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2023-07-19 08:54:37
TAG: 词汇 足球


  277.密集防守:tight [close] defense [marking]

  278.地毯式防守:blanket defense

  279.钉住:mark up; get tight

  280.撤退:retreat; withdraw

  281.后撤防守(引对方进入中场口袋):funnel back


  283.封死:close off


  285.筑人墙:set [line] up a wall



  287.前场:opposing half

  288.后场:own half

  289.进攻型足球:offensive football

  290.防守型足球:defensive football

  291.全攻全守型[总体型]足球:total football

  292.欧洲型足球:European [Continental] football

  293.拉丁美洲型足球:Latin American football


  295.接应位置:supporting position

  296.分派位:assign position


  298.制造空当:create an opening

  299.边锋战术:wing play

  300.紧靠边线:hug the sideline

  301.控制中场:control the midfield

  302.越位战术:offside tactics [trap]

  303.交叉移动:scissors movement

  304.定位球战术(由固定队员主罚):set-piece play

  305.WM [3-4-3]阵式:WM[3-4-3]formation

  306.W阵式(WM阵式中的进攻部分):W formation

  307.M阵式(WM阵式中的防守部分):M formation

  308.4前锋[匈牙利]阵式:four forwards [Hungarian] formation

  309.4后卫阵式:four backs formation

  310.3后卫阵式:three backs formation

  311.2-3-5阵式:2-3-5 formation;pyramid

  312.4-3-3阵式:4-3-3[Catenaccio] formation

  313.4-2-4[巴西]阵式:4-2-4 [Brazilian] formation

  314.五对五练习赛:five-a-side game

  315.绕杆练习:swerve around sticks



n.形成; 构成,结构; 形成物; 编队,队形;
2023-07-18 09:59:423


2023-07-18 09:59:562


formation一般翻译为组成的意思 ,即某物体的 组成成分等formation [fu0254:u02c8meiu0283u0259n] n. 形成, 构成 This is the formation of a new government. 这是新政府的构成。 形成物 Clouds are formations of condensed water vapour. 云是由凝聚的水蒸气构成的。 编队, 排列 The aircraft are flying in formation. 飞机编队飞行。 而 structure 的意思一般指某样物体 的框架,结构 构造structure [u02c8stru028cktu0283u0259] n. 结构, 构造 A flower has quite a complicated structure. 一朵花的结构相当复杂。 有结构的事物; 复杂的整体; 建筑物 The Eiffel Tower is one of the most famous structures in the world. 艾菲尔铁塔是世界上最著名的建筑物之一。 vt. 组织; 安排; 构造; 制定 It"s often difficult to structure one"s career. 安排自己的职业通常很困难。
2023-07-18 10:00:111


formation[英][fu0254:u02c8meu026au0283n][美][fu0254:ru02c8meu026au0283n]n.形成; 构成,结构; 形成物; 编队,队形; 很高兴为你解答!如有不懂,请追问。 谢谢!
2023-07-18 10:00:201

第一题为什么不是form , 是formation?

2023-07-18 10:00:303


将手机/电脑/电视及其它电子设备连接到B&W音响此前摩大大在视频里面简明扼要的对Formation Duo如何连接电子设备做了说明。接下来由我——小鱼再图文并茂的手把手教你们如何连接。通过手机下载App可以设置B&W音响让其能够无线连接到手机、电脑、电视等电子设备。从而让你通过B&W音响来回放你电子设备的声音。
2023-07-18 10:00:551


2023-07-18 10:01:052

大家有比较过formation5.1 和bose650的吗?

BOSE650听演唱会和音乐,会被宝华秒杀。在看电影时,宝华formation5.1的人物对白非常清晰,偏中高音。BOSE650人物对白浑厚,偏中低。formation5.1 是无线的,BOSE650是有线的,后环绕可选无线。从整个影院效果来说,BOSE650在遇到飞机环绕飞行时声场的连贯性比宝华得好,但宝华的声场整体现场感好很多。
2023-07-18 10:01:131


问题一:建造是什么意思 建造 释义:打造一些楼房等建筑,制造。 1. 确立制定。 《后汉书u30fb李通传》:“通怀伊、吕、萧、曹之谋,建造大策,扶助神灵,辅成圣德。” 2. 兴建;建筑。 唐 周朴 《无等岩》诗:“建造上方藤影里,高僧往往似天台 。” 明 冯梦龙 清 蔡元放《东周列国志》第三回:“平王一来府库空虚,无力建造宫室;二来怕犬戎早晚入寇,遂萌迁都洛邑之念。” 清 李斗 《扬州画舫录u30fb草河录上》:“出金建造花园,或鬻故家大宅废园为之,楼台亭舍,花木竹石……无不精美。” 冰心《寄小读者》十:“世界便是这样的建造起来的!” 3. 地质建造 这个名称是从英文“formation”或俄文“Жормадия”翻译而来,又称“地质建造”。指岩石在自然界中有规律的共生组合,它们彼此之间无论在时间还是空间上都有密切的关系。根据岩石组成的不同,可分出各种建造类型,如岩浆建造类型,沉积建造类型等。根据建造条件形成的不同,又可分出各种建造序列,如地槽建造序列,地台建造序列。 问题二:建造,建设和建筑分别是什么意思? 建造jiànzào [build;construct]∶建筑 建造教堂 [make]∶制造 建造人造卫星 建设 jiànshè [construct;build] 创立新事业;增加新设施;充实新精神 经济建设 建筑 jiànzhù [build;construct;erect] 指造房子,修路、架桥等 建筑雕刻。――蔡元培《图画》 既视建筑。 画与建筑。 或兼建筑。 建筑一座高楼 建筑桥梁 建筑 jiànzhù [building;construction;edifice;structure] 建筑物,如房屋、桥梁、水坝、隧道等 古老的建筑 问题三:建造师是什么意思 具体是做什么的? 中大网校回答: 建造师(Constructor)是指从事建设工程项目总承包和施工管理关键岗位的执业注册人员。建造师的含义是指懂管理、懂技术、懂经济、懂法规,综合素质较高的综合型人员,既要有理论水平,也要有丰富的实践经验和较强的组织能力。建造师注册受聘后,可以建造师的名义担任建设工程项目施工的项目经理、从事其他施工活动的管理、从事法律、行政法规或国务院建设行政主管部门规定的其他业务。建造师的职责是根据企业法定代表人的授权,对工程项目自开工准备至竣工验收,实施全面的组织管理。 问题四:建造承包商是什么意思 建筑承包商: 建筑承包商即建筑项目承包人,是指在协议书中约定,被项目发包人接受的具有项目施工承包主体资格的当事人,或取得该当事人资格的合法继承人。 作用: 建筑承包商在商品房建设过程中,对房屋的质量起着十分重要的作用。也是房地产开发过程中的一个重要环节。 问题五:贴邻建造 什么意思 两户(幢)房屋挨得很近,有时甚至共用一堵隔墙。 问题六:我造啊什么意思 在爱情公寓有放到过这样一剧情―― 欧皓辰!你造吗,为直都,宣你!我的脑含我的心,我全身上下每一个器官都在说着:旁友,票子要伐? 这样我们就能理解了,造是“知道”的意思。宣是“喜欢”的意思。为直是“我一直”的意思。含=和另外还有一个哦,男票的票,为“朋友”的意思。 纯手打,望采纳哦!! 问题七:建造业是什么意思 建造业 就是建筑业,是专门从事土木工程、房屋建设和设备安装以及工程勘察设计工作的生产部门。其产品是各种工厂、矿井、铁路、桥梁、港口、道路、管线、住宅以及公共设施的建筑物、构筑物和设施。 问题八:东北话开造什么意思 造,是一个动词,表示粗鲁的动作。 例如东北人请客人吃饭的时候,希望客人能够毫不矜持地大吃大喝,于是待客之时,就不能说“开吃”,为了表示热情,一定要说“开造”! 如果你用手轻轻的拍了对方的头,只能是:拍着脑袋了。 如果用板砖砸脑袋,那就要说“一板砖造脑袋伤了” 问题九:工程建设 是什么意思 工程建设是指为了国民经济贰部门的发展和人民物质文化生活水平的提高而进行的有组织、有目的的投资兴建固定资产的经济活动,即建造、购置和安装固定资产的活动以及与之相联系的其他工作。 问题十:建造是什么意思 建造 释义:打造一些楼房等建筑,制造。 1. 确立制定。 《后汉书u30fb李通传》:“通怀伊、吕、萧、曹之谋,建造大策,扶助神灵,辅成圣德。” 2. 兴建;建筑。 唐 周朴 《无等岩》诗:“建造上方藤影里,高僧往往似天台 。” 明 冯梦龙 清 蔡元放《东周列国志》第三回:“平王一来府库空虚,无力建造宫室;二来怕犬戎早晚入寇,遂萌迁都洛邑之念。” 清 李斗 《扬州画舫录u30fb草河录上》:“出金建造花园,或鬻故家大宅废园为之,楼台亭舍,花木竹石……无不精美。” 冰心《寄小读者》十:“世界便是这样的建造起来的!” 3. 地质建造 这个名称是从英文“formation”或俄文“Жормадия”翻译而来,又称“地质建造”。指岩石在自然界中有规律的共生组合,它们彼此之间无论在时间还是空间上都有密切的关系。根据岩石组成的不同,可分出各种建造类型,如岩浆建造类型,沉积建造类型等。根据建造条件形成的不同,又可分出各种建造序列,如地槽建造序列,地台建造序列。
2023-07-18 10:01:201


Abstract: From the character development to this stage of the results, the form of sound words about 80% of the total number of Chinese characters. From a historical perspective on the dynamic character of observation, from the text to see the development of the phenomenon and text changes. Of Tonal production and the process of discovery, the Phonetic form a never aware of the conscious, never consciously to the conscious creative process, first by word plus the signifier, the mother language be added to class symbol, ideograph notation notes are not sound of the word conscious form, but through the "sound with benefits" means produce is the real character Pictophonetic.Keywords: Tonal; formation; formation mode; shaped pan benefits
2023-07-18 10:02:032

heat of formation是什么意思

heat of formation生词本英 [hi:t u0254v fu0254:u02c8meiu0283u0259n] 美 [hit u028cv fu0254ru02c8meu0283u0259n]生成热,形成热网 络生成热;形成热双语例句1. In this paper, the ionic absolute standard heat of formation is gotten. 本文将给出水溶液中离子的绝对标准生成焓.2. Nitro - compounds are commonly used as energetic materials. Estimation of their heat of formation is very important. 硝基化合物是常用的含能材料, 其生成热的估算具有重要的意义.3. By using the effective heat of formation, Mo 3 Al 8 is predicted to bethe first phase formed. 利用有效生成焓理论, 推测生成的非晶合金可能是Mo3Al8.4. Heat causes the formation of steam from water. 热气造成水形成蒸气.
2023-07-18 10:02:363


2023-07-18 10:02:441

What is word-formation?

2023-07-18 10:02:522

gross capital formation是什么意思

2023-07-18 10:03:025


标准摩尔生成焓ΔfHΘm:在标准状态即压力为100kPa,一定温度(一般是298.15K)下时,由元素最稳定的单质生成1mol纯化合物时的反应热称为该化合物的标准摩尔生成焓(standard enthalpy of formation)。下标f表示生成(formation),下标m表示反应进度为ε=1mol,上标Θ表示标准状态。单位是kJ/mol或kJ·mol-1。有时也称标准生成热(standard heat of formation),这是因为恒压反应热在数值上等于焓变。焓变是生成物与反应物的焓值差。ΔH(焓变)表示的是系统发生一个过程的焓的增量。作为一个描述系统状态的状态函数,焓变没有明确的物理意义。扩展资料:状态函数的特征:1、状态函数的变化值只取决于系统的始态和终态,与中间变化过程无关;并非所有的状态函数都是独立的,有些是相互关联、相互制约的。2、状态函数的微变dX为全微分。全微分的积分与积分路径无关。利用这两个特征,可判断某函数是否为状态函数。3、状态函数表征和确定体系状态的宏观性质。状态函数只对平衡状态的体系有确定值,对于非平衡状态的体系则无确定值。4、具有单值性。5、状态函数的集合(和、差、积、商)也是状态函数。参考资料来源:百度百科-标准摩尔生成焓参考资料来源:百度百科-焓
2023-07-18 10:03:311


2023-07-18 10:03:451


2023-07-18 10:03:521


2023-07-18 10:04:033


形成能的负值越小越稳定。定义方式:deltaH=EAxB1-x-xEA-(1-x)EB形成热(能)是不同类原子从其单质状态生成化合物所释放或吸收的能量,一般定义为E(AB)-E(A)-E(B),其中E(A),E(B)为A,B原子在其单质状态下的能量。形成热可以为正,也可以为负。一般情况下,化合物形成的初始状态为A及B的单质状态,需要首先断开A单质原子间结合及B原子间结合,这需要吸收能量,再形成AB,释放能量,释放与吸收的能量差,就是形成热,相当于化学反应的反应热。形成热越负,化合物越稳定。如果为正,说明断开A及B单质原子结合所需要吸收的能量大于AB结合时所释放的能量,化合物不能稳定存在。AB化合物结合能大,只能说明由A及B自由原子成键时释放的能量大,如果断开A单质及B单质本身结合所需要吸收的能量也很大,AB仍然相对不稳定。所以,需要用形成热作化合物稳定性判据。一般情况下,如果E(A),E(B)是单质原子能量,把E(AB)E(A)-E(B)叫做heat of formation,形成热。只是LZ已经把它叫成形成能了,我就加个括号,说成形成热(能)。至于形成能和形成热有什么区别,我没有仔细考虑过。不过,上面所说的形成热,如果是在0k下计算的,是不考虑熵的。当然,在有限温度下,你可以在所有的E中,加入振动熵,对无序体系,你还可以考虑E(AB)的混合熵。在很多涉及到缺陷的问题时,常常提到形成能formation energy,比如点缺陷形成能point defect formation energy。如果A+B形成晶体AB:晶体的形成能就是将总能量减去纯元素固态时的能量;而结合能则是将总能量减去自由状态下孤立原子的总能量。一个化合物晶体可以形成,当然它的能量一般要比单质晶体的能量加和要低,所以化合物晶体形成能一般是负值。结合能也是一样的。形成能,我的理解,是一个偏化学的概念,因为它与化学反应的焓变或内能变化有关,因为A(晶)+B(晶)=AB(晶),这里强调的是旧物质消失和新物质生成的化学反应,而状态是给定的,所以说是偏化学的。结合能,我的理解,是一个偏物理的概念。虽然对于多原子晶体,这里面也有新旧物质的变化,但它更强调的是状态的变化。单从能量区别上,结合能相当于这样一个过程的总能量变化:A(孤原)+B(孤原)=AB(晶体),可见它与形成能是有联系而又有区别的。其中相差了这两个反应:A(孤原)=A(晶),B(孤原)=B(晶)。
2023-07-18 10:04:111

the formation of...是什么意思

2023-07-18 10:04:195


the formation of raindrops/rainwater雨水的形成 How did the raindrops/rainwater come into being?雨水的形成 formation:形成 There are several kinds of cloud formations. 云层的构成方式有好几种. Located in or facing the path of an oncoming glacier.Used of a geologic formation. 冰川运动路线的位于或面对冰川运动路线的. come into being:vi.出现(存在,产生,形成,成立) 例句与用法: A new rule will soon come into being. 一个新规则很快就要出台了. A car comes into being through a series of complex operations. 汽车经过一连串的复杂作业程序而制成.
2023-07-18 10:04:441


Form the dough into small balls and place them on the baking sheet. (把面团揉成小球,放在烤盘上。)He filled out the form with his personal information. (他填写了表格,包括个人信息。)The formation of a new political party is in the works. (正在筹备新的政党组织。)The soldiers marched in formation across the parade ground. (士兵们排成队伍在阅兵场上行进。)The rock"s unusual formation attracted many geologists to study it. (这块岩石独特的形态吸引了许多地质学家前来研究。)
2023-07-18 10:04:521


2023-07-18 10:04:592

什么是word formation

word formation n. 构词,构词法; 词性转换;[例句]The system of inflections, syntax, and word formation of a language.文法一种语言的字尾变化,句法和单词构成的体系。
2023-07-18 10:05:081


传球   110.传球:pass   111.单手传球:single-hand pass   112.双手垫球:two-hand dig   113.上手传球:overarm[overhand]pass   114.肩下传球:dig pass   115.倒地传球:fall down pass   116.高传;high pass; lob   117.跑动传球:running pass   118.一传:first pass   119.一传队员:first passer   120.一传不到位:poor [misplaced] first pass   121.调整球:adjust a poor pass   122.二传;托球:set(up);toss; second [set] pass   123.正面二传:forward set   124.背传:back set[pass]   125.侧传:side pass; sideway volley   126.跳起二传:jump set   127.晃传:feint set   128.上手二传:overarm set   129.单手二传:single-hand set   130.低二传:low set   131.高二传:high set   132.平传:parallel [shoot] set   133.平拉开:flat [wide] set; open toss   134.传近网球:close set   135.传远网球:deep set   136.传球过头:overpass   137.二传太远:overcast a setup   138.第三传(直接推过网):third pass   139.中一二阵形:setter-in-forward-center formation; W formation   140.边一二阵形:setter-in-forward-wing formation   141.三三配备:3-3[three-setter]system;system of pairs   142.双二传制:two-setter system   143.五一配备:5-1 [one-setter] system   144.后排跟进[插上]:penetration   145.后排中跟进:center-back penetration   146.后排两边跟进:back-wing penetration
2023-07-18 10:05:231


a form of rainwater;rainwater come into being
2023-07-18 10:05:325


backformation n. 逆序造词;倒反构词不太懂
2023-07-18 10:05:593

standard enthalpy of formation

更新1: But it had 2 mole in the pound from the equation........ since this is the enathalpy change of formation is it necessary to /2 in the calculation? i"ll wer in more details. 2H2S(g) +3O2 (g) ------> 2H2O (l) + 2SO2 (g) ︿              ︿ |              | |              | (1/4)S8(s) + 2H2(g) + 3O2(g) -------- according to Hess law total enthalpy change is constant no matter which reaction pathway is taken. therefore enthalpy change of this reaction = - (enthalpy change of formation of reactants) + (enthalpy change of formation of products) notice the direction of arrows. make an *** ogy: you have to go from reactants to products but you can"t go directly. you have to take an alternative pathway. so only way you get is to go via "reverse of formation of reactants" followed by "along the formation of products". therefore calculate the sum of enthalpy changes of formation of all reactants (E1) and sum of enthalpy changes of formation of all products (E2). enthalpy for reaction = E2 - E1. when tackling this kind of question be sure to draw the WHOLE diagram including all reactions. you must be able to draw a cycle connecting all chemicals end-to-end. ask if you"re still confused. The question must give you the standard enthalpy of the pounds. The total standard enthalpy of product - total standard enthalpy of reactant that"s the wer.
2023-07-18 10:06:061


部落冲突九本个性阵型_有道翻译翻译结果:Tribal conflict nine personality formationformation英 [fu0254u02d0"meu026au0283(u0259)n]美 [fu0254r"meu0283u0259n]n. 形成;构造;编队formation 形成,足球阵式,组 (地质学)Echelon formation 斜线阵,梯形,斜线阵Spiritual formation 灵修,灵修,灵命塑造
2023-07-18 10:06:161

click"details"formore ihformation 什么意思

click"details"for more information单击“详细信息”以获得更多信息双语对照例句:1.See our earlier story for more details and context. 欲知更多的细节与背景,请看我们以前的报道。2.See faq topic nr.5 for more details. faq topic nr.5中有更多的介绍。.-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮
2023-07-18 10:06:301


2023-07-18 10:06:445

鬼泣5魔剑但丁swords formation怎么发动?

2023-07-18 10:07:041

why do you want to destroy the formation

2023-07-18 10:07:136

gross capital formation是什么意思

2023-07-18 10:07:271


2023-07-18 10:07:503

构词法的backformation 和clipping 有和区别? lab、edit 这两个词是属于哪种构词法?

Backformation是逆构词法 而且有可能会改变词性 比如to televise-television.Clipping是缩写法,它没有改变词性。比如:professor-prof.lab是clipping(laboratory-lab)edit是backformation(edit-editor)最近正好在学这方面 可以看看哈。
2023-07-18 10:08:003


形声字Pictophmetic characters。形成过程Formation process。形成方式Formation mode。形声相益Echoism facies evolution。有道翻译是网易公司开发的一款翻译软件,其最大特色在于翻译引擎是基于搜索引擎。该技术在互联网时代可谓是不可或缺的重要人物。汉-英查询1、汉英翻释有道桌面词典点击即可浏览与中文查询词相对应的英文单词或解释。2、英汉翻译结果  此处显示的是与所查询汉语相对应的英文翻译结果。3、例句与用法  显示包含该查询词的例句及其在句子中的用法。其他:有道桌面词典背靠其强大的搜索引擎(有道搜索)后台数据和“网页萃取”技术。从数十亿海量网页中提炼出传统词典无法收录的各类新兴词汇和英文缩写,如影视作品名称、品牌名称、名人姓名、地名、专业术语等。由于互联网上的网页内容是时刻更新的,因此有道桌面词典提供的词汇和例句也会随之动态更新,以致将互联网上最新、最酷、最鲜活的中英文词汇及句子一网打尽。以上内容参考:有道翻译-百度百科
2023-07-18 10:08:091


形成机制 [词典] formation mechanism; [例句]分析了快速凝固的非平衡效应及形成机制的研究进展,指出了现有理论的局限性。Research progress and the limitation of non-equilibrium effect of rapid solidification and its formation mechanism are analysised.
2023-07-18 10:08:363


2023-07-18 10:08:462

RAD51 foci formation怎么翻译啊

2023-07-18 10:09:072


曲折性 - -|||
2023-07-18 10:09:185


2023-07-18 10:09:335


2023-07-18 10:09:486

dorso-ventral axis formation是什么意思

dorso-ventral axis formation是背腹轴的形成的意思
2023-07-18 10:10:181


2023-07-18 10:10:462


头CG背景音乐: Carrickfergus 主唱:Declan Galbraith WECG WE9 2.0 final 中文版界面音乐 对应界面 超越梦想(杨竹箐、汪正正) Credits Screen 制作人员介面 FIFA入场音乐 Pitch Entrance 进场音乐1 Anthem Orchestral Pitch Entrance 进场音乐2 DJ Jurgen - Aida 2000 Demo Game / Highlights 1 Demo进球回放音乐1 Rendez-Vous PS Demo Game / Highlights 2 比赛进球回放音乐2 没有荣誉或人性的战争-杀死比尔 Demo Game / Highlights 3 比赛进球回放音乐3 crazy frog-axel f(club_mix) Demo Game / Highlights 2 比赛进球回放音乐4 We Are The Champions(Queen) Cups Ceremony Ending 普通联赛、杯赛领奖音乐 Il Bello Della Vita ML Ceremony Ending 大师联赛领奖音乐 Il Bello Della Vita ML Ceremony Ending 大师联赛领奖音乐 I Need You Vs I Need You(Groove Coverage) Main Menu 主介面1 dragostea din tei(o-zone) Main Menu 主介面2 skater boy(avril lavigne) Main Menu 主介面3 I Just Wanna Live(Good Charlotte) Main Menu 主介面4 livin" la vida loca(ricky martin) Master League 大师联赛介面 Let It Out(A1(优格男孩)) League 普通联赛杯赛介面 come on over baby(christina aguilera) Edit 编辑模式介面 love is color blind(sarah connor) Gallery (Options) 展示厅介面 E Uma Partida De Futebol Situation Training 情景训练介面 The World is Grease(The Team) Beginner"s Training 新手训练介面 Get This Party Started(Pink) Formation 阵型设定介面 福克斯体育频道足球栏目主题曲 WEFA Cup / Cup 2nd Round Formation WEFA冠军联赛与杯赛第二轮阵型设定介面 Attraction-小泽正澄(天下足球top10) replay playback 展示厅进球回放音乐 i lay my love on you(westlife) 联网模式 音乐欣赏模式中可以听到 Stay(Tonya mitchell) 联网模式 音乐欣赏模式中可以听到 动起来(郭富城) 中国之队模式 亚洲区预选赛音乐 Viottoria 中国之队模式 世界杯决赛周音乐 CCTV雅典奥运主题曲《骄傲》 中国之队模式 Formation 阵型设定介面 Viottoria 中国之队模式 音乐 耐克的旋律-2004nike最新广告歌 Training模式 狐狸精(罗志祥) Training模式 原版音乐 Training模式 little_less_conversation Training模式 temas-nike Training模式 murphy brown、captain hollywood-axel_f Training模式 snappie-nana_snappie_hou_op Training模式 The Cup Of Life [Spanglish] Stadium BGM 球场音乐1 hey ya!(outkast) Stadium BGM 球场音乐2 Hand in Hand Stadium BGM 球场音乐3 To be number one(意大利之夏) Stadium BGM 球场音乐4 dragostea din tei(o-zone) Stadium BGM 球场音乐5 欧洲冠军杯官方音乐 Stadium BGM 球场音乐6 Boom(Anastacia) Stadium BGM 球场音乐7 oops!..i did it again(britney spears) Stadium BGM 球场音乐8
2023-07-18 10:10:564

Major lithostratigraphic units of the study area

In western Hunan,Middle and Upper Cambrian strata of the Jiangnan Slope Belt were divided,in ascending order,into the Aoxi,Huaqiao,Chefu and Bitiao Formations(Hunan Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources,1964;Zhang et al.,1997).Recently,Peng and Robison(2000)re-assigned the Chefu and Bitiao formations to,in a broad sense,the Huaqiao Formation.Both names are used by present author in this thesis.The Aoxi Formation( )The Aoxi Formation was originally named by the Hunan Regional Geological Surveying Team(1964)for a dolostone-dominated succession.The formation in the study area can be distinctly subdivided into three members.The lowes tmember( )is characterised by black carbonaceous shale and intercalated with argillaceous limestone and ribbon limestone,with thickness varying from 28.5m to 167.4m in the study area.The second section( ),commonly consists of dark gray thin-bedded argillaceous limestone,medium-to thick-bedded argillaceous,dolomitic ribbon limestone intercalated with yellow-brown shales,bearing turbidity flow succession and symmetrical ripple marks in limestone,thickness is 92.6 m in Qilangqiao village(Text-figure 1);while in Ciyan village,the rocks are different,including many shale beds,and thick-bedded limestone breccias,with a thickness of about176m.The third member( 3),occurring at Qilangqiao,consists mainly of gray,thick-bedded argillaceous limestone and dolomites,with a thickness of about 12.9 m only.The Huaqiao Formation( )The formation was named by the Hunan Regional Geological Surveying Team(1964)based on the Aoxi-Paibi Section in the Baojing County(Text-figure 1).It is mainly thin-bedded,argillaceous and laminated limestone and nodular limestone with intercalated beds of thin-to medium-bedded limestone and carbonate debris in the lower and middle parts of the type section at Huaqiao,Baojing,Hunan.Regional investigation of the Huaqiao-Chefu-Bitiao areas shows that it is basically monofacial in lithology,and was deposited in an outer slope-apron environment and was erected biostratigraphically rather than based on lithofacies change.In an effort to define the unit lithologically,Peng and Robison(2000)expanded the definition of the Huaqiao Formation to embrace the strata formerly included in the Chefu and Bitiao formations.The Huaqiao Formation(Peng and Robison,2000)in a broad sense is commonly 800 m to 1200 m thick,and is richly fossiliferous.The Chefu Formation( )The formation was named by the Hunan Regional Geological Surveying Team(1964)based on the Aoxi Section,Baojing County(Text-figure 1).It is mainly dark-gray thick-dedded laminated argillaceous limestone bearing limestone lenses with intercalated ribbon limestone,yellow-brown,thin-thick bedded argillaceous dolomite with intercalated black shale near the base;gray thick bedded limestone breccia interbedded with thin bedded limestone.The formation is about 332 m to 548 m thick.It paraconformably overlies the Aoxi formation.The formation is included in the Huaqiao Formation in a broad sense by Peng and Robison(2000).Both names are used by present author in this paper.Bitiao Formation( )The formation was named by the Hunan Regional Geological Surveying Team(1964)based on the Aoxi-Paibi Section,Baojing County(Text-figure 1).The Bitiao Formation in Lianjiaqiao(Text-figure1)can be also subdivided into two parts:the lower part( )is mainly dark gray,thick-bedded,argillaceous ribbon limestone,bearing limestone lenses with a thickness of about 200m to240m;the upper part( )is mainly dark gray,thick-bedded,argillaceous ribbon limestone to nodular limestone or gray,medium-to thick-bedded packstone comprising a rhythmite layer,with about 400 to 500 m in thickness.The Bitiao Formation conformably overlies the Chefu Formation.This formation is also assigned to the Huaqiao Formation by Peng and Robison(2000).Both names are used by present author in this paper.The Yangliugang Formation( ),Huayansi Formation( )and Xiyangshan Formation( )In Chenxi(close to central Hunan),Cambrian deposits mostly represent relatively deep water,basin environment.The type localities of these three formations are all located in western Zhejiang,all being carbonate units.The Yangliugang Formation in its type section(west Zhejiang Province)is dominated by black and grayish-black,thin-to thick-bedded limestone with intercalated argillaceous limestone beds,ribbon limestone,and calcareous shale.In Chenxi(Shishanguan),it was characterised by dark gray,thin-bedded laminated limestone,argillaceous ribbon limestone,hardly with any fossils.The Huayansi Formation was originally known as the“Huayansi Limestone”(Lu et al.,1955).In its type locality at Tianmashan in west Zhejiang,it is predominately blackish-gray,thin-to thick-bedded limestone with intercalated calcareous shale beds(Anhui Regional Geological Surveying Team,1988).The formation in Chenxi is mainly dark gray,thick-bedded,laminated argillaceous limestone and argillaceous ribbon limestone bearing moniliform lenses.The formation contains few polymeroid trilobites including Charchaqia norini only in the study area.The Xiyangshan Formation was originally named as the“Xiyangshan Shale”(Lu et al.,1955)in its type locality at Xiyanshan of West Zhejiang,where it is predominately composed of mudstone and calcareous shale with interbedded thin-bedded limestone.In the study area,however,it is mainly composed of thin-bedded argillaceous limestone in the lower part,and argillaceous crystalline limestone in the upper part.
2023-07-18 10:11:211


  WR LT LG C RG RT WR   RB2 TE QB   RB1   这是野猫阵型的基本配置,7个人在进攻线上,保证阵型是合法的。 QB站在右边最下面,吸引一个角卫。 站在中锋后面的是FEATURE BACK,左边的RB是一会过来MOTION用的。   这个阵型的首要要求是, 拿球的RB1是要全能型的RB,要有速度,要有视野,最好还能传球。 左边过来的RB2最好是速度型的,比方BUSH这种。   野猫阵型有4种攻击策略,第1个叫 Speller.   开球前,RB1把RB2叫过来。拿完球后立刻给RB2,RB2接球立刻加速从右边走,因为右边有3个人可以阻挡,他能发挥速度优势冲过去。   第2个 POWER   顾名思义,这个就是靠力量从中间突破。 老样子,RB2跑过去,RB1接球后假装给RB2,然后自己找空挡突破。这个进攻其实是有破绽的,因为为了保证突破成功,TE会紧贴在RT的身后,就等于有2个截锋阻挡。   WR LT LG C RG RT WR   RB2 TE QB   RB1   RB2假装接球也往当中冲来做阻挡,RB1靠自己的力量和视野找到空间撞出去。 判断和耐心是最关键的。   第3个 COUNTER   COUNTER,反击。其实就是MISDIRECTION,变向。 阵型排法和SPELLER一样。 RB1拿球后假装给RB2然后,右脚假装往右边突破,突然变向往左边冲击。因为所有的BLOCK都往右边走,带走了防守队员。左边会形成2V2, WR+RB1 VS CB+S   这个时候RB1能发挥自己的优势跑出一定的码数。这个攻击战术在NCAA居多,NFL比较少,因为NFL的线卫太快太聪明,骗不了他们。   第4个 TRICK PLAY。   简单的说就是传球进攻。 像RONNIE BROWN那样自己往左边走传给TE,或者跑到右边给QB传。都是防不胜防的。   如何防守野猫阵型呢? 关键还是在于线卫方面,中线卫要起到领袖的责任。给每个人布置好任务,不让对方的移动所迷惑。 但是因为QB也参与进攻,其实是11VS11,防守难度会加强许多。 所以野猫进攻经常能够成功。   NFL的防守教练和防守队员也不是吃素的,多弄几个特定战术来对付野猫阵型,到时候就变成死猫了。
2023-07-18 10:11:312


Torricelli Daerbute fault zone north of Xinjiang formation predecessors established the Lower Carboniferous package Couto Group and the Commission on the Carboniferous too Le Dracula group, with the attribution of North Junggar formation formation of the district Mayi formation area. The profiles measured by sedimentary rock, based on formation, rock characteristics, in the region compared to their predecessors here that the formation of the order is wrong. Ancient map packets identified in the group was placed under the Lower Carboniferous. Bao ancient group plans for a major deep-sea - half of the deep gray and gray-black TLC tuffaceous siltstone, shale tuffaceous, with gray green, with thin gray-tuff interbedded uneven. Lithologic main debris containing fine sand silt, tuffaceous sandstone, with silt, mud cherts, cherts, such as Shen tuff. The overall environment is relatively calm and stable, for deep-sea - a half deep-sea sediments. Le Dracula is the main group for the ash, glaucum, purplish red basalt and andesite, fine-grained tuff, crystal-tuff debris, ash-tuff, tuffaceous siltstone, tuffaceous silty mudstone uneven beds, rocks folder jasper , Ansan porphyrite and long-sandstone and siltstone. Analysis should be the reinstatement of the environment, there are intermittent eruption of deep-sea sediment environment. Key words: Pack ancient map; too Le Dracula groups: sedimentary environment; Xinjiang Torricelli; Daerbute fault
2023-07-18 10:11:521


wildcat formation(野猫阵型)是一个诡异的阵型,诡异之处在于几乎所有主力进攻球员都不在自己本来的位置上。RB站在QB的位置上,QB则成为了WR,而WR则成了RB。wildcat让人头疼,因为战术的变化会出人意料,让防守队员防不胜防。但是野猫阵对个人能力极度突出的球员太过依赖,一旦有人受伤,阵型立马废掉。如果一旦成功,威力是有目共睹的。NFL里用野猫阵最多的当属海豚队。『手机党码字很辛苦的,望采纳』
2023-07-18 10:12:022