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too much work and too little rest often lead /leads。。。?应该选哪个,为什么?

2023-07-18 03:40:42







lead to illness



leads 英["ledz] 美["ledz] n. 线索; (盖屋顶用的) (薄)铅片; 铅框; 领导( lead的名词复数 ); 领先; 主角; v. 领导; 带路( lead的第三人称单数 ); 指挥; 领先; [例句]It is anger that is repressed that leads to violence and loss of control.是被压制的愤怒导致暴力和失控。
2023-07-17 22:17:241


2023-07-17 22:17:354


lead 英[liu02d0d , led] 美[liu02d0d , led] v. 带路; 领路; 引领; (与…) 相连,相通; 通向; 通往; n. (竞赛中的) 领先地位; 超前量; 领先的距离; 实例; 范例; 榜样; n. 铅; 铅笔芯; [例句]John Major and the Duke of Edinburgh led the mourners约翰·梅杰和爱丁堡公爵走在送葬队伍前面。[其他] 第三人称单数:leads 复数:leads 现在分词:leading 过去式:led过去分词:led 求采纳
2023-07-17 22:17:521


lead的意思是铅。铅是一种金属化学元素,其化学符号是Pb(拉丁文Plumbum;英文lead),原子序数为82,是原子量最大的非放射性元素。铅是柔软和延展性强的弱金属,有毒,也是重金属。铅原本的颜色为青白色,在空气中表面很快被一层暗灰色的氧化物覆盖。可用于建筑、铅酸蓄电池、弹头、炮弹、焊接物料、钓鱼用具、渔业用具、防辐射物料、奖杯和部份合金,例如电子焊接用的铅锡合金。铅是一种金属元素,可用作耐硫酸腐蚀、防电离辐射、蓄电池等的材料。其合金可作铅字、轴承、电缆包皮等之用,还可做体育运动器材铅球。铅是一种化学元素,其化学符号源于拉丁文,化学符号是Pb(拉丁语Plumbum),相对原子质量207,原子序数为82。铅是所有稳定的化学元素中原子序数最高的。族序数为IVA ,晶胞为面心立方晶胞FCC。铅为带蓝色的银白色重金属,它有毒性,是一种有延伸性的主族金属。熔点327.502℃,沸点1740℃,密度11.3437g/cm^3,比热容0.13 kJ/(kg·K),硬度1.5,摩尔体积18.17立方厘米/摩尔,质地柔软,抗张强度小。铅元素在太阳中的含量0.01ppm,元素在海水中的含量太平洋表面 0.00001ppm,主要化合价为0、+2和+4。铅是质量最大的稳定元素,在自然界中有4种稳定同位素:铅204、206、207、208,还有20多种放射性同位素。金属铅是蓝白色重金属,质柔软,延性弱,展性强。空气中表面易氧化而失去光泽,变暗。溶于硝酸,热硫酸、有机酸和碱液。不溶于稀盐酸和硫酸。具有两性:既能形成高铅酸的金属盐,又能形成酸的铅盐。元素来源:主要存在于方铅矿(硫化铅)及白铅矿(碳酸铅)中,经煅烧得硫酸铅及氧化铅,再还原即得金属铅。第一电离能7.4167电子伏特。第二电离能15.874电子伏特。熔点327.5℃,沸点1740℃。密度1133.47千克/立方米。金属铅在空气中受到氧、水和二氧化碳作用,其表面会很快氧化生成保护薄膜;在加热下,铅能很快与氧、硫、卤素化合;铅与冷盐酸、冷硫酸几乎不起作用,能与热或浓盐酸、硫酸反应;铅与稀硝酸反应,但与浓硝酸不反应;铅能缓慢溶于强碱性溶液。铅是银白色的金属(与锡比较,铅略带一点浅蓝色),十分柔软,用指甲便能在它的表面划出痕迹。用铅在纸上一划,会留下一条黑道道。在古代,人们曾用铅作笔。“铅笔”这名字,便是从这儿来的。现在的铅笔不是用铅做的,而是用石墨做的。铅很重,一立方米的铅重达11.3吨,古代欧洲的炼金家们便用旋转迟缓的土星来表示它,写作“h”。铅球那么沉,便是用铅做的。子弹的弹头也常灌有铅,因为如果太轻,在前进时受风力影响会改变方向。铅的熔点也很低,为327℃,放在煤球炉里,也会熔化成铅水。铅很容易生锈——氧化。铅经常是呈灰色的,就是由于它在空气中,很易被空气中的氧气氧化成灰黑色的氧化铅,使它的银白色的光泽渐渐变得暗淡无光。不过,这层氧化铅形成一层致密的薄膜,防止内部的铅进一步被氧化。也正因为这样,再加上铅的化学性质又比较稳定,因此铅不易被腐蚀。在化工厂里,常用铅来制造管道和反应罐。著名的制造硫酸的铅室法,便是因为在铅制的反应器中进行化学反应而得名的。元音字母组合ea在单字里发短元音/u025b/的音,发音时,口略开,牙床介于半合半开之间。舌尖可抵下齿背,嘴唇展开,保持不变。舌面前部隆起,声带振动,和维吾尔语字母u0626u06d0的发音近似。如:head 头read 读(过去式)sweater 毛衣sweat 流汗pear 梨lead 铅bear 熊leather 皮毛feather 羽毛希望我能帮助你解疑释惑。
2023-07-17 22:18:012


领导 带领 导致 lead to 挺多意思 在不同情景下词组也不同
2023-07-17 22:18:234


lead英 [li:d] 美 [li:d] vt. 领导;引导;指挥vi. 导致;领导;用水砣测深n. 铅;领导;榜样;枪弹adj. 领头的;最重要的;领先的词汇难度:高考 / CET4 / 考研 / IELTS / BEC第三人称单数: leads 复数: leads 现在分词: leading 过去式: led 过去分词: led
2023-07-17 22:18:301

Lead 是什么意思

Lead [li:d] n. 铅,领引,榜样v. 引导,带领,以铅接合词形变化:动词过去式:led 过去分词:led 现在分词:leading 第三人称单数:leads 例句与用法:This misprint led to great confusion.这个印刷错误造成很大的混淆。The police are investigating an important new lead.警方正在调查一条重要的新线索。Our scientists are leading the way in space research.我们的科学家在宇宙探索中处於领先地位。What led you to believe I was ill?什么使你相信我病了?The guide led us to the river.向导带领我们到河边。英英解释:名词 lead:a soft heavy toxic malleable metallic element; bluish white when freshly cut but tarnishes readily to dull grey 同义词:Pb, atomic number 82an advantage held by a competitor in a race evidence pointing to a possible solution 同义词:track, traila position of leadership (especially in the phrase `take the lead") the angle between the direction a gun is aimed and the position of a moving target (correcting for the flight time of the missile) the introductory section of a story 同义词:lead-in, lede(sports) the score by which a team or individual is winning an actor who plays a principal role 同义词:star, principal(baseball) the position taken by a base runner preparing to advance to the next base an indication of potential opportunity 同义词:tip, steer, confidential information, wind, hinta news story of major importance 同义词:lead storythe timing of ignition relative to the position of the piston in an internal-combustion engine 同义词:spark advancerestraint consisting of a rope (or light chain) used to restrain an animal 同义词:leash, tetherthin strip of metal used to separate lines of type in printing 同义词:leadingmixture of graphite with clay in different degrees of hardness; the marking substance in a pencil 同义词:pencil leada jumper that consists of a short piece of wire 同义词:jumper cable, jumper lead, booster cablethe playing of a card to start a trick in bridge 动词 lead:take somebody somewhere 同义词:take, direct, conduct, guidehave as a result or residue 同义词:leave, resulttend to or result in travel in front of; go in advance of others 同义词:headcause to undertake a certain action stretch out over a distance, space, time, or scope; run or extend between two points or beyond a certain point 同义词:run, go, pass, extendbe in charge of 同义词:headbe ahead of others; be the first 同义词:topbe conducive to 同义词:contribute, conducelead, as in the performance of a composition 同义词:conduct, directpass or spend lead, extend, or afford access 同义词:gomove ahead (of others) in time or space 同义词:precedecause something to pass or lead somewhere 同义词:runpreside over 同义词:moderate, chair
2023-07-17 22:18:391


Leads:是指通过交流,得到的关于某人购买某种产品或服务的可能性的数据)。有了一条一条的Leads,开展行销就有了量化的依据。比如,王先生听过对儿童保险的电话介绍后,表达出对这种保险的购买可能性,可能性的大小为80% ,就是一条对保险商有用的Leads。
2023-07-17 22:18:551

lead 的过去式

lead英 [li:d] 美 [li:d] vt. 领导;引导;指挥 vi. 领导;导致;用水砣测深 n. 铅;领导;榜样;枪弹 adj. 领头的;最重要的;领先的 领导; 引导; 铅; 带领 复数:leads 过去式:led 过去分词:led 现在分词:leading 第三人称单数:leads 【1】动词在…前面走(或骑);为…带头 If you lead a group of people, you walk or ride in front of them. John Major and the Duke of Edinburgh led the mourners... 约翰·梅杰和爱丁堡公爵走在送葬队伍前面。He walks with a stick but still leads his soldiers into battle... 他虽然拄着拐杖,但依然带领士兵们投入战斗。Tom was leading, a rifle slung over his back. 汤姆走在前面,背上挂着一支步枪 【2】动词给…引路(或带路);带…(到某处) If you lead someone to a particular place or thing, you take them thereHe took Dickon by the hand to lead him into the house... 他牵着迪康的手把他领进屋。She confessed to the killing and led police to his remains... 她交代人是她杀的,并带警察去他的尸首处。Leading the horse, Evandar walked to the door. 伊万德牵着马走到门前。【3】(路或门)通,至,达 If a road, gate, or door leads somewhere, you can get there by following the road or going through the gate or door. ...the doors that led to the yard. 通往院子的大门...a short roadway leading to the car park... 通往停车场的一小段路Hundreds of people are said to have blocked a main highway leading north. 据称有数百人堵住了一条往北的主干公路 【4】(在比赛或竞赛中)领先,占先 If you are leading at a particular point in a race or competition, you are winning at that point. He"s leading in the presidential race... 他在总统竞选中领先。So far Fischer leads by five wins to two... 目前费希尔以5胜2负领先。Aston Villa last led the League in March 1990. 阿斯顿维拉队上一次赢得联赛冠军是在1990年3月。 【5】单数名词领先的地位;占先的位置 If you have the lead or are in the lead in a race or competition, you are winning. England took the lead after 31 minutes with a goal by Peter Nail... 英格兰队第31分钟由彼得·奈尔攻进一球,取得领先Labour are still in the lead in the opinion polls.工党在民意测验中仍然领先。 【6】单数名词超前量;领先程度 Someone"s lead over a competitor at a particular point in a race or competition is the distance, amount of time, or number of points by which they are ahead of them. .a commanding lead for the opposition is clearly emerging throughout the country... 显然反对党已开始在全国占据一边倒的领先地位。His goal gave Forest a two-goal lead against Southampton... 他的进球使森林队以两球领先南安普敦队。Sainz now has a lead of 28 points. 塞恩斯目前领先28分。 【7】动词在…中领先;胜过;主导 If one company or country leads others in a particular activity such as scientific research or business, it is more successful or advanced than they are in that activity. When it comes to pop music we not only lead Europe, we lead the world. 我们不仅引领欧洲而且引领着全球的流行音乐潮流。...foodstores such as Marks & Spencer, which led the market in microwaveable meals. 玛莎百货等在微波炉食品市场占主导地位的食品卖场 【8】 动词领导;率领;指挥 If you lead a group of people, an organization, or an activity, you are in control or in charge of the people or the activity.He led the country between 1949 and 1984... 1949到1984年间他是该国领导人。Mr Mendes was leading a campaign to save Brazil"s rainforest from exploitation. 门德斯先生正领导一场运动,以拯救遭到乱砍滥伐的巴西热带雨林。 【9】可数名词先河;榜样;表率 If you give a lead, you do something new or develop new ideas or methods that other people consider to be a good example or model to follow. .the need for the president to give a moral lead... 需要总统树立一个道德榜样The American and Japanese navies took the lead in the development of naval aviation... 美国和日本海军是发展海军航空部队的佼佼者。Over the next 150 years, many others followed his lead. 随后150年,许多人效法于他。 【10】动词过(某种生活) You can use lead when you are saying what kind of life someone has. For example, if you lead a busy life, your life is busy. She led a normal, happy life with her sister and brother... 她和弟弟妹妹一起过着平凡而幸福的生活。Most of the women in here are not people who have led a life of crime. 这里的女子大多没有犯罪前科。 【11】 动词招致;致使;导致 If something leads to a situation or event, usually an unpleasant one, it begins a process which causes that situation or event to happen. Ethnic tensions among the republics could lead to civil war... 共和国之间紧张的种族关系可能会引发内战。He warned yesterday that a pay rise for teachers would lead to job cuts. 他昨天警告说,给教师们加薪会导致职位的裁减。 【12】动词促使;使得;使 If something leads you to do something, it influences or affects you in such a way that you do it. fHis abhorrence of racism led him to write The Algiers Motel Incident... 对种族主义的憎恨促使他写了《阿尔及尔汽车旅馆事件》一书。What was it ultimately that led you to leave Sarajevo for Zagreb? 最终是什么让你离开萨拉热窝前往萨格勒布的? 【13】 动词诱使;误导 If you say that someone or something led you to think something, you mean that they caused you to think it, although it was not true or did not happen. Mother had led me to believe the new baby was a kind of present for me... 母亲让我相信新出生的宝宝是给我的一个礼物。It was not as straightforward as we were led to believe. 这事并非如我们所误以为的那样简单。 【14】 动词引导,掌控(谈话或讨论的内容) If you lead a conversation or discussion, you control the way that it develops so that you can introduce a particular subject. After a while I led the conversation around to her job... 过了一阵子,我把话题引到她的工作上。He planned to lead the conversation and keep Matt from changing the subject. 他计划控制谈话局面,不让马特转换话题。 【15】动词(讨论或文章中某一观点或话题)把…带到,为…引出(另一观点或话题) You can say that one point or topic in a discussion or piece of writing leads you to another in order to introduce a new point or topic that is linked with the previous one. Well, I think that leads me to the real point. 这个嘛,我看这让我说到正题了。 【16】 可数名词线索;头绪 A lead is a piece of information or an idea which may help people to discover the facts in a situation where many facts are not known, for example in the investigation of a crime or in a scientific experiment. The inquiry team is also following up possible leads after receiving 400 calls from the public. 在接到民众400个热线电话后,调查组亦在对可能的线索进行追踪。 【17】可数名词(戏剧、电影等中的)主角;扮演主角的演员 The lead in a play, film, or show is the most important part in it. The person who plays this part can also be called the lead. Nina Ananiashvili and Alexei Fadeyechev from the Bolshoi Ballet dance the leads... 由莫斯科大剧院芭蕾舞团的尼娜·阿纳尼阿什维利和阿列克谢·法捷耶切夫担纲演出。The leads are Jack Hawkins and Glynis Johns. 杰克·霍金斯和格莉妮斯·约翰斯主演。 【18】 可数名词狗绳;牵狗带 A dog"s lead is a long, thin chain or piece of leather which you attach to the dog"s collar so that you can control the dog. An older man came out with a little dog on a lead. 一个年纪较大的男子牵着一条小狗走了出来。【19】可数名词导线;连接线 A lead in a piece of equipment is a piece of wire covered in plastic which supplies electricity to the equipment or carries it from one part of the equipment to another. 【21】单数名词(报纸或电视、电台的)要闻,头条 The lead story or lead in a newspaper or on the television or radio news is the most important story. The Turkish situation makes the lead in tomorrow"s Guardian... 土耳其局势将成为明天《卫报》的头条。Cossiga"s reaction is the lead story in the Italian press. 科西加的反应成了意大利各大媒体的头条新闻。direct, conduct, guide, lead, pilot这些动词都含“引导”之意。direct: 指为某人指方向,但自己不一定亲自引路,也可表示指导一群人的事或活动。conduct: 正式用词,指引导某人去某处,强调亲自带领;也强调监督管理一群有共同目的或目标的人。 guide: 普通用词,可与conduct换用,指引导者与被引导者双方彼此合作,共同努力的关系。lead: 指走在前面给某人引路或带路人共同去达到某一目标。用于抽象意义时,指在某项活动或运动中起主导和组织作用。pilot: 从原义"为飞机、轮船导航"借喻为指亲自带领某人去某处。1. Politicians say it could lead to a dissolution of parliament. 政客们说这可能会导致议会解散。 2. The group proceeded with a march they knew would lead to bloodshed. 这个团体继续示威游行,他们知道这将导致流血事件的发生。 3. This can lead to bodily weakness and muscle wastage. 这样可能会导致身体虚弱和肌肉萎缩。 4. Lack of exercise can lead to feelings of depression and exhaustion. 缺乏锻炼会导致抑郁和疲劳。 5. The Turkish situation makes the lead in tomorrow"s Guardian. 土耳其局势将成为明天《卫报》的头条。
2023-07-17 22:19:131

buying leads什么意思啊

2023-07-17 22:19:221


lead 指走在前面给某人引路或带路人共同去达到某一目标。用于抽象意义时,指在某项活动或运动中起主导和组织作用。可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。 一.lead可用作动词 1.lead的基本意思是“站在别人前头,拉着手加以引导”,强调以领导者身份走在前头,带领别人秩序井然地前进,常含有“指挥、控制”的意味。lead引申可表示“致使,诱导”。 2.lead可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时,后可接名词、代词作宾语,也可接双宾语。 3.lead作“引导”解时往往跟to引起的介词短语作状语或宾语补足语;作“领导”解时可接“in+ v -ing”;lead作“使得”解时可接带to的动词不定式充当补足语的复合宾语。 She led the way downstairs for us. 她引着我们下楼。 Our football team leads them by two goals. 我们的足球队比他们领先两分。 二.lead可用作名词 lead用作名词作“领导,榜样”解时常与不定冠词a连用;作“首位,领先”解时,常与定冠词the连用;作“线索”解时,常用复数形式。 She always takes the lead when we plan to do something. 我们不管打算做什么事的时候总由她来领头。 He"s playing the lead in the new play. 他在新戏中担任主角。
2023-07-17 22:19:291


2023-07-17 22:19:387

lead sb 后跟什么?to do 还是 do doing

lead sb to do sthlead to doing sth
2023-07-17 22:20:004


2023-07-17 22:20:082

“科技引领未来” 的英文翻译是Technology lead feature 还是Technology lead feature ?

我觉得应该是 Technologies lead the future.
2023-07-17 22:20:185

follow-up on leads啥意思

follow-up on leads : 就所提供的线索再去追查leads : 线索. on 是介系词.follow-up : 追查; 进一步做事情
2023-07-17 22:20:321

Led是lead 的过去式吗

带路( lead的过去式和过去分词 ); 领导; 指挥; 领先; 例:We"re not an investment bank led by any one individual. 我们不是一家由任何个人领导的投资银行。
2023-07-17 22:20:513

请问一下,求Ou200fKu200dKI Leads的真实使用评u200f价?

2023-07-17 22:21:062

请问一下,小‏满科‏技新推出的O‏K‏KI Leads好用吗?

小满我熟,做外贸的老牌子了,新推出的OKKI Leads我听说过,说是能精准获客,搜索到客户的职位、邮箱、电话、whatsapp等信息࿏,我们公司正准备入手这个༶。
2023-07-17 22:21:142


2023-07-17 22:21:243

一些办公室常见的英文翻译问题:leads, presentation, proposal

2023-07-17 22:21:324

he has chosen to lead the life he leads

2023-07-17 22:21:423

请问一下,Ou200fKu200fKI Leads比同类产u200f品好用吗?

Ou200fKu200fKI Leads比同类产u200f品好用吗生活中,若心出现了,我们就不得不考虑它出现了的事实。 这种事实对本人来说意义重大,相信对这个世界也是有一定意义的。 既然如何, 总结的来说, 现在,解决心的问题,是非常非常重要的。 所以, 我们一般认为,抓住了问题的关键,
2023-07-17 22:21:503

句中lie Hard work leads to success while failure often lies in laziness. 这里的lie

lie in 是“存在于,在于”的意思,表示事情的原因的. in 后面一定要跟事情存在的原因,lie 前一定是事情的结果. lead to 是“导致、指引”的意思,是表示结果的. 可以指向好的事物,也可以使坏的事物,to 后面一定要跟的是事情最后导向的结果,lead 前面一定是导致结果的原因 下面分析一下句意:success 是最后的结果,hard work 是成功的原因,因在前,果在后,说明是要说结果的,所以用leads to failure 是最后的结果,laziness 是失败的原因,果在前,因在后,说明是要说原因的,所以用lies in
2023-07-17 22:22:421

leads from 什么意思?

你断句断错了 Although Norvell got lots of career leads/ from salon recruiters/ at a career fair hosted by the institute,/she didn"t meet any/ from California——where she wants to live.尽管Norvell在一场由学院主持的招聘会上得到了许多招聘沙龙的职业指导,但她仍然没有找到来自加利福尼亚洲的任何招聘信息-而加利福尼亚州是她想要定居的地方。lead这里做名词 指导,注意看句中使用了复数
2023-07-17 22:22:501


lead to
2023-07-17 22:23:004

请问一下,Ou200fKu200fKI Leads是哪个公u200f司的?

OKKI Leads是深圳市小满科技有限公司旗下产品。该公司成立于2013年,是一家国家级高新技术企业,而且它在外贸行业深耕了10年,是一个老牌子了,我周围做外贸的朋友,也基本上都在用这家公司的产品,还是非常值得信赖的一款产品。
2023-07-17 22:23:071

请问一下,小u200f满科u200f技推出的Ou200fKu200fKI Leads究竟是做什么的?

一款软件来的,它是一款获客工具,用户通过关键词搜索,就可以获得精 准 客户的电话、职业等有效信息,让开发客户这件事变得简单,对大中小外贸公司都适用。
2023-07-17 22:23:152


2023-07-17 22:23:244


1. mistakes 是复数,所以不可能用leads, 可以是which lead toleading to在这里(强调在这里)就等于which lead to之所以强调在这里,在其他语句的环境里,它可能相当于which leads to, 或者过去时,which led to2。这里省略了which are, 介定的是the happy memories in high school3. 因为sth. happens 不是被动,所以不用have sth. done排除B。 没有have sth. to do的用法。有have sb. to do 所以选C.
2023-07-17 22:23:344


leads ["ledz] ,n. 线索; (盖屋顶用的) 铅框; 领导( lead的名词复数 ); 领先; 主角; v. 领导; 带路( lead的第三人称单数 ); 指挥; 领先; [例句]It is anger that is repressed that leads to violence and loss of control.是被压制的愤怒导致暴力和失控。原型: lead
2023-07-17 22:23:561


铅片leads[英]["ledz][美]["ledz]n.(盖屋顶用的)(薄)铅片; 铅框; 领导( lead的名词复数 ); 领先; 主角; 线索; v.带路( lead的第三人称单数 ); 领导; 指挥; 领先;
2023-07-17 22:24:241


lead 英[li:d] 美[li:d] vt. 领导; 引导; 指挥; vi. 导致; 领导; 用水砣测深; n. 铅; 领导; 榜样; 枪弹; [例句]John Major and the Duke of Edinburgh led the mourners约翰·梅杰和爱丁堡公爵走在送葬队伍前面。[其他] 第三人称单数:leads 复数:leads 现在分词:leading 过去式:led过去分词:led
2023-07-17 22:24:312


  lead   v.带路;领路;引领;(与…)相连,相通;通向;通往   n.(竞赛中的)领先地位;超前量;领先的距离;实例;范例;榜样   n.铅;铅笔芯   第三人称单数: leads复数: leads现在分词: leading过去式: led过去分词: led 扩展资料   For the past three years they have been leading totally separate lives.   三年来,他们完全是各过各的生活。   A short flight of steps led up to the door.   上几磴台阶就到了门口。   Multiplication of cells leads to rapid growth of the organism.   细胞的繁殖导致有机体的迅速生长。   Who is in the leading role?   谁扮演主角?
2023-07-17 22:24:381


Leads:是指通过交流,得到的关于某人购买某种产品或服务的可能性的数据)。有了一条一条的Leads,开展行销就有了量化的依据。比如,王先生听过对儿童保险的电话介绍后,表达出对这种保险的购买可能性,可能性的大小为80% ,就是一条对保险商有用的Leads。扩展资料:作用:收集leads是在这个方向上迈出巨大的一步,一旦你做好了,您可以永远地与你的客户们沟通并向他们发送各种宣传内容。交流是信息互换的过程。彼此间把自己有的提供给对方。通过沟通交流,信息流动传播的过程。交流的意义非常广泛,有意识的,也有物质的。你至少听说过100万次,钱就在名单上。这就是应该收集leads的原因。现在不是建设别人的业务,而是建立一个属于你自己。参考资料百度百科-leads
2023-07-17 22:24:471


lead是领带的意思。作为及物动词是领导、致使、引导、指挥。作为不及物动词是导致、用水砣测深。作为名词是领导、铅、导线、榜样。Lead作为人名指的是(英)利德。相关例句:She took the lead in the second lap她在第二圈时领先。You lead us and we"ll help you你领导我们 我们会帮助你。
2023-07-17 22:25:001


领导、带领做某事lead to do
2023-07-17 22:25:244

Lead 是什么意思

Lead [li:d] n.铅,领引,榜样 v.引导,带领,以铅接合 词形变化: 动词过去式:led 过去分词:led 现在分词:leading 第三人称单数:leads 例句与用法: This misprint led to great confusion. 这个印刷错误造成很大的混淆. The police are investigating an important new lead. 警方正在调查一条重要的新线索. Our scientists are leading the way in space research. 我们的科学家在宇宙探索中处於领先地位. What led you to believe I was ill? 什么使你相信我病了? The guide led us to the river. 向导带领我们到河边. 名词 lead: a soft heavy toxic malleable metallic element; bluish white when freshly cut but tarnishes readily to dull grey 同义词:Pb,atomic number 82 an advantage held by a competitor in a race evidence pointing to a possible solution 同义词:track,trail a position of leadership (especially in the phrase `take the lead") the angle between the direction a gun is aimed and the position of a moving target (correcting for the flight time of the missile) the introductory section of a story 同义词:lead-in,lede (sports) the score by which a team or individual is winning an actor who plays a principal role 同义词:star,principal (baseball) the position taken by a base runner preparing to advance to the next base an indication of potential opportunity 同义词:tip,steer,confidential information,wind,hint a news story of major importance 同义词:lead story the timing of ignition relative to the position of the piston in an internal-combustion engine 同义词:spark advance restraint consisting of a rope (or light chain) used to restrain an animal 同义词:leash,tether thin strip of metal used to separate lines of type in printing 同义词:leading mixture of graphite with clay in different degrees of hardness; the marking substance in a pencil 同义词:pencil lead a jumper that consists of a short piece of wire 同义词:jumper cable,jumper lead,booster cable the playing of a card to start a trick in bridge 动词 lead: take somebody somewhere 同义词:take,direct,conduct,guide have as a result or residue 同义词:leave,result tend to or result in travel in front of; go in advance of others 同义词:head cause to undertake a certain action stretch out over a distance,space,time,or scope; run or extend between two points or beyond a certain point 同义词:run,go,pass,extend be in charge of 同义词:head be ahead of others; be the first 同义词:top be conducive to 同义词:contribute,conduce lead,as in the performance of a composition 同义词:conduct,direct pass or spend lead,extend,or afford access 同义词:go move ahead (of others) in time or space 同义词:precede cause something to pass or lead somewhere 同义词:run preside over 同义词:moderate,chair
2023-07-17 22:25:322


2023-07-17 22:25:533


lead保护双语对照词典结果:lead[英][li:d][美][li:d]vt.领导; 引导; 指挥; vi.领导; 导致; 用水砣测深; n.铅; 领导; 榜样; 枪弹; adj.领头的; 最重要的; 领先的; 第三人称单数:leads过去分词:led复数:leads现在进行时:leading过去式:led例句:1.But that attitude can lead apparently successful businesses astray. 但是这种态度会导致明显成功的企业走上歧途。
2023-07-17 22:26:033


2023-07-17 22:26:125


lead过去式过去分词都是led。lead作及物动词时意为“领导;致使;引导;指挥”,作不及物动词时意为“导致;用水砣测深”。 Lead 英:[liu02d0d , led];美:[liu02d0d , led] v.带路;领路;引领;(与…)相连,相通;通向;通往n.(竞赛中的)领先地位;超前量;领先的距离;实例;范例;榜样 n.铅;铅笔芯 第三人称单数:leads;复数:leads;现在分词:leading;过去式:led;过去分词:led Lead 的用法 lead 可以用作动词 lead的基本意思是“站在别人前头,拉着手加以引导”,强调以领导者身份走在前头,带领别人秩序井然地前进,常含有“指挥、控制”的意味。lead引申可表示“致使,诱导”。 lead可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时,后可接名词、代词作宾语,也可接双宾语。 lead作“引导”解时往往跟to引起的介词短语作状语或宾语补足语;作“领导”解时可接“in+ v -ing”;lead作“使得”解时可接带to的动词不定式充当补足语的复合宾语。
2023-07-17 22:26:421

hard work 为什么要用leads

选 C leads to 因为 hard work 是单三,所以动词要用三单形式.只有这个是.其余的都不是. A.lead to 一般现在时,非单三 B.leds to 错误的用法 C.leads to 一般现在时,单三 D.led to 过去时
2023-07-17 22:27:101

buying leads什么意思啊

2023-07-17 22:27:191

lead to和lead的用法

cause常用于坏的方面 lead to好坏中性均可用 cause 引起某事,使某事发生cause sb/sth to do sth 1. Heavy traffic is causing delays on the freeway. 重型货车造成高速堵塞。 2. The fire caused $500,000 worth of damage. 这场火灾造成500,000美元的损失。 3. The policy changes have caused great uncertainly for the workforce.政策变化引起了劳动力的巨大变化。 4. What caused you to change your mind? 是什么让你改变主意? lead to 导致,lead sb to do sth使某人做某事 1. The events that lead to start of the First World War. 2. What led him to kill his wife? 3.He had led everyone to believe that his family was were wealthy. cause, lead to 直接跟名词 cause sb/sth to do sth, lead sb to do 是固定用法。
2023-07-17 22:27:281

He has deliberately chosen to lead the life he leads是什么意思呢?

Hehasdeliberatelychosentoleadthelifeheleadsandisfullyawareoftheconsequence.翻译为:他特意选择过一种充满意识结果的生活注意点leadthelife(省略了that的定语从句)heleadsandisfullyawareoftheconsequence.chosen是choose的过去分词,指选择,表示状态 have/has +过去分词 这是固定表达。
2023-07-17 22:28:101

lead sb to do sth还是lead sb to doing?有什么区别吗

2023-07-17 22:28:171

crm中 leads nurturing 是什么意思

神州云动CloudCC CRM中leads指客户线索。nurturing字面意思为培育、培养。按照CRM逻辑理解应该为:可培养的客户线索
2023-07-17 22:28:241

【英语】【翻译】该怎么理解下面he leads的意思?

为您解答He leads表示他现在所过的这种生活,或说他现在所正在使用的生活方式。前面其实就是he has chosen to do sth,这个sth就是他正在过的这种生活。
2023-07-17 22:28:312


领导 领导能力
2023-07-17 22:28:533