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never know how much i love you,you never know how much i care,when you put on...是哪首歌的歌词

2023-07-19 09:34:04


You give me

You give me fever

Never know how much I love you

Never know how much I care

When you put your arms around me

I get a fever that"s so hard to bear

Listen to me baby, hear every word I say

No one can love you the way I do

"Cause they don"t know how to love you my way


You give me fever, when you kiss me

Fever when you hold me tight

Fever in the morning

Fever all through the night

Sun lights up the daytime

Moon lights up the night

My eyes light up when you call my name

"Cause I know you"re gonna treat me right

Bless my soul I love you, take this heart away

Take these arms I"ll never use

And just believe in what my lips have to say


Everybody"s got the fever

That is something you should know

Fever isn"t such a new scene

Fever started long ago

You give me fever, fever

You give me, you give me fever


Romeo loved Juliet

Juliet, she felt the same

When he put his arms around her

He said Julie baby, you"re my flame

He gave her fever

Sun lights up the daytime

Moon lights up the night

My eyes light up when you call my name

"Cause I know you"re gonna treat me right


Fever, with his kisses

Fever when he holds me tight

Everybody"s got the fever

That is something you should know

Fever isn"t such a new scene

Fever started long ago

Captain Smith and Pocahontas

Had a very mad affair

When her daddy tried to kill him

She said, daddy oh don"t you dare

He gives me fever

With his kisses

Fever when he holds me tight

Fever, I"m his Misses

Daddy, won"t you treat him right

Fever, when you kiss them

Fever, if you live and learn

Fever, "til you sizzle

What a lovely way to burn [repeat twice]







You give me

You give me fever

Never know how much I love you

Never know how much I care

When you put your arms around me

I get a fever that"s so hard to bear

Listen to me baby, hear every word I say

No one can love you the way I do

"Cause they don"t know how to love you my way



know-how 英[nu0259u028a hau028a]美[u02c8nou02cchau028a] n.诀窍;实际知识;专门技能;专有技术 [例句]Investments that bring know-how would be useful. 能带来先进技术的投资对于伊拉克来说是大有裨益的。
2023-07-18 11:21:221

know how是什么意思意思

know how[英][nu0259u028a hau][美][nou028a hau028a]懂得如何做;1.We know how to limit greenhouse-gas emissions. 我们知道如何限制温室气体排放。2.You know how they did it? 你知道他们怎么做的吗?know-how[英][nu0259u028a hau028a][美][u02c8nou02cchau028a]n.诀窍; 实际知识; 专门技能; 专有技术;Some go back home to settle bringing capital and know-how. 有的人带着资金和技术回家定居了。
2023-07-18 11:21:301

“know how” 是什么意思?求解

具体句子是什么啊? know how一般来说是知道怎么做,如:Do you know how to outfox your opponent?你知道应该怎样以智战胜你的对手吗?不过在翻译的时候还是要根据具体情况来分析]
2023-07-18 11:21:393

请问know-how 跟skill有什么区别,应该怎样使用他们?拜托了各位 谢谢

know-how: [ "n05uhau ] n. <口> 实际知识, 技术秘诀, 诀窍 英英解释: 名词know-how: 1. the (technical) knowledge and skill required to do something skill KK: [] DJ: [] n. 1. (专门)技术;技能,技艺[C] Reading and writing are different skills. 阅读和写作是不同的技能。 2. 熟练性,熟巧,能力[U][(+in)][+to-v] He is a writer of great skill. 他是位写作技巧高超的作家。 3. 技术人员;熟练工人[M]
2023-07-18 11:22:091

举例说哪些是know-what,know-why know-how know-who知识

s Congress to give Lieutenant Paul Jones th
2023-07-18 11:22:182

“know how” 是什么意思

2023-07-18 11:22:422

know how 是什么意思?

1. 技术They are almost totally dependent on Western know-how. 他们几乎完全依赖西方技术。 2. 实际知识;技能;本事;窍门He has decided to visit Japan with a view to enlarging his managerial know-how. 为了增进实际管理知识,他决定访问日本。 I don"t have much know-how about engines. 发动机方面的技术知识我知之甚少。
2023-07-18 11:22:501

Know How是什麼意思?

2023-07-18 11:23:104

kown how是什么意思

2023-07-18 11:23:196

关于know-how(技术转让)的全部资料 我急用

know-how称之位技术秘密,转让合同的风险防范 技术秘密转让合同是指转让方将其拥有的技术秘密提供给受让方,明确相互间技术秘密使用权、转让权,受让方支付约定使用费的合同。“技术秘密”又称Know-how,具有秘密性、知识性、实用性等特点。技术秘密转让合同第一个需要注意的问题就是怎样认定技术秘密的可靠性、实用性。实践中转让方在技术资料中往往使用一些类似于广告的宣传性词语,如“色彩亮丽”、“表面光滑”等等,描述其技术效果。而作为技术的受让方容易被这些词语所吸引。但实际上,这些描述性语言是模糊的、不确定的,是不能作为技术的成熟性、可靠性、实用性的标准的。一般认为,也不能以产品技师等个别因素来衡量,而应该进行全面的鉴定,最好的方法是聘请专业机构和人员进行全面鉴定,当事人可以在合同中约定一个双方都可以接受的检验方法,在发生纠纷时,可以迅速解决。 技术秘密转让合同中,让与人有提供技术资料和情报的义务,而不能为了保密而不技术“交底”。其实当事人完全可以签订保密条款,保证技术秘密不泄露。保密条款主要是用在技术秘密转让合同中,也可以用在其他技术转让合同中未公开技术部分。技术秘密转让合同中,受让人应按约定支付使用费,并且不能将技术秘密擅自转让给第三人。在技术秘密转让合同有效期内,由于非受让人的原因导致合同标的技术公开且已进入公有领域的,当事人可以解除合同,但另有约定的除外。
2023-07-18 11:23:321

Know- How的北京汽车Know-How

北京汽车对萨博Know-How的收购,覆盖了萨博的整车开发体系(产品开发体系、制造体系、供应商体系和质量体系),主要包括:A. 萨博Know-How技术文件:具体包括工程设计规范(整车设计规范1186篇、子系统设计规范 2000篇以上、零部件设计规范10000篇以上)、验证计划(VP)(整车、子系统及零部件)、试验方法(TM)(整车、子系统及零部件)、试验报告 (TR)(整车、子系统及零部件)、 CAE模型、分析方法 、报告(整车、子系统及零部件)、标准件及材料。B. 制造体系:工艺文件共73套、工艺标准 28 套、产品工艺文件 45 套。C. 供应商开发管理体系:SOR(系统、零部件采购技术规范、要求、认可体系);PPAP(生产件批准程序);P-BOM(零部件采购清单);供应商清单;物料成本清单等。D. 整车质量管理体系:包括新产品开发流程(GVDP)、质量目标、节点交付物质量评审标准、生产工厂质量管理组织结构、过程检验标准、整车检验标准(CVIS)、整车Audit评审标准(GCA)、质量改进组织管理等。know-how英音:["n?uhau]美音:["no,hau]以下结果由 译典通提供词典解释名词n. 【口】[U]1. 技术They are almost totally dependent on Western know-how.他们几乎完全依赖西方技术。2. 实际知识;技能;本事;窍门He has decided to visit Japan with a view to enlarging his managerial know-how.为了增进实际管理知识,他决定访问日本。I don"t have much know-how about engines.发动机方面的技术知识我知之甚少。以下结果来自互联网网络释义know-how1. 先进技术,技术诀窍2. 技能;专业知识;窍门3. 专有技术, 技术秘密?
2023-07-18 11:23:391


知道做到 如何将KNOW-HOW转化为你想要的结果 最近读了一本书是美国一个知名作家写的《知道做到》,按照以前我看书的习惯我肯定是看完就束之高阁了,现在要通过间隔性重复彻底读透才会彻底掌握到学以致用到最后变成自动自发的习惯。这本书里面强调了一个很好的观念,不断接触新信息,偶尔参加一些研习班,或者只读一遍书,这些都只会让我们养成迅速遗忘的习惯。这样只会训练我们获取信息,而不是学以致用。以前写观后感写读书笔记最大的一点就是用自己的话把这本书的主要内容输出就完事了,其实我们写读后感不是为了复述,复述是前提条件,我们只要记住重点就可以,看书的关键是为了更好的运用。 本书是围绕一个中心话题展开的,很多人看了很多书,听了很多录音带,参加了研习会最后把学到的东西运用出来的少之又少,人们往往会用大量的时间去获取新信息,而不是想办法将自己新学到的知识应用到日常生活中。作家想把尽办法让人们变成真正的学习者,他让我们掌握以下三样东西,第一就是:坚持记笔记,在培训结束24小时能够记住的少之又少,基本会忘记一半自己学过的东西,一个月后他们所能记住的新知识就不到5%了。第二就是:督促学员在24小时之内重读笔记,总结那些让自己“啊哈”一生的东西,或重要理念。将笔记整洁的写在一个笔记本上面或者储存在计算机里。如果自己不清楚拍照放在印象笔记里面的东西在时间一长会看不清楚。第三就是:督促学员们把自己学到的知识传达给别人。在一星期内传达给别人,要想开始应用新知识,最好的途径之一就是把它传授给别人。最后只有少数学员能够做到这三点,只要一回到办公室就会重新忙碌起来,爱因斯坦说想要按照过去的想法和行为又想得到不同的结果,那是神经病。他们学到了新的知识可是又不运用还想得到新的结果那是不可能的,所以这本书就由作者的一个困惑,如何缩短学到和做到之间的鸿沟,让学到并且做到。 然后在缺失的一环菲尔把三个原因都说出来了,第一是:信息超载、第二是:消极过滤、第三是:缺少跟进、还有就是重复、重复、重复,一句话很难让一个人持久的变化,它必须不断地被重复,不是不间断地反复,而是经过一段时间的反思之后再重复。要想让客户购买你的产品,你也必须不间断的去重复,让客户多接触到你的产品和服务。 在第一个原因:信息超载,其实从字面意思理解也是我们获取的知识太多,信息太多导致我们无法学以致用,我们不停的读完一本又一本书,参加一个又一个研习会最后还是没有改变,我们不停的接触新的知识可是并没有整合学以致用,我们不停地接触新的知识,我们的大脑就会堵塞,淹没在知识的海洋里面。不停的找书,找培训班,归根到底就是不知道自己要学什么,我们需要专注,丹妮打球学了很多技巧最后他还是不会打球,因为他不知道用哪些技巧都觉得好,最后哪家学校就通过电视录像分析了丹妮打球时的每一个动作细节,然后为他确定了3-4个学习目标,在她毕业之前不会教他任何新的东西,那么结合自身,我把自己拜访客户的卖票整个过程录音录下来,晚上回到宿舍分析我拜访的每一个环节,然后单爆每一个环节如何做的更好,并且确定学习目标3-4个,把制定的学习内容细化到每一天的成长,在每一天当中刻意练习出学到了的内容,哪里没用出来,哪里需要改善晚上都在总结里面写出来。要想达到学习目标我必须拜访量是别人的十倍,每次拜访完就要录音问自己哪里做的不够好,哪里做的好了下次继续。这就是刻意练习。要想掌握一样东西,你必须完全沉浸其中,直到将其完全吸收,我必须慢慢咀嚼、消化,直到它变成自己的一部分。通过间隔性重复彻底少量资料对我们产生的影响要超过泛读。不断接触新信息,偶尔参加一些研习班,或者只读一遍书,这些都只会让我们养成迅速遗忘的习惯。这样只会训练我们获取信息,而不是学以致用,我们要少而精,而非多而浅的学习。我们要想解决信息超载这个问题,就要应用少而精的哲学来解决,跟10000小时理论一样,他们不会每个月推荐一本新书,在整整一年当中,我们只会推荐少数几本,我们会找出自己所能找出的最好的客户服务指南,让所有人都读上几遍。 原因2:消极过滤,专注和重复可以克服人们没能学以致用的第一个原因,父母总是倾向于强调那些消极的事情,当我们表现良好会觉得理所当然,一做错就会大发雷霆,因为消极思维要远比积极思维更为流行,如果你坚信相信人们所说的那些消极的东西,你就不会取得如今一半的成就。有两件事需要做好,第一,一个对你充满信心的人可以改变你的人生;第二,我们完全可以选择自己去聆听什么。如果我们总是在聆听那些否定自己的人,那么我们的潜能很可能会被压制,会变得非常有限。在我们爬出“消极之闸”的过程中,最需要的就是一句鼓励的话,大多数人都无法克服那些消极经历带来的影响,过滤系统受到损害,我们本科一100%的接受吸收我们所看到的所听到的东西,可是最后因为过滤系统的堵塞,最终只有10%进入我们的潜意识。 积极聆听:要想多留住一些自己所学到东西,关键在于要带着一种开放、积极的心态去聆听。聆听的教诲:不要带有任何偏见或先入为主;带着一种学习的态度,对新的信息感到兴奋;带着积极的期待;手里拿着笔,准备做记录;带着强烈的欲望,不仅要仔细聆听对方的讲话内容,还要努力激发出自己的想象力;带着一种“我该如何应用这些”的态度。当我保持开放的态度的来学习这本书的时候,我不由自己的把内容跟自己的工作结合在一起,还制定了计划,要有可能性思维,即使是拥有了一个积极、可能性的心态我们也需要进行重复。从拒绝到吸收分为六部,拒绝、抵制、部分接受、完全接受、部分吸收、完全吸收。当一个人总是习惯性的进行积极思考时,他就容易成为一名反向偏执狂。 绿灯思维:在做出任何消极反馈之前,我们一定要首先给出积极的反馈,任何时候都要给自己送赞。不断加强自己的新思维方式,这也是为什么很多时候无法学以致用,一段时间后又恢复以前行为模式的原因,需要加强。练习不能帮我做到完美只有完美的练习才会让我做到完美。
2023-07-18 11:23:521


2023-07-18 11:24:001

什么叫design know-how

design know-how指的是设计诀窍或设计技术等。
2023-07-18 11:24:071


2023-07-18 11:24:172


2023-07-18 11:24:373

know +动词。够短语

know of 知道;了解;听说过 know about 知道 了解
2023-07-18 11:25:353

how was 和how about有什么区别?

How was sth /st 意思,某人感觉怎么样,某事怎么样? how about+名词/代词 / 动名词,表示,某事怎么样,/ 做某事怎么样 英 [hau u0259u02c8baut] 美 [hau028a u0259u02c8bau028at] …怎么样,…怎么办 1.…怎么样,…怎么办 How about jack?We can"t just leave him here. 他怎么办,我们不能把他留在这儿. How about staying at Bart"s overnight? 在巴特家过夜,你看怎么样? 1.How about jack?We can"t just leave him here. 他怎么办,我们不能把他留在这儿. 2.I don"t have much know-how about engines. 发动机方面的技术知识我知之甚少. 3.How about staying at Bart"s overnight? 在巴特家过夜,你看怎么样? 4.How about you having a try? 请君一试,何如? 5.HOW ABOUT THAT BLACK SKIRT WITH A YELLOW BLOUSE? 那件黑裙子和黄上衣怎么样?,10, flywraith 举报 how was my son 可以说成how was my son吗 how was my son 可以说成how was my son吗? 你这个不是一样吗? How is my son ? 意思是问我儿子身体健康状况以及生活状态怎么样? How about my son ?意思是问我儿子在性格特点以及能力方面怎么样?,
2023-07-18 11:26:311

do you want to know how --------- your grades without having to spend more time studying.

2023-07-18 11:26:573

一首说唱歌曲,男女合唱,男的声音稍有些沙哑,歌词里好像有一句是you know how we feel,这句是女的唱的.

2023-07-18 11:27:063

Where the hood at 的中文歌词。

2023-07-18 11:27:152


2023-07-18 11:27:237

Know- How的什么是Know- How

Know-How 的中文译名为:技术诀窍,最早指中世纪手工作坊师傅向徒弟传授的技艺的总称。现在多指从事某行业或者做某项工作,所需要的技术诀窍和专业知识。对于技术门槛和科技含量极高的汽车行业来说,Know-How更是汽车企业不轻易对外开放的技术绝密。汽车Know-How 是一系列设计要求(包括整车、子系统和零部件)及为了达到汽车设计要求的验证方法、验证计划和验证报告,以及各种分析方法和试验方法报告。如果说制造汽车好比烹饪佳肴,技术文件整车数模好比该佳肴的“独门秘方”,那么Know-How就是“独门秘方”的调配、验证过程,这个过程是经过“世界名厨”们长时间多次反复试验而最终形成的。Know-How正是中国古训“授人以鱼不如授人以渔”之“渔”。
2023-07-18 11:28:121

请问know-how 跟skill有什么区别,应该怎样使用他们?

know-how: [ "n05uhau ] n. <口> 实际知识, 技术秘诀, 诀窍英英解释: 名词know-how:1. the (technical) knowledge and skill required to do something skillKK: []DJ: []n.1. (专门)技术;技能,技艺[C]Reading and writing are different skills.阅读和写作是不同的技能。2. 熟练性,熟巧,能力[U][(+in)][+to-v]He is a writer of great skill.他是位写作技巧高超的作家。3. 技术人员;熟练工人[M]
2023-07-18 11:28:291


know-how 视环境可以翻译成 诀窍,实际知识,专门技能
2023-07-18 11:28:392


2023-07-18 11:28:493

Know- How的Know-How的重要性

北京汽车是中国汽车企业海外并购中第一个成功购买到“Know-How”的企业。Know-How是北汽收购北欧豪华品牌萨博最重要的核心技术资产之一。它是萨博70年造车经验的凝聚,是上千万次各类试验的数据结晶;是对汽车企业“整车开发”、“制造工艺”、“供应链管理”、“质量管理”四大系统完整、先进、严谨、标准的规范;Know-How 使汽车企业具备了自主正向开发能力,为自主发展缩短5年以上的研发时间;Know-How 保证企业战略的长期化,产品布局的系统化、清晰化。100多年的汽车研发历史表明,企业只有开发过两代车以上才能逐步建立和完善Know-How体系。北汽从萨博获得的Know-How是欧洲拥有70年历史的豪华汽车企业的知识与智慧的历史积淀,其自主研发体系的建立耗时将大幅缩短,整车研发技术管理体系也会又好又快地发展。北汽的此次海外技术收购,目标并不仅仅集中在“制造图纸”一类的单一技术文件,而是希望买到能保证北京汽车持续开发和生产出高质量轿车的管理体系。
2023-07-18 11:28:561

伊藤由奈的《Know-How》 歌词

歌曲名:Know-How歌手:伊藤由奈专辑:Heart伊藤由奈 - Know-how作词:kei noguchi作曲:mugen驯染めなくて 淡い色のスーツ着こなしはじめた仲间だったGirls镜の前 雑志の中探してた自分の色见つけられず 今 目指すの?チャペル舍てられないモノだけが増えてso time goes by辉けない ならもう演じない脱ぎ舍ててRevive"いつも イイ娘でいなきゃ"とずっと 言い闻かせたまま今日も明日も来年もfar away いられないよあの日憧れたページ私らしくあるために自分だけのノウハウをright now见つけるためにfind out胸の开いたドレスで歩きたい幼い梦は色褪せないsweetsWell, actors only?赤いカーペット见つめるだけのムービースター悩める日々なんて谁にだってある通り过ぎるだけの季节にgood-bye and good luck!新しい朝 目覚めた时手にしてる my wishいつも 饰らないハートが今日の色を决めるから谁かのためだけじゃないfllow me 笑颜でいよういつも 素直な言叶で明日も 言いたいのはYES!磨き上げた心だけ 集めてクロゼットにつめて"いつも イイ娘でいなきゃ"とずっと 言い闻かせたまま今日も明日も来年もfar away いられないよいつも饰らないハートが今日の色を决めるから自分だけのノウハウをright now见つけるためにfind out
2023-07-18 11:29:091

The Know How的《Why Wait》 歌词

歌曲名:Why Wait歌手:The Know How专辑:Now In TechnicolorThinkin that I won"t up on dread hahaha, RastaOoo-ahh Hey, ah-haha HeyOoo-ahh Hey, ah-haha HeyWHY WAITP.O.D.Lift my head up this morningBefore i awake gotta give Jah Jah praises first thingNo other god come before meSo wicked Babylon, me go sing upChant them down babylonMe go stand uphold thy ground against them wicked plansSpeak up,Testify against them Babylon systemGive thanks and praiseNo matter where i go, no matter what they sayJah Jah gonna be there for meNo matter where i go, no matter where i playJah Jah gonna be there for youFor you For youJah Jah gonna be there for youFor you, For youand Jah Jah gonna be thereSo why you wanna wait so long?Shining so bright, and natty dready don"t waitWhy you wanna wait so long?So long, so long, my little baby don"t waitWhy you wanna wait so long?For you, For you, my little sister don"t waitWhy you wanna wait so long?For his majesties loveYou got to know, ah-hahaFor his majesties patients and loveah-haha, you got to serve the KingWhat a lovely little feelingno matter where i go, in the streets them ah show me lovincause in the south we are bubblinGive me more of that Diego raw sound, soundIt"s your boys comin out of southtown, townand you know we have to break it on down, downTestify against them Babylon systemNo matter where i go, no matter what they sayJah Jah gonna be there for meNo matter where i go, no matter where i playJah Jah gonna be there for youSo long, So longJah Jah gonna be there for youFor you, For youand Jah Jah gonna be thereSo why you wanna wait so long?and natty dready don"t waitWhy you wanna wait so long?So long, so long, my little baby don"t waitWhy you wanna wait so long?So long, so long, my little sister don"t waitWhy you wanna wait so long?For his majesties loveOpen your hearts and let Jah come inand i will know that he will wipe away our sinSo why you wanna wait so long?and natty dready don"t waitWhy you wanna wait so long?I pray now, my little baby don"t waitWhy you wanna wait so long?I pray now, my little sister don"t waitWhy you wanna wait so long?For his majesties love
2023-07-18 11:29:161

第一据歌词是u know i know how,歌名是什么

我记得东方神起《crazy love》里有句词 i know u know,不过不是第一句···
2023-07-18 11:29:232

know后跟什么 怎么用

洛基英语整理know的用法,希望对你有帮助:1. 其后一般不直接跟不定式,但在以下情况可接不定式:(1) 后接“疑问词(why 除外)+不定式”。如:I didn"t know what to say. 我不知道说什么。We don"t know when to start. 我们不知道什么时候出发。他会弹钢琴。误:He knows to play the piano.正:He knows how to play the piano.(2) 表示知道应该要做某事。如:She knows not to tell anyone about it. 她知道不该告诉任何人。比较下面两句,注意其中的how的有无和意思的变化:Does he know to come here first? 他知道应该先到这儿来吗?Does he know how to come here? 他知道如何到这儿来吗?2. 比较 know 与 get [come] to know:前者意为“认识”,是持续性动词;后者意为“开始认识”,是终止性动词。如:We"ve known each other for 10 years. 我们俩认识10年了。We got to know each other ten years ago. 我们俩是10年前认识的。3. know 之后可接不定式的复合结构,主要句型为:(1) know+宾语+to be(to be通常不省略),这类句型可转换为that引导的宾语从句。如:I know him to be a fool.=I know (that) he is a fool. 我知道他是个傻瓜。(2) know+宾语+to do(有时可省略 to),在这类句型中 know 一般只限于用过去时或完成时,通常译为“听说过”“见过”等。如:I have never known her (to) tell lies. 我从未听说她撒过谎。I"ve never known her (to) be late before. 我以前从不知道她迟到过。在被动语态中,不定式必须带 to。如:He was known to have a quick temper as a boy. 人们都知道他在孩提时代脾气暴躁。4. 比较:be known as, be known for 与 be known to:(1) be known as 意为“作为……出名”。如:She was well known as an excellent dancer. 她作为一个杰出的舞蹈家非常有名。(2) be known for 意为“因为……出名”。如:He is known for his poems. 他以他的诗出名。(3) be known to 意为“为……所知”。如:He is known to everyone. 大家都熟悉他。
2023-07-18 11:29:331

you want to knowhow i get to school right

嗨.你好吗?谢谢你最后一次电子邮件. 你想知道.我去学校对吗?我通常8点离 开家走到公共汽车站.校车通常是约为 8.我的学校大约20公里.从我的家.乘 公共汽车到那儿大约需要40分钟.乘公 共汽车是从来不会无聊,因为我总是跟我 的同学.你呢?你怎么上学?汤姆中午谐 音 以
2023-07-18 11:30:241


samantha jade---- turn aroundIs it me or did we agree to love? tell me why I don"t feel we got enough. it"s you but what about me? it seems like you live a life without me. everything seems to have your time but us my space in your heart is closing up and the place where your picture"s hanging is the only time you"re with me. don"t leave me out here all alone - oh no. I"m still right here where"d you go Look around don"t you feel something missing? I"m the one you promised you would love but you got ahead so far away while I"m holding on please turn around I see you but i don"t feel you can"t get your attention to save my love look back and see me now don"t let me down please turn around I think I musta gave too much cause I felt that the road was getting rough suddenly I felt lonley out here I look beside me to find you"re not there said you would love and protect me all I have are the words you left me here I stand with the plans in my head This cant be the kinda love that you said dont leave me out here all alone I"m still right here where"d you go Look around don"t you feel something missing. I"m the one you promised you would love. but you got ahead so far away while I"m holding on please turn around I see you but I don"t feel you can"t get your attention to save my love look back and see me now don"t let me down please turn around If you only see the tears I"m crying on my pillow. that doesnt compare to what your doing to my soul dont you even know that im in need of love I"m calling you but you dont seem to hear a thing I"m losing you now Please just look around don"t you feel something missing I"m the one you promised you would love but you got ahead so far away while I"m holding on please turn around. I see you but I don"t feel you. can"t get your attention to save my love. look back and see me now don"t let me down please turn around. Don"t you feel something missing I"m the one you promised you would love but you got ahead so far away while I"m holding on please turn around I see you but I don"t feel you can"t get your attention to save my love look back and see me now. don"t let me down. please turn around. turn around. just turn around. turn around. look around baby look around baby. look around baby.
2023-07-18 11:30:334

为什么要用do you know how he gets to school, 不用 do you know how does he get to school. 求详细

当整个疑问句作为宾语从句时,该宾语从句应用陈述句语序——主语在前,谓语在后。所以:Where is the office?----Do you know where the ofice is?
2023-07-18 11:30:427


歌曲名:Who Know歌手:Avril Lavigne发行时间:2005-05-02所属专辑:《Bonez Tour In Osaka Japan》流派:流行 发行公司:环球唱片英文歌词Why do you look so familiar I could swear that I have seen your face beforeI think I like that you seem sincereI think I"d like to get to know you a little bit moreI think there"s something moreLife"s worth living forWho knows what could happenDo what you doJust keep on laughingOne thing"s trueThere"s always a brand new dayI"m gonna live today like it"s my last dayHow do you always have an opinionAnd how do you always find the best way to compromiseWe don"t need to have a reasonWe don"t need anything we"re just wasting timeI think there"s something moreLife"s worth living forWho knows what could happenDo what you doJust keep on laughingOne thing"s trueThere"s always a brand new dayWho knows what could happenDo what you doJust keep on laughingOne thing"s trueThere"s always a brand new dayI"m gonna live today like it"s my last dayFind yourself"Cause I can"t find youBe yourselfWho are you?Find yourself"Cause I can"t find youBe yourselfWho are you?Who knows what could happenDo what you doJust keep on laughingOne thing"s trueThere"s always a brand new daySo you go and make it happenDo your bestJust keep on laughingI"m telling youThere"s always a brand new dayWho knows what could happenDo what you doJust keep on laughingOne thing"s trueThere"s always a brand new dayI"m gonna live today like it"s my last day中文歌词为何对你有一种似曾相识的感觉我发誓我真的见过你我想 我是喜欢你的真诚我想 我要再多认识你一点复歌我想 有太多的快乐让生命 值得拥抱谁知道 以后会如何做你想要做的事吧保持笑容真的崭新的一天前方等著你我要努力的活 就像今天是世界末日一样你总是可以用最好的方式与实现妥协不需要理由也不用外求 我们只是在浪费生命复歌(x2)找寻你自己的方向因为 我已经遗落你做你自己但你究竟是谁找寻你自己的方向因为 我已经遗落你做你自己但你究竟是谁复歌你要勇往直前 让梦想起飞用力一搏保持笑容我告诉你崭新的一天就在前方等待你
2023-07-18 11:30:572

l know how to make a good impression 英语作文

2023-07-18 11:31:052


2023-07-18 11:31:264


We Are Stars (feat. Alyssa Reid) - Virginia To VegasEverything"s so small whenyou"re on top of the worldIt"s hard to understand what"s still yet to unfoldPretending to be who you"renot is a waste of what you"ve gotKeep dreaming, keep dreaming, keep dreamingKeep on, keep believingWe are the kings and queens of hearts that breakWe may fall in between the cracksLiving life like it"s just a game of blackjackI don"t know how but we always find our way backLooking back when I was just a littlegirl with a big dream living in aLonely worldIt seems life is impossible sobelieve that you"re unstoppableHey!We are stars andWe are open-heartedWe are loversWe are into lovingWe are stars andWe are open-heartedWe are loversWe are built for lovingO-o-oh oh oh oh ohO-o-oh oh oh oh oh ohO-o-oh oh oh oh oh ohO-o-oh oh oh oh oh ohO-o-oh oh oh oh oh ohO-o-oh oh oh oh oh ohO-o-oh oh oh oh oh ohO-o-oh oh oh oh oh ohIt"s hard to see the light whenyou"re caught up in your lifeYou"re scared and insecurecuz now it"s fight or flightCan"t think of giving upYou don"t know how much you"re lovedKeep dreaming, keep dreaming,keep dreamingKeep on, keep believingWe are the kings and queensof hearts that breakWe may fall in between the cracksLiving life like it"s just a game of blackjackI don"t know howbut we always find our way backLooking back when I was just a littlegirl with a big dream living in aLonely worldIt seems life is impossible sobelieve that you"re unstoppableHey!We are stars andWe are open-heartedWe are loversWe are into lovingWe are stars andWe are open-heartedWe are loversWe are built for lovingO-o-oh oh oh oh ohO-o-oh oh oh oh oh ohO-o-oh oh oh oh oh ohO-o-oh oh oh oh oh ohO-o-oh oh oh oh oh ohO-o-oh oh oh oh oh ohO-o-oh oh oh oh oh ohO-o-oh oh oh oh oh ohWe are stars andWe are open-heartedWe"re starsYou know we areYeah, yeahWe are starsWe are starsWe are starsWe areWe are stars andWe are open-heartedWe are loversWe are into lovingWe are stars andWe are open-heartedWe are loversWe are built for lovingO-o-oh oh oh oh ohO-o-oh oh oh oh oh ohO-o-oh oh oh oh oh ohO-o-oh oh oh oh oh ohO-o-oh oh oh oh oh ohO-o-oh oh oh oh oh ohO-o-oh oh oh oh oh ohO-o-oh oh oh oh oh oh
2023-07-18 11:31:581


我不知道我该怎样帮助他=Idon"tknowhowtohelphim.英语中how表示“怎样、如何”,常常用来提问表示状态、程度、方式等状语。e.g.1. Howistheweathertoday?-----It"srainytoday.(提问状态)2. Howdoyougotoschool?-----Onfoot. (提问方式)3. HowdoesLiuXiangran? ----Herunsveryfast.(提问动作的状态)4. HowoftendoyouhavePE?------Twiceaweek. (提问频率)英语中的what表示“什么”,常常用来对名词提问。e.g.1.WhatisyourEnglishname? 2. Whatdoyoudoafterschool?3. Whatwouldliketoeatthisevening?how后面要加宾语Idonotknowhowtodoit what后面不用 Idonotknowwhattodo
2023-07-18 11:32:083

Do you know how to play B-ball,Jay Chou?..天地一斗、杰伦科比

2023-07-18 11:32:174

I don’t know what we can do为什么用 what来提问?用how 为什么不行?

what---------------------做什么how ---------------------怎么做
2023-07-18 11:32:475


1、how可以引导名词性从句:We do not know how he did it. 宾语从句,意思是:我们不知道他是怎么做这件事的。 2、主语从句:How he did it is still unknown. 意思是:他是怎么做这件事的还不知道。 扩展资料   3、表语从句:The problem is how we do it. 意思是:问题是我们怎么做这件事。   4、同位语从句:The way (how) he did it remains unknown. 意思是:他做这件事情的方法还不知道。   1、how作“怎样,怎么样”解时,主要是指做某事或某事发生的方式或方法,还可以引导从句或动词不定式,在句中作宾语,引导的从句在句中还可作定语。   2、how表示某种方式时,可放在表示方式的"名词后面。   3、how作“情况如何”解时,指询问某人的近况或身体状况如何。   4、how作“多么,多少”解时,指达到什么程度,到何种地步,后接形容词或副词。   5、how还常用于感叹句中,可修饰谓语动词,在句中作状语,表示程度,意为“多么,何等”。
2023-07-18 11:33:041


1. At the _____ of the police, those people ran off in all direction.A. viewB. watchC. lookD. sight正确答案:D 2. He has smoked for so many years that he can ___ give it up.A. hardlyB. exactlyC. mostlyD. directly正确答案:A 3. I don"t know what to do, but then an idea suddenly____ to me.A. emergedB. occurredC. happenedD. appeared正确答案:B 4. The accident was _____ to careless driving.A. becauseB. dueC. likelyD. for正确答案:B 5. I don"t know how to choose between the two-shirts and it"s really hard for me to make____.A. stopsB. directionsC. sidesD. decisions正确答案:D1. --How did Mark learn Spanish?--___________________ 选择一项:A. Very well.B. By taking a course. C. In the libraryD. In the morning 【解析】根据问句中的疑问词How可知答语应该是某种方式,所以选B。句意:"---马克是怎样学西班牙的?----通过选课学习的。”如需更多复习资料,可参考电大题酷 小程序。正确答案是:By taking a course.题目2 2. --You know, I have three kids now. --___________________选择一项:A. That"s terrific! B. Well, I"ve grown a mustache.C. Say, you"ve really changed your mind.D. Well, I gave up drinking. 【解析】此题可用排除法进行解题。上文说"你知道吗,我现在有3个孩子”,这属于好事情,所以答语用That"s terrific.(太好了)表示积极回应。正确答案是:That"s terrific! 3. --John,回答? --Oh, that"s my father! And beside him, my mother. A. which is that B. who"s talking over there C. what are they doing D. what is the person over there 反馈【解析】根据下文回答"那是我爸爸”来判断,上文在问"某人是谁 (Who"s...?)”。句意:"----约翰,谁在那里说话?----哦,那是我爸爸,他旁边是我妈妈。”正确答案是:B
2023-07-18 11:33:461

How Do You Know (What I Feel) 歌词

歌曲名:How Do You Know (What I Feel)歌手:Claw Boys Claw专辑:NippleAgnes - How Do You KnowIt"s been a long time and it"s really getting hard to fight it I knowCover it up but it"s much too hard to hide it isHanging around I can"t believe I didn"t see it comingI wanna run away but I just can"t seem to leave it oh noI"m going round round nothing down I don"t understandI say no no let it go don"t be a fool take no chanceHow do you know how do you knowIf it"s real and where do you go?How do you know how do you knowIf it is please show me the roads?If it"s love then how do you know?If it"s love then how do you know?I believe you"re an angel down to guide me you areTo one that"s always be right here beside me oh pleaseTell me that my mind won"t go and chance it I"m scaredPromise me you"ll be here when we get here oh yeahI"m going round round nothing down I don"t understandI say no no let it go don"t be a fool take no chanceHow do you know how do you knowIf it"s real and where do you go?How do you know how do you knowIf it is please show me the roads?If it"s love then how do you know?If it"s love then how do you know?Understand that love takes more than reasonBut I"m finding you"ll never understand at allHow do you know how do you knowIf it"s real and where do you go?How do you know how do you knowIf it is please show me the roads?How do you know how do you knowIf it"s real and where do you go?How do you know how do you knowIf it is please show me the roads?If it"s love then how do you know?If it"s love then how do you know?
2023-07-18 11:34:251


Unmistakable - Backstreet Boys<Unbreakable>anytime, anywhere, any placeyou could be anyone todaymaybe I recognize you on a crowded streetwill you be the one I had in mind?there"ll come a daywhen you walk out of my dreamsface to facelike I"m imaginingthat you"re the one I"m waiting forwill you beunmistakablepeople say watch your life through the bestdesperatly waiting on a chanceI know you"re out thereholding on holding out for meare we gonna know the time is rightwhat if you"re here and I"m just blindthere"ll come a daywhen you walk out of my dreamsface to facelike I"m imaginingthat you"re the one I"m waiting forwill you beunmistakablehow can I own a soul that never hurthow will I know your voice when you haven"t said a wordhow do I know how this will endbefore we began ( before we began )there"ll come a daywhen you walk out of my dreamsface to facelike I"m imaginingthat you"re the one I"m waiting forwill you bewill you beunmistakableunmistakable
2023-07-18 11:34:333


英语感叹句中how和what的用法 How+形容词/副词(+主语+动词)!如:How fast it flies!How beautiful it is!其中主语+动词可省略. What+a/an+形容词+单数名词+it is! What +形容词+复数名词+they are! What +形容词+不可数名词+it is! 其中it is/they are也可省略.如:What a tall building! What an interesting book! What nice weather! What kind girls! 英语感叹句what和how的用法 感叹的中心落在名词上,用what引导感叹句 What + a/an + 形容词 + 主语 + 谓语 ! What + 形容词 + 不可数名词 + 主语 + 谓语 ! What + 形容词 + 可数名词复数+ 主语 + 谓语 ! What a beautiful house it is ! What clean water it is ! What lovely girls they are ! 感叹的中心落在形容词或副词上,或整个句子,用how引导感叹句 How + 形容词或副词 + 主语 + 谓语 ! How blue the sky is ! How fast he swims ! How Tom loves his wife ! 初二英语语法知识重点总结 一、知识强化 1.掌握本单元的重点词汇及句型。 2.谈论最好做某事和正确做某事,培养提高自己的交际能力。 3.正确使用should和ought to。 二、重难点知识讲解 1.First, we decided to elect the chief editor. 首先我们决定选出主编。 decide 动词,意为“决定”,常用结构: decide (not) to do sth. 决定(不)做某事 decide on doing sth 决定做某事 decide + 疑问代词/副词+不定式 决定…… decide+从句 决定…… e.g.I decided to go to Beijing on Monday. 我决定星期一去北京。 He has decided on going for a trip next week. 他已决定下周去旅行。 He decided when to go to Beijing. 他已经决定了什么时候去北京。 We decided that we didn"t take part in the basketball match. 我们决定不参加篮球比赛。 2.We should choose Joyce because she has experience. 我们应该选乔伊斯因为她很有经验。 (1)experience n. 经验;经历 ①经验(不可数名词) e.g.He is a math teacher with 5 years" experience. 他是一名有五年工作经验的数学老师。 ②经历(可数名词) e.g.It was a strange experience. 真是一次奇特的经历。 Please tell us your experiences in America. 请你告诉我们你在美洲的经历。 (2)experience v. 体验;经历 e.g.Our country has experienced great changes in the last thirty years. 我国在过去三十年经历了巨大变化。 3.Then we all voted for her. 然后我们都投票赞成(选乔伊斯为主编)。 vote for *** . 意为“投票赞成某人”。 e.g.I shall vote for Ben because he has experience. 我将投票选本因为他有经验。 Vote for Johnson—the people"s friend! 请投约翰逊一票——他是人民的支持者。 vote against 意为“投票反对”。 e.g.People vote against Henry. 人们投票反对亨利。 4.Then Joyce took charge of the meeting. 于是,乔伊斯主持会议。 take charge of意为“主管,主持;负责”。 e.g.Who will take charge of the meeting? 谁将主持这次会议? She took charge of the family business after her father died. 父亲去世后,家务事全由她负责。 The department was badly anized until she took charge(of it). 这个部门在她负责管理以前组织工作做得很差。 5.Then the others voted for me. 于是其他人投票选我。 句中的the others指参加会议的除我以外的所有人即:Lucy, Joyce, Tony和Jessica。 辨析:other, the other, the others与another (1)other表示“其他的”,表示泛指,没有特定的范围。 e.g.Lei Feng always helped other people. 雷锋总是帮助别人。(指其他的任何人) (2)the other意为“另一个”,一般用于两者之间。其句型为:one…the other…一个……另一个…… e.g.The old man has o sons. One is a soldier, the other is a worker. 那位老人有两个儿子,一个是士兵,另一个是工人。 注意:the other和other后均可加名词,但意思有所不同,“the other+名词”表示一定范围内除一部分外其余的全部,而“other+名词”表示除去部分以后的另一些,但不是剩下的全部。 (3)the others 特指一定范围内的其余的全部人或事物。 e.g.I have three pencils. One is long, and the others are short. 我有三支铅笔,一支是长的,另外(两个)是短的。(代词) (4)another表示三者或三者以上的其他任何一个,意为“再一;又一”。 e.g.Would you like another cup of tea? 你还要一杯茶吗? 6.You will be responsible for different sections of the paper. 你们将负责报纸的不同部分。 be responsible for意为“对……负责”。 e.g.Who is responsible for breaking the mirror? 镜子是谁打破的? The bus driver is responsible for the passengers safety. 公共汽车司机应对乘客的安全负责。 7.Should it be free for readers, or should they pay for it? 读者应免费阅读还是花钱购买呢? 辨析:pay, spend, cost与take 四个单词都可以表示“花费”,但用法却不尽相同。 (1)pay的基本用法是: ①pay ( *** .) money for sth. 付钱(给某人)买某物。 e.g.I have to pay them 20 pounds for this room each month. 我每个月要付给他们20英镑的房租。 ②pay for sth. 付某物的钱 e.g.I have to pay for the lost book. 我不得不赔偿丢失的书款。 ③pay for *** . 替某人付钱 e.g.Don"t worry! I"ll pay for you. 别担心,我会给你付钱的。 (2)spend的主语必须是人,常用于以下结构: ①spend time/ money on sth. 在某物上花费时间/ 金钱。 e.g.I spent o hours on this maths problem. 这道数学题花了我两个小时。 ②spend time/ money(in)doing sth. 花费时间/金钱做某事。 e.g.They spent o years (in) building this bridge. 造这座桥花了他们两年时间。 (3)cost的主语是物或某种活动,还可以表示“值”,常见的用法如下: ①“sth. cost ( *** .)+金钱”表示“某物花了(某人)多少钱”。 e.g.A new puter costs a lot of money. 买一台新电脑要花一大笔钱。 ②“(doing)sth. cost( *** .)+时间”表示“(做某事)某物花了(某人)多少时间” e.g.Remembering these new words cost him a lot of time. 他花了大量的时间才记住了这些新单词。 (4)take 常见的用法有以下几种: ①“It takes/took *** .+时间+ to do sth. ”表示“做某事花了某人多少时间”。 e.g.It took them three years to build this road. 他们用了三年时间修完了这条路。 ②“doing sth. takes *** .+时间”表示“做某事花了某人多少时间”。 e.g.Repairing this car took him the whole afternoon. 他花了一整下午修这辆小汽车。 8.Well, I usually try to get one for free from outside the library… 哦,我通常试图从图书馆外免费拿一份…… try to do sth.,意为“尽力、设法去做某事”,强调付出一定的努力或想方设法地去完成。 I"ll try to e early tomorrow. 我明天尽量早点儿来。 辨析:try doing sth. 意为“尝试着做某事”,不一定付出很大努力。 e.g.If you like, you can try watching it. 如果你喜欢,你可以试着看一下。 拓展: ①try/do one"s best to do sth.意为“尽某人全力去做某事”。 e.g.We should try our best to practice speaking English. 我们应尽力来练习说英语。 ②try on意为“试穿”。 e.g.Can I try it on? 我可以试穿一下吗? ③try也可用作名词,意为“尝试”。 e.g.I can"t open this door—will you have a try? 我打不开这扇门——你来试试行吗? 9.I also have the habit of reading English for half an hour every morning. 我也有每天早上读半小时英语的习惯。 have the habit of doing…意为“有干某事的习惯”。 e.g.My mother has the habit of getting up early. 我妈妈有早起的习惯。 He has habit of *** oking during meals. 他有吃饭时吸菸的习惯。 10.Were you nervous before the speech? 在演讲前你紧张吗? nervous意为“焦虑的,紧张的”,形容词作表语,可以与动词get/ feel,系动词be连用。 e.g.Don"t be nervous! The doctor just wants to help you. 别紧张!医生只是想帮助你。 I felt very nervous when I went into his office. 当我走进他的办公室时,我感到很紧张。 11.She was on her way to the library to return the books. 她正走在去图书馆还书的路上。 (1)the way to…意为“去……的路”。其中the可以用物主代词替换。如果表示地点的词是副词home, there, here等时,则不用介词to。way为名词,意为“路;道路”,其常用的搭配还有on one"s way to+n. 或on one"s way+adv.,意为“在去……的路上”。 e.g.I see some beautiful flowers on my may home. 在回家的路上,我看到一些美丽的花。 On my way to the school I met my head teacher. 上学路上我遇到了班主任。 (2)return在句中意为“归还”,相当于give sth. back. e.g.Return the book to the library. 把书归还给图书馆。 12.but I haven"t felt lonely at all. 但我一点也不感到孤独。 (1)辨析:lonely与alone ①lonely一般只用作形容词,表示“孤单的,孤独的,寂寞的”,在句中既可作表语,又可作定语。lonely修饰物时,意为“荒凉的”。 e.g.When his wife and o little children left him, he was very lonely. 妻子和两个孩子离他而去后,他很孤独。 This is a lonely mountain village. 这是一个荒凉的小山村。 ②alone作形容词时,意为“单独的,独自的;独一无二的”,通常只用作表语。用作副词,表示“独自地,单独地”之意,相当于by oneself。此外,alone用在名词或代词之后,意为“只有,唯有,仅仅”。 e.g.Tom alone knew what had happened. 只有汤姆知道发生了什么事。 ③lonely指人孤独寂寞,或指地方荒无人烟,有浓厚的伤感色彩。alone表示“单独,独自一人”,不含感 *** 彩。 e.g.He doesn"t feel lonely though he lives alone. 尽管他独自生活,但他并不感到孤独。 (2)not…at all 意为“一点……也不;根本不”,是完全否定。 e.g.I don"t like it /them at all. 我根本不喜欢它(它们)。 He can not swim at all. 他根本就不会游泳。 She doesn"t love me at all. 她根本就不爱我。 三、语法点拨——should与ought to的用法 1.一般说来,两者可替换,只是ought to语气稍重。 e.g.You ought to (should) go and see Mary sometime. 你应该什么时候去看看玛丽。 The train ought to (should) have arrived at six. 火车本应该6点钟到的。 Such things ought not to be allowed. 这种事情是不允许的。 2.表示出于法令规则、行为准则、道德责任等客观情况而“应该”做某事时,一般应用ought to,若用should则含有个人意见,强调主观看法。 e.g.We ought to go and see Mary tomorrow, but I don"t think we will. 明天我们按理应该去看看玛丽,但是我认为我们不会去(此句不宜用should)。 3.在公告、须知或条例中,出于礼貌,常用should。如: e.g.You should not run alongside the swimming-pool. 不准在游泳池边奔跑。 求英语感叹句what和how的用法 感叹句: 3感叹的中心落在名词上,用what引导感叹句 What + a/an + 形容词 + 主语 + 谓语 ! What + 形容词 + 不可数名词 + 主语 + 谓语 ! What + 形容词 + 可数名词复数+ 主语 + 谓语 ! 4感叹的中心落在形容词或副词上,或整个句子,用how引导感叹句 How + 形容词或副词 + 主语 + 谓语 ! 初二上学期重点语法 一.形容词、副词的比较级和最高阶 在表示比较的时候,会出现三种情况:同级比较,比较级和最高阶。 同级比较的结构是,意思是“……和……一样”。 例如: He is as tall as his father. 他和他的父亲一样高。 He gets up as early as Tom every day. 他每天和汤姆起得一样早。 Special tips: 的中间要用形容词或副词的原形。 这个句子结构的否定形式表达的意思是“……不如后者……”。 例如: The pen is not as dear as that one. 这支钢笔没有那支贵。 比较级的结构是:...than...,意思是“……比……更”。 例如: Today is colder than yesterday. 今天比昨天冷。 Cars run faster than bikes. 汽车比脚踏车跑得快。 Special tips: (一) 在指代两者当中的某个特征更明显的物件时,可以用the来特定化。 例如: He is the taller of the ins. 他是双胞胎中比较高的那个。 (二) 某个形容词或副词的比较级形式可以通过and连线起来,表示“越来越……”。 例如: It bees older and older. 它变得越来越老。 He walks more and more quickly. 他走得越来越快。 (三) the + 某一形容词或副词的比较级 + the + 某一形容词或副词的比较级,表示“越……, 就越……”。 例如: The more exercise you do,the healthier you will be. 锻炼得越多,你就越健康。 The warmer it gets,the more people you can see in the street. 天越暖和,你就会在街上看到越多的人。 (四) 固定结构like...better than...表示的意思是指“与……(后者)相比较更喜欢……(前者)”。 例如: I like ice water better than coke. 与可乐相比我更喜欢冰水。 最高阶表示在某个范围内(不少于三个物件)某个物件具有最突出的特征,它常和among,in,of连用。 例如: He works the most carefully among his clas *** ates. 在他的同学当中他干活最细心。 The red one is the best of all. 红色的是最好的。 二.一般过去时态 一般过去时态表示在过去某个时间发生的事情或动作,强调与现在的对比。我们需要把动词变成过去式。变成否定形式时,只需在动词前加一个didn"t,然后把动词变成原形就可以了。 例如: He left 4 hours ago. 他在四个钟头前离开了。 He didn"t know how to say it in English. 他不知道它用英语怎么说。 Special tips: 我们需要特别留意不规则动词的过去式形式。 三.一般将来时态 一般将来时态表示的是将要发生或打算要做的事情。结构有二种: 1. 主语+be going to + 动词原形 例如: He is going to travel to Xinjiang. 他要去新疆旅游。 Special tips: going,leaving,ing的现在进行时态就可以表示将来。 例如: They"re ing. 他们要来了。 2. 主语+will+动词原形 例如: We"ll be here an hour later. 我们一个钟头后到。 四.反意疑问句 反意疑问句的规则是,“前否定后肯定,前肯定后否定”。我们要把握的是表示否定的词(如little,few,never,no one,nothing,nobody,hardly等)出现在前半句的时候,后面也要用肯定形式。 例如: Few people know the story,do they? He never saw the film before,did he? 五.感叹句 how引导的感叹句的完整结构是: How + 形容词 / 副词 + 主语 + 谓语动词 + ! 例如: How carefully he drives! 他驾驶得多谨慎小心啊! How exciting the news is! 这个讯息多么激动人心啊! what引导的感叹句的完整结构是: What + a / an + 形容词 + 名词 + 主语 + 谓语动词 + ! 例如: What an exciting news it is! 多么激动人心的讯息啊! Special tips: 判断用how还是用what引导感叹句,要看完整的句子去掉后面的主谓短语后的情况。如果去掉主谓短语后结尾词是名词,就要用what引导这个感叹句。如果去掉主谓短语后结尾词是形容词或副词,就要用how引导这个感叹句。 初中英语感叹句中what和how的用法区别 一个后面加名词,一个后面加形容词 英语感叹句的What和How的用法怎么判别 what+ a/an +adj.+n.(+主语.+谓语) how +adj (+主语+谓语) 由此可以看出,what 和how的选择,主要看所修饰的词是什么词性,如果是名词,就用what,其他的用how. 英语感叹句 SO WHAT HOW开头 的用法和区别? 三个词的词性是不一样的,当然用法也不一样,楼主可以分两组来记 第一组是so和such,都是“多么”的意思,so是副词多么地,后面一定是跟形容词,such是形容词多么的 后面一定是跟名词 比如 多美好的一天:so fine a day=such a fine day 第二组是how和what引导的感叹句,此时它们两个是引导词,引导的是完整的一句话,而上面的so和such只是在句中起修饰作用,属于句子的一部分。 what感叹句中中心词是名词,一般的句型是:what+adj+n+it is how后面一定紧跟形容词,强调的也是这个形容词,一般的句型是:how+adj+某人某物.+isare 比如还是上面的 what a fine day it is=how fine the day is 希望能帮到你!若有疑问可以Hi我 求英语中的感叹句 how what how a what a 的用法 How +形容词+ a +名词+ 陈述语序 How+形容词或副词+ 陈述语序 What +名词+ 陈述语序 What+a+形容词+名词+ 陈述语序 What+ 形容词+复数名词+ 陈述语序 What+ 形容词+不可数名词+ 陈述语序 英语感叹句的用法 英语感叹句的用法 ----- what +名词片语(a/an +adj +n)+主谓! ----- What +a beautiful flower +it is ! ----- how +adjadv +主谓 ! ---- How + beautiful + the flower is! ---- How fast the man swims ! 请教英语中 what 和 how 的感叹句的用法? 感叹句一般是用来表示说话时的喜悦、惊讶等情感。英语感叹句常用"what"和"how"引导,"what"和"how"与所修饰的词置于句首,其它部分用陈述句语序。 一、 由"what"引导的感叹句:"what"意为"多么"用作定语,修饰名词(被强调部分),单数可数名词前要加不定冠词a/an,复数可数名词或不可数名词前不用冠词。这类句子的结构形式是: what+(a/an)+adj.+n.+主语+谓语+(it is). 如: ① What a clever girl she is! 多么聪明的姑娘呀! ② What an interesting story it is! 多么有趣的故事呀! ③ What good children they are! 他们是多么好的孩子呀! ④ What beautiful flowers they are! 多么漂亮的花呀! ⑤ What delicious food it is! 多么有味的食物呀! ⑥ What heavy snow it is! 多么大的雪呀! 二、由"how"引导的感叹句:"how"意为"多么",用作状语,修饰形容词或副词(被强调部分)。如果修饰形容词,则句中的谓语动词用系动词;如果how修饰副词,则句中的谓语动词用行为动词,这类句子的结构形式是: How+adj.(adv.)+主语+谓语+(it is). 如:① How cold it is today! 今天多么冷呀! ② How nice the pictures are! 多么漂亮的图画呀! ③ How happy they look! 他们显得多么高兴呀! ④ How well she sings! 她唱得多好呀! ⑤ How hard they are working now! 他们干得多么起劲呀! 三、在表示同一意义时,英语感叹既可用"what"引导,也可用"how"引导。如: ① What a hot day it is! How hot the day is ! 多么热的天气呀! ② What tall buildings they are! How tall the buildings are! 多么高的楼房呀! ③ What bad weather it is! How bad the weather is! 多么糟糕的天气呀! ④ What bright sunshine it is! How bright the sunshine is! 多么明亮的阳光呀! 四、感叹句在表示激动强烈的感情时,口语中常常采用省略句,其后面的主语和谓语往往略去不讲。 如:① What a fine day! 多么晴朗的天呀! ② What an honest boy! 多么诚实的孩子呀! ③ What red apples! 多么红的苹果呀! ④ How cool! 好凉快呀! ⑤ How wonderful! 精彩极了! 这么多够你用的了,不过你就记住what作定语,修饰名词,how作状语,修饰形容词或副词。打了这么多,也别忘了给我加分哟!
2023-07-18 11:34:431


They say my mother never wrong They say love all have no result They said you"d better keep silent They say it"s most like me They said so much Don"t say in my heart They will only say They are such a windbag My heart is burning up They dragged back Then said to do so So do I Life like this song Someone"s out of tune I am the one So the solo The song didn"t and Also just as well I am happy They said their And I again? How close They say children that will get into trouble They said you father than more tender They say the reality will let you are down and out They said listen to me don"t wrong They said so much Is all bull shit I like life Not in the nursery I as long as it wide As long as I am free and easy As long as I dreamed Nothing can"t do My heart his profile Hand can touch My ideal life In the distance I I don"t find me I want to create my If the last into foam You again to laugh at me They say children this is sin They say children that will fall They say children you don"t understand life They said listen to me don"t wrong They say They say Their children like the train Based on the Then I arrived In the trajectory watched the roadside flowers They say bad They say They always spread in orbit Dug riprap Shovel to weed Tell you here can"t run They say you are shy flower But I see the other side of the lights on fishing boats They say you are feminine flowers But I know I have to do They say you are shy flower But I see the other side of the lights on fishing boats They say you are feminine flowers But I know I have to do
2023-07-18 11:35:024

how 和what 用法的区别.

我不知道我该怎样帮助他=I don"t know how to help him. 英语中how表示“怎样、如何”,常常用来提问表示状态、程度、方式等状语. e.g.1.How is the weather today?-----It"s rainy today.(提问状态) 2.How do you go to school?-----On foot.(提问方式) 3.How does Liu Xiang ran?----He runs very fast.(提问动作的状态) 4.How often do you have PE?------Twice a week.(提问频率) 英语中的what表示“什么”,常常用来对名词提问. e.g.1.What is your English name? 2.What do you do after school? 3.What would like to eat this evening? how后面要加宾语 I do not know how to do it what后面不用 I do not know what to do
2023-07-18 11:35:111


2023-07-18 11:35:373


谁会为了五块 帮你翻译这么长一篇
2023-07-18 11:36:064