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2023-07-19 10:15:25

12 June 2022


这个项目之一是 Mayflower Autonomous Ship。它通过AI技术完成了航行。


15米长的 Mayflower第一次航行是1620年


无人驾驶的 Mayflower船是由海洋讲究集团ProMare 和美国技术公司IBM运作。

Two different ships have used autonomous sailing technology to complete trips across world oceans for the first time.

One of the projects involved the Mayflower Autonomous Ship. It is a completely autonomous ocean research ship powered by artificial intelligence (AI) technology.

The Mayflower recently completed a five-week trip across the Atlantic Ocean without any human crew members. It launched from the British port of Plymouth on April 27 and arrived in the eastern Canadian city of Halifax on June 5.

The 15-meter Mayflower is named after a ship that carried a group of European settlers from Plymouth to North America more than 400 years ago. That famous trip, in 1620, prepared the way for Britain"s colonization of what Europeans called the New World.

The Mayflower Autonomous Ship is operated by ocean research group ProMare and American technology company IBM.



autonomous[英][u0254:u02c8tu0252nu0259mu0259s][美][u0254:u02c8tɑ:nu0259mu0259s]adj.自治的; 有自主权的; [生,植]自发的; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.Some regions are already autonomous but are fighting to retain control. 有些地区虽已取得自治权,但为掌握控制权仍在战斗
2023-07-18 13:01:011


autonomous英[u0254:u02c8tu0252nu0259mu0259s]美[u0254:u02c8tɑ:nu0259mu0259s]adj.自治的; 有自主权的; [生,植] 自发的; 全部释义>> [例句]So it will remain a closed system, fully autonomous?所以它还是个封闭的系统完全独立?
2023-07-18 13:01:101


autonomous生词本去背诵英 [u0254:u02c8tu0252nu0259mu0259s] 美 [u0254:u02c8tɑ:nu0259mu0259s]adj.自治的; 有自主权的; [生,植]自发的派生词:autonomously   双语例句1. Although officially a dependent territory the island is effectively autonomous. 虽然正式说来这个岛是附属领土,但实际上是自治的.来自《简明英汉词典》2. Each of the U.S. states has an autonomous government. 美国的每个州都有一个自治政府.来自《简明英汉词典》3. Is man really free? Can man live independently, autonomous from God? 究竟人“自由” 吗 ?人可离开上帝自主生活(autonomous) 吗 ?来自互联网4. The majority of Scots favour an autonomous Scotland involving devolution or complete independence. 大多数苏格兰人都赞成一个中央权力下放自治苏格兰或完全独立.来自《简明英汉词典》5. This is a matter that comes within the jurisdiction of the autonomous region. 这件事是属于自治区权限以内的事务.
2023-07-18 13:01:203


autonomous英[u0254:u02c8tu0252nu0259mu0259s]美[u0254:u02c8tɑ:nu0259mu0259s]adj.自治的; 有自主权的; [生,植] 自发的;autonomic adj. 自律的;自治的——1.自治的;自主的 2.自治州的2.自治团体的,自治共同体的3.【生理学】 不受意志支配的,受植物性神经系统控制的;(影响)植物性神经系统的4.【植物学】 自发的,自动的,由内部原因引起的autonomous [u0254:"tu0254nu0259mu0259s] adj.1.独立存在的,自己生存、活动或发展的2.(绿色植物、某些细菌或其他低级生物体)自养的3.(植物)自发的,由内部原因引起的自治州的,自治区的2.自治团体的,自治共同体的1.自主的,独立自主的2.有自治(或自主)权的;不受外来控制的1.(有关)自治的5.【生物学】 不受意志支配的,自动的,受植物性神经系统控制的6.【哲学】 自主的,自律的;有自主权状态的[参较 heteronomous]
2023-07-18 13:01:291


自主的、自我指导的英语为autonomous、self-guidance。同义词辨析:independent adj.独立的,自立的。【辨析】指国家独立自主、不受其他国家管理或控制的,也可指人有主见而不依赖他人的。【例证】That country didn"t become independent until 1947.那个国家直到1947年才独立。Susan is an independent young woman.苏珊是一位有主见的年轻女性。autonomous adj. 自治的。【辨析】指国家、地区或组织享有自治权的。【例证】How many autonomous regions does China have?中国有多少个自治区?Does the state have an autonomous government?那个州有自治政府吗?例句:1、This of course was not an autonomous development of forest science.这当然不是林业学的一种自主的发展。2、Autonomous Activities& An Interpretation of Freedom Based on the Survival Theory自主的活动&对自由的一种生存论解读3、They proudly declared themselves part of a new autonomous province.他们自豪地宣布成为新自治省的一部分。4、Five of the six provinces are to become autonomous regions in a new federal system of government.在新的联邦政府体制中,6省中的5个将成为自治区。5、He treated us as autonomous individuals who had to learn to make up our own minds about important issues.他把我们当作独立自主的个体来看待,认为我们必须学会在重大问题面前自己拿主意。6、This is a matter that comes within the jurisdiction of the autonomous region.这件事是属于自治区权限以内的事务。7、This African country has become independent and autonomous.这个非洲国家已经独立自主了。8、The full name of Xinjiang is Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous region.新疆的全称是新疆维吾尔自治区。9、Huhhot is the capital of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous region.呼和浩特是内蒙古自治区的首府。10、This island is a colony; however, in most matters, it is autonomous and receives no orders from the mother country.那个岛是个殖民地,然而在大多数问题上它享有自治权,可以不接受宗主国的命令。11、That is one intervention about every 8,047 km of autonomous driving.大约每自动驾驶8047公里需要一次人工干预。12、One of the most significant pieces of news from the US in early 2017 was the efforts of Google to make autonomous driving a reality.2017年初,美国最重大的新闻之一就是谷歌实现自动驾驶。13、New electric engines coupled with artificial intelligence and autonomous systems will contribute to a more efficient, integrated transport system that is less polluting and less noisy.新型电动引擎与人工智能和自主系统相结合,将有助于建立一个更高效、低污染、低噪音的综合交通系统。14、This month, Germany"s transport minister, Alexander Dobrindt, proposed the first set of rules for autonomous vehicles.本月,德国交通部长亚历山大·多布林特(Alexander Dobrindt)提出了第一套自动驾驶车辆规则。15、Establishment of the autonomous region.自治区成立了。
2023-07-18 13:01:491


autonomous读法【u0254u02d0u02c8tu0252nu0259mu0259s】。考纲释义:adj.自主的acting independently or having the freedom to do so.短语搭配:1、autonomous region自治区;自治区域;自治区地区。2、autonomous province自治省。3、autonomous unit独立部件;自治单位。4、autonomous group自治组织;自治集团。同根词:词根:autonomy;autonomic。.dj.自律的;自治的。Autonomy.n.自治,自治权。autonomous双语例句:1、The 240 giant autonomous trucks in use travel at speeds of up to 60 kilometers per hour.目前使用的240辆巨型自动卡车的行驶速度高达每小时60公里。2、The concept of a fully autonomous mine is a bit of a misleading term however.然而,完全自主采矿的概念有点误导人。3、That is one intervention about every 8,047 km of autonomous driving.在自动驾驶过程中,每行驶8047公里就需要一次人工干预。4、Vast quantities of iron ore are then transported by autonomous trains to ocean ports.就这样,大量铁矿石通过自动列车运输到海港。
2023-07-18 13:02:361


"自主"的英文可以是 "autonomous" 或 "self-governing"。"Autonomous" 表示具有独立自主的能力,可以自主地决策、行动或控制。这个词通常用于描述机器、系统、组织或国家等具有自主性质的实体。例如:1.The car manufacturer is developing autonomous vehicles that can drive themselves without human intervention.2.The university has an autonomous department that has its own budget and decision-making power."Self-governing" 表示一个团体、地区或国家能够自行管理和治理,而不受外部势力的控制。这个词强调的是自主性和自治性。例如:1.The country became self-governing after gaining independence from its colonial ruler.2.The tribe has a self-governing council that makes decisions on behalf of its members.总之,"autonomous" 更加注重的是某个实体的自主性和能力,而"self-governing" 则更加注重的是组织、团体或国家的自治性和管理能力。
2023-07-18 13:03:281


2023-07-18 13:04:032


[:"tnms] adj. 自治的;自主的;[植]自发的 可以读成“奥陶呢么司”
2023-07-18 13:04:341


2023-07-18 13:04:551


无人驾驶英文:be pilotless;be driverless。无人驾驶英文造句如下:1.Autonomous driving technology is rapidly advancing, and it is expected to revolutionize the transportation industry in the near future.(自动驾驶技术正在快速发展,预计在不久的将来将彻底改变交通运输行业。)2.The development of autonomous driving technology has the potential to greatly reduce traffic accidents and improve road safety.(自动驾驶技术的发展有可能大大减少交通事故,提高道路安全。)3.Many car manufacturers are investing heavily in autonomous driving technology, hoping to gain a competitive edge in the market.(许多汽车制造商正在大力投资自动驾驶技术,希望在市场上获得竞争优势。)4.The use of autonomous driving technology in public transportation, such as buses and trains, could greatly improve efficiency and reduce costs.(在公共交通领域,如公交车和火车上使用自动驾驶技术,可以大大提高效率,降低成本。)
2023-07-18 13:05:041

为什么自动化汽车叫autonomous car

Autonomous vehicles,楼主想问的是这个吧,这个也不是自动化汽车,是无人驾驶汽车啊,无人驾驶也就是车子自动驾驶,autonomous这个单词作为形容词,含义为自治的,自主的,所以自动驾驶车也就是autonomous car/vehicle,其名词形式为automation,像芬能自动化就可以翻译为Finern Automation.
2023-07-18 13:06:032


2023-07-18 13:06:262


车辆自动刹车辅助英文缩写是AEB。自动刹车辅助系统(AEB),全称Autonomous Emergency Braking。是指车辆在非自适应巡航的情况下正常行驶。如车辆遇到突发危险情况或与前车及行人距离小于安全距离时主动进行刹车(但具备这种功能的车辆并不一定能够将车辆完全刹停)避免或减少追尾等碰撞事故的发生,从而提高行车安全性的一种技术。该系统在不同的厂家有着不同的名字,例如丰田的预碰撞安全系统称为Pre-Collision System,简称PCS;本田的CMBS(Collision Mitigation Brake System)以及奔驰的pre-safe系统等,但工作原理是相同的。一般来说,AEB由两个系统组成,包括车辆碰撞迫近制动系统(CIB)和动态制动支持系统(DBS),其中CIB系统会在追尾以及驾驶员未采取任何行动的情况下,会紧急制动车辆,而DBS在驾驶员没有施加足够的制动行动时,会给予帮助避免碰撞。
2023-07-18 13:06:361

autonomous expenditure和induced expenditure的区别

autonomous expenditure和induced expenditure的区别为:指代不同、语法不同、侧重点不同。一、指代不同1、autonomous expenditure:自发性支出。2、induced expenditure:诱导花费。二、语法不同1、autonomous expenditure:autonomous是与autonomy同根的名词,其含义是“自治的; 有自治权的”“自主的; 有自主权的”。2、induced expenditure:induce的基本意思是指以丰厚的报酬或高收益许诺某人,促其下决心去获取这些好处,从而干某事。引申可作“导致”“招惹”解。三、侧重点不同1、autonomous expenditure:有自主权的。2、induced expenditure:被引导而发生的。
2023-07-18 13:07:451

英语autonomous driving怎么翻译?

这是个太中国的表达。转换一下思路:Thank you for your support of the security check.
2023-07-18 13:08:514


autonomous-vehicles自主汽车autonomou adj. 自治的;自主的;自发的vehicle n. [车辆] 车辆;工具;交通工具;运载工具;传播媒介;媒介物eg.Fifteen engineers worked on the project, including some from DARPA Challenges, a group that runs a series of autonomous-vehicle races organized by the U.S.government. 有十五名工程师参加了该项目,其中一些成员来自 DARPAChallenges(负责美国政府组织的一系列自动驾驶车辆竞赛的组织)挑战。
2023-07-18 13:09:101


自发消费(autonomous consumption):“引致消费”的对称,指总消费中由于外生变量决定的那部分支出。在收入-支出模型中,指不是由于收入水平发生变动所引起的那部分消费。自发消费是自发性支出的一个组成部分,它主要取决于消费者嗜好、价格水平、社会风尚等因素。因此,在消费函数理论中,一般假设自发性消费是既定的外生变量。
2023-07-18 13:09:303

自治州 的英文 !!

自治州:Autonomous Prefecture
2023-07-18 13:10:075


能自动驾驶的汽车包括集度ROBO-01、特斯拉Model3、吉利缤瑞、小鹏P7、特斯拉Model Y、长安CS75、WEY VV6、宝骏RS-5、魏牌摩卡、宝马iX、吉利星越、新宝骏RM-5等。集度ROBO-01:具备三大能力:自由移动、自然交流、自我成长。而自由移动指的便是自动驾驶,其具备在多场景下为用户提供L4级自动驾驶体验。吉利缤瑞:缤瑞L2级自动驾驶通过0-150km/h全速自适应巡航、ICC智能导航系统、TJA交通拥堵辅助系统、LKA车道偏离辅助系统等14个智能驾驶辅助系统实现,可以做到跟行、跟停、再启动。但是只有顶级车型配备了该系统,除了缤瑞此外,吉利的博瑞GE、领克02也具有L2级自动驾驶功能。特斯拉Model Y:说到智能辅助驾驶,一定少不了特斯拉的自动驾驶仪Autopilot自动辅助驾驶系统。特斯拉Model Y提供8个摄像头、12个超声波雷达和1个毫米波雷达等硬件。该规格不太高,但由于其出色的算法,y型在智能辅助驾驶方面表现出色,可以实现智能呼叫、自动辅助导航驾驶和自动辅助换道等常见功能。
2023-07-18 13:10:522

autonomous prefecture是什么意思

你好,很高兴为你解答!autonomous prefecture是什么意思_百度翻译[英][u0254:u02c8tu0254nu0259mu0259s u02c8pri:fektu0283uu0259][美][u0254u02c8tɑnu0259mu0259s u02c8priu02ccfu025bktu0283u025a]自治专区;州[例句]Gannan tibetan autonomous prefecture, where the disaster struck, is located on the qinghai-tibetan plateau in southwest gansu and is predominantly grasslands. 灾害发生地甘南藏族自治州位于甘肃西南部的青藏高原,主要是草原。 更多例句百度翻译望采纳,谢谢
2023-07-18 13:11:271

autonomous system是什么意思

自治系统:autonomous system。在互联网中,一个自治系统(AS)是一个有权自主地决定在本系统中应采用何种路由协议的小型单位。这个网络单位可以是一个简单的网络也可以是一个由一个或多个普通的网络管理员来控制的网络群体,它是一个单独的可管理的网络单元(例如一所大学,一个企业或者一个公司个体)。一个自治系统有时也被称为是一个路由选择域(routing domain)。技术性定义:一个自治系统即为由一个或多个网络运营商来运行一个或多个网络协议前缀的网络连接组合,这些运营商往往都具有单独的定义明确的路由策略。
2023-07-18 13:11:371


Please accept the security inspection spontaneously/self-consciously .
2023-07-18 13:11:483


你好。as mr翻译成中文是:正如先生。——————希望帮到你,满意请采纳。
2023-07-18 13:11:585


2023-07-18 13:12:571


2023-07-18 13:13:1411


ASMR(英语:Autonomous sensory meridian response,缩写ASMR),即自发性知觉经络反应。意思是指人体通过视、听、触、嗅等感知上的刺激,在颅内、头皮、背部或身体其他部位产生的令人愉悦的独特刺激感,又名耳音、颅内高潮等。ASMR的具体定义于2010年被提出,其定义说明ASMR具有以下特点:自发性;与感觉有关;达到顶点或高潮,与性无关;由外部或内部事物所触发。当代ASMR的历史可以追溯到2007年,最早是由一些论坛在线讨论组成员提出。ASMR的表现:ASMR作品中语言方式以独白为主;以对白形式呈现的较少;内容多种多样,暂且归类为:介绍讲解型、暗示引导型还有独创特殊型等;主要特点:音色较为轻柔,语速较为缓慢,有非常明显的唇齿音甚至呼吸,可以运用真音、混音、气音(假音)不同发声技巧。特别是,大部分ASMR制作者为女性,而且制作者可以利用假音以及混音可以有效地避免声音中较多的基频部分,使得语言能量集中在纤细空灵的高频。以上内容参考:百度百科—ASMR
2023-07-18 13:14:032


autonomous agent英 [u0254:u02c8tu0254nu0259mu0259s u02c8eidu0292u0259nt] 美 [u0254u02c8tɑnu0259mu0259s u02c8edu0292u0259nt] [计]自主主体
2023-07-18 13:14:251


ASMR(英语:Autonomous sensory meridian response,缩写ASMR),即自发性知觉经络反应,意思是指人体通过视、听、触、嗅等感知上的刺激,在颅内、头皮、背部或身体其他部位产生的令人愉悦的独特刺激感,又名耳音、颅内高潮等。ASMR的具体定义于2010年被提出,其定义说明ASMR具有以下特点:自发性;与感觉有关;达到顶点或高潮,与性无关;由外部或内部事物所触发。当代ASMR的历史可以追溯到2007年,最早是由一些论坛在线讨论组成员提出,他们通过分享个人经验以及相关观念,进而习得更多关于此类感知的知识,如2008年在Yahoo平台上成立的Society of Sensationalists,2010年创立的Unnamed Feeling blog等。作用大多数ASMR体验者认为,ASMR具有催眠和安定功能,有助于改善睡眠。事实上很多ASMR素材与催眠选用的素材相似,表演者也使用催眠师的行为,选取的视频通常提供了安静的环境,有助于心灵的平静。最新的失眠诊疗指南中也推荐优先使用心理疗法等非药物手段治疗失眠。ASMR包括图像引导、渐进式放松、催眠、冥想等多种内容,可以作为提升睡眠质量的方法之一。
2023-07-18 13:14:331

华硕 x299 bios里超频了 这个autonomous core c-state开还是关?

2023-07-18 13:14:519


Autonomous Emergency Braking,自动刹车系统,在紧急状况下,车辆自动刹车,是一种主动安全技术。
2023-07-18 13:15:094


2023-07-18 13:15:403


autonomous 英[u0254:u02c8tu0252nu0259mu0259s]美[u0254:u02c8tɑ:nu0259mu0259s]adj. 自治的; 有自主权的; [生,植] 自发的;
2023-07-18 13:16:012


问题一:用英语怎么写街道地址 Elevator Apartment, Yuejing 2008, Lvsheng Jiayuan, Huidong Gaoxin Subdistrict, Ziliujing District, Zigong, Sichuan, China 基本上就是名字一定要倒过来(和中文正好相反);另外最好加上“Subdistrict”(分区)和“District”(大区)好说明空间和辖区的划分和从属。 问题二:乡镇街道地址的英文翻译方式 No.25,Sanya Road,Wanshan Town,Susong county,Anqing City,Anhui Province,P.R.China 祝楼主进步! 要是答案还满意的话,记得采纳哦,O(∩_∩)O谢谢~! 问题三:街道一点点冷清下来用英文怎样说 街道一点点冷清下来 The street is a little bit cold. 街道一点点冷清下来 The street is a little bit cold. 问题四:中文里的 省,市,镇,区,街道,社区等用英文如何表达?或者中英文中有没有相对应的说法?有劳各位帮忙 直辖市 municipality directly under the Central Government; 自治州 autonomous prefecture; 县 county; (自治县autonomous county) 市 city; (较大的市 large city; 设区的市 city divided into districts; 不设区的市 city not divided into districts;) 乡 township; 民族乡ethnic township; 镇 town 村就是village 问题五:怎样用英语表示XX区XX镇XX路 一般的信函地址格式: 门牌号 路名 地市 省 国家 邮编 举个例子:中国江苏南京白镇建国路22号 22 Jianguo Road Bai, Nanjing Jiangsu (Prov.) P. R .China 200000
2023-07-18 13:16:071

autonomous regions是什么意思

autonomous regions 西班牙自治区;摩尔多瓦自治区例句筛选1.General plans for land use of provinces, autonomous regions andmunicipalities shall be approved by the State Council.省、自治区、直辖市的土地利用总体规划,报国务院批准。2.Execute the economic autonomous power in national autonomous regions andpromote the economic sustainable development around Bohai行使民族自治地方的经济自治权促进环渤海经济持续发展
2023-07-18 13:16:151


1、长安CS55作为此次L3级路试主角,长安汽车对于自动驾驶的研究水准自然毋庸置疑。早在两年前的智博会上,长安汽车就展示了具备L4级自动驾驶的逸动EV460车型,走在了行业前列。其后,长安CS55的推出更让长安成为了名副其实的自主品牌自动驾驶“一哥”,这款车型集合了低价位、高智能于一身,同时它也是首款搭载L2级自动驾驶系统的自主品牌车型。长安CS55所搭载的IACC系统的感知硬件为摄像头+毫米波雷达,与特斯拉相似,目前这套系统已经经历了2年时间磨砺,安全性能已经很有保障。2、吉利缤越长安之后,国内另一大厂吉利也开始将L2级自动驾驶系统搭载在自家车型上,首先受益的自然是缤瑞和缤越两款车型。作为面向年轻消费者的两款车型,它们的造型足够新潮,显然L2级自动驾驶是另一大卖点。以缤越为例,它能够在全速域中实现ACC自适应巡航,AEB-P城市预碰撞安全系统能识别出80cm以上的车辆和行人,再加上其他ADAS系统配合,已然具备L2级自动驾驶实力。3、哈弗F7x与缤越一样为年轻消费者而来的哈弗F7x,同样具备L2级自动驾驶能力。长城汽车在哈弗F7x上集成了包含TJA交通拥堵辅助、ICA智能巡航辅助等多项智能系统,它们能为哈弗F7x提供60-150km/h车道居中或随车巡航行驶,同时有效预防碰撞。哈弗F7x在首都环线高速公路上以L2级自动驾驶编队行驶了17公里,并获得了“世界上自动驾驶行驶距离最长的车队”的世界纪录证书,足以看出长城汽车在自动驾驶领域的造诣。自动驾驶汽车(Autonomous vehicles;Self-driving automobile )又称无人驾驶汽车、电脑驾驶汽车、或轮式移动机器人,是一种通过电脑系统实现无人驾驶的智能汽车。在20世纪已有数十年的历史,21世纪初呈现出接近实用化的趋势。自动驾驶汽车依靠人工智能、视觉计算、雷达、监控装置和全球定位系统协同合作,让电脑可以在没有任何人类主动的操作下,自动安全地操作机动车辆。
2023-07-18 13:16:241


我有,各种各样参考资料 weibo. com/asmrcomfortzone
2023-07-18 13:16:573


AEB自动紧急制动系统全称Autonomous Emergency Braking,是指车辆在非自适应巡航的情况下正常行驶,如车辆遇到突发危险情况或与前车及行人距离小于安全距离时主动进行刹车(但具备这种功能的车辆并不一定能够将车辆完全刹停)避免或减少追尾等碰撞事故的发生,从而提高行车安全性的一种技术。一般来说,AEB由两个系统组成,包括车辆碰撞迫近制动系统(CIB)和动态制动支持系统(DBS),其中CIB系统会在追尾以及驾驶员未采取任何行动的情况下,会紧急制动车辆,而DBS在驾驶员没有施加足够的制动行动时,会给予帮助避免碰撞。该系统在不同的厂家有着不同的名字,例如丰田的预碰撞安全系统称为Pre-Collision System,简称PCS; 本田的CMBS(Collision Mitigation Brake System)以及奔驰的pre-safe系统等,但工作原理是相同的。
2023-07-18 13:17:197


2023-07-18 13:17:5611

"阿坝藏族羌族自治州" 用英语怎么翻译?求知道的人~

Aba Zhou
2023-07-18 13:19:224

关于自治系统(Autonomous System,AS),以下说法错误是 ( ) 。

2023-07-18 13:19:291

(1/2)Autonomous units use voice - recognition software_ _ (interact )with children Nowaday...

自治单位使用儿童当今的声音 - 确认的软件__(互动)
2023-07-18 13:19:373


自主学习的英文作文高中版On Self-studyAutonomous learningis an important learning style in distance education .It is an essential skillfor distance learners because they study alone most of the time. They do notmeet their tutors or classmates very often. However, distance learners canlearn a lot from each other .So autonomous learning and collaborative learninggo hand in hand. I am a distance learner. I have to do most learning tasks bymyself .Meanwhile we have group activities every two weeks to complete somelearning tasks or share experiences .I have found both forms of learning very helpful.大学版About the definition of autonomous learning, the scholars at home and abroad are defined a lot, but is basically similar, it can be summarized as follows: based on self-consciousness development on the basis of "can learn, Based on students" learning motivation is the intrinsic basis to learn "," Based on the students master the basis of learning strategies, "will learn, Based on the basis of volitive efforts "to learn" . Summarizes the research results of scholars at home and abroad, we found that the basic characteristics of autonomous learners has the following: to purposefully. Clear aim, learning attitude, to learn, to know the values actively planning and arrange their own learning.can selectively learning. Can accurately choose learning contents, swim in the ocean of information, information is keen sensibility, capture and understanding, and can effectively found, collection, information acquisition, processing and creation. can learn originality. Not satisfied ready-made answers to study results, or content can be independent thinking, thinking, can multi-directional from diverse perspectives to know the same things, and put them together, creating something new, or creative use to adapt to the new situation, the new question, and constantly expand their horizons. in studying on the self-regulation. For their learning motivation, interest, strategies, and learning results have self-knowledge and control ability, can be found in the study is sensitive to emerge or problem, targeted measures. To their future life and study have good vision and imagination, and have the desire to achieve the ideal and sense of responsibility. could adapt to the life of individuals, and know the rules, and observe for group, the group. With the intention and interpersonal communication ability, and group members, respect each other, according to individual needs consciously assume and convert their role in group activities, in active learning. good construction entity study group or online learning group, participate in constructing and maintaining learners community .
2023-07-18 13:19:441


ASMR (Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response),中文译名“自发性知觉经络反应”,是一个用于描述感知现象的新词,其特征是:对视觉、听觉、触觉、嗅觉或者感知上的刺激而使人在颅内、头皮、背部或身体其他范围内产生一种独特的、令人愉悦的刺激感。ASMR是YY从国外引进的全新视听感官直播技术,因为ASMR直播,能有效的让观众感受到催眠放松的特殊体验,所以也被部分观众趣称为“爱睡美人”。通过陆续引进ASMR人气主播少寒、MTkoala等人气主播,旨在打造全球最专业的ASMR直播体验社区。
2023-07-18 13:19:549

英语:Distinguish: Autonomous items & Accommodating items ?

Autonomous items 自主性交易 (线上交易)Accommodating items 是调节性或补偿性交易(线下交易)收支是否平衡看 Autonomous items即: Autonomous items = 0 则 平衡Autonomous items > 或 < 0 则 不平衡理论中虽有区别,实际应用中很难判断一个交易是自主性的还是调节性或补偿性的(称为“划线问题”)。参考资料:见第15-16页
2023-07-18 13:20:161


The Yangtze river source is located in the centre of the qinghai-tibet plateau. Through qinghai, Tibet, sichuan, yunnan, chongqing, hubei, hunan, jiangxi, anhui, jiangsu, Shanghai 11 provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the central government, in the east of chongming island into the east China sea. Extend to guizhou, gansu, shaanxi, henan, guangxi, guangdong, zhejiang, fujian parts of eight provinces and autonomous regions. Balyanlkalla Huang Hefa from qinghai plateau mountain north around the basin, winding streams, east across the loess plateau and the huang-huai-hai plain, into the bohai sea. Balyanlkalla Huang Hefa originates from the qinghai-tibet plateau mountain high mountain, flowing through qinghai, sichuan, gansu, ningxia, Inner Mongolia, shanxi, shaanxi, henan, shandong and other nine provinces, autonomous regions, in the shandong kenli county into the bohai sea, river total length of about 5400 km.翻译长江源头位于青藏高原腹心。流经青海、西藏、四川、云南、重庆、湖北、湖南、江西、安徽、江苏、上海11个省、自治区、直辖市,于崇明岛以东注入东海。 延伸至贵州、甘肃、陕西、河南、广西、广东、浙江、福建8个省、自治区的部分地区。 黄河发源于青海高原巴颜喀拉山北麓约古宗列盆地,蜿蜒东流,穿越黄土高原及黄淮海大平原,注入渤海。黄河发源于青藏高原巴颜喀拉山北麓,流经青海、四川、 甘肃、 宁夏、内蒙古、山西、陕西、河南、山东等 9省、自治区,在山东垦利县注入渤海,干流全长约5400km。
2023-07-18 13:20:251


行政区划是地址中一级单位,我国幅员辽阔,行政区划较复杂,总体上可分成五级(括号内所注为当前国内通用译名): 1、国家(State):中华人民共和国(the People"s Republic of China; P.R.China; P.R.C; China) 2、省级(Provincial Level):省(Province)、自治区(Autonomous Region )、直辖市(Municipality directly under the Central Government, 简称Municipality);特别行政区(Special Administration Region; SAR) 3、地级(Prefectural Level): 地区(Prefecture)、自治州(Autonomous Prefecture)、市(Municipality;City);盟(Prefecture) 4、县级(County Level):县(County)、自治县(Autonomous County)、市(City)、市辖区(District), 旗(County) 5、乡级(Township Level):乡(Township)、民族乡(Ethnic Township)、镇(Town)、街道办事处(Sub-district)。 关于"市"的英译 我国的"市"层级复杂,从上而下有三个级别,目前较通行的做法是"直辖市"译为Municipality ,县级市一概译作City,但地级市有些人译为Municipality,有些人译为City, 莫衷一是。 笔者以为,如果从城-乡对比及城市功能角度去阐述某一个市,毫无疑问所有的城市都可称作City,上海也可称作Shanghai City或者City of Shanghai。但如果从行政区域概念去翻译某个市就另当别论,直辖市译为Municipality,县级市译为City,是板上钉钉不可更改了,问题出在中间的地级市上。 Municipality的释义是: 1. a city, town , or other district possessing corporate existence and usually its own local government. (引自《韦氏辞典》) 从上述释义可以看出,Municipality的适用范围很广,可大可小,大至我们的直辖市,小至一个小城镇。 在英、美两国,Municipality不作为一级行政区划,一般以"市政"含义和City混用,但在世界许多地方,如菲律宾、以色列等国, Municipality 经常被用作省一级或省以下行政区域名称。 在加拿大,Municipality也作为省下的一级行政区域,如在安大略省下就有一个滑铁卢地区市,叫作Regional Municipality of Waterloo,该地区市下又辖8个自治市--Municipality。 而City相对来说更多地特指城市区域,而不太作为一个大范围的包括农村在内的一级行政区名,如美国和日本,一般都是一个county(县)下辖好多cities,而不是city下辖多个counties。 如果将我国的地级市译作city,那么这个city就要统辖多个counties 和低一级的cities了,这好象和国际上的通行用法不匹配。 据此,笔者赞同将行政区划意义上的地级市及直辖市译为Municipality(直辖市全称是Municipality directly under the central government)。 而将市本级--市辖区,即功能意义上的城市译为City。 如上例:"上海市崇明县"应译成Chongming County , Shanghai Municipality. 但"上海市南京路"可译成Nanjing Road, Shanghai City。 再如:杭州市是一个地级市,所以"杭州市政府"宜译成:Hangzhou Municipal Government, 但:"杭州市是一个旅游城市"宜译成:Hangzhou is a tourism city. 节选自《名片英语大全》奚德通著>
2023-07-18 13:20:451


英文地址格式和中文刚好相反,按地址单元从小大到的顺序从左到右书写,并且地址单元间以半角逗号分隔(,),同时邮政编码可以直接写到地址中,其位置通常位于国家和省(州)之间,书写格式如下:xx室, xx号,xx路,xx区,xx市,xx省,xx国下面我们看一个简单的例子:上海市延安西路1882号东华大学186信箱(邮编:200051)Mailbox 186, 1882 West Yan"an Rd., Donghua University, Shanghai 200051.2、英文通信地址常用翻译201室/房 Room 201二单元 Unit 2马塘村 Matang Village一号楼/栋 Building 12号 No. 2华为科技公司 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.xx公司 xx Corp. / xx Co., Ltd.宿舍 Dormitory厂 Factory楼/层 Floor酒楼/酒店 Hotel住宅区/小区 Residential Quater县 County甲/乙/丙/丁 A/B/C/D镇 Town巷/弄 Lane市 City路 Road(也简写作Rd.,注意后面的点不能省略)一环路 1st Ring Road省 Province(也简写作Prov.)花园 Garden院 Yard街 Street/Avenue大学 College/University信箱 Mailbox区 DistrictA座 Suite A广场 Square州 State大厦/写字楼 Tower/Center/Plaza胡同 Alley(北京地名中的条即是胡同的意思)自治区 Autonomous Region 直辖市 Municipality特别行政区 Special Administration Region 简称SAR 自治州 Autonomous Prefecture盟 Prefecture县 County自治县 Autonomous County自治州 Autonomous Prefecture旗 county乡 Township注意①英语地址写法中的常用缩写词:Avenue: Ave.Road: Rd.Square: Sq.Province: Prov.Street: St.District: Dist.Floor: /FRoom: Rm.Apartment: Apt.Building: Bldg.Mountain: Mt.②简写中的点不能省略,如Rd., Prov.③xx东路/南路/西路/北路中的东南西北可分别缩写E/S/W/N,且一定要放在路名前,如(延安西路)West Yan"an Rd. 而不是Yan"an West Rd.④Room 1203, Building 2 (2号楼1203室)可以简写成2-1203。⑤专用名词不要翻译,可直接使用拼音且不宜拆开来写。
2023-07-18 13:20:531


自主学习的英文作文高中版On Self-studyAutonomous learningis an important learning style in distance education .It is an essential skillfor distance learners because they study alone most of the time. They do notmeet their tutors or classmates very often. However, distance learners canlearn a lot from each other .So autonomous learning and collaborative learninggo hand in hand. I am a distance learner. I have to do most learning tasks bymyself .Meanwhile we have group activities every two weeks to complete somelearning tasks or share experiences .I have found both forms of learning very helpful.大学版About the definition of autonomous learning, the scholars at home and abroad are defined a lot, but is basically similar, it can be summarized as follows: based on self-consciousness development on the basis of "can learn, Based on students" learning motivation is the intrinsic basis to learn "," Based on the students master the basis of learning strategies, "will learn, Based on the basis of volitive efforts "to learn" . Summarizes the research results of scholars at home and abroad, we found that the basic characteristics of autonomous learners has the following: to purposefully. Clear aim, learning attitude, to learn, to know the values actively planning and arrange their own learning.can selectively learning. Can accurately choose learning contents, swim in the ocean of information, information is keen sensibility, capture and understanding, and can effectively found, collection, information acquisition, processing and creation. can learn originality. Not satisfied ready-made answers to study results, or content can be independent thinking, thinking, can multi-directional from diverse perspectives to know the same things, and put them together, creating something new, or creative use to adapt to the new situation, the new question, and constantly expand their horizons. in studying on the self-regulation. For their learning motivation, interest, strategies, and learning results have self-knowledge and control ability, can be found in the study is sensitive to emerge or problem, targeted measures. To their future life and study have good vision and imagination, and have the desire to achieve the ideal and sense of responsibility. could adapt to the life of individuals, and know the rules, and observe for group, the group. With the intention and interpersonal communication ability, and group members, respect each other, according to individual needs consciously assume and convert their role in group activities, in active learning. good construction entity study group or online learning group, participate in constructing and maintaining learners community .
2023-07-18 13:21:001

写一篇作文《The robot in the future》

The rapid advancement of technology has opened up new possibilities and sparked our imagination about the future. One of the most intriguing aspects of this future is the role that robots will play in our lives. As we look ahead, it is fascinating to envision the potential capabilities and impact of robots in various aspects of society.In the future, robots are likely to become an integral part of our everyday lives, assisting us with tasks and revolutionizing industries. Household chores could be easily managed by intelligent robots, capable of cleaning, cooking, and even providing companionship. These robots would alleviate the burden of mundane tasks, allowing individuals to focus on more meaningful and fulfilling activities.Moreover, robots are expected to play a significant role in healthcare. Advanced robotic systems could assist doctors and nurses in surgeries, perform precise medical procedures, and provide care for patients. These robots would not only enhance the efficiency and accuracy of medical treatments but also alleviate the shortage of healthcare professionals in certain areas.In the field of transportation, self-driving cars and delivery robots could become the norm. These robots would improve road safety, reduce traffic congestion, and provide efficient and timely transportation services. People could enjoy a stress-free commute and rely on autonomous vehicles for their transportation needs.The impact of robots is not limited to household and professional settings. In education, robots could serve as interactive tutors, adapting to individual learning styles and providing personalized instruction. They could assist teachers in classrooms, creating dynamic and engaging learning environments for students. With robots as companions, children would have the opportunity to develop their problem-solving skills and explore new areas of knowledge.However, as we embrace the potential benefits of robots, it is essential to consider the ethical and social implications. The integration of robots into society raises questions about job displacement, privacy, and the potential loss of human connection. It is crucial to strike a balance between the benefits of automation and the preservation of human employment and values.In conclusion, the future holds great promise for robots and their impact on society. These intelligent machines have the potential to revolutionize various aspects of our lives, from household tasks to healthcare and education. While we anticipate the advancements that robots will bring, it is important to approach their integration with careful consideration, addressing ethical concerns and ensuring that they serve the best interests of humanity. With responsible development and thoughtful implementation, robots in the future could enhance our lives, making them more convenient, efficient, and fulfilling.
2023-07-18 13:21:104