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2023-07-19 08:11:19

In recent years, with the expanding of students recruit in colleges and universities, there are more and more accomodated students and the dormitory administrators. Related departments also supplied more requests to the dormitory management. Therefore, the difficulty of dormitory management increased quite a lot. And the logistics management application network management tools to manage student dormitory is very necessary. This system is designed undern these requests.

The issue of the use of SQL Server 2000 and Microsoft Visual Studio.NET 2003 as a development environment, making full use of its fast, economic and other characteristics of the design based on the B S mode of student housing management system. The system for day-to-day management of student housing mode, the student apartments of the situation, for example: students, distribution of bed apartment building, moved out material information, visit personnel information, such as apartment health information for effective management and, through various methods Enquiries quickly and easily so that the management of the operation of student apartments concise, clear, the situation at a glance, the apartment management so that students work more scientific, standardized.

The system in accordance with the methods of software engineering system for the needs analysis and system design, database and a detailed description of the functional module design, completed the task of designing graduation requirements.



In recent years, with increased enrollment in colleges and universities, more and more residential students, students more and more apartment buildings, Suguan more and more staff. Related departments of the apartment management of the increasingly high demand. Therefore, the apartment management increasingly difficult. Therefore, logistics management application network management tools for student housing is very necessary, based on this design of the system.

The issue of the use of SQL Server 2000 and Microsoft Visual Studio.NET 2003 as a development environment, making full use of its fast, economic and other characteristics of the design based on the B S mode of student housing management system. The system for day-to-day management of student housing mode, the student apartments of the situation, for example: students, distribution of bed apartment building, moved out material information, visit personnel information, such as apartment health information for effective management and, through various methods Enquiries quickly and easily so that the management of the operation of student apartments concise, clear, the situation at a glance, the apartment management so that students work more scientific, standardized.

The system in accordance with the methods of software engineering system for the needs analysis and system design, database and a detailed description of the functional module design, completed the task of designing graduation requirements.




accomodatev.容纳,留宿,使…适应; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.I also thought this means they would essentially know everything that we knew to better "accomodate" our needs. 我还认为这意味着,我们为更好“满足”需求所知道的所有东西,他们基本都知道。
2023-07-18 08:20:071

accommodate 与 accomodate是不是一个词?有何区别?

accommodatevt.供应, 供给, 使适应, 调节, 和解, 向...提供, 容纳, 调和vi.适应accomodatev.容纳,留宿,使...适应词典没有提供说accomodate是变体之类的信息,应该不是一个词,范围有区别在google上搜索accomodate,会提示是不是要找accommodate,但是同时,有许多网站坚持采用accomodate的拼法,发现大多是北美的网站采用,可见accomodate是一个已经成形的拼法,因此应该是两个词
2023-07-18 08:20:172


英汉翻译 accomodatev. 容纳,留宿,使...适应
2023-07-18 08:20:332

hold 与 accommodate 表示容纳的时候的区别

两者没有多大差别;hold 可以用于小的容器(比如瓶子),也可以大的(比如房间,体育馆等); accommodate 一般指大的(room, building 等)
2023-07-18 08:20:422


2023-07-18 08:20:533

容纳 用英语怎么说?

2023-07-18 08:21:048


既然是四级,就不多解释了哈:1、adapt是要从根本上去改变以适应,accommodate是调整自己的态度或行为即可2、would表示过去的未来情况(符合条件的推测),could只是过去存在的一种可能性3、might是过去式,may是现在式4、谈论的是人口的增长,不是人的增长5、at是介词引导地点状语,following表示紧随(或接着)的地址(在下面)6、if it…是仅供参考式的而且还包括除“来”以外的其它任何方式,if you…已经假定你要“来”如果不满意,欢迎继续提问。如果你满意,请点击“选为满意答案”按钮。
2023-07-18 08:21:234


2023-07-18 08:21:452


I will try to improve services to meet your requirements. , of course, no matter how you put forward the way of cooperation, I will try to cooperate
2023-07-18 08:21:534

【英文翻译】因为爆仓(over booking),我不得不订一个不利于做箱(stuff cargo)的船期

爆仓是over booking?Due to the overload of stock, I have to order a shipment date which is not benefit our stuff cargo and customs clearance. So there became a drop fee worth USD40. Please noted. Thank you
2023-07-18 08:22:032


May i know how you cooperate with the traders? Under normal circumstances, your purchases cost will increase when you purchase from the traders. It will be great that if you can tell me your concern, i will try to provide solutions to meet your requirement and no matter what type of cooperation you like to have, I will accomodate to it.
2023-07-18 08:22:111


11英语单词怎么写:让你的英语更加自信!1. Introduction英语是如今世界上最为流行的语言之一,其中包含着大量的单词。对于英语学习者来说,拼写正确的单词十分关键。本文将为你详细介绍11个常见英语单词的正确拼写方式,帮助你更好地掌握英语技能。2. 单词一:restaurant这是一个常见的单词,意为“餐厅”。许多人可能会将其错写成“restuarant”或“restaurent”。正确拼写方式是“restaurant”。3. 单词二:congratulations这是一个常用的祝贺语,意为“恭喜你”。它常被误写成“congradulations”、“congratualtions”或“congratulations”。正确拼写应该为“congratulations”。4. 单词三:occasion该单词意为“场合”或“时机”,常被误写成“ocassion”或“ocassionally”。正确拼写应该为“occasion”。5. 单词四:necessary这是一个容易拼错的单词,意为“必需的”。它常被误写成“neccesary”或“necesssary”。正确拼写方式是“necessary”。6. 单词五:government这是一个重要的单词,意为“政府”。它常被误写成“goverment”或“goverment”。正确拼写方式是“government”。7. 单词六:definitely该单词意为“毫无疑问地”或“明确地”,常被误写成“definately”或“defiantly”。正确拼写应该为“definitely”。8. 单词七:separate这是一个容易拼错的单词,意为“分开”。它常被误写成“seperate”或“seprate”。正确拼写方式是“separate”。9. 单词八:embarrassment该单词意为“尴尬”,常被误写成“embarassment”或“embaraasment”。正确拼写应该为“embarrassment”。10. 单词九:accommodate该单词意为“提供住宿”或“适应”,常被误写成“accomodate”或“acommodate”。正确拼写应该为“accommodate”。11. 单词十:occurrence这是一个常用的单词,意为“事件”或“出现”。它常被误写成“occurence”或“occurance”。正确拼写方式是“occurrence”。以上11个单词是英语中经常使用到的单词,你掌握了它们的正确拼写方式,英语学习之路将更加平坦。希望你能够通过不断学习提升英语水平,让你的英语更加自信!
2023-07-18 08:22:181


  也许我们背诵英文 短语 ,再过不久之后就能够记住很多英文短语呢?下面是我给大家带来不久的英文短语词组,供大家参阅!   不久的英文(短语篇)   1、玉米不久就要结穗了。   The corn will soon ear.   2、他对环境的新奇感不久就淡薄了。   The novelty of his surroundings soon wore off.   3、他们约定不久见面。   They made a date to meet soon.   4、这些幼苗不久将栽到花坛中去。   These young plants will soon be ready for bedding in borders.   5、水在阳光下不久就蒸发了。   The water soon evaporated in the sunshine.   6、不久以后,他第一次就这一事件发表了公开声明。   Soon afterwards he made his first public statement about the affair.   7、我们希望在不久的将来我们能够接受和适应你张开双臂。   We hope in the near future we can receive and accomodate you with open arms.   8、不久我们就会拥有一种解决 方法 ,用废烹调油生产生物柴油。   A solution may soon come from using waste cooking oil.   9、不久上刺刀的命令下来了。”   The order then came to fix bayonets.   不久的英文( 句子 篇)   1. Their affection for her soon increased almost to idolatry.   他们对她的喜爱不久就发展到了盲目崇拜的地步。   2. He was soon disillusioned by the government"s timidity on social reform.   他不久就因政府在进行社会改革时缩手缩脚而不抱幻想了。   3. Not long afterward she received five calls in one day.   不久之后,她一天内就接到了5个电话。   4. Her husband was sympathetic at first but his patience soon wore thin.   一开始她丈夫还抱以同情,可不久就失去耐心了。   5. He was soon one of the most celebrated young painters in England.   不久他就成了英格兰最负盛名的年轻画家之一。   6. He will shortly become the fulcrum of the England team.   他不久就会成为英格兰队的支柱。   7. The Senate is expected to pass the bill shortly.   预计参议院不久就会通过此议案。   8. Shortly afterwards, cuts in defence spending forced the aerospace industry to retrench.   不久之后,国防开支的削减迫使航空航天业紧缩开支。   9. He sees sense in merging the two agencies while both are new.   他觉得将这两家建立不久的机构合而为一是明智的。   10. He would soon launch a second offensive, killing off the peace process.   他不久将会再次发动进攻,彻底毁掉整个和平进程。   11. Soon they were dead, victims of a mysterious poisoner.   不久他们就死了,是一个神秘的投毒者下的手。   12. They were married with all the trimmings, soon after graduation.   他们 毕业 后不久就大操大办地结婚了。   13. Those are nice academic arguments, but what about the immediate future?   那些是微妙的学术上的 辩论 ,但不久的将来怎么办?   14. The firm soon started frittering away the cash it was generating.   这家公司不久就开始挥霍赚来的钱。   15. Some analysts believe that the government soon will begin relaxing economic controls.   一些分析人士认为政府不久将开始放松经济管制。   不久的英文(例句篇)   1、股票行情不久即将回升。   The stock market will soon rally.   2、不久,他们派他到一个新的工作岗位。   Soon they assigned him to a new post.   3、因为他们不久将调往上海,所以他们只好在职员宿舍里勉强暂住。   Since they would soon be transfered to Shanghai,they were camping out in the staff livingquarters.   4、这座在战争中被毁坏的古刹不久将重建。   The ancient temple ruined in the war will be reconstructed soon.   5、不久之后,他便不再是仅有的一家。   Before long, he was not the only one.   6、在不久的将来,我们或许不必再戴眼镜。   In the near future, we may not have to.   7、在今日和不久的未来,IT界将如何面对这些挑战?   How will IT meet these challenges today and in the near future?   8、如果你考虑在不久的将来结婚,无论如何,这有一些好的问题你要问问自己和你的伴侣。   If you are considering marriage in the near future, however, here are some good questions toask yourself and your partner.   9、不久之后,我对这一切是如何以及何时发生的做了秘密调查。   Soon after, I made confidential inquiry as to how and when it all happened.   10、希望不久能见到你!   Hope to see you soon!   11、将它们记在心里,在不久的未来您是否有能力完成列表上剩余项目的工作?   With that in mind, do you have the capacity to do the remaining items on the list in the nearfuture?   12、我们盼望着不久能听到您的回音。   We look forward to hearing from you soon.   13、在1972年我们婚后不久,芭芭拉和我开始每天在一起祈祷。   Shortly after we were married in 1972, Barbara and I began praying every day together.   14、不久,她就被送去和另一个家庭一起生活。   She was soon sent off to live with another family.   15、并且如果一切顺利的话,在不久的将来你将看到更多的生活方式安全套。   And, if all things go well, you might be seeing more of Lifestyles condoms in the near future.   16、我们计划在不久的将来扩展它的用途并编写相关文档。   We plan to document and expand its use in the near future.   17、不久我就会找电话来,你把那婊子带到那里等我。   Soon as I call, you have that bitch there ready and waiting.   18、但我记得从一个德国朋友那里听来的这样一件轶事:统一后不久,一个东德人与一个西德人在柏林相遇。   But I remember an anecdote I once heard from one of my German friends. Shortly after theunification, an Ossie and a Weissie meet in Berlin.   19、我希望不久您能来和我们住在一起。   I hope that you can come and stay with us soon.   20、我希望不久能再看到你,我亲爱的爱德蒙。   I hope soon to see you again, my dear Edmond.   21、“如果那里真有此种行星,不久的将来,我们应该会找到它们”。   If those planets are out there, we should be finding them pretty soon.   22、我希望我们再次这里不久将访问。   I hope we will visit here again soon.   23、在不久的将来后我们将有更详细的信息。   We may have better information in the near future.   24、不久,她的狩猎技术就超过了他,因为她总是勇往直前,心无旁骛。即使是在打兔子的时候。   Soon she hunted better than he did, because she held nothing of herself back, even if they merely hunted rabbits.   25、他不久还将到达达尔文去,从那里,他再飞往珀斯。
2023-07-18 08:22:251


Water cube is located in Beijing, it is in the north of the Olympic park, it is near the nest.There is 79,532 square meters building area,its height is 31m and it is 177 meters long, width 177 meters.There are 17,000 Seats .The Olympic Games events were swimming, diving and synchronized swimming.After the game, or held at home and abroad is open to the public
2023-07-18 08:22:332


2023-07-18 08:23:153

“海纳百川 有容乃大” 用英文怎么说

The sea can hold the water from thousands of rivers, it"s big because of its capacity. A person is great when he can be tolerant and forgiving to many other people.
2023-07-18 08:23:231


2023-07-18 08:23:304


You need to pay the travlling fee to come to Guangzhou China by yourself.We offer you the food of the accommodation (live in the expert appartment, have food in the canteen )In addition, we arranged a visit of Guangzhou for you.
2023-07-18 08:23:487


2023-07-18 08:24:052


1 How long have you already wanted to order?2 Still need other services?3 Do you arrive when?4 All things in the room are charges.5 Do you need to order a morning to call?6 The recent lovers fix menu in restaurant of our cabaret, do you need to order 1?7 Does needing us to drive connect to send?8 Do you still need other helps?9 Excuse me, your name, age?10 Do you need a guide?
2023-07-18 08:24:135


1) Party B is in charge of sending booking notice through both parties" connection system.2)If the special distribution seller sends spiteful booking, Party B is responsible for assisting Party A to conduct rational and proper measures betimes to the distribution seller after receiving relevant evidience provided by Party A.3)If Party B can not accomodate in the hotel of Party A due to the system mistakes, Party B shall contact with Party A immediately and assist Party A to make the proper arrangement with the permission of condition.
2023-07-18 08:24:284

杀手代号47这是网址你去看下,是不你要的。另外,找到点秘籍游戏中按[`]键进入控制台,键入下面的代码: god 1 = 无敌模式 infammo = 弹药无限 giveall = 得到所有物品 invisible 1 = 隐形 如果[`]键不起作用,需要对游戏目录下的hitman.ini文件进行编辑,在其底部添加: enableconsole 1 以开启控制台。打开游戏目录下的“Hitman.ini”文档,手工添加如下一行参数:enableconsole 1,以后在游戏中按下 ~ 然后输入以下密码: god 1 无敌模式开启 god 0 无敌模式关闭 invisible 1 隐形开启 invisible 0 隐形关闭 giveall 武器及弹药全满 infammo 无限弹药 注意:隐形开启后会对游戏有影响,在开始的训练关,寻找圣像的丛林关必须在47为可见状态下才能继续发展情节,所以要适时关闭。 giveall 在武器交易关不要用,要不即使按要求完成任务,也无法过关。 如果[`]键不起作用,需要对游戏目录下的hitman.ini文件进行编辑,在其底部添加:enableconsole 1 以开启控制台。 进入所有任务 输入"Kim Bo Kastekniv"作为你的名字 Multiple Gun Combo Trick This trick will let you have up to 15 rounds in any gun. 1. Make sure that you have a Beretta 92 in your inventory. 2. Select the gun you want to have 15 rounds in, and make sure that is the ONLY thing you are holding. 3. Drop the gun on the floor. 4. Take out your Beretta 92 and pick up the gun you just dropped. 5. You will be holding both guns at the same time, and you will have 15 rounds in both guns since they always shoot together. Reward Bug Exploitation When you have completed all the mission objectives, don"t exit yet. Instead, press F1 for the mission status screen to appear. When the "success" message appears press ESC to go back to the game. Then repeat the process. Each time you will be paid the reward for the mission. Easter Egg On the Traditions of the Trade mission there is a minor easter egg. When talking to the recepient you will look in the guest book for Mr.Wuffs room. In the guest book there are some names from the IO team, for example Martin Guldbaek and Rasmus Kjaer from the graphics and design team. And Mads Olson from the tester squad. And Martins room has the number 666 while Rasmus and Mads have numbers 301 and 302. 301 and 302 are the rooms just above the rooms 201 and 202 where Mr.Wuff is accomodated. 使用双枪的方法 选枪时按CTRL键 Lee Hong"s Sword To get the sword of Lee Hong all you have to do is on level 4 go to his mansion,you need to get to Lee without him drawing the sword. Go too Lee"s mansion, as you cannot pass his bodyguard un-noticed the easiest way to do this is by enabling the cheats and putting in the invisibility code. Do NOT kill anyone downstairs and go straight up the stairs. Walk through to a room were Lee keeps on walking in and out of, there is a Red Dragon guard, after Lee has walked out of the room and kill the guard (with fiber-wire) and then when Lee comes back he will not notice the body then kill Lee, this must be done with one shot (or you could yust use a knife or fibre-wire). Now right-click the mouse on his dead body and pick-up sword. Lee Hong"s Sword acts just like a knife only better, you can still stab and slit necks with it. WARNING!!! If you put Lee Hong"s Sword away it does not show in your inventory so you cannot get it back!
2023-07-18 08:24:481


Dear Xiao Wang,Hello.I am glad to hear that you"re going to see me during the National Day holiday.Now I"d like to give you some advice.In the beginning,It"s good for you to stay at my home for one or two days,for you"ll feel tired when you get here.Then I"ll show you around the city.We can first go to the bookstore to buy some books for the new semester,and then visit the art museum.There are a lot of good paitings and paper-cuttings(剪纸)at the museum.Besides,I"ll take you to the zoo where there are many cute animals,such as monkeys,birds and pandas.Surely we can"t miss the latest movies which are to be shown during the holiday.There will be some action movies which are your favourite. The weather here will be a bit cold during National Day,so you"d better take some warm clothes with you. Looking forward to your coming.Regards Yours Li Gang
2023-07-18 08:24:552

select option,鼠标移到哪个选向就给出相应的鼠标提示该怎么做!

你可以看看这个网站,不知道是不是这个意思<style type="text/css">#dhtmltooltip{position: absolute;left: -300px;width: 150px;border: 1px solid black;padding: 2px;background-color: lightyellow;visibility: hidden;z-index: 100;/*Remove below line to remove shadow. Below line should always appear last within this CSS*/filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Shadow(color=gray,direction=135);}#dhtmlpointer{position:absolute;left: -300px;z-index: 101;visibility: hidden;}</style><script type="text/javascript">var offsetfromcursorX=12 //Customize x offset of tooltipvar offsetfromcursorY=10 //Customize y offset of tooltipvar offsetdivfrompointerX=10 //Customize x offset of tooltip DIV relative to pointer imagevar offsetdivfrompointerY=14 //Customize y offset of tooltip DIV relative to pointer image. Tip: Set it to (height_of_pointer_image-1).document.write("<div id="dhtmltooltip"></div>") //write out tooltip DIVdocument.write("<img id="dhtmlpointer" src="arrow2.gif">") //write out pointer imagevar ie=document.allvar ns6=document.getElementById && !document.allvar enabletip=falseif (ie||ns6)var tipobj=document.all? document.all["dhtmltooltip"] : document.getElementById? document.getElementById("dhtmltooltip") : ""var pointerobj=document.all? document.all["dhtmlpointer"] : document.getElementById? document.getElementById("dhtmlpointer") : ""function ietruebody(){return (document.compatMode && document.compatMode!="BackCompat")? document.documentElement : document.body}function ddrivetip(thetext, thewidth, thecolor){if (ns6||ie){if (typeof thewidth!="undefined")"px"if (typeof thecolor!="undefined" && thecolor!="") false}}function positiontip(e){if (enabletip){var nondefaultpos=falsevar curX=(ns6)?e.pageX : event.clientX+ietruebody().scrollLeft;var curY=(ns6)?e.pageY : event.clientY+ietruebody().scrollTop;//Find out how close the mouse is to the corner of the windowvar winwidth=ie&&!window.opera? ietruebody().clientWidth : window.innerWidth-20var winheight=ie&&!window.opera? ietruebody().clientHeight : window.innerHeight-20var rightedge=ie&&!window.opera? winwidth-event.clientX-offsetfromcursorX : winwidth-e.clientX-offsetfromcursorXvar bottomedge=ie&&!window.opera? winheight-event.clientY-offsetfromcursorY : winheight-e.clientY-offsetfromcursorYvar leftedge=(offsetfromcursorX<0)? offsetfromcursorX*(-1) : -1000//if the horizontal distance isn"t enough to accomodate the width of the context menuif (rightedge<tipobj.offsetWidth){//move the horizontal position of the menu to the left by it"s"px"nondefaultpos=true}else if (curX<leftedge)"5px"else{//position the horizontal position of the menu where the mouse is"px""px"}//same concept with the vertical positionif (bottomedge<tipobj.offsetHeight){"px"nondefaultpos=true}else{"px""px"}"visible"if (!nondefaultpos)"visible""hidden"}}function hideddrivetip(){if (ns6||ie){"hidden""hidden""-1000px"""""}}function fSelhit(){var hitinfo=document.all.Sel.options[document.all.Sel.selectedIndex].text ;if (ns6||ie){if (typeof thewidth!="undefined")"px"if (typeof thecolor!="undefined" && thecolor!="") false}}document.onmousemove=positiontip</script><select id=Sel onmouseover="fSelhit()" onMouseout="hideddrivetip()"><option>saaaaaaaaa</option><option>bbbbbb</option><option>ddddd</option></select><div onMouseover="ddrivetip("Yahoo"s Site", 250)";onMouseout="hideddrivetip()">This is a DIV. This is a DIV.</div>
2023-07-18 08:25:021

杀手代号47 秘籍

秘技 打开游戏目录下的“Hitman.ini”文档,手工添加如下一行参数:enableconsole 1,以后在游戏中按下 ~ 然后输入以下密码: god 1 无敌模式开启 god 0 无敌模式关闭 invisible 1 隐形开启 invisible 0 隐形关闭 giveall 武器及弹药全满 infammo 无限弹药 注意:隐形开启后会对游戏有影响,在开始的训练关,寻找圣像的丛林关必须在47为可见状态下才能继续发展情节,所以要适时关闭。 giveall 在武器交易关不要用,要不即使按要求完成任务,也无法过关。 如果[`]键不起作用,需要对游戏目录下的hitman.ini文件进行编辑,在其底部添加:enableconsole 1 以开启控制台。 进入所有任务 输入"Kim Bo Kastekniv"作为你的名字 Multiple Gun Combo Trick This trick will let you have up to 15 rounds in any gun. 1. Make sure that you have a Beretta 92 in your inventory. 2. Select the gun you want to have 15 rounds in, and make sure that is the ONLY thing you are holding. 3. Drop the gun on the floor. 4. Take out your Beretta 92 and pick up the gun you just dropped. 5. You will be holding both guns at the same time, and you will have 15 rounds in both guns since they always shoot together. Reward Bug Exploitation When you have completed all the mission objectives, don"t exit yet. Instead, press F1 for the mission status screen to appear. When the "success" message appears press ESC to go back to the game. Then repeat the process. Each time you will be paid the reward for the mission. Easter Egg On the Traditions of the Trade mission there is a minor easter egg. When talking to the recepient you will look in the guest book for Mr.Wuffs room. In the guest book there are some names from the IO team, for example Martin Guldbaek and Rasmus Kjaer from the graphics and design team. And Mads Olson from the tester squad. And Martins room has the number 666 while Rasmus and Mads have numbers 301 and 302. 301 and 302 are the rooms just above the rooms 201 and 202 where Mr.Wuff is accomodated. 使用双枪的方法 选枪时按CTRL键 Lee Hong"s Sword To get the sword of Lee Hong all you have to do is on level 4 go to his mansion,you need to get to Lee without him drawing the sword. Go too Lee"s mansion, as you cannot pass his bodyguard un-noticed the easiest way to do this is by enabling the cheats and putting in the invisibility code. Do NOT kill anyone downstairs and go straight up the stairs. Walk through to a room were Lee keeps on walking in and out of, there is a Red Dragon guard, after Lee has walked out of the room and kill the guard (with fiber-wire) and then when Lee comes back he will not notice the body then kill Lee, this must be done with one shot (or you could yust use a knife or fibre-wire). Now right-click the mouse on his dead body and pick-up sword. Lee Hong"s Sword acts just like a knife only better, you can still stab and slit necks with it. WARNING!!! If you put Lee Hong"s Sword away it does not show in your inventory so you cannot get it back!
2023-07-18 08:25:242


世界童子军组织(WOSM)和基督教男青年会世界联盟(The World Alliance of YMCA)是当今世界上两个影响最大的青少年组织,它们在组织的建构、目标以及活动的内容方式等方面都有值得我们借鉴之处,并对我们制定青少年政策有如下影响:(1)充分注意青少年组织的自发性特点,培养青少年的参与意识;(2)重视青少年的权益问题;(3)重视青年领袖的培养;(4)加强与国际青年组织的沟通与交流.
2023-07-18 08:25:321


2023-07-18 08:25:541


Relatively perfect matching function!
2023-07-18 08:26:163


Zheng two years of his father died.Have no portrait.One day he came across an old beggar very resembles his father.It is home to please, according to his father draw a painter.Portrait.Good except every meal tube, complete after 50 pence to the beggar.A beggar glad promised.Zheng 2 took his own good clothes out on to the beggar.Let painting.According to the home.Draw a picture, the old beggar was opened at all.This dress is worth less WenYin scores two.If you can go to wear the dress that this winter.Can better.The next day, when the basic outline after painting.The mendicant say to facilitate and took over the run.
2023-07-18 08:26:262


1、dfkklgfcklfjdgjjjkdkdkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk. 2、kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkururngbbusnudrnpsuusrurhr.3、jkajiopreihhgpprruhunhunarhurhhrhaauhh. 4、wnpfdiujdijhfhgsuiruurghguirghurhgu.5、fngngjirjrioijbjnirosdrgjroigjriogjiorjgiorjiogjir.
2023-07-18 08:27:001

how to change confirmed qty in schedulline?

SAP would normally have you accomodate this requirement by generating non-convertible planned orders that drive the ATP (use planning via planning materials or the like). But, if your offline ATP is sufficiently robust (with market penetration strategies, component allocations by segment, etc), this will probably not suffice. In this case, either use the ATP user exit, use product allocation instead of ATP, or store the original customer request date in a custom field and set the requested date = offline ATP date.
2023-07-18 08:27:091


I used to live in a rural village located at suburb. Small as it is, it approximately accomodates 500 families. And there are plenty of fields for peasants to earn their livings. However, there are still multitudes of farmers leaving for urban jobs every year.In the past, it took one day to go out of this remote places. Thanks to the policy of reformation and opening, it is more convenient for villagers to visit the downtown. It ususally takes me 30 minutes to go to the urban city by intercity-railway. And thus, residence find it easier to purchase articles for daily use.There is only one primary school in our village and the nearest junior school locates at the neighbour village. When I was a middle school student, I had to walk there on foot, which is quite tiring.请问你是小学生还是中学生。。?这篇我编的呀。。。需要我根据情况改改么?
2023-07-18 08:27:281

关于 UTF7 和 UTF8编码的问题

UTF7 用于处理普通 ASCII 字符 , 主要普通 ASCII 的二进制编码最高位一般为 0. 在 UTF7 下处理 ASCII 字符的时候需要处理补位 . 补位规则 : 将后一字节的从尾取位补在前一字节的头 , 补满 8 位 . UTF8主要用于处理图片和铃声
2023-07-18 08:27:372


容纳一千人......can accomodate more than 1,000 people
2023-07-18 08:27:451


2023-07-18 08:27:542


基本解释合并图册(2张)收: 1.接到,接受,取得:收发、收信、收支、收讫、收益;2. 藏或放置妥当:这是重要东西,要收好了。3. 割断成熟的农作物:收割、收成、麦收;4. 招回:收兵、收港;5. 聚,合拢:收容、收理、收集;6. 结束:收尾、收煞、收盘;7.逮捕,拘押:收捕、收监、收押、收审;8.约束,控制(感情或行动):收束、收心、收伏(亦作“收服”);笔画数:6;部首:攵;【反义词】放举例收--収--shōu动词解释(形声。从攴(pū),收(jiū)声)同本义〖arrest〗收,捕也。——《说文》女反收之。——《诗·大雅·瞻昂》。传:“拘收也。”单于壮其节,朝夕遣人候问武,而收系张胜。——《汉书·李广苏建传》一时收禽,上下肃然,称为政理。——《后汉书·张衡传》许允为吏部郎,多用其乡里,魏明帝遣虎贲收之。------《世说新语·贤媛》后徙居墓所,景王遣钟会看之,若才流及父,当收。------《世说新语·贤媛》又如:收领(捉拿);收系(逮捕下狱);收付(拘捕罪犯,交付办案);收考(拘捕考问);收夷(捕杀);收劾(拘捕弹劾);收案(拘捕案问);收掩(收捕);收执(捉拿);收禁(拘押监禁);收领(拘禁)收拾;收取〖receive;accept;accomodate〗收,取也。——《广雅》收割收以奔褒。——《国语·郑语》。注:“取也。”勤者有事则收之。——《礼记·玉藻》。疏:“谓敛持在手。”责毕收乎?来何疾也!——《战国策·齐策》必死是间,余收尔骨焉。——《左传·僖公三十三年》古来白骨无人收。——唐·杜甫《兵车行》又如:收发报;收信;收什(收拾);收局(收拾局面);收捉(方言。收拾;修建);收略(收拾;安排);收解(当铺收进的抵押品)聚集;收集〖gather;collect〗收,敛也。——《小尔雅》我其收之。——《诗·周颂·维天之命》。传:“聚也。”既蜡而收。——《仪记·郊特牲》。注:“谓收敛积聚也。”其诗以养父母收族为意。——宋·王安石《伤仲永》公(袁可立)至,即尽收讼牒委各邑理之。——明 董其昌《节寰袁公行状》又如:收括(聚集;约束);收藉(聚集;收集)收容;接受〖takein;admitinto〗仲尼七十说,历聘莫见收。——李白《赠崔郎中宗之》收孤寡,补贫穷。——《荀子·王制》(袁可立)感激上恩,慷慨时事,议收辽左之残兵,汛扫邹藤之妖党。——明 陈继儒《大司马节寰袁公家庙记》又如:收小的(接生);收管(接收囚犯后签的回执)收获;收割〖harvest;reap〗春生夏长,秋收冬藏。——《史记·太史公自序》春种一粒粟,秋收万颗子。——李绅《悯农》又如:收田(收割农田的作物)使中断、停顿或终止〖stop〗曲终收拨当心画,四弦一声如裂帛。——唐·白居易《琵琶行(并序)》又如:收功(止息功能);收泪;收科(收场;圆场);收逢(收场;罢休);收煞(收场;结局);收成结果(送上死路);收驩(停止作乐);收声(止声;销声);收计(关闭清点)征收〖collect;levytaxes〗收租税。——《史记·廉颇蔺相如列传》其收田租亩四升。——曹操《抑兼并令》收取其钱得数百万。——褚少孙《西门豹治邺》又如:收租;收税收回;收缴〖getback〗收天下之兵,聚之咸阳,销锋镝,铸以为金人十二。——汉·贾谊《过秦论》又如:收掌(科举考试的办事人员。外收掌负责收卷;内收掌负责把试卷分给各房房官)收藏;保存〖store〗乃遂收盛樊於期之首,函封之。——《战国策·燕策》占取〖control〗秦将王翦破赵,虏赵王,尽收其地。——《战国策·燕策》收回;收复〖recapture〗攻大泽乡,收而攻蕲。——《史记·陈涉世家》剑外忽传收蓟北,初闻涕泪满衣裳。——唐·杜甫《闻官军收河南河北》
2023-07-18 08:28:021


酌收是一个含蓄的表达,暗含的意思是“一定要收”。基本解释:酌 zhuó 斟酒:对酌。 饮酒宴会:便酌。清酌。 考虑,度量:酌办。酌定。酌情。斟酌。酌加修改。
2023-07-18 08:28:123


这个就要涉及到认知语言学,语义学,甚至认知心理学的根源。抽象名词是和具象名词对立。人们先学会具体事物,然后通过具体事物表现的性质逐渐在学习中总结出共性。总结的过程,就是一个从看得见的具象概念到寻找看不见的抽象概念的过程。按照比较经典的认知心理学家皮亚杰的理论,语言里的抽象词的学习与其他概念的建立没什么区别,不外乎于经典的四个步骤scheme(建模)--assimilate(同化 )--accomodate(调整)--equilibrium(平衡) 。从语言学里的语义学角度上来讲,学习词汇无外乎就是建立事物跟符号/声音的关联。婴儿看到苹果,父母反复指着苹果并写出苹果的文字或者嘴上发着苹果的音,婴儿自然而然会逐渐建立起这个事物和“苹果”这两个字和pingguo的发音的关系,但到底为什么是这样的关系,直到长大才会深究。抽象名词无外乎就是外界事物很难直观体现,但归根究底,人们可以把抽象概念通过一系列手段具象化。即便看不见摸不着,有一系列的定义以及联想方式,所以学习方法基本和具象名词大同小异。但理解的年龄要相对更大,需要的认知水平更高。同理母语里形容词、副词的习得要比名词的习得相对更晚,更难。
2023-07-18 08:28:191


2023-07-18 08:28:261

“收”字在收看 收听中的意思是什么 是什么词性的?

2023-07-18 08:28:341


What is the capacity of the containner
2023-07-18 08:29:034


2023-07-18 08:29:128


F suyxcsuxkauDHS BGHAU XGHCJH XHLXH HXC IS SYD sodhua cgdda sajkdks
2023-07-18 08:29:314


You heart is huge enough to fit in the sky.
2023-07-18 08:29:403


I am glad to receive your invitation again.I will be very happy if I can visit you again.I have spent a wonderful time together with you and Uncle Anas. Now I move into a new condo,and it will be more convenient to accomodate you and Uncle Anas if you would come for a visit. I am looking forward to your visit again.
2023-07-18 08:29:491


2023-07-18 08:30:1511


I might be not the best, but I could be the most qualified for the job.Will we work overtime sometimes?Are we accomodated in the employee dormitory of the hotel?
2023-07-18 08:30:411

bootstrap 父页面怎么向弹出的模态窗体传值或者对象

22down voteaccepted1 think you can do is to get rid of all those onclick attributes and do it the right way with bootstrap. You dont need to open them manually you can specify the trigger and even subscribe to events before the modal opens so that you can do your operations and populate data in it.I am just going to show as a static example which you can accomodate in your real world.on each of your tr"s add a data attribute for id. i.e data-id with the corresponding id value and specify a data-target which is a selector you specify so that when clicked on it bootstrap will select that element as modal dialog and show it. And then you need to add another attribute data-toggle=modal to make this a trigger for modal. <tr data-toggle="modal" data-id="1" data-target="#orderModal"> <td>1</td> <td>24234234</td> <td>A</td> </tr> <tr data-toggle="modal" data-id="2" data-target="#orderModal"> <td>2</td> <td>24234234</td> <td>A</td> </tr> <tr data-toggle="modal" data-id="3" data-target="#orderModal"> <td>3</td> <td>24234234</td> <td>A</td> </tr>and now in the javascript just set up the modal just once and event listen to its events so you can do your work.$(function(){ $("#orderModal").modal({ keyboard: true, backdrop: "static", show:false, }).on("show", function(){ //subscribe to show method var getIdFromRow = $("tr").data("id"); //get the id from tr //make your ajax call populate items or what even you need $(this).find("#orderDetails").html($("<b> Order Id selected: " + getIdFromRow + "</b>")) });});
2023-07-18 08:31:051


e.State的用法不对,正确的用法是这样的 if ((e.State & DrawItemState.Selected) == DrawItemState.Selected)改成这样没问题了
2023-07-18 08:31:133

有nobody of us的用法吗?还是只能用none of us?

都是正确的,但是常用none of us
2023-07-18 08:31:224