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雪莱《西风颂》的英文赏析 谢谢!

2023-05-19 17:10:46
Interpretation of the poem

The poem Ode to the West Wind can be divided in two parts: the first three stanzas are about the qualities of the ‘Wind"; the fact that these three stanzas belong together can visually be seen by the phrase ‘Oh hear!" at the end of each of the three stanzas. Whereas the first three stanzas give a relation between the ‘Wind" and the speaker, there is a turn at the beginning of the fourth stanza; the focus is now on the speaker, or better the hearer, and what he is going to hear.

a.) first stanza

The first stanza begins with the alliteration ‘wild West Wind". This makes the ‘wind" “sound invigorating”. The reader gets the impression that the wind is something that lives, because he is ‘wild" – it is at that point a personification of the ‘wind". Even after reading the headline and the alliteration, one might have the feeling that the ‘Ode" might somehow be positive. But it is not, as the beginning of the poem destroys the feeling that associated the wind with the spring. The first few lines consist of a lot of sinister elements, such as ‘dead leaves". The inversion of ‘leaves dead" (l. 2) in the first stanza underlines the fatality by putting the word ‘dead" (l. 2) at the end of the line so that it rhymes with the next lines. The sentence goes on and makes these ‘dead" (l. 2) leaves live again as ‘ghosts" (l. 3) that flee from something that panics them. The sentence does not end at that point but goes on with a polysyndeton. The colourful context makes it easier for the reader to visualise what is going on – even if it is in an uncomfortable manner. ‘Yellow" can be seen as “the ugly hue of ‘pestilence-stricken" skin; and ‘hectic red", though evoking the pase of the poem itself, could also highlight the pace of death brought to multitudes.” There is also a contradiction in the colour ‘black" (l. 4) and the adjective ‘pale"(l. 4). In the word ‘chariotest" (l. 6) the ‘est" is added to the verb stem ‘chariot", probably to indicate the second person singular, after the subject ‘thou" (l. 5). The ‘corpse within its grave" (l. 8) in the next line is in contrast to the ‘azure sister of the Spring" (l. 9) – a reference to the east wind - whose ‘living hues and odours plain" (l.12) evoke a strong contrast to the colours of the fourth line of the poem that evoke death. The last line of this stanza (‘Destroyer and Preserver", l. 14) refers to the west wind. The west wind is considered the ‘Destroyer" (l. 14) because it drives the last sings of life from the trees. He is also considered the ‘Preserver" (l.14) for scattering the seeds which will come to life in the spring.

b.) second stanza

The second stanza of the poem is much more fluid than the first one. The sky"s ‘clouds" (l.16) are ‘like earth"s decaying leaves" (l. 16). They are a reference to the second line of the first stanza (‘leaves dead", l. 2). Through this reference the landscape is recalled again. The ‘clouds"(l. 16) are ‘Shook from the tangled boughs of Heaven and Ocean" (l. 17). This probably refers to the fact that the line between the sky and the stormy sea is indistinguishable and the whole space from the horizon to the zenith being is covered with trialing storm clouds. The ‘clouds" can also be seen as ‘Angels of rain" (l. 18). In a biblical way, they may be messengers that bring a message from heaven down to earth through rain and lightning. These two natural phenomenons with their “fertilizing and illuminating power” bring a change. Line 21 begins with ‘Of some fierce Maenad ..." (l. 21) and again the west wind is part of the second stanza of the poem; here he is two things at once: first he is ‘dirge/Of the dying year" (l. 23f) and second he is “a prophet of tumult whose prediction is decisive”; a prophet who does not only bring ‘black rain, and fire, and hail" (l. 28), but who ‘will burst" (l. 28) it. The ‘locks of the approaching storm" (l. 23) are the messengers of this bursting: the ‘clouds". Shelley in this stanza “expands his vision from the earthly scene with the leaves before him to take in the vaster commotion of the skies”. This means that the wind is now no longer at the horizon and therefore far away, but he is exactly above us. The clouds now reflect the image of the swirling leaves; this is a parallelism that gives evidence that we lifted “our attention from the finite world into the macrocosm”. The ‘clouds" can also be compared with the leaves; but the clouds are more unstable and bigger than the leaves and they can be seen as messengers of rain and lightning as it was mentioned above.

c.) third stanza

The question that comes up when reading the third stanza at first is what the subject of the verb ‘saw" (l. 33) could be. On the one hand there is the ‘blue Mediterranean" (l. 30). With the ‘Mediterranean" as subject of the stanza, the “syntactical movement” is continued and there is no break in the fluency of the poem; it is said that ‘he lay, / Lull"d by the coil of this crystalline streams,/Beside a pumice isle in Baiae"s bay, / And saw in sleep old palaces and towers" (l. 30-33). On the other hand it is also possible that the lines of this stanza refer to the ‘wind" again. Then the verb that belongs to the ‘wind" as subject is not ‘lay", but the previous line of this stanza, that says ‘Thou who didst waken ... And saw" (l. 29, 33). But whoever – the ‘Mediterranean" or the ‘wind" - ‘saw" (l. 33) the question remains whether the city one of them saw, is real and therefore a reflection on the water of a city that really exists on the coast; or the city is just an illusion. Pirie is not sure of that either. He says that it might be “a creative interpretation of the billowing seaweed; or of the glimmering sky reflected on the heaving surface”. Both possibilities seem to be logical. To explain the appearance of an underwater world, it might be easier to explain it by something that is realistic; and that might be that the wind is able to produce illusions on the water. With its pressure, the wind “would waken the appearance of a city”. From what is known of the ‘wind" from the last two stanzas, it became clear that the ‘wind" is something that plays the role of a Creator. Whether the wind creates real things or illusions does not seem to be that important. It appears as if the third stanza shows - in comparison with the previous stanzas – a turning-point. Whereas Shelley had accepted death and changes in life in the first and second stanza, he now turns to “wistful reminiscence [, recalls] an alternative possibility of transcendence”. From line 26 to line 36 he gives an image of nature Line 36 begins with the sentence ‘So sweet, the sense faints picturing them". And indeed, the picture Shelley gives us here seems to be ‘sweet" (l. 36). ‘The sea-blooms" (l. 39) are probably the plants at the bottom of the ocean and give a peaceful picture of what is under water. But if we look closer at line 36, we realise that the sentence is not what it appears to be at first sight, because it obviously means ‘so sweet that one feels faint in describing them". This shows that the idyllic picture is not what it seems to be and that the harmony will certainly soon be destroyed. A few lines later, Shelley suddenly talks about ‘fear" (l. 41). This again shows the influence of the west wind which announces the change of the season.

d.) fourth stanza

Whereas the stanzas one to three began with ‘O wild West Wind" (l. 1) and ‘Thou..." (l. 15, 29) and were clearly directed to the wind, there is a change in the fourth stanza. The focus is no more on the ‘wind", but on the speaker who says ‘If I..." (l. 43f). Until this part, the poem has appeared very anonymous and was only concentrated on the ‘wind" and its forces so that the author of the poem was more or less forgotten. Pirie calls this “the suppression of personality” which finally vanishes at that part of the poem. It becomes more and more clear that what the author talks about now is himself. That this must be true, shows the frequency of the author"s use of the first-person pronouns ‘I" (l. 43, 44, 48, 51, 54), ‘my" (l. 48, 52) and ‘me" (l. 53). These pronouns appear nine times in the fourth stanza. Certainly the author wants to dramatise the atmosphere so that the reader recalls the situation of stanza one to three. He achieves this by using the same pictures of the previous stanzas in this one. Whereas these pictures, such as ‘leaf", ‘cloud" and ‘wave" have existed only together with the ‘wind", they are now existing with the author. The author thinks about being one of them and says ‘If I were a ..." (l. 43ff). Shelley here identifies himself with the wind, although he knows that he can not do that, because it is impossible for someone to put all the things he has learnt from life aside and enter a “world of innocence”. That Shelley is deeply aware of his closedness in life and his identity shows his command in line 53. There he says ‘Oh, lift me up as a wave, a leaf, a cloud" (l. 53). He knows that this is something impossible to achieve, but he does not stop praying for it. The only chance Shelley sees to make his prayer and wish for a new identity with the Wind come true is by pain or death, as death leads to rebirth. So, he wants to ‘fall upon the thorns of life" and ‘bleed" (l. 54). At the end of the stanza the poet tells us that ‘a heavy weight of hours has chain"d and bow"d" (l. 55). This may be a reference to the years that have passed and ‘chained and bowed" (l. 55) the hope of the people who fought for freedom and were literally imprisoned. With this knowledge, the West Wind becomes a different meaning. The wind is the ‘uncontrollable" (l. 47) who is ‘tameless" (l. 56). One more thing that one should mention is that this stanza sounds like a kind of prayer or confession of the poet. This confession does not address God and therefore sounds very impersonal. Shelley also changes his use of metaphors in this stanza. In the first stanzas the wind was a metaphor explained at full length. Now the metaphors are only weakly presented – ‘the thorns of life" (l. 54). Shelley also leaves out the fourth element: the fire. In the previous stanzas he wrote about the earth, the air and the water. The reader now expects the fire – but it is not there. This leads to a break in the symmetry of the poem because the reader does not meet the fire until the fifth stanza.

e.) fifth stanza

Again the wind is very important in this last stanza. The wind with his ‘mighty harmonies" (l. 59) becomes an artist or a Creator of sounds. At the beginning of the poem the ‘wind" was only capable of blowing the leaves from the trees. In the previous stanza the poet identified himself with the leaves. In this stanza the ‘wind" is now capable of using both of these things mentioned before. Everything that had been said before, was part of the elements – wind, earth and water. Now the fourth element comes in: the fire. There is also a confrontation in this stanza: whereas in line 57 Shelley writes ‘me thy", there is ‘thou me" in line 62. This “signals a restored confidence, if not in the poet"s own abilities, at least in his capacity to communicate with [...] the Wind”. It is also necessary to mention that the first-person pronouns again appear in a great frequency; but the possessive pronoun ‘my" predominates. Unlike the frequent use of the ‘I" in the previous stanza that made the stanza sound self-conscious, this stanza might now sound self-possessed. The stanza is no more a request or a prayer as it had been in the fourth stanza – it is a demand. The poet becomes the wind"s instrument – his ‘lyre" (l. 57). This is a symbol of the poet"s own passivity towards the wind; he becomes his musician and the wind"s breath becomes his breath. The poet"s attitude towards the wind has changed: in the first stanza the wind has been an ‘enchanter" (l. 3), now the wind has become an ‘incantation" (l. 65). And there is another contrast between the two last stanzas: in the fourth stanza the poet had articulated himself in singular: ‘a leaf" (l. 43, 53), ‘a cloud" (l. 44, 53), ‘A wave" (l. 45, 53) and ‘One too like thee" (l. 56). In this stanza, the “sense of personality as vulnerably individualised led to self-doubt” and the greatest fear was that what was ‘tameless, and swift, and proud" (l. 56) will stay ‘chain"d and bow"d" (l. 55). The last stanza differs from that. The poet in this stanza uses plural forms, for example, ‘my leaves" (l. 58, 64), ‘thy harmonies" (l. 59), ‘my thoughts" (l. 63), ‘ashes and sparks" (l. 67) and ‘my lips" (l. 68). By the use of the plural, the poet is able to show that there is some kind of peace and pride in his words. It even seems as if he has redefined himself because the uncertainty of the previous stanza has been blown away. The ‘leaves" merge with those of an entire forest and ‘Will" become components in a whole tumult of mighty harmonies. The use of this ‘Will" (l. 60) is certainly a reference to the future. Through the future meaning, the poem itself does not only sound as something that might have happened in the past, but it may even be a kind of ‘prophecy" (l. 69) for what might come - the future. At last, Shelley again calls the Wind in a kind of prayer and even wants him to be ‘his" Spirit: he says: ‘My spirit! Be thou me, impetuous one!" (l. 62). Like the leaves of the trees in a forest, his leaves will fall and decay and will perhaps soon flourish again when the spring comes. That may be why he is looking forward to the spring and asks at the end of the last stanza ‘If Winter comes, can Spring be far behind?" (l. 70). This is of course a rhetorical question because spring does come after winter. The question has a deeper meaning and does not only mean the change of seasons, but is a reference to death and rebirth as well.

Poems like this one r

西风颂 波西.比希.雪莱

雪莱(1792-1822),生于英国萨塞克斯郡。1816年往瑞士,与拜伦结为好友。1822年与友人驾帆船出海,遇暴风,舟沉身亡。作品包括长诗《仙后麦布》(Queen Mab)、《阿多尼斯》(Adonais)等。《西风颂》,全诗五节,每节的韵脚安排是:aba,bcb,cdc,ded,ee。


O wild West Wind, thou breath of Autumn"s being

Thou, from whose unseen presence the leaves dead

Are driven, like ghosts from an enchanter fleeing,

Yellow, and black, and pale, and hectic red,

Pestilence-stricken multitudes thou

Who chariltest to their dark wintry bed

The winged seeds, where they lie cold and low,

Each like a corpse within its grave, until

Thine azure sister of the Spring shall blow

Her clarion o"er the dreaming earth, and fill

(Driving sweet buds like flocks to feed in air)

With living hues and odors plain and hill:

Wild Spirit, which art moving everywhere;

Destroyer and presserver; hear, oh, hear!


Thou on whose stream, "mid the steep sky"s commotion,

Loose clouds like earth"s decaying leaves are shedd,

Shook from the tangled boughs of Heaven and Ocean,

angels of rain and lightning:there are spread

On the blue surface of thine airy surge,

Like the bright hair uplifted from the head

Of some fierce Maenad, even from the dim verge

Of the horizon to the Zenith"s height,

The locks of the approaching storm.Thou dirge

Of the dying year, to which this closing night

Will be the dome of a vast sepulchre,

Vaulted with all thy congregated might

Of vapoursr, from whose solid atmosphere

Black rain, and fire , and hail will burst h, hear!


Thou who didst waken from his summer dreams

The blue Mediterranean, where he lay,

Lulled by the coil of his crystalline streams

Beside a pumice isle in Baiae"s bay,

And saw in sleep old palaces and fowers

Quivering within the eave"s intenser day,

All overgrown with azure moss and flowers

So sweet, the sense faints picturing them!Thou

For whose path the Atlantic"s level powers

Cleave themselves into chasms, while far below

The sea-blooms and the oozy woods which wear

The sapless foliage of the ocean, know

Thy voice, and suddenly grow gray with fear,

And tremble and esepoil themselvesh, hear!


If I were a dead leaf thou mightest bear;

If I were a swift cloud to fly with thee:

A wave to pant beneath thy power , and share

The impulse of thy strength, only less free

Than thou, O uncontrollable! If even

I were as im my boyhood, and could be

The comrade of thy wanderigs over Heaven,

As then, when to outstrip thy skiey speed

Scarce seem"d a vision; I would ne"er have striven

As thus with thee in prayer in my sore need.

Oh, lift me as a wave , a leaf, a cloud!

I fall upon the thorns of life! I bleed!

A heavy weight of hours has chained and bowed

One too lke thee: tameless, and swift, and proud.


Make me thy lyre, even as the forest is:

What if my leavers are falling like its own!

The tmult of thy mighty harmonies

Will take from both a deep, autumnal tone,

Sweet though in sadness. Be thou, Spirit fierce,

My spirit! Be thou me, impetuous one!

Drive my dead thoughts over the universe

Like witheered leaves to quicken a new birth!

And , by the incantation of this verse,

Scatter, is from an unextinguished hearth

Ashes and sparks, my words among mankind!

Be through my lips to unawakened earth

The trumpet of a prophecy! O Wind,

If Winter comes , can Spring be far behind?


Analysis of Percy Shelley"s “Ode to the West Wind”

In "Ode to the West Wind," Percy Bysshe Shelley tries to show his desire for transcendence, by explaining that his thoughts and ideas, like the "winged seeds" are trapped. The West Wind acts as a force for change and forward movement in the human and natural world.

Shelley sees winter not just as the last season of vegetation but as the last phase of life. Shelley observes the changing of the weather from autumn to winter and its effects on the environment. Shelley is trying to show that a man"s ideas can spread and live on beyond his lifetime by having the wind carry his "dead thoughts" which through destruction, will lead to a rebirth in the imagination, and in the natural world. Shelley begins his poem by addressing the "Wild West Wind". He then introduces the theme of death and compares the dead leaves to "ghosts". The imagery of "Pestilence-stricken multitudes" makes the reader aware that Shelley is addressing more than a pile of leaves. His claustrophobic mood is shown when he talks about the "wintry bed" and "The winged seeds, where they lie cold and low/ Each like a corpse within its grave, until/ Thine azure sister of the Spring shall blow". In the first line, Shelley used the phrase "winged seeds" which presents i

. . .

The "closing night" is used also to mean the final night. The "pumice" shows destruction and creation because when the volcano erupts it destroys. This acts as an introduction and a foreshadow of what is to come later. " also helps the reader prepare for the climax which Shelley intended. It seems that it is only in his death that the "Wild Spirit" could be lifted "as a wave, a leaf, a cloud" to blow free in the "Wild West Wind". The "pumice" is probably Shelley"s best example of rebirth. As the rising action continues, Shelley talks about the "Mediterranean" and its "summer dreams". Again, he uses soft sounding words to calm the reader into the same dream-like state of the Mediterranean. He then writes like a mourning song "Of the dying year, to which this closing night/ Will be the dome of a vast sepulchre/ Vaulted with all they congregated might". Percy sees his ‘dome" as a volcano and when the "dome" does "burst," it will act as a "Destroyer and Preserver" and creator. In "Ode to the West Wind," Shelley uses the wind to represent driving change and a carrier for his ideas.



Of the many revolutionary poems of Shelley, "Ode to the West Wind" is one of his best. It is not only a political poem but also a very lyrical one, in form or content. According to the poet, when he met the storm near the River Arno in Florence, Italy, he was deeply moved by this vehement(猛烈的) natural force, which he associated with the revolutionary storms of the human world.

In the first part of this poem, Shelley describes the wind"s power and its role as both "destroyer and preserver." As a destroyer, the west wind sweeps away the dead leaves; as the preserver, it plows the seeds deep into the earth to bloom when spring comes.

In the second part, with images of clouds, rain, lightening, etc., the poet delineates(描绘) the power of the west wind to its extreme when it drives the clouds in the sky.

The third part of the poem finds the poet showing the power of the wind in controlling the waves of the sea, from the tranquil Mediterranean to the turbulent Atlantic.

In the fourth part, the poet expresses his keenly felt feelings and awakened thoughts toward the wind.

The final part of the poem tells how the poet asks of the wind to drive away his dead thoughts, spread his lines to all corners of the world and awaken people who are still in a slumber.

In a word, this poem is a passionate calling to the spirit of the personified west wind. The symbolism in this poem is rich and diverse. The wind is the natural force of regeneration; it is regarded as the force that leads to self-sacrifice, even self destruction, in man"s personal life; it represents the invincible(不能征服的) political hopes that drive continually over the unawakened earth; and it is also the very passion of idealism, the aspiration and creativity itself. Shelley"s craft in minute images like wind, water, sky, wood, etc., is both mythic(神话,虚构的) and biblical (in that it reveals to us the last scenes of the world like that recorded in the Revelation of the Bible). The total effect is "one of transcendental hope and energy, achieved through suffering and despair." As we see, while the first generation of Romantic poets like Wordsworth, Coleridge and Southey regarded nature as the embodiment of truth, the younger generation of Shelley, Byron and Keats largely viewed nature as a source of beauty and aesthetic experience. In this poem, Shelley relates nature to art by working out powerful metaphors based on natural images, and expresses his views on the aesthetic quality in poetry.



2023-01-03 18:19:454


花 或者开花的意思
2023-01-03 18:19:596


没有。blooms是花朵的复数。blooms还有绽放的意思,She had missed the glorious blooms of the Mediterranean spring.她错过了地中海春季鲜花怒放的绚丽美景。
2023-01-03 18:20:381

bloom是什么意思中文 bloom是什么意思

1、bloom[英][blu:m][美][blum]; 2、n.(常指供观赏的)花; 开花期; 最盛期; 健康有精神的面貌; 3、vi.开花; 使植物繁盛; 发光,闪亮; 大量出现; 4、第三人称单数:blooms;复数:blooms;现在进行时:blooming;过去式:bloomed。 5、例句:They admired cherry blossoms in bloom and spent a night at a hot spring resort.他们观赏了盛开的樱花,还在一个温泉胜地度过了一夜。
2023-01-03 18:20:431


做名词是一样的,做动词的时候bloom有青春焕发的意思bloom .n :花 in bloom 盛开(指花). v :1.看上去很健康 例:Jane is positively blooming with health these days.简这些日子以来身体确实健康起来2.开花。 例:The roses are blooming.玫瑰花正在盛开。blossom .n :(果树的)花 in blossom:开满花的(指树)v :1.(树)开花2.发展,成长 例:Sally is blossoming into a beautiful girl.萨丽正在长成一个美丽的女孩bloom指仅供观赏但不结果实的花;blossom指果树的花,常用复数.bloom作动词时是不及物动词:The roses have been blooming all summer.那些玫瑰整个夏天一直在开花。
2023-01-03 18:20:586


frostlike-bloom霜状的花(常指供观赏的)bloom[英][blu:m][美][blum]n.(常指供观赏的)花; 开花期; 最盛期; 健康有精神的面貌; vi.开花; 使植物繁盛; 发光,闪亮; 大量出现; 第三人称单数:blooms复数:blooms现在进行时:blooming过去式:bloomed例句:1.The one bloom has focused on is europe"s sovereign debt crisis. 布鲁姆集中关心的大问题是欧洲国家的国债危机
2023-01-03 18:21:333

flowers 与 bloom的区别

flower [ˈflauə]n.花, 花朵This flower was drawn on the paper.这朵花儿被画在了纸上。开花植物, 花卉精华The flower of the nation"s youth attended the meeting.全国最优秀的青年参加了会议。vi.开花This bush flowers in the spring.这个灌木丛在春天开花。繁荣, 成熟bloom [blu:m]n.花What beautiful blooms!多美的花啊!最佳时期, 茂盛时期vi.开花These plants bloom in spring.这些植物在春天开花。
2023-01-03 18:21:443


bloom花,指供欣赏的花.Peony is the king of all blooms(flowers)牡丹是白花之王In many houses blooms are raised on balconies很多家里阳台上养花.What beautiful blooms!多么美丽的花!blossom花,特指果树的花或一棵树上所开的全部花朵.Did you ever see apple blossoms?你可见过苹果树的花儿?The face of a beauty is compared in classical Chinese poems to the peach blossom.在中国古诗中,把美人的脸蛋比做桃花.flower花,原与blossom同义,现在是本辩义中的一个通用词.Do you like flowers?你爱花吗?The rose is the national flower of England.玫瑰是英国的国花Children are praised as the flower of this country.人们赞美儿童是这个国家的花朵参考资料:汉英双解英语同义词词典
2023-01-03 18:21:561

LifeAfterLife,Blooms 0ver Blooms中文是什么意思

生命不息 花开不止
2023-01-03 18:22:033

Abided blooms 是什么意思 还有 静待花开是这么翻译么、正确的是什么、

应该是 abide blooms
2023-01-03 18:22:183


2023-01-03 18:22:302

blooms taxonomy含义

blooms taxonomy是布鲁姆认知分类学。"布鲁姆认知分类金字塔(Bloom"s Taxonomy)"——由美国著名教育心理学家Benjamine Bloom创建。他将思维能力由下至上的分成三个层次,最低一层是记忆(Remembering),上一层是理解(Understanding),再一层是应用(Applying),最高一层是分析(Analyzing)、评估(Evaluating)和创造(Creating)。1、知道(知识)是指认知并记忆。如,术语和事实;处理特殊问题的方法或途径的知识:序列、分类、标准、方法等;一般或抽象的知识:原理、理论、知识框架等。相关概念有:回忆,记忆,识别,列表,定义,陈述,呈现等。2、领会是指对事物的领会,但不要求深刻地领会,而是初步的,可能是肤浅的。包括,转换:用自己的话或用与原先不同的表达方式来表达自己的思想;解释:对一项信息加以说明或概述;推断:估计将来的趋势或后果。相关的概念有:说明,识别,描述,解释,区别,重述,归纳,比较等。
2023-01-03 18:22:391

blossom bloom 有什么区别?

2023-01-03 18:22:494


Heart of feel grateful the with gratitude has you
2023-01-03 18:23:046


2023-01-03 18:23:283

Abided blooms 还有 静待花开是这么翻译么、正确的是什么、

abided 停留;逗留;等候:;保持,继续存在;持续: 忍受,容忍,忍耐;顶住;经受住 blooms 是花朵的复数 abided blooms 就是静待花开的意思啊
2023-01-03 18:23:391


bloom1[blu:m]n.图像晕光,图像模糊(反射强光进入摄像机所引起的)刺目闪光;(电视中因白色物体反射过强引起的)刺目光亮(漆器上的)暗淡无光处,(油漆面的)浑浊(胶片上的)模糊不清[亦作 chill ](鲜鱼皮的)润泽(动物毛皮的)光泽(鲜肉表皮的)鲜红色(湖泊、池塘、海中的浮游的)一大片水藻,海藻(浮游生物等的)密集孳生,过量繁殖(因海藻或浮游生物大量繁殖孳生造成的)水色区,有色水域【植物学】(李、葡萄等水果包皮和某些植物叶面等的)粉衣,粉霜,果霜,叶霜其他东西上面类似的白粉状层青春,青春焕发,朝气蓬勃,风华正茂,年富力强(健康、美等的)最盛期,茂盛时期,青春焕发时期,朝气蓬勃时期(花)盛开,开花的状态开花期(尤指供观赏的植物的)花,花朵[总称]花(一棵树或一季内开出的)全部花朵精华,完美(面颊、皮肤等的)红润,健美的光彩(新硬币上的)涂层,表面层,有细粒的外层【生态学】(酒、花等的)香味,醇香,芬香【动物学】葡萄干(巧克力的)白斑表层(矿物或岩石上的)粉粒状表层【电视】vi.(花园、公园等)(鲜花)盛开;开花:The century plant blooms only once in its lifetime.龙舌兰在其一生中只开一次花。The roses bloom every few days.玫瑰每隔几天开花。生长茂盛,草木丛生:to make the hill bloom使小山长满草木进入青年时期,处于青春焕发状态(或时期),处于健美有活力的时期,富于青春活力:The sickly girl bloomed suddenly.那个体弱的女孩突然焕发了青春。began to bloom with good health开始健康地成长兴旺,茂盛,繁荣,发展;处于繁荣时期:a small talent that somehow bloomed into major artistry不知咋地发展成为重要艺术才能的小天赋bloomed into a promising trombone player in high school在高中发展成为一个有前途的长号手Her talent for languages bloomed.她的语言天赋发展了。The recurrent fad bloomed again.那种周期性风尚又盛行起来了。(尤指女子)容光焕发;鲜艳,发亮,发光:The young girl bloomed with health and beauty.这位年轻姑娘显出健美的风采。大量出现,猛然激增:New buildings are blooming across the city.全城到处在兴建新楼房。(江、河、湖、海等水域)微生物和浮游生物密集孳生(油漆等)失去光泽,出现浑浊,变得模糊:That polish has bloomed.那种上光剂已失去光泽。vt.使开花:to let the cherry tree bloom让樱桃树开花使发展;使茂盛,使繁盛,使繁荣:to bloom economy使经济繁荣使艳丽,使有光彩,使容光焕发;使发亮,使发光:The couple performed a wedding ceremony with the happiness that bloomed the cheeks.这对新婚夫妇带着使面颊生辉的幸福感举行了婚礼。使浑浊,使模糊,使(光洁明亮的物体)上出现一片云雾状的区域:to bloom the frosty pane使结霜的窗玻璃上出现一片云雾状的区域[英国英语]给(透镜)敷膜短语:盛开着花,(花)盛开着正在充分发展(或发挥)bloom of youth 风华正茂,年富力强;青春cut off in its bloom 于正旺盛时加以摧残in bloom 开着花in full bloomout of bloom (花等)凋谢,过了花期take the bloom off 破坏…的美观清新之趣,把…弄得不美(或不新鲜);使显得陈旧;使变得不完美;使令人不满意bloom2["blu:m]【冶金学】n.钢坯,熟铁坯;初轧方坯,大方坯钢块,铁块初轧铝块vt.把(钢锭等)轧成坯块blossom ["blɔsəm]n.(尤指果树的)花(一棵树或一季内开出的)全部花朵开花(的状态)开花期【植物学】生长期;兴旺期,繁茂期,茂盛期;发展期;全盛时期(大有前途或新鲜、可爱)如花似玉般事物【矿物学】风化矿层(或煤层)露头[英国俚语、讽刺语]女人vi.【植物学】开花;(某地)长满花:Did the wisteria blossom this year?紫藤今年开花吗?The tree blossomed quickly.这棵树很快开花了。The roses blossomed yesterday.玫瑰昨天开花了。繁盛,兴旺,旺盛;产生,展露,出现,变得明显:Her talent blossomed at the university.她的天赋在大学时展现出来了。Their romance was blossoming.他们的风流韵事变得明显了。发展;成长,长成,展开(into,out):a writer of commercial jingles who blossomed out into an important composer一名发展成为重要作曲家的商业广告短诗的作者blossomed into a beautiful young woman出落成一个美丽的少妇(降落伞)打开,张开引人注目;改变(with,out):The TV tower blossomed out in the sun.这座电视塔在阳光照耀下引人注目。
2023-01-03 18:23:451


Heart of feel grateful I come from being like a dust by chance Have who see my flimsiness of I come from what square my feeling return where Who at under a moment calls me World although this road of breadth but difficult walk I see the frustrated pain of this human life How much I still have to love me to still have how much tears Want the heaven knows my gameness Heart of feel grateful the with gratitude has you Companion I make me courageous to make myself from cradle to the grave The heart of feel grateful thank destiny The flower blooms to fall me similar will cherish I come from being like a dust by chance Have who see my flimsiness of I come from what square my feeling return where Who at under a moment calls me World although this road of breadth but difficult walk I see the frustrated pain of this human life How much I still have to love me to still have how much tears Want the heaven knows my gameness Heart of feel grateful the with gratitude has you Companion I make me courageous to make myself from cradle to the grave The heart of feel grateful thank destiny The flower blooms to fall me similar will cherish Heart of feel grateful the with gratitude has you Companion I make me courageous to make myself from cradle to the grave The heart of feel grateful thank destiny The flower blooms to fall me similar will cherish
2023-01-03 18:23:518

baby in bloom什么意思

bloom[英][blu:m][美][blum]n.(常指供观赏的)花; 开花期; 最盛期; 健康有精神的面貌; vi.开花; 使植物繁盛; 发光,闪亮; 大量出现; 第三人称单数:blooms复数:blooms现在进行时:blooming过去式:bloomed例句:1.They admired cherry blossoms in bloom and spent a night at a hot spring resort. 他们观赏了盛开的樱花,还在一个温泉胜地度过了一夜。
2023-01-03 18:24:211


彼岸花开,花开彼岸,花开无叶,叶生无花Equinox flower blooms,blooms on the other side,when the flower blooms, the leaf never grows,and when the leaf grows, the flower never blooms.
2023-01-03 18:24:311


昙花 英文翻译[植] broad-leaved epiphyllum;
2023-01-03 18:24:373


2023-01-03 18:24:491


2023-01-03 18:24:548

Boom 和 Bloom是什么意思?

boom1.(雷、炮等的)隆隆声,轰轰声,(波浪的)澎湃声;(鼓等的)咚咚声;(蜂等的)嗡嗡声;(鹭鸶等的)鸣叫;有回响的声音。 2.(市面的)忽然兴旺,景气,繁荣,勃兴;(候选人等的)突然大得人心[出名];(形势的)突然好转;(城市等的)急速发展;(物价等的)暴涨;(人口等的)激增。 the war boom 战争景气。 a building boom 建筑业的兴旺。 不及动词 1.(雷等)隆隆响;(波浪声)澎湃;(鼓等)咚咚地响;(蜂声)嗡嗡;(鹭鸶等)鸣叫。 2.(市面等)突然兴隆,繁荣;(物价等)暴涨;(人口等)激增;(城市等)急速发展;(形势等)突然好转;(候选人等)突然得人心[出名]。 Guns are booming. 炮声隆隆。 Not far off the Pacific boomed. 不远处,太平洋的涛声轰鸣。 动词 1.用隆隆声发出。 2.(用广告等)推广销路;捧(候选人等)。 3.使迅速发展,使兴旺。 形容词 〔美国〕猛涨起来的,忽然发展[兴旺]起来的。 boom prices 猛涨起来的物价。 boom2 1.【造船】帆的下桁,帆遄,横杠,吊杆;悬[转、起重]臂。 2.横江铁索,(港口的)水栅,栅栏;水上航标;【林业】筏堰。 动词 (以下桁)张开帆脚。 不及动词 (船)以最高速航行。 boom nets 【军事】栅栏揿〔战时港口的水底铁丝网〕。 heavy boom 重吊杠。 lower the boom on 〔口语〕 1. 禁止。 2. 严惩。Bloomn. 花,开花,青春,钢块vi. 开花,焕发青春,茂盛vt. 使茂盛,炼成钢坯时 态:bloomed,blooming,blooms形容词:bloom"y点击查看……同反义词同:[n.] bloom of youth, blooming, flower, flush [v.] blossom, flower点击查看……词义辨析bloom,blossom,flower这些名词均含“花”之意。bloom主要指诸如牡丹、玫瑰、梅花、菊花等供观赏的花以及花的状态。blossom一般指树木开花,尤指果树上开的花。flower指开放的花朵或泛指花卉。点击查看……
2023-01-03 18:25:371


2023-01-03 18:25:435


2023-01-03 18:26:032

陌上花开 怎么用英语说

中文释义:田间阡陌上的花开了英文翻译:Flowers bloom on the roads of countryside
2023-01-03 18:26:126


Blooms are not the quality of care
2023-01-03 18:26:553


2023-01-03 18:27:066

pomegranate( 石榴)blooms M-

pomegranate( 石榴)blooms Maycotton Rose(木芙蓉)blooms in October
2023-01-03 18:27:281


2023-01-03 18:27:331


The flower of death, (which is)so beautiful with so much bloood, blooms / is in flower/ is in bloom on the other bank/shore/coast.
2023-01-03 18:27:382

彼岸花开花开彼岸花开无叶叶生无花的翻译英文 快,急用、

彼岸花开,花开彼岸,花开无叶,叶生无花Equinox flower blooms,blooms on the other side,when the flower blooms,the leaf never grows,and when the leaf grows,the flower never blooms.
2023-01-03 18:27:461

Henry Blooms宝康士益生菌漱口水的主要成分都有什么?

2023-01-03 18:27:521


龙舌兰英文maguey。词典释义:magueyn.龙舌兰纤维。mescaln.龙舌兰,龙舌兰酒(等于maguey);佩奥特掌,乌羽玉;佩奥特碱(致幻剂)(等于peyote);n. (Mescal)(美)梅斯考尔(人名)。双语例句And Lechuguilla is pretty much dormant now.而龙舌兰现在几乎处于休眠状态。Lechuguilla has been explored a lot in recent decades.近几十年来,人们对墨西哥龙舌兰进行了大量的探究。The century plant blooms only once in its lifetime.龙舌兰在其一生中只开一次花。
2023-01-03 18:27:581

Henry Blooms宝康士益生菌漱口水孕妇和小孩都可以用吗?

2023-01-03 18:28:071

bloom什么意思 bloom怎么解释

1、n.(常指供观赏的)花; 开花期; 最盛期; 健康有精神的面貌; 2、vi.开花; 使植物繁盛; 发光,闪亮; 大量出现; 3、第三人称单数:blooms;复数:blooms;现在进行时:blooming;过去式:bloomed。 4、例句:They admired cherry blossoms in bloom and spent a night at a hot spring resort.他们观赏了盛开的樱花,还在一个温泉胜地度过了一夜。
2023-01-03 18:28:171


bloom的意思是花。释义:n.花;青春;旺盛vt.使开花;使茂盛vi.开花;茂盛n. (Bloom)人名;(瑞典、西)布洛姆;(英)布卢姆变形:过去式bloomed、过去分词bloomed、现在分词blooming、第三人称单数blooms、复数blooms双语例句All the flowers in the garden bloom in spring.花园里所有的花都在春天盛开了。There are many beautiful flowers are in full bloom on the grassland.草原上盛开着很多美丽的花朵。The workers are blooming the glass.工人们正在给玻璃涂上防反射涂料。
2023-01-03 18:28:231


bloom[英][blu:m][美][blum]n.(常指供观赏的)花; 开花期; 最盛期; 健康有精神的面貌; vi.开花; 使植物繁盛; 发光,闪亮; 大量出现; 第三人称单数:blooms复数:blooms现在进行时:blooming过去式:bloomed例句:1.They admired cherry blossoms in bloom and spent a night at a hot spring resort. 他们观赏了盛开的樱花,还在一个温泉胜地度过了一夜。
2023-01-03 18:28:301


  bloom 英[blu:m] 美[blum]  n. (常指供观赏的) 花; 开花期; 最盛期; 健康有精神的面貌;  vi. 开花; 使植物繁盛; 发光,闪亮; 大量出现;  [例句]Harry carefully picked the bloom.  哈里小心翼翼地摘下那朵花。  [其他] 第三人称单数:blooms 复数:blooms 现在分词:blooming过去式:bloomed
2023-01-03 18:28:361


2023-01-03 18:28:421


n. 花;青春;旺盛vt. 使开花;使茂盛vi. 开花;茂盛
2023-01-03 18:28:483


2023-01-03 18:29:003


十里桃花翻译成英文是:Blooms Over Blooms相关单词学习:bloom 英[blu:m] 美[blum] n. (常指供观赏的) 花; 开花期; 最盛期; 健康有精神的面貌; vi. 开花; 使植物繁盛; 发光,闪亮; 大量出现; [例句]Harry carefully picked the bloom.哈里小心翼翼地摘下那朵花。[其他] 第三人称单数:blooms 复数:blooms 现在分词:blooming过去式:bloomed
2023-01-03 18:29:121


bloom的意思是花。释义:n.花;青春;旺盛vt.使开花;使茂盛vi.开花;茂盛n. (Bloom)人名;(瑞典、西)布洛姆;(英)布卢姆变形:过去式bloomed、过去分词bloomed、现在分词blooming、第三人称单数blooms、复数blooms双语例句All the flowers in the garden bloom in spring.花园里所有的花都在春天盛开了。There are many beautiful flowers are in full bloom on the grassland.草原上盛开着很多美丽的花朵。The workers are blooming the glass.工人们正在给玻璃涂上防反射涂料。
2023-01-03 18:29:181

blossom 与bloom的区别。

bloom花,指供欣赏的花.Peony is the king of all blooms(flowers)牡丹是白花之王In many houses blooms are raised on balconies很多家里阳台上养花.What beautiful blooms!多么美丽的花!blossom花,特指果树的花或一棵树上所开的全部花朵.Did you ever see apple blossoms?你可见过苹果树的花儿?The face of a beauty is compared in classical Chinese poems to the peach blossom.在中国古诗中,把美人的脸蛋比做桃花.flower花,原与blossom同义,现在是本辩义中的一个通用词.Do you like flowers?你爱花吗?The rose is the national flower of England.玫瑰是英国的国花Children are praised as the flower of this country.人们赞美儿童是这个国家的花朵 参考资料:汉英双解英语同义词词典
2023-01-03 18:29:293


bloom布鲁姆双语对照词典结果:bloom[英][blu:m][美][blum]n.(常指供观赏的)花; 开花期; 最盛期; 健康有精神的面貌; vi.开花; 使植物繁盛; 发光,闪亮; 大量出现; 第三人称单数:blooms复数:blooms现在进行时:blooming过去式:bloomed以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.Looking at silver bloom against black. 看着漆黑天幕中的银色的花。
2023-01-03 18:29:451


bloom 常指供观赏的花,也只健康有精神的面貌flower只指花
2023-01-03 18:29:522

Abided blooms 还有 静待花开是这么翻译么、正确的是什么、

abided 停留;逗留;等候:;保持,继续存在;持续: 忍受,容忍,忍耐;顶住;经受住 blooms 是花朵的复数 abided blooms 就是静待花开的意思啊
2023-01-03 18:30:011


bloon 网络 开花;
2023-01-03 18:30:062