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求翻译 徙知湖州,以表谢上。言事者擿其语以为谤,遣官逮赴御史狱。初,公既补外,见事有不便于民者,不

2023-07-18 05:19:12
TAG: 翻译 湖州





Migration to know Huzhou, Xie on the table. The language of words matter Ti think slander, sent toprison officer caught the censor. First, the public is the repair, see things are not convenient forpeople, dare not say, also dare not default, margin poet of righteousness, support to his, so fill in the country. The speaker dependence and the media on the beginning of evil, thin, and infiltrationnot only, to have the government please. Neither could the warder, must be in want of death,exercise for a long time, never. At the end of pity, hurried out to the prison, Huangzhou militia Fushiplacement. Male headdress awn Jue, and Tianfu noe Valley, between the phase dependence, buildroom Yu Dongpo, since the number of Buddhist dongpo. In five years, to reuse, person of gloom.The overhand Zagreb Ruzhou resettlement, slightly said: "Su Shichu dwelling thinking blame,reading old Zi deep talent actually difficult, not the end abandons." The book has a week, hungryworries, Tian in the home often, wish. The book at entry, evening newspaper, the scholar bureaucrats know died like public also. Will the death, not fruit multiplexing.



堪培拉 Canberra堪培拉是澳大利亚的首都,一个年轻的城市。总面积2395平方公里,50%以上的面积为国家公园或保留地,在首都直辖区东北部。东北距悉尼240公里,西南距墨尔本500公里,人口30万。城市位于澳大利亚山脉区的开阔谷地上。海拔760米。莫朗格洛河横贯市区,西流入马兰比吉河。原为牧羊地,1913年按规划始建,1927年联邦政府从墨尔本迁此。全国政治中心。银行、饭店和公共服务业为主要经济部门。有铁路连接各大城市。有国立堪培拉大学和国立图书馆。市区西南有宇宙航行跟踪站。旅游业甚盛。气候温和,四季分明,全年降雨量平均,四季都有阳光普照的日子。堪培拉的城市设计十分新颖,环形及放射状道路将行政、商业、住宅区有机地分开。城市中心的格里芬湖喷泉,即为纪念库克船长上岸200周年而建的“库克船长纪念喷泉”(CAPTAIN COOK MEMORIAL JET)水柱高达 140 米,极为壮观。全城树木苍翠,鲜花四季,每年九月,堪培拉都举办花节,以数十万株花迎接春天的到来,被誉为 " 大洋洲的花园城市 " 。 附图是堪培拉的地标澳大利亚国会(Canberra Parliament House),1988年五月九日英女王伊丽莎白二世亲自为它主持揭幕启用仪式。这个建筑以及周边建设总耗资11亿澳元,是澳大利亚历史上建造费最昂贵的建筑物。城市历史堪培拉是个年轻的城市,早在100多年前,这里还是澳大利亚阿尔卑斯山麓的一片不毛之地,1820年被人发现,此后有移民来建牧场,到1840年发展成一个小镇。1901年,澳大利亚联邦政府成立以后,为定都问题,悉尼和墨尔本两大城市争执不下,一直争了八九年,直到1911年,联邦政府通过决议,在两个城市之间,选一个风调雨顺、有山有水的地方建立新首都,于是选了这块距悉尼238公里,距墨尔本507公里的空地。这就是堪培拉的雏形。1912年,联邦政府主持了一次世界范围内的城市设计比赛,一年之后,国会从送来的137个版本中,选中了美国著名风景设计师、36岁的芝加哥人沃尔特·伯里·格里芬(Walter Burley Griffin)的方案。这位设计师描绘的堪培拉街道图是他和他的妻子(也是一位建筑师)共同画在一块棉布上的,这份珍贵的原作至今仍保留在澳大利亚国家档案馆。建设中间,经过了因第一次世界大战的停顿,共用了14年,于1927年建成,并迁都于此。后来,又为确定新首都的名字商讨了好长时间,最终选择了当地居民的传统名称--堪培拉,意思是"汇合之地",民众又叫做"聚会的地方"。 城市景观堪培拉坐落于格里芬湖岸边,是澳大利亚政府、国会及很多外国使馆的所在地。由于四周森林环绕、绿意盎然,且邻近自然秀丽的乡村,令堪培拉成为优雅的现代化都市,更享有"天然首都"的美誉。堪培拉是个与众不同的城市,并未破坏附近的环境,还与周遭环境融为一体。虽然堪培拉洋溢着田园气息,但也是澳大利亚政府的所在地,以及亚太区主要的外交中心之一。总括来说,堪培拉既是世界重要的首都,又与附近的自然环境和谐融合。在这个城市,您不会看到突兀和杂乱无章的城市建筑。映入眼帘的,是一件件计划周详、安全、真正具备美感的城市设计杰作。和其它大的城市用许多公园点缀相反,堪培拉恍如一个建在花园里的城市。这个澳大利亚最大的内陆城市的中央是一个11公里长的湖,它看上去好像是天然形成的一样。其实,35公里长的湖岸是挖出来的,这个人工湖是设计师格里芬引以自豪的设计中的一个重要部分。这个湖1964年引摩罗河水注满,同年命名。它把堪培拉一分为二,在春、夏、秋三季的多个月里,许多活动在湖边举行。堪培拉有澳大利亚国立大学、堪培拉大学等知名学府,每年吸引大量海外留学生前来学习。航空交通堪培拉机场位于城区以东7公里,安塞特航空、康塔斯航空都从悉尼、墨尔本飞到这里。从机场到市内可乘坐机场区间车,很方便。直接到堪培拉市内的主要饭店和Northbourne大街的宾馆。如果是3个人也可以打出租车。到市中心约15分钟,费用约$15-20。 内陆交通从澳大利亚各大城市发出的所有长途巴士,均到达位于城区中心吉比克的Jolimont Center中心内的堪培拉线终点。这里有观光介绍所,最好是到饭店前买一本小册子。从这里可走路去主要的饭店,有到B&B聚集的北桥路北部和有很多青年人的迪克松地区的巴士,离ACTION巴士高速公路入口处步行约3分钟。 全国各大城市也有火车直通堪培拉。堪培拉火车站在格里芬湖之南的京斯顿的地方,有向悉尼、墨尔本对开的列车。火车到站后,可立即转搭通往市中心的巴士。同时,观光局前有开往堪培拉北方60公里的Yass的巴士,在Yass可转搭开往墨尔本的快车。车票在火车站或观光局购买。 市内交通ACTION的313路巴士每30分钟发一趟。另外在周六、周日和节日可乘坐361路,从市内开出的是360路。但周六、周日、节日时车的趟数少,请注意。市内发车处为城市高速路入口处。 持有堪培拉观光巴士全日观光票券者,可不限次数搭乘。全日票价:成人$18澳币,儿童$8澳币,全家$55澳币。当地特产葡萄酒、木制品、当地手工艺品是堪培拉的特产。假如有机会到堪培拉,建议到堪培拉的采购区去转一转,保证不会让你失望。位于市区的堪培拉购物中心有许多商店,出售设计师时装和丛林衣饰、珠宝、艺品和手工制品的商店。紧邻市中心的郊区也有许多百货公司和各具特色的商店。 芝宁达拉村位于堪培拉北边10公里处,位置比较偏远,但是富有浓厚的历史气息,拥有数幢堪培拉境内最古老的建筑。紧邻芝宁达拉村的是联邦广场,出售的物品包括布匹、花边、陶器、衣饰,包罗万象,令人目不暇接。购物时间:周一至周四上午9:00至下午5:30周五上午9:00至下午9:00周六上午9:00至下午4:00周日上午10:00至下午4:00卡帕甘柏伦工艺品中心位于Naas Road, Tharwa,距堪培拉32公里,展示澳大利亚工艺品。开放时间:周三至周日上午11:00至下午5:00。 宾根多尔宾根多尔位于堪培拉的东面,在这里可以搜罗到古董、皮具、以及用澳大利亚木材制造的优质产品。这里是本地人购买一些较特别物品的地方,可搜罗到古董、皮具、以及用澳大利亚木材制造的优质产品。集市格尔门屋集市位于Ainslie Avenue,出售商品有新鲜农产品、乡村艺品、小饰品等。开放时间:周六、日上午10:00至下午4:00。大堂集市:每月的第一个周日上午10:00至下午3:00,在大堂展示厅举行,出售各种艺术品、工艺品与家庭制品。旧公车站集市在Kingston,是堪培拉的高级周日集市,出售工艺品。开放时间:周日上午10:00至下午4:00。喜庆节日花节 堪培拉是澳大利亚的首都和象征。城市设计新颖独特,环型及放射路将城市的行政、商业、住宅区有机地分开。全城树木葱翠,鲜花四季不断,因而被誉为“大洋洲的花园城市”。每年九月中旬,堪培拉以数十万株鲜花,迎接春天的来临,而形成一年一度的花节。每到此时,市中心的联邦公园,以郁金香为主题的花节向游人开放。端庄凝重的郁金香,颜色纯正,仪容高贵,在加上五彩斑斓的其他花卉,汇成一片花的海洋,春天欣欣向荣的景象感染着每一位游人的心灵。花节从9月20日至10月15日前后,历时近一个月,游客在这里可欣赏姹紫嫣红的春天美景。夜生活太阳西坠,活动才正式开始。这里有一个历史颇久的赌场,在悉尼和墨尔本的赌场开业之后,堪培拉赌场的游人数目大幅下降。此外,您还可以一试堪培拉的夜总会与迪斯科,场内附设精彩的现场表演。可去坐落于21 binara街的堪培拉欧式典雅赌场,这里还有数间餐厅、一家夜总会和其他消遣娱乐。每日中午12:00开放至翌日凌晨6:00。堪培拉戏院位于城市广场,是堪培拉最大的戏剧表演场所,有时也有各式展览或会议在此举行。在堪培拉有许多可供跳舞狂欢或聆听音乐的去处,市内也有许多轻松休闲的咖啡馆,和几家供应东西方综合美食的啤酒屋。堪培拉的美食澳大利亚美食已发展出本身的风格---用特有的核果类、水果、香料及梅子,加上当地的肉类及海鲜,烹调出令人赞叹的菜色。澳大利亚的海鲜世界知名,当地的鲔鱼常出口到日本做成寿司,大虾和鱼也在亚洲被大量食用。在任何近海的餐厅,您都可以享用到澳大利亚出产的鲍鱼、生蚝、帝皇蟹、龙虾或是Balmain Bugs(一种海蟹)。 另外,在堪培拉可以品尝到世界各地的菜肴,如当地土著菜肴、阿拉伯菜、英式菜、意大利菜和中国菜等。堪培拉有很多中国餐馆。当然,就像其他澳大利亚大城市一样,堪培拉的大街上也有很多西式快餐店,如:麦当劳,肯得基等等。澳大利亚人经常在中午光顾,俨然成了“工作餐的第一选择”。
2023-07-18 02:12:122


维多利亚3人口出生率修改方法。不少玩家可能还不太清楚游戏中人口的出生率如何修改,下面带来具体的介绍,供各位玩家们参考。人口出生率修改方法state_birth_rate_mult = 0.2 #出生率state_mortality_mult = -0.01 #人口死亡率state_welfare_add = 1 #全阶级福利水平 生活水平其他代码修改state_poor_expected_sol = -10 #劳工阶层需求state_middle_expected_sol = -10 #中产阶层需求state_rich_expected_sol = -20 #富裕阶层需求country_discourage_consumption_cost_mult = -0.5 #抑制某种消费的权威力消耗(? 抑制消费花费country_officers_pol_str_mult = 1 #军官政治力量country_bureaucrats_pol_str_mult = 5 #官僚政治力量interest_group_pol_str_mult = 1 #利益集团政治力量country_opposition_ig_approval_add = 100 #在野利益集团支持度interest_group_pop_attraction_mult = 10 #利益集团人群吸引力country_bureaucracy_add = 10 #国家行政力country_authority_add = 10 #国家权威力country_influence_add = 10 #国家影响力country_tax_income_add = 80000 #税收(基数country_expenses_add = -5000 #开支(基数building_group_bg_mining_laborers_mortality_mult = -0.95building_group_bg_mining_machinists_mortality_mult = -0.95 工人死亡率building_group_bg_mining_engineers_mortality_mult = -0.95building_shipyards_throughput_mult = 0.5 #船厂产出(百分比building_arms_industry_throughput_mult = 0.5 #兵工厂产出(百分比building_subsistence_output_add = 50 #自给农场工资building_throughput_mult = 10 #工厂吞吐building_input_mult = -0.01 #工厂原材料输入 消费因素building_government_administration_throughput_mult = 5 #行政建筑产出(百分比building_railway_throughput_mult = 5 #铁路产出(百分比building_silk_plantation_throughput_mult = 5 #养蚕产出(百分比building_group_bg_agriculture_throughput_mult = 5 #农业建筑吞吐building_group_bg_fishing_throughput_mult = 5 #捕鱼建筑吞吐building_group_bg_whaling_throughput_mult = 5 #捕鲸建筑吞吐building_group_bg_logging_throughput_mult = 5 #伐木场吞吐building_iron_mine_throughput_mult = 5 #铁矿吞吐building_lead_mine_throughput_mult = 5 #铅矿吞吐building_port_throughput_mult = 5 #港口吞吐building_coal_mine_throughput_mult = 5 #煤矿吞吐building_output_electricity_mult = 5 #电力吞吐building_sulfur_mine_throughput_mult = 5 #硫磺矿吞吐building_output_hardwood_mult = 5 #硬木吞吐building_dye_plantation_throughput_mult = 5 #染料吞吐unit_supply_consumption_mult = -0.9 #部队的供给和消费country_army_power_projection_mult = 3 #陆军力量投射country_navy_power_projection_mult = 5 #海军力量投射(百分比unit_army_offense_add = 30 #陆军进攻unit_army_defense_add = 30 #陆军防御unit_army_offense_mult = 0.5 #陆军攻击(百分比unit_army_defense_mult = 0.5 #陆军防御(百分比unit_navy_offense_mult = 0.5 #海军攻击(百分比unit_navy_defense_mult = 0.5 #海军防御(百分比unit_morale_damage_mult = 2.0 #部队士气打击unit_morale_protection_mult = 2.0 #部队士气防御unit_kill_rate_add = 2 #部队击杀率unit_devastation_mult = -1 #部队破坏率character_attrition_risk_mult = -3 #损耗风险的乘数state_tax_waste_add = -1 #税收浪费technology_invention_cost_mult = -0.5 #科技花费country_tech_spread_add = 1000 #科技_散增加country_tech_spread_mult = 0.2 #科技_散增加百分比country_weekly_innovation_add = 1000 #科技_度增加country_weekly_innovation_max_add = 20000 #科技_度上限增加state_assimilation_mult = 1 #同化state_dependent_wage_mult = 1 #受扶持人口收入state_education_access_add = 0.1 #教育__state_education_access_wealth_add = 0.1 #财富受教育机会state_migration_pull_mult = 5 #移民吸引力state_turmoil_effects_mult = -0.90 #动乱度影响(百分比state_migration_pull_unincorporated_mult = 5.0 #未整合地区移民吸引力state_expected_sol_from_literacy = -20 #识字率对需求的影响state_building_port_max_level_add = 10000 #省份港口建设上限country_institution_colonial_affairs_max_investment_add = 5 #殖民机构投入等级unit_convoy_raiding_mult = 2 #商船袭击效率country_expedition_events_explorer_mult = 2 #探险的时机state_non_homeland_colony_growth_speed_mult = 5 #殖民地增长速度country_trade_route_competitiveness_mult = 2 #贸易路线竞争力country_trade_route_imports_add = 100 #贸易路线进口量country_trade_route_exports_add = 100 #贸易路线出口量state_conscription_rate_mult = 1 #省份征兵效率state_infrastructure_add = 1000 #地区基础设施state_infrastructure_mult = 1 #省份基础设施(百分比country_construction_add = 1000 #基础建筑能力state_construction_mult = 2 #地区建筑效力country_prestige_add = 100 #国家威望country_bureaucracy_mult = 10 #国家行政力修正country_authority_mult = 100 #权威力修正country_influence_mult = 100 #影响力修正country_legitimacy_base_add = 1000 #政权合法性country_decree_cost_mult = -0.5 #法令花费country_law_enactment_time_mult = -1 #法律通过时间country_law_enactment_success_add = 1.0 #法律通过成功率country_institution_size_change_speed_mult = 10 #变更机构需要的时间 机构规模变更速度country_promotion_ig_attraction_mult = 2 #扶植增加利益集团的影响country_suppression_ig_attraction_mult = -10 #打压减少利益集团的影响interest_group_approval_add = 1000 #执政利益集团支持度interest_group_in_opposition_approval_add = 1000 #在野利益集团支持度state_radicals_from_sol_change_mult = -10000 #因需求变化的激进者数量state_loyalists_from_sol_change_mult = 10000 #因需求变化的效忠者数量character_health_add = 10 #角色健康character_command_limit_mult = 5 #角色指挥上限character_popularity_add = 100 #人气country_infamy_decay_mult = 1000 #恶名衰减country_diplomatic_play_maneuvers_add = 100 #外交博弈行动力country_improve_relations_speed_mult = 100 #改善关系速度country_damage_relations_speed_mult = 100 #破坏关系速度}
2023-07-18 02:12:391


2023-07-18 02:12:473

用英语说 史记

Records of the Grand Scribe 也有Records of the Grand Historian
2023-07-18 02:12:542


L7 Be held the columned peristyle and the sculptured pediment of the new Pathenon (当人们举目向雅典卫城望去),看到新落成的巴特农神庙那周围列柱的中厅和以雕刻装饰的山形墙时 L158 The Hellenophiles endowed the physical town with a marmoreal chastity ,a purity and a rationality. 偏爱希腊的人们赋予物质的城镇以大理石般的纯洁、高雅和理性 L159 No pallid esthetes, no mousy bureaucrats ,produced these violent visual contrasts ,or these high intensities of color that survive today only in rock and sky and sea. 任何苍白无力的唯美主义者,任何胆小如鼠的官僚绅士,都不能创造出如此强烈鲜明对比,也不能创造出如今只存在于山岩、天空和大海中那种高强度色彩。 L17 AS it collapsed in the city as one descended from the Acropolis to the marketplace ,or picked one "s way,more by instinct than by any visible guides ,through the tangle of walled alleys and blind streets that took one to one"s destination. 正如人们从雅典卫城走下来,到街头闹市时,美感兴奋会在城市环境中崩溃一样,也像人们不顾任何明确的目标随心所欲游荡在街巷中,任这些大街小巷把自己引到什么目的地去。 P159L28 There Is no better place to confront the paradoxical relation between the mind and the body through which it expresses itself, the social body that becomes a humanized landscape or a city ,than in the Greek polis, above all in Athens. 没有任何一个地方能像希腊城邦,首先像雅典勇敢正视人类精神和社会机体二者之间复杂关系了,人类精神通过社会机体得以充分表现,社会机体变成了一片人性化了的景色。 P160 L30 The mighty rock that raised these buildings to the sky ,a rock whose blue and pink tints contrast with the marble above ,and whose craggy outlines ,even when capped by a sheer wall, contrast with the sublime geometry of the temples. 这些巨大的山岩支撑了这些建筑使之耸入云霄,这些青色和锗石色的山岩同其上方的大理石建筑形成鲜明对照,这些山岩参差不平的轮廓线,即使其顶部筑有陡峭的高墙,也同神 庙建筑物壮丽的几何形体形成对照。 P161 L36 Its rocky sides were apt for defense rather than for building ;so the task of the architect was not to weaken its contours or to facilitate movement ,but to exploit the chance advantages of ledges and platforms,arranging buildings and monuments with no effort to achieve visual coherence or a climactic sequence except in the siting of the most important temple at the top. 它周围的岩石坡面很适于战争防卫而不适于建筑,因而建筑师的任务并不应去削弱它的外形轮廓,或者表现动感,而在于利用山岩上突出的部分或平坦的地方这类天然条件来安排建筑物和纪念物,并不刻意追求视觉的整体感或高潮序列的要求。 No axis,no continuity ,no visual progression :no attempt at symmetry ,either ,except in the individual building ,open to view and finished on all four sides ,changing in form with the changing angle of approach. 没有总的建筑中轴线,没有连续感,没有视觉的渐进,也不追求对称形式,建筑物完全暴露在视野之内,四面都多经修饰,形式随走近时视角变化而变化。 P162 there was even a sophisticated exploitation of the visual possibilities of a devious,irregular approach. 巧妙利用了那种弯弯曲曲不规则通道的视觉效果。 1. The Roman Empire ,the product of a single expanding urban power center ,was itself a vast city-building enterprise. 罗马帝国是单纯扩张城市权利中心 的产物,它本身就是一个非常广大的城市建设企业。 2. The foundation stones of the Roman town were quarried mainly from two other cultures ,the Etruscan and the Hellenic. 罗马城镇所使用的文化基石主要采自两种其它文化,即古伊特鲁里亚文化及古希腊文化。 3. The city, partly for religious ,partly for utilitarian reasons ,took the form of a rectangle . 部分缘于宗教,部分缘于功利主义,采用矩形形式 4. The typical mark that distinguished Rome from Hellenistic cities of the same general character was the layout of its two principal streets ,the cardo ,running north and south ,and the decumannus ,running east and west. This axial type of town ,with its two main streets crossing at right angles near the center. is an old form. 与具有相同特色的希腊化城市的典型区别在于它那两条主要街道的布局方式,一条是南北走向,另一条是东西走向,这种以两条大街呈直角在市中心附近相交叉的轴式城镇,是一种很古老的形式。 5. From the Hellenistic town the Roman received a pattern of esthetic order that rested on a practical base: the formally enclosed agora, with its continuous structures, the poad unpoken street lined with buildings, and the theater. 从希腊化城镇中学到了基于实践基础的美学形式:形式上封闭的广场,广场四周连续的建筑,宽敞的通衢大街,两侧成排的建筑物,还有剧场。 6. There is indeed a sound reason for thinking of medieval plans as usually more informal than regular .This was because rugged rocky sites were more frequently utilized ,for they had decisive advantages for defense until effective cannon fire became possible in the sixteenth century.Since streets were not adapted to wheeled traffic and neither water pipes nor sewage drains needed to be provided for ,it was more economical to follow nature"s contours than to attempt to grade them down: note the tilt of the poad market place in Siena .By building on barren hilly sites, moreover ,the thrifty citizens did not encroach on the richer ag ricultural bottom land. 有充分理由认为,中世纪的规划不是整齐端正,而常常是不规则的,这是因为一些多岩石的、崎岖不平的地区,常被利用,因为在16世纪以前没有炮火的年代里,这种地区在防御上占有绝对优势。由于街道规划不需要考虑车辆交通,也不需要提供上、下水道,所以按照自然地形建设要比平整这个地区后建设更经济而方便。请看一看意大利锡耶纳倾斜的 广阔的市场场址,而且,利用荒秃秃的山旁地带进行建设,可不占用富饶的可利用河水灌溉的农田。 7. The other source of the organic curves in the medieval town was the emphasis on its central core. Lavedan goes so far as to say that “the essential fact of medieval urbanism is the constitution of the city in such a fashion that all the li nes converge toward a center, and that the contour is usually circular :this is what contemporary theorists call the radio-concentric system. 中世纪城镇上街道多呈曲线的另一原因是由于强调市中心的核心作用,拉维丹甚至说,“中世纪城市规划的要点是把城市结构表现为各条道路都集中到市中心,平面的轮廓线常常是圆形,就是现代理论家们称之为放射同心圆系统的形状。
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I think a lot about the old days.
2023-07-18 02:13:212

辛亥革命 甲午战争 五四运动 洋务运动 新文化运动 用英文怎么翻译啊

辛亥革命the Revolution of 1911[led by Dr Sun Yat-sen which overthrew the Qing Dynasty]甲午战争Sino-Japanese War of 1894-1895[lauched by Japanese imperialists to annex Korea and invade China]五四运动May 4th Movement of 1919[an anti-imperialist, anti-feudal, political and cultural movement launched under the influence of the Russian October Revolution and led by intellectuals having the rudiments of Communist ideology]洋务运动Westernization Movement[to introduce techniques of capitalist production, initiated by comprador bureaucrats in the latter half of the 19th century in order to preserve the rule of the Qing government]新文化运动New Culture Movement[around the time of the May 4th Movement in 1919]
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far less certain,however

本句 主语和表语 倒装了。因为主语太长了。 Far less certain是表语, is 是系动词 how successfully experts and bureaucrats can select our peer groups and steer their activities in virtuous directions是主语从句作主语
2023-07-18 02:13:361


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基本信息作 者:(美)尼古拉斯﹒亨利(Nicholas Henry) 出 版 社:中国人民大学出版社 出版日期:2002-04 ISBN:730003942 版 次:第一版 包 装:平装 开 本:大32开 页 数:10,789页 印 张:1次 国外教材就是参考书目编得特别好,工具性极强 作书的质量还不错。看了后对自己的知识增长有进步。原版的书籍比翻译过来的更能接近西方学术的真实。为多次再版的北美各大学公共行政专业的教科书,其受欢迎程度可见一斑。在西方民主政治的理论框架中,一切公共政策的规划、制定、反馈、执行与实践不仅应以民意为基础,最重要的要取得民意的授权,但是如何既倾听、尊重、采纳民间的声音,而又不简单地随着所谓“民意”起舞,可能是当今公共政策决策者们需要认真思考的问题作为在该领域的主要著作之一,本书在公元二千年迎来了出版三十周年纪念。这是第七版了,我感到高兴,因为这是我出版的第一本书,至今仍是我最满意的作品之一。本书有些部分被译成西班牙文,全书被译成日文。我认为这本书在我的研究领域中起了里程碑的作用,而只有按特定视角写作的书才能起这种作用。本书一直是从一个特殊的视点来研究有关管理的问题。  本书由公共管理与公共政策分析领域最杰出的公共行政学家,美国佐治亚州100位当代最有影响的人物尼古拉斯·亨利编写,全面而系统地介绍了公共行政的各个方面,包括公共行政的学科发展范式、公共组织、公共管理、政策制定与执行、政府问关系以及行政伦理等。它反映了公共行政和公共管理领域理论和实践的新变化和新发展。一直是北美各大学公共行政专业学院最受欢迎的教科书。 · 本书全面而系统地介绍了公共行政的各个方面,包括公共行政的学科发展范式、公共组织、公共管理、政策制定与执行、政府间关系以及行政伦理等。本书是第九版,它反映了公共行政和公共管理领域理论和实践的新变化和新发展。  《公共行政与公共事务》一直是北美各大学公共行政专业学院最受欢迎的教科书。本书自问世以来多次再版,一直在亚马逊图书销售排行榜上名列前茅。 作者简介   尼古拉斯·亨利是一位著名的公共行政学家,专长于公共政策分析与公共管理研究。他先后在美国印第安纳大学布卢明顿校区获得公共管理硕士和哲学博士学位。享利教授著书十余本,发表论文几十篇共论文获得过《美国公共行政评论》颁发的埃德文·O·斯坦恩奖。他曾就职于美国印第安纳州立大学、新默默西哥大学、佐治亚大学以及亚利桑那州立大学。他所领导的佐治亚南部大学曾被CNN专题报道为美国高等教育的一颗新星,而他本人也步入了佐治亚州100位当代最有影响人物的行列。 尼古拉斯·亨利是美国著名的公共行政学专家。1987-1998年曾任南佐治亚州大学校长,在任期间该校得到巨大发展,为此佐治亚洲参议院特地通过决议,表彰他的治校才干。他是该校近百年来最重要的校长之一。 翻译项龙,1952年出生。1982年3月毕业于北京师 范大学外语系。1984年获得中国社会科学院新闻所 硕士。同年到新华社国际部工作。1987年到北京师 范大学外语系任教。1991~ 1992年在英国南安普顿 大学教育研究院学习,获教育语言硕士。现为北京 师范大学外语系副教授。主要译著有:《原始人的心 智》,1989年,国际文化出版公司;《挑战层峰》(合 译),1994年,台湾宏观文化出版社;《濒临失衡的 地球》(合译),1995年,中央编译出版社;《热爱 生命》,1996年,北京师范大学出版社;《世界百科 全书》(主编,翻译社会学卷和政治学卷),1997年, 海南出版社;《机器的征途》,1998年,内蒙古人民 出版社;书籍目录: 总序 序言 第一编公共行政的范式 第1章庞大的民主体制,庞大的官僚体制 约束:美国公共行政的背景与传统 政府、公共领导人和公民生活的退化 官僚、官僚制度及其服务 反抗与抵制:美国人与政府的扩大 官僚制度产生的原因 官僚的权力 官僚的权限 知识的管理:官僚权力的基础 探究官僚制度:对政府的理解 第2章公共行政:困惑的世纪 开端 范式一:政治/行政二分法,1900-1926 范式二:行政学的原则,1927—1937 挑战,1938—1947 对挑战的回应 .范式三:作为政治学的公共行政学 政治学的冲击:为民主制度服务的官僚制度 范式四:作为管理学的公共行政学 管理学的影响:对公共行政中公共的理解 分离主义的力量,1965—1970 范式五:作为公共行政学的公共行政学 第二编公共组织 第3章组织的丝麻:理论 模型、定义和组织 组织的封闭模型 组织的开放模型 封闭模型和开放模型:本质的差别 综合模型学派 第4章组织的布帛:力量 社会和对组织的评价 组织中的信息和情报 组织中的决策 组织中的行政 组织中的控制、权力和权威 社会和组织的变化 第5章组织的纤维:人 组织如何改变你? 行政的人性:经典观点、社会-心理学与公共行政 成人发展模型 文化行为模型 政治行为模型 达尔文主义与组织人格 组织中的领导 领导理论的演变:适应时代的需要对领导进行定义 领导与行政:变化与复杂性 领导公共组织 第三编公共管理 第6章系统方法与公共管理 系统的概念 关于系统的争论 公共管理:公共部门的经验 管理学:介绍几种技术 计算机:公共行政的新时代? 技术、公共官僚机构和公众 第7章公共方案评估和生产率 公共方案评估、生产率和腐败控制的发展过程 方案评估、生产率和美国政府 公共方案评估:目的与类型 评估的过程 三项创新之举:总稽核员、全面质量管理和底线 评估研究的三个问题 公共方案评估真的重要吗? 第8章公共预算:目的与步骤 公共预算演变史导论 逐项预算, 1921—1939 绩效预算,1940—1961 计划规划预算,1965—1971 目标管理, 1972—1976 零基预算,1977—1980 日落与日出:各州的日落立法,1976—1981 无法控制支出的出现,1980年至今 严重的公债和赤字,1980—1992 从上至下预算/目标基础预算,1981—1992 结果预算,1993年至今 制订预算:战略与战术 过程:国会、制订预算和赤字 第9章管理公共部门的人力资源 美国公共部门人力资源管理的发展 公务员制度:功绩的含义 集体制度:蓝领职员 政治主管制度:行政中的政治 职业化终身制度:人重于职位 职业化公共行政制度:兼顾政治和管理 种族、性别和工作:赞助性行动的挑战 人力资源管理前途如何? 第四编实施 第10章公共政策及其实施的研究方法 公共政策分析的演变:公共行政还是政治学 公共政策的研究方法:过程还是输出 几种模型:作为过程的公共政策制订与实施 几种模型:作为输出的公共政策制订与实施 渐进模型与理性模型的不足之处 战略计划模型 战略计划:公共部门的经验 第11章私有化:政府合同和政府公司 公共行政与美国的正统观念 私有化政治学:承包的动机 联邦政策的私有化 联邦政府的发包工作:批评意见 是否私有化?浪费、弄虚作假和滥用职权的问题 私有化与否?民主国家的公共决策问题 地方政府的私有化 政府公司 第12章政府间行政 成千上万的政府 宪法与法院:确立规划 政府间行政的演变 财政方面的联邦主义 资金和强制令:联邦政府完成政策的工具 联邦主义:新分类 政府间行政:州与地方政府 地点、人和权力:都市治理的难题 第13章官僚的职业道德 公共行政和承认公共利益:两种思想倾向 赞助性行动:公共行政中的道德抉择 公平才公正:审视公共利益 本能主义、完美主义和实用主义 公平才公正理论的应用 公共行政的道德实践 结论:政治不是做游戏,管理不是优惠券 附录A公共行政及相关领域工具书简介 附录B公共行政部分刊物筒介 附录C部分学术、职业和公共利益组织简介 附录D公共官员的正确称呼 附录E美国公共行政学会道德准则 目录 Preface viiAcknowledgments ixPart One: Paradigms of Public Administration 1Chapter I Big Democracy, Big Bureaicracy 4Constraint: The Context and Tradition of Public Administration in the United StatesAttenuations: The Legacy of Limited Public Administration 7Government, Public Leaders, and Public Trust 11Bureaucrats: Image and Reality 13Revolt and Resistance: Americans and Governmental Growth 14Why Bureaucracy? 15Explaining Things 16Power: The Gray Eminence of the Public Administrator 17Chapter 2 Public Administrations Century in~ Quandary 29The Beginning 29Paradigm 1: The Politics/Administration Dichotomy, 1900-1926 30Paradigm 2: The Principles of Administration, 1927-1937 32The Challenge, 1938-1950 34Reaction to the Challenge, 1947-1950 36Paradigm 3: Public Administration as Political Science, 1950-1970 37The Impact of Political Science: Bureaucracy in the Service of Democracy 40Paradigm 4: Public Administration as Management, 1956-1970 41The Impact of Management: Understanding the "Public" in Public Administration 42The Forces of Separatism, 1965-1970 45Public Administration as Neither Management Nor Political Science 46Paradigm 5: Public Administration as Public Administration: 1970-? 48Governance: Toward a New Paradigm? 49Part Two: Public Organizations 57Chapter 3 The Threads of Organizations: Thebries 58Models, Definitions, and Organizations 58The Closed Model of Organizations 59The Open Model of Organizations 62The Political Executive System: Politics in Administration 270The Professional Career System: The Person over the Position 273The Professional Public Administration System: Embracing the Professions of Politicsand Management 274Race, Sex, and Jobs: The Challenge of Affirmative Action 276Does Public Human Resource Management Have a Future? 290Part Four: Implementing Public Policy 303Chapter 10 Understanding Public Policy 305Public Policy Analysis: A Brief History 305Political Science, Public Administration, and Policy Analysis 306The Incrementalist Paradigm of Public Policymaking and Implementation 307The Rationalist Paradigm of Public Policymaking and Implementation 314The Problems of the Paradigms 320The Strategic Planning Paradigm of Public Policymaking and Implementation 321Strategic Planning: The Public Experience 322Truly Universal Strategic Planning 326Chapter 11 Intersectoral Administration 331Chapter l2 IntergovernmentalAdministration 379Chapter 13 Toward a Bureaucratic Ethic 426Appendix A: Information Sources, Journals, and Organizations in PublicAppendix B: Annotated Information Sources in Public AdministrationAppendix C: Selected Annotated Journals Relevant to Public Administration 455Appendix D: Selected Academic, Professional, and Public Interest OrganizationsAppendix E: Correct Forms of Address for Public Offidals 463Appendix F: Becoming a Public Administrator 465Appendix G: American Society for Pubfic Administration Code of Ethics 473Name Index 475Subject Index 477Chapter 4 The Fabric of Organizations: Forces 79Chapter 5 The Fibers of Organizations: People 115Part Three: Public Management 147Chapter 6 Clarifying Complexity: Problems of Public Management 150Chapter 7 Corruptions Consequences: Performance Measurement, Public ProgramChapter 8 The Public Budget: Purposes and Processes 214Chapter 9 Managing Human Resources in the Public Sector 250
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2007年四月,我通过一个国际约会服务网站(与一位来自广州的女士进行了交流,就像我在 Cherry Blossoms.com上找到了你一样。她叫Shaoying,那时甚至现在,我一直认为她一直是一位与我有相似的目标和梦想的非常好的女士。我给她写过很多次信,她同样给了我回复,渐渐地,我们了解了对方。 2007年秋天,她邀请我到广州与她见面,我也去了。我拿到自己的护照和到中国的签证,并且定了环绕全球的机票。最终在07年12月,我飞到广州见到了 Shaoying. Shaoying 非常可爱并且她对我十分友好。她让我知道所有的中国人都十分和我的心意,他们不论男女都非常友善、好客和亲切和友好。我几乎开始认为是哪儿出了错,其实我应该是一个中国人而非美国人!2008年5月我又拜访了Shaoying ,她说她会来美国和我结婚。我说在她做决定之前,她应该先有个机会游览一下美国。当我回到美国,我为她申请了K-1未婚妻签证,以便让她决定嫁给我并搬来住前可以过来看一下美国。然而签证被拒绝了,并且我必须告诉你,我的甜心,我后来发现10份从广州来的签证中通常有9份都会被否决。我认为这种情况很糟糕,我觉得美国政府和中国政府都有错,他们不应该让现实中的人们想要生活在一起变得如此困难。 我聘请了一位律师,他告诉我Shaoying在被问到我们如何交流时说我和她说中文。为了维护Shaoying,我没有说谎,因为我知道她已经很迷茫了。然而这些官员却非常麻木并且小心眼,最终他们没有通过我们的签证。
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Shame fills a vacuum in China"s financial law enforcement中国金融法律执行力度的空缺由名誉惩罚来弥补THE vast gaps in the regulations governing China"s financial markets are nosecret. The risks are spelled out in mind-numbing detail in every Chinese shareprospectus issued to Western investors. They run the gamut from the possibilityof full-blown Communist expropriation to bad accounting, insider trading,market manipulation and fraud.中国金融市场监管制度的巨大漏洞早已不是什么秘密。在呈现给西方投资者的中国股票计划书中,所有对风险细节的描述都让人大脑短路。这些风险从标准的共产主义式没收的可能性开始,一直到糟糕的会计,内部交易,市场交易和欺诈行为。There are enough prosecutions to indicate that mischief-making goes on,but not enough to make enforcement appear credible. Even when there are rules,the line between acceptable and unacceptable conduct is often unclear, and someactions are patently unfair. There is, for example, no “full” disclosure law,no match of regulation FD in America.Companies frequently meet investors selectively. The information that emergescan include changes in senior management—and hence strategy—and be ofextraordinary value. In more developed markets, aggrieved shareholders kept inthe dark could fire off private lawsuits; but private litigation in Chinais allowed only after the state has determined malfeasance.虽然足够多的说明书显示这些问题还在继续,但法律的执行力度却远远不够。即使是有相应的条文,其在可接受和不可接受行为之间的界线也通常不清晰,而且一些法律明显就不公平。比方说,中国没有和美国《反选择性披露法》类似的要求“全部”披露的法律。公司频繁地有选择性地为投资者提供信息。有些信息因为涉及到公司高层的变动——从而影响公司战略——而有很高的价值。在更加发达的市场上,那些被蒙蔽而愤懑的股东们可以发起私人诉讼;但在中国,只有政府认定了错误之后,私人的起诉程序才能启动。Given these shortcomings, Chinamight well be shunned by investors, but it is not. Its Shanghaiand Shenzhen stockmarkets—though falling sharply this year—were togethermcapitalised at $3.9 trillion at the end of January, more than in any country inthe world except America andJapan.Despite their size, the markets are not efficient, however. Share-pricemovements, according to several studies, do not fit as closely with financialresults as in other large markets. That is not only bad for investors; it alsoundermines the stockmarket"s broader economic job of channelling capital towhere it can best be used.按理说,有这样大的缺陷,投资者应该尽量避开中国,但事实并非如此。上海和深圳的股市,尽管今年大幅下挫,但在1月底之前总共融资了3.9万亿美元,在所有的国家中仅此于美国和日本。然而,它的效率却和它的规模不合拍。一些研究表明,中国的股票价格波动与其他大型市场不同,和其财务状况没有紧密地相关性。这不仅不利于投资者,同样从根本上损害了股市所肩负的经济任务,即把资本引导到能发挥最佳效用的地方。Name and shame 美名与恶名Plenty of studies demonstrate the role of a good legal environment tofinancial markets. But Benjamin Liebman and Curtis Milhaupt, two professors at Columbia LawSchool, argue in a forthcoming paper*that, whatever the limitations of the scope and enforcement of China"s laws,another form of regulation has quietly emerged. Drawing on China"s traditions, the authoritiesnow also discipline wrongdoers using public criticism.许多研究都证实了良好的法治环境在金融市场中的重要角色。但是Benjamin Liebman和Curtis Milhaupt,两位哥伦比亚法律学校的教授,在即将发表的论文上,将论证无论中国法律的限制范围和执行度如何,另一种管制方式已经悄然兴起。它源于一种中国传统,即权威机关正使用舆论批评来约束过错方。Financial markets are usually regulated through well enforced securitieslaws, like the ones Americaintroduced during the Depression; or through self-regulation, as in America before the Depression and in London"s AlternativeInvestment Market today. For many years academics focused more on laws,believing that exchanges pursued members" interests rather than those ofinvestors. But a landmark study by Paul Mahoney, of the University of Virginia,a decade ago began to shift support towards self-regulation. Privately runmarkets have an interest in safeguarding investors, because that is the bestmeans of increasing listing and trading volumes and thus of generating morefees. When exchanges were run by the state, it was not clear whether theself-interest worked in that way. 通常,金融市场的管制是通过高效执行的证券法来实现,比如美国在大萧条时期所展示的那样;或者通过市场自律来实现,比如美国在大萧条之前和在今日伦敦的可替换投资市场。许多年来,学术上把注意力更多的集中在法律上。但在10年前,来自维吉尼亚大学的Paul Mahoney的一项里程碑式的研究,却把支持力量转向了自律。当交易所由私人经营时,捍卫投资者就是它的一项自身利益,因为这样是最好方法以增加注册公司和交易额,并因此获得产生更多的收费。而当交易所由政府经营的时候,其自身利益是否能产生这样的效果就很难确定了。When China"stwo stock exchanges were created in 1990, the chief goal was to use private savingsto restructure state-owned firms. Investors received only minority stakes andlimited sway over corporate governance. Equally important, both exchanges wererun by bureaucrats, so there were fewer incentives to increase their value byattracting companies and punters. There was little effective competitionbetween them.当中国的两家股票交易所在1990年成立时,其主要的目的是利用私人存款以改建国有企业。投资者仅能得到很小的股权且对公司的运营的影响非常有限。同样重要的是,两家交易所均由政府机关运营,因而他们吸引公司和投机者以实现自身增殖的动机小得多。他们之间也几乎没有有效的竞争。Over the past 18 years, Chinahas introduced rules against market manipulation, fraud and insider dealing,but enforcement remains patchy. The China Securities Regulatory Commissionseems competent but overwhelmed. Sometimes it takes years to issue penaltiesafter lengthy investigations—and along the way cases lose relevance.过去的18年间,中国颁布了许多禁止市场操纵,欺诈和内部交易的法律,但执行度始终都不足。中国证监会表面上是合格的,但实际上基本是摆设。有时候它得花上几年的调查时间才能公布处罚,随着时间的流逝,这些案件都失去了相关性。In the meantime, the exchanges have quietly begun to acquire authority.The power that they wield appears flimsy—the most serious penalty they can levyis a rebuke to firms and individuals through public notices. But it isremarkably effective in a country with a long history of punishment byhumiliation—think of the cangue, a rectangular slab around the neck, inpre-Communist times and dunce caps in the Cultural Revolution.就在同一时间,证交所已经悄悄地开始获取威权。他们能实现的最严重的处罚是斥责公司和个人并引起公众的注意,看起来是个很脆弱的权力。但对于一个历史上长期将羞辱当作惩罚的国家,它非常的有效——想想共产主义之前的刑枷,把脖子围住的矩形木板和文化大革命时期的愚蠢的“高帽子”。Messrs Liebman and Milhaupt write that between 2001 and 2006 the exchangespublicly criticised 205 companies and almost 1,700 people. They looked at theshare prices of the targeted firms both when they disclosed the conduct forwhich they were being criticised and when the criticism was published. Theadmissions typically preceded the rebukes, and in the few weeks that followedthe firms" share prices underperformed the Shanghai stockmarket by an average of up to6% (see left-hand chart). After the criticism, there was a further lag of up to3% on average (see right-hand chart). Messrs Liebman和Milhaupt写到,在2001和2006年之间证交所公开批评了205家公司和近1700个人。他们观察目标公司的股票价格变化,包括它们披露其受到批评的行动的时候和针对他们的批评被发布的时候。正常情况下是公司承认在先,随后的几周内这家公司的股票价格平均低于上海市场近6%(见左图)。而随后的公共批评,在一定的延迟下又可以让它继续下跌平均3%(见右图)。Using evidence from extensive interviews, Messrs Liebman and Milhauptpoint to other damage too. Raising money through equity markets and banksbecame more costly, and sometimes impossible, for companies that had beencriticised. Suppliers and customers also took a tougher line. Some people lost theright to be a director or senior manager, and suffered from pariah status in acountry where there is little pity for failure. The criticisms were sometimeseven a prelude to formal investigations by the regulatory authorities. 更广泛地调查取证后,Messrs Liebman和Milhaupt指出还存在着其他的损失。因为公司被批评,它从银行和股市融资将变得更加困难,有时候甚至无法融资。供应商和消费者也会更加决绝。有些人将失去成为总裁或高管的机会,还会在这个对失败者没有同情心的国家承受千夫所指的痛苦。批评有时候甚至是监管机关正式调查的前奏。Criticism may count for a couple of reasons, the authors suggest. Amid thevacuum of information in China,any hint of bad news is likely to be seized upon. And, in a state-run economy,it is never good to be unpopular with the authorities.作者表示,批评有如此威力是出于几个原因。在中国,因为信息空缺,任何一个关于坏消息的暗示都可能引起巨大的关注。而且,在政府经营的经济体里,得罪权威部门在任何情况下都不是好事。From an academic point of view, more intriguing is that the exchanges havebegun to regulate themselves even though they are not private. This suggeststhat there is room, even in countries with authoritarian governments, for newforms of governance to emerge when laws fail. It is quite conceivable that theexchanges may become better regulators than the official ones.从一个学术的观点来看,更加有趣的是,尽管证交所并非私人经营,但也开始约束自身。这显示,即使在威权主义政府的国家,当法律无从施力时,同样有空间让新的管理方式兴起。我们完全可以相信,相比起政府机关来,证交所将是更优秀的监管者。
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principally的意思是主要地。双语例句:1.This architecture allows applications to deal principally with data graphs and data objects.此体系结构允许应用程序主要处理数据图和数据对象。2.On the contrary, like all such upheavals it was hugely costly, not only or principally in money.相反,如同所有这样的剧变一样,它的成本极其高昂,主要问题不是钱,也不仅仅是钱。3.Usually, the accusation is directed principally against politicians, bureaucrats, and advertisers, butthe abuse is felt to have an "adverse effect on the language as such.这种指控通常主要针对政客、官僚和广告客户,但是人们已经受到滥用对语言本身所带来的有害影响。
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“扩充词义”可以指下列方面的操作:   (1)译文增字法:即对原文的某个词做“放大”或“延伸”处理。它是需要译者根据原文的特定的上下文在汉译句中适当增加几个字或一句话,以使句义在逻辑上更忠实于原文的内涵。   例如一些抽象名词、形容词可译为:   Respect尊敬→受人尊敬   Affection喜爱→惹人喜爱   Banquet宴会→摆宴席、搞宴请   Breakdown of equipment and morale装备逐渐破损、士气不振   Be always quite difficult是很困难的→一直困难重重   1.A settlement and peace will remain elusive.   *解决与和平仍然是一件毫无把握的事。   解决问题,实现和平,仍然是一件毫无把握的事。   2.In California,hundreds of billions of dollars ride on the success of earthquake prediction.   *在加利福尼亚,地震预报的成功关系到千百亿美元。   在加利福尼亚州,地震预测的成功与否关系到千百亿美元的财产和投资。   3.At this difficult stage,ex-president of the USA may have more celebrity than influence.   *在这个困难阶段,前任美国总统可能仍会有声望,但已无影响。   在这个困难阶段,前任美国总统可能仍会享有声望,但已无影响力可言。   4.Rushing to the scene to congratulate his troops on a textbook performance,Interior Minister Charles Pasqua told reporters,The nightmare is over.   内政部长查尔斯·巴士奎赶到现场,祝贺内务部队官兵干得漂亮而又完全符合规范。他对在场的记者说:“噩梦已经结束”。   5.Britains will have the chance in the next few months to try out an emerging technology that could put mobile telephones within the reach of even modest domestic budgets.   *英国人在未来的几个月里可能研制出一种新兴的技术,这种技术能使中等收入的家庭也能用得起移动电话。   英国人在未来的几个月里可能研制出一种新兴的技术,这种技术一投入使用,即使是中等收入的家庭也能用得起移动电话。   *What science strives for is an utmost acuteness and clarity of concepts as regards their mutual relation and their correspondence to sensory data.   结构分析:句子的框架是What science strives for is……as regards their mutual relation and their correspondence to sensory data.这是一个主从复合句。名词性从句What science strives for作主语。介词短语as regards their mutual relation and their correspondence to sensory date作状语。介词短语as regards也作regarding,意为“关于”。Sensory data意为“感性材料”。   参考译文:科学为之奋斗的目标,就是要使概念之间的相互关系以及与感性材料的一致性尽可能地准确与清楚。   *If we desire sincerely and passionately the safety,the welfare and the free development of the talents of all men, we shall not be in want of the means to approach such a state.   结构分析:句子的框架是if we desire……,the welfare and the free development……,we shall not be in want of……。if引导条件状语从句。desire的宾语被状语sincerely and passionately隔开。In want of相当于“in need of”,在此句中译为“缺乏”。approach在此作动词意为“靠近”。   参考译文:如果我们真心实意而又满腔热情地希望整个人类能享有安全与幸福并且自由地发展其才干,我们就不会缺少去达到这一境界的方法。   *While we consider this to be the best form of democracy, it is not without difficulties and possible limitations, some of which may become apparent in this case.   结构分析:句子框架是While…,it is not without difficulties and possible limitations.“while引导让步状语从句。相当于though,修饰主句。指示代词this指代前面提到的公众投票来决策问题的做法。主句中又套嵌数量词some of加关系代词which引导的定语从句修饰difficulties and possible limitations.Not without为双重否定的介词短语,做表语,可以译成肯定句。   参考译文:虽然我们认为这是民主的最完美的形式,但它还有各种困难和潜在的缺陷;在这种情况下有些问题变得明显了。   *But such a system would not only be the beginning of real freedom of contract between employers and employees; its principal advantage would be the improvement of freedom in interpersonal relationships in every sphere of daily life.   结构分析:句子的框架是But such a system would not only be……its principal advantage would be the improvement of.叫分号连接两个并列分句。sphere意为“领域”。   参考译文:但是,这样一种制度将不只是雇主和雇员之间真正自由签署合同的开始;它的主要优点是在日常生活的每一个领域中使人际关系吏为自由。   (2)译文解释法。这种“扩充词义”的操作策略是:使用添加一定的解释性、说明性的行文。由于中西文化和社会习俗的差异,英语的有些词汇不能直译出来,有必要对汉语的词汇表达进行解释性、说明性的翻译。   1.In the age of information,we are open books.   *在信息时代,我们都是公开的书本。   在信息时代,我们每个人的一切情况都没有什么秘密可言了。   2.This country"s economy remains in intensive care.   *该国经济仍处于重病特别护理中。   该国经济依然处于岌岌可危的境地。   3.Those young people are heading for an early grave through smoking and lack of exercise.   *那些年轻人通过抽烟和缺少运动,正在向一个早期坟墓奔去。   那些年轻人由于抽烟加上缺少运动,实际上是在减短自己的寿命。   4.In that country several million of people have lived near or below the breadline for almost two decades.   在那个国家差不多二十年了,生活在贫困线以下,或温饱问题还没有完全解决的仍有几百万人。   *It is not so bad being ignorant if you are totally ignorant;the hard thing is knowing in some detail the reality of ignorance,the worst spots and here and there the not-so-bad spots,but no true light at the end of the tunnel nor even any tunnels that can yet be trusted.   结构分析:句子的框架是it is not so bad being ignorant if;the hard thing is knowing.……the reality…but no true light……nor even any tunnels……分号连接两个并列分句。前面的分句句首it为形式主语,真正的主语为being ignorant;if引导条件状语从句。后一分句的is knowing…和no true light…nor even any tunnels由but连接做系表谓语;句尾that引导的定语从句修饰tunnels.   此句的短语light at the end of the tunnel意为“困难(不快)的事情有结束的迹象”。   参考译文:如果有人彻底无知的话,无知也就不那么糟了。困难的是人们详细了解无知的实际情况——最差的方面以及这里或那里并不太差的方面,但并不了解困难的事情根本没有结束的迹象,甚至还没有可以信赖的任何解决问题的途径。   He worked his way through the ranks,eventually becoming managing director responsible for the chain"s operations in southern England.   他从基层干起,逐级向上升,最终当上了负责该连锁大企业在南英格兰事务的常务主任。   注释:①responsible for形容词短语作后置定语。②多义词operations不是“手术”“运作”,而是“企业”的意思。   新的技术革命和频繁中西文化交流使我们的英语熟词有了新意或偏义。例如,skin一词的意思是“人与人的实际接触或交往”。   People who correspond with each other electronically often feel the need for skin and try to meet in what they call real life.   彼此之间用电子方式通信的人们经常觉得有面对面接触的需要,他们也尽可能在他们称之为现实的生活中交往。   The desire for skin can be seen in downtowns and shopping malls - people want human contact even when they could buy things via television or the telephone.   这种与人直接谋面接触的愿望在闹市区和商场是可以领略到的。即使人们可以通过电视或电话购物,他们还是想有人与人之间的直接交往。   再举一例:动词短语plug in意为:“将插头插入电源插座”或“给……接通电源”。现在它有了特殊的含义:“接通(进入)电脑网络”。新的形容词plugged-in表示“联通了电脑网络的”一类意思。   Parents who want their kids to be plugged in to the Net but would prefer they not be exposed to pornography, need no longer fear.   那些想让自己的孩子使用电脑网络却又怕他们大量接触到各种色情图文的家长们现在不必再担心。   Will tomorrow"s students be a generation of plugged-in servants or a race of silicon salves?将来的学生是否会成为一代电脑网络的仆佣或是一群硅片的奴隶呢?   More plugged-in bureaucrats have E-mail address and print them on their business cards?有更多的官员已经使用电脑网络,在他们的公务名片上都印有各自的电子信箱地址。   Textbook是旧词新意:“合乎规范的,理想化的”,“符合规定的”,“堪称典范的,典型的(typical)”。   It"s a textbook marriage of supply and demand.供求双方各得其所,合作十分理想。   Indeed,British Airways provides a textbook case of how new management methods and attitudes can transform a service company.如何运用新的管理方式和观念来改造一个服务性企业,英国航空公司在这方面的确提供了一个范例。   (3)译文合理加工法。“扩充词义”的操作也包括对英语原句某些表达做“转译加工”处理。这是指,英语的某些表达在汉译时不能原封不动地照译,而要在“取其要义”的基础上,大胆将其换上汉语的句式和搭配惯例,使之读起来更符合汉语行文的规范或搭配。如:   Writers are often regarded as the conscience of society,but in Hongkong many writers are only concerned with grabbing money and publicity;they have no principles or shames and are a disgrace to the profession, fumed the editor of one Chinese language magazine.   *“作家通常被看作是社会的良知。但在香港许多作家只关心捞钱和挣名,他们没有原则,甚至没有廉耻,是这个行业的耻辱。……”   “人们通常认为作家是社会的良知。但是在香港许多作家只关注如何去追名逐利。他们毫无原则,甚至根本不知廉耻,令文坛名誉扫地。”一家中文杂志的我怒不可遏地这么说道。   *The scientific method itself would not have led anywhere,it would not even have been born without a passionate striving for clear understanding.   结构分析:句子的框架是The scientific method itself would not have…it would not even have been born without…。这是一个含双重否定的并列句。even表示递进。在第二个并列分句中not.……without为双重否定。翻译时译成一个肯定的意思更贴切。   参考译文:科学方法本身不能导致任何结果。而且,只有充满激情地去努力寻找确切的理解,科学方法才会产生。   *Scientists must play their part in dispelling the shaky image of both themselves and of science in general,and in explaining the new approaches and how they may be applied to benefit all of society.   结构分析:句子的框架是Scientists must play their part in……in dispelling…。和and explaining……并列做状语,转译为“一面……,一面……”。句尾how引导的宾语从句和the new approaches并列做explaining的宾语,其中代词they指前面提到的the new approaches.dispel意为“驱散,消除”。   参考译文:科学家必须在这些方面发挥作用:一面驱散他们自己和整个科学在公众心目中摇摇欲坠的形象,一面解释一些新方法和如何应用这些方法来造福于全社会。
2023-07-18 02:15:051


D are submitted时态错误
2023-07-18 02:15:121

controlled by是什么意思

2023-07-18 02:15:313

a portion of a series of a pile of a panel of 的用法

let a double portion of your spirit be upon me愿感动你的灵a portion of soup一份汤a portion of food一份菜a portion of roast beef一串烤牛排A portion of the power部分权力Zero a portion of an array清零一个数组Automate a portion of your investing.自动理财系统retain a portion of foreign exchange留成外汇But he shall acknowledge the son of the hated [for] the firstborn, by giving him a double portion of all that he hath因这儿子是他力量强壮的时候首生的A Series of Math Books数学丛书a pile of dough一大笔钱a pile of shit胡说,废话a panel of experts一组专家A Panel Discussion of English Learning特邀嘉宾英语学习谈a panel of judges at the flower show花卉展览的评判小组A panel of judges to score table back I review评判团交评分表后退席评议A panel of judges comments on the review of the participants during the event评判团入席panel of a jury陪审员名单A panel under the windshield of a vehicle, containing indicator dials, compartments, and sometimes control instruments.仪表板车辆挡风玻璃下的板dashboard: a panel under the windshield of a vehicle, containing indicator dials, compartments, and sometimes control instruments仪表板death panel―A supposed committee of doctors and/or bureaucrats who would decide which patients receive treatment, ostensibly leaving the rest to die. Also deather, someone who believes erroneously that the government would have death panels under health care reform.死亡小组
2023-07-18 02:15:401

can't let go什么意思

2023-07-18 02:16:103


陈有亮去世一个月后,在战斗中,在朱离开中国最大的领袖。他35岁。朱并没有在战场上再次战斗,从这一点上他的将军们参加了他在南京的宫殿里指挥的战役。1367朱的军队打败了其他军阀,张世成,谁的达州王国以苏州为中心,并包括以前的大多数的长江三角洲,包括老宋首都杭州。[ 8 ] [ 9 ]这征服了朱明政府在整个长度的Yangtze和多领土的北部和南部的河流。其他主要军阀提交给朱,并在1368的农历新年1368年1月20日(朱)自称南京明朝皇帝,并通过“洪武”作为他的统治的标题。他用“流亡蒙古人和恢复华(华)”。在1368,朱完成了他的座右铭的承诺,因为他的军队向北采取蒙古人。蒙古人,有些奇怪的是,放弃了北京(1368年9月)和其他中国北方没有多少反抗和逃到北方的他们在现在的外蒙古国土。[ 10 ]最后的忠诚元的郁南省在1380和中国被统一再下明。统治朱元璋在1368宣布自己为皇帝。资本留在南京,与“洪武”作为年号。在Hongwu政府,谁主导了近一个世纪的元朝蒙古大夫被汉族所取代。洪武改造儒家传统的考试系统,选择政府官员或公务员的优点与文学和哲学的基础知识,主要是经典。文职人员的候选人,或80000人军团的军官团,必须再次通过传统的竞争考试,按经典要求。儒学士绅在元朝被边缘化了近一个世纪,再次在中国国家中占据主导地位。拒绝与蒙古人有关的事情也持续到其他地区。这些包括蒙古服饰,被丢弃,蒙古人的名字,停止使用。实际上,对蒙古相关物品和地点的袭击还包括元朝统治者使用的宫殿和行政建筑的袭击。如果对您有帮助,请点采纳
2023-07-18 02:16:185


Portrait of a LadyHenry JamesIsabel Archer is an American young woman brought to Europe by her aunt, Mrs. Touchette. She meets her uncle, Mr. Touchette, and cousin, Ralph, and lives with the Touchette family in their home at Gardencourt. As she stays with the Touchettes, a neighbor, Lord Warburton, falls in love with her and proposes. She turns him down. Her friend from America, Henrietta Stackpole, also comes to England and spends some time with Isabel. Henrietta is more outspoken and opinionated than Isabel and tries to guide her friend before she leaves Isabel at Gardencourt. Ralph Touchette stands back and watches all of them with a bit of cynicism. Mrs. Touchette is planning to take Isabel to her residence in Europe. First she must stay in England while family matters conclude. While Ralph and his parents are tied up, another visitor comes to Gardencourt. Madame Merle is the most fascinating person Isabel has ever met. She seems to be her own person and very accomplished. This synopsis barely gets the story started. Isabel comes into a great deal of money and is now independent. She goes to Europe with Mrs. Touchette and meets yet another suitor, Gilbert Osmond, and his daughter, Pansy. Lord Warburton meets her in Rome. An American suitor comes over to see her in Europe. Isabel makes choices that affect the rest of her life, and then has to deal with the consequences. The Portrait of a Lady is a classic, first published in England in 1881 and in the United States in 1901. James takes us through Isabel"s life, never apologizing for her actions. James also is not known for happy endings. Unfortunately, he also is known for being wordy. I found him very wordy. And boring by the middle of the book. By the time Isabel was is Florence and meeting Gilbert Osmond I was tired of reading the droning paragraphs. I liked his characters" interactions and development. But those were not enough to keep me awake. Too often I found this book to be a good sleeping tool. While there are others who agree with me, this book is still considered a masterpiece. Many a student will have to study it in school. Thank goodness for those people with my temperament there are Cliff notes. - But read on - 10/27/2000 This review is by Pat The simple story here is of a brilliant, sensitive young woman who is given a fortune by a cousin"s intervention with the goal of helping her find her destiny. The story is beautifully designed to lead inexorably to a tragic ending, affirming at the same time an unbreakable adherence to moral codes between individuals, and only incidentally the product of church or state. The plot is developed solely upon the heroine"s character. All others are tools of her fulfillment or destruction. Her lofty intellect, in the end, gives her an awareness of the inevitable conclusion to her own decisions and the need to accept them, and to hopefully await a better situation. All the characters are deeply drawn and faulted, and even the heroine has the self esteem to warn her of the trap that has been set against her. There are slow spots, as in any 700 page novel, but I am greatly looking forward to my book club discussion of this next month. It will be followed by high tea at the Ritz Carlton. A month later this discussion will lead to luncheon and a movie excursion to see the perfect Nicole Kidman in the role of Isabel Archer. There is a great deal of wonderful information on line to enhance understanding and enrich pleasure. It is, in spite of its length, a book to read at least once again. It is not dirtied by frog princes. If you require this, I recommend Hans Christian Anderson! ------------------------------------------------------------Kidnapped!Robert Louis StevensonDavid Balfour"s father, a poor cleric in a small village, has died. His mother has since died, so David is now alone in the world. Mr. Campbell, the local minister, gives David a message from his father to a mysterious "Ebenezer Shaw." That is when David discovers he has unknown relatives. When David finally arrives at the Shaw "mansion" he is appalled. By now he has learned it has an unsavory reputation and the owner is hated by all the neighbors. Despite this, David approaches the dark, partially finished house. His uncle Ebenezer reluctantly welcomes David. After a short time, David realizes there are secrets being kept. Was David"s father the true elder brother? Should David himself be the owner of the Shaw money and lands rather than his Uncle? Before he can discover the truth, he accompanies his uncle on a business trip to the wharf. They visit one of the ships Ebenezer Shaw deals with. David is coshed on the head and wakes up in the hold, the ship under way. He is on his way to the American colonies to work on the Carolina plantations. At first he is held prisoner; later he is able to work on the ship and have more freedom. David"s adventures are only beginning. As the ship is sailing north around Scotland, they strike another boat and rescue the survivor. This survivor has secrets, connections, and money. Quickly David finds himself aligned with this man against the sailors. From there he encounters hardships, travails, and excitement he could not have imagined before he left his father"s home. This is a children"s to young adult classic. Robert Louis Stevenson wrote wonderful yarns that were popular well beyond his lifetime and death over 100 years ago. Kidnapped is all right, not great. I never felt real involved with David nor cared overly much what happened to him until very near the end. Yet his sufferings while shipwrecked and on the run were well depicted. I could feel the parched throat and aching feet. While it"s not Stevenson"s best, this book still stands the test of time. another version:By JEFF STEIN--------------------------------------------------------------------------------RANSOM The Untold Story of International Kidnapping. By Ann Hagedorn Auerbach.481 pp. New York: Henry Holt & Company. $25.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------he cold war had its blessings. One was that an American tourist or businessman wasn"t so likely to be kidnapped in the so-called third world; guerrillas were too busy knocking over banks or blowing up local police stations. But in today"s no-boundaries, mountain-climbing, eco-traveling, adventure-stretching world, tourists and profit-seeking foreign businessmen have become food for the fish that used to swim among the people. In places like Cambodia, Yemen, the Philippines, Kashmir, Mexico and especially Colombia, where kidnappers are as common as bodyguards, foreigners might as well wear dollar figures on their Banana Republics. Ransom demands start in the millions, and, as protection rackets go, business is good. So Ann Hagedorn Auerbach reports, in what might have been an exciting foray into this shadowy world but instead dissolves into a moralistic tale relying principally on secondhand sources and the pronouncements of government spokesmen. Auerbach, the author of ""Wild Ride: The Rise and Tragic Fall of Calumet Farm, Inc.,"" lends her considerable compassion to the kidnapping targets and their families, who well deserve it for the cruel suffering they must endure. But this leads her to sacrifice a journalistic detachment that might have more effectively served her subject. Let the victims write their own stories. Still, she"s onto something. As she reports in ""Ransom,"" worldwide kidnappings have soared from a total of 951 in 73 countries between 1968 and 1982 to 6,500 in Latin America alone in 1995. By 1996 there were four kidnappings a day in Colombia, the Fort Knox of ransom proceeds, with $328.9 million forked over by corporations and families from 1991 through 1994. Why the upsurge? For one, there are more targets available, including a record 3.27 million Americans living abroad. Foreign travel has increased yearly by 10 percent, Auerbach notes, to over 50 million travelers in 1995, with many drawn to such ever more remote and exotic offerings as rain forests and tours of stone-age tribes in situ. How wonderfully exciting, but also dangerously provocative, considering that the income gap between tourists and locals tripled between 1960 and 1993. Auerbach"s story begins grippingly enough in the early morning of Aug. 13, 1995, when peasant women in Indian-occupied Kashmir discover a headless torso on the side of the road. It turns out to be that of Hans Christian Ostro, a Norwegian tourist kidnapped two months earlier, along with two Americans, two ""Brits"" (as Auerbach annoyingly calls them) and a German who had gone mountaineering in the high foothills of the Himalayas. The initials of Al Faran, a Pakistani-backed Muslim separatist group, had been carved in his chest. One of the Americans, a Connecticut businessman, John Childs, escaped after five days; the fates of the rest remain unknown. This tortuous tale, with its three years of heartbreaking waiting, interagency wrangling, dedicated bureaucrats, colorful private operatives, aborted rescues and bitter Pakistani-Indian rivalries, would have been plenty enough for a thrilling -- and sobering -- book. Instead, the scope of ""Ransom"" is expanded to other kidnappings, the purpose of which appears to be to roll out portraits of steely-eyed ex-C.I.A. and British operatives who people the ranks of private kidnap negotiators. As it is, Auerbach loses traction on her story every time she cuts away for excursions to kidnappings in other countries or, worse, dreary expositions on the history of kidnapping. She also fails to develop tantalizing tidbits about the activities of a United States Delta Force team sent to Kashmir, or the ability of American spy satellites to fix the kidnappers" location by tracking their radiotelephone calls. Granted, such secrets are hard to crack, as are the behind-the-scenes negotiations carried out by government agents or shadowy businesses like Control Risks Group, the London-based concern often called on to secure someone"s release. But that is the real story of a ransom, and it"s the one we want to read.
2023-07-18 02:16:571


分类: 教育/科学 >> 外语学习 解析: 史记(Shǐjì): Shih Chi; Historical Records 列传( Lièzhuàn ): biographies of important figures including Lao Zi, Mozi, Sun Tzu, and Jīng Kē. 世家(Shìjiā): notable rulers, nobility and bureaucrats mostly from the Spring and Autumn Period and Period of the Warring States
2023-07-18 02:17:061


Yuanmingyuan name began in 1709, Emperor Kangxi of the pro-that Park said: "Yuanmingyuan", which means "round and Rushen, and also when the gentleman. Ming and sunny wisdom of the people also." Of the Qing Dynasty and Five Dynasties Park after the emperor, 100 years of hanging around creating, building and garden because of the outstanding accomplishments, the reputation of the world to "10000 Park Park." In August 1860, British and French allied forces burned Yuanmingyuan, the Yuanmingyuan This is the first catastrophe. In 1900, the Eight-Power Allied Forces invaded Beijing, Yuanmingyuan was once again destroyed, the only park in the wooden buildings were destroyed again, this is the second catastrophe for the Yuanmingyuan. After the destruction of the Qing Dynasty, becoming the owner of the Yuanmingyuan Garden, warlords, bureaucrats, local ruffians, and other relics of wanton plundering Yuanmingyuan, park construction disappear, trees were felled, the mythical rainy blur the beauty of existence, a complete waste site Yuanmingyuan, Yuanmingyuan is the third catastrophe. During the "Cultural Revolution" period, Yuanmingyuan increasingly desolate, local villagers deforestation burning, Chenhucaotian, pioneers farming, the Yuanmingyuan Yamagata water, the garden suffered complete destruction of vegetation, which is the fourth Yuanmingyuan catastrophe. Aggressors atrocities, the Qing government"s weakness, the war frequently, heritage conservation awareness indifferent to the Yuanmingyuan has brought unprecedented humiliation and catastrophe, and evolved into the present "Yuanmingyuan Ruins" She is China"s Qing Dynasty working people diligence and a crystallization of the wisdom! She reflects our superb architectural art, is the south pointing carriage! Even foreigners WOW! Second, she also witnessed the scene of the Chinese nation one of the most profound lessons of history is to take -------- backward! Forget history means betrayal, the betrayal is not Chujiubuxin between the new and old betrayal, but the essence of the whole culture, the betrayal of national soul! The result is the "weak people Merino, the first of its strong, there will be chaos!" The existence of the Yuanmingyuan Ruins to remind people not forget national humiliation. With the development of economy, the present Yuanmingyuan ruins are forever commemorate the national humiliation, it is the patriotic education of generations to come good material, it would repair the educational value of historical relics disappear. Now the value of Yuanmingyuan, not long ago in China 100 years ago the Royal Palace garden building or the brilliant, but the invaders burned after leaving the stigma of the site now have the heritage value of the real. Third, if the Yuanmingyuan reconstruction will consume more of the financial and material resources. China"s western region is also very poor, many students money to buy textbooks, we did not have some schools or a dilapidated buildings, classrooms, Block also is the child, they have to study! Development of the western region is still, if the reconstruction of Yuanmingyuan when China will be consuming more human, material and financial resources. This is clearly not in line with the national conditions of China. 4, Yuanmingyuan to become a key national cultural relics protection, if the reconstruction of the historical relics is completely destroyed. To sum up: Yuanmingyuan should not rebuild.
2023-07-18 02:17:142

2012年考研英语一真题阅读理解Text 1

Come on -Everybody"s doing it. That whispered message, half invitation and half forcing, is what most of us think of when we hear the words peer pressure. It usually leads to no good-drinking, drugs and casual sex. But in her new book Join the Club, Tina Rosenberg contends that peer pressure can also be a positive force through what she calls the social cure, in which organizations and officials use the power of group dynamics to help individuals improve their lives and possibly the word.Rosenberg, the recipient of a Pulitzer Prize, offers a host of example of the social cure in action: In South Carolina, a state-sponsored antismoking program called Rage Against the Haze sets out to make cigarettes uncool. In South Africa, an HIV-prevention initiative known as LoveLife recruits young people to promote safe sex among their peers. The idea seems promising,and Rosenberg is a perceptive observer. Her critique of the lameness of many pubic-health campaigns is spot-on: they fail to mobilize peer pressure for healthy habits, and they demonstrate a seriously flawed understanding of psychology.” Dare to be different, please don"t smoke!” pleads one billboard campaign aimed at reducing smoking among teenagers-teenagers, who desire nothing more than fitting in. Rosenberg argues convincingly that public-health advocates ought to take a page from advertisers, so skilled at applying peer pressure. But on the general effectiveness of the social cure, Rosenberg is less persuasive. Join the Club is filled with too much irrelevant detail and not enough exploration of the social and biological factors that make peer pressure so powerful. The most glaring flaw of the social cure as it"s presented here is that it doesn"t work very well for very long. Rage Against the Haze failed once state funding was cut. Evidence that the LoveLife program produces lasting changes is limited and mixed. There"s no doubt that our peer groups exert enormous influence on our behavior. An emerging body of research shows that positive health habits-as well as negative ones-spread through networks of friends via social communication. This is a subtle form of peer pressure: we unconsciously imitate the behavior we see every day. Far less certain, however, is how successfully experts and bureaucrats can select our peer groups and steer their activities in virtuous directions. It"s like the teacher who breaks up the troublemakers in the back row by pairing them with better-behaved classmates. The tactic never really works. And that"s the problem with a social cure engineered from the outside: in the real world, as in school, we insist on choosing our own friends. 21. According to the first paragraph, peer pressure often emerges as [A] a supplement to the social cure [B] a stimulus to group dynamics [C] an obstacle to school progress [D] a cause of undesirable behaviors 22. Rosenberg holds that public advocates should [A] recruit professional advertisers [B] learn from advertisers" experience [C] stay away from commercial advertisers [D] recognize the limitations of advertisements 23. In the author"s view, Rosenberg"s book fails to [A] adequately probe social and biological factors [B] effectively evade the flaws of the social cure [C] illustrate the functions of state funding [D]produce a long-lasting social effect 24. Paragraph 5shows that our imitation of behaviors [A] is harmful to our networks of friends [B] will mislead behavioral studies [C] occurs without our realizing it [D] can produce negative health habits 25. The author suggests in the last paragraph that the effect of peer pressure is [A] harmful [B] desirable [C] profound [D] questionable
2023-07-18 02:17:231


Peteruff1au300aShijiu300b is China"s first JiChuanTi history,is the first 24 history books.Encyclopedia article 12 of 130 eloquent appraisals ",","10" and "book" and "family" thirty,and threescore "strategy".According to records,the eloquent appraisals are forbidden to the imperial emperor.Table is summarized,and the important events,characters,according to the country,with concise form permutation representation.Books,politics,economy,astronomy,geography and the ZhuHouWang deeds.Strategy,recorded each time,scholars,celebrity upper bureaucrats and the general public.The eloquent appraisals,family,from the subject,this book is written for the center with characters of history,became the many historians of emulation model:Lu xun say:"the song,without rhyme of li SAO.
2023-07-18 02:17:331

求~! 关于 Chinese Business 的文章

As expounded in the survey among US enterprises in China released on September 16, China made progress in observing its commitments to the World Trade Organization (WTO) from mid-2003 to July 2004. The survey says, a series of regulations concerning trade rights, insurance, auto financing and agriculture have been enacted and the legislator also asked for the opinions of US enterprises beforehand, all these are what the American Chamber of Commerce hopes China to keep on. The survey was jointly conducted by AmCham-China and AmCham-Shanghai. According to Jim Grandoville, chairperson of AmCham-China, 238 member companies of AmCham-China answered the questionnaire seriously. Optimistic about the benefits China"s entry of WTO brought along, twice as many as those in 2003 plan to expand their companies in China. 61 percent of the surveyed say that China is praiseworthy in its compliance with its WTO commitments and they have noticed that related commitments have been in place in time. Two thirds of the enterprises are confident in a "soft landing" by China"s central government, despite the fact of an overheated economy. A sharp criticism is seen in the survey on the Visa policy of the United States, which incurs an annual several-billion loss on US companies. It also calls for the US government to better balance commercial development and the needs of security, to enlarge personnel and funding for non-immigrant Visa departments under the US Embassy to China. Meanwhile, the US government is requested to seek sustained enhancement of working efficiency, improve the standards of security evaluation and increase the transparency of Visa approval. The survey also points out that with a business environment greatly improved, China still has a long way to go in terms of intellectual property rights. AmCham-China welcomes the measures for protecting intellectual property rights mentioned by Chinese Vice Prime Minister Wu Yi earlier this month. Sources say in the upcoming weeks the survey will be delivered to related officials of China and the United States through direct meeting between concerned governmental arms of both countries. By People"s Daily Online
2023-07-18 02:17:423


《The Wilt Alternative》(Sharpe, Tom)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读资源链接:链接: 提取码: 8zd3书名:The Wilt Alternative作者:Sharpe, Tom出版年份:2004-3页数:352内容简介:Henry Wilt returns to battle bureaucrats, politicians, terrorists and much more, at Fenland College.
2023-07-18 02:18:001

去上班第一天领导就很喜欢我,一直栽培我,今天还给我一段英语,这是什么意思:It seems that fortune?

你上班第一天 领导就很喜欢你 一直在陪你 今天还给了你一段英语 这个意思就是翻译成汉语的话 就是看来命运吗
2023-07-18 02:18:564

2023-07-18 02:19:032

绿林的 英文意思?帮忙

a kind of gangsters they first came from greenwood
2023-07-18 02:19:213

秋菊打官司 英文

A clash between Qiuju"s husband Qinglai and the village head Wang Shantang leads to a fight in which Qinglai is injured. Qiu thinks Wang owes her husband an apology, but the village head, whose pride has been hurt by a remark made by Qinglai remains unrepentant. When Qiuji takes the matter up with the police, Constable Li Shunlin attempts mediation between the pasties. Li considers the matter settled when Wang agrees to pay Qinglai"s medical bill. Considering it insufficient redress, Qiuju returns the money and sues Wang. The case comes to trial...
2023-07-18 02:19:302

ordinary people什么意思

2023-07-18 02:19:395


2023-07-18 02:20:036


In Chinese history and culture, possession of one or more ancient dings is often associated with power and dominion over the land. Therefore, the ding is often used as an implicit symbolism for power. The term "inquiring of the ding" (Chinese: 问鼎; pinyin: wèn dǐng) is often used interchangeably with the quest for power.In the early Bronze Age of China, the use of wine and food vessels served a religious purpose. While ding were the most important food vessels, wine vessels were the more prominent ritual bronzes of this time, likely due to the belief in Shamanism and spirit worship. Ding were used to make ritual sacrifices, both human and animal, to ancestors. They varied in size, but were generally quite large, indicating that whole animals were likely sacrificed.[6] The sacrifices were meant to appease ancestors due to the Shang belief that spirits had the capability to affect the world of the living. If the ancestors were happy, the living would be blessed with good fortune.During the Early Western Zhou Dynasty, the people underwent a political and cultural change. King Wu of Zhou believed that the Shang people were drunkards. He believed that their over-consumption of wine led their king to lose the Mandate of Heaven, thus leading to the downfall of the Shang dynasty. Because of this belief, food vessels (and ding in particular) replaced wine vessels in importance. Bronze vessels underwent what has been the "Ritual Revolution." This theory suggests that because there was a change in decor as well as the types and variations of vessels found in tombs, their function shifted from solely religious to a more secular one. Instead of sacrificing food to appease ancestors, the Zhou used ding to show off the status of the deceased to both the living and spirits. Ding symbolized status. For example, emperors were buried with nine ding, feudal lords with seven, ministers with five, and scholar-bureaucrats with three or one. The vessels served as symbols of authority for the elite far into the Warring States period.
2023-07-18 02:21:381


Hear honest, the people appeared; Corruption, the people steal. ... So, it noted honest official in the period known as advised and corrupt husband know fear in this respect.
2023-07-18 02:21:484


ud eurhc wudfh qhk lif ifha kaif iowi ifwfh af afif lfiw lofg it if .
2023-07-18 02:22:272


2023-07-18 02:22:363


文化艺术管理(亦可称为文化产业管理)专业是一门新兴的管理学科,以文艺理论为基础,针对文化生产的发展进行市场化的管理,主要培训能胜任在新闻研究、宣传、院校等各单位艺术信息、传播与研究工作的高级综合性人才。文化艺术管理专业有本科、硕士研究生两个学历层次,本科学制四年,研究生学制一般为三年。 在现阶段,随着经济的发展和人民素质的提高,尤其是中国加入WTO以来,在经济活动中越来越加重的是文化的成份,形成了文化搭台,经济唱戏的局面,而与此同时,新兴的文管专业的前景将不可估量。而顺应经济文化大势所趋,许多老牌名校都开设了类似的专业,广收学生。北京电影学院、中国传媒大学、中央戏剧学院、中国戏曲学院、北京师范大学(珠海分校)、四川音乐学院、成都理工大学、山东艺术学院等都针对山东省的考生招生。2004年除上述院校之外,天津师范大学、天津音乐学院、济南大学等二百所大学也开设了此专业,招生人数比去年增加了3000多人。 文管专业作为高考的一门艺术专业,考前的学习准备有较强针对性。也就是说,一名高中生要参加文管专业考试,无须太长时间的学习(一般为两期,每期25天),而只需在平时文化底蕴的基础上,加以系统的专业梳理即可参加此专业的专业考试。根据高校要求不同,尤以文化、专业成绩兼顾(北京电影学院)和按专业成绩排名(北京师范大学珠海分校)两种方式招生,文化课成绩相对要求也较低,乃是现阶段教育体制改革之典范(注:为正规本科,并且都为全国最优秀的专业学校)这样对于徘徊于本科分数线左右,社会经验和文笔好的学生来说,无疑是最好的选择。 本专业学生就业方向主要分布于电视电影界、编导、编剧、制片人;新闻界、记者、编辑以及各有关单位宣传、组织等文化市场。 毕业授予学位:管理学学士 管理学硕士
2023-07-18 02:22:463


编导 : 具体是指从现实生活中选取有价值的题材进行策划、采访、制定拍摄提纲、组织拍摄、编辑制作,最后对作品进行把关检查的系统性创作活动。也指从事这项工作的人。 文官 : 就是通过公开资格考试进入政府部门的公务人员(publicservant) 指国家行政系统中非经政治过程产生的常任职业官僚(careerbureaucrats),他们的工作报酬和福利待遇全部由国家财政支付。早期的行政,担任公差不过是一种谋生的手段
2023-07-18 02:23:081

Tom Walts - Downtown Train 歌词翻译

We took the train downtown for sightseeing. 我们坐火车到城里观光。You take the downtown Line 5 train and get off at Dongdan. 你坐南向的5号线列车,在东单下车。Undaunted and determined to get to work, I decided to take the train uptownseveral stops and then switch back to the downtown train. 当时一心想要上班,于是我决定坐火车。先坐几站到城镇然后再转坐到市区。Please mind the coming train is an express train towards downtown. 请留意即将进站列车为快速进入市区的列车。Yes, you take the D train on the downtown platform, and go three stops. 是的,您在南线站台乘D 路车,一共三站路。Instead, following longtime journalistic instinct (i.e., lack of common sense), Ihopped on the first 1 train and headed downtown. 在长期新闻本能(对反常事件的敏感)的驱使下,我看到地铁就跳了上去,赶往市中心。Remember,the D train,the downtown platform. 记住,D路车,南线站台My pleasure. Remember, the D train, the downtown platform. 荣幸之至。记住,D路车,南线站台。In addition, the hotel enjoys a direct access to the downtown area through themaglev train. 不单如此,入住浦东机场华美达大酒店还可通过磁悬浮列车快捷来往于市区。After a two-hour boat ride and 20-minute hop by train, Iarrived in downtownGeneva, now home to United Nations bureaucrats and bankers. 经过两个半小时的船上旅途和20分钟的火车,我到达了日内瓦的市中心,现在是联合国总部。Business and leisure travelers can also get to downtown Hong Kong quickly on an express train service. 商务人士和悠闲的游客都可以乘坐快捷的城铁到达市中心。The train took us to downtown Westlake Center for 30 minutes. 轻轨带我们走过30多分钟到西湖中心,就是市中心。The city"s main train station at Midan Ramses marks Downtown"s northernmostextent. 全市在Midan拉姆西斯火车站标志着市区最北端的程度。He lives in a condo in downtown Chicago that is a 10-minute train commute fromhis office. 他居住在一所公寓里,地处芝加哥市中心,坐火车到办公室只要10分钟。Well, the airport is quite far from the downtown area, but it is still more convenientthan taking the train. 额,机场离商业区很远,但是比乘火车方便多了。Despite the Narita Airport in Tokyo, customers, mainly from the city, but it is faraway from each other and Tokyo, even the fastest train ride from the airport todowntown should take an hour. 尽管成田机场的客源主要来自东京市,但它与东京市中心相距遥远,即使乘坐最快的火车从机场到市中心也要花上一个小时。Meanwhile, downtown Kuala Lumpur returned to normalcy yesterday as all trainservices resumed and roads were reopened. 同时,吉隆坡市中心在昨日恢复常态,所有的列车服务都恢复正常,道路也都开放了。Meanwhile, downtown Kuala Lumpur returned to normalcy yesterday as all trainservices resumed and roads were reopened. 同时,吉隆坡市中心在昨日恢复常态,所有的列车服务都恢复正常,道路也都开放了。
2023-07-18 02:23:141


2023-07-18 02:23:503


  nineteen forty-eight  歌手:harper roy 专辑:whatever happened to jugula  The lemmings push their pens and rush  In hoards of crashing stupor  Towards the farms of Babylon  To scramble mother nature  Where unrelenting drudgery  Is all there is to nurture  And life and death are by consent  And love is for oppression  Welcome to my nightmare  It"s the one in which I always press the button  A million tons of printed shit  Come through my door each day  Up to my dick, around my neck  I can"t even throw it away  Bills for my shirt, receipts for my soul  With only a momenty to pay  Before the thud of the future  Gives me the shakes  Welcome to my nightmare  It"s the one in which I always burn the cakes  Harper Roy  In 1649  Just as I light the loaded fire  A space invander lands  It"s full of cops and bureaucrats  With bouquets of final demands  And I see my life flash before me again  Slipping through my hands  As the sound of harvest closes in  Swooping - reaping  Welcome to my nightmare  It"s the one in which I walk when I"m not sleeping  In thirteen twenty four  The one we"ve all been waiting for  Nineteen eighty-four  There"s a little man left to hold the can  He don"t know how and his only plan  Is everlasting life  He beats the street with his plates of meat  In the sandwhich board of his final retreat  Everyone sees and nobody shares  Everyone knows its the truth that he bears  That the end is nigh  And he stands against the rails at Oxford Circus  Leafleting the souls who keep this pace  That gathers speed and calls itself  The human race  And shadows fight with men of straw  In pockets of derision  While mother checks up on the stars  Denies her intuition  And sends young Julia to school  To learn an empty vision  That"s full of paper tiger rats  To pass to her own children  Welcome to my nightmare  I"m the father, son and whole polluted system  In nineteen eighty-four  Nineteen eighty-four  Nineteen eighty-four  The one we"ve all been longing for  Nineteen eighty-four
2023-07-18 02:23:581


  优美的文字于细微处传达出美感,并浸润着学生的心灵。通过英语美文,学生不仅能够感受语言之美,领悟语言之用,还能产生学习语言的兴趣。本文是中学生英语美文,希望对大家有帮助!   中学生英语美文:The Gift of Possibility   That Christmas Eve, the streets of Boston were clogged with tourists and locals bundled in wool and flannel***法兰绒***. Shoppers, hawkers, and gawkers***伸长脖子呆看的人*** whirled and swirled around me."Frosty the Snowman," "Let It Snow!" and "Jingle Bells" played in stores; on the sidewalks, the street musicians did their best. Everyone, it seemed, was acpanied by someone else *** iling or laughing. I was alone.   The eldest of a Puerto Rican family of 11 children growing up in NewYork"s crowded tenements***公寓房间***, I"d spent much of my life seeking solitude***孤独,隐居***. Now, finally, at 27, a college student in the midst of a drown-out breakup of a seven-year relationship, I contemplated what I"d so craved, but I wasn"t quite sure I liked it. Every part of me wanted to be alone, but not at Christmas. My family had returned to Puerto Rico, my friends had gone home during the holiday break, and my acquaintances were involved in their own lives. Dusk was falling, and the inevitable return to my empty apartment brought tears to my eyes.Blinking lights from windows and around doors beckoned, and I wished someone would emerge from one of those homes to ask me inside to a warm room with a Christmas tree decorated with tinsel***金属箔***, its velvet skirt sprinkled with shiny fake snow and wrapped presents.   I stopped at the local market, feeling even more depressed as people filled their baskets with goodies. Dates and dried figs, walnuts, pecans, and hazelnuts in their shells reminded me of the gifts we received as children in Puerto Rico on Christmas Day, because the big gifts were given on the morning of the Feast of the Epiphany, on January 6. I missed my family: their rambunctious parties; the dancing; the mounds of rice with pigeon peas; the crusty, garlicky skin on the pork roast; the plantain and yucca pasteles wrapped in banana leaves. I wanted to cry for wanting to be alone and for having achieved it.   In front of the church down the street, a manger had been set up, with Mary, Joseph, and the barn animals in expectation of midnight and the arrival of baby Jesus. I stood with my neighbors watching the scene, some of them crossing themselves, praying. As I walked home, I realized that the story of Joseph and Mary wandering from door to door seeking shelter was much like my own history. Leaving Puerto Rico was still a wound in my soul as I struggled with who I had bee in 15 years in the United States. I"d mourned the losses, but for the first time, I recognized whatI"d gained. I was independent, educated, healthy, and adventurous. My life was still before me, full of possibility.   Sometimes the best gift is the one you give yourself. That Christmas, I gave myself credit for what I"d acplished so far and permission to go forward, unafraid. It is the best gift I"ve ever received, the one that I most treasure.   中学生英语美文:Always Changing   Please excuse me if I"m a little pensive***忧郁的*** today.   Mark is leaving, and I"m feeling kind of sad.   You probably don"t know Mark, but you might be lucky enough to know someone just like him. He"s been the heart and soul of the office for a couple of year bining exemplary professional skills with a sweet nature and gentle disposition. He"s never been all that interested in getting credit for the terrific work he does. He just wants to do his job, and to do it superbly well.   And now he"s moving on to an exciting new professional opportunity. It sounds like it could be the chance of a lifetime, and we"re genuinely, sincerely pleased for him. But that doesn"t make it any easier to say goodbye to a dear friend and trusted colleague.   Life has a way of throwing these curve balls at us. Just when we start to get fortable with a person, a place or a situation, something es along to alter the recipe. A terrific neighbor moves away. Someone in the family graduates. A child finds new love and loyalties through marriage. The family"s principle bread-winner is laid off.   Our ability to cope with change and disruption***破坏*** determine to a great degree, our peace, happiness and contentment in life.   But how do we do that? Philosophers have considered the question for centurie and their responses have been varied. According to the author of the Biblical book of Ecclesiaste fort can be found in remembering that "to every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under heaven." Kahlil Gibran urged his listeners to "let today embrace the past with remembrance, and the future with longing."   A friend of mine who works for the government is fond of reminding his fellow bureaucrats***官僚*** that "survivabi-lity depends upon adaptability." And then there"s Chri the California surf-rat, who once told me that the answer to life"s problems can be summed up in four words: "Go with the flow."   "It"s like surfing," Chris explained. "You can"t organize the ocean. Waves just happen. You ride "em where they take you, then you paddle back out there and catch the next one. Sure, you"re always hoping for the perfect wave where you can get, like, you know, totally tubular***管状的***. But mostly you just take "em the way they e. It"s not like you"re trying to nail Jell-O to a tree, you know?"   I"m not exactly sure, but I think Chris was saying that life is a series of events—both good and bad. No matter how deft your organizational skill there will always be life-influencing factors over which you have no control. The truly successful person expects the unexpected, and is prepared to make adjustments should the need arise—as it almost always does.   That doesn"t mean you don"t keep trying to make all your dreams e true. It just means that when things e up that aren"t exactly in your plan, you work around them—and then you move on. Of course, some bumps along the road of life are easier to take than others. A rained-out piic, for example, is easier to cope with than the sudden death of a loved one. But the principle is the same.   "Change, indeed, is painful, yet ever needful," said philosopher Thomas Carlyle. "And if memory have its force and worth, so also has hope."   We"re going to miss Mark, just like you"ll miss that graduate, that neighbor or that newlywed. But rather than dwell on the sadness of our parting, we"ll focus on our hopes for a brighter future—for him, and for us. And then we"ll go out and do everything we can to make that future happen.   Until our plans change—again.   中学生英语美文:Reading one hour a day could change your life   Here"s one very simple yet potentially lifechanging advice I first heard from Brian Tracy. Cut down on the TV at night by just one hour. Instead use that hour to read books that could improve your life.   If you"re in sales, google or browse amazon for what other people think are the best and most useful books on improving your sales.   This of course applies to all fields, not just the workrelated ones. Maybe you want to improve your health, bee a more energetic person with a better looking body. Or maybe you want improve your productivity, your relations or perhaps do some general personal development.   One hour a day is not much. But if you read for one hour a day on weekdays that"s about 260 hours a year. That"s a lot of books and loads and loads of useful advice.   If applied who knows what great things and feelings could e into your life this year.   Also, all that cool information and useful advice will start to open up your mind. You will start to see more possibilites in your everyday life.   Now, now you might think something like this:   1. I really don"t have the money...   Answer: Visit your local library or search their database if they got a website. Or look for used copies in places like amazon or some more local alternative if you"re outside of the US.   2. Yeah, ok, but I really don"t have the time...   Answer: Buy the books as audiobooks and listen to them in the car whilst driving to and from work. Or transfer them to your mp3-player and listen while riding your bike/bus to work or school. Recently selling audiobooks directly through mp3-downloads have bee popular. It"s probably something we will see more and more as people and panies discover this easy ***and if the technology works*** *** ooth way of shopping.   So start browsing for remendations on books or ask your friends and collegues.   And shut of the TV a little earlier and start reading this week.   
2023-07-18 02:24:051


圆明园坐落在北京西郊,与颐和园毗邻,由圆明园、长春园和绮春园组成,所以也叫圆明三园。此外,还有许多小园,分布在圆明园东、西、南三面,众星拱月般环绕在圆明园周围。Old Summer Palace is located in the western suburbs of Beijing, and adjacent to the Summer Palace, is composed of Old Summer Palace, Changchun Yuan and Yee spring garden, so it is called - three yuan. In addition, there are many small garden, located in East, West, South three Old Summer Palace surface, like the purple around Old Summer Palace around.[1]圆明园是清朝著名的皇家园林之一,面积五千二百余亩,一百五十余景。建筑面积达16万平方米,有“万园之园”之称。[1] Old Summer Palace is one of the famous Royal Garden of Qing Dynasty, the area Wuqianerbaiyu acres, more than 150 king. Construction area of 160000 square meters, with the "garden".[2]清朝皇帝每到盛夏就来到这里避暑、听政,处理军政事务,因此也称“夏宫”。[2] Qing emperors came here every summer to summer, hearing, dealing with military affairs, so called "palace".圆明园始建于1708年(康熙46年),最初是康熙皇帝赐给皇四子胤禛的。1723年雍正即位后,拓展原赐园,并在园南增建了正大光明殿和勤政殿以及内阁、六部、军机处诸值房,御以“避喧听政”。乾隆皇帝在位期间除对圆明园进行局部增建、改建之外,还在紧东邻新建了长春园,在东南邻并入了万春园。Old Summer Palace founded in 1708 (Kangxi 46 years), was first given the emperor Kangxi emperor and four emperor the son. In 1723 Yong Zheng came to the throne, expand the original give Park, and build be open and aboveboard temple and the hall in six, and the cabinet, military office of the value of housing in the South Park, royal to "avoid the hearing". During the reign of Qian Long in addition to the Old Summer Palace local building, rebuilding, still tight East built in Changchun Garden, East into the spring garden million.[3]圆明三园的格局基本形成。嘉庆朝,主要对绮春园进行修缮和拓建,使之成为主要园居场所之一。道光朝时,国事日衰,财力不足,但宁撤万寿、香山、玉泉“三山”的陈设,罢热河避暑与木兰狩猎,仍不放弃圆明三园的改建和装饰。1860年英法联军洗劫圆明园,文物被劫掠,同治帝时欲修复圆明园,后因财政困难,被迫停止,改建其他建筑。八国联军之后,又遭到官僚、军阀巧取豪夺的毁灭打击,终变成一片废墟。[3] - three yuan pattern basic formation. Jiaqing Dynasty, mainly to repair and expand Yee spring garden building, make it become one of the main park home sites. Daoguang, state failure, insufficient financial resources, but rather from the longevity, Xiangshan, Yuquan "three mountains" furnishings, "Jehol summer and Mulan hunting, still didn"t give up - three yuan renovation and decoration. In 1860 the British and French troops looted relics were looted, Old Summer Palace, Tongzhi emperor to repair Old Summer Palace, due to financial difficulties, was forced to stop other buildings, reconstruction. The Eight Power Allied forces, and bureaucrats, warlords take away by force or trickery devastate, eventually turned into ruins.[4]圆明园继承了中国3000多年的优秀造园传统,既有宫廷建筑的雍容华贵,又有江南园林的委婉多姿,同时又汲取了欧式园林的精华,把不同风格的园林建筑融为一体,被法国作家雨果誉为“理想与艺术的典范”。[4] Old Summer Palace inherited Chinese 3000 years of excellent traditional gardening, both the palace architecture is elegant, and Jiangnan colorful landscape of euphemism, but also absorbed the essence of the European style garden, the different style of landscape architecture com., by the French writer Hugo known as the "ideal and art model".
2023-07-18 02:24:153

at the mercy of是什么意思

at the mercy of 受…支配You"ll be in charge of paper instead of feeling at the mercy of it! 你会觉得你成了纸张的主宰而不是活于纸张的怜悯之下。
2023-07-18 02:24:241


At the beginning, Fan Zhongyan was seriously ill. The emperor once sent messengers to give medicine and condolences. After his death, the emperor lamented for a long time. He also sent messengers to comfort his family. After the burial, the emperor personally wrote an inscription called "the monument of praising sages". The inscription reads as follows:"Fan Zhongyan has a strong temperament, but he is gentle in appearance and filial in nature, because his family was poor when his mother was alive, (so) Later, although he became a senior official, he was not at home. Unless guests came, he never ate two kinds of meat dishes. His wife and children"s clothes and meals could only satisfy their hunger and keep out the cold. However, Fan Zhongyan was kind to others and set up a farm in the township to support them (those who had difficulties in life) People. He is kind and benevolent. Many literati and bureaucrats come from his family. Even those who came from the streets can say his name. On the day he died, everyone everywhere heard the news and sighed for him. Fan Zhongyan upholds loyalty and honesty in governing the country and is very kind to the people wherever he goes. The people of Jiazhou and Qingzhou and many Qiang tribes are very happy Draw his portrait and build an ancestral temple for him to worship him. When he died, hundreds of leaders of Qiang tribes cried for him like they lost their father and left after fasting for three days. Fan Zhongyan has four sons: Fan Chunyou, fan Chunren, fan Chunli and fan Chuncui.
2023-07-18 02:24:331


nglo组成的单词:long; long adj. 长的;长时间的;远的;长音的;(人)高的;持续的;冗长的;记得牢的;较大量的;远期(获利)的; adv. 长期地;(某事之前或之后)很久地;(时间名词后)整个时间;远地; n. 长时间;长音;远期证券;(服装的)长尺寸;长裤; v. 渴望,盼望 扩展资料   How long have you been married?   你结婚多长时间了?   I don"t intend staying long.   我不打算长期逗留。   The bureaucrats dallied too long.   官僚们延误了太长时间。   The long blades clashed together.   长刀相击铿然作响。   The table is six feet long.   那张桌子长六英尺。   Have you been waiting long?   你等了很长时间吗?
2023-07-18 02:24:531

达芬奇的正式职业是干嘛的 ???

列昂纳多·达·芬奇,意大利文艺复兴三杰之一,也是整个欧洲文艺复兴时期最完美的代表。他是一位思想深邃,学识渊博,多才多艺的画家、寓言家、雕塑家、发明家、哲学家、音乐家、医学家、生物学家、地理学家、建筑工程师和军事工程师。而对于他的祖国意大利来说,他更是一个国家文化的象征,在这个国家,红酒、家具、餐厅、酒店、机场等以他的名字命名的事物数不尽数。意大利著名品牌Leonardo Di Gasun(中译老人头)也是以他的自画像做为Logo的。
2023-07-18 02:21:002


2023-07-18 02:21:0310


have launch已经启动
2023-07-18 02:20:583


2023-07-18 02:20:571