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carry out 共有几种意思???

2023-07-17 22:33:17
TAG: out carry ca ry

carry out

To put into practice or effect:


carry out a new policy.


To follow or obey:


carry out instructions.


To bring to a conclusion; accomplish:


carried out the mission successfully.



carry out


完成, 实现, 贯彻, 执行




实施(计划)carry out a plan

做(实验) carry out a experiment






carry out什么意思

2023-07-17 17:25:247

carry out是什么意思

2023-07-17 17:25:481

carry out怎么用?什么意思?

carry out:vt. 实行(执行,实现)例句与用法:1. He will carry out his plan.他要执行他的计划。2. Carry out a new policy.实行一项新政策3. He was found out before he could carry out his plan.他的计谋还未实现就被人查获了。4. No matter what difficulty you will meet with, carry out your plan.不管你遇到什么困难,都要执行计划。5. He balked me to carry out my plan.他阻止我实施我的计划。6. They swore an oath to carry out their duties faithfully.他们发誓要忠实履行自己的职责。7. The police will carry out a dawn raid.警方将在拂晓展开突然搜查。
2023-07-17 17:26:476

英语 carry out

2023-07-17 17:27:011

“carry off”“carry on”“carry out”翻译成中文

2023-07-17 17:27:081

carry out什么意思

Carry out是一个英语短语,意思是“执行”、“实施”、“履行”,主要用来描述某个计划、任务、决策等被成功完成和实现。这个短语常用于商务、科研、行政管理等领域。一、carry out的含义和用法。1、在商务领域中,carry out通常用来描述完成某项交易或合同。例如:The company will carry out the terms of the contract.(公司将履行合同的条款)。2、We have carried out a market survey before making the decision.(我们在做出决策之前进行了市场调查。)在这些例子中,carry out的含义是成功执行或者履行某个合同或计划。3、在科研领域中,carry out则可以表示进行实验、调查、研究等活动。例如:We are planning to carry out some experiments to verify the hypothesis.(我们计划进行一些实验来验证这个假设)。4、The researchers carried out a series of experiments to test the effectiveness of the drug.(研究人员进行了一系列实验来测试这种药物的有效性。)在这些例子中,carry out的含义是成功实现或者完成某个研究项目或者活动。5、在行政管理领域中,carry out通常用来描述实施决策或者政策。例如:The government is going to carry out some new policies to reduce emissions.(政府将执行一些新政策来减少排放)。6、The mayor ordered the police to carry out a thorough investigation into the case. (市长命令警方对此案进行彻底调查。)在这些例子中,carry out的含义是成功执行或者实施某个政策或者决策。
2023-07-17 17:27:271

carry out的主语是人还是物?

carry out主语是人。
2023-07-17 17:28:115

“carry off”“carry on”“carry out”翻译成中文

⒈夺命……的生命⒉坚持 继续⒊完成 实现
2023-07-17 17:28:414

carry out的用法,例句.(不要长篇大论)

carry out 开展,贯彻,执行,履行,实现,完成 开展,贯彻,执行,履行,实现,完成参考例句We will carry out the enquiry as expeditiously as possible.我们将尽快进行调查.不适合She had finally carried out her promise...
2023-07-17 17:28:481

carry out 后面接动名词嘛

carry out to do st
2023-07-17 17:28:552

carry out的用法总结

out的词性有很多,不同的词性意思不同。它作为副词的意思是“出来、外出”;作为名词的意思是“回避的方法、出路”;作为动词的意思是“公布、揭露”等,造句:She ran out into the corridor.(她跑出来,冲进走廊)。 扩展资料   out用法:   out可以用作副词:   out用作副词最基本的`意思是“出,在外”,在此基础上引申出多种意思,并可与许多动词搭配使用,构成习语; 在句中可用作状语、表语; 与of连用可构成复合介词。   out用作副词的用法例句:   His book came out last month.他的书上个月出版了。   He took out a book from the case.他从箱子里拿出一本书。   Students may not stay out after midnight.学生午夜后不得在外逗留。
2023-07-17 17:29:031

carry out 和carry on 是一样的么。。??在句子里可以相互变通么。?????。。。

不一样,意思有差别,不能互换。carry out意为“执行、实行”;carry on表示“(继续)进行、进行下去”,强调坚持.如:The group of soldiers carried out a secret military action the other day. 几天前,这群士兵执行了一次秘密的军事行动.Comrades in Germany were carrying on a heroic fight against war under conditions of fascism at that time. 那时,在德国的同志正在法西斯的统治区进行一场英勇的反战斗争.
2023-07-17 17:29:161

carry out carry on 区别?

carry out 执行 还有做试验的意思carry on 继续的意思
2023-07-17 17:29:313

“carry sth out”和“carry out sth”有什么区别?如果有区别,分别怎么使用?

carry out sth carry sth out可以互相转换着用,但你给的例句不行,them只能放在carry 和 out之间,
2023-07-17 17:29:524

carry out 可以用被动语态吗

carry out可以用作被动(carried out)意为被执行。
2023-07-17 17:30:011

关于carry out的句子翻译

2023-07-17 17:30:082

英语翻译carry out 在这里当什么讲as

carry out 有执行的意思
2023-07-17 17:30:182

carry through 和carry out的区别

carry out;vt. 执行,实行,,,贯彻。。实现。。完成(可当动词使用)carry through 贯彻。完成。坚持下去
2023-07-17 17:30:261

carry out的主语是人还是物?

2023-07-17 17:30:333

用carry out造句

No matter what difficulty you will meet with, carry out your plan. 不管你遇到什么困难,都要执行计划。 He balked me to carry out my plan. 他阻止我实施我的计划。 They swore an oath to carry out their duties faithfully. 他们发誓要忠实履行自己的职责。
2023-07-17 17:30:401

carry out 是学术性用语么? ”执行“除了用 conduct 还有哪些近义词 ?(要academic的)

carry out fulfil;accomplish;perform 实行;履行*He carried out the plan without difficulty.他毫无困难地实施了那项计划。*It is often easier to make plans than to carry them out.常常是订计划容易,执行计划难。*I expect her to carry out her obligations.我期待她履行她的义务。
2023-07-17 17:31:061

is carry out

这里的carry是省略了to 的不定式作表语,表示动作还没有发生,由主从"需要我去做的事"推断出来的.. 如用动名词(carrying),则表示一个长期的行为,而且还容易误把is carrying看成是现在进行时. 另:为什么要省略to 因为主从中的谓动为do 时,不定式作表语就不加to.
2023-07-17 17:31:141

carry out 和work out区别

carry out 执行。work out计算出,弄明白,制订出,结果为。
2023-07-17 17:31:222

carry out 和performance有什么区别

carry out指代的是事情的执行performance指的是个人的表现。表演 等等
2023-07-17 17:31:301

我希望他能实现他自己的梦想用英语怎么说? carry out有实现的意思吗?

学习足够好,那就不要了,如果否,要加大练习. I wish he can carry out his dream.,1,错题集要交的啊,,我希望他能实现他自己的梦想用英语怎么说? carry out有实现的意思吗 我们老师叫我们每个人一周做6面错题集,一周我们才只有7张卷子而已,我全部整理了一下才只有一面多,怎么办
2023-07-17 17:31:361

carry out of the work

这里应该选A!老师讲过这几个词的区别的! out (解决) x05 B.carry out (执行,实施) x05 C.move out (搬出) x05 D.get out(离开,出去) 句子意思应该是:在这个月初,我们本应该搬进新的教学楼的,但事情没有按照计划得到解决.(可能一些准备事宜的事情未解决所以不能搬进去)根据句意易排除C和D,work out 应该指代的是除搬进去这件事外其他的事,carry out 应该指代的是搬进去这件事,根据语境更偏向于A!
2023-07-17 17:31:441

fulfil, implement, practise, carry out表达“实行、履行”之意时有何区别?

support the 2nd"s host.
2023-07-17 17:31:532

carry out什么意思

carry out:vt. 实行(执行,实现)例句与用法:1. He will carry out his plan.他要执行他的计划。2. Carry out a new policy.实行一项新政策3. He was found out before he could carry out his plan.他的计谋还未实现就被人查获了。4. No matter what difficulty you will meet with, carry out your plan.不管你遇到什么困难,都要执行计划。5. He balked me to carry out my plan.他阻止我实施我的计划。6. They swore an oath to carry out their duties faithfully.他们发誓要忠实履行自己的职责。7. The police will carry out a dawn raid.警方将在拂晓展开突然搜查。英英解释:动词carry out:1. put in effect同义词:carry through, accomplish, execute, action, fulfill, fulfil2. pursue to a conclusion or bring to a successful issue同义词:follow through, follow up, follow out, implement, put through, go through
2023-07-17 17:32:111

carry out的用法是什么?

carry out:vt. 实行(执行,实现)例句与用法:1. He will carry out his plan.他要执行他的计划。2. Carry out a new policy.实行一项新政策3. He was found out before he could carry out his plan.他的计谋还未实现就被人查获了。4. No matter what difficulty you will meet with, carry out your plan.不管你遇到什么困难,都要执行计划。5. He balked me to carry out my plan.他阻止我实施我的计划。6. They swore an oath to carry out their duties faithfully.他们发誓要忠实履行自己的职责。7. The police will carry out a dawn raid.警方将在拂晓展开突然搜查。英英解释:动词carry out:1. put in effect同义词:carry through, accomplish, execute, action, fulfill, fulfil2. pursue to a conclusion or bring to a successful issue同义词:follow through, follow up, follow out, implement, put through, go through
2023-07-17 17:32:181

用carry out造句

No matter what difficulty you will meet with, carry out your plan. 不管你遇到什么困难,都要执行计划。 He balked me to carry out my plan. 他阻止我实施我的计划。 They swore an oath to carry out their duties faithfully. 他们发誓要忠实履行自己的职责。
2023-07-17 17:32:581

carry out和carry on的区别

carry on是继续 ,carry out是执行; carry out 实施;执行;实行; carry on 继续;接着;坚持;举行;进行;开展;喋喋不休;絮絮叨叨 扩展资料   We do not ordinarily carry out this type of work.   我们通常不会实际去做这类工作。   The company"s doctor found that she was unfit to carry out her normal work.   公司的医生认为,她不宜从事正常工作。   You"ll wear yourself out if you carry on working so hard.   你要是继续这样拼命工作,身体会吃不消的。   The older people were left to carry on as best they could.   年纪大一点的人被留下来,奋力坚持。
2023-07-17 17:33:061

英语问题1 carry out 是及物还是不及物.

及物 意为:执行、实行、贯彻、实现、完成. 例:Carry out a new policy.执行一个新的政策. I will carry out my plan.我会执行我的计划. They swore an oath to carry out their duties faithfully.他们发誓忠实履行职责. 都是carry out 直接加宾语
2023-07-17 17:33:431

carry through 和carry out的区别 具体的用法与含义

carry out;vt.执行,实行,贯彻.实现.完成(可当动词使用) carry through 贯彻.完成.坚持下去
2023-07-17 17:33:501

翻译:我们将努力执行我们的计划。(carry out)

We will try to carry out our plan.
2023-07-17 17:33:594

英语 的差别 carry out come ture achieve 3者的区别!

carry out是执行 不一定成功 come true是成为现实 一般前面接 dream achieve 是达成某种(成就)
2023-07-17 17:34:131

carry out 与 implement的辨析

2023-07-17 17:34:202

carry out 和 perform的区别?

carry out是实施perform是表现
2023-07-17 17:34:281

carry out 是动副结构么?跟代词 放中间么?

是的。carry it out
2023-07-17 17:34:461

carry. out. a. rule. 造句

a rule will be carried out. carry out 的意思是实施。(精锐英语老师为您解答)
2023-07-17 17:34:531

carry me out 是什么意思什么用法 carry out这里是词组么

2023-07-17 17:35:003


执行的英语短语:carry out 执行; carry:v.拿;提;搬;扛;背;抱;运送;携带;佩戴;输送,传输,传送(水、电等); 第三人称单数: carries现在分词: carrying过去式: carried过去分词: carried 扩展资料   The experiments were carried out under simulated examination conditions.   试验是在模拟的情况下进行的。   Carry on the good work!   干得不错,继续努力吧!   She ignored him and carried on with her work.   她没理他,继续干她的活。
2023-07-17 17:35:071

解释下brown-bag it和carry-out什么意思

brown-bag Ame 自带牛皮纸袋装的午餐上班carry-out Ame or ScotE 外卖食品 同义词takeaway(Bre)
2023-07-17 17:35:191

carry out与carry through 的区别

carry through 强调完成
2023-07-17 17:35:271


2023-07-17 17:35:374


1.carry out :如果用的是代词,如it、them,就放中间,carry it (them)out 。如果是具体的事务作宾语则放在后面,如carry out the plan,实施计划。2.一个化学家在实验室里做实验之前,会认真准备。
2023-07-17 17:35:474

Would you carry my bag out to the car?意思是,你能帮我把包拿到车里吗?

可以这么看,carry out是个词组,to the car作状语,指具体位置
2023-07-17 17:36:134

计数器芯片mc14029bcp 的7脚 carry out的具体作用是什么?谢谢

2023-07-17 17:36:231

we can carry out和can we carry out

是不是想说“只有把资金都偿还了我们才能够实施它”?这个句子必须倒装,因为有only if,只有...后面的句子要倒装没也就是说we can需改成can we.所以这个句子是:Only if funds are soled can we carry it out.还有,carry out 是不及物动词吧,可以说carry...out.
2023-07-17 17:36:301

二进制数中的overflow和carry out分别是什么意思?

2023-07-17 17:36:371

A. set aside B. carry out C. carry away D. get through

请问你的问题呢?/////////// 如果你能给问题,我给你更好的答案set aside 1 把…放置一旁, 不理会 Setting the chair aside, he sat on the floor. 他把椅子搁到一旁, 坐在地板上。 I warn them not to do it, but my objections were set aside. 我警告他们不要那样做, 但他们没有理会。 2 取消, 驳回 The Appeal Court set aside the prisoner"s sentence. 上诉法院撤销了对刑事被告的判决。 3 留出 The hotel manager set aside two pleasant rooms for us. 旅店经理给我们留出两间舒适的房间。 carry out 1 抬出去; 拿出去 Can you carry the tea things and the cake out into the garden? 麻烦你把茶具和糕点拿到花园里去, 好吗? She fainted in the waiting room and had to be carried out. 她在候车室里晕过去了, 被抬了出去。 2 执行; 贯彻 He carried out the plan in very detail. 他一丝不苟地执行那项计划。 If you make a promise, it should be carried out. 你许了诺言, 就一定要兑现。 3 进行 They also carry out experiments. 他们还进行实验。 4 完成, 实现 They carried out their plan without difficulty. 他们顺利地完成了计划。 carry away 1 拿走, 带走, 搬走 The men came and carried the table away. 来了一些人把那张桌子搬走了。 He let his anger carry him away. 他愤怒得不能自制。 The wounded men were carried away. 受伤的人们被抬走了。 The rubbish must be carried away. 垃圾必须运走。 2 使激动, 使着迷 The politician carried his hearers away with his speech. 那个政治家的演讲感染了听众。 He was carried away by her beauty. 他被她的美貌给迷住了。 We should not be carried away by our success. 我们绝不能被胜利冲昏头脑。 get through (亦作 get someone through)pass or assist someone in passing (a difficult or testing experience or period) 通过或助人通过(困难或考验) I need these lessons to get me through my exam. 我需要上这些课帮我考试过关。 ■(get something through)(with reference to a piece of legislation) make or become law 使(法案)通过 (chiefly Brit.)finish or use up (a large amount or number of something), especially within a short time (主英)(尤指短时间内)用完(大量物品) we got through four whole jars of mustard. 我们很快用完了整整四罐芥末。 make contact by telephone (用电话)联系 ■succeed in communicating with someone in a meaningful way (与人以有意义的方式)成功交流 I just don"t think anyone can get through to these kids. 我看就没人能和这些孩子沟通。
2023-07-17 17:36:441