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2023-07-19 09:58:47

Teachers and students:

Good evening everyone! In the joint efforts of teachers and students, I third Campus Science and Technology School Cultural Festival was a complete success, in this, on behalf of the school culture to science and technology festival for the hard work to pay the teachers and actively participate in the activities of students to express my heartfelt thanks to the festival in the award-winning science and technology units and individuals to express my warm congratulations.

Campus Technology Cultural Festival this October 13th in began on December 5 a successful conclusion, which lasted 53 days, all kinds of activities as many as 15 projects, activities, a total of 11 college students hundreds of award-winning.

Science, technology and culture in the third section, the Institute of Communist Youth League Youth League schools actively involved in various activities initiated to seriously organize, and actively work through the contents of new, practical, high-technology activities, the majority of enriched amateur young students and cultural life, nurtured young students of science and technology awareness, the quality of the implementation of development projects, such as college students have done a lot of contributions.

Campus Technology Cultural Festival, to students of scientific inquiry provides an opportunity to temple, we find the key, the courage to open that new, mysterious and full of the charm of the door, the one thing the students shining wisdom to create sparks dedicated to science, technology and culture section of the campus. Race debate in science and technology, the College and give full play to the spirit of teamwork and resourcefulness eloquence, brilliant game at the same time dedication to mobilize students to love science, the enthusiasm of science to guide us to broaden knowledge and improve the level of thinking and understanding; contractor in the Information School of the FLASH animation competition, perfect animation, abstract ideas, the students living in the best screen display in front of the school teachers and students; eggs hit the Earth in the competition, students use their imagination, and give full play to the collective wisdom based on the dare dare to do the characteristics of a culture of life found in the ability of wisdom; in the School of Management hosted live music competition in the win, the active participation of students, several glasses, a chopstick, a simple tool, given the We enjoy simple; of Materials Science and Engineering contractor in the photo contest, the students themselves for the future, the illusion of reality out of the performance of idealized; Young Volunteers Association of the large-scale signature campaign contractor, the students reflected the positive enthusiasm and for society, for the selfless dedication of a strong collective sense of responsibility; Electric Institute hosted poker tournament, let"s show the ingenuity on the stage, so that students are carefully brought out of the performance; also in the College Series of independent innovation lectures, to the first performance of each faculty of the stage with its own characteristics, but also embodies the science and technology section of the theme of independent innovation. The great philosopher Aristotle has a wonderful quote, he said, an act of sowing, harvest a habit; sow a habit, reap a character; sow a character, reap a destiny. We carry out scientific and technological activities, it is hoped that the students in order to cultivate a sense of innovation for the country to cultivate the spirit of innovation and quality of human resources for the country"s prosperity and rejuvenation of the Chinese nation wish to sow. Perhaps the next great scientist, statesman, educator, strategist and innovative workers in order in our midst.

Students, and today"s era is a new era, I hope that we, the students were not great to live up to now a good time, seize the time to study hard to find opportunities to develop themselves, but for the future development and lay a solid foundation for our nation the revitalization of the country"s strong to make its due contributions.



idealizevi理想化;形成思想;vt. 使理想化;理想化地描述。例句:People idealize the past.人们总是把过去理想化。词义辨析perfect,ideal1、这两个形容词均含“完美的、极好的”之意。2、perfect用于褒义指某人或某物等达到理想中的完美无缺;用于贬义,则相反,指十足的坏。3、ideal语气较强,指完美到使人称心如意的地步。
2023-07-18 12:32:211

考研英语,第一句中,how science is done是什么语法现象?怎么翻译?

2023-07-18 12:32:551

in the idealized

1 在研究科学的理想情况下(of,how从句) 2名词,knowledge and interest 是并列的,不然influence该三单了 前面主语并列,后面宾语并列,宾语里面有从句.SVO主谓宾
2023-07-18 12:33:021

求帮忙翻译 翻译成中文

2023-07-18 12:33:111

in the idealized version of how science is done是什么意思

in the idealized version of how science is done在理想化版本的科学是如何实现的
2023-07-18 12:33:191


注意注意注意注意注意注意注意注意 您所遇到的危机是一个典型的荣格。 其中老化了前所未有的公众实现个人理想的家庭单位的损失表示哀悼。 抑郁症,从比较的,因为它是世界时,对于一个假想的,理想化的世界。 自我无关,与被聪明。 你可能会非常醒目,可以对人们的神经得到所有的时间。 我觉得它的那一刻开始,他returened回家。 在这里我看到我的建兴在不同的光。 expossed到outhers。 和,如果他们选择了手无寸铁的掠夺它。 我去伦敦,所以我可以学会无动于衷。 但我选择了错误的地方,试图忘记你。 主席kinghley是世界上最后一个人,谁故意给任何女人 他的感觉比他的想法,她真的用量。 有多少人认识自己所犯短 并为他感到遗憾一辈子? 也许有些事 - 依附匆匆。有时间恢复吧? 是终身的,如果一个人的意志。我的意思是,这只是周谁是他们决定,将永远不快乐的字符。 这对Eilons可怕的痛苦。 这有可能是没有我的错误更大的谴责。 这是我所有的做,不要以为我忘记了。 我不认为它使光线。 我不能发表演讲。如果你不爱我,我或许可以谈论它。 但是你知道我是什么。我去教训你,骂你。 和你有承担的其他妇女将有它。 你会得到什么,但我从真相。 我只是喜欢对待一个小家伙的尊重。 just"cause喜欢捣弄如核桃并不意味着我对你做的事。 你必须了解林内特。 她与她的爸爸成长起来,她的妈妈是个酒鬼。 于是,她不得不对每个人都负责。 它在这个时刻担心她,说什么都可以suddlenly土崩瓦解。 这就是为什么她要控制一切。 当然,她不能。没有人能。 但她可以控制我..如果我让她。 所以我做,导致这让她感到安全。 这是我作为她的丈夫的工作...让她感到安全。 唯一的东西,让我们看到,如果搞错了的是时间。 我恨发生新的一年的庆祝活动。 大家都急于得到乐趣。 试图在一些可怜的小庆祝方式。 庆祝什么?近了一步的坟墓? 这就是为什么我不能说足够的时间 不管爱你可以获取和给予。 无论快乐你可以偷或提供。 每一个优雅的临时措施。 用什么词。 也不要自欺欺人。 这并不意味着所有到你自己的人的聪明才智。 你大部份的存在是运气比你舔承认。 我们可以责怪期待着他的婚姻报酬的人
2023-07-18 12:33:291


2023-07-18 12:33:472


有深意的英文单词简短有:Paradise、fantastic、blossom、destiny、freedom. 例句:The ancient Egyptians saw paradise as an idealized version of their own lives. 古埃及人把天堂视为他们现实生活的理想形式。 扩展资料   1、The Algarve is a paradise for fishermen whether river anglers or deep-sea fishermen.   2、阿尔加维对河边的垂钓者或深海的"渔民都是一个天堂。   It can be inferred that Facebook is self-enhancer"s paradise because people can withhold their unflattering sides.   可以推断,Facebook 是自我增强者的天堂,因为人们可以保留自己不讨喜的一面。   3、I have a fantastic social life.   我有着极好的社交生活。   4、The teams served up some fantastic entertainment.   这些队献上了精彩的表演。
2023-07-18 12:33:561


2023-07-18 12:34:046

英语作文 俗话说 读万卷书不如行万里路 目前,有许多家长热衷于利用假期带孩子到清华 北大等名校参观,

转:In the modern world with a closer link, to experience different cultures and societies is what studying abroad is more about, which may benefit both the individual"s future and the future of the country.In her speech made in Peking University, Michelle mentioned a famous Chinese saying: “It is better to travel ten thousand miles than to read ten thousand books.” This saying highlights the importance of travelling, which means if one wants to understand people and the world profoundly, travelling is a better way than just reading books directly.I am strongly for this idea, which is really meaningful and helpful to us. As we know, we gain knowledge from books, and put them into practice finally. Yet most of time, we find that the knowledge of the book is quite different from that of reality. Travelling can tell us the truth, helping us learn the world more clearly. Sometimes, what the books tell us is rather idealized. Not until we experience in person do we realize that the world is not as pure and simple as we think.As students, we of course should read as much as we can, but meanwhile if possible,we can travel to other places personally, contacting different people, experiencing various cultures, learning different languages. These may not be acquired by reading, but can help us understand the world better and live a better life in the future.
2023-07-18 12:34:191

be like什么意思

be like意思是:像……be like意思是用法如下:1、be like可表示人的外貌、性格、气质等相像。be随主语人称的变化而变化,如:He is always careless.He is really like his brother.他总是马虎。他真像他的哥哥。2、be like后可接名词或代词;如:I"d give anything to be like you.我愿意付出任何代价来像你一样。3、be like可用于询问天气怎么样或者别人外表什么样时,如:what"s the wether like today?今天天气怎么样?like作为介词还可以与look,feel等连用,表示“看上去长得像,感觉像”如:Women want to look like the idealized women depicted in advertisements.女女人希望自己看上去像广告中描绘的那种理想化女人。4、情态动词+be like,表示“是什么样子”。如:I had some idea of what the job would be like.我对于这份工作有了一些了解。be like造句:1、"She be like,"I can"t even right now.""这句话通常用于表达极度的情感,比如震惊,惊讶或愤怒。2、"He be like,"I ain"t got time for that.""这句话通常用于表达不耐烦或厌烦的情感,也可以用于拒绝请求或要求。3、"They be like,"Let"s party!""这句话通常用于表达兴奋或热情,比如在周末或节日时。4、"The struggle is real, be like..."这句话通常用于描述某些人或群体在面对困难时的状态或表现。5、"I be like,"What"s up?""这句话通常用于表示自己的情绪或态度,比如好奇,关注或惊讶。6、"My mom be like,"I told you so!""这句话通常用于描述母亲的态度或语气,警告或训斥儿子或女儿。7、"The sun be like,"I"m shining!""这句话通常用于描述自然现象或天气状况,也可以用于描述人造或非人类的事物。8、"The boss be like,"You"re fired!""这句话通常用于描述雇主或上级的态度或决定,通常是严厉或不妥协的。
2023-07-18 12:34:261


b,a,c,d,b,b, c,d,c,b.希望楼主采纳!!
2023-07-18 12:34:484


available experiment datas
2023-07-18 12:34:552

什么是美国文学中的自然主义(naturalism),一直没有搞明白?拜托了各位 谢谢

自然主义: naturelism is a literary trend prevailing in the second half of the 19th century in Europe.especially France and Germany. Naturalism is an attempt to achieve fidelity to nature by rejecting idealized protrayals of lices.In literature. it can be further defined as a technique of objective view of man or a mood with frankness and accuracy.According to naturalists writes. man is shaped by hehedity and environment. over which they cannot control. They tend to show "true-to-life'description without selection. They show man'struggling for survival. 具体可见
2023-07-18 12:35:022


worker是一个英文单词,主要用作名词,翻译为“工人;劳动者;职业;职蚁;人名”。短语搭配:skilled worker技术工入office worker上班族social worker社会服务人员model worker模范劳工migrant worker外来工;外侨工人例句:What do you do? I am a worker.你做什么工作? 我一名是工人。What type of worker are you?你是什么类型的工人呢?After all, in an idealized market economy each worker would be paid exactly what he or she contributes to the economy by choosing to work, no more and no less.毕竟,在一个理想化的市场经济里,支付给每个工人的工资就应该是他或她通过选择工作而对经济作出的贡献,不多也不少。My mother is a worker.What does your mother do?我的妈妈是一名工人。你的妈妈是干什么的?
2023-07-18 12:35:211

look like是什么意思

look like[英][luk laik][美][lu028ak lau026ak]看起来与(某人或某物)相像[相似]; 很可能出现[引起](某事、做某事); 伣; 似; 1.What will your plant look like? 你的植物看起来会是什么样子的?2.It should look like this. 它必须看起来像这样。
2023-07-18 12:36:016


The setting of Araby is immensely important; dreary, dark Dublin is the living, symbolic backdrop for the story.[citation needed] The gloomy atmosphere of North Richmond street that actually sets the scene at the start of the story is an anticipation of what lies ahead for the little boy in the bazaar of Araby. The first sentence of the story lets us know that North Richmond street is "blind," and that the Christian Brothers" School did not so much dismiss students for the day as "set them free." A quick scan of the important adjectives in the first paragraph -- "blind," "quiet," "uninhabited," "detached," "square," "decent," "brown," "imperturbable" -- quickly presents a world that is practical, simple, and unmitigatingly stultifying. As mentioned before, the boys who play in the neighbourhood are able, somehow, to discover some beauty and wander even from these simple surroundings, but to do so they must become connoisseurs of darkness: the lanterns on North Richmond are "feeble," the lanes are "dark" and "muddy," the houses “sombre” in the winter twilight, the "dark dripping gardens" redolent with the smell coming from their “ashpits.” This description of the street and the lives the boys live on it serve as the backdrop that we will use to understand how much more imaginative the Araby market will be: or will not be.[citation needed] Of course, the story"s greatest irony is just how misnamed the Araby market is. It is certainly not a wondrous evocation of the West"s idealized and romanticized notions of the Middle East. Rather, it is exactly the sort of disappointing market you would expect to appear in the Dublin Joyce describes. It is dark, and mostly empty, and hushed, and more about money than anything else. The market at the end of the story, by more resembling the rest of his life than the image of it he had conjured in his daydreams, forces the narrator to a bleak realization: the stark realities of day-to-day living have little to do with the romantic notions we carry in our heads.[citation needed]StyleJoyce"s writing in Dubliners is neutral; he rarely uses hyperbole or emotive language, relying on simplistic language and close detail to create a realistic setting. This ties the reader"s understanding of people to their environments. He does not tell the reader what to think, rather they are left to come to their own conclusions; this is evident when contrasted with the moral judgements displayed by earlier writers such as Charles Dickens. This frequently leads to a lack of traditional dramatic resolution within the stories.It has been argued (by Hugh Kenner in Joyce"s Voices, among others)[2] that Joyce often allows his narrative voice to gravitate towards the voice of a textual character. For example, the opening line of "The Dead" reads "Lily, the caretaker"s daughter, was literally run off her feet." She is not, in this instance, "literally" run off her feet, and neither would Joyce have thought so; rather, the narrative lends itself to a misuse of language typical of the character being described.Joyce often uses descriptions from the characters" point of view, although he very rarely writes in the first person. This can be seen in Eveline, when Joyce writes, "Her head was leaned against the window curtains and in her nostrils was the odour of dusty cretonne". Here, Joyce employs an empirical perspective in his description of characters and events; an understanding of characters" personalities is often gained through an analysis of their possessions. The first paragraph of A Painful Case is an example of this style, as well as Joyce"s use of global to local description of the character"s possessions. Joyce also employs parodies of other writing styles; part of A Painful Case is written as a newspaper story, and part of Grace is written as a sermon. This stylistic motif may also be seen in Ulysses (for example, in the Aeolus episode, which is written in a newspaper style), and is indicative of a sort of blending of narrative with textual circumstances.The collection as a whole displays an overall plan, beginning with stories of youth and progressing in age to culminate in The Dead. Great emphasis is laid upon the specific geographic details of Dublin, details to which a reader with a knowledge of the area would be able to directly relate. The multiple perspectives presented throughout the collection serve to present a broad view of the social and political contexts of life in Dublin at this time.
2023-07-18 12:36:341


在群体遗传学中,美国遗传学家Sewall Wright在两篇标志性的论文(Wright 19Wright 1931, 193831, 1938)中引入了有效群体大小(effective population size,又做有效种群大小)这一概念。他定义其为“在一个理想种群中,和{该种群{随机遗传漂变下的等位基因传播}或者近亲繁殖}等同的繁体个体数量。”(the number of breeding individuals in an idealized population that would show the same amount of dispersion of allele frequencies under random genetic drift or the same amount of inbreeding as the population under consideration.)有效群体大小是很多群体遗传学模型中的基本参量,通常小于绝对的种群大小(N)。参见小种群大小。
2023-07-18 12:36:441


Sometimes we quarrel, even get red face. This is because we have generation gaps. We take things differently. For example, our parents pay more attention to test results, they ignore our daily efforts. So, when we have a 55 score paper in hand, they wil criticize us. The reason might also be that we are to idealized, on the contrary,they are materalized. We have day dreams which can not occur and in their eyes these dreams are impossible. Also, they take things seriously, but we are more flexible.How to communicate with our parents and build link between generation gaps?First and foremost, we should respect each other. Sometimes the young are "rude", their careless words can be an insult to their parents. As a result, communication breaks up. Then, we should be tolerant. They adapt to new things slower than the young. So, we should not be so quick-minded and require them to follow our thoughts.
2023-07-18 12:36:573


Green stands for bright,warm and hope.From the point of Gatsby"s,the green light stands for Daisy , sthtands for the youth and love in his dream.But the green light was so unreachable to him,it was a illusion that can"t become to reality.To some extent ,the green light stands for the American Dream which can"t become true.
2023-07-18 12:37:173

To his Coy Mistress(致他羞怯的情人)的logical argument

2023-07-18 12:37:252


经典的美国梦,片片金钱做瓦,爱情做梁柱,架起一座寻梦的空中楼阁. 盖茨比的故事一直以来被认为美国梦的崛起,旺盛与衰落的标准象征. 《了不起的盖茨比》一书具有全部才子佳人传奇的必要元素.美如梦幻的女主角,貌若桃李,心如蛇蝎,脱凡超帅的男主角,贫苦出身,一鸣惊人,而后挥金如土,共唱爱情挽歌.本书写的是青年盖茨比和上流社会姑娘戴西之间的爱情故事.战争期间出身贫寒的年轻军人盖茨比爱上了戴西,对她一往情深但却没有钱娶她.战后盖茨比得知戴西已经嫁给了富豪子弟汤姆.婚后生活并不幸福,因为汤姆另有情妇.为了重新赢得戴西的爱情,盖茨比发奋赚钱,短短几年里,便通过走私等非法买卖发了财.于是他专门在戴西家附近购置豪宅,大宴宾客,挥金如土,为的是引起戴西的注意.后来经戴西表兄的安排,盖茨比与戴西重温旧梦The classical American dream, the dream-pursuit castle in the air is set up with a large quantity of cash as tiles and loving power as its columns.The story of Great Gatesby has been continuously considered the growing up of American Dream. It is a standard and symbolic story that represents the prosperity and rapidly decline."Great Gates Compares", this book possesses all the necessary elements to describe the legend of the bel-esprits and beautiful women. The leading actress is as beautiful as dreamlike with appearance like flowers but with heart like snakes. The leading actor is extraordinary and extreme handsome with poor background but making a great coup. Then he squanders money, sings the love elegy. This book shows us a picture of love story between the young man Gatesby and Daisy, a beautiful girl in rank and fashion. During the war the poor young solider Gatesby fell in love with Daisy.He was so passionately devoted to her but failed to marry her because of the poorness. After the war Gatesby knew that Daisy had already married Tom, a son of rich man, and after marriage she lived with unhappiness, because Tom has the lover in elsewhere. In order to re-win the love from Daisy, Gatesby worked energetically to make money. After several years, he got rich through smuggling and other illegal business. Thereupon he specially purchased the luxurious houses nearby Daisy"s house, supplied the big feast for the visiting guests, spent money like water in order to attract Daisy"s attention.Afterwards with the arrangemen of Daisy"s cousin, Gatesby finally revived an old dream with Daisy.
2023-07-18 12:37:352

请你学过的过去式单词分类整理一下吧。 |d| |t| |id|

2023-07-18 12:37:5310


没有动词形式.n. 想法;主意;概念good idea 好主意,好想法;妙计new idea 新思想;新想法have no idea 不知道;不清楚no idea 不知道design idea 设计理念main idea 主要意思,主旨general idea 大意,梗概any idea 任何想法original idea 最初构想,本意have no idea of 完全不知道central idea 中心思想big idea [口]好主意major idea 主旨bright idea 好点子,聪明的主意abstract idea 抽象观念give an idea of 表现,反映;使(某人)明白fixed idea 固执的想法,固定的观念idea generation 构思产生collective idea 集体观念capital idea 好主意;主要想法更多收起词组短语n.想法;主意;概念concept, notion, construct, think
2023-07-18 12:38:392


浪漫主义:romanticism is a movement prevailing the 19th centure in Weasterm World in music and philosophy beginning as a reaction and protest against the bondage of rules and customs of neo-classicism.It was marked and is always marked by a story reaction .It returned to nature and plain humanity for material.Itbrought about a renewed interest in medieval literature.It was also marked by sympathy for poor people and thus a deep understanding toward common people.It was a movement expression of indivdual orignality and different poets realized their variety.A dream of golden age is established against stern realities .Imagination is the key point. 自然主义:naturelism is a literary trend prevailing in the second half of the 19th century in Europe.especially France and Germany.Naturalism is an attempt to achieve fidelity to nature by rejecting idealized protrayals of lices.In can be further defined as a technique of objective view of man or a mood with frankness and accuracy.According to naturalists is shaped by hehedity and environment.over which they cannot control.They tend to show "true-to-life'description without selection.They show man'struggling for survival.
2023-07-18 12:38:541


浪漫主义: romanticism is a movement prevailing the 19th centure in Weasterm World in music and philosophy beginning as a reaction and protest against the bondage of rules and customs of neo-classicism.It was marked and is always marked by a story reaction .It returned to nature and plain humanity for material.Itbrought about a renewed interest in medieval literature.It was also marked by sympathy for poor people and thus a deep understanding toward common people.It was a movement expression of indivdual orignality and different poets realized their variety.A dream of golden age is established against stern realities .Imagination is the key point.自然主义: naturelism is a literary trend prevailing in the second half of the 19th century in Europe.especially France and Germany. Naturalism is an attempt to achieve fidelity to nature by rejecting idealized protrayals of lices.In literature. it can be further defined as a technique of objective view of man or a mood with frankness and accuracy.According to naturalists writes. man is shaped by hehedity and environment. over which they cannot control. They tend to show "true-to-life'description without selection. They show man'struggling for survival.
2023-07-18 12:39:031

俺想问个英语问题U0001f62d。in the idealized version of

这是个介词短语,in...整个做状语成分,how science is done是一个陈述句.最好有上下文来分析啦,这样没法准备分析的.
2023-07-18 12:39:101 the idealized version of how science is done

1 在研究科学的理想情况下(of,how从句)2名词,knowledge and interest 是并列的,不然influence该三单了前面主语并列,后面宾语并列,宾语里面有从句。SVO主谓宾
2023-07-18 12:39:171


worker的意思是:worker是一个英文单词,主要用作名词,翻译为"工人;劳动者;职业;职蚁;人名"。英 [u02c8wu025cu02d0ku0259(r)] 美 [u02c8wu025cu02d0rku0259r] 。短语搭配:skilled worker技术工入;office worker上班族;social worker社会服务人员;model worker模范劳工;migrant worker外来工;外侨工人。双语例句:What do you do? I am a worker.你做什么工作? 我一名是工人。What type of worker are you?你是什么类型的工人呢?After all, in an idealized market economy each worker would be paid exactly what he or she contributes to the economy by choosing to work, no more and no less.毕竟,在一个理想化的市场经济里,支付给每个工人的工资就应该是他或她通过选择工作而对经济作出的贡献,不多也不少。My mother is a worker.What does your mother do?我的妈妈是一名工人。你的妈妈是干什么的?
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look 什么意思
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look like什么意思?

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Unit 12Key to the exerciseVocabulary4. Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the word in the brackets.答案:1. simplified 2. authorized, organize 3. normalization4. industrialization, urbanized 5. modernization, classified6. legalized, justified, civilized 7. intensify, unification8. nationalized 9. notified, computerized 10globalization, idealized3. Complete the following sentences答案:1. a. success / luck b. I had more timec. I were ten years younger2. a. everybody is here b. are college studentsc. we have become one of the world"s largest economies3. a. we put environmental protection before GDPb. gave more attention to critical thinking4. a. the grammar exercisesb. helping you with c. help us with5. a. what the book says is always correctb. take it for granted c. take it for granted6. a. say b. plan my time c. kiss/ thank, criticize7. a. like fish b. did go c. did smoke4. Rewrite the following sentences, replacing the parts in bold type with words and expressions from the text.答案:1. strange 2. to be bursting with3. the habit of… clung to him still, slipping into, check4. can"t take anything for granted, take it for granted that we will be able5. Come to think of it6. But come to think of it / But now that I think about it7. Now that people all seem to have more money than before, I do hate, nowadays8. manage to (dig), Come to think of it9. but now that I am, will slip back easily in time5. Fill in the blanks with the correct prepositions or adverbs.答案:1. in, in 2. of, of, instead of 3.with, to, as4. to, as 5. Unlike, for 6. in, off, of/about/with7. as, to, up 8. in with6 Translate the following sentences into English答案:1. 你是怎样将身体保养得这么好?说起来,我还从来不知道你生过病。你的秘密法宝是什么?How do you manage to keep fit? Come to think of it, I have never known you to be sick. What"s your secret?2. 我小时候一直讨厌做家务。我甚至理所当然地认为这是女人做的事情。现在我真为自己以前的态度后悔。I always hated to do household chores when I was a boy, taking it for granted that they were only for women. Looking back, I really feel sorry for my past attitude.3. 他的大房子包括两座分开的建筑,分别设计成不同的风格,中间有个暗道连接起来。His big house contains two separate buildings designed in different styles and connected with / by a secret passage.4. 年轻人总希望有更多的权利和财富,老年人则希望他们能年轻三十岁。那样,他们就会成为世界上最幸福的人。但对于我,我的幸福是不需要条件的。Young people always wish they had more power and money, whereas old people always wish they were thirty years younger. Then they would all become the happiest people on earth. As for me, I am happy unconditionally.5. 前些日子我无意中听到几个外国人在评论我们有些同胞在国外旅游时的不良举止,我很难为情。我觉得我们有些坏习惯真要改改了。The other day I overheard some foreigners talking about how some of our people behaveved while they were traveling overseas. They made me so ashamed. I think we really have to change some of our habits.6. 现在我们的公交系统有了如此大的改进,私家车实在不值得买了。Now that our public transportation system has improved so much, private cars are really not worth buying.7. 现在你很少看到年轻人在街上游荡,人们都是行色匆匆。但有时候我真希望我们能放慢一点速度。Nowadays you seldom see young people loitering in the streets. People always seem to be in a hurry. Sometimes I do hope we can slow down a little bit.7. Fill in the blanks with the correct form or the words given below.答案:1. worth 2. worthwhile 3. worthy 4. worth5. now/nowadays 6. now 7. nowadays8. look 9.gaze 10. staring 11. glanced 12. glanced13. hay 14. wild herbs to eat 15. grass 16. weeds17. received, accepted 18. will accept 19. received20. lovely, beloved/loving 21. beloved 22. loving23. cry/ weep 24. crying 25. sobbingGrammar2. Complete the sentence using the proper conjunction from the box below.答案:1. as if/ as though 2. before 3. as long as 4. even though5. Even if 6. now that 7. as long as 8. as if/ though9. Even though 10. Now that3. Translate the following sentences into English答案:1. I love autumn—it"s a season of harvest.2. I didn"t recognize my best friend at high school until he removed his sun glasses.3. It takes courage to ask what others regard as “stupid” questions.4. The children looked as if they hadn"t had a wink of /any sleep last night.5. It must be exciting to report on / cover such sports events as the Olympic Games and the World Cup.6. My house guest behaves as if she were the owner of the house.7. Even if the country is gradually recovering from the financial crisis, it may be some time before its economy gets back on its feet.8. “As long as I"m in charge,” said the president of the university, “I will make sure no one drops out because they can"t pay tuition any more.”9. Now that they have a new Minister of Education, they hope to see some change in their education system.10. It was a brilliant /sunny summer morning in 1945. At exactly 8:15, a B-29 bomber dropped an atomic bomb on the Japanese city of Hiroshima, killing tens of thousands of people.4. Fill in each blank of passage with ONE suitable word.答案:1. smoke 2 what 3 teach 4 control 5 complaints6 group 7 at 8 could 9 shared 10 more5. Identify and correct mistakes in each of the sentences答案:1. At about three o"clock, the boy went to the barn and did the milking all by himself.2. Up until now there are still people who cling to the idea that men are superior to women.3. I think I locked the doors and closed the windows, but I"ll just go and make sure of them. ( or: …make sure I did.)4. It suddenly occurred to me that I had left my bike key in the classroom.5. Every one of us must arrive before 8 pm without exception.6. It"s important for young people to learn how to survive in the wild.7. It"s time our school upgraded its computer program.8. Robert woke up twenty times for fear that he would oversleep.9. Upon graduation, he was bursting with gratitude to the university for a first-class education he had received there.10. The teacher could hardly believe a student who grew up in a mountain village had never seen a computer before he came to college.
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“如果说爱情是一种理想化的追求,可不可以说婚姻则是一种理性的抉择了呢?” 这句话翻译成英文

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目前是国际云降水物理委员会(ICCP)委员,中国气象学会大气物理委员会、大气成分委员会和人工影响天气委员会委员,江苏省气象学会理事和大气物理与人工影响天气委员会主任委员,美国地球物理协会(AGU)和中国气象学会会员,“Atmospheric Science Letters”和“Advances in Atmospheric Sciences”杂志编委,多种国际国内学术刊物审稿人。江苏省“六大人才高峰”项目资助对象和“六大人才高峰”建设奖获得者,被评为省首批“333人才工程”科技领军人才,是省高校优秀科技创新团队带头人。目前他承担包括国家自然科学基金重点项目、行业专项等国家和省部级科研项目多项,已指导研究生40多名。 1996年3月至1999年10月: 博士研究生,以色列特拉维夫大学地球物理和行星科学系论文题目: On the Development of the Size Spectra of PrecipitationParticles in Natural and Seeded Convective Clouds(自然和人工播撒对流云中降水粒子谱发展的研究)导师: Zev Levin 教授和Shalva Tzivion 教授1995年8月至1996年7月: 以色列特拉维夫大学访问学者1987年9月至1990年5月: 硕士研究生, 南京气象学院论文题目: 阻塞高压过程中谱能量的串级输送导师: 陈久康教授1980年9月至1984年7月: 南京气象学院本科生 1、2008年以来,国际云降水物理委员会(ICCP)委员2、2007年以来,国际杂志“Atmospheric Science Letters”副编辑、编委3、2007年,中国气象学会第二十六届理事会大气成分委员会委员4、2007年,中国气象学会第二十六届理事会大气物理学委员会委员5、2007年,中国气象学会第二十六届理事会人工影响天气委员会委员6、2005年以来,江苏省气象学会大气化学委员会副主任委员7、2003年以来,美国地球物理协会(AGU)会员8、专业杂志审稿:(10)、Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics(9)、Journal Geophysical Research(8)、Geophysical Research Letters(7)、Journal of Applied Meteorology(6)、Journal of Atmospheric Chemistry(5)、南京气象学院学报(4)、自然科学进展(3)、 重庆大学学报(2)、气候变化研究进展(1)、中国环境科学 2005年9月开始:教授,南京信息工程大学应用气象系2004年1月至2005年8月:讲师(Lecturer), 英国威尔士大学阿波里斯特分校数理学院(Institute of Mathematical and Physical Sciences, Universityof Wales Aberystwyth, UK)讲授课程:大气物理学、大气动力学、能源与环境、电磁学1999年11月至2004年1月: 研究员(Research Fellow), 英国利兹大学环境学院大气科学研究所(Institute for Atmospheric Science, School of the Environment,University of Leeds, UK)研究方向: 对流云输送对对流层顶大气成分的影响,气溶胶(包括沙尘粒子)-云-大气化学相互作用及其对云宏微观结构的反馈作用1996年3月至1999年10月: 研究助理(Research Assistant), 以色列特拉维夫大学地球物理和行星科学系1996年1月至1997年7月: 高级工程师,内蒙古自治区气象研究所1991年1月至1995年12月: 工程师, 内蒙古自治区气象研究所1984年8月至1990年12月: 助理工程师, 内蒙古自治区气象局 英国自然环境基金委(NERC)项目“ACTIVE(Aerosol and chemical transport in tropicalconvection) ” (2005-2008) 的子项目主持人。欧共体项目“PARTS(Particles in the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere) ” (2002-2005)的主要完成人。欧共体项目“TROCCINOX” (2003-2006) 的主要参加者。英国自然环境基金委(NERC)UTLS-OZONE主题项目“Aerosols and trace gases entering the uppertroposphere and lower stratosphere through deep convection” (1999-2002) 的主要完成人。国家自然科学基金项目“人工播撒催化物的扩散”的主要参加者。 江苏省自然科学基金项目:“南京地区灰霾形成机制及理化特性的观测研究”(2006-2008),负责人。教育部留学回国人员启动基金项目,(2007-2009),负责人。江苏省“六大人才高峰”行动计划资助项目,(2006-2008),B级。江苏省气象灾害重点实验室(南京信息工程大学)科研基金项目:“大气气溶胶对我国云降水和区域气候的影响”,(2006-2009),负责人。国家自然科学基金项目“深对流云对热带对流层上层气溶胶和大气化学成分的影响”,(2007-2009)的负责人。国家重点基础研究发展计划(973)项目:“中国大气气溶胶及其气候效应的研究”(2006-2011)之“气溶胶-云相互作用与间接辐射效应”专题负责人。江苏省“333高层次人才培养工程”项目,(2007.4-2010.12)。江苏省高校优秀创新团队资助项目,(2007.8-2010.7),团队带头人。国家财政部公益性行业科研专项“京津经济区及华北区域气溶胶对云的改变导致的降水变化及其在天气预报中的应用”,(2007.10-2010.9)。国家自然科学基金重点项目“我国南方地形云和气溶胶相互作用的观测和理论研究”(41030962),(2011-2014),负责人。国家财政部公益性行业科研专项“三维云信息的融合方法研究与软件研制”课题,(2011.1-2013.12)。 专业杂志审稿: Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Journal Geophysical Research Geophysical Research LettersJournal of Applied Meteorology审阅美国国家研究基金委NSF和荷兰国家地球和生命科学基金委NOW项目申请书合作召集和主持:- EGS-AGU-EGU 2003 Assembly Sessions AS18 和WS2- EGU 2004、2005 Assembly Session AS3.042000-2002年利兹大学环境学院内部系列学术讲座召集人合作指导博士生:Gerard Devine, Hugo Recketts 1995-1996: 中国政府留学基金1998: 以色列特拉维夫大学地球物理和行星科学系Shimon Carnavitz MiriamPustenberg 优秀学生奖1985-1995期间获得内蒙古气象局和国家气象局奖励十数项 2008:江苏省“六大人才高峰”五年建设优秀人才2008:《云降水物理学》获江苏省精品课程2007:江苏省“333高层次人才培养工程”首批中青年科技领军人才 Levin, Z., A. Teller, E. Ganor and Y. Yin, 2005: On the interactions of mineral dust, sea salt particles and clouds: A case study from the MEIDEX campaign, J. Geophys. Res.,已接受。Cui, Z., K. S. Carslaw, and Y. Yin, 2005: A numerical study of aerosol effects on the dynamics and microphysics of a deep convective cloud in a continental environment, J. Geophys. Res., 已接受。Yin, Y., K. S. Carslaw, and G. Feingold, 2005: Vertical transport and processing of aerosols in a mixed-phase convective cloud and the feedback on cloud development. Q. J. R. Meteorol. Soc., 131, 221-246.Yin, Y., S. D. Wurzler, Z. Levin, and T. G. Reisin, 2002: Interactions of mineral dust particles and clouds: Effects on precipitation and cloud optical properties. J. Geophys. Res.,107(D23), 4724, doi:10.1029/2001JD001544.Yin, Y., K. S. Carslaw, and D. J. Parker, 2002: Redistribution of trace gases by convective clouds -- mixed-phase processes. Atmos. Chem. Phys., 2, 293-306.Yin, Y., D. Parker, and K. Carslaw, 2001: Simulation of trace gas redistribution by convective clouds -- Liquid phase processes. Atmos. Chem. Phys., 1, 19-36.Levin, Z., S. D. Wurzler, E. Ganor, Y. Yin, and A. Teller, 2001: On the modification of mineral dust particles based on their path of transport and the effect on mixed phase cloud and precipitation. Journal of Aerosol Science, 32, S201-S202.Yin, Y., Z. Levin, T. G. Reisin and S. Tzivion, 2001: The response of radar-derived properties to hygroscopic flare seeding. J. Appl. Meteor., 40, 1654-1661.Yin, Y., Z. Levin, T.G. Reisin, and S. Tzivion, 2000: Seeding convective clouds with hygroscopic flares: Numerical simulations using a cloud model with detailed microphysics. J. Appl. Meteor., 39, 1460-1472.Yin, Y., Z. Levin, T.G. Reisin, and S. Tzivion, 2000: The effects of giant cloud condensation nuclei on the development of precipitation in convective clouds --- A numerical study. Atmos. Research, 53, 91-116.Yin, Y., T. G. Reisin, S. D. Wurzler, and Z. Levin, 2000: Modification of the size and composition of CCN by cloud processing of mineral dust particles and the effects on cloud microphysics. Proceeding of 12th International Conference on Clouds and Precipitation, Reno, Nevada, USA, 21-25 August 2000. 936-939.Yin, Y., 1999: On the evolution of the size spectra of precipitation particles from natural and seeded convective clouds. PhD thesis, Department of Geophysics and Planetary Sciences, Tel Aviv University, Israel.Yin, Y., Z. Levin, T.G. Reisin, and S. Tzivion, 1999: A numerical evaluation of seeding with hygroscopic flares: sensitivity to seeding time, seeding height, seeding amounts, size of particles and environmental shear. Proceeding of 7th WMO Scientific Conference on Weather Modification, Chiang Mai, Thailand, 69-72.Levin, Z., Y. Yin, T.G. Reisin, and S. Tzivion, 1999: Comparison of the effects of hygroscopic and glaciogenic seeding on the evolution of spectra of cloud and precipitation particles in convective clouds: A numerical study. Proceeding of 7th WMO Scientific Conference on Weather Modification, Chiang Mai, Thailand, 73-74Reisin, T., Y. Yin, Z. Levin, and S. Tzivion, 1998: Development of giant drops and high reflectivity cores in Hawaiian clouds: Numerical simulations using a kinematic model with detailed microphysics. Atmos. Research, 45, 275-297.Yin, Y., Z. Levin, T.G. Reisin, and S. Tzivion, 1998: The South African seeding experiment:Numerical simulations on the sensitivity to particles spectra. Proceeding of 14th Conf. On Planned and Inadvertent Weather Modification, Everett, Washington, USA, 604-607.Yin, Y., Z. Levin, T.G. Reisin, and S. Tzivion, 1998: Model simulation of the effect of cloud seeding on the evolution of radar-measured properties. Proceeding of 14th Conf. on Plannedand Inadvertent Weather Modification, Everett, Washington, USA, 630-631.Yin, Y., Z. Levin, T.G. Reisin, and S. Tzivion, 1998: On the influence of the size distribution of cloud condensation nuclei on the development of cloud and precipitation. Proceeding of American Meteorological Society Conference on Cloud Physics, Everett, Washington, USA, 530-533.Reisin, T.G., Z. Levin, S. Tzivion, and Y. Yin, 1998: Numerical simulations of the formation of giant drops in Hawaiian clouds using a kinematic model with detailed microphysics. Proceeding of American Meteorological Society Conference on Cloud Physics, Everett,Washington, USA, 502-503.Reisin, T., Y. Yin, Z. Levin, and S. Tzivion, 1996: Numerical simulations of the microphysical structure of Hawaiian clouds: Results for an idealized parcel model and a kinematic model with detailed microphysics. `4th International Cloud Modeling Workshop, Clermont Ferrand, France 12-16 August 1996, WMP report series 29, 13-18.银燕,达布和申乙鸣, 1996: 风速切变对垂直线源播撒物扩散的影响, 北京气象学院学报, 第11期。申乙鸣, 周林和银燕, 1996: 层状云的湍流扩散, 北京气象学院学报,第11期。国际会议报告(部分):1. Reisin, T., Y. Yin, Z. Levin, and S. Tzivion, 1996: Numerical simulations of the microphysical structure of Hawaiian clouds: results for an idealized parcel model and a kinematic model with detailed microphysics. `4th International Cloud Modeling Workshop, Clermont Ferrand, France 12-16 August 1996.2. Yin, Y., Z. Levin, S. Tzivion, and T. Reisin, 1997: On the sensitivity of the size distribution of cloud condensation nuclei on the development of cloud and precipitation. `Research Workshop of the Israeli Science Foundation on Trends and Advances in Numerical Modeling of Clouds and Precipitation, Kibbutz Ginosar, November 17-20, 1997, Israel.3. Yin, Y., Z. Levin, S. Tzivion, and T. Reisin, 1997: A numerical study of the influence of the size distribution of cloud condensation nuclei on the development of cloud and precipitation. `Israeli Association for Aerosol Research Eleventh Annual Meeting, Technion, Haifa, December 29 1997 Israel.4. Yin, Y., Z. Levin, T.G. Reisin, and S. Tzivion, 1998: The South African seeding experiment: numerical simulations on the sensitivity to particles spectra. `14th Conf. on Planned and Inadvertent Weather Modification, Everett, Washington, USA.5. Yin, Y., Z. Levin, T.G. Reisin, and S. Tzivion, 1998: Model simulation of the effect of cloud seeding on the evolution of radar-measured properties. `14th Conf. on Planned and Inadvertent Weather Modification, Everett, Washington, USA.6. Yin, Y., Z. Levin, T.G. Reisin, and S. Tzivion, 1998: On the influence of the size distribution of cloud condensation nuclei on the development of cloud and precipitation. `American Meteorological Society Conference on Cloud Physics, Everett, Washington,USA.7. Reisin, T.G., Z. Levin, S. Tzivion, and Y. Yin, 1998: Numerical simulations of the formation of giant drops in Hawaiian clouds using a kinematic model with detailed microphysics. `American Meteorological Society Conference on Cloud Physics, Everett, Washington, USA.8. Yin, Y., Z. Levin, T.G. Reisin, and S. Tzivion, 1999: A numerical evaluation of seeding with hygroscopic flares: sensitivity to seeding time, seeding height, seeding amounts, size of particles and environmental shear. `7th WMO Scientific Conference on Weather Modification, Chiang Mai, Thailand.9. Levin, Z., Y. Yin, T.G. Reisin, and S. Tzivion, 1999: Comparison of the effects of hygroscopic and glaciogenic seeding on the evolution of spectra of cloud and precipitation particles in convective clouds: A numerical study. `7th WMO Scientific Conference on Weather Modification, Chiang Mai, Thailand.10. Yin, Y., D. Parker, and K. Carslaw, 2000: The venting of trace gases and aerosols by deep convective clouds. XXV General Assembly of the European Geophysical Society, Nice, France, 25-29 April 2000.11. Yin, Y., T. G. Reisin, S. D. Wurzler, and Z. Levin, 2000: Modification of the size and composition of CCN by cloud processing of mineral dust particles and the effects on cloud microphysics. ICCP 2000, Reno, Nevada, USA, 21-25 August 2000.12. Yin, Y., D. Parker, and K. Carslaw, 2001: A numerical study of the redistribution of trace gases by deep convective clouds. XXVI General Assembly of the European Geophysical Society, Nice, France, 25-30 March 2001.13. Yin, Y., D. Parker, and K. Carslaw, 2001: On the venting of aerosols and trace gases by mixed-phase convective clouds -- A numerical study using a cloud model with detailed microphysics and chemistry. IAMAS2001 Assembly, Innsbruck, Austria, 10-18 July 2001.14. Levin, Z., S. D. Wurzler, E. Ganor, Y. Yin, and A. Teller, 2001: On the modification of mineral dust particles based on their path of transport and the effect on mixed phase cloud and precipitation. European Aerosol Conference 2001, Leipzig, Germany, 3-7 September 2001.15. Levin, Z., Y. Yin, S. Wurzler and T. G. Reisin, 2002: On the interactions of dust particles and clouds. Bi-national Israeli-Turkish Workshop on Atmospheric Deposition of Aerosols and Gases in the Eastern Mediterranean, Dead Sea, Israel, 6-8 January 2002.16. Yin, Y., K. S. Carslaw, and D. J. Parker, 2003: Redistribution of sulfate aerosols and precursors by mixed-phase convective clouds. EGS-AGU-EGU Joint Assembly, Nice, France, 6-11 April, 2003.17. Carslaw, K. S., Y. Yin, and D. J. Parker, 2003: Factors controlling the transport of trace gases to the free and upper troposphere in convective clouds. EGS-AGU-EGU Joint Assembly, Nice, France, 6-11 April, 2003.18. Yin, Y., S. Wurzler, Z. Levin, and T. G. Reisin, 2003: Effects of cloud processed mineral dust particles on mixed phase clouds, precipitation formation and cloud optical properties. EGS-AGU-EGU Joint Assembly, Nice, France, 6-11 April, 2003.19. Yin, Y., and K. S. Carslaw, 2003: Aerosol and gas transport to the upper troposphere in Deep Convection. Workshop on tropical Meteorology and Chemistry, 14-16 May 2003, Wessling, Pfarrstadl, Germany.20. Hill, A., Dobbie, S., Yin, Y., 2004: A bin microphysical LES model for evaluation of the semi-direct effect, EGU Assembly, Nice, France, 25-30 April, 2004.21. Yin, Y., Carslaw, K., Feingold, G., 2004: Cloud processing and transport of aerosol and the feedback on cloud microstructure and precipitation, EGU Assembly, Nice, France, 25-30 April, 2004.
2023-07-18 12:43:351


in the Cost of Health Care: Providing the Solutions, Warren S. Grundfest; Ed.Few information systems create a standardized clinical patient record in which there are discrete and concise observations of patient problems and their resolution. Clinical notes usually are narratives which don"t support an aggregate and systematic outcome analysis. Many programs collect information on diagnosis and coded procedures
2023-07-18 12:43:492


Something I Admire about the Western CultureDespite the cultural conflicts between the Orient and the Occident, there do exist some admirable ingredients in the Western culture.First and foremost, the equality between parents and children. The parents are not always superior to their children, and the children do not always need to obey their parents order, that is, they are more like close friends.Second, the independent personality. Western people have a strong sense of supporting themselves and being independent. They begin earning their pocket money early in their life, even as kids.Last, Western people do not always assess a person according to his background. If only he can achieve success through personal struggle, he can win status. It"s a talent-oriented society, not background-oriented.All the above mentioned are what I admire in the western culture and what I think we Chinese should learn.
2023-07-18 12:44:103


version英 ["vu025cu02d0u0283(u0259)n] , 美 ["vu025du0292n] 释义:一般指版本,描述,但是有时候可用来描述一种状态。如,In the idealized version of how science is down.即在科学研究的理想状态下。释义2:(由于观点不同而对同一事件的不同)描述,叙述,说法,解释译文,译本;[常作V-]基督教《圣经》的译本变形,变体版本;(文艺作品等的)改写本【病理学】(子宫)倾侧;(胎位)倒转术【计算机】(软件)版本
2023-07-18 12:44:181


Disney Co.U.S.entertainment corporation.It was founded by Walt Disney and his brother Roy as Walt Disney Productions in 1929 to incorporate their cartoon animation studio.It produced short and full-length animated cartoons in the 1930s and 1940s,then expanded in the 1950s to make nature documentaries and live-action films as well as television programs.The opening of the amusement parks Disneyland (1955) and Walt Disney World (1971; see Disney World and Disneyland) strengthened the company"s dominance of the family entertainment industry in the U.S.The company declined after Disney"s death in 1966 but was revitalized under new management in the 1980s.As the Walt Disney expanded its production units to include Touchstone Pictures and Miramax,makers of films for more mature audiences,and revitalized its animation division,producing films such as The Little Mermaid (1989) and Toy Story (1995),the first full-length computer-animated film.The company took an active role in reviving and commercializing New York City"s Times Square,including the recreation of some of its animated films,such as The Lion King (1994),as Broadway musicals.In 1994 it opened Celebration,a planned community in central Florida.It acquired the ABC television network in 1996 and became the world"s largest media and entertainment corporation; it also operates the cable television Disney Channel.迪斯尼公司美国娱乐公司.1929年华特u2027迪斯尼与其兄罗伊把两人成立的华特u2027迪斯尼制作公司并入他们的卡通动画工作室.1930年代和1940年代制作出短篇和长篇动画片,然后在1950年代扩大到制作自然记录片和真人表演的影片,还有电视节目.娱乐公园迪斯尼乐园(1955)和迪斯尼世界(1971;参阅迪斯尼世界与迪斯尼乐园〔Disney World and Disneyland〕)的开幕加强了该公司在美国家庭娱乐事业中的支配地位.1966年华特u2027迪斯尼去世后,公司营业情况也随之衰落,然而在1980年代,公司在新的经理人领导下又获得生机.华特u2027迪斯尼公司扩大它的生产部门,包括为成年观众制作影片的试金石影业公司(Touchstone Pictures)和米拉迈克斯公司(Miramax),恢复其动画部门的生机,制作出像《小美人鱼》(1989)和第一部足本的计算机动画片《玩具总动员》(1995)等影片.该公司在振兴纽约市的时代广场并使之商业化方面起了积极的作用,包括它的一些动画片改造,如《狮子王》(1994)就是改编自百老汇的音乐剧.1994年在佛罗里达州的中部开办了一个规画好的「庆典」小区.1996年购并美国广播公司(ABC),成为全世界最大的媒体和娱乐公司;它还经营有线电视迪斯尼频道.Disney World and DisneylandTwo theme parks built by the Walt Disney Co.(see Disney Co.),a U.S.corporation that became the best-known 20th-century purveyor of entertainment.Disneyland,an interactive,family-oriented fantasy environment that opened in Anaheim,Calif.,in 1955,was Walt Disney"s response to typical amusement parks,which entertained children but not their parents.The park,which has architecture that is a blend of futurism and nostalgic 19th-century reproductions,has different sections devoted to specific themes.Walt Disney World opened near Orlando,Fla.,in 1971.Besides containing Epcot Center (an idealized city),Disney-MGM Studios,and the Magic Kingdom and Animal Kingdom theme parks,Disney World was the first amusement park to incorporate hotels (including two designed by Michael Graves) and sports and other recreational facilities into its master plan.In the late 20th century new Disney theme parks also opened in Paris and Tokyo.迪斯尼世界与迪斯尼乐园 美国华特u2027迪斯尼公司(参阅迪斯尼公司〔Disney Co.〕)设立的两个主题乐园,这家公司是20世纪最著名的娱乐承办商.迪斯尼乐园是交互式、适合全家同游的幻想乐园,1955年在加州安纳汉姆开幕,是华特u2027迪斯尼对当时典型乐园的一种反弹,这种典型乐园只娱乐儿童而不及双亲.迪斯尼乐园的建筑混合了未来主义及怀旧的19世纪再现,以专门的主题画分区域.1971年迪斯尼世界在佛罗里达州奥兰多开幕.除了有未来实验原型小区中心(理想化都市)、迪斯尼-米高梅制片厂、魔幻王国与动物王国等主题乐园外,迪斯尼世界是第一个将旅馆(包括由格雷夫斯设计的两栋)与运动等休闲设施结合到主计划之中的乐园.20世纪晚期,巴黎和东京也开办了新的迪斯尼主题乐园.
2023-07-18 12:44:271


version: [ v05:0605n ] n. 版本,翻译 [ 形容词versional ] 例句与用法1. This shirt is a cheaper version of the one I saw in that shop. 这件衬衫同我在那家商店里见到的几乎一样,但它是便宜货。 2. The two newspapers gave different versions of what happened. 两家报纸对发生的事说法不一。 3. The book was translated into many versions and sold all over the world. 这本书被翻译成多种译文并行销全球。 4. The new version of this dictionary is not in use yet. 这本字典的新版本还未通行。 5. This dictionary is available in electronic version. 这部词典有电子版。 6. Can we accept his account as the true version? 我们能够相信他说的是实情吗? 7. The song has a syncopated rhythm in the jazz version. 这首歌曲改编为爵士乐後采用了切分音节奏.
2023-07-18 12:44:371


( 1) The deep-seated bedrock aquifer consists of massive limestone and dolomite.( 2) Temperature of the thermal groundwater in the deep-seated carbonate aquifer occurring in this area ranges from 60℃ to 90℃.( 3) Water is unusual in that the density of the solid phase,ice,is substantially lower than the density of the liquid phase,w ater.( 4) The concentration of salinity of the groundwater in the Cambrian aquifer has been found to increase at a rate of about 15 mg / L each year.( 5) The chemical compositions of the waters indicate that the Jurassic aquifers contain w aters of marine origin.( 6) The thickness of the Pleistocene sandstone aquifer varies from a few meters at the inland boundary to 200 m or so at the coast.( 7) Hydrogeologists constantly face the complex aquifer-aquitard system of heterogeneous and anisotropic formations rather than the idealized cases pictured in textbooks.( 8) In some cases human activities can cause some of the elements listed as minor or trace constituents to occur as contaminants at concentration levels that are orders of magnitude above the normal ranges indicated in this table.( 9) Bedrocks consisting of limestone,shale and sandstone of Paleozoic age occur below the unconsolidated glacial deposits.( 10) Some trace constituents and dissolved gas occurring in groundwater are of important hydrologic and geochemical significance.( 11) Porosity of a rock can range from zero or near zero to more than 60%.( 12 ) Groundwater in the clastic aquifer in this area is characterized by high /large concentrations of Ca and Br and low concentrations of Mg and K.( 13) Seasonal fluctuations in groundwater levels in this region are directly affected by seasonal changes in recharge from infiltration of precipitation.( 14) The recession constant of spring discharge can be expressed using the following formula / equation.( 15) The Sichuan Basin is underlain by strata ranging in age from Sinian to Cretaceous.( 16) The stable isotopic compositions suggest that the Permian aquifer contain waters of meteoric origin.( 17) The magnitude of the specific yield of unconsolidated sediments is controlled by both the depth of the initial groundw ater level and the speed w ith w hich the groundw ater level falls.( 18) The porosity of a sedimentary rock will depend not only on particle shape and arrangement,but on diagenetic features that have affected the rock since deposition.( 19 ) An aquiclude is defined as a saturated geologic formation that is incapable of transmitting significant quantities of w ater under ordinary field conditions.( 20) Darcy"s experiment shows that the specific discharge is directly proportional to the difference in hydraulic heads and inversely proportional to the length of flow.( 21) Clastic aquifers in this area are capable of yielding low to moderate quantities of w ater to pumping w ells.( 22) Monitoring data indicates that Cl concentrations in groundwater in that well have steadily increased since 1978.( 23 ) The limestone aquifer underlying the sandstone has transmissivity ranging from 350 m2/ d to 450 m2/ d and hydraulic conductivity ranging from 20 m / d to 50 m / d.( 24) The relationship between porosity and void ratio can be expressed as follows.( 25) In addition,the specific yield of unconsolidated sediments is controlled by particle size.( 26 ) Yield to the well tapping the limestone aquifer underlying the unconsolidated sediments of Quaternary age is as high as 3500 m3/ d.( 27) Some of the groundwater samples taken from the surficial sandstone aquifer in the northern part of the basin are enriched in Na and Cl and depleted in Mg and SO4.( 28) Brines in the limestone aquifer of the Middle Triassic Leikoupo Group in the Sichuan Basin are characterized by high / large concentrations of Ca and Sr,low concentrations of Mg and K,and lack of Ba.( 29) Drilling data show that the Neogene unconsolidated sediments in the eastern part of that city are underlain by a limestone aquifer of 50 - 80 m in thickness.( 30 ) Field work carried out in the coastal area near Beihai,Guangxi was funded cooperatively by the National Natural Science Foundation of China ( No. 40172087 ) and the Fund for Young Geologists from the Ministry of Geology and Mineral Resources of China ( No. Qn979829) .( 31) The Quaternary unconsolidated sediments overlying the carbonates of Palaeozoic age in the North China Plain are composed of interbedded silt and coarse sand w ith small quantities of gravel and scattered / sporadic lenses of clay.( 32) Long periods of groundwater flow are often required for pollutants to be flushed from contaminated aquifers.( 33) Landslides,earthquakes and land collapses have always been viewed as noticeable geological environmental problems.( 34) Monitoring data indicates that the rate of land subsidence at the center of that city is as high as 30 cm per year.( 35) According to Todd,stable hydrogen and oxygen isotopes occurring in groundwater are of important significance in studies of the origin of groundw ater.( 36) In practice, this approach is not particularly effective because aquitard compressibilities in expansion have only about one-tenth the value they have in compression.( 37) Field data suggests that the salt water front undergoes transient changes in position under the influence of seasonal replenishment patterns and resulting w ater-table oscillations.( 38) The majority of groundwater samples taken from the deep-seated aquifer are enriched in Na,Ca and Cl and depleted in K and SO4.( 39) Some unstable isotopes have such short half-lives that they are of no importance in studies of the origin and formation of natural w aters.( 40) Seasonal fluctuations in water levels in all the observation wells can be interpreted by seasonal changes in precipitation of the study area.( 41) Occurring above the Cambrian formation is a highly permeable thin to massive Ordovician limestone.( 42) Little is known about the nature of the radioactive isotope36Cl occurring in natural groundw ater.( 43) In reality,aquifer boundaries of the types discussed here are seldom vertical surfaces; usually they deviate from vertical surfaces to some extent,sometimes to a rather large extent.( 44) The analytical two-dimensional solution for the problem of fresh water-salt water interface w ithout infiltration of precipitation w as studied previously by Verruijt in 1968.( 45) Piezometric heads measured in the salt water zone change with time and have an important bearing on the location of the fresh w ater-salt w ater interface.( 46) Whether the three exploitation scenarios proposed in this article are feasible depends on the infer-aquifer recharge from the Quaternary aquifer to the Ordovician limestone aquifer.( 47) Groundwater plays an important role in generation of landslides,because pore pressure can reduce the effective shear strength on the potential sliding planes.( 48) In the groundwater-induced subsidence sites,the aquifers are generally separated by aquitards of unconsolidated or poorly-consolidated,high-compressibility clays.( 49 ) According to the consolidation theory,the drainage process in the aquitards is accompanied by the compaction of the aquitards. It results in reduction of the thickness of the aquitards and leads to land subsidence.( 50) As confirmed by field observation and numerical modeling,it is necessary for us to consider dispersion effect and transient flow patterns of groundw ater in study of saltw ater front.
2023-07-18 12:44:541


Beethoven was born in Borne in 1770 and passed away in 1827.Since his childhood ,he began playing the piano. He ever learned from Hayton, a very famous musician at that time and made friends with Morzart. on March 29th of 1827 at his funeral, more than 2000 thousand people went to mourn him. Beethoven is deserved of the King of Symphony.
2023-07-18 12:46:092

英语look like什么意思

2023-07-18 12:46:213

请问有冇人知,英文信件中的称呼Ms 和 Miss 有冇分别或

Ms. 1. 女士(用于婚姻状况不明或不愿提及婚姻状况之女性的 姓或姓名之前) 2. a title of respect prefixed to a woman"s name or position: unlike Miss or Mrs. it does not depend upon or indicate her marital status. 3. a title prefixed to a mock surnamethat is used to represent possession of a particular attribute identity e esp. in an idealized or excessive way: Ms. Cooperation. Miss 1. (用于姓名或姓之前 尤指对未婚女子的称呼) 女士 小姐 Miss Brown is a popular teacher. 2. (用于选美会等 加于国名或地区名之前) ...小姐 ...皇后 Her daughter was chosen as Miss Hong Kong six years ago. Women are getting more independent in these modern days so "Miss" me the woman is single and; Ms." could be a single woman or a married woman. If you were to send a letter to someone and you weren"t sure if the woman was married or not you would put "Ms. xxx." For divorced woman-use also "Ms". 参考: Inter
2023-07-18 12:46:571

sql里的FK外键和 references是什么关系?constraint 又是什么,什么时候该用它?

2023-07-18 12:38:181


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2023-07-18 12:38:161