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2023-05-19 17:14:29
TAG: be belgian


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1. 比利时人


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belgium是比利时。比利时王国(belgium)位于欧洲西部沿海,东与德国接壤,北与荷兰比邻,南与法国交界,东南与卢森堡毗连,西临北海与英国隔海相望。比利时是经济发达的资本主义工业国家,经济高度对外依赖,80%的原料靠进口,50%以上的工业产品供出口。比利时是世界上工业最发达的地区之一,是19世纪初欧洲大陆最早进行工业革命的国家之一。主要工业部门有钢铁、机械、有色金属、化工、纺织、玻璃、煤炭等行业。旅游景点1、布鲁塞尔大广场布鲁塞尔大广场位于市中心,1998年被列入世界文化遗产,法国作家维克多·雨果曾赞美这里是“世界上最美丽的广场”。大广场被中世纪的行会建筑所包围,市政厅的90米塔楼是广场上的最高建筑。2、圣米歇尔及圣古都勒大教堂圣米歇尔大教堂的建造,从1017年投下第一块基石到1080年落成,持续了60多个春秋。教堂分祭坛、耳堂和大殿三个部分。教堂集罗马与哥特建筑艺术于一身,大殿为典型的罗马风格,其穹顶的开间多达7道,两侧的拱门式长廊之上的楼廊砌有罗马式的拱窗,以保证教堂的通风与采光。以上内容参考 百度百科--比利时
2023-01-03 19:55:321


巧克力怎么样的英文翻译 How about chocolate 巧克力 [词典] chocolate; [例句]他们填了一肚子的冰激凌、巧克力和棒棒糖。They stuffed themselves with ice creams, chocolate and lollies
2023-01-03 19:56:081


2023-01-03 19:56:134

英语two Belgian universities怎么翻译?

2023-01-03 19:56:2715


Belgian 比利时的;比利时人
2023-01-03 19:57:342


2023-01-03 19:57:442


2023-01-03 19:57:541


2023-01-03 19:58:048


2023-01-03 19:58:358


2023-01-03 19:59:144


费列罗 love me plass
2023-01-03 19:59:3014


比利时牧羊犬(英文名:Belgian Shepherd Dog)是体形略小于德国牧羊犬的一种多才能非常聪明和易于训练的犬种,其外貌优美、强壮、灵活而肌肉发达,机警而充满活力、勇敢,永远不知疲倦的特点使其可以从事不同作业。民间养犬爱好者也将格罗安达犬作为休闲、运动的宠物饲养。比利时牧羊犬有四种不同的类型,即短毛种(比利时马里努阿犬),黑色长毛种(比利时格罗安达犬),杂色长毛种(比利时坦比连犬)和刚毛种(比利时拉坎诺斯牧羊犬)。外部特征比利时牧羊犬比较典型的特征是:都是立耳。四种比利时牧羊犬除被毛有明显区别外,其他共同特征包括以下方面:(一)头:长且鼓,轮廓分明;吻部渐呈锥形,前额直,鼻梁中等但仍可见;双唇紧闭,面额光滑。(二)眼:大小适中,杏仁眼,褐色,黑眼窝。(三)耳:高耸头顶,直且硬,三角形。(四)身体:强壮但不笨重,颈长,胸不宽;肌肉结实发达;头部姿态高傲,背宽且直,强健有力;臀部微呈下斜。(五)四肢:圆脚,脚趾紧密。后肢有力而不笨重。(六)尾:中长,根部强健;放松时下垂,无弯曲或勾形。(七)被毛:浓密,下毛绵密。大腿有须毛。长毛类——头部毛短,格罗安达犬及特佛伦犬。丝毛类——粗糙蓬松,拉肯努阿犬。短毛类——头部毛平,马里努阿犬。(八)毛色格罗安达犬——全黑。拉肯努阿犬——浅黄褐色,在吻部和尾部带黑色花斑。马里努阿犬——黄褐色夹杂黑斑。特佛伦犬——浅黄褐色均匀夹杂黑色(最佳)。(九)体高与体重公犬:60 厘米 ~66 厘米;母犬:56 厘米 ~62 厘米。体重:28 千克 ~35 千克。
2023-01-03 20:01:061


比利时海军(英语:Belgian Navy,荷兰语:Marinecomponent van Defensie)是比利时国家武装力量的海上组成部分,其历史可追溯至十九世纪三十年代比利时革命时的比利时皇家海军,第二次世界大战结束后称为比利时海军。二战比利时海军遭到毁灭性打击,战后1946年重组,由英国捐赠的舰只成为比利时海军的骨干力量。冷战结束后比利时海军奉行简约建军的指导思想,当今的比利时海军是北欧的一支低强度海上军事力量。
2023-01-03 20:01:141


巴萨尔特啤酒-德啤中的贵族巴萨尔特啤酒来自德国,自1861创立至今已有150多年历史,始终严格按照《纯正啤酒法》的要求精心酿制,采用优质泉水、精选优质芳香性酒花、当地特产小麦、42天上层发酵。属于真正的酿造型啤酒。拥有百年品质的巴萨尔特现已成为德国品质啤酒的代表,堪称酒中贵族!l 品牌渊源 巴萨尔特啤酒源于德国哈亨堡地区传统酿酒坊,出自于施耐德家族海因里希酿酒师之作。1861年,年仅25岁的海因里希创立了当地第一家啤酒厂。承载着日耳曼人对一心酿造好啤酒的坚定信念以及精益求精的品质追求,历经上百次的苛刻原料筛选与工艺改进,用其毕生心血,酿造出巴萨尔特独有的香醇口感,沁人心脾。一时间施耐德家族的啤酒坊在哈亨堡地区声名鹊起,家喻户晓。又于1902年,首次采用“比尔森酿造法”,即“古法酿造”,在当时是德国最古老的采用传统工艺酿造啤酒的啤酒厂。 l 高规格的工艺水准—以卓越口感和健康为本 Technical Level 高级酿酒师——巴萨尔特公司聘请德国高级酿酒师进行工艺设计和参数控制,整个过程中的温度和湿度全部自动化控制,体现了德国质量管理的高、精、严、细的特征。 后熟工艺——长时间的冷处理后熟工艺是酿造真正啤酒的最基本要求。巴萨尔特在2℃下,经过长达六周的低温后熟老化过程,直至酒体达到完全成熟度,呈纯正的琥珀色。 巴萨尔特啤酒之所以如此美妙,是因为酿造厂是以饮用者的口感和健康为工艺出发点。正因于此,高级德国啤酒舍得花高成本使用高规格的工艺,甚至如微生物澄清工艺的单工序成本就超过了某些低廉啤酒的全部价格,可见其对品质追求的程度。 l 《纯正啤酒法》——德国啤酒巅峰品质的法律保证 公元1516年,巴伐利亚威廉四世为保证啤酒的精纯,明确规定只能用水、麦芽、啤酒花及酵母生产啤酒,其他成分如大米、玉米、淀粉等粮食作物一律禁止使用。巴萨尔特啤酒严格按照《纯正啤酒法》的要求精心酿制,属于真正的酿造型啤酒。选用100%纯天然的原料进行酿造,不含任何食品添加剂、防腐剂以及对啤酒稀释的成分,因此口感浓郁醇厚。 正是因为巴萨尔特酒厂的酿酒师和拥有者们,对原料的苛刻甄选、对法律的严格遵守、对传统的坚持恪守,方才保证了巴萨尔特啤酒巅峰品质的基础——纯粹和健康。 l 酿造原料——纯正啤酒的不二法则 The key to pure beer 酿造用水: 巴萨尔特必须采用当地特有的水源“Rothbachtal”泉水酿造,水质软硬适中,纯净清冽,至今仍是酿造好啤酒的完美水源。 麦芽: 巴萨尔特必须采用德国韦斯特地区特有的纯麦芽,主体原料麦芽量大于60%,坚持使用高浓原麦汁酿造,绝不靠稀释酒液而降低成本,因而格外的醇厚浓郁。 酒花: 巴萨尔特必须采用100%德国哈亨堡地区芳香型啤酒花,赋予巴萨尔特独有的清爽苦味和芳香气味,口感辨识度高。 l 42 天 在德国,啤酒的后熟发酵时间平均只有一周左右。但每一瓶巴萨尔特必须严格经过42天的上层发酵,是真正的酿造型啤酒。一经开启,浓郁的麦香便扑鼻而来。 l 5% 巴萨尔特必须采用哈亨堡地区最珍贵的芳香型啤酒花。由于酒花原料成本高,在全德只有5%的酒厂会在酿造中使用。 l 享受纯正的德国啤酒 上品啤酒的特征——“爱尔兰带” 巴萨尔特啤酒泡沫洁白、细腻、绵软,持久的泡沫可以高出杯口形成皇冠般的凸起,拥有上品啤酒的特征。泡沫落去后,在杯壁上留下一圈一圈的白色泡沫痕迹,称为“爱尔兰带Belgian Lace”。泡沫破碎时更有一股奇妙的混合香气——水果芳香和麦香,充分体现了高级德国啤酒高比例的原麦汁和真材实料。这些美的享受,对热爱啤酒的人来说,极具魅力。
2023-01-03 20:01:231


2023-01-03 20:01:293


比利时牧羊犬。比利时牧羊犬(英文名:Belgian Shepherd Dog)是体形略小于德国牧羊犬的一种多才能非常聪明和易于训练的犬种,其外貌优美、强壮、灵活而肌肉发达,机警而充满活力、勇敢,永远不知疲倦的特点使其可以从事不同作业。民间养犬爱好者也将格罗安达犬作为休闲、运动的宠物饲养。比利时牧羊犬有四种不同的类型,即短毛种(比利时马里努阿犬),黑色长毛种(比利时格罗安达犬),杂色长毛种(比利时坦比连犬)和刚毛种(比利时拉坎诺斯牧羊犬)。依据比利时牧羊犬(Belgian Shepherd Dog)的历史与起源,马里努阿犬是比利时牧羊犬的一种。所以,比利时牧羊犬不单指马里努阿犬,也不单指格罗安达犬(Belgian Groenendael)。
2023-01-03 20:01:391


1、排名22。2、比利时马林诺斯犬,又称比利时马里努阿犬,马犬,无论智商、灵活性、服从性、可训性都胜过其它工作犬,时常给人们训为保镖犬,护卫犬。尤其是它的弹跳爆发力更是令人吃惊,好的马犬可以爬树,越过3米高墙轻而易举!而且对主人绝对忠诚。目前美国、德国、澳大利亚、中国等国家的军警界均已认识到这一点,并开始引进普及。3、世界犬种智商排行是据加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚大学(University of British Columbia)心理学教授Stanley Coren结合208位各地育犬专家,63名小型动物兽医师,和14名研究警卫犬与护卫狗的专家对各种名犬种进行深入观察与研究,并对犬只的工作服从性和智商进行的排名。扩展资料:   11-26排行准则似乎要学习5-15次才能学会简单指令,它们遵守第一次指令的几率是85%,对于稍微复杂的指令有时候反应会稍微迟缓一些,但只要勤加练习就能消除这种延缓状况。当主人离它们较远时,它们的反应有可能也稍微迟缓一些,不过,即使训练人员经验稍微不足,还是有办法将这些狗调教得很优秀。    智商排行11-26   第11位: Welsh Corgi (Pembroke)(彭布罗克威尔士柯基犬)第12位: Miniature Schnazuer(小型雪纳瑞)第13位: English Springer Spaniel(英国跳猎犬)第14位: Belgian Tervuren(比利时特伏丹犬)第15位: Belgian Sheepdog(比利时牧羊犬),Schipperke(西帕基犬)第16位:Collie(柯利牧羊犬),keeshond(荷兰毛狮犬)第17位: German Shorthaired Pointer(德国短毛指示犬)第18位: English Cocker Spaniel(英国可卡犬),Flat-CoatedRetriever(弗莱特寻回犬)第19位: Brittany(布列塔尼犬)第20位: American Cocker Spaniel(美国可卡犬)第21位: Weimaraner(威玛猎犬)第22位: Belgian Malinois(比利时玛利诺犬), Bernese Mountain Dog(伯恩山犬)第23位: Pomeranian(松鼠犬/博美犬)第24位: Irish Water Spaniel(爱尔兰水猎犬)第25位: Vizsla Vizsla(维兹拉犬)第26位:Welsh Corgi(Cardigan)(卡迪根威尔士柯基犬)参考资料:马犬--百度百科、世界犬种智商排行--百度百科
2023-01-03 20:01:586


 Audrey Hepburn, PMF (4 May 1929(1929-05-04) – 20 January 1993) was an English/Belgian actress.  Born in Belgium, Hepburn lived in The Netherlands during her childhood and for the duration of the Second World War. After the war, she studied ballet and then moved to London, where she studied drama and worked as a photographer"s model. After making a few films and appearing in a Broadway play, Hepburn played the lead role in Roman Holiday (1950), winning an Academy Award, a Golden Globe and a BAFTA for her performance. She also won a Tony Award for her performance in Ondine (1954).  Over the next several years, she was one of the most successful film actresses in the world, and performed with some of Hollywood"s most notable leading men, including Humphrey Bogart, Cary Grant, Henry Fonda, Gary Cooper and Fred Astaire, with whom she danced in Funny Face(1957). She won BAFTA Awards for her performances in The Nun"s Story (1959) and Charade (1963), and received Academy Award nominations for her work in Sabrina (1954), Breakfast at Tiffany"s (1961) and Wait Until Dark (1967). She also played Eliza Doolittlein the film version of My Fair Lady(1961).  Her war-time experiences inspired her passion for humanitarian work, and although she had worked for UNICEF since the 1950s, during her later life, she dedicated much of her time and energy to the organization. From 1988 until 1992, she worked in some of the most profoundly disadvantaged communities of Africa, South America and Asia. In 1992, she was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom in recognition of her work as a UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador.  Hepburn was married twice, and had a son with each of her husbands, the actor Mel Ferrer, and the psychiatrist Andrea Dotti. From 1980 until her death, she lived with the actor Robert Wolders. She died of cancer at her home in Switzerland at the age of 63.  She was posthumously awarded the The Jean Hersholt Humanitarian Award by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences for her humanitarian work. She received a posthumous Grammy Award for her spoken word recording, Audrey Hepburn"s Enchanted Tales in 1994, and in the same year, won an Emmy Award for Outstanding Achievement for Gardens of the World with Audrey Hepburn, thereby becoming one of a few people to receive an Academy, Emmy, Grammy and Tony award. In 1999, she was ranked as the third greatest female star of all time by the American Film Institute.
2023-01-03 20:02:321


.首推“瑞士莲”巧克力(Lindt),被公认为世界巧克力中的极品!!! Lindt生产出了世界首块入口即能溶化的巧克力,种类繁多,主要可分为:排装、薄片装、宝钻浓情系列、夏威夷果仁、薄荷等等.2.位于伯尔尼旧城区内克拉姆街上的Confiserie Tschirren是伯尔尼市一家老字号的巧克力店,80年历史,在东京、伦敦也设有分店,更可以透过其网址直接订购巧克力,相当便利,据店家表示,人气最旺的要算Tuffes Glacees的纯巧克力!3.在瑞士建造第一家巧克力厂的甘椰(Cailler).Cailler 自1929年以来归入雀巢(Nestlé)旗下 .4.按照阿尔卑斯山的样子,将三角形作商标的瑞士三角巧克力.5.在瑞士还有几家可以自制巧克力的店: 库尔:麦勒茨饼干店(Merz)制作海蒂形状的巧克力; 格林德瓦尔德:在城市的饼干铺做巧克力; 普昂沙(Prangins):小型巧克力制造厂,可以参观生产过程及品尝巧克力,还有机会体验制做巧克力; 布罗克(格鲁耶尔郊外):参观有名的甘椰/雀巢工厂、看录像及品尝,这里还有附加设施-小卖部。 比利时 1.在众多的比利时巧克力品牌中,最有名气的要数 高迪瓦牌/Godiva巧克力,1926年由比利时人Joseph Draps创立,自1968年起,Godiva更成为比利时皇室御用的巧克力品牌,不愧是最贵气的巧克力。在Godiva制造的超过200款的巧克力当中,有3款是为比利时皇室的盛事而特别设计的,其中最新的一款名为“Mathilde”,是为纪念1999年比利时王子大婚而特别以王妃的名字命名的。除了比利时皇室,很多世界名人如美国前总统克林顿(Bill Clinton)、女星伊丽莎白?泰勒( Elisabeth Tailer)等都是Godiva的忠实Fans。2.著名的巧克力店Mary"s. 3.比利时著名品牌还有:金边/Cote d"or,雅克/Jacques和嘉勒博/Callebaut。这些巧克力比糖衣杏仁便宜得多,在无人售货店和书店均有出售,味道从传统的榛子和易溶的糖衣杏仁口味一直到最有异国情调的香蕉味、草莓味和朗姆酒味,应有尽有。在精美西点屋和超市,人们越来越多地看到手工制作的巧克力。高档的巧克力(奶油和献黄油巧克力是平时吃的)给你带来非同凡响的感受,尤其是金羊毛牌/Corne la Toison d"or蛋卷巧克力(不要和皇家港口牌/Corne Port Royal巧克力搞混了),还有诺豪斯牌/Neuhaus巧克力。4.里奥尼达斯/Leonidas是个半机器生产巧克力厂家,以著名的"玛侬"牌/MANON白巧克力而倍受青睐。 惟一的鲜巧克力,每一粒LEONIDAS PRALINES从出品到您亲自入口品尝均绝对不超过4周。口味有:鲜奶油、居家奶油、奶油利口酒、可可、威士忌、香槟、椰子。  5.比利时“吉利莲”巧克力 惟一被比利时王室授予金质奖章的巧克力品牌,有“巧克力王国中的至尊”之称。现主要的有贝壳(金贝壳)、雪球、精典、宝石、情人及世界之粹7大系列。6.比利时的Duc D"o(迪克多)巧克力  产品种类有:雅致综合巧克力、12星座心形巧克力,黑松露巧克力,吮指回味。中国现在中国卖的最好的,无外乎是“德芙”,“吉时”,“金丝猴”。不过,听说一个后期之秀,叫做“幸福圣堂” (可以在百度上面搜索到),他们的巧克力倒没有好吃到不行,口感只能算到中上而已,不过,他们有一种机器,可以把巧克力变成喷泉,就是“幸福圣堂 巧克力喷泉”然后,全部都是加热了的,满口都是热热的,香香的巧克力,顺滑,柔和。很多人拿这个“幸福圣堂 巧克力喷泉”创业,因为,展现出来的视觉效果很好,所以,他们赚了很多钱。法国1.有79年历史的Valrhona巧克力在法国是家喻户晓的名牌,其纯正的味道备受各界追捧,捧场客包括大明星茱丽亚?罗伯兹(Julia Roberts)和罗伯特.德尼罗(Robert De Niro),甚至还有现任美国总统小布什(George W. Bush),因为白宫的饼厨正是以Valrhona巧克力制作甜品的,可谓最具有“星味”的巧克力。2.Debauve et Gallais--法国巴黎最古老、最著名的豪华巧克力店3.法国德菲丝巧克力 又称“黑蘑菇”,这款巧克力虽然样子不很好看,但是它的口感非常松软,味道香浓。其成分主要是代可可脂。德国1.rittersport巧克力  共有15种口味,包括:蛋白杏仁、巧克力、葡萄榛子、朗姆酒味、阿尔卑斯等。  2.storckriesen太妃巧克力  可可脂含量:30%,外层是黑巧克力外衣,里层是巧克力涂层,最里面是巧克力太妃入口滑腻,不甜不腻 旗下有Toffifee,merci,Knoppers,还有Super Dickmann"s .3.Ferrero 他旗下的Mon Chéri ,就是樱桃酒心巧克力,小立方的 ,还有他们的Rocher,就是皮布做广告的那个金球,他们的Kinder pinguí 和如雷贯耳的Nutella 英国梅费尔的本狄克斯(Bendicks of Mayfair)公司特色产品:薄荷型巧克力、苦薄荷巧克力、薄荷脆(Mint Crisps)巧克力、奶油胡椒薄荷巧克力、梅费尔薄荷(the Mayfair Mint)巧克力、维多利亚薄荷(the Victoria Mint)巧克力瑞典Marabou巧克力 巧克力样子不是很精致,但口感不错,而且可可味浓郁。意大利巴拉荻和米兰诺(Baratti & Milano)商店 原料为美国和非洲的可可豆。产品种类包括:吉安杜佳巧克力,奶油(Cremeni)巧克力,外国富豪(Milord)巧克力盒,玫德格里阿特(Medagliato)巧克力和复活节巧克力蛋。西班牙帕斯卡布丁巧克力(Pascual chocolate pudding) 看电影,看电视的好伴侣  奥地利莫扎特(mozart)巧克力 纯手工制造,放在室温下极易溶化,滋味甜美,浓香馥郁。日本的明治雪吻巧克力 日本巧克力中品质很不错的一款,口感很不错,松软香滑,跟“德菲丝”的感觉差不多。澳大利亚PATON"S巧克力 口味跟FERRERO(费列罗)的MONCHERI(蒙雪丽)差不多。外层的巧克力可可脂含量21%,内含一整颗榛子仁. 世界十大巧克力品牌巧克力企业排行榜1 SWISS THINS瑞士莲(1845年比利时/第一块入口即能融化qkl) 2 GUYLIAN吉利莲(比利时王室授予金质奖章的巧克力品牌) 3 FERRERO ROCHER费列罗(开始于1946年意大利,跨国集团) 4 MAXINM"S马克西姆(法国) 5 DUCD"O 迪克多 (比利时) 6 KINDER BUENQ 建达缤纷乐(意大利 ) 7 DCOSLE多利是(比利时 ) 8 M&M"s巧克力(于1941年西班牙,世界品牌) 9 BELGIAN白丽人(比利时) 10 TOFFKFEE乐飞飞(德国最大的巧克力生产商)
2023-01-03 20:02:425


2023-01-03 20:03:004


比利时,一个欧洲小国,要大写Belgium。说国籍,可以用He is from Belgium. 或者He is Belgian. 他是比利时人。
2023-01-03 20:03:141


.边境牧羊犬 2.贵宾犬 3.德国牧羊犬 4.金毛猎犬 5.杜宾犬 6.喜乐蒂犬(谢德兰牧羊犬) 7.拉布拉多猎犬 8.蝴蝶犬 9.洛威拿 10.澳洲牧牛犬 11.威尔斯科基犬 12.迷你型雪纳瑞 13英国跳猎犬 14.比利时特弗伦犬 15史其派克犬/比利史牧羊犬 16.苏格兰牧羊犬 17.德国短毛指示犬 18英国可卡/标准型雪纳瑞 19布列塔尼猎犬 20.美国可卡
2023-01-03 20:03:203


大部分听到新指令5次,就会了解其涵义并轻易记住,主人下达时,它们遵守的几率高于95%,此外,即使主人位于远处,它们也会在听到指令后几秒种内就有反应。即使训练它们的人经验不足,它们也可以学习得很好。智商排行01-10第1位: Border Collie(边境牧羊犬)边境牧羊犬边境牧羊犬第2位: Poodle(贵宾犬)第3位: German Shepherd(德国牧羊犬)第4位: Golden Retriever(金毛寻回犬)第5位: Doberman Pinscher(杜宾犬)第6位: Shetland Sheepdog(喜乐蒂牧羊犬)第7位: Labrador Retriever(拉布拉多猎犬)第8位: Papilion(蝴蝶犬)第9位: Rottweiler(罗威纳犬)第10位: Australian Cattle Dog(澳大利亚牧牛犬)似乎要学习5-15次才能学会简单指令,它们遵守第一次指令的几率是85%,对于稍微复杂的指令有时候反应会稍微迟缓一些,但只要勤加练习就能消除这种延缓状况。当主人离它们较远时,它们的反应有可能也稍微迟缓一些,不过,即使训练人员经验稍微不足,还是有办法将这些狗调教得很优秀。智商排行11-26第11位: Welsh Corgi (Pembroke)(彭布罗克威尔士柯基犬)第12位: Miniature Schnazuer(小型雪纳瑞)第13位: English Springer Spaniel(英国跳猎犬)第14位: Belgian Tervuren(比利时特伏丹犬)第15位: Belgian Sheepdog(比利时牧羊犬),Schipperke(西帕基犬)第16位:Collie(柯利牧羊犬),keeshond(荷兰毛狮犬)第17位: German Shorthaired Pointer(德国短毛指示犬)第18位: English Cocker Spaniel(英国可卡犬),Flat-CoatedRetriever(弗莱特寻回犬)第19位: Brittany(布列塔尼犬)第20位: American Cocker Spaniel(美国可卡犬)第21位: Weimaraner(威玛猎犬)第22位: Belgian Malinois(比利时玛利诺犬), Bernese Mountain Dog(伯恩山犬)第23位: Pomeranian(松鼠犬/博美犬)第24位: Irish Water Spaniel(爱尔兰水猎犬)第25位: Vizsla Vizsla(维兹拉犬)第26位:Welsh Corgi(Cardigan)(卡迪根威尔士柯基犬)
2023-01-03 20:03:311


  相信养狗的主人一定都会非常关心自家的狗宝贝有没有进入这个排行榜吧,其实这个狗狗聪明度排行榜也是根据狗狗的训练服从性、表现以及反应度综合得出的,仅供参考哦!废话不多说,一起来看一下吧。  第30位:Briard伯瑞犬  第29位:Bouvier Des Flandres波兰德斯布比野犬  第28位:Giant Schnauzer巨型史纳莎  第27位:Yorkshire Terrier约瑟爹利  第27位:Chesapeake Bay Retriever乞沙比克猎犬 NO.27 约克夏(详情介绍)   排名27-30是属于中上程度的狗,有时候重覆15次指令后,才会表现出似懂非懂的反应,但只要做过15至20次练习,它们就可以把任务执行得很完美。在训练的初期,它们需要比较多的额外练习,它们对第一次指令作出的回应机率是70%,表现的好与不好取决于练习时间的多寡。整体来说,表现还是与排名较前的狗儿一样好,只是动作没有那么平顺连贯、反应时间稍微慢半拍,如果主人站得较远,它们可能不会回应主人的指令。如果训练者缺乏经验或过于严厉没耐心,这些狗儿的表现就会较差。  第26位:Cargigan Welsh Corgi威尔斯柯基犬(卡狄根)  第25位:Vizsla Vizsla维兹拉犬  第24位:Irish Water Spaniel爱尔兰水猎犬  第23位:Pomeranian博美/松鼠狗  第22位:Bernese Mountain Dog伯恩山犬  第22位:Belgian Malinois比利时玛利诺犬  第21位:Weimaraner威玛猎犬  第20位:Cocker Spaniel曲卡犬  第19位:Brittany不列塔尼猎犬  第18位:Flat -Coated Retriever平毛寻回犬  第17位:German Shorthaired Pointer德国短毛指示犬  第16位:Keeshond荷兰毛狮犬  第15位:Schipperke舒柏奇犬and Belgian Sheepdog比利时牧羊犬  第14位:Belgian Tervuren比利时坦比连犬  第13位:English Springer Spaniel英国激飞猎犬  第12位:Miniature Schnazuer迷你史纳莎  第11位:Weish Corgi/Pembroke威尔斯柯基犬/哥基 NO.11威尔士柯基   解读排名:(排名11-26)  排名11-26的狗,是优秀的工作狗儿。但是似乎要学习5-15次才能学会简单指令,它们遵守第一次指令的机率是85%,对于比较复杂杂的指令,有时候反应会稍微慢一些,但只要勤劳练习就能改善状况。当主人离它们较远时,它们的反应有可能也稍微慢一些,不过,即使主人训练的经验稍微不足,还是可以将这些狗儿教得很优秀的。  第10位:Australian Cattle Dog澳洲牧牛犬  第9位:Rottweiler洛威拿犬  第8位:Papilion蝴蝶犬  第7位:Labrador Retriever拉布拉多猎犬  第6位:Shetland Sheepdog喜乐蒂牧羊犬  第5位:Doberman Pinscher都柏文犬  第4位:Golden Retriever黄金猎犬  第3位:German Shepderd德国牧羊犬(详情介绍)  第2位:Poodle贵妇犬  第1位:Border Collie边境牧羊犬 NO.1边境牧羊犬   解读排名: (排名1-10)  1-10名的狗儿拥有最高的工作性与服从性,大部份10名内的狗儿听到新指令5次以后,就能了解指令的意思,并且能够轻易地记住这个新的习惯。当主人下达指令时,它们遵守指令的机率高于95%。(另外它们在命令下达后几秒钟内很快就有反应,即使主人当时位于远处)。这些狗儿非常容易讯练与服从主人命令,即使训练它们的人经验不足,它们一样可以学习得很好喔!  以上就是狗儿的聪明程度排行榜,其实,狗儿表现得好与不好,主要关键还是主人的训练方式,只要花多些时间、耐心,加上给予适当的训练与调教,所有的狗儿也可以表现得非常优秀,狗儿是人们的好朋友也是重要的伙伴,如果你愿意付出爱心与耐心,相信它也会感受的到,用热情回报你喔!
2023-01-03 20:03:371


2023-01-03 20:03:512


 含十佳世界巧克力品牌 +好时Hersheys,m&m"s,瑞士莲-Lindt
2023-01-03 20:03:594

belgium belgiam什么意思

Belgium 西欧国家比利时。
2023-01-03 20:04:122


比利时赛鸽有以下几种:竞翔荷麦鸽、安特卫普系鸽、烈日系鸽、洛马雷系鸽、贝宁考克斯系鸽、托里木里系鸽、司墨尔鸽。1、竞翔荷麦鸽竞翔荷麦鸽的羽装以雨点和灰壳为主。竞翔荷麦鸽的体形几乎具备了竞翔鸽标准体形的所有特征。竞翔荷麦鸽及其系列鸽种,在我国有些地区统称为“培尔琴”( Belgian )。此鸽种于19 世纪前育成。由司墨尔、屈缪莱、卡里欧(邮鸽)、特拉贡、霍斯曼等鸽种杂交而成。以飞行速度快而著称。2、安特卫普系(AntwerP )含有小宝德(Small pouter )、屈缪莱、司墨尔、卡里欧、特拉贡、霍斯曼等鸽种的血统。体型比烈日或竞翔荷麦鸽大。它具有耐饥和飞翔力持久的特性,属于远程鸽种。世界上不少竞翔成绩出色的鸽种,或多或少含有本鸽种的血统。3、烈日(Liege )含有阿乌尔、卡姆斯、筋斗鸽、司墨尔等鸽种的血统。具有快速飞翔特征。在德国称之为“烈日邮鸽”。4、洛马雷系在国际比赛连获两次冠军的鸽子还只有“慕尼耶号”是首创,在3300 只和3599 只参赛鸽子中1051 千米远距离竞赛比赛中居第一名。洛马雷系由此而声名大振。5、贝宁考克斯系擅长中距和远距竞翔,以高归巢率而享有盛誉。获1960 年巴塞罗那国际信鸽比赛冠军的“强曼号”鸽子,它的父亲是韩森系和贝宁考克斯系。我国有些名鸽也常含有此系的血统。6、托里木里系善于飞翔,有良好快捷的飞行姿势。“慕尼耶号”鸽的母系就是托里木里系。获1967 年巴塞罗那国际信鸽比赛冠军的“西鲁帕普拉洛号”鸽,它的父系就是托里木里系和布利克斯系。7、司墨尔鸽(Smerle )英国有一种叫安特卫普司墨尔的鸽种,也原产于比利时,切勿将其与司墨尔鸽种相混同。安特卫普司墨尔鸽的外貌像玩赏鸽中的鹦鹉鸽(浮羽鸽),只是嚎较长些和颈部羽毛浮起不多。
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1 Affenpinscher 艾芬笃宾犬 2 Afghan Hound 阿富汗猎犬 3 Airedale Terrier 万能梗 4 Akita 秋田犬 5 Alaskan Malamute 阿拉斯加雪橇犬 6 American Eskimo Dog 美国爱斯基摩犬 7 American Staffordshire Terrier 美国史特富郡梗 8 American Water Spaniel 美国水猎犬 9 Anatolian Shepherd 安娜图牧羊犬 10 Australian Cattle Dog 澳洲牧牛犬 11 Australian Shepherd 澳洲牧羊犬 12 Australian Terrier 澳洲梗 13 Basenji 贝吉生犬 14 Basset Hound 巴吉度猎犬 15 Beagle 贝高犬 16 Bearded Collie 古代长须牧羊犬 17 Bedlington Terrier 贝林登梗 18 Belgian Malinois 比利时玛利诺犬 19 Belgian Sheepdog 比利时牧羊犬 20 Belgian Tervuren 比利时坦比连犬 21 Bernese Mountain Dog 伯恩山犬 22 Bichon Frise 卷毛比雄犬 23 Black and Tan Coonhound 黑褐猎浣熊犬 24 Bloodhound 血猎犬 25 Border Collie 边境牧羊犬 26 Border Terrier 边境梗 27 Borzoi 波索尔 28 Boston Terrier 波士顿梗 29 Bouvier des Flandres 法兰德斯畜牧犬 30 Boxer 拳狮犬 31 Briard 伯瑞犬 32 Brittany 不列塔尼猎犬 33 Brussels Griffon 比利时粗毛猎犬 34 Bull Terrier 牛头梗 35 Bulldog 老虎犬 36 Bullmastiff 斗牛马士提夫犬 37 Cairn Terrier 凯安梗 38 Canaan Dog 卡南犬 39 Cavalier King Charles Spaniel 查理士王小猎犬 40 Chesapeake Bay Retriever 乞沙比克猎犬 41 Chihuahua 吉娃娃 42 Chinese Crested 中国冠毛犬 43 Chinese Shar-pei 中国沙皮犬 44 Chow Chow 松狮犬
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你好!比利时人Belgian 英["beldʒən] 美[ˈbɛldʒən] n. 比利时人; adj. 比利时的; [例句]He was married for the second time, this time to a Belgian他第二次结婚,这一次是和一个比利时人。
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比利时馆效果图比利时展馆占地面积将达5250平方米,其中包括欧盟展厅。展馆主体将采用“脑细胞”的结构。据悉,“脑细胞”同时寓意比利时作为欧洲三大传统文化———拉丁、日耳曼和盎格鲁-撒克逊文化———的汇聚地和交汇点所扮演的重要角色。Belgium museum exhibition covers an area of rendering Belgium will reach 5250 square meters, including the exhibition hall. "The main exhibition hall will adopt a brain structure. It also implies brain ", "three traditional culture in Belgium as Europe - Latin, the Germanic and Anglo-Saxon culture -- HuiJuDe mix and play important roles.展馆名称: 中国2010年上海世博会比利时国家馆 展馆位置: 世博园区C片区 展馆主题: 比利时馆:运动和互动 造型亮点: 脑细胞(神经元) 建筑面积: 5250平米(1000平米给欧盟) 开工时间: 2009年8月5日 设计者: JV Realys(AOS集团)与Interbuild 场馆类型: 自建馆 国家馆日: 6月13日 确认参展时间: 2006年10月 签订合同时间: 2008年8月5日 Hall name: the world expo 2010 Shanghai, China national museum in BelgiumPosition: expo garden exhibition area CTheme: exhibition hall: sports and interaction in BelgiumModelling of brain neurons) (highlights:Building area 1,000 square meters, 5250 square meters (to the)Working hours: on August 5, 2009Architect: the JV Realys (AOS group) and InterbuildVenue: self-built museumNational library: June 13Confirm the time: October 2006Sign the contract time: on August 5, 2008概况 比利时-欧盟馆温和、冷静的建筑外观与新奇、迷人的内部装修构成对比。展馆主体采用“脑细胞”的结构,“脑细胞”神经元的灵感来自于比利时丰富的科学和艺术成就,以及作为欧洲政治中心之一的地位。展馆正面外墙将采用透明玻璃材料,另外三面外墙将采用封闭式金属板外墙。展馆共有两个入口,一个是比利时展区的入口,一个是欧盟展区的入口。generalBelgium - the museum is mild, calm and novelty, charming architectural appearance of interior decoration make contrast. Main USES "brain" exhibition, "the structure of neurons in the brain" inspiration from Belgium abundant art and science, as well as the achievements of European political center. Positive external exhibition will use transparent glass material, the other three will be closed using exterior surface of metal plate wall. Hall has two entrances, a Belgian galleries, one is the area of the entrance. 展馆外观 “脑细胞”结构是比利时-欧盟馆的整体设计理念,“脑细胞”能表现出比利时“欧洲首都”的独特地位,同时它能够引起参观者的好奇,让他们饶有兴致地探索比利时丰富的文化形式和内涵。“脑细胞”也寓意着比利时作为欧洲三大传统文化——拉丁、日耳曼和盎格鲁-撒克逊文化——的汇聚地和交汇点所扮演的重要角色。建筑外部,巨大的顶棚将撑起一片与室外完全联通的公共空间,其设计灵活新颖,又兼顾挡风遮雨的实用性。Hall appearance"Brain" structure is the museum of Belgium - the overall design concept, "brain" can show "European capital" in Belgium, it can cause the curious visitors, let them with interest to explore the cultural forms and Belgium rich connotation. "Brain" also signify Belgium as Europe, Latin and traditional culture Germanic and Anglo-Saxon culture -- HuiJuDe mix and play important roles. Building exterior, huge ceiling will hold a and outdoor completely unicom public space, the design of new and flexible both zheyu wind practicability.展示内容 首先,比利时-欧盟馆将是一个生机勃勃的时尚展馆,展现比利时以其友好的投资环境构成的理想居住地。比利时-欧盟馆将通过美食来分享这些经验,展馆内比利时啤酒咖啡馆供应各类啤酒,现场还可以品尝享誉世界的巧克力,馆内同时还将开设一家米其林比利时VIP餐厅。其次,比利时-欧盟馆将举办超过150个研讨会和大型会议,并常设精美且享受盛誉的钻石展。比利时探险家Alain Hubert远征南极洲的第一手经验、比利时大学有关未来绿色经济的学术研究成果、前沿的科技等也都是展馆的精彩内容。Display contentFirstly, the Belgian - eu pavilion will is a vibrant, fashion show, with its friendly Belgian investment environment constitute the ideal residence. Belgium - eu pavilion will come to share the experience through gourmet coffee in the Belgian beer, the exhibition of beer, the site also supply can taste the world famous chocolate, also will open a Michelin restaurant in Belgium VIP. Secondly, the museum will be held in Belgium - more than 150 seminars and conferences, exquisite and enjoy high reputation and permanent exhibition of diamonds. Belgian explorers Alain Hubert expedition Antarctica first-hand experience, Belgium university relevant future academic research achievements of green economy and technology, etc are also the contents. 展馆亮点 钻石光芒闪耀展馆 为了展示超过550年的“钻石之都”安特卫普,参观者可在展馆中欣赏到来自安特卫普钻石博物馆的10件最负盛名的钻石珠宝,以及世界闻名的ECC奖杯。ECC奖杯是一个价值超过100万欧元的钻石网球拍,由6公斤的黄金和1600颗钻石打造而成。馆内还设有“裸钻厅”。参观者不仅可以当场购买裸钻并请技师将钻石镶嵌到饰品上,而且还将获得含有世博元素的钻石证书。此外,每天还将设有2小时的打磨钻石“表演”。HallDiamonds shine light exhibition in order to show more than 550 years "diamond" Antwerp, visitors can enjoy in the exhibition in museum of diamonds from the royal Antwerp the 10 most prestigious diamond jewelry, and the world famous ECC trophy. ECC trophy is a value of more than 100 million euros from the tennis racket, diamond 6 kg of gold and 1,600 diamond building. The library is equipped with "naked drill hall". Visitors can not only on the bare drill and please buy diamonds inlaid engineer to jewelry, but also will contain elements of diamond expo. In addition, every day will have 2 hours of polishing diamonds "performance".巧克力工厂美味飘香 几百年来,比利时巧克力因其独特的味道和出色的设计享誉全球。世博会上,比利时-欧盟馆里将建设一个梦幻般的“巧克力工厂”。一些巧克力将被做成上海地标建筑,如东方明珠的形状。来自比利时的4家顶级巧克力品牌制造商戈迪瓦、吉利莲、诺豪斯、巴利·嘉勒博将联手进驻展馆,70位巧克力技师将现场展示巧克力制作的技艺。比利时-欧盟馆预计每天提供2.5万颗独立包装的比利时巧克力,让游客免费品尝原汁原味的比利时巧克力。Chocolate factory delicious scentFor hundreds of years, the Belgian chocolate owing to its unique flavor and excellent design all over the world. The expo, Belgium - the stadium will build a dreamy "chocolate factory". Some chocolate will be made in Shanghai, such as the Oriental pearl landmarks. The top four from Belgian chocolate brand manufacturers GeDi watts, cobolli gigli Ephraim, Howe, Barry, jia le beau to garrison, 70 chocolate technician will make the chocolate. The museum every day Belgium - 2.5 million is expected to provide independent packing Belgian chocolate, let visitors free taste authentic Belgian chocolates. 2009年6月3日下午,上海世博会比利时国家馆推介会在上海举行。记者在推介会上了解到,占地5250平方米的比利时馆将包括1000平米的欧盟展厅,展馆采用“脑细胞”为主体结构,表现欧洲和比利时的丰富艺术内涵以及凝聚了人类文明发展和智慧结晶的科学成就。June 2009, 3 days afternoon, Shanghai world expo Belgian national museum seminar was held in Shanghai. Reporter in promotion meeting understands, covers an area of 52.5 square pavilion will include 1,000 square meters in Belgium, the exhibition hall of the European Union by "brain" as the main structure and performance of Europe and Belgium and rich artistic connotation of the development of human civilization and wisdom crystallization of scientific achievements. 比利时馆的主题为“运动和互动”,展馆的一面外墙将采用透明的玻璃材料,另三面将采用延展的金属板形成封闭幕墙,展馆不仅是欧洲厅、比利时厅及其各共同体和地区展厅的所在地,更提供各类社交和会晤场所,包括餐厅、酒吧和贵宾中心,展板将悬在滑轨上,在展厅内移动,表现馆中所展示的不同地区,塑造比利时对外开放的形象和态度和多文化的和谐共存,展馆内部呈现一种广场氛围,没有内外界线,表现比利时人“懂得享受生活”的理念。The Belgian theme "movement and interactive exhibition", the side wall will use transparent glass material, the other three will extend the sheet metal forming, the exhibition is not enclosed facade European hall, Belgium hall and the community and area of exhibition location, provide various social and meeting place, including restaurants, bars and VIP exhibition center, in the slippery course will hang on, moving in the exhibition hall, which show different areas inside and outside the image and Belgium open attitude and cultural harmonious coexistence, hall inside an atmosphere, no internal and external boundary square, who know how to enjoy life in Belgium, "the concept of". 比利时政府总代表Leo F.W. Delcroix饶有兴致的告诉记者比利时以巧克力和钻石闻名于世,因此在上海世博会期间,顶级钻石展将亮相比利时馆,届时,来自世界各地的钻石设计师们将带来他们的作品,其中更包括了十几位来自中国的设计师,两国的时尚模特也将登场助兴,他表示钻石展不用于商业目的,接下来他们将与中国相关部门沟通,通过钻石展为建设希望小学募集资金,当记者提到保险问题时,他表示比利时已经在“认真考虑这一问题”。The Belgian government always represent the interest Delcroix F.W. Leo told reporters in chocolate and diamond in Belgium, so famous in Shanghai world expo, top diamond will debut, Belgium, from around the world will bring the diamond designers of their works, including a dozen more from China, the designer of the two countries will debut christmas-to fashion models, he says diamond not used for commercial purposes, then they will communicate with related departments in China, through the diamond exhibition for building the hope school raise funds and insurance when reporters mentioned in Belgium, he said in "seriously considering this problem". 另一个记者非常感兴趣的话题则是Leo F.W. Delcroix提到的“巧克力工厂”,据他介绍,比利时馆将复制一个梦幻般的“巧克力工厂”,在工厂中,参观者能看到巧克力的制作过程,甚至能免费品尝比利时巧克力,一些巧克力将被做成上海地标建筑如东方明珠的形状,说到这里,他调皮的眨了眨眼睛,表示“参观者能免费尝到正宗的比利时巧克力,但他们必须控制自己的胃口”。Another reporter is very interested in the topic is Delcroix F.W. Leo mentioned "chocolate factory", according to him, Belgium pavilion will copy a dreamy chocolate factory ", "in factories, visitors can see the production process, even chocolate can taste the free Belgian chocolate, some chocolate will be made Shanghai landmarks such as the Oriental pearl shape, here, he naughty blinked, said" visitors can free taste authentic Belgian chocolate, but they must control appetite. Leo F.W. Delcroix告诉记者,比利时馆每天下午将举行抽奖活动,就欧洲和比利时概况问答比赛的优胜者进行抽奖,每天将有一名幸运儿赢得去比利时旅游的机会,而每周也将举行一场类似活动,优胜者有机会赢得比利时出产的钻石。Leo F.W. Delcroix tells a reporter, Belgium hall will be held every afternoon, Europe and lucky winners of Belgium quiz on general every day, there will be a lucky win a lucky chance to Belgium tourism, and will hold a similar activities, the winner has a chance to win the Belgian produce diamond. “脑细胞”结构是比利时馆的整体设计理念,Leo F.W. Delcroix表示用该形象代表比利时最为恰当,因为“脑细胞”能表现出比利时“欧洲首都”的独特地位,同时它能够引起参观者的好奇,让他们饶有兴致地探索比利时丰富的文化形式和内涵。"Brain" structure is the overall design concept of Belgium, Leo Delcroix F.W. with the image represents Belgium said the most appropriate, because "brain" can show "European capital" in Belgium, it can cause the curious visitors, let them with interest to explore the cultural forms and Belgium rich connotation. “脑细胞”也寓意着比利时作为欧洲三大传统文化——拉丁、日耳曼和盎格鲁-撒克逊文化——的汇聚地和交汇点所扮演的重要角色,“脑细胞”的灯光与色彩变幻将自然地融入上海的夜景中。"Brain" also signify Belgium as Europe, Latin and traditional culture Germanic and Anglo-Saxon culture -- HuiJuDe mix and the role of brain ", "the light and color changes will naturally in Shanghai at night. 建筑的外部设计彰显比利时人所特有的务实和严谨的精神,这与意趣盎然的、有机的“脑细胞”设计形成了鲜明的对比。巨大的顶棚将撑起一片与室外完全联通的公共空间,其设计灵活新颖,又兼顾挡风遮雨的实用性,在公共广场将种植树木,旨在为参观者提供一块舒适的聚居地,在这里举办一系列广场活动。The external design to reveal the belgians peculiar pragmatic and rigorous spirit, which brought exuberant, organic "brain" design to form bright contrast. Huge ceiling will hold a and outdoor completely unicom public space, the design of new and flexible both zheyu wind is practical, in the public square, designed for planting trees to provide a comfortable visitors, to hold a series of square in here. 2009年8月5日下午,比利时国家馆在浦东世博园区举行奠基仪式。2010年,一座占地5000平方米、以“脑细胞”为主体结构的展馆将亮相黄浦江畔。参观者在展馆内可以看到顶级钻石展、“巧克力工厂”以及极地科研展等精彩的展览,亲身体验比利时乃至整个欧洲的丰厚艺术底蕴。On August 5th in 2009, the Belgian national museum in the afternoon at the park pudong ceremony. By 2010, an area 5000 square meters, with "brain" as the main structure of the exhibition will appear on the huangpu river. Visitors can see in the exhibition hall, top diamond "chocolate factory" and the polar research etc, experience the wonderful show in Belgium and throughout Europe and generous artistic heritage. 比利时副首相兼商务部长Didier Reynders,上海市政府副秘书长、世博局局长洪浩,比利时展区总代表戴明哲,比利时驻上海总领事裴泽东,欧盟驻华代表团政务参赞孟葛岚等出席奠基仪式,并与比利时馆的中国建设者们一起按下手印,比利时馆内将有一堵墙用于这些手印的展示。Belgium"s deputy prime minister and minister of commerce, Didier Reynders Shanghai municipal government, deputy secretary-general of the expo, hong DaiMingZhe general representative area, Belgium, Belgium in Shanghai, the general PeiZeDong delegation attended GeLan meng e-government counselor etc, and Belgium foundation stone laying ceremony of China with the builder press handprint, Belgium museum will have a wall used for these fingerprints. 比利时馆将于2009年年底之前完成建设,2010年3月完成布展工作。比利时馆整体设计理念为“脑细胞”结构,展馆将采用易于搭建,方便拆卸并且可回收的建筑结构。为了适应上海温暖潮湿的气候,展馆外部将由三个延展的封闭门面构成。馆内不仅容纳了欧盟展馆,还将提供包括餐馆、酒吧和VIP中心在内的舒适聚会场所。Belgium museum in 2009, complete construction before the end of March 2010. Finish layout Belgium hall overall design concept for the "brain", the exhibition will be adopted to structure, easy disassembly and recycling of architecture. In order to adapt to the Shanghai warm humid climate, the exhibition will be spread by three external appearance of closed. The European Union, not only contain exhibition will also provide including restaurants, bars and VIP center, comfortable meeting place. 比利时展区总代表戴明哲介绍说,比利时非常有信心向公众呈现一个迷人的展馆。首先,比利时馆将是一个生机勃勃的时尚展馆,展现比利时以其友好的投资环境构成的理想居住地。比利时馆将通过美食来分享这些经验,展馆内比利时啤酒咖啡馆供应各类啤酒,现场还可以品尝享誉世界的巧克力,馆内同时还将开设一家米其林比利时VIP餐厅。其次,比利时展馆将举办超过150个研讨会和大型会议,并常设精美且享受盛誉的钻石展。比利时探险家Alain Hubert远征南极洲的第一手经验、比利时大学有关未来绿色经济的学术研究成果、前沿的科技等也都是展馆的精彩内容。Belgium DaiMingZhe said chief representative of exhibition, Belgium very confident to present an attractive public exhibition. Firstly, the Belgian museum is a vibrant, fashion show, with its friendly Belgian investment environment constitute the ideal residence. Belgium pavilion will come to share the experience through gourmet coffee in the Belgian beer, the exhibition of beer, the site also supply can taste the world famous chocolate, also will open a Michelin restaurant in Belgium VIP. Secondly, the Belgian exhibition will be held for more than 150 seminars and conferences, exquisite and enjoy high reputation and permanent exhibition of diamonds. Belgian explorers Alain Hubert expedition Antarctica first-hand experience, Belgium university relevant future academic research achievements of green economy and technology, etc are also the contents.望采纳。
2023-01-03 20:04:521


2023-01-03 20:04:587


比利时不明飞行物体事件(Belgian UFO wave)是指于1989年11月29日至1990年4月间,发生在比利时的一连串三角形飞碟目击事件。这是少数拥有超过一千多人以上目击者的不明飞行物体事件,也是极少数获得国家军方承认的不明飞行物体事件。
2023-01-03 20:05:441

belgian hare 有什么实际意义

Belgian haren.比利时兔; 比利时兔又称巨灰兔、弗朗德巨兔,是英国育种家用原产于比利时贝韦伦一带的野生穴兔改良而成的优良肉用兔。毛色很像野兔,为麻黄褐色,被毛质地坚韧而紧贴体表,体躯离地面高,脚长,有“竞走马”之称,成年体重5.5~6.5千克。骨较细小,体质健壮,肌肉丰满,耐粗饲,产仔每胎8~9只,乳量好。
2023-01-03 20:05:521


系KIMI 就是基米莱科宁 这你都不认识 你看过F1不? 唉 可惜法拉利不要KIMI了 2010年
2023-01-03 20:05:5815


Belgian 英["beldʒən] 美[ˈbɛldʒən] n. 比利时人; adj. 比利时的; [例句]He was married for the second time, this time to a Belgian他第二次结婚,这一次是和一个比利时人。[其他] 复数:Belgians
2023-01-03 20:06:501


Belgium (名词), Belgian (形容词)比利时
2023-01-03 20:06:561


比利时啤酒指的是比利时制作的啤酒。在比利时,有很多按照传统方法生产的啤酒。许多修道院中的僧侣,特别是Trappist僧侣,常用修道院中传统的酵母菌株制造爱尔啤酒。常使用小麦麦芽,酒花用量较低(有时也小心地使用陈酒花)。使用的酵母产生典型的风味,一些啤酒在敞口槽中发酵,周围空气中的酵母和细菌是比较多的。 基本介绍 中文名 :比利时啤酒 别称 :Belgian 主要原料 :大麦,蛇麻草 是否含防腐剂 :否 适宜人群 :所有人 分类 :啤酒 所属国家 :比利时 简介,啤酒种类,工艺,比利时啤酒吧, 简介 比利时啤酒(Belgian): 传统比利时啤酒与一般淡啤酒最大的不同在于原料成份,与酿制过程中发酵方法上的差异。保存古法的比利时啤酒厂除了使用啤酒常用的大麦做为主要原料之外,添加香料与水果,使得比利时啤酒展现出丰富多样的特色,蛇麻草(hop)、橘子皮等是比利时啤酒普遍加入的香料,特别是蛇麻草,这种香料可以凸显啤酒芳香的气味,蛇麻草在啤酒发酵过程放入的时机不同,也会产生不同的结果。水果则是比利时啤酒特殊风味的另一位要角,莓类水果尤其常被使用。水果在发酵进行中转换成糖份,这种酒在比利时被称为Kriek,是啤酒中的粉红香槟,鲜艳诱人的颜色与酸甜的口感,完全没有一般啤酒苦苦的味道,特别受到女孩子的喜爱。 啤酒种类 比利时140多间啤酒厂生产的啤酒种类至少可以分成10种以上,详细区分的话甚至可达几十种,这也是比利时啤酒予爱酒人无穷无尽的乐趣所在。欧洲的出家人似乎与酿酒业有密不可分的关系,比利时啤酒中相当重要的流派即是「修道院啤酒」(Monatic Beer),修道院啤酒又分为真正由修道士亲身参与酿制的Trappist,和授权非修道院酒厂制作的Abbey Beer。存在的Trappist酿酒厂只有5间:Orval、Chimay、Westmalle、Rochefort与Westeteren,是最具特色的比利时啤酒宝藏,也是世界上唯五以酿酒为业的修道院。 工艺 Trappist彼此的共同点是采用「上层发酵法」、高酒精浓度、经过2到3次瓶内发酵、全程手工制作。Orval与Chimay是众多比利时啤酒当中具有国际知名度的经典之作,Orval修道院创立于1070年,它只生产一种啤酒,啤酒评论大师Michael Jackson认为是全世界最特别的啤酒,独特的麦芽香味足以绕鼻三日,蛇麻草的添加将芬芳的气味进一步延伸,美丽的金黄色泽与厚实细致的泡沫,尽在这330ml深褐色典雅的玻璃瓶中。Chimay的高知名度与Orval不相上下,是销售量最大的Trappist,也是第一间以Trappist为名跨足商业市场的修道院,产品分为红标、白标与蓝标,红标最为普遍,带有淡淡的甜味与肉桂香;白标口感强劲,带有苦味与浓郁的香料味,酒体厚实,是Chimay的中间产品;蓝标是Chimay的顶级之作,又称为「Grande Reserve」,丰富的香味口感,让人难以相信是由啤酒表现出来。 Abbey Beer虽然没有Trappist那么特色十足,但是其中亦有上好佳酿,比利时境内约有70多间修道院授权生产啤酒,依酒精浓度可以分成Single、Double与Triple,比较能表现出Abbey Beer强调重口感的特色的应该是Double与Triple。Double颜色暗沉,散发朱古力与成熟水果的香味,适合与口感厚重如羊排等搭配。Triple酒精浓度在8%~10%,是Abbey Beer酒厂生产最多的等级,较高的酒精含量有助于内含香味的平衡度。 比利时啤酒 比利时啤酒 比利时啤酒吧
2023-01-03 20:07:041


英语 Belgians荷兰语 Belgisch
2023-01-03 20:07:102


1 Affenpinscher 艾芬笃宾犬 2 Afghan Hound 阿富汗猎犬 3 Airedale Terrier 万能梗 4 Akita 秋田犬 5 Alaskan Malamute 阿拉斯加雪橇犬 6 American Eskimo Dog 美国爱斯基摩犬 7 American Staffordshire Terrier 美国史特富郡梗 8 American Water Spaniel 美国水猎犬 9 Anatolian Shepherd 安娜图牧羊犬 10 Australian Cattle Dog 澳洲牧牛犬 11 Australian Shepherd 澳洲牧羊犬 12 Australian Terrier 澳洲梗 13 Basenji 贝吉生犬 14 Basset Hound 巴吉度猎犬 15 Beagle 贝高犬 16 Bearded Collie 古代长须牧羊犬 17 Bedlington Terrier 贝林登梗 18 Belgian Malinois 比利时玛利诺犬 19 Belgian Sheepdog 比利时牧羊犬 20 Belgian Tervuren 比利时坦比连犬 21 Bernese Mountain Dog 伯恩山犬 22 Bichon Frise 卷毛比雄犬 23 Black and Tan Coonhound 黑褐猎浣熊犬 24 Bloodhound 血猎犬 25 Border Collie 边境牧羊犬 26 Border Terrier 边境梗 27 Borzoi 波索尔 28 Boston Terrier 波士顿梗 29 Bouvier des Flandres 法兰德斯畜牧犬 30 Boxer 拳狮犬 31 Briard 伯瑞犬 32 Brittany 不列塔尼猎犬 33 Brussels Griffon 比利时粗毛猎犬 34 Bull Terrier 牛头梗 35 Bulldog 老虎犬 36 Bullmastiff 斗牛马士提夫犬 37 Cairn Terrier 凯安梗 38 Canaan Dog 卡南犬 39 Cavalier King Charles Spaniel 查理士王小猎犬 40 Chesapeake Bay Retriever 乞沙比克猎犬 41 Chihuahua 吉娃娃 42 Chinese Crested 中国冠毛犬 43 Chinese Shar-pei 中国沙皮犬 44 Chow Chow 松狮犬 45 Clumber Spaniel 克伦伯犬 46 Cocker Spaniel 曲卡犬 47 Collie 牧羊犬 48 Curly-Coated Retriever 卷毛寻回犬 49 Dachshund 腊肠犬 50 Dalmatian 斑点犬 51 Dandie Dinmont Terrier 短脚狄文梗 52 Doberman Pinscher 都柏文犬 53 English Cocker Spaniel 英国曲卡犬 54 English Setter 英国塞特犬 55 English Springer Spaniel 英国曲卡犬 56 English Toy Spaniel 英国玩赏曲卡犬 57 Field Spaniel 田野猎犬 58 Finnish Spitz 芬兰猎犬 59 Flat-Coated Retriever 平毛寻回犬 60 Fox Terrier (Smooth) 猎狐梗 61 Fox Terrier (Wire) 刚毛猎狐梗 62 Foxhound (American) 美国猎狐犬 63 Foxhound (English) 英国猎狐犬 64 French Bulldog 法国老虎犬 65 German Shepherd Dog 德国牧羊犬 66 German Shorthaired Pointer 德国短毛指示犬 67 German Wirehaired Pointer 德国钢毛指示犬 68 Giant Schnauzer 大型史纳莎 69 Golden Retriever 黄金猎犬 70 Gordon Setter 哥顿塞特犬 71 Great Dane 大丹犬 72 Great Pyrenees 大白熊犬 73 Greater Swiss Mountain Dog 大瑞士山地犬 74 Greyhound 格雷伊猎犬 75 Harrier 哈利犬 76 Havanese 哈威那 77 Ibizan Hound 依比沙猎犬 78 Irish Setter 爱尔兰塞特犬 79 Irish Terrier 爱尔兰梗 80 Irish Water Spaniel 爱尔兰水猎犬 81 Irish Wolfhound 爱尔兰猎狼犬 82 Italian Greyhound 义大利格雷伊猎犬 83 Jack Russell Terrier 积奇罗素梗 84 Japanese Chin 日本犬 85 Keeshond 荷兰毛狮犬 86 Kerry Blue Terrier 凯利蓝梗 87 Komondor 可蒙犬 88 Kuvasz 哥威斯犬 89 Labrador Retriever 拉布拉多犬 90 Lakeland Terrier 湖畔梗 91 Lhasa Apso 拉萨犬 92 L?wchen 罗秦犬 93 Maltese 玛尔济斯 94 Manchester Terrier 曼彻斯特梗 95 Mastiff 马士提夫犬 96 Miniature Bull Terrier 迷你牛头梗 97 Miniature Pinscher 迷你笃宾犬 98 Miniature Schnauzer 迷你史纳莎 99 Newfoundland 纽芬兰犬 100 Norfolk Terrier 罗福梗 101 Norwegian Elkhound 挪威猎麋犬 102 Norwich Terrier 罗威士梗 103 Old English Sheepdog 古代英国牧羊犬 104 Otterhound 奥达猎犬 105 Papillon 蝴蝶犬 106 Pekingese 北京犬 107 Petit Basset Griffon Vendeen 迷你贝吉格里芬凡丁犬 108 Pharaoh Hound 法老王猎犬 109 Plott Hound 普罗特猎犬 110 Polish Lowland Sheepdog 波兰低地牧羊犬 111 Pointer 指示犬 112 Pomeranian 松鼠犬 113 Poodle 贵妇犬 114 Portuguese Water Dog 葡萄牙水犬 115 Pug 八哥 116 Puli 波利犬 117 Rhodesian Ridgeback 118 Rottweiler 洛威拿 119 Saint Bernard 圣伯纳犬 120 Saluki 东非猎犬 121 Samoyed 萨摩犬 122 Schipperke 舒柏奇犬 123 Scottish Deerhound 苏格兰猎鹿犬 124 Scottish Terrier 苏格兰梗 125 Sealyham Terrier 西里汉梗 126 Shetland Sheepdog 喜乐蒂牧羊犬 127 Shiba Inu 西巴犬 128 Shih Tzu 西施 129 Siberian Husky 西伯利亚雪橇犬 130 Silky Terrier 丝毛梗 131 Skye Terrier 斯开岛梗 132 Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier 爱尔兰软毛梗 133 Spinone Italiano 史毕诺犬 134 Staffordshire Bull Terrier 斯塔福郡斗牛梗 135 Standard Schnauzer 标准史纳莎 136 Sussex Spaniel 塞式猎犬 137 Tibetan Spaniel 西藏猎犬 138 Tibetan Terrier 西藏梗 139 Vizsla 维兹拉犬 140 Weimaraner 威玛猎犬 141 Welsh Corgi (Cardigan) 威尔斯柯基犬 (卡狄根) 142 Welsh Corgi (Pembroke) 威尔斯柯基犬 (宾波基) 143 Welsh Springer Spaniel 威尔斯激飞猎犬 144 Welsh Terrier 威尔斯梗 145 West Highland White Terrier 西部高地白梗 146 Whippet 惠比特犬 147 Wirehaired Pointing Griffon 钢毛指示格里芬犬 148 Yorkshire Terrier 约瑟夏梗你问的应该是品种名吧、、希望有帮助哦~
2023-01-03 20:07:202


1、排名22。2、比利时马林诺斯犬,又称比利时马里努阿犬,马犬,无论智商、灵活性、服从性、可训性都胜过其它工作犬,时常给人们训为保镖犬,护卫犬。尤其是它的弹跳爆发力更是令人吃惊,好的马犬可以爬树,越过3米高墙轻而易举!而且对主人绝对忠诚。目前美国、德国、澳大利亚、中国等国家的军警界均已认识到这一点,并开始引进普及。3、世界犬种智商排行是据加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚大学(University of British Columbia)心理学教授Stanley Coren结合208位各地育犬专家,63名小型动物兽医师,和14名研究警卫犬与护卫狗的专家对各种名犬种进行深入观察与研究,并对犬只的工作服从性和智商进行的排名。扩展资料:   11-26排行准则似乎要学习5-15次才能学会简单指令,它们遵守第一次指令的几率是85%,对于稍微复杂的指令有时候反应会稍微迟缓一些,但只要勤加练习就能消除这种延缓状况。当主人离它们较远时,它们的反应有可能也稍微迟缓一些,不过,即使训练人员经验稍微不足,还是有办法将这些狗调教得很优秀。    智商排行11-26   第11位: Welsh Corgi (Pembroke)(彭布罗克威尔士柯基犬)第12位: Miniature Schnazuer(小型雪纳瑞)第13位: English Springer Spaniel(英国跳猎犬)第14位: Belgian Tervuren(比利时特伏丹犬)第15位: Belgian Sheepdog(比利时牧羊犬),Schipperke(西帕基犬)第16位:Collie(柯利牧羊犬),keeshond(荷兰毛狮犬)第17位: German Shorthaired Pointer(德国短毛指示犬)第18位: English Cocker Spaniel(英国可卡犬),Flat-CoatedRetriever(弗莱特寻回犬)第19位: Brittany(布列塔尼犬)第20位: American Cocker Spaniel(美国可卡犬)第21位: Weimaraner(威玛猎犬)第22位: Belgian Malinois(比利时玛利诺犬), Bernese Mountain Dog(伯恩山犬)第23位: Pomeranian(松鼠犬/博美犬)第24位: Irish Water Spaniel(爱尔兰水猎犬)第25位: Vizsla Vizsla(维兹拉犬)第26位:Welsh Corgi(Cardigan)(卡迪根威尔士柯基犬)参考资料:马犬--百度百科、世界犬种智商排行--百度百科
2023-01-03 20:07:291


Belgium food and shopping
2023-01-03 20:07:423


世界十大巧克力品牌巧克力企业排行榜 1 SWISS THINS瑞士莲(1845年比利时/第一块入口即能融化qkl) 2 GUYLIAN吉利莲(比利时王室授予金质奖章的巧克力品牌) 3 FERRERO ROCHER费列罗(开始于1946年意大利,跨国集团) 4 MAXINM"S马克西姆(法国) 5 DUCD"O 迪克多 (比利时) 6 KINDER BUENQ 建达缤纷乐(意大利 ) 7 DCOSLE多利是(比利时 ) 8 M&M"s巧克力(于1941年西班牙,世界品牌) 9 BELGIAN白丽人(比利时) 10 TOFFKFEE乐飞飞(德国最大的巧克力生产商)
2023-01-03 20:07:552


Affenpinscher 艾芬笃宾犬 2 Afghan Hound 阿富汗猎犬 3 Airedale Terrier 万能梗 4 Akita 秋田犬 5 Alaskan Malamute 阿拉斯加雪橇犬 6 American Eskimo Dog 美国爱斯基摩犬 7 American Staffordshire Terrier 美国史特富郡梗 8 American Water Spaniel 美国水猎犬 9 Anatolian Shepherd 安娜图牧羊犬 10 Australian Cattle Dog 澳洲牧牛犬 11 Australian Shepherd 澳洲牧羊犬 12 Australian Terrier 澳洲梗 13 Basenji 贝吉生犬 14 Basset Hound 巴吉度猎犬 15 Beagle 贝高犬 16 Bearded Collie 古代长须牧羊犬 17 Bedlington Terrier 贝林登梗 18 Belgian Malinois 比利时玛利诺犬 19 Belgian Sheepdog 比利时牧羊犬 20 Belgian Tervuren 比利时坦比连犬 21 Bernese Mountain Dog 伯恩山犬 22 Bichon Frise 卷毛比雄犬 23 Black and Tan Coonhound 黑褐猎浣熊犬 24 Bloodhound 血猎犬 25 Border Collie 边境牧羊犬 26 Border Terrier 边境梗 27 Borzoi 波索尔 28 Boston Terrier 波士顿梗 29 Bouvier des Flandres 法兰德斯畜牧犬 30 Boxer 拳狮犬 31 Briard 伯瑞犬 32 Brittany 不列塔尼猎犬 33 Brussels Griffon 比利时粗毛猎犬
2023-01-03 20:08:052


1 Affenpinscher 艾芬笃宾犬 2 Afghan Hound 阿富汗猎犬 3 Airedale Terrier 万能梗 4 Akita 秋田犬 5 Alaskan Malamute 阿拉斯加雪橇犬 6 American Eskimo Dog 美国爱斯基摩犬 7 American Staffordshire Terrier 美国史特富郡梗 8 American Water Spaniel 美国水猎犬 9 Anatolian Shepherd 安娜图牧羊犬 10 Australian Cattle Dog 澳洲牧牛犬 11 Australian Shepherd 澳洲牧羊犬 12 Australian Terrier 澳洲梗 13 Basenji 贝吉生犬 14 Basset Hound 巴吉度猎犬 15 Beagle 贝高犬 16 Bearded Collie 古代长须牧羊犬 17 Bedlington Terrier 贝林登梗 18 Belgian Malinois 比利时玛利诺犬 19 Belgian Sheepdog 比利时牧羊犬 20 Belgian Tervuren 比利时坦比连犬 21 Bernese Mountain Dog 伯恩山犬 22 Bichon Frise 卷毛比雄犬 23 Black and Tan Coonhound 黑褐猎浣熊犬 24 Bloodhound 血猎犬 25 Border Collie 边境牧羊犬 26 Border Terrier 边境梗 27 Borzoi 波索尔 28 Boston Terrier 波士顿梗 29 Bouvier des Flandres 法兰德斯畜牧犬 30 Boxer 拳狮犬 31 Briard 伯瑞犬 32 Brittany 不列塔尼猎犬 33 Brussels Griffon 比利时粗毛猎犬 34 Bull Terrier 牛头梗 35 Bulldog 老虎犬 36 Bullmastiff 斗牛马士提夫犬 37 Cairn Terrier 凯安梗 38 Canaan Dog 卡南犬 39 Cavalier King Charles Spaniel 查理士王小猎犬 40 Chesapeake Bay Retriever 乞沙比克猎犬 41 Chihuahua 吉娃娃 42 Chinese Crested 中国冠毛犬 43 Chinese Shar-pei 中国沙皮犬 44 Chow Chow 松狮犬
2023-01-03 20:08:141


世界名牌巧克力介绍瑞士世界最棒的巧克力当然得说瑞士的:1.首推“瑞士莲”巧克力(Lindt),被公认为世界巧克力中的极品!!! Lindt生产出了世界首块入口即能溶化的巧克力,种类繁多,主要可分为:排装、薄片装、宝钻浓情系列、夏威夷果仁、薄荷等等.2.位于伯尔尼旧城区内克拉姆街上的Confiserie Tschirren是伯尔尼市一家老字号的巧克力店,80年历史,在东京、伦敦也设有分店,更可以透过其网址直接订购巧克力,相当便利,据店家表示,人气最旺的要算Tuffes Glacees的纯巧克力!3.在瑞士建造第一家巧克力厂的甘椰(Cailler).Cailler 自1929年以来归入雀巢(Nestlé)旗下 .4.按照阿尔卑斯山的样子,将三角形作商标的瑞士三角巧克力.5.在瑞士还有几家可以自制巧克力的店: 库尔:麦勒茨饼干店(Merz)制作海蒂形状的巧克力; 格林德瓦尔德:在城市的饼干铺做巧克力; 普昂沙(Prangins):小型巧克力制造厂,可以参观生产过程及品尝巧克力,还有机会体验制做巧克力; 布罗克(格鲁耶尔郊外):参观有名的甘椰/雀巢工厂、看录像及品尝,这里还有附加设施-小卖部。 比利时 1.在众多的比利时巧克力品牌中,最有名气的要数 高迪瓦牌/Godiva巧克力,1926年由比利时人Joseph Draps创立,自1968年起,Godiva更成为比利时皇室御用的巧克力品牌,不愧是最贵气的巧克力。在Godiva制造的超过200款的巧克力当中,有3款是为比利时皇室的盛事而特别设计的,其中最新的一款名为“Mathilde”,是为纪念1999年比利时王子大婚而特别以王妃的名字命名的。除了比利时皇室,很多世界名人如美国前总统克林顿(Bill Clinton)、女星伊丽莎白?泰勒( Elisabeth Tailer)等都是Godiva的忠实Fans。2.著名的巧克力店Mary"s. 3.比利时著名品牌还有:金边/Cote d"or,雅克/Jacques和嘉勒博/Callebaut。这些巧克力比糖衣杏仁便宜得多,在无人售货店和书店均有出售,味道从传统的榛子和易溶的糖衣杏仁口味一直到最有异国情调的香蕉味、草莓味和朗姆酒味,应有尽有。在精美西点屋和超市,人们越来越多地看到手工制作的巧克力。高档的巧克力(奶油和献黄油巧克力是平时吃的)给你带来非同凡响的感受,尤其是金羊毛牌/Corne la Toison d"or蛋卷巧克力(不要和皇家港口牌/Corne Port Royal巧克力搞混了),还有诺豪斯牌/Neuhaus巧克力。4.里奥尼达斯/Leonidas是个半机器生产巧克力厂家,以著名的"玛侬"牌/MANON白巧克力而倍受青睐。 惟一的鲜巧克力,每一粒LEONIDAS PRALINES从出品到您亲自入口品尝均绝对不超过4周。口味有:鲜奶油、居家奶油、奶油利口酒、可可、威士忌、香槟、椰子。  5.比利时“吉利莲”巧克力 惟一被比利时王室授予金质奖章的巧克力品牌,有“巧克力王国中的至尊”之称。现主要的有贝壳(金贝壳)、雪球、精典、宝石、情人及世界之粹7大系列。6.比利时的Duc D"o(迪克多)巧克力  产品种类有:雅致综合巧克力、12星座心形巧克力,黑松露巧克力,吮指回味。中国现在中国卖的最好的,无外乎是“德芙”,“吉时”,“金丝猴”。不过,听说一个后期之秀,叫做“幸福圣堂” (可以在百度上面搜索到),他们的巧克力倒没有好吃到不行,口感只能算到中上而已,不过,他们有一种机器,可以把巧克力变成喷泉,就是“幸福圣堂 巧克力喷泉”然后,全部都是加热了的,满口都是热热的,香香的巧克力,顺滑,柔和。很多人拿这个“幸福圣堂 巧克力喷泉”创业,因为,展现出来的视觉效果很好,所以,他们赚了很多钱。法国1.有79年历史的Valrhona巧克力在法国是家喻户晓的名牌,其纯正的味道备受各界追捧,捧场客包括大明星茱丽亚?罗伯兹(Julia Roberts)和罗伯特.德尼罗(Robert De Niro),甚至还有现任美国总统小布什(George W. Bush),因为白宫的饼厨正是以Valrhona巧克力制作甜品的,可谓最具有“星味”的巧克力。2.Debauve et Gallais--法国巴黎最古老、最著名的豪华巧克力店3.法国德菲丝巧克力 又称“黑蘑菇”,这款巧克力虽然样子不很好看,但是它的口感非常松软,味道香浓。其成分主要是代可可脂。德国1.rittersport巧克力  共有15种口味,包括:蛋白杏仁、巧克力、葡萄榛子、朗姆酒味、阿尔卑斯等。  2.storckriesen太妃巧克力  可可脂含量:30%,外层是黑巧克力外衣,里层是巧克力涂层,最里面是巧克力太妃入口滑腻,不甜不腻 旗下有Toffifee,merci,Knoppers,还有Super Dickmann"s .3.Ferrero 他旗下的Mon Chéri ,就是樱桃酒心巧克力,小立方的 ,还有他们的Rocher,就是皮布做广告的那个金球,他们的Kinder pinguí 和如雷贯耳的Nutella 英国梅费尔的本狄克斯(Bendicks of Mayfair)公司特色产品:薄荷型巧克力、苦薄荷巧克力、薄荷脆(Mint Crisps)巧克力、奶油胡椒薄荷巧克力、梅费尔薄荷(the Mayfair Mint)巧克力、维多利亚薄荷(the Victoria Mint)巧克力瑞典Marabou巧克力 巧克力样子不是很精致,但口感不错,而且可可味浓郁。意大利巴拉荻和米兰诺(Baratti & Milano)商店 原料为美国和非洲的可可豆。产品种类包括:吉安杜佳巧克力,奶油(Cremeni)巧克力,外国富豪(Milord)巧克力盒,玫德格里阿特(Medagliato)巧克力和复活节巧克力蛋。西班牙帕斯卡布丁巧克力(Pascual chocolate pudding) 看电影,看电视的好伴侣  奥地利莫扎特(mozart)巧克力 纯手工制造,放在室温下极易溶化,滋味甜美,浓香馥郁。日本的明治雪吻巧克力 日本巧克力中品质很不错的一款,口感很不错,松软香滑,跟“德菲丝”的感觉差不多。澳大利亚PATON"S巧克力 口味跟FERRERO(费列罗)的MONCHERI(蒙雪丽)差不多。外层的巧克力可可脂含量21%,内含一整颗榛子仁. 世界十大巧克力品牌巧克力企业排行榜1 SWISS THINS瑞士莲(1845年比利时/第一块入口即能融化qkl) 2 GUYLIAN吉利莲(比利时王室授予金质奖章的巧克力品牌) 3 FERRERO ROCHER费列罗(开始于1946年意大利,跨国集团) 4 MAXINM"S马克西姆(法国) 5 DUCD"O 迪克多 (比利时) 6 KINDER BUENQ 建达缤纷乐(意大利 ) 7 DCOSLE多利是(比利时 ) 8 M&M"s巧克力(于1941年西班牙,世界品牌) 9 BELGIAN白丽人(比利时) 10 TOFFKFEE乐飞飞(德国最大的巧克力生产商) 中国十大巧克力品牌排行榜1 德芙巧克力 (中国驰名商标,中国巧克力第一品牌) 2 金帝巧克力 (中国名牌,中国巧克力领导品牌) 3 费列罗巧克力 (开始于1946年意大利,享誉盛名的跨国集团) 4 慕纱巧克力 (知名品牌) 5 金莎巧克力 (中国名牌,开始于1984年,世界品牌) 6 明治巧克力 (日本品牌,世界品牌) 7 吉百利巧克力 (英国,全球最大的糖果公司之一,世界品牌) 8 乐可可ROCOCO巧克力 (美国,世界品牌) 9 怡浓巧克力 (知名品牌) 10 申丰巧克力 (上海名牌,巧克力知名品牌)
2023-01-03 20:08:241


2023-01-03 20:08:308

英语介绍比利时经济 economy Open and competitiveWith a surface area of 30,500 km² and a population of 10,446,000, Belgium is one of the smallest Member States in the European Union. However, it has a GDP of EUR 288.09 billion (in 2004) and is one of the ten largest trading nations in the world. It primarily owes its comparably large economic might to its central location and the high productivity of its work force.A central location and good infrastructureBelgium has one major advantage: its central location. In the past, this was often a handicap since the great European powers repeatedly came here to battle out their differences. However, in times of peace and open borders, the battlefield of Europe was also the place where trade and industry was able to flourish.So, Belgium did not just bear witness to the clash of arms and human suffering at Waterloo, Passendale and Bastogne, but was also home to the commercial glory of Brugges and Antwerp and the remarkable worldwide expansion of businesses from the Walloon industrial basins.Nature saw to it that at the end of the 14th century the course of the Schelde had evolved in such a way that by the 16th century a modest port could develop into the most important trade centre to the north of the Alps. Antwerp is the furthest inland port in north west Europe and has the most active economic zone in Europe as its hinterland. Today, at the beginning of the 21st century, it is the fourth largest port in the world and the fastest growing port for container transport out of the entire Hamburg-Le Havre range. In addition to the sea ports of Antwerp, Zeebrugge and Ghent and the large European motorways, railways and waterways, Belgium developed an efficient transport network on its territory allowing it to take full advantage of its central location. As a result, Belgium was able to expand to become a distribution capital and a European bridge for business throughout the whole world.Sensible infrastructureBelgium has always invested a great deal in its transport infrastructure. It was the first country in Europe where trains were used and it quickly built up the densest railway network in the world. Transport on the waterways was optimalised by constructing inventive boat lifts such as those on the Canal du Centre which has since been recognised by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site. Over the years, the port of Antwerp acquired large dock yards and locks and currently has the largest lock in the world, the Berendrecht lock.Belgium is focusing its efforts in a bid to let transport run quickly and continuously further through the country. It has modern airports and quick connections with the high-speed train. As regards goods transport, the country wants to make full use of the advantages offered by combined transport. A number of container ports for inland shipping have recently been built and the port of Antwerp was expanded once again with a tidal container dock - the Deurganck dock - which allows ships to be dealt with even more quickly. The rail infrastructure in the port area and the connections to the port are been extended further.Economic changeBelgium initially owed a major part of its industrialisation and fast economic growth to the minerals present in the ground in the south of the country. The impetus for the country"s strong industrial development had already been provided before independence. So, as early as during the era of the United Kingdom of the Netherlands (1815-1830), when the countries currently known as Belgium and the Netherlands together formed one single country, the Société générale was established, which gradually developed into a powerful holding company that controlled a large part of the Belgian economy.The centre moves from Wallonia to FlandersCoal mining and heavy industry, which enabled Belgium to become the most industrialised country in Europe after Great Britain, lost their dominant status in the second half of the 20th century. The coal was located deep underground and mining was too expensive in the face of foreign competition. In the middle of the 20th century, Belgium still had 100,000 miners, in 1983 the last Walloon mine closed and 1992 marked the end of the last mine in Limburg. The steel industry also declined sharply during the same period as a result of the European Coal and Steel Community and the associated redevelopment of Europe"s steel sector. In Wallonia, which was the base of Belgium"s industrial development, large areas are still struggling with economic restructuring. The Walloon government recently launched a large-scale "Marshall plan" to boost the region"s economy.While all this was taking place, Flanders was moving up in the world. It owed this mainly to its favourable location and the port of Antwerp. The supply of oil and the investments from large foreign companies led to the expansion of the largest concentration of petrochemical activity in the world, after Houston.American companies also played an important role. After the war they started looking for cheaper product options and after the launch of the European Economic Community, they wanted to take advantage of the additional predicted growth. In Flanders, they found reliable workers who were considerably cheaper than the Walloons.Flanders was therefore able to catch up with Wallonia in industrial terms. Flanders" GDP, which only represented 44% of Belgian GDP in 1995, rose to 55% after the Golden Sixties.From industry to servicesDuring this period, Belgium, like other industrialised countries, made a large shift towards the tertiary sector. Currently, almost 75% of the workforce is employed in the services sector and just under 25% is employed in industry. Agriculture represents approximately 1%.The fact that industry"s share in the economy has declined (to approximately 20% of the value added) does not automatically mean that deindustrialisation will continue. In the last 10 years, industrial production has increased in volume almost as quickly as the Belgian economy as a whole. The decline in the share of industry in GDP can be attributed to higher productivity which has led prices to fall. Industry still accounts for 80% of Belgian exports.Belgian agriculture has developed into a highly competitive sector with one of the highest rates of productivity in Europe. In Flanders, the companies are on average 16.2 ha and mainly concentrate on pig farming and market gardening. In Wallonia, the companies are on average 38.2 ha and agriculture is more extensive. The focus here is on beef and dairy cattle and arable farming.The perfect "open economy"A densely populated but small country which is centrally located in one of the most economically active regions in the world has to have an open economy. In the early Middle Ages, products from what can now be referred to as "Belgian soil" were already being sold throughout what was then considered to be the whole world. Bruges, followed by Antwerp were places where traders and products from all over the world came together. It was Bruges that gave the world the "stock market" and in the 16th century, Antwerp started new financial techniques and loaned its capital the world"s major powers. At the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th century, Belgian industrialists, equipped with their machines, railways and large infrastructures, played an important role in developing and opening up large and small countries across the globe.The age-old openness of the Belgian economy has increased in recent decades. As a result of the significant proportion of international trade in GDP and the substantial income from foreign investment, the country has been called "the perfect example of an open economy".The average value of export and import of goods as a percentage of GDP equates to almost 83%, which is the highest percentage out of all the 25 countries in the European Union. Belgium also holds first place for the percentage of GDP accounted for by foreign direct investment.Belgium: the largest exporterBelgium, which accounts for less than 0,2% of the world population and has a market share of 3,4% of exports and 3% of imports, is ranked tenth for international trade in goods. As regards international trade in services, Belgium has a market share of 3,6% and is ranked eighth.Approximately 20% of Belgians exports is comprised of consumer goods. Intermediate goods account for about 60%. These are mainly machines and equipment, accounting for over 28% of exports, and chemical and allied products accounting for almost 22%.It can also be seen from export figures that Belgium is a country which assembles cars. Approximately 95% of the 900,000 cars manufactured by Volvo, Opel, Volkswagen and Ford in Belgium are exported. They account for almost 15% of Belgian exports. Plastics account for over 3%, pharmaceutical products and organic chemical products represent about 5% each. Metals (iron and steel, non ferrous metals and processed metal products) make up over 4% and food stuffs constitute almost 9%.Belgium is the world"s largest exporter of diamonds and carpets and is the second largest exporter of plant fibres, chocolate and margarine. It is the world number three for glass exports and ranks fourth for the export of eggs, non alcoholic drinks and cars.Belgium is the world leader in terms of export per capita and can justifiably call itself the "world"s largest exporter".The European dimensionBelgium"s position in the international economy and the fact that the country is able to make such good use of its economic advantages is in large part thanks to the position it occupies in the unified European market.Export to its "natural partners" and the other EU countries (15 Member States) accounts for approximately 75% of Belgium"s total exports. Out of this 75%, 65% goes to the euro zone and 11% to the other EU countries. The European countries outside EU-15 account for 7%. (The 10 new EU Member States accounted for almost 3% of export in 2003 i.e. before their accession). Asia represents over 9% and the US about 5%. The importance of the European dimension is clear from the fact that half of the goods that are processed in the port of Antwerp come from or are destined for other European countries.There is also the economic effect of the presence of the European and other international organisations. The European organisations account, directly and indirectly, for almost one tenth of the jobs in the Brussels Capital Region. The international organisations and their employees inject a large amount of money into the Belgian economy through their spending. Belgium does therefore not need to be convinced of the benefit of European integration and is eagerly helping to pave the way forward. In the past, Belgian politicians have often played a key role in mapping out the path for European construction and in redefining common policy. As an exporting country, Belgium was also a major partisan of the introduction of the common European currency - the euro. The National Bank of Belgium forms part of the European System of Central Banks and, as such, is involved in defining and implementing monetary policy in the euro zone.Of course, the liberalisation of the European market did not just provide greater potential for Belgian products, but also increased the likelihood of fierce competition. Belgium has maintained its position and managed to remain competitive, mainly by boosting the productivity of its companies and workers. In Belgian industry, a worker currently produces on average twice as much as a worker in 1980.The Belgian worker: an important assetThe high productivity of Belgian workers plays a vital role in the good performance of the Belgian economy.Belgian labour productivity is amongst the highest in the world. Only the US (and the exceptional case of Luxembourg) are ahead of Belgium in the most relevant category (GDP per worker). Belgium is ranked third for productivity per hour worked. In fact, Belgium always features amongst the best regardless of the way in which the quality of workers is measured. Labour productivity is particularly high in industry, construction and finance. Belgian workers also have the lowest rate of absenteeism in the EU.One of the most important factors after the high level of productivity is the high quality of the Belgian education system which can be seen from international comparative studies, such as the PISA study conducted by the OECD. Approximately one third of people aged between 18 and 24 are in higher education, which is the highest figure in the EU. Two Belgian universities feature in the list of the top 10 best universities in the world (outside the US) compiled by American scientists.A special kind of SME countryIn structural terms, the Belgian business world consists of a series of large companies and a very high number of SMEs. Some Belgian companies employ thousands of people worldwide and the Stella Artois Brewery in Leuven was able to expand into Inbev, the largest brewery group in the world. However, the majority of the large companies belong to foreign groups. Recently, foreign shareholders took over the control of some important Belgian companies
2023-01-03 20:09:021


GODIVA和LEONIDAS中档一点的就大象牌cote d"or 在中国也很出名.当然, 最好的巧克力不是这些牌子的. 是小店的.
2023-01-03 20:09:082


2023-01-03 20:09:173