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2023-07-19 08:20:55






高压消防给水系统 fire water supply system of high pressure


稳高压消防给水系统 fire water supply system of stable high pressure


临时高压消防给水系统 fire water supply system of temporary high pressure


低压消防给水系统 fire water supply system of low pressure




2.1.4 高压消防给水系统 fire protection water supply system of constant high pressure


2.1.5 临时高压消防给水系统 fire protection water supply system of temporary high pressure



2.1.6 低压消防给水系统 fire protection water supply system of low pressure

能满足消防车或手抬泵等取水所需从地面算起不应小于0.10MPa 的压力和流量的系统。



2.1.2 高压消防给水系统 constant high pressure fire protection water supply system


2.1.3 临时高压消防给水系统 temporary high pressure fire protection water supply system


2.1.4 低压消防给水系统 low pressure fire protection water supply system



2.0.34 稳高压消防水系统 stabilized high pressure fire water systems




Water Supply是SCI吗

Water Supply不是SCI。Water Supply:供水;供水系统;;给水(量)。SCI:abbr.Ship Controlled Intercept(Radar) 舰控截击(雷达)。美国《科学引文索引》(Science Citation Index, 简称 SCI )于1957 年由美国科学信息研究所(Institute for Scientific Information, 简称 ISI)在美国费城创办,是由美国科学信息研究所(ISI)1961年创办出版的引文数据库。SCI(科学引文索引 )、EI(工程索引 )、ISTP(科技会议录索引 ) 是世界著名的三大科技文献检索系统,是国际公认的进行科学统计与科学评价的主要检索工具,其中以SCI最为重要,创办人为尤金·加菲尔德(Eugene Garfield, September 16,1925~)。
2023-07-18 08:36:231


水水[简明英汉词典] 信息n。 1水2个大型水(ESP)湖[河流和海洋3(湖泊,河流等),水(附近的国家)。水域 VT 1 ...浇水[洒水] 2为...饮料3(尤指河流)和水流动通过(面积)六泪;.流口水水[英体育词典] 1 2水线水线
2023-07-18 08:36:301

Water Supply是SCI吗

你说的应该是Water Science and Technology: Water Supply!杂志由 IWA PUBLISHING 出版或管理。 ISSN号:1606-9749Water Science and Technology: Water Supply 是SCI新增期刊,目前IF0.505杂志简介:Editor in Chief: Professor Wolfgang Rauch, University of Innsbruck, Austria WST: Water Supply publishes peer-reviewed papers covering new developments in water supply.Papers are selected by a rigorous peer review procedure and the journal publishes the best papers on all aspects of water supply.Important Announcement1、WST: Water Supply now publishes authoritative review articles that summarise the state of the art for key topics within the scope of the journal. The following gives a definition of the type of material sought:2、Review articles are critical and comprehensive reviews that provide new insights or interpretation of a subject through thorough and systematic evaluation of available evidence. They should not normally exceed 8000 words. Manuscripts exceeding 10,000 words will not be accepted for review.Review articles must give an accurate representation of current views on their subject matter 3、and provide an informed perspective on directions of future research and development. Articles that are simply literature surveys and lack a critical scientific assessment will normally not be accepted.4、Review Articles will be subject to a full peer review to ensure that they are of the highest quality
2023-07-18 08:37:072


water supply and draining project
2023-07-18 08:37:184


2023-07-18 08:37:505


2023-07-18 08:38:071


停水There is no water supply. 停电There is a power outage/blackout.
2023-07-18 08:38:152

the people ___the problem of water supply will try their best to overcome the difficulties

2023-07-18 08:38:302

This morning our water supply was __________because of the cold weather.

2023-07-18 08:38:395


Title: The Importance of Water Conservation(节约用水的重要性)Introduction:Water is a precious resource that sustains life on Earth. It is crucial for us to understand the importance of conserving water and adopt habits of diligence and frugality in its usage.水是地球上维持生命的宝贵资源。我们必须理解节约用水的重要性,并养成勤俭节约水资源的习惯。Body:1. Limited Water Supply:Water is a finite resource, and the available fresh water on Earth is scarce. With a growing population and increasing water demands, it is vital to conserve water to ensure its availability for future generations.2. Environmental Impact:Water conservation is closely linked to environmental sustainability. By using water wisely and minimizing wastage, we can preserve ecosystems, protect aquatic life, and maintain a balance in our natural surroundings.3. Financial Savings:Conserving water not only benefits the environment but also leads to financial savings. By reducing water usage, we can lower our water bills and save money. This can be achieved through simple actions like fixing leaks, using efficient appliances, and practicing water-efficient habits.4. Agricultural and Industrial Needs:Water is crucial for agriculture and industrial processes. By conserving water in our daily lives, we can help ensure that sufficient water resources are available for agriculture, manufacturing, and other essential sectors, supporting sustainable development.5. Individual Responsibility:Each individual has a responsibility to contribute to water conservation. By adopting small changes in our daily routines, such as taking shorter showers, turning off faucets when not in use, and using water-efficient devices, we can collectively make a significant impact on preserving water resources.Conclusion:Water conservation is an urgent global priority. By being diligent and frugal in our water usage, we can ensure a sustainable future for generations to come. Let"s recognize the importance of conserving water and take action to protect this precious resource.节约用水的重要性导言:水是地球上维持生命的宝贵资源。我们必须理解节约用水的重要性,并养成勤俭节约水资源的习惯。正文:1. 有限的水资源供应:水是有限的资源,地球上的淡水资源非常有限。随着人口增长和用水需求增加,节约用水对于保证未来几代人的水资源供应至关重要。2. 环境影响:节约用水与环境可持续发展密切相关。通过明智使用水资源并减少浪费,我们可以保护生态系统,保护水生生物,并保持自然环境的平衡。3. 节约经济:节约用水不仅对环境有益,还能节约开支。通过减少用水量,我们可以降低水费并节省金钱。这可以通过简单的行动实现,如修复漏水,使用高效设备,养成节水习惯等。4. 农业和工业需求:水对于农业和工业过程至关重要。通过在日常生活中节约用水,我们可以帮助确保足够的水资源供应给农业、制造业和其他重要行业,支持可持续发展。5. 个人责任:每个人都有责任为节约用水做出贡献。通过在日常生活中做出小的改变,如缩短淋浴时间、关闭未使用的水龙头、使用节水设备等,我们可以共同对保护水资源产生重要影响。结论:节约用水是全球紧迫的优先事项。通过在用水方面保持勤俭节约,我们可以为子孙后代确保可持续的未来。让我们认识到节约用水的重要性,并采取行动保护这一宝贵资源。
2023-07-18 08:38:532


2023-07-18 08:39:424

建筑给水排水 英文

building water supply and sewerage
2023-07-18 08:39:512


2023-07-18 08:39:595

Z017 Z-017.土木水利类.建筑设备安装与调控(给排水)

2013-2015年全国职业院校技能大赛 比赛项目方案申报书 类别(国赛已有项目) 申报赛项名称:建筑设备安装与调控(给排水)申报单位: 中国建设教育协会 拟举办年份: 2014 年 方案申报负责人: 胡晓光 电话: 010-58934720 手机: [1**********] 邮件: 通讯地址: 北京海淀区三里河路九号 邮政编码: 100835 申报时间: 2013年8月9日 * *凡与已经举办过的国赛项目名称一致或接近的,均按国赛已有项目申报。 一、赛项名称:建筑设备安装与调控(给排水) 二、赛项组别:中职组 三、所属产业类型:建筑业、土木工程业 四、在现行中职专业目录中的分类: 市政工程施工(041200)、水利水电工程施工(041500)、建筑与工程材料(050800)、建筑设备安装(040600)、给排水工程施工与运行(041100)、楼宇智能化设备安装与运行(040700)。 五、设计团队构成(包括行业、企业、职业院校的成员比例,成员姓名、单位、年龄、职称、职务、工作任务、联系方式等): 行业和企业人员比例:50%,院校人员比例:50%。 六、赛项目的: 通过竞赛推动全国中职学校建筑设备安装、给排水工程相关专业的建设,为全国中职学校提供一个给排水工程技术相互交流的平台,推动中职学校“建筑设备安装”、“给排水工程施工与运行”等相关专业综合实训教学改革的发展,促进工学结合人才培养模式的改革与创新,培养学生的可持续发展能力,为社会提供满足企业需求的给排水设备安装、电气技术应用等方面的技术技能人才。 七、赛项意义与设计原则: 赛项意义: 随着全球人口的日益增长,水资源日益枯竭,如何合理地利用水资源、实现高效低 能耗的水循环利用,成为人们日益关注的问题。从建筑物内部水系统来说,有生活给水系统、直饮水系统、中水给水系统、热水系统、生活污水系统、生活废水系统、雨水排水系统、雨水利用系统、冷却循环水系统、游泳池循环水系统、水景、水上游乐设施水循环系统、人防工程特殊给排水系统等。这些系统包括了水质、水温、水压保证及供水、配水、排水、通气等众多技术内容。鉴于给排水系统在人类生产和生活环境中的重要性,国际上每年都会召开环境保护与水处理、水循环利用方面专题研讨会,来探讨如何对水资源进行充分有效的利用,以及城市水系统的优化运行和管理。 随着我国国民经济实力的不断增强和人民生活水平的提高,建筑业发展迅速,人们除了对建筑的安全性、耐久性和经济性有一定的要求,同时对建筑的舒适性、实用性的要求也格外重视,尤其对住宅建设的节能与新能源的利用、厨卫技术、管线技术、环境及其保障技术等都有了更高的要求,这些要求均与建筑给排水的设计有着直接的关联。据有关资料调查显示,目前国内建筑给排水从业人员达数十几万人,建筑给排水方面的技术人才已成为我国现代化建设中一支不可忽视的力量,这为建筑给排水专业带来很大的发展空间。 目前,多数中等职业学校主要依据“给排水工程施工与运行”、“建筑设备安装”、“楼宇智能化设备安装与运行”等专业,开设“给排水运行与维护”、“给排水工程施工”、“建筑水电设备的维护”、“建筑智能化设备运行与管理”等专业方向,培养施工员、泵站运行工(代码:6-99-02-00)、供水生产工(代码:4-07-03-01)、管道工(代码:13-022)等技能型人才。因此,加快培养“建筑给排水”专业的安装、维护和管理的工程技能型人才,增强中职学生的就业能力,满足岗位需求,有利于解决生活和生产中各种给排水设备的安装、调试、运行维护、维修、技术改造等需求。 为了探索“建筑设备安装与调控(给排水)”赛项的新思路,通过校企合作途径,推动专业建设和课程改革,在教育部、天津市教委的支持和指导下,由浙江天煌科技实业有限公司赞助协办的全国职业院校“建筑设备安装与调控(给排水)”项目已经在2011年、2012年顺利举办了两届。每年都有将近60支队伍参加了比赛,该赛项得到了广大中职学校的积极响应、支持和认可。 综上所述 参赛选手通过该赛项所设定的典型职业岗位工作任务的训练和比赛,能充分锻炼操作者团队协作能力、计划组织能力、建筑设备安装与调试能力、给排水工程实施能力、职业素养、交流沟通能力、效率、成本和安全意识,引导中职学校给排水工程技术类专 业教学改革发展,促进工学结合人才培养模式改革与创新,培养可持续发展的满足企业需求给排水设备安装方面的人才。 设计原则: 根据建筑给排水行业中相关岗位的从业知识与技能需求,强化学生对建筑给排水系统的系统设计、管材切割与连接、管道安装与试压、设备安装、电气安装、设备接线、编程控制、故障排查等工程能力,坚持技能竞赛与教学改革相结合,职业能力开发与职业能力评价相结合,引导专业教学改革方向;坚持高技能与综合素质提升相结合,促进人才培养模式转变;坚持个人发展与团队协作相结合,在展示个人风采的同时,突出职业道德与协作精神。 八、赛项的特色与创新点: 1. 紧密结合专业教学要求 中职建筑给排水工程类专业学生,就业后大部分都到建筑施工单位从事现场施工及管理工作,主要面向的是建筑物给排水工程项目,学生除了要掌握必备的理论知识外,还要具备按图组织施工的能力,其本身也需要较强的技能,因此竞赛内容设计涵盖了建筑给水排水工程、给排水管道工程、建筑电气、给排水自动控制核心课程内容。 2. 专业建设示范和引领作用 中职建筑给排水工程类专业学生主要侧重于设计、管道安装、给水试压及给排水相关工程验收规范,通过调研发现很多学校都开设有水、暖、电一体化专业,就业情况比较好;学生不但要懂得设备的操作,还要能进行节能控制,因此竞赛项目设计除了紧密结合教学需求外,还要考虑有一定的延伸和拓展,对中职专业建设起到示范和引领作用。 3. 竞赛平台设计的标准 以建筑内部中的生活给水系统、消防给水系统、热水给水系统、排水水系统、给排水自动控制系统相关内容为标准; 考核参赛选手掌握给排水设备安装与控制的综合能力,如管材切割与连接、管道安装、设备安装、电气安装、设备接线、编程控制、故障排查等; 工程对象实训模型高度提炼类工程施工中学生动手技能方面的要素,同时遵循工程施工相关验收规范,比如:《建筑给水排水及采暖工程施工质量验收规范》。 给排水自动控制系统充分体现了节能控制的要求。比如:生活给水系统采用变频恒压供水控制技术。 4. 借鉴世界技能大赛特点 世界技能大赛有给排水管道施工和电气控制的竞赛内容,从其内容看主要反映了住宅和工业场所内输水管、排水管、供热管道的安装,要求选手能完成管道的切割、套丝、熔接、粘接、焊接、软焊、硬焊,管道之间的连接及管道与其它配件的连接,同时应会使用切管器、套丝机、熔接机、手动工具、弯管机等。安装电气设备和系统涉及到供暖、照明、空调、消防及节能控制等。设备包括配电装置(比如配电盘、电缆及电缆布线)和各种安全设备(保险丝、热继电器、漏电保护开关)。 九、比赛内容与规则 (一)比赛内容 1. 建筑给排水系统图和控制电气原理图绘制 根据任务书中的设计施工要求,结合所提供的相关设备,手绘完成各系统的竣工图和电气接线图绘制;根据提供的给排水平面图(包括器件布局、管径、标高和剖面图),设计相应的系统图(管路走向、管径、标高),图纸绘制应符合《给水排水制图标准》GB/T50106-2001中相关标准规定;根据系统控制功能要求、端口定义表和电气元件图库完成水泵机组的电气控制原理图设计。 2. 各种管材的加工与连接 参赛选手根据任务书的要求,编制材料清单,选择相应的镀锌管、不锈钢复合管、PP-R 、PVC-U 管进行切割、套丝、熔接、连接。管材加工和连接应符合相关规范规定或比赛文件中的指定要求。 3. 管道配件和附件的安装 完成生活给水系统、消防给水系统、热水给水系统和排水系统中管路配件的安装;完成水泵、压力变送器、水表、阀门、浮球液位计、信号蝶阀、湿式报警阀组、水流指示器、闭式喷头、末端试水装置、水龙头、淋浴器等安装。配件和附件的安装应符合相关规范规定或比赛文件中的指定要求。 4. 管道试压与通水试验 对生活给水、消防给水、热水给水管路进行水压试验,排水管路进行通水试验。 5. 电气安装与接线 水泵、配电柜、控制器、指令元件、操作元件的安装、接线。 6. 系统控制与调试 变频控制程序、抄表计费程序、喷淋灭火控制程序、给排水监控程序、组态监控系统的调试。 (二)竞赛规则 1. 竞赛装置、仪器、工具和耗材由竞赛组委会统一提供,参赛选手不得携带任何工具、存储器、移动工具等进场。 2. 参赛队抽签确定比赛工位。 3. 比赛时间共4时,参赛选手在竞赛项目指定的工程对象实物模型上完成比赛任务。 4. 参赛选手须在比赛工位上所指定的计算机文件夹内存储比赛文档。 5. 参赛选手在比赛过程中可提出设备器件更换要求。更换的器件经裁判组检测后,如为非人为损坏,由裁判根据现场情况给予实时;如人为损坏或器件正常,每次扣3分。 6. 参赛队若提前结束竞赛,须举手向裁判员示意,由裁判员记录其比赛结束时间,参赛队结束比赛后不得再进行任何操作。 7. 在比赛期间的规定时间内,指导教师可以进场口头指导一次,时间为10分钟,接受指导的时间计入竞赛总用时。 8. 参赛选手须达到电工职业资格安全标准的要求,应戴安全帽、穿电工安全绝缘鞋进场比赛。 9. 参赛队须按照程序提交比赛结果,裁判员在比赛结果的规定位置做标记,并与参赛队一起签字确认。 10. 比赛结束,如无补时,参赛队员不得无故在工位滞留,须在志愿者的引领下有序离开工位。 十、赛项简介(中、英文对照) 中职建筑给排水工程类专业学生主要侧重于设计、管道安装、给水试压及给排水相关工程验收规范,通过调研发现很多学校都开设有水、暖、电一体化专业,就业情况比较好。 Building water supply and drainage specialty places emphasis on pipe design and installation, water supply "s pressure test and project acceptance, and the specialty is a conventional specialty in secondary vocational college with wide employment. 竞赛内容涉及建筑设备给排水系统中的生活给水系统、消防给水系统、热水给水系统、排水系统4个水系统以及电气控制系统5个方面的内容。 Competition involves domestic water supply system, fire water supply system, hot-water supply system, drainage system and electrical control system. 考核选手对系统设计、管材切割与连接、管道安装与试压、设备安装、电气安装、设备接线、编程控制、故障排查等方面的能力。同时可考核参赛选手的统筹计划能力、工作效率、质量意识、安全意识、节能环保意识、职业素养和团队协作精神等。 It examines abilities including: system design, pipe incision and connection, pipe installation and pressure test, equipment installation and connection, program and trouble shooting. Meanwhile it can examine plan ability, work efficiency, quality& safety awareness, energy conservation and environment protection awareness, cooperation ability, etc. 十一、比赛样题 详见附件一 十二、比赛方式 1. 参赛选手必须是中职院校2014年度在籍学生,比赛以团队方式进行,每支参赛队由2名选手组成,其中队长1名,性别和年龄不限,可配备1名指导教师。 2. 竞赛时间连续4小时,包括设计、加工、安装、接线、编程和调试、运行等,比赛总成绩满分100分。 十三、比赛时间安排与流程 时间安排:完成本赛项工作任务的规定时间为4小时。 比赛流程:参赛队报到——组织参赛选手赛前熟悉场地、介绍比赛规程——举办开幕式——正式比赛(期间组织观摩、交流活动)——比赛结束(参赛队上交比赛成果)——专家评委进行评定——举办颁奖仪式、闭幕式——召开竞赛执行委员会总结会议。 十四、评分标准制订原则、评分方法、评分细则: (一)评分标准的制定原则 按照给排水设备安装与运行职业岗位的能力要求,结合建筑给排水、建筑电气相关标准、规范要求进行评分,全面评价参赛选手职业能力的要求,本着“科学严谨、公正公平、可操作性强”的原则制定评分标准。 (二)评分方法 (1)比赛成绩满分为100分,其中系统竣工图和控制电气原理图绘制10分,管材加工和连接35分,管道配件和附件的安装10分,管道试压与通水试验10分,电气安装与接线10分,系统控制与调试15分,职业素养10分。 (2)在竞赛过程中,出现电路短路故障扣20分。 (3)在竞赛过程中,因操作不当导致人身或设备安全事故,扣10-20分,情况严重者取消比赛资格。 (4)损坏赛场提供的设备和设施,污染赛场环境等不符合职业规范的行为,视情节扣5-10分。 (5)按竞赛成绩由高到低排列参赛选手的名次。竞赛成绩得分相同的,管道试压与通水试验得分高的名次在前;竞赛成绩、管道试压与通水试验得分相同时,系统控制与调试得分高的名次在前;竞赛成绩、管道试压与通水试验得分、系统控制与调试得分相同时,职业素养项成绩高的名次在前。 (6)在竞赛时段,参赛选手有不服从裁判及监考、扰乱赛场秩序等行为情节严重的,取消参赛队综合奖评奖资格。有作弊行为的,取消参赛队综合奖评奖资格。裁判宣布竞赛时间到,选手仍强行操作的,取消参赛队奖项评比资格。 十五、奖项设置 赛项只设团体奖,其中一等奖10%,二等奖20%,三等奖30%,优秀奖若干,比赛设置奖品。获奖团队每位选手和指导教师均获得证书。奖项数量根据各组的参赛人数按比例确定。 十六、技术规范(竞赛项目专业教学要求,行业、职业技术标准): 比赛内容设计涵盖了建筑给水排水工程、给排水管道工程、建筑电气、给排水自动控制核心课程内容。主要侧重于设计、管道安装、给水试压及给排水相关工程验收规范,安装电气设备和系统涉及到动力、供热、照明、消防及节能控制。 赛项所涉及的专业面向给排水设备的安装、调试、运行维护、维修、技术改造等岗位,所针对的职业工种有管道工(代码:13-022)、泵站运行工(代码:6-99-02-00)、供水生产工(代码:4-07-03-01)、维修电工(6-07-06-05)等。 十七、安全保障(安全操作要求和赛场安全保障): 1. 赛场由裁判员监督完成设备操作的全过程,对出现的操作隐患及时提醒和制止。 2. 比赛过程中,参赛选手应严格遵守安全操作规程,遇有紧急情况,应立即切断电源,在工作人员安排下有序退场。 3. 竞赛包含职业素养与安全意识评分项,包括着装、操作行为与动作的规范性、安全意识等内容,对于严重违规者,直接取消比赛资格。 4. 赛场符合消防要求,具有明确的安全通道指示,有专职安全巡查人员。赛场提供应急医疗措施和消防措施。 十八、企业合作意向: 本次比赛使用的设备由浙江天煌科技实业有限公司提供赞助。 为了办好本赛项,进一步深化职业教育教学改革,引导专业和课程建设方向,同时体现赞助企业积极参与本次大赛的诚意和决心: 1. 设备由赞助企业运到大赛指定地点,立项后成立大赛技术服务小组,负责备赛期间的技术指导、培训及相关工作,费用由赞助企业承担。 2. 竞赛现场“竞赛技术服务办公室”,负责相关的技术服务工作,保障大赛的顺利进行。技术服务小组共30人(可以根据组委会要求增减),赞助企业将安排技术骨干、业务能手参与大赛技术服务。 3. 配合大赛组委会开展各项技术服务,并免费提供技术培训。 4. 保证大赛的顺利进行,赞助企业将在合同约定时间内保质、保量交付竞赛设备,并在一周内安装调试完毕,接受竞赛组委会验收检查。 5. 免费提供配套的工具及仪表,如管螺纹铰扳、管子台虎钳(带支架)、镀锌管割刀、热熔机、PPR 管剪刀、复合管割刀、钢锯、锯条、PVC 胶水、卷尺、扳手、管钳、尖嘴钳、生料带、内六角扳手、记号笔、十字螺丝刀、一字螺丝刀、插线板、绝缘手套、万 用表、剥线钳、斜口钳、焊锡丝、电烙铁、烙铁架、剪刀、手动试压泵等。 6. 企业免费提供设备易损器件。 7. 协助组委会做好大赛现场组织、支持、服务、沟通、协调工作。 十九、赛项使用设备平台的相关标准: 《建筑给水排水设计规范》 GB50015-2003 《建筑给水排水及采暖工程施工质量验收规范》 GB50242-2002 《建筑设计防火规范》GB50016-2006 《自动喷水灭火系统设计规范》 GB50084-2001 《自动喷水灭火系统施工及验收规范》GB0261-2005 《给水排水制图标准》GB/T50106—2001 《给水排水管道工程施工及验收规范》GB50268-97 《电气设备用图形符号》GB/T 5465.2-1996 《电气装置安装工程电缆线路施工及验收规范》GB 50168-92 二十、建议使用的比赛器材和技术平台: 本次竞赛设备为“天煌教仪” THPWSD-1型 给排水设备安装与控制实训装置,工具、耗材统一提供。技术平台组成如下: 竞赛设备图片 给排水对象模型整体采用不锈钢框架进行设计,主要给排水管道设备安装在钢架底座上、具备开放式的特点,由生活给水系统、消防给水系统、热水给水系统、排水系统和控制系统五个部分组成。 生活给水系统: 主要有给水箱、给水泵、给水管道、压力变送器、脉冲水表、水龙 头和淋浴头等组成。管路采用不锈钢复合管进行设计,可进行不锈钢复合管的切割、安装和通水试验操作,通过控制系统可实现生活给水系统的变频恒压供水功能,实现单泵变频控制或双泵切换控制等功能;通过脉冲式水表可以完成用水量的计量。 消防给水系统:主要有给水箱、喷淋泵、稳压罐、湿式报警阀、压力开关、水流指示器、消防给水管道、闭式喷淋头等组成。管路采用镀锌管进行设计,可进行镀锌管的切割、套丝、安装和通水试验操作,通过控制系统可实现喷淋灭火功能。 热水给水系统:主要有电加热锅炉、热水给水管道、水龙头和淋浴头等组成。管路采用PPR 管进行设计,可进行PPR 管的切割、熔接、安装和通水试验操作,可对锅炉进行温度调节控制操作。 排水系统:主要有污水箱、液位传感器、排水泵、排水管道和水处理单元等组成。排水管路主要采用UPVC 管进行设计,可进行UPVC 管的切割、粘接、安装和通水试验操作,结合控制系统可实现污水箱的水位检测和排水泵的启停控制等功能。 给排水自动控制系统:主要有电气控制柜、触摸屏、操作开关、工作状态指示灯、PLC 控制器、变频器、低压电气、水泵、水表、传感器(浮球式液位计、压力开关、水流指示器、信号蝶阀、压力变送器)、组态监控软件等组成。通过控制系统可实现给排水系统的自动化控制功能。 (1)建筑给排水工程模型基本组成 (2)电气控制柜 (3)管材、配件及配套工具 二十一、经费预算与保障方案 根据竞赛需求,在赛事筹备准备、赛项技术完善、专家裁判、场地布置、体验中心 设计与实施、开闭幕式、大赛宣传及直播、奖品服装等预计费用为40万元。 浙江天煌科技实业有限公司将在经费及设备、技术等方面提供保障: 1. 竞赛设置的竞赛项目,竞赛规模的大小、竞赛经费预算等,与竞赛组委会商定赞助经费。 2. 提供竞赛设备;根据竞赛组委会的要求,在规定的时间内,将所需要的竞赛设备送达组委会指定的地点或需要的学校。 3. 提供技术支持;竞赛设备生产后到竞赛开赛的期间内,根据组委会的安排,对竞赛设备的使用进行培训。免费为赛场中竞赛设备进行安装与调试,免费为竞赛过程中设备的使用和维护提供技术支持。 4. 为本项目专家论证、设备试制、策划与组织的研讨等提供支持。 5. 其他需要协助的工作事项。 具体承办赛事的学校在全国职业院校技能大赛组委会的领导下,在中国建设教育协会的指导下,为赛项和技术体验作好承办工作。 二十二、比赛组织与管理 1. 中国建设教育协会:进行赛项整体策划。主要职责:形成《竞赛规程》和《竞赛实施方案》、遴选专家团队、遴选裁判团队、对竞赛实施进行整体掌握等。 2. 浙江天煌科技实业有限公司进行赛项设备支撑、技术服务等。主要职责:提供竞赛设备(含备品、备件和耗材)、竞赛技术服务和培训等。 3. 承办院校:进行赛项主体实施。主要职责:提供竞赛场地和配套场地、配合赛务组织、参赛队住宿和饮食、志愿者服务等。 二十三、教学资源转化建设方案 1. 大赛前由负责申办本次赛项的中国建设教育协会组建教学成果建设团队(专业教师、行业专家、企业工程师),负责收集比赛信息(文本、资料、图片、动画、录像等); 2. 结合竞赛设备,完善给排水专业建设和课程建设; 3. 团队参与竟赛设备的二次开发设计,开发设计基于工作过程的教学情境; 4. 结合竞赛设备编写适合于中职教学的立体化教材; 5. 建立网络共享型教学资源包,提供动态资源信息。 二十四、筹备工作进度时间表 2014年1月,组织行业、企业专家和院校代表完成竞赛规程的完善修订工作,交由 教育部发布; 2014年2月-5月,组建赛项技术工作团队,开展赛项准备和筹备工作;完成竞赛需要的设备与配置工具、耗材等准备工作; 2014年6月上旬,组建竞赛裁判团队,报全国职业院校技能大赛组委会审核;竞赛设备等到达竞赛场地,并完成安装调试; 2014年6月中旬,专家组到竞赛地点现场出题及制定评分标准; 2014年6月下旬,竞赛项目实施; 2014年9-10月,竞赛项目总结; 2014年12月,围绕本竞赛项目的相关教学成果研讨会及展示等活动。 二十五、筹备工作人员及裁判人员组成建议: 筹备工作人员组成建议: 由中国建设教育协会、具体承办赛事学校、浙江天煌科技实业有限公司及相关行业企业等推荐人员共同组成。 裁判员组成建议: 1. 竞赛的裁判工作由裁判长、裁判仲裁委员会和裁判员组成。 2. 裁判员应是给排水、建筑电气相关专业行业的专业工作人员,从事本专业工作 5 年以上,具有优秀的职业道德,能够客观公正地开展裁判工作,具有副高以上职称。 3. 裁判人员组成建议:以全国 50~60 支参赛队为测算基础,建议裁判团队由15 人组成。 4. 裁判长由大赛组委会在本竞赛裁判员中指定。
2023-07-18 08:40:191


2023-07-18 08:40:294


我叫Eumhae Yang ,以我老板Taihyun Jo的名义回复如下:在2009年11月24日中国绿色之路的展会上,你们对我司的关注及提出的相关建 议,在此以表达我们衷心的谢意。IOREX是一款高科技的环保产品。装上IOREX这款卫生管道系统,它将使水活化,可以预防生锈,水垢,黏质物等造成管道系统污染及腐蚀。另外,IOREX还是一款有利于环保的设备,它可以杀菌,软化水,保留生物体的基本矿物质,提高人们的生活水平。这是所有水管道系统所必须的设备,包括供水系统,工业用水,办公楼,生活用水等。如果能长期合作并通过你司发展我们在贵国的现在的商业活动,我们将不胜感激。再次感谢你抽出宝贵的时间参加这次展会。盼你回复。更多详情,请查阅:随付照片和产品信息。
2023-07-18 08:40:382

蓝色台风 的标志代表了什么意思(英文)

台风预警信号有5个:白、蓝、黄、橙、红Typhoonwarning signalfive:white, blue,yellow, orange, red白色——48小时内可能受热带气旋影响。防御措施:注意了解热带气旋的最新情况 , 警惕热带气旋对当地的影响。White -48 hoursmay be affected byatropical cycloneimpact.Defensemeasures:pay attention to understandthe latestsituationofthetropical cyclone,thevigilanceofthelocalimpactoftropical cyclones.蓝色—— 24小时内可能或者已经受热带气旋影响,平均风力6级以上。 防御措施: 1.做好防风准备,并及时通知户外、高空、港口及海上作业人员; 2.妥善安置易受大风影响的室外物品。 Blue -24 hoursmay beor have beeninfluencedbythetropical cyclone, with an averagewindofmorethansix.Defensive measures:1.Dothewindto prepare, and promptly notifytheoutdoors,altitude,andport andmaritimeworkers;Properplacement ofoutdoor itemsarevulnerabletostrong winds.黄色——24小时内可能或者已经受热带气旋影响,平均风力8级以上。防御措施: 1.托儿所、幼儿园和中、小学停课, 学校和 托幼机构 应指派专人负责保护到校的学生和入园的儿童; 2.进入防风状态,停止高空、水上等户外作业,船舶到避风场所避风; 3.危险地带人员撤离,停止露天集体活动,立即疏散人员; 4.各职能部门做好相关防御准备。 Yellow -24 hoursmay beor have beeninfluencedbythetropical cyclone,withanaveragewindofmorethaneight.Defensive measures: 1.Nurseries, kindergartensandprimary and secondary schoolsclosed,schools and nurseriesshould be assigned totheperson responsible forthe protection ofschoolstudentsandtheadmissionofchildren;(2)to enter thewind, stop,high-altitude, waterandotheroutdoorjobs, shiptosheltered placessheltered;Danger zoneevacuation, stopoutdoorgroup activities,immediate evacuationofpersonnel;Various functionaldepartments todefense readiness.橙色——12 小时内可能或者已经受热带气旋影响 ,平均风力10级以上。防御措施:1.进入紧急防风状态,市民应留在室内或到安全场所避风; 2.加固港口设施,防止船只走锚、搁浅和碰撞。Orange -12 hoursmay beor have beeninfluencedbythetropical cyclone,withanaveragewindof10ormore.Defensive measures: 1.To enter theemergencywindproofstate,peopleshould stayindoors orto a safe placetoshelter from the wind;2.Reinforcementof port facilities,to preventthevesseltogotheanchor, groundingand collision.红色—— 6 小时内可能或者已经受热带气旋影响,平均风力12级以上。防御措施:1.建议全市停业(抢险救灾、医疗及保障居民基本生活必需的公共交通、供水、供电、燃气供应等特殊行业除外); 2.有关部门准备启动抢险应急方案。Red -6 hoursmay beor have beeninfluencedbythetropical cyclone,withanaveragewindof12ormore.Defensive measures: 1.Suggestedthatthe cityclosed downexcept for special industries(disaster relief, medical careandbasicnecessities of lifeto protect the residentsof public transport, water supply, electricity supply, gassupply);(2)therelevant departmentsto preparetolaunch rescue contingency plans.
2023-07-18 08:40:531

food and water supplies supply在句子的作用?

首先,你这个不是一个句子,而是一个名词短语。通过分析,这里的food and water 作定语,修饰限定名词supply,因此,用了复数形式,supplies.翻译过来是,食物和水供应。最后,祝你有所收获。
2023-07-18 08:41:181

英语:这句话看起来有些乱 是什么语法点呢 和什么一样什么 后面是定语重句which it is made from
2023-07-18 08:41:297

给排水设计前言 英文翻译 少点也行

The high-rise construction compares for the water dewatering excavation and the general multistory building and the underlying bed construction for the water dewatering excavation, the elementary theory and the computational method in certain aspects are the same, but because the high-rise construction layer are many, the height of building is big, the construction function is broad, the construction structure is complex, as well as receives the ambient condition the limit and so on, high-rise construction for water dewatering excavation, regardless in technical depth, in the breadth, has surpassed the underlying bed building for the water dewatering excavation category, and has the following some characteristic high-rise construction to be many for the water drainage"s use population, the instant the water source which depends for the water volume and the draining water current capacity, as well as the economy is reasonableFor the water drainage system form, and deals with drainage channel"s ventilation issue properly, guaranteed that the water supply safe reliable, draining water is unobstructed and the maintenance management is convenient. Below gives the water dewatering excavation on the high-rise construction the main feature introduction to be as follows: 1, the high-rise construction layer many, is highly big. Is very big for in the aqueous system and the hot water system"s hydrostatic pressure, to guarantee that the pipeline and the fitting are exempt from the destruction, must to give the aqueous system and the hot water system carries on the reasonable vertical district, Canada supposes the reduced pressure equipment as well as middle and the roof water tank, causes the systems operation to be complete. 2, high-rise construction"s function is complex, catches fire the possibility to be big, after catching fire, spreads rapidly, the personnel disperse and save goal the difficulty. Therefore, must establish the safe reliable indoor fire prevention to give the aqueous system, satisfies each kind of fire the request, moreover the fire prevention should “the foothold help oneself” for the water design, only then guaranteed that the prompt suppress a fire, prevents the heavy accident to occur. 3, the high-rise construction to the noise suppression sound, quakeproof and so on requests are high, but interior conduit and the device category is many, the pipeline is long, the noise source and the center of origin are many, must consider that the pipeline quakeproof, against subsidence, the noise suppression sound, against impingement, against pipeline expand and contract the dislodgement, against pressure higher measure. Guaranteed that the pipeline water leakage, does not damage the construction structure and the decoration, does not affect the environment, causes the system safety movement.
2023-07-18 08:41:472


2023-07-18 08:42:194


2. The oil differential pressure protects 3. oil levels excessively to be low 4. frostproof to protect 5. sensor breakdowns 6. to cut off the water supply protects 7. power failure 8. system high pressures to protect 9. to extend the matter engine off 10. Sensor adjustment
2023-07-18 08:42:353

Water Supply是SCI吗

你说的应该是Water Science and Technology: Water Supply!杂志由 IWA PUBLISHING 出版或管理。 ISSN号:1606-9749Water Science and Technology: Water Supply 是SCI新增期刊,目前IF0.505杂志简介:Editor in Chief: Professor Wolfgang Rauch, University of Innsbruck, Austria WST: Water Supply publishes peer-reviewed papers covering new developments in water supply.Papers are selected by a rigorous peer review procedure and the journal publishes the best papers on all aspects of water supply.Important Announcement1、WST: Water Supply now publishes authoritative review articles that summarise the state of the art for key topics within the scope of the journal. The following gives a definition of the type of material sought:2、Review articles are critical and comprehensive reviews that provide new insights or interpretation of a subject through thorough and systematic evaluation of available evidence. They should not normally exceed 8000 words. Manuscripts exceeding 10,000 words will not be accepted for review.Review articles must give an accurate representation of current views on their subject matter 3、and provide an informed perspective on directions of future research and development. Articles that are simply literature surveys and lack a critical scientific assessment will normally not be accepted.4、Review Articles will be subject to a full peer review to ensure that they are of the highest quality
2023-07-18 08:42:562

Water Supply是SCI吗

2023-07-18 08:43:063


2023-07-18 08:43:131


circulation water 是准确的,我前段时间写论文的时候专门请教过老师希望能够帮助到楼主好运!
2023-07-18 08:43:244

简述给水系统的分类 组成和给水方式

2023-07-18 08:44:004


water水英[u02c8wu0254u02d0tu0259(r)]美[u02c8wu0254u02d0tu0259r]n.水;大片的水;(尤指)江,河,湖,海;(某一江、河、湖、海的)水域;(一片)水面;(某个国家的)领海,海域;不明朗局面;v.给…浇水;灌溉;充满眼泪;流口水;给…水喝;流经;往(酒里)掺水;近义词n. binary compound, liquid, thing, facility, installation, element, body wastev. wet, supply, provide, render, furnish, secrete, release习惯用语water quality 水质water supply 供水系统;水源water treatment 水处理;水的处理waste water 污水,废水drinking water 饮用水hot water 热水;困境water pollution 水污染water resource 水资源water content 含水量water system 水系;供水系统(等于water supply)water conservancy 水利;水资源保护cooling water 冷却水water level n. 水位;水平面;水准仪by water 由海路,乘船;由水路surface water [地]地表水fresh water 湖水,淡水cold water 冷水;凉水;凉开水high water 高潮,高水位;水位达到最高点的water injection 注水;喷水ground water 地下水
2023-07-18 08:44:131

The need to feed a growing population is putting much pressure on the world’s supply of water. ..

小题1:C小题2:C小题3:A小题4:B 略
2023-07-18 08:44:401

national water supply and drainage board galle road rathmalana什么意思

national water supply and drainage board galle road rathmalana国家供水和排水板路rathmalana加勒national water supply and drainage board galle road rathmalana国家供水和排水板路rathmalana加勒
2023-07-18 08:45:561


打114 一问就OK
2023-07-18 08:47:006

25楼的小高层住几层比较好呢 二次供水是从第几次开始啊

2023-07-18 08:47:194

急!!帮忙看看下面的门牌翻译对吗?谢谢了 在线等

财务室 Accounting Office科学发现室 Discovery Room 婴幼儿亲子活动室 parents/children activities room档案室 Filing room 会议室 (小) Meeting Room 会议室 (大) Cofference Room
2023-07-18 08:47:272


Hang Yu Gongyi City Water Supply and Drainage Equipment Co., Ltd
2023-07-18 08:47:374


Life on earth depends on waterand there is no substitute for it. The current assumption is that our basic needs for water-whether for drinking agriculture industry or the raising of fish--will always have to be met. Given that premise there are two basic routes we can go. more equitable access to water or more drastic engineering solutions.Looking at the engineering solution first a lot of my research concentrates on what happens to wetlands when you build dams in river basins particularly in Africa. The ecology of such areas is almost entirely driven by the seasonal change of the river--the pulse of the water. And the fact is that if you build a dam you generally wreck the downstream ecology. In the past such problems have been hidden by a lack of information. But in the next century governments will have no excuse for their blissful ignorance.The engineers ability to control water flows has created new kinds of unpredictability too. "Dams in Africa have meant fewer fish less grazing and less floodplain agriculture--none of which were anticipated. And their average economic life is assumed to be thirty years. Dams don"t exist for ever but what will replace them is not clear.The key issue in any discussion of water is money. To talk about a water crisis hides intractable problems such as poverty.Consider the problems of water supply in Mexico City or Delhi. If you" re rich you drink mineral water and may even have a swimming-pool--yet millions in such cities can"t get safe drinking water. People talk about the coming water crisis. I believe we have one now. It is a water crisis for the poor. 地球上的生命依赖于水,而且水是无法替代的。 目前人们的假设是,不管是饮用水还是农业、工业、渔业用水,我们对水的基本需要能够得到满足。在这一前提下,我们有两条基本道路可走:更合理地利用水资源或建立更多大型的水利工程。先来看看水利工程问题。我的大量研究的焦点在于如果你在河谷(尤其是非洲河谷)建立大坝,这会对湿地产生什么影响。该地区的生态几乎完全受控于河流的季节性变化——河水的涨落。事实上,如果你在上游建了水坝,通常会破坏下游的生态环境。过去,这类问题由于信息匮乏而鲜为人知。但在下个世纪,政府就不能为自己的盲目乐观找借口了。 工程师控制水流的能力产生了新的不可预知的结果。在非洲建水坝意味着渔业减产,草场减产,洪水泛滥区农业产量下降,所有这些都是事先未预料到的。而我们假定水坝的平均经济效益的寿命为30年,但水坝不会永远存在,我们还不知什么可以替代它。有关水的讨论的关键在于钱。谈论水危机掩饰了诸如贫穷这样棘手的问题。考虑一下墨西哥城或德里的水供应问题。如果你富有,你可以喝矿泉水,甚至于可以拥有一个游泳池——而这些城市数以百万计的居民却喝不上安全的饮用水。人们讨论着即将到来的水危机。我想我们现在已经有水危机了,这是一场穷人的水危机。
2023-07-18 08:47:561


给排水  正确发音:【jǐ pái shuǐ】  英文:water supply and drainage  日文:给排水(きゅうはいすい)  给排水:是指给水系统和排水系统的简称 。   给水工程 为居民和厂、矿、运输企业供应生活、生产用水的工程。由给水水源、取水构筑物、输水道、给水处理厂和给水管网组成,具有取集和输送原水、改善水质的作用。①给水水源。有地表水、地下水和再用水。地表水主要指江河、湖泊、水库和海洋的水,水量充沛,是城市和工厂用水的主要水源,但水质易受环境污染;地下水水质洁净,水温稳定,是良好的饮用水水源;再用水是工业用水的重复使用或循环使用,先进国家的工业用水中约60%~80%是再用水。② 取水构筑物。 有地表水取水构筑物和地下水取水构筑物之分。前者是从江河、湖泊、水库、海洋等地表水取水的设备,一般包括取水头部、进水管、集水井和水泵房;后者是从地下含水层取集表层渗透水、潜水、承压水和泉水等地下水的构筑物,有管井、大口井、辐射井、渗渠、泉室等类型,其提水设备为深井泵或深井潜水泵。③输水道。从远距离水源输水到用水地点的整个输水系统,包括管道、明渠、暗渠和桥梁、隧道等。④给水处理厂。将原水进行处理以达到用水水质要求的工厂,有时称自来水厂或水厂,由泵房、化学剂投加设备、水处理构筑物、储存成品水的清水池及化验室等建筑物组成。⑤给水管网。向用户输水和配水的管道系统,由管道、配件和附属设施组成。管道常用铸铁管、钢管和预应力混凝土管。配件有闸阀、排气阀和排水阀等。附属设备有调节构筑物(水塔、水池)和给水泵站。  排水工程 排除人类生活污水和生产中的各种废水、多余的地面水的工程。由排水管系(或沟道)、废水处理厂和最终处理设施组成。通常还包括抽升设施(如排水泵站) 。① 排水管系。收集和输送废水(污水)的管网,有合流管系和分流管系。合流管系只有一个排水系统,雨水和污水用同一管道排输。分流管系有两个排水系统:雨水系统收集雨水和冷却水等污染程度很低、不经过处理直接排入水体的工业废水,其管道称雨水管道;污水系统收集生活污水及需要处理后才能排入水体的工业废水,其管道称污水管道。②废水处理厂。包括沉淀池、沉沙池、曝气池、生物滤池、澄清池等设施及泵站、化验室、污泥脱水机房、修理工厂等建筑,废水处理的一般目标是去除悬浮物和改善耗氧性,有时还进行消毒和进一步处理。③最终处理设施。视不同的排水对象设有水泵或其他提水机械,将经过处理厂处理满足规定的排放要求的废水,排入水体或排放在土地上。
2023-07-18 08:48:061

曲院风荷 及 三潭影月 英文介绍小作文

Three Pools Mirroring the Moon--三潭映月The largest of the three artificial islands on West Lake, the isle covers an area of 7000 square meters. The island with its inside lake is crisscrossed with many zigzagging bridges; a causeway that spans from west to east; the heavenly lights and clouds reflections in the glass-like water can been seen together with flowers in blossom. Trees stand here and there, birds and fish enjoy themselves in different spaces. Pavilions vanish into nothingness at a distance; bridges allow tourists to view the scenery from different angles with the wonderful result of a different scene for each step. Breeze-ruffled Lotus at Quyuan Garden 曲院风荷Breeze – ruffled Lotus at Quyuan Garden which features in lotus ranks the 2nd of Top Ten View just after Spring Dawn at Su Causeway. In Southern Song Dynasty, Quyuan Courtyard was an official vinery which located on the bank of the West Lake beside the Hongcun Bridge on the Linyin Road where many lotus were planted. In summer breezes, the air was scented with delicate fragrance of lotus intermingled with the tasteful bouquet of wine. However, the courtyard was very much neglected and the nearby lake silted up. It became a small garden with a small pavilion, a veranda and a few lotus flowers planted in the water in front.
2023-07-18 08:48:162


没有区别basin: a bowl for washing, typically attached to a wall and having faucets connected to a water supply; a washbasin.sink: a fixed basin with a water supply and a drain.
2023-07-18 08:48:242


2023-07-18 08:48:353

Saving Water 为题的英语作文,300单词以上。

The world is not only hungry,but also thirsty for water. This may seem strange to you, since nearly 75 % of the earth"s surface is covered with water. But about 97% of this huge amount is sea water, or salt water. Man can only drink and use the other 3% -- the fresh water that comes from rivers, lakes,underground, and other sources. And we cannot even use all of that, because some of it is in the form of icebergs and glaciers. Even worse, some of it has been polluted.However, as things stand today, this small amount of fresh water, which is constantly being replaced by rainfall, is still enough for us. But our need for water is increasing rapidly-- almost day by day. Only if we take steps to deal with this problem now can we avoid a severe worldwide water shortage later on. A limited water supply would have a bad effect on agriculture and industry. Let me give you just one small exampie of how necessary water is to industry. Did you know that to produce a single ton of steel, it takes about 91, 000 liters of water?We all have to learn how to stop wasting our precious water. One of the first steps we should take is to develop ways of reusing it. Experiments have already been done in this field, but only on a small scale. For us, the systems are as important as the spacecraft.
2023-07-18 08:49:031


The main content of this paper is devoted to design a high-rise building automatic constant pressure water spray fire-control system. The system has changed from previous high-water tanks and pumps for water supply mode, get rid of the shortcomings of the water supply instability, is a safe and reliable, fast and stability, energy saving, convenient maintenance and management of water supply control systems. This paper designed control system can control two regulators pump and two main fire pumps. Regulators from the pump-frequency power supply, fire control network to the pressure tank and water supply, the pressure tank 30 seconds after all certificates have the fire water, fire pumps from the main power inverter constant pressure water supply. Regulators booster pump water supplement a major role in the leaking pipeline system so that the Fire Services Network automatically when water pressure dropped to work. The main fire pump in case of fire and put into operation, the pipeline network to fire the pressure transmitter signal pressure as feedback signals, and PID feedback signal conditioning instrument settings comparison of output, regulating water pressure on fire to keep constant pressure in the state . PLC to design the system for the control of the core to achieve a fully automated control functions. Two regulators of a pump with a rotating work by the turn of operation, a failure to automatically switch. Two fire pump is also a one-up, both the frequency and frequency operation, failure of backup pump automatically put into operation. When a fire pump frequency operation after the hydraulic pressure is still lower than the set, the backup pump will automatically enter the workforce joint water supply. The system also set up a manual and automatic features, and fire control center networking, maintenance and management is very convenient.
2023-07-18 08:49:311

Civil and Environmental Engineering 专业在美国就业有哪些出路

"土木工程,就是Civil Engineering,在美国的学科设置里可以细分为不少专业,其实Civil算是对这些专业的一个统称,里面会包括Structural, Transportation, Earthquake Resistance, Environmental, Water Resources, Geo-engineering, Management, 中国学生比较常申请的专业就这些,毕竟也是和国内的本科学科设置有对应的,下面就这些专业说一下在东海岸的就业形势。Structural Engineering的就业总得来说还可以。一般Master毕业后找到EIT (Engineer in Training)的概率还是挺大的,之后的趋势就是可以进一些Engineering Consultant, Engineering Designing性质的公司,做的工作无非是CAD加各种受力分析软件的熟练操作。但是结构在东海岸的薪水确实不高,一般的公司在学生转正之后的pay大概能给到3000-5000每月,这个还是Master能拿到的,还不是本科生。Transportation Engineering, 国内是一直流传着金桥银路铜房子的说法(现在可能成了金隧银桥),但是在美国,毕竟基础设施比较发达,也许这方面有饱和的迹象。但是Highway Engineering和Pavement Design方面也还不错,可能跟美国的高速公路比较发达有关吧。Earthquake Resistance, 抗震专业,学这个的Master建议做好读PhD的准备。Master 的就业不太理想,可以参考结构的就业。Environmental Engineering 和Water Resources Engineering, 这两个专业涵盖的面,和涉及到的行业非常广泛。一般来讲,工作内容涉及到Water Treatment,Drainage Design,Water Supply System, Irrigation等等。这个专业的Master毕业后建议多尝试一些行业,从这个角度讲,机会还是挺多的。尤其是当前美国页岩气的开采如此盛行,hydrofracking 和后期的重金属污水的处理,给Environmental的学生带来了不少机会。Geo-engineering,其实理论上讲,这个专业是地理或者地信大类下面的,就是凡是学生在Civil系的选课表里看到的“Geo”打头的课程,一般都是他们需要学习的(比如Geomorphology, Geomechanics, Geophysics等)。Geo-engineering其实是和Geo-science相对应的,非常类似于国内的工程地质,岩土工程。在东海岸的就业并不太乐观,但是这个专业在中西部的形势确实还不错,因为身边确实有这个专业然后跑到中部就业的同学,而且目前看虽然工作环境不是特别好,但日子还是有滋有味。Management, 工程管理。很多时候这个专业是开在学校的商学院下面(School of Management), 所以至于这个专业的就业,如果对工程方面的Technical Skill有非常强的emphasis的话,在土木行业里找工作还是有希望的。如果偏管理的话,就可以参考管理类专业的就业了。最后提一下在美国的新能源专业,有些时候也会划到Civil系下面,这个专业目前来看在大多数学校体系还不够成熟,所以Master就业之后的去向也略显迷茫。不过太阳能和风能在美国的现状还是不错的,虽然美帝的光伏产业一直不给力,但由于政府的补贴和广大消费者的环保意识,其实这个专业的就业形势还比较理想,中西部,尤其是加州,要好于东部。 "
2023-07-18 08:49:541


Sima Guang TankSima Guang is a famous politician and writer in the Northern Song Dynasty. When he was young, one day he went to hide and seek with his buddies in the garden. One of the children covered their eyes with their hands, and other small partners quickly hid themselves. Some were hidden in the trees, some were hidden in the rockery, and some hid in the flowers. When everyone is hidden, the blindfolded partner begins to look for everyone.The blindfolded child carefully touched left and touched right. Everyone held their breath and was afraid to be discovered. Suddenly he "popped" and then he heard someone shouting, "Help!" The buddies all ran out to see what was happening. It turned out that there was a large water tank filled with water on the rockery. The little partner who climbed onto the rockery accidentally slipped into the water tank.The water tank is very large. Sima Guang and his companions cannot reach the water tank mouth at all. They can hear the help of life but cannot pull out the little partner who fell into the tank. Other small partners were scared away. Some ran while shouting for adults, while others ran while crying. Sima Guang was not terrified. He rushed out of wisdom and picked up a stone around the rockery and slid it toward the water tank. Because of his small strength, Sima Guang even squatted a few times. He only heard a click and the water tank was opened to a big hole. The water flowed out through the hole and the water flowed out. The younger partner was saved.The children, Sima Guang was very valuable when he encountered urgent matters and was able to calm down and find a solution to the problem. Sometimes we are not unable to solve the problem, but because of horror I do not know how to do it, so it is very important to keep calm in my mind.
2023-07-18 08:50:034


Offer you some waterserve you with watersupply you with water
2023-07-18 08:50:133

working the land reading部分的重点和难点

1.reduce v.make sth.smaller in size,number,degree,price,etc.ue004e.g.The company tries to increase profi ts by reducing costsue004公司尽力通过减少花销来提高利润。ue004We have reduced expenses this year.ue004今年我们已经减少了业务开支。 v.give sb.sth.that is needed or usefulue004e.g.He kept me well supplied with cups of coffee while I wrote the report.ue004当我写报告时,他不断地给我提供咖啡。ue004The shop was unable to supply what she wanted.ue004在这家商店她买不到她所想买的东西。3.refer to v.mention or speak of sb./sth.ue004e.g.When I said some people were very stupid,I wasn"t referring to you.ue004当我说有些人是很愚蠢的时候,我不是说你。ue004Don"t refer to this matter again.ue004别再提这件事了。ue003Sentences and structuresue004Find out all the sentences with “ v.+ing” forms,and try to remember them.ue004Translate the following sentences,and tell what part of speeches the red parts are used as.ue0041.它也指用自然肥料而不是化肥种植的庄稼。ue004It also refers to crops growing with natural rather than chemical fertilizers.ue004注:growing...在句中充当定语。修饰crops。2.他们说,把这种肥料施在农田里会使土壤含有更丰富的矿物质,而(土壤)也会更加肥沃。ue004Putting this in their fields,they argue,makes the soil richer in minerals and so more fertile.ue004注:Putting...在句中充当状语。ue0043.这一点很重要,因为土壤改良了,农作物的病虫害就减少了,因而有 助于农作物的茁壮成长。ue004This is important because developing a healthy soil reduces diseases in crops and helps them grow strong and healthy.ue004注:developing...在句中充当主语。4.然而使用化肥会带来很大的问题。ue004However,using chemical fertilizers is a big problem.5.第一,在田地里长期遗留化学物质对土壤和水源不利。 ue004Firstly,leaving chemicals in the ground for a long time is not good for the soil or the water supply.ue004注:leaving...在句中充当主语。6.不同的是,有机耕作的农民们坚持每隔两三年换种农作物。ue004Instead,organic farming insist on changing crops every two or three year.ue004注:changing...在句中充当宾语。7.这些农作物将矿物质带回土壤,使之肥沃强效,适宜于种植要求土壤肥沃的农作物,例如玉米和小麦。ue004These put the minerals back into the soil,making it rich and healthy and ready to grow crops that need rich and fertile soil like corn or wheat.ue004注:making...在句中充当状语。[来源:学。科。网Z。X。X。K]8.但无论他们种什么,他们确保在收割后留在地里的 东西成为来年农作物的天然肥料。ue004But whatever they grow they make sure that what is left in the ground after harvesting becomes a natural fertilizer for the next year"s crops.ue004注:harvesting...在句中跟after一起充当时间状语。ue003动名词一、概述ue004和不定式一样,动名词也是非谓语动词的一种,它通常由动词原形加-ing构成。动名词有主动和被动两种语态,有一般式,完成式和进行式三种形式。如下表所示:主动 被动一般式 doing being done完成式 having done having been done完成进行式 having been doing 无动名词仍保留有动词的特征,可以和自己的逻辑主语、宾语和状语等构成动名词短语。动名词具有名词的功能,在句中可以充当主语、宾语、表语、定语等成分。ue003二、动名词的时态和语态形式ue0041.动名词 的时态形式ue004①一般式ue004动名词的一般式表示动作或状态与谓语动词的动作同时发生,或者表示一种无时间性限制的经常性、习惯性的动作或状态。ue004He enjoys writing letters in English.ue004他喜欢用英语写信。ue004Many young people like playing football.ue004许多年轻人喜欢踢足球。ue004②完成式ue004动名词的完成式表示动作或状态先于谓语动词的动作或状态,如:ue004They regret having been unab le to help you.ue004他们为没能帮上你的忙而遗憾。ue004After having written the letter,he went to post it.ue004他写完信,就去寄它了。ue004She regretted having missed the film.ue004她后悔没有看到那部电影。ue004③完成进行式ue004动名词的完成进行时表示动作发生于谓语动作之前,并一直持续到谓语动词的动作发生之时,或继续。如:ue004Forgive me for my having been interrupting you so much.ue004原谅我打扰你这么久。2.动名词的被动式ue004当动名词的逻辑主语是动名词动作的承受者时,用被动式。如:ue004He climbed through the window without being seen.ue004他从窗口爬进去,没有被人发现。ue004She needs to work without being disturbed (=without people disturb her).ue004她要在无人干扰的情况下才能工作。ue004动名词的被动语态分成一般式和完成式两种。如:ue004The railway is in the process of being constructed.ue004铁路在兴建中。ue004After having kept a prisoner in the Bastille for many years,Dr Manette had recently been set free.ue004曼奈特医生被关在巴士底监狱许多年后,最近获释。ue004特别提示:-ing形式的主动形式表示被动意义ue004在want,need,deserve,require 等动词后,总是用-ing形式的主动形式表示被动意义,相当于“to be+过去分词”。如:ue004My watch needs repairing (= to be repaired ).ue004我的手表需要修理。ue004[来源:Z§xx§k.Com]The house wants cleaning.这房屋需要打扫。ue004在worth这个形容词后情形也是这样。如:ue004The film is worth seeing.这部影片值得一看。ue004The place is worth visiting.那个地方值得一游。ue004三、动名词的否定式ue004动名词的否定式通常是在动名词前加否定词not。例如:ue004I apologize for my not having kept promise.ue004我没能遵守诺言,十分抱歉。ue004I regret not being able to help you.ue004我很抱歉不能帮助你。ue0041.作主语ue004动名词作主语时,句子有两种形式:ue004(1)动名词直接置于句首主语的位置上。ue004Playing tricks on others is something we should never do.ue004捉弄别人是我们万万不能干的。ue004Learning new words is very important for me.ue004学习新单词对我来说非常重要。ue004Talking is easier than doing。说比做容易。ue004(2)用形式主语it,把真正的主语——动名词结构移置句尾。但这种句子形式有一定的限制,作表语的只能是某些形容词或少数名词,如useful,useless,good,fun,no use,worth等。例如:ue004It is useless trying to argue with Shylock.ue004和夏洛克争辩是没有什么用的。ue004It"s worth making the effort.ue004这事值得去做。ue004Is it any good trying to explain?ue004想再解释一次有好处吗?ue004It is pleasant working with you.ue004跟你在一起工作是令人愉快的。ue004(3)在there be结构中作主语,这种结构的意思相当于“It is impossible to do...”。例如:ue004There is no hiding of evil but not to do it.ue004若要人不知,除非己莫为。ue004There is no joking about such matter。ue004这种事开不得玩笑。ue004There was no knowing when he would leave.ue004无法知道他什么时候离开。ue004注意:动名词与不定式作主语时的比较:ue004动名词表示的动作通常是一个泛指的动作,不定式则通常表示具体的动作。例如:ue004As a child,she felt that visiting sick people was a duty and a pleasure.ue004还是个孩子的时候,她就觉得探视病人是一种责任,也是一种愉悦。ue004Being a guest in an American home will be a good experience for me.ue004到美国人家里做客对我来说将是一个极好的经历。ue004Doing nothing is doing ill.ue004什么也不做就是作恶。ue004He said,“To go on like this is no use.”ue004他说:“继续这样下去是无用的。”ue004It"s an honour for me to be invited to the party.ue004我很荣幸被邀请参加这个晚会。ue004归纳:常用-ing形式作主语的句型有:ue004It +be +a waste of time doing 做……是浪费时间的ue004It is/was no good/use doing 做……是没用处的ue004It is/was hardly/scarcely worth doing 做……不值得ue004It is/was worth/worthwhile doing 做……是值得的ue004There is no doing 无法……,不允许……ue004There is no sense in doing 做……没有道理ue004There is/was no use doing 干……无意义 ue004There is/was nothing worse than doing 没有比……更糟的ue004There is/was no point doing 干……无意义ue004There was no knowing where we would go.ue004我们不知道要去哪儿。ue004[来源:学科网ZXXK]There is no point doing such a silly thing.ue004做这件傻事毫无意义。ue004注意:There is no need to do sth.干……没必要,在此句式中to do 不可换为doing。ue004There is no need to tell her.没有必要告诉她。ue004提示:当动名词用作主语时,其逻辑主语由形容词性物主代词和名词所有格构成。ue004My sister"s being ill made we worried.ue004我姐姐病了,使我很担心。ue004Your being right doesn"t necessarily mean my being wrong.ue004[来源:学科网ZXXK]你正确未必就意味着我错了。2.作动词的宾语ue004动名词作宾语有两种情况。一是有些动词只能后接动名词作宾语;二是有些动词既可后接动名词也可后接不定式作宾语。ue004(1)只能后接动名词作宾语的动词,常见的有avoid,consider,enjoy,keep,finish,suggest,dislike,delay,escape,cannot help,imagine,mind,miss,practise,cannot stand等。如:ue004I can"t avoid going.我不能不去。ue004Have you considered looking for one special friend?ue004你是否考虑过找一位挚友?ue004We must try to avoid repeating the same mistake.ue004我们必须设法避免犯同样的错误。ue004Do you feel like having a walk with me after supper?ue004晚饭后你想和我一起散步吗?ue004People couldn"t help laughing foolish man.ue004人们忍不住嘲笑那个愚蠢的人。 ue004这类动词还有:excuse,fancy,give up,put off,risk等。ue004(2)既可接动名词又可接不定式作宾语的动词,常见的有:begin,start,continue,like,love,prefer,by,mean,forget,remember,hate等。ue004A.在like,love,hate,prefer等动词之后,用-ing或不定式意义上没有什么不同,只是侧重点有些不同,动名词表示泛指的动作,不定式表示具体的一次性动作。例如:ue004I considered going,but I have this composition to write.ue004我考虑要去,可是我要写这篇作文。ue004I enjoy learning about new things from politics to sports and music.ue004我喜欢从政治、体育及音乐等方面学习新的事情。ue004We believe that many more people will prefer to travel by air.ue004我们相信将会有更多的人喜欢乘坐飞机旅行。ue004在would like/love/prefer之后,只能用不定式。例如:ue004I"d prefer to do that tomorrow.这事我想明天再做。ue004I"d like to do some shopping,but not during the day.ue004我倒是想去购物,但又不想白天去。ue004I"d like you to meet Dr Zhang.ue004我想让你见一见张医生。ue004Oh,I would love to be a contestant.ue004噢,我倒是想做个参赛者。ue004B.在begin/start,continue之后,用动名词和不定式,意义无甚区别,尤其是当主语是人的时候。例如:ue004Jazz started developing in the 1920s in the Southern States.ue00420年代爵士音乐在美国南部各州开始发展。ue004The ship started to leak and begin to fill with water.ue004船体开始出现漏洞,并开始进水。ue004Hank started to walk through the carriages to get back to his seat.ue004汉克开始走回他自己坐的车厢。ue004Journalists have to stop working on one story and start working immediately on the important new one.ue004新闻 记者不得不停下手中所写的,立刻开始写最新的重要新闻。ue004当begin/start 与see,think,feel,understand等动词连用时,用不定式。例如:ue004They began to understand how important the forest is.ue004他们开始明白森林有多么重要。ue004begin/start用进行式时,只能后接不定式。例如:ue004I was beginning to wonder if it was easy enough to go on the climbing.ue004我开始想继续往上爬会不会越来越难。ue004I"m starting to put on weight again.ue004我又开始长胖了。ue004C.在动词forget,remember,regret之后,用动名词与不定式意义不同。动名词表示动作先于谓语发生,不定式表示后于谓语动作,例如:ue004I remember posting the letter.ue004我记得我已把信寄了。ue004I"ll remember to post the letter.ue004我会记着去寄信的。ue004I shall never forget seeing the famous writer.ue004我永远不会忘记见到过那位著名作家。ue004Don"t forget to write to your mother.ue004不要忘了给你母亲写信。ue004I regret missing the report.ue004我真后悔没赶上那次报告会。ue004I regret to say I can"t take your advice.ue004我遗憾地告诉你我不能接受你的建议。ue004D.在try,mean之后,意义各不相同,如try to do (设法),try doing (试试),mean to do (打算,有意要做),mean doing (意思是,意味着)。例如:ue004We must try to get everything done in time.ue004我们必须设法及时把一切搞好。ue004Let"s try doing the working in some other way.ue004我们用别的方法做这工作试试。ue004I didn"t mean to make you angry.ue004我并不想叫你生气。ue004Yo ur plan would mean spending hours.ue004你的计划意味着要花费几个小时。ue004E.go on doing 和go on to doue004go on doing继续做一直在做的事;go on to do接着做另一件事。例如:ue004Please go on doing the same exercise.请接着做这同一个练习 。ue004Please go on to do the other exercise.请做另外一个练习。ue004F.stop doing与stop to doue004stop doing停止做,stop to do停下正在干的事去干另一件事。如:ue004We stopped talking.我们停止了交谈。ue004[来源:学科网]We stopped to talk.我们停了下来去谈话。3.作介词的宾语ue004动名词可与介词一起构成介词短语。ue004A.介词+动名词,如:ue004We"ve got to think of ways of changing people"s habits.ue004我们得想些办法改变人们的习惯。ue004I apologize for being so angry with you.ue004我向你道歉,刚才对你那样生气。ue004After being away for several years,it is a strange experience to return to the place you were born and brought up.ue004离开几年之后再回到你生长的地方,感觉有点怪。ue004B.动词+介词+动名词,例如:ue004I insist on taking proper food for this expedition.ue004我坚持为这次出行带足需要的食物。ue004Instead of smiling,each of them made a face.ue004同学们脸上没有笑容,相反都做了怪脸。ue004She was very interested in working for our company.ue004她对为我们公司工作很感兴趣。ue004下列短语中的to都是介词,所以后面跟名词或-ing形式:devote to,object to,pay attention to,get down to,lead to,look forward to,stick to,be used to等。ue003
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3.2.4 decentralized supply non-central water supply Taking water directly from water users, without any facilities or facilities for water supply only easy way. 3.3 conventional indicators regular indices Drinking water can reflect the basic living conditions of water quality objectives. 3.4 unconventional targets non-regular indices According region, time or special circumstances require drinking water quality of life indicators. 4 life quality of drinking water hygiene requirements 4.1 living drinking water quality should meet the following basic requirements to ensure that customers using safe. 4.1.1 in drinking water shall not contain pathogenic microorganisms. 4.1.2 living chemicals in drinking water must not endanger human health. 4.1.3 life of radioactive substances in drinking water must not endanger human health. 4.1.4 life sensory traits of good drinking water. 4.1.5 life by drinking water disinfection should be. 4.1.6 life drinking water quality should be consistent with Table 1 and Table 3 health requirements. Centralized water supply disinfectant limits factory, the factory water and the water pipe network peripheral disinfectant cushion should be consistent with Table 2 requirements. 4.1.7 rural small centralized and decentralized water supply because the water quality conditions, according to some indicators can be temporarily Table 4 implementation, and the remaining indicators will be based upon the Table 1, Table 2 and Table 3 implementation. 4.1.8 When a sudden impact on the quality of public events, approved by the municipal people"s governments above, sensory traits and general chemical indicators can be properly relaxed. 4.1.9 when drinking water contains Appendix A Table A.1 in the indicators, may refer to this table limits evaluation.
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Why can water be used to put out fire

Often the main way to extinguish a fire is to spray with water. The water has o roles: 1. In contact with the fire it vaporizes and this vapour displaces the oxygen (the volume of water vapour is 1 700 times greater than liquid water); leaving the fire with not enough bustive agent to continue and it dies out. 2. The vaporization of water absorbs the heat; it cools the *** oke air walls objects in the room e that could act as further fuel and thus prevents one of the me that fires grow which is by "jumping" to nearby heat/fuel sources to start new fires which then bine. The extinction is thus a bination of hyxia and cooling. The flame itself is suppressed by hyxia but the cooling is the most important element to master a fire in a closed area. hyxia - condition of severely deficient supply of oxygen I hope this can help your understanding. =) Because water seems to cost nothing and very abundent on earth. 参考: me ^^
2023-07-18 08:53:551