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2023-07-19 07:58:41






有条件的医院,一般在冠心病监护病室(Coronary Care Unit, CCU)及重症监护病室(Intensive Care Unit, ICU)均配备有心电监护设备。有的监护系统还同时有体温,血氧饱和度,呼吸频率,有创或无刨血压监测功能。


intensive care



一个康复一个去世。在重症监护室自动出院是康复出院了,而死亡就是去世了。重症监护(intensive care) 是指对收治的各类危重病患者,运用各种先进的医疗技术,现代化的监护和抢救设备,对其实施集中的加强治疗和护理。以最大限度的确保病人的生存及随后的生命质量。综合性的重症监护病房一般设在医院内较中心的位置,并与麻醉科及各手术科室相近,各专科重症监护病房则设在各专科病区内。
2023-07-18 07:50:411

intensive care unit是什么意思

intensive care unit[英][inu02c8tensiv ku025bu0259 u02c8ju:nit][美][u026anu02c8tu025bnsu026av ku025br u02c8junu026at]n.加护病房; 例句:1.According to zhu xiaoming who is working in beijing xuanwu hospital publication and education center, shi tiesheng passed away in the neurosurgical intensive care unit. His families required the doctors not to reveal any information about shi"s disease to others. 据北京宣武医院宣传教育中心褚晓明介绍,史铁生是在医院神经外科重症监护室去世的,家属要求医护人员不能对外透露任何病情
2023-07-18 07:50:512


监护的解释 (1) [tutelage;guardianship]∶对未成年者、 精神 病人等的人身、财产以及其他合法权益的 监督 与 保护 (2) [control]∶ 督察 (3) [supervise;intensive care]∶对危重病人严密 观察 ,以便及时抢救 详细解释 (1).监督;监领。 《后汉书·班超传》 :“是时 于窴王 广德 新攻破 莎车 ,遂雄张南道,而 匈奴 遣使监护其国。” 北魏 郦道元 《水经注·汾水》 :“拜 邓训 为谒者,监护水功。” 唐 陈子昂 《为乔补阙论突厥表》 :“陛下不以臣 不肖 ,特勑臣摄侍御史,监护 燕然 西军。” 宋 欧阳 修 《论葬荆王札子》 :“臣伏覩朝旨虽差 宋祁 监护故 荆王 葬事,然未见降下葬日及 一行 事件 。” (2).指负有监督管领之责的官员。 《旧五代史·晋书·王建立传》 :“及 明宗 为 魏 军所迫,时皇后 曹氏 、淑妃 王氏 在 常山 ,使 建立 杀其监护并部下兵,故 明宗 家属 因而保全。” (3).监察保护。 《汉书·疏广传》 :“太子外 祖父 特进 平恩侯 许伯 以为太子少,白使其弟中郎将 舜 监护太子家。” 宋 王谠 《唐语林·识鉴》 :“ 胡 僧监护甚严,固求良久,乃得见。” 丁玲 《田家冲》 :“大哥常常暗里监护着她,他不让她走到外边去。” 词语分解 监的解释 监 (监) ā 督察:监察。监控。监测。监护。监考。监听。 牢,狱:监狱。监押。监禁。坐监。 监 (监) à 古代官名或官府名:太监( 宦官 ,阄人)。国子监。钦天监(掌管天文历法的官府)。监生(在国子 护的解释 护 (护) ù 使不受 侵犯 和损害:保护。护卫。护理。护士。护航。护林。辩护。守护。 掩蔽,包庇: 护短 。 庇护 。 部首 :扌。
2023-07-18 07:50:581


care for , take care, care about ,take care of
2023-07-18 07:51:206

care都能组成哪些动词词组? 我爱你用英语怎么说?

2023-07-18 07:51:365


问题一:"广西医科大学第一附属医院急诊科"用英文怎么说 你好:广西医科大学第一附属医院急诊科翻译为:“The First Affiliated Hospital of Guangxi Medical University, Emergency Department” 查看原帖>> 问题二:急救室的缩写是什么 英文缩写 ER 英文全称 emergency room ICU这个标志,去过医院的人大概都不陌生。它是Intensive Care Unit的缩写,即“重症加强护理病房”供ICU在我国是从80年代初期才开始兴起的。而在80年代前,ICU的前身是急救室,那时候对急救患者的监护大都靠护士的肉眼观察和听诊器监护心率脉搏,以至于长时间的高紧张度的陪护会使他们耳鸣、手掌起泡。80年代中后期,呼吸机现身,但那时的呼吸机还没有现在这样多的监测功能。 *** 总医院的ICU是在1988年底成立的,当时只有8张病床,还归属为心胸外科专科ICU。科室1994年才有了正式编制,1995年由心胸外科专科ICU转化为综合ICU,病床数也逐渐增多到16张。随着信息化时代的到来,数字医疗技术在 *** 总医院的ICU也有所应用。比如:医生工作站设有中心监护站,可直接看到所有病床的监护设备(如呼吸机、监护仪、输液泵等)监测到的患者病况;病床旁设有探视系统,可让患者家属不进入科室,即可探视到患者状况,该系统还能进行双向的视频和音频通话,这也是远程技术的一种运用。 问题三:"广西医科大学第一附属医院急诊科"用英文怎么说?急,多谢英语强人解答拜托各位了 3Q 你好:广西医科大学第一附属医院急诊科翻译为:“The First Affiliated Hospital of Guangxi Medical University, Emergency Department” 查看原帖>> 问题四:求专业英语达人帮个忙。“XX县人民医院”、“门诊病房综合楼”、“急救中心”的英文专业翻译。谢谢~ 译文: 1. XX县人民医院――People"s Hospital of XX(用汉语拼音即可,首字母大写) County [例如:People"s Hospital of Pi揣ggu County] 2. 门诊病房综合楼 Building for Outpatient & Inpatinet Services 3. 急救中心 Emergency Center 这样就完全可以了,本人英语专业出身,希望可以帮到你啦~ 问题五:“医院门急诊综合楼方案设计” 英文怎么写? The Design Scheme for Hospital Critical Care and Emergency Department Bilding 问题六:今天挂了急诊科,医生问我怎么了我说感冒,他直让我去外面要点买药,我告诉他让他在医院开点他说医院药贵 你好,请到医院医务科或检审科投诉 问题七:口语交际。 奶奶生病了爸爸妈妈不在家你带奶奶去医院看病。到了急诊室,你该怎么说? 见到医生:___ 你好,医生,我奶奶生病了,请你帮我奶奶看病 谢谢你医生,我会按你的方法来督促奶奶吃药的!
2023-07-18 07:51:501


2023-07-18 07:52:001


上百度打 在线新华字典
2023-07-18 07:52:551


  大家在申请签证或者办其他事情的时候,需要出示一系列英文 申请书 或证明,那么具体要怎么写呢?下面是我跟大家分享的给领事馆写的信,欢迎大家来阅读学习。   给领事馆写的一封信篇1   Dear Sir or Madam,   I’m writing to report the unfair treatment I have had in the interview when applying for the U.S. Visa at your Guangzhou Office. Prior to this, I have sent another letter regarding to this issue (see attachment) to U.S. Immigration, from which I got the instruction that I should write this letter to the U.S. Embassy in Beijing. That’s why I’m writing to you now in the sincere hope of resolving this issue and being entitled with the fair and reasonable treatment I should have had previously.   As for the general picture of the event, you may kindly refer to the first letter which, I believe, has made it quite clear about what has really happened.   With due respect, sir or madam, if I may, I’m earnestly requesting you, as a common citizen, as a husband or a wife, but not as a U.S. government official, to stand in my shoes trying to feel and understand what I’ve been feeling.   When the official who had interviewed me gave me the white form directly without a second of hesitation (no exaggeration), I knew clearly my application was rejected unfairly and unreasonably, meanwhile, it declared to me that the past 22 months of efforts and preparations I had made was all in vain----at least it seems that way so far. Disappointed and angry though I was, I managed to stay calm at that moment, because I didn’t want to overreact and stir up a severe conflict, thinking that there had been so many other applicants still waiting eagerly, otherwise, we would have made a scene.   My husband is a legal American citizen, as the wife of an American citizen, I always take it as my own duty to defend the reputation and authority of my husband’s country, especially when I realized that I myself was on my way to the U.S. citizenship. So I just couldn’t stand seeing the reputation ruined and the figure of authority removed by some unreliable and irresponsible official. Of that I have always been well aware.   I was born and brought up in Guangzhou, so I speak Cantonese as my mother language. I hate to say that, but it’s really difficult for many Cantonese to learn English well, especially for middle-agers like me. As you may know, due to the lack of good education at their youth, many middle-aged Cantonese cannot even speak good mandarin now, let alone English. Therefore, it goes without saying that I would have great difficulty in communicating effectively with the immigration official in English. But this could and should never be held as an excuse and convenience for the official’s rushing to judgement that our marriage is illegal, even worse, bogus----without taking a slightest look at any document I had prepared and brought there. That has been a severe humiliation on our honesty, personality, dignity and the marriage based on true love. His attitude, behavior and performance in dealing with my case, forgive me for sounding rude, were totally ridiculous, amateur, unqualified and unacceptable.   Now that my 71 years’ old husband got injured in a traffic accident and is in hospital. He is in urgent need of my intensive care, both physically and mentally. But due to the unfair and unreasonable treatment mentioned above, no matter how earnestly I wish I could fly immediately to be by his side now, my husband has to wait hopelessly without knowing when he can see his beloved wife again. Thinking about the possibility of never seeing each other again, every night I cry myself to sleep and I will always find tear stains on my pillow when I wake up the next day. I feel so all alone, helpless, hopeless and dare not imagine what kind of life it would be if I couldn’t be with my husband.   Dear sir or madam, if you were me, how would you have felt?   Besides, it is known to all that many western countries are criticizing or even attacking China on the issue of human rights. I’m not sure about your attitude toward this issue, but whatever it is, let’s for the moment put politics aside and have a discussion between two normal humans. What are human rights like to your understanding? Do you agree that family reunion of legal citizens is an inseperable part of human rights that our world or society has been valuing and striving for? Don’t you agree that it’s a wife’s loyal duty to be able to take care of her beloved husband when needed most? So, help me please, please, please!!!   I would sincerely suggest a thorough investigation and I promise you that the Authority will have my full cooperation. I’m urgently looking forward to a timely solution and being entitled with what I deserve. Your responsibility as a government official and your kindness and compassion as a common citizen would be highly appreciated!   Best regards!   给领事馆写的一封信篇2   Dear all,   I, xxx, (born on xx.xx.xxxx, Pass-Nr.xxxxxxx), study at the University of xxx.   Hereby I want to invite   Mr(s). Xxx ( born on xx.xx.xxxx, Pass-Nr.:xxxxxxx)   from xx.xx.2014 until xx.xx.2014 to go to Germany. During the visit, I will care for her accommodation.   My address and phone number is:   Name Address Tel Email   Mr(s).xxx has a stable job in China. After his/her vacation, he/she will go back to China and continue working. It will be guarantee that my mother will definitely go back to China.   I also send the copy of my passport and visa as attachment.   best regards,   name, date.   给领事馆写的一封信篇3   Dear Sir or Madam:   We hereby confirm that Mr. Zhang San, the visa applicant, whose national passport number is G88888888, has been working for the Department of Education of XX Province (abbreviated to XPDE hereinafter) as a civil servant for fifteen years since July 1993 and has heretofore kept a good record of performance. The current title of Mr. Zhang is Vice-Director of Division of Legal Affairs, XPDE and his current salary (after-tax) is five thousand and five hundred Renminbi yuan (CNY 5,500) per month.   Mr. Zhang applied for a leave of 7 days from 1st to 7th October 2008 for his vacation that he planned to spend in your country at his own expense. He assures to comply with UK laws when in your country and return to his position when the vacation is over. We have approved his application and made sure that we will reserve his position and salary during his leave.   Please kindly afford him any appropriate assistance concerning visa affairs in case of need. If any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the Division of Personnel, XPDE at +86 (10) 8678-5588 ext. 1234. Sincerely,   Division of Personnel   Department of Education of XX Province   给领事馆写的一封信篇4   Dear Sir/Mme,   My name is (****), passport number (*****), and I have received a notice that my visa was granted. However, do to some personal issues and time conflict during (你准备去的时间),unfortunately, I might not be able to travel to (你要去的地方). Hence, I am writing to request my passport back as soon as possible. Sorry for the inconvenience. And please inform me when is a good time to pick up my passport.   Thanks   Yours sincerely, 看了“给领事馆写的一封信 英文”的人还看了: 1. 写给外国学校的申请信英语 2. 英语美文:写给20多岁自己的一封信 3. 如何用英语写一封得体的邀请信 4. 用英语写给英语老师的一封信 5. 给朋友写一封感谢信英语
2023-07-18 07:53:011


Zhongnan shan primary school.
2023-07-18 07:53:103


2015的还没出呢吧 2014年的给你做个参考吧2013-2014年澳洲职业技术移民清单中英文对照表 2013年7月1日开始使用的SOL列表澳洲移民局公布了最新的职业列表,首先恭喜会计学生不用担心,会计还在职业列表上面,但同时也移除了5个职业分别是Hospital Pharmacist(医院药剂师)、Retail Pharmacist(零售药剂师)、Aircraft Maintenance Engineer (Avionics)(飞机维修工程师(航空电子))、Aircraft Maintenance Engineer (Mechanical)(飞机维修工程师(机械))、Aircraft Maintenance Engineer (Structures)(飞机维修工程师(结构))。以下是完整的职业列表,从2013年7月1日起正式使用。 133111 Construction Project Manager 施工项目经理133112 Project Builder 工程建设师133211 Engineering Manager 工程经理133513 Production Manager (Mining) 矿业生产部门经理134111 Child Care Centre Manager 幼儿中心经理134211 Medical Administrator 医疗管理员134212 Nursing Clinical Director 护理临床主任134213 Primary Health Organisation Manager 初级卫生机构主管134214 Welfare Centre Manager 福利中心经理221111 Accountant (General) 会计(一般)221112 Management Accountant 管理会计221113 Taxation Accountant 税务会计221213 External Auditor 外部审计员221214 Internal Auditor 内部审计员224111 Actuary 精算师224511 Land Economist 土地经济学家224512 Valuer 估价师231212 Ship"s Engineer 船舶工程师231213 Ship"s Master 船长231214 Ship"s Officer 船员232111 Architect 建筑师232112 Landscape Architect 景观建筑师232212 Surveyor 测量师232213 Cartographer 制图员232214 Other Spatial Scientist 其他空间科学家232611 Urban and Regional Planner 城市和区域规划师233111 Chemical Engineer 化学工程师233112 Materials Engineer 材料工程师233211 Civil Engineer 土木工程师233212 Geotechnical Engineer 地质工程师233213 Quantity Surveyor 工料测量师233214 Structural Engineer 结构工程师233215 Transport Engineer 运输工程师233311 Electrical Engineer 电气工程师233411 Electronics Engineer 电子工程师233511 Industrial Engineer 工业工程师233512 Mechanical Engineer 机械工程师233513 Production or Plant Engineer 生产或工厂工程师233611 Mining Engineer(excluding Petroleum) 采矿工程师(不包括石油)233612 Petroleum Engineer 石油工程师233911 Aeronautical Engineer 航空工程师233912 Agricultural Engineer 农业工程师233913 Biomedical Engineer 生物医学工程师233914 Engineering Technologist 工程技师233915 Environmental Engineer 环境工程师233916 Naval Architect 军舰建造师234111 Agricultural Consultant 农业顾问234112 Agricultural Scientist 农业科学家234113 Forester 护林员234611 Medical Laboratory Scientist 医学实验室科学家234711 Veterinarian 兽医234912 Metallurgist 冶金专家234914 Physicist (Medical Physicist only) 物理学家(仅医学物理学家)241111 Early Childhood (Pre-Primary School)Teacher 幼儿(学前)教师241411 Secondary School Teacher 中学教师241511 Special Needs Teacher 特别需要教师241512 Teacher of the Hearing Impaired 听障教师241513 Teacher of the Sight Impaired 视力受损教师241599 Special Education Teachers nec 特殊教师(其他未分类)251211 Medical Diagnostic Radiographer 医疗放射诊断技师251212 Medical Radiation Therapist 医疗方式治疗学家251213 Nuclear Medicine Technologist 核医学技师251214 Sonographer 超声医师251311 Environmental Health Officer 环境卫生官员251312 Occupational Health andSafety Advisor 职业健康和安全顾问251411 Optometrist 验光师252111 Chiropractor 脊医(脊椎治疗师)252112 Osteopath 整骨医生252311 Dental Specialist 牙科专家252312 Dentist 牙医252411 Occupational Therapist 职业治疗师252511 Physiotherapist 物理治疗师252611 Podiatrist 足病治疗师252712 Speech Pathologist 言语病理学家253111 General Medical Practitioner 普通科医生253211 Anaesthetist 麻醉师253311 Specialist Physician(General Medicine) 专科医师(一般医学)253312 Cardiologist 心脏病学家253313 Clinical Haematologist 临床血液学医师253314 Medical Oncologist 内科肿瘤医师253315 Endocrinologist 内分泌医师253316 Gastroenterologist 消化科医师253317 Intensive Care Specialist 重症监护专家253318 Neurologist 神经科医生253321 Paediatrician 儿科专家253322 Renal Medicine Specialist 肾医学专家253323 Rheumatologist 风湿病专家253324 Thoracic Medicine Specialist 胸腔医学专家253399 Specialist Physicians nec 其他未分类专科医生253411 Psychiatrist 精神病医生253511 Surgeon (General) 外科医生253512 Cardiothoracic Surgeon 心胸外科医生253513 Neurosurgeon 神经外科医生253514 Orthopaedic Surgeon 骨科外科医生253515 Otorhinolaryngologist 耳鼻喉科医生253516 Paediatric Surgeon 儿科医生253517 Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon 整形外科医生和整形师253518 Urologist 泌尿科医生253521 Vascular Surgeon 血管外科医生253911 Dermatologist 皮肤科253912 Emergency Medicine Specialist 急诊医学专科医生253913 Obstetrician and Gynaecologist 产科医生和妇科医生253914 Ophthalmologist 眼科医生253915 Pathologist 病理学家253917 Diagnostic and Interventional Radiologist 诊断与放射科医生253918 Radiation Oncologist 放射肿瘤科253999 Medical Practitioners nec 其他未分类开业医师254111 Midwife 助产士254411 Nurse Practitioner 执业护士254412 Registered Nurse (Aged Care) 注册护士(老年护理)254413 Registered Nurse(Child and Family Health) 注册护士(儿童和家庭卫生)254414 Registered Nurse (Community Health) 注册护士(社区卫生)254415 Registered Nurse(Critical Care and Emergency) 注册护士(重症护理和紧急)254416 Registered Nurse(Development Disability) 注册护士(发展残疾)254417 Registered Nurse(Disability and Rehabilitation) 注册护士(残疾和康复)254418 Registered Nurse (Medical) 注册护士(医疗)254421 Registered Nurse (Medical Practice) 注册护士(医疗实践)254422 Registered Nurse (Mental Health) 注册护士(心理健康)254423 Registered Nurse (Perioperative) 注册护士(手术室)254424 Registered Nurse (Surgical) 注册护士(手术病房)254499 Registered Nurse nec 其他未分类注册护士261111 ICT Business Analyst 信息和通信技术业务分析师261112 Systems Analyst 系统分析员261311 Analyst Programmer 分析程序员261312 Developer Programmer 开发程序员261313 Software Engineer 软件工程师263111 Computer Network and Systems Engineer 计算机网络和系统工程师263311 Telecommunications Engineer 电信通讯工程师263312 Telecommunications Network Engineer 通讯网络工程师271111 Barrister 律师271311 Solicitor 律师272311 Clinical Psychologist 临床心理学家272312 Educational Psychologist 教育心理学家272313 Organisational Psychologist 组织结构心理学家272314 Psychotherapist 心理治疗师272399 Psychologists nec 其他未分类心理学家272511 Social Worker 社工312211 Civil Engineering Draftsperson 土木工程绘图员312212 Civil Engineering Technician 土木工程技术员312311 Electrical Engineering Draftsperson 电气工程绘图员312312 Electrical Engineering Technician 电气工程技术员313211 Radiocommunications Technician 无线电通信技术员313212 Telecommunications Field Engineer 电信领域工程师313213 Telecommunications Network Planner 电信网络规划员313214 Telecommunications Technical Officer orTechnologist 电讯技术员或技师321111 Automotive Electrician 汽车电工321211 Motor Mechanic (General) 汽车修理工(普通)321212 Diesel Motor Mechanic 柴油发动机机械师321213 Motorcycle Mechanic 摩托车机械师321214 Small Engine Mechanic 小型发动机机械师322211 Sheetmetal Trades Worker 钣金工322311 Metal Fabricator 金属构造工322312 Pressure Welder 压力焊接工322313 Welder (First Class) 电焊工(甲等)323211 Fitter (General) 钳工(一般)323212 Fitter and Turner 装配工与车工323213 Fitter-Welder 钳工焊工323214 Metal Machinist (First Class) 金属机械师(一流)323313 Locksmith 锁匠331112 Stonemason 石匠331211 Carpenter and Joiner 木工和细木工331212 Carpenter 木工331213 Joiner 工匠332211 Painting Trades Workers 绘画行业工人333111 Glazier 玻璃工333211 Fibrous Plasterer 纤维泥水匠333212 Solid Plasterer 固体泥水匠334111 Plumber (General) 管道工(普通)334112 Airconditioning and MechanicalServices Plumber 空调工程服务管道工334113 Drainer 水管工334114 Gasfitter 煤气安装管道工334115 Roof Plumber 屋顶管道工341111 Electrician (General) 电工(普通)341112 Electrician (Special Class) 电工(特级)341113 Lift Mechanic 电梯技工342111 Airconditioning and Refrigeration Mechanic 空调和制冷机械342211 Electrical Linesworker 电气接线员342212 Technical Cable Jointer 电缆接线技工342313 Electronic Equipment Trades Worker 电子设备行业技术工人342314 Electronic Instrument Trades Worker(General) 电子仪器行业技术工人(普通)342315 Electronic Instrument Trades Worker(Special Class) 电子仪器行业技术工人(特级)399111 Boat Builder and Repairer 造船师和修船师399112 Shipwright 造船师411211 Dental Hygienist 牙齿卫生员411212 Dental Prosthetist 牙科修复师411213 Dental Technician 牙科技师411214 Dental Therapist 牙科治疗师
2023-07-18 07:53:473


成瘾的社会因素 一、人口学特征,包括性别、种族和年龄。二、社会文化环境因素,包括 1、社会文化背景 2、社会生活环境,包括经济因素、社会压力、治安环境。 3、物质可获得性。 4、同伴的影响。 5、法律相关的问题。三、家庭因素。家庭关系,家庭结构。四、成瘾的心理因素 1、成瘾者病前人格特征。2、成瘾者初期使用物质时心理的特征。3、、与物质使用相关的精神病理学因素,包括一躁狂和抑郁焦虑应激和其他近年来研究发现成语与人格障碍抑郁以及精神分裂症有关,调查发现约有一半的精神分裂症患者合并物质使用障碍,人格障碍与物质滥用的关系也非常的紧密,主反社会人格障碍,边缘型人格障碍等。五、成瘾行为的心理学分析 1、精神分析理论2、行为学习理论包括三种条件反射理论、强化理论和社会学习理论,3、人本主义理论。4、认知理论。第8章精神疾病与成瘾相关障碍的症状学。 认知过程障碍一、感觉障碍包括一感觉过敏,二感觉减退,三感觉倒退,四内感性不适。二、知觉障碍1.错觉(illusion) 错觉是歪曲的知觉,是把实际存在的人和物感知为与实际不相符的人或物。例如,酒精戒断性谵妄的患者将天花板上的小洞看成是蚂蚁。也可见于大麻、苯丙胺类、氯胺酮滥用者等。 2.幻觉(hallucination)是指没有相应的客观刺激时所出现的知觉体验。临床常见的幻觉表现形式如下。(1)听幻觉(auditory hallucination): 最多见。在没有现实听觉刺激下听到各种声音,如讲话声、机械声。言语性幻听较多见。可见于酒精急性戒断状态、高剂量苯丙胺类药物、可卡因使用者、苯环己哌啶中毒者等物质使用者。慢性酒精中毒性幻觉发生于患者意识清楚时,听幻觉的内容通常为攻击或威胁性,患者常受此困扰,焦虑、坐立不安。(2)视幻觉(visual hallucination): 较多见,指没有现实视觉刺激下看到不同的事物,内容丰富多样,有的清晰鲜明,也有的模糊不清。如看到床下有很多小动物爬行,或看到一道亮光或影子。一般来说,与精神分裂症等精神障碍相比,物质所致的视幻觉往往生动、鲜明,往往伴有错觉,患者可有明显情绪反应。可见于酒精戒断患者,苯丙胺类药物、可卡因使用者、大麻、氯胺酮成瘾者等。(3)嗅幻觉(olfactory hallucination): 在没有现实嗅觉刺激下闻到各种气味,通常为一些令人不愉快的难闻气味。多见于可卡因成瘾者。(4)味幻觉(gustatory hallucination): 指没有现实味觉刺激下尝到各种味道,通常为异常的怪味,常和其他幻觉妄想合并出现。(5)触幻觉(tactile hallucination): 在没有现实触觉刺激下体会到各种感觉。常见麻木感、刀刺感、通电感、虫爬感等。触幻觉是可卡因中毒的典型表现,患者常感到身上有虫子爬走,也称“蚁走感”。触幻觉与被害妄想共存而构成“可卡因狂”。也可见于甲基苯丙胺和大麻依赖者及氯胺酮戒断者。三、思维障碍(一)思维形式障碍1.思维联想过程的障碍(1)思维奔逸(flight of thought): 指思维活动量的增加和转变快速。患者的思维常为环境中的变化所吸引而转移其话题(随境转移),或按某些词汇的发音相似(音联)或某些词语意义上相近(意联)而转换主题。患者表现为健谈,自觉脑子灵活、反应快,好像机器加了“润滑油”一样,不假思索出口成章。此类症状多见于躁狂状态、苯丙胺类兴奋剂中毒状态等。(2)思维迟缓(inhibition或retardation of thought):指思维活动显著缓慢,联想困难,注意力不集中,大脑一片空白。患者自觉反应迟钝,表现为语量少、语速慢、语音低。多见于抑郁状态。(3)思维贫乏(poverty of thought):指思想内容空虚,概念和词汇贫乏,对一般询问无明确回答,或仅简单地答“不知道”、“没什么”。患者诉“没有什么可想的,也没有什么可说的”。但是患者对此漠然处之。可见于精神分裂症及痴呆状态。(4)病理性赘述(circumstantiality):以思维黏滞,停留在某些枝节问题上而抓不住主要环节为其主要特征。患者在叙述事物时,详细地、累赘地描述细节问题,以至于一些无意义的细节掩盖了主题。多见于各种脑器质性损害所致的精神障碍,最典型的是癫痫性精神障碍。2.思维联想连贯性障碍(1)思维松弛或思维散漫(looseness of thinking): 患者思维活动可表现为联想松弛,内容散漫,对问题的叙述不切题,缺乏一定的逻辑关系,使人感到交流困难,对言语的主题及想法也不易理解。(2)思维破裂(splitting of thought):在意识清楚的状况下,患者的思维联想破裂,句与句之间无任何联系,主题内容缺乏连贯性和逻辑性。如问患者:“你叫什么名字?”,答:“你上课,水流哗哗地响,人民都兴高采烈,我的眼睛不好,有两个问题不懂,我想参加运动会,但手指甲不好”。此类症状见于精神分裂症及严重的中毒障碍。(3)思维不连贯(incoherence of thought): 在各类疾病引发的意识障碍情况下,患者言语凌乱无章,语句片段,无法理解其表达的含义。多见于感染、中毒、颅脑创伤所致意识障碍等。(4)思维中断(blocking of thought):患者无意识障碍,也无明显的外界干扰因素,联想过程在短暂时间内突然中断,或言语突然停顿。这种思维中断不受患者意愿支配。有时患者感到思考过程中突然出现一些与主题无关的意外想法,即思维插入(thought insertion)。多见于精神分裂症,也可见于大麻滥用者等。(5)思维云集(pressure of thought):又称强制性思维(forced thought),指不受患者意愿的支配,脑中强制性地大量涌现出很多想法,内容杂乱,令患者厌恶。它往往突然出现,迅速消失。多见于精神分裂症、颅脑损伤伴发精神障碍。(二)思维内容障碍妄想(delusion)是一种在病理基础上产生的歪曲信念、病态的推理和判断。不符合客观现实,也不符合所受的文化教育水平,但患者对此坚信不疑,无法被说服,也不能以亲身体验和经历加以纠正。1.关系妄想(delusion of reference)又称牵连观念。 患者把周围环境中一些与己无关的现象,都认为与其有关。把别人说的话、电视上说的话、陌生人的举动,都认为与他有一定的联系。常与被害妄想混合存在。2.特殊意义妄想(delusion of special significance)可在上述关系妄想的基础上产生,患者认为周围人的言行,平凡的举动,不仅与他有关,且赋有特殊的意义。如精神分裂症的患者认为别人给她一本名叫《恐怖谷》的书,是“暗示”她将被杀害。3.被害妄想(delusion of persecution)最常见。 患者无中生有地坚信周围某些人或某些组织,对他进行跟踪监视,谋害或陷害。被害妄想常伴有幻觉,也可与其他妄想同时存在。可见于苯丙胺类兴奋剂所致的精神障碍和精神分裂症等。四、注意障碍1.注意增强(hyperprosexia)一种是注意指向外在的某些事物,如具有妄想观念的患者,围绕一个系统妄想,过分地注意所怀疑的事物。另一种是指向患者本身的某些生理活动,如疑病观念,患者常过分关注自身健康状态,其他任何事情都不易转移注意力。2.注意减退(hypoprosexia)即主动及被动注意的兴奋性减弱。患者难以在一定时间内注意某一事物,同一时间内所能掌握的客体范围显著缩小,注意的稳定性也显著下降。这在过度疲劳状态、器质性精神障碍及物质中毒引起的意识障碍中较为多见。3.注意涣散(divergence of attention)为主动注意明显减弱,即注意力不集中。4.注意狭窄(narrowing of attention)患者注意范围显著缩小,主动注意减弱。当患者集中注意某一事物时,其他一般易于唤起注意的事物并不引起患者的注意。多见于物质使用所致的意识朦胧状态。5.注意固定(fixation of attention)指患者注意稳定性特别增强。可见于健康人和精神疾病。也可见物质依赖患者,将注意总是固定于某些妄想观念上。6.注意转移(transference of attention)指被动注意的兴奋性增强,注意不持久,注意的对象不断转换。如物质依赖患者处于兴奋状态时,注意力易受周围环境影响而转移(随境转移),以至于不断改变话题和活动内容,而这种注意力又不能持久。五、记忆障碍1.记忆增强(hypermnesia)为病理性记忆增强,如有系统妄想的患者,能回忆起既往生活中相关的细节。轻躁狂患者,在接近联想的基础上,产生对某些既往生活事件详细情节的回忆。2.记忆减退(hypomnesia)是指识记、保存、再认和回忆普遍减退,常见于脑器质性疾病,如痴呆及物质中毒等。3.遗忘(amnesia)是指局限于某一事件或某一时期内经历的遗忘。它不是记忆普遍性减弱,而是一种回忆的丧失。4.错构(paramnesia)是一种记忆的错误。如患者将过去生活中所经历过事件,说成是在当前发生的,并坚信是事实,并予以相应的情感反应。可见于酒精中毒性精神病,其他物质依赖所致痴呆等。5.虚构(confabulation)也是一种记忆错误,指患者对从未发生的事件或经历说成确有其事。常见于酒精性遗忘症。六、智能障碍1.智力低下因为患者在胎儿期、出生时或婴幼儿时期,大脑发育由于遗传、感染、中毒、头部创伤、内分泌异常或缺氧等因素而受到阻碍,以致大脑发育不良,使智能发育停留在一定阶段。可见于酒精胎儿综合征。2.痴呆(dementia)是后天的一类综合征,可见定向、记忆、理解、计算、学习能力以及判断力的障碍。常见于慢性物质中毒或依赖所致的痴呆。一般来说,病变多呈进行性加重,常不可逆或不能完全恢复。见于慢性物质滥用/依赖所致的痴呆综合征。七、自知力自知力(insight)是指患者对其本身精神病状态的认识能力,即能否察觉或识辨自己有病和精神状态是否正常,并指出自己既往和现在的表现与体验中哪些是属于病态。物质依赖所致的精神障碍大多数自知力部分存在,部分患者存在不同程度的自知力损害。八、定向力定向力(orientation)是指一个人对时间、地点及人物,以及对自身状况的辨认能力。定向力一般包括对周围环境的认识(时间、地点和人物),及对其自身状况的认识(本人姓名、年龄、职业等)。一般来说,物质滥用或依赖者定向力存在,但在服用某些物质急性中毒或急性戒断时可能发生定向障碍。第二节 情感障碍 1.情感高涨(elation)此时患者情感活动增强,情绪高涨,表现欢喜若狂。自负自信,夸大,易激惹。患者的这种情感具有感染力和共鸣,与周围环境相协调。如服食可卡因出现情感高涨状态,主要表现为兴奋、精力充沛和欣快感、夸大观念、判断力受损和性欲亢进。2.欣快(euphoria)器质性精神病如脑动脉硬化性精神病、老年性痴呆及麻痹性痴呆等出现欣快情绪,患者说不清愉悦的原因。比较单调刻板,难以引起周围人的共鸣。成瘾者吸食成瘾物质后也会出现欣快感,如大麻可引起欣快、超脱和仙境的感觉。3.情绪低落(depression)患者情绪低沉,整日忧心忡忡,愁眉不展,唉声叹气,悲观绝望,感到自己一无是处,无助无望,以至于产生自杀观念和自杀行为。多见于抑郁症,苯丙胺依赖者、酒精所致抑郁障碍等。4.易激惹(irritability)患者一遇到刺激或不愉快的事件,即使很轻微,也很容易产生一些强烈的情绪反应。可见物质滥用或依赖者以及多种物质戒断综合征。5.情感淡漠(apathy)患者对外界任何刺激均缺乏相应的情感反应,对周围发生的事漠不关心,面部表情冷淡呆板,内心体验贫乏或缺如,与周围环境不协调。可见于精神分裂症、痴呆患者。6.恐惧(phobia)患者对平常的物品、环境或活动,产生一种紧张恐惧的心理,感到这种恐惧没有必要,但无法摆脱。常见于焦虑障碍,大麻滥用者会感到失控和恐惧死亡。第三节 意志、行为障碍 1.意志增强(hyperbulia)躁狂状态患者什么事都去参与或干涉,精力充沛,丝毫不感到疲倦。但其活动随境转移,以至于做事有始无终。另一类意志增强主要是见于偏执状态的患者,受妄想的支配,到处控告,缺乏任何客观证据,内容荒谬,脱离现实,但患者坚信不疑,说服教育无法改变。2.意志减退(hypobulia)由于情绪低落、兴趣下降,以致意志消沉,不愿参加外界活动,常独处,整日呆坐不动或卧床不起,平时行为缓慢,严重时即使日常生活也不能自理。常见于抑郁症、长期物质滥用/依赖。3.运动行为障碍(1)刻板动作(stereotype): 患者持续、单调而重复地做一个动作。长期使用高剂量苯丙胺可导致反复刻板的整理行为。单调的刻板动作如反复扒衣服,复杂刻板动作如画画。(2)夸大的躯体语言: 在甲基苯丙胺所致的精神障碍中,患者在谈话时每说一句话都挥动手指,但是这些动作迅速,无法传达信息,缺乏实际意义。患者试图通过一种动作来描述每一个单词。夸大、无意义的动作可能被认为是甲基苯丙胺所致精神障碍的征象。第四节 意识障碍 一、环境相关意识障碍1.意识清晰度降低(1)嗜睡(drowsiness):此时意识的清晰度水平降低较轻微,在安静环境下,患者经常处于嗜睡状态,呼叫或推动患者身体,患者可立即清醒,并且也能进行一些简短而正确的交谈或做一些简单的动作,但刺激一旦消失又很快入睡。吞咽、瞳孔、角膜等反射均存在。(2)意识混浊(clouding of consciousness): 指一种意识受损状态,它是由完全清醒到昏迷的过渡阶段。患者多处于半睡状态,对外界刺激阈值增高,除强烈刺激以外,难以引起心身反应,注意、记忆、理解困难,对光反射存在。(3)意识错乱(confusion): 常见于急慢性脑器质性疾病的意识受损状态,表现为定向障碍、精神活动迟缓、情感平淡、缺乏主动性、注意力不集中,轻者检查可引起恰当的反应,严重时不能与环境保持联系。(4)昏迷(coma): 意识完全丧失,患者无自发性运动,对任何刺激不产生反应。许多反射如吞咽、防御、瞳孔对光反应均可消失,并可引出病理性反射。2.意识范围改变主要表现为朦胧状态(twilight state),其临床特点是意识范围缩小或狭窄,同时伴有意识清晰度水平的降低。意识活动集中于狭窄而孤立的范围内,患者只对这部分体验存在感知。还可出现定向力障碍,片段的幻觉、错觉和妄想,并可在幻觉、妄想的支配下产生攻击或危害周围人的行为。意识朦胧状态一般是发作性的,常突然产生,突然中止,持续时间不一,可由数分钟至数小时,有的可长达数日。发作后一般多处于深度睡眠,意识恢复后常伴有完全性遗忘。多见于癫痫性精神障碍及癔症,以及反应性精神病,颅脑损伤,感染中毒以及躯体疾病所致精神障碍。3.意识内容改变(1)谵妄状态(delirium):特点为意识清晰度水平降低,同时产生大量的错觉和幻觉,以幻视为多见。幻觉内容多为生动而逼真的、形象性的人物或场面,如见到昆虫、猛兽、神鬼等。患者多伴有紧张、恐惧等情绪,兴奋不安,行为冲动。言语不连贯,不时喃喃自语。对周围环境定向丧失。谵妄状态多在昼轻夜重,持续时间可数小时至数日不等。意识恢复后,患者对其发作中的经过有部分回忆,也可完全遗忘。多见于酒精戒断后谵妄状态、苯丙胺、氯胺酮中毒。酒精戒断后谵妄状态的患者除酒精戒断症状以外,还存在定向障碍,幻觉和错觉的体验,通常幻视比较常见,多带有恐怖色彩。氯胺酮半衰期比较短,常出现急性幻觉妄想和谵妄状态,一般在24小时内完全消失,少数滥用者的幻觉妄想会持续1~2周。2)梦样状态(oneiroid state):是指意识清晰度水平降低的一种梦境样体验。梦样状态以假性幻觉(幻视和幻听)为主,内容以想象性、神话性题材的场面和既往生活的某些场面为多见,所体验的事件常相互衔接,形成连续性情节,患者多以幻想事件的参与者身份出现。这种状态可持续至数周或数个月之久。而谵妄状态则以旁观者身份出现。在甲基苯丙胺(冰毒)所致的精神障碍中,患者称“我生活在一个充满压力的世界里,虽然这个世界很好,但我是弱者,所以无法生存下去”。梦样状态也见于使用大麻、氯胺酮者。二、自我意识障碍1.人格解体(dispersonalization)对自我与周围环境的一种不真实性感觉,对自我的不真实感即人格解体。而对周围环境则称为非真实感(derealization)。患者称:“我脑子变得不是自己的了”,“我的一切行动都不是在表演而是真实的,但不是我真实的行动”。可见于大麻、氯胺酮、苯丙胺滥用或依赖者、苯二氮类药物戒断反应等。2.交替人格属于同一性意识障碍的一种表现。同一患者在不同时间内可以表现为两种完全不同的个性特点和内心体验,在不同时间内可以交替出现不同的人格表现。3.双重人格和多重人格患者在同一时间内表现为完全不同的两种人格,称为双重人格。例如,一方面以甲的身份出现,而另一方面又以乙的身份、言语、思想、行为出现。在同一患者出现两种以上的人格表现,称为多重人格。4.人格转换(transformation of personality)患者否认原来的自身,而自称是另一个人或者某种鬼或神,例如癔症性亚文化性附体状态。第五节 精神疾病综合征 1.幻觉-妄想综合征(illusion-delusion syndrome)以幻觉为主,多为幻听,在幻觉背景上产生被害、影响等妄想。多见于精神分裂症、器质性精神病、苯丙胺类、氯胺酮、致幻剂等使用障碍所致精神障碍等。2.Cotard综合征(Cotard syndrome)以虚无妄想和否定妄想为核心症状的较少见的综合征。患者认为自己内部器官和外部现实世界部分或全部不存在了。多见于精神分裂症、器质性精神病、抑郁状态。服用甲基苯丙胺者认为自己身体的某部分,如心脏和处女膜被移植于别人身上了。3.Capgras综合征(Capgras syndrome)患者认为两个人在同一时间都是存在的,并认为真实的那个人已被他人所替代。不完全性Capgras综合征可见于甲基苯丙胺使用者,患者认为身体的一部分是深颜色的,深色的这部分和身上的皱纹并不属于他本人,而属于另外一个人。第六节 物质使用引起精神障碍的时间特点物质使用所致精神障碍的时间特点: 物质使用所致精神障碍往往为急性发病(使用后数小时),物质停用后迅速缓解,但是长期使用者可能会长期存在或再次出现。表8-1列出了多种物质使用后出现精神病性症状的时间特点。表8-1 物质使用引起精神病性症状的时间特点参考文献1.Kuzenko N,Sareen J,Beesdo-Baum K,et al. 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2023-07-18 07:54:011


Open Journal of Pediatrics (OJPed) is an international journal dedicated to the latest advancement of Pediatrics. The goal of this journal is to provide a platform for scientists and academicians all over the world to promote, share, and discuss various new issues and developments in different areas of Pediatrics. All manuscripts must be prepared in English, and are subject to a rigorous and fair peer-review process. Accepted papers will immediately appear online followed by printed hard copy. The journal publishes original papers including but not limited to the following fields: 儿科杂志(OJPed)的是一本国际性开源期刊,由美国科研出版社发行。致力于儿科的最新进展。这本杂志的目的是提供一个平台,让世界各地的的科学家和学者推广,分享和讨论在不同的领域儿科各种新问题和新的发展。包括以下研究领域:Adolescent MedicineDevelopmental PediatricsMedical geneticsNeonatologyPediatric AllergologyPediatric CardiologyPediatric DermatologyPediatric EndocrinologyPediatric GastroenterologyPediatric Hematology and OncologyPediatric Infectious DiseasesPediatric Intensive CarePediatric NephrologyPediatric NeurologyPediatric RespirologyPediatric RheumatologyPediatric Surgery
2023-07-18 07:54:241

Intensive Care Unit怎么读

intensive care unit 英 [ɪn"tensɪv keə "juːnɪt]x05 美 [ɪn"tensɪv ker "juːnɪt]x05 n.加护病房用作名词 (n.) He was discharged from the intensive care unit last week and transferred to a general ward. 上星期他从加护病房转到普通病房.
2023-07-18 07:54:501


take care 注意;小心 take care of 照顾;注意;抚养 care of 由…转交 health care 卫生保健 take care of oneself 照顾自己;颐养 care about v. 担心,关心 care for 关心,照顾;喜欢 medical care 医疗护理 don"t care 不管,不在意 nursing care 护理 skin care 护肤品;皮肤护理 take good care 好好照顾;珍重 take good care of 照顾好;好好照看 with care 小心地 personal care 个人护理;个人护理用品 health care products 保健品 child care 儿童保育 health care system 保健系统;医疗制度 intensive care 重病特别护理 take care of yourself 照顾好你自己;自己多保重
2023-07-18 07:54:571


intensive care unit 重症监护室
2023-07-18 07:55:091


care的形容词是careful 仔细的,小心的; 副词是carefully 小心地; care: n. 关怀;照料;谨慎;忧虑; vi. 照顾;关心;喜爱;顾虑; vt. 在意;希望或喜欢 扩展资料   He"s old enough to take care of himself.   他已经不小了,能照顾自己了。   Nobody wants to pay more for health care.   没人愿意为医疗保健花更多的"钱。   They took care not to prejudge the issue.   他们态度谨慎,不过早对此事作出判断。   Good health care is of primary importance.   良好的医疗保健是重中之重。   He doesn"t bloody care about anybody else.   他根本不关心别人。   She needed intensive care for several days.   她需要几天的特别护理。
2023-07-18 07:55:271

求生活中的选择 英语作文

Michael is the kind of guy you love to hate. He is always in a good mood and always has something positive to say. When someone would ask him how he was doing, he would reply, "If I were any better, I"d be twins!" He was a natural motivator.  If an employee was having a bad day, Michael was there telling the employee how to look on the positive side of the situation. Seeing this style really made me curious, so one day I went up to Michael and asked him, "I don" t get it. You can" t be positive all the time. How do you do it?"Michael replied, each morning I wake up and say to myself "Mike, you have two choices today. You can choose to be in a good mood or you can choose to be in a bad mood." I choose to be in a good mood. Each time something bad happens, I can choose to be a victim or choose to learn from it. I choose to learn from it. Every time someone comes to me complaining I can choose to accept their complaining or I can point out the positive side of life. I choose the positive side of life."  "Yeah, right. It isn"t that easy." I protested.  "Yes it is, " Michael said. "Life is all about choices. When you cut away all the junk, every situation is a choice. You choose how you react to situations. You choose how people will affect your mood. You choose to be in a good mood or bad mood. The bottom line is: It"s your choice how you live life. " I reflected on what Michael said.  Soon thereafter, I left the big enterprise that I had worked in for years to start my own business. We lost touch, but I often though about him when I made a choice about life instead of reacting to it. Several years later, I heard Michael was involved in a serious accident, falling off 60 feet from a communications tower.After l8 hours of surgery, and weeks of intensive care, Michael was released from the hospital with rods placed in his back. I saw Michael about six months after the accident. When I asked him how he was, he replied, "If I were any better, I"d be twins. Wanna see my scars?" I declined to see his wounds, but did ask him what had gone through his mind as the accident took place.  "The first thing that went through my mind was the well being of my soon-to-born daughter," Michael replied. "Then, as I lay on the ground, remembered I had two choices: I could choose to live or I could choose to die. I chose to live." "Weren"t you scared? Did you lose consciousness?" I asked. Michael continued, "... the paramedics were great. They kept telling me I was going to be fine. But when they wheeled me into the operation room and I saw the expressions on the faces of the doctors and nurses, I got really scared. In their eyes, l read "He"s a dead man." I knew I needed to take action." "What did you do?" I asked. "Well, there was a big burly nurse shouting questions at me" said Michael. "She asked me if I was allergic to anything. "Yes," I said. The doctors and nurses stopped working as they waited for my reply. I took a deep breath and yelled", "Gravity"" Over their laughter, I told them, "I"m choosing to live. Operate on me as if I am alive, not dead"."  Michael lived, thanks to the skill of his doctors, but also because of his amazing attitude.I 1eamed from him that every day we have a choice to live fully. Attitude is everything.
2023-07-18 07:55:351


NoticeIn the first week of June, we will hold an active named Music Week to enrich our school life. All the students who want to take part in can enter for it before 20th ,May. You can sing popular songsand play classical or folk music. You can also choose to guess what the piece of music is from by listening to it. The place we hwill hold it will be told later.
2023-07-18 07:55:462


2023-07-18 07:55:552

how do you spell it? 是什么意思?

2023-07-18 07:56:054


ICU (intensive-care unit) 重症病房
2023-07-18 07:56:231


一、中国指南 1、中国急性缺血性脑卒中诊治指南2014 发布日期:2015-04-30 制定者:中华医学会神经病学分会,中华医学会神经病学分会脑血管病学组 出处:中华神经科杂志, 2015,48(04): 246-257. 2、中国缺血性脑卒中和短暂性脑缺血发作二级预防指南2014 发布日期:2014-04-15 制定者:中华医学会神经病学分会,中华医学会神经病学分会脑血管病学组 出处:中华神经科杂志, 2015,48(04): 258-273. 解读:王拥军教授解读2014年中国缺血性卒中和TIA二级预防指南 3、中国急性缺血性脑卒中早期血管内介入诊疗指南 发布日期:2015-05-31 制定者:中华医学会神经病学分会,中华医学会神经病学分会神经血管介入协作组,急性缺血性脑卒中介入诊疗指南撰写组 出处:中华神经科杂志, 2015,48(05): 356-361. 4、中国卒中中心建设指南 发布日期:2015-06-20 制定者:中华人民共和国国家卫生和计划生育委员会(NHFPC),神经内科医疗质量控制中心 出处:中国卒中杂志.2015,10(6):499-507. 5、2015缺血性脑血管病介入治疗抗血小板策略中国专家共识 发布日期:2015-03-24 制定者:中华预防医学会卒中预防与控制专业委员会介入学组 出处:中华医学杂志.2015,95(11):803-809. 6、2015症状性动脉粥样硬化性椎动脉起始部狭窄血管内治疗中国专家共识 发布日期:2015-03-17 制定者:中华预防医学会卒中预防与控制专业委员会介入学组 出处:中华医学杂志.2015,95(11):648-653. 二、美国指南 1、2015 AHA/ASA指南:急性缺血性卒中患者早期血管内治疗(更新版) 英文标题:2015 AHA/ASA Focused Update of the 2013 Guidelines for the Early Management of Patients With Acute Ischemic Stroke Regarding Endovascular Treatment 发布日期:2015-06-29 制定者:美国心脏协会(AHA),美国卒中协会(ASA) 出处:Stroke. 2015;46:000-000. 翻译:美国更新急性缺血性卒中血管内治疗指南(2015版) 2、2015 AHA/ASA自发性脑出血管理指南 英文标题:Guidelines for the Management of Spontaneous Intracerebral Hemorrhage: A Guideline for Healthcare Professionals From the American Heart Association/American Stroke Association 发布日期:2015-05-28 制定者:美国心脏协会(AHA),美国卒中协会(ASA) 出处:Stroke. 2015 May 28. 翻译:AHA/ASA发布最新自发性脑出血指南 3、2015NCS循证指南:大面积脑梗死的管理 英文标题:Evidence-Based Guidelines for the Management of Large Hemispheric Infarction : A Statement for Health Care Professionals from the Neurocritical Care Society and the German Society for Neuro-Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine. 发布日期:2015-01-21 制定者:美国神经重症监护学会(NCS) 出处:Neurocrit Care. 2015 Jan 21 翻译:2015幕上大面积脑梗死指南推荐意见(全) 4、2015卒中相关性肺炎的诊断建议 英文标题:Diagnosis of Stroke-Associated Pneumonia: Recommendations From the Pneumonia in Stroke Consensus Group. 发布日期:2015-06-25 制定者:卒中肺炎共识组(Pneumonia in Stroke Consensus Group) 出处:Stroke. 2015 Jun 25. 三、其他指南 1、2015CAEP立场声明:急性缺血性脑卒中 英文标题:Canadian Association of Emergency Physicians position statement on acute ischemic stroke. 发布日期:2015-03-20 制定者:加拿大急诊医师协会(CAEP) 出处:CJEM. 2015 Mar;17(2):217-26. 2、2015 HSFC加拿大卒中最佳实践建议:情绪,认知和中风后疲劳实践指南(更新版) 英文标题:Canadian Stroke Best Practice Recommendations: Mood, Cognition and Fatigue Following Stroke practice guidelines, update 2015. 发布日期:2015-06-29 制定者:加拿大心脏与卒中基金会(HSFC) 出处:Int J Stroke. 2015 Jun 29. 3、2015急性脑卒中入院治疗首个72小时的分类、治疗和转移建议 英文标题:Triage, Treatment, and Transfer: Evidence-Based Clinical Practice Recommendations and Models of Nursing Care for the First 72 Hours of Admission to Hospital for Acute Stroke. 发布日期:2015-01-06 制定者:国外神经内科相关专家小组(统称) 出处:Stroke. 2015 Jan 6. 4、2015韩国卒中指南:房颤和缺血性卒中或短暂性脑缺血发作患者抗血栓形成的管理 发布日期:2015-05-29 制定者:韩国卒中学会(Korean Stroke Society) 出处:J Stroke. 2015 May;17(2):210-5.
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中专护士的前景及展望 护理学专业在我国的发展已有近百年的时间,尤其在近十余年来,护理专业在我国得以迅速发展:护理教育逐渐从中专走入大学,护理研究文章的数量和质量在提高,整体护理的护理观念在逐步深入,护理管理人员的视野逐步开阔,护理专业的范畴也在逐步扩展,循证护理的实践在兴起……等等。在护理专业发展的过程中,世界经济和社会的全球化发展趋势也对我国护理专业人员如何从知识、态度、技能方面提升专业素质带来了一系列的挑战,对护理专业人员的角色和技能均提出了更高的要求。本文从我国护理人力资源现状、护理观念、临床护理方式、循证护理、护理教育和护理管理方式等方面探讨了应对挑战的策略,并提出以下九项专业发展目标: 1. 扩展护理人力资源 2. 开阔护士视野 3. 发展护理教育 4. 加强护理研究 5. 提升护理理念 6. 完善临床护理方式 7. 加强护理管理 8. 扩展护理专业范畴 9. 推广循证护理 一、护理人力资源:现状和挑战(human resource of nurses)   1.每千人口护士比:我国护士严重不足   WHO的资料显示,1998年世界绝大多数国家每千人口护士比已经达到3‰以上,部分发达国家甚至达到30‰以上。印度、土耳其、巴西等国家的每千人口护士比例在1‰以下,经济发达国家每千人口护士比明显高于经济不发达国家。  但我国2001年平均 0.99护士 /千人口(医生: 1.62/千人口),每千农业人口护士比例为 0.18。   2.医护比例:我国比例严重失调   我国大陆与土耳其、巴西的医护比例1:1以下;香港地区、日本、泰国、德国、英国等国的医护比例为1:4以上;芬兰、挪威、加拿大等国家医护比1:6以上。   但我国医护比例严重失调,2003年为1:0.68(1952年为1:2.28)(资料来源:2001-2002年《西太平洋地区卫生资源报告》及《世界护理的现状、不足及预测》)。   3.护士床位比:我国比例不合理   世界许多国家都基本保持在1:1以上。以英国为例:普通病房护士与病床的比例一般是1:1;康复病房(High Dependent Unit)护士与病床的比例大约是2:1;重症监护病房(Intensive Care Unit)护士与病床的比例大约是5-6:1。     但我国2001年护士与床位之比为0.4:1,远远低于发达国家。   4.护理人员学历情况:我国护理人员学历偏低(中美比较)   2000年美国护士医院护士中,研究生毕业7.6%,本科毕业35.7%,大专毕业38.4%,社区护士中本科毕业22.5%,大专毕业48.2%。   而我国2003年中专占64.5%,大专24.315%,本科1.3%,以中专为主,教育层次偏低。 【补充】中专护士的前景很好,你的选择了没错,进入中专后还可继续学护理大专,毕业后不愁工作。现在不一定非要在大医院工作,有很多私立医院也需要高素质护士,任何人住院都希望有好护士做TA的护理。
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基础综合英语课文翻译 邱东林

Until then, my idea of cooking had been microwaving the doggie bag from thechi-chi restaurant I"d eaten at the night before. 13 But after two months, 1 masteredpoached eggs" and T-bone steaks. What"s more, caring for my Mom made merealize how consummately she had cared for a11 of us. 1" 11 never forget when 1went to see her in the intensive-care unit"4, just a few hours after her surgery. Shewas strung out with a myriad of plastic tubes protruding from her arms, nose,and mouth. "Liz, make sure you eat something," she said in a strained, raspy voice.
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C&F (cost&freight)成本加运费价2 T/T (telegraphic transfer)电汇3 D/P (document against payment)付款交单4 D/A (document against acceptance)承兑交单5 C.O (certificate of origin)一般原产地证6 G.S.P. (generalized system of preferences)普惠制7 CTN/CTNS (carton/cartons)纸箱8 PCE/PCS (piece/pieces)只、的个、的支等9 DL/DLS (dollar/dollars)美元10 DOZ/DZ (dozen)一打11 PKG (package)一包,一捆,一扎,一件等12 WT (weight)重量13 G.W. (gross weight)毛重14 N.W. (net weight)净重15 C/D (customs declaration)报关单16 EA (each)每个,各17 W (with)具有18 w/o (without)没有19 FAC (facsimile)传真20 IMP (import)进口21 EXP (export)出口22 MAX (maximum)最大的、的最大限度的23 MIN (minimum)最小的,最低限度24 M 或MED (medium)中等,中级的25 M/V (merchant vessel)商船26 S.S (steamship)船运27 MT或M/T (metric ton)公吨28 DOC (document)文件、的单据29 INT (international)国际的30 P/L (packing list)装箱单、的明细表31 INV (invoice)发票32 PCT (percent)百分比33 REF (reference)参考、的查价34 EMS (express mail special)特快传递35 STL. (style)式样、的款式、的类型36 T或LTX或TX(telex)电传37 RMB (renminbi)人民币38 S/M (shipping marks)装船标记39 PR或PRC (price) 价格40 PUR (purchase)购买、的购货41 S/C (sales contract)销售确认书42 L/C (letter of credit)信用证43 B/L (bill of lading)提单44 FOB (free on board)离岸价45 CIF (cost,insurance&freight)成本、的保险加运费价补充:CR=credit贷方,债主DR=debt借贷方(注意:国外常说的debt card,就是银行卡,credit card就是信誉卡。这里都是指银行和财务公司说的,你的银行卡,是你将钱放入银行,银行是“借贷方”,所以叫做debt卡。用credit卡,是你从银行或者财政公司借钱,银行或公司是“贷方”,所就叫credit。)Exp=Expense花费,费用O/H=overhead常用开支TC=total cost总费用FC=fixed cost常设费用VC=variable cost变动费用P=profit竟利润S=sales销售总额Rev=revenue利润MC=marginal cost费用差额GM=gross margin毛利MR=marginal revenue利润差额A/R=acount receivable待收款(销售后,记账以后收取。)A/P=account payable代付费(花费后记账,以后付费。)PMT=payment支付款N/I=net income纯收入AMT=amount数额DCT=discount打折 在当今全球化的进程中,国际文化交流日益频繁,语言之间相互渗透日益增多,英语中有大量的缩略词以其经济高效、醒目、易记等特点,被汉语越来越多地直接借用。缩略词(Abbreviation)是由词的音节加以省略或简化而成,它的词义不变,在中文交流中使用很广,了解常用缩略语的原形,将有助于我们更好地理解其中所要表达的思想,以下是我们常见的一些缩略词及其中文含义。 1. 各种组织或机构的缩略词 APEC(Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation)亚太经济合作组织 IOC(International Olympic Committee)国际奥林匹克组织 ISO(International Standard Organization)国际标准化组织 OPEC(Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries)欧佩克,石油输出国组织 WTO(World Trade Organization)世界贸易组织 SOS村(SOS children"s village)一种专门收养孤儿的慈善机构 2. 各种系统的缩略词 BBS(bulletin board system)电子公告牌系统或(bulletin board service)电子公告服务 GPS(global positioning system)全球定位系统 GSM(global system for mobile communications)全球移动通信系统 CIMS(computer integrated manufacturing system)计算机集成制造系统 DOS(disc operating system)磁盘操作系统 GMDSS(global maritime distress and safety system)全球海上遇险与安全系统 ITS(intelligent transportation system)智能交通系统 NMD(National Missile Defense)国家导弹防御系统 TMD (theatre missile defense)战区导弹防御系统) NASDAQ(national association of securities dealers automated quotation)纳斯达克,(美)全国交易商自动报价系统协会 3. 有关职务或学位的缩略词 CEO(chief executive officer)首席执行官 CFO(chief finance officer)首席财务官 CGO(chief government officer)首席沟通官 CIO(chief information officer)首席信息官 COO(chief operating officer)首席运营官 CTO(chief technology officer)首席技术官 CPA(certified public accountant)注册会计师 MBA(Master of Business Administration)工商管理硕士 MPA(Master of Public Administration)公共管理硕士 4. 金融方面的缩略词 ATM(automated teller machine)自动柜员机 CBD(central business district)中央商务区 GDP(gross domestic product)国内生产总值 GNP(gross national product)国民生产总值 5.考试方面的缩略词 CET(college English test)大学英语等级考试 GRE(graduate record examination in USA and other countries)美国等国家研究生入学资格考试 PETS(public English test system)全国英语等级考试 HSK(Hanyushuipingkaoshi; Chinese Standard Test)汉语水平考试 6. 其他方面的缩略词 AIDS(acquired immune deficiency syndrome) 获得性免疫缺陷综合症,即艾滋病 AM (amplitude modulation) 调幅 APC ( aspirin, phenacetin and caffeine; compound aspirin; heat-relieving and pain-killing medicine consisting of aspirin, phenacetin and caffeine) 复方阿司匹林 API (air pollution index) 空气污染指数 CDMA (code division multiple access) 码分多址,一种最新的无线电发射和接受方式 CD (compact disc) 激光唱盘 CD-ROM (compact disc-read only memory) 只读光盘 CD-RW (compact disc-rewritable) 可擦写光盘 CIP (cataloguing in publication) 在版编目;预编目录.在图书出版前,由图书馆编目部门根据出版商提供的校样先行编目, 编目后将著录内容及标准格式交出版机构,将它印于图书的版权页上 DIY (do it yourself) 指自己动手装电脑,缝制衣服,做贺卡 DVD (digital video disc) 数字激光视盘 EMS (express mail service) 邮政特快专递 EQ (emotional quotient) 情商 IQ (intelligence quotient) 智商 ICU (intensive-care unit) 重症病房 IP (internet protocol) 网际协议 IT (imformation technology) 信息技术 OA (office automation) 办公自动化 OEM (original equipment manufacturer) 原始设备制造商 PC (personal computer) 个人计算机 PT (particular transfer) 特别转让 SCI (science citation index) 科学引文索引 SOHO (small office home office) 小型家居办公室 SOS (Save Our Souls; radio signal once used universally to appeal for help esp. by a ship or boat; urgent request for help from sb. in trouble) 国际上曾通用的紧急呼救信号,也用于一般的求救或求助 ST (special treatment) 特别处理 VIP (very important person) 要人 VOD (video on demand) 视频点播 WWW (World Wide Web) 万维网
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intensive care medicine experimental何时有影响因子

2023-07-18 07:57:241


  锻炼操  形成短小的因素:  1)遗传基因的影响最为根本; 在母体怀孕期间因药施用不当,影响雄性激素的分泌,先天不足;缺乏健壮性机能的营养和原  素,形成先天发育不良;  2)青少年发育期间,摄入的锌原素、雄性激素、维生素E和相关蛋白营养不足,缺乏后天能量补 充,起不到壮大性器官的作用;  3)内体寒、怕冷、体内阳气不足,致使不能完全凸出,有部分内缩于腹内;性生活过度,身体虚弱或在青少年刚发育期间过频,使肾脏在发育时无能量去壮大发育性器  官,形成短小;  4)患有睾丸炎、隐睾症、睾丸发育不全等症及内分泌不平衡,雄性激素缺乏  打多了 会变短吗,那要看你打的习惯,如果你的习惯是往后押的话, 肯定你的不会变大,  可能会愈打会愈打愈短,如果你打的习惯是 ,往前拉的力量比较多,恭喜你,你的有可能愈打愈长!  锻炼操:  1、  下腹部摩擦:临睡前,将一只手放在脐下耻骨上小腹部位,另一只手放在腰上,然后一面按住腰,一面用手在下腹部由右向左慢慢摩擦,以自觉腹部温热感为度。  2、  腹股沟:临睡前,将两手放于两侧腹股沟处(大腿根部),以掌沿斜方向轻轻36次,可每周l次。对增强,提高精力有一定作用。  3、  摩揉睾丸:将双手揉热,先用右手握住两睾丸,使右侧睾丸位于手掌心,左侧睾丸位于拇指、食指及中指罗纹面上,然后轻轻揉动,向右转30~50次,再向左转30~50次,以略有酸胀感而无痛为度。然后再以左手如上法轻轻揉按。亦可用摩法操作,即先用一手拉紧阴囊,固定外肾,用另一手掌心处置于睾丸上,而后轻轻摩擦,以睾丸微热为度。此法又名“兜囊外肾”法,为历代中医养生家所推崇。  由三个海绵体腔组成。当血液流入时海绵体充血而产生勃起。选择合适的练习,可以慢慢增大这三个海绵体腔,从而可以容纳更多的血液。也随之增大啦!  增大的关键是拉伸勃起组织,即海绵体。拉伸可在松驰时、半勃起时或勃起时通过适当的工具进行。它对任何人都是有效的。利用人体组织的适应性,拉伸会强迫勃起组织增大。即使有时进展会很缓慢,但坚持到底,就是胜利。  恢复大约需要一天的时间(现在有两种说法,一种是会出新的细胞,一种是不会有新的细胞出现,但细胞会变大)。尽管在慢慢变大,但人眼是无法在短时间内观察到显著的变化的。必须保持耐心,从量变到质变需要几周的时间。  当你初次加入到增大练习中来时,的松驰长度会很快地增加约2英寸,同时勃起长度增加约1英寸。这是我们统计资料的平均值。  开始练习之前要注意的事项  首选要测量在松驰时、勃起时的长度和勃起时的围长。测量长度时,应尽力将尺压向耻骨以压缩脂肪,最好记住第一次测量时尺的位置,并在以后的测量中保持这个位置以减少误差。用细线在勃起的中部测量围长。  修剪阴毛可以使显得更大,也会对今后的练习有所帮助。你不想在做拉伸和“挤奶”练习时因不小心拨掉阴毛而受皮肉之痛吧?  养成健康的膳食习惯并补充维生素可以加快的增长。摄取适量的矿物质、氨基酸和维生素确实能产生积极的作用。同时应大量饮水。  保持良好的心态对于的增长是至关重要的。信则灵,因为如果你认为增大是“不可能完成的任务”,那么你的潜意识就会阻碍它的增长。因此,你必须积极对待。  你必须完全投入到这些练习中去。你必须保证一周练习5天。但当你感到不适或疼痛时应休息几天。毕竟你要做的是增大,而不是让它受伤。  在做练习时,应对进行适当的以得到适当的增长,千万不要过度练习,否则不但会损伤,而且可能根本得不到任何增长。我们再次重申:不要过度练习。  如果按计划适当地练习,你很快就会发现它在变大。通常在几周内,就会显得更为粗长。到那时你还会想停下来吗?  润滑剂的选用  在做“挤奶”练习时应使用润滑剂,将它均匀充分地涂抹在表面。  千万不要使用肥皂或洗发水,否则会皮肤,并使皮肤干裂和脱皮。此外,如果流入到尿道口内会引起刺痛。  可以使用凡士林,但它太油了,容易弄脏,而且非常稠,会妨碍手部的快速运动。  婴儿油比凡士林好不了多少。  最好使用aseline Intensive  Care(国内有的吗?)。它可容易地洗掉,非常润滑,持续时间长,并可使你的手部动作随心所欲。  不要弄伤自己  你应事先了解何时可以和不可以参加练习。如果你患有晚期糖尿病、呼吸障碍或肝硬化等疾病,它们会对组织器官的血液循环、供氧和复原有一定的影响,这时你应先向泌尿科医师能否进行练习。以下是练习中可能产生的症状:  水疱:因用力过大、练习时间过长引起,所以不要过度练习。  红肿:因拉伸过度引起,这时应马上停止练习,直到症状完全消失为止。  神经炎:因频繁地使用超重的重量而引起(应该是针对悬挂重物练习的),它会使内的神经扭曲肿大。如果这种情况继续发生的话,就会萎缩,并造成无法勃起。  死皮:因组织受损引起。它位于外部,可明显感觉到。它是包裹的部分坏死组织。过于用力就可能造成这种症状。有时伴有红肿发生。  请注意,我们下面将要谈到的练习都是有益健康的、纯自然的增大的方法。只要在练习时多加注意就可以了。我们推荐的练习计划是一周练习5天,但当你感到任何疼痛或不适时,请马上停止练习。  热敷  每次练习必须从热敷开始。实际上它并不是一种练习,但却是必须的。它的作用是增加的血流量并提高皮肤的弹性,以便在随后的练习中能够更好地握紧。
2023-07-18 07:57:331


1. 抢劫银行的看图英语作文 Yesterday a man tried to rob the Newton Bank but finally failed because of his timidity.The following is the detailed report. On 9:30am of yesterday morning,a young man with long black hair went into Newton Bank then past a letter to a woman teller.The teller was strange about the terrible hand-writing so she took the letter to her boss to inform him that the man may do a robbery.Few minutes latter,the boss was really frightened when he read"I have a gun!" He asked the teller to call 110 for help and then went to the bank hall to do whatever he could to fight against the robber.Arrived the hall,they found the robber had gone without taking his bag and there were only a toy gun in the bag. Now ,the teller and her boss were helping policeofficers to catch the robber. 2. 抢劫银行英语作文谁有啊 in ancient china, people think water will not run out and people won"t worry that one day they won"t have anything to drink. however, it"s wrong. nowadays, lots of water is polluted by human. less and less water can be provided to drink. some people who drunk the polluted water unconsciously in the long time get cancer and finally, they died earlier than other people. therefore, if we save pure water ,our health can be protected. besides, it"s also for our generation. if we don"t save water and pollute it all the time, our generation will be nothing to drink and die out. above all, we should save water not only for our health but for our generation. 字数有一百零一点点,不知不觉就超出了,自己删吧 3. 谁关于抢劫银行的英语小故事 When Mike and Kate were ing home from school yesterday afternoon, they saw a crowd of people. Mike and Kate joined the crowd. They were surprised to see o thieves in the street. The thieves were running out of the bank. They were holding bags full of money. The bank manager was running after them. A policeman was standing among the crowd, but he didn"t do anything. “Quick!” Mike shouted to the policeman, “Can"t you see those thieves?” The policeman *** iled. He pointed at a big camera. “We"re making a film,” he said. “Those men aren"t real thieves. They"re actors. And I"m not a real policeman, either. I"m an actor, too.”。 4. 银行抢劫案100词英语作文 Terry (Jason Statham decorated) is a skilled worker, in the past often guilty of some minor cases, now keep a low profile living conditions, but still saddled with a large debt. Was a *** ash hit model Ma Ting (Sarver Rong Burrows ornaments) Terry former friends, provided him with a bank robbery scheme Baker Street in a humble bank will likely overnight bee a millionaire. So, after their careful planning, by digging tunnels to dive into the bank vault, successfully steal a large amount of cash and jewelery. Soon after the news media hype, stir the whole city. Just a few days, the relevant investigation of the incident has bee silent. As Terry and his associates are unanticipated, as the bank keeping the library also hides a lot of secrets, of which there is evidence of the same royal sex scandal. Because it es to the royal family, the government banned reporting on the case, hidden behind countless murders, corruption and power trading. But justice has long arms, everything finally have a bottom.。 5. 英语作文在一个风很大的早晨,李华在银行取了2000元前,走出银行 It was a windy morning. Lihua set off early to the bank and wanted to withdraw 2000 CNY to pay hospital where his mother was under intensive care. He was lacky as there were not many people in the bank and he quickly got the cash in a envelop. When he came out of the bank He tripped over a brick in a hurry. His money were scattered on the ground and quickly blew to the air in the strong wind. Several passerbys quickly came to help him by picking up the money. Later on more and more people joined in the help and at the end Lihua got all his money back. Lihua had a huge relief. He thanked the people who helped him. He was really pleased as he met so many warm hearted people. by ztlthb 6. 银行卡过期写信询问银行工作人员的英语作文 The bank is located at (银行地址) Please remember to bring a piece of ID and your bank card. There is ususally long waiting line in the bank, be patient. Just show you ID to the bank clerk and give him/her the bank card. Tell him/her how much money you want to take out and he/she will get the money for you. Don"t fet to take you ID and bank card with you when you leave. The process is simple. Pay attention to the safety. 7. 续写英语作文 重赏 she had so many money ,but she do not had she did not happy everyday .one day she went out ,she saw a girl sitting at the side of the rode.the girl also saw her.the princess *** ile and said"can i help you?"the girl still looked at her with a lovely sight.after a while ,the girl said a sentence with a *** all sound"can you give me 200 dollar?i have a friend get a bad cold,but we do not have enough money,so。。"the princess not waited her to speak over.she said"i can help you ,but can you make friend with me?""of course ,i am very glad to make friend with you."the girl said it with a *** ile.several days later the girl"s friend got healthy. they make friends each other,and stayed with the princss in the castle. 写的不是很好,估计能交差.你看看吧.如果满意就最好了,你上什莫学,男生还是女生?
2023-07-18 07:57:571


  考友们都准备好英语六级考试了吗?本文“2017年英语六级词汇题:形容词”,跟着来了解一下吧。要相信只要自己有足够的实力,无论考什么都不会害怕!    2017年英语六级词汇题:形容词    一、形容词   1. The results were ________ in comparison with the effort required to achieve them.   A) insignificant B) tiny C) minor D) indispensable.   2. There are several characteristics of the book _________ special attention.   A) worthy B) worthy of C) worth of D) worthless   3. I shall have a companion in the house after all these _______ years.   A) single B) sole C) alone D) lonely   4. None of the servants were _________ when Mr. Smith wanted to send a message.   A) available B) approachable C) attainable D) applicable   5. There were no tickets ________ for Friday"s performance.   A) preferable B) considerable C) possible D) available   6. I find this treatment very _________ to my health.   A) advisable B) invaluable C) beneficial D) worthy   7. As a _________ president, his views are treated with respect when he is interviewed.   A) prior B) previous C) late D) former   8. Jane was hit on the head by the robber and was knocked _________.   A) unconscious B) brainless C) unaware D) mindless   9. The car is quite ________ of petrol.   A) economic B) saving C) economical D) sparing   10. There were some ________ flowers on the table.   A) artificial B) unnatural C) false D) unreal   11. He was ________ of having asked such a silly question.   A) sorry B) guilty C) ashamed D) miserable   12. You should hire a more _________ manager than the one you currently have.   A) sufficient B) effective C) efficient D) respective   13. There was a ________ drop in support for the Union in the 1974 election.   A) delicate B) distinct C) distant D) downward   14. As a mother, she is too _________ towards her daughter, she should let her see more of the world.   A) hopeful B) protective C) modest D) confident   15. He made such a ________ contribution to the university that they are naming one of the new buildings after him.   A) genuine B) minimum C) modest D) generous   16. She is a very ________ secretary: she never forgets anything or makes a mistake.   A) anxious B) effective C) adequate D) efficient   17. The ________ man said that it was impossible for him to be at the scene of the crime because he was in another town.   A) guilty B) accused C) evil D) criminal   18. Nylon is a kind of ________ material widely used in our daily lives.   A) mixed B) combined C) synthetic D) systematic   19. Because of the _________ emphasis placed on classroom work, the instructor will report your absences to the adviser.   A) large B) strong C) hard D) high   20. It does not alter the fact that he was the man _________ for the death of the little girl.   A) accounting B) guilty C) responsible D) obliged   21. Free medical treatment in this country covers sickness of mind as well as ________ sicknesses.   A) normal B) regular C) average D) ordinary   22. They took ________ measures to poisonous gases from escaping.   A) fruitful B) beneficial C) valid D) effective   23. It is quite necessary for a qualified teacher to have good manners and _________ knowledge.   A) extensive B) expansive C) intensive D) expensive   24. I"m not sure whether I can gain any profit from the investment, so I can"t make a(an) ________ promise to help you.   A) exact B) defined C) definite D) sure   25. Writing is a slow process, requiring ________ thought, time, and effort.   A) significant B) considerable C) enormous D) numerous   26. Physics is ________ to the science which was called material philosophy in history.   A) alike B) equivalent C) likely D) uniform   27. The president made a ________ speech at the opening ceremony of the sports meeting, which encouraged the sportsman greatly.   A) vigorous B) tedious C) flat D) harsh   28. Convenience foods which are already prepared for cooking are ________ in grocery stores.   A) ready B)approachable C) probable D) available   29. In general, the amount that a student spends for housing should be held to one-fifth of the total ________ for living expenses.   A) acceptable B) advisable C) available D) applicable   30. Since the matter was extremely ________, we dealt with it immediately.   A) tough B) tense C) urgent D) instant   31. The shy girl felt ________ and uncomfortable when she could not answer her teacher"s question.   A) amazed B) awkward C) curious D) amused   32. The patient"s health failed to such an extent that he was put into _________ care.   A) tense B) rigid C) intensive D) tight   33. Our new house is very _________ for me as I can get to the office in five minutes.   A) adaptable B) comfortable C) convenient D)available   34. Although they plant trees in this area every year, the tops of some hills are still ________.   A) bare B) vacant C) blank D) hollow   35. The words of the old teacher left a ________ impression on his mind. He is still influenced by them.   A) long B) lively C) lasting D) liberal   36. It is our _______ policy that we will achieve unity through peaceful means.   A) consistent B) continuous C) considerate D) continual   37. He is _______ about his chances of winning a gold medal in the Olympics next year.   A) optimistic B) optional C) outstanding D) obvious   38. She cooked the meat for a long time so as to make it ________ enough to eat.   A) mild B) slight C) light D) tender   39. Young people are not ________ to stand and look at works of art; they want art they can participate in.   A) conservative B) content C) confident D) generous   40. By law, when one makes a large purpose, he should have ________ opportunity to change his mind.   A) accurate B) urgent C) excessive D) adequate   41. It is said that the math teacher seems ________ to bright students.   A) partial B) beneficial C) preferable D) liable   42. In order to show his boss what a careful worker he was, he took ________ trouble over the figures.   A) extensive B) spare C) extra D) supreme   43. All the key words in the article are printed in _______ type so as to attract readers" attention.   A) dark B) dense C) black D) bold   44. If this kind of fish becomes ________, future generations may never taste it at all.   A) minimum B) short C) seldom D) scarce   45. Purchasing the new production line will be a ________ deal for the company.   A) profitable B) tremendous C) forceful D) favorite   46. Though he was born and brought up in America, he can speak ________ Chinese.   A) smooth B) fluent C) fluid D) flowing   47. Petrol is refined from the _________ oil we take out of the ground.   A) fresh B) original C) rude D) crude   48. In the Chinese household, grandparents and other relatives play _________ roles in raising children.   A) incapable B) indispensable C) insensible D) infinite   49. My brother"s plans are very _________ ; he wants to master English, French and Spanish before he is sixteen.   A) arbitrary B) aggressive C) ambitious D) abundant   50. The statistical figures in that report are not _________. You should not refer to them.   A) accurate B) fixed C) delicate D) rigid
2023-07-18 07:58:041

_______ care in hospitals is given to the seriously ill

2023-07-18 07:58:234

care for和care about的区别

Care about sb::关心关怀。He genuinely cares about his employee他真诚地关心他的员工Care for sb: 照顾照料老病小。She moved back home to care for her elderly parent.她搬回来照顾她年长的父母
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6月28日晚,我接到哥哥的电话,说父亲病危,医院问家属意见是否要送进ICU病房,他已签名同意。我火速购买了第二天的动车票,带着10个月大的孩子回了老家。 6月30日,哥哥带我去到医院,戴口罩、消毒洗手、戴帽子、穿防护服、换鞋,一系列准备工作完成后,我们进入了父亲所在的ICU病房。父亲的床头立着许多仪器,他的脸庞异常消瘦,身上盖着被子,鼻子插着细管,嘴巴张开,嘴里固定着一根粗管,连着呼吸机,嘴角有一点伤痕,可能是安插呼吸机管时产生的误伤。他闭着眼睛,听到我和哥哥叫他,眼珠转动,但是怎么也睁不开眼睛。护士走来,说父亲的手肿了,需要脱掉手上的戒指。她拿来润滑油,掀开被子,我看到父亲的手被捆绑在床边,肿得像个包子,手臂包着纱布。护士向我们解释因为病人会在无意识的状态下拔掉身上的管子或针头,所以只要进入ICU,都必须把病人的手捆绑起来。父亲开始躁动,被捆绑的双手使劲挣扎,护士问他是不是热,帮他把被子褪到小腿处,他又像冷的样子想把被子拉上来,护士又帮他盖上。护士拿了根管子来说要帮他吸痰,过程会有点痛。我没敢看护士的操作,低头看见父亲的手在挣扎。父亲睁不开眼,说不出话,他无力表达,只有在昏迷状态下的躁动和挣扎。护士涂抹润滑油取下父亲手上的戒指交给哥哥。哥哥拿出手机拍病床上的父亲,被护士制止并要求删除。 值班医生来了,是位女医生,我们向她询问父亲的病情。她说,父亲脏器衰竭,病情很严重,随时可能离去。我问,能否维持一个星期,她说几乎不可能。寂静的病房里,只有仪器冰冷的声音,医生的话像一把冰冷的铁锤一下、一下敲击我的心脏,我感觉我的心在不断下沉。医生转身走后,我所有粉饰的坚强在瞬间崩溃,随着无法抑制的泪水涌上眼眶,我感到心中一阵恐惧,我哽咽着对哥哥说了一句“我好害怕……”,哥哥紧紧握住我的手,把我拉出了ICU病房,身后留下父亲那可怜到令人心酸的模样。 母亲身体也不好,哥哥担心母亲的情绪,没有告诉她父亲病情恶化被送进了ICU病房,她以为父亲还在普通病房。回家的路上,我和哥哥就要不要告诉母亲产生了分歧。哥哥主张不说,我认为应该让母亲知情。当天晚上,我们轻描淡写地向母亲说了去探望父亲的情况。第二天,我小心地向母亲转述医生的判断,告诉她要有心理准备了。母亲一愣,沉默了一会儿,缓缓地说道,“难怪你爸这两天没有给我打电话,你又突然回来了,原来他进了ICU……”我尽量淡化地描述了父亲在ICU的状况,试探着问母亲要不要去见父亲一面,母亲微微颤抖着说:“虽然会害怕,但是最后一面还是要见的。”第二天一早,母亲跟我说她一夜未眠,想来想去,还是没有勇气去ICU见父亲,因为她见到父亲在ICU的情景一定会晕倒。 由于ICU病房每天只有半小时探视时间,每次只允许两位家属进入,而且中途不允许换人,接下来的日子家人轮流去看望父亲。我第二次去的时候,父亲显得很平静,像睡着了一样,静静地躺着。这次是个男医生,他说现在是父亲最好的状态,生命体征平稳。我问这样的状态是否意味着好转,他说只能说明控制在现在的状态,不能说明好转,因为器官衰竭不可逆。我问这样的状态能持续多久,他说不确定,可能很短,也可能很长。 10天过去了,父亲依然保持着生命体征平稳的状态,但是,他一直在昏迷,从未醒来。先生需要回去上班,孩子也要回去打预防针,我们只能先回广州了。 过了一个星期,我又接到哥哥的电话,说父亲的病情再度恶化,医生要求家属决定下一步的方案,切开气管还是放弃。我明确表示反对切开气管,不想父亲再受苦。哥哥叫我买7月17日的车票回家,7月18日和他去见医生商量下一步方案。7月17日,哥哥向单位请好了假,我和先生则带着孩子登上了返回老家的动车。在动车上信号微弱,没有接到哥哥的电话。两个小时后,看见了哥哥发来的信息,父亲于中午12:30安详离世,那是我们刚刚出发的时间。 后来,哥哥说他松了一口气,如果下一步方案让他选择放弃,他是做不到的。他说父亲似乎不想让我们为难,所以自己走了,让我们不用面对那个艰难的抉择。假如我们需要面对那个时刻,哥哥无法选择放弃,我可以做出那个决定吗? ICU,即重症加强护理病房(Intensive Care Unit),又称为深切治疗部,拥有普通病房所没有的先进医疗设施,收治危重病人。ICU与外界隔绝,不允许家人陪伴。进入ICU的病人,除了大手术术后监护的病人有可能回到普通病房,其他的重症患者多半是九死一生。ICU的医疗费用昂贵,一天的费用大约在6千至1万元。因此,ICU对病人和家属而言,是一个有着最后一线希望,却又冰冷、恐惧的地方。病人要承受治疗的痛苦和刺骨的孤独与无助,家属不仅要承受救治希望的可能破灭,还要承担高昂的医疗费用。 知乎上有人问,“我父亲半个月前去世,没送ICU,没上呼吸机,我做得对吗?”题主说,“临终前几个小时,肺部感染,心力衰竭,医院提出进ICU被我拒绝了。当时我父亲呼吸困难,氧气已经开到最大,但他头部仍然左右晃动,很难受的样子。这画面每天都在我眼前出现,我相信在最后关头父亲仍然是希望求生的。” 针对这个问题,知乎上有各种回答,答友都以亲人的经历回答自己在这个问题上同样纠结。有人说,母亲生前明确表示不愿意在ICU浑身插满管子离世,但是他看着母亲因为没有上呼吸机而在临终前大口喘气,活活憋死,那样的画面让他备受折磨,后悔没有给母亲上呼吸机。有人说,爷爷被送进ICU以后,用笔在纸上歪歪扭扭写了个变形的“死”字,一心求死。有人说,奶奶被送进ICU上了呼吸机后痛苦不堪,通过摆手征求老人意愿脱管,出来后奶奶哭着说:“谢谢你们放过我!”还有人回答,“ICU绝对是莫大的煎熬。我家中很多人从医,我自己老了一定会立好遗嘱不进ICU。我没必要为了子女的感受死也死不好,实话实说。”最真切的回答,来自一个万分幸运从ICU活着出来的人,他说,“那种恐惧,无奈和绝望,没到过那里的人是根本体会不到的。清醒过来时我就想:如果以后生病了,就是死,也绝不再进ICU。” 生命是可贵的,对于还有救治希望的疾病,进入ICU抢救也许能赢得生机;对于没有治愈希望的疾病,进入ICU只能暂时延长病人的生命,但这有限的延长需要依赖有创性的治疗措施及机器维持,这样的临终生命对病人有意义吗?对ICU问题的讨论,大概聚焦在是有价值的抢救还是过度医疗。当我们谈起死亡的时候,我们都希望能够没有痛苦、保有尊严地死去。没有治愈希望的病人在ICU的弥留时间到底是为自己活着还是为家属活着?许多人害怕放弃治疗会受到道德谴责或者于心不忍、不舍,可是谁又能顾及病人的感受?如果可以,家属和医生能不能在病人清醒的时候让他自己预先选择,如果病情万一恶化到需要进入ICU的时候,他是否愿意? 尊重病人自己的意愿应该成为医院人文关怀的一部分。 父亲生病一年多来,反复住院。有一次,他说他出院后绝不再进医院,谁知才出院一天就又出状况进了医院。他打电话跟我说,他失去了自由。后来,治疗肝病的药物又引发了脑病,他时而清醒时而糊涂。我想起父亲在普通病房的时候给我打电话,他说他没有信心能康复了,他每天看见的天空都是灰暗的,他分不清是白天还是夜晚,他也不知道自己吃过晚饭没有。我不知道能用什么语言安慰他,我深知病痛的折磨最容易使人意志消沉,所谓的“感同身受”根本不存在。只有一个信念能让父亲稍稍振作:明年是父亲和母亲的金婚纪念日,他们约好了要穿上婚纱和孩子们好好庆祝。每每母亲以此来鼓励他时,他们就相对流泪。父亲承受着病情反复及并发症加重病情的痛苦,甚至连吃饭都成了他的负担。每次护工拍的视频,他都在努力而费力地吃饭。最后,他还在ICU里煎熬了20天。 2018年7月17日12:30,当父亲在ICU远去,他终于可以不再受苦,终于可以解脱,终于可以重获自由。愿父亲摆脱身体的束缚,灵魂安息! 我不愿记住父亲在ICU的最后的样子,我想记住那个我从未谋面、英气俊朗的青年,那是我在老相册里看见的,青年时期的父亲。
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现在不少大、中城市的综合医院和某些专科医院都设置了急诊科或急诊室,并配备医师、护士等医务人员。据1986年《中国卫生年鉴》(英文版)中报道,全国已有11497家县级以上的医院设置了配备合格医护人员的急诊科或急诊室。器械设备得到更新,向专业化、系列化和标准化的方向发展。不过目前不少医院成立急诊科只是重点解决行政管理问题。但发展急诊医学重要的是专业人员的培训,建立完善的急诊医疗体系和提高急诊医学水平,如何去实现,需要从事这个专业的人员去构思、实践和总结。目前并无现成的模式,要靠自己去探索、设计和建设。国际上的先进经验可以借鉴和参考,主要需结合我国的实际情况,创建适合我国社会的急诊专业。像医学领域中所有专业学科一样,临床的经验和教训需要专业人员来分析和总结。这是发展和提高每一学科的必要条件之一。急诊医学也是如此,所不同的是它成立伊始,专业医师非常缺乏。但是它的发展是很快的。因为它属于医学科学的一个新的组成部分,随着医学科学的发展,急诊医学必然也会迅速发展的。此外它是一门解决急性病和危重病的学科,并且要研究如何更迅速、更有效、更有组织地抢救急危病例,和处理“灾难医学”所遇到的问题,社会需要它,人民需要它。以诊治一例急诊病人来看,如忽视或不够重视发病之初的处理,并及时安全地把他送到医院急诊室,而在急诊室亦未予恰当处理,等他的病情发展到危重阶段,才开始投入大量人力和采用各种先进器械来救治,即使挽救了他的生命,这并不能认为是现代急诊医学的主要目的。应该从病人发病之初或受伤之际就能给予恰如其分的诊治,并将他安全转送到医院,立即接受急诊室医师有效的初步诊断的治疗,然后根据病情,安排他们的转归。多数接受治疗后可以回家继续服药、休息治疗、少数危重病患者,就可以经适当处理或手术,然后转到强化监护医疗病室(intensive care unit,ICU),或冠心病监护室(coronary care unit,CCU),或专科病房。这是目前比较合理的救治急性病、伤人员的组织系统,也就是当今国际上很多国家在努力组建的新颖的急诊医疗系统,称为“急诊医疗体系”(emergency medical service system,EMSS)。虽然我国目前还没有一个城市已组建成功一个完善的EMSS,但是为时不会太远的。很多城市已经在向这种方向努力着。
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2023-07-18 08:00:571


我也问 明天考试了
2023-07-18 08:01:053


creative 创造性的innovative 创新的imaginative 富有想象力的insightful 有见地的thought-provoking 发人深省的effective 有效的efficient 高效的persuasive 令人信服的engaging 吸引人的entertaining 有趣的informative 信息量大的enlightening 富有启发性的influential 有影响力的powerful 强大的moving 感人的touching 动人的inspiring 鼓舞人心的uplifting 提升情绪的optimistic 乐观的positive 积极的constructive 建设性的helpful 有帮助的supportive 支持性的understanding 理解的empathetic 具有同理心的tolerant 包容的respectful 尊重的responsible负责任的ethical伦理道德的sustainable可持续的
2023-07-18 08:01:233


【 #英语资源# 导语】晦涩的英语演讲稿刚拿到手肯定不好背诵,但是有了附带的译文那就不一样了,结合背诵速度杠杠的。下面是由 无 为你整理的几篇英语演讲稿4分钟带翻译范文,希望能帮到你哟。 【篇一】英语演讲稿4分钟带翻译范文   友谊   Every one of us, rich or poor, should at least have one or two good friends. My friends will listen to me when I want to speak, will wipe my eyes when I cry, will take care of me when I am sick, and my friends will go together with me side by side through this journey of life.   我们每个人,不论富裕还是贫穷,至少应该有一个或两个好朋友。我的朋友会听我说,如果我想说话,要擦去我的眼睛当我哭泣,会照顾我在我生病时,我的朋友将与我一起肩并肩在这人生旅程。   Friendship is a kind of treasure in our lives. It is actually like a bottle of wine, the longer it is kept, the sweeter it will be. It is also like a cup of tea. When we are thirsty, it will be our best choice, but when we have enough time to enjoy ourselves, it is also the most fragrant drink.   友谊是一种财宝在我们的生活。它实际上是像一瓶酒,越久保留,这将是更香甜。它就像一杯茶。当我们口渴时,这将是对我们的选择,但当我们有足够的时间去玩得很开心的,它也是最芬芳的饮料。   All of us have to spare some time for personal lives. We have to find the chance to express our emotion and love. When staying with our friends, we can release ourselves completely. We can do whatever we want, we can laugh together, talk together, and even cry to-gether. I should say that being together with our best friends is the most wonderful moment of our lives.   我们所有的人都要花点时间来个人的生活。我们必须找到机会来表达我们的感情和爱。当住在我们的朋友,我们可以放松自己完全。我们可以做任何我们想要的,我们能一起大声笑,一起交谈,甚至哭泣下。我应该说,是我们的朋友一起是最精彩的时刻,我们的生活。   As we know, we would feel lonely if we didn"t even have a friend. But it doesn"t mean we could depend on our friends all the time. There is a famous motto saying that “A friend is like a quilt with cotton wadding, but the real thing that keeps you warm is your own temperature.” It is really true. We have to work hard together with our friends, encourage each other and help each other. When we receive love and friendship, we should repay as much as we can.   正如我们所知道的,我们会感到寂寞,如果我们还没有一个朋友。但这并不意味着我们可以依靠我们的朋友。有个的格言说:“一个朋友就像一个棉花棉丝被子,但真正的东西,是使你暖和是你自己的温度。“这是真的。我们必须努力同我们的朋友,互相激励,互相帮助。当我们能收到更多的爱与友谊,我们应该偿还高达就可以了。   Finally, let"s pray together now that one day, all of us could find the person we want to find, and could enjoy a real beautiful friendship in our lives. Let"s pray the flower of friendship be-tween our friends and us would always bloom brightly in our hearts   最后,让我们一起祈祷了,有一天,我们都能找到我们想找的人,就可以享受一段美好友谊的真正左右我们的生活了。让我们一起祈祷友谊之花却成为我们的朋友,我们将永远绽放鲜艳的在我们的心中. 【篇二】英语演讲稿4分钟带翻译范文   ladies and gentlemen, good morning! i"m very glad to stand here and give you a short speech.   man"s life is a process of growing up, actually i"m standing here is a growth. if a person"s life must constituted by various choices, then i grow up along with these choices. once i hope i can study in a college in future, however that"s passed, as you know i come here, now i wonder what the future holds for me.   when i come to this school, i told to myself: this my near future, all starts here. following i will learn to become a man, a integrated man, who has a fine body, can take on important task, has independent thought, an open mind, intensive thought, has the ability to judge right and wrong, has a perfect job.   once my teacher said :” you are not sewing, you are stylist; never forget which you should lay out to people is your thought, not craft.” i will put my personality with my interest and ability into my study, during these process i will combine learning with doing. if i can achieve this “future”, i think that i really grow up. and i deeply believe kindred, good-fellowship and love will perfection and happy in the future.   how to say future? maybe it"s a nice wish. lets make up our minds, stick to it and surely well enjoy our life.   中文大意:   女士们,先生们,上午好。我很高兴在这里为大家作一个简短的讲话。   人的一生是一个成长的过程,事实上,我现在站在这里也是一次成长。如果一个人的一生必须面临不同的选择,那么我就是伴随着这些选择成长起来的。曾经我盼望将来能上大学,然而那已经过去了,现在我在这儿,只想知道我的未来会是什么样的。   当我来到这所学校,我告诉我自己:我不久的将来都从这里开始。接着我要学习如何做人,如何做一个正直的人,并且拥有一个健康的体魄,能承担重要的任务,能独立思考,思想开放,心思缜密,有判断是非的能力,有一份不错的工作。   我的老师曾经告诉我说:“你不是在修补而是在创造;永远不要忘记你向人们所展示的是你的思想,而不是你的手艺。”我会将我的性格,兴趣爱好和能力一起融入到学习中去。在这过程中,我边学习边实践。如果我能实现这个“未来”,我就认为我真的成长了。并且我深信我的亲人,好朋友以及爱会使我的未来更完美,更幸福。   如何来解释未来呢? 也许那只是一个美好的愿望。让我们下定决心,坚持到底,那我们的人生一定能过得很精彩。 【篇三】英语演讲稿4分钟带翻译范文   i"m getting ready for a lot of things. a lot of things.   我已准备好做很多事。很多事。   it"s spring, so we"re starting to get the gardens ready and my tomatoes are legendary here in my own neighborhood.   春季已至,我们开始整理花园,在我住的社区里,我种的西红柿可是个传奇。   my daughter is about to start kindergarten next year, and so we"re moving just so she can belong to a better school.   我女儿明年就要上幼儿园了,所以我们准备搬家,为了让她上更好的学校。   my brother and i are starting our first business.   我的兄弟和我正打算创业。   after five years of raising my children, i am now going back to work.   五年来我一直在养育自己的孩子,现在我要重返职场了。   every day we"re trying to get more and more ready and more prepared. baby boy, coming your way.   每天,我们都在做着越来越充分准备来迎接儿子的诞生。   right now i"m applying for jobs. it"s a look into what the real world will look like after college.   现在我提出工作申请。我对毕业后即将面对的真实世界充满期待。   i"m getting married this summer to someone i really care about.   我今年夏天要结婚了——跟一个我非常在乎的人。   i"m gonna be in the play and i"m gonna be in a fish costume. from little tiny fishes.   我要参演一个剧了,穿着鱼的服装。小鱼鱼。   i"m getting ready to retire soon. retirement means reinventing yourself in many ways.   我很快就准备退休了。退休意味着各个方面重塑你自身。   well we"ve been doing a lot of home renovations. but, most importantly, we just want to teach our dog to quit eating the trash.   我们打算重新装修房子。不过最重要的还是教会我们的狗别再吃垃圾了。   and so we have high hopes for XX that that"s going to happen.   我们对XX年有很高的期待,它们会实现的。   i"ve started a new career recently. this is a fifth generation company which means a lot to me. this country was founded on hard work and it really feels good to be a part of that.   我最近开始了一份新的事业这个。这个第五代公司对我来说意义重大。每个人都在为此努力工作,而成为其中一员感觉非常棒。   i"m getting ready to do something, too. i"m running for president. americans have fought their way back from tough economic times but the deck is still stacked in favor of those at the top. everyday americans need a champion, and i want to be that champion. so, you can do more than just get by, you can get ahead. and stay ahead! because when families are strong, america is strong. so, i"m hitting the road to earn your vote. because it"s your time, and i hope you"ll join me on this journey.   我也准备好了要做一些事情。我要参加总统竞选。美国已经从艰难的经济形势中恢复,但机遇仍然存在并青睐那些位于顶端的人。每一天,美国都需要一个冠军,而我希望成为那个冠军。所以,你可以做的更好,你可以并一直。因为只要家庭繁荣,美国就会繁荣。因此我需要你的选票,因为这是你的时代,我希望你能和我一起踏上征程。
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久仰!  I"ve heard so much about you.  好久不见了!  Long time no see.  辛苦了!  You"ve had a long day.You"ve had a long flight.  尊敬的朋友们!  Distinguished/Honorable/Respected friends  阁下(多用于称呼大使)  Your Excellency  我代表北京市政府欢迎各位朋友访问北京。  On behalf of the Beijing Municipal government, I wish to extend our warm welcome to the friends who have come to visit Beijing.  对您的大力协助,我谨代表北京市政府表示衷心的感谢。  On behalf of the Beijing Municipal government, i wish to express our heartfelt thanks to you for your gracious assistance.  在北京过得怎么样?How are you making out in Beijing?  我一定向他转达您的问候和邀请。  I"ll surely remember you and your invitation to him.  欢迎美商来北京投资。  American businessmen are welcome to make investment in Beijing.  欢迎多提宝贵意见。  Your valuable advice is most welcome.  不虚此行!  It"s a rewarding trip!  您的日程很紧,我们的会见是否就到此为止。  As you have a tight schedule, I will not take up more of your time.  请代我问候王先生。  Please remember me to Mr.Wang.  感谢光临!  Thank you so much for coming.  欢迎再来!  Hope you"ll come again.  欢迎以后多来北京!  Hope you"ll visit Beijing more often.  请留步,不用送了!  I will see myself out, please.  多保重!  Take care!  祝您一路平安!  Have a nice trip!  愿为您效劳!  At your service!  为…举行宴会/宴请  Host a dinner/banquet(宴会)/luncheon(午宴) in honor of …  欢迎宴会  Welcome dinner  便宴  Informal dinner  午宴(附有情况介绍或专题演讲等内容)  Luncheon  便餐  Light meal  工作午餐  Working luncheon  自助餐  Buffet dinner/luncheon  答谢宴会  Return dinner  告别宴会  Farewell dinner  庆功宴  Glee feast  招待会  Reception  庆祝中华人民共和国成立四十五周年招待会  Reception Celebrating the 45th Anniversary of the Founding of the People"s Republic of China  鸡尾酒会  Cocktail party  茶话会  Tea party  包餐/点餐  Table d"hote/a la carte  上菜  Serve a courst  您的位置在这里。  Here is your seat.  请入席!  Please have a seat.  欢聚一堂  Enjoy this happy get-together  请随便!  Please yourself at home./Please enjoy yourself.  请各位随意用餐。  Help yourself please.  您喝点什么?  What would you like to drink?  现在我提议,为了…和…之间的合作,为了…参议员的健康,干杯!  At this point, I propose a toast: to the cooperation between … And … , to the health of Senator…, cheers!  最后,我借主人的酒,提议为…干杯!  Lastly, taking up this glass of fine wine, I propose a toast to …  请各位举杯并同我一起为所有在座的朋友们的健康干杯!  I"d ask you to raise your glass and join me in a toast ot the health of all our friends present here.  敬您一杯!  Here"s to you!  祝你健康!  To your health!  我要为此干杯!  I"ll drink to that!  随量!  Whatever you like!  我失陪一会儿!  Excuse me for a minute.  菜不好,请多多包涵!  Hope you enjoy yourself.  女士们先生们,欢迎各位光临,演出很快就要开始了,请尽快就坐。  Ladies and gentlemen, good evening. The concert/show would start soon. Please get yourself seated. Thank you.  招待会现在开始。  The reception will now begin.  全体起立,奏国歌!  All rise please. For the P.R.C.National Anthem!  出席今天招待会的贵宾有…  The distinguished guests paarticipating the reception are …  现在请…讲话  I have the honour to call upon …  开幕式现在结束。  This concludes the opening ceremony.  隆重庆祝  Grand celebration  庆祝成立…一周年  Celebrating the 1st Anniversary of the Establishment of …  热烈祝贺第一届…锦标赛  Hail the first FIFA of …  值此节日之际致以节日的祝贺!  On the occasion of the season, I would like to extend season"s greetings.  祝您工作顺利、事业成功、身体健康、家庭幸福!  Wish you the very best of luck in your job, every successin your future endeavours, good health and a happy family!  衷心祝贺您当选…  Hearty congratulations on your recent ecletion as …  举行会议/研讨会/大会/座谈会/学术报告会  Hold a meeting/seminar/conference/forum/symposium  赞助人/主办人/承办人/协办人  Patron/sponsor/organizer/co-organizer  举行谈判  Enter into negotiation  交涉  Make representations with sb. On sth./deal with sb.  事物性会谈  Talks at working level  对口会谈  Counterpart talks  议程项目  Items on the agenda  主题  Theme  议题  Topic for discussion  双方商定的议程  Schedule mutually agreed upon开幕会议  Opening session  全体会议  Plenary session  开场白  Introduction  情况介绍  Presentation  小组讨论  Panel discussion  同有关单位磋商  Hold consultations with the organizations concerned  一轮会谈  One round of talks  决议  Resolution  谅解备忘录  Memorandum of understanding  现在开会。  I declare the meeting open.  请…发言。  I invite the representative of …To take the floor.  下面我给各位简要介绍一下北京的经济情况  Now I would like to give you a brief overview of Beijing"s economy.  我的介绍完了,谢谢!  That"s all for my presentation.thank you.  我先说这么多。  So much for my remarks for now.  我要说的就是这些。  That"s all for what I want to say.  您看是先谈原则问题呢,还是先谈具体问题?  I wonder if you would like to start with matters of principle or specific issues?  让我先谈一个问题。  If you agree(With your permission), let me start with one issue  在谈那个问题之前我想对您刚才讲的话谈点看法。  Before we trun to that issue, I wish to make a few comments/remarks on your presentation.  您对此事怎么看呢?  I wish to benefit from your views on this matter./ What is your view on this matter?/ How do you see this matter?  我提议休会十分钟。  I propose a ten-minute break.  我想接着刚才的问题讲下去。  I will pick up where we left off just now.  对不起,我插一句。  Sorry for the interruption but  当然可以!  By all means.  怎么都行!  Whatever you say.  我没有异议。  I have no objection.  我方对这个问题有异议。  We take exception to this question.  我们高兴地看到…  We note with pleasure that …  这个日期贵方觉得合适吗?  I wonder if this date wuld be suitable for you?  不知你们上午谈的怎样?  I wonder how the meeting went this morning?  我方很希望 贵方能尽早给予肯定的答复。  We would greatlyl appreciate it if you could give us your favourable and prompt commitment as soonas possible.  请你们务必在8月1日前提出意向书。  You are kindly requested to submit the letter of intent on the date no later than 1st August.  纠缠这个问题。  Entangle this issue.  提倡节约  Advocate/uphold thriftiness  为了国家的繁荣  For the sake of national property  经受了时间考验的友谊给我留下了很深的印象。  The time-tested friendship leave me a deep impression.  密切注视  Keep close watch on  促进密切合作  Spur/promote intensive cooperation
2023-07-18 08:01:421


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2023-07-18 07:52:441

求助ASTER V7 运行在 x64 系统启动问题

电脑一拖二,拖机软件ASTER安装设置教程: 1、请确保已经安装了电脑显卡的官方驱动。 2、安装Aster软件前,请关闭或卸载360等防火墙/杀毒软件。安装完后再恢复防火墙/杀毒软件;或者在防火墙软件有提示时,选择“信任全部”。 3、创建两个带密码的...
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