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2023-07-18 05:58:46
TAG: 光明







Morcheeba的《Blindfold》 歌词

歌曲名:Blindfold歌手:Morcheeba专辑:Big Calm-= Morcheeba 《 Blindfold 》=-……杭州 > Pub 1991 < 棒儿……Three months in hereCan"t catch the tearsTime never landsOur love is all that stands nowStreets feel strangeAnd longer lives can never changeI"m so glad to have youAnd it"s getting worseI"m so mad to love youAnd your evil curseI feel out of placeJust look at my faceStuck in the mudKnee-deep in blood girlEyes, blind foldYou never said I"m growing oldI"m so glad to have youAnd it"s getting worseI"m so mad to love youAnd your evil curse……杭州 > Pub 1991 < 棒儿……(Sample: My my my heart is still reliant/very light)Tell them I"ve goneAnd nothing"s wrongIn from the pastA sudden blast bangSpring has goneAnd summer keeps on coming onI"m so glad to have youAnd it"s getting worseI"m so mad to love youAnd your evil curseI"ve a plan to save youFrom my miseryI"m a man too brave to follow historyLalalalalalalala...
2023-07-18 03:57:371


1. blind; eyeless2. blindly 
2023-07-18 03:57:483


  眼罩是戴在眼睛上起保护或遮挡作用的东西,现在已成为时尚的用品,在我们生活旅行当中有消除疲劳的重要作用。那么你知道眼罩用英语怎么说吗?下面我为大家带来眼罩的英语说法,希望对大家的学习有所帮助。   眼罩的英语说法1:   eyeshade   英 [u02c8au026au02ccu0283eu026ad] 美 [u02c8au026au02ccu0283ed]   眼罩的英语说法2:   blinker   英 [u02c8bliu014bku0259] 美 [u02c8blu026au014bku025a]   眼罩的英语说法3:   eyepatch   眼罩相关英语表达:   护眼罩 eye shield   安然眼罩 safety eyeshade   绣花眼罩 embroidered eyeshade   不锈钢眼罩 Stainless Steel Blindfold   眼罩的英语说法例句:   1. A squint can sometimes be corrected by an eyepatch.   斜视有时候可以通过戴眼罩来纠正.   2. The prisoner wore a blindfold when he was executed.   行刑时犯人戴着眼罩.   3. His finger went up to touch the black patch which covered his left eye.   他伸手去触摸遮住左眼的黑眼罩。   4. Wear eye protection when opening the container, since it"s so easy for contents to spurt out.   打开容器时要戴好护眼罩,因为里面的东西很容易喷出来。   5. She went to the hospital and found him lying down with a patch over his eye.   她去了医院,发现他躺着,一只眼睛戴着眼罩。   6. He wears a black patch over his right eye.   他右眼上戴着黑色的眼罩.   7. Why not just hand out blindfolds, Captain?   何不干脆给我们眼罩不就行了吗?   8. Since the eyes move in tandem, both are patched.   因为左右眼球是联动的, 所以两眼都要戴上眼罩.   9. Occasionally, he is wearing a blindfold symbolizing the saying, Love is blind.   他有时会带眼罩,象征俗语所说: “爱情是盲目的”.   10. Is personal protective equipment worn ie . Ear plugs , overalls, gloves, masks, goggles?   工人有否配带安全设备:如耳塞 、 手套 、 面罩 、 眼罩等等?   11. Wearing an eye - patch when you are asleep can improve sleeping quality.   戴眼罩睡觉可以提高睡眠质量.   12. You a pirate - why you got that eyepatch on for?   你是个海盗啊,带那个眼罩干什么?   13. The mercenary wore his ruby - eye patch over eye this day, Dinin noted.   狄宁注意到,今天佣兵右眼上罩着他的红宝石色眼罩.   14. There are 7 species of raccoon in the world distributed in both Americas.   浣熊栖息在美洲,世界上已知有七种,鼻子像猫,脸上像戴了一付眼罩,身上的毛很厚,黑白相间的一簇尾巴尤其美丽.   15. During treatments, the clinician and patient must wear appropriate protective eyewear.   治疗过程中, 医师和病人都需戴上防护眼罩.
2023-07-18 03:57:541

except when blindfold在句中是什么意思?

您好,很高兴回答您的问题。except when blindfold在句中的意思是:除非眼罩以上为个人意见,希望对您有帮助。
2023-07-18 03:58:071


问题一:修正带用英语怎么说? 修正带用英语说是:Correction Tapes. 问题二:修正带用英语怎么说 我将你的爱 我永远不会让你感觉, 感到孤独 如果昨天 blindfolds你的眼睛 我会为您带来明天 有时间 你觉得你失去了 觉得夜间将永远不会结束 通过拂晓 很难坚持 但明天 带您到您的感官 作为Sun公司将使它的方式 你会使其有 的地方的现实和梦想 和爱将一起 我会继续根据从衰落 如果你的云彩盲 与风的改变你的信仰 我将你的爱, 我将你的光 我永远不会让你感觉, 感到孤独 如果昨天 blindfolds你的眼睛 我会为您带来明天 让我看看你的微笑 你不哭泣 过去 有些日子可能是灰色的 和沉闷 不容易离开 离开它背后 " TIL的雨水停在沉默 我将在那里举行你的心 我会与你同在 " TIL的你找到爱的理由 我们认为理所当然 我们要保持时间从衰落 "导致世界留在这里 您希望更深入地比疼痛 我将你的爱, 我将你的光 我永远不会让你感觉, 感到孤独 如果昨天 blindfolds你的眼睛 我会为您带来明天 如果您认为 相信在世界上 理想的爱情 和你的心里面的力量 你会找到一种方法 我将你的爱, 我将你的光 我永远不会让你感觉, 感到孤独 如果昨天 blindfolds你的眼睛 我会为您带来明天 我将你的爱, 我将你的光 我永远不会让你感觉, 感到孤独 问题三:修正带的英文是什么 修正带有几个表达法. correction ribbon; correction tape; correction. 问题四:修正带的英文翻译是什么 修正带有几个表达法. correction ribbon; correction tape; correction 问题五:修正带的英文是什么啊 Correction tape 问题六:修正液用英语怎么说 Correction fluid 希望对你有帮助! 问题七:帮我看看这个修正带怎么使用? 带有修正带的一边贴合字体,向后拖动并伴有声音
2023-07-18 03:58:141


  无视的英文:   ignore   disregard   defy   参考例句:   Disregard sb unfeelingly or contemptuously   无视或蔑视某人I could do that blindfoldly, ie easily, regardless of obstacles.   我蒙着眼也能做(不费吹灰之力,无视任何障碍)。Bold or insolent heedlessness of restraints,as of those imposed by prudence,propriety,or convention.   大胆破格,创新性鲁莽或无视任何约束,如那些用慎重,规矩或传统来强加的约束Trample down the law   无视法律He is color-blind to facts.   他无视事实。Rewards and punishments were dished out without any regard to either deserts or justice   无视功过与公正,赏罚不明。Nobody can ignore the fact (that) the experiment is a success.   谁也不能无视这一事实:实验是成功的`。He who ignores history is doomed to repeat it.   谁无视历史,谁就注定要重蹈覆辙。He ignored the traffic signal and caused an accident.   他无视交通信号,从而引起了交通事故。Why did the inspector neglect his duty?   为什么监察员无视自己的责任呢?ignore是什么意思:   v. 不顾;不理会,忽视   To be ignorant of one"s ignorance is the malady of the ignorant. ——Amos Bronson Alcott   不知道自己的无知,是无知者的可悲之处。——奥尔科特Not ignorance, but the ignorance of ignorance, is the death of knowledge. --A N. Whitehead, British philosopher   不是无知本身,而是对无知的无知,才是知识的死亡。英国哲学家怀特海Ignorance is mere privation.   无知是一种纯粹的贫乏。 disregard是什么意思:   v. 不顾;漠视   n. 不顾;漠视   a cynical disregard for others" safety   只顾自己不顾他人安危的可耻行为 Lack of heed or attention; disregard.   不留心,玩忽不留意,不注意;不在意 Accessory minerals are disregarded in classifying rocks.   副矿物在矿石分类中被淘汰。defy是什么意思:   v. 违抗,反抗,蔑视;无法…;经受住,顶住   n. 挑战;对抗   He defied his opponents.   他公然反抗他的对手们。They defy accurate classification at present.   这使目前的正确分类有困难。The driver of the car was defying the law by speeding.
2023-07-18 03:58:211


在出生的时候,里米·勒博(Remy LeBeau)由于天生的特异红色眼睛而迅速被传开,消息到达了古董商耳中后对这个红眼的婴儿产生的兴趣,派遣盗贼窃取到身边,并且把他称之为“Le Diable Blanc”——白色的恶魔。盗贼工会不敢和古董商做正面冲撞,但是盗贼首领Jean-Luc相信Remy便是预言中所提到的会兴盛工会的红眼男子。暗地中Jean-Luc守护着Remy并且将他安排于街头的中和组织而养大,也被培养成了出色的神偷。当他十岁左右的时候,Remy在尝试偷盗贼工会的首领Jean-Luc LeBeau的钱包而被Jean-Luc收养,不再流浪街头。通过家族的安排,Remy认识了刺客工会首领的女儿Bella Donna Boudreaux并且对她产生了爱意。出于结束盗贼和刺客常年的瓜葛为由,Remy和Bella在十八岁的时候结婚了。婚礼当天Bella的哥哥不接受Remy盗贼的身份和刺客混合,向他提出生死决斗。误杀了他的Remy被驱逐并且禁止再次回到新奥尔良,禁止和任何公会里的人有任何联系。由此为条件,两个行会达成了互不侵犯条约。随后Gambit在变异的体能帮助下,选取扑克牌为武器,徘徊在世界各成为了名偷。随着他异能的成长,Remy体内储存的能量逐渐增长过他所能操纵的范围,迫不得已的情况下向凶兆先生Mr. Sinister求助。凶兆先生答应他的请求并从Remy的大脑内取除了部分脑组织从而降低异能的强度,Remy被要求返还这份债务的恩情。凶兆先生要求他组织一批被称之为“掠夺者(Marauders)”的刺客。起初Remy并没有察觉凶兆先生真正的目的是屠杀住在纽约市下水道的异能人组织Morlocks,在看到了他的行为所造成的可怕后果后Remy试图阻止这场屠杀,但几近被掠夺者的剑齿虎(Sabertooth)所杀。内疚的他未能停止那日的大屠杀,绝望地在废墟里搜寻着幸存者,冒着生命危险拯救了一名叫做Sarah的小女孩(她日后成为了拥有抽骨异能的Morlocks领袖骨后Marrow )。Gambit遇到了X战警(X-men)的暴风女(Storm),此时的她被变成了一个失忆的孩子并且依靠偷窃为生。Remy帮助他从敌人影王(Shadow King)手中逃脱并且和她成为了好搭档。X战警的创始人X教授(Professor Charles Xavier)从外层空间返回后,Remy被暴风女推荐入X战警。Remy很快地爱上了X战警的小淘气(Rogue)——拥有可以通过皮肤接触来吸取他人的能力和记忆能力的女孩。两人对对方都有互通的爱意,但是两个知音注定永远不能相互触及。Rogue强迫亲吻Remy后吸取了部分他的记忆,得知了大屠杀真相的她由于感情起伏而离开了X战警。真相暴露后,Gambit被使用Erik the Red的身份的万磁王(Magneto)抓获归案审讯并且立刻被X战警遗弃在冰封的南极。几近死亡的Remy终于到达万磁王的城堡后他遇见了一个已故的异能者Mary Purcell,被这个幽灵般存在的女士附体后Remy获得了自愈能力并且抵达了隐秘的南极丛林原野,野蛮岛(Savage Land)。在这里,Gambit与一个能量体的存在New Sun达成了一项协议:Remy完成New Sun提出的任务,交换他把Remy送回美国。终于回到家的Gambit在为他的新雇主New Sun偷取传说中的深红宝石(Crimson Gem of Cyttorak)的时候再次碰到了X战警,出于对他的自我尊重和对Rogue的爱意,Remy答应重返队伍。然而附身在他身上的Mary开始威胁Remy和他的朋友们,要求Remy答应永远和她在一起。X战警发觉了Mary的存在的时候,她强迫把Remy带到了她的出生地,并且强迫让他和她合并成为一个新的混合生命存在体。Remy在和她斗争的时候Rogue带着封印仪器赶了过来,分散并且杀死了Mary。在倒流的时光旅行上,Gambit的异能被凶兆先生复原,恢复到最大的潜能,助他可利用自己穿越时空的能力回到现代。随后,Remy回到盗贼工会代替他的养父担当了一段时间的首领职位,并且担任一支X战警分队的领头人。此外Remy还负责统一盗贼和刺客的工会,建立了容纳两者的工会Unified Guild。与此同时,New Sun暴露了他的真实目的,以Gambit为目标组织了一帮拥有超能力的雇佣军展开“暗杀游戏”,强迫他激活自己所有的潜能。重见New Sun的Remy被他的真实身份所震撼,New Sun实际上是平行世界中的自己。在New Sun的世界里,他的异能失控爆发,杀死了世界上所有的人,因此他决定追杀所有现实中的自己以确保他们不会重蹈自己的覆辙。在他们的最后一战时,Remy燃烧掉了自己所有的能量以击败New Sun,结束了他的计划。但战后Gambit的异能也从奥米加(Omega)水平降低到了普通水平。Gambit被变种人塞巴斯蒂安·肖(Sebastian Shaw)诬陷为杀死澳大利亚犯罪王Viceroy的凶手,在Rogue和她的极限X战警队伍(X-Treme X-Men)还有前黑社会成员红莲(Red Lotus)的帮助下才洗清了自己的名字。不久后,Gambit被卷入极限X战警的对抗外星人入侵地球。他被捕获并且作为打开异空间大门的能源好以让他们的入侵舰队全部抵达地球,迫不得已瓦加斯(Vargas)使用宝剑穿透Remy的身体才关上了异空间大门。Remy在Rogue的救助下幸存了下来,但是醒来后却发现他和Rogue双双失去了异能。他和Rogue从X战警退休,一起过着一段正常人的生活。不管他们怎么尝试正常人的生活始终不符合他们,很快便被卷入极限X战警与异能人Elias Bogan的战斗。战斗胜利后,一个名为贤哲(Sage)的女变种人跳跃启动了Gambit和Rogue的异能,重获能力的二人重新归返X战警。在一个70年后的另类世界,毕肖普(Bishop)所诞生的世界里,Gambit是一个命名为见证人(Witness)的中老年人物。之所以得名是因为是他亲眼目睹X战警中的叛徒出卖了他们,导致X战警全部被杀害,Gambit是惟一一个幸存者故名见证人。在毕肖普加入X战警的时候,他怀疑Remy便是那位背叛者,直到他发觉X教授和万磁王的腐败意识力所产生的实体Onslaught才是真正的背叛者。在天启(Apocalypse)最近的一次突袭,出于一些原因Gambit主动加入了他的一侧并且成为了天启的骑士,死亡(Death)。Gambit认为天启可以拯救变异者,但是也相信如果天启开始背叛他们,靠自己的能力也可以阻止他。当成为死亡/死神(Death)的时候(普遍称为Death Gambit来区分其他名称),Gambit由于无法控制主意识而攻击了他的情人Rogue和X战警。镭射眼(Cyclops)带着复仇者联盟的英雄们一起来阻止启示者和他的骑士们,启示者的计划看似失败并且自身消失了,但启示者的骑士们依然保留着他的意识。其中一个骑士太阳火(Sunfire)将Death Gambit从战场上救出并且一起逃脱,之后他们一起返回来寻找同是骑士的北极星(Polaris),却发现北极星已在战斗中受伤并且处于昏迷状态,被X战警看守着。Death Gambit和太阳火战败,被迫逃离X基地。他们一起谈论失去了启示者自身会发生什么事,谈话中凶兆先生发现了他们并且邀请他们加入了掠夺者。即便在Death的模式下,Gambit也依然保留了部分自己的意识,非常后悔攻击Rogue。凶兆先生将他从死神状态下退减回正常状态,让Remy沉浸在自己的自责中。对凶兆先生负债累累的Remy质疑自己下一步到底应该怎么做,最后决定了留在凶兆先生身边。掠夺者等待着合适的时机去攻击X战警,Gambit留在了掠夺者的一派。战斗中,魔形女(Mystique)背叛了X战警并且枪击了Gambit的情人Rogue。之后他们带着Rogue撤离。掠夺者获取第一战的胜利。那之后,Gambit和太阳火攻击了链索(Cable)。链索战败并且被他人认为是被Gambit所杀,其实链索并没有死。X战警主动攻击掠夺者为了寻找婴儿救世主(Messiah),交战时Gambit被金刚狼(Wolverine)所伤,从而得知Messiah其实是和链索在一起。掠夺者并不知道她的踪迹,推测是Gambit把她交给链索来照顾的。当毕肖普攻击链索的时候,Gambit救出了婴儿并且返回凶兆先生身边,发现凶兆先生已被魔形女杀死,Remy觉得自己终于完全地自由了。魔形女决定用婴儿来治愈Rogue的时候,Gambit再次救了Messiah。X教授和链索随后来领取婴儿的时候Gambit才把她交出。Rogue被治愈好了但是依然想杀魔形女,最终没有动手。Rogue对Gambit的最后一个请求是不要跟着她。信徒(Acolytes)绑架了X教授的身体,Exodus治愈了他们并且带领他们,X教授拒绝了这个提议。在万磁王的帮助下X教授战胜了Exodus,但是在毕肖普枪击他后失去了记忆。当X教授的生命再次受到威胁的时候,Gambit遵循救了他。X教授并不记得Remy,但是他对Gambit使用了读心术看到了他到脑力部分的画面。不久后另外一组敌人进攻过来,塞巴斯蒂安·肖前来救援他们。不知何故凶兆先生过去对X教授做了什么事情,导致X教授继承了他的性格和能力。医生Mueller试图将此能力从X教授身上驱散,并且协助于塞巴斯蒂安和Gambit,最终依然未能成功。Gambit最后发现了X教授的身体,但是他已经不是X教授了——X教授已经变成了Nathaniel Essex,凶兆先生。事后,Rogue和危境(Danger)回归了X战警,Gambit也一同归队却发现由于之前发生的种种,他不再被大家接受。当Death Gambit的人格开始慢慢地重现的时候,他们最担心的事情成了现实,Gambit由此被X战警疏远。Emplate返回后寻找一个新的受害者,Rogue为了救Bling自愿冒险进入了Emplate的据点。Gambit由于此事的决定而愤怒指责辐射眼,在两人争论间Death Gambit的人格再次浮现,感到能量在他身体中加强而惶恐于失去控制的Gambit把自己从他人身边隔离开。盲视(Blindfold)随后来看Gambit并且告诉他她看到的预言:在Gambit(牌皇), 劣童(Hellion)和大群(Legion)三人之中,有一个人会在未来极大地伤害X战警。在和Death Gambit谈话后,盲视(Blindfold)得知Death并没有伤害X战警的意图。在金刚狼和辐射眼的决裂后,金刚狼决定离开并且在东部建立一个新学校。Gambit接受了他的邀请,声明他已经在西部做了所有他能做的事,也许应该向东部移动。Remy接受了在琴·格雷学校高(Jean Grey School)的高级教员职位。在X战警和复仇者联盟对抗的时候,Gambit最初精神上支持他的X战警伙伴们,但是并没有介入斗争。复仇者联盟抵达学校来盯着他们的举动的时候Gambit表示并不喜欢那个状况,直到女浩克(She-Hulk)误以为他的学生为怪兽而误伤他们,Gambit才决定加入反对复仇者联盟的一边。Gambit重新拿起了他的偷窃习惯,在离开X战警的业余时间开始继续自己盗贼的职业。一次行动中他发现了一个古老的饰品,没想到这个饰品却钻入他的胸口。在多次尝试移去失败后,Remy决定寻找它背后的真相。
2023-07-18 03:58:411


2023-07-18 03:58:553

英语完型填空 英语达人帮帮学弟 详细解释一下第37空,为什么选adopt,他的意思是采纳,采取

adopt 还有 收养 接纳的意思 ,这句就是说我们被叫去照顾一个残疾人几个小时
2023-07-18 03:59:042

janet jackson -rope burn 歌词的中文翻译

2023-07-18 03:59:142


以英文Up(上)、Down(下)、Front(前)、Back(后)、Left(左)、Right(右)的第一个字母分别来表示魔方的上、下、前、后、左、右六个面,即U(上)、D(下)、F(前)、B(后)、L(左)、R(右)。当旋转魔方的右层时,从右侧看,若按顺时针方向转动90°,则用R表示这一旋转动作,若按反时针方向转动90°,则用R"表示这一旋转动作,若按顺时针方向转动180°,则用R2来表示。另外,将夹层的运动RL"简单记作Rs(表示左右两层同时以右层为基准的顺时针方向转动90°),并将夹层的运动RL简单记作Ra(即右层顺时针转90°,左层则与之反方向旋转90°),而(RsFs)3则表示将RsFs的动作重复做3次。阶:阶数是指魔方每个边所具有的块数,比如三阶魔方每个边就有3个小块。 复原:指魔方从非原始状态到原始状态的过程。POP(飞棱):指在复原中魔方的某些组成部分从魔方上面脱离的情况,如果是出现在比赛中作为无效的复原过程。 DNF(弃权):即Did Not Finish指魔方复原者感觉无法在自己满意的时间内完成魔方而弃权的情况,在比赛中可以有一次DNF。
2023-07-18 03:59:221

nightwish-bye bye beautiful歌词翻译(中文)

最后的山丘都没有眼睛 他们已经厌倦了绘画,他们已经厌倦绘画 死人的脸死人的脸 红用自己的血。红用自己的血。 过去,我们爱我们的爱用 有这么多失去了这么多失去 你的眼睛眨一次闪烁你的眼睛只有一次 看到一切都在蓝色。看到一切都在蓝色。 你有没有听到我告诉你的?你有没有听到我告诉你的? 你有没有看我写的什么吗?你有没有看我写的什么吗? 你有没有听我们的表现?你有没有听我们的表现? 你有没有让世界在说什么?你有没有让世界在说什么? 没有我们这么远只是觉得你的仇恨?没有我们这么远只是觉得你的仇恨? 难道我们的打法,成为唯一的筹码在游戏中?难道我们的打法,成为唯一的筹码在游戏中? 如何盲人可以吗?难道你不明白吗?如何盲人可以吗?难道你不明白吗? 您选择了漫长的道路,但我们将等待您选择了漫长的道路,但我们将等待 再见美丽!再见美丽!再见美丽!再见美丽! 兄弟姐妹为失明的失明的兄弟姐妹 散步她死于地球散步她死于地球 失去心脏周围哽塞窒息失去周围心脏 永恒四分五裂四分五裂永恒 减慢了葬礼祈祷减慢了葬礼祈祷 我需要指导您完成一个谎言我需要引导您完成一个谎言 你有没有听到我告诉你的?你有没有听到我告诉你的? 你有没有看我写的什么吗?你有没有看我写的什么吗? 你有没有听我们的表现?你有没有听我们的表现? 你有没有让世界在说什么?你有没有让世界在说什么? 没有我们这么远只是觉得你的仇恨?没有我们这么远只是觉得你的仇恨? 难道我们的打法,成为唯一的筹码在游戏中?难道我们的打法,成为唯一的筹码在游戏中? 如何盲人可以吗?难道你不明白吗?如何盲人可以吗?难道你不明白吗? 您选择了漫长的道路,但我们将等待您选择了漫长的道路,但我们将等待 再见美丽!再见美丽!再见美丽!再见美丽! 再见美丽!再见美丽!再见美丽!再见美丽! 这不是树forsakes花这不是树forsakes花 但花的树forsakes但花的树forsakes 总有一天我会学会爱这些星级总有一天我会学会爱这些星级 如何盲人可以吗?难道你不明白吗?如何盲人可以吗?难道你不明白吗? 如何盲人可以吗?难道你不明白吗?如何盲人可以吗?难道你不明白吗? 如何盲人可以吗?难道你不明白吗?如何盲人可以吗?难道你不明白吗? 我们不能抹煞我们自己的命运,我们不能抹煞我们自己的命运 你有没有听到我告诉你的?你有没有听到我告诉你的? 你有没有看我写的什么吗?你有没有看我写的什么吗? 你有没有听我们的表现?你有没有听我们的表现? 你有没有让世界在说什么?你有没有让世界在说什么? 没有我们这么远只是觉得你的仇恨?没有我们这么远只是觉得你的仇恨? 难道我们的打法,成为唯一的筹码在游戏中?难道我们的打法,成为唯一的筹码在游戏中? 如何盲人可以吗?难道你不明白吗?如何盲人可以吗?难道你不明白吗? 您选择的是漫长的道路,但我们将等待您选择的是漫长的道路,但我们将等待 再见美丽!再见美丽!再见美丽!再见美丽! 再见美丽!附属的!附属的!附属的!附属的!再见美丽!附属的!附属的!附属的!附属的!
2023-07-18 03:59:377


2023-07-18 03:59:522


魔方的术语有N阶:阶数是指魔方主体部分两个相邻旋转面所共有的块数,比如三阶魔方每个边有3个小块,金字塔魔方两个相邻旋转面共有5个块,但主体部分只共有3个块,所以也是三阶。复原:指魔方从非原始状态到原始状态的过程。SUB的原文是「Subtraction」,意思就是「减、少于」的意思,在这里是「在XX秒以下」的意思。例:3x3方块SUB30,就是指平均速度在30秒以下。(一说为n次计时还原后去掉最快、最慢两次成绩并取平均值)DNS是“Didnotstart”的简称,指放弃了一次复原机会,没有开始复原,即开始前弃权。WCA:世界魔方协会(WorldCubeAssociation),世界魔方协会成立于2003年,主要致力于举办魔方速拧比赛。1982年在匈牙利举行的世界魔方冠军赛的成绩也被WCA承认,这是2003年之前唯一被承认的比赛。CFOP:FridrichMethod的缩写。流程为Cross、F2L、OLL、PLL,取每一个步骤的首字母作为简称。Cross:十字。指在FridrichMethod或层先法中还原底层的4个棱块。F2L:FirstTwoLayers的缩写。运用FridrichMethod同时还原魔方第一、二层的方法。OLL:OrientationOfLastLayer的缩写。运用FridrichMethod还原魔方第三层颜色的方法。PLL:PermutationOfLastLayer的缩写。运用FridrichMethod还原魔方第三层位置的方法。DNF:DidNotFinish的缩写。指的是参赛者感觉自己无法在满意的时间内完成魔方而宣布弃权,或按下计时器时魔方未能复原,在比赛中可以有一次DNF。(如有两次以上DNF,则该项目平均成绩为DNF)LuckyCase:指还原魔方过程中某一个步骤不须进行还原而幸运地自动跳到下一步骤。LuckyTime:指出现LuckyCase下还原所用的时间。PB:PersonalBest的缩写。为个人魔方最快时间。POP:POPup的缩写。魔方在复原过程中,棱块、角块等零件脱离飞出。如果是出现在比赛中作为无效的复原过程。BLD:BlindfoldCubing的缩写。先看后拧,计时是从第一眼看到魔方开始,然后进行记忆,记忆完成后盲拧魔方。Scramble:指的是打乱魔方UWR:UnofficialWorldRecord的缩写。非官方统计的魔方世界纪录。LBL:LayerByLayer的缩写。指层先法,有的地方又叫“七步法”WR:世界纪录NR:国家纪录AsR:亚洲纪录CR:洲际记录FSC:FingerShortCut的缩写。是指由一组旋转动作组成的、在公式中经常出现的顺手手法(比如RUR"U")。CZZ:两种说法:①拆再装拼音缩写②cross(十字)+ZBLS(最后一组f2l完成的同时完成顶面十字)+ZBLL(顶层棱块对位,顶层角块对色对位)PSC:可预先准备的还原挑战魔方 ,英文名为Rubik"sCube,又叫魔术方块或鲁比克方块和幻方,是一种手部极限运动。通常泛指三阶魔方。三阶魔方魔方形状通常是正方体,由有弹性的硬塑料制成。竞速玩法是将魔方打乱,然后在最短的时间内复原。目前三阶魔方官方世界纪录是由来自澳大利亚的FeliksZemdegs(菲利克斯·曾姆丹格斯)保持的4.73秒。
2023-07-18 04:00:013


我参加了一个叫做敏感周日的团队活动,让我们更加了解残疾人所面临的困难。这个活动要求我们在周日花上几个小时“适应一种缺陷”。有些成员,就像我一样,选择了轮椅。其他人有的带了助听器,有的带了眼罩。仅仅是坐在轮椅里就是一个学习体验。我从来没想过坐轮椅的感觉如此糟糕。当我一坐上去的时候,我的体重就压的轮椅开始动了。轮子并没有上锁。然后我就不知道该把自己的脚放哪。我花了好长时间才把金属的脚歇摆好。这次轮椅体验很快就结束了。但是却给我留下了深刻的印象。手翻,望采纳 谢谢
2023-07-18 04:00:302

求一首英文歌 应该是男子组合唱的 副歌一顿一顿的节奏比较慢 歌词貌似是

Mirrors - Natalia KillsnananaShut upShut your mouth and close the doorI wanna" watch you while you take it offI"m gonna" take a blindfold put it onAnd then I drop the letter to the floorI said shut upTurning the lights out"Burnin" the candlesAnd the mirrors gon" fog tonightTurning the lights out"Tighten the handcuffsAnd the mirrors gon" fog tonightMy stiletto on your neckuntil I" tie your hands above the bed"you"re "bout to" but boy dont pull the trigger yetnanana" I haven"t reloaded the clipno matterSqueeze hard" hold that poseyou know i like it do itsweetheart" im the bossI"ll let you get close to itIm gonna make tonight a showoh oh ohI"ll make your love grenade explodenananaTurning the lights out"burnin" the candlesAnd the mirrors gon" fog tonightTurning the lights out"Tighten the handcuffsAnd the mirrors gon" fog tonightTurning the lights out"burnin" the candlesAnd the mirrors gon" fog tonightTurning the lights out"Tighten the handcuffsAnd the mirrors gon" fog tonightsex" love" control" vanitysex" love" control" vanitysex" love" control" vanitysex" love" control" vanitysex" love" control" vanitysex" love" control" vanityVanity" vanitySqueeze hard" hold that poseYou know I like it do itsweetheart" I"m the bossI"ll let you get close to itIm gonna make tonight a showohohohI"ll make your love grenade explodenananaTurning the lights out"burnin" the candlesAnd the mirrors gon" fog tonightTurning the lights out"Tighten the handcuffsAnd the mirrors gon" fog tonightTurning the lights out"burnin" the candlesAnd the mirrors gon" fog tonightTurning the lights out"Tighten the handcuffsAnd the mirrors gon" fog tonightAnd the mirrors gon" fog tonightAnd the mirrors gon" fog tonight
2023-07-18 04:00:381


Dolphins cetaceans arbitrarily, belong to, the odontocetes, dolphin, dolphin, nearly 62 appellative and distribution in the oceans. Length of 1.2 ~ 4.2 meters, the weight 23-225 kg. Dolphins generally recommand, jaw each about 101 star tapering teeth, mainly by Derek fisher, squid, prawns, crabs for food. Dolphins have like "collective" life, less is more than a few head, while hundreds of head. The dolphin is a kind of ability outstanding, the smart sea mammals. After training, can play table tennis, fire, etc. Besides, the brain is in animal dolphin most developed. One of my weight of the brain 2.1%, dolphins brain for its weight at 7 percent. Dolphins brain by completely separate the two parts, as part of the job, another part of the rest adequately, therefore, may never sleep. Dolphins are judged on echolocation target distance and direction and location, shape, even objects. Some experiments, the dolphin blindfold, muddy water, they also can rapid, accurate to throw its food. Dolphins have not only astonishing hearing, and superb swimming and diving unusual skill. According to some tests, the dolphin is 300 meters diving record, and people don"t wear a calm, can descend 20 meters. But it is not swim speed and human. Dolphins speed can reach 40 kilometers per hour, the equivalent of torpedo boats medium speed. In the whales, dolphins and family to several kingdoms - the dolphin species, the maximum 30. Some species is named "whales", such as the orcas, false killer whales, dolphins in the family member is actually. Dolphins are very clever of intelligence of animals, and they do not like the forest as timid animal people fled, and the mountains are not like that in animals, people always behaved dolphin bared like very docile amiable and close, compared with dogs and Malay, they treat human sometimes even more friendly. Save the drowning man dolphins, and we listened to the story with a lot of, dolphins playing, playful report also often heard, some story even become a sensation of news. After the training, even the dolphins can imitate some people"s voice. In the 1970s, American scientists, make two dolphins learned 25 words. Recently, the Pacific Ocean foundation of dr owens, 4 scientists to two dolphins are trained and spent three years, the church they 700 English vocabulary. But some scientists think, not the animals of the "language" or "dialect" depict too. But it has distinctive intelligence dolphins. It"s brain size, quality is the best in the animal world. At present, the intelligence of animals, scientists have two different views: one is that all the animals in the chimpanzee are the most efficient, evolution, Another is that the dolphins intelligence and ability to learn and apes, or even higher. Thus says for "the dolphin ciic Yu". In order to confirm the dolphins learning ability, in 1959, a man named lilley on a dolphin had done a test. He inserted the electrodes of pleasure and pain dolphins, when the central current through the central stimulating dolphin pleasure central nervous or pain central nervous, will produce pleasure or pain. Then the head touches the training dolphin small pieces of metal that control the current. If the electrode in the dolphin, dolphin just pain central training 20 times will choose the power off pieces of metal that pain disappeared. But in monkeys, need hundreds of times can learn to control switch training. The dolphin is in some ways a stronger ability to learn. Dolphins are friends of human beings, they are willing to communicate with people. Australia MengKai meters beach with humans dolphins have established friendship, bring the great joy and wonder. Maybe more dolphin, in more places to establish contact with the human, this desire is not what fantasy: as people mention dolphins, people have heard that it has extraordinary wisdom and ability. In the aquarium, dolphins can trainers instructions, and performance of the wonderful jumps, seem to understand human message, and action, people exclaim the beautiful sea animals so smart. So, what the dolphin intelligence and ability to what degree? And they did the communication between human beings" growing? Here from the brain structure and ecological dolphins, its characteristics of a wise.
2023-07-18 04:00:481


2023-07-18 04:01:006

帮忙翻译一段歌词 很美的一首歌 感谢

Oh morning come bursting, the clouds, they break  初阳降临,云雾拨清  Lift off this blindfold, let me see again  朦翳散去,我又重见澄明。  And bring back the water, let your ships row in  潺水汀汀,舟楫飘零。  In my heart you left a hole  你在我心,留下缺口难平。    The tightrope that I"m walking just sways and ties  钢索摇曳,步履颤跌  The devil as he"s talking with those angel"s eye  狱鬼碎语,假以天使之眼。  And I just want to be there when the lightning strikes  雷鸣之时,到达之日,  And the saints go marching in  圣徒前行,披历风阻电掣。      And sing slow it down  歌曰:缓之歇之,  Through chaos as it swirls  穿过混沌眩肆  It"s us just against the world  我们肩抗此喧闹之世。    Like a river to a raindrop, I lost a friend  我失一友,如露失洲  My _____ (h)as a Daniel in a lion"s den    And tonight I know it all has to begin again  我悉今夜,重生万有,  So whatever you do, don"t let go  不论何为,请君坚守。    And if we could float away  假若,我们能浮游离去,  Fly up to the surface and just start again  扑翅升腾,迎候新季。  And lift off before trouble just erodes us in the rain  绸缪于未雨,抽身于喧啼。    Just erodes us in the rain  朽于忧愁雨季  Just erodes us, just erodes us in the rain  朽于忧愁雨滴    Sing slow it down  歌曰:缓之歇之  Slow it down  缓之歇之    Through chaos as it swirls  穿越混沌眩肆  It"s just us against the world  只有我们,独抵此喧乱之世    Through chaos as it swirls  It"s us against the world
2023-07-18 04:01:271


R=right(右面) L=left(左面) U=up(上面) D=down(下面) F=foreward(前面) B=back(后面)小写的字母如r代表转右面的两层, 字母后加“‘ ”代表逆时针转,如R‘ 代表右面逆时针转90度,字母后加数字代表转180度,如R2表示右面转180度。魔方的英文名字是Rubic.
2023-07-18 04:01:551


The Choice is yours
2023-07-18 04:02:032

children of bodom are you dead yet歌词及翻译

Don"t hear, don"t deemDrowning before you diveDon"t care, commitTo your self destruction driveI kiss the groundWith love beyond foreverFlip off the skyWith bleeding fingers till I dieEnemy, take one a good look at meEradicate what you will always beTainted flesh, polluted soulThrough a mirror I beholdThrow a punchShards bleed on the floorTearing me apart butI don"t care anymoreShould I regret or ask myselfAre you dead yet?Wake up, don"t cryRegenerate to denyThe truth, the fictionYou live in blindfold on your eyesDisclosing, self loathingThis time you"ve gone too farOr could it be my nemesisThat you"re me?Enemy, take one good look at meEradicate what you will always beTainted flesh, polluted soulThrough a mirror I beholdThrow a punchShards bleed on the floorTearing me apart butI don"t care anymoreShould I regret or ask myselfAre you dead yet?[Laiho"s solo]Enemy, take one a good look at meEradicate what you will always beTainted flesh, polluted soulThrough a mirror I beholdThrow a punchShards bleed the floorTearing me apart butI don"t care anymoreShould I regret or ask myselfAre you dead yet?Are you dead yet?不要听,不要认为淹死在你的潜水不在乎借口,你的自我毁灭开车我吻这地爱永远以外天空翻下来了手指合并出血直到死敌人,然后拿一良好的看着我消除你将永远受污染的肉、受污染的灵魂我望著镜子击拳碎片流血在地板上撕裂我遥远而我不在乎了,要为此感到遗憾或者询问自己你死了没有了吗?醒来,不要哭泣,再生否认小说真相,你住在眼睛上你的眼睛披露、自我厌恶这次你说得太过分了还是它将成为我的仇人你我吗?敌人,然后拿一好好看看我消除你将永远受污染的肉、受污染的灵魂我望著镜子击拳碎片流血在地板上撕裂我遥远而我不在乎了,要为此感到遗憾或者询问自己你死了没有了吗?[Laiho个人]敌人,然后拿一良好的看着我消除你将永远受污染的肉、受污染的灵魂我望著镜子击拳排放地板碎片撕裂我遥远而我不在乎了,要为此感到遗憾或者询问自己你死了没有了吗?你死了没有了吗?
2023-07-18 04:02:102

scientist discovers a sixth sense课文翻译

As we all know,there are five senses:hearing,smell,sight,taste and touch.Now,however,a scientist has shown that we have a sixth sense:the ability to know when someone is watching us.Many people have noticed this feeling.For example,you are sitting in a cinema,and you As we all know,there are five senses:hearing,smell,sight,taste and touch.Now,however,a scientist has shown that we have a sixth sense:the ability to know when someone is watching us.Many people have noticed this feeling.For example,you are sitting in a cinema,and you feel that someone is watching you.You look around quickly,and find that you are right.A friend,at the back of the cinema,is staring at you.Until now,no one has been able to prove scientifically that people really do have this ability.But recently a scientist called Dr Rupert Sheldrake has announced the results of some new experiments.The experiments work in this way.Imagine two girls,Emma and Claire.Emma sits on a chair and wears a blindfold over her eyes,so she cannot see.Claire sits a few metres behind Emma.A teacher blows a whistle.Then in random order,Claire either looks at Emma,or she looks in a different direction.Emma must say if Claire is looking at her or not.The experiment is repeated 20 times.Dr Sheldrake repeat this simple experiment with hundreds of children.The results were that the person who was wearing the blindfold like Emma ,could often fee that the other person was watching him or her .Generally,the children kmew about 60% of the time they were being watched .If the children were just guessing "yes" or "no",theresult would only be 50%.正如我们所知道的,共有五个感觉:听觉,嗅觉,视觉,味觉和触觉。然而现在,一名科学家证明了我们有个第六感觉:能得知某个人在看着自己的能力。很多人都注意到了这种感觉。例如,你坐在电影院里,然后你感觉到有人在注视着你。你赶紧环顾四周,然后发现你感觉的没错。一位朋友,在电影院的后方,正在注视着你。直到现在,没有人能以科学证明人类真的有这种能力。然而最近有个叫作Dr Rupert Sheldrake的科学家公布了一些新的实验结果。这些实验是以这样的方式进行的。想像两个女孩,艾玛和克莱尔。艾玛坐在一张椅子上并被蒙上双眼,所以她无法看见。克莱尔坐在艾玛身后几米。一位教师吹起哨子。接着根据随机方式,克莱尔或望向艾玛,或望向相反的方向。艾玛必须说出克莱尔是否在注视着自己。这项实验重复了20次。 这个简单的实验与数百名儿童重复DR麻鸭。结果表明,戴着眼罩的人喜欢艾玛,经常费用,其他人在看他或她的孩子们了解HFMD的主要危险因素。一般来说,约60%的时间都被监视。如果孩子只是猜测"是"或"没有,结果只会是50%
2023-07-18 04:02:192


2023-07-18 04:02:414


  眼罩是戴在眼睛上起保护或遮挡作用的东西,现在已成为时尚的用品,在我们生活旅行当中有消除疲劳的重要作用。那么你知道吗?下面我为大家带来眼罩的英语说法,希望对大家的学习有所帮助。   眼罩的英语说法1:   eyeshade   英 [u02c8au026au02ccu0283eu026ad] 美 [u02c8au026au02ccu0283ed]   眼罩的英语说法2:   blinker   英 [u02c8bliu014bku0259] 美 [u02c8blu026au014bku025a]   眼罩的英语说法3:   eyepatch   眼罩相关英语表达:   护眼罩 eye shield   安然眼罩 safety eyeshade   绣花眼罩 embroidered eyeshade   不锈钢眼罩 Stainless Steel Blindfold   眼罩的英语说法例句:   1. A squint can sometimes be corrected by an eyepatch.   斜视有时候可以通过戴眼罩来纠正.   2. The prisoner wore a blindfold when he was executed.   行刑时犯人戴着眼罩.   3. His finger went up to touch the black patch which covered his left eye.   他伸手去触控遮住左眼的黑眼罩。   4. Wear eye protection when opening the container, since it"s so easy for contents to spurt out.   开启容器时要戴好护眼罩,因为里面的东西很容易喷出来。   5. She went to the hospital and found him lying down with a patch over his eye.   她去了医院,发现他躺着,一只眼睛戴着眼罩。   6. He wears a black patch over his right eye.   他右眼上戴着黑色的眼罩.   7. Why not just hand out blindfolds, Captain?   何不干脆给我们眼罩不就行了吗?   8. Since the eyes move in tandem, both are patched.   因为左右眼球是联动的, 所以两眼都要戴上眼罩.   9. Occasionally, he is wearing a blindfold symbolizing the saying, Love is blind.   他有时会带眼罩,象征俗语所说: “爱情是盲目的”.   10. Is personal protective equipment worn ie . Ear plugs , overalls, gloves, masks, goggles?   工人有否配带安全装置:如耳塞 、 手套 、 面罩 、 眼罩等等?   11. Wearing an eye - patch when you are asleep can improve sleeping quality.   戴眼罩睡觉可以提高睡眠质量.   12. You a pirate - why you got that eyepatch on for?   你是个海盗啊,带那个眼罩干什么?   13. The mercenary wore his ruby - eye patch over eye this day, Dinin noted.   狄宁注意到,今天佣兵右眼上罩着他的红宝石色眼罩.   14. There are 7 species of raccoon in the world distributed in both Americas.   浣熊栖息在美洲,世界上已知有七种,鼻子像猫,脸上像戴了一付眼罩,身上的毛很厚,黑白相间的一簇尾巴尤其美丽.   15. During treatments, the clinician and patient must wear appropriate protective eyewear.   治疗过程中, 医师和病人都需戴上防护眼罩.
2023-07-18 04:03:291


名词 盲 blind 盲人 blind, blindman 瞎子 blind, blindman 百叶窗 shutter, blind 眯 blind 瞽 blind 挡 gear, fender, blind 眛 blind 形容词 瞎 blind, vain, empty, rash, blind in one eye, crooked 盲目的 blind, blindfold, eyeless, sightless 盲的 blind 瞍 blind 动词 蒙蔽 blind, hoodwink, becloud, eclipse, dust the eyes of 弄瞎 blind 黑暗 blind, overshadow 使...震惊 concuss, blind 压倒 overwhelm, overpower, blind
2023-07-18 04:03:371


NIGHTWISH 的 bye bye beautiful
2023-07-18 04:03:474

求 byebyebeautiful 的中文歌词

Bye bye beautifulFinally the hills are without eyes最终山丘不被注视They are tired of painting a dead man"s face red疲于绘画亡者的红脸With their own blood以他们的血液They used to love having so much to lose他们过去常喜欢失去如此之多Blink your eyes just once and see everything in ruins眨眼间看见一切于毁灭中Did you ever hear what I told you你可曾聆听过我的劝说Did you ever read what I wrote you你可曾阅读过我的寄语Did you ever listen to what we played你可曾听到过我们的演奏Did you ever let in what the world said你可曾在意世界的诉说Did we get this far just to feel your hate我们曾为了感受到你的恨而远行Did we play to become only pawns in the game我们的表演可曾变成赌注How blind can you be, don"t you see你有多盲目,你不明白吗You chose the long road but we"ll be waiting你选择了漫长的道路而我们将会等待Bye bye beautiful再见美丽Jacob"s ghost for the girl in white面向白衣女孩的雅各之灵Blindfold for the blind盲人的莽撞Dead siblings walking the dying earth死去的手足正行走于死亡的道路Noose around a choking heart缠绕窒息心灵的绳套Eternity torn apart永恒地分离Slow toll now the funeral bells缓慢地敲响丧钟"I need to die to feel alive"我需要以死来感受存在Did you ever hear what I told you你可曾聆听过我的劝说Did you ever read what I wrote you你可曾阅读过我的寄语Did you ever listen to what we played你可曾听到过我们的演奏Did you ever let in what the world said你可曾在意世界的诉说Did we get this far just to feel your hate我们曾为了感受到你的恨而远行Did we play to become only pawns in the game我们的表演可曾变成赌注How blind can you be, don"t you see你有多盲目,你不明白吗You chose the long road but we"ll be waiting你选择了漫长的道路而我们将会等待Bye bye beautiful再见美丽It"s not the tree that forsakes the flower这不是树木背叛了花朵But the flower that forsakes the tree而是花朵抛弃了树木Someday I"ll learn to love these scars有一天我会学会爱上这些伤疤Still fresh from the red-hot blade of your words依然在你话语的伤痛后鲜血淋漓...How blind can you be, don"t you see...你有多盲目,你不知道吗...that the gambler lost all he does not have...赌徒最后失去未曾拥有之物Did you ever hear what I told you你可曾聆听过我的劝说Did you ever read what I wrote you你可曾阅读过我的寄语Did you ever listen to what we played你可曾听到过我们的演奏Did you ever let in what the world said你可曾在意世界的诉说Did we get this far just to feel your hate我们曾为了感受到你的恨而远行Did we play to become only pawns in the game我们的表演可曾变成赌注How blind can you be, don"t you see你有多盲目,你不明白吗You chose the long road but we"ll be waiting你选择了漫长的道路而我们将会等待Bye bye beautiful再见美丽
2023-07-18 04:03:561

求bye bye beautiful中文lrc歌词

Bye Bye BeautifulFinally the hills are without eyes 最后,那座小山离开了视线They are tired of painting a dead man"s face red With their own blood 他们再也不愿用自己的鲜血去红润一个以死之人的脸. They used to love having so much to lose 过去他们相爱,拥有太多可以挥霍的的情感 Blink your eyes just once and see everything in ruins 眨眼间这一切都已毁灭 Did you ever hear what I told you 我对你说的你听吗 Did you ever read what I wrote you 我写给你的你看了吗 Did you ever listen to what we playe 你可曾倾听我们的演奏 Did you ever let in what the world said 你可曾接受这整个世界劝说 Did we get this far just to feel your hate 我们一起走过漫长之路难道只是为了感受到你的恨吗 Did we play to become only pawns in the game 难道我们在游戏中就只能扮演卒子? How blind can you be, don"t you see 你感觉不到你是多么的盲目吗 You chose the long road but we"ll be waiting 是你选择这样一条漫长的路,但我们依然会在这里等待着你 Bye bye beautiful 再见,美丽 Jacob"s ghost for the girl in white Blindfold for the blind 请赐予这白衣女孩雅各之灵,并蒙上她那以被蒙蔽的双眼 Dead siblings walking the dying earth 让这已死的姐妹在这垂死的土地上蹒跚而去 Noose around a choking heart Eternity torn apart 缠绕在窒息心灵的套索将被永远的解开Slow toll now the funeral bell 现在让那解脱的死亡之钟缓慢地敲响 "I need to die to feel alive" 我需要死亡来感受我的存在 Did you ever hear what I told you 我对你说的你听吗 Did you ever read what I wrote you 我写给你的你看了吗 Did you ever listen to what we playe 你可曾倾听我们的演奏 Did you ever let in what the world said 你可曾接受这整个世界劝说 Did we get this far just to feel your hate 我们一起走过漫长之路难道只是为了感受到你的恨吗 Did we play to become only pawns in the game 难道我们在游戏中就只能扮演卒子? How blind can you be, don"t you see 你感觉不到你是多么的盲目吗 You chose the long road but we"ll be waiting 是你选择这样一条漫长的路,但我们依然会在这里等待着你 Bye bye beautiful 再见,美丽 It"s not the tree that forsakes the flower 这不是树木抛弃了花朵 But the flower that forsakes the tree 而是花朵背叛了树木 Someday I"ll learn to love these scars Still fresh from the red-hot blade of your words 但终有一天,我会学会爱上这些被你那烧的红热的言语之刃割的鲜血淋漓的伤痕. ...How blind can you be, don"t you see... 你感觉不到你是多么的盲目吗 ...that the gambler lost all he does not have... 就象一个连不曾拥有之物都已失去的赌徒 Did you ever hear what I told you 我对你说的你听吗 Did you ever read what I wrote you 我写给你的你看了吗 Did you ever listen to what we playe 你可曾倾听我们的演奏 Did you ever let in what the world said 你可曾接受这整个世界劝说 Did we get this far just to feel your hate 我们一起走过漫长之路难道只是为了感受到你的恨吗 Did we play to become only pawns in the game 难道我们在游戏中就只能扮演卒子? How blind can you be, don"t you see 你感觉不到你是多么的盲目吗 You chose the long road but we"ll be waiting 是你选择这样一条漫长的路,但我们依然会在这里等待着你 Bye bye beautiful 再见,美丽 鲜血淋漓的伤痛中带着一丝希望,就象漫天乌云中她的歌声一样. 我的nightwish.
2023-07-18 04:04:083

Bye bye beautiful歌词中文意思

2023-07-18 04:04:162

I Am Me Once More 中英文歌词

2023-07-18 04:04:433

Janet Jackson的《Rope Burn》 歌词

歌曲名:Rope Burn歌手:Janet Jackson专辑:The Velvet RopeJanet Jackson - Rope BurnMmm. . .My lips hurtMmmUhhOoohUhh-oohOohUhhOohOh(tie me)Tie me up, tie me down(make me moan real loud)Make me moan real loud(take off my clothes)Take off my clothesNo one has to knowWhisperin I wanna feel a soft rope burn(no one has to know)Wanna feel aRope burnWhen you walked into the room you knew just what to doYa coulda gone from door to door but you knew just where to go toCome into my velvet room and tell me your fantasies(tell me your fantasies)The passion in your voice I wanna hear as you start to tell meWhile you take the blindfold and tie it gently on meDon"t wanna see but feel the things you"re gonna do to me(wanna feel it)(tie me)Tie me up, tie me down(make me moan real loud)Make me moan real loud(take off my clothes)Take off my clothesNo one has to knowWhisperin I wanna feel a soft rope burn(no one has to know)Wanna feel aRope burnOne in the mornin I"m feelin so free and sensualLyin here wearin just my imagination for youSensation will doCan you feel the warmth of the fireCandlelight embrace your bodyI"m feelin the hot candle wax drippin down the small of my backYou wanna know what my tongue feels like?MmhmmYou like that?(tie me)Tie me up, tie me down(make me moan real loud)Make me moan real loud(take off my clothes)Take off my clothesNo one has to knowWhisperin I wanna feel a soft rope burn(no one has to know)Wanna feel a(tie me)Tie me up, tie me down(make me moan real loud)Make me moan real loud(take off my clothes)Take off my clothesNo one has to knowWhisperin I wanna feel a soft rope burn(no one has to know)Wanna feel aRope burn
2023-07-18 04:05:061

夜愿的bye bye beautiful的MV和歌词表达什么意思

Bye bye beautifulFinally the hills are without eyes最终山丘不被注视They are tired of painting a dead man"s face red疲于绘画亡者的红脸With their own blood以他们的血液They used to love having so much to lose他们过去常喜欢失去如此之多Blink your eyes just once and see everything in ruins眨眼间看见一切于毁灭中Did you ever hear what I told you你可曾聆听过我的劝说Did you ever read what I wrote you你可曾阅读过我的寄语Did you ever listen to what we played你可曾听到过我们的演奏Did you ever let in what the world said你可曾在意世界的诉说Did we get this far just to feel your hate我们曾为了感受到你的恨而远行Did we play to become only pawns in the game我们的表演可曾变成赌注How blind can you be, don"t you see你有多盲目,你不明白吗You chose the long road but we"ll be waiting你选择了漫长的道路而我们将会等待Bye bye beautiful再见美丽Jacob"s ghost for the girl in white面向白衣女孩的雅各之灵Blindfold for the blind盲人的莽撞Dead siblings walking the dying earth死去的手足正行走于死亡的道路Noose around a choking heart缠绕窒息心灵的绳套Eternity torn apart永恒地分离Slow toll now the funeral bells缓慢地敲响丧钟"I need to die to feel alive"我需要以死来感受存在Did you ever hear what I told you你可曾聆听过我的劝说Did you ever read what I wrote you你可曾阅读过我的寄语Did you ever listen to what we played你可曾听到过我们的演奏Did you ever let in what the world said你可曾在意世界的诉说Did we get this far just to feel your hate我们曾为了感受到你的恨而远行Did we play to become only pawns in the game我们的表演可曾变成赌注How blind can you be, don"t you see你有多盲目,你不明白吗You chose the long road but we"ll be waiting你选择了漫长的道路而我们将会等待Bye bye beautiful再见美丽It"s not the tree that forsakes the flower这不是树木背叛了花朵But the flower that forsakes the tree而是花朵抛弃了树木Someday I"ll learn to love these scars有一天我会学会爱上这些伤疤Still fresh from the red-hot blade of your words依然在你话语的伤痛后鲜血淋漓...How blind can you be, don"t you see...你有多盲目,你不知道吗...that the gambler lost all he does not have...赌徒最后失去未曾拥有之物Did you ever hear what I told you你可曾聆听过我的劝说Did you ever read what I wrote you你可曾阅读过我的寄语Did you ever listen to what we played你可曾听到过我们的演奏Did you ever let in what the world said你可曾在意世界的诉说Did we get this far just to feel your hate我们曾为了感受到你的恨而远行Did we play to become only pawns in the game我们的表演可曾变成赌注How blind can you be, don"t you see你有多盲目,你不明白吗You chose the long road but we"ll be waiting你选择了漫长的道路而我们将会等待Bye bye beautiful再见美丽————————注:{雅各}以色列民族的族长之一,以色列王国传说中的建国者,为以撒 Issac和利百加 Rebecca所生的双胞胎中的弟弟,其兄为以扫 Esau(《圣经》创世纪25-60)。请采纳答案,支持我一下。
2023-07-18 04:05:171

一道英语题 求解

2023-07-18 04:05:293

kidnapping an heiress歌词

Born into money it"s not a crimeYou can fool the people all the timeNine hundred dead in JonestownRescued from a shopping mallHeiress with a little girls soulDo you think we"ll make the papers?And we"re searching for your daughterAnd we"re searching for your daughterOn Saturday the childhood endsStrange way to make new friendsShe"s lying in the basementBlack boy, white girlBlack girl with a blindfoldWhich one will be your loverAnd we"re searching for your daughterAnd we"re searching for your daughter(Kidnapping an heiress)(Kidnapping an heiress)(Kidnapping an heiress)(Kidnapping an heiress)Lock her up for sixty daysChange her hair, change her nameSmile for the cameraFriendships about trustIf we trust you then you"re one of usLive together, die for each otherAnd we"re searching for your daughter(Kidnapping an heiress)(Kidnapping an heiress)And we"re searching for your daughter(Kidnapping an heiress)(Kidnapping an heiress)(Kidnapping an heiress)(Kidnapping an heiress)Born into money it"s not a crimeYou can fool the people all the timeNine hundred dead in JonestownGet down, stay down(Put a bullet in your head)It"s only moneySmile for the cameraHow could you not defend your honour?(Kidnapping an heiress)(Kidnapping an heiress)And we think we"ve found your daughter(Kidnapping an heiress)(Kidnapping an heiress)And we think we"ve found your daughter(Kidnapping an heiress)(Kidnapping an heiress)(Kidnapping an heiress)
2023-07-18 04:05:522


这可不止一男一女呢····《bye bye beautiful》 night wishBye Bye Beautiful  歌曲名称:bye bye beautiful  歌手:nightwish  歌词:  Bye Bye Beautiful(Dark Passion Play,2007)  ——————————————————————————————————————————  Finally the hills are without eyes最终山丘不被注视  They are tired of painting a dead man"s face red疲于绘画亡者的红脸  With their own blood以他们的血液  They used to love having so much to lose他们过去常喜欢失去如此之多  Blink your eyes just once and see everything in ruins眨眼间看见一切于毁灭中  Did you ever hear what I told you你可曾聆听过我的劝说  Did you ever read what I wrote you你可曾阅读过我的寄语  Did you ever listen to what we played你可曾听到过我们的演奏  Did you ever let in what the world said你可曾在意世界的诉说  Did we get this far just to feel your hate我们曾为了感受到你的恨而远行  Did we play to become only pawns in the game我们的表演可曾变成赌注  How blind can you be, don"t you see你有多盲目,你不明白吗  You chose the long road but we"ll be waiting你选择了漫长的道路而我们将会等待  Bye bye beautiful再见美丽  Jacob"s ghost for the girl in white面向白衣女孩的雅各之灵  Blindfold for the blind盲人的莽撞  Dead siblings walking the dying earth死去的手足正行走于死亡的道路  Noose around a choking heart缠绕窒息心灵的绳套  Eternity torn apart永恒地分离  Slow toll now the funeral bells缓慢地敲响丧钟  "I need to die to feel alive"我需要以死来感受存在  Did you ever hear what I told you你可曾聆听过我的劝说  Did you ever read what I wrote you你可曾阅读过我的寄语  Did you ever listen to what we played你可曾听到过我们的演奏  Did you ever let in what the world said你可曾在意世界的诉说  Did we get this far just to feel your hate我们曾为了感受到你的恨而远行  Did we play to become only pawns in the game我们的表演可曾变成赌注  How blind can you be, don"t you see你有多盲目,你不明白吗  You chose the long road but we"ll be waiting你选择了漫长的道路而我们将会等待  Bye bye beautiful再见美丽  It"s not the tree that forsakes the flower这不是树木背叛了花朵  But the flower that forsakes the tree而是花朵抛弃了树木  Someday I"ll learn to love these scars有一天我会学会爱上这些伤疤  Still fresh from the red-hot blade of your words依然在你话语的伤痛后鲜血淋漓  ...How blind can you be, don"t you see...你有多盲目,你不知道吗  ...that the gambler lost all he does not have...赌徒最后失去未曾拥有之物  Did you ever hear what I told you你可曾聆听过我的劝说  Did you ever read what I wrote you你可曾阅读过我的寄语  Did you ever listen to what we played你可曾听到过我们的演奏  Did you ever let in what the world said你可曾在意世界的诉说  Did we get this far just to feel your hate我们曾为了感受到你的恨而远行  Did we play to become only pawns in the game我们的表演可曾变成赌注  How blind can you be, don"t you see你有多盲目,你不明白吗  You chose the long road but we"ll be waiting你选择了漫长的道路而我们将会等待  Bye bye beautiful再见美丽  ————————  注:{雅各}以色列民族的族长之一,以色列王国传说中的建国者,为以撒 Issac和利百加 Rebecca所生的双胞胎中的弟弟,其兄为以扫 Esau(《圣经》创世纪25-60)。  歌手资料:(夜愿)是一支成立于1996年来自芬兰的剧院金属(美声金属)乐队。乐队大多数歌曲的词由键盘手托马斯·霍洛帕尼所撰写,前任女主唱塔雅·图仑尼的声音使得夜愿扬名国际。在2005年10月塔雅·图伦尼被开除后,他们找到了Anette接任,并且也增加了贝斯手马可·希耶塔拉的声部。夜愿的音乐风格除了剧院金属和新金属,还有其他音乐元素。托马斯曾经形容他们的音乐为“用女声表现的旋律金属”。
2023-07-18 04:06:001

scientist discovers a sixth sense课文翻译

科学家发现第六感觉正如我们所知道的,共有五个感觉:听觉,嗅觉,视觉,味觉和触觉。然而现在,一名科学家证明了我们有个第六感觉:能得知某个人在看着自己的能力。很多人都注意到了这种感觉。例如,你坐在电影院里,然后你感觉到有人在注视着你。你赶紧环顾四周,然后发现你感觉的没错。一位朋友,在电影院的后方,正在注视着你。直到现在,没有人能以科学证明人类真的有这种能力。然而最近有个叫作Dr Rupert Sheldrake的科学家公布了一些新的实验结果。这些实验是以这样的方式进行的。想像两个女孩,艾玛和克莱尔。艾玛坐在一张椅子上并被蒙上双眼,所以她无法看见。克莱尔坐在艾玛身后几米。一位教师吹起哨子。接着根据随机方式,克莱尔或望向艾玛,或望向相反的方向。艾玛必须说出克莱尔是否在注视着自己。这项实验重复了20次。
2023-07-18 04:06:101


【 #小学英语# 导语】教案是教师为顺利而有效地开展教学活动,根据课程标准,教学大纲和教科书要求及学生的实际情况,以课时或课题为单位,对教学内容、教学步骤、教学方法等进行的具体设计和安排的一种实用性教学文书。以下是 考 网整理的《沪教版小学英语教案5篇》相关资料,希望帮助到您。 1.沪教版小学英语教案   1、知识目标   a、学生能听懂、会说动物单词lion, tiger, monkey , elephant, giraffe, panda, zebra, snake   b、知道句型I like …和 I don"t like …的含义,知道like后面跟名词复数。   2、技能目标   a、能运用I like … 和 I don"t like …的句型表达自己喜欢或不喜欢某种动物,并能准确使用like的句型结构。   b、句型Do you like … ? Yes, I like …. /No, I don"t like …在对话中的使用。   c、以小组为单位来学习,让学生在玩中学,学中玩,寓教于乐;   教学重点:   (1)单词snake、giraffe、zebra的含义及正确发音。   (2)句型Do you like … ? Yes, I like …. /No, I don"t like …在对话中的使用。   教学难点:   句型Do you like … ? Yes, I like …. /No, I don"t like …在对话中的使用。   课前准备:   1 、录音机及相关磁带   2、准备动物的词卡和图片   教学步骤:   一、温故互查   出示小黑板,展示动物的图片,说一说在黑板上你认识哪些,并用英语表达   (复习以前学过的旧动物单词,以旧连新,创设情境)   二、设问导读   学习六个关于动物的新单词 句型Do you like … ? Yes, I like …. /No, I don"t like …在对话中的使用。   三、导学过程   1、复习旧单词,引出新单词。   2、听录音,初步感知六个新单词的发音。   3、教师带领学生念,学生带领学生念。并且书写在黑板上。   4、玩游戏巩固:炸弹游戏以及what is missing游戏。   5、运用新句型向学生提问,要求学生在教师的提示下进行回答。   6、出示新句型并书写在黑板上,做讲解。   7、听录音,再次感受新句型,以小组为单位进行对话。   (注意:在like之后的名词是复数, 要加s的)   8、要求几对学生朗读课文,全班一起进行学习。   9、练习:根据所给的图片单词来练习新句型。以小组为单位,并且教师进行提问,学生来回答。  2.沪教版小学英语教案   教学目标:   1. Learn new words:fork,spoon,chopsticks,juice,bread. Learn new structure: I want some….   2. Understand the whole passage and can act it out.   3. Arouse students" interest in learning English.   教学重点:   Understand the whole passage and can act it out.   教学难点:   1. Understand the whole passage and can act it out.   2.让学生在听说唱玩的动态学习过程中体验英语的快乐。   教学准备:   课件、单词卡片、文具用品等。   教学过程:   Step 1: Warming up   1.Greetings:   T: Good morning, boys and girls.   Ss: Good morning, teacher.   T: How"s the weather?   Ss: It"s hot.   T: It"s summer now.   T: Do you like summer?   T: Do you like to play?   T: Do you like to sing?   2.Song: Do you like?   Step 2: Pre-task   T: Do you like to play games ?   Ss:Yes, I do.   T: Now.Let"s play a game.You should listen and judge.   Rules:   Say Yes, Yes, Yes if you think it is true.   Say No, No, No if you think it is false.   T: Look. They are tableware. They are food and drinks.   T: So many delicious food and drinks.Miss Zhao feels a little hungry.   Chant : Hungry,hungry,I am hungry. (Drill hungry)   T : I want some biscuits. What do you want ?   Ss : I want some....   Step 3: While-task   T : We are eating.   T: What are they doing ?   They are ______.   A: eating and drinking.   B: playing.   Now, Let"s watch the cartoon.   S : They are eating and drinking.   T : Is Sam hungry ? Let"s watch the cartoon.   T : Is May thirsty ?   S : No.   T : She is thirsty.(Drill)   T :Do they want 4 spoons ? Do they want a knife ?   T :Now,Let"s watch picture 2.   T : Read in different ways.   T : Role play   Step 4 : Post-task   1.Song time :   Are you hungry? Are you hungry?   I"m hungry. I"m hungry.   I want some bread. I want some bread.   Do you want some bread? Do you want some bread?   Yes, please. Yes, please.   No, thanks. No, thanks.   I"m thirsty. I"m thirsty.   How about you? How about you?   2. Enjoy some delicious food and drinks.   Enjoy food and drinks, enjoy life.   Step 5: Homework   Read P28 and act it out.   Try to say English to your parents:   I"m…..   I want some….   Enjoy food, enjoy life 3.沪教版小学英语教案   一、教学内容:   综合练习   二、教学目标:   1、 掌握形容词以及比较级的使用。   2、能听得懂、会说、会读和会拼写tall ,light ,young ,old ,heavy.   3、掌握会话中出现的三会单词和词组twin ,minute ,centimeter, child ,cute, also, chat.   4、能听得懂、会说、会读和会写四会句型:Who taller than David?   Gao Shan is taller than David .   5、能听得懂、会说、会读日常交际用语. Whose bag is heavier ,yours or mine ? I"m as tall as you . SuYang is younger than Su Hai .   6、了解字母组合or在单词中的读音。   7、 会说英语歌谣《Iwish Iwas taller.》   三、教学重、难点:   正确掌握B部分出现的四会单词light lighter , heavy heavier,和句型Who is taller ,you and SuYang? Whose ruler is longer ,yours or mine?   四、课前准备:   1、 准备录音机和本课H部分的磁带。   2 、练习题的投影片。   3 、课前写好本课的课题。   五、教学过程:   A、 跟音乐集体唱歌曲。   B、 1、Free talk. 师生交流   2、请学生之间用所学的句型问答,分组比赛   C、Revision 复习   1、看A部分投影片,创设情景让学生表演   2、让学生复述A部分第一段和会话。   3、学生小组内表演会话内容。   4、教师让学生根据实际情况说自己的优势   I"m taller than xxx   I"m younger than xxx   I"m stronger than xxx   My father is taller than   My pencil is longer than xxx"s...   5、让学生看黑板,朗读、拼读刚才教师板书的四会单词。   6、学生拿出课前准备好听写本,听写本课四会单词。   D、学生一齐拍手唱歌谣两遍。   E、 Practice and consolidation练习和巩固   1、游戏; 用所学的句型来猜班级的同学   2、教师投影本单元的练习题请学生完成   六、布置作业:   1、 朗读本课的会话,要求学生能够复述、背诵。   2 、学会唱歌曲。   七、板书设计: 投影本单元的练习题目 4.沪教版小学英语教案   Teaching Aims:   1. Words: quiet, loud, television,   2. Sentences: What"s that noise? It"s loud. I don"t like it.   Can you hear raindrops?   Emotion aims: 让学生懂得环境保护的重要   Difficult teaching points: quiet, loud,   What"s that noise?   Can you hear…   Teaching aids: pictures, cassette and a cassette player   Teaching Process:   Step One: Warming-up   1. Sing a song   2. Listen and act   Step Two: Revision   1. Ask and answer :   What"s this/that? It"s…   What can you see? I can see…   What colour can you see? I can see..   2. Say something about the picture   Step Three: Presentation   1. Students start imitating the sounds of different objects. Ask: What"s that noise? Is it a/an…? To elicit: Yes, it is. / No, it is a/an…   2. loud, quiet   a.Turn up the radio. “It"s loud.”   Say “loud” loudly Write “loud” on the board   b.Turn down the radio. “It"s quiet.”   Say “quiet” quietly Write “quiet” on the board.   c. Imitate the sounds of different objects. Ask: Is it loud or quiet? To elicit: It is loud / quiet.   d: Play a game. Blindfold one of the students. Choose an object and hide it somewhere in the classroom. The rest of the class provides hints by saying : loud loudly when the student is getting closer to the object and quiet quietly when they are moving further away from it.   3. television   a.Look at the picture of television , then read after the teacher.   b.draw and say   4. Make some noises, then ask: What"s that noise? Is it a/an…   5. Play the cassette very softly. Ask: Can you hear? To elicit: No. Play the cassette properly for a few seconds. Ask: Can you hear? To elicit: Yes.   Write “Can you hear?” on the board.   6. Ask students to predict the answers and tick the boxes of Ask and answer. Play the cassette: Look and say. Students listen and follow in their books to check if their prediction is correct.   7. Play the cassette again. Students listen and repeat.   8. Students work in pairs to check answers by asking and answering. Invite pairs of students to read the questions and answers to the class.   9. Form students into groups and act the story. For more able students, encourage them to change the objects in the story.   Step Four: Consolidation   1. Students work in groups and discuss what noises they don"t like to hear while they are in the cinema or in their bedroom.   2.Grammer Practice book   Step Five: Homework   1. Listen to the tape   2. Copy the words: noise, lorry, loud, television, quiet, radio 5.沪教版小学英语教案   一、复习回顾   检查上节课所学单词情况   二、listen and say   1、听录音,并模仿跟读   2、师帮助学生读好问答句。   3、学习特殊疑问句   What can you hear? 其中can表示“能够”的意思。其回答要说出听到的具体发出声音的某样东西,如: dog、cat、bird、car、bus、aeroplane 和boat等。   4、帮助学生读好dog、cat、bird等,让学生回答   S1、What can you hear?   S2、 I can hear a boat.   5、学生练习对话   三、学习Read and eat   在学习What can you hear? I can hear ……的基础上学习用can引起的一般疑问句及其回答。   1、放录音,学生听音模仿。   2、师示范朗读答句,学生跟读。   3、通过变换不同的发声物,师帮助学生操练问答。   S1:Can you hear a dog?   S2:Yes ,I can./No,I can hear a dog .   4、学生练习问答。   5、学生表演   四、总结   典型题例   Can Ming hear a dog ?(作否定回答)   作业设计   完成练习册5页的练习   板书设计   句型:   特殊疑问句:S1:What can you hear ?   S2:I can hear an aeroplane.   一般疑问句:S1:Can you hear an aeroplane?   S2:Yes,I can/   No,I can hear an aeroplane.
2023-07-18 04:06:191

smoke and mirrors什么意思

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1、和你在一起的每一秒都是快乐的,即便伤心也是心甘情愿的。 Every second with you is happy, even sad is willing. 2、错过的就是错过了,珍惜已经无法挽回什么了。 What we miss is what we miss. Treasure is irreparable. 3、倒计时的那几天,是我与你在一起最后的日子。 The countdown days are my last days with you. 4、我用多少时光,换来了与你的擦肩而过。 How much time I spent, in exchange for passing you by. 5、就这样安静的生活着,就算再艰难都请不要忘记曾经。 So quiet life, even if it is difficult, please do not fet the past. 6、不奢求你能留下来陪我,只希望你不要轻易把我忘记。 I don"t expect you to stay with me, just hope you don"t fet me easily. 7、毕竟你是我爱过的人,我又怎么忍心辜负你的离开呢? After all, you are the one I loved. How can I bear to let you go? 8、因为有你在,最黑暗那一刻还是会有缝隙投进微弱的光。 Because you are there, there will still be gaps in the darkest moment to throw a weak light. 9、人在困难的时候只有自己能够救自己,关键在于你有多坚强。 When people are in trouble, only they can save themselves. The key is how strong you are. 10、之所以会念念不忘,是因为自知此生再也拥有不到了。 The reason why I can"t fet it is because I know I can"t have it anymore in my life. 11、若我拿出我所有的无畏,带你走你是否愿意。 If I take out all my fearlessness, will you take you away? 12、心情再怎么糟糕,只要有你陪我,我也会变得很开心。 How bad the mood is, as long as you acpany me, I will bee very happy. 13、十指紧紧的相扣,也总有一天会分开。 Ten fingers are tightly connected, and one day they will be separated. 14、想念着从前,怀念着那一段在一起的时光。 I miss the past and the time I spent together. 15、我给不了你多少温暖,但有个词叫尽我能。 I can"t give you much warmth, but there"s a word I can say. 16、我的青春被我的无所谓伤害,从此一去不复返。 My youth has been harmed by my indifference, and will never return. 17、当我怀念着和你在一起的时光,心却是那般的痛。 When I miss the time with you, my heart is so painful. 18、你的生活从此会更加美好,我却一直躲在孤单中。 Your life will be better from now on, but I have been hiding in loneliness. 19、生活有时候就是一潭死水, *** 就是你手中的石子。 Sometimes life is a pool of stagnant water, passion is the stone in your hand. 20、在我的心中只有你一个人,无论你信还是不信。 You are the only one in my heart, whether you believe it or not. 21、脸上的笑容,总是隐藏着心里的痛。 The *** ile on the face always hides the pain in the heart. 22、有一种默契就叫做我不联系你,你也不联系我。 There is a tacit understanding that I do not contact you, you do not contact me. 23、生活其实就是一场戏,我们就该演绎好自己的角色。 Life is actually a play, so we should play our role well. 24、就像是我们之间隔着沧海桑田一样,我永远也跨不过去。 Like the vicissitudes of life beeen us, I can never cross it. 25、多年以后,从此我们后会无期。 Years from now on, we will have no future. 26、我透过时间看透了所有,你终究不属于我。 I see everything through time. You don"t belong to me after all. 27、说什么都没有意义了,因为你已经不再属于我了。 It doesn"t make sense to say anything because you no longer belong to me. 28、时间在不停的流逝,我却始终停留在原地。 Time goes on and on, but I always stay where I am. 29、定了的事情,就不会轻易的去改变。 Set things, will not easily change. 30、放弃了所有,我相信时间可以证明我是对的。 Give up everything, I believe time can prove that I am right. 31、还有谁期待着未来,那不曾出现过的光芒。 Who else is looking forward to the future, the light that never appeared. 32、即使只是你最随便的问候,都会让我觉得你太暖心。 Even your most casual greetings will make me feel that you are too warm. 33、因为有你陪,再孤单的绝望里还是会藏着柳暗花明的盼望。 Because of your pany, the lonely despair will still hide the hope of the willow. 34、我不会去后悔什么,因为你是我的选择。 I will not regret anything, because you are my choice. 35、曾经幸福的爱情,始终经不起彼此的伤害和背叛。 Once happy love, always can not stand each other"s injury and betrayal. 36、思念着受伤的伤口,我轻轻一碰它就会痛。 I miss the wound, it hurts when I touch it lightly. 37、无非就是把自己的心封锁起来,从此不让它跳动。 It"s all about blocking your heart and never letting it beat. 38、我用真心换你心,你却始终不明白我对你的付出。 I change your heart with my heart, but you still don"t understand what I"ve done to you. 39、我们都很擅长口是心非,又都很希望对方能有所察觉。 We are all good at talking and thinking, and we all hope that the other party will be aware of it. 40、我路过你身边的时候,你却一直留在我心里。 When I pass by you, you stay in my heart. 41、即使艰苦,也只有靠自己,也只有靠自己拼搏才能成功。 Even if it is hard, it can only be achieved by self-reliance and self-struggle. 42、怪我没有能力把你留在身边,就这样看着你远去。 Blame me me for my inability to keep you by my side and watch you go away. 43、只要有你在的地方,我都喜欢非常喜欢。 Wherever you are, I like it very much. 44、总有那么一个人,是你的念想,是你的温暖,是你的太阳。 There will always be one person, your thoughts, your warmth, your sun. 45、我只是不想要你不幸福,所以能不能选择和我在一起。 I just don"t want you to be unhappy, so can I choose to be with you? 46、请不要再说你有多爱我,时间告诉我你已经背叛我了。 Please don"t say how much you love me. Time tells me you have betrayed me. 47、开始很美,过程很累,结局很悲,清醒很难。 The beginning is beautiful, the process is tired, the end is sad, it is difficult to wake up. 48、记忆里留下的空白,让我们用一生去遗憾。 Memory left blank, let us use our life to regret. 49、即便你走到天涯海角,但你却永远走不出我的内心。 Even if you go to the ends of the earth, you will never get out of my heart. 50、看着你的幸福,我是该咒怨,还是该祝福。 Looking at your happiness, should I curse or bless you? 51、藏在心中的那道伤疤,永远也愈合不聊了。 The scar hidden in my heart will never heal. 52、微笑着掩饰着伤口,心却依然还是那么的痛。 Smile to hide the wound, but the heart is still so painful. 53、会不会有一天,你忽然出现在我身后,蒙住我眼说我回来了。 Will one day you suddenly appear behind me and blindfold me and say I"m back? 54、失落的感觉是那样的强烈,最后的最后我已一无所有。 The feeling of loss is so strong that in the end I have nothing. 55、你明白我的感受吗?我的心像玻璃一样透明,可你还不懂。 Do you understand how I feel? My heart is as transparent as glass, but you don"t understand. 56、所有的一切都是会被时间治愈好的,就像我们的爱情。 Everything will be cured by time, just like our love. 57、爱上了一个错过的人,今生就无缘再相爱。 If you fall in love with someone you miss, you will never fall in love again in your life. 58、简单的我想和你在一起,困难的我们已经错过今生。 Simple I want to be with you, difficult we have missed this life. 59、在这苍老的年华里,我们的爱情渐渐化为了泡沫。 In this old age, our love gradually bees foam. 60、无论她有多大错,她开始哭的一刹那就是我错了。 No matter how wrong she was, the moment she started crying was when I was wrong. 61、我想要说我爱你,最后却只剩下我自己。 I want to say I love you, but in the end I"m the only one left. 62、我笑着解开回忆的毒,笑的眼睛已模糊。 I laugh to unlock the poison of memories, laughing eyes have blurred.
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2023-07-18 04:08:043

refrain from造句

I refrain from hurt myself. 我避免弄伤我自己。
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1、Very stupid robbers 两个笨贼Two robbers were robbing a hotel. The first robber said, "I hear sirens. Jump!The second one said, "But we"re on the 13 th floor!"The first one screamed back, "This is no time to be superstitious!"两个盗贼在一家旅馆偷东西。第一个说:“我听到警报响了,快跳吧!”第二个说:“但是我们现在在第13层啊!”第一个尖叫着回敬他:“都什么时候了,还这么迷信!”2、At Auction Fair 拍卖会上At auction spot, someone has lost a bag, in which has the vital document.The owner says, "Once who picked it up brings it to me, I will take out 200 dollars to remunerate reward him or her."On hearing the news, another chap(小伙子,家伙) shouts out:" I reward 300 dollars."  拍卖会上,有人的包丢了,里面装有重要文件。物主说:“有谁拣到送还,我将拿出200美元以表酬谢。”话刚出口,就听有人喊:“我出300美元。”3、 An Ugly Woman 丑女Mike: My aunt was very embarrassed when she was asked to take off her mask at the party.Mary: Why was that?Mike: She wasn"t wearing one.麦克:一次舞会上,当大家要求我姑姑拿掉她的面具时,她非常尴尬。玛丽:为什么会那样呢?麦克:她根本就没有带面具。4、 Time is money 时间就是金钱As the taxi came to a screeching(尖叫) halt at a traffic light, I asked the driver, "Do you agree that "Time is money"?""Well, it"s a very common saying. Who will care so much about that?" the driver answered."Look, the digits in the meter(仪表) are still running when the car has stopped, "I pointed at the meter."Oh, yes. You"ve got a point here. In this case, time is money for both of us." added the driver.当出租车在遇到红灯急刹车时,我问司机:“你同意‘时间就是金钱"这种说法吗?”“哦,这是一个普遍说法。在这个问题上,谁会在意那么多呢?”司机回答说。“看,在车已经停止的情况下,里程表上的数字还在跑。”我指着里程表说。“哦,是的。你说的挺有道理的。在这种情况下,时间对我们俩来说都是金钱。”司机补充说。
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笑话Good Boy Little Robert asked his mother for two cents. "What did you do with the money I gave you yesterday?" "I gave it to a poor old woman," he answered. "You"re a good boy," said the mother proudly. "Here are two cents more. But why are you so interested in the old woman?" "She is the one who sells the candy." 好孩子 小罗伯特向妈妈要两分钱。 “昨天给你的钱干什么了?” “我给了一个可怜的老太婆,”他回答说。 “你真是个好孩子,”妈妈骄傲地说。“再给你两分钱。可你为什么对那位老太太那么感兴趣呢?” “她是个卖糖果的。” I"ve Just Bitten My Tongue "Are we poisonous?" the young snake asked his mother. "Yes, dear," she replied - "Why do you ask?" "Cause I"ve just bitten my tongue! " Notes: (1) poisonous adj.有毒的 (2) Cause I"ve just bitten my tongue 因为我刚咬了自己的舌头。 句中 Cause 是 Because 的缩略形式。 我刚咬破自己的舌头 “我们有毒吗?”一个年幼的蛇问它的母亲。 “是的,亲爱的,”她回答说,“你问这个干什么?” “因为我刚刚咬破自己的舌头。”
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