barriers / 阅读 / 详情


2023-07-19 09:33:37
TAG: 谢谢





3、刘嘉玲——别让我最后一个才知道(已经是一首很老的歌了,但我依然不愿意从mp3中删掉,歌曲很简单,很清新,她唯一的一首 好歌,我喜欢!)



6、邹芮——让爱重来(电视剧“离婚女人”中的主题歌,我找了好久,去听听吧,看电视的时候还以为是苏芮唱的,虽然没听过这个歌 手,但歌真的好听)







13、钟汶——刺猬(一个新歌手,她的音色很好,歌也不错!我想她会红起来的!还有她的赔偿、过冬都值得听!喜欢她就好象喜欢马 郁一样的)






19、韩红—醒了、那片海(她的好歌太多了,但最爱的还是这两首,特别是前一首,那空灵的声音,真的是太绝了!这就是音乐的魔力 !)

20、顺子——only one(不是英文歌喔!是“第101次求婚”的主题曲,她的音色就不用介绍了吧,“回家”是她的经典歌曲,我认为这一首也算吧! )

21、裘海正——懂爱的人(这首歌已经爱了很多年了,好象是刚谈恋爱时最喜欢听的歌,现在女儿已经6岁了,可依然还是百听不厌, 这也应该算经典吧!不信去听一听!)




24、金莎——第三滴眼泪(有着甜甜嗓音的小女孩,她的歌中我只喜欢这一首,可能是因为词写得好吧,“第一滴眼泪流下的时候你转 身准备走,第二滴眼泪流下的时候你已经离开了”那第三滴泪呢,由听者自己去体会吧!)



27、刘若英—决定(她有很多好歌,可能听得太多的原因,但我一直认为最好的还是应该算这一首吧,我自己喜欢就行了,每次k歌的 时候我都没有唱烦喔)






我看见鲜艳的玫瑰芬芳遍地,我感觉这样的情景那么熟悉,我惊异满街的情人如此甜蜜 我记得这一天你是那么美丽 。红玫瑰 黄玫瑰 盛开在2月14,也许你还记得 也许你已忘记 我的情歌曾为你夜夜唱起 。也许会遇见你 让一切再继续 我的心在原地等待奇迹,我想可以抽完这支烟就忘记 我想可以喝完这杯酒就忘记 ,我想可以唱完这首歌就忘记 我想可以不闭上眼就会想起

红玫瑰,黄玫瑰,哪一束不会枯萎,也许你还记得 也许你已忘记 爱情是生命的一道痕迹。也许会遇见你,让一切再继续 我的心在原 地等待奇迹 。也许你还记得 也许你已忘记 我的情歌只为你夜夜唱起 。也许会遇见你 让一切再继续 我的心在原地等待奇迹。我会去那棵榕树下等候你 我会去那唱片店里等候你 。我会在今夜梦中等候你 2月14的夜晚你会在哪里

(因为近两个月一直在听,那音乐太舒服了!所以忍不住成为今天的首推,歌的意境和旋律真的让我感觉太美了!多听几遍 相信你一定会喜欢的!)


白键是那一年海对沙滩浪花的缱绻,黑键是和你多日不见 弹指间 海岸线你的泪 我的眼 ;模糊 天边 每个人心中都有架钢琴,尘封在回忆,任凭我只是你的插曲 时间偶尔提起 钢琴偶尔哭泣 那些零乱 片段 如果爱还能再重来 我期待澎湃 oh 每次 琴盖打开 便有歌来自大海 如果爱已不存在 我希望有一段精彩 让回忆有所感慨白键是现在我哀悼 昨天成全你改变 ;黑键是原谅我的原谅好想再 弹一遍 手指却 只听见你的道歉

(也是我一直舍不得删掉的歌,特别是歌词,下吧,绝对没错的!我认为这首歌可以和他的i belive同样堪称精典.音乐真的是一种好东西,可以让人这么沉醉、这么享受!


生命就像一条大河 时而宁静时而疯狂 现实就像一把枷锁 把我捆住无法挣脱

这谜样的生活锋利如刀 一次次将我重伤 我知道我要的那种幸福 就在那片更高的天空

我要飞得更高飞得更高 狂风一样舞蹈挣脱怀抱 我要飞得更高飞得更高 翅膀卷起风暴心生呼啸

飞得更高 一直在飞一直在找 可我发现无法找到 若真想要是一次解放 要先剪碎这有过的往

我要的一种生命更灿烂 我要的一片天空更蔚蓝 我知道我要的那种幸福 就在那片更高的天空 我要飞得更高飞得更高 狂风一样舞蹈挣脱怀抱 我要飞得更高飞得更高 翅膀卷起风暴心生呼啸


(真的是令人 荡气回肠啊!很大气的一首歌,这才是男人应该唱的歌,给予人生活的方向,人活着就应该飞得更高!抱着希望听他其它歌,就差远了! )


5、零点乐队—— 你的爱给了谁

忘了吧曾有过的幸福,算了吧 一切已结束.我知道 她不属于我,我的心 却被带走.失去了一生中 的最爱,想起来叫人心碎.天空漂着冰雪,无法冻结 我的思念.你的爱 到底给了谁,我的心为你 流着泪.

所有的痛 留给伤悲,像你曾经的美丽.你的爱到底给了谁,我的心为你流着泪.谁能 做到不顾一切,像我那样 爱着你.

(听这支歌会有想哭的冲动,一个失恋男人发自心灵的呐喊!如果你心情不好,真的应该去k这支歌,或许能够唱出你的心声,释放坏的 情绪,唱好了这支歌或许能让一个男人更具沧桑感!真的是越听越心碎,越听越爱听啊!)



8、孙楠—留什么给你(一直比较关注他,高亢的歌喉,音域宽广,能高能低,收放自如,他的经典歌太多了,只是我比较偏爱这一首罢 了!还有他的“我爱的她不爱我”、“燃烧”、“拯救”,还是很爱听。我相信你会喜欢他的)

9、张智成—放我的真心在你手心(好象已经是很久很久以前的歌了,但最近听过后,便又不忍心删掉了,那温馨的旋律,轻柔舒缓的音 乐,真的让人沉醉于其中。去享受一下吧!)


11、黄品源—那么爱你为什么(突然觉得这首歌曲的风格好象志上一首歌有几分相似,喜欢就行了!还有他的“狠不下心”也不错的, 虽不是他的主打歌,但不会让你失望的)



14、韩磊—千百年后谁还记得谁(也算一首颇有气势的歌,汉武大帝的主题曲,真的是一首震撼人心的好歌,唱出了男人,英雄的侠义 柔情,刚中有柔,穿越无尽沧桑 。在那种场景之下,音乐响起,再坚强的心也不能不潸然泪下。好歌,真的是好歌!还有一曲“向天再借五百年”,没听过的值得一听)

15、屠洪刚—放手(和韩磊算是一种歌路的歌手,颇有男儿气慨,但我还是喜欢他刚中有柔的歌曲,相信大家都听过他的“你”了,而 我力荐的这一首我相信你一定没听过,多听两遍你会发现很耐听!)


17、小刚—不要问我分手后一个人怎么过(他的经典歌太多了,但我最钟爱他这一首,耐听!以前喜欢他的“黄昏”、“我的心太乱” ,都不错)

18、阿木—某个女人的美(差点忘了推他,从一个组合中单独出来发展的歌手,音色不错,特别喜欢这曲,“我想最难跨越的不是路途 遥远,而是某个女人的美”写得好亦唱得好!还有他的“i love you”也算他的经典之作吧!)

19、林峰—我是一个被爱伤过的人(一个朋友推荐的,也不知是老歌还是新歌,反正好听就行了,喜欢悲伤歌曲的人一定不要错过喔! )


21、水木年华—一生有你(听一遍便不由自主喜欢上了这支歌,特别喜欢“等到老去那一天,你是否还在我身边,看那些誓言谎言,随 往事慢慢飘散”,它所蕴含的东西太多了!一生有你,其实是很奢侈的,对吧?)

22、谢霆锋——我们这里还有鱼(有一天在朋友的车上听见的,又是一首一听钟情的歌,唱出了男人的痴情,敢爱敢恨!听到这支曲子 一响起我的心就会很平静,变得异常安静。下吧,谁都会喜欢的!)


24、迪克牛仔——最后一首歌(“最后一首歌,我累得不想再使力气,我好想你,更想爱你,只是我早放弃,生命会有奇迹 !”他的歌极具男人的沧桑,每次老公在k这支歌的时候,我都会沉醉于其中,真的是好歌!)


26、黄征——地铁(他的新专辑的歌,我觉得比那首主打歌曲“一个人的战役”值得听,还有他的爱情诺曼底和奔跑,闲时不妨去听听 )



29、李天华—七天七世纪(无意中听到的,却一下子就被吸引了,歌词写得特别好!喜欢悲伤歌曲的人不听会是你的遗憾喔!我想悲伤 的情歌只要用心去唱都会是好歌的!)

30、东来东往——忘了怎么哭(又是一首伤情歌,我真喜欢这首歌,很感性的歌词和旋律,让人感动!伤到极至才会忘了怎么哭吧?虽 然他只是一个网络歌手,但歌不错!)

1、郭峰——在你面前我好想流泪(他有很多好歌,但这支歌最是用情,太投入的话可能你真会流泪喔!"告诉我沧桑后还有的滋味", 喜欢!如果还没听过他的”移情别恋”的快去下吧!)

2、娃娃——飘泮过海来看你(前部分的旋律很美,词曲都不错,其实每次听都会有不同的感受,安静的坐在房间里听这首歌,你会发现不管你是否有同样的经历,你都会感动 !)

3、任贤齐——流着泪的你的脸(其实这首歌好老了,以前听起觉得视觉上挺好。可当再一次听到,突然之间颇为感触,非常耐听。当年 没有流行起来可能是因为被“心太软”给掩盖了,我个人觉得心太软比它差远了!)


5、she——他还是不懂(听第一遍就喜欢上了这歌,特别是歌词和旋律都非常舒服,算是好听的歌吧!基于爱国精神,本来不推她们 的,但对歌不对人吧!理解吗?)

6、梁朝伟——你是如此难以忘记(可能是因为喜欢他人的原因吧,爱乌及屋,所以特别喜欢他的歌,他的沧桑和他的男人味已充分融入 到歌中,还有他的“一天一点爱恋”、“为情所困”,不喜欢都不行!)


8、李碧华——分手 (也是一曲怀旧的经典歌,一直以来都很喜欢这首歌,记得还在念书的时候听过,这么多年了一直没忘记。喜欢这类型歌的人可以一听! )


10、王筝——你还要什么(一个新歌手,朋友给我推荐她的“糖纸”,而我却爱上了这一首歌曲.应该说她的歌都还可以听,去下她的 专辑吧,不会失望的!)

1、易欣——下辈子不要做男人(其实很早就想推这支歌了,只是一直感觉这歌名太给男人丢脸了吧,所以一直压着。其实歌手的声线和 歌的旋律都很不错,还有他的“不顾一切爱你”、”别再说你还爱着我”都算好的情歌吧!)

2、邝文珣——失恋了怎么办(她自己写的曲子,不错吧?她的声音很透彻,很舒服,很适合失恋的人听喔“到底是我不够勇敢,还是你 本来就不爱”最后这句歌词我最喜欢)

3、苏慧伦——相见恨晚、就要爱了吗(一直比较喜欢苏慧伦,但她的歌听得太多了,以前喜欢她的“哭过的天空”、“满足”、“鸭子 ”,但似乎这两首更让我怀念,虽然不比彭佳慧的那首相见恨晚,但也不会让你失望的!)

4、成龙、金喜善——美丽的神话(最好先去看这部电影,然后再听这支歌,你才能体会到歌曲和电影的完美结合,否则你是体会不到歌 的意境的.飞翔时的那情那景会自然而然蹦入你的脑海,一个字:美!)

5、车继铃——最远的你是我最近的爱(老得不能再老的歌了,悲情、伤感、充满磁性的歌声,尽管离今天已经整整15年了,但当车继 铃的歌声复又重来时,似乎他从来没有离开过,值得你再去听一听的)

6、杨林——她比我更好吗(一个太有女人味的歌手,一个温柔甜蜜得有点过分的声音,但当年好喜欢听,现在复又听见,对歌本身还是 那么感兴趣!)


8、徐怀钰——分飞(我喜欢这个歌,歌词的每一句话好象都有它的含义,旋律很简单,但听来感觉很好听,是很容易k的一首歌 "一瞬间,我决堤在今夜,泪底垂,垂在手心里是你的余味"歌词写得太好了!)

9、 温兆伦——随风缘(典型的温式情歌, 很多年前听过这首歌,一直忘不掉,很喜欢歌中那份随意中的感伤,突然间我想到一句话“花自飘零,水自流”难道世间的缘分真的如此 ! 最好在夜里静静地聆听,你会醉在其中!)


1、梦飞船——不值得(虽然听起来好象是运用假声唱的,但有种飘渺的感觉,会让你情不自禁醉于其中,很适合在一间灯光微弱的酒吧 听,音乐环绕在整个酒吧,会特别有味道的!不信去试试!)

2、弦子——醉清风(我知道这歌好听的原因了,是因为它的前奏和孙燕姿的“遇见”如出一辄,会让你不知不觉跟着哼,对于太熟悉的 旋律会有一种亲切感,但还是略逊一筹!不觉得吗?)



4、庞龙——吹眼睛(老公为我推荐的,其实庞龙的音域宽、厚,有种与生俱来的沧桑感,很甜蜜的歌曲都会被唱出沧桑的感觉,他的歌 好听,很大众化。“而如今风又迷了我的眼睛 ,你却早已去远行......”一生能有几人会为你吹眼睛?珍惜吧!)

5、飞儿乐团—lydia(这首歌虽然悲伤,但充满希望,不管怎样,希望和梦想还在,对吗?”你会感受爱感受恨感受原谅 ,生命总不会只充满悲伤”很乐观喔,旋律也好!听一下吧!)

1、候湘婷——暧昧(已经忘记她很长一段时间了,无意见再次听见,就好象邻家女孩那么亲切,清清淡淡的感觉,很恬淡、很舒服!好 象一个纯纯的女孩在轻声诉说她的初恋, 也算一支伤感的情歌吧!还有她的“我是如此爱你”还是可以听的!)

2、苏永康——爱一个人好难(康式情歌中最经典的!最好静静地去细品,足以打动你的心。他不同歌曲有与众不同的尾音,极有吸引力 ,不觉得吗?)

3、张敬轩——断点(他的歌曲很有他独特的个性 ,就象他的长相一样,虽然不是很帅的那种,但是很有个性。同样是一首以旋律见长的歌曲,让人在听第一次的时候就难以忘记。再去体 会其中的深意,方能明白歌中的隐忍与沉重。“静静地陪你走了好远好远,连眼睛红了都没有发现,听著你说你现在的改变,看著我依然 最爱你的笑脸。”笑脸还是那张笑脸,但已经不再属於你时,也许,只有放弃。)

4、陈奕迅——十年(歌词很宿命,却也真实。“情人最后难免沦为朋友……直到和你做了多年朋友,才明白我的眼泪,不是为你而流, 也为别人而流。”他的歌能给人一种很温暖的感觉,亦能把很平淡的歌,唱得很有味道。)

5、萧亚轩——最熟悉的陌生人(我听她的歌不是听歌,而是听她的声音,这是我的一种享受,他的声音非常有磁性,这支歌不是她最优 秀的,但却是我心中最经典的,不管是旋律还是歌词,“因为爱过,所以不会是敌人;因为伤过,所以不会是朋友,只能是最熟悉的陌生 人。”可能是对这首歌最好的诠释。

1、齐秦——往事随风(听齐氏秦歌十几年了,也喜欢了十几年,他出色的声线,略带沙哑,能将刚柔同时达到极致,空灵、优雅... ...但最爱的还是他的“往事随风,心随你动......"太美了!虽然当年不羁的狼已经不复存在,但此时的狼还是一样有成熟男 人的魅力,对吧?)

2、庾澄庆—春泥(喜欢他的表情,喜欢他唱歌时的投入,特别这首歌又是伊能静作的词,旋律和歌词都喜欢,可能是因为喜欢他们的爱 情吧?那是一种经过等待和付出后的相濡以沫,是漫无边际的深爱,她在告诉他,请珍惜! 这歌其实应了一句“落红不是无情物,化做春泥更护花”,还有“情非得已”还是很好听的!)

3、徐婕儿——我可以忍受(又是一个能自己作词的才女!唱功还待提高,但歌非常好听,让人感动的爱情!很少有新人的歌让我听一次 就爱上的,《我可以忍受》做到了 。)

4、关心妍 ——终点(小刚作曲,张敬轩作词,你能说出不好听的理由吗?尤其喜欢“诺言还是抵不过时间”这一句,只是她的粤语歌太多,所以以 前不太关注,听了这支歌便一发不可收拾地喜欢上了她和终点!)

5、许慧欣——7月7日睛(无意间在商场听见的,但自从我一听这一首歌就被它那独有的伤感和美丽所征服! 经典的情歌!歌曲开始很平淡,到了高潮很好听`但好听中还夹杂着凄凉的感觉,就象喜欢一个人一样,给你带来快乐的同时也带来了忧 愁。有一种冰天雪地的感觉 ,好冷!但好听就行了,对吗?)

1、凤凰传奇——月亮之上(第一次是听纪敏佳唱的,感觉不错!结果在网上却意外发现了这个组合,有点天籁之音的感觉,和纪敏佳的 风格炯然不同,韵味更足,感觉好象自己在银色月亮之下的大草原上,尽情的唱歌似的,心情随之飞扬...... )

2、张宇——消息(一首老歌,但却依然感觉亲切,特别最后几句,深情的演绎,特别耐听!“如果说再见是你唯一的消息,我仿佛可以 预见我自己,越往远处飞去,你越在我心里,而我却是你不要的回忆!)

3、袁惟仁——坦白(听他的歌,有点淡谈的感伤,犹如在品淡淡的咖啡,感觉又回到了从前。很多歌星的歌都出自于他,很厉害吧?他 的“征服”、”旋木“强过那两个天后,不信去听一听!而这首坦白却是可以让你听很久很久的歌。)

4、凌飞——印度洋的眼泪(一个网络原创歌手,他的声音有种狂傲不羁的感觉,但又不失细腻,绝对是可以流传的那种音乐。而这首是 为纪念印度洋海啸的,很大气,很悲壮,令人震撼的音乐,你应该去听一听的!还有他的“男人心、傻女人、我的爱有罪”也很好听的! )

5、梁咏琪—— 胆小鬼(曾经最爱她的“短发”,而这支歌第一次听便喜欢上了,特别是她的声音和歌的旋律,让我常常不由自主地哼几句,很轻松!)

1、瞿颖——加速度(这是一首节奏感很强的歌,旋律有点轻快,瞿颖的声线比较适合唱快歌,给人悦心悦耳的感觉,相信我,不管你是 谁,都会喜欢这支歌的!)

2、杨坤——我比从前更寂寞(他的新歌,其实单就歌名就已经吸引了我。旋律感人,词锋特别犀利,真实地刻划了现代人的心理,再加 上他特别的音色,真是把这歌演绎得太好了!以前特别喜欢他的无所谓——“无所谓,谁会爱谁......”风格很是洒脱,我喜欢! )

3、伍佰——挪威森林、浪人情歌、痛哭的人(都是老歌了,但却非常耐听,歌词又是如此完美而富有哲理,音色有一点颓废,有一点酷 。每个人都能在不同的心情去喜欢他不同的歌,我想这也叫经典吧?)

4、孙燕姿——眼泪成诗(这首歌把那种无奈诠释到了极致,音乐,作词,都充满了一种淡淡的惆怅,很抒情的慢歌,也许有人不喜欢这 种风格 但是我说 这首歌真的把我感动了!从她的天黑黑到遇见再到眼泪成诗,似乎看到了一个邻家女孩成长过 程。一个很有味道的女歌手!)

5、林忆莲——默读伤悲(她的嗓音条件得天独厚,音域宽广,风格多变,既有劲爆的快节奏歌曲,也有柔情无比的抒情歌曲。可以豪放 ,可以婉约,既可以大江东去,也可以晓风残月。喜欢听着默读伤悲,再加上一杯热咖啡,静静品尝那种独特的滋味。她的经典太多了: 夜太黑、远走高飞、伤痕、纸飞机......慢慢去听吧!)

容祖儿的 明日恩典

莫文蔚的 忽然之间 AM PM

陈晓东的 所有歌(心地等)

环球群星的 同步过冬

罗志祥的 力量


过云雨 随你 分手后的雨天 如果我 云里的月光 HURT SO BAD( 轩仔的 这张专辑 超好听)


天下无双(张靓影的 神雕侠侣里面的歌)



可惜不是你 如果有一天




如果这都不算爱(张学友 我最喜欢的一首歌)


十面埋伏(陈亦迅的 个人认为 比十年好听 不过是粤语的)

还是会寂寞 旅行的意义 (陈琦贞)

红豆 催眠 流年 冷战 (FAYE的最经典)



不得不爱 快乐崇拜






随你(轩仔的 好听^^)



THE DAY YOU WENT AWAY(第一次爱的人 翻唱的就是这首歌)







爱如空气 白月光 光 想起

折子戏 哭砂 泪海 美梦成真


范纬琪 那些花儿

许飞 那年夏天

五月天 时光机,我们(时时刻刻)

何润东 那年我们十七岁


hurt so bad什么意思

hurt so bad伤害如此糟糕双语对照词典结果:Hurt So Bad伤得很深(歌曲名); 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.And my feet hurt so bad. I need new shoes. 我的脚疼死了,我需要新鞋。如果您有什么疑问和不解之处,欢迎追问我!如果您认可我的答案,请采纳。您的采纳,是我答题的动力,O(∩_∩)O谢谢
2023-07-18 11:29:282

hurt so bad 是什么意思

2023-07-18 11:29:3715

hurt so bad 什么意思

2023-07-18 11:30:012

群星的《One Moment》 歌词

歌曲名:One Moment歌手:群星专辑:Wonderlust Bug CD2one more chanceUh huh alrightThis time gonna do my best to make it rightCant go on without you by my sideHold onShelter come and rescue me out of this stormAnd out of this cold I need someoneOh why oh why why whyIf you see hertell her this from meAll I need isOne more chance at loveOne more chance at love(One more)One more chance at loveOne more chance at love(See)(One more)One more chance at loveOne more chance at love(One more)One more chance at love(Alright)One more chance at loveSearching for that one who is going to make me wholeHelp me make these mysteries unfoldHold onLightning about to strike in rain only on meHurt so bad sometimes its hard to breatheOh why whyIf you see herTell her this from meAll I need isOne more chance at loveOne more chance at love(One more)One more chance at loveOne more chance at love(One more chance for love)One more chance at loveOne more chance at love(One more)One more chance at loveOne more chance at loveAnd I would walk around this world to find herAnd I dont care what it takes noWhyId sail the seven seas to be near herAnd if you happen to see herSee tell her this from meOne more chance at love(Yeah, Yeah)One more chance at love(Tell her this from me)One more chance at love(Yeah, Yeah)One more chance at loveOne more chance at loveOne more chance at love(Lovin you)One more chance at love(I cant find)One more chance at love(Lovin you)One more chance at love(Yeah one more)One more chance at loveOne more chance at love(For love)One more chance at loveOne more chance at love(Yeah I cant stop)One more chance at loveOne more chance at love(Lovin you)One more chance at loveOne more chance at love(I cant stop)One more chance at love(Lovin you)(Aaow)One more chance at love(I cant stop)
2023-07-18 11:30:081

One More Last Chance 歌词

歌曲名:One More Last Chance歌手:Vince Gill专辑:Souvenirsone more chanceUh huh alrightThis time gonna do my best to make it rightCant go on without you by my sideHold onShelter come and rescue me out of this stormAnd out of this cold I need someoneOh why oh why why whyIf you see hertell her this from meAll I need isOne more chance at loveOne more chance at love(One more)One more chance at loveOne more chance at love(See)(One more)One more chance at loveOne more chance at love(One more)One more chance at love(Alright)One more chance at loveSearching for that one who is going to make me wholeHelp me make these mysteries unfoldHold onLightning about to strike in rain only on meHurt so bad sometimes its hard to breatheOh why whyIf you see herTell her this from meAll I need isOne more chance at loveOne more chance at love(One more)One more chance at loveOne more chance at love(One more chance for love)One more chance at loveOne more chance at love(One more)One more chance at loveOne more chance at loveAnd I would walk around this world to find herAnd I dont care what it takes noWhyId sail the seven seas to be near herAnd if you happen to see herSee tell her this from meOne more chance at love(Yeah, Yeah)One more chance at love(Tell her this from me)One more chance at love(Yeah, Yeah)One more chance at loveOne more chance at loveOne more chance at love(Lovin you)One more chance at love(I cant find)One more chance at love(Lovin you)One more chance at love(Yeah one more)One more chance at loveOne more chance at love(For love)One more chance at loveOne more chance at love(Yeah I cant stop)One more chance at loveOne more chance at love(Lovin you)One more chance at loveOne more chance at love(I cant stop)One more chance at love(Lovin you)(Aaow)One more chance at love(I cant stop)
2023-07-18 11:30:151

Hurts So Bad 歌词

歌曲名:Hurts So Bad歌手:Glenn Fredly专辑:LovevolutionHurts So BadAnthony CalleaYou"re an obsession nowNight after night I think so youA little mysteriousYou"re hot like the sun but you"re cool like the moonIt would be easierIf I could only read your mindNot knowing is killing meAre you trying to be cruel coz I"m dying inside(Chorus)Do you know what you"re doing when you walk like thatDo you mean what you"re saying when you talk like thatDid you steal my heart because you knew you couldHow could something feel so goodWhen it hurts so badAre you insatiableHow many hearts are on your listWhen will you let me knowAm I touching your soul when I"m kissing your lipsDo you believe in loveOr are you making other plansYou"re making it hard for meI know what I"m feeling but I don"t understand(Chorus)Do you know what you"re doing when you walk like thatDo you mean what you"re saying when you talk like thatDid you steal my heart because you knew you couldHow could something feel so goodWhen it hurts so badWhat can I do to make you understandYou"ve got to know you"re my one and onlyYou"re all that I need, baby all that I haveHow can it hurt so badDo you know what you"re doing when you walk like thatDo you mean what you"re saying when you talk like thatDid you steal my heart because you knew you couldHow could something feel so goodWhen it hurts so badDo you know what you"re doing when you walk like thatDo you mean what you"re saying when you talk like thatDid you steal my heart because you knew you couldHow could something feel so goodWhen it hurts so bad
2023-07-18 11:30:221

One More Bottle 歌词

歌曲名:One More Bottle歌手:Hollywood Undead专辑:Notes from the Underground (Unabridged) [Deluxe Version]one more chanceUh huh alrightThis time gonna do my best to make it rightCant go on without you by my sideHold onShelter come and rescue me out of this stormAnd out of this cold I need someoneOh why oh why why whyIf you see hertell her this from meAll I need isOne more chance at loveOne more chance at love(One more)One more chance at loveOne more chance at love(See)(One more)One more chance at loveOne more chance at love(One more)One more chance at love(Alright)One more chance at loveSearching for that one who is going to make me wholeHelp me make these mysteries unfoldHold onLightning about to strike in rain only on meHurt so bad sometimes its hard to breatheOh why whyIf you see herTell her this from meAll I need isOne more chance at loveOne more chance at love(One more)One more chance at loveOne more chance at love(One more chance for love)One more chance at loveOne more chance at love(One more)One more chance at loveOne more chance at loveAnd I would walk around this world to find herAnd I dont care what it takes noWhyId sail the seven seas to be near herAnd if you happen to see herSee tell her this from meOne more chance at love(Yeah, Yeah)One more chance at love(Tell her this from me)One more chance at love(Yeah, Yeah)One more chance at loveOne more chance at loveOne more chance at love(Lovin you)One more chance at love(I cant find)One more chance at love(Lovin you)One more chance at love(Yeah one more)One more chance at loveOne more chance at love(For love)One more chance at loveOne more chance at love(Yeah I cant stop)One more chance at loveOne more chance at love(Lovin you)One more chance at loveOne more chance at love(I cant stop)One more chance at love(Lovin you)(Aaow)One more chance at love(I cant stop)
2023-07-18 11:30:291

张国荣的《Even Now》 歌词

歌曲名:Even Now歌手:张国荣专辑:Daydreamin"Even Now张国荣Written by Barry Manilow/Marty PanzerPerformed by Barry Manilow《DAY DREAMIN"》by:koyu0622Even now when there"s someone else who caresWhen there"s someone home who"s waiting just for meEven now I think about you as I"m climbin" up the stairsAnd I wonder what to do so she won"t seeThat even now when I know it wasn"t rightAnd I"ve found a better life than what we hadEven now I wake up cryin" in the middle of the nightAnd I can"t believe it still could hurt so badEven now when I have come so farI wonder where you are, I wonder why it"s still so hard without youEven now when I come shining through, I swear I think of youAnd how I wish you knew, even nowEven now when I never hear your nameAnd the world has changed so much since you"ve been goneEven now I still remember and the feeling"s still the sameAnd this pain inside of me goes on and on, even nowEven now when I have come so farI wonder where you areI wonder why it"s still so hard without youEven now when I come shinin" throughI swear I think of youAnd how I wish you knewSomehowEven now
2023-07-18 11:30:471

张敬轩 MV 对白+歌词

2023-07-18 11:30:543

求歌名!!一句歌词是there is only one thing to do three words for you i love you

额 我 也找不到 也许 你的 歌词来源 有问题
2023-07-18 11:31:046

your forgiveness 歌词

Did you think that I"d stay away 你真的认为我会离开After everything that we"ve been through 在我们经历了的种种的事情之后Did you think that I"d close the door你真的认为我会把门关上When my heart and soul belongs to you 当我的心和灵魂都属于你了Remember how we used to be inseparable? 还记得我们是如何地形影不离吗Couldn"t live without you here with me 没有你在这里陪我我无法活下去You left me wanting more你让我想要更多And now I feel like I wanna go back而现在我觉得我想要回去To the way it used to be回到曾经的样子It"s nothing that you said你说过什么都没关系It"s nothing that you did你做过什么都没关系I just had to be alone to find you我只需要孤身地去寻找你There"s so much more to give还有很多我想给你的If you would only take me back如果你把我带回你身边More than anything I need多过我想要的一切Your forgiveness你的原谅Wouldn"t change a single thing无法做出丝毫的改变Even though it hurt so bad虽然它把我伤的这么痛And I know this is meant to be我知道这一切是注定的Cause you made me everything I am因为是你造成今日的我Remember how we used to be inseparable? 还记得我们是如何地形影不离吗Couldn"t live without you here with me没有你在这里陪我我无法活下去You left me wanting more你让我想要更多And now I feel like I wanna go back而现在我觉得我想要回去To the way it used to be回到曾经的样子It"s nothing that you said你说过什么都没关系It"s nothing that you did你做过什么都没关系I just had to be alone to find you我只需要孤身地去寻找你There"s so much more to give还有很多我想给你的If you would only take me back如果你把我带回你身边More than anything I need多过我想要的一切Your forgiveness你的原谅I never wanted to stay away so long我从来没想要离开你这么久(But I had to clear my mind)但我必须让我的脑子清醒You"ll never know how hard it was你永远不告诉我那是多么的难To say goodbye说句再见Leaving you to wonder why留下你疑问着为什么I can"t walk away, never turn away我无法离开,却永远无法回去Knowing you"re right there知道你会在那儿I can"t walk away, never turn away我无法离开,却永远无法回去Knowing you"re right there知道你会在那儿It"s nothing that you said你说过什么都没关系It"s nothing that you did你做过什么都没关系I just had to be alone to find you我只需要孤身地去寻找你There"s so much more to give还有很多我想给你的If you would only take me back如果你把我带回你身边More than anything I need多过我想要的一切It"s nothing that you said你说过什么都没关系It"s nothing that you did你做过什么都没关系I just had to be alone to find you我只需要孤身地去寻找你There"s so much more to give还有很多我想给你的If you would only take me back如果你把我带回你身边More than anything I need多过我想要的一切Your forgiveness你的原谅翻得偶好辛苦,如果满意,请采纳,有任何疑问也欢迎提问,谢谢。
2023-07-18 11:31:451

在歌谣大战里,俊秀和太阳钢琴对决,太阳唱的那首dont wanna try的歌词是什么啊?

(oooo)...dont wanna try dont wanna try (try try) (oooo)..dont wanna try no more (ooo)..dont wanna try dont wanna try dont wanna try [Verse 1]I cant believe u had the nerve to say the things u said they hurt so bad that they ended our relationship I cant believe it ..4 years go down the drain oh how I wish things would of happened so differently I tryd to save it so many times but you still couldnt see u kept insistin and resistin that u would not fall again and now u tryin to tell me that ur sorry and ur tryin to come back home ur tellin me u really need me crying beggin both knees are on the floor but baby I [Chorus]dont wanna try dont wanna try dont wanna try no more u keep insisting when u know our love is out the door dont wanna try dont wanna try cuz all we do is fight and say the things i hurt u bad to when we both begin to cry dont wanna try dont wanna try I bout just had enough its been a rough road baby just let it go dont wanna try dont wanna try dont wanna try no more tell me whats the use of holdin on when all we do is hurt our love [Verse 2]u and I had many conversations on the telephone talks about one day we having a place of our own wake up in the morning and have breakfast ready on the table but all of that just seems so far away from me had to wake up face reality it all just seem to good to be true after all you put me through and now u tryin to tell me that ur sorry and u tryin to come back home u tellin me that u really need me crying beggin both knees are on the floor but baby I [Chorus]dont wanna try dont wanna try dont wanna try no more u keep insisting when u know our love is out the door dont wanna try dont wanna try cuz all we do is fight and say the things i hurt u bad to when we both begin to cry dont wanna try dont wanna try I bout just had enough its been a rough road baby just let it go dont wanna try dont wanna try dont wanna try no more tell me whats the use of holdin on when all we do is hurt our love [..fading into beat] (dont wanna try dont wanna try) (dont wanna try no more) (dont wanna try dont wanna try..oo) (dont wanna try dont wanna try) (dont wanna try no more) (dont wanna try dont wanna try dont wanna try no more ooo)
2023-07-18 11:31:522

惠特妮休斯why does it hurt so bad歌词

转自网络——歌曲名:Why Does It Hurt So Bad歌手:Whitney Houston专辑:Love, WhitneyWhy does it hurt so badWhy do I feel so sadThought I was over youBut I keep cryingWhen I don"t love youSo why does it hurt so badI thought I had let you goSo why does it hurt me soI gotta get you outta my headIt hurts so badOh it hurts so bad babyMy life"s been betterSince the day I left you boyI must admit life"s been kind to meI went and did the things I said I would boyI found someone who loves me for meHaven"t had much drama since the day that we split boyMy heart"s never been more at easeAnd when I think of all the things you put me throughLeaving you has been the best thing for meSo why does it hurt so badWhy do I feel so sadI thought I was over youBut I keep cryingWhen I don"t love youSo why does it hurt so badBaby I thought I had let you goSo why does it hurt me soI gotta get you outta my headHurts me so badHurts so (yeah you do)Hurts so (hurts me so)Hurts so bad (did you know)Hurts so (that it hurts me so)Hurts so (so bad, hey hoh)"Never again" that"s what I said to myselfI never wanna feel kind of pain again boyJust when I think it"s overJust when I think it"s throughI find myself right back in love with youSo why does it hurt so bad oh babyWhy do I feel so sad(thought I thought I) Thought I was over youI keep cryingWhen I don"t love you (when I really don"t love you boy)(oh no oh no oh no oh no it hurts so bad, oh tell me)So why does it hurt so badI thought I had let you go (thought I could let you go)You couldGotta get you outta my headBoy you hurt me so badHurts so (yeah you do)Hurts so (hurt me so)Hurts so bad (hurts so)Hurts so (sure you did)Hurts so (make me wanna make me wanna shoop shoop)Hurts so bad (hurt me so, gotta shoop now, hey hey hey hey)Hurts so bad (Hurts me so)Oh why, you hurt me so badBad... (how bout that?)
2023-07-18 11:31:592

张敬轩在一部电影里唱着一首情歌 在电影最后

2023-07-18 11:32:071

古巨基的《12345(国)》 歌词

歌曲名:12345(国)歌手:古巨基专辑:基情年代1,2 - 1 2 3 4give me more lovin then i"ve ever had.make it all better when i"m feelin sad.tell me that i"m special even when i know i"m not.make me feel good when i hurt so bad.barely gettin mad,im so glad i found you.i love bein around make it easy,as easy as 1 2,(1 2 3 4.)theres only one thing two do three words four you.i love you.(i love you)theres only one way two say those three wordsand that"s what i"ll do.i love you.(i love you)give me more lovin from the very start.piece me back together when i fall apart.tell me things you never even tell your closest friends.make me feel good when i hurt so that i"ve so glad that i found you.i love bein around make it easy as easy as 1 2,(1 2 3 4.)theres only one thing two do three words four you.i love you.(i love you)theres only one way two say those three wordsand that"s what i"ll do.i love you.i love you(i love you)you make it easy, its easy as 1234theres only one thing two do three words four you i love you(i love you)theres only one way two say those three wordsthats what ill do i love you(i love you)i love you i love two three four i love you.(iloveyou)i love you(i love you)
2023-07-18 11:32:501


个人觉得好听的你不一定觉得好听,因为一个人一个品味。下面是网友推荐出来的张敬轩十首比较好听的歌:断点余震樱花树下追风筝的孩子石径无能为力留低锁匙摄氏零度hurt so badmy way
2023-07-18 11:32:582


Mockingbird 我知道有些事情对现在的你而言并不总是有意义 但是``嘿~~老爸总是告诉你什么? 振作起来,小斗士 咬紧你的嘴唇 你哭什么呢? 你还有我 Halie 我知道你想念你的妈妈,想念你的爸爸 可是``我却被迫离开,但是我在尽力给你一种我从未有过的生活 我真能看见你的悲伤,甚至在你强装着微笑,摆出一副笑脸的时候 我真能从你眼眸的最深处察觉你想哭的冲动 因为你惊恐万分,是我没在那儿的原因? 我其实就在你虔诚的祈祷声中 所以请别再哭泣,拭干泪水罢 爸爸就在那儿,不会再有梦魇了 我们携手度过暗夜,我们能够做到的 Laney 叔叔疯了,是吗? 是的,可是他是爱你的,你应该知道 在这世界上,我们拥有的只有我们自己的灵魂 当它旋转,当它环绕 当它周转,当它萦绕 两个可爱美丽的小女孩 看上去很困惑,很迷茫 我知道它扰乱了你们的心智 爸爸总徘徊在流浪的旅途中,妈妈总出现在时髦的新闻上 我尝试着把你荫庇在我的保护中,可是不知道为什么 我越是竭尽全力,越是事与愿违 他的爸爸亲身经历的那些苦痛使他成长起来 爸爸不愿你再承受,但是你亲历的却和他一样坎坷 我们并不想为你设计如此前途的,我和你妈妈都不想 但是事情却无情的在我们之间导演得这么糟糕 我再也寻不回曾经共享天伦的美妙时光了 就象我和她曾经的豆蔻年华 但是所有的错误的发生全只在一个原因 我想,这个错误从未打算被修正 有些东西是我们自己无法去操控的,这便是命运的定义 还是别难过了,放松你的神经去好好睡一觉罢 也许某天当我们苏醒时,发现昨天的苦闷不过只是一场梦 {CHORUS} 好罢,小女孩,安静下来罢。你还在流泪? 未来的一切总会好转的 紧紧咬住你的唇,小女士,我告诉过你了 爸爸就在身边,用双手圈住你,熬过这寂寥长夜 我知道妈妈现在已经莫名其妙的远走高飞 我们能触摸自己的心房 有一点歇斯底里,亲爱的宝贝 但我向你许诺,妈妈现在还好好的呢 真搞笑 我至今仍能清楚的记得有一年爸爸身无分文,不名一钱 妈妈把圣诞礼物包裹好 小心翼翼地挂在圣诞树上并且说,有些是你爸爸为你准备的 就因为爸爸买不起他们啊! 我无助的呆坐着,圣诞节一整晚的泪水就这样淌在我的记忆中 爸爸成了个乞丐,梦呓着一份好的工作 可是他的工作仅仅只能为你和你妈妈带来餐桌上单薄的吃的东西而已,糊口而已 那时侯甚至我们住的每一间房还都被盗贼破门而入,席卷一空 他们把你妈妈为你储钱的罐子丢弃在大街上 那是一个为了你能够上大学的小猪存钱罐 他们夺去它的时候里面已经有几千美元了,全都不翼而飞 我知道这样的事简直要把你妈妈的心击碎了啊 似乎一切都征兆着要毁灭的开始 妈妈和爸爸大吵了一架,接着妈妈就独自搬回原来的家去了 就是Chalmers大街上一座只有一间卧室的逼仄的公寓 爸爸也搬去了Novara的8mile街的另一边 那时候爸爸也带着录制了他说唱的CD去了加利福尼亚,遇见了Dr.Dre 你和你妈妈乘航班来探望我 可是爸爸需要工作,你和你妈妈等不及,只好离去 从此你就只能从电视上看见你的爸爸,妈妈却讨厌这些东西 你和Laney当时还小,并不能懂得发生的一切 爸爸是一颗永远向前滚动,决不停滞的顽石;**妈妈养成了一些习惯 那一切都发生得太快,我们之间的任何一个人都无能为力去攫取它 我真的很抱歉你没能在那第一时间目睹这些 我曾经极力想达成的,就是想让你感觉骄傲 如今我坐在空房子里,与孤独为伍,能做的唯有沉溺于回忆 欣赏着你年幼时的照相,我就象吸食了毒品一样产生斑斓的幻觉 看着你们一天天成长,现在情同姐妹了 WOW```想像着你们的纯真美丽,爸爸其实就在身旁 Laney我也告诉你,爸爸就在身旁 我喜欢这天籁之声,是的。 就象叩开天堂之门的金铃铛,不是吗? 呵呵``妈妈只不过是暂时走开了一会儿 {chorus} 如果你们想要一份礼物 我会送给你们一只仿声鸟 也会把全世界都送给你们 还要买只钻戒给你们 还要还要为你纵情歌唱啊! 为你做任何事情,只需你以微笑回报 如果那仿声鸟不鸣叫,钻戒不闪耀 我就要扭断那些鸟的脖子 我就要去找那些珠宝商们的茬 让他们一克拉一克拉给我吃下去,不敢再他妈的蒙骗你爸爸```哈哈! 注:**大约是指吸毒罢
2023-07-18 11:33:072

求 hurt lovers mv内容大意!!

2023-07-18 11:33:155

找一首叫 知更鸟 的英文歌曲,是一个外国男歌手写给他女儿的,要英文歌名和哥手名字,

歌曲名字 Mockingbird 歌手 EMINEM 【Mockingbird】 Singer: Eminem words:Yeah I know sometimes things may not always make sense to you right now But hey, what daddy always tell you? Straighten up little soldier Stiffen up that upper lip What you crying about? You got me Hailie I know you miss your mom and I know you miss your dad Well I"m gone but I"m trying to give you the life that I never had I can see you"re sad, even when you smile, even when you laugh I can see it in your eyes, deep inside you want to cry Cuz you"re scared, I ain"t there? Daddy"s with you in your prayers No more crying, wipe them tears Daddy"s here, no more nightmares We gon" pull together through it, we gon" do it Laney uncles crazy, aint he? Yeah but he loves you girl and you better know it We"re all we got in this world When it spins, when it swirls When it whirls, when it twirls Two little beautiful girls Lookin" puzzled, in a daze I know it"s confusing you Daddy"s always on the move, mamma"s always on the news I try to keep you sheltered from it but somehow it seems The harder that I try to do that, the more it backfires on me All the things growing up his daddy that he had to see Daddy don"t want you to see but you see just as much as he did We did not plan it to be this way, your mother and me But things have gotten so bad between us I don"t see us ever being together ever again Like we used to be when we was teenagers But then of course everything always happens for a reason I guess it was never meant to be But it"s just something we have no control over and that"s what destiny is But no more worries, rest your head and go to sleep Maybe one day we"ll wake up and this will all just be a dream [Chorus] Now hush little baby, don"t you cry Everything"s gonna be alright Stiffen that ?limb up? little lady, i told ya Daddy"s here to hold ya through the night I know mommy"s not here right now and we don"t know why We feel how we feel inside It may seem a little crazy, pretty baby But i promise momma"s gon" be alright It"s funny I remember back one year when daddy had no money Mommy wrapped the Christmas presents up And stuck "em under the tree and said some of "em were from me Cuz daddy couldn"t buy "em I"ll never forget that Christmas I sat up the whole night crying Cuz daddy felt like a bum, see daddy had a job But his job was to keep the food on the table for you and mom And at the time every house that we lived in Either kept getting broke into and robbed Or shot up on the block and your mom was saving money for you in a jar Tryna start a piggy bank for you so you could go to college Almost had a thousand dollars till someone broke in and stole it And I know it hurt so bad it broke your momma"s heart And it seemed like everything was just startin" to fall apart Mom and dad was arguin" a lot so momma moved back On the Chalmers in the flat one bedroom apartment And dad moved back to the other side of 8 Mile on Novara And that"s when daddy went to California with his CD and met Dr. Dre And flew you and momma out to see me But daddy had to work, you and momma had to leave me Then you started seeing daddy on the T.V. and momma didn"t like it And you and Laney were to young to understand it Papa was a rollin" stone, momma developed a habit And it all happened too fast for either one of us to grab it I"m just sorry you were there and had to witness it first hand Cuz all I ever wanted to do was just make you proud Now I"m sittin in this empty house, just reminiscing Lookin" at your baby pictures, it just trips me out To see how much you both have grown, it"s almost like you"re sisters now Wow, guess you pretty much are and daddy"s still here Laney I"m talkin" to you too, daddy"s still here I like the sound of that, yeah It"s got a ring to it don"t it? Shh, momma"s only gone for the moment [Chorus] Now hush little baby, don"t you cry Everything"s gonna be alright Stiffen that ?limb up? little lady, i told ya Daddy"s here to hold ya through the night I know mommy"s not here right now and we don"t know why We feel how we feel inside It may seem a little crazy, pretty baby But i promise momma"s gon" be alright And if you ask me too Daddy"s gonna buy you a Mockingbird I"mma give you the world I"mma buy a diamond ring for you I"mma sing for you I"ll do anything for you to see you smile And if that Mockingbird don"t sing and that ring don"t shine I"mma break that birdies neck I"d go back to the jewler who sold it to ya And make him eat every carat don"t fuck with dad (haha)
2023-07-18 11:33:311


2023-07-18 11:33:515


1. 过云雨 3. 有一首歌 我喜欢
2023-07-18 11:34:231


LAY:你在我身上 残留的香味让失控双脚 也臣服你的完美CHEN:但我心里面 火花般的记忆 却化成烟在瞬间TAO:深呼吸 对你的爱 多想要喊出口TAO:却恐惧 一丝希望 会烧成了灰全都落空CHEN:深蓝色凌晨 只剩回音 飘散在寒冷的空中Who knows?ALL:像无限的Mystery 迷雾般的MemoryXIUMIN:难以预期你是无解的谜ALL:泪如雨下的声音耳边温柔的呼吸LAY:彷佛是你 却找不到证据ALL:You hurt me (So bad, so bad)You hurt me (So bad, so bad)XIUMIN:你存在我的脑海里 (Insane) 轮廓那样的清晰CHEN:如此靠近却触碰不了你TAO:Yeah 我跟着月色般的旋律 准备偷偷敲开紧锁的心夜晚像那河水安静 嘘! 请替我保守这秘密CHEN:偷偷告诉我 TAO:要到哪里才能揭开 封闭你的世界 去拥抱你CHEN:让我靠近你 TAO:能不能允许我走进 面纱下掩盖的 你的世界CHEN:每个夜晚 想你才能入梦XIUMIN:那梦中 不断演奏 甜美旋律彷佛你和我LAY:我闭上了眼 随着身影 走进那黑暗的尽头 Who knows?ALL:像无限的Mystery 迷雾般的MemoryLAY:难以预期你是无解的谜ALL:泪如雨下的声音耳边温柔的呼吸CHEN:彷佛是你 却找不到证据ALL:You hurt me (So bad, so bad)You hurt me (So bad, so bad)LAY:你存在我的脑海里 (Insane) 轮廓那样的清晰XIUMIN:如此靠近却触碰不了你LAY:能不能够 为我回头 XIUMIN:你明知 我的爱已收不回CHEN:比起你 模煳的身影 和漆黑的晚上 我更怕 一个人被留下ALL:像无限的Mystery 迷雾般的MemoryCHEN:难以预期你是无解的谜ALL:泪如雨下的声音耳边温柔的呼吸LAY:彷佛是你CHEN: 却找不到证据ALL:You hurt me (So bad, so bad)You hurt me (So bad, so bad)XIUMIN:你存在我的脑海里 (Insane) 轮廓那样的清晰CHEN:如此靠近却触碰不了你It hurts
2023-07-18 11:34:373

找一首歌 嗯……歌词好像是 baby you are 什么什么 反正后面是you are so beautiful 英文男声 挺青春的

2023-07-18 11:34:465


2023-07-18 11:35:0114


Hurt是韩国组合EXO于2015年3月30日发行的正规二辑《Exodus》的收录歌曲,以中韩两种语言录制发行,由合体回归的EXO演唱;填词:周炜杰,Jam Factory谱曲:Albi Albertsson编曲:Albi Albertsson中文版你在我身上 残留的香味让失控双脚 也臣服你的完美但我心里面 火花般的记忆 却化成烟在瞬间深呼吸 对你的爱 多想要喊出口却恐惧 一丝希望 会烧成了灰全都落空深蓝色凌晨 只剩回音 飘散在寒冷的空中Who knows?* 像无限的Mystery 迷雾般的Memory难以预期你是无解的谜泪如雨下的声音耳边温柔的呼吸彷佛是你 却找不到证据You hurt me (So bad, so bad)You hurt me (So bad, so bad)你存在我的脑海里 (Insane) 轮廓那样的清晰如此靠近却触碰不了你Yeah 我跟着月色般的旋律 准备偷偷敲开紧锁的心夜晚像那河水安静 嘘! 请替我保守这秘密偷偷告诉我 要到哪里才能揭开 封闭你的世界 去拥抱你让我靠近你 能不能允许我走进 面纱下掩盖的 你的世界每个夜晚 想你才能入梦那梦中 不断演奏 甜美旋律彷佛你和我我闭上了眼 随着身影 走进那黑暗的尽头 Who knows?* REPEAT能不能够 为我回头 你明知 我的爱已收不回比起你 模煳的身影 和漆黑的晚上 我更怕 一个人被留下* REPEATIt hurts韩文版uc720ub3c5 uc9d9uac8c ubc34 ub108uc758 ud5a5uae30uc5d0 ubc1cuc774 ubb36uc778 ub09c ub124 uafc8uc758 ub178uc608 uac19uc544uac00uc2b4 uc18d ud55c ud3b8 ubd88uaf43uac19uc740 uae30uc5b5 uc5f0uae30ucc98ub7fc uc0acub77cuc838uc228uacb0uc5d0 uac04uc808ud55c ub9d8 ub179uc5ec uc678uccd0ubcf8ub2e4ucc30ub098uc5d0 uc7acuac00 ub420uae4c ud5c8uacf5 uc704ub85c ud314uc744 ubed7uc5b4ubd10uac80ud478ub978 uc0c8ubcbd ubabdud658uc801uc778 ubaa9uc18cub9acub9cc uc6b8ub824 ud37cuc838 Who knows?* ub05duc774 uc5c6ub294 Mystery uc548uac1c uac19uc740 Memoryub0b4 uc608uac10uc740 uc65c ube57ub098uac00ub294uac00ub208ubb3c uc11euc778 ube57uc18cub9ac ub0b4 uadd3uac00uc5d0 uc228uc18cub9acub2e8 ud55c ubc88ub3c4 ub110 ucc3euc9c0 ubabbud55c ub098You hurt me (So bad, so bad)You hurt me (So bad, so bad)ub0b4 uba38ub9bfuc18duc5d4 uc601uc6d0ud788 (Insane) ub124uac00 uc0b4uc544 uc788ub294 ub370ub0b4 uc2dcuc57cuc5d4 ud22cuba85ud55c ub108uc640 ub098Yeah uc0c8ud558uc580 ub2ecube5buc758 uba5cub85cub514 uc740ubc00ud788 uc900ube44ud55c ub0b4 ub450ub4dcub9bcubc24uc740 ub9c8uce58 uac15ubb3c uac19uc9c0 uc27f! ube44ubc00uc744 ud488uc740 ucc44 uc0b4uc9c0uc18duc0aduc5ec uc904ub798 ub300uccb4 uc5b4ub51c uac00uc57c ub2ebud78c ub108uc758 uc138uaccc uc5f4 uc218 uc788ub294 uac74uc9c0ub370ub824uac00 uc904ub798 ub108ub97c uac00ub9b0 ubca0uc77c uadf8 uc18duc5d0 ub0a0 uc0b4uac8c ud560 uc218ub294 uc5c6ub294 uac74uc9c0ub09c ub9e4uc77c ubc24 ub124uac8c uc7a0uc774 ub4e0ub2e4uafc8uc18duc5d0 uc5f0uc8fcub418ub294 uac10ubbf8ub85cuc6b4 uc120uc728 ub108uc640 ub098ub450 ub208uc744 uac10uace0 uc5b4ub460 uc18duc5d0 uadf8ub9bcuc790ub85c ub530ub77c uac04ub2e4 Who knows?ub05duc774 uc5c6ub294 Mystery uc548uac1c uac19uc740 Memoryub0b4 uc608uac10uc740 uc65c ube57ub098uac00ub294uac00ub208ubb3c uc11euc778 ube57uc18cub9ac ub0b4 uadd3uac00uc5d0 uc228uc18cub9acub2e8 ud55c ubc88ub3c4 ub110 ucc3euc9c0 ubabbud55c ub098You hurt me (So bad, so bad)You hurt me (So bad, so bad)ub0b4 uba38ub9bfuc18duc5d4 uc601uc6d0ud788 (Insane) ub124uac00 uc0b4uc544 uc788ub294 ub370ub0b4 uc2dcuc57cuc5d4 ud22cuba85ud55c ub108uc640 ub098ub2e8 ud55cubc88ub9cc ub0a0 ucc3euc544uc918 uc5bcub9c8ub098 uc6d0ud558ub294uc9c0 uc54cuc796uc544ud76cubbf8ud55c ub124 ubaa8uc2b5ubcf4ub2e4, uc800 uc9d9uc740 ubc24ubcf4ub2e4 ub098 ud63cuc790uc778 uac8c ub450ub824uc6ccuc838 Uh!ub05duc774 uc5c6ub294 Mystery uc548uac1c uac19uc740 Memoryub0b4 uc608uac10uc740 uc65c ube57ub098uac00ub294uac00ub208ubb3c uc11euc778 ube57uc18cub9ac ub0b4 uadd3uac00uc5d0 uc228uc18cub9acub2e8 ud55c ubc88ub3c4 ub110 ucc3euc9c0 ubabbud55c ub098You hurt me (So bad, so bad)You hurt me (So bad, so bad)ub0b4 uba38ub9bfuc18duc5d4 uc601uc6d0ud788 (Insane) ub124uac00 uc0b4uc544 uc788ub294 ub370ub0b4 uc2dcuc57cuc5d4 ud22cuba85ud55c ub108uc640 ub098It hurts个人简历:EXO、uc5d1uc18c别名:行星团国籍:韩国、中国职业:歌手、演员、主持人、DJ出道日期:2012年4月8日经纪公司:韩国SM娱乐有限公司代表作品:MAMA、狼与美女、咆哮、十二月的奇迹、上瘾、Love Me Right、Sing For You演艺经历:2012年4月8日推出首张迷你专辑《MAMA》正式出道;9日发行出道迷你专辑《MAMA》;2013年6月3日发行首张正规专辑《XOXO》;8月5日发行后续专辑《XOXOKiss&Hug Repakage》;11月14日于MMA颁奖典礼获得年度最佳歌曲出道后首次获得大赏;12月9日正式发行首张冬季特别专辑《十二月的奇迹》;2014年5月7日发行第二张迷你专辑《上瘾(Overdose)》;2015年3月发行第二张正规专辑《EXODUS》;4月正规二辑主打曲《call me baby》获得了韩国电视节目MBC《Show音乐中心》一位;6月3日EXO发行正规二辑后续改版专辑《LOVE ME RIGHT》;11月6日至8日在东京巨蛋举行了连续三天的演唱会;10日在日本发行的出道单曲专辑《Love Me Right ~romantic universe~》;12月10日发行冬季特别专辑《Sing For You》;2016年06月09日发行第三张正规专辑《EX"ACT》。
2023-07-18 11:35:241

Hurt So Bad 歌词

歌曲名:Hurt So Bad歌手:The Temptations专辑:Awesome张敬轩&林宥嘉&侧田 - hurt so bad作曲:张敬轩填词:张敬轩哭了 才发现自己真的受伤了你曾对我说 你永远是我的为了爱情 我把自己的幸福都忘了你快乐 我就快乐也许 是我们彼此都太年轻了就是特别容易 沉溺在爱情里每当 我再次看到身边美丽的花火你也离开我 我还是想对你说Bady I Love You So Much你走了 我的心在淌血Bady You Hurt Me So Bad想要你回到 我的世界Bady I Love You So Much你给我的诺言 已经瓦解Bady You Hurt Me So Bad只要我们都爱着 无论多苦都值得说好的 你怎么麽忘记了也许 是我们彼此都太年轻了就是特别容易 沉溺在爱情里每当 我再次看到身边美丽的花火你也离开我 我还是想对你说Bady I Love You So Much你走了 我的心在淌血Bady You Hurt Me So Bad想要你回到 我的世界Bady I Love You So Much你给我的诺言 已经瓦解Bady You Hurt Me So Bad只要我们都爱着 无论多苦都值得说好的 你怎么麽忘记了
2023-07-18 11:36:021

有一首歌,不知道歌名是什么,其中歌词里有“baby i love you so you heart me so bad...”,

张敬轩 《hurt so bad》以下是LRC歌词~[00:04.04]hurt so bad--张敬轩[00:05.49]by: helenyy[00:08.63][00:16.14][00:25.23][00:29.97]哭了 才发现自己真的受伤了[00:37.02]你曾对我说 你永远是我的[00:43.68]为了爱情 我把自己的幸福都忘了[00:50.29]你快乐 我就快乐[00:56.89]也许 是我们彼此都太年轻了[01:03.24]就是特别容易 沉溺在爱情里[01:10.00]每当 我再次看到身边美丽的花火[01:16.62]你也离开我 我还是想对你说[01:23.52]Baby I Love You So Much[01:29.62]你走了 我的心在淌血[01:37.48]Baby You Hurt Me So Bad[01:43.43]想要你回到 我的世界[01:51.18]Baby I Love You So Much[01:56.94]你给我的诺言 已经瓦解[02:04.40]Baby You Hurt Me So Bad[02:10.62]只要我们都爱着 无论多苦都值得[02:17.77]说好的 你怎么麽忘记了[02:40.06]也许 是我们彼此都太年轻了[02:45.64]就是特别容易 沉溺在爱情里[02:52.98]每当 我再次看到身边美丽的花火[02:59.36]你也离开我 我还是想对你说[03:06.57]Baby I Love You So Much[03:12.49]你走了 我的心在淌血[03:19.98]Baby You Hurt Me So Bad[03:27.41]想要你回到 我的世界[03:33.57]Baby I Love You So Much[03:40.58]你给我的诺言 已经瓦解[03:47.20]Baby You Hurt Me So Bad[03:54.45]只要我们都爱着 无论多苦都值得[04:02.11]说好的 你怎么麽忘记了
2023-07-18 11:36:091

谁知道哪首歌的歌词有baby you hurt me so mush 是男生的哦

2023-07-18 11:36:174

The Beach Boys的《Wendy》 歌词

歌曲名:Wendy歌手:The Beach Boys专辑:50 Big Ones: Greatest HitsWendy, Wendy what went wrongOh so wrongWe went together for so longI never thought a guy could cry"Til you made it with another guyOh Wendy, Wendy left me aloneHurt so badWendy, Wendy don"t lose your headLose your headWendy don"t believe a word he saysI can"t picture you with himHis future looks awful dimOh Wendy, Wendy left me aloneHurt so badWendy I wouldn"t hurt you like thatNo no noI thought we had our love down patGuess I was wrongThe farthest thing from my mindWas the day that I"d wake up to findMy WendyWendy left me aloneWendy, Wendy left me aloneHurts so badWendy, Wendy left me aloneHurts so badWendy, Wendy left me aloneHurts so badWendy, Wendy...
2023-07-18 11:36:231

One More Hand 歌词

歌曲名:One More Hand歌手:Fusion专辑:Border Townone more chanceUh huh alrightThis time gonna do my best to make it rightCant go on without you by my sideHold onShelter come and rescue me out of this stormAnd out of this cold I need someoneOh why oh why why whyIf you see hertell her this from meAll I need isOne more chance at loveOne more chance at love(One more)One more chance at loveOne more chance at love(See)(One more)One more chance at loveOne more chance at love(One more)One more chance at love(Alright)One more chance at loveSearching for that one who is going to make me wholeHelp me make these mysteries unfoldHold onLightning about to strike in rain only on meHurt so bad sometimes its hard to breatheOh why whyIf you see herTell her this from meAll I need isOne more chance at loveOne more chance at love(One more)One more chance at loveOne more chance at love(One more chance for love)One more chance at loveOne more chance at love(One more)One more chance at loveOne more chance at loveAnd I would walk around this world to find herAnd I dont care what it takes noWhyId sail the seven seas to be near herAnd if you happen to see herSee tell her this from meOne more chance at love(Yeah, Yeah)One more chance at love(Tell her this from me)One more chance at love(Yeah, Yeah)One more chance at loveOne more chance at loveOne more chance at love(Lovin you)One more chance at love(I cant find)One more chance at love(Lovin you)One more chance at love(Yeah one more)One more chance at loveOne more chance at love(For love)One more chance at loveOne more chance at love(Yeah I cant stop)One more chance at loveOne more chance at love(Lovin you)One more chance at loveOne more chance at love(I cant stop)One more chance at love(Lovin you)(Aaow)One more chance at love(I cant stop)
2023-07-18 11:36:301

《hurt me so bad》歌词

对白:(男)我的条件那么普通,你怎么会选择我?(女)多帅的男朋友我之前都有过,可是我现在已经长大了,我要的并不是这些,平淡一点不是更好吗!音乐:Baby I love you so much!对白:(男)我总觉得我自己配不上你。(女)你以为漂亮的女生就喜欢那些外表的东西吗?!音乐:Baby you hurt me so bad!歌词:哭了才发现自己真的受伤了你曾对我说你永远是我的为了爱情我把自己的幸福都忘了你快乐我就快乐对白:(女)放手!歌词:也许是我们彼此都太年轻了总是特别容易沉溺在爱情里每当我再次看到身边美丽的花火你已离开我我还是想对你说bady I love you so much 你走了我的心在淌血bady you hurt me so bad 想要你回到我的世界bady I love you so much 你给我的诺言已经瓦解 oh!NO!bady you hurt me so bad 只要我们都爱着无论多苦都值得说好的你怎么忘记了歌词:也许是我们彼此都太年轻了总是特别容易沉溺在爱情里每当我再次看到身边美丽的花火你已离开我我还是想对你说对白:(女)你喜欢我只喜欢我的外表,既然只喜欢我的外表,我为什么不能找一个比你更适合我的人。回放:(女)平淡一点不是更好吗!对白:(男)你在说什么?回放:(女)你以为漂亮的女生就喜欢那些外表的东西吗?对白:(男)我们刚刚在一起的时候你怎么告诉我的?(女)我曾经讲过什么我已经不记得了。回放:(女)可是我现在已经长大了。对白:(男)我可以对你没有任何要求,你知道吗?(女)你放手,你走吧,你以后不要再来找我。(男)为什么?你还记得一开始你对我说……(女)你放手啊……(一巴掌)歌词:bady I love you so much 你走了我的心在淌血bady you hurt me so bad 想要你回到我的世界bady I love you so much 你给我的诺言已经瓦解bady you hurt me so bad 只要我们都爱着无论多苦都值得说好的你怎么忘记了
2023-07-18 11:36:381

张敬轩的-Hurt So Bad(Not So Bad Remix)这首歌是什么意思哦?``

2023-07-18 11:36:451

一首英文歌叫hurt是lauren silva的 求歌词及翻译 各位大神帮帮忙!!!

快叫我大神,快来采纳我呀~lauren silva - hurtYou like get cutAnd never healsThe more I bleedThe less I feelIt send your touch the perfect drugI keeps me here and leads me knowIt is love Why does it hurt so badI think you knowWhy does it take more than I haveI found an angel spot and lift you upLaid you on the cloud. Why does it hurt?I"m lying here , cover the tearsThe scars are try to hide , remind me I don"t feelI close my eyes , the feel"s aroundI"m crying now , but you just let me drownIt is loveWhy does it hurt so badI think you knowWhy does it take more than I haveI found an angel spot and lift you upLaid you on the cloud.Why does it hurt?What do you want for me?What do you need this hard way?somehow my block to not this loveI know you do it take take take ayeahhhhhhhhhhIt is loveWhy does it hurt so badI think you knowWhy does it take more than I haveI found an angel spot and lift you upLaid you on the cloud.Why does it hurt?No no no no wow~ o wow~It is loveWhy does it hurt so badI think you knowWhy does it take more than I haveI found an angel spot and lift you upLaid you on the cloud.Why does it hurt?You like get cutAnd never healsThe more I bleedThe less I feelMade by bitoon5027
2023-07-18 11:37:002

Barry Manilow的《Even Now》 歌词

歌曲名:Even Now歌手:Barry Manilow专辑:The Essential Barry ManilowEven NowWritten by Barry Manilow/Marty PanzerPerformed by Barry ManilowEven now when there"s someone else who caresWhen there"s someone home who"s waiting just for meEven now I think about you as I"m climbin" up the stairsAnd I wonder what to do so she won"t seeThat even now when I know it wasn"t rightAnd I"ve found a better life than what we hadEven now I wake up cryin" in the middle of the nightAnd I can"t believe it still could hurt so badEven now when I have come so farI wonder where you are, I wonder why it"s still so hard without youEven now when I come shining through, I swear I think of youAnd how I wish you knew, even nowEven now when I never hear your nameAnd the world has changed so much since you"ve been goneEven now I still remember and the feeling"s still the sameAnd this pain inside of me goes on and on, even nowEven now when I have come so farI wonder where you areI wonder why it"s still so hard without youEven now when I come shinin" throughI swear I think of you and God, I wish you knewSomehowEven now
2023-07-18 11:37:181

It Hurt So Bad 歌词

歌曲名:It Hurt So Bad歌手:Susan Tedeschi专辑:2000 Grammy Nominees《It Hurt So Bad》Sung By "Susan Tedeschi"I miss the arms that used to hold meThe tender way we used to kissI miss the way that you touch meI miss the sweet taste of your lipsI was a fool to ever leave youYou were a fool to let me goOh it"s so lonesome, lonesome here with out youOh how I miss you soIt hurt... it hurt... it hurt so badYou were the best man I ever hadWhy was I so blind to see?Now the biggest fool is meI miss the arms that used to hold meThe tender way we used to kissOoo... yes... ooo... I miss the way that you touch meI miss the sweet taste of your lipsIt hurt... it hurt... it hurt so bad"Cause ooo you were the best man I ever, ever, ever hadWhy was I so blind to seeAnd now the biggest fool is meOh Oh what a fool I was darlin"... yes...And oh you were a fool to let... let me go... why did you let me go?It"s so lonesome here with out youOh how I miss you soOh Oh now yesDon"t do it, don"t do it, don"t do it oh lord no!I miss you oh yeah!Come back Oh! come back to me, yesOh how I miss youOh I miss you soOh Oh Lordy, Lordy, Lordy Oooo........Don"t do it, Oh! Come on baby Come back to meOh how I miss you soHow I miss you soOh,oh,oh,ooooo....Lord nowOh I miss you babyThe End.
2023-07-18 11:37:251


If I die young-The Band Perry听听吧,,,U0001f44cU0001f3fb
2023-07-18 11:37:332

Hurt Lovers 歌词

歌曲名:Hurt Lovers歌手:Blue专辑:Hurt LoversBlue - Hurt LoverWhen the words that you wanted to say,Are all coming out wrong,When you burst into tears,Though you"re trying so hard to be strong,00OhhhWe"re standing in,Along the fire.Trying to make two wrongs rightHurt Lovers, Hurt, Hurt Lovers oh,Don"t give up, Don"t, Don"t give up noThink of it,You can"t just let it goYou gotta try,You gotta try,So when all that you ever believe Comes apart at the seams,And when all of the bridges you build Are washed away in a streamOoooh,Whatever comes,It"s not the end,We gotta fight,And take a standHurt Lovers, Hurt, Hurt Lovers oh,Don"t give up, Don"t, Don"t give up no,Think of it You can"t just let it goYou gotta try,You gotta tryHurt Lovers, hurt so bad and thenFind something, to make things right againIt don"t matter who wins out in the endYou gotta try,You gotta tryEven when you lose hurtsAnd you played your last cards(You know)You know, you knowWe"re standing in,Along the fireTrying to make two wrongs rightHurt Lovers, Hurt, Hurt Lovers ohDon"t give up, Don"t, Don"t give up no,You gotta try,You gotta tryHurt Lovers, Hurt, Hurt Lovers ohDon"t give up, Don"t, Don"t give up no,Think of it You can"t just let it goYou gotta try,You gotta tryHurt Lovers, hurt so bad and thenFind something, to make things right againIt don"t matter who wins out in the endYou gotta try,You gotta try
2023-07-18 11:37:401

Hurt Lovers 歌词

歌曲名:Hurt Lovers歌手:Blue专辑:RouletteBlue - Hurt LoverWhen the words that you wanted to say,Are all coming out wrong,When you burst into tears,Though you"re trying so hard to be strong,00OhhhWe"re standing in,Along the fire.Trying to make two wrongs rightHurt Lovers, Hurt, Hurt Lovers oh,Don"t give up, Don"t, Don"t give up noThink of it,You can"t just let it goYou gotta try,You gotta try,So when all that you ever believe Comes apart at the seams,And when all of the bridges you build Are washed away in a streamOoooh,Whatever comes,It"s not the end,We gotta fight,And take a standHurt Lovers, Hurt, Hurt Lovers oh,Don"t give up, Don"t, Don"t give up no,Think of it You can"t just let it goYou gotta try,You gotta tryHurt Lovers, hurt so bad and thenFind something, to make things right againIt don"t matter who wins out in the endYou gotta try,You gotta tryEven when you lose hurtsAnd you played your last cards(You know)You know, you knowWe"re standing in,Along the fireTrying to make two wrongs rightHurt Lovers, Hurt, Hurt Lovers ohDon"t give up, Don"t, Don"t give up no,You gotta try,You gotta tryHurt Lovers, Hurt, Hurt Lovers ohDon"t give up, Don"t, Don"t give up no,Think of it You can"t just let it goYou gotta try,You gotta tryHurt Lovers, hurt so bad and thenFind something, to make things right againIt don"t matter who wins out in the endYou gotta try,You gotta try
2023-07-18 11:37:481

Lose My Mind 歌词

歌曲名:Lose My Mind歌手:TAMIA专辑:Beautiful SurpriseTamia - Lose My Mindis it mornin alreadyDAMNi was just gettin used to u by my side(dont go, dont go)im havin trouble gettinPASTthe port when i have to tell u goodbyei kno u got a job to doand i understand that you gotta go ohhbut i dont never get nosleep for a moment of peace till i get u holdand it hurt so bad to miss u like thateveryday my baby"s gon awayi just lose my mindyes i lose my mindeven when i kno that i wont be alonei just lose my mindyes i lose my minddrip drop tears dont stopwhen he aint by my side(no no)all day all damn nightstart to lose my mindi start to loseover my baby my babyyou just cant imagineNOthe way that u got a hold of my heartand i just cant stand itNOeverytime i have to watch u departi kno its kinda selfishbut i really just want u love to myself yahhcuz every minute im aloneit feels like i am goin thru helland it hurts so bad to miss u like thatwhat can i do (hey)im crazy over u (hey)i hate to see u go (hey)im so outta ctrl (hey hey hey)i miss you bad (hey)so xxx turn u back (hey)it happens everytime (hey)i start to lose my mind (hey)
2023-07-18 11:37:571

You Hurt Me So Bad 这句话什么意思?

2023-07-18 11:38:0610

hurt lovers 中文歌词

Hurt Lovers(受伤的恋人)歌手:Blue(蓝色男孩)Duncan: When the words that you wanted to say Are all coming out wrong, 有时你想说的话语 一开口几乎就变味了,When you burst into tears,Though you"re trying so hard to be strong, 有时你会突然流泪,尽管你努力让自己变得坚强,Ohhh ~~喔 ~~We"re standing in, Allowed to fight, 我们要换位思考,极力争取,Trying to make two wrongs right, 来试图将彼此的过错修正,LEE: Hurt Lovers, Hurt, Hurt Lovers oh, 受伤的恋人们,受伤的恋人们呀,Don"t give up, Don"t, Don"t give up no, 别放弃,千万不要放弃爱,绝不,Think of it You can"t just let it go, 想一想,你不能就这样放手,You gotta try,You gotta try, 你必须努力挽救这份感情,ANTONY: So when all that you ever believe Comes apart at the seams, 因此当你所相信的一切让你失望沮丧时,And when all of the bridges you build Are washed away in a stream,当你所有的退路都被堵住时,Ooooh~~ 喔~~ SIMON: Whatever comes, It"s not the end,无论发生什么,都不会是最后的结局,We gotta fight,And take a stand,我们必须争取,并摆明立场,LEE:Hurt Lovers, Hurt, Hurt Lovers oh, 受伤的恋人们,受伤的恋人们呀,Don"t give up, Don"t, Don"t give up no, 别放弃,千万不要放弃爱,绝不,Think of it You can"t just let it go, 想一想,你不能就这样放手,You gotta try,You gotta try, 你必须努力挽救这份感情,Hurt Lovers, hurt so bad again,受伤的恋人们,心伤的如此之深, Find something, to make things right again,去寻找答案让爱再次回到身边吧,    It don"t matter who wins out in the end,不管是谁最后胜出, You gotta try,You gotta try, 你必须努力挽救这份感情,SIMON: Even when you lose hurts, 即便失败受伤了,    And you made your last words?你也准备好了诀别之词吧?   You know, you know, 你明白的,你会明白的,Duncan: We"re standing in, Allowed to fight, 我们要换位思考,极力争取,Trying to make two wrongs right, 来试图将彼此的过错修正,LEE: Hurt Lovers, Hurt, Hurt Lovers oh, 受伤的恋人们,受伤的恋人们呀,Don"t give up, Don"t, Don"t give up no, 别放弃,千万不要放弃爱,绝不,Think of it You can"t just let it go, 想一想,你不能就这样放手,You gotta try,You gotta try, 你必须努力挽救这份感情,合唱: Hurt Lovers, Hurt, Hurt Lovers oh, 受伤的恋人们,受伤的恋人们呀,Don"t give up, Don"t, Don"t give up no, 别放弃,千万不要放弃爱,绝不,Think of it You can"t just let it go, 想一想,你不能就这样放手,You gotta try,You gotta try, 你必须努力挽救这份感情,Hurt Lovers, hurt so bad again,受伤的恋人们,心伤的如此之深, Find something, to make things right again,去寻找答案让爱再次回到身边吧,    It don"t matter who wins out in the end,不管是谁最后胜出, You gotta try,You gotta try.你必须努力挽救这份感情.
2023-07-18 11:38:272

Send Her My Love 歌词

歌曲名:Send Her My Love歌手:Journey专辑:Greatest Hits 1 & 2SEND HER MY LOVE(Perry, Cain)From The Album: FRONTIERS (1983)Release Date: September 1983Top 40: Enters on October 22 and Peaks at #23It"s been so longSince I"ve seen her faceYou say she"s doin" fineI still recallA sad cafeHow it hurt so bad to see her cryI didn"t want to say good-byeSend her my love, memories remainSend her my love, roses never fadeSend her my loveThe same hotel, the same old roomI"m on the road againShe needed so much moreThan I could giveWe knew our love could not pretendBroken hearts can always mend.Send her my love, memories remainSend her my love, roses never fadeSend her my loveCallin" out her name I"m dreamin"Reflections of a face I"m seein"It"s her voiceThat keeps on haunting meGuitar solo...Send her, send her my loveRoses never fadeMemories remainSend her, send her, my love
2023-07-18 11:38:351

Mockingbird中文歌词拜托各位了 3Q

<Eminem - Mockingbird>中、英文歌词 Yeah I know sometimes things might not always make sense to you right now 我知道有些事情对现在的你而言并不总是有意义 But hey, what daddy always tell you? 但是``嘿~~老爸总是告诉你什么? Straighten up little soldier 振作起来,小斗士 Stiffen up that upper lip 咬紧你的嘴唇 What chu crying about? 你哭什么呢? You got me.. 你还有我 [ Verse 1 ] Hailie, I know you miss your mom Halie 我知道你想念你的妈妈, And I know you miss your dad when I"m gone 想念你的爸爸 But I"m trying to give you the life that I never had 但是我在尽力给你一种我从未有过的生活 I can see you"re sad 我真能看见你的悲伤 Even when you smile 甚至在你强装着微笑 Even when you laugh 摆出一副笑脸的时候 I can see it in your eyes 我真能从你眼眸 Deep inside, you wanna cry 最深处察觉你想哭的冲动 Cuz you"re scared 因为你惊恐万分 I ain"t there? 是我没在那儿的原因? Daddy"s with you in your prayers 我其实就在你虔诚的祈祷声中 No more crying 所以请别再哭泣 Wipe them tears 拭干泪水罢 Daddy"s here 爸爸就在那儿 No more nightmares 不会再有梦魇了 We gonna pull together through it 我们携手度过暗夜 We gon" do it 我们能够做到的 Laini, uncle"s crazy ain"t he? Laney 叔叔疯了,是吗? Yeah but he loves you girl and you better know it 是的,可是他是爱你的,你应该知道 We"re all we got in this world 在这世界上,我们拥有的只有我们自己的灵魂 When it spins When it swirls When it whirls When it twirls 当它旋转,当它环绕 当它周转,当它萦绕 Two little beautiful girls 两个可爱美丽的小女孩 Looking puzzled, in a daze 看上去很困惑,很迷茫 I know it"s confusing you 我知道它扰乱了你们的心智 Daddy"s always on the move 爸爸总徘徊在流浪的猛局?nbsp; Mama"s always on the news 妈妈总出现在时髦的新闻上 I try to keep you sheltered from it 我尝试着把你荫庇在我的保护中 But somehow it seems, the harder that I try to do that 可是不知道为什么,我越是竭尽全力 the more it backfires on me 越是事与愿违 All the things, growing up 那些苦痛使他成长起来 As daddy that he had to see 爸爸亲身经历的 Daddy don"t want you to see 爸爸不愿你再承受 But you see just as much as me (to see?) 但是你亲历的却和我一样坎坷 That we did not plan it to be this way 我们并不想为你设计如此前途的 You"re mother and me 我和你妈妈都不想 But things have got so bad between us 但是事情却无情的在我们之间导演得这么糟糕 I don"t see us ever being Together ever again 我再也寻不回曾经共享天伦的美妙时光了 Like we used to be when was teenagers 就象我和她曾经的豆蔻年华 But then of course everything always happens for a reason 但是所有的错误的发生全只在一个原因 I guess it was never meant to be 我想,这个错误从未打算被修正 But it"s just something We have no control over 有些东西是我们自己无法去操控的 And that"s what destiny is 这便是命运的定义 But no more worries 还是别难过了 Rest your head and go to sleep 放松你的神经去好好睡一觉罢 Maybe one day we"ll wake up 也许某天当我们苏醒时 And this will all just be a dream [ Chorus ] Now hush little baby, don"t you cry 好罢,小女孩,安静下来罢。你还在流泪? Everything"s gonna be alright 未来的一切总会好转的 Stiffen that upperlip up little lady, i told ya 紧紧咬住你的唇,小女士,我告诉过你了 Daddy"s here to hold ya through the night 爸爸就在身边,用双手圈住你,熬过这寂寥长夜 I know mommy"s not here right now and we don"t know why 我知道妈妈现在已经莫名其妙的远走高飞 We feel how we feel inside 我们能触摸自己的心房 It may seem a little crazy, pretty baby 有一点歇斯底里,亲爱的宝贝 But i promise momma"s gon" be alright 但我向你许诺,妈妈现在还好好的呢 Heh, it"s funny 真搞笑 I remember back one year when daddy had no money 我至今仍能清楚的记得有一年爸爸身无分文,不名一钱 Mommy wrapped the Christmas presents up and stuck "em under the tree 妈妈把圣诞礼物包裹好,小心翼翼地挂在圣诞树上 and said some of "em weren"t from me, cause daddy couldn"t buy "em 并且说,有些是你爸爸为你准备的,就因为爸爸买不起他们啊 I"ll never forget that Christmas I sat up the whole night cryin 我无助的呆坐着,圣诞节一整晚的泪水就这样淌在我的记忆中 Cause daddy felt like a bum, see daddy had a job 爸爸成了个乞丐,梦呓着一份好的工作 But his job was to keep the food on the table for you and mom 可是他的工作仅仅只能为你和你妈妈带来餐桌上单薄的吃的东西而已,糊口而已 And at the time, every house that we lived in 那时侯甚至我们住的每一间房 Either kept gettin broken into and robbed or shot up on the block 还都被盗贼破门而入,席卷一空 And your mom, was savin money for you in a jar 他们把你妈妈为你储钱的罐子丢弃在大街上 Tryin to start a piggy bank for you so you could go to college 那是一个为了你能够上大学的小猪存钱罐 Almost had a thousand dollars, "til someone broke in and stole it 他们夺去它的时候里面已经有几千美元了,全都不翼而飞 And I know it hurt so bad it broke your momma"s heart 我知道这样的事简直要把你妈妈的心击碎了啊 And it seemed like everything was just startin to fall apart 似乎一切都征兆着要毁灭的开始 Mom and dad was arguin a lot so momma moved back 妈妈和爸爸大吵了一架,接着妈妈就独自搬回原来的家去了 on the Chalmers in the flat, one bedroom apartment 就是Chalmers大街上一座只有一间卧室的逼仄的公寓 And dad moved back to the other side of 8 Mile on Novara 爸爸也搬去了Novara的8 mile街的另一边 And that"s when daddy went to California with his CD 那时候爸爸也带着录制了他说唱的CD去了加利福尼亚 and met Dr. Dre, and flew you and momma out to see me 遇见了Dr.Dre ,你和你妈妈乘航班来探望我 But daddy had to work, you and momma had to leave me 可是爸爸需要工作,你和你妈妈等不及,只好离去 Then you started seein daddy on the TV 从此你就只能从电视上看见你的爸爸 And momma didn"t like it, and you and Laney were too young to understand it 妈妈却讨厌这些东西,你和Laney当时还小,并不能懂得发生的一切 Papa was a rollin stone, momma developed a habit 爸爸是一颗永远向前滚动,决不停滞的顽石;妈妈养成了一些习惯 And it all happened too fast for either one of us to grab it 那一切都发生得太快,我们之间的任何一个人都无能为力去攫取它 I"m just sorry you were there and had to witness it first hand 我真的很抱歉你没能在那第一时间目睹这些 Cause all I ever wanted to do was just make you proud 我曾经极力想达成的,就是想让你感觉骄傲 Now I"m sittin in this empty house, just reminiscin 如今我坐在空房子里,与孤独为伍,能做的唯有沉溺于回忆 Lookin at your baby pictures, it just trips me out 欣赏着你年幼时的照相,我就象吸食了毒品一样产生斑斓的幻觉 To see how much you both have grown, it"s almost like you"re sisters now 看着你们一天天成长,现在情同姐妹了 Wow, guess you pretty much are, and daddy"s still here WOW```想像着你们的纯真美丽,爸爸其实就在身旁 Laney I"m talkin to you too, daddy"s still here Laney我也告诉你,爸爸就在身旁 I like the sound of that, yeah, it"s got a ring to it don"t it? 我喜欢这天籁之声,是的。就象叩开天堂之门的金铃铛,不是吗? Shh, momma"s only gone for the moment 呵呵``妈妈只不过是暂时走开了一会儿 [ Chorus ] Now hush little baby, don"t you cry 好罢,小女孩,安静下来罢。你还在流泪? Everything"s gonna be alright 未来的一切总会好转的 Stiffen that upperlip up little lady, i told ya 紧紧咬住你的唇,小女士,我告诉过你了 Daddy"s here to hold ya through the night 爸爸就在身边,用双手圈住你,熬过这寂寥长夜 I know mommy"s not here right now and we don"t know why 我知道妈妈现在已经莫名其妙的远走高飞 We feel how we feel inside 我们能触摸自己的心房 It may seem a little crazy, pretty baby 有一点歇斯底里,亲爱的宝贝 But i promise momma"s gon" be alright 但我向你许诺,妈妈现在还好好的呢 And if you ask me too 如果你们想要一份礼物 Daddy"s gonna buy you a mockingbird 我会送给你们一只仿声鸟 I"mma give you the world 也会把全世界都送给你们 I"mma buy a diamond ring for you 还要买只钻戒给你们 I"mma sing for you 还要还要为你纵情歌唱啊! I"ll do anything for you to see you smile 为你做任何事情,只需你以微笑回报 And if that mockingbird don"t sing and that ring don"t shine 如果那仿声鸟不鸣叫,钻戒不闪耀 I"mma break that birdies neck 我就要扭断那些鸟的脖子 I"d go back to the jewler who sold it to ya 我就要去找那些珠宝商们的茬 And make him eat every carat don"t fuck with dad (haha) 让他们一克拉一克拉给我吃下去,不敢再他妈的蒙骗你爸爸```哈哈麻烦采纳,谢谢!
2023-07-18 11:38:531


T.A.T.U的30 Minutes
2023-07-18 11:39:034

showtime经常放的歌嘟唔 嘟唔然后嘟唔 嘟唔

On the Rocks - Nicole ScherzingerYou"re all out thereWaiting, to break my heart againBreak my heart differentYou"re on one teamYet still contemplating,Break my heart againOh differentBet you thought all that runnin" roundWasn"t gon" catch up with youLet that door hit your ass,I"ll photoshop you out this pictureSee I wasn"t around for thisSo you might wanna sit down for thisIt hurt so bad that I should cryAwkward silence you know whyLet"s have a drinkLet"s have a drinkDo you see right thereHere"s to you and me, oh ohLet"s take a shotSince you"ve been taking shotsAnd allow me to serve youThis break up on the rocksOn the rocksYou never miss a good thingUntil it"s goneOn the rocksAnd allow me to serve youThis break up on the rocksYou never miss a good thingUntil it"s goneNow you"re out there, without meBreaking hearts again, oh dear friendBut I try to tell youThat love will show youThat you would break your own heartIn the endBet you thought all that runnin" roundWasn"t gon" catch up with youLet that door hit your ass,I"ll photoshop you out this pictureSee I wasn"t around for thisSo you might wanna sit down for thisIt hurt so bad that I should cryAwkward silence you know whyLet"s have a drinkLet"s have a drinkDo you see right thereHere"s to you and me, oh ohLet"s take a shotSince you"ve been taking shotsAnd allow me to serve youThis break up on the rocksOn the rocksYou never miss a good thingUntil it"s goneOn the rocksAnd allow me to serve youThis break upOn the rocksOn the rocksBet you thought all that runnin" roundWasn"t gon" catch up with youLet that door hit your ass,I"ll photoshop you out this pictureLet"s have a drinkLet"s have a drinkDo you see right thereHere"s to you and me, oh ohLet"s take a shotSince you"ve been taking shotsAnd allow me to serve youThis break up on the rocksOn the rocksOn the rocksYou never miss a good thingUntil it"s goneOn the rocksAnd allow me to serve youThis break up on the rocksOn the rocksOn the rocksYou never miss a good thingUntil it"s goneOn the rocksAnd allow me to serve youThis break up on the rocksOn the rocks
2023-07-18 11:39:101


ladies and gentleman: today I want to talk to you about the pain that i had. After this Spring Festival,I have turned 18 years old and I think that I"m a grown-up now.The last time when I took part in this competition I recite a famous speech but this time I"m showing you my own experience, that as a grown-up should be brave enough to express himself/herself and rely on himself/herself.(不要性别歧视) There is a song called<I don"t want to grow up>.lots of children hate to grow up because they will have to face the reality when they grow up.take me for an example,about 2 years ago I went to a new school where I had to separate from all of my old was so scary(lonely形容人的) for me because I had no new friends there,every one was busy with their studies. one day on a P.E lesson ,the teacher asked us to pratice sit-ups under and there was people going to help each of us because it was dangerous.but when I was doing it the people who was supposed to help me didn"t protect me,so I hurt hurt so bad that I had to see the doctors in almost every big hospitals in town, but it couldn"t be cured.what more was that they didn"t even say sorry and that they didnt show any care either.ever since then, I just couldn"t stop thinking how selfish. Another thing that shocked me is that our English teacher suddenly died from the lung cancer last was the first time I felt that death is so close to us and that life is so vulnerable. I was afraid that I would get old or die before I have even realized my dream. If you think that I"m pessimistic you are wrong,I will never ever give up. Although the society may be dark and life may be short,we should find the positive reasons to keep up, for light is always accompanied by dark and life is meaningful because it"s limited. Thank you for listening时态改了一些。 还有society may be dark什么的就不要写了吧。
2023-07-18 11:39:173


寂寞寂寞就好-hebe 不离不弃-刘威煌【电视主题曲来的】
2023-07-18 11:39:2810


LAY:你在我身上 残留的香味让失控双脚 也臣服你的完美CHEN:但我心里面 火花般的记忆 却化成烟在瞬间TAO:深呼吸 对你的爱 多想要喊出口TAO:却恐惧 一丝希望 会烧成了灰全都落空CHEN:深蓝色凌晨 只剩回音 飘散在寒冷的空中Who knows?ALL:像无限的Mystery 迷雾般的MemoryXIUMIN:难以预期你是无解的谜ALL:泪如雨下的声音耳边温柔的呼吸LAY:彷佛是你 却找不到证据ALL:You hurt me (So bad, so bad)You hurt me (So bad, so bad)XIUMIN:你存在我的脑海里 (Insane) 轮廓那样的清晰CHEN:如此靠近却触碰不了你TAO:Yeah 我跟着月色般的旋律 准备偷偷敲开紧锁的心夜晚像那河水安静 嘘! 请替我保守这秘密CHEN:偷偷告诉我 TAO:要到哪里才能揭开 封闭你的世界 去拥抱你CHEN:让我靠近你 TAO:能不能允许我走进 面纱下掩盖的 你的世界CHEN:每个夜晚 想你才能入梦XIUMIN:那梦中 不断演奏 甜美旋律彷佛你和我LAY:我闭上了眼 随着身影 走进那黑暗的尽头 Who knows?ALL:像无限的Mystery 迷雾般的MemoryLAY:难以预期你是无解的谜ALL:泪如雨下的声音耳边温柔的呼吸CHEN:彷佛是你 却找不到证据ALL:You hurt me (So bad, so bad)You hurt me (So bad, so bad)LAY:你存在我的脑海里 (Insane) 轮廓那样的清晰XIUMIN:如此靠近却触碰不了你LAY:能不能够 为我回头 XIUMIN:你明知 我的爱已收不回CHEN:比起你 模煳的身影 和漆黑的晚上 我更怕 一个人被留下ALL:像无限的Mystery 迷雾般的MemoryCHEN:难以预期你是无解的谜ALL:泪如雨下的声音耳边温柔的呼吸LAY:彷佛是你CHEN: 却找不到证据ALL:You hurt me (So bad, so bad)You hurt me (So bad, so bad)XIUMIN:你存在我的脑海里 (Insane) 轮廓那样的清晰CHEN:如此靠近却触碰不了你It hurts
2023-07-18 11:39:522


a little love 千千阙歌 飘雪 不羁恋人 初恋情人 情已逝 世上只有 自由飞翔 烟火 祝你一路顺风 朋友 忘情水 红茶馆 红颜知己 几许风雨 why 甜蜜蜜
2023-07-18 11:40:017


2023-07-18 11:40:236