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2023-07-18 04:34:59
TAG: 英语

French goodbye 是一个俚语,意思是不辞而别。

原谅我的不辞而别就可以说 Please fogive my French goodbye.


leave without saying good-bye


go(went) without a word.


leave without a word

leave without saying a word


French leave 为什么是“不辞而别”的意思

“french leave”为何意思是“不辞而别”? 有些人会问到,难道那是一种风俗吗? 其实。那不是一种法国的风俗习惯,只是在18世纪,法国人性格随便, 性情浪漫,在参加宴会等一切社交聚会时,养成了不向主人告别就擅自 离去的习惯。而守规矩的英国人看不惯法国人这种行为,把法国人发明 的不打招呼就擅自离开的行为叫做“法国式离开”(French leave), 泛指“悄然而去、溜之大吉”,是贬义词。当然我们都知道法国人是以 礼貌和教养著称,以前英文还称其为French fare。因此法国人一听到 这种没有礼貌的行径竟是挂他们的名字,自然感到咽不下这口气。于是 他们也不甘示弱在法文中搞出一个同义词叫filer(s"en aller) a l"anglasie" (亦即是 take English leave)。 下面一些题外话,也说明...
2023-07-18 00:28:053

French leave 的中文意思?

French leave 不辞而别。原来在十七、十八世纪时,法国盛行一种风俗习惯,即参加宴会的客人不向主人告别即自行离去。后来泛指各种未经许可或不事先通知的擅自行动。有趣的是,在法语中也有一条类似成语Filer a I"anglaise,它的英译为to go off in English style(英国式告别),也是不告而别的意思。
2023-07-18 00:28:141

French leave 为什么是“不辞而别”的意思

2023-07-18 00:28:292

French leave为什么是不告而别

2023-07-18 00:28:361

to take french leave典故

18世纪的时候,法国社会上的宴会或晚宴是有流行这种不告而别的风气的,故有"take French leave"这一说法。只是现在的法国人不承认有此风俗,说始作俑者是英国人才对。看来每个国家或地区都乐于把某种糟糕和令人厌恶的行为方式归咎于其他的国家或地区。简介关于“爱尔兰式告别”这个表达的来源,没有一个明确的说法。有人说这个短语来源于1845-1852年爱尔兰大饥荒时期,很多爱尔兰人从家乡逃到美国。当时,两国的距离和科技手段意味着一旦去了美国,他们就是永远离开,不会再有机会跟家乡的亲人和朋友联络。这种告别是突然又决然的。
2023-07-18 00:28:441


leave outleave aloneleave for
2023-07-18 00:29:022

关于 请假的几种翻译 谢谢

1.两个句子都能表示请假的意思,但有细微的不同。第一个句子意思是“请个假”,leave是抽象名词,第二个句子意思是明确的请“一天”假。 其他说法:Could you kindly excuse my absence on Monday and Tuesday? Thanks。 I should very much like to have a leave of three days, beginning on May 15. I hope that my request will be given due consideration.2.第一个句子不地道了,第二个很准确。one day就是明确地指明了天数。3.同2 请假应当把请假的原因和时间说清楚,用确切数字。 hour"s off / one week"s leave / ask for sick leave of three days5.How many days can you be off this month?
2023-07-18 00:29:103


Leave without saying good bye.
2023-07-18 00:29:252


《高中英语语法-英语中有趣的“复合词”》由出国留学我精心为您学习英语准备。本内容整理时间为05月12日,如有任何问题请联系我们。 英语中有趣的“复合词” American cloth 做台布用的彩色防水布 American plan 美国式收费制(一套旅馆经营制度,按天向客人收取固定的膳宿费用) British warm 英国军官穿的双排钮扣的短大衣 Dutch comfort 退一步着想而得到的安慰 Dutch courage 酒后之勇,一时的虚勇 Dutch door 上下两部分可各自分别开关的门 Dutch treat 各人自己付钱的聚餐或娱乐 Dutch uncle 动辄训人的人,唠里唠叨训人的人 Dutch wife 热带人用来减轻暑热的用竹或藤等编的长筒抱枕 French leave 不辞而别 French dressing 一种由橄榄油,醋、盐,香料等制成的生菜调味品 French grey 浅灰色 French window 落地长窗 German measles 风疹 German shepherd 德国牧羊犬,阿尔萨斯狼犬 Indian meal 玉米粉 Indian summer 小阳春(深秋季节里一段风和日丽的时期);愉快宁静的晚年 Indian weed 烟草 Italian hand 暗中干预 Italian iron 圆筒形熨斗 Russian blue 蓝灰色,浅蓝色 Russian boot 长统靴 Russian dressing 加辣酱油的蛋黄酱(一种色拉佐料) Spanish athlete 吹牛的人 Turkish delight 土耳其软糖 China aster 翠菊 China grass 芒麻 China ink 墨 China plate 好友 China rose 月季 China stone 做瓷器的矿物 Chinese calendar 农历 Chinese copy 与原物一模一样的复制品 Chinese lantern 灯笼 Chinese puzzle 难答之事,难解之谜 Chinese red 朱红色 Chinese Wall 长城 Chinese watermelon 冬瓜 《高中英语语法-英语中有趣的“复合词”》由出国留学我精心为您学习英语准备
2023-07-18 00:30:061

在...左边 用英语怎么说

on the self.
2023-07-18 00:30:1610


反义词有:left 或者 wrong你好,本题已解答,如果满意请点右下角“采纳答案”。
2023-07-18 00:30:575

问pardon my french

Pardon my french又可说成Excuse my french 其实这里french是代表profanity(亵渎,或不敬的话),所以,Pardon my french,即”愿谅我说不敬的话(粗鄙的话当然也是不敬的话),只于为何用French,这是因为法文是诺曼民族所说的话(诺曼人曾于1066打败英国),而法文被英国人视为粗鄙的语言,所以就有此意。 其实英国人不时扁低其他民族,所以其谚语有 To take French leave(to leave one"s duties without permission:即偷偷摸摸溜走) To have Dutch treat.(即各自付账) 又如:Dutch courage(即借酒壮胆) 但法国人也反击英国,也创造一句”s"en aller l"anglaise的说法,即to leave in English fashion. 希望帮到你! 2009-03-23 22:48:04 补充: 当然pardon my french是谚语,所以有一定的用法,因此”你们粗鲁”并不能说成”you folks are frence”
2023-07-18 00:31:251


2023-07-18 00:31:332


  随着人类社会的快速发展,英语在不同国家的地理环境里和社会政治、经济、 文化 影响下发展状况自然不尽相同甚至产生了很大的变化。下文是我为大家整理的关于本科英文论文的 范文 ,欢迎大家阅读参考!   本科英文论文篇1   浅谈英汉文化差异和习语翻译   摘 要:一个民族的语言和文化相互依存、密不可分, 而习语作为语言精华更是承载了极其丰富的文化内涵,充满了人类文化活动痕迹,沉积了浓厚的民族文化。因为自然环境、历史渊源、宗教、文化、风俗民情等方面的差异,习语也就承载了不同的民族文化特色和文化信息,所以英汉习语的翻译常常会遇到许多困难。译者应遵循一定的翻译原则,找到适当的翻译 方法 ,保留原有独特味道,又使读者明确其表达意义。   关键词:文化 习语 差异 翻译方法   习语与本民族的社会风俗、历史和文化一脉相连。一个民族的价值观念、传统观念、 思维方式 都得以在其习语中反映出来。英汉两种语言历史悠长久远,其中更是包含了大量习语,它们活灵活现,典雅含蓄给人不同感受。然而不了解语言中的社会文化,就无法真正掌握语言,更不用说准确翻译。   一、习语的含义及来源   1.1习语的含义   习语是语言在使用过程中形成的独特而固定的表达方式。习语是固定的惯用 短语 ,包括 成语 、俗语、 谚语 等。习语即是语言中重要修辞手段,同时他们本身也是各种修辞手段的集中体现。习语大多以比喻为衬托,具有鲜明的形象性和浓重的民族色彩,其寓意丰富,联想翩翩,经常用在文艺作品中,在政论 文章 中与常见到。   1.2习语的来历   首先,自然环境影响着民族文化的形成和发展。我们的祖先居住在亚洲东北部北温带,平原辽阔,气候温和,逐渐形成自给自足的农业经济,并且相信人和自然能够和谐相处,因此与土地和农业有关的习语也就很多。如Every potter praises his pot. 指“王婆卖瓜,自卖自夸”、 “ 大雪 兆丰年”、 “苗要好,虫除早”等。而英国因为是个岛国,其渔业和航海业有着举足轻重的地位,但常年受天气影响。大量自然有关的习语便形成了。如in deep water 比喻“陷入困境”; spend money like water 比喻“花钱如流水”; to miss the boat 比喻“错失良机”。   其次,习语源自寓言、神话 传说 。古希腊传说和 故事 对英语有着深远影响,许多习语源于其中并得以广泛使用。如希腊寓言中kill the goose to get the eggs,讲述一个乡下人,急于发财杀死了一只能够下金蛋的鹅,认为这样就能一次获得想象中全部金子,最终一无所获;十七世纪英国因为没有排水口,一旦下起暴雨来街道就会水流成河,许多无家可归的流浪猫狗因为淹死而漂浮在水中,居民以为这些尸体是从天而降,从此to rain cats and dogs 就表示“下倾盆大雨”。   再次,文学作品与历史 典故 也是产生习语重要来源之一。“刻舟求剑”出自《吕氏春秋?察今》。Talk of the devil and he comes. “说曹操,曹操就到”出自中国古典名著《三国演义》。再如be seized with imaginary fears表示“风声鹤唳”。Life is but an empty dream. “人生如梦”,源于美国诗人Longfellow的诗文。The Heel of Achilles直译是“阿基里斯的脚踵”,常用来表示“致命弱点”。   最后,宗教亦是习语的重要来源之一。Donu2019t you see the writing on the wall? 难道你没有看出大难临头了吗?其中writing on the wall意为“不详之兆”,出自《旧约全书》。   二、英汉习语文化差异   2.1风俗习惯差异   在中国人传统观念中,狗是一种卑微的动物。常常用来比喻恶行,含有贬义。如“狗仗人势”、“狼心狗肺”、“狗嘴里吐不出象牙”等,如lead a dogu2019s life表示“过着猪狗不如的生活”。在西方英语国家中,则常常视狗为伴侣,认为狗是忠实、聪敏的象征,常用狗比喻人的行为。如love me, love my dog“爱屋及乌”;You are a lucky dog.“你是一个幸运儿”; Every dog has his day.“凡人皆有得意日”;as faithful as a dog用来表示“忠诚”。   自古以来,龙在中国人心中就是象征着吉祥的一种瑞兽,古代多以龙代表天子以及权威。在汉语习语中龙一般表示褒义。如“望子成龙”、“龙腾虎跃”、“龙凤呈祥”、“乘龙快婿”等。但是在西方神话中的“dragon”,多是一种长着翅膀和利爪,拖着一根长长的蛇尾,带着满身鳞片并口吐烈火的猛兽。西方人认为龙凶残暴虐,让人感觉恐怖,多用来形容凶悍的人,含有贬义。   由于习惯不同,不同颜色在中英文中便有了不同的文化内涵。比如红色,在中国人的传统观念中,红色象征着温暖、喜庆、吉利,过年的时候会贴红 对联 、送红包,而对别人表示祝福的习语有“红红火火”、“走红运”。但在英语国家中,红色多和灾难、激进、暴力、危险、流血等坏事联系在一起,如on red alert就表示“处于紧急戒备状态”;catch someone red-handed原意指抓到杀人凶手的时候罪犯手上还带有血迹,现比喻“做坏事被当场抓住”。   2.2宗教信仰差异   宗教是人类思想文化组成的重要部分,宗教习语中往往带有浓厚的宗教文化特色。中国人信奉佛教和道教,而英语国家多数信奉____。这使得习语在汉英文化中有着各自的色彩。在汉语中与佛教有关的习语有很多,如“三生有幸”、“ 放下屠刀,立地成佛”、“一尘不染”、“临时抱佛脚”、“六根清净”等等。道教中的习语有:“一人得道鸡犬升天”、 “福兮祸所伏,祸兮福所倚”、“ 道高一尺,魔高一丈”、“灵丹妙药”等。《圣经》在基督____有重要地位,因此大量习语都与之有关。例如Judas kiss“犹大之吻”;eye for eye, tooth for tooth “牙还牙,以眼还眼”,出自《旧约?出埃及记》;make bricks without straw形容“根本做不到的事”;ask for bread and be given a stone直译为想要面包,反而给石头,比喻“得非所求”。God在西方人的心中无所不能,与其有关的习语也有很多。如God helps those who help themselves.“天助自助者”; God sends fortune to fools.“傻人有傻福”; God damn you.则表示诅咒一个人。   死亡对于人类是个可怕又神秘的字眼,为了消除人类对死亡的焦虑和恐惧,各宗教都对死亡作出了解释,对死后的世界进行了描述。中国的佛教称其为“圆寂”、“归真”、“成佛”、“坐化”等等。道教追求得道成仙,对于死亡的描述有如“仙逝”、“羽化”、“得道”、“回光返照”等。____中认为人是上帝用泥照自己的样子捏出来的,有to return to dust/earth一说,意思是人最终会回归尘土,用以来表达死亡。to be called to God“应上帝之召”。再如to join the angelic choirs“与天使同在”都是以一种积极的态度来表示死亡。   2.3自然环境差异   中西方地理环境迥异,中英文中便存在着大量与地理环境有关的习语。英国地处西半球,中国地处东半球,对于风的态度他们与中国人不同,我们所说的eastwind“东风”是温暖的春风,然而在英国eastwind是寒冷的风,让人感到不舒服,因此biting eastwind就指“刺骨东风”。对英国人来说west wind才是春天里温暖而又和煦的风,英国诗人雪莱就著有闻名世界的Ode to the West Wind《西风颂》。在中国热对于东风还有不同喻意。如All is ready except for the east wind.“万事俱备只欠东风”。   英国是一个岛国,因此其渔业十分发达,英语中与航海有关的习语数不胜数。如:a drop in the ocean“沧海一粟”、keep oneu2019s head above water“奋力图存” 、in deep water“陷入严重困境”、 as weak as water “弱不禁风”。中国土地广袤肥沃,多名山大川,与农业和山有关的习语有很多。如“开门见山”、 “留得青山在,不愁没柴烧”、“瑞雪兆丰年”、“捡了芝麻,丢了西瓜”等。   因为地域不同,语言就会存在明显差异。汉语中有“不到长城非好汉”、“有眼不识泰山”、“不到黄河心不死”等。英语则有All roads lead to Rome.“条条大路通罗马”、Take a French leave.“不辞而别”、Carry Coals to Newcastle.直译为把煤送到纽卡斯尔,因为纽卡斯尔盛产煤,因此喻意为“多此一举”等等。   2.4历史典故差异   中英两个国家都有着悠久历史和深厚文化积淀,两种语言中有着大量由历史典故而来的习语。如英文中swang song“绝唱”;castle in the air“空中楼阁”源于神话传说;a Pandorau2019s box“潘多拉之盒”; catu2019s paw源自《伊索寓言》比喻“受人愚弄的人”; meet oneu2019s waterloo源自拿破仑滑铁卢兵败,比喻“一败涂地”。汉语中有 “名落孙山”、“ 完璧归赵” 、“四面楚歌”、“拔苗助长”、 “卧薪尝胆”等等。   三、英汉习语互译主要方法   3.1直译法   英语中有些习语和汉语的表达方法完全或基本相同,这个时候照译即可。如as easy as turning oneu2019s hand“易如反掌”; as busy as a bee“像蜜蜂一样忙”; Love money as one love oneu2019s life.“爱财如命”; sharpen oneu2019s spear only before going into battle“临阵磨枪”; New wine in old bottles.“旧瓶装新酒”; draw water in a bamboo basket“竹篮打水一场空”; The cat weeps over the mouse.“猫哭耗子”; a stone dropped into the sea“石沉大海”;golden age “黄金时代”; as clear as crystal直译为“清澈如水晶”; as proud as a peacock “像孔雀一样骄傲”。   3.2意译法   由于文化差异有些习语不能够直译,读者对其原本形象不够了解,这个时候可保留原文意思而丢弃其原文形象和修辞,避开原有文化背景,采用意译法。例如,to volunteer oneu2019s service“毛遂自荐”; A fish out of water.“很不自在”; You canu2019t achieve the goal without a risk.“不入虎穴,焉得虎子”; in a frantic rush“手忙脚乱”; run the source of supply “涸泽而渔”; trust to chance and stroke of luck“守株待兔”; keep oneu2019s nose down to the grindstone“埋头苦干”; what is done cannot be undone“覆水难收”。   3.3增补法   有时根据读者需要,翻译时为了使译文更加明确易懂,文字更加通达,会结合上下文需要和原文内涵,增添原文字面上本没有但是意思上包含的词汇。例如,a bull in a china shop“公牛闯进瓷器店──肆意捣乱/一动就闯祸”; to shed crocodile tears“流鳄鱼眼泪──假慈悲”; Judas kiss “犹大之吻,背叛行为”; 盲人瞎马“A blind man on a blind horse―rushing headlong to disaster.”; preparation may quicken the process “磨刀不误砍柴工”。 Pandorau2019s box“潘多拉的盒子,灾难根源”。   四、结束语   总而言之,习语被人们频繁地使用,它生动形象,是一个民族语言的精华。习语有着本民族的文化色彩,传达本族文化信息,不同民族文化有一定文化差异,因此习语的翻译比较困难。但是根据不同方法,灵活处理形式和内容的关系就可使译文再现原文之美,更好促进文化交流和传播文化知识,帮助人类沟通思想感情。   参考文献:   [1]方楚之.英汉翻译基础教程[J].北京:中国对外翻译出版公司,2005.   [2]宋天锡.翻译新概念:英汉互译实用教程[J].北京:国防工业出版社,2005.   [3]刘重德.英汉语比较与翻译[J].青岛出版社,1988.   [4]王德军等.实用英汉翻译教程[J].北京:国防工业出版社,2007.   本科英文论文篇2   美国英语与英国英语差异浅析   【摘要】 “英国英语”在美国特有的地理环境里受美国历史文化的影响,随着国家的兴盛发达和其在国际社会中政治地位的迅速提高渐渐产生地区性的变异,形成了“美国英语”。两者在不同国家的地理环境里和社会政治、经济、文化长期影响下,发展状况自然不尽相同、甚至产生了很大的差异。   【关键词】 美国英语 英国 英语 差异   美国独立300多年后的今天,很多美国人(包括那些根本没有英国人血统的)仍把英国英语当作自己的母语――事实上,英国英语确可称为一切英语的基础;但随着人类社会的快速发展,英语在不同国家的地理环境里和社会政治、经济、文化影响下发展状况自然不尽相同甚至产生了很大的变化。因此,英美国英语虽然同根但它们分别在一个历史较短而又较开放的多民族移民国家和一个有着1500多年的相对闭塞的岛国发展了约400年后自然会产生或多或少的不同。总的说来,美国英语简单适用,同时词意丰富具有幽默感和独创性;英国英语纯正、规范。两者具体差别体现在以下几个方面:   (一)语法方面   美国英语起源于17世纪已进入早期现代英语的英国英语,当代语法在那时已趋稳定。近400年来美国英语与英国英语虽因隔着大西洋而各自在水一方,但由于语法属于语言内在要素,基本上不受外在的自然地理、社会环境变化的影响,语音的语法体系也就不会在短时期内产生多大的差异;另一方面,现代化的交通工具和传播工具为英美两地人民之间的沟通交流创造了可能,使两者之间少许的语法差异逐渐淡化。因而准确地说,英美国英语在语法上并不存在本质差异,只是一些语法形式在两者的使用中频率有高低之分,并无明显规律。常见情况如下:1. 在动词使用上,英美两地人在使用动词have时会出现少许不同。美国人说:Do you have a pen ? 而英国人往往说:Have you got a pen? 还有一些动词,如burn,dream, learn, smell, spell, spill 和spoil的过去式、过去分词形式在美国英语中都是规则的,而在英国英语中这些动词更常被用作不规则动词;与此同时,也有些动词如fit,quit,wet,dive等在英国英语中都是规则的,而在美国英语中这些动词更常被用作不规则动词。此外,must 一词在美国英语中都可用于肯定的推测,但 must not 表否定推测只见于美国英语且不可缩写成mustu2019t 而英国人一般用canu2019t或 can not;又如used to, dare, need 既可作实义动词也可用作情态动词,但美国人喜欢把它们用作实义动词,英国人却更愿意把它们用作助动词。2. 在代词使用上,英国人用oneu2019s而美国人有时用his 指代不同性别。   (二)词汇方面   提到英美国英语词汇差异,不同的人对此认识差别很大。其实,英美国英语既然属于同一语言,它们用于表示与人们生活密切相关的基本词汇当然是相同的,英美国英语并不存在各自独立的词汇系统。尽管如此,这两者由于所服务的对象不同而产生的差异自然而然地体现在了语言的基本组成单位――词汇上。其中差异主要表现在同词异义,同义异词和特有词三种形式上:如,表达同样的意思“人行道”美国人用sidewalk 而英国人却用pavement; 有时,同一单词或词组在英美国英语意义却大相径庭,如 wash up 美国人取“洗手”之义而英国人用它表达“洗碟子”的意思。独有词属一国特有词汇,它用于表现一个国家社会政治、生活、文化等鲜明特征。既然英美两国已各自独立发展了近400年,它们的语言自然会带上其政治、经济、文化、生活的烙印。如filibuster 一词只在美语中使用,用来指美国国会中的故意拖延议事现象。   (三)拼写方面   美国人注重实效。在他们看来语言既然是为人类服务的交际工具就应该便于人们使用,因此在美国英语的发展过程中在拼写方面也出现过类似我国简化汉字的运动以求得拼写形式与发音相一致,从而使他们所使用的语言比原先更简单也更实用。这项运动取得一定程度的成功使得美语中一些单词中不发音的某些字母被删除,这也正是造成英美国英语拼写差异的最重要的原因之一。这个差异归纳起来主要有以下几种:1. 在美国英语中词尾为l但不是重读音节的动词分词形式不双写l,如travel, signal, dial, equal等,而在英国英语中却并非如此。2. 许多在美国英语中以ze结尾的动词如realize, organize, analyze, civilize, memorize, recognize等在英国英语却往往被拼作se. 3. 还有几组在美国英语中拼写形式被根据发音规则简化了的常见单词,如本以our结尾的单词labour, favour, honour, colour, 在美国英语中都简化成了以or 结尾;原先拼作centre, theatre的单词在美国英语中也被变了形,成了音形一致的拼法er. 4. 更有简化得更彻底的一些单词如catalogue, dialogue, analogue, gramme, programme, kilogramme等在美国英语都被去掉了不发音的字母成了 catalog, dialog, analog, gram, program,kilogram.   (四)发音方面   英国语言学家P.strevens曾在其书中指出英美国英语上的发音差异要比两者之间的语法差异有规律得多。这就是等于告诉我们:英美国英语之间的最大的差别在于发音。美国英语发音具有不同于英国英语的两大特点:一是在vast, cast, last, laugh 一类词中英国英语发的/a:/音美国人却发成/ ?/;二是在英国英语中元音后的r不发音而在美国英语中只要拼写中出现字母r 就发音,这也正是卷舌音“ r ”能成为美音最为明显的特征的原因。这两个发音特点正好体现了美国英语守旧的一面,因为它们真实地再现了伊利莎白时代这两类词的发音。概括地说,美国英语发音的一个最基本的特点也是优点就是发音与拼写的高度一致性,也正因为这个原因,越来越多的 英语学习 者更愿意接受美国英语。   参考文献   [1] 侯维瑞.英国英语和美国英语.1990年7月.   [2] 英语的发展和英美语的比较.1995年1月.   [3] R.穆斯曼.美国背景 (Background to the USA).世界图书出版社(北京);1995,2.   [4] R.穆斯曼.英语国家背景(Background to English-speakingcountries ).世界图书出版社(北京);1995,2 .
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At twenty years of age , the will reigns; at thirty , the wit ; and at forty , the judgment .(Benjamin Franklin ,American president) 二十岁时起支配作用的是意志,三十岁时是机智,四十岁时是判断。(美国总统 富兰克林 . B.) Do you love life ? Then do not squander time ; for that"s the stuff5 life is made of .(Benjamin Franklin , American president ) 你热爱生命吗?那么,别浪费时间,因为生命是由时间组成的。(美国总统 富兰克林. B.) Each moment in history is a fleeting time , precious and unique .(Richard Nixon , American president ) 历史巨轮飞转,分分秒秒的时间都十分宝贵,也独具意义。(美国总统 尼克松. R.) Fish and visitors smell three days .( Franklin Benjamin , American president ) 鱼放三天发臭,客住三天讨嫌。 (美国总统 富兰克林. B.) I am a slow walker , but I never walk backwards .(Abraham Lincoln , American president) 我走得很慢,但是我从来不会后退。 (美国总统 林肯. A.) If you want to understand today , you have to search yesterday .(Pearl Buck , American female writer ) 想要懂得今天,就必须研究昨天。(美国女作家 赛珍珠) In delay there lies no plenty , Then come kiss me , sweet and twenty , Youth"s a stuff that will not endure . (William Shakespeare , British dramatist) 迁延蹉跎,来日无多,二十丽姝,请来吻我,衰草枯杨,青春易过。(英国剧作家 莎士比亚. W.) Never leave that until tomorrow , which you can do today . (Benjamin Franklin , American president ) 今天的事不要拖到明天。 (美国总统 富兰克林. B. ) Ordinary people merely think how they shall spend their time ; a man of talent tries to use it . (Arthur Schopenhauer , German philosopher ) 普通人只想到如何度过时间,有才能的人设法利用时间。(德国哲学家 叔本华. A. ) The golden age is before us , not behind us . (Mark Twain , American writer ) 黄金时代在我们面前而不在我们背后。( 美国作家 马克·吐温) The time of life is short ; to spend that shortness basely, it would be too long . (William Shakespeare , British dramatist ) 人生苦短,若虚度年华,则短暂的人生就太长了。(英国剧作家 莎士比亚. W.) Time is money .( Benjamin Franklin , American president) 时间就是金钱。(美国总统 富兰克林. B.) To choose time is to save time .( Francis Bacon , British philosopher ) 合理安排时间就是节约时间 。( 英国哲学家 培根. F.) We always have time enough , if we will but use it aright. (Johan Wolfgang von Goethe , German poet ) 只要我们能善用时间,就永远不愁时间不够用。(德国诗人歌德. J.W.) Weep no more , no sigh , nor groan. Sorrow calls no time that"s gone.(John Fletcher , British dramatist ) 别哭泣,别叹息,别呻吟;悲伤唤不回流逝的时光。(英国剧作家 弗莱沏. J.) 康HEALTH A light heart lives long .( William Shakespeare , British dramatist ) 豁达者长寿。 (英国剧作家 莎士比亚. W.) Early to bed and early to rise , makes a man healthy , wealthy and wise .(Benjamin Franklin , American president ) 早睡早起会使人健康、富有和聪明。 (美国总统 富兰克林. B.) Sloth , like rust , consumes faster than labor wears .(Benjamin Franklin , American president) 懒惰像生锈一样,比操劳更能消耗身体。 (美国总统 富兰克林. B.) The first wealth is health .( Ralph Waldo Emerson , American thinker ) 健康是人生第一财富。 (美国思想家 爱默生. R. W.) 福HAPPINESS A lifetime of happiness ! No man alive could bear it ; it would be hell on earth .(G. Bernard Shaw ,British dramatist ) 终身幸福!这是任何活着的人都无法忍受的,那将是人间地狱。(英国剧作家 肖伯纳. G.) Happiness is form courage .( H. Jackson , British writer ) 幸福是勇气的一种形式。 (英国作家 杰克逊. H.) Happy is the man who is living by his hobby . (G. Bernard Shaw , British dramatist ) 醉心于某种癖好的人是幸福的。 (英国剧作家 肖伯纳. G .) Happiness lies not in the mere possession of money ; it lies in the joy of achievement , in the thrill of creative effort .(Franklin Roosevelt , American president ) 幸福不在于拥有金钱,而在于获得成就时的喜悦以及产生创造力的激情。(美国总统 罗斯福. F.) Human felicity is produced not so much by great pieces of good fortune that seldom happen , as by little advantages that occur every day .( Benjamin Franklin ,American president). 与其说人类的幸福来自偶尔发生的鸿运,不如说来自每天都有的小实惠。(美国总统 富兰克林. B.) Most folks are about as happy as they make up their minds to be .(Abraham Lincoln ,American president ) 对于大多数人来说,他们认定自己有多幸福,就有多幸福。(美国总统 林肯. A.) The secret of being miserable is to have leisure to bother about whether you are happy or not . (George Bernard Shaw , British dramatist ) 痛苦的秘密在于有闲功夫担心自己是否幸福。 (英国剧作家 肖伯纳 . G .) The supreme happiness of life is the conviction that we are loved .( Victor Hugo , French novelist ) 生活中最大的幸福是坚信有人爱我们。( 法国小说家 雨果. V .) There is no paradise on earth equal to the union of love and innocence .(Jean Jacques Rousseau, French thinker ) 人间最大的幸福莫如既有爱情又清白无暇。( 法国思想家 卢梭. J . J. ) To really understand a man we must judge him in misfortune .(Bonaparte Napoleon , French emperor ) 要真正了解一个人,需在不幸中考察他。 (法国皇帝 拿破仑. B .) We have no more right to consume happiness without producing it than to consume wealth without producing it . (George Bernard Shaw , British dramatist) 正像我们无权只享受财富而不创造财富一样,我们也无权只享受幸福而不创造幸福。 (英国剧作家 肖伯纳. G. )
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2023-07-18 00:33:054

英语期中复习资料 要英语(新目标)GO FOR IT 八年级 上册的

2023-07-18 00:33:1410


Festival, Holiday & Vacation "Holiday"isaverypopulartopic.在学英语的过程中经常会谈这个话题,不同的国家有不同的节日、不同的习惯和不同的文化,谈论各自的Festival、聊聊怎么度过Holiday成了不同文化背景的人打开话匣子的好主题。单独说这三个词的意思,很容易定义:Festival是“节日,比如theSpringFestival(春节)。Holiday为“假日,休息日”,主要指按风俗习惯或法律规定的纪念日及休息日。其复数形式可表示延续一段时间的“假期”,美式英语中则习惯用单数。theChristmasholidays(圣诞节假期),theschoolholiday(学校的假期)。Vacation为“假期”,指放下工作与学习的一段常时间的休息时间,常可用holidays替换。如apaidvacation(带薪假期),thewintervacation/holidays(寒假),thesummervacation/holidays(暑假)。holiday是指“节假日”。较短的节假日一般用单数,较长的节假日单复数均可。在英国英语中表示“假期”时,vacation同holiday,但在美国英语中,vacation多指大学假期,且一般不用复数形式。 Sunday is a holiday. The summer holidays begin. They had a five day"s holiday. They had a five-day holiday. They had a holiday of five days. 搭配一:for holiday 度假 A French student went to London for his holiday. 搭配二:on holiday 正在休假 She is on holiday in France. [注意]表示放多少天假时,只能用 “a holiday of … days”, “…days" holiday”或 “…day holiday”. This summer we have 50 days" holidays. This summer we have a holiday of 50 (days). 搭配三:have/take/spend a holiday 度假 I spent my holiday in the village. 搭配四:summer vacation 暑假 搭配五:sick leave病假 [注意] leave多指军队等的假期,亦指病假。
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1.No pains,no gains.凡事不可半途而废!2.Do it now.机不可失,时不再来!3.Do nothing by halves.一分耕耘,一分收获!4.Every man has his faults.金无足赤,人无完人!5.Don"t claim to know what you don"t know.不要不懂装懂!
2023-07-18 00:34:411


methods,doubt,percent,cause,problem,run out of,till now,three fifths,faster and faster,living area,a,b.
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2023-07-18 00:35:004

French leave为什么是不告而别

1. French leave: 不告而别French leave is "Leave of absence without permission or without announcing one"s departure", including leaving a party without bidding farewell to the host. The phrase was born at a time when the English and French cultures were heavily interlinked. (wikipedia)法国人都喜欢不告而别?并非如此,但是在18世纪,法国人性格随便,性情浪漫,在参加宴会等一切社交聚会时,养成了不向主人告别就擅自离去的习惯。 在《牛津字典》中的解释,to take French leave is to go away, or do anything, without permission or notice。所以我们把French leave 翻译成不告而别。有趣的是,英法两国的文化还真的有种争锋相对的味道,连语言也不例外。在法语中,同样有个短语filer à l"anglaise(take English leave)表达相同的概念。French leave 特别用于表达“擅离职守”的概念(the act of leisurely absence from a military unit),这同样与17-18世纪的英法战争史有关。
2023-07-18 00:35:271

法国式的告别:Take French Leave

你到朋友家作过客吗?你有没有过不告诉主人就离开的经历呢?有?那你可不太礼貌啊。不管有什么事,总得和主人说一声吧。不过,你也不必烦恼,因为很多人也这么做,英语中我们把这种行为叫take French leave.这句短语直译是“法国式的告别”,但这不是赚人眼泪的a tearful leave-taking,也不是徐志摩“再别康桥”式的潇洒别离。曾经看过有作家把它美化成情人之间的不告而别,美虽美,其实是误用。因为这个成语是贬义,指的是“擅离职守、或宴会上不礼貌的不辞而别”,一点都没有我们想像的罗曼蒂克。   那French何罪之有呢?难道法国人习惯不告而别?许多人认为法国人是以礼貌和教养著称,有时甚至到了矫揉造作的地步(以前英文还贬称其为French fare)。因此法国人一听到这种没有礼貌的行径竟是挂他们的名字,自然感到奇耻大辱,咽不下这口气。于是他们也不甘示弱在法文中搞出一个同义词叫filer (s"en aller) a l"anglasie“ (亦即是 take English leave),说英国人才真正是”擅离职守“一词的元凶。不过在18世纪的时候,法国社会上的宴会或晚宴是有流行这种不告而别的风气的,只是现在的法国人不承认有此风俗,说始作俑者是英国人才对。看来每个国家或地区都乐于把某种糟糕和令人厌恶的行为方式归咎于其他的国家或地区。
2023-07-18 00:35:341

为什么说:“take French leave"是擅自离开的意思?

18世纪的时候,法国社会上的宴会或晚宴是有流行这种不告而别的风气的,故有"take French leave"这一说法。只是现在的法国人不承认有此风俗,说始作俑者是英国人才对。看来每个国家或地区都乐于把某种糟糕和令人厌恶的行为方式归咎于其他的国家或地区求采纳
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B.take a French leave French leave 的意思是「不告而别」在17世纪时,如果有人在法国的社交活动中想提早离开,不需要一定要向主人告辞。而英国人对此种作法十分不认,因此便称为To take a French leave。
2023-07-18 00:35:517


英语歇后语及成语 Once bitten, twice shy.一朝被蛇咬,十年怕井绳。 One boy is a boy, two boys half a boy, three boys noboy. 一个和尚挑水喝,两个和尚抬水喝,三个和尚没水喝。 One eyewitness is better than ten hearsays.百闻不如一见。 One man"s fault is other man"s lesson.前车之 鉴。 One"s words reflect one"s thinking.言为心声. Out of office, out of danger.无官一身轻 Out of sight, out of mind.眼不见,心为静。 T (Where)There is a will ,there is a way. 有志者,事竞成 The on-lookers see most of games. 旁观者清 Tall trees catch much wind. 树大招风 The best sack before it be full. 适可而止 Three cobbers with their wits combined equal ZhuGeliang the master mind. 三个臭皮匠顶得上一个诸葛亮 The mantis stalks the cicida but behind them lurks the oriol. 螳螂捕蝉,黄雀在后 The weasel goes to pay respeap to the hen not with the best of intentions.=The weasel pays hen with evil intend. 黄鼠狼给鸡拜年----没安好心 This ShiMazhao tricks is obvious to every man in the street. 司马昭之心-----路人皆知 The Eight Fairies crossed the sea each displaying his own talent. 八仙过海,各显神通 The monk can run away but not the monastery. 跑了和尚跑不了庙 The burned child dreads the fire. 挨过烫的孩子怕火(一朝被蛇咬,十年怕井绳) The fox may grow grey ,but never good. 狐狸可以变老,但不会变好 There is no tree but bears some fruit. 无花不结果 There is no fire without some smoke. 无烟不起火 Time and tide wait for no man. 岁月不等人 Two eyes can see more than one. 两只眼睛总比一只眼睛看得清 Talking mends no holes. 空谈无济于事 (There is) no rose without a thorn. 没有不带刺的玫瑰 Take care of the pence and the pounds will take care of themselves. 小事留意,大事顺利 To see is to believe. 眼见为实 The early bird catches the worm. 早起的鸟儿有虫吃 To say is one thing and to do is another. 说归说,做归做 To mention the wolf"s name is to see the name . 谈虎色变 To save time is to lengthen life. 节省时间就是延长生命 To know everything is to know nothing. 大智若愚 To know oneself is true knowledge. 人贵自知 Take French leave. 不辞而别 To and fro. 来来往往 To pick and choose. 精挑细选 To end in a smoke. 终成泡影 To have one foot in the grave. 半身入土 To fish in the air. 水中捞月 To put all cards on the table. 高出一筹 Tow one"s heart one"s in right place. 好心好意 Tow one"s heart one"s in wrong place. 心术不正 Take—heart. 振作精神 Throw cold water on. 泼冷水 Turn a deaf. 充耳不闻 Throw oneself into sb"s arm. 投入某人的怀抱
2023-07-18 00:36:081

谁能用英文简述一下欧亨利的《The last leave> leafByO HenryThisstory is talk about the Sue get Pneumonia. Both Sue and Johnsy are the poorartists. One day, Sue gets Pneumonia and she feels very hopeless. She does notwant to continue live in the world and she think she will die when the lastleaf falls. The doctor find Johnsy and want Johnsy to save her. Behrman, agreat painter, after listening the story of Sue. He draw a piece of "neverwitherand fall" ivy leaf in heavy rain during the night. This paint let Sue toregain the will to live and think the life is full of hope. Unfortunately, Behrmanwas suffering from pneumonia and died.
2023-07-18 00:36:162


1.游客问讯用语 Where is the tourist information centre ? 请问旅游问讯处在哪里? Is there an airport bus to the city ? 这里有从机场去市中心的巴士吗 ? Where is the bus stop (taxi stand) ? 巴士车站在哪里 ? How much does it cost to the city centre by taxi ? 乘计程车到市中心需要多少钱 ? How can I get to Hilton hotel ? 去希尔顿酒店怎么走 ? May I have a city map ? 请给我一张市区地图? Can I reserve a hotel here ? 我可以在这里预订酒店吗 ? How much is it ? 多少钱 ? Keep the change, please 不用找钱了 Take me to this address, please 请拉我去这个地址 How long does it take to go to the city centre ? 到市中心需要多长时间? Stop here, please 请停下来。 What time does it leave ? 几点发车? Where can I get a ticket ? 在哪里卖票? Could you tell me when we get there ? 请问几点能够到达那里。 2.餐馆用语 Could you recommend a nice restaurant near here? 你能推荐附近的一个好点的餐馆吗? I"d like a restaurant not too expensive 我想找一个不是很贵的餐馆 I"d like a quiet restaurant. 我想要一个安静的餐馆 I"d like a restaurant with a cheerful atmosphere 我想要一个有着愉快气氛的餐馆 Could you recommend that kind of restaurant? 你能推荐几个餐馆吗? Where is main area for restaurants? 餐馆主要集中在什么地方? Is there a Chinese restaurant around here? 这附近有中国餐馆吗? Are there any inexpensive restaurants near here? 这附近有高档餐馆吗? Do you know of any restaurant open now? 你知道有现在开门的餐馆吗? I"d like to have some local food. 我想吃些当地食品 Where is the nearest Italian restaurant? 哪有最近的意大利餐馆 Do I need a reservation? 我需要预订吗? Could you make a reservation for me? 你能帮我预订一下吗? I"d like to reserve a table for three 我想订3人的桌子 We are a group of six 我们6个人一组 We"d like to have a table tighter 我们想并桌 We"ll come at eight o"clock 我们8点到 What time can we reserve a table? 什么时候我们可以订桌? How late is it open? 开门最晚到几点? How can I get there? 我怎么到那里 Hello. This is ABC restaurant. 你好,这里是ABC 餐馆 I"d like to reserve a table for two at seven tonight. 我想在7点订个2人桌 I am sorry. We have so many guests this evening. 很抱歉,今晚客人太多拉 How long is the wait? 需要等多长时间? We can wait till late hours 我们可以等的晚些 Nine o"clock should be ok 9点可以 Could we have a table on the garden? 我们可以要张在园子里的桌子吗? It"s ok. Your name, please 没问题,姓名? What do you have for today"s special? 你们今天有特价吗? Do you have a dress code? 你有衣服编号吗? Should I dress a coat and tie? 我需要系领带吗? Should the ladies wear formal dresses? 女士需要穿正式服装吗 No jeans, please 请不要穿牛仔裤 I"m sorry, but I want to cancel my reservation. 对不起,我要取消预订 Do you have a table for three? 你有3人的桌子吗? Can we have a table in the corner? 我们可以要张角落的桌子吗? I"d like a table by the window 我想要张靠窗的桌子 Please wait to be seated 请等候如座 Good evening. Do you have a table for two? 晚上好,有两人的桌子吗? Sure, this way, please 当然,这边请 Our tables are full now. Could you wait for a while? 我们坐满拉,请等一下 I guess we can offer a table in 30 minutes. 我想30分钟后会有空位 All right. We"ll wait 好,我们等会 May I have a menu, please? 我可以看看菜单吗? Do you have a menu in Chinese? 你有中文菜单吗? Would you like something to drink before dinner? 饭前想喝些什么吗? What kind of drinks do you have for aperitif? 想喝什么样的开胃酒? Do you have some local beer? 你有当地啤酒吗? May I have another one? 能给我另一个吗? May I see the wine list? 我可以看看酒单吗? May I order a glass of wine? 可以给我一杯葡萄酒吗? What kind of wine do you have? 你想要什么样的葡萄酒 I"d like to have some local wine. 我想要当地的葡萄酒 I"d like to have French red wine 我想要法国红酒 Could you recommend some good wine? 你能给我推荐些葡萄酒吗? May I order, please? 我可以订了吗? Can we have separate checks? 我们可以分开付帐吗? What is the specialty of the house? 有什么特别料理吗? Do you have today"s special? 有今天的特价吗 I"d like to have something special. 我想要一些特别的 Do you have local dishes? 你有当地菜吗? What do you recommend? 你有什么推荐? Do you have anything ready quickly? 有没有快点的菜 Can I have the same dish as that? 我可以要和那个一样的菜吗? I"ll have it 就是它了 I"ll have whatever you recommend. 就要你推荐的 I"d like appetizers and meat (fish) dish. 我要开胃菜和肉(鱼)类 I"d like to have dinner for less than 30 dollars including drinks. 我想要30圆以下包括酒水的 Can I have it right away? 我可以现在就要吗? What is this? 这是什么? What kind of dish is this? 这是什么菜? I"d like this 这个不错 I"m on a diet 我正在减肥 I have to avoid food containing fat (salt/sugar) 我不要有脂肪(盐/糖)的食物 Do you have vegetarian dishes? 你有素菜吗? Can you make it mild? 能做的清淡吗? How do you like your steak? 你想怎么吃牛扒 Well done (medium/rare), please 全熟(中等/生)的 Could you tell how you to eat this? 你吃的怎么样? Could you pass me the salt (pepper)? 你能把盐(胡椒)给我吗? I"d like a glass of water, please 我想来杯水 May I have a bottle of mineral water? 给我一杯矿泉水 Uncarbonated mineral water, please. 不含碳酸的矿泉水 May I have some more bread, please? 能再给我些面包吗? I dropped my knife (fork) 我的刀(叉)掉了 Is everything all right? 一切还好? This is very good 非常好 I"d like a dessert, please 一份甜点 What do you have for a dessert? 什么样的甜点? I"d like something light, just some cheese or cake, please 我想要些清淡的,奶酪或蛋糕都行 May I have some cheese? 来些奶酪 What kind of cheese is this? 这是什么奶酪? May I have just a little of it? 我就要一点点 Can I have some fruit instead of the dessert? 我可以要些水果代替甜点 What kind of food do you have? 你有什么样的食物? Is coffee included in this meal? 咖啡包括在菜里吗? May I smoke? 我可以吸烟吗? 3.购物用语 Where is the shopping area in this town?购物区在城镇的什么地方? Where is the biggest shopping center?哪有最大的购物中心? Is there a department store around here?附近哪有百货商店? Is it far from here?离这远吗? Could you tell me how to get there?能告诉我怎么到那吗? Where is the nearest supermarket from here?最近的超市在哪? Where can I buy a roll of film?在哪能买到胶卷? I"d like to buy a leather jacket. Could you recommend a good shop?我要买一件皮衣。能介绍个好的商店吗? Are there any unusual things produced in this town?这个镇有什么特产吗? Where can I buy it?我在哪里能买到 Is there a duty-free shop?这有免税店吗? What time do stores open?什么时候商店开始营业? I"d like to buy kitchenware我想买厨房用具 Which shop has the best range of goods?哪个商店有最好的商品 Could you recommend a boutique which is popular among young people?你能推荐我一些年轻人喜欢的流行店吗? Where can I buy cloth?在哪能买到布料 What do you sell on the second floor?你们在2楼卖什么? Excuse me. Can you help me?打扰一下。能帮我一下吗? I"d like to buy a swim suit. Where can I find it?我想买件泳衣。在哪能找到? Do you have something special in this area?在这有什么特别的吗? I"m looking for something for my mother.我在为我妈妈找一些东西 Hello, may I help you?你好,我能帮你吗? I"m just looking. Thank you.就是看看,谢谢 Do you have sweaters?你有毛线衫吗? Could you show me some small sweaters, please?能给我看看一些小号的毛线衫吗? I"d like to see this我想看看这个 Could you show me something in my size?能找个我这么大号的吗? Can I pick it up?我能拿下来吗? Do you have one like this?你有像这个一样的吗? I"d like the one in the window我想要个橱窗里的 Could you show me another one?能给我看看另一件吗? What kind of colors do you have?你们有什么颜色的? I"m looking for a shirt for a 10 years old boy我在给10岁的小孩找衬衫 Do you have anything smaller?你有一些小号的吗? Do you have any other style?你有其他风格的吗? Do you have a red one?有红色的吗? I"d like something casual.我喜欢随意的风格 This is not what I"m looking for这不是我要找的 This is too big这个太大拉 Do you have a bigger one?你有更大的吗? This is too flashy (plain)这个太浮华拉(朴实) I don"t like this color (design)我不喜欢这个颜色(设计) Do you have the same thing in any other colors?你有其他颜色的这个东西吗? I"d like something in cotton我喜欢棉制的 What would you recommend?你有什么建议? Can I try this on?我可以试穿吗? Where is the fitting room?换衣间在哪? This is just my size.这就是我的号 It doesn"t fit这个不适合 This is too short (long/tight/loose)太短拉(长/紧/松) May I put it on again?我能在穿一下吗? It feels tight here我感觉这紧 What size shirt should I have?我应该穿什么号的? Could you measure me?能给我量一下吗? Do you have a dress in white?你有白颜色的吗? How do I look?我看起来怎么样? What is this made of?什么做的? Could you show me this ring?能看一下这个戒指吗? What kind of stone is this?这是什么石头? This is very beautiful 非常漂亮 It"s too expensive for me 太贵拉 Do you have anything else around 80 dollars?你有大约80圆的东西吗? I"m sorry. I"ll come later.对不起,我就来 Could you show me this bag?我能看一下这个包吗? Do you have another design?你有别的款式吗? Do you have one a little smaller?你有小一点的吗? Do you have something with keys?你有带钥匙的吗? Can I get a little discount?我能得到些折扣吗? Can you order it for me?你能为我定购吗 How long does it take?需要多长时间? I"ll take this我要这个 I"d like three same as this.我要3个这样的 This is a present这是个赠品 Can you wrap it as a gift?你能把它作为礼物包装吗? Can you wrap these separately?你能分别包装吗? Anything else?还有其他的吗? No. that"s all不,够拉 Can I have a paper bag?能给我个纸带吗? I"ll take this我要带着这个 How much it all together?一共多少钱? Does it include tax?含税了吗? Could you give me a little discount?能打些折吗? Can I buy it tax-free?我能买它免税吗? Do you accept traveler"s checks?你们接受旅行支票吗? Do you accept this credit card?你们收这种信用卡吗? What kind of credit cards do you accept?你们接受什么样的信用卡? Is there a money exchange counter?这有两替所吗? Can I pay in Chinese Yuan and US dollars mixed?我能付人民币和美圆吗? Is there a mistake in this bill?是不是帐单有错误 Could you check it again?你能再检查一下吗? You gave me the wrong change.你找错钱拉 Can I have a receipt, please能给我个收条吗? I don"t have my change back yet.还没有找我钱呢 I already paid我已经付钱了 Could you tell me how to make it tax-free?能告诉我怎么使他免税 May I have the form for tax refund?能给我张退税表吗? Where can I get a form for tax refund?我在哪能得到退税表 Could you deliver it to Boston hotel?你能把它送到波士顿酒店吗? I"d like to have it today我今天想要 What should I do to send this to Japan?把这个送回日本我需要做些什么? Could you send it to my address in China?你能送回在中国的这个地址吗? By air (sea) mail, please空(水)运 How long does it take to reach Chinese by air mail?空运多久能到中国 Can I take an insurance?能带上保险吗? How much does it cost by air mail?空运多少钱? Do I have to declare?我要申报吗? Will I have any difficulties with customs?我过海关有什么困难吗? I think this is broken here我想是这坏拉 It doesn"t work at all根本不好用 Could you fix it or give me a refund?你能修好他或是退款给我 I found a stain here这有个污点 Could you exchange this, please?能换这个吗? Could you change it for a new one?能换个新的吗? I"d like to return this我想退掉它 Can I have a refund?能退给我钱吗? Could you alter this, please?能改变这个吗? The waist needs taking in (letting out) by 3 centimeters腰需要收(放)3公分 Could you make it longer (shorter)?能做长(短)点吗? Does it take a long time?用很长时间吗? Can you make it a little earlier?能早点做吗? I put money in this vending machine, but a coke didn"t come out.我放钱进自动售货机拉,可是没有可乐出来祝旅途愉快,望采纳!
2023-07-18 00:36:261


The little prince "is the most famous French literature translation.This is a famous French contemporary fairy tale - French writer holy one angstrom grams of flocculant perry "for adults write fairy tales". But also by small of readers. The author in XianCi in wrote: "to liam WeiErTe please children to forgive, I put the book to an adult. I do have three important reasons, one is: the adult is my best friend in the world; the second is: this adult what all can see, even those who give children wrote the book can understand it; thirdly is: this adult live in France, where he was hungry and cold comfort urgently. If all these reasons not be enough words, so I wish to make this book to grew into adult once the child. All grown-ups are originally child (but they are only a few of them remember that). So, I put my XianCi instead: to childhood liam WeiErTe"The "I" in the vast Sahara desert met a strange strange, pure in the little prince - he is from - faraway star little planet. He has visited respectively in space of the king, love, vanity, businessmen, alcoholic earth scientists planet, finally came to earth.The little prince is a child. This child have special talent, he acted by intuition, feel sensitive, he can pass through the surface of things found its essence. He can see the pilot to he painted outfit in a wooden box of sheep and be python swallow to belly elephant. And the little prince of erreth-akbe, make "I" found that he had the extent to which he had lost childish, how were badly adult the bogus of world by conquering: he has can not like the little prince so through wooden cases of sheep. See inside Therefore, he sighed, "I might be a little like those adult, I must be getting old."The little prince leave his asteroids, visited those who live only a resident planet, it was found that the adults are extremely live alone in the lonely in desolate. So, these thought they configuration is all of the universe exactly what lack adults? They lack can make them mutual combination of things, lack of love, the lack of fox use "conquer me" expressed thoughts. (only point lamps people is an exception, he even waste subitems hall of responsibilities If he is the heaven and earth so cramped, he could have been the little prince friend. The little prince have to learn that "conquer me". And to his instructions exactly the fox. The fox said, a biological, even if an ordinary little creatures, if it conquer you, or yue "you are he conquered," it in your eyes is unique. The little prince all life is the center of his flowers, he that branch in a frenzy of praise mood staring at her open. When he first saw her appearance, totally immersed in her beautiful luster, can not help mouthed admiration to say: "you how beautiful!" But before long, he knew the so agreeable the dot is taped. She has weakness: love vanity and pride and suspicious of heavy there some lie. Because of the flowers completely disappointed, the little prince left his planet. Here, imaginative artists use simple and strong technique, reveal to us it is between the ideal and the reality of the sharp conflict between, good ideas and the thought in the imperfect material world to reflect its sharp contradiction between. The little prince admitted his mistake, but it"s too late. One day he to his friend, tao sincerely say: "I oughtn"t to listen to her, always shouldn"t listen to those flowers words. Only should smell them, look at them." When the little prince find in the earth with his flowers plant 5,000 exactly -- kind of rose, he felt very disappointed. But, he fox friends comfort him, saying, no matter how to say his flowers are unique, because he tame her. The fox is to he revealed its secrets and the secret like all great thoughts is same, it is the popular: "essential is invisible to the eye, it is only with the heart to see things clearly." Should use the mind to pursue truth, whereas he is found by heart in the desert Wells symbol for the freshness of the deep springs of life.In this peculiar metaphor, people all measure things scale are distorted: volcano, we feel is large, but in the little prince planet, tong volcanoes like tong stove, including an active volcano can also be used to do breakfast. If in the little prince of 612 number asteroids, hunters will mess up all of our time concept, the little prince as long as chair move move, 44 times every day you can see the sunset. We get dizzy, because everything is relative.In this world, death means what? Death only means abandoned remains, abandon appearance, towards a star, towards love, towards its mission liters.So, "I" the little prince secret life through dowsing, knowing this step by step in the world all ugly, hidden also wu arrived beautiful pursuit of friendship, greatness and feelings of ideal realm.In short, works through the little prince"s experience, and elaborated on the different types of social adult"s opinion and criticism, and put forward some question. The author special borrow the little prince of mouth praises the friendship and love, hope people to develop friendship, love each other. In the author"s opinion, love will be like the little prince live planet volcano as hot, friendship will be like the little prince as conscientious for roses YiChu evil grass.In this work, also reveals the - some sentimentality. But this is not the main, and are not overwhelming position. Story culminates, this silk sad quickly in joy in dissolving. The little prince to his friends presented a parting gift, "you"ll have lots of laughter stars." Earth the pilot will hear his favorite little baby xinghai of a star, so is the laughter of then he will hear all the stars were laughing. So, works of sad lost weight, death lost its terror."The little prince" the fairy tale plot twists, turns and chic and writing poetry and philosophy abound, it USES flashbacks gimmick, language understand XiaoChang, readability is very strong. Since the author with love, so French throughout throughout critics argue it is a poetic fairy tale, is the author of camaraderie missed."The little prince" in 1943 in New York publishing, it is the 20th century"s most widely circulated fairy tale, translated into many languages, 100 movies, record, even on a bill can see a book of shadow. Publishing "the little prince" American XueShengBan covenant miller said: "the little prince" belongs to this type of book... It makes children and adults enjoy. What works painstakingly and perform the imagination, wisdom and emotion, making different age reader can find fun and benefits, and always can find new spiritual wealth.
2023-07-18 00:37:002


新概念英语第一册自学笔记精讲解析Lesson101~102   1. speak up,大声地说,清楚地说。   up作副词用时可表示强度等的由弱到强、由低到高:   Can you get up to that note ? 你能唱得到那么高的音吗?   2.He doesn"t say very much,does he?他没写许多,是吗?   附加疑问句中的前后两部分的谓语在时态、人称和数上都要一致。回答这种问句时要简略,要根据事实回答。如果答语本身是肯定的,就用 Yes;如果答语本身是否定的,就用 No。   新概念英语第一册101-102课语法 Grammar in use   直接引语和间接引语   直接引语就是直接引用说话人原来所说的话;间接引语就是原话的转述。直接引语放在引号里,间接引语是把说话人的原话变成宾语从句。   间接引语中,宾语从句中的动词与主句中的主要动词在时态上必须保持一致。一般来说,主要动词用现在时,间接引语中可用现在时(包括一般现在时、现在进行时、现在完成时)和将来时。如:   She says she"s got a headache. 她说她头痛。   He says he"s staying at a Youth Hostel. 你说他正住在一家青年招待所。   He says he has sold his house. 他说他已卖掉了房子。   新概念英语第一册101-102课把直接陈述改为间接引语时,谓语动词形式的变化体现在人称上。如:   He says: ‘I hope you are all well. " 他说:"我希望你们都身体健康。"   He says he hopes we/they are all well. 他说他希望我们/他们都身体健康。   The girl says: ‘I have finished my homework." 那个姑娘说:"她已完成了家庭作业。"   The girl says that she has finished her homework. 那个姑娘说她已完成了家庭作业。   新概念英语第一册101-102课词汇学习 Word study   1.write v.   (1)写,书写:   They are learning to read and write. 他们在学习读书写字。   She writes legibly. 她笔迹清楚。   (2)写信:   I"ll write to you soon. 我会尽快给你写信的。   Why didn"t she write and tell him? 她为什么不写信告诉他?   (3)写作;作曲;当作家:   He started to write for the stage. 他开始成为一名剧作家。   He soon finished writing a symphony. 他很快就谱写成一部交响曲。   2.soon adv.   (1)不久:   It will soon be spring. 春天很快就要到了。   Soon she would have to resign. 她不久就得辞职了。   (2)早;快:   Why are you leaving so soon? 你为什么这么快就要走了?   He came sooner than we expected. 他来得比我们预料的快。 新概念英语第一册自学笔记精讲解析Lesson103~104   1.the rest,剩余部分。   这里指其余的题,注意rest与定冠词连用的用法。 the top of,在……顶端。   反义词为 at the bottom of(在……末端)。 to,邻近,贴近。   新概念英语第一册103-104课语法 Grammar in use   too与enough   (1)enough的用法   A 在形容词之后使用:   He failed the exam because it wasn"t easy enough. 他考虑不及格,因为题不够容易。(不说 enough easy)   B 在名词之前使用:   He didn" t buy the car because he didn"t have enough money. 他没买那部车,因为他没有足够的钱。   C 可以用在 enough… for sb./sth.和 enough… to do sth.结构之中:   She hasn"t got enough money for a holiday. 她没有足够的钱去度假。   This dress isn"t big enough for her. 这件衣服对她来说不够大。   She"s not old enough to live alone. 她未到独自生活的年纪。   (2)too的用法   A too 表示“过于”:   I can"t go out. It"s too hot. 我无法外出,太热了。   She couldn"t answer the questions because they were too difficult for her. 她无法回答问题,因为对她来说太难了。   B 可以用在 too…for sb./sth.结构之中:   This skirt is too big for me. 这条裙子对她来说太大了。   It"s too easy for me. 这对我来说太容易了。   C 可以用在 too…to do sth.结构之中:   The exam was too difficult for him to pass. 考试太难了,以至于他无法通过。   The box is too heavy for you to carry. 这个盒子太沉了,你没法扛起。   She i too young to live alone. 她年纪太小了,无法独自生活。   It"s too far to walk home from here. 从这儿步行回家太远了。   请比较:   The wall is too high for them to climb over. 这堵墙太高了,他们无法攀越过去。   The wall is low enough for them to climb over. 这堵墙矮到如此之程度,以至于他们可以攀越过去。   新概念英语第一册103-104课词汇学习 Word study v.   (1)失败;及格:   Doctors failed to save the old man"s life. 医生们未能挽救那位老人的生命。   He failed his French paper because it was too difficult. 他的法语考试没及格,因为试卷太难了。   (2)(身体等)衰退;变弱;凋谢:   My eyesight is failing. 我的视力在衰退。   The flowers failed for lack of sunshine. 花因缺少阳光而凋谢。   (3)(后接不定式)不,不能;忘记:   I fail to see why you find it so extraordinary. 我不明白为什么你们认为它如此与众不同。   He failed to persuade me. 他没能说服我。   2.hate v.   (1)讨厌;不喜欢;有反感:   He hates exams! 他讨厌考试!   I hate beef. 我不喜欢牛肉。   (2)憎恨;憎恶:   He said that he hated hypocrisy. 他说他憎恶虚伪。   Tom really hates the murderer in that film. 汤姆十分仇视那部电影中的杀人凶手。 新概念英语第一册自学笔记精讲解析Lesson105~106   1.How do you spell…?……怎样拼写?   这是询问某个单词或某人的姓名如何拼写时常用的句型。   2.You"ve typed it with only one‘L".但你只打了 1个“L”。   句中it指intelligent一词。这里的with意即“用”。   3.And here"s a little present for you.这里有一件小礼物送你。   这是一个倒装句。由here引导、谓语为be的句子通常用倒装语序。这里and是表示承上启下,使上下文紧密联系,当“于是”、“因此”讲。   新概念英语第105-106课语法知识点 Grammar in use   动词不定式   在英语中,当一个动词被另一个动词紧跟时,它们之间必须加不定式符号(to)。不定式符号后面的动词只能是原形,而不能是过去式或分词形式。   (1)不定式作动词的宾语(动词+to…):   He wants to buy a car. 他想买辆车。   He hopes to pass the French exam. 他希望自己能通过法语考试。   I want to leave. 我想离开。   (2)有许多动词可以带名词/代词宾语(通常是人称代词宾格),后面再跟不定式(动词+名词/宾格代词+to…):   I want you to carry it. 我想让你扛着它。   He wants them to listen to it. 他想让他们听那个。   Tell him to move it. 让他搬它。   (3)不定式的否定形式是在 to 之前加 not:   He decided not to buy the house. 他决定不买这幢房子。   He told me not to close the window. 他让我不要把窗户关了。   Tell him not to move it. 告诉他不要搬动它。   新概念英语第105-106课重点词汇学习 Word study   1.correct v.   (1)改正;   纠正:   Please correct me if I"m wrong. 如果我错了,请你纠正。   I spent the whole morning correcting exam papers. 我花了整个上午的时间批改试卷   (2)校正;矫正:   This pair of glasses will correct your eyesight problem. 这副眼镜会有助于矫正你的视力问题。   Oh, let me correct my watch first. 噢,先让我把我的手表对好。   2.break v.   (1)打破;使碎裂:   She told him not to break the vase. 她告诉他别把花瓶打碎了。   He broke a leg in the accident. 他在这起事故中摔断了一条腿。   (2)损坏;弄坏:   His little daughter has broken his favourite camera. 他的小女儿把他心爱的照相机弄坏了。   You shouldn"t have bought such expensive toys for him because he will simply break them. 你不应该买这么昂贵的玩具给他,因为他会轻而易举地把它们弄坏的。   (3)破坏;违反:   Any one who breaks the law should be punished. 任何触犯法律的人都应受到惩罚。   The student who broke the school regulations was severely criticized. 那位违反了校规的学生受到了严厉的批评。
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英语单选题问题 求详细解答 求解析 谢谢了~!

a b d c d
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1、小学英语介词at,in与on在时间方面的用法 at表示时间的一点;in表示一个时期;on表示特殊日子。如: He goes to school at seven o"clock in the morning. 他早晨七点上学。 Can you finish the work in two days. 你能在两天内完成这个工作吗? Linda was born on the second of May. 琳达五月二日出生。 1>. at后常接几点几分,天明,中午,日出,日落,开始等。如: at five o"clock (五点),at down (黎明),at daybreak (天亮),at sunrise (日出),at noon (中午),at sunset (日落),at midnight (半夜),at the beginning of the month (月初), at that time (那时),at that moment (那会儿),at this time of day (在一天的这个时候)。 2>. in后常接年,月,日期,上午,下午,晚上,白天,季节,世纪等。如: in 2006(2006年),in May,2004 (2004年五月),in the morning (早晨/上午),in the afternoon (下午),in the evening (晚上),in the night (夜晚),in the daytime (白天),in the 21st century (21世纪),in three days (weeks/month)三天(周/个月),in a week (一周),in spring (春季)。 3>. on后常接某日,星期几,某日或某周日的朝夕,节日等。如: on Sunday (星期日),on a warm morning in April (四月的一个温暖的上午),on a December night (12月的一个夜晚),on that afternoon (那天下午),on the following night (下一个晚上),on Christmas afternoon (圣诞节下午),on October 1,1949 (1949年10月1日),on New Year"s Day (新年),on New Year"s Eve (除夕),on the morning of the 15th (15日的早上)等。 2、 巧记形容词的排列顺序 当两个以上形容词修饰一个名词,形容词该如何排 列?为什么不能说a black new pen,而是说成a new black pen? 这里面有无规则可循? 如果你记住opshacom这个为帮助记忆而杜撰的词, 就能掌握英语中形容词排列的顺序。 opshacom中p代表opinion,指表示人们观点的形容 词,如beautiful,horrible,lovely,nice等; sh代表shape,指表示形状的形容词,如long,short,round, narrow等; a代表age,指表示年龄、时代的形容词,如old,new,young等; c代表colour,指表示颜色的形容词,如red,black, orange等; o代表origin,指表示国籍、地区的形容词,如british,canadian,german等; m代表material,指表示材料的形容词,如plastic,metal,aluminium等。 英语中这六类形容词连用时就按上述先后顺序排列, 如a nice long new black british plastic pen 当然,实际语言使用中不可能出现这么多形容词连 用的情况。 请根据形容词排列规则完成以下练习: 1>.she has a ___ jacket.(leather,brown,beautiful) 2>.he has a ___ car. (american,long,red) 3>.they live in a ___ house. (old,beautiful) 4>.we have a ___ table. (antique,small,wooden) 5>.he has a ___ jumper. (woollen, lovely, red) 6>.she has a ___ ring. (diamond,new,fabulous) 7>.it was a ___ song.(french,old, lovely) 8>.he owns a ___ dog.(black,horrible,big) 9>.she bought a ___ scarf.(gorgeous,silk,pink) 一、一般现在时主要用于: 1 、表示经常性或习惯性动作。 e.g. It seldom snows here. 2 、表示现在的特征或状态。 e.g. He is always ready to help others. 3 、普遍真理。 e.g. Action speaks louder than words. 4 、剧情图片介绍,背景说明,动作解说。 e.g. (Tom enters the room_and_sits at the table) Doctor : What`s your trouble, young man? Tom : I`ve caught a cold, doctor. 5 、时间、条件、让步、方式状语从句表将要发生的动作时。 e.g. Tomorrow we shall go for an outing unless it rains. 与这种时态连用的时间状语常有: always, often, never, seldom, usually, once, a week, now 等。 二、一般过去时主要用于: 1 、表示过去某个时间发生的动作或情况(包括习惯性的动作或状态) e.g. When did you read the novel? She often came to help us in those days. 2 、谈到过去的情况时 e.g. I didn`t know you were so busy. 3 、谈到已死人的情况时 e.g. Lei Feng was a great communist fighter. 与这个时态连用的时间状语常有: yesterday, last night, the other day, two months ago, in 1985, then, just now, when, after, as soon as 引导的时间状语从句,表示主句动作开始的时间。 三、现在完成时主要用于: 1 、表示到现在为止这一时期中发生的动作或情况,即多次动作的总和。 e.g. We have learnt four English songs this month. How many times have you read the novel? For many days we haven`t seen each other. 2 、表示对现在有影响的某一已发生的动作。 e.g. The delegation has left 代表团已经走了(说明现在不在这里) Look, what you have done. 看你干的事。 与这一时态连用的时间状语有: already, yet, just, ever, never, by now, so far, recently, by the end of this month, since, for 短语,连词 since 引导的时间状语从句。 一般过去时与现在完成时的区别: 一般过去时:重在说明动作在过去发生时的具体情况(时间、地点、方式、对象、细节等)。 现在完成时:只提起已发生的动作(事实)及其影响,不说明动作发生时的具体情况。 cf. Have you had your lunch? What did you have for lunch? I have ever been to the Great Wall,_and_I went there last summer with my father. 注:现在完成时表达的动作常具有反复性,故下面一句是错的: Have you seen the six thirty`s news program? 应改为: Did you see the six thirty`s news program? 四、现在完成进行时主要用于:表示过去开始的某一动作一直持续到现在,以至延伸到将来,它强调动作延续时间之长久。 e.g. I`ve been writing an article. 我一直在写一篇文章。(还在写) cf. I`ve written an article. 我写了一篇文章。(已写完) It has been raining these days. 这些天一直在下雨。 五、过去完成时 1 、过去完成时是一个相对时态,表示过去的过去,只有在两个过去发生的动作相比较时才可显示出来。 e.g. As soon as we got to the station, the train had left. 注:主从句表达的动作紧接时,即两动作发生的时间没有明显时间上的悬殊或空档时,主从句都可用一般过去时。 e.g. Where did your brother study before he joined the army? 2 、过去完成时可表示截止过去某一时间动作的总或动作的结束。 e.g. By the end of last month. We had reviewed four books By eight o`clock, he had finished his homework. 与这个时态连用的时间状语常有: by 1985, by eight o`clock, by then, by the end of last month, by the time when, when, as soon as, before 等连词引导的时间状语从句,表示主句动作结束的时间。 六、现在进行时主要用于: 1 、表示现在或现阶段正在进行的动作。 e.g. Listen, someone is crying. What are you doing these days? 2 、代替一般现在时,表示经常性动作或状态,而含有某种感情色彩。 e.g. How are you feeling today? 你今天感觉怎样?(显得亲切) He is doing well in his lessons. 他的功课很好。(赞扬) You are always boasting. 你老爱吹牛。(厌烦) 3 、动词 go, come, leave, arrive 等表将要发生的动作时。 e.g. They are leaving for Shanghai. 与这种时态连用的时间状语常有: now, these days, recently, this week 等。 七、过去进行时主要用于: 表示过去某个时刻或阶段正在进行的动作。 e.g. At that time she was working in a PLA unit. 那时她在解放军某部工作。 What were you doing this time yesterday? 与这个时态连用的时间状语常用: at nine o`clock, this time last night, these days, at that time 等。 用 when 引导的时间状语从句表示主句的动作正在进行的时间。 e.g. When he came in, I was reading a newspaper. 注: 1 、 while 引导时间状语从句叙述过去的动作时,从句常用过去进行时。 e.g. I read a magazine while I was waiting for the bus. 2 、 when 用作并列连词,意为“这时”,连接两分句时,第一句多用过去进行时。 e.g. I was reading a newspaper when he came in. 一般过去时与过去进行时的区别: 一般过去时:强调过去某一时间开始或完成的动作。 过去进行时:强调过去某一时间正在进行的动作。 试区别下面两句: We were building a reservoir last winter. 去年冬天我们在修建一座水库。(可能尚未建成) We built a reservoir last winter. 去年冬天我们修建了一座水库。(已经建成) 八、一般将来时主要用于: 表示将要发生的动作或情况 e.g. Tom will have a bike of his own. 与这个时态连用的时间状语常用: tonight, tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, next week, in three hours, two days later 等。 一般将来时态与其它结构表将来情况的区别: 一般将来时态 :主要从时间的角度表将要发生的动作或情况。 be going to 结构 :①表(主观上)打算或准备做某事时。 ②表有发生某事的预兆时。 e.g. They are going to have a competition with us in studies. It is going to rain. 据以上区别,故下面一句是错的: I am going to be eighteen years old next year. 应改为: I shall be eighteen years old next year. be about to do sth 结构 :意为“刚要做某事”、“马上要做某事”强调时间之紧迫性。 e.g. We are about to discuss this problem. 我们将马上讨论这个问题。 be to do sth 结构: 表示按计划、安排、规定将实施某事或表示注定会发生某事。 e.g. When is the train to leave英语语法大全-学习,里面很详细的,可以学习下:)~ 语法-轻松英语-洪恩在线,这里面有分类的详细介绍,可以看看:)~~
2023-07-18 00:37:241


宾语从句的复合句 概念:复合句也称主从句,即主句和从句,从句须有引导词或叫连词引出,否则复合句不成立。由于连词既起连接主句和从句的作用,表明主从句之间的关系,还在从句中充当一定的成份,有一定的意义,故复合句中的连词常成为考查的焦点。 宾语从句 在及物动词的后面可以接一个名词来充当宾语,如:? ??? I know the man. 而这时也可以用一个句子来充当宾语,如:? I know that the man is a policeman. ue010? 主句 引导词 从句 中考对宾语从句的考查主要集中在以下几个方面: 1. 引导宾语从句的连词和代词选择; 2. 宾语从句的语序; 3. 宾语从句的时态。 一. 宾语从句的种类 1. 由that引导的宾语从句。that只有语法作用,没有实在的意义,在口语和非正式文体中可以省略。例如:He said (that) he wanted to stay at home. She doesn"t know (that) she is seriously ill. I am sure (that) he will succeed. 2. 由连接代词who, whom, whose, what, which和连接副词when, where, why, how引导的宾语从句。这些连接代词和连接副词在宾语从句中充当某个成分。例如: Do you know who (whom) they are waiting for? He asked whose handwriting was the best. Can you tell me where the No.3 bus stop is? I don"t know why the train is late. 3. 由if或whether引导的宾语从句。If和whether在句中的意思是“是否”。例如: I want to know if (whether) he lives there. He asked me whether (if) I could help him. 注意一下情况只用whether,不用if whether引导的从句常可以与连词or或or not直接连用。如: 正: Let me know whether you can come or not. 误: Let me know if you can come or not. 2. 当宾语从句提到句首时,只能用whether引导。如: 正: Whether it is true or not, I can"t tell. 误: If it is true or not, I can"t tell. 3. whether可以引导带to的不定式。如: 正: I don"t know whether to accept or refuse. 误: I don"t know if to accept or refuse. 4. whether及其引导的成分可放于介词之后,作介词的宾语。如: 正: I worry about whether I hurt her feelings. 误: I worry about if I hurt her feelings. 二. 宾语从句的语序 宾语从句的语序应为陈述句的语序。例如: I hear (that) physics isn"t easy. I think (that) you will like this school soon. Can you tell me how I can get to zoo? Please tell me when we"ll have the meeting. 三. 宾语从句的时态 1. 如果主句的时态是一般现在时,宾语从句该用什么时态就用什么时态。如: I don"t think (that) you are right. Please tell us where he is. Can you tell me how I can get to the railway station? 2. 如果主句的时态是一般过去时,宾语从句只能用相应的过去时 态(一般过去时, 过去进行时, 过去将来时,过去完成时)。例如: He asked what time it was. He told me that he was preparing for the sports meet. He asked if you had written to Peter. He said that he would go back to the U.S. soon. 3. 如果宾语从句所陈述的是客观真理,其时态常用一般现在时。例如: Our teacher said that January is the first month of the year. Scientists have proved that the earth turns around the sun. 如何改为宾语从句 A.三关 1. 引导词关 ①陈述句,引导词用that(that在口语或非正式文体中常省略); ②一般疑问句,引导词用if/whether; ③特殊疑问句,引导词用由疑问词转换而来的疑问代词/副词。 2. 语序关 ①陈述句变为宾语从句,语序不变,即仍用陈述语序。如: He is an honest boy. The teacher said. →The teacher said(that)he was an honest boy. ②一般疑问句和特殊疑问句变为宾语从句,语序变为陈述语序。如: Does he work hard?I wonder. →I wonder if/whether he works hard. When did he leave?I don"t know. →I don"t know when he left. 注意:有些疑问句本身就是陈述语序 1. Who went there yesterday? Mary wanted to know. → Mary wanted to know who went there yesterday. 2. What"s the matter with the clock? He wondered. → He wondered what was the matter with the clock. 3. 时态关 ①如果主句是现在的时态,从句的时态可根据实际情况而定。如: I have heard(that)he will come back next week. ②如果主句是过去的某种时态,那么从句的时态一定要用过去的某种时态。如: He said(that)there were no classes yesterday. 注意:如果宾语从句表述的是客观真理、自然现象等时,不管主句是什么时态,从句都要用一般现在时。如: He said that light travels much faster than sound. B.人称的变化和标点的使用 1. 从句的主语如果是第一人称,变为宾语从句则与主句的主语一致;如果是第二人称,则与主句的宾语一致;如果是第三人称,不用变化。如: “May I use your knife?”He asked me. →He asked me if he might use my knife. “Do you know her telephone number?”He asked me. →He asked me if I knew her telephone number. 2. 宾语从句的标点均由主句决定。主句是陈述句,用句号;主句是疑问句,用问号。如: Who will give us a talk?I don"t know. →I don"t know who will give us a talk. Do you know?Where does he live? →Do you know where he lives? 其他问题 A)if和when既能引导时间状语从句,又能引导宾语从句。因此,遇到它们就要认真分析一下。如: If it rains tomorrow,I won"t come. (时间状语从句)if表示“如果,要是” I don"t know if it will rain tomorrow. (宾语从句)if表示“是否” B)从句的 简化 1. 当主句谓语动词是find,see,watch,hear等感官动词时,从句常简化为“宾语+宾补”结构,宾补为不带to的不定式或V-ing形式。如: She found that the wallet lay on the ground. →She found the wallet lie on the ground. She found that the wallet was lying on the ground. →She found the wallet lying on the ground. 2. 当主句谓语动词是hope,wish,decide,forget,plan,agree等,且主句主语与从句主语相同时,从句可简化为不定式结构。如: She agreed that she could help me with my maths. →She agreed to help me with my maths. 3. 在连接代词/副词引导的宾语从句中,当从句主语与主句主语或间接宾语一致时,宾语从句可简化为“连接代词/副词+不定式”结构。如: Can you tell me how I can get to the station? →Can you tell me how to get to the station?     将下面的句子连接成为含有宾语从句的复合句。 1) These flowers are from Guangdong. He said. He said _______ these flowers _______ from Guangdong. 2) Light travels faster than sound. My teacher told me. My teacher told me _____ light _______ faster than sound. 3) There will be a meeting in five days. Jack didn"t know. Jack didn"t know ______ there ______ ____ a meeting in five days. 4) Can they speak French? I want to know. I want to know ______ _______ _______ _______ French. 5) Are the children playing games? Tell me. Tell me ______ the children ______ ______ games. 6) Have you finished your homework yet? Mr. Zhao asked Ma Chao Mr. Zhao asked Ma Chao _______ _______ ______ _____ _____ homework yet. 7) How many people can you see in the picture? Who knows? Who knows _____ _____ ____ ____ _____ ______ in the picture? 8) Where did she park her car? Do you know? Do you know _____ _____ ____ her car? 9) What does he often talk about? The girl wondered. The girl wondered _____ _____ often ________ about. 10) Who knocked at the door so loudly? I don"t know. I don" t know _______ _______ at the door so loudly. 11) Does he still live in that street? I don"t know. I don"t know ______ he still _______ in that street. 12) What"s his name? I asked him. I asked him what _____ _____ ____ ______. 13) When does the train arrive? Please tell me. Please tell me ________ _________ ________ _________. 14) Do they want fried chicken? He asked the boys. He asked the boys _______ they ______ fried chicken. 15)Was the watch made in Shanghai? I don"t know. I don"t know _______ the watch _______ made in Shanghai. 变人称语序为陈述语序,标点,时态 看看下面的题 1).How does he get on with his new classmates? Could you tell me? (改为含有宾语从句的复合句) Could you tell me how ______ _____ on with his new classmates? 2).What is he doing there? Mother didn"t know. (改为含有宾语从句的复合句 Mother didn"t know what ____ ___ ______doing there. 3).You"d better ask your mother whether is it cheap enough before you try it on. (改错) 4)What"s his name? I asked him.(改为含有宾语从句的复合句) I asked him what _______ _______ _______. 5) Why didn"t he look happy? Could you tell me?(改为含有宾语从句的复合句) Could you tell me why _______ ______ look happy? 6) Does he still live in that street? I don"t know(改为含有宾语从句的复合句) I don"t know ______ he still _______ in that street. 7) Whose children is the old woman looking after? Did you find out? (改为含有宾语从句的复合句) Did you find out whose children the old woman ______ _______ after? 8) The moon moves round the earth. My sister told me.(同上) My sister told me ______ the moon_______ round the earth. 9) I think it is not going to snow tomorrow.(改错) 10). “Do you want to try something new。” Tom"s mother asked him.(同义句转换) Tom"s mother asked him________ ________ ________to try something new. 中考范例 1.Miss Green didn"t tell us _____ in 2002. A. where does she live?????? B. Where she lives C. where did she live??????D. where she lived 【解析】答案:D。该题考查的是宾语从句的语序和时态。宾语从句应用陈述句的语序和时态,所以应选D。 2. Would you please tell me ______? A. when did he come home B. where he would play football C. if he had seen the film D. why he didn"t watch the game 【解析】答案:D。该题考查的是宾语从句的语序和时态。主句用的实际上是现在时,宾语从句在这个句子里应用陈述句的语序和一般过去时。 3. I don"t know when ____. A.will the train leave????????B. the train will leave C. would the train leave???? ??D. the train leave 【解析】答案:B。该题考查的是宾语从句的语序和时态。只有B在语序和时态上符合要求。 4. ---We don"t know _____. ---It is said that he was born in Sweden. A.what he is?????????B. if he lives here C. where he comes from??? ???D. which country is he from 【解析】答案: C。该题考查的是宾语从句的语序。按照他们谈论的话题可知:他们说的是某人是哪里人。A和B可以排除掉,D的语序不对,只有C正确。 5.We"re not sure if it ___________ tomorrow. If it ___________,we won"t climb the South Hill. A. will snow;snows? ?? ?B. will snow;will snow C. snows;snows? ??D. snows;will snow 解析:答案为A项。题干中前句if引导的是宾语从句,后句if引导的是条件状语从句,故选A项。 6. I don"t know what I should do with the letter.(改为简单句)   I don"t know what _______ _______ with the letter. 解析:当主句谓语动词是know,learn,forget,remember等,其后接疑问词(连接代词/副词)引导的宾语从句,且该从句的主语与主句的主语一致时,宾语从句可 简化成“疑问词(连接代词/副词+不定式(短语)结构,故空白处填to do。 1
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"哦,你这么幸运生活在洗澡,就这样美好,可爱,历史性地说: 和所有你能想到的是可怕停车、游客拥挤、昂贵的商店, 可怕的交通. 幸好我不生活在洗澡但近10公里以外的一个村庄叫limpley 打响了130山谷. 这似乎是正常的,这些天在乡下的专业工作的人 在该镇喜欢住在乡村; 这就使得房太贵,村民生活和农业工作者的便宜房子 镇,致使农民减免了农场和大家一样赦免进来肯定 有没有人可以在村里人称为老村民. 民众就近向我列入试点 一位英国铁路经理,一个退休的法语教师. 没有一个农场工作. 我不觉得有什么不妥,它的公正性, 村庄变,仍然是相当强烈的社区. 很多这个意义 来自社区的邮政局 这是一个对所有销售信息. 我看看是怎么回事,而伊恩那里 我假装控制两岁的儿子. 他有什么能触动他的店的最低水平, 哪里有一大堆卡说:"祝贺生日your9th"、田集为"拯救 儿童"爱心大好转,他总是试图逃跑. 我的感觉是,如果我 儿子代为收取的孩子也需要有人去那里直接、 但他们并不认为如此. 在家工作,我喜欢流连的时候轮村 别人都在办公室,让我给人偷懒或富人 但直到得不到足够的时间来照顾我们的花园买. 曾太太一个好主意 为第一年. "让我们看看,让它出来. "我们这样做的. 其中有一些漂亮的植物杂草. 她有一个好主意,因为第二年 . "为什么不离开它,看看它都是干吗? "我们这样做,这就是为什么我们要请一个全职今年园丁.
2023-07-18 00:38:041

新概念2摘要写作 63到96的,一课一分,共33分

  Lesson 63 She was not amused   When Jeremy Hampden, who is greatly admired for his great sense of humour, was invited to make a speech at a wedding reception, he immediately agreed to do so. Since the speech contained a lot of   funny stories, it was a great success. When his six-year-old daughter, Jenny, wanted to go home after his speech, Jeremy was disappointed. She had not enjoyed it because she did not like to see so many people laughing at him.   Lesson 64 The channel tunnel   The tunnel, which the French engineer, Aime Thome, planned to build under the English Channel in 1858, would be ventilated by tall chimneys built above sea level. An Englishman, William Lowe,   suggested a better plan two years later. Passing trains would solve the problem of ventilation in his proposed double railway-tunnel because they would draw in fresh air behind them. Though work began   forty-two years later, it was stopped because the British feared .   Lesson 65 Jumbo versus the police   After having decided to take some presents to a children"s hospital, the circus owner, Jimmy Gates, dressed up as Father Christmas and set off down the main street of the city riding an elephant called   Jumbo. On being told that he was holding up the traffic, Jimmy agreed to go at once but Jumbo refused to move, so fifteen policemen had to push him off the main street. As he had a good record, however,   Jumbo was not arrested.   Lesson 66 Sweet as honey!   The Lancaster bomber was not too badly damaged when it crashed on a remote island in the South Pacific.Then the wreck remained undisturbed for twenty-six years until it was rediscovered in an aerial survey of the island.The French authorities had the plane packaged and moved in parts back to France,where a group of enthusiasts will be having it restored.They will have to have three of the engines rebuilt,but the fourth engine is still in perfect condition because a colony of bees had turned it into a hive and it was totally covered in beeswax.   Lesson 67 Volcanoes   Tazieff,the Polish scientist,went to Lake Kive in the Congo in 1948 to observe a new volcano which he called Kituro.After taking photographs,he had to leave almost at once because a river of liquid rock threatened to surround him.He escaped just in time but he returned two days late when the volcano had became quiet.This time he climbed into the mouth of Kituro in order to take photographs and measure temperatures.   Lesson 68 Persistent   Even though Elizabeth tried to avoid meeting Nigel Dykes,she was not able to do so. As he always insisted on accompanying her,she had to think of a way of preventing him from following her around all morning.When she told him she was going to the dentist,he said he would come with her because there was always plenty to read in the waiting room.   Lesson 69 But not murder   Mr.Eames had driven successfully through heavy traffic during his third duiving test when the examiner instructed him to drive out of town.He told him to suppose that a child would suddenly cross the road in front of him.Mr. Eames would have to stop the car within five feet when the examiner tapped on the window.Though he tapped loudly,Mr.Eames did not react quickly enough and was told that he had just killed the child.   Lesson 75 SOS   A plane crashed in the mountains,but the only passengers a young woman and her two baby daughters,were not hurt.It was midwinter and extremely cold,so the woman put the children in a case,covered them with clothes and kept close to them all night.When she heard planes early next morning,she stamped out SOS in the snow.This was seen by a pilot,who sent a radio message,and they were soon rescued by a helicopter. (80 words)   Lesson 76 April Fools" Day   To end the news bulletin,the television announcer showed viewers the fields of Calabria.Here,macaroni has been grown for over six hundred years.This year,harvesting has begun earlier.The whole village has been working hard,gathering and threshing before the September rains so that the crop can be processed in the local factory.After the harvest,the famous macarone-eating competition will be held.This has been won by Signor Fratelli every year since 1991.Whth that,the news bulletin for April 1st ended. (85 words)   Lesson 77 A successful operation   Doctors have just operated on the mummy of an Egyptian woman who died in 800 B.C.They wanted to find out whether she died of a rare disease.After removing a section of the mummy,they sent it to a laboratory.During the operation,they unexpectedly found a small was figure of a god.Though they were afraid the mummy would fall to pieces,it successfully survived the operation. (69 words)   Lesson 78 The last one?   Having read an article on smoking,the writer smoked his last cigarette.He did not smoke for a week and his wife suffered because he had a bad temper and a large appetite.Meanwhile friends offered hem cigarettes and were amused to see him produce a packet of sweets from his pocket.When he went to a party,he accepted a cigarette which he was offered by a friend and since then things have returned to normal.   Lesson 79 By air   The plane took off and flew low ever the city.When it was slowly gaining height,it suddenly had to return to the airport.Meanwhile the passengers were told to keep calm.After they had disembarked,they learnt that there was a very importent person on board.Someone had told the police that a bomb had been planted on the plane,but though it was searched,nothing was found.Five hours later,it took off again.   就这些了,看着给分吧!
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would prefer 宁愿;更喜欢prefer to do 宁可做某事;更喜欢做某事prefer doing 喜欢做某事
2023-07-18 00:38:233


  初中的英语知识点归纳 1   代词   人称代词,物主代词,反身代词 类别   主格宾格形容词性 物主代词名词性物主代词反身代词第一人称单数I me my mine myself复数 we us our ours ourselves第二人称单数 you you your yours yourself复数 you you your yours yourselves   第三人称单数 he him his his himselfshe her her hers herselfit it its its itself复数 they them their theirs themselves   1.人称代词   人称代词it的特殊用法:一般it指“它”,但在表示天气、时间、距离等时,用it来代替,此时的it并不译为“它”。   当三个人称代词(单数)同时出现时,其先后顺序为you,he,I。而复数一般采用we,you,they顺序。   2.物主代词   物主代词的用法:   形容词性物主代词后面一定要跟上一个名词。 名词性物主代词可作主语、表语、宾语。   3.反身代词   1)反身代词的构成分两种:第一、二人称反身代词在形容词:性物主代词后加上self或selves,第三人称的反身代词在宾格代词后加上self或selves.   2)反身代词的用法:一种是作宾语,由主语发出的动作又回到动作者本身。 如:I enjoyed myself at the party.另一种是作名词或代词的同位语;用来加强语气。如:I can do it myself.   初中的英语知识点归纳 2   主要不定代词的用法:   (1)one的用法   A. one作为代词可以指人,也可以指物。   B. one,ones (one的复数形式) 可用来代替前面出现过的少数名词,以避免重复。 C. one的前面可用this,that,the,which等词来修饰。 D. 常有a+形容词+one这一形式。   it和one的用法区别:it用来指特定的东西,而one则用于替代不特定的东西。   (2)some和any的用法区别   A. some,any可与单、复数可数名词和不可数名词连用。some一般用于肯定句,any一般用于否定句,疑问句和条件句中。   B. some,any与—thing,—body,—one构成的合成词的用法与some,any一样。 C.在疑问句中,一般不用some,只有当问句表示一种邀请或者请求,或期待一个肯定的回答时才能用some。   D. some在否定句中表示半否定,any表示全否定。   E.some用于单数可数名词前,表示“某个”而不是“一些”。   (3)other,another的用法 数种类单数复数泛指another=an otherother (boys)others特指the otherthe other (boys) the others功能作主语、宾语、定语作定语作主语、宾语 A. another=another   I want to have another two cakes.我想再吃两个蛋糕。   B.the other表示两个中的另一个,常与one连用。常见形式是“one...the other...”。   C. other+复数名词=others   D. the other+复数名词=the others   (4) a11、both的用法 both表示“两者都”,而a11表示“三个或三个以上的人或物都”。 a11、both在句中放在be动词,情态动词及助动词之后,放在实义动词之前。   初中的英语知识点归纳 3   冠词   1)不定冠词的用法   a用在以辅音字母开头,或以读作辅音的元音字母开头的名词前面; an用在以元音开头或以不发音的h字母开头的名词前。 注意:这里说的是“元音音素”而不是“元音字母”。 习惯用语:take a seat, have a rest, a few, lend sb. a hand   拓展:当half跟在一个整数后面时,a用在half前。如:1.5kilos=one and a half kilos或a kilo and a half.但0.5kilos=half a kilo,不过有时我们也说a half holiday半天假。 2)定冠词the   可与单数可数名词及不可数名词连用,表示一类人或物,强调与别的类属的区别。 3)零冠词   某些表示具体事物的名词前和专有名词前不用冠词。零冠词表示泛指,泛指不可数物质名词、抽象名词和可数名词复数。   1.不定冠词an用在元音读音开头(不是指元音字母)的词前,其余用不定冠词a.   2.定冠词的基本用法   A.用在重新提到的"人或事物前面。   B. 指谈话双方都知道的人或事物前面。   C用在单数可数名词前面,表示某一类人或事物。   3.定冠词的特殊用法   A.用在世界上独一无二的事物或方位名词前。   B. 用在序数词、形容词的最高级及only所修饰的名词前。   C用在江河、海洋、山脉、湖泊、群岛的名称前面。   D.用在由普通名词和另外一些词所构成的专有名词前面。   E.用在姓氏的复数形式前面,表示全家人或这一姓的夫妇二人。   F.用在乐器名称前。   G. 和某些形容词连用,表示某一类人或事物。   初中的英语知识点归纳 4   1 see、hear 、notice 、find 、feel 、listen to 、 look at (感官动词)+do eg:I like watching monkeys jump   2(比较级 and 比较级) 表示越来越怎么样   3 a piece of cake =easy 小菜一碟(容易)   4 agree with sb 赞成某人   5 all kinds of 各种各样 a kind of 一样   6 all over the world = the whole world 整个 世界   7 along with同……一道,伴随…… eg : Iwill go along with you我将和你一起去   the students planted trees along with their teachers 学生同老师们一起种树   8 As soon as 一怎么样就怎么样   9 as you can see 你是知道的   10 ask for ……求助 向…要…(直接接想要的东西) eg : ask you for my book   11 ask sb for sth 向某人什么   初中的英语知识点归纳 5   数词分为基数词和序数词两类,表示数量多少的数词是基数词,如one(一),two(二),seven(七)等,表示顺序次第的数词叫序数词,如the first(第一),the second(第二),the seventh(第七)。   在对数词进行复习的时候,同学们首先要会读会写所有基数词和序数词,以及与数词有关的时间表达法。对数词的考查,中考常采用单选题及听力题。   (一)、序数词一般由基数词加-th构成   (二)、序数词的构成及用法:   1、以下几个序数词较为特殊:   first(第一)second(第二)third(第三)fifth(第五)   eighth(第八)ninth(第九)twelfth(第十二)   2、以-ty结尾的基数词变为序数词的构成方法是:先将十位整数的基数词尾的-ty变成-ti,然后再加-eth.   如:twenty twentieth(第二十)   eighty eightieth(第八十)   3、基数词“几十几”变成序数词时,仅将个位数变成序数词,十位不变。   如:thirty-two thirty-second(第三十二)   seventy-five seventy-fifth(第七十五)   4、序数词的缩写形式,在阿拉伯数字后加上序数词的最后两个字母构成。   如:fifth 5th second 2nd   5、序数词前通常要用定冠词the。   6、hundred,thousand,million,billion等词在构成具体的数字时用单数形式。只有在表达笼统的多数时才加s,构成复数形式,前面不能加具体的数字。   如:three hundred seats三百个座位   hundreds of数以百计的,成百上千的thousands of数以千计的,成千上万的   millions of数百万的billions of数十亿的   (三)与数词有关的时间表达法:   1、钟点表示法:   ①顺读法   如:1:15 one fifteen 3:30 three thirty   ②倒读法(用past/to表示)   如:1:15 a quarter past one   3:30 half past three   7:56 four to eight   ③表示钟点只用基数词,并且钟点前用介词at。   2、日期表示法:   ①英语中日期的排列顺序是:星期、月、日、年   如:2016年3月17日,星期一   Monday,March the 17th,2016.   ②在具体某一天前用介词on   3、世纪、年代表示法   (在)90年代(in)the nineties   (在)19世纪(in)the nineteenth century   (在)18世纪30年代(in)1730s或1730"s   (四)、基数词常和一些计量类名词“单数”用“一”连在一起,构成复合形容词,修饰名词。   如:a twelve-year-old boy一个十二岁的男孩a five-mile race一次五英里的赛跑   初中的英语知识点归纳 6   一般现在时的用法   1) 经常性或习惯性的动作,常与表示频腮度的时间状语连用.   时间状语: every…, sometimes, at…, on Sunday   I leave home for school at 7 every morning.   2) 客观真理,客观存在,科学事实.   The earth moves around the sun.   Shanghai lies in the east of China.   3) 表示格言或警句中   Pride goes before a fall. 骄者必败.   注意:此用法如果出现在宾语从句中,即使主句是过去时,从句谓语也要用一般现在时.   例:Columbus proved that the earth is round..   4) 现在时刻的状态、能力、性格、个性.   I don"t want so much.   Ann Wang writes good English but does not speak well.   比较:Now I put the sugar in the cup.   I am doing my homework now.   第一句用一般现在时,用于操作演示或指导说明的示范性动作,表示言行的瞬间动作.再如:Now watch me, I switch on the current and stand back. 第二句中的now是进行时的标志,表示正在进行的动作的客观状况,所以后句用一般现在时.   一般过去时的用法   1)在确定的过去时间里所发生的动作或存在的状态.   时间状语有:yesterday, last week, an hour ago, the other day, in 1982等.   Where did you go just now?   2)表示在过去一段时间内,经常性或习惯性的动作.   When I was a child, I often played football in the street.   Whenever the Browns went during their visit, they were given a warm welcome.   3)句型:   It is time for sb. to do sth "到……时间了" "该……了"   It is time sb. did sth. "时间已迟了" "早该……了"   It is time for you to go to bed. 你该睡觉了.   It is time you went to bed. 你早该睡觉了.   would (had) rather sb. did sth. 表示"宁愿某人做某事"   I"d rather you came tomorrow.   4) wish, wonder, think, hope 等用过去时,作试探性的询问、请求、建议等.   I thought you might have some. 我以为你想要一些.   初中的英语知识点归纳 7   一、词类、句子成分和构词法:   1、词类:英语词类分十种:   名词、形容词、代词、数词、冠词、动词、副词、介词、连词、感叹词。   1、名词(n.): 表示人、事物、地点或抽象概念的名称。如:boy, morning, bag, ball, class, orange.   2、代词(pron.): 主要用来代替名词。如:who, she, you, it .   3、形容词(adj..):表示人或事物的性质或特征。如:good, right, white, orange .   4、数词(num.): 表示数目或事物的顺序。如:one, two, three, first, second, third, fourth.   5、动词(v.): 表示动作或状态。如:am, is,are,have,see .   6、副词(adv.): 修饰动词、形容词或其他副词,说明时间、地点、程度等。如:now, very, here, often, quietly, slowly.   7、冠词(art..):用在名词前,帮助说明名词。如:a, an, the.   8、介词(prep.): 表示它后面的名词或代词与其他句子成分的关系。如in, on, from, above, behind.   9、连词(conj.): 用来连接词、短语或句子。如and, but, before .   10、感叹词(interj..)表示喜、怒、哀、乐等感情。如:oh, well, hi, hello.   2、句子成分:英语句子成分分为七种:主语、谓语、宾语、定语、状语、表语、宾语补足语。   1、主语是句子所要说的人或事物,回答是“谁”或者“什么”。通常用名词或代词担任。如:I"m Miss Green.(我是格林小姐)   2、谓语动词说明主语的动作或状态,回答“做(什么)”。主要由动词担任。如:Jack cleans the room every day. (杰克每天打扫房间)   3、表语在系动词之后,说明主语的身份或特征,回答是“什么”或者“怎么样”。通常由名词、代词或形容词担任。如:My name is Ping ping .(我的名字叫萍萍)   4、宾语表示及物动词的对象或结果,回答做的是“什么”。通常由名词或代词担任。如:He can spell the word.(他能拼这个词)   有些及物动词带有两个宾语,一个指物,一个指人。指物的叫直接宾语,指人的叫间接宾语。间接宾语一般放在直接宾语的前面。如:He wrote me a letter . (他给我写了一封信)   有时可把介词to或for加在间接宾语前构成短语,放在直接宾语后面,来强调间接宾语。如:He wrote a letter to me . (他给我写了一封信)   5、定语修饰名词或代词,通常由形容词、代词、数词等担任。如:   Shanghai is a big city .(上海是个大城市)   6、状语用来修饰动词、形容词、副词,通常由副词担任。如:He works hard .(他工作努力)   7、宾语补足语用来说明宾语怎么样或干什么,通常由形容词或动词充当。如:They usually keep their classroom clean.(他们通常让教室保持清洁) / He often helps me do my lessons.(他常常帮我做功课) / The teacher wanted me to learn French all by myself.(老师要我自学法语)   ☆同位语通常紧跟在名词、代词后面,进一步说明它的情况。如:Where is your classmate Tom ?(你的同学汤姆在哪里?)   3、构词法:英语构词法主要有:合成法、派生法和转换法。   1、合成法:如:spaceship, headache, basketball, playground等等。   2、派生法:   (1)派生名词:①动词+er/or ②动词+ing ③动词+(t)ion ④形容词+ness ⑤其他,如:inventor, learner, swimming, congratulation, kindness, carelessness, knowledge   (2)派生形容词:①名词+y ②名词+ful ③动词+ing/ed ④friendly ⑤dangerous ⑥Chinese; Japanese ⑦English ⑧French ⑨German ⑩国名+(i)an 如:snowy, sunny, hopeful, beautiful, interesting, follwing, daily(每日的),nervous, delicious   (3)派生副词:①形容词+ly ②其它,如:slowly, angrily, full→fully, good→well, possible→possibly等等。   3、转换法:   (1)形容词→动词,如:dry(干燥的)→dry(弄干), clean(干净的)→clean(打扫,弄干净),等等。   (2)动词→名词,如:look, walk, rest, work, study, swim, go, talk等等。   (3)名词→动词,如:hand(手)→(传递),face(脸)→(面对)等等。   (4)形容词→副词,如:early→early, fast→fast等等。   (5)副词→连词,如:when(什么时候)→(当……时候),等等。   (6)介词→副词,如:in(到……里)→(在里面;在家),on(在…上)→(进行,继续),等等。   初中的英语知识点归纳 8   一些容易混淆的介词   1.表示时间的at、on、in的用法区别at主要表示:   (1)在某具体时刻之前,如at seven o" clock,at 7:30。   (2)在固定短语中,如:at noon,at night,at that time,at the age of at the weekend,at Christmas。   On用来表示“在??天”,如:On Monday,On May lst,On Children"s Day。 in用来表示:   (1)在某年、某月、某季节。   (2)在—段时间之后,如:in two hours,in a few days。   注意:在纯粹地表示在上午/下午/晚上时,用in the morning/afternoon/evening,但在某一天的上午、下午、晚上前要用介词on。如:on Monday morning,on the morning of Children" s Day。   2.表示地点的at,in,on的用法区别(1) at通常指小地方,in一般指大地方。 (2) at所指范围不太明确,in指“在??里”。 (3) in指在内部,on指“在??之上”。   3.表示“一段时间”的for与since的用法区别for后面接时间段,since之后接时间点。   4.表示时间的before与by的用法区别before与by都可表示“在??之前”,但by含有“不迟于??”、“到??为止”   的意思。如果by后是将来的时间,则与将来时连用,若by后是过去的时间,则与过去完成时连用。   5.over与above(under与below) over,above都表示“在??的上面”,over表示“正上方”,而above只表示“在上方”但不一定在“正上方”。above还可表示温度、水位等“高于”,over还可表示“越过??”。over的反义词是under,above的反义词是below.例如:There is a bridge over the river Our plane flew above the clouds.
2023-07-18 00:38:321


万盛节 复活节
2023-07-18 00:38:435

翻译 | 如何用水彩画一幅海滩风景画

u200b原文链接: How to Paint a Beach Scene如何用水彩画一幅海滩风景画Painting a watercolor beach scene is an easy beginner"s exercise because you can add as many or few details as you wish. The wet-on-wet technique required achieves beautiful, soft results that mimic the soft lines of water and sand.对于一个初学者来说,画一幅海滩风景的水彩画是相对容易的,因为,你可以根据你的愿意来添加许多或更少的细节。湿画法实现了水和沙子的柔软质感,及画面的美丽效果。Brushes 笔刷 No. 20 flat straight-edge brush 20号平刷 No. 6 round pointed brush 6号尖笔刷 No. 3/0 fine brush 3号或0号小笔 Other supplies 其他需要 Watercolor paper (cold press) 水彩纸(冷压) Watercolor paint set 水彩颜料套装 Water basin 水盆 Paper towel 纸巾 Palette 调色盘 Note: The paint colors used in this project are Cobalt Blue, French Ultramarine, Raw Sienna and Burnt Sienna. 注:本教程中使用的颜色有钴蓝,群青,生赭石和熟褐。Using a No. 20 flat brush, paint the top half of the paper entirely with water. Note: The clear water has been tinted in the photos for demonstration purposes only. 第一步:用20号平刷,在纸张的上半部分平刷清水。注:在图示中,用被着色的浅蓝色区域,演示刷清水的效果。 Dip your No. 20 flat brush in Cobalt Blue and paint over the water while the paper is wet to allow the paint to spread easier. 第二步:用20号平刷,蘸取钴蓝,趁着纸张是湿的时候进行绘制,在湿的纸张上水彩更容易上色。Still using your No. 20 flat brush, dip it in French Ultramarine and paint over the previous paint color.第三步:继续用20号平刷,蘸取群青,在之前画的基础上再画上。Absorb some of the wet paint by scrunching up a piece of paper towel and dabbing it onto the wet paint to form clouds. 第四步:撕一张纸巾,吸走湿画上的一些颜料,形成云朵的效果。Place clouds across the sky in random order and shapes by continuing to dab the paper towel on the wet paint. 第五步:继续用纸巾来吸收颜料,在湿画面上随意地划过,形成想要的天空云朵效果。Clean the No. 20 flat brush and then use it to paint the bottom half of the paper with water. 第六步:洗净20号平刷,然后在画纸的下半部分刷上清水。Dip your No. 20 flat brush in French Ultramarine and brush it onto the wet paper. Leave a white edge between the skyline and the water.第七步:用20号平刷,蘸取群青,在湿画纸上刷色。在天际线和水之间,预留一根白边。While the paint is still wet, dip your No. 20 flat brush in Cobalt Blue and paint over the French Ultramarine. Allow the two colors to bleed into each other. 第八步:趁着画仍然是湿的,用20号平刷蘸取钴蓝,在之前画了群青的基础上继续画。让两种颜色互相渗透。Using the same dabbing method as in Step 4, lift some of the paint with a paper towel to form waves. Manipulate the shape of the paper towel in such a way that you achieve irregular markings when dabbing. Some waves will stretch along the water and be longer than others. To highlight the waves a little more, you can go back and paint underneath the paper towel marks with a darker shade of your blue paint. 第九步:像第四步那样,使用相同的涂抹方法,用纸巾吸掉一些颜料形成波浪效果。用纸涂抹时,要实现不规则纹路和形状。有些波浪会沿着海水的方向伸展,有些波浪会长一些。为了多点突出波浪,你可以在纸巾吸过的波浪下方,再涂一些蓝色,增加阴影效果。Clean your No. 20 flat brush and then dip it in a very diluted Raw Sienna. Paint the left side of the paper to form sand, leaving a white area between the water and the sand. 第十步:洗净20号平刷,然后将它蘸满很稀的生赭石。涂料的纸张的左侧,形成沙滩的效果,注意在水和沙之间的留白。Make a 2:1 mixture of Cobalt Blue and Burnt Sienna on your palette. Dip the No. 6 round brush in the mixture and fill in the white horizon line. Use soft, organic lines to give the illusion of land off in the distance. 第十一步:按2:1的比例混合钴蓝和熟褐。用6号圆笔刷,蘸取该颜料在天际线处的空白区填色。想象那里是远处的陆地,用轻柔的肌理来呈现它。Make a 1:2 mixture of Cobalt Blue and Raw Sienna on your palette. Use the No. 6 round brush to paint an irregular mound on either side of the coastline to represent a mountain. 第十二步:按1:2的比例混合钴蓝和生赭石。用6号笔,在天际线两侧画上不规则的土堆,来代表山。Use the 2:1 mixture of Cobalt Blue and Burnt Sienna and your No. 3/0 round brush to paint irregular lines to fill in the mountain. You can also paint a few organic lines on top of the mountain to represent trees. 第十三步:按2:1的比例混合钴蓝和熟褐,用3号或0号笔,蘸取颜料以不规则的线条继续画山。你也可以画几笔,来代表山上的树。Use the same mixture and brush from Step 13 to paint a few V-shaped figures in the sky to represent birds. 第十四步:用第十三步中相同的颜料,画一些V形图,代表天空中的鸟。最后,将画装入画框中,非常赏心悦目哦!苏珊姐说:非常小清新的海滩景观,很好的装饰画。拿起你的画笔,赶紧画起来吧!
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2023-07-18 00:39:091


1、when you got married?2、will you last working there ?3、do you love him?for what?(what does he attracts you?why you love him?)4、how often do you get online?5、have you lived in Beijing now?then what about your parents?6、I was very delight since I saw you at the first sight that afternoon,even I don"t know why.7、you look much younger than your actually are.8、I"d like to say goodbye to you the day when I left,but I didn"t get enough courage.9、I"m very sorry that I ccouldn"t talk to you because of my poor French.10、I will learn French very hard just for you.11、I"m so happy as soon as I see you.12、I love badminton,too,which is my favourite sport.13、we can have a game of badminton if possible.14、what do you usually do in afternoon when you get out of your work?15、do you live with him together?16、If I get language mistakes,please tell me.17、I like your perfume smell,the colour of your hair,your voice,your clean T-shirt,especially your patience.18、I will remermber you forever wherever I am.19、I even can"t express what the feeling is. 20、I"m so unexpected and happy that you remermbered my birthday,but do you remerber evevryone"s or only mine?
2023-07-18 00:39:585


2023-07-18 00:41:145


是大白熊 杂狗吧,看不出来 中文名 大白熊犬 俗名别名 比利在没有触摸其骨骼和肌肉时,容易被浓密的被毛所欺骗。与其体型及优雅的外貌
2023-07-18 00:41:311


Oder英 [u02c8u0259udu0259]美 [u02c8odu025a]奥得河(中欧)双语例句:1. In oder to prove the servant"s honesty she left a bag containing money on the table. 为了验证仆人的忠实,她把一个装钱的包放在桌子上.2. Ob Schweinshaxe oder W ü rstchen , Kasseler oder Schnitzel - immer gehoeren Kartoffeln und Sauce dazu. 为了省钱, 建议重复使用塑料袋.3. Na ja , egal , drei oder vier ist ungef ? hr das Gleiche. 啊呀,反正三和四都差不多.
2023-07-18 00:41:391


英语中,连词是连接单词、短语或者句子的一种虚词,在句中不单独做任何成分。按照性质,连词可以分为并列连词和从属连词。由并列连词连接的两个(或两个以上)简单句叫做并列句,由从属连词连接的句子叫做主从复合句。并列连词可以用来表示并列关系、转折关系、选择关系或因果关系等。1.and的用法 并列连词and意为“和,又”,表示并列关系,常用来连接表示对等成分的单词、短语或者句子,表示意思的顺延或增补。例如:(1)Our Maths teacher is kind and heipful.我们数学老师和蔼可亲而且乐于帮助我们。(连接连个形容词)(2)I went to the supermarket and bought some vegetables this morning.今天早上我去超市买了一些蔬菜。(连接两个动词短语,表示意思的顺延,动作的先后发生)(3)Her uncle gave her a new bike as her birthday present and she liked it very much.她叔叔给了他一辆新自行车作为生日礼物,她非常喜欢。(连接连个简单句,表示意思的顺延,并列句) and用作并列连词有多重含义,除了表示并列关系外,还可以表示目的(and之后)和条件(and之前)等关系。例如:(4)Come and see my family.来见见我家人。(see表示目的)(5)Be careful,and you will make fewer mistakes.如果仔细,你犯的错误就少)(Be careful表示条件)2.but的用法 并列连词but意为“但是”,表示转折关系,所连接的成分意思相反或相对。例如:(1)Our school is small but beatiful.我们学校虽然小但很漂亮。(连接两个形容词,意思相对)(2)The car is very old but it runs very fast.虽然小汽车旧了,但跑得很快。3.or的用法 并列连词or意为“或者”,表示选择关系。例如:(1)Which do you like better ,juice or Coke?果汁和可乐,你更喜欢哪个?(连接两个名词)(2)Do you often go to school on foot or by bike?你经常步行去上学还是骑自行车去上学?(连接连个介词短语)(3)You can stay here, or you can leave.你可以待在这里,也可以离开。(连接两个简单句) 另外,在否定句中否定并列成分时,用or,而不用and。例如:(4)I can"t speak English or French.我不会将英语和法语。(不能使用and) 英语中,“祈使句+or+简单句”结构,也是一种常用句型。句型中,or意为“否则”,祈使句相当于一个条件,可以和以“if”引导的条件状语从句进行转换。例如:(5)Put on your coat,or you will catch a cold.穿上你的上衣,否则你会感冒的。 =If you don"t put on your coat,you will catch a cold.(转换成以“if ”引导的条件状语从句时,要去掉并列连词or)4.so的用法 并列连词so表示“因此、所以”之意,常用来连接两个简单句,这两个简单句有意思上的因果关系。例如:(1)The rain began to fall,so we went home.天开始下雨了,所以我们就回家了。(2)Everyone in the town knew him ,so we had no trouble finding his house.镇上谁都认识他,因此他们毫不费力就找到了他的家。 so和从属连词because(因为)不能一起连用。也就是说,使用了并列连词)。就不用because(从属连词);使用了because,就不用so。例如: 他病了,没去上学。(3)He was ill,so he didn"t go to school (本句是一个由并列连词so连接的并列句)(4)He didn"t go to school because he was ill.(本句是一个由从属连词because引导的主从复合句)
2023-07-18 00:41:495

求UIQ3.0 证书

2008年2月20号.SymbianSign.com对外宣布,停止对没有Publisher ID的用户进行开发者证书的申请。之前没有申请过开发者证书的用户将无法再使用没有通过VeriSign Symbian Signed认证的高权限软件(例如使用了开机启动,读取设备数据等功能).由于本次限制,受到最大影响的是国内部分涉及到系统高等权限的Symbian 9.1-9.5 Series 60 3rd 和UIQ 3.0的软件开发商.他们将花费更多的周期和费用去进行Symbian认证以防止没有开发者证书的用户的流失.据Symbian sign官方的解释,本次采取该措施是由于很多用户进行了大量的重复的证书申请.而好多证书的使用和原官方的思路是不符合,并不是由开发者使用的.目前国内大部分涉及系统高等权限的Symbian软件开发商,为了减少软件周期和费用,都是采取让用户使用开发者证书去认证软件的方法.而不是采用标准的递交给SYMBIAN测试并获得SYMBIAN认证的方法.Symbian 9.1-9.5 系统软件认证的种类:1. Symbian Signed certification 本类软件一般是使用了PowerMgmt/ProtServ/SwEvent/SurroundingsDD/ReadDeviceData/WriteDeviceData/TrustedUI等能力,必须购买Publisher ID,并将程序递交到TEST HOUSE,通过后即可以发布.2. Developer Signed cer按照原来的设定,这类认证是开发者在开发软件时,不用递交测试即可进行一些高权限操作而允许申请的证书进行的认证.由于国内软件开发商及破解,汉化的系统软件的原因.国内的用户一般都采取这种方式对软件进行认证并成功实现所有功能.tification 3.Self Signed certification 本类软件一般只使用了一些基本的能力并不会对系统造成影响的.Symbisn允许开发商使用自己的证书进行认证.只包含最基本的6个权限.由于网站的停止申请,现在没有在之前申请过证书的用户及开发者,已经无法使用第二项.除非去购买Publisher ID.4对现在还没有自己证书的兄弟说一声,对不起,你们晚了····
2023-07-18 00:32:332


2023-07-18 00:32:351


切记谨遵医嘱洛索洛芬钠片适应症① 下述疾患及症状的消炎和镇痛类风湿性关节炎、骨性关节炎、腰痛症、肩关节周围炎、颈肩腕综合征。②手术后,外伤后及拔牙后的镇痛和消炎。③下述疾患的解热和镇痛急性上呼吸道炎(包括伴有急性支气管炎的急性上呼吸道炎)。不良反应据文献报道(本项包括不能计算发生率的不良反应报告)总病例13,486例中,409例(3.03%)报告有不良反应,主要有消化系统症状(胃及腹部不适感、胃痛、恶心及呕吐、食欲不振等2.25%)、浮肿及水肿(0.59%)、皮疹及荨麻疹等(0.21%)、嗜睡(0.10%)等报告。1. 重大不良反应(发生率不详)(1) 休克:可能发生休克,故应注意观察,若出现异常应速停药并适当处置。(2) 溶血性贫血,白细胞减少,血小板减少可能发生,故应进行血液检查等注意观察,若出现异常应速停药并给予适当处置。(3) 皮肤粘膜眼综合征可能发生,故应注意观察,若出现异常应速停药并给予适当处置。(4) 急性肾功能不全、肾病综合征、间质性肾炎可能发生,故应注意观察,若出现异常应停药并给予适当处理。由于伴随急性肾功能不全可能出现高钾血症,故使用该药时应特别注意。(5)充血性心衰可能发生。故应注意观察,若出现异常,胸部X线异常,应速停药并给予妥当处置。(6) 间质性肺炎:可能发生伴有发热、咳嗽、呼吸困难、胸部X线异常、嗜酸粒细胞增多等的间质性肺炎,若出现此类症状,应速停药并给肾上腺皮质激素制剂等适当处置。(7) 消化道出血:严重的消化性溃疡或大肠、小肠的消化道出血,例如:呕血,黑便,以及便血,有时伴有休克的发生。病人应注意观察,若出现异常,应立刻停药并作适当处置。(8)消化道穿孔可能发生,若出现上腹部疼痛、腹痛等,应速停药并作适当处置。(9) 肝功能障碍,黄疸:可出现AST(GOT),ALT(GPT)和γ-GTP升高,伴随着黄疸的肝功能障碍或突发肝炎。应注意观察,如有异常,应立刻停药并做适当的处置。(10) 哮喘发作: 可出现哮喘发作等急性呼吸性障碍。应注意观察,如有异常,应立刻停药并做适当的处置。(11)无菌性脑膜炎:可能出现无菌性脑膜炎(发热、头痛、恶心、呕吐、颈项强直、意识模糊等)。应注意观察,如有异常,应立即停药并做适当的处置。(特别是伴随有系统性红斑狼疮或混合性结缔组织病的患者易发生不良事件。)
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