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know怎么读 英语know什么意思

2023-07-19 09:42:49
TAG: 英语 now ow know


2、双语例句:I dont know what to make of the new manager. 这位新经理,我不知道怎么评价他才好。



2023-07-18 11:48:244


know的读音为美[nou028a],英[nu0259u028a]。v. 了解;知道;认识n. 知情know的词语用法:1、know可以可用作不及物动词和及物动词。2、know可用于被动结构。3、当know用作及物动词的时候,know+名词、代词、带疑问词的动词不定式、that或疑问词引导的从句作宾语,此外,know+(to be/as+) n./adj./prep./phrase也可以。Somebody in the know told me he"s going to resign.有知情者告诉我他要辞职了。A friend who is in the know says she already left the country.一位知情的朋友说,她已经离开这个国家了。I didn"t know the truth until she told me what happened.直到她告诉我发生的事,我才了解真相。know,learn,comprehend,understand的词义辨析:相同之处:know,learn,comprehend,understand都可以用来表示“懂、知道、明了”的意思。不同之处:know普通用词,一般来说强调的是直接知道,而learn通常侧重从不知到知的变化过程,从别处获得。而comprehend侧重的是熟悉了解某个只是的过程。另外就是understand还会侧重了解其内外的关系,侧重点存在差异。
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know的意思是知道。英 [nu0259u028a]  美 [nou028a]    v. 了解;知道;认识n. 知情例句:Somebody in the know told me he"s going to resign.翻译:有知情者告诉我他要辞职了。短语:know one"s address 知道某人的地址know的用法1、know既可用作不及物动词,也可用作及物动词。用作及物动词作“知道,懂得”解时,可接表示事物的名词、代词、带疑问词的动词不定式、that或疑问词引导的从句作宾语,也可接以“(to be/as+) n./adj./prep. -phrase. ”或动词不定式充当补足语的复合宾语。作“认识,了解”解时,可接表示人或物的名词作宾语。2、know可用于被动结构。know接to be作宾语补足语时, to be常可省略,但当to be表示的时间先于know表示的时间时,须用不定式的完成式,且不可省略。
2023-07-18 11:50:021

know 的用法

know[no; nou](knew[nu,nju; nju:]; known[non; noun])<<及物动词>>1 知道,懂得a. 知道<事实等>,知悉,了解He ~s the truth of the matter. 他知道事情的真相I ~ all about that. 那件事我全都知道You ought to ~ your place. 你应该认清自己的身分 (低) (应该懂 (对待尊长的) 礼节)He ~s all the answers. (口语)他 (似乎) 无事不知(万事通)The space shuttle as we ~ it is still imperfect. 像现在有的 [目前的这种] 太空梭仍然不完美b. 知道…I ~ that she was once a singer. 我知道她从前是个歌手You must ~ that.. 你必须知道…c. [I don"t ~] (口语)不以为…,以为不…I don"t ~ that I will attend the party. 我想我不会出席这次聚会d. 知道…Please let us ~ when you are coming. 请告诉我们你什麼时候来There is no ~ing what may happen to them. 我们无法知道他们将发生什麼事She doesn"t ~ what she is talking about. 她不知道她自己在讲些什麼Poor Mother didn"t ~ whether [if] she was coming or going. 可怜的母亲弄得不知如何是好Do you ~ how to drive a car?. 你知道怎样驾驶汽车吗?I just didn"t ~ which way to turn. 我完全迷失了(不知该转向那一边)e. 知道…是…I ~ him to be a great reader. 我知道他是个博览群书的人He was known as a reliable man. 他以可信赖的人著称(cf. known adj. 2) 2 与<人>相识 [熟悉] I ~ her by sight [by name, to speak to]. 我跟她只是面熟 (并不相识) [知道她的名字,在遇到她时会讲几句话的泛泛之交而已] I have known him since he was a child. 我从他小时候就认识他They ~ each other very well. 他们彼此很熟3 a. 熟悉,精通,懂She ~s French. 她懂[会]法语He ~s his business. 他精通 [熟悉] 他的业务b. (去过多次而) 熟悉<地方>I ~ the place well. 我对那地方很熟悉c. 背会 <台词等> The actor ~s his lines. 那名演员熟记台词4 [用完成式或过去式] 看[听]过…I have never known him tell a lie. (. 据我所知) 他没有说 过谎言I never knew her to come on time. 我从没见她准时来过Rules have been known to be broken. 法规常遭破坏5 a. 尝受 <幸、不幸等> ,经历,体验She knew many sorrows in her early life. 她早年曾有过许多不幸的遭遇I have seldom known such bitter weather. 我很少碰到过如此严寒的天气b. (凭经验) 知道…He ~s what it is to go hungry. 他知道挨饿是怎麼一回事c. 经历,体验The country has known no war for many centuries. 好几百年以来这个国家未曾发生过战争6 a. 分别出,辨识出! (recognize) I knew him at once. 我马上认出他I ~ a lady when I see one. 真正的淑女我一看就看得出来b. [由…]辨认…[by]A tree is known by its fruit. 树可由其果实辨别c. 辨别… ,识别[from]She did not ~ fact from fiction. 她分辨不清事实和虚构→not know a person from ADAM.7 <野心、欲望、好奇心等> 知道 <极限、例外等> His ambition ~s no bounds. 他的野心无止境<<不及物动词>>1 a. 知道He thinks he ~s better than anybody. 他以为他知道得比谁都多I don"t ~. =I wouldn"t ~. 我不知道,我不清楚b. [同意对方的发言] (确实) 知道"Tomorrow"s a holiday."-I ~.". “明天放假”“我知道”2 知道 [关于…的事] ,听说 过[about]I don"t ~ about that. 那件事我不清楚; 嗯,这事我不确实知道Do you ~ about him?. 你知道 [听说 过] 他的事 [一些有关他的风言风语] 吗?(cf. Do you know him?→ v.t. 2) 3 (虽非直接) 间接地知悉 [听说 过] […的事] [of]I ~ of him, but I don"t know him. 我听说 过他的事 (间接地知道) ,但并不认识他This is the best method I ~ of. 这是我所知道的最好的方法→Not that I know ofall one knows(1) 全力I did all I knew. 我尽了全力(2) 全力地and I don"t know what [who] (else) (口语)还有许多 [各式各样的] 东西[人]before one knows where one is(口语)刹那间,一眨眼工夫; 不知不觉地Don"t I know it!(口语)很不幸,我知道了; 我还会不知道吗(用以表示必须做或已做了不情愿做的事)I"ve got to wash all those dishes, ~. 这些盤子我都得洗,我还会不知道吗 !for all [(古.文语)aught] ? know(不太清楚,不过据我所知) 大概,也许He may be a good man for all I ~. 他也许是个好人(我不太清楚)God [Heaven] knows(1) 上帝知道…,我发誓…,的确是…God ~s that it is true. 我对天发誓那是真的(2) 上帝才知道…,天晓得 [没有人知道] …God ~s where he fled. 没有人知道他逃到哪里The man has gone God ~s where. 没有人知道那个人的下落(3) 我不知道 (I don"t know)
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know主语是多人,knows主语是一人,也就是俗称第三人称但是,简称三单。1、know的基本意思是“知道”“认识”“听说”,指直接了解某事物,也可表示“领会,懂得”,指通过体验或传授而获得知识。2、know用作及物动词作“知道,懂得”解时,可接表示事物的名词、代词、带疑问词的动词不定式、that或疑问词引导的从句作宾语,也可接以“(to be/as+) n./adj./prep. -phrase. ”或动词不定式充当补足语的复合宾语。作“认识,了解”解时,可接表示人或物的名词作宾语。know可用于被动结构。know接to be作宾语补足语时, to be常可省略,但当to be表示的时间先于know表示的时间时,须用不定式的完成式,且不可省略。
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  know既能做名词也能做动词,那么你知道know做名词和动词分别都是什么意思吗?下面我为大家带来know的英语意思解释和相关例句,欢迎大家一起学习!   know作名词的意思:   知情   know作动词的意思:   知道;了解;认识;确信   know的英语音标:   英 [nu0259u028a] 美 [nou028a]   know的时态:   现在分词: knowing 过去式: knew 过去分词: known   know的英语例句:   1. I know it"s nothing serious and I feel quite unemotional about it.   我知道那根本没什么大不了的,所以有些无动于衷。   2. We all know that fats spoil by becoming rancid.   我们都知道油脂变质后会发臭。   3. Kaspar had spoken know-ledgeably about the state of agriculture in Europe.   卡斯帕对欧洲农业状况发表了一番颇有见地的见解。   4. I know how to darn, and how to sew a button on.   我会打补丁,缝纽扣。   5. You have to know where to stand for a good viewpoint.   你得知道站在哪里观察角度比较理想。   6. I didn"t know Ron had that much strength of character.   我当时不知道罗恩有那么坚强的个性。   7. "I know you," he said flatly, matter-of-fact, neutral in tone.   “我认识你。”他平淡地说道,就事论事,不带任何感情。   8. We know some sex offenders dupe the psychologists who assess them.   我们知道有些性犯罪者会愚弄给他们做测评的心理学家。   9. How do we know you"re not just covering up for your friend?   我们怎么知道你不只是在为自己的朋友遮掩呢?   10. I know you will join me in wishing them Godspeed.   我知道你会同我一起祝愿他们诸事顺遂的。   11. We"ll manage somehow, you and me. I know we will.   我和你,我们总能应付过去的。我知道我们会的。   12. I know that you"vebeen studying chimpanzees for thirty years now.   我知道你研究黑猩猩至今已有30年了。   13. By the time he"s twenty he"ll know everyone worth knowing in Washington.   到20岁时,他就会认识华盛顿所有值得认识的人。   14. These chaps know their stuff after seven years of war.   7年的战争过后,这些家伙都成了作战行家。   15. I know of no one who would want to murder Albert.   我没听说有人想杀艾伯特。
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know 英[nu0259u028a] 美[nou028a] v. 知道; 了解; 认识; 确信; n. 知情; [例句]I don"t know the name of the place我不知道那个地方的名字。
2023-07-18 11:53:132


know的基本意思是“知道”“认识”“听说”,指直接了解某事物,也可表示“领会,懂得”,指通过体验或传授而获得知识。1.know既可用作不及物动词,也可用作及物动词。用作及物动词作“知道,懂得”解时,可接表示事物的名词、代词、带疑问词的动词不定式、that或疑问词引导的从句作宾语,也可接以“(to be/as+) n./adj./prep. -phrase. ”或动词不定式充当补足语的复合宾语。 2.know作“认识,了解”解时,可接表示人或物的名词作宾语。know可用于被动结构。know接to be作宾语补足语时, to be常可省略,但当to be表示的时间先于know表示的时间时,须用不定式的完成式,且不可省略。 3.用作不及物动词 I honestly don"t know. 我真的不知道。 How could I know? 我怎么知道呢? Spring had come before I knew. 不知不觉已是春天。 4.用作及物动词 She never got to know any of her neighbours though many years she stayed there. 她虽然在那里住了那么多年,却连一个邻居都不认识。 He knew all the surrounding fishing grounds like the palm of his hands. 他对周围的渔场全都了如指掌 。 5.用作宾补动词 I know him to be an American. 我知道他是美国人。 We know him to be honest. 我们知道他很诚实。
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know英 [nu0259u028a] 美 [nou028a]
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know 英[nəʊ] 美[noʊ] vt.& vi. 知道;看到过;听到过;经历过 vt. 认识;确信;认识到;能认出 n. 〈口〉知晓,知情 施主,我看你骨骼清奇,器宇轩昂,且有慧根,乃是万中无一的武林奇才.潜心修习,将来必成大器,鄙人有个小小的考验请点击在下答案旁的 "好评"有其他题目请另外发问,多谢
2023-07-18 11:54:341


Do you know Mr.young?你认识杨先生吗?词汇解析:know英文发音:[nu0259u028a]中文释义:vt. 知道;认识;懂得词形:第三人称单数: knows现在分词: knowing过去式: knew过去分词: known例句:You can"t really expect me to believe you didn"t know him.你不会真的觉得我会相信你不认识他吧。扩展资料know的同根词:1、known英文发音:[nu0259u028an]中文释义:adj. 已知的;知名的;大家知道的例句:He is better known for his film and TV work.他更为著名的是影视作品。2、knower英文发音:["nou025a]中文释义:n. 认识者;理解者例句:It is not by repetition of the Bible or Vedas that you will become a knower, no.它不是通过重复的圣经或吠陀经使你成为一个知者,不是。
2023-07-18 11:54:471


know是动词词性。know作及物动词时中文含义是:知道;认识;懂得。作不及物动词时中文含义是:了解;熟悉;确信。读音:英[n],美[no]。短语搭配:know about了解;Know Ignorance知其不知;know Service知名服务。 know的用法 1.know既可用作不及物动词,也可用作及物动词。用作及物动词作“知道,懂得”解时,可接表示事物的名词、代词、带疑问词的动词不定式、that或疑问词引导的从句作宾语,也可接以“(to be/as+) n./adj./prep. -phrase. ”或动词不定式充当补足语的复合宾语。 2.know作“认识,了解”解时,可接表示人或物的名词作宾语。know可用于被动结构。know接to be作宾语补足语时, to be常可省略,但当to be表示的时间先于know表示的时间时,须用不定式的完成式,且不可省略。 know单词解析 1、变形: 形容词: knowable 名词: knower 现在分词: knowing 第三人称单数: knows
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know 同音词是:noknow的读音为美[nou028a],英[nu0259u028a]。v. 了解;知道;认识n. 知情know的词语用法:1、know可以可用作不及物动词和及物动词。2、know可用于被动结构。3、当know用作及物动词的时候,know+名词、代词、带疑问词的动词不定式、that或疑问词引导的从句作宾语,此外,know+(to be/as+) n./adj./prep./phrase也可以。Somebody in the know told me he"s going to resign.有知情者告诉我他要辞职了。A friend who is in the know says she already left the country.一位知情的朋友说,她已经离开这个国家了。I didn"t know the truth until she told me what happened.直到她告诉我发生的事,我才了解真相。know,learn,comprehend,understand的词义辨析:相同之处:know,learn,comprehend,understand都可以用来表示“懂、知道、明了”的意思。不同之处:know普通用词,一般来说强调的是直接知道,而learn通常侧重从不知到知的变化过程,从别处获得。而comprehend侧重的是熟悉了解某个只是的过程。另外就是understand还会侧重了解其内外的关系,侧重点存在差异。
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2023-07-18 11:58:003

know 的用法

know[no; nou](knew[nu,nju; nju:]; known[non; noun])<<及物动词>>1 知道,懂得a. 知道<事实等>,知悉,了解He ~s the truth of the matter. 他知道事情的真相I ~ all about that. 那件事我全都知道You ought to ~ your place. 你应该认清自己的身分 (低) (应该懂 (对待尊长的) 礼节)He ~s all the answers. (口语)他 (似乎) 无事不知(万事通)The space shuttle as we ~ it is still imperfect. 像现在有的 [目前的这种] 太空梭仍然不完美b. 知道…I ~ that she was once a singer. 我知道她从前是个歌手You must ~ that.. 你必须知道…c. [I don"t ~] (口语)不以为…,以为不…I don"t ~ that I will attend the party. 我想我不会出席这次聚会d. 知道…Please let us ~ when you are coming. 请告诉我们你什麼时候来There is no ~ing what may happen to them. 我们无法知道他们将发生什麼事She doesn"t ~ what she is talking about. 她不知道她自己在讲些什麼Poor Mother didn"t ~ whether [if] she was coming or going. 可怜的母亲弄得不知如何是好Do you ~ how to drive a car?. 你知道怎样驾驶汽车吗?I just didn"t ~ which way to turn. 我完全迷失了(不知该转向那一边)e. 知道…是…I ~ him to be a great reader. 我知道他是个博览群书的人He was known as a reliable man. 他以可信赖的人著称(cf. known adj. 2) 2 与<人>相识 [熟悉] I ~ her by sight [by name, to speak to]. 我跟她只是面熟 (并不相识) [知道她的名字,在遇到她时会讲几句话的泛泛之交而已] I have known him since he was a child. 我从他小时候就认识他They ~ each other very well. 他们彼此很熟3 a. 熟悉,精通,懂She ~s French. 她懂[会]法语He ~s his business. 他精通 [熟悉] 他的业务b. (去过多次而) 熟悉<地方>I ~ the place well. 我对那地方很熟悉c. 背会 <台词等> The actor ~s his lines. 那名演员熟记台词4 [用完成式或过去式] 看[听]过…I have never known him tell a lie. (. 据我所知) 他没有说 过谎言I never knew her to come on time. 我从没见她准时来过Rules have been known to be broken. 法规常遭破坏5 a. 尝受 <幸、不幸等> ,经历,体验She knew many sorrows in her early life. 她早年曾有过许多不幸的遭遇I have seldom known such bitter weather. 我很少碰到过如此严寒的天气b. (凭经验) 知道…He ~s what it is to go hungry. 他知道挨饿是怎麼一回事c. 经历,体验The country has known no war for many centuries. 好几百年以来这个国家未曾发生过战争6 a. 分别出,辨识出! (recognize) I knew him at once. 我马上认出他I ~ a lady when I see one. 真正的淑女我一看就看得出来b. [由…]辨认…[by]A tree is known by its fruit. 树可由其果实辨别c. 辨别… ,识别[from]She did not ~ fact from fiction. 她分辨不清事实和虚构→not know a person from ADAM.7 <野心、欲望、好奇心等> 知道 <极限、例外等> His ambition ~s no bounds. 他的野心无止境<<不及物动词>>1 a. 知道He thinks he ~s better than anybody. 他以为他知道得比谁都多I don"t ~. =I wouldn"t ~. 我不知道,我不清楚b. [同意对方的发言] (确实) 知道"Tomorrow"s a holiday."-I ~.". “明天放假”“我知道”2 知道 [关于…的事] ,听说 过[about]I don"t ~ about that. 那件事我不清楚; 嗯,这事我不确实知道Do you ~ about him?. 你知道 [听说 过] 他的事 [一些有关他的风言风语] 吗?(cf. Do you know him?→ v.t. 2) 3 (虽非直接) 间接地知悉 [听说 过] […的事] [of]I ~ of him, but I don"t know him. 我听说 过他的事 (间接地知道) ,但并不认识他This is the best method I ~ of. 这是我所知道的最好的方法→Not that I know ofall one knows(1) 全力I did all I knew. 我尽了全力(2) 全力地and I don"t know what [who] (else) (口语)还有许多 [各式各样的] 东西[人]before one knows where one is(口语)刹那间,一眨眼工夫; 不知不觉地Don"t I know it!(口语)很不幸,我知道了; 我还会不知道吗(用以表示必须做或已做了不情愿做的事)I"ve got to wash all those dishes, ~. 这些盤子我都得洗,我还会不知道吗 !for all [(古.文语)aught] ? know(不太清楚,不过据我所知) 大概,也许He may be a good man for all I ~. 他也许是个好人(我不太清楚)God [Heaven] knows(1) 上帝知道…,我发誓…,的确是…God ~s that it is true. 我对天发誓那是真的(2) 上帝才知道…,天晓得 [没有人知道] …God ~s where he fled. 没有人知道他逃到哪里The man has gone God ~s where. 没有人知道那个人的下落(3) 我不知道 (I don"t know)
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know,英语单词,及物动词、不及物动词,作及物动词时意为“知道;认识;懂得”,作不及物动词时意为“了解;熟悉;确信”。双语例句:I do not know every one of you.我不认识你们中的每一个人。I do not know why you like him.我不知道,你为什么喜欢他。How do I know what I should do, what not to do?我怎么知道我应该做什么,不应该做什么呢?要点说明:1.know的基本意思是“知道”“认识”“听说”,指直接了解某事物,也可表示“领会,懂得”,指通过体验或传授而获得知识。2.know可用作不及物动词,也可用作及物动词。用作及物动词作“知道,懂得”解时,可接表示事物的名词、代词、带疑问词的动词不定式、that或疑问词引导的从句作宾语,也可接以“(to be/as+) n./adj./prep. -phrase. ”或动词不定式充当补足语的复合宾语。作“认识,了解”解时,可接表示人或物的名词作宾语。know可用于被动结构。know接to be作宾语补足语时, to be常可省略,但当to be表示的时间先于know表示的时间时,须用不定式的完成式,且不可省略。3.在对话回答语中,如know的宾语表示的是整个事实(如that-clause),则宾语可省略; 如know的宾语是一个具体事物,则通常以it代替之。4.know是表示思想状态的动词,指思维活动的结果,通常不用于进行体。
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know[英][nu0259u028a][美][nou028a]v.知道; 了解; 认识; 确信; n.知情; 第三人称单数:knows过去分词:known现在进行时:knowing过去式:knew例句:1.I don"t know what it means. 我不知道这意味着什么。2.Iran"s nuclear elite and ministry of intelligence know this. 伊朗核精英和情报部也了解这一点。
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know的读音是:英 [nu0259u028a],美 [nou028a]。例句:I didn"t know the truth until she told me what happened.翻译:直到她告诉我发生的事,我才了解真相。短语:1、know art 懂艺术2、know delight 体验喜悦3、know English 懂英语扩展资料:用法v. (动词)1、know的基本意思是“知道”、“认识”、“听说”,指直接了解某事物,也可表示“领会,懂得”,指通过体验或传授而获得知识。2、know既可用作不及物动词,也可用作及物动词。用作及物动词作“知道,懂得”解时,可接表示事物的名词、代词、带疑问词的动词不定式、that或疑问词引导的从句作宾语,也可接以“(to be/as+)n./adj./prep. -phrase. ”或动词不定式充当补足语的复合宾语。作“认识,了解”解时,可接表示人或物的名词作宾语。know可用于被动结构。know接to be作宾语补足语时,to be常可省略,但当to be表示的时间先于know表示的时间时,须用不定式的完成式,且不可省略。
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v. 知道,知悉,了解; 认识到,懂得,意识到; 普遍认为,皆知; 确信,确知,肯定; 熟悉,认识; 精通,熟悉(书、音乐或艺术等); 熟知(过程或系统); 懂,会说(某种语言); 把……看作是,认为……是; 将……称为; 能认出; 能区分; 学会,掌握; 看到过,听到过; 亲身体验;n. 知识; 知晓,知情;[例句]I don"t know what to make of the new manager.这位新经理,我不知道怎么评价他才好。[其他] 第三人称单数:knows 现在分词:knowing 过去式:knew 过去分词:known
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1.知道;知悉;了解Do you know his address?你知道他的地址吗?2.认识到;懂得;意识到As soon as I walked in the room I knew (that) something was wrong.我刚走进屋就意识到出了事。3.确信;确知;肯定He knew (that) he could trust her.他确信她是可以信赖的。4.熟悉;认识;了解5.把…看作是;认为…是It"s known as the most dangerous part of the city.人们都认为那是市内最危险的地段。6. 将…称为;把…叫做The drug is commonly known as Ecstasy.这种致幻药通常称作摇头丸。7.能认出;能辨认出I couldn"t see who was speaking, but I knew the voice.我看不到谁在讲话,但我能辨认出声音。8.能区分;能分辨I hope we have taught our children to know right from wrong.我希望我们教给了孩子分辨是非的能力9.技能;语言Do you know any Japanese?你会日语吗?10。看到过;听到过;经历过~ sb/sth (to) do sthI"ve never known it (to) snow in July before.我以前从未见到过七月份下雪11.亲身体验;亲身经历He has known both poverty and wealth.他贫富生活都亲身经历过。
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know 英[nu0259u028a] 美[nou028a] vt.& vi. 知道;看到过;听到过;经历过 vt. 认识;确信;认识到;能认出 n. 〈口〉知晓,知情 [例句]Do you know the words?你认识那些字吗?
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know 英[nu0259u028a] 美[nou028a] v. 知道; 了解; 认识; 确信; n. 知情; [例句]I don"t know the name of the place我不知道那个地方的名字。[其他] 第三人称单数:knows 现在分词:knowing 过去式:knew过去分词:known
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滨崎步——《evolution》东京印象主题曲滨崎步——《Inspire》东京印象预告片背景音乐滨崎步——《Voyage》他乡的你背景音乐滨崎步——《Fairyland》滨崎步——《Carols》东京印象(宁夏台)片尾曲滨崎步———《HEAVEN》滨崎步——《BeautifulFighters》夏日音乐祭大冢爱——《金鱼花火》东京印象片尾曲一大冢爱——《夏空》东京印象片尾曲二大冢爱——《星象仪》东京印象片尾曲三大冢爱——《prettyvoice》日本漫游主题曲大冢爱——《桃ノ花ビラ》参观日本女子高中时背景音乐大冢爱——《ビー玉》参观日本女子高中时背景音乐大冢爱——《石川大阪友好条约》东京印象大阪篇主题曲大冢爱——《AlwaysTogether》东京印象大阪篇片尾曲大冢爱——《Smily》大冢爱——《好爱你》艺能情报站大冢爱——《キミにカエル。》大冢爱——《ふたつ星记念日》大冢爱——《向日葵》大冢爱——《樱桃》大冢爱<恋文>铃木亚美——《LikeaLove?》夏日音乐祭平井坚——《古老的时钟》幸田来未——《梦のうた》冬日音乐祭EveryLittleThing——《きみのて》参观日本女子高中时背景音乐EveryLittleThing——《Timegoesby》冬日音乐祭小田和正——《突如其来的爱情》参观东京铁塔时的背景音乐小田和正- たしかなこと 安室奈美惠——《WhiteLight》冬日音乐祭安室奈美惠——《FourSeasons》安室奈美惠的《babydon"tcry》龙樱的主题曲(melody——《realize》)Melody——《Realize》中岛美嘉——《雪之华》川岛爱——《旅立ちの日に......》泷与翼——《TureHeart》Rin"——《サクラサクラ》冲绳老太太唱的:夏川りみ-涙そうそうSWEETS——《Loveraspberr》AAA——《WonderfulLife》DoAsInfinity——《真实の诗》
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1、在无数个睡不着的夜晚,你是不是和我一样,开始想念一个人,想念一张脸,然后泪流满面。 In countless sleepless nights, do you like me, start to miss a person, miss a face, and then tears all over your face? 2、若不是情深似海,思念又怎会泛滥成灾。 If it is not for deep feelings like the sea, how can miss flood disaster. 3、毫无征兆的想你,是我不可告人的隐疾。 Missing you without warning is my hidden disease. 4、别在胡思乱想了,想我吧,我也想你。 Stop fantasizing. Think of me. I miss you, too. 5、从来没有说忘就忘这回事,只有假装的冷漠和偷偷想念的心。 Never say forget or forget this thing, only pretend indifference and secretly miss the heart. 6、那些褪色的过往,想念,还在回忆中流浪。 Those faded past, miss, still wandering in memory. 7、想你的时候,心情像一颗奶糖,从眉间甜到脚尖。 When I miss you, my mood is like a candy, from sweet eyebrows to toes. 8、枕头上还遗留你的味道,可你却不在。 You still smell on the pillow, but you"re not there. 9、在充满思念的季节里,满怀真挚的祝福,愿为你带来无限的喜悦与温馨。 In the season full of yearning, full of sincere wishes, I wish to bring you unlimited joy and warmth. 10、在这淡淡的明月下,在这淡淡的星光里,我的梦又铺向故乡,铺向故乡的你了。 In the light of the bright moon, in the light of the stars, my dreams spread to my hometown and to you in my hometown. Missing is the warmest waiting, accompanying is the longest confession. 12、想你的时候,把你的名字写在手心,摊开是想念,握紧是幸福。 When you miss you, write your name in your hand, spread out is missing, hold tight is happiness. 13、有时候,日夜思念。可是当思念的人出现在眼前,你却安之若素。 Sometimes I miss you day and night. But when the missing person appears in front of you, you feel at ease. 14、有些痛,说不出来,只能忍着,直到能够慢慢淡忘。 Some pain, can not speak out, can only endure, until can slowly forget. 15、爱情的路途,不再有你的脚步,我的,付出却成了你的包袱。 The path of love, no longer have your footsteps, my, pay has become your burden. 16、那被岁月覆盖的花开,一切白驹过隙成为空白。 The flowers covered by years blossom, and all the white foal gaps become blank. 17、有些事,现在看来不过如此。但在当时,真的就是一个人,一秒一秒熬过来的。 There are some things that seem to be the same now. But at that time, it was really a person who survived every second. 18、那些说不出口的思念,最后都熬成了黑眼圈。 Those who do not speak out of the missing, eventually boil into a black eye. 19、谎称时间会冲淡一切,偏偏思念半分不减,愈演愈烈。 Lie that time will dilute everything, but miss half the point, growing. 20、深夜是一个人心灵最脆弱的时候,也是想念最疯狂的时候。我想你了,你呢? Late at night is the time when one"s heart is most fragile, and also the time when one misses the craziest. I miss you. What about you? 21、我在你看不见的地方想着你,你在我看不见的地方陪着谁。 I think of you in places you can"t see, who are you with in places I can"t see? 22、想念如果有声音,恐怕你早已震耳欲聋。关于思念一个人的说说。 I miss if there is a voice, I"m afraid you"re already deafening. About missing someone. 23、你的名字写来下不过短短几厘米,却贯穿了我那么长思念你的时光。 Your name is written only a few centimeters, but it runs through the time when I miss you so long. 24、怎么补偿我思念你的时光,怎么赔偿我爱你的模样。 How to compensate me for the time I miss you and the way I love you? 25、失眠的夜里,草稿箱就变得拥挤,每一条都是梦游的证据。 During sleepless nights, the draft boxes become crowded, each of which is evidence of sleepwalking. 26、睁开眼我看不到你,闭上眼却全是你。 I can"t see you when I open my eyes, but you are all when I close them. 27、我甚至一秒都没有拥有过你,却感觉失去了你一万次。 I don"t even have you for a second, but I feel I"ve lost you 10,000 times. 28、思念慢慢的滋长,慢慢的蔓延,慢慢的将我整个人的思想吞噬。 Missing grows slowly, spreads slowly, and slowly engulfs my whole thoughts. 29、有一个人的名字,我从不曾说出,不是因为它沉重,而是害怕它汹涌。 There is a person whose name I have never spoken, not because it is heavy, but because I am afraid of its turbulence. 30、若不得不分离,也要好好地说声再见,也要在心里存着感谢,感谢他给了你一分记忆。 If you have to be separated, you should say goodbye and be grateful to him for giving you a memory.
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Many people think that Western-style soup is high-calorie, However,it‘s wrong. If you can take good control of the raw materials produced at home, you can make the same delicious soup as in the restaurant. I feel good health and nutrition of western-style vegetable soup with materials to do this:First of all: the choice of oil. If you like the smell of butter, then do not care about its energy, we chose it better. If you have tried harder to avoid gaining weight, may be, then like me, the choice of olive oil is very good. From the finished product in terms of taste, is not worse than butter. Of course, this is only my personal feeling it, hehe ~ ~Second: the choice of dairy products. Most Western-style of soup is to use fresh cream. If you do not or you say that based on the above reasons, it can use fresh milk instead, we all know that the cream is extracted from fresh milk out. Bag of milk a day should not give you increase the weight of the burden, not to mention it is the nutrition and health to ensure this.Also: About noodles. Some may think that this soup with wheat flour, meat, president affirmed. To know the taste of Western-style creamy soup is the fried flour by, but we are definitely over, but the amount of 50g. How much of a weight of bread? Also two two-bar, 100g or so. If you think that 50g of flour will make you gain weight, oh ~ ~ that will let you estimate He Liangshui of flesh.Finally: About vegetables. And vegetables can be selected according to their own tastes, it is recommended you with some fibrous vegetables, while paying attention to colored ingredients of choice: black, white, yellow, green, red. The daily table with some colored food is a health guarantee yo ~ ~Practice1, I chose the vegetable is celery (pole and leaves with yo ~ ~ Many people eat the leaves of celery thrown away, really good to waste, does not know the nutritional celery leaf, also unusual blanket), carrots (rich in carotene which hydrolyzed by digestion of vitamin A is important adults and children need nutrition yo ~, persisted in eating can lower blood cholesterol le ~), onions (bacteria, intestines, commonly used to lower cholesterol, vegetables), peas (beans vegetables should be on the table must choose two or three times a week, I use the supermarket and buy the big bags of peas, thawed food can be kind). Cook all clean, all cut into Xiaoding (peas do not need to cut up)2, after the olive oil Heat up a saucepan, stir the garlic smell, the first release Saute the carrots, add onion fried soft, then add celery and pea small bar, with a little salt, cooking wine flavor, and finally adding celery Fry leaves out the back-Sheng3, fried Guo Lifang a little olive oil, low heat stir the flour (flour, I use about 20-30g), Stir flavor, add soup (no soup, seafood powder with water to boil add a good taste the same), rapid stirring, boil and pour it into milk, boil infested after the filter of open dough, then pour soup back to pot. [Food in China]4 Now just add fried vegetables and broth in recipes where labeled paste machine, the more delicate the better (not like the juice, juice will lose a lot of crude fiber material, and the nutrition of vegetables this point no waste)5, the vegetables with the paste into the milk to boil in soup, with a little salt and pepper can be.
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With the development of the modern technology,private car is no longer a luxurious thing for ordinary people,more and more people drive to work instead of going by bus. The popularization of private car has many advantages.First, it is very convenient and time-saving ,you can drive your own car to the workplace instead of waiting for the crowded bus and afraid of being late for working.Second,it can also improve the traffic structure,and help to mitigate the stress of the traffic.Third, the popularization of private car can help to promote the car industry and any other interrelated industries. I believe that in the future the private car will become the most important vehicle and we cann"t live without it.
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comprehensive overall general full–scale区别

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pay可作名词,动词,形容词。动词译为“支付,付;偿还,补偿;给予;付款;偿还”。名词译为“工资,薪水;付款;报答”。形容词译为“收费的;需付费的”。pay常用于以下几种句型:1、意为“某人付款给另一个人或某人给另一个人多少报酬”。He pays me fifty yuan a week.他每周给我五十元的报酬。2、pay for sth.意为“付……款、给……报酬”。He has paid for the meal.他已付了那顿饭的钱。3、pay money for sth.意为“花多少钱买某物”。My father paid 40 pounds for the desk.我父亲花了40英磅买了这张书桌。
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1、爱你一万年,是我的追求;恋你一千年,是我的渴望;而吻你一次,则是我一生中最快乐的时光;答应我,嫁给我吧! Loving you for ten thousand years is my pursuit; loving you for one thousand years is my desire; and kissing you once is the happiest time of my life; promise me, marry me! 2、希望你帮我寻一女友:性格跟你一样,相貌和你雷同,外型与你如出一辙,可爱比你不相上下,给我感觉和你分毫不差! I hope you can help me find a girlfriend: Character is the same as you, appearance is the same as you, appearance is the same as you, lovely than you, give me the feeling and you are no different! 3、听着春天讲到的你,我情不自禁的着迷,每一刻都有命的活力,每一分都有美的动力,每一秒都有你绽放的魅力在我心里,情长意浓。 Listening to you in spring, I can"t help but be fascinated by the vitality of life at every moment, the power of beauty at every minute, and the charm of your blooming in my heart every second. 4、请不要固守你的沉默,不要为等待而等待。愿我爱的帆,能驶进你心的港湾。 Please don"t hold on to your silence, don"t wait for it. May the sails I love sail into the harbor of your heart. 5、要不是因为爱着你,怎么会夜深还没睡意;要不是因为爱着你,怎会不经意就叹息,全世界只有你不懂我爱你! If it weren"t for loving you, why couldn"t I fall asleep at night? If it weren"t for loving you, how could I inadvertently sigh? Only you in the world don"t understand that I love you! 6、对你,我已经无条件投降了,你就签下爱情合约吧!不然没人要我了!我已准备好将权利减半、义务倍增了。 For you, I have surrendered unconditionally, you sign the love contract! Otherwise nobody wants me! I am ready to halve my rights and double my obligations. 7、今夜寂寞如海,今夜相思成灾。对你的爱已化成这片寂寞的海。想你的心已让你的影子在脑中泛滥成灾! Tonight, lonely as the sea, tonight, Acacia disaster. Love for you has turned into this lonely sea. Think your heart has let your shadow flood in your brain! 8、我非常爱你!虽然你无法体会到我的真心,但是我的心中,你是永远的唯一的爱人!我已经学会忘了自己,却无法忘记你。 I love you very much. Although you can not understand my true heart, but in my heart, you are the only lover forever! I"ve learned to fet myself, but I can"t fet you. 9、我爱你,可是我不敢说,我怕说了我就会马上死去,我不怕死,只是怕假如我真的死了,谁还会象我一样爱你! I love you, but I dare not say, I am afraid to say that I will die immediately, I am not afraid of death, but fear that if I really die, who will love you as I do! 10、我不小心把”我爱你“误发给你了。如果你接受那就储存起来,如果你不接受,就把这三个字返发给我。 I accidentally sent you "I love you" by mistake. If you accept it, store it. If you don"t accept it, return these three words to me. 11、如果爱上你是一种错的话,我宁愿永远的错下去。曾经笑过,为你给你的点点欢乐;曾经哭过,为你不经意间的冷落。 If it"s wrong to fall in love with you, I"d rather be wrong forever. Once laughed, for you to give you a little joy; once cried, for you inadvertently cold. 12、喜欢你,用打字很容易,用写的也很容易,别人说的也很容易,可是为什么当着你的面,我就是说不出来。 Like you, typing is easy, writing is easy, others say is easy, but why in your face, I just can not say. 13、亲爱的我爱你、嘴巴想吻你、眼睛想看你、两手想抱你、心里总是想你、梦中拥着你、今生全依你、绝不委屈你。 My dear, I love you, my mouth wants to kiss you, my eyes want to see you, my hands want to hold you, my heart always misses you, my dream embraces you, my life depends on you, and I will never promise you. 14、我爱你,所以发信息给你,借着移动信号,送达我的爱意;你如果爱我,就请回信息给我,顺着我来时的路,回复你的甜蜜! I love you, so send a message to you, through the mobile signal, to send my love; if you love me, please return the message to me, along the way I came, reply to your sweetness! 15、想送你玫瑰,可惜价钱太贵;想给你安慰,可我还没学会;想给你下跪,可戒指还在保险柜;只能发个短信把你追,希望我们永不吹。 I want to send you roses, but the price is too expensive; I want to fort you, but I haven"t learned; I want to kneel for you, but the ring is still in the safe; I can only send a text message to chase you, hope we never blow. 16、这个世界上还没有那个人像你那么神经!那么痴情的爱着我。所以,我决定今生要娶你! No one in the world is as nervous as you are! So infatuated love me. So, I decided to marry you in this life! 17、你于我就像冬天里的一堆烤火,不敢靠得太近,怕被你烫着,又不敢离得太远,怕感到一个人的寂寞寒冷! You are like a fire in winter. You dare not get too close to me. You are afraid to be burned by you. You dare not leave me too far. You are afraid to feel lonely and cold. 18、你,我一生最爱的人;你,我一生最想的人;你,我一生守候的人;你,我一生惟一的人。 You, the person I love most in my life; you, the person I want most in my life; you, the person I wait for all my life; you, the only person in my life. 19、偷偷告诉你哦,我最近在练一门邪功-灵魂出窍,练成后我就不怕距离的考验,因为我的灵魂可会跋山涉水,不惧千里的飘到你身旁。 Tell you secretly, I"m practicing a evil skill recently - soul out of body. After practicing, I"m not afraid of the test of distance, because my soul can travel mountains and rivers, not afraid of thousands of miles floating around you. 20、如果你喜欢我就发条短信给我,如果你中意我就打个电话给我,如果爱我的话,那就保持沉默吧。 If you like me, send me a text message. If you like me, I"ll call me. If you love me, keep silent. 21、天空对大地的承诺,是雨的缠绵;岁月对季节的承诺,是色彩斑谰;夜空对星星的承诺,是晶莹剔透;我对你的承诺,是今生手相牵! The promise of the sky to the earth is the lingering rain; the promise of the years to the seasons is full of colours; the promise of the night sky to the stars is crystal clear; my promise to you is hand in hand in this life! 22、为你,我画地为牢,伫立在相遇的街角,举目寻找你身影的妖娆,禁闭起所有的爱慕情操,只为留到重逢的一刻向你温柔的开放怀抱! For you, I draw the ground for the prison, stand on the corner of the encounter, look up for the enchantment of your figure, confine all the love sentiments, just to save for the moment of reunion to your gentle open embrace! 23、喜欢一个人,是不会有痛苦的。爱一个人,也许有绵长的痛苦,但你给我的快乐,也是世上最大的快乐。 Like a person, there will be no pain. Love a person, there may be a long pain, but the happiness you give me is also the greatest happiness in the world. 24、你我相见是一种缘份,我们彼此珍惜着这份来之不易的感情。希望在以后的路上能陪伴着你一生一世。 You and I meet is a kind of fate, we cherish each other this hard-won feelings. I hope I can acpany you all my life in the future. 25、请你想起我的名字,在你缺少安慰的时候,我要你记得,我就是那个时刻惦念你的人,我就是那个,关心你的人,我就是喜欢你的人! Please remember my name. When you lack fort, I want you to remember that I am the one who misses you all the time. I am the one who cares for you, and I am the one who likes you! 26、日子在不同的空间流逝,想念在不同的时间来临,不管世事如何的变迁,你永远是我的最爱。 Days pass in different spaces, Miss ing at different times, no matter how the world changes, you will always be my favorite. 27、你要知道爱情是自私的!所以我的心中至今没有溶入半点的杂念。其实,你只要回头便知我心只有你! You know love is selfish! So I haven"t got any misconceptions in my heart so far. In fact, you only need to look back to know that my heart is only you! 28、蓝蓝的天空飘着雪花,漂亮的皮鞋漏着脚丫,你我的相识是个神话,请您温柔地回个电话! Blue sky with snowflakes, beautiful shoes leaking feet, your acquaintance with me is a myth, please call back gently! 29、永不褪色的是对你默默的关怀,永不停息的是对你无尽的思念,永不改变的是对你深深的爱恋。 Never fade is the silent care for you, never stop is the endless yearning for you, never change is the deep love for you. 30、你是岸,我是船,你是太阳,我为你转,幸福有你才能算,给我世界都不换。 You are the shore, I am the boat, you are the sun, I turn for you, happiness can be calculated with you, give me the world is not changed. 31、只要你愿意,当你失落失意的时候,最需要一个肩膊的时候,告诉我,我会立即出现。 As long as you want, when you are disappointed and most in need of a shoulder, tell me, I will appear immediately.
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舟夜书所见 清代:查慎行 月黑见渔灯,孤光一点萤。 微微风簇浪,散作满河星。  译文 漆黑之夜不见月亮,只见那渔船上的灯光,孤独的灯光在茫茫的夜色中,象萤火虫一样发出一点微亮。 微风阵阵,河水泛起层层波浪,渔灯微光在水面上散开,河面好象撤落无数的星星。  注释 孤光:孤零零的灯光。 簇:拥起。  赏析 这首诗好似一幅速写,作者抓住了那倒映在水中的渔火化作满天星星的片刻,几笔勾勒,立即捕捉住了这转瞬即逝的景物。这首诗又好似一幅木刻,在漆黑的背景之上,亮出一点渔火,黑白对比,反差特别鲜明。 前两句是静态描写,把暗色和亮色联系在一起,显得形象鲜明。 第一句“月黑见渔灯”,“月黑”两字很有特色。这是一个有月亮的夜晚,月亮却没有光,人们见到的只是月亮的轮廓和黑影。“见渔灯”的这个“见”,是不见中的“见”,写的是视像,有突然发现的意思。因为月黑无光,河面也黑沉沉的,突然见到河中的一盏渔灯,格外引人注目。 第二句“孤光一点萤”,写如豆灯光像江岸边一点萤火,是意中之象,描写渔灯的形象。河面幽黑,只有孤零零的一点灯光闪烁着,仿佛是一只萤火虫在原野里发出微弱的光。“孤”表现了环境的寂寞、单调,寄寓着一定的感 *** 彩。一种茫然无奈的情感袭上诗人的心头。 后两句为动态描写。不难想象,当诗人见到微风腾起细浪,灯影由一点散作千万这动人一幕的时候,心情是何等地兴奋。 第三句“微微风簇浪”抛开了灯光,一转而写夜风。微风从河面阵阵吹来,河水哗哗作响,轻轻的掀起浪花。这句写听觉为下句张目。“微微”二字又体现了风是如此的小,“簇”说明了就算是微风也能掀起一簇簇的浪花。渲染了一种宁静舒适的气氛。 第四句“散作满河星”犹如天外奇峰,劈空而来。那如萤的孤光,刹那间似乎变成万船灯火,点缀河中,又如风吹云散,满天明星,倒映水中,使这静谧的黑夜,单调的河面出现了意想不到的壮观。风吹浪起,簇起的每朵浪花,都把那如萤般的灯光摄进水中,有多少浪花,就有多少灯光。同时此句的描写为诗词增添了画面感,使枯燥无趣的文字能幻化出美丽浪漫带有一丝丝的安逸宁静的景象,使诗人流连其中。
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comprehensive overall general full–scale区别

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宽带是由一个个以太网(局域网)级联组成的,两者的区别在于:1、以太网是当今现有局域网采用的最通用的通信协议标准。该标准定义了在局域网(LAN)中采用的电缆类型和信号处理方法。2、宽带是一个动态的,发展的概念,以太网以目前拨号上网速率的上限 56Kbps为分界,将 56Kbps及其以下的接入称为“窄带”,之上的接入方式则归类于“宽带”,能够满足人们感观所能感受到的各种媒体在网络上传输所需要的带宽。以太网的传输速度从最初的10Mbps逐步扩展到100Mbps、1GMbps、10GMbps,以太网的价格也跟随摩尔定律以及规模经济而迅速下降。同时,随着用户迅速膨胀到数以亿计,网络的价值越发无可估量。如今,以太网已经成为局域网(LAN)中的主导网络技术,而且随着吉比以太网的出现,以太网已经开始向城域网(MAN)大步迈进。
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菜名是:barbel soup≮ food raw material ≯B. live fish cooked ham slices, 500 grams, every 15 grams, lard, cooked water mushroom slices every 10 grams, spring peas, miao, 1tsp shaoshing wine 25 grams, salt and white pepper, monosodium glutamate, each second, onion, chicken broth of 5 grams 750 grams.≮ food ≯ practices1, will be provided to the outside, put back the fish on the block, the left side of the hindquarters knead, with a knife, cut to the skin, remove fish push away fishskin liver (known as fish lung), picked clean bravery. To dig to fish, to take two walking fish bone, clean water to wash the mucosa, gory. Fish, fish will respectively piece into slices of liver, bowl, add salt, onion, February 5 grams of wine with a little salt. Mix well.2. Fry pan, add chicken soup over the offset, burning boil, add fish fillet, liver, add salt, 1tsp shaoshing wine 20 grams of 5 grams, burning boil that float put hams, mushrooms, bamboo shoots, peas, monosodium glutamate, burn acres, pour boiling into a bowl, sprinkle with lard cooked or pepper.
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是 这 个 卟 。❶ ❷ ❸ ❹ ❺ ❻ ❼ ❽ ❾至 于 0 嘛 = =只 有 这 个 → ➓望 采 纳 。。
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