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lack of是什么词性?在从句中应该变成lacking of吗?

2023-07-19 08:25:23

lack of 是名词词组,例如在下面的句子里:

Taiwan"s Lack of Immediate Access to WHO Information

lack of fire-wood was a common problem in the rural area in China

由于lack of 是名词词组,because of 后面可直接跟lack of。至于是否用定冠词the,完全按照the的用法规律来决定,要看这lack是否专指或在前面提到过。


This would not be possible in most control rooms simply because of lack of space.

Some children are dead because of lack of clean water.

Because of the lack of regulation, any new wine venture in China would do well to consider their own distribution system.

For example, the town government had been attempting to construct a water plant for over 10 years, but was unsuccessful because of the lack of public finances.



1 (the) lack of water 水的短缺 lack作为名词使用

2 We lack water. 我们缺水。 lack作动词




应该是不加of,直接用because of lacking sth


lack 和 lack of的区别?

2023-07-18 08:55:565

lack 和 lack of的区别

lack既是及务动词,也是不及务.还是名词,{缺少,欠缺,不足}的意思.也有需要的意思 lack of是一个词组. 例如: He lacks courage.他 缺乏 勇气 He is lacking of courage.他 是 缺乏勇气的人
2023-07-18 08:56:212

lack of 和lack for 的区别

Lack缺乏,没有 Lack+of+名词:The plants died for lack of water.Lack+名词:We lack the strength to walk any further.短语:be lacking:欠缺、缺:Money was lacking to complete the building.Be lacking in缺乏(某种品质、特点等),不够:He is not lacking in intelligence.Lack for 缺(多用于否定句) She does not lack for friends.
2023-07-18 08:56:422

lack of和 lack in有什么区别

lack可以作动词,是及物动词.lake用法:缺少,没有.例如:He lacks decision . 他缺少决心.(1)(lack in)还可作缺乏,常用进行时,不及物.例如:He is lacking in courtesy . 他没有礼貌.(2)(lack of)名词,不足.例如:The item was not explained for lack of time .此项因时间不足而没被说明.
2023-07-18 08:56:582


lack既是及务动词,也是不及务。还是名词,{缺少,欠缺,不足}的意思。也有需要的意思。 lack of是一个词组。基本意思是“缺少”“缺乏”,指某物完全没有或有而不足,所缺之物可好可坏。lack也可用于抽象事物,指缺少某种品质或某物缺少某种性质、特点。 扩展资料   Lack of training acts as a block to progress in a career.   缺乏训练会妨碍事业的"发展。   There is a lack of knowledge about the tax system.   大家对税制缺乏了解。   Lack of money is the main problem, as I see it.   依我看,主要问题是缺钱。   One major disadvantage of the area is the lack of public transport.   这个地区的一大不便之处就是缺少公共交通工具。   Lack of money will have an adverse effect on our research programme.   缺少资金将对我们的研究方案有不利影响。
2023-07-18 08:57:051

lack of用法

  lack of   缺少;缺乏;需要   例句   Her lack of experience told against her.   她缺乏经验对她不利。 扩展资料   Their failure to act is indicative of their lack of interest.   他们未采取行动,这表示他们没有兴趣。   Memory can atrophy through lack of use.   记忆力不常使用就会衰退。   My parents were concerned at my apparent lack of enthusiasm for school.   我看来对上学不感兴趣,使父母担心。   She was intelligent but suffered from a lack of ambition.   她很聪明,但却缺乏远大志向。
2023-07-18 08:57:121

lack 和lack of 的区别

2023-07-18 08:57:591

lack in 跟lack of 在用法上的区别?

2023-07-18 08:58:163

lack of可以放句首吗

可以。lack有名词和动词两种词性,做动词时是及物的,做名词时常和of连用。用lack既可以做可数名词也可以作不可数但是在意义上有区别。不可数时,不够,不足,就比如说“座位不足” 还有其他例子比如:lack of sleep睡眠不足,lack of sleep运动不足。
2023-07-18 08:58:241

lack 和lack of 有什么区别?

lack做动词时是及物动词,直接跟名词。lack做名词时固定搭配是a lack of所以后面有of,提示lack是名词,后面没有of,说明lack是及物动词。
2023-07-18 08:58:331

lack 和 lack of的区别?

2023-07-18 08:58:585

lack of是形容词短语还是动词短语,怎么用?

很明显一般是名词短语 特殊的情况我还没见过
2023-07-18 08:59:174

lack of与short of的区别

be short of 缺乏,短缺,就说有但是不多 .lack是缺少,就是说没有,没有BE LACK OF这种形式..short of .Having an inadequate supply of: .…供给不够的: .We"re short of cash. .我们现在现金不足..用法不同 .short of:short是形容词: be short(adj.) of .lack of;lack是名词:I failed because lack(n.) of money. ..short of 直的是具体缺乏的实物 ,如MONEY.而lack of 也可以指抽象的东西,如EXPERANCE...lack的用法:.当他作为及物动词讲时,结构为lack sth..当他为不及物动词时,通常使用 be lacking in .当他作为名词时,结构为 lack of sth..例如:.He lacks courage .He is lacking of courage .第三种结构我引用统编教材书上的原话:There are on the market all kinds of vitamin pills which can be taken to make up one""s lack of certain important things needed for normal health..注意 lack for 为“需要”的意思,不是缺乏。.
2023-07-18 08:59:241

lack of中的lack是什么词性?

2023-07-18 08:59:324

be lack of是错的吗

都不对,因为lack只有两种用法:1.及物动词;2.名词You are lack of experience.改为 You are lacking in experience. You lack of experience.改为 You lack experience. I find you are lack of experience.改为 I find you are lacking in experience. I find you lack of experience.改为 I find you lack experience.作名词的例子有: Her only problem is a lack of confidence.她唯一的问题是缺乏信心. Lack of sleep had made him irritable. 缺乏睡眠让他焦躁不安. 还有for lack of sth.因为缺乏某物lacking 是形容词,用法是 be lacking in
2023-07-18 08:59:511


2023-07-18 09:00:001

lack in 跟lack of 在用法上的区别?

2023-07-18 09:00:081

a lack of 和lack of 有什么区别?

2023-07-18 09:00:176

【跪求】lack of 和 a lack of的用法, 如题,

lack of的lack是动词,a lack of 的lack是名词. 例如:“新疆缺少水”可以这样说——Xinjiang lacks of water .或者There is a lack of water in Xinjiang.
2023-07-18 09:00:311

lack of sth 和 a lack of 的区别? lack后面什么时候要加of ?

楼上的不会不要瞎告诉人家啊,误人子弟啊。。。。。lack这个词两个词性,名词或者动词。意思都是缺乏名词用法:a lack of sth.就是缺什么。。。 (楼上那个人说的那句话“这个地区缺水”应该这样说:There is a lack of water in this region.)动词是及物的,所以用法直接加名词,lack sth. The region lacks water.还有一个经常出现的考点是这个词的衍生词,形容词lacking,经常这么用,be lacking in sth.The region is lacking in wather.希望能帮到你。采纳给好评哦~~~嘻嘻~~~
2023-07-18 09:00:392

lack lack of 语法问题

1,be lack of lack做形容词。BE动词+形容词+介词构成的短语WE have a lack of water我们缺水 属于固定短语 不是可不可数的问题。2、这里的for 是对died的解释说明 和lack无关3、I am lack of money.我缺钱 I have a lack of money我缺钱这两个短语针对的情况不同 一个是BE动词 一个是实义动词(即have,like,love等)
2023-07-18 09:00:492

lack与lack of是怎么用的?

首先要分清lack的词性,其实lack有两种词性,一种代表了名词,而另一种则代表动词。做动词时的时候,是表示物体的;可是做名词的时候就要和of连用才可以。He lacks courage. 不可以说成是 He is lake of courage,但可说成He is in lake of courage。
2023-07-18 09:00:561

lack of, lacking of

lack of
2023-07-18 09:01:042

lack,lack in,lack of用法和区别

2023-07-18 09:01:442

什么时候用lack ,什么时候用lack of

lack做动词的时候,直接lack加名词;lack做名词的时候,用lack of加名词。P.S.lack既可以做动词,也可以做名词。lack作动词:They lack money.他们缺钱。(这里lack做动词,不加of)lack作名词:The main issue is the lack of money.主要的问题就是缺钱。(这里lack做名词,后面带上of)
2023-07-18 09:01:531

lack of 英文 (急)

They have a lack of confidence. Lack is an uncountable noun in the above sentence. Normally we don"t put “a/an” in front of the uncountable noun. With certain uncountable nouns – especially nouns referring to human emotions and mental activity – we often use a/an when we are limiting their meaning in some way. For example: a distrust of politici a first-class knowledge of French a good education a good understanding of Quantum Mechanics a good sleep a longing to get away a help a love/dread/dislike/ hatred of…. Some nouns for feelings are singular as pliment. (e.g. pleasure delight delight relief shame wonder) Thanks a lot for your help. ~ It is a pleasure. It seemed a pity to break up the party. Somehow we can make some uncountable abstract nouns countable if we refer to a specific type of the noun. This is a cheese I really like. (= a kind of cheese.) 题外: “a lack of confidence” is definitely NOT a noun pliment. Compliment needs a linking verb. Have is not a linking verb. Have can be both a main verb (state or action) and an auxiliary verb. I have a car. I have confidence. (have ~ a tritive verb.) Have me possess own have got. Some linking verb: be seem appear look taste sound … etc He is my boss. She was pretty. The food tastes delicious. 参考: Practical English Usage They------subject have------verb a lack of confidence-------nplement All the plement mentioned has been plement of the subject.they are called noun plement to plete the predicate. The nplement =a lack of (self) confidence =a shortage of faith. How about treat it as a verb? They should have confidence in =verb=trust. As you said that "lack" is not a verb not to be used with "a".. 参考: google website
2023-07-18 09:02:251

lack of 和 lack 的区别 后面不都是加sth 有什么区别啊

都是加sth.意思也相同 这时候我们要看句型 翻译出来是(主语)缺乏(宾语) lack是动词 lack of sth.就是个名词 翻译出来是缺乏的东西 例如: He lacks courage. 他 缺乏 勇气 He is lacking of courage. 他 是 缺乏勇气的人 做此类句子看是否有没有谓语,若有用lack of sth..没有,就把lack充当谓语. 英语题目很多是要靠总结的.希望我的回答对你有帮助 ^_^
2023-07-18 09:02:451

lack of 前面是不是不能加be??

可以;例句; The problem is lack of correct speaking practice. 问题出在于缺乏正确的说话练习.,1,lack of + n. 通常是作为一个名字性短语出现的,例如: What we"re meant to see is not the lack of passion so much as the control of it, and the not giving in. 奥斯汀想展示给我们的不是缺乏 *** ,而是控制这种 *** ,不屈服于 *** 。 即便前面出现的是is,其...,0,lack of 前面是不是不能加be? 不懂装懂的别来,浪费时间 英语好的人解答,可以加be否,我觉得不可以,
2023-07-18 09:02:521

lack 和 lack of的区别?

lack 有名词和动词两种词性,做动词时,是及物的;做名词时常和of连用He lacks courage. 不可以说成是 He is lake of courage,但可说成He is in lake of courage前者是动词 后者是名词 he lacks money. he has a lack of money. lack作动词还可以用be lacking in句型
2023-07-18 09:03:031

lack of可以做主语吗

lack of对.是名词短语.能做主语的. Lacking 是形容词,没有lacking of短语,有be lacking in 短语.
2023-07-18 09:03:351

2023-07-18 09:03:431


2023-07-18 09:03:511

lack,lack in,lack of用法和区别

1,Lack 可用作及物动词,意为“缺乏,没有 ” 如:We lack the strength to walk any further 2., Lack+of中lack 是名词,常用短语for /through lack of ,意为“因为 。。的缺乏“,如: The plants died for lack of water. 3,没有 lack in 只有 be lacking in 缺乏(某种品质、特点等),不够 lacking 是形容词,如. : He is not lacking in intelligence. 4,lack 也可用作不及物动词 ,与 for 连用,多用于否定句。 She does not lack for friends
2023-07-18 09:04:111

lack in 跟lack of 在用法上的区别?

2023-07-18 09:04:204

in the shortage of in the lack of

2023-07-18 09:04:271

lack of和a lack of的区别

1 lack,vt,直接加宾语,He lacks confidence to write in English.lack,也有vi的时候,这时一般是lack in+宾语,he is lacking in money.2 a lack of,一般泛指的时候用,lack,n,缺乏;there is a lack of...缺乏,3 lack of,一般前面都会有限定词的,再有就是固定搭配,前面不用a,如lack of water.He can not buy it because of (his) lack of money.他因缺钱买不起这个;(Habitual) lack of care.习惯性的缺乏关心;(The) lack of rain made...雨水的缺乏使得...这里用the来限定了.
2023-07-18 09:04:361

关于LACK 请问lack of a lack of the lack of 有何区别?

lack of :I"m lack of moneya lack of:There is a lack of rice in the North Korea.the lack of:The lack of Rice in North Korea became a big problem to the UN.这个简单的例子我就不翻译了,具体的区别还要你自...
2023-07-18 09:04:451

lack lack of 语法问题

2023-07-18 09:04:542

a lack of 和lack of 有什么区别?

2023-07-18 09:05:021

请问short of 和 lack of 有什么区别?谢谢

常用的是lack of money,但是short of也可用于缺少资金、物资什么的,所以可以通用。
2023-07-18 09:05:102

lack of 后面加名词单数还是复数??

以不可数名词多见,但否定有复数的。The item was not explained for lack of time . 此项因时间不足而没被说明。 Lack of funding is making our job more difficult. 资金短缺使我们的工作更加困难。There was no lack of hands. 人手并不缺
2023-07-18 09:05:302

be lack of 和be lack in有什么区别

1. "be lack of" 和 "be lack in" 的区别:① "be lack of" 的翻译是“缺乏”,意思是某人或某物没有某种东西或某种特征。这个短语通常用来描述主语的缺少或不足。例句:The team is lack of motivation.(这个团队缺乏动力。)② "be lack in" 的翻译是“在...方面缺乏”,意思是某人或某物在某个特定领域或方面缺乏某种东西。这个短语通常用来描述主语在特定方面的不足。例句:He is lack in experience.(他在经验方面有所不足。)2. 语法详解:① "be lack of" 是一个固定的短语,由动词 "be" 和名词短语 "lack of" 组成。"lack" 在这里是一个名词,表示缺乏或不足。② "be lack in" 也是一个固定的短语,由动词 "be" 和介词短语 "lack in" 组成。"lack" 在这里是一个动词,表示在某个方面缺乏。3. 英文的具体用法举例:① "be lack of" 的用法举例:- Our company is lack of financial resources.(我们公司缺乏财务资源。)- She is lack of confidence in public speaking.(她在公众演讲方面缺乏自信。)② "be lack in" 的用法举例:- This essay is lack in supporting evidence.(这篇论文在支持证据方面缺乏。)- The team is lack in teamwork skills.(这个团队在协作技巧方面有所不足。)
2023-07-18 09:05:393

lack of是什么词性?在从句中应该变成lacking of吗?

2023-07-18 09:05:582

高中英语lack和lack of 的区别问题

2023-07-18 09:06:051

a lack of和the lack of的区别

这个。。。差别不大把。。。 我也不怎么清楚阿,你那有英汉字典吗,可以翻下字典看看。
2023-07-18 09:06:132


2023-07-18 09:06:211


2023-07-18 09:06:282

lack of 后面加名词单数还是复数??

2023-07-18 09:06:371

a lack of 什么意思

2023-07-18 09:06:465

lack 和lack of可以混用??

lack n.缺乏; 不足缺少[需要]的东西lack of rest 缺乏休息习惯用语for lack of 因缺乏...; 因无 lack of 因缺乏...; 因无...from lack of 因缺乏...; 因无...through lack of 因缺乏...; 因无 lack of 不缺乏, 很多supply the lack 补缺lack in 在...缺少[不足] 现代英汉词典lack n.(常与of连用)缺乏;需要There is no lack of vegetable. 蔬菜不缺。The lack of rain aggravated the serious lack of food. "由于干旱少雨,缺粮问题更加严重。"It was lack of current capital that defeated their business. "因为缺少流动资本,他们的企业才告失败。"Serious lack of circulating fund forced the closure of the company. 公司因缺严重乏流动资金而被迫关闭。词性变化vt.缺乏;不足;没有He lacks courage. 他缺乏勇气。Owing to lack of time, we cannot do more than what we have done. 由于时间不够,我们只能做到这样。Their actions lack consistency; they say one thing and do another. "他们言行不一,说的是一回事,做的又是另一回事。"These photographs lack definition. You"d better have them taken again. "这些照片不够清晰,你最好得重拍。"短少;不足;需要Something is lacking. 缺少点什么东西。Is she lacking in courage? 她缺乏勇气吗? 简明英汉词典lack n.缺乏, 短缺的东西vt.缺乏, 没有, 需要vi.缺乏, 没有
2023-07-18 09:07:121