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有哪些好看的美剧,像《犯罪心理》《lie to me 》之类的?

2023-07-17 20:40:46
TAG: lie to me







很多的,,个人比较推荐的《lost》,要是喜欢喜剧的话,个人比较喜欢《how i met your mother》和《the big bang theory》都不错




英语how I met your mother怎么翻译?

how I met your mother这一个英文的句子把它翻译成中文之后,它的中文意思就是:《老爸老妈浪漫史》
2023-07-17 12:51:4712

英语how I met your mother怎么翻译

2023-07-17 12:52:232

How I Met Your Mother

That"s the funny thing about destiny. It happens whether you plan it or not. I mean I never thought I"d see that girl again. But it turns out I was just too close to the puzzle to see the picture that was formal......The best part of ang first kiss is the lead up to it.The moment right before the lips touch.It"s like a big durm roll.So,how about we just stick withe the drum roll? ......; Ted在朋友的婚礼上遇见Victoria,Ted本来约了Robin去婚礼,可Robin临时有事,Ted自己去了,却遇见了Victoria。他们约好只过浪漫的,难忘的一晚,而不去留任何联系信息,甚至名字。Ted闭上眼睛的时候,Victoria离开了。Ted毕竟有点伤心,可根据线索,还是在这一集结束的时候在蛋糕店找到了Victoria。 Lily的mistake理论。Lily和Marshall要结婚,Lily有点害怕,有点恐惧,她对绘画还没有死心,想追求梦想,由于不定,但因为有面试邀请,就去了,不幸车坏在了路上,不能找Marshall帮忙,只好求助Ted,将自己的想法告诉了Ted,其中不断有 mistake 这个词蹦出。因为太经典,太哲理了,贴在这里: Okay yes, it"s a mistake. I know it"s a mistake. But there are certain things in life where you know it"s a mistake, but you don"t really know it"s a mistake, because the only way to really know it"s a mistake is to make the mistake and look back and say, "Yep, that was a mistake." So really the bigger mistake would be to not make the mistake because then you"d go your whole life not really knowing if something is a mistake or not. And, damn it, I"ve made no mistakes! I"ve done all of this, my life, my relationship, my career, mistake-free. Ted对Robin依旧痴迷,认为Robin是 The One 。为了不让Robin和同事郊游,竟然求雨,没想到Universe帮助了Ted,天竟然下起了雨,Ted在雨中跑向Robin家中,Robin也很感动;此外Lily因去了旧金山学绘画,而丢下了Marshall,一夜之间,剧情大转,Ted和Robin在一起了,Lily和Marshall分开了。 Ted认识一个医生Stella, Stella之前结过婚,家有个小女孩,不愿意和Ted约会,说没有时间,上班比较忙,只有两分钟的时间,开始Ted放弃了,后来Ted意识到Stella并没有拒绝他,于是就在Stella工作之余准备了个两分钟的浪漫约会。两人在一起了一段时间。 还是Ted和Stella,Ted拿着 小黄伞 遇见了Stella,两人已经不再一起了,Stella和前夫在一起了,Ted向Stella吐露了想找到 The one 的心事。Stella也鼓励Ted: I know that you"re tried of waiting, and you may have to wait a little while more, but she"s one her way, Ted. And she"s getting here as fast as she can. 剧集结尾留下的镜头就是Ted手拿 小黄伞 的一幕。 Barney爱Robin,于是有了下面的真情告白,Ted不敢相信,Lily不敢相信,Marshall不敢相信,连Robin自己都不敢相信,但Robin听了之后,还是红了眼圈。Barney在表白中用了很多 高级词汇 还有 高级语句 : I love everything about her. And I am not a guy who says that lightly, I"m a guy who has faked love his entire life. I thought love was just something idiots thought they felt, but this woman has a hold on my heart that I could not break if I wanted to, and there have been times that I wanted to. It has been overwhelming and humbling and even painful at times, but I could not stop loving her any more than I could stop breathing. I am hopelessly, irretrievably in love with her. More than she knows. Robin正好站在了 mistletoe 下,Barney 向其求婚,Robin答应了,于此形成鲜明对照的是Ted,剧中的一首曲子一直是我喜欢的, Let your Heart Hold fast 。 所有人都有了归宿,只有Ted还飘着,Barney和Ted在酒吧的交流让Ted变得失魂落魄,开始思考自己的人生。由于是回忆性的故事,他迫不得早认识Tracy45天,于是就有了下面的一幕: HI, I"m Ted Mosby, And exactly 45 days from now, you and I are gonna meet, and we"re gonna fall in love, and we"re gonna get married, and...we"re gonna have two kids.......All that is 45 days away. But I"m here now, I guess, because... I want those extra 45 days with you.......Because I love you, I"am always gonna love you, till the end of my days and beyond. You"ll see. 最后一集的故事讲的特别快:就借用最有Lily的Toast和Ted的台词了:*Lily:To Ted, ...Evelyn Mosby, A man with more emontional endurance than anyone I know. It was a long, difficult road. Tkank God we finally got here. Ted:It was at times a long, difficult road. But I"m glad it was long and difficult, because if I handn"t gone through hell to get there,the lesson might not have been as clear. You see, kids, right from the moment I met your mom, I know I have to love this woman as much as I can for as long as I can, And I can never stop loving her, not even for a second. I carried that lesson with me through every stupided fight we ever had, every 5:A.M Christmas morning, every sleepy Sunday afternoon, through every speed bump, every pang of jealous or boredom or uncertainty that came our way, I carried that lesson with me. And I carried it with me when she got sick. Even then, in ehat can only be called the worst of times, all I could do was thank God, thank every God there is, or ever was, or will be, and the whole universe, and anyone else I could possibly thank...that I saw that beautiful girl... and that I had the guts to stand up, walk to her, tap her on the shoulder, open my nouth, and speak.Execuse me, Hi, * 最后的结局,就不评论了。 To T.M.
2023-07-17 12:52:311

美剧《How I Met Your Mother》里来了哪些客串

2023-07-17 12:52:382

美剧《How I Met Your Mother》里来了哪些客串

有Katy Perry水果姐、《美女上错身》女主闺蜜Stacy、《成长的烦恼》中的老爸、Jennifer Lawrance、一直在追Lily的是Barney现实中的老公,应该还有,暂时只想得到这些。
2023-07-17 12:52:461

在《老爸老妈的浪漫史》(How I Met Your Mother) 中,Ted 泡妞时用过什么桥段让你觉得最浪漫最难忘?

超级喜欢《老爸老妈的浪漫史》这部剧!!!简直下饭时的最爱呀!当然,在里面最不喜欢的就是Ted,看起来总是色眯眯的哈哈哈。不过不得不说,这个人追小姑娘可真是有一套啊:很多人都认为Ted和Stella那段两分钟的约会是其中最经典最经典的片段,就拿出台词来让我们好好看一看吧:一、见面寒暄阶段T: Okay, but just tell me this. Why Tony? I mean, is it the money, the kung fu pajamas? Like, what...what is it?  S: He"s the one.  T:The one.  S:Yeah, I know it"s kinda sappy, but, yeah.  二、Ted开始为后面的撒糖蓄力T:Okay, I"m gonna say something out loud that I"ve been doing a pretty good job of not saying out loud lately. What you and Tony have--what I thought for a second you and I had...what I know that Marshall and Lily have...I want that. I do. I keep waiting for it to happen and waiting for it to happen, and I guess I"m just, um...I"m tired of waiting.And that is all I"m going to say on that subject.  S: You know, I once talked my way out of a speeding ticket?  T: Really?  S: I was heading upstate to my parents" house doing, like, 90on this country road,and I got pulled over. So this cop gets out of his car. He kind of swaggers on over and he"s, like, "Young lady, I have been waiting for you all day." So I looked up at him and I said, "I"m so sorry, Officer. I got here as fast as I could."  三、虽然被呛了,但Ted还是稳住了局面,继续营造甜蜜气氛T(chuckles): For real?  S(laughs softly): No. It"s an old joke.I know that you"retired of waiting, and you may have to waita little while more, but she"s on her way, Ted. And she"s getting here as fast as she can.  T: Bye, Stella.  S: Good-bye, Ted.超级浪漫有没有!
2023-07-17 12:52:531

how i met your mother 中 莉莉和马修最喜欢的那首歌的名字

Violent Femmes 的《Good Feeling》Good feelingWon"t you stay with me just a little longerIt always seems like your leavingWhen I need you here just a little longerOh, dear lady, there"s so many thingsThat I have come to fearLittle voice says I"m going crazyTo see all my worlds disappearVague sketch of a fantasyLaughing at the sunriseLike he"s been up all nightOoh slippin" and slidin"What a good time but nowHave have to find a bedThat can take this waitGood feelingWon"t you say stay with me just a little longerIt always seems like your leavingWhen I know the other one, just a little too wellOh, dear ladyWon"t you stay with me just a little longerY"know it always seemsAlways seems like your leavingWhen I need you here just a little longer
2023-07-17 12:53:171

how i met your mother/ 老爸老妈的浪漫史 第7季第3集 后面维多利亚和Ted道别后上车时的那首歌叫什么名字

yeah,听出来了!那一段歌词是 XXX you said to me, like a bitter stranger谷歌一下后,这首歌叫 spit on a stronger咱也是喜欢这部剧的~还有问题追问哦亲~
2023-07-17 12:53:261

老友记和老爸老妈罗曼史哪个好看,个人看过how i met your mother.觉得很好看,老

2023-07-17 12:53:455

谁知道老爸老妈的浪漫史《how i met your mother》第二季第7集Marshall和lily和好时的音乐

2023-07-17 12:53:591

how i met your mother ,谁有这个的百度云资源啊,我找了找,以前推荐的都过期了

2023-07-17 12:54:061

老爸老妈浪漫史(How I met your mother)里面 第二季第三季出现的TED的母亲 是谁扮演的 好眼熟

Cristine Rose,扮演ted的妈妈Virginia Mosby
2023-07-17 12:54:131


  电影   Crossroads  主 演:布兰妮·斯皮尔斯 Britney Spears  安森·芒特 Anson Mount  佐伊 Zoe Saldana  泰伦·曼宁 Taryn Manning  (客串)  Will&Grace  Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery III(王牌大间谍3)  电视剧(客串)  How I Met Your Mother  老爸老妈罗曼史 时尚领域
2023-07-17 12:54:201


一、影片中的“小屁孩”格雷格由美国童星扎克瑞·戈登出演, 他的资室:国籍:美国 出生日期:1998.2.15 星座:水瓶座 职业:学生兼职演员 代表作品:《小屁孩日记》主要作品有: 24小时24 Hours(2001) 老爸老妈的浪漫史How I Met Your Mother(2005)(第四季第15集) 乔治亚法则Georgia Rule(2007) 性和死亡101Sex and Death 101(2007) 国家宝藏:夺宝秘笈National Treasure 2(2007)----Lincoln Conspiracy Kid 四个圣诞节Four Christmases(2008) 布鲁姆兄弟The Brothers Bloom(2008)----Young Bloom 低级学习Lower Learning(2008)----Frankie Fowler 马达加斯加2:逃往非洲Madagascar: Escape 2 Africa(2008) 圣诞狗狗Santa Buddies(2009)----Paws(配音) 爆炸头武士:复活Afro Samurai: Resurrection(2009) 比佛利拜金狗2Beverly Hills Chihuahua 2(2010) 小屁孩日记Diary of a Wimpy Kid(2010)----Greg 全面搜寻圣诞狗狗 The Search For Santa Paws(2010)----Paws(配音) 小屁孩日记2Diary of a Wimpy Kid 2:Rodrick Rules(2010)----Greg 二、他片中的哥哥罗德里克的扮演者是戴文·博斯蒂克,他的资料为:戴文·博斯蒂克(Devon Bostick)男,加拿大。生于1991.11.13,有同样从事演艺工作的兄弟Jesse Bostick,母亲是选角导演Stephanie Gorin,父亲是演员Joe Bostick(Brother of actor Jesse Bostick.Mother is Casting Director Stephanie Gorin and father is actor Joe Bostick.)戴文从5年级开始表演,是多伦多Etobicoke艺术学校的一名学生。他曾出演过电视连续剧《Degrassi: The Next Generation》以及电影《Citizen Duane》。
2023-07-17 12:54:281

求老爸老妈浪漫史(how i met your mother)的无字幕版本下载!!

2023-07-17 12:54:362


2023-07-17 12:54:562


  在雅思口语的考试当中,感动考官是至关重要的一点。有的时分,你的自信和热情能够会带来意想不到的效果(能够会让你的最终高于原有程度)。在整个考试的进程中,一定要表现出keep talking的盼望,通知本人: I will stop at nothing。  一个好的收场白极为重要,可以做到紧张氛围(ice breaker)和抓紧本人的双重目的。  1.Good morning/afternooon ,sir/madam!  2.(talk about weather)It"s a nice day today ,isn"t it?  3.This is Rita (sayyourEnglishname,notChinese becausehewillaskyouthatlater)  4.Can I take a seat please?  以上都是不错的收场白可以运用的句子,很快就可以拉近和考官之间的间隔而又不显得刻意和僵硬。同时,肢体举措也很重要,要做到自然,不做作,想象成是会晤一个老冤家那样就可以了(可以花很少的工夫在镜子面前联络一下,看看本人的肢体举措和表情),做到自信和热情。防止紧张是重中之重,雅思口语考试测验的是考生在不同环境/成绩当中与人沟通的才能,侧重点并不在于考官所问的成绩的答案中,况且一切雅思口语考试中呈现的话题/成绩都没有正确/错误答案的说法,放下包袱会让本人头脑清醒更多,思绪就源源不时了,做到“滔滔不绝”(keep talking)也就是瓜熟蒂落。    在考试当中,地道的英语(论坛)短剧和词语也可以大幅度拉近和考官的间隔。考官全部都是native speaker,早考试当中常常需求用本人的大脑去反映和了解考生运用的不恰当的词语,有形中会有一种压力。假如这个时分作为一个考生呈现,运用的都是十分地道的native的言语和表达方式,会让考官肉体上抓紧,这种“印象分”很有能够可以使考生的得分上一个BAND。做到这一点并不容易,电影是更多教师引荐的提升言语才能的好的方式,但想真正经过看电影学习英文,其实是一个很平面的进程。首先,你要确定本人想经过电影锤炼哪方面的才能。我在课堂上会让先生们回去,每天抽20-40分钟观看美剧,一定是全英文字幕的。如今的美剧品种单一,就算大家兴味不同,也一定可以找到本人喜欢的。比方CSI能够比拟合适男生,GOSSIP GIRLS比拟合适女生,HOW I MET YOUR MOTHER这种轻悲剧男女老少都很容易喜欢上。在这里,你的目的不是看剧情。是要跟着模拟人家说的每一句话。据经历,假如做到每天一集,绝大局部同窗可以在三周左右提升口语预见,改善语调。这也是口语考试中更多考生制胜的法宝。同时,这种办法能让你把感情带入到言语中。培育好的语感和表达时的自信,最无效的办法就是不停的练习。在中国的大少数考生/同窗缺乏一个良好的言语环境,要求略微好一些的同窗可以找固定的speaking partner(多为外教),要求略微差一点的同窗,需求模仿对话场景,每天抽出至多30分钟停止自主对话。  训练的次要目的是可以自若地将本人的所思所想用英语表达出来。虽然对有些生疏话题会言谈不流利,用词不恰当,但可以让本国人根本明白你要表达的意思。就连母语是英语的人要想到达第一个境界也并非易事!  几个复杂的日常步骤可以进步自主训练的效率:  第一步:少量背诵原汁原味的单句、对话、生活习语。  第二步:把每天背诵过的素材重复消化,借助想像力,身临其境把它们扮演出来。  第三步:写日记。这个习气看上去练习的是写作,其实它更是练习口语的妙法。当你动笔的同时,你的大脑正在剧烈地做着英文体操。用英文停止思想是初级的口语训练办法。  第四步:少量阅读报刊、杂志及各种故事、杂文,之后将它们复述出来。(超级提示:是“复述”而非“背诵”。)同一篇文章的复述任务应该重复滚动。  第五步:一年左右逐步过渡到用英文停止日常的思想活动。每当遇到不会的词、句就记载在本子上,集中处理,并定时更新、温习。  融会贯通只是手腕的一种,要做到信口开河甚至是培育出‘英语思想"才是最终目的。  更多考生在考试的时分会给本人形成无故的压力,通常都是担忧抽到一个本人知之甚少的话题,在我看来,这种担忧没有什么必要。一来雅思口语考试中选取的话题比雅思作文的话题还要微观还要理性,你不用非得列出若干条理由来论证一个观念。比方我考口语时抽到的话题是:“你平常的生活和任务中常常运用哪些高科技电子产品?举一两个例子说说它们的益处。”关于这样的成绩,我们只需依据本人的领会假话实说就行了。你基本用不着晓得集成电路用英语怎样说,也基本用不着晓得电子工业开展的历史。二来就算你真的碰到一个完全生疏的话题,也用不着恐慌。口语考试考的只是你用英语口语把本人的意思表达清楚的才能,而不是考你在某个范畴的专业知识;而且它与写作考试的不同之处就在于其考试方式是互动的、交流的;所以你无妨假话实说,通知考官你对你抽到的话题知之甚少,这样考官会依据你的状况,随机应变地提一些其他的成绩来考察你的口语才能。此外,在与考官交谈的进程中,假如你没有听懂考官的意思,我觉得还是老老实实说“pardon”(恳求对方再说一遍)为好;若不懂装懂答非所问,就不只是才能有成绩,而且态度也有成绩了。  总而言之,于听、读、写不同,口语局部的发扬空间十分大,考试的侧重点也不一样。要对本人的表达才能和逻辑思想有足够的自信,而不要担忧本人会碰到不懂的标题或许在表达的时分用错词语。重点在于交流的流利水平和本人表现出的自信。放下包袱,用本人的热情和自信感动考官。俗话说得好,台上非常钟,台下十年功,平常的积聚和刻苦的训练自然是必不可少的,但是当我们走上口语考试的那个舞台时,忘掉一切的压力让我们纵情发扬。
2023-07-17 12:55:081


Eliza Dushku 饰 Echo/Caroline FarrellEcho是洛杉矶玩偶之家里的明星人物,只要客户有需要,她可以变身朋友、爱人甚至是杀手。Echo每一个身份和性格都是为了满足客人需求而生,而每次她也能出色地完成任务。她是一个完美的玩偶,也是一个独特的玩偶,但在这里,独特也是危险的代名词……Eliza Dushku是阿尔巴尼亚和丹麦的混血儿,出生在波士顿,她从小在身为行政官的父亲和教授母亲的影响下,有着远大的志向。然而10岁那年一次意外的机会,使她主演了影片《That Night》,不过她从未因此后悔过。此后的1993年,又和Robert De Niro与Leonardo DiCaprio出演了影片《This Boy"s Life》,还在《真实的谎言》中饰演施瓦星格的女儿。在经历了一系列演艺道路上的成功之后,Dushku先后被乔治华盛顿大学和萨福克大学录取。毕业之后,Dushku又幸运地得到了《Buffy the Vampire Slayer 》(《吸血鬼猎人巴菲》)剧组的垂青,饰演猎人Faith Lehane,一开始她只被安排了5集的戏份,后来由于观众的热烈反响,使她整整出演了3季,而她的故事也被搬上了《Buffy the Vampire Slayer 》(《吸血鬼猎人巴菲》)的衍生剧《Angel》(《天使 》),她也继续成为新剧的女主角。Dushku在洛杉矶居住。 Tahmoh Penikett 饰 Paul BallardPaul Ballard是一个FBI特工,被指派前往调查“玩偶特工”的案子。在所有人都以为这不过是一个传奇事件时,他却坚持认为玩偶之家是一个神秘而强大的人口交易组织。旁人的对于他执着调查的嘲笑反而促使他步步逼近真相,他也发现玩偶Echo是一个原名叫Caroline的女孩儿……在Tahmoh Penikett出演《Battlestar Galactica 》(《太空堡垒卡拉狄加》)中的Karl "Helo一角前,曾主演了加拿大连续剧《The Cold Squad》,并因此获得以表彰不列颠哥伦比亚电视电影作品的LEO奖提名。Penikett客串过一系列的电视剧,如《Whistler》、《Smallville》、《The L Word》等。此外,由他出演的电影短片《Trapped Ashes》曾在2006年戛纳电影节上首映,他的新片《Trick "r Treat》和《The Green Chain》也将于2009年在影院上映。Penikett出生在加拿大,在拍戏之余十分注重家庭生活。他对很多体育运动都很热衷。分居温哥华和洛杉矶两地。 Olivia Williams 饰 Adelle DeWittAdelle DeWitt是洛杉矶玩偶之家的最高掌权人,所有组织情况都只需向其母公司回报。她是一个事业心很强的女人,希望能打理好玩偶之家这盘生意,但同时又幻想着所有牵涉其中的人都能得益于他们所提供的服务。Olivia Williams获得剑桥大学的学位后,到布利斯托尔老维克戏剧学院修读戏剧表演,之后还跟随皇家莎士比亚剧团在斯特拉福德及伦敦进行表演。一部历时4个月巡回演出的《Richard III 》(《理查德三世》)将Williams带到美国,并被Kevin Costner亲手选中出演了他的电影《The Postman》,此后她还在《The Sixth Sense 》(《第六感》)中与Bruce Willis演对手戏,并在《Rushmore》中与Bill Murray以及Jason Schwartzman合作。2002年,Williams因出演《The Heart of Me》而获得不列颠独立电影奖的最佳女演员奖。2006年,参与拍摄了纪录片《Krakatoa: The Last Days》,讲述了历史上最具毁灭性和灾难性的喀拉喀托火山喷发事件,同年她又回到舞台,参与了舞台剧《The Changeling》在伦敦的演出。Williams最近的作品是BBC的电视电影《Miss Austen Regrets》,她在其中饰演著名作家简·奥斯汀。 Harry Lennix 饰 Boyd LangtonBoyd Langton是洛杉矶玩偶之家中Echo的管理员,冷血以及忠诚使他成为组织里最好的特工。但是当Echo的生命受到组织的威胁,或Echo背叛了组织,究竟是该保护Echo,还是继续效忠于组织呢?Harry Lennix是著名的电影、电视及舞台剧多栖演员,他最为FOX观众熟知的是热门剧《24小时》上一季中的Walid Al-Rezani一角。Lennix出演的影片有获得过奥斯卡奖的《Ray》、《黑客帝国2:重装上阵》、《黑客帝国3:矩阵革命》,他最新的一部作品是与Russell Crowe及Ben Affleck合作的《State of Play》。除去另人瞩目的电影事业外,Lennix的电视作品包括《Keep the Faith, Baby》、《ER》、《Diagnosis Murder》等,其中还赢得过NAACP形象奖以及金卫星奖的提名。 Lennix指导并参与表演了一些列的舞台剧作品,为很多剧团及剧院做过演出,其中《The Five Heartbeats》一剧为他赢得了NAACP舞台剧大奖的提名,《Malcolm X》则使他获得了Ollie奖。在2001年使,他作为美国人应邀前往皇家莎士比亚剧团进行表演。居住在洛杉矶。Fran Kranz 饰 Topher BrinkTopher Brink是洛杉矶玩偶之家中少年老成的科学家,稚气的外表下是超越同龄人的成熟和天赋。他为玩偶之家设计并操作高科技产品,并乐此不疲。Topher的火眼金睛能让他清楚看到每个人身上的缺陷,因此他能完美地设计出适合每个客人的性格。Fran Kranz是耶鲁毕业的高材生,近期出演了喜剧《Welcome to the Captain》。他的电影作品有《Don"t Fade Away》、《Shades of Ray》、《The TV Set》、《Training Day》等。此外,他还在舞台剧方面颇有建树,出演了《Twelfth Knight》、《A Bright Room Called Day》、《The Dining Room》等剧目。在牛津作为客串表演时,他还赢得了最佳男演员奖。Kranz居住在洛杉矶。 Dichen Lachman 饰 Sierra/ Priya TsetsangSierra是洛杉矶玩偶之家的新人,虽然无人知晓她的过去,但是超凡脱俗的长相和快速的适应能力让她成为组织的得力玩偶。Dichen Lachman母亲怀她的时候在日本,她出生在加德满都,直到举家搬往阿德莱德之前住在尼泊尔。2005年她得到生平第一次出镜的机会,在澳大利亚长盛不衰的肥皂剧《Neighbours》中饰演护士Katya Kinski,这个角色是导演在看了她为别的角色试镜之后为她量身打造的。除此之外,Lachman还出演了影片《Aquamarine》、《Aztec Rex》和《Bled》。她奔波于澳大利亚和洛杉矶两地。Enver Gjokaj 饰 Victor/Anthony CeccoliVictor是洛杉矶玩偶之家的玩偶,本名是Anthony Ceccoli,曾参加阿富汗战争。最初以俄罗斯组织Borodin的新丁Lubov的身份接近FBI探员Paul Ballard。Enver Gjokaj刚完成了三部电影作品,其中有与Dennis Quaid演对手戏的《The Express 》(《菠萝快车》)、与Kevin Bacon合作的《Taking Chance》以及《Eagle Eye 》(《鹰眼》)。此外他客串出演的电视作品有《Filthy Gorgeous》、《The Book of Danie》、《Law & Order: Criminal Intent》。舞台剧方面,他参与过《The Cherry Orchard》、《As You Like It》等剧目。他在洛杉矶和纽约两地居住。Amy Acker 饰Claire Saunders/WhiskeyClaire Saunders是洛杉矶玩偶之家的理疗师,负责玩偶特工的身体和心理健康,或许她是这个地下之城里最关心特工的人,但她的真正身份是洛杉矶玩偶之家曾经的头牌玩偶Whiskey。从《Angel》里那个美丽聪明的女超人到《Alias》里的复仇者,Amy Acker的每个角色都尽其所能做到最好。此外她还客串过《Private Practice》、《How I Met Your Mother,》、《Law & Order》等电视剧。她出演过的电影有《Catch Me If You Can》、《The Novice》、《21 and a Wake-Up》等。在休斯顿长大的Acker除了演戏之外,还是个出色的舞者,她曾学过13年的芭蕾、现代舞和爵士舞。Reed Diamond 饰 Laurence DominicLaurence Dominic是洛杉矶玩偶之家的“前”保安主管,负责整个组织的安全和利益问题。不过由于对特工的轻视,使他在玩偶之家里很不受待见。Reed Diamond从小就生长在纽约,从北卡罗莱纳州大学毕业后来到朱利亚德学院学习表演。他的演艺生涯开始于电影《Memphis Belle》,此后他在百老汇及电影电视里崭露头角。他出演的电视剧有《Journeyman》、《Numb3rs》、《Without a Trace》、《Medium》等。Diamond出演的电影中比较知名的有《Good Night, and Good Luck》、《Spider-Man 2》、《S.W.A.T.》等。Miracle Laurie 饰 Mellie/NovemberMellie是Paul Ballard的邻居,她不仅在生活上照顾Paul,还帮他分担了调查玩偶之家的工作,但她真正的身份是洛杉矶玩偶之家派到Paul身边的密探,不过意料之外的是Mellie无可救药地爱上了Paul。Miracle Laurie出生在南加州,很小时候就在社区剧院表演并做模特了,此后她还在加利福尼亚州立大学拿到了戏剧学的学位。Laurie出演过很多独立电影,还联合主演了电视电影《Medical Investigation》,此外她也经常活跃在戏剧舞台上,参加过《Jesse James and the Bandit Queen》、《The Little Prince》、《The Tempest》等剧目的演出。Summer Glau 饰 Bennett HalversonBennett是华盛顿玩偶之家的首席程序员,曾经是Caroline的好友,如今却因为一段不愉快的经历憎恨着Echo。Summer Glau生于德克萨斯的圣安东尼奥,父亲是承包商,母亲是教师。年轻时期接受舞蹈训练并参加演出,后因一次严重意外而受伤,不得不接受长期治疗恢复。 在此期间她爱上了演艺,决定搬到洛杉矶正式开始自己的演艺和舞蹈职业生涯。Glau第一次走上电视荧幕是在电视连续剧《天使》中扮演一名芭蕾舞演员,该剧制片人是Joss Whedon。Whedon对这位年轻女演员处女秀的印象非常深刻,决定让她在他后来的连续剧《萤火虫》中扮演主角River,以及参演后来由该剧改编而成的影片《冲出宁静号》。继《萤火虫》之后,Glau参演了一系列电视剧,如《犯罪现场调查》、《铁证悬案》和《Terminator: The Sarah Conner Chronicles》(《终结者外传:萨拉康纳编年史》)。她还客串了《The 4400》和《The Unit》(《秘密行动组》)等剧。除了在电视剧方面的成就,Glau还参演过如《Mammoth》(《长毛象》)和《The Initiation of Sarah》(《莎拉的启发》)等影片。Alan Tudyk 饰 AlphaAlpha是拥有48种人格的危险玩偶,他疯狂迷恋着Echo,曾为了使Echo成为玩偶之家的头牌划伤了Whiskey的脸,在杀害了多名工作人员以及玩偶后逃离了玩偶之家。Alan Tudyk高中毕业后在Lon Morris Jr.学院学习了两年的戏剧表演,在学校期间,他获得了院内的最佳表演奖,有着良好的表演才能。早期在一些剧情片中饰演配角,善于表现人物的心理变化,影片《28天》让他成名。对于艾伦来说,除了表演,配音也是他的主要事业,在《机械公敌》中他就为机器人配音,早期的《冰河世纪》中也有他的声音出现。Felicia Day 饰 MagMag是未来幸存者中的一员,在2019年人格植入技术的滥用已使人类文明毁灭殆尽,她与其他幸存者发现了已被废弃的洛杉矶玩偶之家分部。Felicia Day 以第一名的成绩(valedictorian)从高中毕业。获得美国高中毕业生的最高荣誉美国优秀学生奖学金”。Felicia Day 小提琴拉得非常好。申请大学时,被美国著名音乐学院 Juilliard School of Music 录取。但是,她最终决定拿了小提琴演奏的全额奖学金去美国德克萨斯大学( University of Texas at Austin ),主修音乐演奏和数学。毕业时,获音乐演奏和数学双学士学位,她自编自导自演的网络短剧The Guild使她成为“美国宅男们的梦中情人”。
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1、《老友记》《Friends》全10季(这部美剧也是大多数初学者最爱的美剧之一 ,非常经典受欢迎的一部情景喜剧)主演:詹妮弗·安妮斯顿 、马特·勒布朗剧情简介:故事以生活在纽约曼哈顿的六个老友为中心——莫妮卡(柯特妮·考克斯 )、钱德勒(马修·派瑞)、瑞秋(詹妮弗·安妮斯顿)、菲比(莉莎·库卓)、乔伊(马特·理勃兰)和罗斯(大卫·休谟),描述他们携手走过的十年风雨历程。2、《摩登家庭》《Modern Family》全11季主演:阿芮尔·温特、艾德·奥尼尔剧情简介:该剧讲述了三对各有不同的美国家庭:一对普通父母与三个孩子、一对同性恋夫夫从越南领养了养女组成三口之家,一个60岁的老头迎娶了位热辣的哥伦比亚异国美女,美女还带着个捣蛋的11岁胖儿子。最奇妙的是,其实他们是一个大家庭。3、《绝望的主妇》《Desperate Housewives 》全8季主演:玛西亚·克劳斯、菲丽西提·霍夫曼剧情简介:故事背景设定在美国一个虚构的小镇——美景镇,通过一位自杀的主妇玛丽·爱丽丝·杨的视角审视紫藤街上发生的一切,描绘了美景镇紫藤巷的四位中产阶级家庭主妇的婚后生活。4、《老爸老妈的浪漫史》《How I Met Your Mother》全9季主演:乔什·拉德诺、杰森·席格尔剧情简介:故事是关于主角泰德·莫斯比在2030年时开始向他的孩子述说他如何与他们的妈妈相遇的过程。5、《极品老妈》《 Mom》目前共6季主演:安娜·法瑞丝、艾莉森·珍妮剧情简介:本剧讲述了一位年轻的单亲妈妈克丽丝蒂(安娜·法瑞斯 饰),在她酗酒者互助会上遇到她久未见面的母亲之后,在纳帕山谷发生的新生活。
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告诉你几部,希望你能找到你喜欢的,希望能帮到你哦,满意请好评哦~《老娘舅系列》《开心公寓》《红茶坊》情景喜剧搞笑场景(22张)《噱占上海滩》(原《啼笑往事》)《开心喜福会》《新上海屋檐下》《七彩哈哈镜》《缘来一家门》《快乐三兄弟》《新七十二家房客》《喜剧一箩筐》《皆大欢喜》《老房新客》4少儿《课间好时光》《巴巴爸爸》《成长别烦恼》《魔幻巧克力》《炜何逗》5国外虽然电视出现于20世纪30年代,但直到二战后才取代广播,成为家庭娱乐的主角。随着电视的普及,广播电视网开始寻找能吸引观众的内容。哥伦比亚广播公司聘请了节目开发经理沃辛顿·迈纳(Worthing Minor)负责寻找新创意。当时广播情景喜剧深受大众和广告商的欢迎,迈纳觉得如果把这种模式搬到电视上,效果肯定不错。1949年,他找到了系列广播剧《戈德堡一家》(The Goldbergs)的编剧格特鲁德·伯格(Gertrude Berg),希望把该剧搬上电视银幕。《戈德堡一家》曾是一部极受欢迎的广播剧,由1925年在卡兹凯尔斯地区(Catskills)表演的歌舞剧发展而来。该剧讲述的是犹太移民莫莉·戈德堡和贾克·戈德堡夫妇(Molly and Jake Goldberg)和他们的两个孩子的生活。故事的背景就是这家人生活的布朗克斯公寓,主要情节就围绕是朋友或家人之间的琐碎问题展开。解决这些问题的过程中,莫莉会征求邻居的意见,剧情就围绕她和邻居们展开——征求意见、交换食谱,其中当然不乏大量的幽默。后来的此类节目都照搬了这种模式。迈纳和伯格的作品成功之后,其他的广播电视网也引进了电台明星,让他们参与到电视节目中来。1949年,《奥尔德里奇的家》(The Aldrich Family)、《赖利的生活》(The Life of Riley)、《拉姆和阿布纳》(Lum and Abner)等广播节目改编的电视剧纷纷登上银屏。尽管观众对这些电视剧的褒贬不一,但是有一点是无可否认的:人们迷上了情景喜剧。分别有:英国《办公室风云》(The Office,也改编了美国版本)《黑爵士》(Blackadder)《憨豆先生》(Mr. Bean)《IT狂人》(The IT Crowd)美国《新鲜王子妙事多》(The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air)《老友记》(Friends)《威尔与格蕾丝》(Will & Grace)《男人两个半》(Two and a Half Men)《人人都爱雷蒙德》(Everybody Loves Raymond)《全家福》(All in the Family)《欢乐一家亲》(Frasier)《成长的烦恼》(Growing Pains)《我爱露西》(I Love Lucy)《陆军野战医院》(M*A*S*H)《宋飞传》(Seinfeld)《实习医生成长记》(Scrubs)《考斯比一家》(The Cosby Show)《天才保姆》(The Nanny)《我为卿狂》(Mad About You)《欢乐酒店》(Cheers)《墨菲布朗》(Murphy Brown)《三人行》(Three"s Company)《The Suite Life of Zack and Cody》(The Suite Life of Zack and Cody)《辛普森一家》(The Simpsons)《居家男人》(Family Guy)《汉娜·蒙塔娜》(Hannah Montana)《老爸老妈的浪漫史》(How I Met Your Mother)《天才理论传》(The Big Bang Theory)《家有喜旺》(Raising Hope)《破产姐妹》(Two Broke Girls)《极品老妈》(也译为母忧母虑或老妈们)(Mom)《生活大爆炸》(The Big Bang)日本《我们这一家》《HR》韩国《顺风妇产科》《男生女生向前走》《不可阻挡的High Kick》《泡菜乳酪微笑》《穿透屋顶的High Kick》《Highkick3短腿的反击》德国《屌丝女士》
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丽拉所言 海之声 青春珊瑚岛
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2023-07-17 12:58:163


1) 入门版Friends: 不用说,这个肯定是最经典的啦,估计版上大多数同修出来前就看过了,不过偶实在太喜欢这个了.没事就拿出来看一下,不仅可以加强听力口语还有治疗抑郁压力过大之功效~:)俺觉得比较经典的看法是中文字幕一遍,不放字幕看一遍,英文字幕一遍,最后再不放字幕看:)和friends类似的据说有seinfield,will and grace等等,但是我看了后者不觉得好笑,所以就没看下去了.friends的优点是语言生活化而且形象,基本上看完了就能和大家用英语插科打诨了;缺点是词汇量比较小,句子太偏口语,用以前谁说的话就是,ross是里面文化水平最高的了..专业词汇和职场一点的词汇都没有.2) 初级版sex & city: 这个也是个人偏好,估计男生不一定喜欢.但是这个剧的情节很经典啦,而且有六季,足够看一阵子.如果是女生的话看这个应该会增添很多fashion和relationship方面的词汇量和表达方式,另外,虽然四个人貌似总是谈性不断,但毕竟本剧的主角是纽约中年白领女..所以表达方式要比friends高阶一点,个人意见.Desperate housewives: 这个剧的内容就是生活优裕家庭中的事儿,所以相对的语言要文雅很多.记得以前很多美剧论坛上都有人特喜欢第一季自杀的主妇剧末的总结.类似的有gilmore girl,但是不好找,我只看过一两集.3) 听力版lost:该剧真是练听力的好材料..因为不同的口音实在是太多了!据说有美国东部口音,印度口音,韩国口音,黑人口音,英音,据说还有苏格兰音..偶第一次感觉自己听力有提高就是暑假不带字幕的看完了两季lost之后4)提高版&专业词汇版law & order:这个也是经典中的经典..不过我也没系统的看过..可能因为对刑事法律还是没太大兴趣把,而且平时学习累,看这个感觉更累:)boston legal:我很喜欢里面的语言.此外,这个剧是目前为止我看过的剧中语速最快,词汇量最大的剧了.强烈推荐.而且很有喜剧色彩,美女很多,看着不累.:)医务剧:因为专业关系..俺一直对医务剧没啥兴趣,不过据说house, grey之类的医务专业词汇也很多,应该满有用的吧.Apprentice:trump同学的老脸虽然有点自恋..但是本剧对于商务和职场英语的提高还是很有帮助的,里面有很多teamwork的词汇,包括和别人合作时如何讨论, 作为groupleader时如何主持会议组织讨论等等.此外也可以了解一下米国人怎么在职场上勾心斗角的:)5) 其他how i met your mother:这个剧可以更新一下从friends里头学到的口语..因为friends毕竟老了点, 10年前的剧了.这个剧没有friends好笑其实.但是生活气息很浓,又是sitcom, 20分钟一集,所以可以时不时的看一下.6)强烈不推荐的..24: 仅仅从口语角度..因为鲍小强同学说的话实在太少了!而且为了体现他老人家的当机立断,基本都是短语..从内容上讲,都是恐怖分子和fbi之类如何打打杀杀的,在现实生活中也没用,是把.谁要在现实生活中像鲍同学那样讲话,基本可以判定是神经了.
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2023-07-17 13:00:3614


2023-07-17 13:01:0111

谁能推荐一些类似于Hero , Lost的美剧

绝望主妇实习医生格蕾豪斯 美剧大概分5类(附评价) 1.drama-(剧情类)-偶看的大多数是这一类型对于这类,出得片子是比较多的~~我们所知道的大致有(还在继续放的) <lost>(迷失)第二季以后让很多人失望! <grey"s anatomy>(实习医生格蕾)我很喜欢MEREDITH,尽管很多人讨厌她里面的医生都很真实. <smallville〉(超人前传)没看过也不方便评价 <gilmore girls>(吉莫尔女孩)放完6季啦不老的主题很优秀的 <desperate housewives>(绝望的主妇)我的最爱很生活 <house>(豪斯医生)正在看。美国好评这个比GA高。。不过可看性没GA好因为1集1个故事,不紧不慢的感觉. <nip/tuck>(整容室)没看 听说<the o.c>(橘子郡男孩)太一般咯高中生看还可以 <ER>(急诊室的春天)第一季竟然有乔治克鲁尼 <veronica mars>(美眉校探)FANS超多 2.action-adventure(动作类)相对来说比drama少多了<prison break>(越狱)中国fans群最多动作片不可小觑,男主角迷倒众人,但偶一直不感冒,我喜欢Lincon~ <24>(反恐24小时)最好的剧情!看过了觉得别的影片都不够刺激~~仅次于我喜欢的DH <alias>(双面女间谍)也很红但我自己还没看 3.comedy-(喜剧类)太多了老美回家了如果还看不到喜剧,那他们的压力往哪发泄? <friends>(老友记)中国人除了乞丐都知道。。六位建立良好友谊关系~但是那些幽默以及每个人的性格要仔细品位 <joey>(乔伊)听说是老友记衍生产品。。搞笑要命<weeds>(单身独妈)没有看啊听说不错 <the war at home>(家庭战争) <how i met your mother>(老爸老妈的浪漫史) <will&grace>(这次艾美提名多多很多人喜剧都喜欢这部) <two and a half men>(好汉两个半)好评多多阿 <the office>〈办公室)艾美新宠阿 <everyone hates chris>(人人都恨克里斯)没看过<scrubs>(医家外传)四个医疗剧都是drama。这个是喜剧<my name is EARL>(愚人善事)估计不错 <monk>(神探阿蒙)估计会热门! <psych>(灵异妙探)新剧还没看这些喜剧我都没看过,不喜欢情景剧_除了红男绿女,说我俗也无所谓 4.reality(真人秀)大家熟知的一定是美国偶像啦因为真人秀引入中国的不多但是中国很多内地制作的事模仿美国真人秀的 比如(超级女生)(我型我秀)都是受到了(美国偶像)的启迪 而变了个花样。弄出来的所以说有了好的师傅。。徒弟总是出色的</IMG> 真人秀在美国当地是很受欢迎的。因为大大小小全家出动的节目很多`是不受限制的 <American idol>(美国偶像) 这不用多说,黄威廉阿kelly clarkson 都是我们熟知的啦<the amazing race>类似中国勇者总动员什么。就是以跑为主 中间很多障碍,任务,有些是很吓人的 <survival>(幸存者)探索频道放过,太多中国真人秀是模仿他的在上海就弄出很多节目,内容就是比试胆量啦~ <the apprentice>(飞黄腾达中国类似创智赢家,央视也搞了个类似的 都是出自它手下就是怎么样利用钱比智慧和能力。。团队精神也有! 5.sci-fi(科幻类)一个砸钱如水的一类很多优秀制作都出之于它<the 4400>经典中的经典。。探索未知世界,有机会好好看 <stargate >(星际之门)星际迷很多出自中国<the x-file>(x档案)中国唯一引进季度最长的美剧但是我只觉得MORLDER帅SCULLY... <Eureka>(异镇)也是新剧,同样很多人都喜欢。。现在应该放到第三集,但是我看不进去 <invation>(入侵)开始很喜欢后来很失望被CUT了 <su***ce>(表面之下)听说 <Battlestar Galactica>(太空堡垒卡拉狄加) 基本上这5大分类是热门的还有很多小分类就忽略不计了。 罪案剧单独列出来<c.s.i>(犯罪现场调查)看了一集就没兴趣,根本比不上24和X档案 Criminal Minds(犯罪心理) NCIS(海军调查处) Without A Trace(寻人密探组)这是我接触比较早的美剧可是天天看丢人的总觉得心理难受 Cold Case(铁证悬案) The Closer(罪案终结) Bones(识骨寻踪) Numb3rs(数字追凶) Medium(灵媒辑凶) The Inside(重案疑云) The Shield(盾牌)
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robin。故事最后,俩孩子对ted说,你还是喜欢robin阿姨的吧!约她吧!然后ted拿着第一集里的蓝色法国小号,出现在robin家的楼下,结局是Ted和robin在一起了。剧情:《老爸老妈的浪漫史》(英语:How I Met Your Mother)是Pamela Fryman、Rob Greenberg执导,乔什·拉德诺、杰森·席格尔、艾丽森·汉妮根、寇碧·史莫德斯、尼尔·帕特里克·哈里斯、鲍勃·萨盖特等主演的一部情景喜剧,于2005年9月19日在CBS电视网首播。故事是关于主角泰德·莫斯比(Ted Mosby)在2030年时开始向他的孩子述说他如何与他们的妈妈相遇的过程。
2023-07-17 13:01:501

谁知道老爸老妈的浪漫史《how i met your mother》第二季第7集Marshall和lily和好时的音乐

Marshal和Lily两人接吻时的背景音乐是The Explorers Club的<Forever>(大概是这首歌的20秒处)结尾时Barney转身离去的背景音乐是Gary Portnoy的<Where Everybody Knows Your Name>(大概是这首歌的22秒处)两首歌已经打包上传了,这里是下载地址:
2023-07-17 13:02:151


一、影片中的“小屁孩”格雷格由美国童星扎克瑞·戈登出演, 他的资室:国籍:美国 出生日期:1998.2.15 星座:水瓶座 职业:学生兼职演员 代表作品:《小屁孩日记》主要作品有: 24小时24 Hours(2001) 老爸老妈的浪漫史How I Met Your Mother(2005)(第四季第15集) 乔治亚法则Georgia Rule(2007) 性和死亡101Sex and Death 101(2007) 国家宝藏:夺宝秘笈National Treasure 2(2007)----Lincoln Conspiracy Kid 四个圣诞节Four Christmases(2008) 布鲁姆兄弟The Brothers Bloom(2008)----Young Bloom 低级学习Lower Learning(2008)----Frankie Fowler 马达加斯加2:逃往非洲Madagascar: Escape 2 Africa(2008) 圣诞狗狗Santa Buddies(2009)----Paws(配音) 爆炸头武士:复活Afro Samurai: Resurrection(2009) 比佛利拜金狗2Beverly Hills Chihuahua 2(2010) 小屁孩日记Diary of a Wimpy Kid(2010)----Greg 全面搜寻圣诞狗狗 The Search For Santa Paws(2010)----Paws(配音) 小屁孩日记2Diary of a Wimpy Kid 2:Rodrick Rules(2010)----Greg 二、他片中的哥哥罗德里克的扮演者是戴文·博斯蒂克,他的资料为:戴文·博斯蒂克(Devon Bostick)男,加拿大。生于1991.11.13,有同样从事演艺工作的兄弟Jesse Bostick,母亲是选角导演Stephanie Gorin,父亲是演员Joe Bostick(Brother of actor Jesse Bostick.Mother is Casting Director Stephanie Gorin and father is actor Joe Bostick.)戴文从5年级开始表演,是多伦多Etobicoke艺术学校的一名学生。他曾出演过电视连续剧《Degrassi: The Next Generation》以及电影《Citizen Duane》。
2023-07-17 13:02:221


2023-07-17 13:02:3810

求Still Into You的英文歌词

Can"t count the years one hand  That we"ve been together  I need the other one to hold you.  Make you feel, make you feel better.  It"s not a walk in the park  To love each other.  But when our fingers interlock,  Can"t deny, can"t deny you"re worth itCause after all this time.  I"m still into youI should be over all the butterflies  But I"m into you (I"m in to you)  And baby even on our worst nights  I"m into you (I"m into you)  Let em wonder how we got this far  Cause I don"t really need to wonder at all  Yeah after all this time  I"m still into youRecount the night that I first  Met your mother  And on the drive back to my house  I told you that, I told you that I loved ya.  You felt the weight of the world  Fall off your shoulder  And to your favorite song  We sang along to the start of foreverAnd after all this time.  I"m still into you www.5588.tvI should be over all the butterflies  But I"m into you (I"m in to you)  And baby even on our worst nights  I"m into you (I"m into you)  Let em wonder how we got this far  Cause I don"t really need to wonder at all  Yeah after all this time  I"m still into youSome things just,  Some things just make sense  And one of those is you and I  Some things just,  Some things just make sense  And even after all this time  I"m into You  Baby not a day goes by that  I"m not into youI should be over all the butterflies  But I"m into you (I"m in to you)  And baby even on our worst nights  I"m into you (I"m into you)  Let em wonder how we got this far  Cause I don"t really need to wonder at all  Yeah after all this time  I"m still into you  I"m still into you  I"m still into you
2023-07-17 13:02:591


2023-07-17 13:03:087


玛姬惠勒(Maggie Wheeler)珍妮丝·利特曼(Janice Litman) 贯穿六人行全集的角色,经典的笑声和oh my god让她成为了这部剧中最引人注目的配角,有人戏称她是六人行中的第七人。第一季时是钱德勒的女友,后来曾与ROSS交往过。每次在钱德勒失意的时候,她总能意外的出现,给大家带来欢笑。玛姬惠勒不是大牌明星,她在多部电视剧中客串过:Everybody Loves Raymond(Linda,出来过很多次),CSI,Will & Grace,甚至X-Files,以及How I Met Your Mother.
2023-07-17 13:03:221


好的欧美电视剧多的是看来你是个新人呀其实咱们国家的观众对于欧美好的电视剧知之甚少我看的好片都是下载下来看的迅雷看看和PPS里的片子就还可以吧其实越狱和24小时,只能算得上是美剧里比较低级的烂片, 欧美还有很多好电视剧,只是咱们国人很少知道,应该说只知道越狱那种垃圾。 我看过感觉不错的欧美电视剧4400——————————(完结) 共四季,26集。入侵——————————(不详)迷失——————————(未完)天赐——————————(未完)X 档案—————————(完结) 共九季,200集左右,98和08两部剧场版。星际旅行————————(完结) 共六部,725集左右, 还有数部剧场版(包括今年即将上映的那部)。星际之门————————(未完) 共三部,第一部十季,200集, 第二部五季,100集,93和08三部剧场版, 第三部第一季。泰星来客————————(完结) 共五季,110集。远古入侵————————(未完)时间旅人————————(不详)超能英雄————————(未完)超人前传————————(未完)邪恶力量————————(未完)血色月光————————(未完)梅林传奇————————(未完)巴比伦五号———————(完结) 共五季,110集。星舰复国记———————(完结)末世黑天使———————(完结)终结者外传———————(未完)异形庇护所———————(未完)新霹雳游侠2008—————(未完)太空堡垒卡拉狄加————(完结) 共四季,73集, 另外还有几部迷你剧、网络剧、电视电影等等。兄弟连、血战太平洋(兄弟连姐妹篇)、危机边缘、绝望的主妇、真爱如血、吸血鬼日记、探索者传说,等等等等!!!最近的新片还有V星来客、未来闪影、13号仓库等等!!!我整理出来的经典欧美电视剧不完全手册: 1、《盾牌》(《TheShield》类型:剧情/犯罪) 2、《美眉校探》(《VeronicaMars》类型:剧情/犯罪/悬念) 3、《法律与秩序》(《Law&Order》类型:剧情/犯罪) 4、《吉尔莫女孩》(《GilmoreGirls》类型:喜剧/伦理) 5、《雪山镇》(《Everwood》类型:剧情/家庭) 6、《迷失》(《Lost》类型:剧情/冒险) 7、《太空堡垒卡拉狄加》(《BattlestarGalactica》类型:剧情/科幻) 8、《犯罪现场》(《CSI》类型:剧情/犯罪) 9、《黑道家族》(《TheSopranos》类型:剧情/黑帮) 10、《24小时》(《24》类型:剧情/动作) 11、《越狱》(《Prison Break》类型:剧情/动作) 12、《疯狂主妇》(《Desperate Housewives》类型:剧情/喜剧) 13、《邪恶力量》(《Supernatural》类型:) 14、《紧急救援》(《Saved》类型:) 15、《罪案终结》(《The Closer》类型:) 16、《X档案》(《The X Files》类型:) 17、《老友记》又译《六人行》(《friends》) 18、《橘子郡男孩》(《THE O.C》) 19、《实习医生格蕾》(《Grey"s Anatomy》) 20、《核爆危机》又译《小镇危机》(《Jericho》)类型:剧情) 21、《罗马》(《Rome》)类型:剧情、动作/冒险) 22、《The4400》(《The 4400》) 23、《兄弟连》(《Band of Brothers》) 24、《超能英雄》(《Heroes》) 25、《欲望都市》(《Sex and the City》) 26、《斯蒂芬?金的王国医院》(《Stephen King"s Kingdom Hospital》) 27、《灵异妙探》(《Psych》类型:剧情) 28、《西部风云》(《Into the west》) 29、《超人前传》(《Smallville》类型:剧情、科幻) 30、《远古入侵》(《Primeval》) 31、《金牌律师》(《Justice》) 32、《识骨寻踪》(《Bones》) 33、《人间蒸发》(《Vanished》) 34、《六度空间》又名《命运锁链》(《Six Degrees》类型:家庭/伦理) 35、《犯罪心理》(《Criminal Minds》) 36、《豪斯医生》(《House》) 37、《三年二班》(《The Class》) 38、《嗜血判官》(《Dexter》) 39、《律政狂鲨》(《Shark》) 40、《飞天大盗》(《Hustle》) 41、《灵媒辑凶》(《Medium》类型:剧情/犯罪/惊悚) 42、《恐怖大师》(《Masters of Horror》) 43、《神秘男孩》(《Kyle XY》类型:剧情、科幻) 44、《神秘博士》(《Doctor Who》) 45、《篮球兄弟》(《One Tree Hill》 46、《星际之门》(《StarGate》类型:剧情) 47、《今日大喜》(《Big Day》) 48、《表面之下》(《Surface》类型:剧情) 49、《小镇大事》(《Eureka》类型:科幻/剧情/悬疑) 50、《流言》(《Dirt》) 51、《危机四伏》(《Sleeper Cell》) 52、《谈判先锋》(《Standoff》) 53、《神出鬼没》(《Spooks》) 54、《鬼语者》(《Ghost Whisperer》类型:神秘/剧情/灵异) 55、《成长的烦恼》(《Growing Pains》类型:家庭/喜剧) 56、《秘密行动组》(《The Unit》类型:剧情) 57、《末世黑天使》(《Dark Angel》类型:动作) 58、《捉鬼者巴菲》(《Buffy the Vampire Slayer》类型:恐怖/喜剧/动作) 59、《伪装者》(《The Pretender》类型:冒险/科幻/动作/悬疑) 60、《以防万一》(《In Case of Emergency》类型;喜剧) 61、《丑女也有出头天》(《Ugly Betty》类型:剧情/喜剧) 62、《海军罪案调查处》(《NCIS》类型:剧情/犯罪) 63、《神探阿蒙》(《Monk》类型:喜剧) 64、《兄妹》(《Brothers and Sisters》类型:剧情) 65、《绑架》(《Kidnapped》类型:剧情/动作/冒险/侦破/悬疑) 66、《波士顿法律》(《Boston Legal》类型:剧情‘喜剧) 67、《秘密部队》(《The Unit》类型:剧情/冒险/动作) 68、《老爸老妈的浪漫史》(《How I Met Your Mother》类型:喜剧) 69、《俏妈新上路》(《The New Adventures of Old Christine》类型:喜剧) 70、《情归何处》(《Men In Trees》类型:剧情) 71、《爱你到死》(《Til Death》)类型:喜剧) 72、《加里森敢死队》(《Garrison"s Gorillas》类型:战争) 73、《数字追凶》(《Numb3rs》类型:剧情/冒险/悬念) 74、《百慕大三角》(《The Triangle》) 75、《偷天盗影》(《Heist》类型:剧情、动作) 76、《星际旅行》(《Star Trek: Voyager》类型:科幻/剧情/冒险/动作) 77、《度日如年》(《Day Break》类型; 剧情/动作/悬疑) 78、《日落大道60号》(《Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip》类型:喜剧) 79、《正南方》(《Due South 》类型:动作/冒险/喜剧/情色) 80、《家庭战争》(《The War At Home》类型:喜剧) 81、《人人都爱雷蒙德》(《Everybody Loves Raymond 》类型:剧情/喜剧) 82、《白宫风云》(《The West Wing 》类型:剧情) 83、《甜心俏佳人》(《Ally McBeal》类型:喜剧) 84、《双面女谍》(《Alias》类型:动作、反恐) 85、《急诊室的故事》(《ER》类型:剧情) 86、《费莉希蒂》(《Felicity》类型:剧情/喜剧/校园) 87、《母女情深》(《Gilmore Girls》类型:剧情/喜剧/爱情) 88、《愚人善事》(《My Name Is Earl》类型:喜剧) 89、《同志亦凡人》(《Queer as Folk》类型:剧情) 90、《六尺之下》(《Six Feet Under》类型:剧情) 91、《南方公园》(《South Park》类型:喜剧/动画) 这些都只是我看过的而已,还有很多我看过的就不给你写了,你们先把这些看了吧!
2023-07-17 13:03:3114


1. 英语作文(my dag) My Dog Last year,my friend gave me a little dog. I was fond of him very much. I liked to play with him after school and he liked to follow me wherever I went. I was very glad that I had a “body guard”。 Last winter I was very busy with my lessons and came home very late every day.However,no matter how late I went home,my dog used to stand at a er near my school waiting for me. When I passed there,he barked o or three times then ran towards me. It seemed that he was calling me. My dog not only,took good care of me,but also was respoasible at home. When strangers came to my house,he barked at them but not hurt them. What a lovely dog he is! 2. 英语作文 my dag 带翻译 My bag我的包 I always will say:My bag is doraemon treasure chest.我总是说我的包是个哆啦A梦百宝箱。You can find many things.One day,one person"s got some injured,I just find wound protective cream in my bag.你可以找到许多东西。有一天,一个人受伤了,我就从我的包里拿出来了护伤膏。Actually,I put in my bag some plactic bags,some wound protective creams,Strings,umbrella,mobile phone,some notes,notebooks,a pen,breakfast,scraf,fruits:look like banana,cucumber,apple,pear and so on.事实上,我在我的包里通常会放一些塑料袋,一些护伤膏,头绳,雨伞,手机,一些便签条,笔记本,一支水笔,早饭,围巾,水果:就像是香蕉,黄瓜,苹果,生梨等等。So my bag always very heavy.所以,我的包总是非常的重。 3. 以“My dream”为题目写一篇英语作文50字,带翻译 至少给个方向告诉我们你的Dream是什么吧,没有我们只能随意猜测了。 Everyone has their own dream that wish to e true. Money, women, fame etc.. But mine is more simple, I like to take it easy。 Money can buy things but im too lazy to work, women can fort my lust but i have no money, and what do i need fame for? is it tasty? My deam is simple。 sitting in front of my puter while waiting others do my work for me =) 每一个人都有他们自己希望成真的梦想。金钱,女人,名声等等。。。 但我的更简单,我喜欢轻松的过日子。金钱可以买很多东西但我太懒去工作。女人可以平息我的 *** ,但我没金钱。名声对我有什么用?好吃吗?我的梦想很简单。坐在电脑前等着别人帮我做功课 =) 4. 五年级下册英语作文my dag五句话 A Nice day Today is Saturday. I don"t have to go to school, I can rest. I get up at seven , I eat breakfast at half past seven. After breakfast, I do my homework. Then I go to the park to play badminton with my friend. Return the home, just in time to catch lunch. I ate pasta, it is really delicious. After lunch, I nap for o hours. After wake up, I watched TV for a while. I eat dinner at five thirty. After dinner, my family and I go for a walk. Scattered good step back home, and I take a shower.And I saw an hours book. Eight thirty, I sleep. What a beautiful day! 5. my favourite dag英语作文 My favorite day My favorite day is Friday. On that day, we have aputer class. I like puter class very much. In puter class, I can learn to type. It"s easy to learn to type. I can draw pictures and play puter games, too. It"s so much fun in puter class. And PE class is on Friday too. My PE teacher is very strong and tall. He is very funny. We all like him. In PE class, I can play games and do sports. PE class is very interesting. For Friday"s lunch, I can eat my favorite green beans and potatoes. They are healthy and tasty. After I finish my homework, I can play with my friends. We can jump rope, play games and so on. Friday is fun and sweet for me. Do you like Friday? 6. 以 MA FAVORITE subject写一篇作文30字 My favorite subject I have many subject in my school .Like Chinese .Mathes .English 。。Do you want to known want I like?Well,I like mathes,because is very interesing .And I also likehistory ,because is can teaches me about Chinese history .So,my favorite subjest is Mathes and Chinese. 7. ma school day的作文 I wake up every morning at 6:30. start my breakfast at 6:45 and then go to school. School starts at seven o"clock.I have four classes in the morning. Lunch time starts at elve o"clock.We have thirty minutes for lunch break. For afternoon we have three classes. School ends at four o"clock.I go home by bus . When I arrive home I start doing my homework at five o"clock. Then I eat my dinner with my family at six o"clock .After dinner I continue on my homework.I take a shower after I"ve finished my homework at eight o"clock. Then I go to bed at nine o"clock. This is my day.。 8. 写一篇Mg Dag 的英语作文,介绍自己的一天,带翻译 2008年7月1日 中午12点10分从 上海浦东机场 飞往 海口美兰机场 下午3点半到达海口,乘机场巴士到达海口市的新奥斯罗克大酒店,联系好了一家机场旅行社.晚上我们去了 板桥海鲜广场 吃大排挡,听人说那个是"海口一绝",也确实绝了,左边是菜市场,右边是大排挡,一进去就有好多女的上来拉客,环境不太好,不过海鲜的价格是超便宜的.因为舅舅以前的同学在海南大学里做教授,所以那位同学叔叔又带我们去海大里转了一圈,晚上的海大很漂亮也很热闹,就这样结束了海南第一天.July 1, 200812:10 From Shanghai Pudong International Airport to fly to Haikou Meilan Airport15:30 to reach the sea, take the airport bus to reach the new Aosiluoke Haikou City Hotel, contact the airport a good travel agent.Night we went to plaza to eat seafood Itabashi stand, heard people say that it was "an absolutely mouth," indeed no way out, the left is a vegetable market on the right is the stand, a woman went up there a lot of soliciting, the environment is not very good, but the price of seafood is super cheap.Because the uncle former clas *** ates to do in Hainan university professors, so students who also took us to the sea uncle Tali turn full circle in the evening the sea was pretty big also very lively, and thus ended the first day of Hainan.2008年7月2日 今天阳光灿烂,不过海南很少有阴天下雨的天气.一大早旅行社就派导游过来接我们了,因为是舅舅一家和我`我老妈一共六人,所以我们组了个家庭旅游小团,旅行社派给我们一辆瑞风旅行车,早上九点我们从海口市出发,向最南边的三亚市前进.经过琼海市的时候,导游带我们去了万泉河漂流,那个漂流一点也不 *** ,而且还很可恶,因为漂流时有人 打水仗 ,建议以后大家去玩一定换上 导服,带好伞,不然的话就会全身遭殃.从万泉河的 鳌强码头 坐船过去,就到了玉带滩,远远望过去,一条土黄色的带子分隔了绿色的河水和蓝色的天空,再过去就能见到大海了,站在玉带滩上,能感受到三个不同"一咸一淡`一静一动`一蓝一绿",左手大海右手万泉河,很美的景致.下午我们到了位于陵水与万宁交界的牛岭,再那儿坐汽艇到了在海上不远处的 分界洲岛 ,在那里舅舅一家去海里潜水,因为我的身体不适合潜水,所以只好去坐了半潜艇,至于老妈就留在了岸上看行李.下午4点我们离开牛岭前往三亚市,晚上入住三亚市的亚龙湾 五号度假宾馆.July 2, 2008 Today, sunny, but very few cloudy days in Hainan rain weather. Early in the morning tour guide came to meet us on the camp, and because it is an uncle and I `I Met Your Mother a total of six people, so our group of families in a *** all group tour , travel agents to send to us an Refine station wagon in the morning 9:00 we are starting from Haikou to Sanya, the southernmost city of progress.After Qionghai time, tour guides took us to the Wanquan drift, that is nothing to stimulate the drift, and very abominable, because the drift when it was a water fight, the proposed change into the future we must play Guide service, with a good umbrella, otherwise the body will suffer. Wanquanhe Ngau from the boat pier strong the past, they arrive at a Yudai Tan, well look in the past, a khaki-colored tape separated the green river and blue sky , and then in the past will be able to see the sea, and stood on the Yudai Tan, can feel the three different "a salt a short` a `a static one blue one green movement," left the sea right Wanquan, beautiful scenery.Afternoon we reached the junction at Lingshui cattle with the Mannings Ridge, and then sat in a motorboat to the sea not far from the boundaries of islands, where an uncle to sea diving, because my body is not suitable for diving, so we can only Quzuo the Semi-submarine, as mother to stay in the shore looking luggage. 16:00 we left the cattle range to Sanya City in the evening stay at the Yalong Bay in Sanya City on the 5th resort hotels.2008年7月3日 早上8点多我们出发去了南山文化旅游区.南山有三大国宝:金玉观音`天下第一龙砚`海上观音.南山海上观音圣像高108米,凌波伫立在直径120米的海上金刚洲(观音岛)上.像体为正观音的一体化三尊造型,宝相庄严,脚踏一百零八瓣莲花宝座,导游说这观音是用制造飞机的材料做,是为了抗击海风腐蚀,但许多人都认为是汉白玉做的.在园区入口有专门的观光车,可以坐着观光车游览,并且园里各处都有售票点和停车点.我们的第一站是长寿谷,其实就是一座小山,沿路树了许多这样的标牌:六十岁为花甲之年,耳顺之年,还乡之年;七十岁为古稀之年,仗国之年;七十七岁称为"喜寿";八十岁为朝仗之年;八十八岁称为"米寿";九十岁为耄耋之年;一百岁为期颐之年.山下的路上还挂满了海南长寿老人的像,其中有位叫邓养侬的老先生在八十七岁时再婚,与妻生下二儿一女,不得不令人惊叹.第二站我们去看了天下第一龙砚,中午在素斋馆吃了自助餐.下午去看了。 9. 以my dream home写一英语作文带翻译 My dream home is at the foot of a hill.There is a football fild in front of my house and a swimming poll besied it. My house is very large.It has three floors. There is a kitchen and a cinema on the ground floor.The kitchen is very big.The is always more than enough food there.The cimema has a huge TV set.I often invite my friends to watch films at the weekend. On the first floor there are 12 bedrooms. Each room has a new puter and all the beds are fortable. Sometimes my friends like to e and stay with me. There are o big rooms on the second floor. My friends and I often have parties there. It is great fun! 我的梦想是在一个山脚有块空地,那里是一个足球场在我家门前和游泳池。我的家非常大.它有三层。有一个厨房和一个电影在地面floor.这厨房是很大.这总是有足够多的食物在这里,这看电影有一个巨大的电视.i经常邀请我的朋友去看电影在周末。在一楼有12个卧室。每个房间都有一台新的电脑和所有的床很舒服。有时我的朋友喜欢和我在一起。有两只大房二楼。我和我的朋友经常有人有。这是很大的乐趣! 10. 以my magic if i have a magic pen , i will draw a new world i like reading a story called ma liang and his magic pen. so i want to have a magic pen like this .if i have a magic pen , i will draw many trees for the world , the earth will be green again , and the animals will have warm homes . if i have a magic pen , i will draw an angle to stop the war. the world will be peaceful . if i have a magic pen , i will draw an angle to help poor people . then the world will be full of love . if i have a magic pen , i will have many things to do we only have one world , we should love it. the magic pen is my dream , but i think it will e true one day 以上回答你满意么?
2023-07-17 13:04:071


在英语中,为了突出某个词、词组或者句子,这时候就要用强调结构。强调结构通常采用变换词序的方法,或者增加一些用于表示强调的词,或者采用“It is …that”句型。翻译时,要特别注意被强调的句子成分,一般要把强调语气用适当的汉语表达出来。为了突出强调成分,在汉语译文中可以把强调部分放在句首,也可以在被强调部分之前加上“的确,究竟,务必,千万,就是,正是”等词用来增加强调语气。 一、英语中,强调部分通常放在句首,采用倒装或前置来强调句子中的某些成分。翻译的时候,可以直接按照英语原文的顺序翻译,或者把英语中的强调成分还原到句子的正常顺序翻译。 (一)强调宾语 Such good students we have never seen. 像这样好的学生,我们还从来没有见过。(直接按照英语顺序翻译) Not a word did she say the whole two hours. 整整两个小时她一句话也没有说。(把宾语还原到谓语动词后面翻译) (二)强调状语 At no time and under no circumstances will China be the first to use or menace to use nuclear weapons. 在任何时候和任何情况下,中国都不会首先使用或威胁使用核武器。(直接按照英语的顺序翻译) Never will they give up the struggle for freedom and peace. 他们绝对不会放弃为自由和和平而斗争。(把状语还原到谓语动词前面翻译) (三)强调表语 More serious was the problem of environmental pollution. 更为严重的是环境污染问题。(直接按照英语顺序翻译) Very strange the thing seemed. 这件事情好像很奇怪。(把表语还原到系动词后面翻译) (四)强调宾语补足语 在翻译对英语补足语强调的时候,应该把补足语还原到宾语后面去翻译。 Electronic computers make possible the fast complicated calculation. 电子计算机使快速进行复杂计算成为可能。(把possible还原为到宾语后面) A scandal people call the whole matter. 人们把这件事称为丑闻。(把a scandal还原为到宾语后面) 二、在动词前面加上助动词do,也是英语中一种表示强调的方法。翻译成汉语时,可使用“的确,确实,务必,一定,千万,真的”等词来突出强调语气。 She did accomplish the task in time. 她的确准时完成了任务。 We do have sufficient food and drink. 我们确实有足够的事物和饮料。 三、英语中,如果在what, where, who ,why, how等疑问词后面加上the devil,the hell, on earth, in(或under)heaven等词组用来加强语气,有时在某些否定词或最高级后面也可以加上on earth以增强语气。翻译成汉语时,可以增加“究竟,到底”等词来处理。 Who the devil is that woman? 那个女人究竟是谁? What on earth is the matter over there? 那里到底发生了什么事情? How on earth can one accomplish such a feat? 一个人怎么能够完成如此伟大的工作呢? 四、It is +被强调部分+that…强调句型。 英语中,It is +被强调部分+that…这种强调句型用来突出句子的某一个部分,在意义上起强调作用。被强调部分指人时,可用Who或者whom代替that。这个句型中的It没有实际意义,只是用来改变句子结构,使句子的某一成分得到强调。所强调的部分可以是谓语以外的其他任何成分,如:主语、宾语、状语等。 在翻译的时候,可在被强调部分之前加上“就是,正是,是”等词表示强调。。如果被强调部分本身就带有强调语气的词,如:only(只有),not until…(直到…才,如果不…)等词,那么译成汉语时就不必再加上“正是”等词。 It was Professor Wu that (who) sent me the letter. 给我寄信的正是吴教授。(强调主语) It was my father who did the experiment in the lab yesterday evening. 昨天晚上在实验室做实验的正是我父亲。(强调主语) It was I myself who opened the window. 是我自己打开的窗户。(强调主语及其同位语) It was your mother-in-law that (whom) I met in the park the day before yesterday. 前天我在公园里碰到的正是你的岳母。(强调宾语) It is this novel they talked about last week. 他们上周讨论的就是这本小说。(强调宾语) It was at an evening party that I first saw her. 我是在一次晚会上第一次见到她的。(强调状语) It was when Hemingway lived in Cuba that he wrote The Old Man and the Sea. 海明威是生活在古巴的时候写的《老人与海》。(强调状语) It is only when one is ill that one realizes the importance of health. 只有在人们生病了才知道健康的重要性。(强调状语) It was not until recently that scientists know much about lung cancer. 直到最近,科学家才对肺癌有较多的了解。(强调状语) 五、有些表示程度的形容词或副词,也可以用来增强语气。翻译的时候,也可以增加“就是,正是,是,到底,究竟,完全,最”等词来表示强调。 You are the very man I am looking for. 你正是我要寻找的人。 Who ever said so? 到底是谁说的? The pear is rotten right through. 这只梨子完全烂了。 Put it right in the middle. 把它就放在正中间吧。 This is much the best. 这是最最好的。 That article was simply ridiculous. 那篇文章简直是荒谬极了。 《强调结构的翻译》由留学liuxue86.com我整理
2023-07-17 13:04:141


I"ve been in Vancouver for some years and have accustomed to the living haibt here. Vancouver is the most beautiful city in Canada, I wonder when you will come here to have a look.I"m going to graduate this Sep. and I hope you can come for my graduation ceremany.My younger brother is going to graduate from high school soon. I don"t know which school should be chosen for him to study in, so I"m eagerly expecting your coming earlier thus can give me some advice according to your social experience.I"m looking forward to seeing you soon.
2023-07-17 13:04:367

英语口头禅 1-100

口头禅多多,谁也没有我的牛!1. Absolutely! 毫无疑问!2. Adorable! 可爱极了!3. Amazing! 太神奇了!4. Anytime! 随时吩咐!5. Almost! 差不多了!6. Awful! 好可怕啊!7. Allow me! 让我来!8. Baloney! 胡扯!荒谬!9. Bingo! 中了!10. Boring! 真无聊!11. Bravo! 太棒了!12. Bullshit! 胡说!13. Correct! 对的!14. Crazy! 疯了!15. Damn! 该死的!16. Deal! 一言为定!17. Definitely! 当然!18. Disgusting! 好恶心啊!19. Willingly! 很乐意!20. Exactly! 完全正确!21. Well? 怎么样?22. Fantastic! 妙极了!23. Fifty-fifty! 一半对一半!(半斤八两)24. Fresh! 好有型!帅极了!25. Gorgeous! 美极了!26. Great! 太好了!27. Hopefully! 希望如此!28. Horrible! 好可怕!29. Hot! 好辣!30. Hurray! / Hurrah! 万岁!31. Imagine! 想想看!32. Impossible! 不可能吧!33. Impressive! 很感人,永生难忘!34. Incredible! 不可思议!35. Indeed? 真的?36. Listen! 听着!37. Lousy! 差劲!38. Now! 现在就做!39. Objection! 我*!40. Outrageous! 不得了!41. Perfect! 很完美!42. Please! 拜托了!43. Probably! 很可能!44. Rats! 差劲!45. Relax! 放轻松!46. Right! 对的!47. Satisfied? 满意了吗?48. So so. 马马虎虎!49. Still? 仍是这样?50. Stingy! 小气鬼!51. Superb! 棒极了!52. Surprise! 给你一个惊喜!53. Terrible! 好可怕!54. Terrific! 了不起的!55. Try! 去试一下!56. Unbelievable! 难以置信!57. Understand? 明不明白? 网络聊天100句流行英语 1. How are you doing?(你好吗?) 2. I"m doing great.(我过得很好。) 3. What"s up?(出什么事了/你在忙些什么/怎么了?) 4. Nothing special.(没什么特别的。) 5. Hi. Long time no see.(嗨,好久不见了。) 6. So far so good.(到目前为止,一切都好。) 7. Things couldn"t be better.(一切顺利。) 8. How about yourself?(你自己呢?) 9. Today is a great day.(今天是个好日子。) 10. Are you making progress?(有进展吗?) 11. May I have your name, please?(请问尊姓大名?) 12. I"ve heard so much about you.(久仰大名。) 13. I hope you"re enjoying your staying here.(希望你在这里过得愉快。) 14. Let"s get together again.(改天再聚聚。) 15. That"s a great idea!(好主意!) 16. Please say hello to your mother for me.(请代我向你母亲问好。) 17. I"m glad to have met you.(很高兴遇到你。) 18. Don"t forget us.(别忘了我们。) 19. Keep in touch.(保持联系。) 20. I had a wonderful time here.(我在这里度过了难忘的时光。) 21. Have a nice weekend.(周末愉快。) 22. Same to you.(彼此彼此。) 23. Nice talking to you.(很高兴与你聊天。) 24. Take care of yourself.(自己当心/照顾好你自己。) 25. Thank you for everything.(谢谢你的多方关照/你为我所做的一切。) 26. Thank you all for coming.(谢谢光临。) 27. I appreciate your help.(我感谢你的帮助。) 28. You"re always welcome.(别客气/不用谢) 29. Forget it.(算了吧) 30. It was my pleasure.(不用谢。) 31. I made a mistake.(我弄错了。) 32. I"m terribly sorry.(实在抱歉。) 33. I must apologize!(我必须道歉!) 34. I feel terrible.(我感觉糟透了。) 35. It"s not your fault. (那不是你的错。) 36. Sorry to bother /have bothered you.(抱歉,打扰一下/打扰你了。) 37. What do you do?(你做什么工作?) 38. How do you like your new job?(你觉得你的新工作怎样?) 39. I like it a lot.(我很喜欢。) 40. I like reading and listening to music.(我喜欢阅读和欣赏音乐。) 41. What"s wrong?(怎么回事?) 42. What happened?(发生什么事了?) 43. I hope nothing is wrong.(我希望一切顺利。) 44. I know how you feel.(我知道你的感受。) 45. Sorry to hear that.(听到这个消息我很难受。) 46. Come on, you can do that.(来吧,你能做到的。) 47. Use your head.(动动脑筋。) 48. You did a great job.(你赶得很好。) 49. That"s very nice of you.(你真好。) 50. I"m very proud of you.(我为你感到自豪。) 51. I like your style.(我喜欢你的风格。) 52. I love you guys.(我爱你们。) 53. How do I look?(我看起来怎么样?) 54. You look great!(你看上去棒极了!) 55. That"s fantastic!(那真是棒极了!) 56. That"s really something.(那真是了不起!) 57. It"s a pleasure working with you.(与您合作很愉快。) 58. Congratulations on you success.(祝贺你的成功。) 59. I"d like to propose a toast.(我提议干杯!) 60. Are you married or single?(你结婚了吗?) 61. I"ve been dying to see you.(我非常想见到你。) 62. I"m crazy about you.(我为你疯狂/痴迷/神魂颠倒。) 63. I love you with all my heart.(我全心全意爱你!) 64. You"re everything to me.(你是我的一切!) 65. You"re in love!(你恋爱了!) 66. I"m tired of working all day.(整日工作使我厌烦。) 67. You work too much.(你做得太多了。) 68. Money will come and go.(钱乃身外之物。) 69. Are you crazy?(你疯了吗?) 70. Have you got it?(明白了吗?) 71. I"ve got it.(我懂了。) 72. I can"t afford that.(我承担/买不起。) 73. I did it, I"m so happy now.(我做到了,现在我很满意。) 74. I don"t care.(不关我的事/我不管。) 75. I don"t think so.(我不这么想/我看不会/不行/不用。) 76. I guess so.(我想是吧。) 77. I have no other choice.(我别无选择。) 78. I will do my best!(我会尽力的!) 79. I mean it.(我是认真的。) 80. I"m so scared.(我怕极了。) 81. It"s hard to say.(难说。) 82. It"s a long story.(说来话长/一言难尽。) 83. It"s a small world.(世界真小。) 84. It"s against the law!(那是违法的!) 85. It"s a good opportunity!(好机会!) 86. It"s dangerous!(危险!) 87. May I help you?(我能帮忙吗?) 88. No doubt about it.(毫无疑问。) 89. That"s bullshit!(废话!) 90. Think it over.(仔细考虑一下。) 91. Time will tell.(时间会证明的。) 92. What a surprise!(太令人惊讶了!) 93. Whatever you say!(随便你!) 94. You are the boss!(听你的!你说了算!) 95. You have my word!(我保证!) 96. Tough job, tough day, tough world. Life is not always sweet. That"s life! (艰苦的工作,艰难的日子,不幸的世界。生活并不总是甜蜜的。这就是生活!) 97. I need some sleep.(我需要睡眠。) 98. Take it easy.(别紧张。) 99. Just relax.(放松一下。) 100. Zip your fly!(闭嘴!)
2023-07-17 13:05:141

2023-07-17 13:05:244

i like this book best when i was a child同义句转换

This is my favorite book when I was a child.
2023-07-17 13:05:343


4. My favorite outdoor activity-badminton(羽毛球) As a student,though I"m busy with my study, I often have outdoor activities.Like swimming, jogging,playing badminton and so on.My favourite outdoor activity is playing badminton.I like it because it"s easy to play and don"t need much space.You can play it in many place.By playing this,I can easy myself from hard study.It"s also good to my health.It brings me much happiness.
2023-07-17 13:05:443


jim said he would going to take some photo.
2023-07-17 13:06:024

搞笑英语话剧剧本 是《喜羊羊与灰太狼》的。已经大获成功,视频:
2023-07-17 13:06:232

How I Met Your Mother S01E11 中英字幕 [HIMYM字幕组]种子下载地址有么?谢恩公!

How I Met Your Mother S01E11 中英字幕 [HIMYM字幕组]种子下载地址:祝您观影愉快~
2023-07-17 13:06:301


1. 一篇英语作文 《妈妈的故事》 When I get to home after school, i can always eat the tasty food. She is an engineer,shi is also a good cooker. My mother is also a hard working person, so every time she need me to work hard. If I don"t she will give me some more work to studyMy mother is a good mother。 2. 我的妈妈英语带翻译作文 My mom is 38 years old mow,she has a pair of pitch-black eyes and hair. She doesn"t look very beautiful and tender,but her nose looks nice and she"s a little bit fat.When I take a good look at her,I can see her winkle which was appeared by concerning about me. Besides,there has already accrued some white hair.I suppose it is.Maybe my mom is just a normal person in other"s eyes ,but in my heart,she is a great mom. 我的妈妈今年38岁,她有一双乌黑的眼睛和乌黑头发,她看起来不是很漂亮去很温柔,她有一个好看的鼻子和有点胖,仔细看,他的脸上有些皱纹,那都是操心我才有的,他的头上也有些白头发,我想那应该也是。我的妈妈在别人眼中可能不怎样,但在我心里她是伟大的。 3. 我的妈妈英语作文怎么写 My mother In my eyes, my mother is the most beautiful woman in the world. She has typical Asian features: yellow skin and black hair, but what catches the attention of people is her eyes. Her eyes are as clear and bright as the night sky, and whenever she *** ileds, they would glow up and shine like a million inkling stars. Nobody could possibly stay angry or depressed under such a *** ile, and even a heart of stone would crumble under her shine. She is also the gentlest person alive. Once, when I scraped my knee by accident, she flew like a wirlwind to my side, and took out a piece of alcohol swab to clean the cut. It stung like I was being bit by a bee, so she started blowing the red rash on my knee. The light gust of wind ing out of her mouth soothed the pain, and suddenly I had the courage to stand up again. I looked up into her eyes, eyes filled with concentration and gentleness. I love my mother for all that she has given me, and always will. 4. 我妈妈的一天MyMother"sDay英语作文 On Saturday I get up at 8:00 in the morning. I wash my face, brush my teeth. After that I have breakfast. I have some bread and a glass milk.Then I do my homework. I work hard. In the afternoon. I have lunch at home. I have some rice and beef. After lunch, I watch TV with my parents. We are happy.Then I go out to play with my friend. We go to the gym to play ping-pong. We have sports for an hour. Then we have a short rest. In the evening we go home.After supper I play on the puter. At 10:00 I lie on my bed. I have a happy day.。 5. 我的妈妈的英语作文 My mother is my most respected person, and I is not flatter my own mother, both will be replaced by one and the same as I respect her. Her mother, whom I respect most is her place ready to help others not Qiuhui Bao"s noble character, I saw his situation to help others, the scene looked until now I have fresh in our memory, even though these are just a trivial thing, but But the spirit is what we should learn. I am a mother in Kentucky and lunch, while my mother and I ate with relish, this being an uncle came, he hands at the side of the plate on Coke"s swaying about to e down. Met with the mother immediately after the stop to eat, go up the uncle"s help Coke again. The uncle helped him to see my mother almost lost the Coke up to help, thank quickly, with her mother, said: "You"re wele, the all right." On another occasion, my mother and me in Guangchao Shi, payment in Taiwan to pay Qian, an aunt to see an end to pay the money, to fet that for a very *** all sewing kit away. No matter how loud the mother, she shouted, as he had gone too far, not heard, so I do not e back, the waiter put it on a sewing kit below the counter. And my mom to get the package, it may be ing, we have seen a sewing kit just fotten that the aunt also check bags, her mother quickly on the ins and outs of just to say again, that in his aunt"s bag , Then turned and found himself really fotten that the sewing kit. It repeatedly thanked aunt, but also the sewing kit to her mother, but her mother did not accept. 6. 我的妈妈英文作文 My mother is a simple woman who es from the countryside with little education. But in my eyes, she is the greatest mother in the world. Her perseverance gives me courage in all my life. Whenever I have trouble doing something and think about giving up, the scene that happened three years ago to mother just e into my mind. Having asked for a leave from the teacher, I left the boring class and went to home with my favorite novel tucked under my arm. Father was at work, brother was at school, mother wouldn"t be back from her *** all store until evening. I felt very happy thinking that I would have the entire house to myself. I bounded up steps, burst into the room but was shocked by whatever I saw. Mother was sitting in the sofa, sobbing with her shoulder itching. I had never seen mother crying before. I went close to her, asking what had happened. She wiped her tears, forced a *** ile, and told me calmly that her *** all store was going to break. I didn"t know how to fort her at the moment, but I did know what the *** all store meant to her. Mother ran the *** all store in order for my brother and me to have a better education. As father worked with low salary which could merely afford the whole family"s life necessities, mother had to try hard to earn money for our education. She was frantic to make money before she managed the store herself. She once worked day and night for months on end in a *** all restaurant. It was a very difficult period of time for her. But she never plained before us. Eventually, she had her own business by running the *** all store. And she really managed it well all the time with great efforts. I never expected that the store would break. This will undoubtedly take everything away from my mother. I couldn"t help worrying about her. Mother seemed to read the worry on my face. She patted me on my shoulder, speaking with a faint *** ile: "Well, it may not be that serious. I"ll try to make it better whatever. We"ll be fine, my dear boy." I was so moved by mother"s words. It turned out that mother really rebuilt her business soon and the store ran well. I could imagine how much mother had paid for her *** all store business. It was really too much for a woman. But she never gave up. She just went ahead with her unusual perseverance. Now both my brother and I are studying at college. Mother works harder to finance our education. She is struggling by all means to keep the store business going. Her unusual perseverance is so inspiring to me that I will never give up halfway in my life.(够不够?)。 7. 母亲的故事读后感英文版 When she heard the thorns if given the warmth of thorns be able to tell his mother holding a child to run the direction of death. Mother did not hesitate to put an icicle hanging from the thorns into the arms tightly hug, thorns, plunging to her chest, the outflow of the blood drop by drop, but she is only to save their children, and does not know the pain. Ah! Mother, do you love your children, as long as the child happy, you would prefer to heat can be thorns. Mother went to a lake, no boat on the lake there is no bridge, Lake said: "If you put your eyes to me, I can take you to death of the greenhouse." Immediately burst into tears after listening to her mother and finally his eyes weeping e out to the lake. How blind painful thing ah! Mother, but you can not hesitate to use both eyes for the road to find the child. Greenhouse came to the door, an old lady mother, said: "I can help you, but you take your black to me and took my white hair." Heard the mother hurried exchange with her hair. Mother, mother, ah! You for their own children have lost their eyes, and now also with shortened life expectancy, in exchange for others to find their children help. You"re a very loving child. Mother of the world love their children are like this in my life, my mother has always surrounded me with love. I remember once, my mother, I came home from school, suddenly a strong wind es, my mother see me frozen straight tremble, rushed off his coat draped over my body, with her thin arm for me, blocking the whistling of the north wind. I Suzhebozi, eyes closed, feeling very warm. When I opened my eyes and found a strong wind is merciless beating his mother"s back. I have frequently asked: "Mom Are you cold?" Mom *** iled shaking his head, patrol, I quickly move forward. In my life, bit by bit, the feelings of her mother"s great maternal love is also acpanied by my growth. 8. 我的妈妈英语作文怎么写 I have a good mother.she is teacher/+一些职业的词 。 she has a short curiy yellow hair .she is tall and medium built。she like cooking .I like cooking too. I often help my mum cook meals when I"m free.on the weekend morning.she usually go shopping in the supermarket with my the evening . my mom and dad are watching Tv . in sunday my family go to a movie,my mother like edy.I like too .but my mother do not like documentary。 she think it is boring.This is my good mother 。 很幸苦原创的 !望采纳。 9. 一我和我妈妈之间发生的故事哦写一篇英语作文带翻译 I have many hobbies, such as sports, singing, playing the violin and keeping a diary. I like sports very much. I go running at five o"clock in the morning. After classes in the afternoon, I play table-tennis with my friends. These sports have kept me healthy. At home, I like to sing and play the violin. I practice singing and playing the violin every day. Busy as I am, I am quite happy. Of all my hobbies I like reading books best. In my bedroom there are nearly six hundred books. There are story books, textbooks, magazines, and others. All these books have enriched my knowledge.
2023-07-17 13:06:491