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slogan的中文意思 怎么翻译

2023-07-18 03:37:14

n.标语;口号。“slogan”直接源自盖尔语的sluagh-ghairm,意为进攻时的呐喊。shout slogans,喊口号。political slogan,政治口号。



[例句]"You"ll want an iPad just so you can wear this" is the slogan for one of the new lab coats designed with large pockets to accommodate tablet computers.




n.呐喊声,标语, 口号




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2023-07-17 22:13:081


词典解释名词 n. [C]1.口号,标语"Safety first" is our slogan. "安全第一"是我们的口号。 2.简短醒目的广告语词性及解释   n. 呐喊声, 标语, 口号   是广告界常用的英文词汇,意为口号,对于一个企业、网站来说,slogan都非常重要,广告口号是一种较长时期内反复使用的特定的商业用语。它的作用就是以最简短的文字把企业或商品的特性及优点表达出来,给人浓缩的广告信息。
2023-07-17 22:13:163


一、什么是sloganslogan英/u02c8slu0259u028aɡu0259n/美/u02c8slou028aɡu0259n/n.口号;标语slogan中文意为“标语”。标语是一种简洁、有力、易于传播的文字表达方式,通常用于表达一种观点、态度或主张,用于宣传、推广或教育。标语通常在各种场合中使用,例如公司、产品、活动、组织、国家等。通过一句简短、有力的口号,人们可以迅速记住相关信息并产生共鸣。二、有哪些著名的sloganThink Different:苹果公司的经典口号,鼓励人们“跳出固有思维,从不同角度思考问题”。Just do it:耐克的经典口号,鼓励人们勇敢尝试,追求自己的梦想。Good to Great:谷歌公司的经典口号,强调追求卓越的重要性。ADay at a Time:Adidas的经典口号,强调专注、持久的精神。Just Because:百事可乐的经典口号,强调活出真我,不随波逐流。Do the Right Thing:福特汽车的经典口号,鼓励人们做正确的事。Be Real:Jeep的经典口号,强调真实、坦诚、直率的态度。I Will Always Love You:惠特尼·休斯顿的经典歌曲,表示深深的爱情与承诺。You are the One:星巴克的经典口号,强调个人价值与独特性。One World One Dream:2008年北京奥运会主题口号,表示世界一家,共享梦想。实际上还有很多其他优秀的口号。每个口号都具有独特的意义和价值,代表着品牌的理念和价值观。三、slogan的英语例句1、Recently, the initiative also held a peace slogan contest for teenagers between 15-20 years.最近,宣传行动组织者在15-20岁的青少年中间举办了和平口号竞赛。2、THE slogan that BP adopted in 2000, “Beyond Petroleum”, was brilliantly unforgettable.英国石油公司(BP)在2000年打出的宣传口号“越过石油”令人过目难忘。3、It sounds so great and what a significant slogan it is!这条口号真是太好了,很有意义。4、Rivlin made the mistake of saying sunnily to Clinton, "I have a slogan for your re-election."犯了一个错误Rivlin表演克林顿说“我有一个口号为你的选举。”5、She changed the firm"s slogan from "Ding dong!"她把公司的口号“叮咚!”6、With the slogan "Beef at its Best", The Manhattan Steakhouse really steps up to the plate.如同标语所述“这里的牛排是最好的”一样,曼哈顿扒房在食物上做足了功夫。7、This slogan expresses the military equalitarianism which accompanies military adventurism.全线出击的口号,是伴随军事冒险主义而来的军事平均主义。8、"No muss, no fuss" is a great slogan to remember.“没有弄乱,无事”是一个伟大的口号记住。9、His slogan was "Praying for Death."他的座右铭是“祈求死亡。”10、The advertising slogan was a play on words.那条广告口号是双关语。
2023-07-17 22:13:312


slogan英[u02c8slu0259u028agu0259n]美[u02c8slou028agu0259n] n.标语,口号;呐喊声;(商业广告上用的)短语; [其他]复数:slogans Slogan(品牌口号、广告语)对消费者的意义在于其所传递的公司的产品理念,它所强调的是一家公司和它的产品最为突出的特点。 是广告界常用的英文词汇,意为口号。对于一个企业、一个产品和一个网站来说,slogan都非常重要。广告口号是一种较长时期内反复使用的特定的商业用语,它的作用就是以最简短的文字把企业或商品的特性及优点表达出来,给人浓缩的广告信息。 更多关于斯喽根英文是什么意思,进入:查看更多内容
2023-07-17 22:14:071


N-COUNT A slogan is a short phrase that is easy to remember. Slogans are used in advertisements and by political parties and other organizations who want people to remember what they are saying or selling. 口号; 广告语例:They could campaign on the slogan "We"ll take less of your money."他们可以打着“我们将少赚你的钱”的广告语开展宣传攻势。标语;呐喊声
2023-07-17 22:14:152


没有SLogin这个英语单词,您要找的是不是:slogan slogan 英[u02c8slu0259u028agu0259n] 美[u02c8slou028agu0259n] n. 标语,口号; 呐喊声; (商业广告上用的) 短语; [例句]“This is the revolution of all the people, ” read a common slogan. “这是一场全体人民的革命。” 一副普通的标语上写道。[其他] 复数:slogans
2023-07-17 22:14:291


应该是的 哈哈
2023-07-17 22:14:536


slogen就是打错了的slogan 网上经常有人打错
2023-07-17 22:15:071


标语 呐喊声 广告语 口号
2023-07-17 22:15:203

empty slogans什么意思

2023-07-17 22:15:283


2023-07-17 22:15:352


问题一:广告语用英语怎么说呀 advertising slogan:广告语。 例句: A catchy, often musical advertising slogan. 广告诗朗朗上口且常配有音乐的广告语 Advertising slogans sometimes reflect positioning but not always. 广告语有时反映出定位,但并不总是如此。 Slogans may only be catchy phrases that have nothing to do with a pany"s positioning strategy. 广告语可能只是诱人的短句,与公司的定位策略毫无关系。 The FTC plans to e up with a short list of weight-loss claims that clearly don"t stand up to scientific scrutiny, in hopes that media executives will ban ads that make those揣promises. 委员会还计划把明显没有科学依据的减肥广告语简要摘录,希望媒体机构禁播有这些虚假承诺的广告。 问题二:"广告词"用英文怎么说? 广告词 ad words advertising message 有时可简写为:message 问题三:简约而不简单这句广告词用英语怎么说啊 Less is more.这个挺好 问题四:10个知名品牌英文广告词及其中文翻译 经典英文广告词 1.Good to the last drop. 滴滴香浓,意犹未尽。(麦斯威尔咖啡) 2.Obey your thirst. 服从你的渴望。(雪碧) 3.We lead .others copy. 我们领先,他人仿效。 4.Impossible made possible. 使不可能变为可能。(佳能打印机) 5.The relentless pursuit of perfection. 不懈追求完美。(凌志轿车) 6.Poetry in motion ,dancing close to me.. 动态的诗,向我舞动。(丰田汽车) 7.Just do it. 只管去做。(耐克运动鞋) 8.Ask for more . 渴望无限。(百事流行鞋) 9.The taste is great. 味道好极啦。(雀巢咖啡) 10.Feel the new space . 感受新境界。(三星电子) 11.The choice of a new generation. 新一代的选择。(百事可乐) 12.Intelligence everywhere. 智慧演绎,无处不在。(摩托罗拉手机) 13.Take TOSHIBA ,take the world. 拥有东芝,拥有世界。(东芝电子) 14.Let"s make things better. 让我们做得更好。(飞利浦电子) 15.No business too *** all, no problem too big. 没有不做的小生意,没有解决不了的大问题。(IBM公司) 问题五:广告的英文单词怎么讲 广告 n. bill, mercial, drumbeat, ad, leaflet, billing, advertizing, advertising, advertisement v. publicize, advertize, advertise 问题六:我朋友一到初夏的时候,手就会脱皮,开始就象小米粒那么大,最后就接成片了。请问有什么方法可以治疗 这个现象应该和血有关系,中医认为这个是血热的问题,我都过这样的毛病,洗衣服的时候最好是带上手套,多吃青菜,不要吃热气的食物。 问题七:请问广告词“钻石恒久远,一颗永流传”用英语翻译应该怎么说呢? A diamond lasts forever. 我也很喜欢这句广告词。。。是著名的第比尔斯公司的广告。 钻石恒久远,一颗永流传。(第比尔斯) 问题八:广告专业用英文怎么说 专业是major广告学就是advertising 吧。。。 我学的是广告专业 就说 I majored in Advertising(大写,表专业) 或者My major is Advertising. 问题九:XXX出现在广告上用英语怎么说 5分 XXX showed up on the advertisement/XXX appeared on the advertisement 问题十:英语广告语翻译 1. Good to the last drop. 滴滴香浓,意犹未尽。(麦斯威尔咖啡) 2. Obey your thirst. 服从你的渴望。(雪碧) 3. The new digital era. 数码新时代。(索尼影碟机) 4. We lead. Others copy. 我们领先,他人仿效。(理光复印机) 5. Impossible made possible. 使不可能变为可能。(佳能打印机) 6. Take time to indulge. 尽情享受吧!(雀巢冰激凌) 7. The relentless pursuit of perfection. 不懈追求完美。 (凌志轿车)
2023-07-17 22:15:441


Words in/of AdvertisingAdvertising Words 以上都曾见到过。
2023-07-17 22:15:554


2023-07-17 22:16:143 you know the slogans?什么意思?怎么读

2023-07-17 22:16:221


Give me a squiggly给我一弯笑脸
2023-07-17 22:16:412


2023-07-17 22:16:504

your slogan here 什么意思

your slogan here你在这儿的口号(呐喊声)slogan[英][u02c8slu0259u028agu0259n][美][u02c8slou028agu0259n]n.标语,口号; 呐喊声; (商业广告上用的)短语; 复数:slogans例句:1.Peace through strength is a snappy slogan. 通过增强实力实现和平只是一个时髦的口号。2.That slogan began in italy in 2008. 标语是2008年在意大利开始的。
2023-07-17 22:17:182


March7 is Girls" Day, it is the day before Women"s Day, during the last decade, Girls" Day has becoming more and more popular. In the school, the slogans are so interesting, these slogans are put forward by the boys, they are showing their praises to the girls. Like “Girls, you are the only wife that my mother pointed.” How interesting. Actually, the slogans are always praising girls in a humorous way. I like Girls" Day, I will get a gift from the boys in my class, it is nothing with love relationship, only friends. In the street, I find the girls are so happy, some get flowers from boys, some get other presents
2023-07-17 22:17:281


sang sung
2023-07-17 22:17:375


在16世纪,有一位叫弗朗西斯·德雷克(Francis Drake)的英国著名航海探险家,传说他掌握着一个神秘的宝藏,但一直以来都没人知道这个宝藏的具体信息。时间推移到了现代,弗朗西斯·德雷克的后代内森·德雷克(Nathan Drake)与同伴艾莲娜·费舍尔(Elena fisher)于巴拿马海域找到了弗朗西斯·德雷克的棺木,期间遭到不明分子袭击。经过几翻周折,德雷克终于从某个潜艇遗迹上找到了关于这个宝藏的完整地图。为寻找这个神秘的宝藏,德雷克与艾莲娜来到位于太平洋中的神秘海岛。德雷克与同伴不但要寻求解开岛上神秘宝藏的方法,同时又要面对穷凶极恶的武装佣兵。
2023-07-17 22:18:171


2023-07-17 22:18:556


A five millennium"s ancient nation, hundred year Olympic Games vainly hoped for that is following on the motherland harmonious spring breeze, lit trillion China children, in the heart that flaming combustion fervor, she slowly is walking to us! The Olympic Games ceremonial fire, lights the auspicious cloud, the Olympic Games five links, illumination China! The bright red Chinese India, is the boiling hot Chinese heart! In August 8, 2008 this magnificent time, on ancient and the vital motherland, spreads is having a mysterious beautiful fable! Is composing a resounding spirited song of praise! Session of high level"s Olympic Games, most splendid Olympic Games soon convene! Green Olympics, technical Olympic Games, humanities Olympic Games, are getting more and more near to us, we have heard her sound of footsteps, to feel her breath. As a growth under the sunlight elementary student, we are proud! We cheer! We are arrogant! Greets Olympic Games in this, hopes for Olympic Games, the exciting time, we must certainly keep firmly in mind “Olympic Games in my heart, brings honor to the Chinese people moral excellence, the struggle is the civilized youth, grows up serves the motherland! “welcomes Olympic Games, to stress the civilization, the tree new atmosphere”, “civilized Olympic Games, harmonious Olympic Games”, these slogans have found at everywhere in the streets and lanes. Its unpopularity, appears we to Beijing Olympic Games" enthusiasm, also means that we take the host proper demeanor. But, these are only the slogan slogans, we must certainly use the practical action to greet Olympic Games, deeply loves the motherland! Must first learn in the society to stress the civilization, understands politeness. The loving care environment, does not spit everywhere, does not throw trash. We must study to Uncle Lei Feng, learn from him, takes pleasure in serving others the spirit, helps others to do good much! Offers one"s seat to somebody on own initiative on the bus for old person, makes a respect for elders to love the old model.When school, between schoolmate must in a friendly way be together, does not curse at people, does not fight. In study assiduous endeavor, positive Fan the law provides the massive free model essays for you! Progress. Encounters the difficulty, must learn itself to solve. Takes good care of public property, protects the environment, is industrious and thrifty, treasures each grain of grain, each paper. Time at home, is not pampered since childhood, is filial piety the parents, spends not randomly. Their matter do, oneself wash their clothes. Helps the parents to make some housework in one"s power, listens to the parents and elder"s words, communicates frequently with the parents, has the matter certainly to consult the guardian, makes one to be obedient, the sensible good child. Olympic Games" spirit is quicker, is higher, is stronger. Must have the spirit which does not concede. The world is focusing attention on, looks at China. Therefore, our each Chinese, also includes our young people, must have the posture which the unity advances boldly, the national broad mind. A social healthy civilization"s degree, a nationality"s moral climate, will enable after hundred year modern Olympics spirit to obtain the sublimation. Schoolmates. “exactly schoolmate youth, in full flower”, we fill with the fervor, transmits the Chinese civilization with the practical action! I want to believe that our wisdom will cause five link"s colors to be more brilliant, our smiling face will cause Olympic Games" spirit to be more magnificent. We install Olympic Games in the heart, lets flower of the civilized open the full campus, lets the Olympics spirit flourish foreverthank一个五千年的文明古国,一个百年的奥运梦想,伴随着神州大地上的和谐春风,点燃了亿万华夏儿女,心中那熊熊燃烧的激情,她正缓缓的向我们走来!奥运圣火、点燃祥云,奥运五环、光照中华!鲜红的中国印,就是滚烫的中国心!在2008年8月8日这个辉煌的时刻,在古老而又充满活力的华夏大地上,流传着有一个神奇美丽的传说!谱写着一首高亢激昂的赞歌! 一届高水平的奥运会,一个最出色的奥运会即将召开!绿色奥运,科技奥运,人文奥运,离我们越来越近,我们已听到了她的脚步声、感受到了她的呼吸。作为一名成长在阳光下的小学生,我们自豪!我们欢呼!我们骄傲!在这迎接奥运,期盼奥运,激动人心的时刻,我们一定要牢记“奥运在我心中,弘扬中华民美德,争做文明少年,长大报效祖国! “迎奥运、讲文明、树新风”,“文明奥运,和谐奥运”,这些口号在街头巷尾已随处可见。它的流行,显现出我们对北京奥运会的热情,也意味着我们作为东道主应有的风度。但是,这些只是标语口号,我们一定要用实际行动去迎接奥运,热爱祖国!首先在社会上要学会讲文明,懂礼貌。爱护环境,不随地吐痰,不乱扔垃圾。我们要向雷锋叔叔学习,学习他,助人为乐的精神,帮助别人多做好事!在公共汽车上主动为老人让座,做一个尊老爱老的典范。在学校时,同学之间要友好相处,不骂人,不打架。在学习上刻苦努力,积极范文网为您提供大量免费范文!上进。遇到困难,要学会自己解决。爱护公物,保护环境,勤俭节约,珍惜每一粒粮食、每一张纸。在家里的时候,不娇生惯养,孝敬父母,不乱花钱。自己的事情自己做,自己洗自己的衣服。多帮助父母做一些力所能及的家务事,听父母和长辈的话,经常和父母沟通,有事一定要请教家长,做一个听话、懂事的好孩子。奥运的精神是更快、更高、更强。要有不服输的精神。世界都在瞩目,看着中国。所以,我们每一位中国人,也包括我们青少年,要有团结奋进的姿态,民族宽广的胸怀。一个社会健康文明的程度,一个民族的道德风尚,将使历经百年的现代奥林匹克精神得到升华。 同学们。“恰同学少年,风华正茂”,我们满怀激情,用实际行动传递中华文明!我想信,我们的智慧将使五环的色彩更加绚烂,我们的笑脸将使奥运的精神更加辉煌。我们把奥运装在心中,让文明之花开满校园,让奥林匹克精神永放光芒!问题补充:我需要自己的翻译,而不是在线翻译出来的文章,谢谢!
2023-07-17 22:19:1310


I am making some slogans to put up around the school
2023-07-17 22:19:394


摘要:探讨了汉英广告语翻译中的策略、方法,指出了汉英广告语翻译中对于广告词正确理解的必要性。同时,研究了广告词中的文化现象、广告词的市场功能等,从而得出结论,广告语翻译不仅是语言的翻译,而且也是文化的翻译,更重要的是它有别于其他翻译文体,是一种具有强烈广告功效的翻译。   关键词:广告口号;广告语句;翻译;文化;市场功效   汉语广告语翻译,实际上是文化翻译。因为,汉语广告文化内涵非常丰富。在以“和谐社会”为理念的当代中国,汉语广告的儒家文化理念屡见不鲜。汉语广告是一种特殊的实用文体,汉译英要把原广告的意、形、神以及功能表现出来,一般要运用某些修辞手段或别具一格的手法来实现,从而使客户或潜在客户能产生购买欲望。常见的修辞手段,如双关、对仗、押韵、文字游戏、利用典故、临时造词、类比等,使人感到幽默中见智慧,平淡中显新奇,有的还给人以诗情画意的感觉。从语音角度看,广告语言节奏感强、琅琅上口,往往能产生一鸣惊人、耳目一新、耐人寻味、经久不忘的效果。广告语言的特点可以归纳为“吸引力、创造力、说服力和影响力”。广告通过图案和语言的各个方面树立各自的独特形象,用标新立异、独树一帜的手法来体现某种商品或服务的个性特点,其表现手法既超出常人的想象,又在情理之中。   在翻译汉语或英语广告文字时,仅仅翻译文字表面的信息是不够的。除了语言翻译遵循“信、达、雅”,或“顺、达”亦或是“化境”外,都要把原文中的“言外之意”传达出来。此外,为了突出广告词语的个性,还要利用一些技巧和手段。这样才能使译文限度地做到达意、传神和表形以及味象,收到意似、神似和形似及味象四位统一的效果。   本文以儒家文化思想以及以双关、对仗押韵、文字游戏、利用典故、临时造词及类比等对汉语广告英译进行分析。   1  充分了解广告的深层文化内涵,使用补救策略   例1  仁者近山,智者近水。   这是一则房屋开发公司引用了孔子的话的广告语。实际上,在外研社出版的《论语》一文中,是“仁者乐山,知者乐水”( The wise man delights in water, the Good man delights in mountains) [1] .   广告对于这样的山水景色做出了美好的描绘:一望无边、碧蓝清澈的湖水令人神往,背后依托的连绵起伏、苍翠欲滴的群山更是人们向往自然、崇尚健康的寄托。   译文: (1) The Good are close to the mountain, the wise are close to the water. 该译文虽然“达”,结构也较为严谨,但直译较为明显,读起来不十分上口。(2) Gentlemen prefer the mountain, wise men the fountain. 该译文虽然“达”,结构也较为严谨,但gentlemen 尤指君子,相对于小人,同时prefer 略显不足;另外,fountain 给人产生一种人造水源之感,脱离了本意,尽管读起来十分上口。(3) Good men prefer the mount"n ,wise men the fount"n. 较之译文(2) ,mount"n, wise men the fount"n 省略精妙,读起来十分上口,但依然有人造之嫌。参照Arthur Waley 的译文,得出:Wise men prefer to live near water, Good men near mountains.   根据“乐”(yao) 的意义(喜欢) ,并根据修辞结构平衡或趋向平衡的原则,没有按原汉语顺序翻译,后半句放到了句首,利用对偶省略的形式(尽管音步有所不同) ,古英语不带连词and 的特点,连同房屋营销的目的给出上面的译文。   例2  某住宅小区开发商车载广告词:“里仁为美,择邻而居”。   这是孔子的“里仁为美,择不处仁,焉得知?”的变体[1] .什么又是和谐的小区呢? 在买房子的时候,怎样来衡量是否能够“里仁”呢? 在孔圣人看来,“里仁为美”只需要“择邻而居”。所以,孟母不必再次迁居,有了好的邻居,颜回也可以满足于“一箪食,一瓢饮”。   Arthur Waley 把孔子的话译为: The Master said, It is Goodness that gives to neighborhood its beauty. One who is f ree to choose, yet does not prefer to dwell among the Good - how can he be accorded the name of wise ?   对于孔子的话,用现在的话说,就是买房子要选择和谐的小区,如果不选择和谐的小区居住,怎么算得上明智呢? 虽然,字数、结构有所变化,但是Arthur Waley 的译文略显长了一点,并不符合广告文字简短易于上口的要求。   译文: (1) Inside kindness is beauty, and you choose your neighbors to live with. 此译文基本上达到了原文的要求,但没有在形式上与原文对应或做出补救。(2) Inside Goodness is beauty, and choose neighbors to live with your family. 前半部用Goodness 取代了kindness ,用family 中的[i]与beauty 中的[i]实现押韵,弥补了不能用四字翻译汉语的缺点,但后半句音步太长,同时逻辑也十分勉强。根据上述情况做出的这样的译文: Your neighbors"beauty is from their Goodness, Dwelling among them sure is your Good2 choice. 本译文在几个方面对原文进行补救:首先从音步上看,两个句子都有10 个音步,韵脚基本以[s]结尾,另外通过临时合成造成与Goodness 项类似的词Goodchoice ,进而使字数相等(7个) ,形成了近似与对偶的修辞现象。   2  充分了解产品,使用类比手法及转换   例1  大宝护肤霜的广告语:“要想皮肤好,早晚用大宝”。   原来的译文: (1) Good skin comes from Dabao. 这个译文简洁,意思上虽然差的不是太多,但不像广告语言。原文中对仗押韵和琅琅上口的特点全然没有表现出来。(2) Applying "Dabao" morning and night makes your skin a real delight . 该译文堪称精妙,但是“早晚”的双关意义并未体现出来。同时,大宝系列中有“日霜”“晚霜”,原译文只是用了小写“morning and night”所以在某种程度上缺少了广告中推荐的功能。   尝试翻译如下: (1) Applying "Dabao" MORNING and NIGHT makes your skin soft and bright . —Dabao —you will prefer, sooner or later. 有双关,也有押韵。双关体现在MORNING and NIGHT 上面,根据产品特点及对使用者的调查,消费者一般在早上、晚上使用。因而,类比英语的day and night 的成语实现双关。同时,使用soft and bright 实现押韵,Dabao —you will prefer, sooner or later 又作了意义的补充。(2) To make your skin soft and bright apply "Dabao" MORNING and NIGHT. —Dabao —you will prefer, sooner or later. 对(1) ,作了结构上的修改,不定式提前,作目的状语用,apply 引导祈使句,对不了解该产品或希望皮肤好的潜在消费者进行介绍,实现说服功能,也实现了对仗。   例2  “鲍打天下,翅压群芳。”   这则广告充分利用“包打天下,技压群芳”两则人们常用来夸赞某人或事的成语,并有胜过其他人或事的意义。“鲍”打天下,中的“鲍”是同音异字,“翅”压群芳中的“翅”是临时替代,不过读起来[chi]与[ji]韵母都是[i]还算押韵。实际上该广告主要告诉广大客户或潜在客户,本店是以鲍鱼及鱼翅为特色,极言其味美,具有很强的竞争力。翻译此广告词的难度不小。尝试翻译如下: (1) Abalones are our found dation; shark"s fins are the best of best . 该译文基本上体现了原文的语意,但包打天下体现得不十分到位,读起来不是琅琅上口。(2) Abalones conquer all ;shark"s fins are the best of all. 尽管此译文无论从语意,结构亦或是押韵、音步都是很好的选择,然而,以- al[?:l ]为结尾,读起来有低沉感。另外,从广告法理上看又有不正当竞争之嫌。因而,从另一个角度把类比进行的转换:Abalones —fresh. Absolutely. Shark"s fins —fantastic. Out spokenly. 把汉语的“包打天下”淡化。因为从原文来看,类同于“技压群芳”,是一种语意重复。代之以极言鲍鱼之鲜美,“翅压群芳”以fantastic. Out spokenly 诚言鱼翅之出类拔萃。从修辞角度上看,采取头韵、韵脚以弥补汉语双关之丢失,使用破折号,副词单独成句,增加停顿及语势。   3  树立为目的语读者服务意识,使用变通手法   翻译广告语时要有很强的“翻译意识”,即脑子里要为外国读者着想。所以,对含有汉语拼音的词要做认真的处理。下面例子中的LongCard 就不能写成long card.   例1  建设银行的龙卡广告语:“衣食住行,有龙则灵。”   在翻译龙卡时,通常模仿MasterCard 的联写法,同时把“龙”Long 变成斜体,以便与英语中的long相区别。基于同样的道理,对于外国读者可能感到模糊或误解的某些东西要尽量交代清楚。   译文: (1) Your everyday life is very busy , our LongCard can make it easy. 这是一则相当得当的译文,用everyday life 概括“衣食住行”,用[zi:]押韵。如在音步上加强下,更好一些。   Your everyday life is very busy, our longcard you will make it easy. 用will 代替can 使译文更具有人情味,即包括了功能又含有主动意愿。尽管如此,本文认为原文的“衣食住行”是指这些方面的消费或支付手段,不侧重忙与不忙,而是侧重其便利。故而,又尝试得出前句译文如下: Inconvenient is it for you to carry much cash. 然后,研究一下后句, “有龙则行”系双关,并参照刘禹锡的《陋室铭》:山不在高,有仙则名。水不在深,有龙则灵。   龙是中华民族的象征,但在西方神话中却是怪兽的代名词。因而,直译为dragon 似乎不妥。虽然使用了斜体来区别英文long (长) ,但是读起来还是会造成误会。因而,探讨是否可使用港台拼写方式loong ,双写oo 表示长音。从与“龙”相关的网站上获得了许多对于中国龙的翻译评论,王语萱等人认为龙应该译成Loong ,一方面除了可以避免与西方文化相冲突的尴尬;另一方面oo 以具有象形的特点,即似乎是两只眼睛在看着这个世界[2] .早在2004 年,就有台北学者提出应该把龙英译为Loong.正确翻译龙,是保护中国传统文化的重要举措。黄佶认为,新加坡总理李显龙的名字被翻译成“Lee HsienLoong”,就是一个范例[3] .另外,认为“则灵”二字,表示您的日常衣食住行成功与否与龙卡息息相关,又表示龙卡作用非凡,使用便利、迅捷。故得出译文如下: Loongcard settles your everyday payment in a flash. 其中paymem 表示支付,in a flash 表示在很短时间完成,免除了携带大量现金的不便及风险。一卡在手, 带您走遍神州。所以, 得出参考译文如下: Inconvenient is it for you to carry much cash, Loongcard settles your everyday payment in a flash. 此译文从音步上看,两句相等,有- ash 作为押韵,同时,前句使用倒装的修辞手段强调了出门带现金的不便,引出了使用loongcard 的必要性。   例2  “上当不吃亏”。   这是一则典当行的广告语。若只读音不注意文字形态,则人们必会有不同的理解,翻译也会处于表面的理解,如下面的译文: (1) Even if you are taken in, you will not suffer losses. 通过研究该广告的句子结构,认为使用让步条件从句是合理的,译出了“上当不吃亏”这个矛盾句义。有人提出异议,那“典当”的“当”字没有体现出来,如果放到英文广告版上,英语读者不知所云,甚至会产生误解。鉴于此,又得出另一个译文: (2) If you go to the pawn shop, you will not lose money. 本文认为去典当行是以物换钱,或者买便宜货,不会损失钱财的,值得。但是,缺少了双关。又有译文: (3) Go to the pawnshop, you will not be taken in. 上当铺,不会上当的。这样的翻译应该说体现了矛盾手法,但目的语读者或许有疑问:难道当铺会是骗人的地方吗?   研究上述3 个译例,认为都可以部分接受这种译法,推敲再三,从广告效应看似乎翻译3更具有广告的说服功效。不过从句子的紧凑程度、上口程度、双关以及为读者服务角度看,似乎不妥。此外,几个译例只局限于表面的文字,如果跳出这个限制,有可能得到更好的翻译。通过使用反正翻译法尝试给出下面的翻译: Going to the pawnshop will be the worthwhile job. 该译文参考了大宝广告译文(2) 的翻译形式,正面指出了上当铺是十分值得做的事,言外之意不吃亏。为了能读起来上口,又尝试如下的译文:Go to pawn anything, you"ll find it worth doing. 该译文句子结构———音步(6 个) 相同:“尾韵———音”,[i]一致。为了使目的语读者不产生误解,在跳出原句子意义之后,正面译出“典当任何东西都是划得来”的。虽然没有选择“不吃亏”,双关也没能体现出来,但是用祈使句,加尾韵,相同音步等诸多手段较好地表达出广告的说服功能。   广告语言的汉英互译是一项非常困难的任务,汉译英尤甚。有些玩弄文字游戏或者文化内涵浓重的广告语甚至是无法互译的。要想翻译得好,必须反复实践,经过长期艰苦的努力,切忌那种望文生义、“对号入座”式的字面上的肤浅翻译。还要指出,为了达到应有的商业效果,翻译广告文字时,一定要请精通英语语言和文化并且熟悉汉英翻译技巧的人进行翻译,翻译的结果是找英语国家的人验证一下。创作出好的中文广告词很不容易,而要把好的中文广告词翻译成好的英语更难。企业界的某些人士,应该放弃“翻译不是创作”的观念,真正认识广告语言翻译的重要性和艰巨性,以及好的翻译所能带来的价值和效益。   参考文献:   [1]Confucius. The Analects[M] . Arthur Waley. 北京:外语教学与研究出版社,1998 :38 ,39 ,74 ,75.   [2]王语萱.“龙”的英文应该翻译成Loong [ DB/ OL ] . http:// blog. people. com. cn/blog/log/showlog.jspe ?site2id =2547   [3]沈厚文,徐明军. 广告英语与实例[M] . 北京:中国广播电视出版社,1995 :73 - 77 ,226 - 233.   [4]崔刚. 广告英语3000 句[M] . 北京:北京理工大学出版社,1993 :12 ,37.   [5]丁衡祁. 翻译广告文字的立体思维[J ] . 中国翻译,2004 (1) :75 ,76.   [6]汉英成语词典[M] . 北京:商务印书馆,1982 :242.   [7]辜正坤. 英诗鉴赏金库[M] . 天津:天津人民出版社,1998 :12 - 37.   Exploration of translation of Chinese advertising slogans and phrases   WANG Yanfei1, YU Ting2   (1. Dept. of Foreign Language, University of Science and Technology Liaoning ,Anshan 114051 ,China; 2. School of Applied English, Dalian University Foreign Languages, Dalian 116002, China)   Abstract: The strategies and techniques applied in the translation of some Chinese advertising slogans and phrases were explored, and the necessity involved in correctly understanding them was thus pointed out. At the same time, an effort was made in the study of cultures and marketing functions conveyed in these advertising slogans and phrases, from which the conclusion is drawn that advertising translation is not merely the translation of one language into another, but also of the cultures.Besides, what is more important is that it is different from the translation of other styles of text: it is a kind of translation producing strong marketing effectiveness.   Key words: advertising slogans; advertising phrases; translation; culture; marketing effectiveness   (Received July 12, 2006)
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1.这里The crowd 作主语,囜此应该是人群聚集在房子周围。2.吉姆已经来寻找一些勃拉姆斯做的曲子了Jim :主语;has come 谓语for more music 目的状语by Brahms后置定语3 和第二句一样 Tom is coming (要来,主谓结构)+with some ham (伴随状语)4 提出下列请求和问题。5 在同一组的这些人必须选择在同一清单上的物品。
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2023-07-17 22:20:054


slogan就是一些广告公司最常说的所谓的专业用语。其实就是标语口号。比如:耐克的Just Do It!(想做就做) Slickkicks的“Look At Me!”(生活看我演绎!)Adidas的Adidas Impossible Is Nothing! (没有不可能)等等之类的~~~
2023-07-17 22:20:253


Slogan是一个英文单词,读音是英音:["slu0259ugu0259n] 美音:["slogu0259n],意思是口号、广告语。对消费者的意义在于其所传递的公司的产品理念,它所强调的是一家公司和它的产品最为突出的特点。广告界常用的英文词汇,意为口号。对于一个企业、一个产品和一个网站来说,slogan都非常重要。广告口号是一种较长时期内反复使用的特定的商业用语,它的作用就是以最简短的文字把企业或商品的特性及优点表达出来,给人浓缩的广告信息。具体可以参考百度百科的广告口号。相关信息:Slogan(品牌口号)对消费者的意义在于其所传递的公司的产品理念,它所强调的是一家公司和它的产品最为突出的特点。就像耐克最经典的一句“Just do it”和“De Beers”A diamond is forever——“钻石恒久远,一颗永留传”,这些Slogan都形成了强烈、鲜明的品牌特性,以此吸引了大量用户。
2023-07-17 22:20:591


slogan 英[ˈsləʊgən]美[ˈsloʊgən]n. 标语,口号; 呐喊声; (商业广告上用的) 短语;[网络] 销售口号; 标语,口号; 口号;[例句]Then it will be time for a striking slogan.然后,就到了大秀劲爆标语的时刻。[其他] 复数:slogans 形近词: soogan
2023-07-17 22:21:191


[u02c8slu0259u028agu0259n] n. 标语,口号;呐喊声;(商业广告上用的)短语
2023-07-17 22:21:461


.标语,口号;呐喊声;(商业广告上用的)短语[例句]Apple "s slogan " think different " is inspiring but incomplete.《创新者的DNA》一书的作者认为:“苹果公司(Apple)的口号‘不同凡想"虽然能够鼓舞人心,但还不够完美。
2023-07-17 22:22:011


2023-07-17 22:22:171

slogan是什么意思 slogan解释

1、Slogan是一个英文单词,读音是英音:[slu0259ugu0259n] 美音:[slogu0259n],意思是口号、广告语。对消费者的意义在于其所传递的公司的产品理念,它所强调的是一家公司和它的产品最为突出的特点。 2、就像耐克最经典的一句“Just do it”和“De Beers”A diamond is forever——“钻石恒久远,一颗永留传”,这些Slogan都形成了强烈、鲜明的品牌特性,以此吸引了大量用户。
2023-07-17 22:22:441


slogan 英[u02c8slu0259u028agu0259n] 美[u02c8slou028agu0259n] n. 标语,口号; 呐喊声; (商业广告上用的) 短语; [网络] 口号; 广告语; 标语; [例句]They could campaign on the slogan "We"ll take less of your money".他们可能打出这样的竞选口号:“我们会让您少出钱”。[其他] 复数:slogans 形近词: soogan
2023-07-17 22:23:081


四楼的英文是:Fourth Floor。slogan的意思是:口号。重点词汇:slogan英['slu0259u028aɡu0259n]释义:n.口号,标语;广告语;<史>苏格兰高地的战斗呐喊。[复数:slogans]短语:advertising slogan广告标语;广告语;告白标语。例句:用作名词(n)The advertising slogan was a play on words.那条广告口号是双关语。A slogan is over the blackboard.一条标语在黑板正上方。
2023-07-17 22:23:301

screeching weasel的《slogans》 歌词

歌曲名:slogans歌手:screeching weasel专辑:my brain hurtswords are stirring your anger"s burning You could really use a slogan rightScreeching Weaselnow Eighteen and feeling pretty mean cause you"re sick and fucking tiredout being pushed around and around Up and fucking down You wanna believethere"s an answer well there"s not and the funny thing about it is that twohours later they"re just words that you seem to have forgot Don"t thinkabout what"s right or wrong just leave the thinking to your boss Do whatwanna see some action right now Feeling strong gonna right some wrong gonnaraise your banner and stand up tall and proud Don"t tell me ideology has athing to do with it You like to think you"re different but you"re all onefucked up power trip And I really don"t give a shit what you happen tobelieve in Now you can finally begin to feel like you fit in Don"t everlisten to yourself You"ll fuck it up just like you always do Someone willbe there to explain your job so do it
2023-07-17 22:24:101


slogan 英[u02c8slu0259u028agu0259n] 美[u02c8slou028agu0259n] n. 标语,口号; 呐喊声; (商业广告上用的) 短语; [例句]They could campaign on the slogan "We"ll take less of your money".他们可能打出这样的竞选口号:“我们会让您少出钱”。[其他] 复数:slogans
2023-07-17 22:24:201

slogan什么意思 slogan怎么造句呢

1、slogan n.标语; 口号; 2、[例句]Youll want an iPad just so you can wear this is the slogan for one of the new lab coats designed with large pockets to accommodate tablet computers.“穿上它,你就会想要一部iPad”是其中一款新实验服的标语,这些新实验服设计有可以装平板电脑的大口袋。 3、[其他]复数:slogans
2023-07-17 22:24:261


2023-07-17 22:24:341


标语英文:slogan。1、Slogans had been painted on the walls. 标语涂在墙上。2、Slogans have appeared on walls around the city. 标语已出现在全城周围的墙上。3、They went around painting rude slogans on cars. 他们到处在汽车上涂写粗鲁的标语。4、They sent death threats and daubed his home with slogans. 他们向他发出了死亡威胁,还在他家的墙上涂满了标语。5、"You"ll want an iPad just so you can wear this" is the slogan for one of the new lab coats designed with large pockets to accommodate tablet computers. “穿上它,你就会想要一部iPad”是其中一款新实验服的标语,这些新实验服设计有可以装平板电脑的大口袋。6、His slogan “ Yes, we can ” helped him become America " s first African American president in 2009. 他的标语“我们能做到”帮助他获得了2009年的总统大选,并成为了美国历史上首位非洲裔美国总统。7、They try to come up with a new slogan for their product. 他们试图为他们的新产品想一个新的标语。8、Application of sports slogans in training venues of Chinese Gymnastics Team. 体育标语在国家体操队训练场馆中的应用研究。
2023-07-17 22:24:511


没有sologon这个单词,正确的应是:slogan单词:slogan英['slu0259u028aɡu0259n]释义:n.标语;呐喊声[复数:slogans]短语:advertising slogan广告标语;广告口号;广告语;告白标语近义词:phrase英[freu026az]释义:n.短语,习语,措辞,乐句v.措词,将(乐曲)分成乐句[复数:phrases;第三人称单数:phrases;现在分词:phrasing;过去式:phrased;过去分词:phrased]短语:习惯用语短语Phrase Search短语检索;短语搜索;词组检索;词组搜索
2023-07-17 22:25:441


口号的英文:slogan翻译例句1. 人群开始反复高呼反政府口号。The crowd began chanting anti-government slogans.---《牛津词典》2. 共和党人试图用他们的口号来胜出。The Republicans tried to trump this with their slogan.---《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》3. 学生们高呼口号,散发传单。Students shouted slogans and distributed leaflets.---《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》4. 数千名示威者喊着口号,挤满了街道。Thousands of demonstrators crowded the streets shouting slogans.---《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》5. 示威者们反复地喊着口号。Demonstrators chanted slogans.---《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》6. 典礼因前所未有的起哄和口号声而中断。The ceremony was disrupted by unprecedented heckling and slogan-chanting.---《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》
2023-07-17 22:26:161


请注意其字面意思,则可以翻译成:slogans for environmental protection希望能够帮到您!
2023-07-17 22:26:581


auto advertising sloganMercedes-Benz car brandSlogans: Unlike any other Mercedes-Benz. The Future of the Automobile Engineered to move the human spiritHonda CarsSlogans: The Power of Dreams It must be love Honda. First man, then machine Technology you can enjoy Acura cars (the Honda Motor"s brand) Ad slogans: The True Definition of Luxury. Yours. Acura. Precision Crafted Performance FIAT Cars Advertising slogan: Driven by passion. FIAT.Alfa Romeo car brandSlogans: Alfa Romeo. Beauty is not enough Power for your control Volvo CarsAdvertising slogan: Volvo. For lifeSubaru CarsTaglines: Subaru. Think. Feel. Drive. Driven By What"s Inside When You Get It, You Get It The Beauty of All-Wheel Drive Ford VehiclesAdvertising slogans: Ford. Feel the difference. Ford. Bold moves. (USA) Built for life in Canada. (Canada) Built for the road ahead. Ford. Designed for living. Engineered to last. Have you driven a Ford lately?Infiniti vehiclesMarketing slogan: Infiniti. Accelerating the Future.BMW automobilesMarketing slogans: BMW. The Ultimate Driving Machine. BMW. Sheer Driving Pleasure. The Ultimate Driving Experience.Jaguar carsAd slogans: Born to perform. Unleash a Jaguar. Don"t dream it. Drive it! Jaguar. The art of performance. Grace.... space... pace.Audi automobilesMarketing slogans: Keeping ahead through technology. Everyone dreams of an Audi.Volkswagen, the German car brandSlogans: Volkswagen. Drivers wanted. (US marketing campaign) For the love of the car. Relieves gas pains. Surprisingly ordinary prices (UK campaign for VW Passat, Golf, Polo)Peugeot, the French automobiles Marketing slogans: Peugeot. Live the pleasure. The drive of your life. The lion goes from strength to strength. Jeep carsMotto: Jeep. There"s Only One.Toyota car brandTaglines: Today Tomorrow Toyota. (Europe) Toyota. Moving Forward. The best built cars in the world. Get the Feeling. Toyota. Drive Your Dreams. The car in front is a Toyota. I love what you do for me - Toyota! Your new experience of motoring.Pontiac VehiclesAdvertising slogan: We are driving excitement.Rover car brandAdvertising slogan: Rover. A Class Of Its Own.Land Rover vehiclesAdvertising slogan: Land Rover. Go beyond.Chevrolet CarsSlogans: Chevrolet. An American Revolution See the USA in your Chevrolet The Heartbeat of America The road isn"t built that can make it breathe hard! Eye it - try it - buy it! Hyundai Motor"s carsSlogans: Hyundai. Drive your way Always There for You Driving is believing Prepare to want one Nissan Motor"s carsTaglines: Shift Shift expectations. You can with a Nissan. Just wait you drive it.Chrysler car brandSlogans: Drive & Love Chrysler. Drive = Love Chrysler. Inspiration comes standardKia Motors brandAdvertising slogans: Kia. The Power to Surprise Make every mile count (USA campaign) The Car that Cares Lexus cars (a Division of Toyota Motor)Advertising slogans: The Passionate Pursuit of Perfection The Relentless Pursuit of PerfectionPorsche automobilesAd slogan: Porsche, There is No Substitute Skoda AutoAdvertising slogans: Skoda. Simply Clever It"s a Skoda. Honest.Oldsmobile car brandSlogans: Start Something. This is not your father"s Oldsmobile. Cadillac brandAdvertising slogans: Cadillac. Break Through. Creating a Higher Standard. Standard of the World. The Penalty of Leadership.Dodge car brand Slogans: Dodge. Grab Life by the Horns. Dodge. Different.Buick car brandAdvertising slogans: Dream Up. Buick. It"s All Good. Isn"t it time for a real car? Buick. The spirit of American style.Mercury cars (Ford"s brand)Slogans: New Doors Opened. Imagine Yourself in a Mercury now.SAAB, Swedish car brandSlogans:Welcome to the State of Independence (USA campaign) Saab. Move your mind (European campaign) Find Your Own Road. Smart car - a brand of DaimlerChryslerAdvertising slogan: Smart. Open your mind.Lincoln car brandTaglines:Lincoln. Travel Well. What a Luxury Car Should Be. Hummer brand Advertising slogan: Hummer. Like Nothing Else. Holden cars, AustraliaAdvertising slogan: Holden go.Seat, Spanish car brandMarketing slogan: Seat. Auto emocion.Saturn automobilesMotto: Saturn. Like always. Like never before.Citroen, french car brandSlogan: Just imagine what Citroen can do for you.
2023-07-17 22:27:261

with College Entrance Exam slogans, the walls of the...

D 试题分析:句意:装饰以高考的标语,这个墙看起来更好了。这里需要非谓语动词做状语,因为the walls of the classroom和decorate是被动关系,用过去分词做状语,所以选D。
2023-07-17 22:27:341

2. Of the slogans of the "Occupy Wall Street" movement,one ______ is frequently mentioned is:the

2. Of the slogans of the "Occupy Wall Street" movement,one ______ is frequently mentioned is:the 99 percent oppose the 1 percent.A. which B. that C. where D. wha为什么不用which?答:因为that引导的是定语从句,修饰先行词one,先行词又是个不定代词。所以要用that不用which。祝你学习进步!
2023-07-17 22:27:411