaroos live in Australia. There are more than 60 different types of kangaroos. The Red Kangaroo is the largest. You can see many kangaroos everywhere outside the cities and towns in Australia, not only in zoos.袋鼠生活在澳大利亚。有60多种不同种类的袋鼠。红袋鼠是体型最大的。在澳大利亚的`城市和乡镇外面你到处都能看到袋鼠,而不仅仅是在动物园。2、Kangaroos are very good at jumping, because they have very strong legs. Their tails are very strong, too. When they want to have a rest, they rest on their tails. Kangaroos like to eat at night. They like to be quite in they day.袋鼠非常擅长跳跃,因为它们有很强壮的腿。它们的尾巴也很强壮。当它们想休息的时候,就在自己的尾巴上休息。袋鼠喜欢在晚上进食,白天它们喜欢安静。3、Kangaroos are very good at looking after their babies. Mother kangaroos keep their babies safe in their pouchs. Baby kangaroos stay in their mother"s pouchs for 5-6months.袋鼠很擅长照顾自己的小宝宝。袋鼠妈妈把它们的小宝贝放在自己安全的育儿袋里。小袋鼠们在它们妈妈的育儿袋里要待上5到6个月呢。
2023-07-18 13:23:321

what are thekangaroos good at?

袋鼠擅长什么? 袋鼠擅长跳:The kangaroos are good at jumping
2023-07-18 13:23:441

are there kangaroos

1、are ,there,some,kangaroos,the,in,zoo. There are some kangaroos in the zoo. 2、nice,toy,train,a,what. What a nice toy train! 3、don"t ,why,you,go,to,bed,now, Why don"t you go to bed now?
2023-07-18 13:23:531


I love kangaroos. they are so cute and cuddly. I wish I could go to Austriala and see them but I cant.I"d like to touch Kangaroos in there pouch area. It not only makes them happy but me too!kangaroos are so much better than monkeys. It"s my favorite anilmal.
2023-07-18 13:24:021


以o结尾的名词,有的加-s,有的加-es.表示有生命事物的名词加-es,表示无生命事物的名词加-s 按理说应该加es,但是有些词是例外,你这个就赶上了: (例外:kangaroo-kangaroos,lingo--lingoes)
2023-07-18 13:24:101