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谁有胡文婧的《close to you》这首歌的歌词

2023-07-18 04:10:16

Close To You 歌词:(中英对照) 词/曲/编曲/合音/混音/演唱: 婧 i have never thought that oneday i will really fall in love with you 我从未想过那有一天我会真的爱上你 the feelings are just so true i even don"t know how to resist you 那感觉是如此真实,我甚至不知道如何去抗拒你 everytime i cry 每次我哭泣 you stand by at my side 你站在我的身边 looking into my eyes , 看着我的眼睛 and say that "you"ll be mine" 并且说“你会是我的” oh baby you are the one oh,宝贝你是惟一 just like that song we used to share in the night 就像那首歌我们用来共享在夜色中 no one else comes close to you 没有其他人会靠近你 no one makes me feel the way you do 没有人会让我感到你所给的感动 you are special girl , to me 你对我来说是个特别的女孩 and you will always be eternally 而且你将是永远永远 everytime i hold you near 每当我靠在你身边 you"ll always say the words that i would love to hear 你总是说那些我爱听的话 no one else comes close to you 没有其他人会靠近你 come close to you .. 靠近你 close to you ... 靠近你 no no one "s come to you except i do 除了我没有人会靠近你 coz i thinking you are just for me , 因为我想你只属于我 only .and baby our love is going to last iternally 只属于我。而且我们的爱将会到永远。 everytime i hold you near 每当我靠在你身边 wanting to say those words that i want you to hear 我总想说那句想让你听到的话 yes i love you 是的,我爱你 trully deeply madly beautifully.. 真实的、深深的、疯狂的、美丽的.... i feel the way our love is gonna be 我感到我们的爱会走下去 i gotta the feeling of your soft skin 我要去感受你柔软的皮肤 oh baby. i want you OH BABY~我想你 i need you 我需要你 i wanna take you back to spend every day 我要带着你过完以后的每一天 no one else comes close to you 没有其他人会再靠近你 no one makes me feel the way you do 没有人会让我感到你所给的感动 you are special girl , to me 你对我来说是个特别的女孩 and you will always be eternally 而且你将是永远永远 everytime i hold you near 每当我靠在你身边 you"ll always say the words that i would love to hear 你总是说那些我爱听的话 no one else comes close to you 没有其他人会靠近你 come close to you .. 靠近你 close to you ... 靠近你



目录 1 拼音 2 药品说明书 2.1 纳络酮的别名 2.2 外文名 2.3 适应症 2.4 用量用法 2.5 注意事项 2.6 规格 1 拼音 nà luò tóng 2 药品说明书 2.1 纳络酮的别名 纳络酮 ,烯丙羟吗啡酮 ,苏诺,盐酸丙烯吗啡,N烯丙去甲羟吗啡酮,丙烯吗啡酮,那诺非,盐酸纳洛酮注射液 2.2 外文名 Naloxone, Narcan, Nallynoroxymorphone 2.3 适应症 用于麻醉性镇痛药急性中毒解救,每次0.4~0.8mg,肌注或静注,1~2分钟即可解除呼吸抑制及其它中毒症状,可使患者从昏迷状态迅速恢复。此外,还可用于治疗精神分裂症、乙醇中毒及心博骤停患者的复苏,并具有抗休克作用。可显著增强心肌收缩力,升高血压,改善组织的血液灌注,适用于治疗败血症性休克基其他休克经治疗无效时使用;也用于治疗垂体激素分泌亢进综合征,能抑制ACTH的过度分泌。 2.4 用量用法 皮下、肌注、静注:用于麻醉性镇痛药急性中毒解救,每次0.4~0.8mg。12岁以下儿童:0.2mg/次。用于治疗精神分裂症:每次4mg。用于心脏骤停急救,以2mg每(kg.小时)静滴。 新生儿窒息:0.01mg/kg,首先给0.02mg试验剂量,如无反应可3~5分钟内重复使用。 2.5 注意事项 对阿片类药物已耐受者,使用本品后会立即出现戒断症状,可用以研究镇痛药的作用部位、作用性质与强度等;孕妇、新生儿不宜用。高血压及心功能障碍患者慎用,使用时应严格遵照医嘱。 极少人数出现心动过速及肺水肿。 2.6 规格 针剂:0.4mg/1ml。
2023-07-17 23:12:231


It;s one small step of me but a great step of man.
2023-07-17 23:12:348


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2023-07-17 23:12:572

韩国男团AB6IX举行EP《A to B》发布会,他们有什么作品?

团体综艺节目brandnewboys,团铁手着迷你专辑B:COMPLETE,另外BREATHE这首歌也非常好听,迷你专辑SALUTE,歌曲AtoB以及歌曲HOLLYWOOD也非常好听 。
2023-07-17 23:13:055


的设计,建造和性能的一个新的安静,低湍流开放射流冲击下风洞已说明。 这一设施是为了取得最大的雷诺数 1.5 106基于水力直径的喷嘴。本文介绍了设计的基本原则的每个组成部分开放射流风洞。的核心,风洞是一个独特的静音控制阀旨在减少阀造成的噪音大压降跨越它。大型消音器与吸收曝气生物滤池E盘介绍下游的阀门,以进一步减轻阀噪声存在于现在。一种新颖的设计特征的风洞是利用短90曲面扩散,其中一些被动怎么控制装置介绍,企图抑制边界层分离对内墙。的最佳结合分流叶片,蜂窝和编织丝网屏幕决心经过广泛的试验规模有所缩减模型90弯区分定影。进一步的下游,这是位于器消声器,其目的是解决了现在,并进一步减轻噪声和剩余阀上游边界层任何噪音。飞机是应受加速通过25:1责任三维喷嘴空气中排放的喷嘴和进入暗室。详细声学和空气动力学测量开放 飞机风洞提出评估的质量和性能的风洞。结果表明,设施和背景噪音低的自由射流是干净的空气动力学低湍流强度。此外, OASPL从飞机是低,或更低,比许多其他声学和汽车风洞在世界各地。最后,一条长凳标志测试是由定位在自由射流一NACA0012翼型砂纸跳闸和测量相应的尾缘自噪声。音响信号后缘发现了会大大增加(高达15分贝)比背景噪声水平。
2023-07-17 23:13:503


国产拉力车,标配液晶仪表,ABS,续航450km,20kW下1.98万。自从钱江收购意大利贝纳利的消息传开后,贝纳利这个品牌逐渐进入国内消费者的视野,推出了很多新车型,其中贝纳利TRK251这款可以通勤和拉车的中量级摩托车受到了广泛关注。这款贝纳利TRK251官方售价19800元。据说性能很好。让我们来看看。 外观设计和仪表配置纳利TRK251的外观设计延续了贝纳利TRK502的风格,颜值得到了最大程度的优化。TRK251的前脸采用了经典的ADV拉丝风格,并配备了双透镜鹰眼LED大灯。尖锐程度自然不言而喻。全液晶仪表盘,设计清晰度完善,功能显示齐全,速度、档位、速度、里程、油量显示准确。另外配备了USB充电接口,非常实用。无论是日常通勤还是驾车出行,都不用担心电子设备断电。 尺寸和载物能力TRK251定位于拉力摩托车,车身长宽高2090*830*1310mm,轴距1375mm,离地间隙仅为170mm。以170cm的身高为例,相对友好。同时,Nally TRK251还配备了三个尾箱可供选择,承载能力不错。 避震和刹车系统Nally TRK251前轮采用倒前叉,缸径78mm,行程55.2mm,钢架,倒前减震,后中心单减震,前280mm浮动碟刹,后240mm固定碟刹,前后铝合金轮毂,前轮尺寸110/70-ZR17,后轮尺寸150/60-ZR17。并且配备主流ABS防抱死制动系统,安全性非常高。 动力油耗续航TRK251配备了一台249CC直列单缸水冷四气门发动机。根据官方数据,该发动机最大功率为20KW/10500rpm,最大扭矩为20.5nm /8500rpm。新调整后,速度趋于中高速,更适合长途骑行。TRK251配备了容量高达18升的油箱。结合官方公布的4L百公里油耗,估计续航里程可达450km。这款车既能满足日常通勤,又能满足长途机动出行,尤其是城市通勤,不用频繁加油,减少了很多麻烦。百万购车补贴
2023-07-17 23:14:091

求翻译Dream life of Rand Mcnally这首歌的歌词!!跪求!

放到英语分类里去吧。。。。提高点分,估计有人给你翻。Who is he, Mr. Rand McNally? Who , who is he?Well, I had I dream that mystery was me, now who else could I be?"Cause I dreamed I went to England and met the Spice girls there for teaThey lost one more they"re down from four to my favourite number of threeBut they"re still quite spicy as the orange flavourAnd oh so nice to do me the favour and lick my icing under the table nowBut I gotta leave town Mr. Nally,Just as scary spice was about to go down on meAnd don"t ask how Mr. Nally and give up the towel Mr. Nally and run.I dreamed I went to Singapore got bored and robbed a liquor storeWhat for? Nobody knows I only took a couple of MarlborosOh that was all they needed and the criminal was soon defeatedAnd now in jail I"m waiting for my punishment of caningBut I gotta think fast Mr. Nally, watch your a*s, say wake up and laugh and runBetter Mr run, Mr rand, Mr Mac, Mr. NallyMr run, Mr man, you got the knack for the rally and run.I had a chance to visit the north pole but it was way too cold to smokeOh my nose was freezing I should could use some coughing and wheezingSo I tried it anyway and the place went up in flamesHow was I suppose to know you could catch fire to the snowOh lord way to go Mr. Nally, way to go, oh now you"re melting the poles mr nally so run.<a href="">Dream Life Of Rand Mcnally 歌词<a> <a href="">音乐 ABC<a>I jumped ship in NYC then headed south to Washington DCDidn"t think I"d go there but played some shows there fancy lucky meAnd it is really slow there with our new president on TVToo many politicians and liberal Christians they"re all set out for meOh my, cast your vote Mr. Nally, castrate your vote, no you don"t, Mr. NallyI thumbed a ride across the prairie, I got hitched in Vegas, yeah, I got married To a lady who loved me she thought it"s be funny to gamble all my moneyAnd I got stranded without my clothes, a little bit of fear and loathing heart attackI got chased by the rat pack once in a flashback, singing viva Las Vegas.Singing viva Las Vegas, viva Las Vegas, singing viva Las VegasI settled down in San Diego and smoked a joint with java JoeAnd with a grin he took me in spilling coffee on his chinAnd I played my show there, I met my b*tches and ho"s thereAnd with my holy ho they kindly let me shake my tail thereBut one more thing before I go there"s never been any place like this homeFor once in a lifetime maybe I"d be foolish not to stayI gotta get away, running to play, say what can I sayC"est, c"est c"est la vieC"est c"esat c"est la, la vieC"est la vie
2023-07-17 23:14:182


2023-07-17 23:14:345

There are eight subjects in this term.(改为一般疑问句)

Are there eight subjects in this term?I don"t like English.What day is today?What do you like?What lessons do you have on Friday?Does he have seven lessons every day?Yes,of course.How do you feel now?What does Nancy usually do on Sundays?
2023-07-17 23:14:514

永远在一起 英语怎么说?

2023-07-17 23:15:1114


oc- 逆,反,非,倒 occupy 占领 用在c前. 比如: occasionally (oc十casionally) adv.偶尔,偶然
2023-07-17 23:15:351


2023-07-17 23:15:4615

take 2 capsules a day with a meal,or as professi0

2023-07-17 23:18:082


2023-07-17 23:18:151


这个是that引导的宾语从句a fundamental property of any electronic or electrical circuit是主语that后边的部分是宾语,这个宾语中又是一个句子组成的,其中的the voltages present within it 是主语任何电流或者电路的一个基本特点是其中的电压涉及到一个普通的点,习惯上叫做接地点(这个真不知道物理上怎么称呼,⊙﹏⊙b汗)希望有帮助,共同提高:)
2023-07-17 23:18:233


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2023-07-17 23:18:503


accurate造句:1、I think it might be more accurate to say the meeting was a success.我以为如果说这次会议是成功的,这可能更确切。2、To obtain accurate results, you need to employ good statistical tools.你需要使用精准的统计工具才能得到正确的结果。3、But without a reliable currency benchmark, it is hard to set accurate prices or to value assets.没有了可靠的汇率基准,很难进行准确的商品定价和资产评估。4、Structural anti-seismic design include accurate calculation design and reasonable concept design.结构抗震设计包括精确的计算设计和合理的概念设计两个方面。5、Detection of uranium is needed to determine the accurate age of this star.检测铀则需要准确判定年龄这颗恒星。6、Accurate Method for the Determination of MnO2 Content in Ore.软锰矿MnO_2含量的准确分析法。7、He also gave a very accurate description of the morphology of his cells.他给他所发现的细胞的形态学特征进行了非常精细的描述。8、Location accurate to 5 feet of actual pipe flaw.定位可精确到实际管道泄漏的5英尺范围内。9、Tonally, it seemed neutral and accurate to me.在调子上,它对我似乎中立的和正确了。10、Not an accurate statement. I will clarify.我先声明这个没有个准确的值。accuracy翻译:accuracy指的是准确度,具体的衡量方式是(测量值-真值)取绝对值。 测量值就是试验结果,可能是仪器测量,可能是公式推算等等。 真值是事物的一种固有属性,是一个“假想值”,无法精确获得。 accuracy的一般实际应用场景是,比如用一个电子秤,你称(比如)千克原器,告诉你重1.5kg,那就是accuracy不好。
2023-07-17 23:18:571


[Micky]bring it down now, bring it down now, bring it down 《믹키》날 떠나란 말 이제는 끝이란 말 [Micky]nal ddeo na ran mal i jen neun ggeut i ran mal 【有天】有天]无论何时想要说离开 언제나 하고싶은 대로 나를 움직여도 eon je na ha go sipeun dae ro na reul um jik yeo do 说结束都可以 即使我会动摇 너의 투정일 뿐 이라는 걸 나는 알아 neo ui tu jeong il bbun i ra neun geol na neun al ah 即使知道了你的背叛 네가 그렇다고 달라지는 것은 없어 ne ga geu reoh da go dal ra ji neun geo seun eop seo 我依然不会改变[Chang Min]call up call up 《시아》이제 그만 나를 시험 하지마[Xiah]i je geu man na reul si heom ha ji ma 【俊秀】现在起停止对我的考验[Chang Min]call up call up 《시아》그 모습에 내가 힘들잖아[Xiah]geu mo seub eh nae ga him deul janh ah 【俊秀】这样的我很辛苦 《창민》여자들은 왜 자꾸 확인받고싶어[Chang Min]yeo ja deul eun wae ja ggu hwak in bad go sipeo 【昌珉】女人们为什么总是想要得到确认 《시아》남자들의 맘을 흔들까 우예[Xiah]nam ja deul ui mam eul heun deul gga uh ye 【俊秀】男人们的心那么的摇摆不定 《창민》정해져버린 것 처럼 미래까지[Chang Min]jeong hae jyeo beo rin geot cheo reom mi rae gga ji 【昌珉】命中注定般的未来 보인다면 너무 재미없겠지만 bo in da myeon neo mu jae mi eop get ji man 即使能看见 却很乏味 매일 같은 말 매일같은 식의 mae il gateun mal mae il gateun sik ui 每天都是同样的话语 每天都是同样的 표현도 별로 재미없잖아 pyo hyeon do byeol ro jae mi eop janh ah 表达方式 毫无乐趣[All](i say)hey don"t bring me down 《단체》그저 그런 남자로 만들지마[All]geu jeo geu reon nam ja ro man deul ji ma 【全体】请不要让我成为那样的男人 사랑하는 법을 아는 남자라면 sa rang ha neun beob eul ah neun nam ja ra myeon 懂得爱情法规的男人 언제나 멈춰있지않은 길을 선택해 eon je na mam chweo it ji anh eun gil eul seon taek hae 无论何时都不会停止选择自己的路[All](i say)hey don"t bring me down 《단체》철새같은 남자로 보지마 [All]cheol sae gateun nam ja ro bo ji ma 【全体】不要把我看成是候鸟般的男人 마지막 순간의 너의 사람이 누구인지 지켜봐 ma ji mak sun gan ui neo ui sa ram i nu gu in ji ji kyeo bwa 最后的瞬间谁才是你想要守护的人[Micky]bring it down now, bring it down now, bring it down bring it down now, bring it down now, bring it down bring it down now, bring it down now, bring it down bring it down now, bring it down now, bring it down《재중》한 눈팔 생각도 하지말란 말 [Jae Joong]han nun pal saeng gak do ha ji mal ran mal 【在中】说不要心不在焉 예전보다 애정이 식었다는 말 ye jeon bo da ae jeong i sik eop da neun mal 说爱情比从前冷漠 너는 왜 그렇게 소중한 내 가치도 neo neun wae geu reoh ge so jung han nae ga chi do 为什么直到现在仍然不明白我是 아직 모르는 거야 ah jik mo reu neun geo ya 那么的珍爱你(《단체》자신없어보여) ([All]ja sin eop seo bo yeo) (【全体】看起来那么没有自信)《믹키》어울리지 않는 말 [Micky]eo ul ri ji anh neun mal 【有天】说着不合适的话(《단체》정말모르겠니) ([All]jeong mal mo reu get ni) (【全体】真的不知道吗)[Chang Min]you don"t know what loving you(《단체》아직모르겠니) ([All]ah jik mo reu get ni) (【全体】到现在还不知道吗)《시아》머리부터 말끝까지너의 모든 것이 [Xiah]meo ri bu teo mal ggeut gga ji neo ui mo deun geo si 【俊秀】你从头到脚的全部 나를 사로잡아버린 걸 na reul sa ro jab ah beo rin geol 都让我深深地着迷《창민》너의 곁에서 절대 발꼬리처럼 뭐한 내가 되고싶지않아 [Chang Min]neo ui gyeot eh seo jeol dae bal ggo ri cheo reom mweo han nae ga dwi go sip ji anh ah 【昌珉】如影随形般在你左右《단체》매일 같은 말 매일같은 식의 [All]mae il gateun mal mae il gateun sik ui 【全体】每天都是同样的话语 每天都是同样的 표현도 별로 재미없잖아 pyo hyeon do byeol ro jae mi eop janh ah 表达方式 毫无乐趣 [All](i say)hey don"t bring me down《단체》그저 그런 남자로 만들지마 [All]geu jeo geu reon nam ja ro man deul ji ma 【全体】请不要让我成为那样的男人 사랑하는 법을 아는 남자라면 sa rang ha neun beob eul ah neun nam ja ra myeon 懂得爱情法规的男人 언제나 멈춰있지않은 길을 선택해 eon je na mam chweo it ji anh eun gil eul seon taek hae 无论何时都不会停止选择自己的路 [All](i say)hey don"t bring me down《단체》철새같은 남자로 보지마 [All]cheol sae gateun nam ja ro bo ji ma 【全体】不要把我看成是候鸟般的男人 마지막 순간의 너의 사람이 누구인지 지켜봐 ma ji mak sun gan ui neo ui sa ram i nu gu in ji ji kyeo bwa 最后的瞬间谁才是你想要守护的人《시아》다시 나를 흔들어 볼 생각하지말아 [Xiah]da sin a reul heun deul eo bul saeng gak ha ji mal ah 【俊秀】再一次呈现我的摇摆不定 있는 그대로의 나를 지켜 it neun geu dae ro ui na reul ji kyeo 有我当初的守护[Micky]i need a girl so need you love (뭐래니 얘지금) (mweo rae ni yae ji geum) (现在什么也不要)《재중》사람들의 시선에 맞춰 나를 가치없는 [Jae Joong]sa ram deul ui si seon eh mat chweo na reul ga chi eop neun 【在中】人们都看着我 남자로 만들려고 하지마 nam ja ro man deul ryeo go ha ji ma 不要把我变成一钱不值的男人[Micky]i need a girl i need a girl i need you girl[All](i say)hey don"t bring me down《단체》그저 그런 남자로 만들지마 [All]geu jeo geu reon nam ja ro man deul ji ma 【全体】请不要让我成为那样的男人 사랑하는 법을 아는 남자라면 sa rang ha neun beob eul ah neun nam ja ra myeon 懂得爱情法规的男人 언제나 멈춰있지않은 길을 선택해 eon je na mam chweo it ji anh eun gil eul seon taek hae 无论何时都不会停止选择自己的路[All](i say)hey don"t bring me down《단체》철새같은 남자로 보지마 [All]cheol sae gateun nam ja ro bo ji ma 【全体】不要把我看成是候鸟般的男人 마지막 순간의 너의 사람이 누구인지 지켜봐 ma ji mak sun gan ui neo ui sa ram i nu gu in ji ji kyeo bwa 最后的瞬间谁才是你想要守护的人[All](i say)hey don"t bring me down《단체》그저 그런 남자로 만들지마 [All]geu jeo geu reon nam ja ro man deul ji ma 【全体】请不要让我成为那样的男人 사랑하는 법을 아는 남자라면 sa rang ha neun beob eul ah neun nam ja ra myeon 懂得爱情法规的男人 언제나 멈춰있지않은 길을 선택해 eon je na mam chweo it ji anh eun gil eul seon taek hae 无论何时都不会停止选择自己的路[All](i say)hey don"t bring me down《단체》철새같은 남자로 보지마 [All]cheol sae gateun nam ja ro bo ji ma 【全体】不要把我看成是候鸟般的男人 마지막 순간의 너의 사람이 누구인지 지켜봐 ma ji mak sun gan ui neo ui sa ram i nu gu in ji ji kyeo bwa 最后的瞬间谁才是你想要守护的人([Micky]i need a girl) ([Micky]i need you girl)
2023-07-17 23:19:153


问题一:餐桌的英语怎么说 餐桌的英文是table 问题二:餐桌的英文是什么 table; board; dining-table 互帮互助,望采纳,在此谢过! 问题三:餐桌椅英文如何翻译? Dining sets 餐桌椅 双语例句: I am looking f丹r plete dining sets for2,4 or8 seats, modular sofa sectional and various other furniture. 我期待完整的餐饮为2套,4个或8个席位,模块化沙发分段和其他各种家具。 问题四:在餐桌上用英文怎么说? At table意为“正在餐桌上吃饭”at the table意为“坐在桌旁”on the table“什么东西在桌子上” 问题五:“在餐桌上”用英语怎么说 At table意为“正在餐桌上吃饭” at the table意为“坐在桌旁” on the table“什么东西在桌子上” 问题六:在餐桌上用英文怎么说 At table意为“正在餐桌上吃饭”at the table意为“坐在桌旁”on the table“什么东西在桌子上” 问题七:餐桌文化 用英文怎么翻译? 餐桌文化:table culture 问题八:餐桌上的“转盘”英语怎么说? 跟着我一起来科普一下吧!转盘:Lazy Susan看到这个说法,大家是不是觉得很奇怪呢?为啥餐桌上的东西会和人名有关,而且还是个lazy性质的。其实,这里是有一个典故滴,且听俺慢慢道来:首先来看 *** 中的说法:The Lazy Susan is monly used in many Chinese restaurants to facilitate dishes being ordered munally and shared.The term Lazy Susan made its first written appearance in a Vanity Fair advertisement for a Revolving Server or Lazy Susan in 1917, although their existence dates back to the 18th century. Prior to the use of the term "Lazy Susan", they were referred to as dumbwaiters, a term today applied to a *** all elevator for transporting food There is no clear evidence as to the origin of the Susan part of Lazy Susan.原来这个名字还是大有来头的,来自于小说Vanity Fair(《名利场》)中的……一则广告(汗!)……而其真正的来源则无法考证了。接着来看民间传说:据说在美国,有个名叫Ssuan的女老板开了家饭店叫做Susan Restaurant,由于觉得要为顾客一个个夹菜神马的很麻烦,于是她就发明了这么一个转盘搁桌子中间,让食客自给自足。于是这样的转盘就被叫做“Lazy Susan”啦。 问题九:餐桌的英文是什么? table 问题十:餐桌的英文翻译是什么 table 餐桌
2023-07-17 23:19:451


we see the fire in the skywe fell the beating of our hearts togetherthis is our time, to rise abovewe know the chance is here to live foreverfor all timehand in hand we standall across the landwe can make this world a better placein which to licea li longhand in hand we canstart to understandbreaking down the walls that come between us for all timea li longevery time we give it allwe fell the flame etetnally inside uslift our hand in handwe stand all across the landwe can make this world a better placein which to livehand in handhands up tp the skythe morning comes and starts to live inharmoryhand in handwe can start to understandbreaking down the walls that come betweenus for all timehand in hand.........
2023-07-17 23:19:533

急求88首尔奥运会主题曲hand in hand 英文歌词!

2023-07-17 23:20:013


目录 1 拼音 2 药品说明书 2.1 苏诺的别名 2.2 外文名 2.3 适应症 2.4 用量用法 2.5 注意事项 2.6 规格 1 拼音 sū nuò 2 药品说明书 2.1 苏诺的别名 纳络酮 ,烯丙羟吗啡酮 ,苏诺,盐酸丙烯吗啡,N烯丙去甲羟吗啡酮 2.2 外文名 Naloxone, Narcan, Nallynoroxymorphone 2.3 适应症 用于麻醉性镇痛药急性中毒解救,每次0.4~0.8mg,肌注或静注,1~2分钟即可解除呼吸抑制及其它中毒症状,可使患者从昏迷状态迅速恢复。此外,还可用于治疗精神分裂症、乙醇中毒及心博骤停患者的复苏,并具有抗休克作用。可显著增强心肌收缩力,升高血压,改善组织的血液灌注,适用于治疗败血症性休克基其他休克经治疗无效时使用;也用于治疗垂体激素分泌亢进综合征,能抑制ACTH的过度分泌。 2.4 用量用法 皮下、肌注、静注:用于麻醉性镇痛药急性中毒解救,每次0.4~0.8mg。12岁以下儿童:0.2mg/次。用于治疗精神分裂症:每次4mg。用于心脏骤停急救,以2mg每(kg.小时)静滴。 新生儿窒息:0.01mg/kg,首先给0.02mg试验剂量,如无反应可3~5分钟内重复使用。 2.5 注意事项 对阿片类药物已耐受者,使用本品后会立即出现戒断症状,可用以研究镇痛药的作用部位、作用性质与强度等;孕妇、新生儿不宜用。高血压及心功能障碍患者慎用,使用时应严格遵照医嘱。 极少人数出现心动过速及肺水肿。 2.6 规格 针剂:0.4mg/1ml。
2023-07-17 23:20:221

回答下列提问:Dear all,I am writing this letter in my room.I can se?

1.the Seine 2.No the university 4.ten minutes 5.ride bicycles 6.It is quite different from out town. 自己注意大写就是了,9,1he can see the Seine from my window. 2.yes. 3.The university. 4.10 minutes. 5.Most of the other students ride bicycles. 6.he likes paris.It is quite different from his town..,2,亲爱的, 我写这封信,我的房间。我可以看到从我的窗户的塞纳河。它是美丽的。 我是一个学生ataying酒店离巴黎市中心有几英里。我有一个大房间,我化为卧室,书房和客厅!有一个厨房的酒店,但我不常在那里做饭。我usnally吃饭在大学。那里的食物是好又便宜。 大学是一个站在地下铁路。十分钟就到,很方便。其他大部分学生骑自行车,但我没有得到一个。 我很享受自己。我喜欢沿...,1,回答下列提问: Dear all, I am writing this letter in my room.I can see the Seine from my window.It is beautiful. I am ataying ay a student hotel some miles from the centre of Paris.I have got a big room and I nse it as a bedroom,a study and a sitting room!There is a kithchen in the hotel,but I don"t often cook there.I usnally have my meals at the university.The food there is good and cheap. The university is about two stops from here on the underground railway.It takes ten minutes to get there,so that"s easy.Most of the other students ride bicycles,but I haven"t got one. I am enjoying myself very much.I like walking along the streets.I like paris.It is quite different from out town. Do write if you have time. All the best! 1.What can Gavin see from the window of his room? 2.Gavin stays in his own house,doesn"t he? 3.Where does Gavin have his meals? 4.How long does it take Gavin to get the university? 5.How do most students get to the university? 6.What does Gavin think of Paris?
2023-07-17 23:20:361


2023-07-17 23:20:441


2023-07-17 23:21:354


Albert 涵义:高贵且才华超众的Alexander 涵义:人类的守卫者Daniel 涵义:上帝是我的审判者Dennis 涵义:酒神的跟随者(这个我最喜欢)Edward 涵义:富有的守护者 Cikey茜淇 Angel(a)安琪(拉)(意思是天使,读音不错) Fairy菲儿瑞(意思是仙女,给人灵动、可爱的感觉) Aviel爱薇儿 Michelle蜜雪儿(一位花仙子的名字) Vikey薇淇 Yuri(Yoly)悠莉(读音很可爱) Annie安妮(寓意是温柔,识大体和聪慧) Catherin凯瑟琳(是一个很高雅的名字,有一点温柔的涵义) Lucya露茜娅 Vivian薇薇安 Suson苏珊(涵义是天真、纯洁) Isabella(Isberla)依莎贝拉 Helon海伦(希腊历史上的旷世美女) Cindy(灰姑娘Cinderrala的乳名) Marina玛琳娜(涵义是辛劳) Starry斯达莉(蕴含了星星star这个词语) Sharra夏娃(生命之母) Sharrphy莎菲 Purphy浦菲(蕴含了紫色purple这个词语) Hilary希拉莉 Winnie文妮、云妮(蕴含了云wind这个词语) Sophy(a)索菲(娅) Rainey雨妮(除了蕴含雨rain这个词语外,也代表着感性) Yoyo瑶瑶 Joey祖依 Lily莉莉(意思是百合花) Rose罗斯、蔷薇、玫瑰(意思是蔷薇) Ashley爱什莉 Queennie琼妮(涵义是公主) Coco可可 Ella艾拉 Sally萨莉 Jannie珍妮 Mary玛丽(涵义跟玛琳娜一样是辛劳) Jacqueline杰奎琳(很可爱) Dathline达芙莲(希腊神话中一位美丽的仙女) Anna安娜 Nally娜莉 Suki苏琪(日文中是喜欢的意思) Yuki悠琪 Kawaii咔娃依(日文中是可爱的意思,适合眼睛大大的可爱女生) Berverra芭芭拉 Baebbie芭比 Melody美璐蒂(意思是美妙的旋律) Alice爱丽斯 Polly波莉 Amanda阿曼达(意思是坚强,毫不比男生逊色,同时又有女性的温柔) Mandy曼蒂(同Amanda) Joeysie吉依茜 Fransies弗兰茜斯 Stephanie斯蒂芬妮(在希腊语中是皇冠的意思) Candy坎蒂 Albee中文有点难翻译,所以不翻译了,可是读上去好听,很时尚,适合可爱的女生 Lulu璐璐 Karron卡伦 Betty贝蒂 Mimi咪咪 Dodo嘟嘟(很可爱的名字)
2023-07-17 23:22:011

big bang 《blue》歌词罗马音最好一句句排好

转自罗马音歌词吧 金晓__宥希翻译 地址: [GD]gyeouri gago bomi chajaojyourin sideulgogeurium soge mami meongdeureotjyo(I"m singing my blues)[SR]paran nunmure paran seulpeume gildeullyeojyeo(I"m singing my blues)[SR]tteungureume nallyeobonaen sarang oh oh[GD]gateun haneul dareun got neowana wiheomhanikka neoegeseo tteonajuneun geoya nimiran geuljae jeomhana bigeophajiman naegamotna sumneun geoyajaninhan ibyeoreun sarangul mallogeu eotteon maldo wiro doel suneun eopdago ama nae insaengui majimak mello magi naeryeooneyo ije[DS]taeeonaseo neol mannago jugeul mankeum saranghago parake muldeureo sirin nae maeum nuneul gamado neol neukkil su eobtjanha[TY]gyeouri gago bomi chajaojyo urin sideulgogeurium sogemami meongdeureotjyo(I"m singing my blues)[SR]paran nunmure paran seulpeume gildeullyeojyeo(I"m singing my blues)[SR]tteungureume nallyeobonaen sarang oh oh[TOP]simjangi meojeun geot man gatajeonjaengi kkeutnago geu gose eoreo buteun neowananae moerissok saegyeojin Trauma i nunmul mareumyeon chokchokhi gieokhari nae sarang goeropjido oeropjido anhahaengbogeun da honjatmal geu isange bokjaphan geon mot chamadaesuropji amureochido andabyeolsueomneun banghwang saramdeureun watda ganda[TY]taeeonaseo neol mannago jugeul mankeum saranghagoparake muldeureo sirin nae maeumneoneun tteonado nan geudareo itjanha[DS]gyeouri gago bomi chajaojyo urin sideulgogeurium sogemami meongdeureotjyo[TY]oneuldo paranjeo dalbicharaeena hallo jami deulgetjyokkumsogeseodo nan geudaeseul chajahemaeimyeo i noraereul bulleoyo(I"m singing my blues)[SR]paran nunmure paran seulpeume gildeullyeojyeo(I"m singing my blues)[SR]tteungureume nallyeobonaen sarang oh oh(I"m singing my blues)[SR]paran nunmure paran seulpeume gildeullyeojyeo(I"m singing my blues)[SR]tteungureume nallyeobonaen sarang oh oh
2023-07-17 23:22:081

Pennyroyal Tea 歌词 谁能翻译下

分类: 娱乐休闲 >> 音乐 问题描述: I"m on my time with everyone I have very bad posture Sit and drink pennyroyal tea Distill the life that"s inside of meSit and drink pennyroyal tea I"m anemic royalty Give me a leonard cohen afterworld So i can sigh enternally I"m so tired i can"t sleep I"m a liar and a thief (From.clyric) Sit and drink pennyroyal tea I"m anemic royalty I"m on warm milk and laxatives Cherry-flavored antacids 解析: 我是在我的时间和每个人 我有非常坏的姿势 坐着并且喝薄荷类茶 蒸馏是我的内部生活 坐着并且喝薄荷类茶 我是贫血的皇室 给我 因此 能叹息 我是如此疲累 不能睡觉 我是一个说谎者和一个小偷 坐着并且喝薄荷类茶 我是贫血的皇室 我是在温暖的牛奶和泻药上 樱桃加味于的抗酸剂
2023-07-17 23:22:151

There are eight subjects in this term.(改为一般疑问句)

2023-07-17 23:22:221

"大体上,总体上 "用英语怎么说

这样的表达有很多,比如genernally, on the whole,by and large, in principle, in the gross, in the main等等希望我的回答可以帮到您。
2023-07-17 23:22:301

《手拉手(Hand In Hand)》歌词

We see the fire in the sky We fell the beating of our hearts together This is our time to rise above We know the chance is here to live forever For all time Hand in hand we stand All across the land We can make this world a better place in which to lice A li lang Hand in hand we can Start to understand Breaking down the walls that come between us for all time A li lang Every time we give it all We fell the flame etetnally inside us Lift our hand in hand We stand all across the land We can make this world a better place in which to live Hand in hand Hands up tp the sky The morning comes and starts to live inharmory Hand in hand We can start to understand Breaking down the walls that come between us for all time Hand in hand…… 心手相连黎明划破黑夜用希望在你我心中燃起火焰迈向崭新的一天未来将是属于我们的世界 世界心与心相连 手和手相牵我们相信彼此之间距离不再遥远心与心相连 手和手相牵带着骄傲一起飞向无边的蓝天心手相连勇敢走出你自己紧紧相握的手中传递热力阳光投向大地所有的美梦不再是奇迹 奇迹
2023-07-17 23:22:452


the first一the second一the thⅰrd…in the end(fⅰnally 、all in all)
2023-07-17 23:23:041


前缀(前 - ):前院(前场)forejudge(预后),前臂(前臂)的预测(预测)的祖先(祖先)前脚(前脚)foregroung(前景)额(额头)前腿(前腿)工头(工长)前身(前体)女工(女领班)预言预言(预言)林业(林业)防止(先发制人),远见(愿景)预见到前缀(再 - ): BR />偿还反应的反应器实现的现实再次出现打消叛乱反弹斥责REALL重铸退去收据收到receplion回收放倒后座力重新记录记录各显神通恢复recyle 前缀(UN):不高兴解开靠不住的非正常无法不习惯不知道unaeares不堪不得体难以置信不适宜开展unlikeiy不公正蓬头垢面未知的,除非unluck无人解压放开解开不合理的动荡不羁unusnally解开无尽的不甘动摇不稳后缀( - 内斯):善良的幸福后缀(--or/er):工作者游客发明者作家老师医生驱动教育家的父亲母亲兄弟姐妹胡作非为调皮捣蛋无愧事故使命滥用拼错拼错的错误误认为槲寄生情妇不信任错位误导遗惨数错读错导弹前缀(MIS):大部份创建创建。创建一个创意。创意创造性的广告。造物主创造的n。创意一幕幕演技行动活跃积极活动启动影帝影后不活动的反应反动反应。 说服劝导。说服(力)有说服力的一个。说服力成功succseeful成功成功科学科学家科学无论过谁,每当然而无论br教育教育 invit invition discrib技术说明决定的决定记得,你的老师可真是疯了,留下这么无聊的工作
2023-07-17 23:23:111


1. This task must be completed by you. 2. The patient should be treated very carefully. 3. Stored in the computer"s information can be transmitted to users via satellite. 4. Today, a satellite can simultaneously send and receive more than 100,000 phones. 5. High-tech to have both advantages and disadvantages us. 6. As we all know, diamonds are the most hard substances. 7. Today, most diamonds are not found from the bed but from deep in the underground mining of rock from the organization. 8. Diamond mining is not just brilliant. 9. My sister told me that the program is also boring. 10. If you come tomorrow, 8 o"clock, the office will be able to see him again. 11. You"ve seen the movie yet? ---- I have read, I read in Nanjing. 12. In the modern home parents to earn money to feed their families 13. She is a teacher, and her brother is an engineer. 14. In accordance with tradition, the Chinese youth to get married when they grow up to live with their parents until15. 大气压力是所有空气对地球表面的体重
2023-07-17 23:23:2510


跑题的意思是to depart from topicto break away topicto come off topicThere always is a topic in the class,but we feel to depart from topic with speaking.
2023-07-17 23:23:545


nally been interrupt
2023-07-17 23:24:143


1. 什么叫用英语思维写英语作文 我们一般写作文先是想好中文的,再把中文翻译成英语,这就不是英语思维,是汉语式的思维。所谓英语思维,顾名思义,就是随时随地用英语表现出脑中所想,而抛弃汉语的束缚。就是看到一件事物第一反应就是英语。 当然要做到这样是很难的,在日常生活中必须多练习英语,把英语当做一种习惯,平时该多阅读一些英语原著,看一些英文电影。 说实话,LZ,我自己也是用汉语思维写英语。这些只是引用了老师的话,呵呵。 不知道这样有没有帮到你,如果是废话的话,对不住了 2. 做一个具有创新思维的大学生写英文作文 To be an innovative university student Everyone wants to perform well in their University. But sometimes, it is not enough to just invest effort into your studies; the method of your study is vitally important. It is essential to have originality and innovative ideas while you are in University. Spoon feeding of knowledge does not happen here, you need to e up with your own ideas in order to survive these four years. The new thing is not to learn, but to learn how to learn. Anyone can pick off blocks of information off the inter, even primary school kids can use Google to write an advanced essay (if they really want to); but you would be unique if you came up with your own ideas. In conclusion, it is extremely important to innovate as a University student as it distinguishes you from your peers and is the key to success in the modern age. 3. 求一篇 创造性思维的英语作文 According to the situation of China, students always have busy daily lives in the recent times. So developing out-of-class activities is very important. the out-of-class activities can help students to develop in an all-around way, and relieve the pressure at meantime. this kind of activities are variable, such as rope skipping, skiing, skating and filed trips. students can also learn some living skills from that.Personnally, i like out-of-class activities very much, so do my clas *** ates. we always play rubber band and rope skipping, because those are team petitions, in one hand, we can relax and have fun, in the other hand, we can feel and learn the team spirit at the same time. as a teenage, it is good to learn to work as a team and get to know that how important the friendship is.。 4. 英语作文思路 French are elegant people.(此话非常概括,是“帅才”,所以会统领一只队伍) They are artists in everyday life, having a very good taste in everything. They don"t like American tourists wearing jeans to go into their luxurious and exquisite five-star restaurants, so one of the restaurants put a notice outside its front door. It read "No trousers, please!"(读完了,感觉是个很具体的例子,对吗?) A gourmet coffee was sold in Tokyo as an antidote to stress. Its name supposedly meant to people that it would soothe the troubled breast, yet when it was printed in English, it turned out to be "Ease Your Bosoms."(又是一个例子,我们开始揣摩:作者要说什么呢?) Swedes started a promotion stunt to promote the sales of their vacuum cleaner named Electro. Their original ad slogan was translated as "Nothing sucks like Electro."(又一个例子!意图何在?) The selling of Chevrolet was very bad in South America. And the reason? The translation of this brand sounds like "no va"—which means "It doesn"t go" in Spanish.(还是例子!!为什么呀?) When Pepsi-cola invaded the huge Chinese and German markets, the efforts initially fizzled. The product"s slogan, "Come alive with the Pepsi generation", was rendered into German as "e out of the grave with Pepsi". Coca-Cola also discovered something had gone wrong in Taiwan. The Chinese characters chosen for the world-famous product sound like its name means "Bite the Wax Tadpole."(依然是例子!!!肯定要说明某个道理,那这个道理是什么呢?) A pliers pany"s slogan "Turn it loose" became, in Spanish, equivalent to "suffer from diarrhea." A pany translated its sticky tape slogan into Japanese and came up with a sticky problem. The slogan "Sticks like crazy" became literally "it sticks foolishly" in Japanese.(更多的例子!如果没有目的,那是不可能的!) A tonic product in China is made of royal jelly and is supposed to be very effective for some chronic diseases. Yet it was translated as "oral liquid", which means "saliva" in English. In the brochure, it was described in this way: "it tastes like medicine", when the language in the original meant to use it as a food therapy.(例子!!) Even the wrong nonverbal cue can bring havoc to a product.(此话也是“帅才”) A baby food pany initially packaged their African products just the same as in the US—with a cute baby picture on the jar. They didn"t realize that because so many Africans cannot read, nearly all packaged products sold in Africa carry pictures of what is inside. Pureed baby! How horrible!(例子越举越厉害了,看来是要举到头了!) In an Asian city, where traffic is really very bad, to secure people"s safety, the municipal government has built underground passageways. Pedestrians are asked to use them whenever they need to cross the main street. A sign was posted once on the roadside, pointing to the entrance to an underground passageway, intending to notify English-speaking passengers, "Go Underground".(眼睛的余光已经看到全篇的结束了,所以,这肯定是最后一个例子啦!同时,马上也就要看到作者想说明什么问题啦!) We chuckled at such clumsy translations.(比较概括,“帅才”,那为什么忍不住要笑呢?下面的解释就必然是作者的写作意图了)Is there anything wrong in the language? We must be aware that few words and idioms can be literally translated. It"s best to hire the best for translation. Don"t take it for granted that as long as one speaks a little English, he is autonomously able to do the translation. It takes a while to learn to be a good translator.(就是它!千呼万唤使出来!)。 5. i wish英语作文 创新思维的 I wish I can fly just like a bird.Every time when I see the birds are flying freely in the sky,I wish I was one of them.I can throw away all of my sadness and agony,bee a free and happy person who can fly around the whole world and enjoy my lives. I wish I can be rich just like Bill Gates.Every time when I see rich people spend their money without thinking,I wish I was one of them.I can live in a big house and drive a luxury car.I can travel around the world,stay in six stars hotels,enjoy spa and many more.I can buy anything I want and I can also help the poor people. 6. 英语写作文的时候,怎么规避东方式思维 中式英语表现为文章主题不清、欠粘着性(即逻辑性差)等问题。 其原因就是汉语思维根深蒂同的影响。思维依靠语言表达,语占是思维的载体。 东西方思维的差异导致英汉在词法、句法、篇章等方面的不同。一、汉语的“螺旋式”思维与英语的“直线式”思维这导致了两个后果:一是英汉句子逻辑重心的差异,即“英前汉后”。 汉语句呈“狮子型”向前扩展,句子重心在后。英语句以主谓结构为主干。 通过大量的关系词、连词、介词把句子各个成分展开。由主到次.句子呈“孔雀型”向后扩展。 所以在英文写作中应运用各种手段,避免句子头重脚轻。 避免一个句子出现多个动词.还要尽量少用“冈为.所以”模式。二是汉语文章一般都是先分后总。 议论文往往采用归纳式的说理方式.即从原因谈到结果.再表明自L三的观点:记叙文往往采用逐步达到 *** 的叙述方式。即作者一开始并不提出自己的主题。 最后自然地引出主题。达到 *** 。 主题句常出现在段末、文章末尾。甚至没有主题句。 英语文章总是先总后分。如果是议论文则往往采用演绎的说理方法,即先说明自己的论点,再提出论据;如果是记叙文则往往采用逆推式的叙述方法,即先叙述作者想要表达的主题,再叙述事件的背景,原因和过程。 一般文章开头和段首会有题句。二、汉语的感性综合思维与英语的理性分析思维汉语的连词成句和连句成章往往借助于作者的形象思维和感性思维,不靠严谨的逻辑形式.以凌虚传神、模糊隐约、“形散神不散”为特征。 而西方人讲究理性和秩序.习惯严密的逻辑推理,注重运用各种有形的连接手段达到语言形式的完整。由于汉语注重“意合”,只要在语境范围内能够理解.任何成分就郁可以省略,如主语、连词等,所以汉语句子结构松散,不管句子是否完整,短语之间、分句之问也不一定采用连接标记或衔接手段.只要能表达意思就可以了.内在的主从或并列等关系由读者自己去体会。 由于汉语注重“意合”.句子常常以意义的完整为目的.按时间先后顺序和事理推移的方法,呈“狮子型”向前扩展。由于汉语注重“意合”.分段任意性较大,一个意思可以分几段来写或者一段话有两个或多个中心意思。 而英语重“形合”。其句子结构严密。 主谓语必不可少.短语之间、分句之间、段落之问多采用连接标记或关系词.强调篇章结构的严谨和语篇的粘着性。其段落是一个独立的逻辑单位.一段只讲一层意思。 比如中国人会写出“枯藤老树昏鸦。小桥流水人家。 古道西风瘦马。”这样的诗句。 对汉语诗歌的理解一般要靠语占环境、作者的情绪心态及文化背景等多方面因素进行整体把.握。,而英美人写的诗。 其句法结构一定是完整的。又如不少学生习惯将主题句和论据分两段来写.这就不符合英语写作惯例。 三、汉语的形象思维与英语的抽象思维首先.中国学生多采用比喻、类比等手法来表达抽象、深奥的道理。比如用松、竹、梅岁寒友来象征刚正坚毅的思想品格。 而英语文章多采用平实质朴的语言和冷静的逻辑论证来阐述题。所以当中困学牛写出一篇充满比喻、象征,神采飞扬的文章时.中国老师可能会给出很高的评价.而英美人却会闪文中的比喻、象征而被弄得满头雾水,不知所云。 其次,中国学牛常借助于大量色彩浓重的形容词和副渊来修饰自己的作品。对于外国读者.华丽的词藻往往显得华而不实,反而减弱文章的效果。 四、汉语的主体意识与英语的客体意识中国人认为任何行为都是人这个行为主体完成的:而西方人坚持主客体分离,注重事物对人的作用和影响。表现在语占上.汉语中有灵主语绝对优势,多用主动语态。 这在正式的英文下了作中使表达缺乏客观性和说服力:英语物称倾向比较普遍.即无灵主语。使用被动语态比汉语多。 五、汉语强调已知英语突出未知汉语句的顺序一般足从已知到未知英语句则常常是从未知到已知。在一般句子中.主语代表已知部分。 谓语是对主语的说明或描述.是未知部分。汉语句主语部分可以较长.英语句主语部分则要求尽蜃简短。 汉语中有大量的霞复现象以起到反复强调的作用。六、汉语的逆向思维与英语的顺向思维这决定了中文叙述和说明事物时.习惯从大到小。 从一般到特殊.从整体到个体,从已知到未知;而英语则恰恰相反。冈此.我们在教学过程中要充分重视语言的思维阕素.有意识地对英汉文章在从宏观的结构布局到微观的遗词造句方面做一定的对比,使学生r解二者的差异.培养学生的英语思维能力.写出更加符合英美文化和思维习惯的文章.避免中式英语的出现。 由于大学英语没有JF设々门的写作课.所以教师要克分利用精读教学。通过细致的课文分析,向学生教授各种体裁文章的写作方法和技巧,分析句于问、段落问的衔接方式以及文章组织的逻辑性、意义表达的连贯性等。 另外,教师可选择表述形式鲜明独特的文章段落.要求学生将其译为中文.然后指导学生对比原文与译文.找出英汉语表达方式的差异。将此材料搁置几天后,再要求学生对译文进行回译。 之后,要求学生逐句对比原文.找出表述的差异,评判各自表达方式的优劣。经过几次这样的回译.学生不但町以牢记原文.而且还对英文段落的展开方式、组织结构有r深刻的了解。 此外.教师还可选取。
2023-07-17 23:24:291

金在中 kiss B 歌词

Born free , sadly , but one kiss one heart吻上无力气息的one kiss混乱的内心闭上眼就能感觉Oh I"ll try to show you自由的世界Why didn"t come my way?还不迟吗?寂静中my away,渐窄的岔路上赋予我翅膀为我展示通往天堂之路的你我不曾瞭解的,寻常的吻和粗劣的心曾经封存的记忆是你为我找到出口I"m feeling oh my way?还来得及吗?寂静中my away,渐窄的岔路上赋予我翅膀在天堂闪耀的你 闪耀的你I"m feeling, one kiss, one heartI"m feeling, one kiss, one heart
2023-07-17 23:24:393


uc18cub140uc2dcub300 - uc18cuc6d0uc744 ub9d0ud574ubd10 (Genie) Turn it up~! Just turn it up~! That"s right, Come on! uc18cuc6d0uc744 ub9d0ud574ubd10! 说出你的愿望吧! ub2c8 ub9c8uc74cuc18duc5d0 uc788ub294 uc791uc740 uafc8uc744 ub9d0ud574ubd10. 告诉我你心中的小小梦想吧. ub2c8 uba38ub9acuc5d0 uc788ub294 uc774uc0c1ud615uc744 uadf8ub824ubd10.刻画你脑海中的理想型吧 uadf8ub9acuace0 ub098ub97c ubd10.然后再看我 ub09c ub108uc758 Genieuc57c, uafc8uc774uc57c, Genieuc57c. 我是你的Genie呀, 梦呀, Genie呀. ub4dcub9bcuce74ub97c ud0c0uace0 ub2ecub824ubd10. ub10c ub0b4 uc606uc790ub9acuc5d0 uc549uc544.乘上梦想的车飞翔吧. 你坐在我身旁. uadf8uc800 ub0b4 uc774ub04cub9bc uc18duc5d0 ubaa8ub450 ub358uc838. 什么都别管只要跟我走全都交给我 uac00uc2b4 ubc85ucc28 ud130uc838ubc84ub824ub3c4, 即使心跳加速快要爆炸, ubc14ub78cuacb0uc5d0 ub0a0ub824ubc84ub824ub3c4 即使随风而去 uc9c0uae08 uc774 uc21cuac04 uc138uc0c1uc740 ub108uc758 uac83. 但现在这瞬间世界是属于你的 uadf8ub798uc694 ub09c ub110 uc0acub791ud574. uc5b8uc81cub098 ubbffuc5b4.是的我爱你. 无论何时请坚信. uafc8ub3c4 uc5f4uc815ub3c4 ub2e4 uc8fcuace0 uc2f6uc5b4. 想把我的梦想和热情都给你. ub09c uadf8ub300 uc18cuc6d0uc744 uc774ub904uc8fcuace0 uc2f6uc740(uc2f6uc740) ud589uc6b4uc758 uc5ecuc2e0. 我是想帮你实现心愿的 幸运女神. uc18cuc6d0uc744 ub9d0ud574ubd10! (I"m Genie for you, boy!)说出你的愿望吧! (I"m Genie for you, boy!) uc18cuc6d0uc744 ub9d0ud574ubd10! (I"m Genie for your wish.) 说出你的愿望吧! (I"m Genie for your wish.) uc18cuc6d0uc744 ub9d0ud574ubd10! (I"m Genie for your dream.)说出你的愿望吧! (I"m Genie for your dream.) ub0b4uac8cub9cc ub9d0ud574ubd10! (I"m Genie for your world.)只告诉我一人吧! (I"m Genie for your world.) uc18cuc6d0uc744 ub9d0ud574ubd10! 说出你的愿望吧! uc9c0ub8e8ud55c ub0a0ub4e4uc774 ub10c uc9c0uacb9uc9c0 uc54aub2c8? 枯燥的日子你不觉得烦闷吗 ud3c9ubc94ud55c uc0ddud65cuc5d0 ub10c ubb3bud600ubc84ub838ub2c8? 你已被平淡的生活淹没了吗 uc774uc81c uadf8ub9cc uae68uc5b4ub098.现在快醒来吧. ub10c ub098uc758 Superstar, shining star, superstar.你是我的 Superstar, shining star, superstar. uc2ecuc7a5uc18cub9ac uac19uc740 ub5a8ub9bcuc758 Harleyuc5d0 ub124 ubab8uc744 ub9e1uaca8ubd10.把你的身体交给如心脏跳动般兴奋的Harley里吧. uc774uc81c uc774 uc138uc0c1uc740 uc624uc9c1 ub108uc758 ubb34ub300. 此刻这世界是只属于你的舞台. ud658ud638uc18cub9ac uac19uc740 ud30cub3c4uac00,如波涛般的欢呼声, ub0b4 uac00uc2b4uc5d4 ub108uc758 uccb4uc628uc774 我心中你的体温 ub098ub294 ub108uc758 uae38. uc601uc6d0ud55c Biggest fan.我就是你脚下的路.永远的 Biggest fan. uadf8ub798uc694 ub09c ub110 uc0acub791ud574. uc5b8uc81cub098 ubbffuc5b4.是的我爱你. 无论何时请坚信. uafc8ub3c4 uc5f4uc815ub3c4 ub2e4 uc8fcuace0 uc2f6uc5b4. 想把我的梦想和热情都给你. ub09c uadf8ub300 uc18cuc6d0uc744 uc774ub904uc8fcuace0 uc2f6uc740(uc2f6uc740) ud589uc6b4uc758 uc5ecuc2e0. 我是想帮你实现心愿的 幸运女神. uc18cuc6d0uc744 ub9d0ud574ubd10! (I"m Genie for you, boy!)说出你的愿望吧! (I"m Genie for you, boy!) uc18cuc6d0uc744 ub9d0ud574ubd10! (I"m Genie for your wish.) 说出你的愿望吧! (I"m Genie for your wish.) uc18cuc6d0uc744 ub9d0ud574ubd10! (I"m Genie for your dream.)说出你的愿望吧! (I"m Genie for your dream.) ub0b4uac8cub9cc ub9d0ud574ubd10! (I"m Genie for your world.)只告诉我一人吧! (I"m Genie for your world.) uc18cuc6d0uc744 ub9d0ud574ubd10!说出你的愿望吧 DJ! put it back on. uadf8ub798uc694 ub09c ub110 uc0acub791ud574. uc5b8uc81cub098 ubbffuc5b4.是的我爱你. 无论何时请坚信. uafc8ub3c4 uc5f4uc815ub3c4 ub2e4 uc8fcuace0 uc2f6uc5b4.想把我的梦想和热情都给你. ub09c uadf8ub300 uc18cuc6d0uc744 uc774ub904uc8fcuace0 uc2f6uc740(uc2f6uc740) ud589uc6b4uc758 uc5ecuc2e0.我是想帮你实现心愿的 幸运女神. uc18cuc6d0uc744 ub9d0ud574ubd10! 说出你的愿望吧! ub09c ub110 uc0acub791ud574. ub10c ub098uc758 Music. 我爱你. 我是你的Music. ub09c ub110 uc0acub791ud574. ub10c ub098uc758 uae30uc068. 我爱你. 我是你的喜悦. ub09c ub110 uc0acub791ud574. ub09c ub108uc758 ud589uc6b4-uc774 ub418uace0 uc2f6uc5b4. 我爱你. 我想成为你的幸运女神. uc18cuc6d0uc744 ub9d0ud574ubd10! (I"m Genie for you, boy!)说出你的愿望吧! (I"m Genie for you, boy!) uc18cuc6d0uc744 ub9d0ud574ubd10! (I"m Genie for your wish.) 说出你的愿望吧! (I"m Genie for your wish.) uc18cuc6d0uc744 ub9d0ud574ubd10! (I"m Genie for your dream.)说出你的愿望吧! (I"m Genie for your dream.) ub0b4uac8cub9cc ub9d0ud574ubd10! (I"m Genie for your world.)只告诉我一人吧! (I"m Genie for your world. uc18cuc6d0uc744 ub9d0ud574ubd10! (I"m Genie for you, boy!)说出你的愿望吧! (I"m Genie for you boy!) uc18cuc6d0uc744 ub9d0ud574ubd10! (I"m Genie for your wish.)说出你的愿望吧! (I"m Genie for your wish.) uc18cuc6d0uc744 ub9d0ud574ubd10! 说出你的愿望吧! 本站歌词来自互联网
2023-07-17 23:24:473


不适合,怪怪的,女生用下面的都不错!你看看吧!!!Connie康妮 (Constance的昵称) Constance康斯坦斯 Cora科拉 Corrine科瑞恩 Crystal科瑞斯特尔 (同Krystal) Daisy戴茜 Daphne达芙妮 Darcy达茜 Debbie黛比 (Deborah,Debra的昵称) Deborah黛博拉 Debra黛布拉 Demi黛米 Diana黛安娜 Dolores德洛丽丝 Donna堂娜 Doris桃瑞丝 Edith伊迪丝 Editha伊迪萨 Elaine伊莱恩 Eleanor埃莉诺 Elizabeth伊丽莎白 Ella埃拉 Ellen爱伦 Ellie艾莉 (Eleanor, Ellen的昵称) Emerald艾米瑞达 Emily艾米丽 Emma艾玛 Enid伊妮德 Elsa埃尔莎 (Elizabeth的昵称) Erica埃莉卡 (Eric的女性形式) Estelle爱斯特尔 Esther爱丝特 Eudora尤杜拉 Eva伊娃 Eve伊芙 Fannie芬妮 (同Frances,Fanny) Fiona菲奥纳 Frances弗郎西丝 (Francis的女性形式) Frederica弗雷德里卡 Frieda弗里达 Gina吉娜 (Angelina,Regina的昵称) Gillian吉莉安 (Juliana的异体) Gladys格拉蒂丝 (Claudia的威尔斯形式) Gloria格罗瑞娅 Grace格瑞丝 Greta格瑞塔 (Margaret的昵称) Gwendolyn格温多琳 Hannah汉娜 Helena海伦娜 Hellen海伦 (亦作:Helen) Hebe赫柏 Heidi海蒂 (Adalheid, Adelaide的昵称) Ingrid英格丽德 Ishara爱沙拉 Irene艾琳 Iris艾丽丝 Ivy艾维 Jacqueline杰奎琳 Jamie詹米 (James的女性形式) Jane简 (John的女性名词) Janet珍妮特 (同Jane) Jean姬恩 (Jane的苏格兰形式) Jessica杰西卡 (Jessee的女子形式) Jessie杰西 (Jasmine, Jessica的昵称; Janet的苏格兰形式) Jennifer詹妮弗 Jenny詹妮 (同Jennie;Jane,Jennifer的昵称) Jill姬尔 (Gillian的昵称) Joan琼 (同Jane;John的女性形式) Joanna乔安娜 Jocelyn乔斯林 Josephine约瑟芬 Josie乔茜(同Josephine) Joy乔伊 Joyce乔伊斯 (Josephine的昵称) Judith朱迪丝 Judy朱蒂 (Judith的昵称) Julia朱莉娅 Juliana朱莉安娜 Julie朱莉 June朱恩 Karen凯琳 (Katherine的丹麦形式) Karida卡瑞达 Katherine凯瑟琳 (同Catherine) Kate凯特 (Katherine的昵称) Kathy凯西 (Katherine,Katherleen的昵称;同Cathy, Kathie) Katrina卡特里娜 Kay凯 (Katherine的昵称;同Kaye) Kelly凯莉 Kitty基蒂 (Catherine的昵称) Lareina莱瑞拉 Laura劳拉 (Lawrence的女性形式) Lena莉娜 (Helena的昵称) Lydia莉迪娅 Lillian莉莲 (亦作lilian) Linda琳达 Lisa丽莎 (Elizabeth的别名) Liz莉兹 (Elizabeth的昵称) Lorraine罗琳 Louisa路易莎 Louise路易丝 Lucia露西娅 Lucy露茜 Lucine露西妮 Lulu露露 (Louise,Louisa的昵称) Lynn林恩 Maggie玛姬 (Margaret的昵称) Mamie玛米 (Margaret, Mary 的昵称) Manda曼达 Mandy曼迪 (Amanda,Manda,Melinda的昵称) Margaret玛格丽特 Mariah玛丽亚 (同Mary) Martha玛莎 Mary玛丽 Matilda玛蒂尔达 Maureen莫琳 Mavis梅维丝 Maxine玛克辛 May梅 Mayme梅米 Megan梅甘 Melinda梅琳达 Melissa梅利莎 Melody美洛蒂 Mercedes默西迪丝 Meredith梅瑞狄斯 Michelle米歇尔 (Michael的女性形式) Milly米莉 (Camille,Emily,Melissa的简称) Miranda米兰达 Miriam米里亚姆 Miya米娅 Molly茉莉 Monica莫尼卡 Nancy南茜 (Nan的别名) Natalie娜塔莉 Natasha娜塔莎 (亦作natascha)) Nicole妮可 Nikita尼基塔 Nina尼娜 (Anna的昵称) Olina奥琳娜 Oprah奥帕 (同Opera,Opie) Pamela帕梅拉 Paula保拉 Pauline波琳 (同Paula) Pearl珀尔 Peggy帕姬 (Margaret的昵称) Philomena菲洛米娜 Phoebe菲比 Phyllis菲丽丝 Polly波莉 Priscilla普里西拉 Quentina昆蒂娜 (Quentin的女性形式 ∵纯情boy 回答采纳率:29.0% 2008-11-30 18:31 Albert 涵义:高贵且才华超众的Alexander 涵义:人类的守卫者Daniel 涵义:上帝是我的审判者Dennis 涵义:酒神的跟随者(这个我最喜欢)Edward 涵义:富有的守护者 Cikey茜淇 Angel(a)安琪(拉)(意思是天使,读音不错) Fairy菲儿瑞(意思是仙女,给人灵动、可爱的感觉) Aviel爱薇儿 Michelle蜜雪儿(一位花仙子的名字) Vikey薇淇 Yuri(Yoly)悠莉(读音很可爱) Annie安妮(寓意是温柔,识大体和聪慧) Catherin凯瑟琳(是一个很高雅的名字,有一点温柔的涵义) Lucya露茜娅 Vivian薇薇安 Suson苏珊(涵义是天真、纯洁) Isabella(Isberla)依莎贝拉 Helon海伦(希腊历史上的旷世美女) Cindy(灰姑娘Cinderrala的乳名) Marina玛琳娜(涵义是辛劳) Starry斯达莉(蕴含了星星star这个词语) Sharra夏娃(生命之母) Sharrphy莎菲 Purphy浦菲(蕴含了紫色purple这个词语) Hilary希拉莉 Winnie文妮、云妮(蕴含了云wind这个词语) Sophy(a)索菲(娅) Rainey雨妮(除了蕴含雨rain这个词语外,也代表着感性) Yoyo瑶瑶 Joey祖依 Lily莉莉(意思是百合花) Rose罗斯、蔷薇、玫瑰(意思是蔷薇) Ashley爱什莉 Queennie琼妮(涵义是公主) Coco可可 Ella艾拉 Sally萨莉 Jannie珍妮 Mary玛丽(涵义跟玛琳娜一样是辛劳) Jacqueline杰奎琳(很可爱) Dathline达芙莲(希腊神话中一位美丽的仙女) Anna安娜 Nally娜莉 Suki苏琪(日文中是喜欢的意思) Yuki悠琪 Kawaii咔娃依(日文中是可爱的意思,适合眼睛大大的可爱女生) Berverra芭芭拉 Baebbie芭比 Melody美璐蒂(意思是美妙的旋律) Alice爱丽斯 Polly波莉 Amanda阿曼达(意思是坚强,毫不比男生逊色,同时又有女性的温柔) Mandy曼蒂(同Amanda) Joeysie吉依茜 Fransies弗兰茜斯 Stephanie斯蒂芬妮(在希腊语中是皇冠的意思) Candy坎蒂 Albee中文有点难翻译,所以不翻译了,可是读上去好听,很时尚,适合可爱的女生 Lulu璐璐 Karron卡伦 Betty贝蒂 Mimi咪咪 Dodo嘟嘟(很可爱的名字) Ailmy爱米莉U选个吧 嘿嘿
2023-07-17 23:24:571

金在中Kiss B罗马音歌词

前面是韩文,后面是罗马音Kim Jae Joong (uae40uc7acuc911)Kiss B韩文歌词ub108uc5d0uac8c uc8fcuace0 uc2f6uc5b4 ub2c8uac00 uc88buc544ud558ub294 uc544uc774uc2a4ud06cub9bc(ud558uc580ubc14ub2d0ub77cud06cub9bc) uc194uc9c1ud788 uc7a1uace0 uc788ub294 ub2c8uc190ubcf4ub2e4 ub108uc758 ud0a4uc2a4uac00 uc88buc544uc6b0ub9ac (uc6b0ub9ac) ub9ccuc5d0 ube44ubc00 (ube44ubc00) ubaa8ub450uac00 uc9c8ud22cud560uac70uc57c uc608~ud589ubcf5ud574uc11c uc9c0ub978 ube44uba85uc18cub9ac ubaa8ub450 uc5ffub4e4uc5c8uc744uac70uc57cYou are my everything And so hot so cool so sweet oh making in loveSo hot so cool so sweet Yeah~ub10c ub0b4ub9d0ub300ub85cud574uc2dcud0a4ub294 ub300ub85c ud574 uac70ubd10 uc798 ub9deuc796uc544ub534ub0a8uc790uc644 uc0acub791ud558uc9c0ub9c8 uc2e4ub9ddud560uac70uc57c ubca0uc774ubca0uc624ub298ub3c4 uc804ud654ud574 ub098ub791 ub610 uc0acub791ud574 ub108ub3c4 uc6d0ud558uc796uc544uc6b0ub9ac uc598uae34 ube44ubc00ub85cud574uc918 ub108uc758 ub0a8uc790uc5d0uac8c To play to play Kiss BLike it like this TP(*2)uc544ubb34ub3c4 ubaa8ub974uac8c ub0b4uac8c uc640uc918 uc544uce68uc774 uc62cub54cuae4cuc9c0 (uae4cuc9c0) ub208uce58ub294 ubcf4uc9c0ub9c8 ud558ub358ub300ub85c ud574uc918uc5educ2dc ub10c ub098uc758 M.V.PYou are my everything And so hot so cool so sweet oh making in love So hot so cool so sweet Yeah~ub10c ub0b4 ub9d0ub300ub85cud574 uc2dcud0a4ub294 ub300ub85c ud574 uac70ubd10 uc798 ub9deuc796uc544ub534 ub0a8uc790uc644 uc0acub791ud558uc9c0 ub9c8 uc2e4ub9ddud560uac70uc57c ubca0uc774ubca0uc624ub298ub3c4 uc804ud654ud574 ub098ub791 ub610 uc0acub791ud574 ub108ub3c4 uc6d0ud558uc796uc544uc6b0ub9ac uc598uae34 ube44ubc00ub85c ud574uc918 ub108uc758 ub0a8uc790uc5d0uac8c To play to play Kiss BLike it like this TP(*2)All i need is one kiss, get a taste of your bliss // stir up the magic when you and I mix //from the bed to the floor, hotter than before ///ubc14ub77cubcfcuc218 uc5c6ub294 ub108 // So turn the lightsoff// May I take your top off as you take off mine //ub0b4uac00 uae30ub2e4ub838ub358 ubaa8uc2b5 now we finally got time // Top to bottom front to the back every spot i won"t missand it all starts, from just this, from one kiss(from one kiss)-------------歌词罗马音---------------------neoege jugo sipeo niga johahaneun aiseukeurim(hayanbanillakeurim)soljikhi japgo inneun nisonboda neoui kiseuga johauri (uri) mane bimil (bimil) moduga jiltuhalgeoya ye~haengbokhaeseo jireun bimyeongsori modu yeotdeureosseulgeoyaYou are my everything And so hot so cool so sweet oh making in love So hot so cool so sweet Yeah~neon naemaldaerohaesikineun daero hae geobwa jal matjanhattannamjawan saranghajima silmanghalgeoya beibeoneuldo jeonhwahae narang tto saranghae neodo wonhajanhauri yaegin bimillohaejwo neoui namjaege To play to play Kiss BLike it like this TP(*2)amudo moreuge naege wajwo achimi olttaekkaji (kkaji) nunchineun bojima hadeondaero haejwoyeoksi neon naui M.V.PYou are my everything And so hot so cool so sweet oh making in love So hot so cool so sweet Yeah~neon nae maldaerohae sikineun daero hae geobwa jal matjanhattan namjawan saranghaji ma silmanghalgeoya beibeoneuldo jeonhwahae narang tto saranghae neodo wonhajanhauri yaegin bimillo haejwo neoui namjaege To play to play Kiss BLike it like this TP(*2)All i need is one kiss, get a taste of your bliss // stir up the magic when you and I mix //from the bed to the floor, hotter than before ///barabolsu eomneun neo // So turn the lightsoff// May I take your top off as you take off mine //naega gidaryeotdeon moseup now we finally got time // Top to bottom front to the back every spot i won"t missand it all starts, from just this, from one kiss(from one kiss)
2023-07-17 23:25:142

when two become one的歌词

hey honeyit"s been sometimesince you just came into my lifeand boy without a doubtyou turned me inside outsweet babyit"s been a while since people doubted our love and claimed that we were much too loudand press was what we"re aboutbut we smiled into ourselves and knewthat i was meant to be with youand you were made for meso with a little touch from youand a little hug from mewe showed the world love is strong when two become oneso with a little smile from youand a little kiss from mewe can go anywhere at anytimeand be what we wanna beall fear is gone when two become onemy darlingit"s been alright to stay together side by sidewe"ve been through thick and thinwe knew that we could only winoho sugara boy, a girljust start to build up their own worldwith him she"s feeling strongwith her he can"t go wrong we smiled into ourselves, it"s turethat i was meant to stay with you and you will be with me enernallythis song is for you my love all fear is gone when two become oneour love is strongwhen two become onethere"s nothing wrongwhen two become one
2023-07-17 23:25:381

新西游记韩国综艺 第三季 桂林介绍的时候的片尾曲叫什么 有句down town

歌名是Downtown由Macklemore&Ryan Lewis、Eric Nally、Melle Mel、Kool Moe Dee和Grandmaster Caz共同合作的
2023-07-17 23:26:041


问题一:餐桌上的“转盘”英语怎么说? 跟着我一起来科普一下吧!转盘:Lazy Susan看到这个说法,大家是不是觉得很奇怪呢?为啥餐桌上的东西会和人名有关,而且还是个lazy性质的。其实,这里是有一个典故滴,且听俺慢慢道来:首先来看 *** 中的说法:The Lazy Susan is monly used in many Chinese restaurants to facilitate dishes being ordered munally and shared.The term Lazy Susan made its first written appearance in a Vanity Fair advertisement for a Revolving Server or Lazy Susan in 1917, although their existence dates back to the 18th century. Prior to the use of the term "Lazy Susan", they were referred to as dumbwaiters, a term today applied to a *** all elevator for transporting food There is no clear evidence as to the origin of the Susan part of Lazy Susan.原来这个名字还是大有来头的,来自于小说Vanity Fair(《名利场》)中的……一则广告(汗!)……而其真正的来源则无法考证了。接着来看民间传说:据说在美国,有个名叫Ssuan的女老板开了家饭店叫做Susan Restaurant,由于觉得要为顾客一个个夹菜神马的很麻烦,于是她就发明了这么一个转盘搁桌子中间,让食客自给自足。于是这样的转盘就被叫做“Lazy Susan”啦。 问题二:幸运转盘用英文怎么说 是赌场里的那种吗?如果是的话。。 Wheel of Fortune 问题三:请问马路上的“大转盘”用英语怎么说啊? 应该翻译成 Roundabout 例句: The Russian had slammed on his brakes to go around the roundabout, and the two cars skidded into each other. 那个俄国人在绕大转盘时猛地踩刹车,两辆车相撞。 相关资料: 在英国的交通系统中,有一个较特殊但也相当普遍的设施,其实在中国有些地方也见得到的大转盘,英国人称作Roundabout。Roundabout几乎处处可见,有大有小,小的环岛是在各方道路交汇处的中央用白油漆画的一个大圆点,虽然只是一个白圆点,但车辆通常都会将它视为一个凸起的建筑物按规定绕行;大的环岛在交通高峰期时,不得不采用环岛中的红绿灯来管理车辆通行。给严格遵守交通规则的英国人带来了较高的效率。 问题四:用英语,来写转盘。 turntable 问题五:转盘游戏用英语怎么说 转盘游戏_ 有道词典 turntable game;jackpot 问题六:转盘roullete英文怎么说 不知道,,, 问题七:“餐桌转盘”用英语怎么说 餐桌转盘 [词典] mess kit; mess gear; [例句]对,我不希望她离开中国。他一边说,一边拿起突然出现到满满当当的餐桌转盘上的一小块蜂蜜吐司。 I want her to stay in China, he says, taking a little block of the honey toast that has suddenly appeared on the crowded lazy Susan.
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2023-07-17 23:26:212

求savage genius的歌词大意,最好有日文对照。

あたしのすべて ~Die for you~作词:ああ作曲:Takumi编曲:柿岛伸次てのひらの温度が热すぎて痛いあなたに触れていたい あぁそのくちびるで あたしを溶かしてよとどまることを知らない欲望呼吸が上手にできないわ目を闭じればあなたのカタチ苦しくて またどっか壊れはじめたあなたの肌を梦にまで见るほどにほら やさしく抚でてあげるたとえ明日 世界が终わるとしてもあなたと抱き合えるならI want to dive for you.それがあたしのすべてよ…拙い言叶はこころを届けない奥まで突き刺したい あぁなにが绮丽で なにが歪んでるの?そんな答えは要らない本能眩晕で正しく见えないわ指でなぞるあなたのカタチ间违えて大事なもの壊してしまうあなたの笑颜 ただ欲しいだけなのにこの部屋に そう繋ぎ止めて赤いしるし 躰に刻みましょうあなたの泣き声もずっとI love you eternally.ちゃんとあたしを见てごらん?呼吸が上手にできないわ目を闭じればあなたのカタチ苦しくて またどっか壊れはじめたあなたの肌を梦にまで见るほどに甘いお菓子や歌う小鸟お気に入りのおもちゃに囲まれるよりこのまま抱き合えるならI want to dive for you.あたしに溺れればいいほら 明けない夜がくるよたとえば今 あたしが终わるとしてもあなたと抱き合えるならI want to die for you.それがあたしのすべてよ… 手掌的温度因为过热而感到刺痛啊啊 好想触摸你啊在嘴唇相接时 我彷佛溶化了滞留在未知的欲望下*无法顺畅的呼吸闭上眼 你的身影浮现在脑海里好痛苦 跟一开始一样又有哪里崩坏了梦见了 视线仅停留在你肌肤上的梦来吧 请温柔的抚摸即使明天就是世界末日只要能与你拥抱I want to dive for you.那就是我的一切哟..笨拙的言词无法传达给你好想直接传达给你心深处啊什么才是漂亮的 什么才是扭曲的呢?不用回答这种问题的本能晕眩的话就看不见正确的事在指尖前头 是你的身影将重要的事物用坏 是不是哪里搞错了只是想要你的笑容而已将这个房间 束缚切断的是让赤色的印记 刻在这身体上吧将你哭泣的声音一起刻印I love you etetnally.你有好好的注视着我吗?*糖果以及歌唱的小鸟或是被喜欢的玩具围绕都比不上现在的拥抱I want to dive for you.只要宠溺着我就好来吧 这是没有黎明的夜晚哟即使是我现在就要结束了也无所谓只要能与你拥抱I want to die for you.那就是我的一切哟..
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