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2023-07-17 22:23:24

1.Science has brought benefits to the people

2.A few of these approachs can solve this problem to some extent


3.Science makes people"s lives much more convenient

4.Science makes it easy to build the motherland


Sciences benefit the human being.

Some methods help to improve the issue to a certain degree.


1, Science benefits the human being.

2, Some cerain methods could,to some extent,be used to improve the situation(or to solve the problem).

3, Science promotes the convenience of people"s life.

4, Science enables better building of homeland.


1.Science benifits the humanbeing.

2.Some mothods can,to some extnet,improve(work out)this problem.

3.Science makes a heathier life style of humanbeing.

4.Science provides a better way to build our country.


1u3001Science brings benefit to humans.

2u3001Some methods can resolve tnis problem to some extent!


1Science for the benefit of mankind

2Some of these methods can be improved to some extent (to solve) the problem



promote和prompt的区别如下:一、指代不同1、promote:促进。2、prompt:促使。二、用法不同1、promote:promote作“提升为…”“使升入…”解时多指按常规次序递进。用作及物动词,接名词或代词作宾语,还可接“(to be+) n. ”充当补足语的复合宾语,promote常与介词to连用,此时通常用于被动结构。2、prompt:prompt用作动词时可作“促使”“激励”“唤起”“驱使”解,可接名词或代词作宾语,也可接以动词不定式或“to be+ adj. ”充当补足语的复合宾语。3、facilitate:17世纪初期进入英语,直接源自意大利语的facilis,意为促进。三、侧重点不同1、promote:强调的是外界的有利条件。2、prompt:一般指发展积极因素。3、facilitate:强调的是效果。短语:promote infrequently 罕见地提升。promote insidiously 潜伏地促进。promote promptly 迅速地提升。
2023-07-17 16:53:391


2023-07-17 16:54:111


I am ever responsible for Marketing presentations and sales channels construction
2023-07-17 16:54:352


从句的主语是These groups provide a supportive and safe environment整个句子,看做第三人称单数,所以谓语promote加s
2023-07-17 16:54:561


法律中 promoter的意思应是“发起人”常见于公司法中company promoter(公司发起人),也有赞助商、赞助人的意思。法律中的起诉人、原告常用的是plaintiff
2023-07-17 16:55:171


In 2008 the Beijing Olympic Games to the Chinese economy, society"sinfluence are widespread and profound, specially to the sports, thetraveling, the construction, the building materials, thecorrespondence, the commercial service and so on the concreteindustrial influence more direct and is profound. The Olympic Gameseconomy not only becomes the Chinese economy new growth spot, moreoveralso creates several million employment opportunities. As a result ofOlympic Games" catalytic effect, the Chinese economy high speed willdevelop in the 21st century previous 10 years. According to China inthe fresh economical growth model analysis surveys pointed out that,"The Beijing Olympic Games will be able the technical progress factorwhich GDP will grow every year for our country to achieve 0.3% ~0.5%". Chinese economy rising speaking of the world is the opportunitybut is not the threat, this first displays for the contribution whichgrows to the global economy. Hu Anshan Iron and Steel Company basisWorld Bank data computation, 1,980 ~ in 2000 period, US increases thegrowth technical progress factor to the whole world to occupy thefirst place, is 20.7%; China occupies 2nd, is 14%; The technicalprogress factor grows which to the global trade, China occupies 3rd,is 4.7%. This fully indicated that, the Chinese economy furtherdeepens to the world economics influence. In addition, in 2004, theChinese foreign trade imports and exports total breaks through1000000000000 US dollars critical junctions, becomes is only inferiorto American and Germany"s world 3rd big trade country. Some expertscalculated the future several years, China"s further will strengthenin international trade status, overseas will continue in the Chineseinvestment cost to increase, the Chinese economy will strengthen dayafter day to the world market price influence, China"s economic policyeven more will receive the international society to pay attention,Chinese participation economic policy international coordinatedability enhancement. Looking from the economical whole development that, China graduallymoves towards formidable and is powerful. This prepares and holds theOlympic Games to draw the function to the economy to doubt.Calculated according to the economical scholar Wu Xueming statisticsthat, during 6 years in 2,002 ~ 2008, reflected Chinese economicalintensity, formidable, powerful 3 overall target, has the varyingdegree the promotion, because the Olympic Games draw the function, 3targets in normal climb foundation, but also can rise 2 ~ 3. In 2008 Olympic Games" related investment cost about 280 billionRenminbi, to the infrastructure investment achieved 180 billion Yuan,use in construction and so on subway including 90 billion Yuan, lightaxle railroad, highway, airport, 45 billion Yuan use in theenvironment government construction, 30 billion Yuan use in theinformation construction, 15 billion Yuan use in life facility the andso on water the electricity heat construction and the transformation.This investment adds on the multiplicator effect which the investmentproduces, will become the Chinese economy high speed growth theauxiliary booster, and will have the positive role to the correlationindustry development and the economic structure adjustment. Beijing is in 2008 the Olympic Games conducts, the promotion economicstatus is more remarkable. Beijing Olympic Games direct profession theand so on promotion culture, sports, transportation, telecommunicationexpense, large amount and so on housing, automobile will expendmaintains continues to grow, the holiday will expend, the travelingleisure expense as well as Austria group committee"s each expenditureand so on increases expense also to assume the trend of escalation, in2008 the Beijing Olympic Games will be able to provide 2 millionemployment opportunities, through will develop the Olympic Gameseconomy, will be allowed to adjust the industrial structure, therealization optimization promotes, promotes the Beijing threeindustrial structures to develop to the high-level direction, to 2008the Beijing three industries proportions from at present 2.6%, 36%,61.4% transformations will be 2%, 33% and 65%. And, Beijing"s marketeven more will take the brand management, the cultivationinternational well-known brand, will promote Beijing the internationalimage and well-knownness.
2023-07-17 16:55:414

SAT og 语法挑错求助

第一句as后不是从句,没必要加that。第二句swam要改成swum.第三句different from是词组,没有differently from,as是介词,后面不接主谓。
2023-07-17 16:55:482


be still to cultivate moralitybe frugal to develop ethics
2023-07-17 16:56:104

The invention of various____promotes the exploration of outer space.

2023-07-17 16:56:182


2023-07-17 16:56:278


知识生产和使用的民主化知识世代程序的利益的伦理的晴朗向社会的一个生态学的态度和自然人类的能力的赏识反映,获悉, 而且改变对非暴力的社会变化的承诺它预计对一群人脱帽致敬或者生产数据和将会直接有用的知识它必须在小组中授与授与权力知识并且平均的人, 给与动机他们着手进行而且使用在研究被聚集的数据从这方法,主要的目标将测试以一个前指定的理论上的结构为基础的一个特别的干涉。 研究员担任开业者的一个串谋者和一个服务商, 当开业者的时候带来自研究的数据给他或她的客户研究员在和开业者合作之后厘清一个问题, 然后提供数据给用小组促进它的落实的这一位开业者一起来的研究员和开业者和协同合作潜在的问题和议题,他们的基本原因和可能的干涉。 这种 " 实际的行动研究 " 寻求改善实际的-和-服务经过 " 叁加者的个人智能 " 的申请的开业者的递送. 在行动研究开始的这一个模态中的沟通流程以研究和服务商协同合作地工作 , 然后对群保管赌注的人源自开业者行动研究的这一个模态 "在叁加开业者中促进解放的习惯; 那是, 它促进在政治上又实际的行动展现它本身的一个紧要关头的意识促进变化"第一个目标是一种尝试增加接近在特定的设定中被开业者遇到的逐日的问题之间, 和用的理论解释而且解决问题。 第二个目标将在举起他们的阴云密布理解的面纱方面对开业者协助, 而且帮助他们更好藉由升起他们的集体意识了解基本问题它实际上理论和提供释放和赋与权能给叁加者的启迪一起是来临 , 哪一至行动和变化的领引。
2023-07-17 16:56:561

大学英语翻译: In our class,most discussions and activit

不好意思,environment是可数名词,因为前面加了 a表示是单数,所以promote加s在我们班,在编好的小组中进行大部分的讨论和活动。如果是there就不翻译,如果是these, 就翻译为 这些小组提供了一种支持和(sate是一个动词,应该是笔误)的氛围,这种氛围促进学习
2023-07-17 16:57:061


Reaserch and suggestions about the prevention of juvenile deliquency in HangzhouRecently,juvenile deliquency has been the social problem that the whole society concerns. The juvenile deliquency harms themselves, families and the society. Juvenile deliquency cause anxiety and unstability in the whole society. Meanwhile the whole society attached great importance to the juvenile deliquency. How could we reduce and prevent juvenile deliquency? Start from the communits,clearify teenagers" living and study enviroment and help teenagers grow healthy.
2023-07-17 16:57:154


提示 同义词的辨析最好差英英词典 下面是给你的英英解释 因为英英的解释是辨析的最好方法1 boost- to increase or improve something and make it more successful: 提高或者促进某件事情 并且使这件事情成功2 improve-to make something better, or to become better使某事变得越来越好3 promote-to help something to develop or increase帮助某事来提高或者增长
2023-07-17 16:57:392


大力推进英文为vigorously promote。读音:英式读音[ˈvɪgərəsli prəˈməʊt]。美式读音[ˈvɪgərəsli prəˈmoʊt]。vigorously单词解释:adv.主要用作副词,作副词时译为“精神旺盛地,活泼地”。同义词energetically,robustly,dynamically,actively,forcefully。promote单词解释:vt.及物动词、不及物动词,作及物动词时意为促进;提升;推销;发扬,作不及物动词时意为“成为王后或其他大于卒的子”。同义词:advance,upgrade,further,put forward,endorse。相关例句:1.The company vigorously promotes its new product through various marketing strategies.公司通过各种市场策略积极推广其新产品。2.The government is vigorously promoting sustainable development in the country.政府正在积极推动国家的可持续发展。3.The artist"s manager vigorously promotes her talent through social media and public events.艺术家的经纪人通过社交媒体和公开活动积极推广她的才华。4.The school vigorously promotes a culture of inclusivity and diversity among its students.学校积极推动学生之间的包容和多样性文化。5.The non-profit organization vigorously promotes environmental conservation through education and awareness campaigns.这家非营利组织通过教育和宣传活动积极推广环境保护。
2023-07-17 16:57:461

英语翻译 饭后散步有助于消化.(promote;digestion)

walking after meal promotes digestion.
2023-07-17 16:58:421


be trust to do.被信任干某事。 behave in a way 做的是宾语补足语成分。best promotes the interest of the firm. 前的that是引导定语从局解释behave in a way
2023-07-17 16:59:032


Associated with the market economy, contemporary Chinese popular culture, its emergence is the rise of the study is nearly 30 years of remarkable cultural landscape. Notably, in the study, or there is always favorable or derogatory or neutral point of view different. The author believes that the current popular culture in the market, the media and the network expansion and penetration of the strong, the growing Popular tendency(低俗化)situation, we must pay sufficient attention to and a clear understanding of their holds, it is a modern society the power of a strong, are invasive and the denial of people"s private living space, huge number of people gradually lose their sense of culture as a purely passive consumers. In this form, be calm and critical look at is a difficult but necessary task. I am on the Frankfurt School of "cultural elitism," the position of positive criticism, but not pessimistic about its color, that enhance the value of pop culture guide, and strive to enhance the humanistic quality of mass culture and the culture of critical mass cultural consumption temperament, so as to continuously meet the people"s growing spiritual and cultural needs is possible.
2023-07-17 16:59:128

英语可以doing the什么 do sth = help to do sth 帮助做某事 这个短语中的不定式to do sth的符号to,是可以省略的. 不过如果它用于被动语态中时,to不能省略,即只能说:sth be helped to do... 这个不叫句型,只能算是动词短语/搭配,其中不定式to do sth做动词help的宾语. 句子主语是动名词短语doing sports,谓语是helps,不定式短语 (to) maintain the physical fitness of students为宾语. 2.这个句子的主干是:Movement promotes circulation of blood (运动促进血液循环) 其中,coming form physical exertion during exercise是现在分词短语做后置定语,修饰句子主语movement,可翻译成“(在锻炼中来自于体力活动的)动作/运动”. tp all parts of the body为介宾短语做句子(地点)状语. 整句翻译为:在锻炼时来自于身体运用的运动,它将血液循环提升到身体的所有部位. 整句也就是一个简单的主谓宾结构:主语movement,谓语promotes,宾语circulation.
2023-07-17 16:59:271


Along with 21st century culture traveling activity day by day widespread thorough, the people to the temple traveling watching interest increase, the Buddhism tourism obtain the further development.The Buddhism culture and the traveling even more demonstrated one kind promotes mutually the situation, causes Buddhism to travel becomes the modern traveling the very important one form.Thus this article through the development research which travels to the Mt. Lushan Buddhism causes Mt. Lushan"s Buddhism to travel on a yet higher goal.Moreover rational development Buddhism will travel can lead the place economy the development, protects Mt. Lushan"s Buddhism tourist resources effectively, finally promotes the sustainable development which Buddhism travels.
2023-07-17 16:59:342

Appreciate for you cooperation to promote our X’mas Feast这句话语法上有哪些需要调整?

只要把you 改为 your 就可以了。
2023-07-17 16:59:437


Because modern people working pressure, life pressure, spiritualpressure oversized, causes the people more and more to take ownhealth, but treats the disease using chemistry medicine, recuperatesthe ill sickness existence certain side effect. But maintains thehealthy body and spirit the method to choose, the people "return thenature" returns plain returns to original condition the psychology tobe more and more intense. Under this idea, I even more advocatedpromotes the health using the nutritional therapy this green therapy,maintains the health. But regarding puzzles the feminine health月经不调 this common ill sickness, the utilization nutritionaltherapy effect is more remarkable. This paper first elaborated any is月经不调 and its the minute, the malpractice which then introducedhas recuperated 月经不调 the commonly used method exists, thusdrew out the nutritional therapy to recuperate 月经不调 thismethod, finally through the document row confirmed this method waseffective, also hoped more people could recuperate ill using thenutritional therapy sickness, thus achieved the true health.
2023-07-17 16:59:584


2023-07-17 17:00:071

The benefits of traveling_旅行的益处英语作文90字

The benefits of traveling_旅行的益处英语作文90字 I am always interested in traveling. My reasons are quite simple and clear. If anybody is not satisfied with my viewpoint, I shall be greatly surprised at his ways of thinking. In the first place, traveling increases our knowledge. Only by traveling can we see things outside our home town. In the second place, traveling is good to our health. While we are traveling, we usually exercise our bodies. In conclusion, I earnestly hope that everybody must seize the opportunity of traveling.
2023-07-17 17:00:282


From 10a.m to 11a.m on April.29,2007, hundreds of millions students took part in the Sunshine Sports Activity, and there were 1100 students joined in this activity actively.Ministry of education advocated that if the students do the exercise for an hour every day, then they will work healthily for fifteen years, and they will have a happy life for a lifetime.I think that we students of Senior 3 should do exercise each day, because it can relieve the working stress.
2023-07-17 17:00:352


The movement is one kind of powerful social strength, it can surmount the national boundary, the race, the language unites the humanity in the same place, the Olympic Games is this strength ultimate expression. Promotes human"s mind, the stimulation potential and the breakthrough limit with some form
2023-07-17 17:00:445


Culture Smart or Science Intelligent ? Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen. I"m very happy to have this opportunity to share my opinion on Culture Smart and Science Intelligent with all of you. With developing of the economy brought by modern science(你的意思是现代科学带来的经济发展?), the lives of the working people are improving every day all over the world. Obviously, everyone enjoy the convenience and efficiency as a result of technology. It seems that our life now totally rely on the science and technology in all aspects, ranging from medical instruments to communication tools. Look at the space program, the military science, the robots, the digital platform and so on, all these offer great convenience to both the production and daily lives of human being, and promote social progress in the way. There is no doubt that science is intelligent. But today, more and more people are aware of a series of problems such as environmental pollution, distinction of species, over radiation, energy shortage, and other problems emerged with science and technology. (memory loss of people, terrorism threats不好吧?和科技没有直接联系)How to solve these problems? In order to wipe out the problems from the very beginning, my standpoint is we should depend on the power of smart culture. British novelist Maugham said:The value of culture is its effect on character. Its use is for life. Its aim is not beauty but goodness. As we all know, culture not only include the history or tradition, but also the human civilization and morals. Development of science and technology needs the guiding and restriction of culture. Only when we put every fields in science under the guidance and constrains of the culture"s moral strength, can our society progress in a healthy and sustainable way. So, I still believe that the topic "Culture Smart or Science Intelligent" is not a multiple Choice but a reflection Question. Culture will always be smart at all times, by the obligation of culture, people will have more consciousness and responsibility to advance the science and technology under a harmonious circumstances. I would like to expect our intelligent science become more fast-changing, and the smart culture makes use of our life more fulfilled and more beautiful! Thank you!
2023-07-17 17:00:582

汉译英 勤是摇钱树 检是聚宝盆 静以修身 俭以养德 如何翻译?十万火急~ 直接网页在线翻译的就免了

diligence is milch cow frugality is cornucopia quietude promotes learning frugality cultivates virtue "夫君子之行,静以修身,俭以养德,非淡泊无以明志,非宁静无以致远."出自诸葛亮《诸葛武侯集.诫子篇书》 英语:quietude promotes learning ,frugality cultivates virtue (source :Ralph Dunsdon,USA)
2023-07-17 17:01:171

英语privilege escalation怎么翻译?

2023-07-17 17:01:2513


in today"s world,racial,ethnic,and national categories no longer impose fixed barriers or unbending traditions. this is not to say that these categories have disappeared.rather,they are mixing and interacting in new ways.the hybrid nature of today"s society is a valuable resource that companies and businesses should tap into in their quest to innovate.the ability to apply knowledge to new situations is the most valued currency in today"s economy. more than ever ,creativity rewards those who exercise it,so curiosity about the sourse of creativity has never be higher how creativity come about is a riddle,but a few things seem clear.highly creative people necessarily excel in raw brainpower.they are misfits on some level. they tend to questuion accepted views and to consider contradictory ones.the implications are plain to see: divergent thinking is an essential ingredient of creativity.diverse groupes produce diverse thinking .therefore,diversity promotes creativity.this logic applies to corporations,research teams,think tanks,and other groups ofcreators.those who rely on a team of diverse people are more likely to innovate than those who rely on platoons of similar be sure,hybridity poses risks. a hybrid person may lose himself in a jumble of affiliations. a hybrid nation may botch the process of reinvention. still,the price of such errors seems lower than the cost of circling the ethnic wagons and either shutting out people who are differentor forcing them to become "one of us".never before have so many people married across racial and ethnic lines. nver before have so many peopler left their homelands for work or pleasure. never before so many people touched or tasted the clothes,foods,musical styles, and ideas of cultures not available to them in thier youth.these people are not becoming phantoms or dilettantes. rather,they are part of an outpouring of human creativity that is being driven by radical mixing."you cannot spill a drop of american blood,"Herman Melville wrote in 1849,"without spilling the blood of the whole world."more than ever,Melville"s declaration applies not only to america,but to allnations.1.the author"s attitude towards mixing of cultures is one of____a.unrestricted enthusiasmb.eager advocacyc.genuine concernd.satisfied approval2.according to the text ,people are curious about sources of creativity because____a.creativity is profitableb.creativity is a basic human instinctc.creativity is directly related to diversityd.creative thought is valued by almost the fourth paragraph, ther term "botch"most likely means____(don"tconsult a dictionary!)a.complicateb.err inc.excel atd.flourish in4.the author suggests of current times that___a.without diversity ,creativity would ceaseb.the growth of the economy depends on a diverse workforcec.businesses can gain from the"s creative individual does best in business5.this text is mainly about____a.the signficance of diversity to creative thoughtb.the advantages of diversity for innovative businessesc.the impact of an increasingly multicultural society on economyd.the advantages and disadvantages of diversity1. 这题不会是 C, 因为全文对 mixing cultures 的语气是正面的. 选 A 未必对, 因为它提出过 hybridity poses risks, 只不过是瑕不掩瑜, 所以不一定是 unrestricted 的 enthusiasm. 剩下是 B 和 D, 而 B 是比 D 强烈一点. 我会选 B.2. 我会选 A, 因为文中说: the ability to apply knowledge to new situations is "the most valued currency in today"s economy". more than ever ,"creativity rewards those who exercise it",so curiosity about the sourse of creativity has never be (这里该是 been?!) higher.3. 我会选 B, 这个句子是讲 hybridity 的 risks. C 和 D 是正面的词组, A 比较中性, 只有 B 是负面.4. 我会选 C. 文中说 diversity "promotes" creativity, 但没有说: no diversity ---> no creativity, 所以我不敢选 A. B 也有点问题, 文中好像没说过 economic growth 这个事情. 至於 D, 文中只是说 creative 的人会有优势, 但没有说 "best". 我的理解是: diveristy ---> creativity ---> innovation ---而"companies and businesses should tap into in their quest to innovate", 所以 "businesses can gain from the diversity".5. 我会选 B. 和上面的一题一样, diveristy ---> creativity ---> innovation, 这便是 diversity 的好处了.
2023-07-17 17:01:501


1. Market definition and positioning: Each product needs of a market commodity in the market positioning is very important, it shows that this type of merchandise for which the crowd"s needs. SPAM is a convenient, green and healthy canned meat, suitable for office workers and the needs of students or housewives, usually very easy to be consumed in the same family, they also play out very easy to carry. Market positioning is healthy, convenient and easy to carry, mainly in the white-collar workers in the promotion. 2. Market Segmentation: Some well-known Chinese goods have occupied the main market, how kind to good market segmentation, we need to have a marketing tool to sell our products and get them to accept our products, first we must have read the packaging did not forget, the most important thing is that very quality and word-of-mouth. 3. Market characteristics: the characteristics of the market is the survival of the fittest 4. Describe your customer: Customer Orientation mainly in peacetime busy office workers and students in the school, there are housewives rarely cook. 1. Major competitors: We products in the Chinese market or new, to not be accepted, the Chinese market has many similar products, for instance, is Shuanghui, this product has been accepted by many families, this is probably the main competitors. 2. Intermediate competitors: a good reputation, but not very good marketing means SME companies. 3. To share market and competitors: different merchandise on their own marketing means, to promote the goods, there must be healthy competition. 4. The strengths and weaknesses of competitors: advantages: the market has been occupied for many years, have a good reputation and the reputation of many people to buy their products, because China"s one finds that the quality of the goods it is difficult to accept other good merchandise. Weaknesses: There is no fixed innovative packaging and marketing model
2023-07-17 17:02:003


this is sad indeed, you people should be ashamed haha
2023-07-17 17:02:089


生产发展、生活宽裕、乡风文明、村容整洁、管理民主: the plenty developing, living, countryside civilization, village hold the democracy clean and tidy, managing例句:1.摘要社会主义新农村建设的具体要求是“生产发展、生活宽裕、乡风文明、村容整洁,管理民主”。That new rural construction of socialism concre demands is "the plenty developing, living, countryside civilization, village hold the democracy clean and tidy, managing".2. 强调坚持统筹城乡经济社会发展,按照生产发展、生活宽裕、乡风文明、村容整洁、管理民主的要求,扎实稳步地推进社会主义新农村建设。It puts emphasis on the equal economic and social development in urban and rural areas, steadily and safely promotes the socialist new rural construction according to the requirements of producing development, wealthy life, polite phenomenon, clean and tidy appearance and democratic management.3. 在全球化不断加深的趋势下,必须按照“生产发展、生活宽裕、乡风文明、村容整洁、管理民主”的总体要求,扎实推进社会主义新农村建设。With the development of globalization, we should advance firmly the construction of a new socialist countryside according to the general requirements of enhanced productive forces, higher living standards, civilized living style, an orderly and clean environment and democratic administration.
2023-07-17 17:02:291

SAT 语法

答案说的是NO ERROR, 你是不是弄错了兄弟.
2023-07-17 17:02:523


There are many advantages of getting up early in the morning. As we all know that doing morning exercises is good for health and promotes human well being. Also, if you read something in the morning, you will find out that it is easier to be memorised. And getting up early in the morning can prepare the activities in the day. In addition, keep getting up early in the morning can develop good characteristics.
2023-07-17 17:03:011

保险行业里 production和underwriting分别是什么?

保险 Insurance 保险精算师 Actuary 保险产品开发/项目策划 Product Development/Planner 保险业务经理/主管 Business Manager/Supervisor 保险代理/经纪人/客户经理 Agent/Broker/Account Manager 理财顾问/财务规划师 Financial Advisor/Financial Planner 储备经理人 Agency Management Associate 保险核保 Underwriting 保险理赔 Claim Management 保险客户服务/续期管理 Customer Service 保险培训师 Trainer 保险内勤 Staff 其他 Others 生产/营运 Manufacturing/Operation 工厂经理/厂长 Plant/Factory Manager 总工程师/副总工程师 Chief Engineer 项目经理/主管 Project Manager/Supervisor 项目工程师 Project Engineer 营运经理 Operations Manager 营运主管 Operations Supervisor 生产经理/车间主任 Production Manager/Workshop Supervisor 生产计划协调员 Production Planning Executive/Officer 生产主管/督导/领班 Production Supervisor/Team Leader 化验员 Laboratory Technician 其他 Others
2023-07-17 17:04:111

谁能帮忙讲解一下这个句子:This inter-dependence,the theory goes,promotes peace.

2023-07-17 17:04:204


2023-07-17 17:04:5515


100%纯芦荟舒缓凝胶源来大自然的神奇岁月植物--新鲜芦荟叶。涂抹时,可形成一种保护屏障,具有神奇的保湿及愈合效果。非油性润肤品可有效抵御的日晒,轻微烧伤,皮肤过敏,蚊虫叮咬,皮肤发炎,瘙痒,皮肤干燥。用法:可按需要多次涂抹。成份:芦荟素凝胶,三甲胺,醋酸维生素E ,卡波姆940,乙二胺四乙酸四钠,乙内酰脲,二唑尿素。添加稳定剂和防腐剂,保持产品的功效。你打上来的有些拼写好像错了,“frult of the eorth ” 是不是应该是:“fruit of the earth"呢,后头也有一点拼写错呢
2023-07-17 17:05:192


1大量的高中学生使用不安全的方法来减肥或者保持体重2定期身体活动减少抑郁和焦虑的情绪,促进心理健康。3肥胖的患病率在6 - 10岁儿童已经翻了一番多在过去的20年。4早期动脉粥样硬化的指标,最常见的导致心脏病,尽早在童年和青春期。5身体活动和锻炼条款有时可以互换使用,即使他们代表不同的东西。这是我翻译的,不知你认为怎样,希望对你有帮助
2023-07-17 17:05:382


佛教被介绍了从印度进入中国在第6 个世纪广告。母鸡皇帝的当中一个寄发使命到在中国西边和把带回圣经、印第安修士和菩萨的图象。从那以后中国翻译使可利用并且学者进一步交换在中国、印度和其它亚洲国家之中达到了佛教的迅速发展在中国。佛教修道院和寺庙被修建促进佛教并且一些皇帝并且是佛教追随者。佛教, 象Confucianism 和Taoism, 引导人表现, 是诚实和负责任的。它促进和谐和平安的头脑, 分享和慈心。佛教徒从未力量人入他们的信仰。佛教强调在"awakening mind" 。通过学会, 你将开发智力容量充分以便了解, 对爱和是亲切的对其它生存。 佛教不相信上帝。它相信人。在佛教教学, 没有佛教或其它宗教的强的拒绝的进取的促进。所有这些牌子佛教分成同样范围Confucianism 和Taoist 。它的能力共存以所有其它宗教做它被开发成最大的宗教的当中一个在中国。 基本的佛教概念基地在四高尚的真相: 第一高尚的真相- 生活精神上和完全遭受以憔悴的形式、伤害、老化、死亡、疲倦、愤怒、寂寞、失望、恐惧和忧虑, 等。 其次高尚的真相- 所有这些痛苦由热衷造成。一个自我中心的人以连续要从其他人将导致精神不幸。反过来, 它将导致物理尾气和疲劳在生活中。 第三高尚的真相- 所有痛苦可能被克服和被避免。当你放弃不尽要和忍受生活演变没有恐惧、仇恨和愤怒的问题, 幸福和自由然后将被获得。克服自已中心和自私的思路, 你然后将花费时间在会议其他人需要和感觉生活被履行。 第四高尚的真相- 有一个高尚的Eigthfold 道路带领克服痛苦。八倍道路包括完善的理解、完善的想法、完善的讲话、完善的行动、完善的生计、完善的努力、完善的留心和完善的集中。 佛教实践在上面在精神上显现出成一个完善的人。这说带领一入最后幸福在生活和均匀晚年。 佛教并且促进品行规范在生活中。那是什么他们称五个规范避免杀害, 窃取, 沉溺, 说谎和酒精喝。佛教教学介绍凝思、重生、智力发展和比较的方式和概念。它导致自已了解, 而不是盲目相信
2023-07-17 17:05:473


Tibet the × × living creature medicine science and technology limited company is a gather to hide the medicine research development and produce the sale, import and export in the integral whole of medicine business enterprise, the company insist always with the principle of management of" in order to lead first, science and technology the quantity is a life, dedicated to society, bring benefit to in the mankind", spread to accept to hide the essence that medicine learn, work hard to scoop out to hide the medicine, expand the race medicine, adopt the new ideas, new angle of view, new method promote hide the medicine to across the region and across a thorough research of course, borrow the person"s effort and sincerities now, once more reflect a wise and farsighted ray of light, morning glow of chaperonage new century, gradual 惠 and vaster region.
2023-07-17 17:05:5816


身体的英文physical的读音:英[fzkl];美[fzkl]。physical作为形容词时的意思是身体的,肉体的,躯体的,客观存在的,现实的,物质的,有形的,根据自然规律的,符合自然法则的。作为名词时的意思是体检,体格检查。 扩展资料 physical的例句:Physical activity promotes good health(体育活动促进身体健康);The attraction between them is physical(他们之间的彼此吸引是肉体上的)。
2023-07-17 17:06:241


Economic development is seemingly more important, due to the fact that it creates enormous job opportunities, improves living conditions and increases government revenues. Yet, the above goals can only really be reached on condition that the environment is well protected. And, interesting, it is the economic development per se that provides the money and personnel resources required for the protection of the environment. A well-preserved environment is the groundwork for the economy and in a way promotes economic growth. A fast-development and well-functioning economy calls for a good environment, which offers essential resources, e.g. wood, coal, water, and so on. Once the environment deteriorates, the production process is likely to be disturbed or even halted. What is worse, natural disaster that comes with the worsening environmental conditions might even paralyze the whole economy and pose a severe threat to human life. The pursuit of short-term economic profit is the destruction of our home and that of our posterity.经济的发展似乎更重要,由于它创造了大量的就业机会,改善了生活条件以及增加了政府收入。然而,如果环境被保护了,以上的目标才算真正达到了,经济发展的本身提供了钱,这些资源要用于环境保护上。一个被保护得好的环境是经济基础也是提高经济的一种方式。快速发展和运转良好的经济呼吁良好的环境,它能够提供基本的能源,比如:木材,煤,水,等等。一旦环境恶化,产品进程很可能受到干扰或者甚至中断。更严重的是,自然灾害伴随而来的更为严重的环境问题可能会使整个经济瘫痪而且对人类生活形成严重的威胁。短期经济利益的追求会使我们的家和权益受到破坏。So economic development and environmental protection are equally important. In this case, we are actually working on an environment-friendly economy.因此,经济发展与环境保护同等重要。在这种情况下,我们实际上是工作在一个环境友好型经济中。
2023-07-17 17:06:331

保险行业里 production和underwriting分别是什么?

production 有“产量,产出”的意思property是“财产”的意思。property insurance :财产保险underwriting insurance :车辆保险
2023-07-17 17:06:432

英语we value the diversity of our community怎么翻译?

2023-07-17 17:06:5213


2023-07-17 17:04:381


问题一:足球的英文怎么写 football;soccer 两种都有,希望能对你有帮助! 问题二:踢足球的英语怎么写 Play football 问题三:足球英语怎么写 英式足球的写法是football 美式足球的写法是soccer 一般来讲写英语的话写football即可,但如果要是写给美国人的话应该写成soccer,因为football在美国会认为是橄榄球,国际足联的穿方语言是英语和法语,西班牙语,德语和葡萄牙语,所以国际足联的官方叫法是Fédération Internationale de Football Association,请看其中的足球一词,即是football,所以一般来说你写football就行,希望对你有用 问题四:足球运动员的英语怎么写 您好,翻译为 football player 希望帮助你 问题五:足球的英语单词怎么写 足球 常见的英文说法有: football; soccer; 我已经和他说好了明天一块去看足球赛。 I"ve arranged to go with him to tomorrow"s football match. 在学校,马克主要对体育运动很感兴趣,他打橄榄球,也踢足球。 Mark was mainly interested in sport at school, playing rugby as well as soccer. football更为官方和普及。简单来说soccer是美国人为足球运动特别命名的,用来区别在美国被称为football的橄榄球。现在football一词的官方色彩越来越浓厚,目前的形势是将soccer一词废除。 问题六:足球队服用英语怎么说... 球衣可用“(soccer)jersey”来表达,如果您特别想强调球衣是球队的 “队服”,则可用“(soccer)team jersey”来表示。与football shirt相比,football shirt常见于口语,而jersey一般特指“印有球队队徽的球衣”。 另外,值得一耿的是,在阅读有关英格兰足球的新闻时,或许会看到(soccer)team strip,strip在这里也指球队的球衣,但在美国不常用。 问题七:我喜欢足球的英语怎么写? I like football
2023-07-17 17:04:392


RM并没有完美的配置编辑器,所以你需要用你最常用的文本编辑器来手动配置。RM的设定被打散在很多地方,但对于大部分的用户来说,Rainmeter.ini是唯一需要你调整的地方。一般配置文件也就是通配文件就是Rainmeter.ini,皮肤配置文件是在#skin-name#.ini里调整。注意:由于Refresh会把旧的值写回配置文件,所以某些setting不能在Rainmeter运行时更改。所以当你发现部分setting更改无效的时候尝试下把整个RM关闭再修改。Step.rc:RainmeterIniFile如果Rainmeter.ini没有被放在默认的位置,可以用它来指向定义。RainmeterSkinPath定义skin文件夹的路径,但必须在以独立的子文件夹的形式放在skins文件夹下。RainmeterPluginPath定义插件文件夹路径。RainmeterCurrentConfig目前正起作用的配置文件名,这可以用来强制使用某些配置。你必须同时定义RainmeterCurrentConfigIni。RainmeterCurrentConfigIni目前正起作用的配置文件。(仅为配置文件,并非路径)RainmeterWindowX设定窗口的X坐标。RainmeterWindowY设定窗口的Y坐标。Rainmeter.ini文件主要由[Rainmeter]和[Statistics]两部分组成,[Rainmeter]部分包含一般设定可以用来改变RM的行为表现。此配置是作为所有被打开的Config文件的默认值。一旦Config被打开即会在Rainmeter.ini下将配置写入自己的那部分中。[Statistics]下包含着大部分的Measures,请不要手动去修改它。[TrayMeasures]是个特别的部分,用来定义系统托盘图标的,只要设定了一个正常的有意义的值。以下这些必须放在[Rainmeter]下(或者放在各个Config中):WindowX窗口的X坐标,负值有效,相对于右边屏幕位置WindowY窗口的Y坐标,相对于屏幕底部位置。AllowNegativeCoordinates如果设置成1,负坐标将可以正常定义;如果设置成0,则会从桌面右下角抵扣。SavePosition如果设置成1,窗口的位置会被记录在Rainmeter.ini文件中,当RM下次启动时会仍然出现在那个位置。AlwaysOnTop如果设置成1,此窗口会始终出现在其它窗口的前面,也就是所谓的的始终前置窗口。如果设置成0,窗口位置是Normal,如果设置成-1,则窗口会后置于其它窗口。-2代表钉在桌面上,2则代表是前置级别最高,前置于其他前置窗口。注意的是-2钉在桌面上仅在Explorer-Shell下工作。Draggable如果设置成1,窗口可以被鼠标拖动,如果设置成0,这窗口固定。SnapEdges如果设置成1,则窗口在移动中会自动边缘吸附。HideOnMouseOver如果设置成1,当鼠标指针移动到窗口范围内时,窗口便会消失。当鼠标指针移开窗口范围时,窗口又会重新出现。如果按住Shift、Ctrl和Alt时移动鼠标,则窗口不会消失或重现。StartHidden如果设置成1,RM会在系统启动时隐藏,你可以使用!RainmeterShow-bang来使他显形。NativeTransparency如果设置成1则支持本地透明(仅限Win2K&XP)。AlphaValue窗口的透明值,数值范围在0~255之间。需要开启NativeTransparency。ClickThrough如果设置成1则鼠标穿透,需要开启NativeTransparency。LeftMouseDownAction当鼠标左键在RM窗口上按下后所执行的命令,注意此处不支持拖动。RightMouseDownAction当鼠标右键在RM窗口上按下后所执行的命令。LeftMouseUpAction当鼠标左键在RM窗口上放开后所执行的命令。RightMouseUpAction当鼠标右键在RM窗口上放开后所执行的命令,注意此处不支持右键环境菜单。MouseOverAction当鼠标掠过RM窗口时所执行的命令。MouseLeaveAction当鼠标离开RM窗口时所执行的命令。DesktopWorkArea设定桌面工作区域,定义工作区域最大的窗口覆盖,用四个逗号进行值的分割。(e.g. DesktopWorkArea=0,0,1920,1200)注意如果移动Taskbar会重新设定成Windows默认值(改变屏幕分辨率也会出现同样情况)。TrayIcon设置成0可以屏蔽系统托盘图标。FadeDuration定义窗口淡出的时间值,时间单位为毫秒,设置为0,此项无效。TrayExecuteL, TrayExecuteM, TrayExecuteR, TrayExecuteDL, TrayExecuteDM, TrayExecuteDR鼠标双击系统托盘图标时执行的命令,注意TrayExecuteR权限高于系统托盘的环境菜单。OnRefreshActionConfig刷新时执行的命令。刷新同样会在Config第一次运行时起作用。ConfigEditor定义RM的配置文件编辑器应用程序,默认为Notepad记事本。~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~以下部分必须放在[TrayMeasure]部分下:Measure托盘显示的名称。TrayMeter这可以是直方图或位图。TrayColor1定义直方图的背景颜色。TrayColor2定义直方图的前景颜色。TrayBitmap定义托盘所用的位图的名称。位图的帧数可以任凭你所想,不过大小必须限制在16*16上。路径需关联于Rainmeter"s-Skins文件夹。皮肤皮肤文件放在RM安装根目录下的skins文件夹内。单个皮肤请创立独立子文件夹进行存放。一个可用的皮肤一般包含ini配置文件、image&icon等。单个皮肤文件夹内可以包含多个配置文件但只有一个可以被激活,这也允许skiner定制多种局部差异性皮肤以满足不同用户的需求。注意:请不要在文件夹和配置文件命名时使用空格。皮肤文件通常被划分为四部分:[Rainmeter]:放置一般设定。[Variables]:存放变量。[Measures]:实际测量值。[Meters]:实际测量值具象化表现方式。在一个measure上捆绑多个meter是可行的。当然不是必须要按照如上的顺序来写,但是如果能将代码写的比简单清晰明了,对于插件的使用者来说可以说会方便很多呢。对于开发者来说尽量将[Variables]变量放在配置文件的顶部,这样可以方便使用者进行自己的配置。对于需要手动更新的关键字请用#字符来分隔(e.g.#Username#:#Password#)。以下这些必须放在[Rainmeter]部分中:Background背景图片名,粉红色(255,0,255)可以作为透明背景。支持BMP、JPG、PNG(带有Alpha通道)。BackgroundMode定义背景模式:0=Background定义的图片。1=透明。2=纯色。3=背景图像缩放。BackgroundMargins定义背景图像的边缘,在BackgroundMode=3的时候也不会被缩放。SolidColor如果Background模式设置为2的时候,此项定义背景色。SolidColor2如果Background模式设置为2的时候,此项定义第二颜色的背景梯度(颜色渐变的第二颜色)。GradientAngle如果Background模式设置为2的时候,此项定义颜色梯度(颜色渐变)的角度。角度以弧度制定义。 BevelType此项描述的是纯背景颜色周围的斜缘边。0=无,1=凸起,2=凹陷。UpdateMeters的更新时间,单位是毫秒(1秒=1000毫秒)。默认值为1000(i.e.1秒)DynamicWindowSize如果设置成1,窗口会在每次更新时进行大小重新计算,必要情况下会自动缩放窗口大小。DragMargins定义窗口不允许被拖动的区域。需要定义4个值并以逗号分隔。这个值定义的是不允许拖动的区域。负值是从对边开始计算的。KeepOnScreen设置成1则窗口始终保持在监视器的范围之内。(建议玩全屏降分辨率游戏的用户不要开启此项选项,这样会导致退出游戏后插件移位)Author皮肤作者的名字和E-Mail地址。该字符串会显示在关于的对话框内。AppVersion此插件支持的最低RM引擎版本。如果你认为没必要可以不写。The version is a single number that can be calculated like this: Major * 1000 + Minor. E.g. a value for Rainmeter 0.11.4 would be 11004.Measures每个Measures的命名必须唯一并且需要放用“[]”字符框起。只要在一个配置文件中命名不重复,名称可以随意。不要在命名中使用空格。Meters和Measures的命名是捆绑的,也就是同一指向的要命名相同。注意:为了使测量值能显示相对最低和最高值,某些meters需要一系列的值如Bar、Histogram,etc.。并非所有的measures能够自动的测算出最低和最高值,所以某些measures请手动配置最高值和最低值。Measures的通用设置Measure这里定义Measures,有效值如下:CPU 测算CPU负载(如需独立监控各核占用情况开启PerfMon插件)。 Memory 测算记忆体总利用率。 PhysicalMemory 测算物理内存分配。 SwapMemory 测算Swap分配。 NetIn 测算网络下载流量。 NetOut 测算网络上载流量。 NetTotal 测算网络总流量。 FreeDiskSpace 测算空闲硬体总量。 PefMon 测算终端性能数据。 Uptime 显示系统开机后持续的时间,仅在STRING-meter下工作。 Plugin 调用外部插件定义Measures。 Registry 测算注册表值。 Time 测算即时时间和日期。 Calc 计算公式。 InvertMeasure如果设置成1,反转测量值。(e.g.将空闲硬体容量反转为目前硬体占用容量)IfAboveAction如果实际测量值超过设定值时执行的命令。这个动作在测定值超越设定值时仅会被执行一次,所以如果要再次执行此动作前测定值需低于设定值。IfAboveValueIfAboveAction的设定值。IfBelowAction如果实际测量值低于设定值时执行的命令。这个动作在测定值低于设定值时仅会被执行一次,所以如果要再次执行此动作前测定值需高于设定值。IfBelowValueIfBelowAction的设定值。IfEqualAction当测量值等于IfEqualValue定义的值时执行的命令。当测量值等于设定值时命令仅执行一次,如果需要再次执行,测量值必须先低于或者高于设定值。值四舍五入到整数。IfEqualValueIfEqualAction的设定值。Disabled如果设置成1,在启动时不进行测量。UpdateDivider此值决定着测量频率。此值于Update值绑定。比如Update=1000&UpdateDivider=30,则没30s测算一次。此项默认值为1。MaxValue测算最大值。MinValue测算最小值。Substitute此项可以替换关键词,必须成对出现并用逗号分隔,注意必须要用引号引出。(e.g.Substitute="cat":"dog"表述的是在测量值中将关键词cat全部替换成dog)AverageSize定义窗口的测量平均取值。(e.g.如果设置成10则将输出最后10次测量的平均值)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
2023-07-17 17:04:371


2023-07-17 17:04:324