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2023-07-18 03:29:50

I know what life is worth.我知道生命的价值。My life is in your hands.我的生命由你掌控。First blood! The gods were right to place their trust in me.第一滴血!上帝相信选择相信我是对的。My blood boils.我的鲜血在沸腾。The pike found its place.我的长矛找到了归宿。Know my pain.知道我的痛苦了吧。Pain into gain!化痛苦为力量!The ultimate sacrifice.终极牺牲。Life"s hard, I know.生活很艰难,我知道的。My life now has meaning!我的生命现在很有意义!Blood for blood.以血还血。Power from the Nothl Realm.来自虚无之境的力量。A waste of life.浪费生命。Ah, the potential for sacrifice is great!啊,牺牲的潜能是无限的!A stronger sacrifice.更强大地牺牲。There can never be too much sacrifice.牺牲永远不嫌多。You must learn to sacrifice.你必须学会牺牲。I share my pain.分享我的痛苦吧。You gave all you could give but it was not enough.你已倾其所有,但还远远不够。Vitality was wasted on you.你浪费了你的活力。Honor your sacrifice.你的牺牲值得尊敬。Dazzle, is that any way to treat your cousin?戴泽,这是你款待表弟的方法吗?Your time in the shade of Nothl must have blinded you, Dazzle.你在虚无之境的时光蒙蔽了你的眼睛,戴泽。This pains me, Doctor, for we honor the same vitality.我们需要的是同样的生命力,你的治疗却弄伤了我。Antimage, your dependence on mana is unholy.敌法师,你对魔法的依赖可不光彩。You take and you take, Antimage; learn to give!就知道拿就知道拿,敌法师!要学会奉献!Perhaps you"ll value life now, Necrolyte.瘟疫法师,或许你现在知道生命的价值了。Necrolyte, you beget rot without worth.瘟疫法师,你就这样没有价值地死掉了。Respect, Bloodseeker.血魔,向你致敬。Bloodseeker, that was well done.血魔,干得漂亮。The tide of life sweeps away the hunter.生命之潮冲走了猎人。The oceans see more life without the Tidehunter.没有了潮汐猎人,大海中将有更多生命。Pudge, you should value life for more than just its flavor.胖子,你要懂得珍惜这些生命,而不仅仅是尝尝味道。Pudge, your existence wastes more life than you know.胖子,你的存在意味着更多生命的浪费。Fearlessly into the fray, Axe, in this we are alike.从不惧怕战斗,这是我们的相同点,斧王。I walk the sacred path to my promised destiny.我迈在通向已知命运的神圣大道上。As my body falls, my spirit rises up like the smoke offerings, pleasing to the gods我的肉体虽然倒下,我的灵魂却如一缕青烟慰藉着上帝。I will risk my life again and again.我一次又一次冒着生命危险。Swiftly to my sacrifice.我的牺牲马上就要到来。以上资料来自:


all at once-THE TRAY歌词

all at once 歌手:houston whitney 专辑:whitney houston All at once I finally took a moment And I"m realizing that You"re not coming back And it"s finally hit me all at once All at onceI"ve started counting teardrops And at least a million fell My eyes began to swell And all my dreams were shattered all at once Ever since I met you Houston WhitneyYou"re the only love I"ve known And I can"t forget you Though I must face it all alone Chorus:All at once I"m drifting on a lonely sea Wishing you"d come back to me And that"s all that matters now All at once I"m drifting on a lonely sea Holding on to memories And it"s hurt me more than you know So much more than it shows All at once I looked around and found that you were With another love In someone else"s arms And all my dreams were shattered all at once All at once the smile that used to greet me Brightened someone else"s day She took your smile away And left me with just memories all at once Ever since I met you You"re the only love I"ve known And I can"t forget you Though I must face it all alone Repeat Chorus (2X)
2023-07-17 21:49:252

翻译下the fary 的over my head 歌词谢谢了,大神帮忙啊

楼主是 FRAY The Fray - Over My Head I never knew I never knew that everything was falling through That everyone I knew was waiting on a queue To turn and run when all I needed was the truth But that"s how it"s got to be It"s coming down to nothing more than apathy I"d rather run the other way than stay and see The smoke and who"s still standing when it clears Everyone knows I"m in Over my head Over my head With eight seconds left in overtime She"s on your mind She"s on your mind Let"s rearrange I wish you were a stranger I could disengage Say that we agree and then never change Soften a bit until we all just get along But that"s disregard Find another friend and you discard As you lose the argument in a cable car Hanging above as the canyon comes between Everyone knows I"m in Over my head Over my head With eight seconds left in overtime She"s on your mind She"s on your mind Everyone knows I"m in Over my head Over my head With eight seconds left in overtime She"s on your mind She"s on your mind And suddenly I become a part of your past I"m becoming the part that don"t last I"m losing you and its effortless Without a sound we lose sight of the ground In the throw around Never thought that you wanted to bring it down I won"t let it go down till we torch it ourselves Everyone knows I"m in Over my head Over my head With eight seconds left in overtime She"s on your mind She"s on your mind Everyone knows I"m in Over my head Over my head With eight seconds left in overtime She"s on your mind She"s on your mind 我从没想到 从没想到所有事情都落空了 每个人都在等待着转身逃跑 而我所想要的只有真相 但是现在变成了这样 所剩下的只有冷淡的感觉 我宁愿掉头跑走 却不愿意呆在原地看着随着雾慢慢散去 而变得清晰的人影 人人都知道我现在头都大了 头都大了 在达成协议的八秒钟 你还在想着她 你还在想着她 让我重新安排这一切 我希望你是一个可以让我抛开不顾的陌生人 让我们达成协议 对彼此更温和一点 直到我们相处融洽 但是你漠视这一切 和另一个朋友交往然后分手 在高高地悬在峡谷上方的电缆车中吵架 (这句话是说为什么和朋友分手) 人人都知道我现在头都大了 头都大了 在达成协议的八秒钟 你还在想着她 你还在想着她 突然间,我变成了你过去的一部分 我变成了那段不了情的一部分 我失去了你,我的努力是徒劳 无声无息地,我们在慌乱中已经看不到周围的事情 从来没想到你会放弃 我不会放弃,直到我们的爱情之火重燃 人人都知道我现在头都大了 头都大了 在达成协议的八秒钟 你还在想着她 你还在想着她
2023-07-17 21:49:461

We Are The World 海地版第3分34秒唱歌的那个黑人男歌手是谁?

3分34秒说的是那个光头绿色衬衫 和TONI BRAXTON一起唱歌的那个白人小伙他的名字是 ISAAC SLADE (AKA THE FRAY) 2分24秒的 是黑人 BeBe Winans
2023-07-17 21:49:542

The Pointer Sisters的《Happiness》 歌词

歌曲名:Happiness歌手:The Pointer Sisters专辑:Jump: The Best OfThe Fray - HappinessHappiness is outside my windowThought it crash blowing 80-miles an hourHappiness a little more like knockingOn your door, and you just let it in?Happiness feels a lot like sorrowLet it be, you can"t make it come or goBut you are gone not for good but for nowGone for now feels a lot like gone for goodHappiness is a firecracker sitting on my headboardHappiness was never mine to holdCareful child, light the fuse and get away"Cause happiness throws a shower of sparksHappiness damn near destroys youBreaks your faith to pieces on the floorSo you tell yourself, that"s probably enough for nowHappiness has a violent roarHappiness is like the old man told meLook for it, but you"ll never find it allBut let it go, live your life and leave itThen one day, wake up and she"ll be homeHomeShe"ll beShe"ll beShe"ll be homeShe"ll be homeShe"ll be homeShe"ll be homeShe"ll be homeShe"ll be homeShe"ll be homeShe"ll be homeShe"ll be
2023-07-17 21:51:141

一首英文歌,一个男的唱的,“so来踢了go”啊森特瑞 yeaiaiye

也许你听得不太对~可能是don"t let me go 这是The Fray - never say never 歌词: some things we don"t talk about rather do without and just hold the smile falling in and out of love ashamed and proud of, together all the while you 。
2023-07-17 21:51:271


【SOSO音乐·劲爆更新】 热门歌曲TOP50 更新时间:2008-08-03 1. 我就是这样 (刘力扬) 2. 左边 (杨丞琳) 3. 爱上你是一个错 (杨培安) 4. 日不落 (蔡依林) 5. 等一分钟 (徐誉滕) 6. 青花瓷 (周杰伦) 7. 老人与海 (海鸣威) 8. 舍不得 (弦子) 9. 为你写诗 (吴克群) 10. 会呼吸的痛 (梁静茹) 11. 月亮之上 (凤凰传奇) 12. 天路 (韩红) 13. 命运 (香香) 14. 爱 (小虎队) 15. 简单爱 (周杰伦) 16. 真的爱你 (beyond) 17. 我们的歌 (王力宏) 18. 如果爱下去 (张靓颖) 19. 承诺 (群星) 20. 隐形的翅膀 (张韶涵) 21. 独家记忆 (陈小春) 22. 越爱越难过 (吴克群) 23. 彩虹 (周杰伦) 24. 海阔天空 (信乐团) 25. 静静的 (庾澄庆) 26. 曾经爱过你 (郑源) 27. 认真的雪 (薛之谦) 28. 假如 (BOBO) 29. 想太多 (李玖哲) 30. 小乌龟 (张栋梁) 31. 甜甜的 (周杰伦) 32. 冲动 (萧亚轩) 33. 过火 (张信哲) 34. 手放开 (李圣杰) 35. 我们说好的 (张靓颖) 36. 不要用我的爱来伤害我 (韩晶) 37. 想起 (江美琪) 38. 安静 (周杰伦) 39. 水手 (郑智化) 40. 吻别 (张学友) 41. 有时寂寞 (陈慧琳) 42. 爱转角 (罗志祥) 43. 有一种爱叫做放手 (阿木) 44. 第一次爱的人 (王心凌) 45. 大海 (张雨生) 46. 爱情转移 (陈奕迅) 47. 第三者的第三者 (弦子) 48. 光辉岁月 (beyond) 49. 你最牛 (阿牛) 50. 好好活下去 (陶喆) 新歌速递TOP50 更新时间:2008-08-03 1. 我不是自己 (吴建豪) 2. 漂亮小姐 (陈奕迅) 3. 摇摆摆 (花儿乐队) 4. 我们的爱 (萧亚轩/胡彦斌) 5. 不要说话 (陈奕迅) 6. 雨念 (刘力扬) 7. 点一把火炬 (林俊杰) 8. 干物女 (林宇中) 9. 我还是你的 (古巨基) 10. 梦想制造 (许慧欣) 11. 超级喜欢 (阿牛) 12. 最好的未来 (刘若英) 13. 勇敢飞 (范冰冰) 14. 理智与感情 (杨丞琳) 15. 爱的太晚 (古巨基) 16. 比较美好的世界 (群星) 17. 什么 (林晓培) 18. 心·战 (Alan) 19. 不在场证明 (苏永康) 20. 一路好走 (房祖名) 21. 原来的自己 (古巨基) 22. 浪漫骑士 (唐朝乐队) 23. 冲动 (萧亚轩) 24. 勇敢的梦想 (王麟) 25. 之后 (萧亚轩) 26. 暂停恋爱 (萧亚轩) 27. 天下 (张杰) 28. 你可以为这个世界付出更多 (张学友) 29. 唱我的歌 (林晓培) 30. 我们的彩虹 (古巨基) 31. 我永远在这里 (苏永康) 32. 有时寂寞 (陈慧琳) 33. 一句一伤 (刘力扬) 34. 心里有数 (陈晓东) 35. 银白色的月光 (蔡淳佳) 36. 一起拥有爱 (李小璐) 37. 死而无憾 (爱乐团) 38. 梦想制造 (许慧欣) 39. 好好活下去 (陶喆) 40. 传闻 (胡歌) 41. 我们中国人 (李宇春) 42. 永不熄灭的圣火 (群星) 43. 永不沉没 (群星) 44. 重建家园 (群星) 45. 承诺 (群星) 46. 北京欢迎你 (群星) 47. 生死不离 (成龙) 48. 爱与希望 (林俊杰) 49. 假如 (BOBO) 50. 我还是你的 (古巨基)
2023-07-17 21:51:374


1.心墙2.BY2的 我知道3.陶喆的 寂寞的季节
2023-07-17 21:52:1814

歌词好像是 she is every where i go every want i say …… this is the memory 是个男生唱的

long long way to go -Def Leppard
2023-07-17 21:52:432


科比今天谢幕之战直播结束时所播放的背景音乐是美国著名另类摇滚乐队The Fray的《Never say never》,是《变形金刚2:卷土重来》里的插曲。
2023-07-17 21:52:501


2023-07-17 21:53:062

we play only the hits 后

2023-07-17 21:53:392

The Looking Glass 歌词

歌名:The Looking Glass所属专辑:Dream Theater时长:歌手:Dream Theater歌词:4:53I would not expect you felt alone in standing northBetter to rise above the clouds Then be a stranger in the crowdAll that you protected doesn"t matter anymoreRather be stripped of all your prideThan watch your dreams be cast asideYou are caught up in your gravityGlorifying stardomSinging your own praiseYou live without shameYou"re digging up a gold mineStanding on the sidelinesWatching through the looking glassYou are not content with being nameless and unknownTrying to rise above the frayEager to give it all awaySome will not admit that 15 minutes have expiredToo much attention much too soonDon"t see you walking on the moonYou are caught up in your gravityBathing in the spotlightImitating fameYou live without shameYou"re digging up a gold mineStanding on the sidelinesWatching through the looking glassYou are caught up in your gravityGlorifying madnessSinging your own praiseYou live without shameYou"re digging up a gold mineStanding on the sidelinesWatching through the looking glassYou live without shameYou"re digging up a gold mineStanding on the sidelinesWatching through the looking glas
2023-07-17 21:53:472

the rocky road to dublin的英文歌词

In the merry month of June from my home I startedleft the girls of Taum nearly brokenhearted saluted me father dear,kissed me darling mother drank a pint of beer,my grief and tears to smother then off to reap the corn,leave where I was born cut a stout blackthorn to banish ghosts and goblin,brand-new pair of brogues,rattling o"er the bogs frightening all the dogs on the rocky road to Dublin.In Mullingar last night, I rested limbs so weary started by daylight next morning brightand early took a drop of the pure to keep me heart from sinkingthat"s the daddy"s cure when he"s on the drinking see the lassies smile,laughing all the while at me darling style, would set your heart a-bubblin" asked me was I hired,wages I required "til I was almost tired of the rocky road to Dublin.Chorus:Hunt the hare and turn her down the rocky road and all the way to Dublin, whack-fol-la-de-da!In Dublin next arrived, I thought it such a pity to be so soon deprived a view of that fine citydecided to take a stroll all among the quality bundle,it was stole in that neat locality something crossed my mind when I looked behindno bundle could I find upon me stick a-wobblin" crying for a rogue said meconnaught brogue wasn"t much in-vogue on the rocky road to Dublin.From there I got away, me spirits never failing landed on the quay just as the ship was sailing captain at me roared,said that no room had he then I jumped aboard a cabin found for Daddy down among the pigs,played some funny rigs, danced some hearty jigs,the water "round me bubblin" off to hollyhead wished myself was deador better far instead on the rocky road to Dublin.The boys in Liverpool, when we safely landed called myself a fool,I could no longer stand it blood began to boil,temper I was losing poor old Erin"s Isle they began abusing hooray me soul,says I, let the shellaillagh fly some galway boys were nigh,saw I was a-hobblin" with a loud array,they joined me in the fray and soon we cleared the way on the rocky road to Dublin.好辛苦啊,希望采纳!
2023-07-17 21:53:543

machis造句 machisの例文 "machis"是什麼意思

Machis have an extensive knowledge of sacred stones and the sacred animals. Machis often have extensive knowledge of regional medicinal herbs. A Greek journapst, Takis Machis , knows what it means to suggest concipation. It captures beat, depth and harmony that could well have eluded the Machis . The government of machis of the Mapuche. Machis said that one reason several callers condemned him for giving space to Hob *** awn was because Hob *** awn is Jewish. The 47-year-old Machis stepped into the fray again recently when he interviewed the historian Eric Hob *** awnon the subject. In addition there are machis , people who play an important role in Mapuche culture and repgion, though their functions and characteristics for the Chilote are somewhat different. When the Spanish arrived in land of " huilpches " ( Mapudungun means " southern people " ), the kalkus and Machis had already been long estabpshed. The Mazaris continuously defeated, overwhelmed and annihilated the Nahars, Machis , Bugtis and Chandios and fought many battles against the Sikhs of Punjab who were the dominant power before the arrival of the British. It"s difficult to see machis in a sentence. 用 machis 造句挺难的 The great diversity in silver finery designs is due to the fact that designs were made to be identified with different " reynma " ( famipes ), " lof mapu " ( lands ) as well as specific lonkos and machis . Hi all I am very much confirmed about the fact that Roop kumar rathore has made guest appearence in machis film for song chod aaye hum can anyone confirm me it with proof Preceding talk ) 07 : 24, 4 April 2008 ( UTC) The great diversity in silver finery designs is indebted to the fact that designs were done to be identified with different " reynma " ( famipes ), " lof mapu " ( lands ) as well as specific lonkos and machis . Modern day folklore throughout the archipelago of Chilo?says that there are Machis from who cure diseases which many doctors have considered untreatable, along with incurable misfortune from certain curses infpcted by " Warlock of Chilo?" of some black sect on persons who were defenseless from such spells. The name has gone through many spelpng variations : Machiche, Ouabmachiche, Yabamachiche, Hyamachiche, Yamachiste, Amachis, ? Machis , ?Mashis, Machis, Augmachiche, Ouamachiche, Yabmachiche, etc ., which have mainly affected the name of the river, whereas the parish and municipal names have remained more stable. The name has gone through many spelpng variations : Machiche, Ouabmachiche, Yabamachiche, Hyamachiche, Yamachiste, Amachis, ?Machis, ?Mashis, Machis , Augmachiche, Ouamachiche, Yabmachiche, etc ., which have mainly affected the name of the river, whereas the parish and municipal names have remained more stable.
2023-07-17 21:54:011

请推荐点电影 三个字的片名 译文最好是“大”字开头的

2023-07-17 21:51:484


2023-07-17 21:51:501


问题一:世界上什么牌子的雨伞最好 英国的雨伞最好啦.fulton是英国皇室御用的雨伞品牌.fox也是数一数二的,这两家的雨伞最有气质,我最喜欢的也是这两家的。想当年我买了把890的fulton因没人和我一起撑就送同学了,现在想起来还有点心疼。Burberry的伞就是标准的风格,个人认为不好看。还有Macqueen的骷髅伞也很著名,小时代1里也有出现过,个人也不喜欢。 问题二:什么牌子的雨伞好用 我个人觉得牌子也很重要,但是关健是自己想要什么质量的伞,现在厂家都会做到自己想要的,我觉得丰雨顺的伞也不错 问题三:雨伞哪个牌子好用? 要看你想买什么雨伞,一般大众化的那就天堂伞就可以了,质量比较可靠。如果你需要好点的,像唬些比较大的服装品牌专柜也有卖他们品牌的雨伞,像ESPRIT、CK等等,价格一般在100以上。 问题四:雨伞的牌子哪个最好用? 不过我朋友从外国带回来的那把长柄伞,我觉得很好看。去查了下,原来是Fox Umbrella系列的,高档货,看过介绍它的大多数采用直切面细钢管和U型切面细钢管制作骨架。看了介绍算是最好的了,之前在最东西看到,可以去看下。有用就采纳哦!! 问题五:雨伞的最好品牌是什么 常见的伞我觉得还是天堂好,经久耐用点。 问题六:什么牌子的伞好一点啊? 据我所了解的比较好的也就是比较知名度自动伞有天堂伞 梅花伞 太阳城SUNCITY 天外天 金鼎伞这些牌子吧,就你现在走出去随便看看大街上基本上也都是这么些个牌子的伞吧,像我自己用的就是天堂的,款式好看,骨架工很结实啊,具体的你可以上名牌网china-10查询更多相关的更专业的信息啊。 问题七:什么牌子的雨伞质量最好 首选是--天堂伞,但是对于一把雨伞来说有点贵,其次就是红叶了,多年的老品牌。好像都是杭州的。不要看那些才8-10块的,那种买了等于白买,撑出去都不好意思。 问题八:雨伞哪个牌子好 什么牌子的雨伞好 天堂雨伞挺好的 问题九:什么品牌的雨伞质量好? 问题十:全世界哪个雨伞的牌子最好?(别提天堂伞!) 你好,英国的雨伞最好啦.fulton是英国皇室御用的雨伞品牌。fox也是数一数二的,这两家的雨伞最有气质。Burberry的伞就是标准的风格。还有Macqueen的骷髅伞也很著名。
2023-07-17 21:51:551

break your heart的歌词和中文翻译

woah woah now listen to me baby before i love and leave you they call me heart breaker i don"t wanna deceive you if you fall for me i"m not easy to please i might tear you apart told you from the start, baby from the start.i"m only gonna break break your break break your heart.(x4)there"s no point trying to hide it no point trying to evade iti know i got a problem problem with misbehaving if you fall for me i"m not easy to please i might tear you apart told you from the start, baby from the start.i"m only gonna break break your break break your heart.(x4)woah woah and i know karma"s gonna get me back for being so coldlike a big bad wolfi"m born to be bad and bad to the boneif you fall for me i"m only gonna tear you aparttold you from the starti"m only gonna break break your break break your heart.(x4)woah woah现在听我的心跳在我离开你的爱他们叫你我断开心跳连接我不想欺骗你如果你属于我我不容易讨好倾国的你与众不同从一开始说,我的心从一开始就属于你。我只是碎了心碎了碎了碎了心。(4个)我从没有一点要隐藏没有意义,我想抹掉我知道了问题这样,这种行为如果你属于我我不容易讨好倾城的你与众不同从一开始说,我的心从一开始就属于你。我只是碎了心碎了碎了碎了心。(4个)woah woah如果你属于我即时告诉我你心碎了从一开始就告诉你我只是碎了心碎了碎了碎了心。(4个)
2023-07-17 21:51:551


1. 2023年动车票儿童票购买标准将如何调整?自2023年起,我国动车票儿童票购买标准将进行一定调整,对家庭出行和儿童旅游会有什么影响呢?2. 儿童票的购买条件和优惠力度目前动车票儿童票购买标准是,身高为1.2米至1.5米的未满12周岁的儿童,可以享受半价优惠。那么2023年的儿童票购买条件将有何变化呢?据相关消息,未来的儿童票购买条件将进行调整,具体等相关政策出台后再进行了解。同时,儿童票的优惠力度是否会进行调整也有待观察。3. 家庭出行的购票注意事项对于家庭出行购票,需要注意以下几点:首先是在车票购买时,应根据家庭成员实际情况选择不同的票种和折扣,以确保票价最优;其次是在购票前可以提前了解车次信息和座位余票,以方便选择最合适的车次和座位。另外,在列车出发前,还需要做好行李安排和儿童安全防范措施,确保行程顺畅和儿童安全。4. 儿童乘坐动车的注意事项通过动车出行,在儿童的旅行中需要注意以下几点:首先是在选择车次时,建议选择全程较短的车次,以避免儿童长时间车上坐姿不佳对身体的不良影响;其次是在车上,家长要时刻关注和照顾孩子的情况,提醒注意安全防范;最后是在孩子出现不适症状时,要及时就医或联系工作人员求助。5. 手续办理及注意事项办理动车票需要提供儿童身份证,票据和身份证要相符。建议提前网上购票或使用自助售票机,避免到车站排队等候。另外,购票时需注意票价和票面信息是否正确,避免发生误解或乘车障碍。在车站候车、乘车时,也需按照相关规定,认真填写和核对车票和乘车证件,确保顺利出行。6. 总结2023年动车票儿童票购买标准的调整,将给家庭出行和儿童旅游带来一定影响。因此,在出行前需要提前了解相关政策和标准,及时掌握车次信息和票价折扣,规划好行程和出行方案,以确保旅行顺利、安全、舒适。
2023-07-17 21:51:571


Lean指的是紫水饮料,而这种饮料被认为是由休斯敦的说唱歌手DJ Screw和Pimp C推广;Lean也被称为"Purple Drink",“Mud”“Sizzurp”;由处方级咳嗽糖浆与软饮料(大部分人会选择雪碧)和软糖(看个人也有人加硬糖)混合而成;Lean起源于德克萨斯州的休斯顿,在嘻哈亚文化或居住在美国南部的人群中很受欢迎,很多说唱歌手都把它当做一种娱乐“饮料”和创意灵感的来源;90年代初,Lean只不过是休斯顿当地的一种鸡尾酒,当时一些音乐人会将玫瑰果和啤酒混合在一起;从那之后,就演变成了一种Drug,首先影响了南方的嘻哈,后来影响来来自全球各地的明星Rapper;如今,几乎无处不在:Migos和Gucci Mane在歌词中不断的提到;Lil Wayne(之前好久就是Lean喝多了,在飞机上引发癫痫),Future还有Chief Keef在社交媒体上经常发关于饮用Lean的照片。
2023-07-17 21:52:021

college怎么读音 college解释

1、college,大学。读音:美/?kɑ?l?d?/;英/?k?l?d?/。2、释义:n.大学;学院;学会。3、例句:There are many beautiful college buildings in the University of Oxford.牛津大学里有许多漂亮的学院大楼。
2023-07-17 21:52:031


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2023-07-17 21:52:084


eternal :偏重于“永恒,不灭”,具有绝对的意味,通常用来形容比较抽象的东西,比如真理、价值、精神等permanent : 偏重于“长期、耐久、固定”,具有一定的相对性,通常用来形容比较具体的东西 , 比如permanent residence(永久居所)permanent job(固定职业)等,但这些只是表示相对长期的时间,而不是真正意义上的永久在很多场合下,两者不能互换使用,或者互换后会显得很别扭
2023-07-17 21:52:091


2023-07-17 21:52:112

lean 和 six sigma 有什么本质上的区别或者联系

Lean:你可以理解为速度,即提缩短生产时间,减少时间成本。six sigma:你可以理解为减少变异,可以举个例子:99%的合格率在我们看来已经是很高了,但是当你的生产超过百万时,平均一百万就有10000的变异,six sigma的标准是百万分之3.4,即良品率达到99.9997%,两个数据一对比,答案很明显了。所以现在很多大型企业都会执行Lean six sigma
2023-07-17 21:52:122

in college 和 at college

in college是在大学at college是在大学读书
2023-07-17 21:52:144


2023-07-17 21:52:221


a wolf in sheep"s clothing批着羊皮的狼;貌善心恶的人wake a sleeping wolf中指自找麻烦;keep the wolf from the door这句话的意思即是免于饥饿,勉强度日The sheep who talks peace with a wolf will soon be mutton.羊向狼乞求和平 ,很快就会变成羊肉。It is a foolish sheep that makes the wolf his confessor. 蠢羊才向狼忏悔The dust raised by the sheep does not choke the wolf.羊踩起的灰尘挡不住狼。To mention the wolf"s name is to see the same.说曹操,曹操到。The wolf has a winning game when the shepherds quarrel.螳螂捕蝉,黄雀在后。wolf in sheep"s clothing披着羊皮的狼cry wolf虚张声势;报谎喊“狼来了”keep the wolf from the door勉强度日;能够免于饥饿a lone wolf不喜欢与人来往的人, 喜欢独居的人; 独自作案的罪犯wolf-calln.色鬼调戏妇女时的怪叫 wolffish(as)greedy as a wolf非常贪婪, 贪得无厌cry wolf喊“狼来了”, 发假警报eat like a wolf贪婪地吃, 狼吞虎咽have [hold] a wolf by ears骑虎难下have a wolf in the stomach饿极了He who keeps company with a wolf will learn to howl.[谚]跟狼在一起, 就会学狼叫; 近墨者黑。keep the wolf from the door[口]免于挨饿; 勉强度日One must howl with the wolves.[谚]跟狼在一起, 就得学狼叫; 入乡随俗。sea wolf狼; 任何贪食的大海鱼海盗; 私掠船潜艇see[have seen]a wolf张口结舌, 说不出话来set the wolf to keep the sheep叫狼看守羊; 引狼入室the big bad wolf令人恐怖的人或物throw to the wolves送入虎口; 置...于险境wake a sleeping wolf自找麻烦
2023-07-17 21:52:231


PermanentDavid CookIs this the moment where I look you in the eye就在我看着你眼睛的这一时刻Forgive my broken promise that you"ll never see me cry请忘记我破碎的承诺,你不会看到我哭泣And everything it will surely change一切事情都确定会改变Even if I tell you I won"t go away today尽管我此时此刻告诉你我不会离开Will you think that you"re all alone 你认为自己会孤独When no one"s there to hold your hand 没有人拉着你的手And all you know seems so far away你所了解的事情都渐渐远去And everything is temporary when you rest your head当你的长眠时,一切事情都时暂时的I"m permanent我却永久I know he"s living in hell every single day我知道他在地狱里孤独地过着的每一天And so I ask, "Oh, god is there some way for me to take his place?"所以我问:“哦,上帝,请问用什么样的方式能带我去他那?”And when they say it"s so touch and go 他们说你能触碰到并且离去I wish I could make it go away 我希望我可以让它离去But still you say但你却说Will you think that you"re all alone你以为你自己很寂寞吗When no one"s there to hold your hand没有人拉住你的手And all you know seems so far away所有事情都看起来远远离去And everything is temporary when you rest your head当你长眠的时候,一切事情都是暂时的I"m permanent我却是永久I"m permanent我却是永久Is this the moment where I look you in the eye就在我看着你眼睛的这一时刻Forgive my promise that you"ll never see me cry请忘记你我承诺过,你不会看到我哭泣
2023-07-17 21:52:251


2023年火车儿童票收费标准如下:1. 身高不足1.2米的儿童免费,但需与监护人共享座位。2. 身高在1.2米至1.5米之间的儿童需购买半价儿童票,票价为全价车票价的50%。3. 购买儿童票需提供身高信息,有监护人陪同。4. 已购买座位或卧铺的儿童可单独购买座位或卧铺,票价为全价车票价的50%。5. 不同车次和席别价格可能不同,需根据实际车次和席别核算。请注意,以上信息可能仅适用于部分国家和地区。
2023-07-17 21:52:292


2023-07-17 21:52:301


NO.1 天堂伞(中国驰名商标,中国名牌,一线品牌/牌子);NO.2 红叶伞(一线品牌/牌子,中国最大伞具制造商之一);NO.3 梅花伞(中国名牌,一线品牌/牌子,福建名牌);NO.4 太阳城suncity (一线品牌/牌子,国内伞具龙头企业之一);NO.5 金欧伞(中国名牌,一线品牌/牌子,福建名牌);NO.6 雨丝梦yusimeng (中国名牌,一线品牌/牌子,福建名牌);NO.7 雨中鸟(中国名牌,一线品牌/牌子,福建名牌);NO.8 玫瑰伞(知名畅销品牌,玫瑰伞业集团出品);NO.9 金鼎伞(一线品牌/牌子, 浙江名牌,绍兴市金鼎伞业);NO.10龙翔伞(知名畅销品牌,上海好运伞业有限公司出品)。
2023-07-17 21:51:451

what is critical thinking?

2023-07-17 21:51:443


Lean也被称为"Purple Drink",“Mud”“Sizzurp”。由处方级咳嗽糖浆与软饮料(大部分人会选择雪碧)和软糖(看个人也有人加硬糖)混合而成。Lean起源于德克萨斯州的休斯顿,在嘻哈亚文化或居住在美国南部的人群中很受欢迎,很多说唱歌手都把它当做一种娱乐“饮料”和创意灵感的来源。注意:如果你在MV中看到说唱歌手拿着一个double cup(关于为什么他们使用2层套杯,第一是因为保持Lean的凉度,第二是因为单层杯Lean容易从泡沫杯里渗出到杯子表面),就像在Future的MV“Codeine Crazy”或者是Young Thug“Again”的MV中,那它很有可能就是Lean。90年代初,Lean只不过是休斯顿当地的一种鸡尾酒,当时一些音乐人会将玫瑰果和啤酒混合在一起。从那之后,它就演变成了一种Drug,首先影响了南方的嘻哈,后来影响来来自全球各地的明星Rapper。如今,它几乎无处不在:Migos和Gucci Mane在歌词中不断的提到它;Lil Wayne(之前好久就是Lean喝多了,在飞机上引发癫痫),Future还有Chief Keef在社交媒体上经常发关于他们饮用Lean的照片。
2023-07-17 21:51:441

college student和 university student 哪个对

2023-07-17 21:51:413


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2023-07-17 21:51:352

三只小猪中文翻译,一句一句的翻译 急用!谢谢!

The Three Little Pigs 三只小猪Once upon a time there were three little pigs and the time came for them to leave home and seek their fortunes. 很久很久以前,有三只小猪,他们长大了,是时候离开家去寻找他们自己的幸福了。Before they left, their mother told them " Whatever you do , do it the best that you can because that"s the way to get along in the world. 在他们离开之前,猪妈妈告诉他们:不管做什么,都要尽自己最大的努力去做,只有这样,才能在这个世界上生存。The first little pig built his house out of straw because it was the easiest thing to do. 第一只小猪用稻草建造他的房子,因为这是再容易不过的事了。The second little pig built his house out of sticks. This was a little bit stronger than a straw house. 第二只小猪用木棍建房子,这比稻草房子稍微坚固一些。The third little pig built his house out of bricks. 第三只小猪用砖来建房子。One night the big bad wolf, who dearly loved to eat fat little piggies, came along and saw the first little pig in his house of straw. He said "Let me in, Let me in, little pig or I"ll huff and I"ll puff and I"ll blow your house in!" 一天晚上,一个爱吃小猪的大灰狼来到这里,看到了住在稻草屋里的小猪,于是说“让我进来,让我进来,我生气了,我用力地吹,把你的房子吹破。”"Not by the hair of my chinny chin chin", said the little pig. “不要和我罗嗦,不要废话。”小猪说。But of course the wolf did blow the house in and ate the first little pig. 但是,当然了,狼吹破了房子,吃掉了第一只小猪。The wolf then came to the house of sticks. 然后这只狼来到了木屋前。"Let me in ,Let me in little pig or I"ll huff and I"ll puff and I"ll blow your house in" "Not by the hair of my chinny chin chin", said the little pig. But the wolf blew that house in too, and ate the second little pig. “让我进去,让我进去,不然我生气了,用力吹,把你的房子吹破。”“不要罗嗦,不要废话”第二只小猪说,但是大灰狼还是吹破了房子,吃掉了第二只小猪。The wolf then came to the house of bricks. 最后,这只狼来到了砖房前面。" Let me in , let me in" cried the wolf “让我进去,让我进去。”大灰狼叫道为。"Or I"ll huff and I"ll puff till I blow your house in" “不然我生气了,我就使劲吹,把你的房子吹破。”"Not by the hair of my chinny chin chin" said the pigs. “不要罗嗦,不要废话。”小猪说。Well, the wolf huffed and puffed but he could not blow down that brick house. 然后大灰狼使劲地吹啊,吹啊,但就是不破砖房。But the wolf was a sly old wolf and he climbed up on the roof to look for a way into the brick house. 但是这是一个狡猾的老狼,他爬上屋顶,想找一条进入砖房的路。The little pig saw the wolf climb up on the roof and lit a roaring fire in the fireplace and placed on it a large kettle of water. 小猪看见狼爬上了屋顶,于是就在火炉处生起了火,然后在上面放上了一大壶水。When the wolf finally found the hole in the chimney he crawled down and KERSPLASH right into that kettle of water and that was the end of his troubles with the big bad wolf. 终于,大灰狼找到了一个洞进入砖房,但是他却见好掉进了那一大壶热水里。终于,小猪的麻烦结束了。The next day the little pig invited his mother over . She said "You see it is just as I told you. The way to get along in the world is to do things as well as you can." Fortunately for that little pig, he learned that lesson. And he just lived happily ever after!第二天,小猪去看他妈妈。猪妈妈说“看吧,就像我告诉你们的,想在世界上生存就要尽你最大的努力把事情做好。”小猪很幸运,他懂得了这个道理。从此以后,他幸福地生活着。
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2023-07-17 21:51:294


lean,slender,slim,slight,thin 这些形容词均有“瘦的”之意. lean侧重缺少脂肪.既可能是因病而瘦,也可能因饥饿而消瘦;也指身体消瘦,但肌肉结实,身体健康. slender指身体细长、体态优美、苗条适中,多用于指女性. slim指身体的细长,体重轻不着重外形的优美,可用于不同的性别,常用于减轻体重的人. slight指身材又瘦又小. thin普通用词,指腰细、骨架窄,常因疾病或疲劳而消瘦. thin指“肉不多的”,有时指“因病、过劳、缺乏养分等而缺少正常的肌肉”,如: Her illness left her very thin. 她的病使她消瘦多了. lean指“自然的瘦,其肌肉很坚实”,强调“缺乏脂肪的”,如: He is lean and brown. 他又瘦又黑.
2023-07-17 21:51:251

思维训练01 | Critical thinking | 批判性思维 探究

杜威写有一本书,是《How we think(我们如何思维)》,书里面探讨了人类思维的本质和思维的过程。提出了科学的思维方法,并总结出了思维的训练方法并应用到了儿童的教育中。 杜威是实用主义的集大成者,2006年12月,美国知名杂志《大西洋月刊》将杜威评为“影响美国的100位人物”第40名。 他提出了探究思维的过程,如下图: 他认为,探究思维分五个步骤: 1、 首先需要一个疑难的问题情景,人在有疑难问题需要解决的时候才会引发探究思维 2、 带着疑难问题,探索疑难的所在。 3、 提出解决疑难问题的各种思路和方法 4、 对提出的所有假设进行推断 5、 最后验证假设,并修改假设 源于希腊文kriticos,意思是提问、理解某物的意义和有能力分析,即“辨明或判断的能力”。通词根的kriterion,意思是(评判或作决定的) 标准,准则,原则。 从语源上说,Critical暗示发展“基于标准的有辨识能力的判断”。 批判性思维 作为一个技能的概念可追溯到 杜威的“探究性思维” :“能动、持续和细致地思考任何信念或被假定的知识形式,洞悉支持它的理由以及它所进一步指向的结论”。 批判性思维 指的是技能和思想态度,没有学科边界,任何涉及智力或想像的论题都可从批判性思维的视角来审查。批判性思维既是一种思维技能,也是一种人格或气质;既能体现思维水平,也凸显现代人文精神。 在 1941 年最早提出此观念的美国学者Edward Maynard Glaser认为“批判性思维”必须具备三项特质: 1990 年,一群美国学者发表了联合声明,对“批判性思考”做了以下界定: 美国批判性思维委员会(National Council for Excellence in Critical Thinking) 将批判性思维定义为“一种智力训练的过程,它以观察、经验、反思、推理或沟通为指导,积极而巧妙地概念化、应用、分析、综合和/或评估了从观察、经验、反思、推理或沟通中收集或生成的信息,作为行动的指南。” 20世纪80年代以来 ,美国、英国、加拿大、澳大利亚、新西兰、菲律宾,甚至发展中国家委内瑞拉,都把“批判性思维”作为高等教育的目标之一。 “世界高等教育会议”(巴黎,1998年10月5—9日) 发表的《面向二十一世纪高等教育宣言:观念与行动》,第一条的标题是“教育与培训的使命:培养批评性和独立的态度”。第五条“教育方式的革新:批判性思维和创造性”中指出,高等教育机构必须教育学生,使其成为具有丰富知识和强烈上进心的公民。他们能够批判地思考和分析问题,寻找社会问题的解决方案并承担社会责任;为实现这些目标,课程需要改革以超越对学科知识的简单的认知性掌握,课程必须包含获得在多元文化条件下批判性和创造性分析的技能,独立思考,集体工作的技能。 批判性思维作为一个思维过程、思维方法、思维工具,是可以通过训练来获得的。 在批判性思维作为教育目标之一的国家,在学生的课堂里面专门会训练这种21世纪人才必备的能力之一。 下期我们通过几个案例,来一起探讨:如何进行批判性思维训练? 敬请期待!
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Who"s afraid of the big bad Wolf the big bad Wolf the big bad Wolf
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高铁火车儿童票收费标准如下:1. 身高在1.2米至1.5米之间的儿童需要购买儿童票,可享受客票、加快票和空调票的优惠。2. 身高在1.5米以上的儿童需要购买全价票,不享有儿童票优惠。3. 一名成人旅客可免费携带一名身高不足1.2米的儿童,超过一名时,超过的人数应买儿童票。4. 儿童票的座别应该与成年人旅客的车票相同,到站不能远于成年人旅客的到站。希望以上信息对您有所帮助,如果您还有其他问题,欢迎告诉我。
2023-07-17 21:51:193


精益应该是一种思想吧。不是部门精益是对英文Lean的一种翻译,Lean的一般含义,是指事物的一种极端或一种倾向,是带有瘦弱、贫瘠、细小、干瘦、扁平、精确、精准含义的一个英文词汇。把这个词汇用于一种思想的描述、一种生产方式的描述、一种有效事物的描述,人们选用精益这个词汇,是非常妥贴的。精益这个词汇,在中文里是“精益求精”的简称。反映的是“少而精” 的概念,能够非常妥贴地表述上个世纪末在发达国家出现的“精益思想”、“精益企业”、“精益生产”,以及在农业、工业、建筑业、物流乃至军事领域的一种趋势。
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Three Little Pigs is a fairy tale featuring talking animals. Published versions of the story date back to the late 18th century, but the story is thought to be much older. The story was assured its place in world"s folklore thanks to an immensely popular 1933 Walt Disney animated cartoon.(这一段是基本介绍,可作背景资料用) Mother Pig sends her three little piglets out into the world to live on their own. The first little pig builds a house of straw, but a wolf blows it down and eats the pig. The encounter between wolf and pig features ringing proverbial phrases: One day the big bad wolf came and knocked on the first little pig"s door and said, "Little pig, little pig, let me come in." And the little pig answered, "No, no, I won"t let you come in, not by the hair on my chinny chin chin." "Well," said the wolf, "then I"ll huff and I"ll puff and I"ll blow your house in." So he huffed and he puffed and he blew the house down and ate the little pig. The second pig builds a house of sticks, has the same conversation with the wolf, and meets the same fate. The third pig builds a house of brick. The wolf cannot huff and puff hard enough to blow the house down. He attempts to trick the third little pig out of his house, but the pig outsmarts him at every turn. Finally, the wolf threatens to come down the chimney, whereupon the third little pig boils a pot of water into which the wolf plunges. The little pig cooks the wolf and eats him
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评判性思维(critical thinking)

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2023年儿童高铁购票标准如下:1. 6周岁以下(含6周岁)的儿童,不需要购买高铁票,可以跟同行大人一起进站乘车,免费乘车。2. 6周岁至14周岁(不含14周岁)的儿童,需要购买高铁票,可以凭有效身份证件或者用户口本进行购票,可享受成人票价五折优惠,同时每位成人只能免费携带一名儿童,超过数量的儿童需要购买儿童票。3. 14周岁(含14周岁)以上的儿童,需要购买全价票,可以凭有效身份证件或者有效身份证件进行购票。需要注意的是,儿童不能单独乘车,必须至少与一名成人一同乘车,且同站进站、同行下车。
2023-07-17 21:51:122

请问lean, slim, slender, thin 有咩分别?

a. lean 1. (肉)无脂肪的 精瘦的 Lean meat is healthier for you than fatty meat. 对你来说 瘦肉比肥肉更有利于健康。 2. (人或动物)瘦的 A lean and hungry cat came to our door. 一只饥饿的瘦猫走到我家门口。 3. 贫瘠的;贫乏的;收益差的 It"s been a lean year for business. 这是生意清淡的一年。 4. 缺乏营养的 slim a. 1. 苗条的;纤细的 A rigid diet will make you slimmer. 严格节食会使你身材苗条。 a. slender 1. 修长的 苗条的;纤细的 She"s got a beautiful slender figure. 她身材优美苗条。 2. 细长的 The spider hung suspended on its slender thread. 蜘蛛悬挂在它吐出的细丝上。 a. thin 1. 薄的;细的;瘦的 She looks thinner than before. 她看上去比过去瘦了。 2008-04-21 12:37:12 补充: toned 2. 腔调 语气[C] He spoke in a tone of mand. 他用命令的口吻说话。 3. 声调 语调[C] Mandarin Chinese has four tones. 汉语有四声。 a. 1. 蜷曲的;蜷缩的 curly hair 鬈发 2. 有鬈发的 a curly headed girl 长著一头鬈发的姑娘 2. 呈波浪形的;起伏的 wavy hair 波浪形的头发
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如果你是程序员,选择独立发行版openSUSE Tumbleweed和Kali(基于ubuntu)或者Manjaro(基于arch),这3个发行版都有GCC,编译C、C++、Go等源程序.还有openJDK,编译Java源程序.也有Python等编译器.包管理有zypper,apt,aur,换汤不换药,包管理都差不多,一样方便,除非你喜欢源码编译安装.不能容忍开机慢的话跳过openSUSE,因为它在PCI-e NVME SSD开机用时15秒.如果你不喜欢更新,又要求稳定选择Slackware这个结论是我尝试多个发行版得出的总结Ubuntu(耗电快,Bug非常非常多,也不稳定),Mageia(不稳定,Bug多),Arch(确定你安装它不是秀一下桌面,在Blog装B?),Gentoo(纯粹个人不喜欢,太浪费时间)
2023-07-17 21:51:094