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beggars and choosers 歌词

2023-07-17 20:24:56
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歌曲名:beggars and choosers
歌手:Soul Asylum
专辑:hang time

Right before the aftermath, I saw where it would end.
They said it was an accident, I guess that all depends
On who you talk to and who you know,
Soul Asylum
And where you come from and where - where you go.
In your crowd of pushers and users, takers and loosers,
Beggars and beggars and beggars and choosers.
Your childhood days are over as you stuff your shirt and say
Made a choice it"s wrong or right, it"s this way I will stay.
You"ll sell it to your children, you"ll sell it to your wife.
The vultures are all circling around you
Scavengers, evangalists will get to you some how.
Your mother and your ex-best friend, letters that you never send.
Your illegitamate children are coming for you now.
They"re always dragging you down, it"s looking like a showdown,
Between revenge and in the end you can"t defend.
Can you try to imagine, a story that has no end?
I think you better steal it while you still understand it,
And sell it to one of your friends.




2023-07-17 12:20:251


冷门且高级的英文网名   冷门且高级的英文网名,大家对于自己的网名都是比较在意的,现在是网络盛行的时代,人们在网上冲浪的时候都会取一个网名替代自己,使用一个好的网名,可以让更多的人关注你,以下看看冷门且高级的英文网名及相关资料。   冷门且高级的英文网名1   1、Deserted冷清   2、失眠梦°Triste   3、Poison、毒药   4、流年碎jonathan   5、Fold the love藏匿爱情   6、Eternally 永恒   7、半透明 no col   8、Yrainy樱雨   9、encounter邂逅   10、silly wish痴心   11、怀念 amor   12、Follow Me   13、Prisoner°   14、Lifetime 承诺   15、You are My light 你是我的曙光   16、瑾年Invader   17、Vide 空欢喜   18、saphead笨蛋蛋   19、苏烟 Luoい   20、Avril゛形同陌路   21、淡忘 Forgotten   22、失夜 iSakitama   23、Warmheart°暖心   24、Lifetime 约定   25、念而不忘 mr   26、Neither candidate 逾期不候   27、Temptatn ゜ 夜   28、心动则痛 Oath°   29、old flame 旧情人   30、流受ranmuy   31、cruel world 残酷的世界   32、情绪控 Design   33、Sunny°刺眼   34、空景 Sadnes   35、Allure Love 流年沉寂   36、Remix、 恍惚   37、Dreamy_半夏   38、Flower末初   39、情骚年 teenager   40、Painful love痛爱   41、Seven°昔年   42、离愁 Feast aw   43、Solicitud末离   44、Pure the yes 纯爷们   45、Scavengers拾荒者   冷门且高级的英文网名2   01、Serendipity   寓意:不期而遇的美好.   02、Aurora   寓意:极光(别忘你爱的人去看一下呀)   03、Crush   寓意:短暂地 热恋地 但又羞涩地爱恋.   04、Wabi-sabi   寓意:在不完美中寻找美好 接受人生的生死轮回和残缺之美.   05、Komorebi   寓意:阳光穿过了树叶之间的缝隙.   06、Famiglistmo   寓意:爱的人都在你的.身边.   07、Ethereal   寓意:你望那个星星般的人时的内心感受.   08、Petrichor   寓意:刚下雨之后泥土的味道.   09、Serein   寓意:身处落雨的黄昏.   10、Nemophilist   寓意:一个迷恋着森林的宁静与幽美的人.   11、Limerence   寓意:因为一个人而神魂颠倒.   12、Augenstern   寓意:喜欢的人眼中的星星.   13、Dreamboat   寓意:理想爱人.   14、Petrichor   寓意:泥土在下雨过后散发的好闻的气味.   15、Flipped   寓意:只是听到就怦然心动了.   16、Palpitate   寓意:小心翼翼却又急切的心动.   17、Morii   寓意:渴望留住一个转瞬即逝的体验.   18、midsummer   寓意:人生已到仲夏,是时候收获了.   19、Heartworm   寓意:那段关系明明都结束了,你却仍然感觉它在继续.   20、Solitude   寓意:平静愉悦的独居.   21、Lethobenthos   寓意:突然发现某人对自己不再有影响的沮丧感.   22、Serendipity   寓意:意外发现有趣、新奇事物的天赋.   23、Serein   寓意:深处落雨的黄昏.   24、Redamancy   寓意:当你爱着某个人时,对方也正爱着你.   25、Dérive   寓意:一趟说走就走的旅行.   26、Onism   寓意:因一个躯体无法同时分身多地而产生的失落感.   27、Sillage   寓意:她/他来到你身边而后又离开,却在空气中留下了好闻的气息.   28、Ronronner   寓意:猫打呼噜.   29、Smultronstlle   寓意:一个专属于自己的隐秘地方,在那里我们可以远离压力与忧虑,可以放松自我.   30、Augety   寓意:在心中进入夏天的快乐.   冷门且高级的英文网名3   1、Frank   2、Safe   3、prey   4、Mute   5、south   6、Pretty boy   7、Palpitation   8、↑ゾDRAGΘNゾ↑   9、ㄕ体paЯty   10、BO peep   11、cute killer   12、6Clean   13、Slag male   14、一杯whisky   15、浓情chocolate   16、sugar   17、LOSER   18、Ba/na/na   19、Red>>ReaL   20、BROWN(= 0 =   21、Unfair   22、Narrator   23、玩cool的girl   24、男友力MAX   25、fantasyo老时光   26、Be her   27、Panacea   28、stick"man   29、hero的匕首   30、maniac   31、ANd GOlD   32、Catnip、   33、女王(Queen、ゆ性   34、UR SOULMATE   35、MY TYPE   36、Warm-boy   37、okBabe   38、Redundant   39、keep the   40、Overlook、   41、摇滚Bl○⊙d   42、INER>>>   43、一个帅のgirl   44、magipige   45、Super萌   46、T_back撩拨   47、有间Ca∮e   48、Fossette   49、pUssy   50、黑人Rap$
2023-07-17 12:20:321


2023-07-17 12:20:391


哇哈哈 好吓人的动物
2023-07-17 12:20:5014


The ponies run, the girls are young,The odds are there to beat.You win a while, and then it"s done –Your little winning streak.And summoned now to dealWith your invincible defeat,You live your life as if it"s real,A Thousand Kisses Deep.I"m turning tricks, I"m getting fixed,I"m back on Boogie Street.You lose your grip, and then you slipInto the Masterpiece.And maybe I had miles to drive,And promises to keep:You ditch it all to stay alive,A Thousand Kisses Deep.MusicAnd sometimes when the night is slow,The wretched and the meek,We gather up our hearts and go,A Thousand Kisses Deep.Confined to sex, we pressed againstThe limits of the sea:I saw there were no oceans leftFor scavengers like me.I made it to the forward deck.I blessed our remnant fleet –And then consented to be wrecked,A Thousand Kisses Deep.I"m turning tricks, I"m getting fixed,I"m back on Boogie Street.I guess they won"t exchange the giftsThat you were meant to keep.And quiet is the thought of you,The file on you complete,Except what we forgot to do,A Thousand Kisses Deep.MusicAnd sometimes when the night is slow,The wretched and the meek,We gather up our hearts and go,A Thousand Kisses Deep.The ponies run, the girls are young,The odds are there to beat...You win a while, and then it"s done –Your little winning streak.And summoned now to dealWith your invincible defeat,You live your life as if it"s real,A Thousand Kisses Deep.Music
2023-07-17 12:21:221


2023-07-17 12:21:302


2023-07-17 12:21:382


Secure LandfillsTo reduce these problems, a sanitary landfill is designed to ensure that possible negative impacts are addressed and the landfill site is a secure and safe operation.
2023-07-17 12:21:485


法国动物学家米奈·爱德华(Alphonse Milne-Edwards)是描绘此物种的第一人。他于1879年在墨西哥湾捕获一只大王具足虫的雄性幼崽。这个惊人的消息震撼了当时的科学界和社会大众,因为那个时代的人们普遍都认可爱德华·福布斯等人的「深海无生命论」的观点。1891年,首次捕获大王具足虫的雌性幼崽。因为大王具足虫难以被捕获且其没有很大的市场销路,因此商业捕鱼业对它没有很大兴趣。然而在台湾北部和其它的一些海滨却时常可以在临海餐馆中看到大王具足虫的身影。它们通常是熟过后被对半横向切成薄片以供食客,这样的方式会比较容易将其肉剔出。大王具足虫的质肉比较类似螃蟹和龙虾等动物。此外,在美洲的水族馆里也可以看到一些被诱捕出海的大王具足虫标本。1990年,东澳大利亚海洋食腐动物探索计划(Scavengers of East Australian Seas expedition / SEAS)开始研究澳大利亚东海岸的甲壳纲动物。他们发现,海底越深,动物越少但物种越大。在澳大利亚的深海水域发现的大王具足虫可以与在墨西哥或印度的发现相比拟。
2023-07-17 12:22:031


1. 最好的时光里,我依然独自一个人走在浮华绚丽却不属于我的街道 The best time, I still alone a person walks in the buckish geous has not belong to my street. Like a scavengers, quietly collection up the negatives of the time, let it bee old private brew. And then in a summer afternoon, can discern to related to you all.。 2. 送走这个夏天唯美语录 1、相遇的瞬间,夏花开放;分开的永远,蒲草秋凉。当你在我的记忆里,随风成雪;当你在现实世界里,漂流四方。 2、错过的年华在北漠开出斑斓的紫薇花,却荒芜了轮回的春夏。 3、最好的时光里,我依然独自一个人走在那条浮华炫丽却不属于我的街。我像一个拾荒者,悄悄收藏起时光的底片,让它变成陈年的私酿,然后在那个夏日的午后,晾晒出任何与你有关的画面。 4、最美的不是生如夏花,而是在时间的长河里,波澜不惊。 5、佛说每个人所见所遇到的都早有安排,一切都是缘。而无论你几岁,当你遇到你爱的人时,便是你最美的时候。而不管是谁,一生总有那么一刻,比夏花更灿烂。 3. 与“十年时光流逝而我依然感觉自己一事无成”有关的文言文诗词有哪 清代顾贞观的《金缕曲·我亦飘零久》 词开头的“我亦飘零久”指作者自1666年(清康熙五年)中举人以来,几度奔走京师、飘泊异乡,而仕途上却了无寸进,到眼下还是寄人篱下。 原文我亦飘零久!十年来,深恩负尽,死生师友。宿昔齐名非忝窃,只看杜陵消瘦,曾不减,夜郎僝僽,薄命长辞知已别,问人生到此凄凉否?千万恨,为君剖。 兄生辛未吾丁丑,共此时,冰霜摧折,早衰蒲柳。诗赋从今须少作,留取心魂相守。 但愿得,河清人寿!归日急翻行戍稿,把空名料理传身后。言不尽,观顿首。 译文我也漂泊他乡很久。自中举十年来,我辜负了你的深厚恩情,未报答你这位生死之交的师友。 从前你我齐名并非名不副实,试看曾为怀念李白而瘦的杜甫,忧闷不下于流放夜郎的李白。我的夫人已经去世,又与知己的你分别,试问人生在世,到这步田地凄凉不?我将千种怨、万种恨,向你细细倾吐。 你生于辛未年我生于丁丑,都受了一些时间的冰雪摧残,已经成了早衰的蒲柳。劝你从今要少作词赋,多多保重与我长相守。 但愿黄河变清人长寿。你归来定会急忙翻阅戌边时的诗稿,把它们整理出来传给后世,但也只是忧患在前空名在后。 满心的话语说不尽,我在此向你行礼磕头。创作背景其好友吴兆骞于顺治十四年(1657)参加江南乡试中举,涉入丁酉江南乡试科场案。 福临(顺治帝)大怒遂于次年将该科已考中的江南举子押解至北京,由福临在 *** 瀛台亲自复试,复试合格者保留举人资格,不合格者治罪。两名主考官被斩,17名同考官处绞。 吴兆骞系著名江南才子,少有隽才亦傲岸自负,愤然拒绝复试,因而下狱。后虽经礼、刑两部多次严审,查明吴确无舞弊行为,顺治十五年(1658年),仍被流放宁古塔。 身为朋友的顾贞观,在他被充军时,曾承诺必定全力营救,然而20多年过去了,一切努力始终无用。顾贞观自己也是郁郁不得意,在太傅纳兰明珠(纳兰性德的父亲)家当幕客,想起好友在寒冷偏塞之地受苦,于是向纳兰性德求救,但性德与吴兆骞并无交情,一时未允。 康熙十五年(1675年)冬,作者离居北京千佛寺,于冰雪中感念良友的惨苦无告,为之作《金缕曲》二首寄之以代书信。纳兰性德读过这两首词,泪下数行,说:"河粱生别之诗,山阳死友之传,得此而三!"当即担保援救兆骞。 后经纳兰父子的营救,吴兆骞终于在五年之后获赎还乡。顾贞观顾贞观(1637-1714)清代文学家。 原名华文,字远平、华峰,亦作华封,号梁汾,江苏无锡人。明末东林党人顾宪成四世孙。 康熙五年举人,擢秘书院典籍。曾馆纳兰相国家,与相国子纳兰性德交契,康熙二十三年致仕,读书终老。 贞观工诗文,词名尤著,著有《弹指词》、《积书岩集》等。顾贞观与陈维嵩、朱彝尊并称明末清初"词家三绝",同时又与纳兰性德、曹贞吉共享"京华三绝"之誉。 赏析顾贞观所作《金缕曲》一共两首,第一首从吴兆骞写,第二首换个角度从自己发感慨:"我亦飘零久。十年来,深恩负尽,死生师友!"说得沉痛,"亦"字勾留上首,不是泛泛。 "宿昔齐名非泰窃,试看杜陵消瘦。曾不减、夜郎僝僽。 "从自己又说到两人。杜甫《长沙送李十一衔》:"李杜齐名真悉窃,朔云寒菊倍离忧。 "杜甫是客气话。历史上李杜齐名有好多个,东汉的李固杜乔、李膺杜密等等,唐朝诗人李白杜甫,这儿反用杜诗说"非忝窃",以杜甫自比。 "试看杜陵消瘦。"以李白比吴兆骞,李白曾被长流夜邹(中道放归),比吴兆骞之滴戍宁古塔,"僝僽",指受折磨和愁苦烦恼。 自己虽然没有谪戍,却和吴兆骞一样痛苦,备受析磨。"薄命长辞知己别,问人生、到此凄凉否?"红颜薄命,长辞指死亡。 顾贞观曾有悼亡之戚,薄命长辞,知已远别,人生逢此,是妻凉。人生之中没有多少人曾到这样凄凉境地。 "问人生"这一反问句就包含上两层意思。"千万恨,为兄剖,自然收束半片。 换头处,从年龄诉说,"兄生辛未吾丁丑"。辛未、丁丑到作此词时,两人都过了四十,"四十曰强,仕。 "但"共些时,冰霜摧折,早衰蒲柳",身体都受到摧残而早衰了。蒲柳是用《世说新语》顾悦与晋简文帝同岁而先老的典故,而"蒲柳"就变成自指身体的谦词了。 这里用个"共"字,表示两人都一样,这是回应上文"试看杜陵消瘦,曾不减、夜郎僝僽。" 既然年过四十,身体早衰,就应注意保养:"词赋从今须少作,留取心魂相守。 "两句语重心长。既然可以"相守",表明前途仍有希望。 "但愿得、河清人寿。"("俟河之情,人寿几何?""黄河清,出圣人。 ")这句祝愿,字面用前一句,意思在后一句。希望圣主施恩,远人归老家园。 政治清明,相应地人民应该生活安定,终其天年,所以说"河倩清人寿"。"归日急翻行戍稿,把空名料理传身后。 ",吴兆骞的诗必传于后是作者的预言,也是完全符合实际的。吴兆骞流放以后,诗歌增加了悲壮苍凉的气氛,为人传诵,在清代前期也算重要作家。 这表现作者对吴兆骞的信任和安慰。不说"声名"而说"空名",这个"空"字把上文一系列苦痛都括在其中,大名没有使吴兆骞免除生前的苦难,所以说"空名",这个"空"字可以算一字千金。 4. “最好的时光里,我依然独自一个人走在那条浮华炫丽却不属于我的街 In the most wonderful time,I still walk down that flashy and flowery street which does not belong to me alone.I"m just like a ragpicker who put away the negative of time silently.I let it bee the moonshine which could have gone through many decades.And then,on that summer afternoon,I aired all the views about you.。
2023-07-17 12:22:261


2077是指游戏赛博朋克2077。《赛博朋克2077》(英语:Cyberpunk 2077,香港常用英文,台湾译作“电驭叛客2077”)是一款由CD Projekt开发并于2020年12月10日发行的动作角色扮演游戏。本作采用了桌上游戏《赛博朋克2020》的世界观与规则设计,背景为2077年美国加利福尼亚州的“赛博朋克”风格反乌托邦式城市“夜之城”,玩家在这一开放世界中扮演名为“V”的雇佣兵。扩展资料:游戏设定:《赛博朋克2077》设定在未来世界,社会衰退,野蛮。游戏设计师Mike Pondsmith许诺这款游戏将像《巫师》系列一样细节饱满丰富,将为玩家带来非线性复杂刺激剧情游戏体验。玩家在游戏中将拥有自己独特的游戏体验,玩家可以从不同的职业中选择自定义自己的角色,无论是嗜杀成性的雇佣兵还是诡计多端的黑客,这些角色都可以装备不同种类的自动化的装置和致命的武器。类似《巫师》系列,《赛博朋克2077》游戏中玩家将迎来道德层面的抉择,这些抉择也最终影响玩家的命运和外围游戏世界。
2023-07-17 12:22:411


Found in the United StatesLife is not lack of beauty, but the lack of eyes to find beauty.Beautiful, simple beauty, common beauty, noble beauty, inner beauty, I seem to be more focused on inner beauty.Littleyue Yue events of her beautiful scavengers, lift life beautiful mother, they don"t care about fame and fortune, need is internal peace and realize the preciousness of life.Butterfly rise and dance in a happy mood posture beauty, the bustling about posture beautiful, I seem to be more focused on the beautiful. Why? Because he was industrious, and not care about her body, beautiful clothes.、发现美生活并不缺少美,只是缺少发现美得眼睛。美,简约的美、普通的美、高贵的美、内心的美,我似乎更倾心于内心的美。小悦悦事件中拾荒的阿婆美丽、托举起生命的妈妈美丽,他们都不在乎名利,需要的是内心的安定和感悟到生命的珍贵。蝴蝶翩翩起舞的姿势美,蜜蜂忙忙碌碌的姿势美,我似乎更倾心于蜜蜂的美。为什么?因为他是勤劳的,而不是在乎她曼妙的身姿,美丽的衣裳。
2023-07-17 12:23:031


现如今,一个好听的网名也非常重要,下面是小编收集整理的有寓意的简短英文网名,希望大家喜欢。有寓意的简短英文网名篇11、大白兔my2、GluTtoNy沉沦3、弧度Trajectory゜4、局外亼(Out)5、﹏souven°文字控6、〆n!ke7、Distance▎失落心8、Kimi9、格子衫Nice%10、Devil(恶女)11、Trymiss||旧恋人゛12、Loveadangeroussea13、uperficial°浮浅14、Emptycity°15、stress。(压力)16、Stubborn顽固17、Sunshine?18、Hibiscus木槿19、rostitute▍是入戏阿三20、Me。21、倦忌-EROS"22、Eternally永恒23、ibertine(浪子)24、Eternity小矫情25、Autism.孤独症26、Struggle(旧事)27、护花铃CEmHop-Type28、Firstheart初心29、替代品Substitute30、奶茶Monstar31、MAMA.32、abuse(滥用)33、Vickyシ筱米34、Paradox矛盾35、outsiders(局外人)36、DeJaVu幻觉记忆37、猫性Tenderne°38、温柔女Boss39、memories°(落寞的回忆)40、Humbleabject!41、Berg[冰山]42、血色玫瑰Redroses|▍43、Mm猛╮44、Sunny刺眼45、Borrowed借过46、song‘voice"47、∝゛MyKK丶冰狸。48、妖yan惑众ㄟ49、半夏vienna50、gorgeous丶倾国倾城51、目送(Out)52、半颗心Broken※53、悸动palpitation54、Alove.一份爱55、白日悠梦人daydramer56、staunch[坚强]57、Crazy灬倾听58、执着Paranoid*59、promise°允诺60、ˉAmor陌羙61、partiality(偏心)62、Liaoguest撩客?63、Anesthesia麻醉64、Mvp___菲爷65、?inmyheart??66、Imissyou.(我想念你)67、Thought°幽灵的尤物▓68、limerance(纯爱)69、猫性Tenderne°70、Hellofuture71、Yearn72、独年荒岛-ALONG73、sexuality女王74、m.over75、浅时光Triste76、Destiny命运77、later后来78、northward北程79、尛Gg80、Enemy宿敌81、男友力MAX82、∝゛Agoni°暮念83、寂寞的Feel84、FutureLove(青稚)85、Distant遥远86、深渊Nefertari87、brier[荆棘]88、Poison.(毒药)89、メSomnus丶せ爱90、Welikeparty.91、Abandoned.抛弃92、Rascal(痞子)93、んdomiante独霸94、Autism自闭症95、Notsee︶96、hanben97、behalf[利益]98、Review(旧爱)99、Sonder(试探)100、Prevaricate说谎101、Submarine(海底)102、_Dorom:-°若情103、Pure(纯然104、traitor(背叛者)105、seven°昔年106、Perfunctory敷衍107、bootygirl108、Halo(光环)109、Soulmates灵魂伴侣110、OneLife独厮守ぢ。111、@Dreamlove丶112、Forgetme(忘记我)113、Lovebank@114、猫眼▍WhiteInterweaves115、交换末日-Brave°116、BЁn¢滴猪117、Aomr心渃相依118、しovの吹泡泡119、vinegar[醋意]120、Dummy(假人)121、经年°reminis122、heisfaith.他是信仰123、Memory°124、玩你のheart125、Destiny宿命126、LonElY炙莲127、Weak.懦弱128、x⒈аo卑微り129、chum[挚友]130、怀念°ispief131、りChic丶若素132、Thecoastline海岸线133、Dreamkiller梦境杀手134、Healing.愈合。135、yi,念迷情136、Pass(流逝)137、Darling138、Autism(孤独症)139、偷腥的猫Gentle140、Say丶No141、Later(后来)142、Curtain(落幕)143、Drowning.(溺死)144、Hunter(猎人)145、n有种146、惟我独尊xox147、Pretext(借口148、My↘徦-媔倶149、Autism孤独患者150、Silme—定格°151、亡魂复苏Jesus-152、Passion热情153、End.(结束)154、Onlyone"默爱155、淡颜DITOP156、death.157、Mercurial158、Sandm°(旧梦)159、檬柠-Lemon160、Fairy(仙女)161、Papierno音◆162、Gloaming薄暮城163、Redundant.(多余)164、Dreamsっ未成年パ165、Pretext(借口)166、Gentleman绅士167、人情冷暖薄如纸168、空景Sadnes╰つ169、Scrunch°碾碎170、Nightmare°梦魇171、Vanish消逝172、bleach死神173、Solost(迷失方向)174、Gentle(温柔)175、Livealone独自过活176、youaremylife177、Style╮小默178、Lost失去179、─━寳の呗ikissiyou180、Hanabi(映画)181、eccentric°[怪人]182、UnfinishedLove(末了情)183、Laity俗人184、一个人的angelえ185、Autism孤独症゛186、Alexandr嫁衣°187、Delusion(妄想)188、trendsetter潮人189、Schoolleave毕业生190、Archive(封存)191、张扬Dreams▼192、sdf斯蒂芬193、high哥嗨。194、Fantastic美妙的195、sad(痛心)196、Xu丶低调の197、香烟羙酒▌Sorrow198、TRAP(陷阱)199、EmptyHeart°心空200、Reset.201、Temperature゜(温度202、失控-Tender203、desertedcity【空城】204、Thintime(浅时光)205、Calm(从容)206、Bonjour°[大白}207、Lemon-青柠208、REN.209、Distractions.分心210、陈词滥调°Spoo211、finally°212、quiter聆听213、Agonin折磨法文214、念旧cunese215、Destru216、Couvrir(困兽)217、Dear°(心裂)218、Nightmare°梦魇219、Haggard憔悴220、Emotional°昔年221、Distant-you遥远的你222、Breakitdown223、moveon(离开)224、Rampant(猖狂)225、xoxo°226、Thesky天空227、delusion(妄想)228、格调Moment229、WavingFlag230、染尘Demon。231、侵蚀Emotiona°232、Prodigal(浪子)233、Lovefix(情定)234、plump【丰满】235、Sexy猫女⌒236、Furlong浪237、silence范。238、Lifelong(情定终身)239、向dear借拥抱丶240、Invain徒劳241、ゞ↘o活力Style:242、让人恨Triste。243、Princess244、Prosperous丶寂寞终结╰╯245、Reset246、Rotation°旋转.247、entanglement.(纠缠)248、Gilmmer微光249、Southblocks南荒250、penny251、毒光Strong252、Smile微笑253、Dreamtraveler(梦旅人)254、╰mmmm红装﹡255、Memoryˋ淡时光256、Fairy.(仙女)257、Deepsea(深海)258、Tired累了259、醉眼WhiteIn゜260、Agoni°爱过你261、释怀°Believeヾ262、Runaway(逃离)263、Yoke(羁绊)264、Lonely寂寞265、地平线horizon°266、Autsm゛陌亡267、Fickle.(薄情)268、Autism。陌亡269、消失cuLbぢ270、离愁▍Feastaw271、y3w272、甜蜜的死亡Revenge273、LoveMeRight274、第五种人‖Afifthman▼275、TFGAY276、Eleanor丶仰望星空277、绅士丶Remant278、と离NG279、Minecraft280、花刺Flowerthorn281、Triste。旧约*282、Lovemewell爱我好么283、Thewaves浪游284、Wheniseeyouagain285、rining爱恋286、荒年Memory〆287、ミ莴のscener灬y288、Man-girl女汉子289、你好yw290、Lie谎言291、Return。归来。292、MIREN293、Lonely(孤独)294、Pretend°假装295、Summer祭夏°296、hard-"hearted铁石心肠297、MakeIpromise(许一世诺言)298、Acacia(相思)299、惹人爱Triste300、Don"tsaygoodbye不说再见301、Sorrow悲哀302、History(往事)303、Vast(苍凉)304、kindness小姐。305、Obsession强迫症306、那么爱你WHY307、失念pain゜308、oヤ伪ni变坏309、Papiernouveau-né纸婴▊310、主音King311、SoInLove312、_Edmundヾ似懂非懂313、Hidingwho[藏匿了谁]314、Onacomfort(依赖一份安逸)315、Xin,空虚316、Iamtootired我过得好317、|▍Hauturier°318、Thereason理由319、lie[说谎]320、Hardtohave难拥有321、Slang粗话322、流年碎jonathan323、Don"tcry不要哭324、Smashing极好的325、Aerin▍花缭童326、youbelongwithme327、Hobo(流浪)328、Love"srunner329、onlooker(旁观者)330、lost(失去)331、Trauma(创伤)332、bigotry[偏执]333、ronin.(浪人)334、luxury(奢华)335、forcedsmile苦笑336、Review(旧爱)337、sunshine。338、Faithwither信念枯萎339、Connie渊博340、Attract[吸引]341、Flipped怦然心动342、Outsider*343、IlMare海344、灵魂小kiss345、°Killer346、SoleMemory独家记忆347、Tears°(眼泪)348、Falltohim(沦陷于他)349、Mole(泪痣)350、Excess.多余351、Though.割舍。352、Crazy萌杀353、Timeless。落尘354、clumsy[笨拙]355、Fairy°好菇凉356、暗里着迷Dreamland357、?BabyDon"t358、orchid359、﹏Memory°迷路360、Maryぃ痴361、幸福Loading…362、DemonLover魔鬼恋人363、稀罕what364、Verystrange,Iloveyou365、"骚年ilovehim366、樱花厉魂Tokyomu367、Lostlove失爱368、InADay369、callet370、SoWhat(那又怎样371、你是太阳372、Chafferer迷心373、惊魂一瞬间Romantic■374、Bubble[泡沫]375、mystery376、unnecessary(多余)377、B°Cnst-星空378、Shelly379、Vesta380、fantasyo老时光381、夏末moent382、Galaxy(距离)383、Elegy悲歌384、少女的染血youth385、Afewdegrees几度386、Desperatestruggle拼命的挣扎387、づ独莎_ingㄘゞ388、Delusion幻想症389、Amant爱人390、Disabled残缺391、Ifyou一次就好392、Sunshine暖阳393、Return。(归来)394、Sevenfriends七友395、Youandme396、S.ud丶乖乖397、°Distance398、Passerby路人399、Remember丶那份爱400、Breeze清风401、Distance(距离)402、godisagirl.403、Shivering(碎花)404、stop.滥情405、MiniMiss尐尐姐406、rankle(难以释怀)407、倾城°AllureLove408、I"mill我病了409、Trauma创伤410、淡定Composure゜411、嫣青▍BandWInterweave412、Sad.p┈━═泪413、Hello◆kitty°414、Flustered.心慌成性415、thelight416、whitenight不眠之夜417、怪咖先生Murder418、橙子女AZURA▼419、逃荒Apersonゞ420、Afflictionˇ≡苦情421、hero的.匕首422、courage(勇气)423、|Ming纭424、沉迷于DNF中425、Loveforalongtime(独爱长久)426、Acolasia放纵427、Marlboro.428、Picture(如心)429、Lonelypatients(孤独患者)430、radiance(发光)431、Memorial.纪念432、bombasti゜孤岛433、Edge(边缘)434、loiterabout(浪荡)435、成就辉煌男Renㄟ436、Sham(伪善)437、Susan438、Casually(随便)439、Script(剧本)440、隐痛▍Catsayer°441、Shdow倒影442、Star时光443、︶ㄣ浅唱轻荶じòぴé444、Naked.赤裸。445、Scavengers[拾荒者]446、raindrop(雨滴)447、张飞_Harry448、理战Free449、Nostalgia留恋450、history@451、tenyearsago(十年之前)452、Stupid453、IFYOU454、Vaiuesyou455、Lavende°456、Feelsad心酸457、Senseofdirection方向感458、ABANDON,[放纵]459、Sentiment伤感的460、Don"tloveagain.461、originally最初462、Vixen泼妇463、Aloneina(孤身一人)464、Pretext(借口)465、Roar466、Torture煎熬467、Chafferer,迷心468、Promise永恒469、desire.470、unique(别致471、゛___struggle。472、Poppy473、INEEDYOU474、Leave.离开475、指间flear476、毒药Posion゜477、性感mmˇ478、Indifference淡漠479、Fleetingtime流年480、ι温浅suk481、Agoni482、相守sunset483、Estrus.(发情期)484、Coldmood(冷情绪)485、Mountainisnotflat有寓意的简短英文网名篇2Theone唯一发狂like┊Please,stopGetthehelloutofhereEveryMomentOfMyLifeTroubleIsaFriendLoveTheWayYouLieCryOnMyShoulderAlmostLoverCHOOSETOBELIEVEFeelWhatIFeelIfIcouldseeyouagainToxic。深空失忆Dreams▼Hayden海登草莓Baby超级FunForSolostone-幸福り、Girl情人日记·ForevilDon"Warm依旧』SwEeT半身死灵Thenecromancer°hateyoulovemeProvence°罗马半夏GoodnIght淡年华寂寞。lonely姿态控2Amor▍桃色弥情Irreversible蔷薇盛宴┃rose°暗眸ROsE2n╰°Free余音未散,FilledHotStuffLiberation解脱Temptation矛盾︶ ̄”selevnShisaN血脉Fireworks旧言虐心ˇPersonSaygoodbye传说′Story〆Forever、╭love、腻了霸控`Roll温柔Tenderness、SomnusSmallgreenEnd╮落幕冷傲look丶谎话Remix嶵imeless、ノFlirtatious〆So、fee1我是伱温柔的babyLost.迷失。孤岛歌人Drama半生毁releasedsodarling。DreamLohas河生映画Tired╰ReallySmile.过期℡Fallinlovewith爱上黑暗luciferLoveyoulikeI〆魄悲Triste︶ ̄uglyづ灬Manjusaka丶凄美Chip.筹码。卑微暗恋Inferior|▍简爱╮SimpleSW。Lee控魂者*Monee深巷-depths°温眸°sunshineLonely丶babymissyouPasttense恋战WhiteInteEndoftheplay.多愁善感mat
2023-07-17 12:23:111


1、拾荒者steam的话我们要是想在上面玩呢需要搜索下Scavengers,这就是它的英文名字,因为翻译过来呢还是很多种的,但是有些字不能出现,所以现在就定为拾荒者;2、很多玩家在5月2日的时候就已经开始体验过了呢,大家想要去玩的话可以先去搜索下。操作系统: Windows 10处理器: Core I5-6500 or equivalent内存: 8 GB RAM显卡: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 760 / AMD Radeon R9 380网络: 宽带互联网连接存储空间: 需要 15 GB 可用空间。
2023-07-17 12:23:311


2023-07-17 12:23:431


Trilobites are a well-known fossil group of extinct marine arthropods that form the class Trilobita. The first appearance of trilobites in the fossil record defines the base of the Atdabanian stage of the Early Cambrian period (526 million years ago), and they flourished throughout the lower Paleozoic era before beginning a drawn-out decline to extinction when, during the Devonian, almost all trilobite orders, with the sole exception of Proetida, died out. Trilobites finally disappeared in the mass extinction at the end of the Permian about 250 million years ago. The trilobites were among the most successful of all early animals, roaming the oceans for over 270 million years.When trilobites first appeared in the fossil record they were already highly diverse and geographically dispersed. Because trilobites had wide diversity and an easily fossilized exoskeleton an extensive fossil record was left behind, with some 17,000 known species spanning Paleozoic time. The study of these fossils has facilitated important contributions to biostratigraphy, paleontology, evolutionary biology and plate tectonics. Trilobites are often placed within the arthropod subphylum Schizoramia within the superclass Arachnomorpha (equivalent to the Arachnata), although several alternative taxonomies are found in the literature.Trilobites had many life styles; some moved over the sea-bed as predators, scavengers or filter feeders and some swam, feeding on plankton. Most life styles expected of modern marine arthropods are seen in trilobites, with the possible exception of parasitism (where there is still scientific debate). Some trilobites (particularly the family Olenidae) are even thought to have evolved a symbiotic relationship with sulfur-eating bacteria from which they derived food.
2023-07-17 12:23:582


帅气的英文id:1、fireworks(湮灭)。2、Onlyone(挚爱)。3、Soledad(寂寞)。4、Bohemian(浪荡不羁)。5、Conqueror(征服者)。6、Alternatelover(候补情人)。7、Entice(诱惑)。8、affiliation(归属)。9、Scavengers(拾荒者)。10、proud(狂傲)。11、lcbkmm(牵扯)。12、Drowningman(消愁人)。13、Chainsoflove(爱的枷锁)。14、Borrowed(借过)。15、Pull-Girl(拽-女孩)。16、Pretext(借口)。17、Exaggerated(浮夸)。18、Funnythan(逗比)。19、Heart-rending(撕心)。20、parhoia(妄想症)。21、One-sidedlove(单恋)。22、Stranded(搁浅)。23、Obscure(晦涩)。24、Tendre(心软)。25、Loveneverfails(爱不迟到)。26、meditation(默念)。27、hysteric(歇斯底里)。28、capture(俘获)。29、hushnow(安静)。30、Freeandeasy(洒脱)。31、Lament(逆向感情)。32、promise(安慰)。33、Forevil(情人日记)。34、Confuse(迷惑)。35、Man In The Mirror(镜中人)。36、purpose(黑色的雪)。37、Hunter(猎人)。38、nirvana(涅盘)。39、protect(守护)。40、Disappear(消失)。
2023-07-17 12:24:071

好看的英文游戏名字 好看的英文游戏名字有哪些

1、summer、冷 2、枷锁durance 3、trouble (烦恼) 4、sweet妹 5、Scavengers[拾荒者] 6、小小余存°dsTiny 7、Sunny°刺眼 8、Ta Shì Mìng 9、The heart of love 10、Answer﹏厮守 ° 11、ゆ The hourglass 12、karry王。 13、Lost in city 14、Galaxy(距离) 15、匿名好友-Stealth. 16、玻璃猫-charming. 17、A minor【未成年】 18、吃芥末的猫-gentle. 19、巷尾姑娘-temper. 20、tfboys我的命
2023-07-17 12:24:301

Another Life 歌词

歌曲名:Another Life歌手:Skylark专辑:The Princess" DayAnother LifeInto this spark skies are coloured by red fire,I"ll give my world for freedom.Nothing is left, no one star can remind us,sad tired breathe of our blood (blood).Evil Angels screaming, neverending, dreaming...Just before the explosion just do before the Storm.Stay beside the Darkness, captured in a corner:I start to live a new life (now).I will go, to another fire; I just go, more than a step higher.And I know: it"s the beginning af Another Life.Change your mind, and I will surrender;hold your sign, against the scavengers."Cause I know: my destination is Another Life.After the Storm only Brave People keep on praying,beyond this Storm there is life.We"ll look at the world as a Satanic Dark Reign,closed in a dream to survive.Evil Angels screaming, neverending, dreaming...Just before the explosion just do before the Storm.Stay beside the Darkness, captured in a corner:I start to live a new life (now).I will go, to another fire; I just go, more than a step higher.I will go, to another fire...And I know: it"s the beginning af Another Life.Change your mind, and I will surrender;hold your sign, against the scavengers."Cause I know: my destination is Another Life.
2023-07-17 12:24:381


2023-07-17 12:25:052


HURT [伤害] Helpless 无助 Deceive(欺骗) Fracture(破碎) Hurt 伤害 Dummer. ゛浅时光 nostalgia 旧梦 crazy miss[思之如狂] shielding-屏蔽 Temptation 无奈 Next Life(下辈子) Lonely(孤独的) Solitude(孤独) Anguish(痛苦) woeful(可悲的) Go To DieAutism゛孤独患者 weak 软弱 Traitor (叛徒) Monologue 独角戏 Private Love 私有爱情Collapse(崩溃) Humble(卑微的) NothingRecky.窒息 Faith wither 信念枯萎 Rending(撕裂) weep(哭泣) Delusion(妄想) Deplore(痛惜) Tombstone(墓碑) Without(没有你) Relieved 释怀 肤浅っ゛shallow Redundant(多余) Despair(绝望) Sorrow(伤心) Affliction苦情 South blocks 南荒 Regre(悔) 奢望(Expect) Empty city 拾心ヾ secular(世俗) Lovemove on (离开) agoni(痛苦) Uninstall memories 卸载回忆 Tired 累了 sadness(悲伤) Solitude(孤独感) Tired(累了) Fedad(已凋谢的) °interment(埋葬) Lonelycity 孤城 Soulless(失魂者) Like to cry 喜哭 sad(悲哀的) Edelweiss、离殇 mirthless(无趣) Gossip(流言蜚语) Heart slave (心奴) Grieved(伤心) Break Down破裂 From(离人) Tears°(眼泪) The humble (卑微) Trance(恍惚) Laugt Me Alone(笑我孤独) Irritability 烦躁 Love alone 独自喜欢 detainment 挽留 FetterDelusion(妄念) Waive(放弃) Can not be cured 不可治愈 Manjusaka 凄美 passing(经过) single[单身] Scavengers[拾荒者] Spoil me 溺爱我 Perfunctory(敷衍) Aardia 无心 Suspicion 猜疑 The blame 黑锅 Perish(死亡) FALSE 虚伪 Screaming 声嘶力竭 sickgirl(病女) tearful(泪流满面) 花刺 Flower thorn- Lost Heart Hurts 失心疼 painful(痛苦的) Destiny 宿命。 tortuous(曲折) Burden(负担) cemetery°囚碟 Sad(伤心) lose(丧失) Chill(失意) Solitary(孤僻) Vulnerable″脆弱
2023-07-17 12:25:531


给你个网址 里面就是
2023-07-17 12:26:038


综述:(01)、t_back撩拨(02)、cry︶(03)、scavengers[拾荒者](04)、corner. [小角落](05)、侵蚀emotiona°(06)、desert. 荒芜(07)、顽废   timeless(08)、amour╮暮念(09)、concord(10)、旧城失词‖soul ≈(11)、fetter.(12)、sonder (试探)(13)、brown(= =(14)、curtain°落幕(15)、bo peep(16)、i love my baby!(17)、joker_(18)、luminous夜光(19)、sunshine boy.(20)、~grieved痛心网名指在网上使用的名字。由于网络是一个虚拟的世界,为了避免使用真实姓名带来的麻烦所以发明了网名。网名一般是指网友在网络世界里的一个虚拟名称。包含:论坛网名、qq网名、MSN网名、游戏网名等。qq网名则是网名中的一种。而大家最熟悉的就是腾讯qq的网名,聊天软件上对应的虚拟名称。它具有随意性,不稳定性和不真实性。
2023-07-17 12:26:191


2022最火的网名男霸气英文,2020最火英文名男网名 提起2022最火的网名男霸气英文,大家都知道,有人问2022最火的网名男霸气英文,另外,还有人想问网名男生霸气冷酷好听英文有哪些,你知道这是怎么回事?其实霸气的男生英文网名,下面就一起来看看2020最火英文名男网名,希望能够帮助到大家! 1、网名男生霸气冷酷好听英文有哪些 答:综述: (01)、t_back (02)、cry︶ (03)、scavengers[拾荒者] (04)、corner. [小角落] (05)、侵蚀emotiona° (06)、desert. 荒芜 (07)、顽废 timeless (08)、amour╮暮念 (09)、concord (10)、旧城失词‖soul ≈ (11)、fetu2026 2、霸气的男生英文网名 Hawthorne 霍索恩●leonard 伦纳德 Eleanor 埃利诺; 埃兰娜●arnold 阿诺德 Joyce 斯●charles 查尔斯 Alcott 奥尔科特● ith 斯密斯 Smedley 斯梅德利; 史沫特莱●giles 贾尔斯 FitzGerald 菲茨杰拉德●owen 欧文 3、如何看待德国宣布2022年前关闭国内所有核电站 “德国宣布将于2022年前关闭国内所有核电站,如何看待这一现象?”这个问题一经抛出,就有许多网友纷纷发表自己的意见,我为你从中了一些回复,快来看看吧~ 来看看网名为“罗嗯哼”的网友是怎么说的: 首先给大家普及一下基本知识。什么是核能?这里提到的核能是指核裂变能。前面提到核电厂的燃料是。-235是自然界存在的易于发生裂变的唯一核素。如果新产生的中子又打中另一个-235原子核,能引起新的裂变。在链式反应中,能量会源源不断地释放出来。其次我认为德国放弃核能,其主要原因不是安全技术的问题。虽然核电站发生的事故不再少数并且危害也可以说非常严重,但是德国的技术可以说是相当先进和严谨的。导致德国关闭核电站的主要原因其实是他们想要以再生能源取代核能和传统化石能源。再则,有比核电站更加有益的选择何乐而不为呢?总上,我想说,核能带给人们了源源不断的能源,但是也给人们带来了不可估量的污染。所以有新的方式来代替核能为人类带来源源不断的能量,何乐而不为呢? 名为“opal0809”的网友的回答也是很透彻: 核电站又称核电厂,它指用、钚等作核燃料,然后它在裂变反应中产生的能量从而变为电能的发电厂。之后,瑞士将不再重建或更新核电站。2002年,当时的德国 通过一项“核电逐步退出”的,确定到2022年左右关闭德国境内全部核电站。德国放弃再用核电站,绝非是担心安全技术问题。德国的地理位置是几乎不可能发生日本这么大的海啸和。再看德国放弃核能的确有良好的和群众基础,但也不是真正的原因。在2011年发生福岛核事故的时候,显而易见德国并不是由绿党执政,而是基民盟,是一个比较支持核能的政党。真正推动放弃核能的德国的能源——发展再生能源技术。所以德国宣布这个消息也是有自己的道理,但是核能这个东西好却也有很大的危害。 对于ID为“水没有蜜”网友的精彩回答,大家纷纷点赞支持,他是这么说的: 首先,德国放弃核能不是一个安全技术问题。德国的核工业也是一个质量保证,有许多防御工事,没有损失。德国的地理位置几乎不可能发生如此大的海啸和日本的。与欧洲北部的不同,德国拥有丰富的水、地热能,而且与南欧不同,太阳能丰富。因此,在放弃核能之前,德国一直在努力发展可再生能源技术,但也遇到了许多阻力,并已成为瓶颈。因此,德国放弃核动力给人一种破釜沉舟的感觉。常规能源的日益短缺,使德国高度重视能源安全,转向其他可再生能源的。2010,德国决定其核反应堆的运行时间8至14年。这也表明他对核安全技信心。此外,在德国和法国联合欧洲压水反应堆之前,西门子本身一直在出口核技术。 关于这一话题,你有什么看法?欢迎在评论区发表你的观点哦~ 4、有什么比较霸气酷炫个性的英文适合当 昵称的(男 答:想要起一个具有气势的个性英文名字,作为 名字,可以根据个性特色,以及对未来美好期望来进行名字的取舍,这样可以达到更理想的效果。 例如可以叫做:Jim,Jason,Alex等等,都是非常不错的选择。 不管是中文名字还是英文名字,正确使用字词u2026 以上就是与2020最火英文名男网名相关内容,是关于网名男生霸气冷酷好听英文有哪些的分享。看完2022最火的网名男霸气英文后,希望这对大家有所帮助!
2023-07-17 12:26:461


1、要有多坚强,才敢念念不忘。 How strong is it to remember? 2、分开以后,我爱上的人都像你。 After separation, I love people like you. 3、不是不爱,只是被爱伤的太深。 It"s not love, it"s just hurt too much by love. 4、因为得不到所以装作不想要。 Pretend you don"t want it because you can"t get it. 5、你从未入戏我却赔上了自己。 You"ve never been in the theatre, but I lost myself. 6、身体再怎么冷,也没有心冷。 No matter how cold the body is, there is no cold heart. 7、雪碧喝多了,我怕突然透心凉。 Sprite drinks too much. I"m afraid I suddenly feel cold. 8、我爱他,我瞒着所有人爱他。 I love him. I love him without telling anyone. 9、最假不过爱情,最凉不过人心。 The most fake is love, the coldest is the hearts of the people. 10、我想忘了你,然后放过我自己。 I want to fet you and let myself go. 11、直到有一天,连寂寞都说累了。 Until one day, even loneliness is tired. 12、考好了叫考试,考砸了叫青春。 Good exam is called exam, but bad exam is called youth. 13、不要说祝我幸福,你没资格。 Don"t say wish me happiness, you are not qualified. 14、我蹲在路边,哭泣的象个孩子。 I crouched on the roadside, weeping like a child. 15、现实,其实看开了也就那回事。 Reality, in fact, that"s what happens when you look at it. 16、我与回忆拉扯,你同新欢纠缠。 I pull with memories, you are entangled with your new lover. 17、抬头、浅笑、这世态的悲凉。 Look up, *** ile, the sadness of the world. 18、等失望攒够了,我就会离开。 When disappointment is enough, I will leave. 19、原谅我爱你好深,却一声不吭。 Five me for loving you so much, but I didn"t say a word. 20、删了一个好友,空了一个分组。 Delete a friend and empty a group. 21、给你我的心,能否请你别遗弃。 Give you my heart, please don"t abandon. 22、原来已经有一个她取代了我! She has replaced me! 23、浮云般的爱情,也许也许也许。 Floating clouds of love, maybe maybe. 24、一生飘泊摆渡,临岸却孤独。 Life wandering ferry, but the shore is lonely. 25、爱没有解释,恨却有千般因由。 Love has no explanation, but hate has a thousand reasons. 26、一个人,一座城,一生心疼。 A person, a city, a lifetime of heartache. 27、为了你,哭红眼睛,不值得。 It"s not worth crying for you. 28、我们也曾经,只为彼此而活着。 We used to live for each other. 29、不管怎么样,相信我是爱你的! Anyway, I believe I love you! 30、最近访客,已经很久没有你了。 Visitors recently, you haven"t been here for a long time. 31、对不起,我忘记我还是孩子。 Sorry, I fot I was a child. 32、你的世界太挤,我宁愿逃离。 Your world is too crowded, I would rather run away. 33、我的梦狠狠碎过,却不能忘。 My dreams have been crushed, but I can"t fet them. 34、如果没有你,哪里来的回忆。 If there is no you, where memories e from. 35、忘记开心的,就不会不开心了。 If you fet to be happy, you won"t be unhappy. 36、爱和你都走了,最后只剩下我。 Love and you are gone, and I am the only one left. 37、你随时要认命,因为你是人。 You have to give up your life at any time, because you are human. 38、我多想穿过对话框去抱抱你。 I want to hug you through the dialog box. 39、一个人的想念,两个人的画面。 One person"s missing, o person"s picture. 40、你给旳回忆,让莪刻苦铭心。 You give the memory, let me hard to remember. 41、给我个暂停键吧我真的累了。 Give me a pause button. I"m really tired. 42、感情像头发,长了就会分岔。 Emotions are like hair. When they grow, they bifurcate. 43、曾经相遇,总胜过从未碰头。 It"s better to meet once than never. 44、她一贯很忠实,连死也不假装。 She was always faithful and did not pretend to die. 45、无论多么想念,却不曾再见面。 No matter how much I miss you, I never see you again. 46、不曾想起,却永远也不会忘记。 Never think of it, but never fet it. 47、忘了破碎的伤,展望两个方向。 Fet the broken wound and look forward to o directions. 48、需要。怎样去拥有一道彩虹。 Need. How to have a rainbow? 49、流水落花春去也,天上人间。 Flowers fall and spring goes, heaven and earth. 50、要离开,就请,永远别再回来。 To leave, please, never e back. 51、深到骨子里的爱,那是离不开。 Deep to the bone of love, that is inseparable. 52、太好听的话语,一脱口就过期。 A good word will expire as soon as it blurts out. 53、念旧的人总活得像个拾荒者。 Old people always live like scavengers. 54、原来地久天长,只是误会一场。 It was a long time ago, but a misunderstanding. 55、我试着恨你,却想起你的笑容。 I try to hate you, but I think of your *** ile. 56、故事可以重来,时光却已不在。 Stories can e back, but time is gone. 57、跟着风走吧,把孤单当自由。 Follow the wind and treat loneliness as freedom. 58、对你的在乎,卑微的一文不值。 It"s not worth a penny to care about you.
2023-07-17 12:26:531


  女生qq英文网名大全带翻译   Eternity、小矫情   Lost love 失爱   悸动 palpitation   淡定 posureb   Eleanor丶仰望星空   Abandoned.(抛弃)   弧度 Trajectoryb   Seven friends 七友   Fleeting time 流年   Scavengers[拾荒者]   loiter about(浪荡)   替代品 Substitute   Obsession【强迫症】   断夏 discon-nesion   Floating dream 浮梦   心碎 Heart-broken°   wholehearted(真心)   retrospection(追忆)   Only care (只是在乎)   泄密的心 Leak heart°   the sunshine、那抹阳光   洛初≈ hundredth early   long engagement -避风港   Final°Analysis 致命爱人   最终的记忆 The final memory 名字大全 网名 qq网名 微信网名 情侣网名 网名女生 网名男生 个性网名 好听的网名 英文网名 霸气网名 两个字的网名 扣扣网名 微信昵称 伤感网名
2023-07-17 12:27:001

Shredding the Balloon 歌词

歌曲名:Shredding the Balloon歌手:Hilltop Hoods专辑:Drinking from the Sun (Deluxe Version)Hilltop Hoods - Shredding The BalloonLike we always do about this time, ink lines for the sick rhyme inclined,It"s grimy sh*t but naught that can"t be fixed with a little bit of spitshine,Big time like Frankie in Vegas, inspiring like Ali and Frazier,Spit it out till we spilling out on to the street start a party up with our neighbours,I"d rather be part of your playlist, than ever be part of the A-list,Harness the energy, heart of a pedigree with the scars of a sadist,I go so hard on the pavement; I go so far with my statements,That I don"t know where they end and where I start it"s all part of gameIt"s the farthest I"ve came since I started to play it,I spar with these artists, the heartless and brainless,We"re harnessed by chains that are hard to escapeAnd you change then they label us bastards or traitors,They"re charlatans, they"re haters, they start on us but they"re fake as,Our parliament, but don"t be disheartened by them pardon their failures,If we don"t forgive our enemies, we"ll crawl the walls like centipedes,Burn our energy like fossil fuels and fuel our own damn effigy,And we"ll all burn like Hennessy, so keep on then and step with me,John Lennon let it be,dead the beef like abattoirs, before these scavengers tear at meI"ve been waiting to come back,Like where the hell is the show?Like a balloon on a thumbtack,Getting ready to blow,I"ve been waiting to come back,Like where the hell is the show?Like a balloon on a thumbtack,Getting ready to blowAnd it might blow up but it won"t go pop,And it might blow up but it won"t burst,She said she might grow old but she won"t grow up,Well she might, but only if I go first,She wears her heart on her sleeve like;She"s wearing a patch on her shoulder,It"s not a matter of whether I can catch her,More a matter of whether I can hold her,She thinks out loud she"s got me; she laughs with her whole body,I think about how she got it all figured out and wonder why she"d even want me?Each night I find it"s the same ole, when I crawl inside in the evening,I lie down next to an angel; fall asleep and fly with my demons,They say don"t live in the past and live each day like it was your last but,I"d rather live each moment like it was my first,take it slow and sip from the glass,Savour the moment, spit vicious bars then pray for opponents,Sounds so serious don"t it? But I"m not concerned with a thing,This is book three, Tolkien, Return of the King,The kings have arrived; we drink from the sky,We fall from all ‘cause we think we can fly,But our wings have been tied, and the winging and lies,Have me I"m wishing that I could bridge the divide,You living the life? In the blink of an eyeThe shine of the bling and the rims that you ride,Can all disappear so live for the rhyme,Not material things your gift can provideI"ve been waiting to come back,Like where the hell is the show?Like a balloon on a thumbtack,We"re getting ready to blow,I"ve been waiting to come back,Like where the hell is the show?Like a balloon on a thumbtack,I"m getting ready right now I"m getting readySince ‘State of the Art" we"ve stayed in the yardjust waiting to start this sh*t all over,Laying in bars for a day and a half, had to switch from gin to soda,And by like mid October, record was six months over,Due, and I‘m like dude what you expect? I"m only three months sober,Coming up turning tree trunks over, running up burning divas, posers,Run amok till the sun is up or till one of us # live la vidaloca,I"m going to roll until I fold, like I got a hold of Propafol,So beautiful to know you all but for now peace I"m over and outI don"t wanna go, but I gotta go...
2023-07-17 12:27:071

Shredding The Balloon 歌词

歌曲名:Shredding The Balloon歌手:Hilltop Hoods专辑:Drinking From The SunHilltop Hoods - Shredding The BalloonLike we always do about this time, ink lines for the sick rhyme inclined,It"s grimy sh*t but naught that can"t be fixed with a little bit of spitshine,Big time like Frankie in Vegas, inspiring like Ali and Frazier,Spit it out till we spilling out on to the street start a party up with our neighbours,I"d rather be part of your playlist, than ever be part of the A-list,Harness the energy, heart of a pedigree with the scars of a sadist,I go so hard on the pavement; I go so far with my statements,That I don"t know where they end and where I start it"s all part of gameIt"s the farthest I"ve came since I started to play it,I spar with these artists, the heartless and brainless,We"re harnessed by chains that are hard to escapeAnd you change then they label us bastards or traitors,They"re charlatans, they"re haters, they start on us but they"re fake as,Our parliament, but don"t be disheartened by them pardon their failures,If we don"t forgive our enemies, we"ll crawl the walls like centipedes,Burn our energy like fossil fuels and fuel our own damn effigy,And we"ll all burn like Hennessy, so keep on then and step with me,John Lennon let it be,dead the beef like abattoirs, before these scavengers tear at meI"ve been waiting to come back,Like where the hell is the show?Like a balloon on a thumbtack,Getting ready to blow,I"ve been waiting to come back,Like where the hell is the show?Like a balloon on a thumbtack,Getting ready to blowAnd it might blow up but it won"t go pop,And it might blow up but it won"t burst,She said she might grow old but she won"t grow up,Well she might, but only if I go first,She wears her heart on her sleeve like;She"s wearing a patch on her shoulder,It"s not a matter of whether I can catch her,More a matter of whether I can hold her,She thinks out loud she"s got me; she laughs with her whole body,I think about how she got it all figured out and wonder why she"d even want me?Each night I find it"s the same ole, when I crawl inside in the evening,I lie down next to an angel; fall asleep and fly with my demons,They say don"t live in the past and live each day like it was your last but,I"d rather live each moment like it was my first,take it slow and sip from the glass,Savour the moment, spit vicious bars then pray for opponents,Sounds so serious don"t it? But I"m not concerned with a thing,This is book three, Tolkien, Return of the King,The kings have arrived; we drink from the sky,We fall from all ‘cause we think we can fly,But our wings have been tied, and the winging and lies,Have me I"m wishing that I could bridge the divide,You living the life? In the blink of an eyeThe shine of the bling and the rims that you ride,Can all disappear so live for the rhyme,Not material things your gift can provideI"ve been waiting to come back,Like where the hell is the show?Like a balloon on a thumbtack,We"re getting ready to blow,I"ve been waiting to come back,Like where the hell is the show?Like a balloon on a thumbtack,I"m getting ready right now I"m getting readySince ‘State of the Art" we"ve stayed in the yardjust waiting to start this sh*t all over,Laying in bars for a day and a half, had to switch from gin to soda,And by like mid October, record was six months over,Due, and I‘m like dude what you expect? I"m only three months sober,Coming up turning tree trunks over, running up burning divas, posers,Run amok till the sun is up or till one of us # live la vidaloca,I"m going to roll until I fold, like I got a hold of Propafol,So beautiful to know you all but for now peace I"m over and outI don"t wanna go, but I gotta go...
2023-07-17 12:27:141

关于my last sunday的英语作文

I decided to go treking in Jurassic Jungle last Sunday, as it was a warm afternoon and the sun was shining brilliantly in the sky. After preparing all the necessities, I set off enthusiastically.I took the most challenging path through the jungle. The thick, dense undergrowth teemed with life, ranging from animals like wild boars and tree pythons to micro-organisms. Vultures and eagles flew overhead, squawking and soaring above the treetops. As scavengers, there were always at least five of them swooping down like arrows being shot from a bow string, to the spot where rotting bodies of deer and squirrels lay.Near the sea of green was a flowing river which was full of debri diving toward the waterfall. As it had just rained several hours ago in the wee hours of the morning the grass at the river banks shone in the sunlight like tiny green jewels. The swooshing of river water, however, could not cover the bird"s chirping, the eagles sqawking overhead and the rattling of the rattlesnakes. Crocodiles lurked in the depths of the river, and so I kept my distance from it. Once in a few minutes, the leaves of ferns would rustle and the dried leaves on the jungle floor would crack as I pushed my way through the seemingly endless jungle. Strangely enough, the area where I walked through would hear no sounds of insects ticking and calling for their mates, neither did I see birds flying overhead.After treking for several hours, I decided to cease the exercise for that day and went for dinner. After that, I went home for a good rest.
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关于my last sunday的英语作文

I decided to go treking in Jurassic Jungle last Sunday, as it was a warm afternoon and the sun was shining brilliantly in the sky. After preparing all the necessities, I set off enthusiastically. I took the most challenging path through the jungle. The thick, dense undergrowth teemed with life, ranging from animals like wild boars and tree pythons to micro-organisms. Vultures and eagles flew overhead, squawking and soaring above the treetops. As scavengers, there were always at least five of them swooping down like arrows being shot from a bow string, to the spot where rotting bodies of deer and squirrels lay. Near the sea of green was a flowing river which was full of debri diving toward the waterfall. As it had just rained several hours ago in the wee hours of the morning the grass at the river banks shone in the sunlight like tiny green jewels. The swooshing of river water, however, could not cover the bird"s chirping, the eagles sqawking overhead and the rattling of the rattlesnakes. Crocodiles lurked in the depths of the river, and so I kept my distance from it. Once in a few minutes, the leaves of ferns would rustle and the dried leaves on the jungle floor would crack as I pushed my way through the seemingly endless jungle. Strangely enough, the area where I walked through would hear no sounds of insects ticking and calling for their mates, neither did I see birds flying overhead. After treking for several hours, I decided to cease the exercise for that day and went for dinner. After that, I went home for a good rest.
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1、我爱的很小心,却还是伤了心。 I love very carefully, but still hurt my heart. 2、悲伤因为你,快乐却不是你。 Sadness because of you, happiness is not you. 3、难过了,就蹲下来抱抱自己。 Sad, he squatted down and hugged himself. 4、有些人再好,也只能做朋友。 Some people, no matter how good they are, can only be friends. 5、拨乱我心跳的人怎么舍得忘记。 How can the person who disturbs my heartbeat fet it? 6、情歌唱到心碎,情话说到流泪。 Love singing to heartbreak, love words to tears. 7、爱了,痛了,我决定放手了。 Love, pain, I decided to let go. 8、谎言,不过是掩饰暂时的一切。 A lie is nothing but a cover-up of the temporary. 9、我只有一颗心,谁要谁拿去。 I have only one heart. Who wants it? 10、不管怎么样,相信我是爱你的! Anyway, believe that I love you! 11、请好好照顾她,加上我的那份。 Please take good care of her, plus my share. 12、不爱我就走开,不要耽误我。 If you don"t love me, go away, don"t delay me. 13、眼泪的错觉,爱已变成昨天。 The illusion of tears, love has bee yesterday. 14、我们唯一的关系,是没有关系。 Our only relationship is none. 15、期望有多重,失望就有多痛。 Despair hurts as much as expectation. 16、你的眼睛会笑,却不是为我。 Your eyes will laugh, but not for me. 17、有一种思念叫只关注不打扰。 There is a kind of yearning that only pay attention to not disturb. 18、如果没有你,哪里来的回忆。 If there is no you, where memories e from. 19、你走了,换一个寂寞和俄对坐。 You go and sit with Russia in a lonely place. 20、低调的生活,平凡也有精彩。 Low-key life, ordinary and wonderful. 21、孤独是一场无人问津的重感冒。 Loneliness is a bad cold that nobody cares about. 22、无论多么想念,却不曾再见面。 No matter how much I miss you, I never see you again. 23、心再大只能装下你容不下其他。 No matter how big your heart is, you can"t hold anything else. 24、没有说出口的话何止是心酸。 Words left unsaid are more than heartache. 25、只身步步海天涯路无归霜满颜。 Walking alone on the horizon, there is no return to frost. 26、那句家太远了,拆散了多少人。 That sentence is too far away. How many people have been separated? 27、念旧的人总活得像个拾荒者。 Old people always live like scavengers. 28、我们唯一的关系是没有关系。 Our only relationship is irrelevant. 29、流年,带走了谁的物是人非。 In fleeting years, who has taken away the human rights and wrongs? 30、我想忘了你,然后放过我自己。 I want to fet you and let myself go. 31、要有多坚强,才敢念念不忘。 How strong is it to remember? 32、眼泪的原料是血,配料是心碎。 The raw material of tears is blood, the ingredient is heartbreak. 33、你孤独往往是因为没人懂你。 You are lonely because nobody understands you. 34、断过的绳子怎么系都会有结。 A broken rope knots no matter how it is tied. 35、我们都在变,何必感概从前。 We are all changing. Why should we feel the same? 36、我们可以失望,但不能盲目。 We can be disappointed, but not blindly. 37、你是自由,风都无法圈养你。 You are free, and the wind can"t keep you in captivity. 38、相爱是一场你情我愿的自虐。 Love is a self-abuse of your own will. 39、很多时候,我们都在自作多情。 Most of the time, we are self-affectionate. 40、走完同一条街,回到两个世界。 Walk the same street and return to o worlds. 41、听说孤独的人才喜欢假装忙碌。 It is said that lonely people like to pretend to be busy. 42、失去你,我连笑容都有阴影。 Lost you, I even have the shadow of a *** ile. 43、施了心湿了心石了心失了心。 Heart wet heart stone heart lost heart. 44、离开,只是一个冰冷的概念。 Leaving is just a cold concept. 45、沉默是一个女孩最大的哭声。 Silence is the loudest cry of a girl. 46、经受不了,你这种所谓的性格。 I can"t stand your so-called character. 47、浮云般的爱情,也许也许也许。 Floating clouds of love, maybe maybe. 48、我多想穿过对话框去抱抱你。 I want to hug you through the dialog. 49、不曾想起,却永远也不会忘记。 Never think of it, but never fet it. 50、泪流不止的,我还剩下什么。 There"s more than tears. What"s left of me? 51、何必让我内疚自己还爱得不够。 Why make me feel guilty that I don"t love enough? 52、与日俱增的除了年龄还有演技。 With each passing day, besides age, there are acting skills. 53、念旧是一场口齿不清的思念。 Yearning for the old is a kind of inarticulate yearning. 54、情话固然动听,但也很,刺耳。 Love words are pleasant, but they are also very harsh. 55、不管你在与不在我都在我都爱。 I love you whether you are or not.
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A mummy is a corpse whose skin and flesh have been preserved by either intentional or incidental exposure to chemicals, extreme cold, very low humidity, or lack of air when bodies are submerged in bogs. The oldest mummified head is 6000 year old; found in 1936, but first dated in 2005 at the Zürich" AMS facility, see [1], was presented at the XVth UISPP Congress in 2006. Mummies of humans and other animals have been found throughout the world, both as a result of natural preservation through unusual conditions, and as cultural artifacts to preserve the dead
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It is animals and plants which lived in or near water whose remains are most likely to be preserved, for one of the necessary conditions of preservation is quick burial, and it is only in the seas and rivers, and sometimes lakes, where mud and sit have been continuously deposited, that bodies and the can be rapidly covered over and preserved.只有生活在水中或水边的动植物尸体最有可能被保存下来,因为保存的必要条件之一是迅速掩埋,所以只有在泥沙不停淤积的海洋和江河里,有时在湖泊里,尸体之类的东西才能被迅速地覆盖而保存下来。But even in the most favourable circumstances only a small fraction of the creatures that die are preserved in this way before decay sets in or, even more likely, before scavengers eat them.After all, all living creatures live by feeding on something else, whether it be plant or animal, dead or alive, and it is only by chance that such a fate is avoided. The remains of plants and animals that lived on land are much more rarely preserved, for there is seldom anything to cover them over.When you think of the innumerable birds that one sees flying bout, not to mention the equally numerous small animals like field mice and voles which you do not see, it is very rarely that one comes across a dead body, except, of course, on the roads. They decompose and are quickly destroyed by the weather or eaten by some other creature.即使是在最有利的环境中,死去的生物中也只有一小部分能在开始腐烂前,或更可能在被食腐动物吃掉之前,被这样保存下来。因为一切生物都是靠吃别的东西来活命的,不管这种东西是植物还是动物,死的还是活的,因此,生物偶尔才能避免被吃掉的命运。曾在陆地上生活过的动植物的遗体被保存下来的更为罕见,因为陆地上几乎没有什么东西覆盖它们。你可以想象出天上有看得见的飞来飞去、数不清的鸟,地上有不显眼的无数的老鼠和田鼠之类的小动物,但是,除非在路上,很少有人遇到这些动物的尸体,因为它们腐败之后很快就被风化掉,或被别的动物吃掉了。It is almost always due to some very special circumstances that traces of land animals survive, as by falling into inaccessible caves, or into an ice crevasse, like the Siberian mammoths, when the whole animal is sometimes preserved, as in a refrigerator. This is what happened to the famous Beresovka mammoth which was found preserved and in good condition.In his mouth were the remains of fir trees -- the last meal that he had before he fell into the crevasse and broke his back. The mammoth has now just a suburb of Los Angeles.pparently what happened was that water collected on these tar pits, and the bigger animals like the elephants ventured out on to the apparently firm surface to drink, and were promptly bogged in the tar.There are also endless numbers of birds in the tar as well.
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Degradation of atrazine by manganese-catalysed ozonation: Influence of humic substances Ma J., Graham N.J.D. 1999年2月 Water Research Influence of different heat treatments on the surface properties and catalytic performance of carbon nanotube in ozonation Zhengqian Liu, Jun Ma*, Yuhong Cui, Lei Zhao, Beiping Zhang 2010年11月 Applied Catalysis B-Environmental A study on the multifunction of ferrous chloride in the formation of poly(vinylidene fluoride) ultrafiltration membranes Ma, Jun ;Wang, Zhenghui ;Pan, Mingbin ;Guo, Yufeng 2009年9月 Journal of Membrane Science Adsorptive fractionation of humic acid at air-water interfaces Jun Ma, Jin Jiang, Suyan Pang, Jin Guo 2007年7月 Environment Science & Technology AFM study on the sorbed NOM and its fractions isolated from River Songhua Guo J., Ma J* 2006年5月 Water Research Aggregation Kinetics of Manganese Dioxide Colloids in Aqueous Solution: Influence of Humic Substances and Biomacromolecules Xiaoliu Huangfu , Jin Jiang, Jun Ma *, Yongze Liu , and Jing Yang 2013年8月 Environment Science & Technology Carbon nanotube supported platinum catalysts for the ozonation of oxalic acid in aqueous solutions Zhengqian Liu, Jun Ma*, Yuhong Cui 2008年5月 Carbon Carbon nanotube supported platinum catalysts for the ozonation of oxalic acid in aqueous solutions Liu, Zheng-Qian; Ma, Jun*; Cui, Yu-Hong 2008年5月 Carbon Catalytic ozonation for the degradation of nitrobenzene in aqueous solution by ceramic honeycomb-supported manganese Lei Zhao, Jun Ma*, Zhizhong Sun, XuedongZhai 2008年9月 Applied Catalysis B-Environmental Catalytic ozonation for the degradation of nitrobenzene in aqueous solution by ceramic honeycomb-supported manganese Zhao, Lei; Ma, Jun*; Sun, Zhi-zhong 2008年9月 Applied Catalysis B-Environmental Characterization of algal organic matter and formation of DBPs from chlor(am)ination Fang, Jingyun; Yang, Xin ; Ma, Jun* ; Shang, Chii; Zhao, Quan 2010年12月 Water Research Comment on Adsorption of Hydroxyl- and Amino-Substituted Aromatics to Carbon Nanotubes Jiang, Jin; Pang, Su-Yan; Ma, Jun* 2009年5月 Environment Science & Technology Comment on Polyoxometalate-Enhanced Oxidation of Organic Compounds by Nanoparticulate Zero-Valent Iron Jiang, Jin;Pang, Su-Yan;Ma, Jun* 2008年11月 Environment Science & Technology Comparative study of ozonation and synthetic goethite-catalyzed ozonation of individual NOM fractions isolated and fractionated Zhang, Tao ;Lu, Jinfeng ;Ma, Jun* ;Qiang, Zhimin 2008年5月 Water Research Comparison of Permanganate Preoxidation and Preozonation on Algae Containing Water: Cell Integrity, Characteristics Pengchao Xie, Jun Ma*, Jingyun Fang, Yinghong Guan, Siyang Yue, Xuchun Li, and Liwei Chen 2013年11月 Environment Science & Technology Dechlorination of chlorophenols mediated by carbon nanotubes in the presence of oxygen Jiang, Jin; Pang, Su-Yan; Ma, Jun* 2009年7月 Carbon Degradation of atrazine by manganese-catalysed ozonation-influence of radical scavengers Ma J., Graham N.J.D. 2000年10月 Water Research Effect of ozonation pretreatment on the surface properties and catalytic activity of multi-walled carbon nanotube Zhengqian Liu, Jun Ma*, Yuhong Cui, Beiping Zhang 2009年11月 Applied Catalysis B-Environmental Effect of pH on MnOx/GAC catalyzed ozonation for degradation of nitrobenzene Ma J., Sui M.H., Zhang T., Guan C.Y. 2005年3月 Water Research Effectiveness and mechanism of potassium ferrate(VI) preoxidation for algae removal by coagulation Ma J., Liu W. 2002年2月 Water Research Efficient Reductive Dechlorination of Monochloroacetic Acid by Sulfite/UV Process Xuchun Li, Jun Ma*, Guifang Liu, Jingyun Fang, SiyangYue, Yinghong Guan, Liwei Chen, and Xiaowei Liu 2012年7月 Environment Science & Technology Enhanced Separation Performance of PVDF/PVP-g-MMT Nanocomposite Ultrafiltration Membrane Based on the NVP-Grafted Polymerization Wang Panpan; Ma Jun*; Wang Zhenghui 2012年3月 LANGMUIR Enhancement Mechanism of Heterogeneous Catalytic Ozonation by Cordierite-Supported Copper for the Degradation Zhao, Lei; Sun, Zhizhong; Ma, Jun* 2009年5月 Environment Science & Technology Formation of carbonaceous and nitrogenous disinfection by-products from the chlorination of Microcystis aeruginosa Fang,Jingyun ; Ma,Jun* ; Yang, Xin ; Shang, Chi 2010年5月 Water Research In Situ Surface Chemical Modification of Thin-Film Composite Forward Osmosis Membranes for Enhanced Organic Fouling Resistance Xinglin Lu, Santiago Romero-Vargas Castrillón, Devin L Shaffer, Jun Ma*, and Menachem Elimelech 2013年9月 Environment Science & Technology Influence of pH on the Formation of Sulfate and Hydroxyl Radicals in the UV/Peroxymonosulfate System Guan, Ying-Hong ; Ma, Jun *; Li, Xu-Chun ; Fang, Jing-Yun ; Chen, Li-Wei 2011年11月 Environment Science & Technology Mechanism of heterogeneous catalytic ozonation of nitrobenzene in aqueous solution with modified ceramic honeycomb Zhao, Lei; Ma, Jun*; Sun, Zhizhong 2009年7月 Applied Catalysis B-Environmental Mechanism of influence of initial pH on the degradation of nitrobenzene in aqueous solution by ceramic honeycomb catalytic ozona Lei Zhao, Jun Ma*, Zhizhong Sun, Xuedong Zhai 2008年6月 Environment Science & Technology Minimizing bromate formation with cerium dioxide during ozonation of bromide-containing water Zhang, Tao ;Chen, Weipeng ;Ma, Jun *;Qiang, Zhimin 2008年8月 Water Research Novel Relationship between Hydroxyl Radical Initiation and Surface Group of Ceramic Honeycomb Supported Metals ... Zhao, Lei; Sun, Zhizhong; Ma, Jun* 2009年6月 Environment Science & Technology Oxidation of Phenolic Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals by Potassium Permanganate in Synthetic and Real Waters Jiang Jin; Pang Su-Yan; Ma Jun*; Liu Huiling 2012年2月 Environment Science & Technology Oxidation of Sulfoxides and Arsenic(III) in Corrosion of Nanoscale Zero Valent Iron by Oxygen Pang, Su-Yan ; Jiang, Jin; Ma, Jun* 2011年1月 Environment Science & Technology Oxidation of Triclosan by Permanganate (Mn(VII)): Importance of Ligands and In Situ Formed Manganese Oxides Jin Jiang, SuyanPang, Jun Ma* 2009年11月 Environment Science & Technology Oxidation products and pathway of ceramic honeycomb-catalyzed ozonation for the degradation of nitrobenzene in aqueous solution Zhao, Lei; Ma, Jun*; Sun, Zhi-zhong 2008年5月 Applied Catalysis B-Environmental Rapid Acceleration of Ferrous Iron/Peroxymonosulfate Oxidation of Organic Pollutants by Promoting Fe(III)/Fe(II) Cycle with Hydr Jing Zou, Jun Ma*, Liwei Chen, Xuchun Li, Yinghong Guan, Pengchao Xie, and Chao Pan 2013年9月 Environment Science & Technology Response to Comment on Oxidation of Sulfoxides and Arsenic(III) in Corrosion of Nanoscale Zero Valent Iron by Oxygen Pang, Su-Yan ; Jiang, Jin ; Ma, Jun* 2011年4月 Environment Science & Technology Role of Ligands in Permanganate Oxidation of Organics Jiang, Jin ; Pang, Su-Yan ; Ma, Jun* 2010年6月 Environment Science & Technology Strong Enhancement on Fenton Oxidation by Addition of Hydroxylamine to Accelerate the F Chen Liwei; Ma Jun*; Li Xuchun 2011年3月 Environment Science & Technology Surface hydroxyl groups of synthetic alpha-FeOOH in promoting (OH)-O-center dot generation from aqueous ozone Zhang, Tao; Li, Chunjuan; Ma, Jun* 2008年7月 Applied Catalysis B-Environmental Synergetic Effect of Ultrasound with Dual Fields for the Degradation of Nitrobenzene in Aqueous Solution Lei Zhao, Jun Ma*, Xuedong Zhai 2009年7月 Environment Science & Technology Ma J., Graham (1999) Manganese-catalysed ozonation for the destruction of atrazine-Effect of humic substances. Water Research, 33(3), 785-793, 1999. Ma J. and Graham N.J.D. (2000) Degradation of atrazine by manganese-catalysed ozonation-influence of radical scavengers. Water Research, 34(15), 2000, 3822-3828. Ma J. and Liu W. (2002) Effectiveness and mechanism of potassium ferrate(VI) preoxidation for algae removal by coagulation. Water Research, 36, 871-878. Ma J. and Liu W. (2002) Effectiveness of ferrate (VI) preoxidation in enhancing the coagulation of surface waters. Water Research, 36 (20): 4959-4962. Ma J., Graham N.(1997) Preliminary investigation of manganese-catalysed ozonation for the destruction of atrazine. Ozone Science & Engineering, 19(3), 227-240. Ma J., Li G.B., Chen Z.L. (2001) Enhanced coagulation of surface waters with high organic content by permanganate preoxidation Water Science and Technology: Water Supply, 1( 1), 51-61. 马军、李圭白。化学预氧化技术,水工业工程设计手册,水资源及给水处理分册,中国建筑工业出版社,2000年,4万字。
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Found in the United StatesLife is not lack of beauty, but the lack of eyes to find beauty.Beautiful, simple beauty, common beauty, noble beauty, inner beauty, I seem to be more focused on inner beauty.Littleyue Yue events of her beautiful scavengers, lift life beautiful mother, they don"t care about fame and fortune, need is internal peace and realize the preciousness of life.Butterfly rise and dance in a happy mood posture beauty, the bustling about posture beautiful, I seem to be more focused on the beautiful. Why? Because he was industrious, and not care about her body, beautiful clothes.、发现美生活并不缺少美,只是缺少发现美得眼睛。美,简约的美、普通的美、高贵的美、内心的美,我似乎更倾心于内心的美。小悦悦事件中拾荒的阿婆美丽、托举起生命的妈妈美丽,他们都不在乎名利,需要的是内心的安定和感悟到生命的珍贵。蝴蝶翩翩起舞的姿势美,蜜蜂忙忙碌碌的姿势美,我似乎更倾心于蜜蜂的美。为什么?因为他是勤劳的,而不是在乎她曼妙的身姿,美丽的衣裳。
2023-07-17 12:31:131


生态系统各种组成成分之间的营养联系是通过食物链和食物网来实现的。食物链是生态系统内不同生物之间类似链条式的食物依存关系,食物链上的每一个环节称为营养级。每个生物种群都处于一定的营养级,也有少数种兼处于两个营养级,如杂食动物。生态系统中的食物链包括活食食物链和腐食食物链两个主要类型。活食食物链从绿色植物固定太阳能、生产有机物质开始,它们属于第一营养级,食草动物属于第二营养级,各种食肉动物构成第三、第四及更高的营养级。腐食食物链则从有机体的残体开始,经土壤动物的粉碎与分解和细菌、真菌的分解与转化,以无机物的形式归还给环境,供绿色植物再次吸收。从营养级来划分,分解者处于第五或更高的营养级。老鼠以谷物为食,鼬鼠以老鼠为食,鹰又以鼬鼠为食,鹰死后的残体被各种微生物分解成无机物质,便是简单食物链的一个例子。然而,自然界中的食物链并不是孤立存在的,一个易于理解的事实是,几乎没有一种消费者是专以某一种植物或动物为食的,也没有一种植物或动物只是某一种消费者的食物,如老鼠吃各种谷物和种子,而谷物又是多种鸟类和昆虫的食物,昆虫被青蛙吃掉,青蛙又是蛇的食物,蛇最终被鹰捕获为食;谷物的秸杆还是牛的食物,牛肉又成为人类的食物(图10-7)。可见,食物链往往是相互交叉的,形成复杂的摄食关系网,称为食物网。一般来说,一个生态系统的食物网结构愈复杂,该系统的稳定性程度愈大。 4.生态系统的功能 生态系统的功能主要表现为生物生产、能量流动和物质循环,它们是通过生态系统的核心部分——生物群落来实现的。 (1)生态系统的生物生产 生态系统的生物生产是指生物有机体在能量和物质代谢的过程中,将能量、物质重新组合,形成新的产物(碳水化合物、脂肪、蛋白质等)的过程。绿色植物通过光合作用,吸收和固定太阳能,将无机物转化成有机物的生产过程称为植物性生产或初级生产;消费者利用初级生产的产品进行新陈代谢,经过同化作用形成异养生物自身物质的生产过程称为动物性生产或次级生产。 植物在单位面积、单位时间内,通过光合作用固定的太阳能量称为总初级生产量(GPP),单位是J·m-2·a-1或 g DW·m-2·a-1(DW为干重)。总初级生产量减去植物因呼吸作用的消耗(R),剩下的有机物质即为净初级生产量(NPP)。它们之间的关系为 NPP=GPP-R 与初级生产量相关的另一个概念是生物量,对于植物来说,它是指单位面积内植物的总重量,单位是km·m-2。某一时间的植物生物量就是在此时间以前所积累的初级生产量。 据估计,整个地球净初级生产量(干物质)为172.5×109t·a-1,生物量(干物质)为1841×109t,不同生态系统类型的生产量和生物量差别显著(表10-1)。应当指出,这种估计是非常粗略的,但对于了解全球生态系统初级生产量和生物量的大体数量特征,仍有一定的参考价值。 单位地面上植物光合作用累积的有机物质中所含的能量与照射在同一地面上日光能量的比率称为光能利用率。绿色植物的光能利用率平均为0.14%,在运用现代化耕作技术的农田生态系统的光能利用率也只有1.3%左右。地球生态系统就是依靠如此低的光能利用率生产的有机物质维持着动物界和人类的生存。 (2)生态系统的能量流动 生态系统的生物生产是从绿色植物固定太阳能开始的,太阳能通过植物的光合作用被转变为生物化学能,成为生态系统中可利用的基本能源。生态系统各成分之间能量流动的一个重要特点是单向流,表现为能量的很大部分被各营养级的生物所利用,通过呼吸作用以热的形式散失,而这些散失到环境中的热能不能再回到生态系统中参与能量的流动,因为尚未发现以热能作为能源合成有机物的生物体,而用于形成较高营养级生产量的能量所占比例却很小(图10-8)。 生态系统内的能量传递和转化遵循热力学定律。根据热力学第一定律,输入生态系统的能量总是与生物有机体贮存、转换的能量和释放的热量相等,从而保持生态系统内及其环境中的总能量值不变。根据热力学第二定律,生态系统的能量随时都在进行转化和传递,当一种形式的能量转化成另一种形式的能量时,总有一部分能量以热能的形式消耗掉,这样,系统的熵便呈增加的趋势。对于一个热力学非平衡的孤立系统来说,它的熵总是自发地趋于增大,从而使系统的有序程度越来越低,最后达到无序的混乱状态,即热力学平衡态。然而,地球生态系统所经历的却是一个与热力学第二定律相反的发展过程,即从简单到复杂,从无序到有序的进化过程。根据非平衡态热力学的观点,一个远离平衡态的开放系统,可以通过从环境中引入负熵流,以抵消系统内部所产生的熵增加,使系统从无序向有序转化。生态系统是一个生物群落与其环境之间既进行能量交换,又进行物质交换的开放系统,通过能量和物质的输入,生态系统不断“吃进”负熵流,维持着一种高度有序的状态。 如前所述,每经过一个营养级,都有大量的能量损失掉。那么,生态系统能量转化的效率究竟有多大呢?美国学者Lindeman测定了湖泊生态系统的能量转化效率,得出平均为10%的结果,即在能量从一个营养级流向另一个营养级的过程中,大约有90%的损失量,这就是著名的“十分之一定律”(图10-9)。比如,一个人若靠吃水产品增加0.5kg的体重,就得食用5kg的鱼,这5kg的鱼要以50kg的浮游动物为食,而50kg的浮游动物则需消耗约500kg的浮游植物。由于这一“定律”得自对天然湖泊的研究,所以比较符合水域生态系统的情况,并不适用于陆地生态系统。一般来讲,陆地生态系统的能量转化效率要比水域生态系统低,因为陆地上的净生产量只有很少部分能够传递到上一个营养级,大部分则直接被传递给了分解者。 (3)生态系统的物质循环 生态系统的发展和变化除了需要一定的能量输入之外,实质上包含着作为能量载体的各种物质运动。例如,当绿色植物通过光合作用,将太阳能以化学能的形式贮存在合成的有机物质之中时,能量和物质的运动就同时并存。自然界的各种元素和化合物在生态系统中的运动为一种循环式的流动,称为生物地球化学循环。
2023-07-17 12:31:231

电视剧中的T E A B C等是哪个电视剧中的人物

有可能是《美人为馅》里的七人团体,他们的代号分别是:美人为馅七人团——徐司白(Scavengers),七人团领导者徐司白(Scavengers),七人团领导者。徐司白的父亲,是少有的犯罪天才,教导了一切犯罪的本领,教会了他如何去建立自己的犯罪帝国。徐司白的父亲,也许是彻底的反社会人格或者精神病态,但是,徐司白不一定是,至少在少年时候不一定是。美人为馅七人团——谢陆(Trespassers,狙击,25岁)谢陆父亲的小店经营不善,无暇顾他,他的母亲也不管他。是唯一对他好的爷爷教会他用枪,发现了他的天赋,并在死去世前留下钱要儿子培养孙子发展这个特长。可是谢陆的父亲吞了钱,撕碎了儿子的录取通知书,也撕碎了他的梦想。他离家出走了,然后遇到了改变他人生的男人。美人为馅七人团——夏俊艾(Adventurers冒险者,爆破,焊接,24岁)夏俊艾老家是陕西的,家里太穷,年幼跟着父母来了北京,成了个"小北漂"。他家境贫寒,父亲是一名惯偷,在他八岁的时候就因为跟混混分赃不均,被人打死了。他母亲替人打零工,母子俩生活得非常清苦艰难。12岁时,母亲病重没钱医治,也没医保,病死在家里。而他从小就偷东西,所以在北京警方早有案底。初中毕业就没读书了,但是物理和化学成绩是满分,还曾经在数次模型比赛中获得一等奖。美人为馅七人团——季子苌(Loners用毒杀手,悖德狂,自认是杀戮的艺术家)美人为馅七人团——许湳柏( Killers催眠,伪装者)警队的犯罪心理专家,苏眠的师兄。披着正义的警服,本质上却是连环杀手,擅长催眠。美人为馅七人团——辛佳(Explorers制毒,探险家)K省师范大学女神,家世好、长相好,什么都好,在别人眼里,也许像众星捧月一张长大,从小暗恋韩沉。在原著中,孙骁骁饰演的辛佳并不是七人团,但是却知道七人团的秘密。美人为馅七人团——罗斌(Robbers,强盗)黑客,失心者,冷酷的变态杀手,专杀年轻的女孩
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The Empire, Rebel Alliance, and New Republic all supplied troops with survival rations – dehydrated meals that expand into admixture of veg-meat and polystarch by water. A generation after the Battle of Jakku, Unkar Plutt controlled the market for Imperial and New Republic rations, dividing ration packs into portions and trading them to scavengers in exchange for scrap gear. 帝国、义军同盟以及新共和国都为军队配给生存口粮 – 脱水食品,掺水膨胀为素肉和聚酯淀粉的混合物。贾库战役后的30年(一代为30年),昂卡·普拉特控制了帝国和新共和国的口粮市场,划分口粮份额并与拾荒者进行口粮与废弃装置的交易。
2023-07-17 12:33:081


Found in the United StatesLife is not lack of beauty, but the lack of eyes to find beauty.Beautiful, simple beauty, common beauty, noble beauty, inner beauty, I seem to be more focused on inner beauty.Littleyue Yue events of her beautiful scavengers, lift life beautiful mother, they don"t care about fame and fortune, need is internal peace and realize the preciousness of life.Butterfly rise and dance in a happy mood posture beauty, the bustling about posture beautiful, I seem to be more focused on the beautiful. Why? Because he was industrious, and not care about her body, beautiful clothes.、发现美生活并不缺少美,只是缺少发现美得眼睛。美,简约的美、普通的美、高贵的美、内心的美,我似乎更倾心于内心的美。小悦悦事件中拾荒的阿婆美丽、托举起生命的妈妈美丽,他们都不在乎名利,需要的是内心的安定和感悟到生命的珍贵。蝴蝶翩翩起舞的姿势美,蜜蜂忙忙碌碌的姿势美,我似乎更倾心于蜜蜂的美。为什么?因为他是勤劳的,而不是在乎她曼妙的身姿,美丽的衣裳。
2023-07-17 12:33:161


Found in the United StatesLife is not lack of beauty, but the lack of eyes to find beauty.Beautiful, simple beauty, common beauty, noble beauty, inner beauty, I seem to be more focused on inner beauty.Littleyue Yue events of her beautiful scavengers, lift life beautiful mother, they don"t care about fame and fortune, need is internal peace and realize the preciousness of life.Butterfly rise and dance in a happy mood posture beauty, the bustling about posture beautiful, I seem to be more focused on the beautiful. Why? Because he was industrious, and not care about her body, beautiful clothes.、发现美生活并不缺少美,只是缺少发现美得眼睛。美,简约的美、普通的美、高贵的美、内心的美,我似乎更倾心于内心的美。小悦悦事件中拾荒的阿婆美丽、托举起生命的妈妈美丽,他们都不在乎名利,需要的是内心的安定和感悟到生命的珍贵。蝴蝶翩翩起舞的姿势美,蜜蜂忙忙碌碌的姿势美,我似乎更倾心于蜜蜂的美。为什么?因为他是勤劳的,而不是在乎她曼妙的身姿,美丽的衣裳。
2023-07-17 12:33:301


美国中央情报局(C.I.A.)(ALIAS双面女间谍的Sydney就是CIA Agent) 1947年,为了防止再次出现“珍珠港”式的悲剧,杜鲁门总统决定在“战略服务办公室”(Office of Strategic Services)的基础上成立一个专门的非军方情报机构。同年,在杜鲁门总统签署《国家安全法案》后,中央情报局(CIA)诞生了。CIA建立的初衷是应对日益复杂的、来自于前苏联及东欧国家的“情报战争”,所以CIA成立之初的职责范围远比今日小的多,并且很杂,那时的CIA负责美国国土外的情报搜集、美国本土的反间谍工作、秘密培训世界范围内反共势力的武装。并且,最重要的一点之一在于,CIA那时的经费来源于国防部拨款,而不是作为一个独立机构受参众两院拨款委员会拨款的影响。因此,CIA那时的许多秘密行动是不为人知的,也不受参众两院武装力量委员会的质询和日常听证。 美国海岸警卫队是一个特殊兵种,它执行救生、保护国家财产、执行法律、实施科学调查和保卫国家安全等方面的任务。在平时,海岸警卫队为交通部执行人道主义方面的任务。在战时,海岸警卫队是海军的一个高度专业化的组成部分。警卫队的任务是使毕业出来的青年男女学员有健康的体魄,坚强的意志和清醒的头脑,热爱海洋和海军科学知识,富有高度的荣誉感,忠诚老实,服从命令,具有进取精神和领导才能,航海学和理科知识的基础厚实,举止礼貌,在为美国和人类服务的事业中决不辱没美国海岸警卫队现役军官的光荣传统。警卫队的教育原则共有三条,一是通过颁布训令,树立样板,造成一个人人胸怀高度荣誉、忠诚老实和服从命令的环境;二是根据海岸警卫队的需要,提供扎扎实实的大学教育;三是实施领导能力的训练,使学员毕业之后能够立即负起舰上初级军官的职责。   美国海岸警卫队(U.S. Coast Guard)是世界各国海岸警卫队的鼻祖,是美国海上惟一的综合执法机构,也是当今世界最强大的海上执法队伍之一。美国海岸警卫队是美国五大武装力量之一,也是当今美国联邦政府最大的部——国土安全部中的部门之一。作为世界各国海岸警卫队的鼻祖,美国海岸警卫队是许多国家海上执法队伍建设的典范。 美国海岸警卫队在美国五大武装力量中是唯一拥有执法权力的队伍,也是唯一不受国防部(Department of Defense)节制的一个。 海岸警卫队的历史渊源比较复杂,它是由五个不同的联邦机构逐渐合并而成的,而且主管部门也几经变更。美国联邦调查局(F.B.I.) (X档案的Fox Mulder和Scully就是FBI Agent) F.B.I.是20世纪美国最强力的联邦执法和调查部门,在美国本土的调查和执法权之大,一直无其他执法机构可以出其右。从20世纪50年代末到60年代中后期,美国联邦调查局不断扩大其规模,执法和调查权限也不断扩大,甚至出现了联邦调查局主任而不是总统国家安全事务助理每日向总统汇报国家安全状况。当然,这也是有一定的历史背景因素的。在那个年代,前苏联势头正旺,东西方冷战形势严峻,美国国家安全受到的威胁巨大,国外情报势力在美国本土的活动日益猖獗,前苏联在世界各动乱地区也积极发展反美势力,因此,在那样的特定历史环境下,F.B.I.得到了前所未有的发展,对内,全权负责维护国家安全和防范有组织的恐怖主义活动;对外,积极协助美国国防部军事情报局(M.I.A., Military Intelligence Agency, U.S. Department of Defense) 及美国中央情报局(C.I.A., Central Intelligence Agency),防范并打击一切可能危害到美国国家安全的情报和军事活动(那时恐怖主义并不像现在这样猖獗)。 美国是联邦制国家,各联邦成员(州)的警察系统是独立的,也就是说各洲警察根据自己的所在区形势权利,其管辖权不能跨区,但是如果要是在更大范围内处理罪案,就需要更大的权限,于是,就有了全联邦范围内执法的联邦调查局,当然,所谓维护国家安全什么的,只是其全联邦内职能的一部分。另外,美国的司法制度不能简单的跟我国套用,国安是公安体系的一部分,概念别搞混了,只是工作性质问题,跟联邦调查局和警察局更不能直接进行概念交换。
2023-07-17 12:23:511


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