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2023-07-19 09:38:38
TAG: add daddy ddy ad da dd dy






【sugar daddy 中文】一分钟了解「sugar daddy」的中文意思!

sugar daddy 中文意思是指「干爹、凯子爹」的意思,sugar daddy的名词复数为sugar daddies。sugar daddy不当作动词用,只有名词的型态。 下面列举出sugar daddy的英文用法、英文例句跟中文意思,赶快学起来吧! 1.sugar daddy 干爹、凯子爹 sugar daddy的中文意思通常是指,某个年轻人,通常是女性,认了一个有钱男性当作干爹,年纪通常满大的,而且这个干爹会买礼物或给金钱,送与这个年轻女性;而且彼此可能有性关系。 例:All she wants is a sugar daddy. 她想要的就是个干爹而已。 例:Jenny"s sugar daddy bought her a new car. 珍妮的干爹给她买了一辆新车 2.sugar daddy相关英文字汇与中文意思 Sugar Mama 干妈 Sugar Daddy 干爹 sugar daddy, sugar daddy 中文, sugar daddy 中文意思, sugar daddy 意思, sugar daddy 用法, sugar daddy 翻译, sugar daddy 英文例句, 英文 sugar daddy 意思
2023-07-18 11:36:411

sugar daddy什么意思

2023-07-18 11:37:327

Sugar Dady 是什么意思

SUGAR:食用糖. 方糖. 葡萄糖、乳糖等超级奶爸
2023-07-18 11:38:123


2023-07-18 11:38:191


sugar daddy 致送豪华礼品以博少女欢心的老年人
2023-07-18 11:38:392

sugar daddy中文翻译

Better be careful. he"s a sort of sugar daddy . 最好小心点,他是一个老色狼。> He " s a sugar daddy , isn " t he 他是一位肯在女人身上花钱的阔佬,是不是> Betty morgan got a fur coat from her sugar daddy 贝蒂摩根小姐从她的老相好那儿得到了一件毛皮大衣。 > Wang ang : it " s her sugar daddy 王亮:那是她傍的大款。 > Here waves a sea of curses and condemns , where to get my 400 - yuan bonus and rise my head among sugar daddies 您没听到怨声载道么,我的400块钱哦,还不如傍大款呢。 > Without those grants the new stadium won " t materiase unless verpool find a new sugar daddy 失去这些赞助新球场将无法实现,除非利物浦能找到另一个愿意掏腰包的人。 > Because of the age difference , rosemary " s older panion had the reputation of being a sugar daddy 因为年龄的差异,罗斯玛丽的老男友有在少女身上滥花钱的老色迷之名声。 > So , i wonder why a girl as " articulate , classy and spectacularly beautiful " as you has been unable to find your sugar daddy 我对于一个像?这样既"谈吐文雅、有品位、又能让人惊艳"的女孩仍然钓不到个冤大头感到疑惑。 > " sugar daddy " search : some women continue their search for that elusive " sugar daddy " even after they marry men who do not fit that ideal 寻找“甜爹” :有些女士在嫁给了自己并不中意的丈夫之后仍然继续寻找那求之不得的“甜爹” 。 > In a departure from his more serious roles , shaw brothers mainstay tsung hua gets to have a ttle fun in the sugar daddies as hu tien , a cad and a wo . . 胡天宗华为求图利,拍旧爱林珊妮林伊娃在公司出卖肉体,更安排上司交易博取欢心。 >
2023-07-18 11:38:461


你说的是,sugar-daddy"吧   如果一个女孩儿让一个男人养着,(当然是有性交易性质的),这个女孩就可以叫这个男人“sugar-daddy"。   这个词不好
2023-07-18 11:38:551

candy daddy是什么意思?

2023-07-18 11:39:044

sugar daddy歌词翻译

Oh Daddy,哦,爸爸,You know you make me cry,你知道你让我哭泣,How can you love me,你怎么能爱我,I don"t understand why.我不明白为什么。Oh Daddy,哦,爸爸,If I can make you see,如果我能让你看到,If there"s been a fool around,如果有一个傻瓜,It"s got to be me.这是我的。Oh Daddy,哦,爸爸,You soothe me with your smile,你用你的微笑抚慰我,You"re letting me know,你让我知道,You"re the best thing in my life.你是我生命中最棒的东西。Oh Daddy,哦,爸爸,If I can make you see,如果我能让你看到,If there"s been a fool around,如果有一个傻瓜,It"s got to be me.这是我的。Why are you right when I"m so wrong,为什么你是对的,当我如此错误,I"m so weak but you"re so strong,我是如此的脆弱,但你是如此的坚强,Everything you do is just alright,你所做的一切都是好的,And I can"t walk away from you,baby我不能离开你,宝贝If I tried.如果我尝试。
2023-07-18 11:39:113


2023-07-18 11:39:181

请问FM2011核武修改器里的sugar daddy以及其对应的三个选项都是啥意思?

sugar daddy,超级老板,就像曼城那样的,要什么给你什么
2023-07-18 11:39:372

find a sugar daddy是什么意思啊??

2023-07-18 11:39:471


2023-07-18 11:40:154


sugary构词法是:形容词的形式。sugary,英语单词,主要用作形容词,作形容词时译为“含糖的;甜的;糖状的;甜言蜜语的”。短语搭配:SUGARY LIFE小康生活;sugary endosperm糖质胚乳;sugary tea甜茶;Sugary cut切边粗糙;sugary diarrhea糖源性腹泻。sugary content含糖量;sugary words媚人的语言;Sugary Trap甜蜜陷阱;A Sugary含糖。sugar,英语单词,名词、及物动词、不及物动词,作名词时意为“糖;食糖;甜言蜜语,人名;休格”,作及物动词时意为“加糖于;粉饰”,作不及物动词时意为“形成糖”。短语搭配:Sugar beet糖用甜菜;甜菜;糖甜菜;糖料甜菜;powdered sugar糖粉;砂糖;白糖粉;粉糖;invert sugar转化糖;转化化糖;化糖;sugar candy冰糖;甜皮糖;甜蜜的东西;炭糖。sugar substitute甜味剂 ; 代糖 ; 而以代糖 ; 食糖替代品;sugar glass糖玻璃;Sugar City糖城;舒格城;Custer sugar白砂糖;砂糖;白沙糖;白砂糖适用于做糕点;sugar daddy糖心爹地;富翁;老男人。双语例句:1、With sugar if you have it.如果你有的话,我要加糖的。2、Once we had no sugar for our children.有一次我们没有糖给我们的孩子了。3、Do you have sugar?你们有食糖吗?
2023-07-18 11:41:001


2023-07-18 11:41:281


2023-07-18 11:41:415


为什么女生不能叫sugar 答案是:据了解女生用这个名字应该挺好的。Sugar,原义是糖的意思。女生用这名字意思很甜。 很甜很撩女生的情话短句,句句温情暖心。
2023-07-18 11:41:552


2023-07-18 11:42:034


问题一:小傻瓜用英语怎么说 little goose 问题二:小傻瓜用英文怎么说 little dummy 问题三:“谢了!你也是哦!小傻瓜!”用英文怎么说? Thanks! Same with you! Little Silly! 问题四:“小傻瓜”等暧昧称呼用英语怎么说 Sweetheart sweetie Cutie hon (=honey) Babe love 老外都喜欢甜到腻的词。。。不太常见说傻的。。。就。。拿到什么说什么,比如donut甜甜圈 queen女王 doll娃娃?angel天使。。。反正就是什么词好就叫什么。。。男的话比较常见就sweetheart ,darlin, babe, sugar daddy,superman,什么的。。。 问题五:我永远爱你小傻瓜用英语怎么说啊 I"ll love you little fool 问题六:我是 你 的 小傻瓜 英文怎么说 You are my little fool 问题七:傻瓜英文怎么说 小傻瓜一般在口语中应用,所以合适的而且单纯的名词解释很少,我提供几个例句,这样更加容易理解和应用: 1.Of course I won"t leave you alone, you silly! 当然我不会把你单独留下,你这个小傻瓜! 2.It means "maybe," my charming ignoramus. 意思是"也许有",我的迷人的小傻瓜。 3.Faster, you little maggots. 快点,你们这个小傻瓜 上述小傻瓜的表述不但可以用在女朋友身上,还可以用在小孩子身上。 另外,学习英语除了一般的多听多读之外,例句造句也是一个比较不错的方法。 希望楼主满意! 以上回答你满意么? 问题八:对男朋友的爱称 小傻瓜 英文怎么说? you fool...
2023-07-18 11:42:301

sweet daddy 是什么意思??

2023-07-18 11:42:384


2023-07-18 11:42:461


深空小编今天和你足球经理2013编辑资金的方法,可能很多高手都知道了,那么不知道的就来看一下吧!相面就一起来看一下足球经理2013编辑资金/转会基金/工资限额的方法的详细内容。1、在X:XXXXXXSteamsteamappscommonFootball Manager 2013datadb1300edt(其中X:XXXXXX为你的steam安装路径,我的是F:Program Files (x86)Steam)里面新增一个文件boost_team.edt,增加下面的1行(下面的1行全部都要,包括"符号)"BOOST_TEAM" "F.C. Internazionale" "2000000000" "9999" "200000"保存修改这个是设置你要修改的俱乐部的金钱(我的是2000000000,不要再大了,不信你自己试吧),声望(我的是9999,最大10000),平均上座率(我的是200000,没有内存编辑的最大值)。你只要将俱乐部名称替换就行了,注意是俱乐部的全名(参考下图)2、然后在同一目录下,打开sugardaddy.edt,在里面添加一句"SUGAR_DADDY" "FRONT_END" "F.C. Internazionale" "0"将“F.C. Internazionale”改为相应的俱乐部全名,保存修改这个是让莫拉蒂回到几年前的良好工作作风,否则上面仅仅修改了资金的话,转会基金和工资限额可能会让你不满意的;重新开始教练生涯,选择你修改的球队,你会发现,钱足够花了的
2023-07-18 11:43:051

Sugar Daddy 歌词

歌曲名:Sugar Daddy歌手:Jackson 5专辑:GoldHedwig And Angry Inch-Sugar Daddy-BY:pusaesI"ve got a sweet toothFor licorice drops and jelly rollsHey,sugar daddyHansel needs some sugar in his bowlI"ll lay out fine china on the linenAnd polish up the chromeIf you"ve got some sugar for meSugar daddy bring it homeOh,the thrill of controlLike the rush of rock and rollIt"s the sweetest taste I"ve knownIf you"ve got some sugar bring it homeLooks like we"ve gotsome sugar daddies in the house.Honey bees go shoppingIt"s something to be seenYou could give me a cavity,honeyThey swarm to wildflowers,get nectar for the queenI bet you could fill that cavity,sweetie.And everything you bring megot me dripping lile a honeycombIf you got some sugar for meSugar daddy bring it homeIt"s a car wash,ladies and gentlemen.Whoa,the thrill of controlLike a blitzkrieg on the rollIt"s the sweetest taste I"ve knownOh,yeahIf you"ve got some sugar,bring it homeBa-da ba-da doCome on,sugar daddy,bring it home
2023-07-18 11:43:501


2023-07-18 11:43:581


2023-07-18 11:44:241


英文daddy很暧昧吗daddy是父亲的意思在国外的梗就是占你便宜了你还不知道。daddy英文为母语的国家对爸爸的昵称,多用于非正式场合,比较随意的一种叫法。daddy通常认为来自儿语daddy的韵律重复构词。daddy的用法 dad是指father的口语化称呼。国外喊daddy是爸爸的意思,英文为母语的国家对爸爸的昵称,多用于非正式场合,比较随意的一种叫法。 爸爸,对指已结婚并有子女的男性(父亲)的一种称呼。国外喊daddy是爸爸的意思,英文为母语的国家对爸爸的昵称,多用于非正式场合,比较随意的一种叫法。daddy 英 [ddi] 美 [ddi]n.(尤作儿语)爸爸。daddy在国外是什么梗?1、daddy是父亲的意思在国外的梗就是占你便宜了你还不知道。daddy英文为母语的国家对爸爸的昵称,多用于非正式场合,比较随意的一种叫法。daddy通常认为来自儿语daddy的韵律重复构词。daddy的用法 dad是指father的口语化称呼。2、外国人叫对象daddy是爸爸的意思。意思是一段秘密恋情中愿意花钱给另一半的年长男友。3、国外喊daddy是爸爸的意思,英文为母语的国家对爸爸的昵称,多用于非正式场合,比较随意的一种叫法。daddy 英 [ddi] 美 [ddi]n.(尤作儿语)爸爸。4、在泰国,daddy 一词可以用来称呼亲密的男性朋友或伴侣。这种用法在英语中并不常见,但在泰国语境中是很常见的。用 daddy 称呼伴侣带有亲密和轻松的感觉,是一种友好而亲昵的称呼方式。叫男朋友daddy是啥意思,daddy情侣之间是啥意思情侣之间,女生叫男生daddy是爸爸的意思,这种叫法是现在很多情侣之间谈恋爱,喜欢给双方一个很亲昵的昵称,叫男朋友爸爸,是说每个男人都有一种女儿情结,说明男的把自己女朋友当成女儿来宠爱的意思。女朋友叫男朋友爸的意思是想让你成为她的依赖,让你成为她的爸,这样她就可以在爸的怀抱里面撒娇了,也可以让她的爸对她更加的疼爱她,这样你们两个人的感情就可以得到进一步的升华。daddy-longlegs 美口盲蜘蛛 最常见的对男生的叫法就是亲爱的,两人关系很亲密,一般处于热恋期的时候会有这种叫法。在泰国,daddy 一词可以用来称呼亲密的男性朋友或伴侣。这种用法在英语中并不常见,但在泰国语境中是很常见的。用 daddy 称呼伴侣带有亲密和轻松的感觉,是一种友好而亲昵的称呼方式。最常见的对男生的叫法就是亲爱的,两人关系很亲密,一般处于热恋期的时候会有这种叫法。“Daddy”什么意思?怎么读?1、daddy读:英 [ddi],美 [ddi]。复数:daddies。daddy为母语的国家对爸爸的昵称,多用于非正式场合,比较随意的一种叫法。词组短语:big daddy 同类中最大,最重要的人,最重要的物。2、daddy的意思是爸爸。读音:[ddi]词性:通常在句中作名词,作为主语或宾语。固定搭配:My daddy 我的爹地;find a sugar daddy 傍大款;big daddy 同类中最大;最重要的人;最重要的物。3、美 [ddi] ,英 [ddi]。4、daddy英 [ddi] 美 [ddi]n.爸爸;爹;甜心爸爸(在年轻女子身上乱花钱的阔老头);老色鬼 Daddy gave him a talking-to 他爸爸说了他几句。daddy是什么意思daddy的意思是:爸爸,爹地(常为儿语);团体中最具统治地位的男性;老板;老大。双语例句:Daddy,I love this Happy Farmhouse。Its really fun。爸爸,我喜欢这个农家乐活动。确实很有趣。daddy的意思是爸爸。读音:[ddi]词性:通常在句中作名词,作为主语或宾语。固定搭配:My daddy 我的爹地;find a sugar daddy 傍大款;big daddy 同类中最大;最重要的人;最重要的物。daddy英语的意思是爸爸。双语例句:I am waiting for my daddy to take me home.我在等我爸爸带我回家。He is considered as the daddy of good manners.他被认为是礼貌行为的典范。daddy是英语中的一种亲昵称呼,通常用来称呼父亲或像父亲一样的男性亲属或长辈。在英式英语中,daddy一般用于对父亲的称呼,而在美式英语中,daddy则更多地用于对父亲以外的男性的称呼,如祖父、叔叔、教练、老板等。daddy意思是爸爸。双语例句:Daddy with a high falling tone means Theres daddy.爸爸的降调很高,意思是爸爸来了。国外喊daddy是爸爸的意思,英文为母语的国家对爸爸的昵称,多用于非正式场合,比较随意的一种叫法。爸爸,对指已结婚并有子女的男性(父亲)的一种称呼。
2023-07-18 11:44:341


列位,欢迎来到照理说事。  众所周知,美国大学、英国大学学费特别的高,而且在过去十年美国公立大学学费上涨了接近100%这么多。对于美国大多数中产阶级家庭来讲,父母给子女负担学费,一方面没有这个文化传统,另一方面也几乎是个不可能的事情。  因为我们清楚,美国是一个生活在债务上的国家,大部分美国中产阶级每个月月薪是有固定的去向的:一部分还房贷,一部分还车贷,还有一部分要应付日常的开支,很难有多余的钱给子女交高达每年几万美元的学费。  所以我们也说,很多美国人上大学是靠贷款的,可是贷款终究是要还的,而且贷款利息还不低,今天在美国有4400万人还背负着沉重的助学贷款。奥巴马总统自己都说:我是在毕业之后工作了很多年,在选上参议员之前才还掉我的助学贷款  一国总统、顶尖名校的毕业生都为助学贷款所困扰,那么不用助学贷款也没有父母资助对美国年轻人来讲还有没有能担负学费的方法呢?有的。早在几年之前,有个新加坡人在美国搞了一个网站,名字大概叫甜心约会。这个网站说是一个交友网站,实际上就是帮助年轻的女大学生寻找糖爹——Sugar Daddy的网站,国内大多女生都在“积糖”。  什么叫糖爹?您可以把他理解成:日本的援交。人家网站创始人说:在我这个网站上有大量的公司高管、大富豪,他们非常希望找到一些年轻的女大学生交朋友。年轻的女大学生没有钱,在我这个网站上找到了一个Sugar Daddy,每个月只需要抽出几天的时间陪伴你的Sugar Daddy到处游玩一下逛一逛。  当然可能还有一些不法的交易,每个月你就能拿到两三千美元,舒舒服服的就把钱挣了,拿这个钱就可以去缴纳高昂的学费,担负生活费。而且这个钱跟助学贷款不一样,它是不需要还的!  您听明白了吧?表面上这是糖爹,实际上他就是一个非法性交易的网站。  然而这个网站在过去五年蓬勃发展,甚至有相关统计说很多美国、英国的顶尖名校的女大学生都在这个网站上找到了自己的糖爹,因为我们也清楚:在美国,学校越好学费越贵。甚至这两年来这个网站都推出新业务了,人家说了:凭什么女大学生能找Sugar Daddy,我们男大学生怎么办?男大学生学费难道就不高吗?  所以近年来还有很多男大学生在这个网站上找到了Sugar Mom——糖妈,因为有钱的女富豪数量也是不少的。  日本女高中生援交这已经是一个众人皆知的事情了,甚至前些年联合国还出了个报告,有百分之十几还是百分之二十几甚至50%的日本女高中生有过援交的行为,让日本政府还很不爽。  日本女高中生有援交,那是为了满足自己的虚荣心,为了买个包、买个表、换个手机,这个我们是可以斥责的。好歹人家美国英国的女大学生找Sugar Daddy是为了完成自己的学业,我听着都有点感动,人家是用一个不太道德、不太合法的手段去完成自己一个崇高的目的。  可问题是我们都清楚:好的制度把鬼变成人,坏的制度把人变成鬼。今天英美大学天量的学费就是把一代又一代男大学生、女大学生变成鬼的过程,难道美国高等教育的发达就要靠女大学生去找Sugar Daddy吗?
2023-07-18 11:44:542

苏格 这个名字的英文应该怎么说?

sugar / 0406ug05(r); ˋ0603ɡ06/ n (a) [U] sweet substance obtained from the juices of various plants, used in cooking and for sweetening tea, coffee, etc 食糖: Don"t eat too much sugar. 糖不要吃得太多. * Do you take sugar? ie Do you have it in your tea, etc? 你要放糖吗(你喝茶等加糖吗)? * [attrib 作定语] a sugar plantation, refinery, bowl 糖料作物种植园﹑ 炼糖厂﹑ 糖罐. (b) [C] cube or teaspoonful of sugar 一块方糖; 一茶匙糖: Two sugars in my coffee, please! 请在我的咖啡里放两块方糖! (infml 口 esp US) (used as a form of address to sb one likes 用作亲热的称呼语): Hello, sugar, nice to see you! 喂, 亲爱的, 见到你真高兴!> sugar v [Tn] 1 sweeten or coat (sth) with sugar 在(某物)中加糖; 给(某物)裹上糖衣: Is this tea sugared? 这茶放糖了吗? * sugared almonds 糖衣杏仁. 2 (idm 习语) ,sugar/,sweeten the `pill => pill.sugary / 0406ug05r01; ˋ0603ɡ05r01/ adj 1 tasting of sugar; sweet 甜的; 含糖的: sugary tea 甜茶. (fig derog 比喻, 贬) too sentimental or flattering 甜情蜜意的; 甜言蜜语的: a sugary love scene in a film 电影中柔情蜜意的爱情场面. sugariness n [U].# `sugar-beet n [U] vegetable from whose large round roots sugar is made 甜菜; 糖萝卜.`sugar-cane n [U] tall tropical grass from which sugar is made 甘蔗.,sugar-`coated adj 1 coated with sugar 有糖衣的; 裹糖的. 2 (fig derog 比喻, 贬) made to seem attractive 巧为粉饰的; 表面上吸引人的: a ,sugar-coated `promise 甜言蜜语的许诺.`sugar-daddy n (infml 口) rich man who is generous to a younger woman, usu in return for sexual favours 对年轻女子慷慨的阔男子(通常为换取性方面的好处).`sugar-lump n small cube of sugar, used to sweeten tea, coffee, etc 方糖.`sugar-maple n N American maple tree, the sap of which is used to make sugar and syrup 糖槭(产於北美洲, 树汁可制糖和糖浆).`sugar-tongs n [pl] small tongs for picking up lumps of sugar at table (餐桌上用的)方糖夹子: a pair of sugar-tongs 一把方糖夹子.
2023-07-18 11:45:051


2023-07-18 11:45:1414


that place in your heart反战歌曲,副歌超好听dj carpi the garden,好听的dj,不好听砍我
2023-07-18 11:45:3915

Stevie Wonder的《Sugar》 歌词

歌曲名:Sugar歌手:Stevie Wonder专辑:Motown Made To MeasureTrick Daddy - Sugar (Ft.Ludacris,Cee-Lo)Trick Daddy - Sugar (Ft.Ludacris,Cee-Lo)Uh huhYeahAw man I got a sweet tooth, can you dig itAfter this one you gon need a root canal thenI love sugar all of itThis one for all the nice clean, decent womenLay it on me girlPay Close AttentionShe put that sugar on my tongueShes gonnaGimme gimme someShe put it right there on my tongue (Skeet Skeet)Right there on my tongue (She turns me on, like no other)And gimme some of your butter pecanPut it right there on tip of my tongue, put itRight jeeeahCuz baby, if I bite youI bet you like itFrench Vanilla"s a hell of a flavor for meWith strawberries, two cherries and whipped creamThe best dreams are the wet dreamsAnd uh, the rest is just a flick without a sex sceneOr lee, I speak the truthCuz the blacker the berryThe sweeter the juiceCuz, Florida oranges and Georgia peachesWhen they nice and ripe,they the best for eatin"all these southern boysbe cravin" for a whole slice of pie after they main courseSo if you game for itI came for itI got a thang for yaThat I can"t ignoreShe put that sugar on my tongueShes gonnaGimme gimme someShe put it right there on my tongue (Skeet Skeet)Right there on my tongue (She turns me on, like no other)She put that sugar on my tongueShes gonnaGimme gimme someShe put it right there on my tongue (Skeet Skeet)Right there on my tongue (She turns me on, like no other)She put that sugar on my tongue, tongueYippie Yippie, Yum YumGoodie goodie gum dropPut me in a tongue lockDid it till my body went numb, numbLaid her on her back, backTurned her round, gave her bottom a smack, smackShe"s a woman from the block with the best of weedBut I won"t stop till I"m pullin out tracks, tracksIt was lust at first sightAnd she couldn"t help sayin that she wanted to get with meAnd my size was just rightBut she wanted a man with a little sec-ur-itySaid I been around the world twiceAnd my name ring bells from Atlanta to Sic-i-lySaid she wanted it all nightSo put the bubbles in the tub and Ludacris in meShe put that sugar on my tongueShes gonnaGimme gimme someShe put it right there on my tongue (Skeet Skeet)Right there on my tongue (She turns me on, like no other)She put that sugar on my tongueShes gonnaGimme gimme someShe put it right there on my tongue (Skeet Skeet)Right there on my tongue (She turns me on, like no other)Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeeeah Yeeeah YeahSweetie you look so incredibleSo delicious and so damn edibleAll I need is some honey or syrupWith a lil" butter to rub down all your curvesAnd no need for the lemonadeJust a twist of lime and some grape Kool-AidCan I call you Caramel?Cuz I"m bout to go coo-coo to taste your Coco PuffsOne bowl ought to fill me upBut that milk gotta be cold enoughSo supper time that"ll hold me upI might choke myself if I don"t slow it up, butHoney, you look like a honeydew melonOr strawberry with the whipped cream fillingOf the top part of the peach cobblerBut uh, the fruit platter ought to do me betterShe put that sugar on my tongueShes gonnaGimme gimme someShe put it right there on my tongue (Skeet Skeet)Right there on my tongue (She turns me on, like no other)She put that sugar on my tongueShes gonnaGimme gimme someShe put it right there on my tongue (Skeet Skeet)Right there on my tongue (She turns me on, like no other)
2023-07-18 11:46:161


MILEY CyrusAshley tisdalecody linleyzac vanessa hudgenscorbin bleuemily osmenthilary duffselena gomezal&ajjonas brotherjessehayden个人资料太多。贴吧百科都有的。再不行可以imdb看。基本上那些青春或者少儿的电影演员都是DISNEY的。
2023-07-18 11:46:264


walking in the sky 既好听,又简单。
2023-07-18 11:46:522

谁能帮忙列出2000到2008 billboard年终前10名的单曲和专辑阿 只要前十名的

由于top 100 billboard都是不给专辑名字的,所以要整理,先给你歌手和歌曲的榜。歌手 - 歌曲199001 Wilson Phillips - Hold On02 Roxette - It Must Have Been Love03 Sinead O"Connor - Nothing Compares 2 U04 Bell Biv DeVoe - Poison05 Madonna - Vogue06 Mariah Carey - Vision Of Love07 Phil Collins - Another Day In Paradise08 En Vogue - Hold On09 Billy Idol - Cradle Of Love10 Jon Bon Jovi - Blaze Of Glory199101 Bryan Adams - (Everything I Do) I Do It For You02 Color Me Badd - I Wanna Sex You Up03 C & C Music Factory - Gonna Make You Sweat (Everybody Dance Now)04 Paula Abdul - Rush Rush05 Timmy T - One More Try06 EMF - Unbelievable07 Extreme - More Than Words08 Hi-Five - I Like The Way -The Kissing Game09 Surface - The First Time10 Amy Grant - Baby Baby199201 Boyz II Men - End Of The Road02 Sir Mix-A-Lot - Baby Got Back03 Kriss Kross - Jump04 Vanessa Williams - Save The Best For Last05 TLC - Baby Baby Baby.mp3 5.99 MiB06 Eric Clapton - Tears In Heaven07 EnVogue - My Lovin" -You"re Never Gonna Get It08 Red Hot Chili Peppers - Under The Bridge09 Color Me Badd - All 4 Love10 Jon Secada - Just Another Day199301 Tag Team - Whoomp! -There It Is02 Ace Of Base - All That She Wants03 Mariah Carey - Dreamlover04 Mariah Carey - Hero05 UB40 - Can"t Help Falling In Love06 Jade - Don"t Walk Away07 Janet Jackson - That"s The Way Love Goes08 Snap - Rhythm Is A Dancer09 SWV - Weak10 Snow - Informer199401 Ace Of Base - The Sign02 All 4 One - I Swear03 Toni Braxton - Breathe Again04 Celine Dion - Power Of Love05 Lisa Loeb - Stay06 Ace Of Base - Don"t Turn Around07 Toni Braxton - You Mean The World To Me08 R. Kelly - Bump And Grind09 Madonna - I"ll Remember10 Jon Secada - If You Go19951. Coolio - Gangsta Paradise2. TLC - Waterfalls3. TLC - Creep4. Seal - Kiss From A Rose5. Boyz II Men - On Bended Knee6. Real Mccoy - Another Night7. Mariah Carey - Fantasy8. Madonna - Take A Bow9. Monica - Don"t Take It Personal10. Montell Jordan - This Is How We Do It 199601 Los Del Rio - Macarena(Bayside Boys Mix)-RCA02 Mariah Carey - One Sweet Day03 Celine Dion - Because You Loved Me04 The Tony Rich Project - Nobody Knows05 Mariah Carey - Always Be My Baby06 Tracy Chapman - Give Me One Reason07 Bone Thugs N Harmony - Crossroads08 Donna Lewis - I Love You Always Forever09 Toni Braxton - You"re Making Me High10 Keith Sweat - Twisted199701 Elton John - Candle In The Wind -Diana02 Jewel - You Were Meant For Me03 Puff Daddy & Faith Evans Featuring 112 - I"ll Be Missing You04 Toni Braxton - Unbreak My Heart05 Puff Daddy And Mace - Can"t Nobody Hold Me Down06 R Kelly - I Believe I Can Fly07 EnVogue - Don"t Let Go (Love08 Mark Morrison - Return Of The Mack09 LeAnn Rimes - How Do I Live10 Spice Girls - Wannabe199801 Next - Too Close02 Brandy & Monica - The Boy Is Mine03 Shania Twain - You"re Still The One04 Savage Garden - Truly Madly Deeply05 Leann Rimes - How Do I Live06 Janet Jackson - Together Again07 K-Ci & Jojo - All My Life08 Elton John - Candle In The Wind (Diana)09 Usher - Nice And Slow10 Paula Cole - I Dont Want To Wait199901 Cher - Believe02 TLC - No Scrubs03 Monica - Angel Of Mine04 Whitney Houston Featuring Faith Evans & Kelly Price - Heartbreak Hotel05 Britney Spears - Baby One More Time06 Sixpence None The Richer - Kiss Me07 Christina Aguilera - Genie In A Bottle08 Sugar Ray - Every Morning09 Deborah Cox - Nobody"s Supposed To Be Here10 Ricky Martin - Livin" La Vida Loca200001 Faith Hill - Breathe02 Santana - Smooth03 Santana - Maria Maria04 Joe - I Wanna Know05 Vertical Horizon - Everything You Want06 Destiny"s Child - Say My Name07 Savage Garden - I Knew I Loved You08 Lonestar - Amazed09 Matchbox 20 - Bent10 Toni Braxton - He Wasn"t Man Enough200101 Lifehouse - Hanging By A Moment02 Alicia Keys - Fallin03 Janet Jackson - All For You04 Train - Drops Of Jupiter05 Jennifer Lopez - I"m Real06 Matchbox 20 - If You"re Gone07 Eve Featuring Gwen Stefani - Let Me Blow Ya Mind08 Dido - Thank You09 Lenny Kravitz - Again10 Destiny"s Child - Independent Woman (Part 1)200201 NickelBack - How You Remind Me02 Ashanti - Foolish03 Nelly - Hot In Herre04 Nelly Featuring Kelly Rowland - Dilemma05 The Calling - Wherever You Will Go06 Vanessa Carlton - A Thousand Miles07 Linkin Park - In The End08 Fat Joe Featuring Ashanti - What"s Luv09 Usher - U Got It Bad10 Puddle Of Mudd - Blurry200301 50 Cent - In Da Club02 R Kelly - Ignition03 Sean Paul - Get Busy04 Beyonce Feat. Jay-Z - Crazy In Love05 3 Doors Down - When Im Gone06 Matchbox Twenty - Unwell07 Chingy - Right Thurr08 Aaliyah - Miss You09 Kid Rock Feat. Sheryl Crow - Picture10 Evanescence - Bring Me To Life200401 Usher feat. Lil Jon & Ludacris - Yeah!02 Usher - Burn03 Alicia Keys - If I Ain"t Got You04 Maroon5 - This Love05 Outkast feat. Sleepy Brown - The Way You Move06 Hoobastank - The Reason07 Mario Winans feat. Enya & P. Diddy - I Don"t Wanna Know08 Outkast - Hey Ya!09 Ciara feat. Petey Pablo - Goodies10 Terror Squad - Lean Back20051 We Belong Together - Mariah Carey Island2 Hollaback Girl - Gwen Stefani Interscope3 Let Me Love You - Mario4 Since U Been Gone - Kelly Clarkson5 1, 2 Step - Ciara Featuring Missy Elliott6 Gold Digger - Kanye West Featuring Jamie Foxx7 Boulevard Of Broken Dreams - Green Day8 Candy Shop - 50 Cent Featuring Olivia9 Don"t Cha - The Pussycat Dolls Featuring Busta Rhymes 10 Behind These Hazel Eyes - Kelly Clarkson200601 - Daniel Powter - Bad Day02 - Sean Paul - Temperature03 - Nelly Furtado ft. Timbaland - Promiscuous04 - James Blunt - You"re Beautiful05 - Shakira ft. Wyclef Jean - Hips Don"t Lie06 - Natasha Bedingfield - Unwritten07 - Gnarls Barkley - Crazy08 - Chamillionaire ft. Krayzie Bone - Ridin"09 - Justin Timberlake - SexyBack10 - Beyonce ft. Slim Thug - Check On It200701 Irreplaceable - Beyonce02 Umbrella - Rihanna Featuring Jay-Z03 The Sweet Escape - Gwen Stefani Featuring Akon04 Big Girls Don"t Cry - Fergie05 Buy U a Drink (Shawty Snappin") - T-Pain Featuring Yung Joc06 Before He Cheats - Carrie Underwood07 Hey There Delilah - Plain White T"s08 I Wanna Love You - Akon Featuring Snoop Dogg09 Say It Right - Nelly Furtado10 Glamorous - Fergie Featuring Ludacris 200801 Low - Flo Rida Featuring T-Pain02 Bleeding Love - Leona Lewis03 No One - Alicia Keys04 Lollipop - Lil Wayne Featuring Static Major05 Apologize - Timbaland Featuring OneRepublic06 No Air - Jordin Sparks Duet With Chris Brown07 Love Song - Sara Bareilles08 Love In This Club - Usher Featuring Young Jeezy09 With You - Chris Brown10 Forever - Chris Brown
2023-07-18 11:47:211

That Man (Feat. Sleepy Brown And Duddy Ken) 歌词

歌曲名:That Man (Feat. Sleepy Brown And Duddy Ken)歌手:Bubba Sparxxx&Sleepy Brown&Duddy Ken专辑:The CharmMacy Gray - That ManWe always rock aroundWe always rock aroundWe gonna rock aroundWe always rock aroundI was so happy "bout the love I found"til I went to the library and I saw himSayin", "Oh yeahOh yeah, I want that man"He stole my heart and he"s killing me softlyHe stole my heart and he"s killing me softlyShe said, "Oh, if he"s stealin"and killin" then he must be a black man"(A black man)He"s my brand new FerrariHe"s my piece of cakeMy personal president of the United StatesHey baby, hey daddy, hey sugar,you sure are a looker in your bling-blingchain and your Gucci shadesHe got the custom Range RoverI think I"m comin" over, saying, "Oh yeahOh yeah, I want that man"I"m gonna say it loudI"m gonna say it loudI was so happy "bout the love I foundSee, I went to the museum and I saw himOh yeahOh yeah, I want that manHe wrote me poetry and bought me a carHe wrote me poetry and bought me a carShe said, "Oh, if he wrote you poetryand bought you a car, he must be a nice man"He"s my brand new MercedesHe"s my piece of pieHe"s my very own personal jesus christHey baby, hey daddy, hey sugar,you sure are a looker in your bling-blingchain and your Gucci shadesHe got the custom Range RoverI think I"m comin" over, saying, "Oh yeahOh yeah, I want that man" (That man)Hey baby, baby, I"ve been lookin" all over the worldYou be my man, I will be your girlI think together we could go real farEspecially if we had a jet, privateYou can get it, you bet itHey baby, baby, I"ve been lookin" all over the worldYou be my man, I will be your girlExtraordinary (That man)I wanna marry (That man)Hey daddy, hey sugar (That man), yeah,you sure are a looker (That man)When I look at you, all I have to say is,"That man"
2023-07-18 11:47:511

Joe的《Majic》 歌词

歌曲名:Majic歌手:Joe专辑:SignatureJoe - MajicOooh ooohhh...YeahIt was a beautiful dayA day for so much funHad my white T onHad on my new Air OnesI was gonna...Pull out the coupe and drop the topI was gonna...Ride around and hug the blockThen she called and said "I"m on my way""I gotta few hours, I might as well stay"Now I"m gonna...Lay back while she drop the topNow I"m gonna...Record this shh, rewind and watchOooh, now after two hours of footageOooh, her body could continue to do itOooh, she looks at me and said"Please don"t go no where" (No where)"Give me a second to breathe"(It must be magic) It must be magicShe likes the way I give her the magicShe likes her sugar daddy (sugar daddy)She wants me to keep givin" her the magicShe loves it cuz I can do it all(It must be magic) It must be magicShe likes the way I give her the magicShe likes her sugar daddy (sugar daddy)She wants me to keep givin" her the magicThe magic stickWhy she show up at my door like thisShe got me really likin that shitYall already kno what this isGirl it"s magicallyHer body"s screamin tear it upAnd them nots luk like butter cupsNow it time that I lay you downTake you to third round(Ohh)you"ve ben waitin all dayYou just missin medon"t worry girl I"m ain"t goin anewhereI"m right where I wanta be(It must be magic) It must be magicShe likes the way I give herthe magic (it"s magical)She likes her sugar daddy (sugar daddy)She wants me to keep givin" her the magic(It must be magic) It must be magicShe likes the way I give herthe magic (it"s magical)She likes her sugar daddy (sugar daddy)She wants me to keep givin" her the magicThe magic stickI"ll have you callin my nameBackin it up and grippin the bed framecan"t wait to get inside ya(Ohh) I"m getin so excited(Ohh) I don"t think yall know my nameI can make sex levitateLike David BlaneI"ll have ya ass goin insaneDo sum shit you ain"t did with ya man(It must be magic) It must be magicShe likes the way I give herthe magic (it"s magical)She likes her sugar daddy (sugar daddy)She wants me to keep givin" her the magic(It must be magic) It must be magicShe likes the way I give herthe magic (it"s magical)She likes her sugar daddy (sugar daddy)She wants me to keep givin" her the magic
2023-07-18 11:48:001


2023-07-18 11:44:082

the phoenix什么意思?

【The Phoenix】x0dx0a是美国朋克乐队【Fall Out Boy】演唱的一首歌曲。x0dx0a【phoenix】x0dx0a意思是x0dx0a【n.凤凰,长生鸟(神话中的鸟,在阿拉伯沙漠中,可活数百年,然后自焚为灰而再生); 菲尼克斯 (美国城市)】x0dx0ax0dx0a【中英歌词】x0dx0aThe Phoenix - Fall Out Boyx0dx0aPut on your war paintx0dx0a画上战妆x0dx0aYou are a brick tied to mex0dx0a你就像是一块系在我身上的砖块x0dx0athat"s dragging me downx0dx0a把我一直向下拖x0dx0aStrike a match and I"ll burn you to the groundx0dx0a划着一根火柴,我将把你烧的乌有x0dx0aWe are the jack-o-lanterns in Julyx0dx0a我们是七月的南瓜灯x0dx0aSetting fire to the skyx0dx0a给天空点亮颜色x0dx0aHere, here comes this rising tidex0dx0a在这次潮起的时候来吧x0dx0aso come onx0dx0a来吧x0dx0aPut on your war paintx0dx0a画上战妆x0dx0aCross walks and crossed hearts and hope to diex0dx0a带上十字架,赶赴战场,准备战死沙场x0dx0aSeal the clouds with grey liningx0dx0a银色灰色交织的天空x0dx0aSo we can take the world back from a heart attackx0dx0a我们可以把世界从心碎中拯救x0dx0aOne maniac at a time we will take it backx0dx0a几乎疯狂地拯救它x0dx0aYou know time crawls on whenx0dx0a当你知晓时间爬走的时候x0dx0ayou"re waiting for the song to startx0dx0a你等待的歌曲已经开始x0dx0aSo dance along to the beat of your heartx0dx0a那么就随着心得节奏起舞吧x0dx0aHey Youngblood doesn"t it feel likex0dx0a年轻的血液 难道没感觉到x0dx0aour time is running outx0dx0a时间正在流逝吗?x0dx0aI"m gonna change you like a remixx0dx0a我将要改变你x0dx0aThen I"ll raise you like a phoenixx0dx0a我将要你像凤凰一样升起x0dx0aWearing all vintage miseryx0dx0a你沉浸在忧郁之中x0dx0aNo I think it looked a little better on mex0dx0a现在我的身上也感染了这种忧伤x0dx0aI"m gonna change you like a remixx0dx0a我将要改变你x0dx0aThen I"ll raise you like a phoenixx0dx0a我将要你像凤凰一样升起x0dx0aBring home the boys in scrapsx0dx0a把战士们和坦克的x0dx0aScrap metal the tanksx0dx0a金属碎片带回啦x0dx0aGet hitched make a career out of robbing banksx0dx0a结婚吧 然后以抢劫银行为业x0dx0aBecause the world is just a tellerx0dx0a因为世界只是一个诉说者x0dx0aand we are wearing blackx0dx0a而我们正带着黑色的面具x0dx0aShe broke our spirits with no impactx0dx0a你正破坏着我们的精神支柱,我们传递的纸条上明确显示着x0dx0aSo we can take the world back from a heart attackx0dx0a我们可以把世界从心碎中拯救x0dx0aOne maniac at a time we will take it backx0dx0a几乎疯狂地拯救它x0dx0aYou know time crawls on whenx0dx0a在我们等待歌曲开始的时候x0dx0ayou"re waiting for the song to startx0dx0a时间已经悄然流逝x0dx0aSo dance along to the beat of your heartx0dx0a那么就随着心得节奏起舞吧x0dx0aHey Youngblood doesn"t it feel likex0dx0a年轻的血液难道没感觉到x0dx0aour time is running outx0dx0a时间正在流逝吗?x0dx0aI"m gonna change you like a remixx0dx0a我将要改变你x0dx0aThen I"ll raise you like a phoenixx0dx0a我将要你像凤凰一样升起x0dx0aWearing all vintage miseryx0dx0a你沉浸在忧郁之中x0dx0aNo I think it looked a little better on mex0dx0a现在我的身上也感染了这种忧伤x0dx0aI"m gonna change you like a remixx0dx0a我将要改变你x0dx0aThen I"ll raise you like a phoenixx0dx0a我将要你像凤凰一样升起x0dx0aPut on your war paintx0dx0a画上战妆x0dx0aThe war is wonx0dx0a战争在它开始之前x0dx0abefore it"s begunx0dx0a就已经胜利了x0dx0aRelease the dovesx0dx0a让鸽子们重获自由吧x0dx0aSurrender lovex0dx0a让爱投降吧x0dx0aThe war is wonx0dx0a战争在它开始之前x0dx0abefore it"s begunx0dx0a就已经胜利了x0dx0aRelease the dovesx0dx0a让鸽子们重获自由吧x0dx0aSurrender lovex0dx0a让爱投降吧x0dx0aThe war is wonx0dx0a战争在它开始之前x0dx0abefore it"s begunx0dx0a就已经胜利了x0dx0aRelease the dovesx0dx0a让鸽子们重获自由吧x0dx0aSurrender lovex0dx0a让爱投降吧x0dx0aThe war is wonx0dx0a战争在它开始之前x0dx0abefore it"s begunx0dx0a就已经胜利了x0dx0aRelease the dovesx0dx0a让鸽子们重获自由吧x0dx0aSurrender lovex0dx0a让爱投降吧x0dx0aHeyx0dx0a嘿x0dx0aYoungblood doesn"t it feelx0dx0a年轻的血液难道没感觉到x0dx0aLike our time is running outx0dx0a时间正在流逝吗?x0dx0aI"m gonna change you like a remixx0dx0a我将要改变你x0dx0aThen I"ll raise you like a phoenixx0dx0a我将要你像凤凰一样升起x0dx0aWearing all vintage miseryx0dx0a你沉浸在忧郁之中x0dx0aNo I think it looked a little better on mex0dx0a现在我的身上也感染了这种忧伤x0dx0aI"m gonna change you like a remixx0dx0a我将要改变你x0dx0aThen I"ll raise you like a phoenixx0dx0a我将要你像凤凰一样升起x0dx0aHey Youngblood doesn"t it feelx0dx0a年轻的血液难道没感觉到x0dx0aLike our time is running outx0dx0a时间正在流逝吗?x0dx0aI"m gonna change you like a remixx0dx0a我将要改变你x0dx0aThen I"ll raise you like a phoenixx0dx0a我将要你像凤凰一样升起x0dx0aPut on your war paintx0dx0a画上战妆
2023-07-18 11:44:081

One In A Million 歌词

歌曲名:One In A Million歌手:Victoria S专辑:Voyeur「One in a million」作词∶Alfred Tuohey/Vincent Stein/Mimoza Blinsson作曲∶Alfred Tuohey/Vincent Stein/Mimoza Blinsson歌∶Victoria S.I feel you in me, our bodies are getting closer,And on the first time will touch I"m gonna know youWe"ll have that type of chemistry that"s taking me over(whoo)I don"t know who you are, but I will find yaIt"s burning up in my soul, yeah I"m a fire!I"ll put a message in a bottle and hope it will find youCause you"re my one in a millionI know you"re out there somewhereI want my one in a million, the one I can lean on,Someone who will be thereI"m gonna track you down by satellite,I"m gonna hunt you down all day and night,One in a million (million) my one in a millionI hear you talking to me, so just come closerAnd on the first time we meet, I"m gonna show yaI"ll give you three two one seconds, and I"m taking over(whooo)I dont know who you are, but I will find ya,It"s burning up in my soul, yeah I"m a fireI"ll put a message in a bottle and hope it will find yaCause you"re my one in a millionI know you"re out there somewhereI want my one in a million, the one I can lean on,Someone who will be thereI"m gonna track you down by satellite,I"m gonna hunt you down all day and night,One in a million (million) my one in a millionI"m gonna find you; I don"t care how much it takesAnd I don"t give a damn if something in me breaksBe my one in a million, and we will have a life somewhere!Cause you"re my one in a millionI know you"re out there somewhereI want my one in a million, the one I can lean on,Someone who will be thereI"m gonna track you down by satellite,I"m gonna hunt you down all day and night.One in a million (million) my one in a million
2023-07-18 11:44:091


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2023-07-18 11:44:101


  木立芦荟 又名小木芦荟。 它很早就被视为民间药草而广受欢迎的芦荟就是指这种木立芦荟。 产地:产地在南非。 在医学上,木立芦荟已经被检验出具有很多有效成份,是一种公认最有效的品种。在药用方面,叶子除了可以生吃、打果汁外,还可以加工成健康食品或化妆品等。由于容易处理,它也适合作食用的家庭菜。 特征:可用在医学上,也可用在美容上。  中国芦荟又称斑纹芦荟,是库拉索芦荟的变种。中国芦荟茎短,叶近簇生,幼苗叶成两列,叶面叶背都有白色斑点。叶子长成后,白斑不褪。叶子长约35厘米,宽5—6厘米,植株形似翠叶芦荟。闽南的中国芦荟植株个体明显比翠叶芦荟小。 产地:福建、广东、广西、云 南、四川、台湾等省。还有在云南元江地区、海南和雷州岛。 特征:具有药用和美容价值,嫩叶可做芦荟拉原料食用。  库拉索芦荟又称蕃拉芦荟,蕃拉为其种名的音译,又称美国芦荟。须根系,茎干短,叶簇生在茎顶。叶呈螺旋状排列,厚肥汁浓。叶长30—70厘米,宽4—15厘米,厚2—5厘米,先端渐尖,基部宽阔;叶子呈粉绿色,布有白色斑点,随叶片的生长斑点逐渐消失,叶子四周长菜刺状小齿。其花茎单生,长有两三个高60—120厘米的分枝。总状花序散疏,花点垂下。 特征:它能应用在食品、药品、美容品等方面。主要是提取芦荟原汁、浓缩汁、结晶粉,部分亦作家庭盆栽观赏用。
2023-07-18 11:44:101

DO you know how much the cake is?后面为什麽是陈述句语式?为什么

2023-07-18 11:44:111


2023-07-18 11:44:143

英文歌歌词意思你让你的愿望,我要想你说再见then you making your wish,i

Then you making your wish, I miss you when I say goodbye.
2023-07-18 11:44:053

A.know B.cow C.how哪个发音不同?

答案: 发音不同是【A.know 】 【Me YC真诚为你解答此题,
2023-07-18 11:44:041

一、短语翻译1.after ancient Chinese legend3.drinking water4.boil...over an open fire

2023-07-18 11:44:034


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2023-07-18 11:44:011

意大利带回来的东东 Crema Corpo Rivitalizzante Dermatologicamente Testata Aloe Vera 谁知道是什么东东

2023-07-18 11:44:002


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