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music man电吉他怎样调节琴颈

2023-07-18 02:42:10
music man电吉他的琴颈调节位置在琴颈和琴体交汇处,这里有一个带孔的金属轮,用相匹配的内六角扳手,为了防止滑丝或者损伤,建议缓缓插入插口,插到底之后再进行顺时针或者逆时针调节,每次四分之一圈,也就是半个档位的距离,缓缓转动,切记用力转动,或者硬插硬拔,否则会伤到琴筋,或者损坏漆面。



1972年成立。1972年,Music Man由三位Fender元老创立。80年代三人合作破裂,导致品牌于1984年被另一乐器制造商Ernie Ball收购。 Music Man1972年成立,品牌于1984年被另一乐器制造商Ernie Ball收购。与许多不懂音乐制造的收购者不同,Ernie Ball父子既是乐手也是制琴师,他们为Music Man研发了多款产品,并在其吉他上使用著名的Ernie Ball琴弦,随后成为美系吉他的一大代表品牌。John Petrucci是许多 人认识Music Man的渠道。这位著名前卫金属乐队Dream Theater的吉他手以独具特色的高速AIternate.Picking (拨片交替拨弦)技术而闻名。2012年,John Petrucci在Guitar Word的“史上最伟大吉他手”民意投票中位列第17。近20年来,Music Man与John Petrucci有着紧密的合作关系,以至于新的乐迷从未见过JohnPetrucci在台,上使用其他品牌的吉他。
2023-07-17 19:49:341


2023-07-17 19:49:413


MUSIC MAN BONGO 是一款设计十分前卫的全能贝斯。它首次亮相于2003年的NAMM展会。由Ernie Ball 总裁Sterling Ball先生与MUSIC MAN 研发部门以及宝马集团旗下的设计公司Designworks共同设计。MUSIC MAN BONGO 拥有现代贝斯的所有元素:平衡,舒适,良好的共震及表现力十足的演奏性能。 设计卓越的 双缺角椴木琴体,精选级枫木琴颈配置乌木指板,34"有效弦长,24品配置可精准的提供两个八度的宽广音域。
2023-07-17 19:49:481


2023-07-17 19:49:551

谁能介绍一下MusicMan 这款吉他

2023-07-17 19:50:031


2023-07-17 19:50:101


musicman的sting ray和sterling有啥区别... 贝斯?6 人关注0 条评论写回答查看全部 1 个回答写回答Bassist小熊Ukulele,架子鼓,贝斯爱好者首先在外形上有区别,stingray的琴体要大一点,也比较重,指板比较宽和粗;而sterling琴体比较小,看起来和一般的电吉他差不多大,然后重量也轻,指板比较窄,而且薄。sterling有22品,stingray21品。然后就是拾音器,stingray的拾音器是并联链接的,会产生很经典的musicman的那种宽厚而且高频毛毛的声音。sterling的前级有一个开关,他的拾音器可以切成单线圈,串联和并联,相比起stingray声音会比较集中。这是基于最基本的四弦只有琴桥拾音器的两款,后来stingray四弦可以选择加装一个拾音器,又有了sterling的开关,到了五弦版本据说stingray的拾音器和四弦的也有所不同,然后ebmm又在无止境地出各种stingray的版本。只关注四弦的基本款,区别就是以上这些。反正也是Leo fender开的公司,可以理解为stingray就像p bass,sterling就像j bass。想要传统音色买stingray,想要多样性就是sterling。利益相关:最早想买stingray,却买了sterling,结果又很喜欢stingray音色的贝斯手。
2023-07-17 19:51:011

王力宏 为什么 叫 music-man

2023-07-17 19:51:097


2023-07-17 19:51:358


2023-07-17 19:51:491


是因为它的复合轮廓设计。从它的横截面,我们能够发现弦枕位置是现代C形轮廓,随着琴颈的延伸直至琴颈根部渐变为现代D形,这就是Fender在琴颈上的全新设计。以及9.5-14英寸的复合半径指板完美地搭配了舒适非对称的琴颈座圆弧削角设计。典形的Fender吉他和贝斯拥有的是C、U或者V 形的琴颈轮廓(指的是琴颈背部的横切面形状),C形是这3者中最为常见的现代琴颈轮廓,一般出现在豪华和标准系列中, C 形琴颈有舒适的椭圆形轮廓,适合大部分演奏风格,不像大部分 U 形和 V 形琴颈那样厚。而 U 形琴颈,厚实圆满,(有时被称为“棒球棒”琴颈)。V 形琴颈,有两款很流行——较尖锐的“硬” V 形和较圆润的“软” V 形。
2023-07-17 19:51:561


用充电9V电池MUSIC MAN的一开始研发的产品是由LEO FENDER与tom walker设计的融合真空管与电晶体技术的音箱“sinty five".1976年的产品型录可见当时的乐器产品,称为“stingray1”的双拾音器吉他与stingray电贝斯。
2023-07-17 19:52:031

musicman jp13和jp15的区别

Jp13——是John Petrucci大师签名的Dimarzio DP257 Illuminator BridgeDimarzio DP258 Illuminator Neck拾音器,漆面椴木琴体,玫瑰木指板,桃花芯琴颈,Pre-amp系统是在提拉音量旋钮的时候产生一个20db的全无噪音的增益。JP15——非洲桃花芯琴体是烤虎皮枫贴面亚光,奶咖色烤枫木颈指板一体,不锈钢品丝新款musicman双摇琴桥,mm新款琴枕,两个三档切换(一个控制拾音器 一个控制Piezo)一音色(可提拉切单) 一拾音器音量,可提拉增益。一品盾牌写的是15,Pre-amp 系统一样,档位都没变,拾音器还是经典的DP237,258。两款琴都是特别经典的,JP13代表musicman的里程碑,JP15代表musicman的最高工艺。JP13是椴木琴体,声音特别远,特别辽阔;JP15是桃花心琴体,声音特别暖。两把琴都是吉他界的杰作,无论哪个都能独当一面。
2023-07-17 19:52:091


2023-07-17 19:52:161

王力宏 music man台北演唱会所有歌曲名称?

2023-07-17 19:52:324

王力宏music man演唱会什么时候结束

2023-07-17 19:52:475


DVD101 Overture02 摇滚怎么了03 W-H-Y04 花田错05 龙的传人06 爱错07 FOREVER LOVE08 安全感09 第一个清晨10 流汗手心11 如果你听见我的歌12 竹林深处13 女朋友14 爱得得体15 改变自己16 落叶归根17 一首简单的歌18 你不在19 唯一20 爱的鼓励幕后直击★MUSIC-MAN的诞生★MUSIC-MAN的终极武器DVD221 CAN YOU FEEL MY WORLD22 DANCE SOLO23 我完全没有任何理由理你24 在梅边25 盖世英雄26 心中的明月27 放开你的心28 爱你等于爱自己29 大城小爱30 EVERYTHING31 KISS GOODBYE32 摇滚怎么了!!幕后直击★MUSIC-MAN的最佳拍档★MUSIC-MAN幕后制作秘辛★MUSIC-MAN组曲(摇滚怎么了!!+爱错+安全感+落叶归根+心中的明月)
2023-07-17 19:53:341

I Am The Musicman 歌词

歌曲名:I Am The Musicman歌手:Hot Banditoz专辑:Best Of Holiday Club HitsI am he as you are he as you are me and we are all together.See how they run like pigs from a gun, see how they fly.Im crying.Sitting on a cornflake, waiting for the van to come.Corporation tee-shirt, stupid bloody Tuesday.Man, you been a naughty boy, you let your face grow long.I am the eggman, they are the eggmen.I am the walrus, goo goo gjoob.Mister City Policeman sittingPretty little policemen in a row.See how they fly like Lucy in the Sky, see how they run.Im crying, Im crying.Im crying, Im crying.Yellow matter custard, dripping from a dead dogs eye.Crabalocker fishwife, pornographic priestess,Boy, you been a naughty girl you let your knickers down.I am the eggman, they are the eggmen.I am the walrus, goo goo gjoob.Sitting in an English garden waiting for the sun.If the sun dont come, you get a tanFrom standing in the English rain.I am the eggman, they are the eggmen.I am the walrus, goo goo gjoob ggoo goo gjoob.Expert textpert choking smokers,Dont you thing the joker laughs at you?See how they smile like pigs in a sty,See how they snied.Im crying.Semolina pilchard, climbing up the Eiffel Tower.Elementary penguin singing Hari Krishna.Man, you should have seen them kicking Edgar Alan Poe.I am the eggman, they are the eggmen.I am the walrus, goo goo gjoob ggoo goo gjoob.
2023-07-17 19:53:481

王力宏2008musicman演唱会 四个王力宏同时在台上是怎么做到

2023-07-17 19:53:551

I Am A Music Man 歌谱

I am the Music ManI am the Music ManAnd I come from down your wayAnd I can playWhat can you play?I can play the piano, piano, pianoI can play the piano,Pia - piano.I am the Music ManAnd I come from down your wayAnd I can playWhat can you play?I can play the saxophone, saxophone, saxophoneI can play the saxophone,Saxo, saxophone.I am the Music ManAnd I come from down your wayAnd I can playWhat can you play?I can play the big bass drum, big bass drum, big bass drumI can play the big bass drum,Big bass, big bass drum.I am the Music ManAnd I come from down your wayAnd I can playWhat can you play?I can play the triangle, triangle, triangleI can play the triangle,Tria - triangle. Pia - pia - piano.piano, pianoPia - pia - pianoPia - piano.Saxo - saxo - saxophonesaxophone, saxophoneSaxo - saxo - saxophoneSaxo - saxophone.Big bass - big bass - big bass drumBig bass drum, big bass drumBig bass - big bass - big bass drumBig bass - big bass drum.Tria - tria - triangleTriangle, triangleTria - tria - triangleTria - triangle.
2023-07-17 19:54:021

急~~~~请问谁知道王力宏09年MUSIC MAN 台北小巨蛋演唱会的日期和时间?

MUSIC MAN台北小巨蛋演唱会已于2008年9月19.20日开唱,现在已经出版DVD了。现在是在世界巡演。10月2日已在洛阳开唱,下一站在11月7日武汉。
2023-07-17 19:54:103

王力宏 - [2008.Sony.MUSIC-MAN.世界巡回演唱会] (2DVD)[ISO] [13.2G]

迅雷上就有直接打music man演唱会就好了啊~囧
2023-07-17 19:54:174

为什么e王力宏又称"music man "?

2023-07-17 19:54:241

谁知道i am the music man歌词??

I am the Music Man
2023-07-17 19:54:322

王力宏在music man世界巡回演唱会里面,台上同时出现四个王力宏是怎么回事?

2023-07-17 19:54:407


是man in the mirror 没错的 我听了
2023-07-17 19:54:543

Music Man Sterling电吉他怎么样

2023-07-17 19:55:202


1) Be All Ears 学会做他的听众而不是建议者 Women like to work out their problems. Offer a bended ear and fight the urge to provide a solution or rush her to the point. She just wants you to listen while she vents, explains or just muses。 2) Compliment Her 要学会让她高兴 A lot of women put a lot of effort into looking nice for their date. Offer a flattering remark on her time well spent and she will be delighted that you noticed。 3) Throw a Pep Rally 做她的忠实粉丝,尊重他的选择 Act as her cheerleader on life"s sidelines. Support her choices, feelings, successes and failures and she will appreciate (and lean on) her biggest fan。 4) Remember that Chivalry Is Not Dead 要有绅士风度 Man the door, pull the chair and wait for her to be seated. Treating her like a lady never goes out of style。 5) Focus All Eyes on Her 注视着她的眼睛,让她感觉到你的关注 Focus on her with attention and interest. Extracurricular gazing makes you look bored and rude。 6) Leave a Message 约会前发短信给她 Whether it"s your first date or the tenth, leave a message asserting how much you enjoyed your time with her and how you can"t wait to see her again。 7) Growing Love 培养感情 Bring or send her flowers because it"s Tuesday or for no reason at all. Better yet, send them to work to make her feel beautiful and appreciated。 8) Be Mr. Clean 要保持干净卫生 You may not know it, but every time she picks up your wet towel or cleans beard clippings from the sink, the romance wears off。 9) Play the Music Man 表现出对音乐的热爱 Learn how to play the guitar or hone your singing voice. Ladies melt over the simultaneous vulnerability and bad boy coolness of confident rock stars. No musical talent? Demonstrate passion in a hobby that you love。 10) Clown Around 要有幽默感 Hone your funny bone to encourage her to feel comfortable, let loose and get silly。 11) Drop It Like Its Hot 不要为小事而繁琐 Shrug off the small things and let it go. A diffusing attitude and cool demeanor is always a welcome response to pending crisis。 12) Keep it All In The Family 融入她的交际圈 Woo her friends and family, too. Her circle will be the first to comment on your worthiness of her attention。 13) Take the Consultative Approach 遇事要和她协商 Seek her advice, even if you don"t really need it. Consulting her shows that you appreciate her opinion and that she is useful and comforting。 14) Zip It 尽量做她生活圈内的人 If you aren"t complimenting members of her inner circle, zip it. It"s an instant turnoff to hear a negative opinion about those that have been in her life long before you came along。 15) Get Lost 给双方足够的空间 While prioritizing her in your life is important, she can"t be the only thing going on. Spend time with others and do your own thing to make the heart grow fonder。 16) Slow It Down 创造浪漫的气氛 Court her with a slow dance whenever possible. While lovely at cousin Ed"s wedding or at a jazz club on Friday night, surprise her with a turn around the kitchen during macaroni and cheese for impromptu romance。 17) Timing is Everything 一定要守时 Arrive on time for your date. Although traffic and miscalculations can be forgiven, consistently showing up late sends the signal that her time isn"t as important as yours。 18) Remember that Family Matters 做个顾家的人 Introducing your new ladylove to your family will demonstrate how important she is in your life. The way you treat your family presents a good gauge of what she can expect in your courtship。 19) Surprise! 时时给她惊喜 Catch her unaware with that fetching coat she has been eyeing, a message on her work voicemail or a note in her bag lunch to keep her guessing and excited。 20) Soup for the Soul 生病了要多关心照顾她 Take care of her when she is under the weather with a care package of cough drops, chicken soup, or a get well note. She may not feel (or look) her best, but these moments will show that you are in it to win it
2023-07-17 19:55:271

王力宏 music man 演唱会的 吉他手是谁

Jimy Willson
2023-07-17 19:55:354


您好!您咨询的王力宏详情如下:演出详情&购票:演出时间:待定 演出地点:南宁 希望以上信息可以帮到您 :-D
2023-07-17 19:55:505

王力宏2012年MUSIC MAN II 火力全开世界巡回演唱会都有哪些城市啊

2023-07-17 19:56:055

王力宏music man世界巡回演唱会门票怎么样辨别真伪

2023-07-17 19:56:181

王力宏2008music man台北演唱会大变活人和改变自己乐团是怎么回事啊?

大家不知道就不要乱说 去问leehong自己吧
2023-07-17 19:56:253

The Music Man 歌词

THE MUSIC歌手:david usherBaby BabyDon"t be late,World is ending I can"t change the way I feel about you now,New York is cold as ever,Still I go out every night, hide myself among the lights,Waitin" all the pretty bringsBut as glisten"n and they shine,like the stars we"re born to die,like these roses we all fade..I"m counting the cars,I"m three way below,lost in the music,all the foolishness of our lies,spin wild off control,lost in the the musicDavid UsherBaby BabyPlease don"t cry, wipe the guilt out from your eyes,Lay conscious on the bed, there"s no one innocent here,In the mirror you"ll find faith,Plastic flowers never fade...we all turn to grey..I"m counting the cars,I"m three way below,lost in the music,all the foolishness of our lies,spin wild off control,lost in the the music...I lost my way, I lost it all..I lost my way..Baby BabyPlease don"t cry, wipe the guilt out from your eyes,Bottles glisten"n and they shine,Like the stars we"re born to die,Like these roses we all fade..I"m counting the cars,I"m three way below,lost in the music,all the foolishness of our lies,too wild off control,lost in the music..I"m counting the cars, I"m three way below..Counting the lights, and you know that all..Counting the cars, I"m three way below..Lost in the the the the the the music..
2023-07-17 19:56:451

I Am The Music Man 歌词

歌曲名:I Am The Music Man歌手:New World Orchestra专辑:Original Hits - Kids CD4I am he as you are he as you are me and we are all together.See how they run like pigs from a gun, see how they fly.Im crying.Sitting on a cornflake, waiting for the van to come.Corporation tee-shirt, stupid bloody Tuesday.Man, you been a naughty boy, you let your face grow long.I am the eggman, they are the eggmen.I am the walrus, goo goo gjoob.Mister City Policeman sittingPretty little policemen in a row.See how they fly like Lucy in the Sky, see how they run.Im crying, Im crying.Im crying, Im crying.Yellow matter custard, dripping from a dead dogs eye.Crabalocker fishwife, pornographic priestess,Boy, you been a naughty girl you let your knickers down.I am the eggman, they are the eggmen.I am the walrus, goo goo gjoob.Sitting in an English garden waiting for the sun.If the sun dont come, you get a tanFrom standing in the English rain.I am the eggman, they are the eggmen.I am the walrus, goo goo gjoob ggoo goo gjoob.Expert textpert choking smokers,Dont you thing the joker laughs at you?See how they smile like pigs in a sty,See how they snied.Im crying.Semolina pilchard, climbing up the Eiffel Tower.Elementary penguin singing Hari Krishna.Man, you should have seen them kicking Edgar Alan Poe.I am the eggman, they are the eggmen.I am the walrus, goo goo gjoob ggoo goo gjoob.
2023-07-17 19:56:531

I Am The Music Man 歌词

歌曲名:I Am The Music Man歌手:群星专辑:Everybody Party: The Ultimate Party AlbumI am he as you are he as you are me and we are all together.See how they run like pigs from a gun, see how they fly.Im crying.Sitting on a cornflake, waiting for the van to come.Corporation tee-shirt, stupid bloody Tuesday.Man, you been a naughty boy, you let your face grow long.I am the eggman, they are the eggmen.I am the walrus, goo goo gjoob.Mister City Policeman sittingPretty little policemen in a row.See how they fly like Lucy in the Sky, see how they run.Im crying, Im crying.Im crying, Im crying.Yellow matter custard, dripping from a dead dogs eye.Crabalocker fishwife, pornographic priestess,Boy, you been a naughty girl you let your knickers down.I am the eggman, they are the eggmen.I am the walrus, goo goo gjoob.Sitting in an English garden waiting for the sun.If the sun dont come, you get a tanFrom standing in the English rain.I am the eggman, they are the eggmen.I am the walrus, goo goo gjoob ggoo goo gjoob.Expert textpert choking smokers,Dont you thing the joker laughs at you?See how they smile like pigs in a sty,See how they snied.Im crying.Semolina pilchard, climbing up the Eiffel Tower.Elementary penguin singing Hari Krishna.Man, you should have seen them kicking Edgar Alan Poe.I am the eggman, they are the eggmen.I am the walrus, goo goo gjoob ggoo goo gjoob.
2023-07-17 19:57:011

求一首歌歌名 歌词里有i am the computer man

I Am the Music Man - Juice Music [al:If You"re Happy and You Know It Sing Along - Volume 2] [offset:0] I am the music man I come from down your way And I can play What can you play I can play the piano Pia-no-ano-ano Pia-no pia-no Pia-no-ano-ano Pia-no-ano I am the music man I come from down your way And I can play What can you play I can play the Timpani I am the music man I come from down your way And I can play What can you play I can play the trumpet I am the music man I come from down your way And I can play What can you play I can play the Flute I am the music man I come from down your way And I can play What can you play I can play the Banjo Banjo-Banjo-Banjo-o Banjo-o Banjo-o Banjo-Banjo-Banjo-o Banjo-Banjo-o I am the music man I come from down your way And I can play What can you play I can play the recorder Recorder-Recorder-Recorder-Recorder Recorder-Recorder Recorder-r I am the music man I come from down your way And I can play What can you play I can play the Bells I am the music man I come from down your way
2023-07-17 19:57:201


2023-07-17 19:57:281

火力全开 歌词

火力全开打倒帝国主义 不愿再做奴隶   我家大门被入侵  你说Lady 卡卡 我说何必怕她  Oh…… 别向他们磕头   文化是武器 埋在每根神经   被优人神鼓打醒   绝不允许失败 胜利不必等待   因为MUSIC-MAN的到来   忽然间整个世界开始在摇摆   节奏和音乐入侵了血脉   这次的战略 是火力全开   火力全开 火力全开 火力全开   so many accusations of an Asian invasion (“亚洲威胁论”如此猖狂泛滥)   here they come a point"n fingers at me (他们对我指指点点 横加责难)   preyin"on a mass emotion (愚弄大众情感)   stirrin"up a big commotion (搅动天下大乱)   trying to assign responsibilities (兴师问罪才心甘)   gonna stop this negativity (一扫消极颓然)   turn it into positivity with integrity (浩然正气 积极应战)   giving all of me (一身武艺十八般)   .for all to see (展示给世人看)   this fight for equality (为平等而战)   but even if they blame us (纵使他们诬蔑我们)   try to frame us (极尽能事 血口喷人)   nobody can shame us (但我们问心无愧 不惧鬼神)   i"m a sing this next verse in Chinese
2023-07-17 19:57:375

王力宏Music Man世界巡回演唱会得票在哪里买?

票务网有订票。不过还没有开始售出 你再多等等吧
2023-07-17 19:58:342


我好喜欢这款黑色的那个五弦的了 lz在哪买的 淘宝吗?
2023-07-17 19:58:442


  第一轮世界巡回演唱会:不可思议演唱会  2002.02.02 不可思议演唱会-香港  2002.07.13 不可思议演唱会-马来西亚  2003.10.11 不可思议演唱会-台北  2004.06.25 不可思议演唱会-上海(上海八万人体育场)  2004.08.21 不可思议演唱会-北京  2005.07.01 不可思议演唱会-马来西亚云顶  2005.07.02 不可思议演唱会-马来西亚云顶  2005.12.25 不可思议演唱会-美国拉斯维加斯  第二轮世界巡回演唱会:盖世英雄演唱会  2006.03.11 盖世英雄演唱会-台北  2006.03.12 盖世英雄演唱会-台北  2006.04.18 盖世英雄演唱会-日本名古屋  2006.04.19 盖世英雄演唱会-日本大阪  2006.04.21 盖世英雄演唱会-日本东京  2006.08.12 盖世英雄演唱会-上海(上海八万人体育场)  2006.08.25 盖世英雄演唱会-香港  2006.08.26 盖世英雄演唱会-香港  2006.10.21 盖世英雄演唱会-新加坡  2007.02.25 盖世英雄演唱会-美国康州Mohegan Sun Casino  2007.03.04 盖世英雄演唱会-马来西亚  2007.10.06 盖世英雄演唱会-南京  2007.12.22 盖世英雄演唱会-美国拉斯维加斯  2007.12.23 盖世英雄演唱会- 美国旧金山  2008.01.11 盖世英雄演唱会- 印度尼西亚雅加达  第三轮世界巡回演唱会: MUSIC-MAN世界巡回演唱会  2008.09.19 MUSIC-MAN世界巡回演唱会-台北(台北小巨蛋体育场)  2008.09.20 MUSIC-MAN世界巡回演唱会-台北 (台北小巨蛋体育场)  2008.10.18 MUSIC-MAN世界巡回演唱会-上海(上海八万人体育场)  2008.11.01 MUSIC-MAN世界巡回演唱会-新加坡  2009.01.10 MUSIC-MAN世界巡回演唱会-澳门  2009.01.24 MUSIC-MAN世界巡回演唱会-美国拉斯维加斯  2009.05.02 MUSIC-MAN世界巡回演唱会-马来西亚 (Bukit Jalil 国家户外体育场)  2009.08.22 MUSIC-MAN世界巡回演唱会-北京(北京工人体育场)  2009.09.05 MUSIC-MAN世界巡回演唱会-西安(西安可口可乐体育场)  2009.10.02 MUSIC-MAN世界巡回演唱会-洛阳(洛阳新区体育场)  2009.11.07 MUSIC-MAN世界巡回演唱会-武汉(武汉新华路体育场 )  2010.02.07 MUSIC-MAN世界巡回演唱会-泉州(泉州市海峡体育中心体育场)  2010.09.04 MUSIC-MAN世界巡回演唱会-重庆(重庆奥林匹克体育中心)  2010.09.08 MUSIC-MAN世界巡回演唱会-沈阳(沈阳奥林匹克体育中心  2010.09.15 MUSIC-MAN世界巡回演唱会-常熟(常熟体育中心体育场)  2010.09.17 MUSIC-MAN世界巡回演唱会-南京(南京奥体中心体育场)  2010.09.19 MUSIC-MAN世界巡回演唱会-天津(天津市奥林匹克体育中心)  2010.09.22 MUSIC-MAN世界巡回演唱会-成都(成都体育中心)  2010.12.11 MUSIC-MAN世界巡回演唱会-广州(广州天河体育中心)  2011.4.17 MUSIC-MAN世界巡回演唱会-常州 (常州奥利匹克体育中心)  2011.5.13 MUSIC-MAN世界巡回演唱会-济南(济南奥体中心体育场)  2011.5.18 MUSIC-MAN世界巡回演唱会-杭州(黄龙体育中心)  2011.05.15 MUSIC-MAN世界巡回演唱会-合肥(合肥奥体中心)  2011.5.21 MUSIC-MAN世界巡回演唱会-广州 (广州天河体育中心)  其他个唱  1996.10. 耳目一新演唱会-K. K. Disco  1999.07. 不可能错过王力宏演唱会-台北(台北国际会议中心)  1999.07. World Trade Center演唱会-马来西亚  2000.07. 永远的王力宏演唱会-台北(台北中和运动场)  2001.11. 唯一爱的就是你演唱会-台南(台南市政府西侧广场)  2003.01. 新竹联电尾牙演唱会  2008.2.14 情人节演唱会---台湾/台中 -圆形广场(整天)
2023-07-17 19:58:511

OLP by Musicman Coffin 电吉他 (正品)这把电吉他怎么样?什么价格?

正品OLP by Musicman Coffin 电吉他,性价比非常高的一款吉他音色手感都非常棒,正品琴的品质不是几百的仿琴能比的. 品 牌:OLP by Musicman Coffin 琴 体:实木琴体颜 色:哑光黑色拾单器:两个双线圈拾音器音 品:22品颤音器:单摇价格:~800
2023-07-17 19:59:171


2023-07-17 19:59:381

我打算买6000左右的贝斯 想买sterling by musicman的ray34 或者 墨芬p贝斯 主要弹punk 能不能推荐一下

2023-07-17 19:59:473


是二哥 music man的谐音。老大自诩musician 谐音猫吃面
2023-07-17 19:59:553

是关于买PRS还是MUSIC MAN的低端款电吉他

2023-07-17 20:00:041

olp musicman mm-1 单摇 国产正品电吉他 如何辨别其真假?

2023-07-17 20:00:111


什么牌子的电贝司好 电贝 司名优品牌 GIBSON OLP CORT Talent Kramer YAMAHA SQUIER IBANEZ FENDER WARWICK JACKSON EPIPHONE MUSICMAN 贝斯都有什么牌子? 像Fender,Warwick,Musicman,Ibanez等都是用的比较多的贝斯品牌新手推荐用Squier(Fender下属),买个1000-2000的就行了像Rockbass(Warwick下属)也不错,但是要贵一些,不过音色比Squier好很多(我现在就在用Rockbass巡航舰特别款)更有钱些可以买墨西哥产的Fender(最低端的Fender)之内的了不过音箱要好,推荐Warwick Blue Cab系列和Fender Frontman系列 什么牌子的bass好 电贝 司名优品牌 GIBSON OLP CORT Talent Kramer YAMAHA SQUIER IBANEZ FENDER WARWICK JACKSON EPIPHONE MUSICMAN 贝斯什么牌子的比较好? 芬达(Fender),美国顶级贝斯品牌,无论是做工,质量,还是音质都是无与伦比的,目前国内买到的地方据我说知,只有意希芭世乐器在卖,我也很想买,但是价格很贵,但是你是真心喜欢音乐的,这个牌子是你最好的选择,希望能帮到你。贝斯什么牌子好啊? 首先检查琴颈。让你的手沿着琴颈以及品位滑动,看看它们是否适合你的手。是否感觉指板太宽或太窄?是否能够非常容易地按住品位?而如果你是一名初学者或是不知道该如何演奏的话也不用担心。如果你手中的乐器让你感觉到不舒服,那么它可能并不适合你。 “检查乐器的手感,”来自美国手工贝司制造作坊MTD(Michael Tobias Design)的Michael Tobias制琴师说,“如果一把乐器在开始时表现就不怎么出色,那么它可能以后都会如此一生平凡。所以你需要向销售人员确定这把乐器是否有着准确的设置。如果没有的话,可以让商店人员帮你进行调节。” 贝斯最值得入手的几个品牌介绍xici/d210049224 什么牌子的贝斯比较好?! 贝斯的话,比较多人推荐的是SQ,,1000左右..不建议买太便宜的..低端琴虽然不能说有什么音质··但手感很重要..可以选到差不多价钱的琴里面手感比较好的就不错了..依班纳的也不错...如果是依班纳的话1500左右可以买到低端琴....不包括仿琴...型号我就不太清楚了... 你需要的设备:1.贝斯 2.音箱(如果只是自己练习20W的就差不多...跟乐队80W才够用,一般不是什么牌子货20W的300多就可以..) 3.节拍器(对贝斯手来说节奏感很重要,新手是不能没有节拍器的!练习 的时候就算是拨空弦也要跟节拍器。) 4.老师(最好可以有) 对于贝斯的质量...只要你买的时候不要贪便宜,买1500左右的就可以(对新手来说)。 贝斯哪个牌子比较好? FENDER 高品质 价钱偏高 CORT 质量说得过去 性价比高YAMAHA弦距小 适合亚洲人手的大小 贝斯什么品牌好 看你这问法应该是还没入门的爱好者,建议考虑SQ3000或者SQ3900吧,价格也合适,新手拿这把琴,内行都没话说的; 求哪个牌子的电贝司最好,谢谢了! 5分 芬达 我现在想买把贝司,到底买什么牌子最好 菲妮克斯的很有保障 靠得住
2023-07-17 20:00:191


2023-07-17 20:00:391