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2023-07-18 02:16:06
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《The Witches of Eastwick》(John Updike)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读

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书名:The Witches of Eastwick

作者:John Updike

出版社:Random House Trade




Toward the end of the Vietnam era, in a snug little Rhode Island seacoast town, wonderful powers have descended upon Alexandra, Jane, and Sukie, bewitching divorcées with sudden access to all that is female, fecund, and mysterious. Alexandra, a sculptor, summons thunderstorms; Jane, a cellist, floats on the air; and Sukie, the local gossip columnist, turns milk into cream. Their happy little coven takes on new, malignant life when a dark and moneyed stranger, Darryl Van Horne, refurbishes the long-derelict Lenox mansion and invites them in to play. Thenceforth scandal flits through the darkening, crooked streets of Eastwick and through the even darker fantasies of the town"s collective psyche.


John Hoyer Updike was an American writer. Updike"s most famous work is his Rabbit series (Rabbit, Run; Rabbit Redux; Rabbit Is Rich; Rabbit At Rest; and Rabbit Remembered). Rabbit is Rich and Rabbit at Rest both won Pulitzer Prizes for Updike. Describing his subject as "the American small town, Protestant middle class," Updike is well known for his careful craftsmanship and prolific writing, having published 22 novels and more than a dozen short story collections as well as poetry, literary criticism and children"s books. Hundreds of his stories, reviews, and poems have appeared in The New Yorker since the 1950s. His works often explore sex, faith, and death, and their inter-relationships.




2023-07-17 18:30:442


女巫的英文有四种写法∶enchantress( 妖妇,女巫),hag(女妖),sibyl(女预言家,女先知),witch(女巫) fuzhieryi
2023-07-17 18:31:051


crazt bit-aaa-ch
2023-07-17 18:31:215


2023-07-17 18:31:423


分类: 教育/科学 >> 外语学习 问题描述: 单词就行了 解析: 女巫: 1. witch 2. enchantress3. hag 4. sibyl 5. sorceress 6. sybil 7. Pythoness 8. wise woman 9. Circe Examples: 1. 这女巫使公主中了巫术,沉睡了十年。 The witch put the princess under a spell, and she fell asleep for ten years. 2. 女巫对王子施了魔法。 The witch charmed the prince. 3. 当女巫进来时婚礼正进行得热闹。 The wedding was in full swing when the witch came in. 4. 狠心的女巫对孤苦无助的小女孩施发妖术。 The heartless witch cast a spell on the poor little girl. 5. 那个老女巫用魔法迷住了公主,使她长眠不醒。 The wicked old woman bewitched the princess, and she fell into a long sleep. A sorcerer or sorceress. 巫师或女巫 A witch; a sorceress. 女巫;女魔法师 A woman who practices magic; a sorceress. 做法术的女人;女巫 The witch put a curse on him, ie used a curse against him. 女巫念咒诅咒他. The witch charmed the prince. 女巫对王子施了魔法。 The witch turned the prince into a frog. 女巫把王子变成了青蛙。 The witch claims to be able to summon up the spirits of the dead. 女巫声称能唤来死人的灵魂。 An assembly of13 witches. 女巫团由13个女巫组成的聚合 The witch enchanted the princess with magic words. 那个女巫用咒语迷住了公主。 an assembly of witches; usually 13 witches. 女巫大聚会;通常是13个女巫。
2023-07-17 18:31:491


《巫婆》 Witches, The 一部出色的漂亮的怪诞恐怖片全美评论协会、洛杉矶影评人协会最佳女主角奖导演: 尼可拉斯·罗格(《性昏迷》) 主演: 安洁莉卡休斯顿 罗温亚金森 简介:一位新近成为孤儿的九岁男孩跟著奶奶来到英格兰,当祖孙俩在一间旅馆过夜时,却不幸碰撞见一场由高阶女巫(安洁莉卡休斯顿,「现代教父」)领导的巫婆集会,听到她们阴谋计画将全英国的小孩变成老鼠!男孩虽然被女巫变成一只老鼠,却还是努力设法要阻止这些巫婆的邪恶计谋得逞;这部既有趣又吓人的现代童话是改编自罗德戴尔(Roald Dahl)的知名作品,亦是"大青蛙"创始人吉姆韩森(Jim Henson)最後一部担任制作的电影。也指专门从事迷信活动的妇女.
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2023-07-17 18:32:043


《女巫》。《女巫》(The Witches)是由华纳兄弟公司于2020年10月22日推出的奇幻片类影片,该片由罗伯特·泽米吉斯执导,安妮·海瑟薇主演。影片于2020年10月22日在美国上映。该片讲述由安妮·海瑟薇扮演的女巫给小男孩施了魔法,把他变成了一只老鼠。而变形之后的小男孩,则将依靠自己的智慧和朋友的帮助,揭穿女巫阴谋的故事。剧情:1967年,男主角是个年轻的孤儿,他前往阿拉巴马州乡下,和心爱的奶奶一起住,他们遇到了一些光彩夺目、却极其凶险的女巫们,奶奶把他送到了海边。巧合的是,此时世界上最大的巫师聚集了她全球各地的密友们,也来到此处,为了实施自己的邪恶计划。某次他偶遇女巫,被变成了老鼠,他必须尽力阻止她们破坏世界。
2023-07-17 18:32:111


怪物出处1、Werewolf:狼人,当然是出自《狼人》(点击片名可进入影片介绍,下同)、吸血鬼电影系列2、Alien beast:异形,出自《异形》系列,电影最后连异形之母都出来客串了几分钟,呵呵3、Mutants:变态食人魔,出自《致命弯道》4、Wraiths:幽灵,出自《13猛鬼》5、Zombies:僵尸:出自《活死人之夜》等僵尸电影系列6、Reptilicus:怪物,出自《异形再变》(1961)7、Clown:小丑,出自《小丑回魂》(1990)8、Witches:女巫,出自《黑暗降临》(2003)9、Sexy Witches:性感女巫,出自《魔女游戏》(1996)10、Demon:恶鬼,出自《恶灵之夜》(1988)《林中小屋》幕后制作及怪物来源灵感《林中小屋》里地下工作室所处的境遇,基本上代表了美式恐怖片所面临的现状,俗套和模式已经成为一种产业,已经越来越不能满足“上帝”观众的口味,在经历了70、80年代的辉煌之后,21世纪初美式恐怖片处于一个十分尴尬被动的局面。这也导致电影工作者们不断的反思,在市场面前,恐怖片的内涵只体现在了价格层面上而不是价值方面,创新已经成为最昂贵的价值,如何将其价值最大程度的体现,是当下美式恐怖片所要面对的问题。《林中小屋》的剧情设计就像是对美式恐怖电影一次总结性的吐槽,各种预先设计好的桥段被大量采用,使得本片在脱离幕后剧情之刻,看上去与时下不入流的恐怖片别无二致,而正是电影双线的剧情发展,使得幕后剧情这一条线索变得极为颠覆。纵观很多恐怖片,电影制作者们似乎也不想在老传统这条船上混吃等死,于是,在大量不入流的恐怖电影浪潮中,也有那些如《林中小屋》这样具有颠覆性或者存在颠覆和反俗套情节的恐怖片,挑战着传统恐怖片的地位,也可以看做是对美式恐怖片的一次集体嘲讽。
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2023-07-17 18:32:435

文言文 女巫 译文

《The Witches》即《女巫》,其作者罗尔德·达尔(Roald Dahl)近几年在中国似乎很有名气。几年前,曾在书店里见过他的很多童话译本,都那么贵,干脆一本不买。所以,这是我第一次读达尔的童话(以前只读过他的小说)。童话的开头非常有趣,在《关于女巫》(A note about Witches)这一节里,有很多好玩的叙述,比如这两段: She might even--and this will make you jump--she might even be your lovely school-teacher who reading these words to you at this very moment.Look carefully at the teacher.Perhaps she is smiling at the absurdity of such a suggestion.Don"t let that put you off.It could be part of her cleverness. I am not,of course,telling you for one second that your teacher actually is a witch.All I am saying is that she might be one.It is most unlikely.But--and here comes the big "but"--it is not impossible. 我试着翻译了一下(原文的顺序和部分词句被我稍稍变动了一点): 她甚至有可能……甚至有可能是一位对你非常亲切的老师哩!读到这儿,你准会被我的话吓一大跳吧?也许,她现在正在把我的话念给你听呢。好好瞧一瞧这位老师吧!也许,她这会儿正在笑咪咪地瞅着你,想让你把我的话全都当成胡说八道呢。你可千万不能让她把你给涮了,这只不过是她跟你耍的一个小花招。 当然啦,我可没说你的老师管保是一个女巫,我根本就没这么说过。我只是说她有可能是一个女巫。虽然这种可能只有一丁丁点,却(千万别把这个“却”字看漏了)不是连一丁丁点的可能都没有。 在网上查,任溶溶先生曾译过此书,书名就叫《女巫》,译文如下: 她甚至可能正是——你听了真会猛跳起来——这会儿在读这些话给你听的老师。请你仔细看看这位老师。她读到这句荒唐的话时也许还对你微笑呢。别让她的这副样子蒙骗了你。这可能是她的狡猾手法之一。   当然,我丝毫不是说你的老师真是一个女巫。我只是说她可能是一个女巫。百分之九十九点九九九不会。但是——这是极重要的“但是”——也并非绝对不可能。 回头再来说说这本《The Witches》。它的装帧与英文版《夏洛的网》平装本非常象,所以才引起我的注意。拿起来一看,发现版式和用纸也与《夏洛的网》一样,拿在手里轻飘飘的,不像如今出版的时髦童书,就跟孙悟空扛的大芭蕉扇似的。再一看,这是Roald Dahl的作品,便买了下来。书中的插图很天真,希望中文版中也有,不然实在可惜了。 从扉页看,这本书是“特别版”(special edition),书后没有定价,但印了一行小字,大意是说,此书专供校园市场。我想,这种书的售价大概比公开销售的要便宜些,便宜很多也说不定。要是中国的图书也能按照不同读者的购买能力分别定价和销售……咳!这又怎么可能呢?就当我什么都没说吧。
2023-07-17 18:33:131


The Witches
2023-07-17 18:33:395

英文小说《The Witches》讲了一个怎样的故事,给我一个故事摘要。如果有中文译文的链接就更好了。非常感谢

2023-07-17 18:34:051


2023-07-17 18:34:191

谁能帮我找找这部电影,女巫the witches(1990),憨豆先生客串的!

2023-07-17 18:34:393


黑夜传说系列 暮光之城系列 哈利波特系列 神奇的动物1,2
2023-07-17 18:34:484


2023-07-17 18:35:095


2023-07-17 18:35:509


2023-07-17 18:36:064

求妖巫传说The witches的链接或者百度云

2023-07-17 18:36:152

美剧东区女巫 东区女巫搜狐都更新第二季了- - 还在抱着腾讯看..
2023-07-17 18:37:121


Halloween,The eve of All Saints"Day,trick or treatvery short
2023-07-17 18:37:256


2023-07-17 18:37:392

牛津书虫The Witches of Pendle 的介绍

During the 17th century, many people in England believe in witchcraft. A witch can be an old woman, or a young lady----even sometimes can be a man or a boy. But witches are often women. Everybody was afraid of witches, because you will die if the witch say a curse.In 1612,there is a girl called Jennet Device living near the mountain of Pendle of Lancashire.She was 9 years old by then, and she is always hungry when it is poor in the family. She looks very weak. She nearly hasn"t clothes and shoes, and sometimes she can"t have meal for many days. Life was tough for her at that time.Jennet"s grandma, Old Demdike is a witch. Jennet"s mother Elizabeth and Jennet"s sister Alizon are also witches. Even his poor,silly elder brother is a witch, too! However,the villagers think so.This book is told by the heroine Jennet.The story begins in 1634,Jennet was put into the Lancaster Castle Prison at that time...
2023-07-17 18:37:472


1.我来自巫师之家,可我不是巫师。I come from a family of witches ,but i am not a witch.2.上帝在这里,在监狱中与我同在,对此我深信不疑。可是我死去的家人也与我同在。God is with me here ,in prison .I believe that.But my dead family is with me too.3.天空一片湛蓝,山上开着美丽的花朵。The sky was blue and there were beautiful flowers on the hills.4.我的手冰凉凉,我的脸热辣辣。不过我没有哭。My hands felt cold and my face was hot,but i didn"t cry.5.潺潺的流水声在我听来十分悦耳。The noise of the river was beautiful in my ears.6.由于愤怒,我的脸很烫。My face felt very hot because i was angry .7.它静静地坐落在那里,注视着我。 It sat quietly and watched me.
2023-07-17 18:37:573


关于万圣节的英语介绍   万圣节就要到了,大家都很开心吧,下面我给大家提供万圣节的英语介绍,欢迎大家阅读欣赏!   【万圣节的英文介绍】   Halloween is one of the oldest holidays with origins going back thousands of years. The holiday has had many influences from many cultures over the centuries. From the Roman"s Pomona Day, to the Celtic festival of Samhain, to the Christian holidays of All Saints and All Souls Days.   Hundreds of years ago in what is now Great Britain and Northern France, lived the Celts (凯尔特人), who worshipped (崇拜) nature and had many gods, with the sun god as their favorite. They celebrated their New Year on November 1st which was made every year with a festival and marked the end of the "season of the sun" and the beginning of "the season of darkness and cold."   On October 31st after the crops were all harvested and stored for the long winter the cooking fires in the homes would be extinguished (消失). The Druids, the Celtic priests, would meet in the hilltop in the dark oak forest (oak trees were considered sacred). They would light new fires and offer sacrifices of crops and animals. As they danced around the fires, the season of the sun passed and the season of darkness would begin.   When the morning arrived the Druids would give an ember from their fires to each family who would then take them home to start new cooking fires. These fires would keep the homes warm and free from evil spirits.   The November 1st festival was called Samhain (pronounced "sow-en"). The festival would last for 3 days. Many people would parade in costumes made from the skins and heads of their animals. This festival would become the first Halloween.   The Celtics would carry a lantern (灯笼) when they walked on the eve of October 31. These lanterns were carved out of big turnips (大头菜) and the lights were believed to keep the evil spirits away. Children would carve faces in the turnips. These carved turnips were called "jack-o-lanterns.   It is said that the "jack-o-lantern" got its name from a stingy (吝啬的) and mean old man, named Jack, who when he died was too mean to get into heaven. When Jack went to hell he was meet by the Devil who gave him a piece of burning coal and sent him away. Jack placed the burning coal in a turnip to use as a lantern to light his way. The legends claim that Jack is still walking with the lantern looking for a place to stay.   When the early settlers came to America they found the big round orange pumpkin. Being larger and much more colorful than turnips, the pumpkin made great "jack-o-lanterns". Eventually the pumpkin would replace the turnip. Eventually the Pumpkin would become the most widely recognized symbol(象征)of the Halloween holiday.   The history of "Trick"O"Treating" can be traced back (追溯) to the early celebrations of All Soul"s Day in Britain. The poor would go begging and the housewives would give them special treats called "soulcakes". This was called "going a-souling", and the "soulers" would promise to say a prayer for the dead.   Over time the custom changed and the town"s children became the beggars. As they went from house to house they would be given apples, buns (圆形的小甜面包), and money. During the Pioneer days of the American West, the housewives would give the children candy to keep from being tricked. The children would shout "Trick or Treat!".   【万圣节的黑猫】   Halloween is a bad time of year for black cats, with their long-standing connections with witches, hubble-bubble and evil。   对于黑猫来说,万圣节是一年中最“悲惨”的日子。一直以来,人们都将它们与巫婆、喧闹以及邪恶联系在一起。   Reports of deliberate cruelty to black cats rise especially in the weeks around Halloween in Britain, the RSPCA animal charity said on Wednesday。   英国皇家防止虐待动物协会(RSPCA)于本周三称,在临近万圣节的`前几周,英国故意虐待黑猫的案例数出现上升。   But it seems that not only do people treat black cats badly in October -- they shun them for the rest of the year too。   但似乎人们不仅在十月份虐待黑猫,其它时候也是避之不及。   Black cats at animal shelters take longer than others to find homes, probably because of all the superstitions surrounding them, the charity said。   该慈善机构称,动物收容所里的黑猫等待领养的时间比其它猫都要长,这或许是因为那些与之相关的迷信说法。   "Unfortunately, black cats often do spend longer in our rehoming centres than others as they are frequently overlooked by potential owners," said shelter manager Beverly Leavy。   收容所经理贝弗莉?利维说:“不幸的是,黑猫往往在我们的收养中心待得时间更久,它们常被潜在的收养者们忽视。”   "But their fur color makes no difference to how much love they have to give," she added. "The cats are ready to make wonderful pets."   她说:“但它们皮毛的颜色和它们给予人们的爱的多少没有关系。它们可以成为很好的宠物。”   The image problem varies from country to country and often involves black cats crossing people"s paths。   各国有关黑猫的迷信说法各不相同,但一般都有忌讳看见黑猫从自己面前走过这一说。   Historians differ about the origins of the superstitions。   历史学家对这些迷信说法的起源看法各异。   Some point to the ancient Celts, some to folklore tales that liken cats to snakes and cast them as the constant companions of witches, others to a Medieval belief that they caused the black plague in Europe。   有些人认为这源于古凯尔特人,有些人则认为这与把黑猫比作蛇,总将黑猫与巫婆扯在一起的民间传说有关,还有一些人认为这源于中世纪时期的一种有关黑猫在欧洲引发鼠疫的说法。   The view that they bring bad luck has also woven its way into art and popular culture。   黑猫会带来厄运的说法在艺术和流行文化中也有所体现。   American writer of macabre tales, Edgar Alan Poe, published a short story "The Black Cat" in 1843 and in the late 19th century a shady cabaret called Le Chat Noir welcomed guests in the Bohemian Montmartre district of Paris。   美国惊悚小说家埃德加?爱伦?坡曾于1843年发表了一本名为《黑猫》的短篇小说。19世纪晚期,一家名为Le Chat Noir(法语,黑猫)的隐秘歌舞表演场所在法国巴黎具有波希米亚风格的蒙马特区开业。   The RSPCA is appealing for potential owners to come forward for the black cats in its shelters.   英国皇家防止虐待动物协会正呼吁潜在的收养者们主动领养收容所的黑猫。 ;
2023-07-17 18:38:041


罗尔德·达尔(Roald Dahl,1916年9月13日-1990年11月23日),是挪威籍的英国杰出儿童文学作家、剧作家和短篇小说作家,作品流传于大人或小孩中,极为知名。 他比较著名的作品有:查理与巧克力工厂(Charlie and the Chocolate Factory)、詹姆斯与大仙桃(James and the Giant Peach)、玛蒂尔达(Matilda)、女巫(The Witches)、好心眼巨人(Good eye) 和独闯天下。
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《林中小屋》1、Werewolf:狼人,当然是出自《狼人》或其他吸血鬼电影系列2、Alien beast:异形,出自《异形》系列,电影最后连异形之母都出来客串了几分钟.3、Mutants:变态食人魔,出自《致命弯道》4、Wraiths:幽灵,出自《十三鬼叫门》5、Zombies:僵尸:出自《活死人之夜》等僵尸电影系列6、Reptilicus:怪物,出自《异形再变》(1961)7、Clown:小丑,出自《小丑回魂》(1990)8、Witches:女巫,出自《黑暗降临》(2003)9、Sexy Witches:性感女巫,出自《魔女游戏》(1996)10、Demon:恶鬼,出自《恶灵之夜》(1988)11、Hell Lord:地狱领主,出自《养鬼吃人》(1987),片中由那个圆球召唤12、Angry Molesting Tree:愤怒的树妖,出自《鬼玩人》(1981)13、Giant snake:巨蟒,出自《眼镜王蛇》(1999)14、Deadites:恶鬼附体, 出自《鬼玩人》(1981)15、Kevin:《罪恶之城》(2005)中的杀手凯文16、Mummy:木乃伊,出自《木乃伊》电影17、The bride:血新娘,来自纽约的传说的人物,在一些恐怖片中也能见到此类角色,片中由婚纱召唤18、The scarecrow folk:稻草人,来自《稻草人的黑夜》(1981)19、Snowman:雪人,出自《白色杀机》(1997)20、Dragonbat:巨型蝙蝠,出自史蒂芬.金的《坟场禁区》(1990)21、Vampires:吸血鬼,出自《吸血鬼》系列电影22、Dismemberment goblins:肢解哥布林,是个把人撕碎的红色小精灵,哥布林出自西方传说中23、Sugarplum falry:无脸芭蕾女,应是影片原创造型,是由八音盒和八目鳗组合而成,片中由音乐盒召唤24、Merman:鱼人,出自《黑湖妖谭》(1954),片中由海螺召唤25、The reanimated:活死人,出自各种僵尸片,经典的当属《生化危机》系列26、Unicorn:独角兽,出自西方神话和各种魔幻片27、The huron:湖怪,出自《汉江怪物》28、Sasquatch /Wendigo/Yeti:大脚怪/深山野人/雪人,出自《野人来袭》(2006)29、Dolls:面具杀手,出自《陌生人》(2008)30、The doctors:外科医生,出自《猛鬼屋》(1999)31、Zombie RedneckTorture Family:乡村虐杀僵尸巴克纳家族,应为影片原创人物,组合了很多恐怖人物的特点,片中由日记召唤,那个小女儿出自《寂静岭》(2006)中的Alessa32、Jack o"lantern:南瓜灯,关于万圣节的恐怖片很多出现33、Giant:巨人,出自《追击巨怪》(2010)34、Twins:双胞胎,这个出自《闪灵》(1980)35、贞子(午夜凶铃)(一说伽椰子出自《咒怨》)36、金刚(金刚)37、呕吐者(求生之路/2009)38.巨型章鱼(海底两万里/红色警戒2)39、机器人杀手(霹雳战士龙/1990)40、巨型蜘蛛(八脚怪/2002)41、雨衣杀手(美国精神病人)42、上古之神 (诸神之怒/2012 泰坦之王克洛诺斯)
2023-07-17 18:38:473


Dressing up in costumes is one of the most popular Halloween customs, especially among children. u3000u3000Popular Halloween costumes include vampires (creatures that drink blood), ghosts (spirits of the dead) and werewolves (people that turn into wolves when the moon is full).u3000u3000Trick or Treating is a modern Halloween custom where children go from house to house dressed in costume, asking for treats like candy or toys. If they don"t get any treats, they might play a trick (mischief or prank) on the owners of the house.
2023-07-17 18:39:022

求电影 女巫The Witches (1990) 的播放地址, 哪里能找到,百度和N多播放器都找不到

2023-07-17 18:39:361


《Merrick (Vampire/Witches Chronicles)》(Anne Rice)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: 提取码: 6rr5书名:Merrick (Vampire/Witches Chronicles)作者:Anne Rice豆瓣评分:7.1出版社:Ballantine Books出版年份:2001-10-02页数:400内容简介:In this mesmerizing new novel, Anne Rice demonstrates once again her gift for spellbinding storytelling and the creation of myth and magic, as she weaves together two of her most compelling worlds? those of the Vampire Chronicles and the Mayfair witches.
2023-07-17 18:39:501

Hunting For Witches 歌词

歌曲名:Hunting For Witches歌手:Bloc Party专辑:A Weekend In The CityI"m sitting, on the roof of my houseWith a shotgunAnd a six pack of beers,six pack of beers,six pack of beers.The news copter says the enemies among us,As bombs explode on the 30 bus,Kill your middle class indecision,Now is not the time for a liberal thought,So I go hunting for witchesI go hunting for witchesI"m going to RoamI go hunting for..90"s,Optimistic as a teen.Now its terrorall things crash into town,into town,into town.The Daily Mail says the enemies among us,Taking our women and taking our jobs,Reasonable thought is being drained by the non-stop fameFame to goSo I"ll go hunting for witchesI go hunting for witchesI"m going to Roam..I want an ordinary man with ordinary desiresWatch TV with a formed mealI want an ordinary man with ordinary desires(no idea)This power has me still fooledFear will keep us safe in placeSo I go hunting for witchesI go hunting for witchesI"m going to RoamI want an ordinary man with ordinary desiresWatches TV with a formed mealI want an ordinary man with ordinary desires(no idea)This powered man had me still fooledFear will keep us all in place
2023-07-17 18:40:031


  初代吸血鬼英文台词   Sir, would you be so good as to tell us   where it is that we have arrived?   The French colony of Louisiana   off the shores of a town they"ve named New Orleans.   Always and forever, Rebekah.   That is what we once swore to each other.   Consider this me calling take-backs.   Oh, you"ve called take-backs dozens of times over the centuries,   and yet when our father found us   and chased us from this very city...   I may be old, Elijah, but I"m hardly senile.   I know very well I stuck with Klaus,   and not 3 years later, he stuck a silver dagger   in my chest and sent me into a magical slumber for 90 years.   Do you know why?   Because I had the audacity to try   and live my life on my own without him.   Enough. I believe our brother is in trouble.   So whatever is going on between Marcel and the Witches,   it"s dire enough that they"d risk   bringing an original back to town.   The witches have lured him here.   I"d like to know why.   Oh, you got me into this, Jane.   Oh, give me the strength to finish it.   The doors work, you know.   You"re doing magic?   I"m praying to my dead sister.   Go ahead. Pay your respects.   Don"t make this a thing, Sophie.   The hybrid was looking for Jane-Anne.   Marcel wants to know why.   I"d say ask her yourself, but I guess you can"t, see,   Because Marcel killed her.   I"m Elijah.   but you must understand   that our father hunted him,   hunted us for centuries.   Every time we found a moment of happiness,   we were forced to flee, even here in New Orleans,   where we were happiest of all.   Not long after Niklaus broke the spell   which prevented him from becoming a hybrid,   he defeated our father.   I thought this would make him happy,   but he"s angrier than ever.   I wonder if, perhaps, this baby   will be a way from my brother to find happiness,   a way to save him from himself.   I"m glad you feel that way   because we need your help.   What, precisely, is it that you want?   What does it have to do with this young woman?   We want to run Marcel and his vampires   out of town.   Klaus is the key.   Everything Marcel knows about being a vampire   he learned from Klaus.   Marcel trusts him, looks up to him.   He won"t see the betrayal coming.   Yes. Well, as I"m sure you"re aware,   my brother Niklaus doesn"t like to be told what to do.   It"s why I brought you here.   Marcel drove the werewolves out of town   decades ago.   Do you really think he"s going to welcome   a hybrid baby to the neighborhood?   Convince Klaus to help us,   and no one has to know about the newest member   of the original family.   Sounds remarkably like blackmail.   Like I said, I"m desperate.   Well, then,   I have my work cut out for me, don"t I?   Evening, Elijah.   Niklaus.   What an entirely unwelcome surprise.   And what an entirely unsurprising welcome.   Come with me.   Have you heard of me?   Yes.   So why don"t you tell me   what business your family has with my brother?   This is sacred ground,   which means vampires have to be invited in...   But since I"m desperate, come on in.   We can talk freely here.   Then I suggest you start talking.   What did your sister want with Niklaus?   Isn"t it obvious?   We have a vampire problem, and we need help.   Marcel has an army backing him.   I thank you so much.   Oh, I do recommend that you find yourself   a little assistance for the luggage.   My sincere apologies.   So what brings you to the Big Easy?   I used to live here.   Really? When?   Oh, feels like 100 years ago.   I just moved here myself.   What brought you back?   Well, my brother is here somewhere.   I"m afraid he might have gotten himself   into a bit of a bind.   You say that like it"s a common occurrence.   Well, he"s complicated--   Defiant, ill-mannered,   and a little temperamental.   See, we don"t share the same father.   Of course, that never bothered me,   but my brother resents it deeply,   never felt like he belonged.   All told, he has a long history of getting himself into trouble.   Well, I"m guessing you have a long history of getting him out of it.   What kind of bind is your brother in?   He believes there are people in this town   that are conspiring against him.   Wow, narcissistic and paranoid.   Sorry.   Bartender with a grad degree in psychology,   total cliche.   Listen, Camille.   I"m looking for someone   who might shed some light on his current predicament.   She works here-- Jane-Anne Deveraux.   Any idea where I might find her?   No, but I know someone who might.   Welcome to New Orleans,   and the crown jewel of the crescent city:   The french quarter--   If I have to hurt Hayley or worse to ensure   that I have your attention, I will.   You dare threaten an original?   I have nothing to lose.   You have until midnight   to get Klaus to change his mind.   Hey, man, where"d you run off to?   Oh, someone put you in a mood.   What can I do?   What you can do is, you can tell me what   this thing is you have with the witches.   You know I owe you everything I got,   but I"m afraid I have to draw the line on this one.   This is my business.
2023-07-17 18:40:211


Hallowe"en is a popular festival in many countries all over the world, and every year it seems to get bigger. It"s getting dark earlier and it"s starting to get cold. Christmas is still a long way away. We need something to cheer us up and take our minds of the fact that winter is nearly here. See how much you know about the traditional festival of Hallowe"en. The origins of the nameThe festival of Hallowe"en has its roots in Celtic and Roman traditions. Over 2,000 years ago the Celts in Britain, Ireland and parts of France celebrated Samhain to mark the beginning of winter. When the Romans invaded, they merged this with Feralia, their celebration of the passing of the dead. As Christianity spread, the Church tried to replace these pagan feasts with official Church holy days. One of these was November 1. It was called "All Hallows", and October 31 was known as "All Hallows" Eve", and then Hallowe"en.Hallowe"en traditionsIn the past there was a tradition called "souling". Poor people went around houses asking for food. In exchange, they promised to say prayers for the dead. People no longer go souling, but the habit has been transformed into a modern Hallowe"en game for children in America, who dress up as ghosts, witches and monsters and go around people"s houses.WitchesHallowe"en wouldn"t be fun without witches. Witches have always been part of popular folklore. Shakespeare"s play "Macbeth" opens with three witches. A witch was someone - usually a woman - who had special powers and had dealings with the devil. The American town, Salem, is famous for the "witchcraft trials", which took place there in 1692.PumpkinsThe pumpkin has become a symbol of Hallowe"en. People empty a pumpkin, cut a face into the side, and put a candle inside to make a lamp. It"s known as a Jack O" Lantern, from a story about a man called Jack, who made a deal with the devil. AnimalsBlack cats, frogs, mice and spiders are just some of the animals associated with Hallowe"en. Generally, the more unpleasant the animal, the stronger the Hallowe"en connection. Nocturnal animals like bats are particular favourites, and if, as is the case with vampire bats, they like drinking blood, they are high on the Hallowe"en list.
2023-07-17 18:40:301

求曼森This is Halloween的歌词

Boys and girls of every age男孩女孩不管你几岁Wouldn"t you like to see something strange?想不想看点奇异的东西(Siamese Shadow)连体儿的影子:Come with us and you will see跟我们来你就能看见this,our town of Halloween这就是我们的万圣节城(Pumpkin Patch Chorus)南瓜合唱:This is Halloween,this is Halloween这就是万圣节,这就是万圣节Pumpkin scream in the dear of night南瓜在暗夜里尖叫(Ghosts)鬼魂:this is Halloween,everybody make a scene这就是万圣节,大家都要显身手Trick or treat till the neighbors gonna die of fright不给糖果就捣乱,直到邻居们都被吓出神经病It"s our town ,everybody scream这是我们的城市,每个人都在尖叫In this town of Halloween在这座万圣节的城市里(Creature Under Bed)床底下的怪物:I am the one hiding under your bed我是藏在你床下的小妖精Teeth ground sharp and eyes glowing red牙齿尖尖眼睛红红(Man Under The Stairs)楼梯下的怪人:I am the one hiding under your stairs我是藏在你楼梯下的家伙Fingers like snakes and spiders in my hair手指像蛇,蜘蛛当头发(Corpse Chorus)尸体合唱:This is Halloween,this is Halloween这就是万圣节,这就是万圣节(Vampires)吸血鬼1,2,3,4:Halloween!Halloween!Halloween!Halloween!万圣节!万圣节!万圣节!(Vampires)吸血鬼合唱:In this town we call home这个就是我们的家Everyone hail to the pumpkin song大家欢唱南瓜颂(Mayor)市长[阳面]:In this town,don"t we love it now?这个城镇我们都喜欢Everybody"s waiting for the next surprise大家都在期待下一个惊吓(Corpse Chorus)尸体合唱:Round that conrner,man hiding in the trash can拐个弯,躲进垃圾箱Something"s waiting now to pounce,and how you"ll scream我们等待向你突袭,听你的尖叫(Harlequin DeMon, Werewolf, and Melting man)滑稽恶魔&狼人&溶化人:Scream!this is the Halloween尖叫吧!这就是万圣节Red"n"black,silmy green红红的黑黑的,还带点惨惨的绿( Werewolf)狼人:Aren"t you scared?你不怕吗?(Witches)三个魔女:Well,that"s just fine恩,没关系Say it once,say it twice说一次,说两次Take the chance and roll the dice赌个运气,掷个骰子Ride with the moon in the dead of night暗夜里跟着月亮飘(Hanging tree)上吊树:Everybody scream,everybody scream大家都尖叫,大家都尖叫(Hanged men)吊死鬼:In our toen of Halloween在我们的万圣节城里(Clown)变脸小丑:I am the clown with the tear-away face我是会变脸的小丑here in a flasf and gone without a trace突然出现突然又溜走(Second Ghoul)盗墓贼:I am the “who”when you call,“Who" there?”我是你看不见的幽灵I am the wind blowing through your hair像一阵风拂弄你的头发(Oogie Boogie Shadow)布奇和他的影子:I am the shadow on the moon at night我是夜晚月亮中的黑影Filling your dreams to the brin with fright让你做噩梦一直吓到醒(Corpse Chorus)尸体合唱:This is Halloween ,this is Halloween这就是万圣节,这就是万圣节Halloween!Halloween!Halloween!Halloween!万圣节!万圣节!万圣节!万圣节!Halloween!Halloween!万圣节!万圣节!(Child Corpse Trio)孩子们的尸体:Tender lumplings everywhere吓人的东西到处都是Life"s no fun without a good scare没有恐惧的生活多无趣(Parent Corpses)家长们的尸体:That"s our job,but we"re not mean这是我们的工作,但我们绝不是故意In our town of Halloween在我们的万圣节城里(Corpse Chorus)尸体合唱:In this town这座城镇(Mayor)市长[阳面]:Don"t we love it now我们都喜欢(Mayor With Corpse Chorus)市长&尸体合唱:Everyone"s waiting for the next surprise大家都在等着下一个惊吓(Corpse Chorus)尸体合唱:Skeleton Jace might cath you in the back骷髅杰克可能吓你一大跳And scream like a banshee make you jump out of your skin鬼魅般的惨叫让你灵魂都出窍This is Halloween,everyone scream这就是万圣节,大家都尖叫(Hanging tree&Hanged men):Won"t ya please make way for a very special请你们让路给这个伟大的人(Corpse Chorus)尸体合唱:Out man Jack is king of the pumpkin patch我们的杰克是南瓜王Everyone hail to the Pumpkin King now大家欢呼称颂南瓜王(Everyone)全体:This is Halloween,this is Halloween这就是万圣节,这就是万圣节Halloween! Halloween! Halloween! Halloween!万圣节!万圣节!万圣节!万圣节!(Child Corpse Trio)孩子的尸体:In this town we call home这个城是我们的家Everyone hail to the pumpkin song大家合唱南瓜颂
2023-07-17 18:40:371


车谷善之助(BLEACH):《死神》中朽木露琪亚事发后代替其职的死神,留着爆炸头型,而且似乎总是很倒霉的奇怪角色,还曾被一护称作为“芋山先生”。番场卫(光速蒙面侠21) 带领着比王城、神龙寺还要强的日本第一重量级的金字塔攻防线,是太阳攻防线王牌,同时也是队中的领导者
2023-07-17 18:40:475


是实验室中的实验品, 逃出实验室后有变异. 然后哭起来, 可能是引起幸存者的注意吧. 然后干掉幸存者.这也是引诱食物的一种方法
2023-07-17 18:41:059


万圣节来捣蛋Halloween is a holiday celebrated on October 31. By tradition, Halloween begins after sunset. Long ago, people believed that witches gathered together and ghosts roamed the world on Halloween. Today, most people no longer believe in ghosts and witches. But these supernatural beings are still a part of Halloween.万圣节前夜是在10月31日庆祝的一个节日,根据传统,万圣节前夜的庆祝活动从太阳落山开始。在很久以前,人们相信在万圣节前夜女巫会聚集在一起,鬼魂在四处游荡。现在,大多数人们不再相信有鬼魂和女巫的存在了,但是他们仍然把这些作为万圣节前夜的一部分。The colors black and orange are also a part of Halloween. Black is a symbol for night and orange is the color of pumpkins. A jack-o"-lantern is a hollowed-out pumpkin with a face carved on one side. Candles are usually placed inside, giving the face a spooky glow.黑色和橙色仍然是万圣节前夜的一部分,黑色是夜晚的象征,而橙色代表着南瓜。南瓜灯是用雕刻成脸型,中间挖空,再插上蜡烛的南瓜做成的,带来一个毛骨悚然的灼热面孔。The tradition of the Jack o" Lantern comes from a folktale about a man named Jack who tricked the devil and had to wander the Earth with a lantern. The Jack o" Lantern is made by placing a candle inside a hollowed-out pumpkin, which is carved to look like a face.南瓜灯的传统来自于一个民间传说。一个名叫Jack的人戏弄了恶魔,之后就不得不提着一盏灯在地球上流浪。南瓜灯是用雕刻成脸型,中间挖空,再插上蜡烛的南瓜做成的。Dressing up in costumes is one of the most popular Halloween customs, especially among children. According to tradition, people would dress up in costumes (wear special clothing, masks or disguises) to frighten the spirits away.盛装是最受欢迎的万圣节风俗之一,尤其是受孩子们的欢迎。按照传统习俗,人们会盛装(穿戴一些特殊的服饰,面具或者装饰)来吓跑鬼魂。
2023-07-17 18:41:402


Is there any world of witches?
2023-07-17 18:41:492


万圣节前夜英文简介   万圣夜(英语:Halloween,为"All Hallows" Eve"的缩写,意为"万圣节(诸圣节)的前夜"),中文常称为万圣节前夕,在每年的"10月31日,是西方世界的传统节日,主要流行于撒克逊人后裔云集的美国、不列颠群岛、澳大利亚、加拿大和新西兰等西方国家。下面我给大家提供了一些关于万圣节前夜的英文介绍,一起来看看吧!   【Halloween】   Halloween is a holiday observed 1 on the evening of October 31 in most areas of North America and in some areas of Western Europe. The word “Halloween” comes from “All Hallows" Eve.” November 1, “All Hallows" Day” (or “All Saints" Day”), is a Catholic (天主教的) festival observed in honour 2 of all saints. All Souls" Day, observed on November 2 to help purify 3 the spirits of the dead, is also closely linked to Halloween.   Most Halloween customs are based on folk beliefs concerning supernatural (超自然的) forces and spirits of the dead. Halloween decorations (装饰) are typically images of supernatural beings such as witches, werewolves (狼人) , vampires, goblins (小妖怪) , and ghosts. Images thought to symbolize bad omens 4 — such as black cats, bats, owls and spiders — are also commonly used as Halloween decorations.   People once believed that ghosts roamed 5 the earth on Halloween. They also thought that all witches met on October 31 to worship 6 the Devil. Today, most people do not believe in ghosts or witches, but these supernatural beings remain symbols of Halloween.   One of the traditions popular on the night of Halloween is trick-or-treat, the main Halloween activity for most children in the United States. Britain imported 7 the custom from America in the early 1980s.   On Halloween many children wear ghost costumes 8 and masks or witches" hats and go from door to door to ask their neighbors for candy by saying “Trick or Treat!”   The saying implies that if the people in the house give the children a “treat” then the children will not play a trick on them. The neighbors, to avoid having tricks played on them, give the children such treats as candy, fruit, and pennies.   The most celebrated Halloween decoration is the jack-o"-lanterm (把南瓜挖空并雕成人面开形的杰克灯) , traditionally a pumpkin (南瓜) that has been hollowed out and carved 9 to resemble a grotesque (奇形怪状的) face.   Most jack-o"-lanterns contain a candle or some other light, which makes the face visible from far away. People in England and Ireland once carved out beets (甜菜根) , potatoes, and turnips (芜菁) to use as lanterns on Halloween. After this custom reached America pumpkins began to be used.   Dressing in costume is also one of the most popular Halloween customs, especially among children. Traditional costumes usually represent witches, ghosts, and other supernatural beings.   However, costumes inspired by contemporary (当代的) popular culture, such as politicians or movie characters, have become increasingly common in recent years. Adults often favor costumes with satirical 10 or humorous overtones (含蓄之意)。 ;
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The series follows the life of Elena Gilbert (Nina Dobrev) a 17-year-old girl, who falls deeply in love with a 162-year-old vampire named Stefan Salvatore (Paul Wesley). Their relationship becomes increasingly complicated as Stefan"s vicious, and malevolent older brother Damon Salvatore (Ian Somerhalder) returns with a plan to wreak havoc on the town, seeking revenge against his younger brother for turning him into a vampire against his will. Both brothers begin to show affection towards Elena, mainly because of her resemblance to their past loveKatherine Pierce. It is revealed that Elena is a descendant of Katherine, who eventually returns with plans against the trio.The series is set in the fictional town of Mystic Falls, Virginia, a town charged with supernatural history since its settlement of migrants from New England in the late 17th century. Other story lines revolve around the other inhabitants of the town, most notably Elena"s younger brother Jeremy Gilbert (Steven R. McQueen), her best friends Bonnie Bennett (Katerina Graham) and Caroline Forbes (Candice Accola) and their mutual friends Tyler Lockwood (Michael Trevino) and Matt Donovan (Zach Roerig). The town"s politics are orchestrated by descendants of the original founding families, all comprising a "Founders" Council". Some of the founding families of Mystic Falls include the Salvatores, the Gilberts, the Fells, the Forbes and the Lockwoods. They guard the town mainly from vampires, although there are other supernatural threats such as werewolves, witches, ghosts and hybrids.
2023-07-17 18:42:341

“小魔女”一词 英文怎么译

little witch 网络 小女巫; [例句]This goofy little witch is doing her best to be nice!这疯疯癫癫的小巫婆,是她的最佳不错
2023-07-17 18:42:442


witchA woman popularly believed to have supernatural powers and practice sorcery, and often believed to be aided by spirits or a familiar.女巫,巫婆:人们普遍认为具有超自然力量且施巫术的女人,通常被认为由神灵或类似的人帮助Salem witch trials (May–October 1692) American colonial persecutions for witchcraft.In the town of Salem, Massachusetts Bay Colony, several young girls, stimulated by supernatural tales told by a West Indian slave, claimed to be possessed by the devil and accused three women of witchcraft. Under pressure, the accused women named others in false confessions. Encouraged by the clergy, a special civil court was convened with three judges, including Samuel Sewall, to conduct the trials. They resulted in the conviction and hanging of 19 "witches" and the imprisonment of nearly 150 others. As public zeal abated, the trials were stopped and then condemned. The colonial legislature later annulled the convictions. 塞勒姆女巫审判(1692-05~10) Salem witch trials美国殖民地迫害女巫的事件。在马萨诸塞湾殖民地塞勒姆镇,几名少女因受到一个西印度群岛奴隶所讲的神奇故事蛊惑,声称她们被魔鬼缠身并控诉三名女巫。在逼迫下,被指控的女巫以伪供控诉他人。受到一名牧师的鼓动,一个由三名法官(包括S.休厄尔)组成的特别民事法庭执行了审判。他们作出判决将19名女巫吊死,有近150人被监禁。在公众热情减退后,该审判终止,后遭谴责。殖民地司法部门后来撤销了该判决。
2023-07-17 18:42:522


Double trouble
2023-07-17 18:43:0313


这是一个那种充满福利的COS图吧,COS的是《强袭魔女》(日语:ストライクウィッチーズ,英语:STRIKE WITCHES)里的佩琳·H·克洛斯特曼所以后一句ペリーヌストッキング的意思就是 穿丝袜的佩琳前一句的ストライク就是作品名强袭魔女的“强袭”,后面的パンティーズ有女式短衬裤之类的意思,因为《强袭魔女》又被人戏称《飞天小裤裤》可想而知很多福利。。。推测这句话应该是作品的日文别称。没搜到很多信息,所以到底是啥意思我也不大懂
2023-07-17 18:43:453


disable switches禁用开关
2023-07-17 18:44:076


一个家庭主妇就能做到不可思议的事情,那么三个在一起呢?小心为妙吧……在靠近海滨的东镇,一些越来越明显的证据表明,女巫就要诞生了 。这部魔幻剧改编于约翰-厄普代克(John Updike)畅销小说《东镇女巫》(The Witches of Eastwick)以及1987年同名魔幻喜剧电影,只不过这部新剧的人物关系和相关情节有所改动。这部新剧的主角是三个俏丽女人,性情古怪的艺术家罗克珊-托尔科莱蒂(Roxanne Torcoletti)、事业不顺的乔安娜-弗兰克尔(Joanna Frankel)和拥有五个孩子的随和主妇卡特-噶德勒(Kat Gardener)。她们虽然同住在这个美丽的海滨东镇,但是彼此素不相识。一日,这三个性格迥异的女人受到一个神秘人的指引,聚首小镇公园,有缘结成闺蜜。随即这三个女人便受到了神秘力量的“庇护”,悄然成为了拥有魔法的“女巫”,从此她们的生活变得非同以往。
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《Lasher (Lives of the Mayfair Witches)》(Anne Rice)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: 提取码: k2qs书名:Lasher (Lives of the Mayfair Witches)作者:Anne Rice出版社:Ballantine Books出版年份:1995-08-01页数:640内容简介:"SEDUCTIVE MAGIC...SPELLBINDING...Rice stages her scenes in a wide variety of times and locales, tapping deeply into the richest veins of mythology and history."--San Francisco Chronicle"STEAMY...FAST-PACED AND HUGELY ENGROSSING...Rice"s title character--a seductive, evil, highly sexual and ultimately tragic creature--is fascinating."--The Miami Herald"BEHIND ALL THE VELVET DRAPES AND GOSSAMER WINDING SHEETS, THIS IS AN OLD-FASHIONED FAMILY SAGA....Rice"s descriptive writing is so opulent it almost begs to be read by candlelight."--The Washington Post Book World"RICE SEES THINGS ON A GRAND SCALE...There is a wide-screen historical sweep to the tale as it moves from one generation of witches to the other."--The Boston Globe"EROTIC...EERIE...HORRIFYING...A tight tale of the occult in present-day New Orleans...Anne Rice is a spellbinding novelist.... LASHER quenches."--Denver PostA MAIN SELECTION OF THE LITERARY GUILD(c)
2023-07-17 18:45:061