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country of residence是什么意思,居住国翻译

2023-07-17 11:30:40

country of residence





Within country of residence 居住的国家内 ; 在居住国

country of onewouls residence 侨居国

country of oneas residence 侨居国


country of residence



Country of residence是指居住地的国家还是我的国籍?

2023-07-17 10:31:192

residence residency

我查的,绝对没有错residence n. 住宅;住处;官邸;居住; 驻扎; 住宅; 住处, 公馆 居住期间; (在大学等地)积极从事学术性工作[研究]的一段时期 (污染物质等在介质中的)滞留 residency n. 住处, 住院医生实习期, 住院医生的职位, 高级训练(阶段) 居住 住所,官邸 常驻演出 住处 【史】英国驻印度各邦的总督代表的官邸 (驻扎官在保护国的)管辖区 (医学专业毕业后的)高级训练阶段, 实习阶段
2023-07-17 10:31:382


2023-07-17 10:31:452


2023-07-17 10:31:542

能告诉我Residence 和 Mansion的具体区别和用法吗?

Mansion:1. He showed me the miniature of the mansion.他给我显示了大厦的模型。 2. He lives in Victoria Mansions.他住在维多利亚公寓。 3. The broad steps in front of the mansion made it look very dignified.宽阔的台阶使大厦的正面显得很气派。 4. The poor girl was astonished by the sumptuous furnishings of the mansion.这个贫穷的女孩被大厦里的豪华的陈设惊呆了。 5. The portal of the mansion looks magnificent.这座大厦的正门看上去富丽堂皇。 Residence:1. Illegal immigrants can regularize their position by obtaining the necessary residence permit.非法移民获得必要的居留证後即可使身分合法。 2. Residence in the area qualifies you for membership.只要在本区居住就可入会。 3. He married an English woman and took up his residence in London.他与一名英国女子结婚并且定居在伦敦。 4. They have a summer residence in the countryside.他们在乡间有夏季住宅。 5. I want to insure my residence.我要为自己的住宅保险。
2023-07-17 10:32:042

英文简历中的户籍怎么翻译?Residence或者是birthplace或者是census register?求详解区分,以及答案,谢谢了

Residence 居住地birthplace 出生地census register 户籍
2023-07-17 10:32:155

accommodation 和residence的区别

accommodation: a place to live -- 住处somewhere to live or stay -- 住宿residence:a house, especially a large or impressive one -- 住所;住房;住宅permission to live in a country that is not your own (在他国的)居住权,居留许可
2023-07-17 10:32:491


2023-07-17 10:32:571

resident 和residence 有什么区别啊``

该用residence 名词 n. 居住,驻留,居留 resident 可数名词 n.[C] 居住者,居民; 侨民 可数名词 n.[C] 驻在外国的事务官 可数名词 n.[C] [R~] (从前派驻印度土邦宫廷的) 英国总督代表 可数名词 n.[C] 旧荷属东印度群岛的行政官 可数名词 n.[C] <美>住院医师((做完实习医师 (intern) 后开业前的医师; 参看 house physician 1))
2023-07-17 10:33:341

residence手表 是什么手表?

2023-07-17 10:33:449

residence business什么意思

2023-07-17 10:34:121


2023-07-17 10:34:201


2023-07-17 10:34:281

accommodation 和residence作为住处翻译的区别,什么时候用哪个单词?

accommodation:a place to live ——住处somewhere to live or stay ——住宿residence:a house, especially a large or impressive one ——住所;住房;住宅permission to live in a country that is not your own ——(在他国的)居住权,居留许可
2023-07-17 10:34:371

美国residence 和 citizen的区别

2023-07-17 10:34:472


2023-07-17 10:34:551

留学生回国的机票上有一项 COUNTRY OF RESIDENCE(, 要填中国还是留学的国家

Country of residence 表示目前居住的国家。Country of Residence这个说的就是目前居住在哪个国家,如果家在中国, 而临时到国外读书, 就应该写中国, 如果已经成为美国绿卡持有者, 就可以写美国了。country of residence 英[u02c8ku028cntri u0254v u02c8rezidu0259ns] 美[u02c8ku028cntri u028cv u02c8ru025bzu026adu0259ns] [释义] 侨居国; 驻在国; [例句]Thus, for someone saying Asia, the only tax liability applicable on their investment into such funds is that applied by their country of residence.因此,对亚洲投资者来说,他们在所居地缴税,是投资于这类基金的唯一税务负担。
2023-07-17 10:35:161

签证过程中“Country of Residence”的意思?

"Country of Residence" 意思是:居住国,指你现在居住的国家。
2023-07-17 10:35:242

city of residence是什么意思

2023-07-17 10:35:332


Household RegisterUnder Supervision of the Ministry of Public Security of P.R.CPoints for AttentionI. Residence Booklet has legal effect to prove a citizen"s identity status and mutual relations among family members, and is the main basis for residence registration authority to investigate and confirm his/her registered permanent residence. In so doing, the household owner or members of this household shall, of his/her own free will, show the booklet. II. The household owner shall well keep the booklet, and is prohibited to modify, transfer or lend it. If loss arises, such shall be immediately reported to the residence registration authority. III. The registration right of the booklet belongs to residence registration authority, and any other organization or individual shall not make any record on it. IV. If the members are increased or decreased, or registration items change in this household, registration shall be declared to residence registration authority by holding the booklet. V. When the whole household moves out of residence jurisdictional area, the residence booklet shall be returned to residence registration authority for cancellation. Type of Household Non-agricultural Household Name of Householder XXXHousehold No. XXXXXX Address XXXXXProvincial-level Public Security Authority"s Seal Special for Residence:Public Security Bureau of XXX Province (seal)Household Registration Body"s Seal Special for Residence: Public Security Bureau of XXX XXX Street Police Station (seal)Seal of Undertaker: XXX Issued on XXth December 200X Registration of Changed Items and Record of Change Item Address after Change Date of Change Seal of the UndertakerRegistration Card for Resident PopulationName XXX Relation with Householder HouseholderOther Used Names Sex MalePlace of Birth XXX, XXX Province Nationality Han ChinesePlace of Origin XX, XXX Province Date of Birth XXth October 19XXOther Addresses if Have Religion Identity Card Number XXXXXXXXXXXX Height XXXcm Blood Group XXEducation XXX Marital Status Married Military Service Status NoWork Place XXXX Occupation XXXWhen and from Where Moved to This City (County) Moved from XXX, XXX Province on XXth August 19XX.When and from Where Moved to This Address Moved from XX Street, XX on XXth December 19XX.Seal of Undertaker: XXX Date of Issue: XXth December 200XRegistration of Changed Items and Record of ChangeItem Address after Change Date of Change Seal of the UndertakerRegistration Card for Resident PopulationName XXX Relation with Householder WifeOther Used Names Sex FemalePlace of Birth XXX Province Nationality Han ChinesePlace of Origin XX, XXX Province Date of Birth XXth June 19XXOther Addresses if Have Religion Identity Card Number XXX Height XXXcm Blood Group XXXEducation XXX Marital Status XXX Military Service Status NoWork Place XXX Occupation XXXWhen and from Where Moved to This City (County) Permanent ResidenceWhen and from Where Moved to This Address Moved from XX Road, XX District, XX on XXth December 200X.Seal of Undertaker: XXX Date of Issue: XXth December 200X
2023-07-17 10:35:411

手表上residence是什么表 什么档次

2023-07-17 10:35:501


Residence 比较正式,还有强调地址,
2023-07-17 10:35:591

住宿费英文怎么说 住宿费 英语怎么说

accommodation fee或者cost of accommodation
2023-07-17 10:36:104


2023-07-17 10:36:381

temporary residence是什么意思

2023-07-17 10:36:464


Shenzhen registered permanent residence 这个是比较正式的说法但平时说话的时候一般直说 Shenzhen resident Shenzhen citizen Shenzhen local
2023-07-17 10:36:563


2023-07-17 10:37:591


使用相关记忆法。residence 英[u02c8rezu026adu0259ns]美[u02c8ru025bzu026adu0259ns]n. 住处,住宅; 居住时间,居住; 公馆; 驻地;[网络] 居民; 住处; 居住;[例句]Is a block away from his last known residence.离他最后的住处只隔一个街区。[其他] 复数:residences 形近词: dissidence subsidence presidence
2023-07-17 10:38:231


2023-07-17 10:38:301

halls of residence是什么意思

halls of residence居住大厅双语对照词典结果:halloysite[英][hu0259"lu0254u026asau026at][美][hu0259"lu0254u026asau026at]n.多水高岭石,叙永石(准)埃洛石; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.The Paragon House halls of residence serves a number of London education institutions.
2023-07-17 10:39:101


2023-07-17 10:39:292


英文名称: Residence中文名称: 领地类型: |CraftBukkit插件| |Spigot插件| 权限命令/res gset lt;领地名gt; [群组名] [权限] [true/false/remove] - 设置某领地对于某群组的权限/res lset lt;领地名gt; [黑名单/忽略名单] [材质] - 从某领地的黑名单/忽略名单中增加/移除某材质/res lset lt;领地名gt; info - 显示某领地的黑名单/忽略名单设置/res pset lt;领地名gt; [玩家名] [权限] [true/false/remove] - 设置某领地对于某玩家的权限/res set lt;领地名gt; [权限] [true/false/remove] - 设置某领地的权限根据以上权限命令,按照权限表可以输入以下指令/res pset 领地名称 玩家名称 trusted true/res pset 领地名称 玩家名称 admin true
2023-07-17 10:39:511


 爱德华·斯诺登的律师阿纳托利·库切列纳7日证实,斯诺登已经获准继续在俄罗斯居留3年。  Former US defense contractor Edward Snowden is seen during an interview with "NBC Nightly News" anchor and managing editor Brian Williams in Moscow in this undated handout photo released May 28, 2014.  "The request was accepted and accordingly Edward Snowden was given a three-year residence permit" which allows him to move about freely and travel abroad, lawyer Anatoly Kucherena told journalists.  (斯诺登的)律师阿纳托利·库切列纳对记者表示:“申请获得批复,所以斯诺登又获得了三年的居留许可”,他可以自由行动,也可以出国。  斯诺登此次获得的居留许可(residence permit)有效期为3年,属于临时居留许可。如果他想长期居住在俄罗斯,并自由出入俄罗斯的话,可以申请长期居留许可(permanent residence permit),也就是俄罗斯的绿卡(green card),这种许可有效期为5年。获得长期居留许可5年之后,便可以申请入籍(naturalization),成为俄罗斯公民。
2023-07-17 10:40:011


2023-07-17 10:40:091


“故居”的英语怎么说 故居 [词典] former residence; former home; [例句]这是权力显赫的波城领主的故居。 It was the home of the powerful lords of Baux.用英语翻译“昨天我们参观了鲁迅的故居” 昨天我们参观了鲁迅的故居 Yesterday we visited the former residence of Lu Xun. "名人故居"用英语怎么说 The notable former residences 老舍故居用英语怎么说 former residence of Laoshe 以旧居而闻名的小镇用英语怎么说 从汉语结构看,核心词是“小镇”,“以旧居而闻名”是修饰“小镇”的定语。翻译为英语时,可以把定语后置修饰核心词,如: a townlet famous for its former residence a *** all town famous for the former dwellingplace [“旧居”也可以用 old rooms] “孙中山故居” 的英文怎么说?急。 Sun Zhong-shan"s Former Residence 张大千纪念馆用英语怎么翻译 Zhang Daqian Memorial 纪念馆 英语怎么说 纪念馆: a memorial hall; a museum in memory of somebody; a monument 周恩来纪念馆用英语怎么说 Zhou Enlai memorial hall
2023-07-17 10:40:471


low-density uptown
2023-07-17 10:40:542


2023-07-17 10:41:031

求助,Residence Certificate 是啥

居住证明。 在美国,如果你或你的孩子上大学, 上的是本州大学。只要出示本州居住证,就可享受本州学费,比一般的学费要便宜很多。
2023-07-17 10:41:382

澳洲护照 TR什么意思

Temporary Residence 暂时居民 ,2年签证
2023-07-17 10:41:499


永久居留的英文是Permanent Residence,所以通常也称为PR
2023-07-17 10:42:132

minecraft Residence插件怎么设置出去进来欢迎语?

可以设置进出领地时的提示信息,输入“/res message 123 enter(leave) ABC”(例)设置领地123的进入(离开)时的提示信息为ABC,123处不填,则默认为当前所处领地;特别地,在提示信息中可以添加:%player - 在提示信息中显示进出领地的玩家名%owner - 在提示信息中显示领主%residence - 在提示信息中显示该领地
2023-07-17 10:42:212


2023-07-17 10:42:282

英语在线翻译 英语帝进

I"m terribly sorry,Mrs Liu,there are some small problems about your passport.Because of the address of your registered permanent,you maybe need to carry on a verification.It is estimated that you could get the number about next Wednesday.Please forgive us.I will try my best to urge the management of handling the related matters.For the trouble to you,I"m very embarrassed.Best wishes,good luck:)
2023-07-17 10:42:379

registered permanent residence是什么意思

registered permanent residence[英][u02c8redu0292u026astu0259d u02c8pu0259:mu0259nu0259nt u02c8rezidu0259ns][美][u02c8ru025bdu0292u026astu0259d u02c8pu025amu0259nu0259nt u02c8ru025bzu026adu0259ns]户口; 户籍; 例句:1.Changsha collective registered permanent residence turns individual registeredpermanent residence. 长沙集体户口转单个户口.2.No criminal certificate issued by the police station of one"s registered permanentresidence. 本人户籍所在公安机关出具的无犯罪纪录证明。
2023-07-17 10:42:531


公馆 residence (of a rich or important person)
2023-07-17 10:43:015

在国外住宿是住residencehall 还是住 apartment

在国外住宿 Accommodation(住宿) in(在) foreign countries(外国)
2023-07-17 10:43:305


2023-07-17 10:43:494

hall of residence是什么意思

hall of residence宿舍双语对照词典结果:hall of residence[英][hu0254:l u0254v u02c8rezidu0259ns][美][hu0254l u028cv u02c8ru025bzu026adu0259ns]学校公寓; 复数:halls of residence例句:1.His vision of a new hall of residence for the girls has also been realised.
2023-07-17 10:43:581

residence halls是什么意思

residence halls生词本宿舍楼;学生宿舍(residence hall的复数)网 络集体宿舍;宿舍大楼双语例句1. In most of the residence halls we visited, rules prohibit disorderly conduct. 在我们走访的学生宿舍里,大多明令禁止胡作非为。2. All single full-time students must reside in university residence halls. 所有单身的全日制学生都必须住大学宿舍。3. The university has two halls of residence for its postgraduate students. 这所大学有两座研究生宿舍.
2023-07-17 10:44:051

registered residence是什么意思

registered residence户籍登记地例句1.within the "home" for the business license of registered residence.表内“住所”,为营业执照登记的住所。2.It needs to be audited for the question of registered residence and so on.由于户口所在地等问题,需要进行一个审核。
2023-07-17 10:44:391