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2023-07-18 02:19:44
TAG: 英语


The golden age of marriage is not after the wedding, but during the period of pre-marital love.


Where there is a marriage without love, there is love without marriage.


The only greatness of marriage lies in the only love, the mutual loyalty of o hearts.


Marriage is a lottery ticket. Men gamble on freedom, while women gamble on their own happiness.


Marriage without love, there will be love without marriage.


To achieve the happiness of marriage, we must climb a mountain with narrow mountain paths and steep rocks.


For women, the perfect marriage should be: let hu *** and live in hell, but feel like in heaven.


A failed marriage is a tragedy; ending a tragedy is tantamount to starting a edy.


The ideal marriage is not to find a suitable partner, but to learn to be a suitable partner.


Marriage without love is unhappy, but marriage without house is even more unhappy.


Love is attractive and marriage is binding. It would be a waste of effort to escape both.


Legitimate marriage is based on the agreement of the o parties, not on the fact of cohabitation.


A problem-free marriage is like a person who never gets sick. There is no such person in the world.


If there are not too many flowers and sausages, there will be no crisis in marriage.


Marriage without love is immoral. Marriage without love is unrealistic.


In fact, all marriages in the world are blind marriages. People who know each other don"t know what they are going to know when they walk together for three or o years.


Life without love is inplete; marriage without love is sad.


To make a long marriage, we need to overe self-centeredness.


Marriage is not a lottery ticket, even if you lose, you can"t tear things apart.


Marriage is wrong in any way, and long-term marriage is wrong in any way.


Love is the return of marriage, bright for a while, it"s gone.


Marriage is a book. The first chapter is about poetry, while the rest is about prose.


A happy marriage is the beginning of a new life, as well as happiness and happiness.


Marriage is like a birdcage. Birds outside can"t get in; birds inside can"t get out.


In love, you add me not equal to us; in marriage, your family plus my family is not equal to our family!


Marriage is like wearing shoes, fortable or unfortable, only the feet know.


Love must be the premise of marriage, and cherishing is the necessary persistence of hand in hand.


Marriage, love is not necessarily long-term, long-term does not necessarily have love.


All tragedies end with death and all edies end with marriage.


The most important thing in one"s life is to discover oneself, while in marriage one is to be discovered.


In a truly happy marriage, friendship must be integrated with love.


Marriage is like buying a lottery ticket, but if you don"t win, you can"t tear it up!


In matters of marriage, opportunities and fates are often inseparable and elusive.


Now marriage must be based on material basis, no material marriage, push it down.


Marriage is essentially an ethical relationship. Marriage is ethical love with legal significance.


Happiness is not synchronized with wealth, status, prestige, marriage. It"s just the feeling of your heart.


Love is a matter of o people, marriage is a matter of o families.


I"ve crossed the threshold of marriage and I"m stepping into the grave of love! Love is so destroyed by life!


Marriage is a bowl of beef noodles. The few slices of beef that float above are just meant to make oligomeric flour swallow.


Marriage can never be used to save a broken love, broken love can only be broken marriage.


Love is always holier than marriage, and marriage is always more beneficial than love.


Only love can make marriage holy. Only marriages sanctified by love are real marriages.


The success of marriage depends on o people, and one person can make it fail.


Marriage is the grave of love, but without marriage, love will die without burial place.


Marriages without conflict are almost as inconceivable as countries without crisis.


The difficulty of marriage is that we fall in love with each other"s strengths, but live with their weaknesses.


Marriage lasts on o hearts, not on o bodies.


Marriage is like a bridge beeen o totally lonely worlds.


Sometimes, the origin of marriage, in addition to love, may also have the most realistic dependence.


What you want, think clearly, choose, cherish, just like your marriage.


Marriage is a tomb, but it"s better to be buried in the earth than in the streets of murderers.


Marriage is the tomb of love. After marriage, we should not only prevent ourselves from moving tombs, but also prevent others from stealing tombs.


Friendship, like marriage, depends on avoiding unfivable things.


Happy marriages are often destroyed by mean tricks and insidious suspicions.


Marriage really needs a kind of wisdom, a kind of emotion, and even a kind of talent.


Marriage is like a carved ship. It depends on how you appreciate it and how you drive it.


Women are the weak side in love and marriage. They can"t tolerate the weak.


If you can"t give marriage, don"t take over other people"s youth.



是的:中文片名:潜伏 台湾译名:阴儿房 英文片名:Insidious 类型:惊悚/剧情/悬疑/爱情
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2023-07-17 18:45:401


去百度 潜伏贴吧看看 也叫 阴儿房 里面有高人专业的剧情描述
2023-07-17 18:45:485


豆瓣网“保持迷糊“网友的剧透评论:===========================================================  insidious 2 英国上映第一天正巧是星期五。全场坐满,看来都是老粉丝。      insidious1有个问题被大家争议很久:男主到底是小时候就被俯身了,还是第一部最后救完儿子被黑纱老太婆附身的?      2一开始就没有铺垫,两个灵媒直接对一个小男孩开始“问路”,小男孩有去到“那边”的能力,一个怀着恶意的“friend”被勾到家里对小男孩虎视眈眈。灵媒只好把小男孩的记忆消除。这时候看过1的都会反应过来,这是男主小时候的经历。      这就可知,小时候男主就被黑纱老太跟着,灵媒的介入救了小男孩,这一次没有附体成功,黑纱老太却一直跟着男主,直到第一部结尾成功鸠占鹊巢,杀死结怨多年的灵媒。      这儿有个大槽一定要吐:灵媒老太太一辈子没有换发型!服了她!      时间回到现在,兰伯特家经过上次的恐怖经历终于团聚,战战兢兢的过日子。但是很快发现,事情没有结束!家里的钢琴总被弹响可是屋里却没人;一个白衣女人不分白天黑夜飘来飘去毫不掩饰。男主对着空气叨咕求谁一定要走。孩子半夜被一个从衣柜里跑出来的浑身伤痕的女鬼叫醒求救。      总之恐怖的事情愈演愈烈,可是灵媒老太已死,男主大家都知道是鬼附身,这一家子可怎么办。      此时新的灵媒登场,带着大家拍案说法。原来黑纱老太是个男的!(这年头变态都是异装癖么)或许该叫他黑纱老头,他原来是男主妈妈的病人,生前虐杀多个年轻女子,死后跟着男主多年终于上身。      如果你觉得故事老套到恶人变鬼,终被制服的节奏,你就太天真了!我说了,这是两个老太太的斗争史!而黑纱老头是个男的,他不算!      冥冥之中,大家感觉到这背后有一个幕后黑手,装成第一部死了的灵媒老太的灵魂,把他们引入家里妄图一网打尽,可惜失手暴露了自己。她就是家里飘来飘去那白衣女鬼。她才是大Boss。因为黑纱老头死灵俯男主活人体而日渐衰弱,她撺掇黑纱老头把全家人都杀了。      原来症结在她这里,那么两边开打呗。这边被黑纱老头附体的男主发狂要杀妻灭子。那边灵媒进入阴间带着困在这里的本尊男主去找大Boss。      可惜男主战斗力实在弱爆,刚一出师就被个小马仔打得满地找牙,关键时刻还是要靠人力挽狂澜。这个人就是——————blinblin闪亮登场的灵媒老太的灵魂,老太带着他们劈荆斩棘,来到大Boss老窝。      原来,白衣女鬼是黑纱老头的妈咪(上阵父子兵,上身亲娘俩啊!)她是个死变态,从小就虐待黑纱老头,硬要把他变成个小男孩养。一手造就了黑纱老头的扭曲人格。      那么接下来      白衣女鬼 PK 本尊男主      白衣女鬼 KO 本尊男主 (这样儿男的要他干啥!!)      这厢黑纱老头举起凶器就要杀人,那厢大Boss老妈要结果了本尊男主。这时候还是有一个人力挽了狂澜————还是灵媒老太的灵魂。      只见她拿起一把椅子,我拍我打我砸我再打!终于将大Boss打翻,全部人都获救了,一家团圆。      总结:这片子还是很好的,我觉得第一部铺垫那么长,就是为了第二部打怪。一开始我们以为主角是小男孩,后来以为主角是男主,之后以为主角是黑纱老头。直到最后我们才发现,他们都是马仔,是炮灰!真正的主角是灵媒老太!!人家死了都是主角啊,再加上黑沙老头的妈妈——大Boss,这就是她俩的斗争剧啊!看样子还要拍3,黑纱母子还要卷土重来。我连4都想好了,大boss前传!      最搞笑的是!!!这片子里无论鬼打人,还是鬼打鬼,都是用椅子。这让我想起周星驰在食神里的那段:“ 好折椅..可以藏于民居之中,随手可得,还可以坐着它来掩盖杀气,就算被警察抓到也无可奈何,不愧为七种兵器之首!!“ 原来外国人也懂这个,真是天下大同!      除了这个,电影看到一半,有个男的去上厕所找不到出口,又找不到座位,满场转悠,全场都笑翻了,最后终于他找到出口,全场给了这个白痴一片掌声。我实在受不了英国人的智商了!!!!!
2023-07-17 18:46:204


This is a photo/ picture of Tony"s family.温馨提示:千万不能用house/ home之类的词。因为这里指的的是家庭成员的合影照。故,用family。而house重点是房屋,房子,住所。home主要是家的氛围或房屋、住所。The wife of famous film director Zhang Yimou, whose violation of China"s family planning policy stirred widespread controversy last year, has uploaded a family photo of herself with her husband and three children on her Weibo.In the statement accompanying the family photo, Chen Ting hints that she and her family have been troubled by rumors, which forces her to share information about the family.She said that she hoped the public could get the right information from her Weibo and ignore stories fabricated by those with insidious intentions.著名导演张艺谋的妻子在微博上传了一张她与丈夫以及三个孩子的全家福。去年,张艺谋因违反中国的计划生育政策而引起广泛争议。在这张全家福所配的文字里,陈婷暗示她和家人一直受到流言蜚语的困扰,这使她不得不分享有关家庭的信息。她称,希望公众能够从其微博中获得正确的信息,而不是听信别有用心之人捏造的故事。【讲解】文中的family photo就是“全家福”的意思,全家福指的是全家人的合影。其中,family解释为“家庭”。在英语中,与“family”一词相关的表达有:family tree(家谱)、support one"s family(养家糊口)、rich family(富有的家庭)等。中国的“计划生育政策”。就可以用文中的family planning policy来表达。此外,文中的insidious用作形容词,解释为“暗中为害的;阴险的”,例:He was the most insidious person I had ever struck.(他是我遇到的人中最阴险狡诈的一个。)
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2023-07-17 18:48:024

求电影Insidious也就是美国最佳恐怖片《阴儿房/潜伏》里9分钟左右时女主角Rose Byrne面对钢琴自弹自唱的英

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2023-07-17 18:49:132

电影Insidious也就是《阴儿房/潜伏》女主角自弹自唱的歌,9分钟左右时女主角Rose Byr

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2023-07-17 18:49:336

but one insidious from

this指的是alphabetism,those指的是those people省略了people,后面的定语unaware of such a disadvantage修饰those,表示“对于正如那些还没有意识到这种不利条件的人们”,refer to意思是“指的是”;against后面接人,表示对象,discrimination against歧视(那些人). 整个一句话,实际上是个,给alphabetism下定义的句子.翻译为:这,(alphabetism)对于那些还没有意识到这种不利条件的人们而言,指的是对于那些以26个英语字母表后半部分字母开头为姓氏的人们的歧视.
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Anyone of them had unexpectedly taken ill ? 他们有谁 突如其来 地害病了? He was seized by a sudden excitement . 他感到一阵 突如其来 的激动。 She puzzled by the sudden ugpness . 她被这 突如其来 的尴尬局面弄得惊疑不已。 "it was so unexpected", she said . “这么 突如其来 ”,她说。 The sudden noise put her off her game . 突如其来 的嘈杂声分散了她比赛时的注意力。 He *** othered a laugh at the sudden change . 他看到这 突如其来 的变化,硬是忍住了笑。 He blazed up without warning . 他 突如其来 地勃然大怒。 I hate to spring this on you at such short notice . 很抱歉,向你 突如其来 提出这件事。 But this abrupt generosity made her blush . 但这 突如其来 的慷慨,倒使她的脸一下子红了。 He has married her as the result of sudden infatuation . 他由于 突如其来 的迷恋而娶了她。 We were all astonished at the unexpected news . 听了这个 突如其来 的消息,我们都十分诧异。 It was a sudden transfiguration, a pfting-up of day . 那是 突如其来 的变形,是白昼的升华。 The news was so unexpected that i caught my breath from shock . 突如其来 的消息把我吓呆了。 A sudden fog came on, and she curtailed her walk . 一阵 突如其来 的浓雾使她缩短了散步的路程。 What had i done to deserve this outburst of confidence ? *** 了什么事,赢得了 突如其来 的信任? The interrupting words brought her suddenly to herself . 这样 突如其来 的一句话使她突然清醒过来。 The question was unexpected, and it was a thrust on a new wound . 这 突如其来 的一问刺痛了一个新伤口。 It was too sudden . 这太 突如其来 了。 Half the fruit crop froze out in the sudden severe autumn . 有一半水果作物在秋天 突如其来 的严寒中冻死了。 Suddenly a surprising image or epigram will pght up the scene . 一个 突如其来 的形象或警句突然把意境照亮。 He could suddenly say "off with his head" -and he often did . 他可以 突如其来 地讲“推出斩首”--他常常这样做。 The savage startled at this ready and decided expedient . 蛮子见他来了这么一个 突如其来 的果断行动,吃了一惊。 Bevy, i"m really curious as to this sudden decision of yours . 白妃,我对你这样 突如其来 的决定,的确感到奇怪。 The dream had been worth suffering for the sake of this sudden rapture . 担惊受怕后能得到这 突如其来 的快乐,还是值得的。 The news was a great shock to me; it came absolutely out of the blue . 这个消息,对我是一个很大的打击,简直太 突如其来 了。 Any loose piece of paper may be blown away by this sudden ecppse wind . 一不当心,小纸片就会被这种 突如其来 的日食风吹跑。 He announced out of a clear sky that he was going to quit his job and join the army . 他 突如其来 地宣布他要辞掉工作去参军。 Michie was, or seemed, able to make a fool of him again and again without warning . 米切能够或者说似乎能够 突如其来 地使他洋相百出。 He was still more perplexed, for this inconsequent *** ile made nothing clear . 他依然更加感到困惑,因为这 突如其来 的一笑,使他感到莫名其妙。 They pushed on again, struggpng against the wind, the cold, the sudden snowdrifts . 他们上路了,一路上都在严寒和 突如其来 的风雪中挣扎前进。 I now clapped my hands in sudden joymy pulse bounded, my veins thrilled . 我在这 突如其来 的喜悦中拍着手我的脉搏蹦跳着,我的血管颤动着。 Val grinned, to hide the sudden feepng that the bottom had fallen out of breeding . 法尔笑起来,借此掩饰一种 突如其来 的感觉:养马已经不时新了。 The abrupt stillness seemed apen and artificial, a pttle insidious . 这 突如其来 的宁静,显得很陌生,很不自然,而且好象暗地里要出什么岔子似的。 Gorbachev must have found himself hard pressed to explain the stunning turn of events to them . 戈尔巴乔夫一定觉得很难向他们解释清这个 突如其来 的转变。 They stood silently together, a diversion was created by the accident of o birds . 他们就这样默默地在一起站着, 突如其来 的两只鸟儿转移了他们的注意力。 Clara moved her pps to recall remarks introductory to so abrupt and strange plunge . 克莱拉嘴唇蠕动着,想对如此 突如其来 而且十分怪异的窘境说一段开场白。 I came south for my health, i will go back on the same errand, and suddenly . 我到南方来为的是休养身体,现在我要回去,还是为了同一目的,而且是 突如其来 。 He ate steadily, but at times a sensation as though he could not swallow attacked him . 他安然吃著,可是有时候会 突如其来 有一种感觉,就象咽不下去东西似的。 It was ridiculous that caldwell, who used to work for me, was suddenly above me . 荒谬可笑的是过去一直在我手下工作的卡德尔竟然 突如其来 地成为地位高于我的人。 She wept bitterly, and jealousy of miss glover stabbed her to the heart with sudden pain . 她痛苦地哭泣著。对格格弗小姐的妒忌,以一种 突如其来 的痛刺着她的心。 Without waiting for a reply, garment somewhat wearily unfolded an astonishing and shattering tale . 加门特没等回答,便不耐烦地讲了一件 突如其来 ,有如晴天霹雳的消息。 The woman looked at her curiously, and that look destroyed mary"s sudden irresponsible happiness . 那个女人好奇地望着她,玛丽一碰到那种眼光,本来那一股 突如其来 的无忧无虑的快乐心情就给毁了。 She reapzed that pleasure came by surprise, that happiness was a spirit that descented unawares, and seldom when it was sought . 她懂得了欢乐是 突如其来 的,幸福是不期而至的天使,几乎不可以寻觅。 The impetuous earnestness of the girl awed the young man, for never before had he seen her so serious and determined . 这位姑娘这种 突如其来 的认真态度把这个年轻人给吓住了,他从来没见过她这样严肃,这样坚决。 At this repulse, the assailants instantly withdrew, and gradually the place became as still as before the sudden tumult . 这一小小的还击,立刻使进攻者退了下去;接着,这儿也就渐渐地恢复了平静,静得跟这 突如其来 的骚动发生之前一样。 It was followed by a stillness apparently as deep as if the waters had been checked in their furious progress, at such a horrid and unusual interruption . 接着是一片死一般的静寂,静得仿佛连汹涌澎湃的激流,也因这 突如其来 的奇怪可怕的叫声而停止。 Actuated by an insane high-mindedness, he takes his half-sister to new york, allowing everyone to bepeve that he has married her as the result of a sudden infatuation . 在近乎愚蠢的宽宏大度驱使之下,他把他的异母妹妹带到纽约,让人相信,他由于 突如其来 的迷恋而娶了她。 Several times she appeared suddenly among them, with her hands full of candy, nuts, and oranges, which she would distribute joyfully to them, and then be gone again . 好几次,她 突如其来 地来到他们中间,手里捧著好些糖、硬果和橘子,兴高采烈地分给他们之后,又走开了。 Dong yong loses his parents to a fire 一场 突如其来 的大火夺去了董老夫妇的性命。 A sudden storm ruled out the boat race 突如其来 的暴风雨使得划船比赛没法进行。
2023-07-17 18:50:311


新概念英语第三册Lesson46课文重点精讲解析   1 So great is our passion for doing things for ourselves, that we are becoming increasingIy less dependent on specialized labour.   全句使用的基本句型是so...that意为"太...以至于..."引导结果状语从句。   So great is out passion 为倒装语序,其正常语序是Our passion for doing things for ourselves is so great that...   为了强调great这个词,把so great提到句首,因此主谓语要倒装   Become/be dependent on 意为"依赖,依靠"   e.g. In China, farming is no longer dependent on the weather. 在中国,种田不再完全靠天了。   2 No one can plead ignorance of a subject any longer, for there are countless do-it-yourself publications.   plead ignorance of sth. 以不知道......为借口   e.g. He pleaded ignorance of the accident.   Not ... any longer=no longer,表示"不再",本句中No one构成了否定形式,因此应使用any longer,不应使用no longer   do-it-yourself为合成词,意思自己动手做的。   合成词是将一个词组或一个句子中的每一个单词用连字符链接,作为一个单词来使用的构词形式。这类合成词多作为定语。E.g.   a can"t-be-put-down photo 一张爱不释手的照片   3 Armed with the right tools and materials, the newlyweds gaily embark on the task of decorating their own homes.   armed with引导的过去分词短语,在句中做方式状语,修饰embark。Be armed with意为"装备",相当于be equipped with   embark on 开始从事   4 Men, particularly, spend hours of their leisure time installing their own fireplaces, laying out their own gardens; building garages and making furniture.   spend (in) doing sth. 句中的installing,laying out,building和making均为spend后使用的动名词形式,作宾语。   lay out 布置,设计,花钱   e.g. The word for tomorrow is all laid out.明天的工作都安装好了。   5 Some really keen enthusiasts go so far as to build their own computers. to与so as to的区别   (1) to表示程度及其结果,即"如此......以致",与so...that...意思相同   e.g.He worked so hard as to pass the final exams.他学习非常刻苦,以致通过了期末考试。   (2)so as to表示目的,即"为了,为的是",同in order to   e.g.He worded very hard so as to pass the final exam.他学习非常刻苦,为的是通过期末考试。   6 Such things provide an excellent outlet for pent up creative energy, ut unfortunately not all of us are born handy men.   Pent up 被抑制的   Be born 意为"生来就是,命中注定"   7 As far as I could see it needed only a minor adjustment: a turn of a screw here, a little tightening up there, a drop of oil and it would be as good as new.   句中a turn of, a little tightening, a drop of 作adjustment的同位语,说明adjustment所包含的内容。   as good as= almost, actually,意为"几乎,实际上"   e.g. The work is as good as perfect.这工作几乎是完美的。   8 The mover firmly refused to mow, so I decided to dismantle it.   一般情况下,动词refuse的主语是人,但文中用物体mower做主语,是拟人用法,这样可以使文字更显得生动   9 After buying a new chain I was faced with the insurmountable task of putting the confusing jigsaw puzzle together again.   句中使用insurmountable和confusing两个较大的词分别修饰task和jigsaw puzzle,具有夸张意味,并以暗喻手法,将lawn mover比作jigsaw puzzle(拼图游戏)更有利于产生喜剧效果。   10 Buried somewhere in deep grass there is a rusting lawn mower which I have promised one day.   Buried somewhere 为过去分词作定语,修饰lawn mower。置于句首位置,一方面起到强调作用,另一方面,由于lawn mower后为which引导的定语从句,这样可使句子显得更为紧凑。 新概念英语第三册Lesson47课文重点精讲解析   1. 推荐背诵:Pollution is the price we pay for an overpopulated, over industrialized planet. 污染就是我们为这个人口过密、过度工业化的星球所付出的代价。   the price we pay for 为...负出代价,如:   Losing health is the price he paid for his hard work. 失去健康是他过度工作而负出的惨重代价。   2. There are only four ways you can deal with rubbish: dump it, burn it, turn it into something you can use again, attempt to produce less of it.   dump it, burn it, ... produce less of it, 并列平行结构,如:   There are some good ways to study English well: listen, speak, read and write. 强调动作study   There are four good ways to study English: listening, speaking, reading and writing. 强调方法ways   另外句中,turn it into something you can use again可以改成reuse it或 recycle it更简洁些。   3. 推荐背诵:We keep trying all four methods, but the sheer volume of rubbish we produce worldwide threatens to overwhelm us.   threaten to do 威胁,预示(危险),如:   The coming earthquake threatens the village. 即将发生的地震威胁着这个村庄。Dark clouds threaten a heavy storm. 乌云预示着有一场风暴。(threaten 预测厄运)The sun promises a good day. 阳光预示着一个好的日子。(promise 预测好的未来)   4. 推荐背诵:The need to produce ever-increasing quantities of cheap food leads to a different kind of pollution. 日益增长的对廉价食物的需求导致了另一种形式的污染。   leads to: result in, cause, bring about 导致   5. However, there is an even more insidious kind of pollution that particularly affects urban areas and invades our daily lives, and that is noise.   However, even more insidious, particularly 等词,很好地衔接了上下文,强调了第三段所要论述的噪音的危害性,注意体会。   6. 推荐背诵:Car alarms constantly scream at us in the street and are a source of profound irritation. 在街上,汽车的防盗警报不断对我们吼叫,这是人们极度烦燥的一个原因。   to be a source of 是...的来源,比较规范的用语,如:   Her husband earns a lot of money every month and he is a source of income. 他的丈夫每月能赚很多钱,这是他的一棵摇钱树。   7. 推荐背诵:The survey revealed a large number of sources of noise that we really dislike.   8. 推荐背诵:New technology has also made its own contribution to noise. 新技术也为噪音作了贡献。(本句有讽刺意味)   make contribution to 对...作出贡献   contribute to 引起,导致,是......的起因,如:   Air pollution contributes to disease. 空气是一些疾病的原因。   9. Men were found to be the worst offenders. 人类是这方面的罪魁祸首。   offend:惹怒 offender 罪魁祸首   were found: 强调客观描述 It is said...据说 It is revealed...据批露   10. 20% of mem in their mid-thirties在他们35岁左右   对应的有:in their early thirties 30刚出头 in their late thirties 将近40岁   11. 推荐背诵:Against these figures, it was found that ... 依据这组数字,和这组数字相比   也可以改成这种结构:Comparing these figures, we found that...   12. Whatever the source of noise, one thing is certain: silence, it seems, has become a golden memory.   对比一个句子:However you decide to spend your time, one thing is certain: you will arrive at your destination fresh and uncrumpled. (NCE3 Lesson44) 新概念英语第三册Lesson48课文重点精讲解析   只讲关键句型部分   be accessible / inaccessible to sb. 是......难以达到的   not only from / but from 强调介词   cut off from: separate from / isolate from 与......隔绝   背熟:Visits to really remote villages are seldom enjoyable   Eg: He is cut off from all his friends after he went abroad.   Such people who are hostile to travellers are ones who are cut off from the society.   第一自然段很重要,请背熟。   of great interest   beautifully-preserved   背熟:On the day before our departure, several bus loads of tourists descended on the town.   背熟:serveral bus loads of tourists   背熟:Taking a path which led out of the town, we crossed a few fields until we came to a dense wood.   背熟:The village seemed deserted, the only sign of life being an ugly-looking black goat on a short length of rope tied to a tree in a field nearby.   背熟:The village which had seemed deserted, immediately came to life.   背熟:The most frightening thing of all was that not a sound could be heard.   there is no doubt that / without any doubts 毫无疑问   trace its way   make one"s way out of   fight one"s way 杀出一条路来   feel one"s way 摸出一条路   wind one"s way 碗延一条路   背熟:but we had no idea how we could get across the stream.   a boat moored to the bank   a boatman fast asleep   fast asleep 熟睡   背熟:The path led to a tiny village perched on the steep sides of a mountain.   背熟:The place consisted of a straggling unmade road which was lined on either side by small houses.   on either side = on both sides   all at once = almost immediately   背熟:I concluded that they were simply shy of strangers.
2023-07-17 18:50:371


【成语意思】:指人心黑手辣 【通用拼音】:yīn xiǎn dǎi du 【使用频率】:常用成语 【成语字数】:四字成语 【感 *** 彩】:贬义成语 【成语用法】:阴险歹毒,作谓语、定语;指人很坏。 【成语结构】:联合式成语 【英语翻译】:insidious,sinister and vicious 【近义词】:阴险毒辣 【成语例句】:他比豺狼还阴险歹毒
2023-07-17 18:51:201


  近义词:   凶险、阴毒、奸险   凶险:凶险 xiōngxiǎn   (1) [in a very dangerous state;critical;ominous]∶[情势等] 危险可怕   (2) [fierce and insidious;vicious and insidious]∶凶恶阴险凶险的`敌人   阴毒:阴毒 yīndú[insidious; sinister]阴险毒辣阴毒 yīndú[viperish] 恶意辱骂;如毒蛇,阴险恶毒有时是一张很厉害的阴毒的嘴   奸险:奸险 jiānxiǎn[wicked and crafty;malicious;treacherous] 奸诈阴险的奸诈人物   反义词:   善良、耿直   善良:善良 shànliáng[kindhearted;be good and honest] 纯真温厚,没有恶意心地善良善良的人们   耿直:耿直 gěngzhí[just and upright] 刚毅正直为人耿直,不善词令他是耿直人   词语拼音:yīn xiǎn   词语解释:   阴险 yīnxiǎn   [insidious;sinister;treacherous] 表面和善,暗地不怀好意的   阴险毒辣
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2023-07-17 18:52:372


《潜伏4:锁命亡灵》百度网盘高清资源免费在线观看;链接: 提取码: 2cw8 《潜伏4:锁命亡灵》是由亚当·罗比特执导悬疑惊悚片,琳·莎耶、凯特琳·杰拉德、布鲁斯·戴维森、史宾塞·洛克、柯克·埃斯沃多、Tessa Ferrer等主演的惊悚片,影片于2018年1月5日在北美上映
2023-07-17 18:52:451

圣洁的阿依达 中文歌词

You know nothing about me and care even less How could you understand our emptiness You"ve plundered our wisdom, our knowledge, our wealth In bleeding us dry You long for our spirit But that you will never possess The past is now another land Far beyond my reach Invaded by insidious Foreign bodies, foreign speech Where timeless joys of childhood Lie broken on the beach The present is an empty space Between the good and bad A moment leading nowhere Too pointless to be sad But time enough to lay to waste Every certainty I had The future is a barren world From which I can"t return Both heartless and material Its wretched spoils not my concern Shining like an evil sun As my childhood treasures burn Shining like an evil sun As my childhood treasures burn
2023-07-17 18:52:581


this指的是alphabetism, those指的是those people省略了people,后面的定语unaware of such a disadvantage修饰those,表示“对于正如那些还没有意识到这种不利条件的人们”,refer to意思是“指的是”;against后面接人,表示对象,discrimination against歧视(那些人)。整个一句话,实际上是个,给alphabetism下定义的句子.翻译为:这,(alphabetism)对于那些还没有意识到这种不利条件的人们而言,指的是对于那些以26个英语字母表后半部分字母开头为姓氏的人们的歧视。
2023-07-17 18:53:072

问一部欧美驱魔恐怖类型d y

潜伏 Insidious (2010)导演: 温子仁编剧: 雷·沃纳尔主演: 萝丝·拜恩 / 帕特里克·威尔森 / Ty Simpkins / 林·沙烨 / 芭芭拉·赫希 / Andrew Astor / 雷·沃纳尔 / Angus Sampson类型: 悬疑 / 恐怖制片国家/地区: 美国语言: 英语上映日期: 2011-04-01(美国)片长: 103分钟又名: 阴儿房(台) / 儿凶(港)IMDb链接: tt1591095潜伏的剧情简介 · · · · · ·  在高中担任教师的乔什·莱姆波特(帕特里克·威尔森 Patrick Wilson 饰)和身为自由音乐人的妻子兰娜(罗丝·拜恩 Rose Byrne 饰)拥有一个幸福的五口之家。然而自他们乔迁新居之后,恐慌和不安便尾随而至。尚在襁褓中的女儿凯莉经常莫名大哭,次子福斯特(Andrew Astor 饰)对卧室充满恐惧,而长子达尔顿(Ty Simpkins 饰)更在一次惊吓过后陷入长久的昏迷之中。在此之后,各种奇怪恐怖的事件接连发生。莱姆波特夫妇不胜其扰,精神几近崩溃,他们最终决定搬离这个不祥之地。   但是一切并未就此结束,侵扰他们的魔鬼似乎尾随莱姆波特一家来至新的住所,更扬言要占据达尔顿的身体
2023-07-17 18:53:151


Guijiduoduan Kelaodisi to find out Hamlet"s "acting" the intention to incite to find the Queen"s Hamlet. But he is afraid the Queen and Prince Muzizhiqing to conceal their true situation, Pianpai Boluoniesi hiding behind the curtain in the Palace eavesdropping. Prince to his mother as a mirror to the soul as their own, the curtain behind the Bologna pinch Andean inner panic, screaming for help. Hamlet thought it was Jian Wang, Sword Ciqu, Boluoniesi was killed. Jian Wang Yu Qian minister to the killing of Hamlet as a pretext for his "escort" to the United Kingdom, in an attempt Collateral, to the British monarch to be killed. Unexpectedly, the Prince of the ship encountered pirates, back into the country. Prince left, Ophelia because of excessive sad, mad the water and died. Soon, the son of Hamlet and Boluoniesi Leiou Orantes in Ophelia"s funeral on the meeting. Enemies meet, particularly jealous. Leiou Cervantes challenge to the Hamlet. Insidious Kelaodisi "recommendations" They Bijian, instigated Leiou Cervantes put poison on the sword, its also maintain the Venom, conspiracy to Hamlet"s sword or die, or drink Zhen died.
2023-07-17 18:53:292

Rather Than 和 Instead Of 有什么区别?

instead of "替代",重点词在of上.它是个介词,所以该加上名词性结构,如名词(短语) 代词宾格 宾语从句等,但是介宾结构也可以,尤其小心的是动词该用动名词形式,即Ving;rather than (是...)而不是... 从语法角度上看它是个连词,前后成分在形式上必须保持一致,所以后面的结构应该与前面保持一样,就有可能出现代词主格,动词的各种形式,不一而足,但关键是和与它对比的结构形式要一致!如: I"ll go there instead of him. I rather than he(与I一致) will go there.再如: Yesterday he walked here instead of driving here. Yesterday he walked here rather than drove(与walked一致) here.请采纳答案,支持我一下。
2023-07-17 18:53:495


First, water conservation tips: 1, toys for children intimate partner. But some toys (such as water spray guns) need to consume water, not worthy of remendation, particularly in the areas of water scarcity, but also should not be used. There are some naughty young people, leading in the water below a big fight with each other水仗water, water scattered, very happy, insidious, clean the wet ground, in the past, the pedestrian was scared, a large number of Water is also wasted. More bad! 2, washing utensils in the home water-saving washing utensils, the best dishes on the first paper to remove the oil, and then hot water again, and finally with more warm water or cold running water. Second, take a bath of water-saving: With shower nozzle: (1) Institute of regulating temperature. (2) not to head to open water from start to finish, and should not open. (3) as far as possible before you get wet from head to toe, on the whole body soapTu, the last running water. Do not separate shampoo, washing upper body, lower body and foot washing. (4) to concentrate on taking a bath, seize the time, do not refrain from being washed or side chat edge. Let alone in the bathroom and a good friend of a big fight. To remember: Time is the water! (5) not to use the opportunity to take a bath "in passing" the clothes, shoes. Bathing in the bathtub, we should pay attention: Do not over water, pots 1/3-1/4 sufficient. Third, water-saving toilets: (1) If you think that the toilet tank is too large, can be a piece of bricktank filled with water or a large drink bottles, in order to reduce the volume of flushing water every time. It should be noted, bricks or drink bottles of water tanks on the prejudice ponent of the local campaign. (2) water tank leakage is always the most influent rubber sealing lax than irrigation, water filled with later flow away from the overflow hole; outlet sealing rubber lax devascularization not take water into the pipes do not stopped to water. (3) domestic wastewater collection flush toilets, you can use a strip of water, saving water. (4) garbage regardless of size, thickness, should be clear from the garbage channel, rather than water from the toilet to Chong. protect the water Water is a kind of liquid. It has no taste or *** ell. It is transparent, too. Water is useful and is important to us. Why? For example, we use water to water the plants. We use water to wash our face or to have a bath. We drink water or we will die…Water is also very important for China. There are 2.8 hundred millions of steres of water in China, but everyone can only use 2300 steres. It is only enty–five per sent in the world. Not too long ago, there was a man called Jacques Cousteau. He loved the beautiful colors, and the beautiful fish in the sea. However, when he returned some years later, the colorful coral reefs were dead and grey because the factory near the sea poured waste water into the sea. Jacques Cousteau decided to tell people how important it was to save the environment under the sea. He started the“ Cousteau Society ” to help protect life in the sea. Now there are over 30000 members all over the world. Since water covers most of the earth, Cousteau knew that we should keep the sea clean. We should not litter the sea, and should clean up the dirty parts. As water is very important to our environment, he encouraged everyone to take part in protecting our lakes, rivers, sea and ocean. There are still a few people who are not protecting the water now in the world. For example, some factories pour waste things into the rivers, lakes or into the sea near by. The water there has bee very dirty and we can"t use them at all. Although there are seventy–five per sent of water in the world, we can only use fresh water, that there is only a little. So we should use little water when we need to use it. For example, I do not use too much water when I am washing my face or having a bath… It is important for us to keep the water clean. You may ask yourself, have I ever poured or thrown dirty things into the water? If your answer is “No”, that means you have already helped to protect the environment. It is our duty to protect the environment. You may ask yourself again, have I ever helped to clean up the water? If your answer is “Yes”, that means that you have already done something useful to improve the water. If we use up all the water, it is difficult for us to get it from anywhere, including the universe. It is terrible to think that people are too thirsty to live! I believe, that if everyone helps to protect the water, the water must be protected. You do not want to “kill” your son or your grandson, do you? So now let us to protect the water! Please don"t let the last drop of water on the earth is we human"s tear!   water is very important in our life. but not all people pay attention to it. they waste too much water. they let the tap water running while they are brushing their teeth. they don"t turn off the tap after they wash their hands. also some factories pour waste water into rivers and lakes. this causes water pollution. then we can"t drink the water. so from now on we should try our best to save as much water as possible. if not, we won"t have water to use in the future.   Save Water 【Kaiser3344手写】   Water is very important for living things. Without water there can be no life on earth. All animals and plants need water. Man also needs water. Nowadays, the water pollution phenomenon can be seen everywhere. The factory let the waste into the rivers.People throw the rubbish into the rivers too. At last the water can"t be drank.Some places even appear water poisoning. We have to stop these activities.We should step from a *** all startto protect water resources. Although about 70 percent of the earth"s surface is covered with water,there are many places in the world still running out of water. So we should protect our water on earth.
2023-07-17 18:54:191

污秽摇篮 的 nymphetamine是什么意思

Nymphetamine is a combination of two words, Nymphomanic, meaning someone who is addicted to sex, and an Amphetamine is a drug (e.g speed), and it causes the user to have a heavy dependence on it. The word is the title of a song by the band Cradle of Filth, which uses "Nymphetamine" to describe "a drug-like addiction to the woman in question, with her insidious vampire qualities literally bringing her lover back from the brink of the spiritual grave, only to bury him further on the strength of a whim". If you get a chance, listen to the song, it"s lyrically amazing and truly beautiful.以上来自:我来尝试翻译一下吧:Nymphetamine是2个单词的合成形态:Nymphomanic(性成瘾者)和Amphetamine(安非他明,曾是体育界滥用最严重的一种兴奋剂,使用者会对它产生强烈的依赖性。)这个词是污秽摇篮的一首歌的标题,它用Nymphetamine来描述:“(这段翻不清楚了……大概意思猜一下)犹如毒瘾一般,女人用恶毒的执念将自己的爱人从灵魂坟墓的边缘中唤醒,然而这只是将他更深地埋葬于妄想中。”如果有机会听下这个歌,歌词非常惊人而又美丽。1楼的说明有误,歌词抒情的部分是女声,痛苦的部分是男声。应该是男人去世了,女人在墓碑前将男人的灵魂唤醒,而男人的灵魂被困于欲望的折磨中。至于是不是小萝莉就不清楚了……= =
2023-07-17 18:54:262


refers to: 指lower half of the alphabet: 字母表下半部分against: 接在discrimination后面,表示对...的歧视
2023-07-17 18:54:354


1、婚姻不幸福,不是因为缺乏爱,而是因为缺乏友谊。 Marriage is unhappy not because of lack of love, but because of lack of friendship. 2、爱情促成婚姻,友谊巩固婚姻。 Love makes marriage, while friendship solidifies it. 3、爱情促成婚姻,友情巩固婚姻,亲情保护婚姻。 Love contributes to marriage, friendship consolidates marriage, and kinship protects marriage. 4、爱情可以抛开生活去谈,但是婚姻不是,婚姻就是生活。 Love can talk without life, but marriage is not, marriage is life. 5、一个失败的婚姻,就是一场悲剧;结束一场悲剧,等于开始一场喜剧。 A failed marriage is a tragedy; ending a tragedy is tantamount to starting a edy. 6、幸福并不与财富地位声望婚姻同步,这只是你心灵的感觉。 Happiness is not synchronized with wealth, status, prestige, marriage. It"s just the feeling of your heart. 7、婚姻的源头是爱情,但婚姻却不等于爱情。 The source of marriage is love, but marriage is not equal to love. 8、婚姻是战争,而且是一场持久战没有赢家的战争。 Marriage is a war, and a war that lasts without winners. 9、现在的年轻人不懂得婚姻,在恋爱时将至过早提高到婚姻地步,而结婚后却将婚姻当作恋爱。 Nowadays, young people do not understand marriage. When they are in love, they raise it to the level of marriage too early, but when they get married, they regard marriage as love. 10、哪里有没有爱情的婚姻,哪里就有不结婚的爱情。 Where there is a marriage without love, there is love without marriage. 11、如果能把你的爱人变成另一个版本的你,婚姻就能长久。 If you can turn your lover into another version of you, marriage will last forever. 12、没有问题的婚姻就像从来不生病的人,世上就没有这样的人。 A problem-free marriage is like a person who never gets sick. There is no such person in the world. 13、婚姻是一座坟墓不假,但能够入土为安,总比暴尸街头强一些。 Marriage is a tomb, but it"s better to be buried in the earth than in the streets of murderers. 14、花花肠子不要太多,婚姻就不会有危机。 If there are not too many flowers and sausages, there will be no crisis in marriage. 15、离婚是解决错误爱情和错误婚姻的最妙良法。 Divorce is the best way to solve wrong love and marriage. 16、信任是是经营婚姻中最需要的一种能力。 Trust is the most needed ability to run a marriage. 17、爱情是两个人的事,婚姻是两个家庭的事。 Love is a matter of o people, marriage is a matter of o families. 18、爱情一定是婚姻的前提,而珍惜,才是携手鬓白的那份必须的执念。 Love must be the premise of marriage, and cherishing is the necessary persistence of hand in hand. 19、没有爱情的婚姻是残忍的,不道德的。 Marriage without love is cruel and immoral. 20、都说婚姻是爱情的坟墓,其实婚姻更是爱情的证明题,是真爱就得经过婚姻的历练。 They all say that marriage is the tomb of love, but in fact, marriage is the proof of love, and true love must go through the experience of marriage. 21、婚姻的唯一伟大之处,在于唯一的爱情,两颗心的互相忠实。 The only greatness of marriage lies in the only love, the mutual loyalty of o hearts. 22、幸福的婚姻生活,往往会被卑鄙的勾当、阴险的猜忌所破坏。 Happy marriages are often destroyed by mean tricks and insidious suspicions. 23、婚姻到底是什么?一双网购的多半不合脚的鞋? What is marriage? A pair of shoes that are mostly not foot-fitting? 24、法律只能证明婚姻,却不能保护婚姻。相对于法律,道德对于婚姻的稳定作用更大些。 The law can only prove marriage, but can not protect it. Compared with the law, morality plays a greater role in the stability of marriage. 25、只有爱情才能使婚姻变得圣洁,只有被爱情圣洁化了的婚姻都才是真正的婚姻。 Only love can make marriage holy. Only marriages sanctified by love are real marriages. 26、你是找感情的,我是找婚姻的!我们俩就走岔道了! You are looking for love, I am looking for marriage! We both took a fork in the road! 27、在一定年龄你会理解,也许婚姻久了,爱情就在婚姻的坟墓中死去,剩下的只有义务和亲情。 At a certain age, you will understand that maybe after a long marriage, love will die in the tomb of marriage, leaving only obligations and family ties. 28、婚姻从来不能用来挽救一段破碎的爱情,破碎的爱情只能得到破碎的婚姻。 Marriage can never be used to save a broken love, broken love can only be broken marriage. 29、婚姻怎么选都是错的,长久的婚姻就是将错就错。 Marriage is wrong in any way, and long-term marriage is wrong in any way. 30、她可以把整个生命交给爱情,但是却不能把婚姻交给自己。 She can give her whole life to love, but she can"t give her marriage to herself. 31、美好的婚姻是充耳不闻的丈夫,和视而不见的妻子。 A good marriage is a hu *** and who is deaf and a wife who is blind. 32、婚姻如同穿鞋,舒服不舒服,只有脚知道。 Marriage is like wearing shoes, fortable or unfortable, only the feet know. 33、爱情是爱情,婚姻归婚姻,婚姻就是爱情的坟墓。走向坟墓不是走向死亡,而是走向超脱。 Love is love. Marriage belongs to marriage. Marriage is the tomb of love. Towards the grave is not towards death, but towards detachment. 34、如果婚姻是以牺牲自由为代价,这样的婚姻是一定是痛苦的。 If marriage is at the expense of freedom, it must be painful. 35、婚姻犹如一艘雕刻的船,看你怎样去欣赏它,又怎样去驾驶它。 Marriage is like a carved ship. It depends on how you appreciate it and how you drive it. 36、向往婚姻是因为向往爱,如果婚姻无法得到预想中的爱,那么这样的婚姻自然不让人愉悦。 The reason for yearning for marriage is yearning for love. If marriage can not get the expected love, then such marriage is naturally not pleasant. 37、没有爱情的婚姻是不幸福的,而没有房子的婚姻则更不幸福。 Marriage without love is unhappy, but marriage without house is even more unhappy. 38、婚姻就像打篮球,有进攻,有防守,有的时候还要有假动作。 Marriage is like playing basketball, offensive, defensive, and sometimes fake. 39、现在的婚姻都得建立在物质的基础上,没有物质的婚姻,一推就倒。 Now marriage must be based on material basis, no material marriage, push it down. 40、婚姻是一座围城,城外的人想进去,城里的人想出来。 Marriage is a siege, people outside the city want to go in, people in the city want to e out. 41、在我这年龄,没有婚姻的爱情,或没有爱情的婚姻,都让我从灵魂深处中觉得恶心! At my age, love without marriage, or marriage without love, makes me sick from the depths of my soul! 42、婚姻是爱情另一个起点。 Marriage is another starting point of love. 43、没有爱情的婚姻是不道德的婚姻,仅有爱情的婚姻是不现实的婚姻。 Marriage without love is immoral. Marriage without love is unrealistic. 44、爱情是通往婚姻的桥,婚姻是连接爱情的牢。 Love is the bridge leading to marriage, and marriage is the bond connecting love.
2023-07-17 18:54:431


A troupe of actor2s hired for a haunted house attraction soon find that they are working in a true house of horror.一个演员剧团租用了一个经常有鬼魂出没的房子后很快发现,他们都工作在一间真正令人恐怖的房子。Traumatized by an terrifying event in her youth, Claire Thompson tries to exorcise her demons by revisiting the old house where a terrible children"s massacre took place. Now a haunted house attraction set up by impressario Walston Rey, the former foster home run by the evil Miss Darrode is set to open for the press and Walston recruits Claire and several of her fellow acting class students to perform as part of the show. Unfortunately, a series of horrible murders happen at the haunted house, generating from the malevolent spirit of the departed Miss Darrode. A group of young actor2s is recruited to work for the Dark House, a new haunted house attraction built by impresario, Walston Rey. His revolutionary new holographic system projects images of monsters throughout the house in an infinite number of variations.Walston has deliberately chosen a house which fourteen years before was the scene of a grizzly massacre perpetrated by Ms. Darode. Slowly the group begins to realize that things are not what they appear. The house locks down and the attractions begin to attack the actor2s with murderous intent as they frantically work to shut down the system and understand what happening. Could it all be just a computer malfunction and an attempt to ruin Walston or has the spirit of Ms. Darode returned to take care of some unfinished business...A group of hot young drama students are recruited to work in a new haunted house attraction by flamboyant, impresario Walston Rey (Jeffrey Combs), whose revolutionary holographic system allows monstrous creations to be projected in an infinite number of scenarios. As a marketing Ploy, the house Walston has chosen was once the scene of seven horrible and gruesome murders committed by Janet Darrode. Now Darrode"s angry spirit wants to continue her killing spree by hideously murdering each student in diabolically insidious ways!
2023-07-17 18:55:191


  Mr. President,  No man thinks more highly than I do of the patriotism, as well as abilities, of the very worthy gentlemen who have just addressed the House. But different men often see the same subject in different lights; and, therefore, I hope it will not be thought disrespectful to those gentlemen if, entertaining as I do opinions of a character very opposite to theirs, I shall speak forth my sentiments freely and without reserve. This is no time for ceremony. The questing before the House is one of awful moment to this country. For my own part, I consider it as nothing less than a question of freedom or slavery; and in proportion to the magnitude of the subject ought to be the freedom of the debate. It is only in this way that we can hope to arrive at truth, and fulfill the great responsibility which we hold to God and our country. Should I keep back my opinions at such a time, through fear of giving offense, I should consider myself as guilty of treason towards my country, and of an act of disloyalty toward the Majesty of Heaven, which I revere above all earthly kings.  Mr. President, it is natural to man to indulge in the illusions of hope. We are apt to shut our eyes against a painful truth, and listen to the song of that siren till she transforms us into beasts. Is this the part of wise men, engaged in a great and arduous struggle for liberty? Are we disposed to be of the number of those who, having eyes, see not, and, having ears, hear not, the things which so nearly concern their temporal salvation? For my part, whatever anguish of spirit it may cost, I am willing to know the whole truth; to know the worst, and to provide for it.  I have but one lamp by which my feet are guided, and that is the lamp of experience. I know of no way of judging of the future but by the past. And judging by the past, I wish to know what there has been in the conduct of the British ministry for the last ten years to justify those hopes with which gentlemen have been pleased to solace themselves and the House. Is it that insidious smile with which our petition has been lately received? Trust it not, sir; it will prove a snare to your feet. Suffer not yourselves to be betrayed with a kiss. Ask yourselves how this gracious reception of our petition comports with those warlike preparations which cover our waters and darken our land. Are fleets and armies necessary to a work of love and reconciliation? Have we shown ourselves so unwilling to be reconciled that force must be called in to win back our love? Let us not deceive ourselves, sir. These are the implements of war and subjugation; the last arguments to which kings resort. I ask gentlemen, sir, what means this martial array, if its purpose be not to force us to submission? Can gentlemen assign any other possible motive for it? Has Great Britain any enemy, in this quarter of the world, to call for all this accumulation of navies and armies? No, sir, she has none. They are meant for us: they can be meant for no other. They are sent over to bind and rivet upon us those chains which the British ministry have been so long forging. And what have we to oppose to them? Shall we try argument? Sir, we have been trying that for the last ten years. Have we anything new to offer upon the subject? Nothing. We have held the subject up in every light of which it is capable; but it has been all in vain. Shall we resort to entreaty and humble supplication? What terms shall we find which have not been already exhausted? Let us not, I beseech you, sir, deceive ourselves. Sir, we have done everything that could be done to avert the storm which is now coming on. We have petitioned; we have remonstrated; we have supplicated; we have prostrated ourselves before the throne, and have implored its interposition to arrest the tyrannical hands of the ministry and Parliament. Our petitions have been slighted; our remonstrances have produced additional violence and insult; our supplications have been disregarded; and we have been spurned, with contempt, from the foot of the throne! In vain, after these things, may we indulge the fond hope of peace and reconciliation. There is no longer any room for hope. If we wish to be free-- if we mean to preserve inviolate those inestimable privileges for which we have been so long contending--if we mean not basely to abandon the noble struggle in which we have been so long engaged, and which we have pledged ourselves never to abandon until the glorious object of our contest shall be obtained--we must fight! I repeat it, sir, we must fight! An appeal to arms and to the God of hosts is all that is left us!  They tell us, sir, that we are weak; unable to cope with so formidable an adversary. But when shall we be stronger? Will it be the next week, or the next year? Will it be when we are totally disarmed, and when a British guard shall be stationed in every house? Shall we gather strength by irresolution and inaction? Shall we acquire the means of effectual resistance by lying supinely on our backs and hugging the delusive phantom of hope, until our enemies shall have bound us hand and foot? Sir, we are not weak if we make a proper use of those means which the God of nature hath placed in our power. The millions of people, armed in the holy cause of liberty, and in such a country as that which we possess, are invincible by any force which our enemy can send against us. Besides, sir, we shall not fight our battles alone. There is a just God who presides over the destinies of nations, and who will raise up friends to fight our battles for us. The battle, sir, is not to the strong alone; it is to the vigilant, the active, the brave. Besides, sir, we have no election. If we were base enough to desire it, it is now too late to retire from the contest. There is no retreat but in submission and slavery! Our chains are forged! Their clanking may be heard on the plains of Boston! The war is inevitable--and let it come! I repeat it, sir, let it come.  It is in vain, sir, to extenuate the matter. Gentlemen may cry, Peace, Peace-- but there is no peace. The war is actually begun! The next gale that sweeps from the north will bring to our ears the clash of resounding arms! Our brethren are already in the field! Why stand we here idle? What is it that gentlemen wish? What would they have? Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty or give me death!  不自由,毋宁死!(l775 年3 月23 日)  议长先生:  我比任何人更钦佩刚刚在议会上发言的先生们的爱国精神和才能。但是,对同一事物的看法往往因人而异。因此,尽管我的观点与他们截然不同,我还是要毫无保留地、自由地予以阐述,并且希望不要因此而被视作对先生们的不敬。现在不是讲客气的时候。摆在会议代表们面前的问题关系到国家的存亡。我认为,这是关系到享受自由还是蒙受奴役的大问题,而且正由于它事关重大,我们的辩论就必须做到各抒己见。只有这样,我们才有可能弄清事实真相,才能不辜负上帝和祖国赋予我们的重任。在这种时刻,如果怕冒犯别人而闭口不言,我认为就是叛国,就是对比世间所有国君更为神圣的上帝的不忠。  议长先生,对希望抱有幻觉是人的天性。我们易于闭起眼睛不愿正视痛苦的现实,并倾听海妖惑人的歌声,让她把我们化作禽兽。在为自由而进行艰苦卓绝的斗争中,这难道是有理智的人的作为吗?难道我们愿意成为对获得自由这样休戚相关的事视而不见,充耳不闻的人吗?就我来说,无论在精神上有多么痛苦,我仍然愿意了解全部事实真相和最坏的事态,并为之做好充分准备。  我只有一盏指路明灯,那就是经验之灯。除了过去的经验,我没有什么别的方法可以判断未来。而依据过去的经验,我倒希望知道,10 年来英国政府的所作所为,凭什么足以使各位先生有理由满怀希望,并欣然用来安慰自己和议会?难道就是最近接受我们请愿时的那种狡诈的微笑吗?不要相信这种微笑,先生,事实已经证明它是你们脚边的陷阶。不要被人家的亲吻出卖吧!请你们自问,接受我们请愿时的和气亲善和遍布我们海陆疆域的大规模备战如何能够相称?难道出于对我们的爱护与和解,有必要动用战舰和军队吗?难道我们流露过决不和解的愿望,以至为了赢回我们的爱,而必须诉诸武力吗?我们不要再欺骗自己了,先生。这些都是战争和征服的工具,是国王采取的最后论辩手段。我要请问先生们,这些战争部署如果不是为了迫使我们就范,那又意味着什么?哪位先生能够指出有其他动机?难道在世界的这一角,还有别的敌人值得大不列颠如此兴师动众,集结起庞大的海陆武装吗?不,先生们,没有任何敌人了。一切都是针对我们的,而不是别人。他们是派来给我们套紧那条由英国政府长期以来铸造的锁链的。我们应该如何进行抵抗呢?还靠辩论吗?先生,我们已经辩论了10 年了。难道还有什么新的御敌之策吗?没有了。我们已经从各方面经过了考虑,但一切都是枉然。难道我们还要苦苦哀告,卑词乞求吗?难道我们还有什么更好的策略没有使用过吗?先生,我请求你们,千万不要再自欺欺人了。为了阻止这场即将来临的风暴,一切该做的都已经做了。我们请愿过,我们抗议过,我们哀求过;我们曾拜倒在英王御座前,恳求他制止国会和内阁的残暴行径。可是,我们的请愿受到蔑视,我们的抗议反而招致更多的镇压和侮辱,我们的哀求被置之不理,我们被轻蔑地从御座边一脚踢开了。事到如今,我们怎么还能沉迷于虚无缥缈的和平希望之中呢?没有任何希望的余地了。假如我们想获得自由,并维护我们长期以来为之献身的崇高权利,假如我们不愿彻底放弃我们多年来的斗争,不获全胜,决不收兵。那么,我们就必须战斗!我再重复一  遍,我们必须战斗!我们只有诉诸武力,只有求助于万军之主的上帝。  议长先生,他们说我们太弱小了,无法抵御如此强大的敌人。但是我们何时才能强大起来?是下周,还是明年?难道要等到我们被彻底解除武装,家家户户都驻扎英国士兵的时候?难道我们犹豫迟疑、无所作为就能积聚起力量吗?难道我们高枕而卧,抱着虚幻的希望,待到敌人捆住了我们的手脚,就能找到有效的御敌之策了吗?先生们,只要我们能妥善地利用自然之神赐予我们的力量,我们就不弱小。一旦300 万人民为了神圣的自由事业,在自己的国土上武装起来,那么任何敌人都无法战胜我们。此外,我们并非孤军作战,公正的上帝主宰着各国的命运,他将号召朋友们为我们而战。先生们,战争的胜利并非只属于强者。它将属于那些机警、主动和勇敢的人们。何况我们已经别无选择。即使我们没有骨气,想退出战斗,也为时已晚。退路已经切断,除非甘受屈辱和奴役。囚禁我们的枷锁已经铸成。叮铛的镣铐声已经在波士顿草原上回响。战争已经无可避免——让它来吧!我重复一遍,先生,让它来吧!企图使事态得到缓和是徒劳的。各位先生可以高喊:和平!和平!但根本不存在和平。战斗实际上已经打响。从北方刮来的风暴将把武器的锉锵回响传到我们耳中。我们的弟兄已经奔赴战场!我们为什么还要站在这里袖手旁观呢?先生们想要做什么?他们会得到什么?难道生命就这么可贵,和平就这么甜蜜,竟值得以镣铐和奴役作为代价?全能的上帝啊,制止他们这样  做吧!我不知道别人会如何行事;至于我,不自由,毋宁死!  亨利对美国独立革命,尤其对人权法案有着不可替代的功绩。他是不可置疑的英雄人物,美国的开创者之一。他坚持反对强大的中央政府,拒绝了华盛顿让他担任国务卿的邀请,还拒绝担任最高法院的大法官等职位。有人说如果他的理念在当时得到实现,后来的内战就不会发生了,因为按他的理念不会出现“国家统一”也就没有维护国家统一的必要了。亨利是个坚持个人信念,不追逐名利的人,为此他得到了人们的敬佩。在看到了法国革命的疯狂后,他的政治观点有所改变,最终成为联邦主义者,可惜太晚了,那些被他拒绝的政府职位都已有主了,而他也老了。  一七九九年六月六日,帕特里克亨利,这位名垂青史的“美国革命之舌”,走到了生命的尽头。他被葬在弗吉尼亚的红山,他家族的墓地。亨利是一位英雄,他不追求权势名利,他是个不愿受压迫反抗暴政的英雄。难能可贵是,在他可以轻易获得权势的时候,为了自己的追求他选择了拒绝。美国是世界上第一个真正意义上的现代国家。美国能有今天,正是因为它拥有帕特里克亨利这样的英雄。
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  在高中的英语课本上,你们学到的关于专心于的英语短语有?下面是我给大家整理的专心于的英语短语,供大家参阅!   专心于的英语短语   pay attention to   focus on   pay attention to的英语例句   1. You should always pay attention to personal grooming.   你应随时注意个人仪容。   2. You must pay attention to this problem before every thing.   你应该首先注意这个问题.   3. Say your piece out and pay attention to our feelings.   把你的话都讲出来,并注意我们的情绪.   4. The teacher told the student to pay attention to his spelling.   老师提醒那个学生要注意拼法.   5. Oppose extravagant eating and drinking and pay attention to thrift and economy.   反对大吃大喝,注意节约.   6. In doing our work, we must pay attention to ways and means.   做工作应注意方式方法.   7. Don"t just keep slogging away. Pay attention to method.   别一个劲儿傻干, 要讲究方法.   8. I don"t pay attention to such gossip.   我才不理那些闲话呢.   9. Pay attention to traffic regulations.   注意交通规则.   10. Pay attention to your spelling.   请注意拼写.   11. People in the United States want the president to pay attention to Middle America.   美国民众希望总统关注美国的中产阶级。   12. It is bad for us to pay attention to one side and neglect the other.   只顾一方面,不顾其他方面,会对我们不利.   13. Don"t pay attention to anything he says. He lies like a gas meter.   不要理睬他的话,他一味撒谎.   14. Pay attention to traffic safety ; slow down , look around and then go ahead.   一慢二看三通过.   15. He was unable to pay attention to the papers on his desk. Just the same, he pulled over the stack of papers and started to examine them.   他的心不在桌子上的那一摞试卷上,尽管如此,他还是拽过来开始评阅。   focus on的双语例句   1. Their talks are expected to focus on arms control.   他们的会谈预计会集中讨论军备控制问题。   2. They focus on overt discrimination rather than insidious aspects of racism.   他们关注的是公开的歧视,而不是种族主义的一些潜在问题。   3. His administration"s economic policy would focus on reining in inflation.   他的政府的经济政策将侧重于控制通货膨胀。   4. Throughout the exercise, focus on keeping your abs tight.   整个锻炼过程中,注意要紧绷腹肌。   5. Focus on making a short, firm follow-through.   集中精力完成简短而有力的随球动作。   6. Focus on the feeling of relaxation.   全身心体会放松的感觉。   7. We"re going to focus on the relationship between freedom and necessity.   我们将集中讨论自由和必要性之间的关系这一问题.   8. Today we"re going to focus on the question of homeless people.   今天,我们主要讨论无家可归者的问题.   9. He said his sudden focus on foreign policy was not motivated by presidential politics.   他说他突然关注外交政策并非受总统政治的驱使。   10. His eyes slowly began to focus on what looked like a small dark ball.   他的眼睛慢慢开始看清楚那个看上去像是个小黑球的东西。   11. What I"m going to do in this lecture is focus on something very specific.   我在今天的讲座中将主要探讨一些非常具体的问题。   12. It took an extraordinary effort to focus on preparing his classes or correcting his students" work.   备课和批改学生的作业花费了他很多精力。   13. The work should focus on helping parents to let go of their children.   工作应以协助父母放松对子女的管教为重点。   14. To harvest oil and gas profitably from the North Sea, it must focus on the exploitation of small reserves as the big wells run dry.   随着大型油井的枯竭,要想从北海的石油和天然气开采中盈利,必须着力于开采小储量的油井。   15. Students should resist the temptation to focus on exams alone.   学生们应当抵制诱惑,集中精力备考。   
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Do you shoot the messenger? 波斯信使综合征

读到查理·芒格1995年在哈佛法学院的演讲稿时遇到个短语: Persian messenger syndrome 波斯信使综合征 “… And all these psychological tendencies work largely or entirely on a subconscious level, which makes them very insidious. Now you"ve got Persian messenger syndrome . The Persians really did kill the messenger who brought the bad news.” (Munger, C. (1995, June).) 这个短语和我们中国的成语、谚语一样有背后的小故事。在查阅了很多资料之后(但我还是理不清楚波斯和雅典之间的历史恩怨),这个故事的大意是这样的: 从前有一个波斯的国王,他无法接受信使们带回来的坏消息,每次听到负面消息他的第一反应是杀了那个信使,而不是根据收到的消息采取行动。久而久之,信使们不再给他带回负面消息,国王沉浸在好消息好消息筑成的幻觉中。由于国王一直听不到负面消息,连敌人发起进攻的消息他也不知道,最后亡国了。 于是,形容有人不能接受负面消息而怪罪于带来消息的信使,就说这个人有Persian messenger syndrome. 如果是劝诫人们不要怪罪于传达消息的人,可以说 "don"t kill/shoot the messenger". 例句: Don"t shoot the messenger. I"m just telling you what I heard. 虽然和中国的俗话“两国交战,不斩来使”有点相似,但是这两个短语的源头略有不同,语义也不同。 (首发于自己的公众号 bridge_culture) 参考资料: Munger, C. (1995, June). The Psychology of Human Misjudgment. Speech presented in Harvard Law School.
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场景六从洛杉矶CID罗德里哥大人扎心通过这样一个无法预料的和致命的打击,不幸的是争议复仇者和不公平的命运悲惨的受害者,我不能加入,我目瞪口呆的灵魂!这样的重量下汇。所以在看到我的爱回来,神阿!的痛苦。这是我父亲的冒犯,和Ximena的父亲已经冒犯了他!什么在战斗激烈!我的荣誉,拿起武器反对激情。如果我为他报仇,然后我要失去她。我在一个火。其他拥有我。可耻的选择是出卖我的爱或生活在耻辱。在任何情况下,我的悲伤是无限的。神阿!的痛苦。我没有离开侮辱或惩罚我亲爱的父亲。父亲,亲爱的,爱的荣耀,贵族和严厉的约束,甜蜜的暴虐;我的快乐会死,或受损的是我的名字。一个让我可怜的,一个不适合居住的。一个有抱负的灵魂的灵魂的深爱亲爱的残酷的希望—我的巨大的幸福,O O敌人的剑,我悲伤的原因,你能帮我实现复仇,或是为了确保Ximena的失去了我?更好的去死。我的职责是我心爱的,太。以复仇,她恨我赚或愤怒,而且,没有报复,我挣的蔑视。一个让我亲爱的希望不忠实的,一个配不上她。我的病增加如果我寻求治疗。一切肿了我的悲伤。来吧,我的灵魂,既然我们已经死的死让至少不冒犯她。死而复仇!寻求死亡的致命的我的名声!受西班牙品牌的记忆与肮脏的耻辱,不尊重我!珍惜还是爱我的疯狂的灵魂知道我一定会输!我关闭我的耳朵,这些阴险的想法,这只是风绝望。来吧,至少挽救我的荣誉,强壮的右臂,毕竟Ximena的损失是肯定的。是的,我错了。我的责任是我的父亲,而不是她。我是否死于剑或破碎的心,我会将我的血液在我的出生一样纯洁。我自己太疏忽税。让我们赶紧复仇;深深的羞愧动摇,让我们不要再犹豫,因为它是我父亲的冒犯和Ximena的父亲已经冒犯了他
2023-07-17 18:55:591

in our daily lives?生活复数形式?为什么?

2023-07-17 18:56:523


Prison BreakAn engineer (Wentworth Miller) installs himself in a prison he helped design, in order to help his brother (Dominic Purcell), a death-row inmate who insists he did not commit the crime for which he has been sentenced to die and help him escape. Written by IMDb Editors Lincoln Burrows is on death row for the murder of the vice president"s brother. He insists he"s innocent and only his brother Michael Scofield believes him. As an engineer who helped design the prison where Lincoln is being held, Michael takes drastic measures to help his brother. He gets himself arrested and sent to the same prison so that with his knowledge of the building the two of them can escape together. However, while inside, Michael discovers a massive conspiracy that is determined to see Lincoln"s sentence carried out. Breaking out will be more difficult than he thought, but he"s still going to try. Written by rmlohner LostOceanic Flight 815 out of Sydney, Australia is mysteriously brought down out of the sky, crashing on an uncharted island somewhere in the Pacific Ocean. The survivors quickly learn they must band together in order to have any hope of rescue, because the island is treacherous and holds many secrets. As they are about to learn, the survivors have secrets of their own . . .In the show"s third season, Jack, Kate, and Sawyer have been captured by the mysterious Others. Forced to live in their encampment, they learn more of the island"s secrets and realize their enemies have an agenda all of their own. Meanwhile, Locke is brought back into communion with the island as it wraps him closer into its own insidious plot. The show has announced it will run for three more seasons (A total of 6) of 16 episodes and end in 2010.
2023-07-17 18:57:002

selfish medina 歌词

Medina SelfishI"m gonna take you with me to vanilla sky"s*Embrace me I"m gonna take you oh so highI wanna use you up i want to exploreSo when I"m done with you I know your gonna beg for moreWhatever I want whatever I need I"m gunna take ya take ya take yaWhatever I want whatever I need I"m gunna take ya take ya take yaCause I"m selfishI got an ego as high as a mountainI"m selfishI got an ego as big as a mountainCause I"m selfishI got an ego as high as a mountainI"m selfishI got an ego as big as a mountainWhen I tell you to stand over there better be preparedBecause I won"t tell you twice no I won"t tell you twiceCause I"m a queen on my throne and I get anything I wantSo when I tell you to stand over there be preparedWhatever I want whatever I need I"m gonna take ya take ya take yaWhatever I crave insidious taste I"m wanna take yaCause I"m selfishI got an ego as high as a mountainI"m selfishI got an ego as big as a mountainCause I"m selfishI got an ego as high as a mountainI"m selfishI got an ego as big as a mountainI slowly ware you down and weaken all your sensesAnd there"s no disguise its clear your losing your religion to meI"m selfish yeahCause I"m selfishBaby I got an ego as high as a mountainI"m selfishI got an ego as big as a mountainCause I"m selfishI"m so selfish babyI got an ego as high as a mountainI"m selfishI got an ego as big as a mountain
2023-07-17 18:57:072

谁能翻译一下这首歌的歌词?满好听的 《the king and fair maid》

It was a beautiful evening in May 那是五月的一个良宵 fa la lan di da da da (无意义,歌谣口语) A lady was walking along somewhere 一位女士独自走在大道 fa la lan di da The king and his soldiers came riding along 国王和他的卫兵骑着高头大马驾到 fa la lan di da da da They"ve been away from home so long 他们走出王宫可太遥 fa la lan di da She was young and fair 她呀年轻又曼妙 fan da lam fa lan da da The birds were singing in the air 鸟儿在天空微笑 fan di da fa lan di da (X2) They suddenly stopped when they spied the maid 那帮家伙一看见这位女士就停道 fa la lan di da da da Why are you walking alone so late “你干嘛这么晚了还自个儿走哇?” fa la lan di da I"am on my way from my grandma"s home “臣妾正从祖母家回来。” fa la lan di da da da They said this was a dangerous place to roam 他们说这可是危险去处 fa la lan di da So come with me to my castle grand “所以呀,你不如跟我一块回我的城堡去吧” fa la lan di da da da He smiled at her and kissed her hand 国王微笑着亲吻她的纤手 fa la lan di da) There"s one condition before I agree “要我同意还得说件事” fa la lan di da da da The thing between you legs I"d like to see “我还要看看你两腿间的花哨”(笑) fa la lan di da The king did blush and dismounted his horse 国王红了脸,下了马 fa la lan di da da da He wanted to take the lady by force 他现在真个暴跳 fa la la di da She jumped upon his horse so quick 说时迟那时快,她一下子就跳上了马 fa la lan di da da da He soon realised it"s a insidious trick 国王很快发现着了道道 fa la lan di da For one, my king, you"re generous and fine “我的王呀我的王,你真慷慨又大方” fa la lan di da da da It"s been between your legs and not between mine “那是你两腿间的又不是我” fa la lan di da (X2) And then she went away 说完她转身策马跑掉 fan da lam fa lan da da Over the hills and far away 瞬间就翻过山那畔呀山那畔 fan di da fa lan di da(X2)
2023-07-17 18:57:141


5, facial expressions Human feelings or desires in the form of physical acts inadvertently demonstrated changes, and changes in the use of facial make more of their number is difficult. Relatively eyes, he is easier to identify other feelings, attitudes clue. All the positive and negative without disguise, positive and negative, and refusal to accept such expressions happen and facial expressions to communicate the importance of universally recognized, but he is the multicultural content immeasurable. Second World War, the Jewish people from Nazi partisans of Rwanda into the vicious and insidious expression, then one can know the tragic fate of the Jews; From the last white South African blacks despised sight, then we can understand the social status of black South Africans. Feelings expressed in the cultural context is learned, and their performance as a result of the different culture and different. Han nationality arrived at 04:40, only smiling faces greet reasonable, and the United States Indian tribe has nothing to meet guest. In some cultures, smack one"s lips She is recognized that; In Chinese culture, said Youziyouwei; In the British, had no taste; In many Mediterranean countries, is exaggerated pain and sorrow of the signs. Smiling is the most beneficial interpersonal facial expressions. Bai Juyi"s famous line "Looking back at the end and 100 Laughs, Liugong no colour cosmetics" and write the most delicate expression results. As Adams said, "When you smile when others will be more like you." Not only happy smiling faces and friendly, can also impart an apology and understanding of information. And slam the brakes on a bus from the others feet, smiled on to say "I"m sorry." For building or collision with strangers, smile to each other to express themselves without hostility. Service industries were often with smiling faces and friendly welcome is expressed. Asians more implicit feelings are not easily exposed, unlike Westerners, especially Latin of people, can see the show .... Chinese people are used to cover up his face feelings, and not reveal feelings. Chinese saying "watch him work" and "an ugly face" will be more of the wonderful facial expressions used in the realm. Therefore, "checking" and "to read ones" face" has become an essential tool for cross-cultural communication. East-West differences are powerful words from various cultural differences, and from a variety of cultural identity. Not only have the character and culture, and also has times worldwide. In actual communication, people will find that not only the people of different countries and non-national language communication acts different, even the same country and the nation were not acts of non-linguistic communication is the same, even in the same area in different occupations and different age levels and different levels of people are vastly different between. In cross-cultural communication, we must clearly understand the language of communication with non-cultural relations. Culture and the vast majority of non-linguistic communication are learned and acquired from the long history and cultural history which is a common social custom. The relationship between, Samowa (Samova) that are cultural and non-linguistic communication, and many are non-linguistic culture of learned behaviour results; It is the behaviour of non-linguistic formation and the effect is often determined by a certain cultural environment. Thus non-language communication and cultural understanding of the relationship between critical. Different culture, communication rules are also different, exchanges between people of different cultures, is a cultural misunderstanding and conflict. Thus, cross-cultural communication is the key to the success or failure of the correct treatment of cultural differences tirelessly to exclude cultural superiority, cultural stereotypes and cultural differences interference, the right of people to have the right, mutual respect, equal exchanges, and constantly enhance cross-cultural awareness. Only in this way can be successful cross-cultural communication.
2023-07-17 18:57:222

求几个超恐怖的电影 要恐怖的不要血腥 例如(炭烧凶咒) 什么咒怨这种垃圾电影就别给我发了 国语优先

死神来了 惊声尖叫
2023-07-17 18:57:316


去查单词吧, 一个一个查。。。。
2023-07-17 18:57:497


Lookism 外貌主义
2023-07-17 18:58:052


1、生死之交天不罕有。 Each day is not rare. 2、我们会是彼此的信仰。 We will be each other"s beliefs. 3、今日乐相乐,别后莫相忘。 Today, Le Xiangle, after Mo forget. 4、交心不交面,从此重相忆。 The heart does not pay, then re recall. 5、未言心相醉,不再接杯酒。 Heart is not drunk, no longer take a cup of wine. 6、桃花潭水深千尺,不及汪伦送我情。 Profound friendship a thousand feet deep, less than Wang Lun gave me love. 7、人生交契无老少,论交何必先同调。 Life without bond and, on why the first cross homology. 8、人生结交在终始,莫为升沉中路分。 Life is make in the end, not for the heave road. 9、友情能够使喜悦加倍,能使悲伤减半。 Friendship can double the joy and half the sorrow. 10、朋友间保持一定的距离,能使友谊永存。 Between friends to maintain a certain distance, can make friendship forever. 11、前共你促膝把酒通宵都不我有痛快你有有。 Before you can drink all night don"t I have the time you have. 12、说吃亏就是廉价的人,多半不是吃亏的人。 Said the disadvantage is that cheap people, most people are not at a disadvantage. 13、从人生中拿走友谊,犹如从生活中移走阳光。 To take friendship from your life is to move away from your life. 14、朋友就是知道你所有的缺点还坚持喜欢你的人! A friend is someone who knows all your faults and who you are! 15、财富并非永远的朋友,但朋友却是永远的财富。 Wealth is not always a friend, but a friend is always a treasure. 16、让生命的书页,永远记住点然过心灵的温暖阳光。 Let the pages of your life always remember the warmth of the sun. 17、友情,它到底是什么?他只是一种感情,一种收获。 Friendship, which in the end is what? He is just a kind of feeling, a kind of harvest. 18、要想成功你需要的朋友,要想非常成功你需要的敌人。 To succeed you need a friend, to be very successful you need the enemy. 19、美丽人生是机遇和汗水的结合,是勇敢和智慧的结晶。 Beautiful life is the combination of opportunity and sweat, is the crystallization of courage and wisdom. 20、城阙辅三秦,风烟望五津。与君离别意,同是宦游人。 The city of Shaanxi at five air que DES, tianjin. And the king of parting is over. 21、海内存知己,天涯若比邻。无为在岐路,儿女共沾巾。 A bosom friend, Tianya zorpia. Inaction in the way, children with towel. 22、只要还有一点记忆,一点机缘,一个故事就会永远永远。 As long as there is a little memory, a little chance, a story will always be forever. 23、美好的友情,就像那一缕芳香,会把你引向清新的世界。 A good friendship, like the fragrance, will lead you to a fresh world. 24、想知道它到底是什么东西吗?那你只有自己去亲身体验了! Do you want to know what it is? Then you have to experience it yourself! 25、挥起走别说再见,只因心中那份永远的期待和永远的怀念。 With go say goodbye, because the heart of that always look forward to and never miss. 26、在这充满温馨的季节里,给你我真挚的祝福及深深的思念。 In such a soft and warm season, please accept my sincere blessing and deep concern for you. 27、虽然这只是一张小小的纸片,但它凝聚着我无限的翔与着恋。 Although this is only a small piece of paper, but it is the cohesion of my infinite and love. 28、在欢乐时,朋友们会认识我们;在患难时,我们会认识朋友。 When we are happy, our friends know us; we can know our friends when we are in trouble. 29、有一种感觉不因时光而流逝,有一种友谊,不因距离而拉长。 There is a feeling not because of the passage of time, there is a kind of friendship, not because of distance and long. 30、朋友就像一把雨伞,无论晴天或雨天,都会永远陪伴在你身旁。 A friend is like an umbrella, no matter whether it is sunny or rainy, it will always be with you. 31、友情不要求什么,但是,它有一种温暖,是我们都能体会到的。 Friendship does not require anything, but, it has a kind of warmth, is that we can realize. 32、纵使你的足迹踏遍天涯海角,走过千山万水,我将永远记住你。 Even if you traveled to the remotest corners of the globe, through the numerous hills and streams, I will always remember you. 33、很远了,还看到你挥动的手,也许不是你,但我宁愿相信是你。 Very far away, but also to see you waving the hand, maybe not you, but I would rather believe that it is you. 34、知音,不需多言,要用心去交流;友谊,不能言表,要用心去品尝。 Friend, do not need to say more, to work hard to exchange; friendship, not words to heart to taste. 35、放出自己,不要隐藏,抛出所有的情感,友谊的力量让你得到释放。 Release yourself, don"t hide, throw all the emotions, the power of friendship let you get released. 36、思念是多情的海滩,将我丝丝思念化作暖暖的祝福,捎给远方的你。 Miss is a sentimental beach, my thoughts into a warm blessing, sent to you in the distance. 37、一份不渝的友谊,执着千万个祝福,给我想念的朋友,温馨的问候。 For our ever lasting friendship send sincere blessings to my friends, warm greetings. 38、那它到底是什么东西呢?你只有付出关爱,付出真诚才能得到的东西。 So what exactly is it? You only pay for what you get. 39、与朋友在一起,分担的痛苦是减半的痛苦,分享的快乐是加倍的快乐。 With friends, sharing the pain is half the pain, to share the joy of double happiness. 40、即使我们只会拥有一个短暂的相遇和短暂的默契,有我们也便是永恒了。 Even if we only have a short meeting and a brief understanding, we will be forever. 41、这本同学录,将是我生活的影子,它真诚的记下我的所有值得回忆的事。 This classmate, will be the shadow of my life, it is sincere to write down all my memories of things. 42、那以往的同窗生活,是一串冰糖葫芦,那迷人的甜与酸将永远回味不完。 Classmate that past life, is a bunch of ice Tomatoes on sticks, that charming sweet and sour will never finish up. 43、回首昨天,应问心无愧;面对今天,应信心百倍;展望未来,应倍加珍惜。 Yesterday, we should have a clear conscience; face today, should be confident; in the future, we should cherish. 44、友谊是最圣洁的灵物,她既会在同性中生根发芽,也会在异性中开花结果。 Friendship is the most holy things, she will not only take root in the same sex, will bear fruit in the opposite sex. 45、离别虽然久长,而你那形象仿佛是一灿烂发亮的光点一直在我的心中闪烁。 Although the long long farewell, and your image is like a bright spot has been flashing in my mind. 46、愿您做个好梦!每天好心情!勇敢的去面对每一天,因为太阳每天都是新的。 May you have a good dream! Good mood every day! Brave to face every day, because the sun is new every day. 47、在友谊面前,人与人之间,犹如星与星之间,不是彼此妨碍,而是互相照耀。 In the face of friendship, between people, like stars and stars, not one another, but mutual shine. 48、走在沙漠上的人,希望有甘甜的泉水;在逆境中拼搏的人,渴望有诚挚的友谊。 Walking in the desert, I hope there is a sweet spring water; in the face of adversity, eager to have a sincere friendship. 49、风起,绵绵的牵挂;云涌,柔柔的思念;雨来,细细的倾诉;阳光,暖暖的微笑! The wind, rain, clouds, gentle care; thoughts; careful talk; rain, sunshine, warm smile! 50、人生路上何须惆怅,天涯海角总有知音。把握机会珍惜缘份,祝愿我们友谊长存。 On the road of life will be melancholy, there are friends in the remotest corners of the globe. Grasp the opportunity to cherish the fate, wish our friendship forever. 51、回忆总是选择最美的一页,那些未开的蓓蕾,只是青春的另一个注解,无怨无悔。 Always remember to choose the most beautiful one, the unopened bud, just another annotation of youth, no regrets. 52、纵然岁月流逝,空间分隔了我们,时间冲散了你我,但关怀祝福之心却长伴左右。 Despite the passage of time, space of our time away but I care you, blessing heart but with long. 53、平淡的时光,平淡的故事,只是不知这雨夜又该有多少紫色的落寞闪现于你的梦中。 Plain time, plain story, but I do not know how much this rainy night should the lonely purple flash in your dreams. 54、或许是一阵风雨的洗礼,才使得心与心之间的碰撞更为清脆响亮,更为精彩晶莹绚丽。 May be a storm of wind and rain, it makes the heart and heart of the collision between the more clear and loud, more brilliant brilliant. 55、同样一件事,上一次当,可以怨恨他人阴险狡诈,上当第二次,则要怪自己愚昧无知。 The same thing, once, can hate others insidious, taken second times, is to blame myself benighted. 56、一个人要说的尽兴,必需要另一个人听得入神。善言能赢得听众,善听才干赢得朋友。 A person to say one will need another person listening attentively. Good words to win the audience, good listening to win friends. 57、茫茫人海就像一片戈壁滩,就是滩中的沙砾,不过有你做伴使我不再感到渺小和孤独。 The vast sea is like a piece of Gobi, is the sand beaches, but your company so that I no longer feel small and lonely. 58、寄给你无限怀念,在每一个时刻,为了年轻,为了欢笑,让我们彼此祝福,彼此珍惜。 Send you infinite miss, in every moment, for the sake of youth, in order to laugh, let us bless each other, cherish each other. 59、不论经历多少岁月,不论走过多远路途,我都深深怀念那条路,它曾经引导我与你相遇。 No matter how many years, no matter how far the road, I deeply miss the road, it has guided me to meet you. 60、在这快乐分享的时刻,思念好友的时刻,美梦成真的时刻,祝你—新年快乐,佳节如意。 I wish you a happy new year and a good fortune in the coming year at this happy moment, in a moment when you are missing a friend, a dream come true, and a happy new year. 61、在我们的生活里,曾经有多少个陌生的生命,只是迎面错过,甚至连对望一眼的机会都没有。 In our life, there have been many a strange life, but were missed, even at a chance are not. 62、岁月的年轮,像那黑色的旋转着的唱片,在我们每个人的内心深处播放着那美丽的旧日情曲。 Years of growth rings, like the black rotating record, in the heart of each one of us playing the beautiful old love song. 63、让欠产手牵着手,彼此将一切欢乐和幸福传给对方!我祈祷上苍让欢乐时时刻刻充满我们的时空。 Let the shortfall in output holding hands, each other all the joy and happiness to each other! I pray to the gods let joy always full of our time. 64、心要让你听见,爱要让你看见,不怕承认对你有多眷恋;想你的时候,盼你能收到我的真情留言。 Heart to let you hear, love to let you see, not afraid of recognition of how much you love; think of you, I hope you can receive my sincere message. 65、真正的朋友不会把友谊挂在嘴巴上,不会因为友谊而要求什么,但是相互会为对方做一切办得到事。 A true friend is not going to hang it in your mouth, you don"t ask for it, but it does everything for you. 66、人们常说,战友与同学的友谊是世界上两种最诚挚最永恒的友谊,我们拥有其一,不应该感到幸福么? It is often said that the friendship between comrades in arms and classmates is the world"s two most sincere and eternal friendship, we have one, should not be happy? 67、依照自己的兴趣做事情,按照自己的方法过日子,凭着自己的感觉走自己的路,用真挚的感情交朋友。 According to their own interests to do things, in accordance with their own way to live, with their own feeling to go their own way, with sincere feelings to make friends.
2023-07-17 18:58:251


2023-07-17 18:58:322

英语短语rather than 和instead of有什么区别

2023-07-17 18:58:432


在法律中,solicit 有帮助的意思,字面意思为从某人处获得(某物),其他的意思还有拉客询问什么的都是从其字面意思引申而来的.abet本身只有教唆的意思,但 往往是与aiding and abetting 连用组成词组,意为教唆他人(罪)instigate有煽动的意思,但其字面意思为开始做某事,且也为最常用的意思.
2023-07-17 18:59:063

在计算机搜索问题上OS(object summaries)指什么 求介绍

2023-07-17 18:56:101

英语中的leg 是指小腿还是大腿

整条腿,包括大腿和小腿。(foot 就指脚,鞋子包著的地方,脚板。个人理解)
2023-07-17 18:56:112

vibration 是什么意思

vibration 英[vau026au02c8breu026au0283n] 美[vau026au02c8breu0283u0259n] n. 震动; 摆动; 感受; (偏离平衡位置的) 一次性往复振动; [例句]I am sure I can feel a vibration through the soles of my feet.我敢肯定我能感到脚底下有震动。[其他] 复数:vibrations
2023-07-17 18:56:141

Moreover ,in addition to itsbeing …请问这句话主语是什么?

应该主谓宾结构,主语是the railroad,不是its,its是形容词性物主代词,做being的定语。谓语是nurtured;宾语是factory...station;forming...结尾是现在分词短语作伴随状语。in addition to...是介词短语作状语。
2023-07-17 18:55:582


2023-07-17 18:55:585