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2023-07-17 11:19:29
TAG: 美国 年龄
United States

Alabama: 14 years, 6 months (learner"s permit), 16 years (License upon having learner"s permit for 6 months)
Alaska: Small Motorcycle: 14 years; Automobile: 14 years (Learner"s Permit), 16 years (Provisional license with restrictions), 6 months after receiving provisional license and completion of several requirements (Full license)
Arizona: 15 years 7 months (Learners permit upon completion of 30 question written test), 16 years provisional license, 18 years unrestricted license[19]
Arkansas: 14 years (learner"s permit), 16 years (restricted license), 18 years (unrestricted license)
California: Automobile: 15 Years, 6 months (Learner"s Permit upon completion of classroom and registration of behind the wheel classes of driver"s education), 16 years restricted license.
Colorado: 15 years (with drivers ed), 16 years (without drivers ed) (learner"s permit), 16 years (with drivers ed), 17 years (without drivers ed) (license)
Connecticut: 16 years, 6 months (16 years, 4 months with Driver"s Education)
Delaware: 16 years (learner"s permit), 16 years 6 months (restricted license)
District of Columbia: 16 years (learner"s permit), 16 years, 6 months (provisional license), 17 years (full license)
Florida: 15 years (learner"s permit), must have learner"s permit for one year, 16 years (full license)
Georgia: 15 years (learner"s permit), must have learner"s permit for one year and one day before applying for License, must have taken a driver"s education course, (16: Provisional Class D License, allowed to drive one passenger if taken driver"s education, after 6 months can drive up to 3 persons, 18: Full Class C License)
Hawaii: 15.5 (learner"s permit), 16 with parental consent [8]
Idaho : 14 years (in daylight)
Illinois : 15 years (Learner"s Permit), after 3 months - 16 (License with restriction)
Indiana: [You can take Drivers Education at 14 years 7 months though not required] 15 years [Learner"s Permit] , 16 years 1 month [ License Restrictions]
Iowa : GDL system (Approved Driver"s Education Course required for all licenses/permits ages 14-18 with the exception of the learner"s permit, parent consent required for all licenses/permits years 14-18): 14 years (learner"s permit, may drive with family member 21 or over and anyone with a full license 25 and older, written or computerized test of road knowledge required), 14 years (moped license), 14.5 years (minor"s school license; must live 1+ miles from school (although, it is up to the school"s administrator whether or not to enforce the 1+ rule), may drive to any official school event or activity within the district of residence or a contiguous school district), 16 years (license with restriction: Can not drive between the hours of 12:30 am to 5 am, unless you apply for a waiver), 17 years (full license), 21 years (full license with a Blood Alcohol Content of .08)
Kansas: 14 years (learner"s permit), 15 years (restricted license), 16 (full license)
Kentucky: 16 years (learner"s permit), 17 years (full liscense)
Louisiana: 15 years (with parent), 16 years (full license with BAC of .02) *Under 17 years of age restricts driving from 11pm-5am central time
Maine: 15 years and a certificate of completion from a licensed driving school to obtain a learner"s permit. 16 years or 6 months following the issue date of the permit to obtain a driver"s license.
Maryland: 15 years, 9 months (learner"s permit) 16 years, 3 months (provisional license) 17 years, 9 months (full license)
Massachusetts: 16 years (learner"s permit after passing a written test on the rules of the road), 16 1/2 years (restricted junior operator license after driver"s education (30 hours of classroom instruction and 12 hours of behind-the-wheel training with a certified driving instructor) as well as 40 hours of supervised driving with a parent, guardian, or designee), during the junior operator phase, driving between 12:30am and 5am is forbidden without a parent in the vehicle, as is driving with passengers under the age of 18 for the first six months that one has a junior operator license. 18 (unrestricted license). Several proposals have been made to raise the minimum age for a driver"s license to 17 1/2 or 18, and/or extend the restricted junior operator"s phase to age 21, but this has been repeatedly shot down by the Massachusetts Legislature.
Michigan: 14 years, 8 months (learner"s permit), 16 years (graduated learner"s permit), 17 years (full license). All drivers under 18 must enroll in an educational course to receive a license, or the passing of a written test if a license was obtained elsewhere.
Minnesota: 15 years (learner"s permit, upon completing certified driver"s education and behind the wheel courses, and passing a written test) drivers using a learners permit may only drive with a licensed adult age 21 or older, 16 years (license-must have had permit for one year)
Mississippi: 14 years (learner"s permit), 15 years (intermediate license; some restrictions), 16 years (full license)
Missouri: 15 years (learner"s permit), 16 years (intermediate license; some restrictions), 18 years (full license)
Montana: 14 years, 6 months (full license)
Nebraska: 14 years, 3 months (learner"s permit), 60 days after issuance of learner"s permit and 50 hours of documented driving - 14 years, 5 months (school permit), 16 years (provisional operators license), 17 (operator"s license)
Nevada : 15 years, 6 months (learner"s permit), 16 years old (license after 50 hours of behind the wheel experience and 10 hours night time driving while having learners permit)
New Hampshire : 15 years, 6 months with an adult 25 or Older. 16-17 Youth Operators License
New Jersey: 16 years (learner"s permit), 17 years (provisional license), 18 years (full license)
New Mexico: 14 years, 6 months (instructional permit), 15 years, 6 months (provisional license), 16 years 6 months (full license)
New York: 16 years (learner permit), upon passage of road test with less then 6 months after lerner"s permit and under age for unrestricted license(see below)(limited junior license - unsupervised driving only between limited destinations at any time), 6 or more months after learner"s permit and passage of road test(junior license - driver must be accompanied by a parent during first 6 months between the hours of 9pm and 5am), 17 (with driver"s education) or 18 (without driver"s education) (unrestricted license). Additional restrictions apply to learners and license holders, under the age of 18 years, when driving in New York City and in the counties of Nassau and Suffolk.
North Carolina: You must be 14 years and 6 months of age to complete driver"s education. At age 15, you are eligible to receive a learner"s permit. After holding the permit for one year without infractions, you may get a provisional license at the minimum age of 16 years. After holding the provisional license for six months, you may get a full license, which could be at as early as 16 years and 6 months. However, you may obtain a motorcycle endorsement at 16, with parental consent, without having a driver"s license.
North Dakota: 14 years (learner"s permit, must hold permit for 6 months and complete a driver education course if under 16), 14 years and 6 months years license.
Ohio: 15 years, 6 months (learner"s permit, must hold permit for 6 mos. and complete 50 hours (40 hours day/ 10 hours night) of road practice and a driver education course if under 18. Must pass road test administered by the Ohio Highway Patrol before license is issued) 16 years (probationary license, only one non-related passenger in the vehicle. If convicted of a moving violation, parent must be in vehicle when child is driving for 6 months following the conviction date of the violation or until driver turns 17. No driving between midnight and 6am unless for employment purposes), 17 years old (no driving between 1am and 5am unless for employment purposes), 18 (full license)
Oklahoma 14 years: small motorcycle (daytime only, under 250cc, max speed limit of 35 mph), 14 years, 6 months: learner"s permit, 16 years: intermediate driver"s license (5 AM to 11 PM), must have had intermediate license for 6 months for full license.
Oregon: 14 years, 6 months (learner"s permit), 16 years (provisional license with restrictions), 18 years (full license)
Pennsylvania: 16 years (learner"s permit), 16 years 6 months (junior license with restrictions only after having completed a minimum of 50 hours of behind the wheel driving), 17 1/2 (unrestricted license if you"ve held a junior license for 1 year, passed an approved driver"s training course, have not been involved in a crash where you were either partially, or totally responsible, have not been convicted of any vehicle violation, and applicant has parental or guardian"s approval), 18 years (unrestricted license)
Rhode Island: 16 years for a Learners Permit, must have adult with min 5 years experience in front passenger seat while driving. 16 1/2 Provisional Driver"s License; must hold permit for six months and not have any moving or seat belt infractions, Can drive solo between 5am-1am, carry only one passenger under 21 (family members excluded). 17 1/2 Full Driver"s License; Must hold PDL for 1 year (or turn 18 years old. which ever come first), have no moving or seatbelt infractions for six months. No Restrictions on driving privileges. [9]
South Carolina: Learner"s Permit: 15 years, Conditional License: 15 years and 6 months, Restricted License: 16 years, Full License: 17 years.
South Dakota: Learner"s Permit: 14 years, Restricted License: 14 years, 3 months (with drivers ed) or 14 years, 6 months (without drivers ed), Full License: 16 years.
Tennessee: Learner"s Permit: 15 years, License: 16 years
Texas: 14 years, 7 months (learner"s permit), 16 years (license, must have held learner"s permit for 6 months if under 18).
Utah: 15 years (learner"s permit upon passage of a fifty question test on traffic laws with 80% correct), 16 years (full license upon having had learner"s permit for six months and 40 hours of driving practice in addition to 40 hours of state approved driver"s education and the passage of a driving skills test).
Virginia: 15 years, 6 months (learner"s permit), 16 years, 3 months (must have held permit for minimum 9 months, driven 40 hours, including 10 nighttime hours, with a parent or guardian, completed a state-sponsored drivers" education course in public schools or equivalent)
Vermont: 15 years (learner"s permit), 16 years (Junior"s Operators license), 18 years (full license)
Washington: 15 years (learner"s permit providing proof of currently enrolled in a drivers ed course) 15 years, 6 months (learner"s permit), 16 years (intermediate license upon completion of instructional driving course), 18 years (full license if no instructional driving course was taken)
West Virginia: 15 years (learner"s permit), 16 years (full license)
Wisconsin: 15 years, 6 months (learner"s permit), 16 years (license, must have held permit for 6 months if under 18, 10 days if over 18)
Wyoming: 14 years, 6 months (learner"s permit), 16 years (full license"s_license
















3m代表3个月时间。3m是3month的缩写,month的意思是月份,所以3m代表3个月时间。时间单位的换算关系:(1)一天=1440分钟 ,1小时=60分钟 ,1分钟=60秒。(2)一刻=15分钟,一字=5分钟(闽南广东地区用法)。(3)近点年=365.25964日。(4)恒星年=365.256363004个平太阳日(≈365日6时9分10秒)。(5)回归年(贝塞尔年)=365.242199174日(≈365日5小时48分45.5秒)。(6)交点年=346.62003日(346日14小时52分52.9秒)。
2023-07-17 10:03:561


问题一:每三个月一次的英文怎么写 每三个月一次的英文怎么写 Once every three months 问题二:还有三个月的英文是什么? 你好,很高兴在这里回答你的问题: . There is three months left. 问题三:我们这不是爱了三个月吧,而是拖了三个月吧的英文怎么写 还能不能好好说句话了,说句话还要译成英文,你在谁面前装什么逼。 问题四:一月用英语怎么写 一月 Jan龚ary=Jan 1月是阳历年中的第一个月,是大月,共有31天。在北半球,1月是冬季的第三个月。本月的节气:小寒、大寒。英文中的1月(January)来源于古罗马的守护神双面神杰纳斯(Janus)。他有两副面孔,前面一副注视未来,脑后一副回顾过去。 问题五:"以上报价有效期为三个月"英语怎么讲? Above quotation is valid within 3 months. 问题六:快三个月了。 英文怎么念 nearly/almost 3 months 如果是在某个语句中,分部同情况添加不同介词就好。 比如:我来到这里快3个月了 I"ve been here for nearly 3 months.
2023-07-17 10:04:121

3个月 英语怎么说

three months
2023-07-17 10:04:2012


three month old
2023-07-17 10:04:449


three months gone by
2023-07-17 10:04:594

快三个月了。 英文怎么念

It has been almost three months.
2023-07-17 10:05:085

12 years 3months什么意思

12 years 十二年3 months 三个月请采纳
2023-07-17 10:05:222

apple tv+free for 3 months什么意思

: apple arcade free for 3 months是苹果街机免费3个月的意思。Apple TV以HDMI、色差端子连接宽屏幕电视或其他视听设备,该产品不附带任何线材(电源线除外),因此用户必须自备HDMI或色差端子连接线。 苹果网站标明,Apple TV仅支持增强或高分辨率型的宽屏幕电视,经过Maclife指出,如果电视机不支持宽屏失真以及使用视频编码优化垂直图像宽高比,那么以色差端子连接非增强或高分辨率型的电视机,将会发生纵向变形的情况。 音频方面支持数字光纤及模拟音频( RCA端子 )。
2023-07-17 10:05:302


he has been here 3 months
2023-07-17 10:05:503


Three months later
2023-07-17 10:06:014


2023-07-17 10:06:081


it has been three months from last time
2023-07-17 10:06:171

英语大神,求解释!!!!in+3 months,表示之后三个月以内的日子还是三个月后的日子?

2023-07-17 10:06:254


She"s about 3 months old
2023-07-17 10:06:355


They have moved to Shanghai fro 3 months.
2023-07-17 10:06:532

三个月后 用英语怎么说?

three months later
2023-07-17 10:07:031

He lived in London for 3 months ,during_____he picked up some English. A. this Btwhich C. that D. w

2023-07-17 10:07:192


期初库存:Beginning Inventory 或者Opening Inventory 本期库存:Current Inventory 货龄大于三个月:The stock age is over 3 months.,9,begining stock, stock within period, stock longer than 3 months,2,The opening stock, this issue of stock, the goods age are bigger than for three months,2,期初库存 Beginning stocks 本期库存 Stock issue 货龄大于三个月 Goods more than three months of age,2,Beginning stocks. Current stocks. Goods more than 3 months .,2,Beginning stocks;Stock issue; Goods more than three months of age,0,opening inventory 期初库存 current inventory 本期库存 goods over 3 months old 货龄大于三个月,0,
2023-07-17 10:07:261

苹果手机3months sale扣款啥意思?

苹果手机3months sale扣款啥意思?非常棒
2023-07-17 10:07:463


  日期有3月12日,我们的英文课本里也会有它的英文。下面是我给大家整理的3月12的英文怎么写,供大家参阅!   3月12的英文怎么写   March 12th   3月12日的英语例句   1. From March 12 onward, Venus will tour your distance travel sector.   从3月12日起, 金星将参观你的短距离旅游界.   2. A visit has been arranged to the Hong Guang Farm of Jinghai County for March 12.   兹定于3月12日参观静海县红光农场.   3. China Future Leadership Project ( CFL ) England Project 2008 ? Jul 3 - Jul 12.   现在就申请CFL项目暑假英国项目2008年7月3日-7月12日.   4. Betty will leave for Berlin on the 12 th of March.   贝蒂将在3月12日离开去柏林.   5. Mr. Wilson arvada beijing Mar 12 on schedule.   威尔逊先生已按期于3月12日抵达北京.   6. Thank you very much for your letter of March 12, 1993 , concerning our project.   感谢您1993年3月12日就我们工程的来信.   7. On March 12, 2006, Chris Mihm went down with a sprained right ankle.   2006年3月12日, Mihm右脚踝扭伤.   3月的双语例句   1. Since March, he has unloaded 1.3 million shares.   从3月至今,他已经卖出130万股了。   2. Norman Bethune was born on March 3,1890 , in the small town of Gravenhurst, Ontario.   诺尔曼?白求恩于1890年3月3日出生在安大略省 格雷文赫斯特 的一个镇里.   3. Wound healing uncomplicated with no evidence of recurrence at 3 months.   伤口愈合良好,3月内复查无复发.   4. What was your employment status in the physiotherapy profession as at 31.3.2005?   你于2005年3月31日在物理治疗专业内属何雇佣类别?   5. What was your employment status in the physiotherapy profession as at 31.3.2006?   你于2006年3月31日在物理治疗专业内属何雇佣类别?   6. VIPs will adore you March 3, thanks to Venus conjunct Uranus.   3月3日, 由于金星和天王星在一起,大人物会喜欢上你.   7. March 3, the FCC formally approves the startup of cellular phone services.   3月3日, FCC批准正式启动蜂窝电话业务.   8. What was your employment status in the physiotherapy profession as at 31.3.2007?   你于2007年3月31日在物理治疗专业内属何雇佣类别?   9. On 3 Mar. 2003, President Cao Xumin met with President of Copenhagen Fur Center ( CFC ) .   2003年3月3日, 曹绪 岷会长会见了丹麦哥本哈根毛皮中心总裁.   10. The TPAs were examined by color Doppler ultrasonography ( CDU ) , digital subtraction angiography ( DSA ) and pathology 3 months following theembolization.   在栓塞治疗后3月复查彩色超声 多普勒 及血管 造影,并取标本行病理检查.   11. On March 26,2001 we shall have another meeting, the 3 rd Annual the Microsurgical Anatomy.   3月26日我们还将召开另外一组会议, 即第三届显微外科解剖年会.   12. March 3 the third limit, the three main breath hold your breath.   3月3日第三次涨停, 三家主力屏气凝神.   13. Date: March 29,2009 ( 3 rd of of the third month by lunar calendar ).   时间: 2009年3月29日 ( 农历三月初三 ).   14. Greece announced a new round of cuts on March 3 rd.   希腊于3月3日公布了新一轮削减.   15. Results At 3 months following - up ROM and ADL were normal.   结果随访3月,ROM,ADL正常,所有病人恢复原工作.   12号的英语例句   1. My sister is the same height but only a size 12.   我姐姐是一样的身高,不过只穿12号的。   2. Our flight is boarding at gate number 12.   我们的航班在12号门登机.   3. The next available flight leaves at 2:00 Dec. 12 th.   下一趟您能乘坐的航班是12月12号.   4. The city of Mianyang was hit hard by the May 12 earthquake.   绵阳市受到5月12号地震的沉重打击.   5. Wolf Recon, you are cleared to land at Aluce Bay 12.   狼侦察小组, 你获许在阿路司12号湾降落.   6. The first contest, on January 12 th, is for Taiwan"s legislature.   首先将于1月12号举行的选举是竞争台湾的 “ 立法院”.   7. Fortunately, the official at Window 12 didn"t peg me counterrevolutionary.   还好, 12号窗口的警察没有把我定为反革命.   8. The forward No.12 broke through the encircling ring with the ball.   前锋队员12号带球冲破了包围圈.   9. Agent: Number 182, please come to window number 12.   工作人员: 第182号, 请到第12号窗口.   10. Papers should be double - spaced and use 12 point font.   报告应该使用双倍行间距和使用12号字体.   11. Mary blocked No. 12 of the French team on a jump shot.   法国队12号跳投时玛丽盖了她的帽.   12. The flight to Hong Kong leaves from boarding gate No. 12.   去香港的旅客从12号门登机.   13. When I was at college I lodged at No.12 Smith Street.   我读大学时住在史密斯街12号.   14. The train for birmingham leaves from platform 12.   开往伯明翰的列车从12号站台开出.   15. No. 12 is wanting in courtesy.   12号队员没有礼貌.   
2023-07-17 10:07:531

at lease within 3 months什么意思

at lease within 3 months的中文翻译at lease within 3 months 在租赁3个月内
2023-07-17 10:08:032

He lived in London for 3 months,during____time he learned some English.

首先,先行词是 3 months, 一段时间,后面从句要用when, 但这里因为前面有个during,后面要用名词性的,所以要用which time。对比一下he lived in london for 3 months, when he learned some english.he lived in london for 3 months, during which time he learned some english.
2023-07-17 10:08:101


  加拿大枫叶卡是一个好东西,拥有它,你可以享受很多国家的免签服务,那么到底有哪些国家呢?想必是不少出国人士比较关心的问题,和一起来看看加拿大枫叶卡享受哪些国家免签服务,欢迎阅读。   加拿大枫叶卡享受哪些国家免签服务   加拿大绿卡其实就是枫叶卡。   拥有加拿大枫叶卡的免签国家还是跟没拿到之前一样的,没有区别。因为拿到加拿大枫叶卡后,你就只是拿到了加拿大永久居住权,但你还是中国公民,手上拿的还是中国护照。所以在中国哪个国家可以免签,拿到枫叶卡以后还是哪个国家免签。只有申请到加拿大入籍,拿到了加拿大护照,去加拿大互相免签的国家的时候才可以免签证。   拿到加拿大护照后,可以免签的国家和地区有183个:   美洲 Americas   安圭拉 Anguilla 3 months   安提瓜和巴布达 Antigua and Barbuda 1 month   阿根廷 Argentina 90 days   阿鲁巴 Aruba 180 days   巴哈马 Bahamas 21 days   巴巴多斯 Barbados 6 months   伯利兹 Belize 90 days   百慕大 Bermuda 6 months   玻利维亚 Bolivia 30 days   开曼群岛 Cayman Islands 30 days   智利 Chile 90 days 一次性入境税132美元,从其他口岸入境者免费   哥伦比亚 Colombia 90 days   哥斯达黎加 Costa Rica 90 days   多米尼克 Dominica 21 days   多米尼加共和国 Dominican Republic 30-day   大洋洲 Oceania   美属萨摩亚 30日 American Samoa 30 days   澳大利亚 可预办电子签证(ETA)   库克群岛 31日 Cook Islands 31 days   斐济 6个月Fiji 6 months   关岛 6个月 Guam 6 months   马绍尔群岛 30日 Marshall Islands 30 days   密克罗尼西亚联邦 30日 Federated States of Micronesia 30 days   瑙鲁 30日 Nauru 30 days   新喀里多尼亚 90天 New Caledonia 90 days   新西兰 3个月 New Zealand 3 months   纽埃 30日 Niue 30 days   诺福克岛 可预办电子签证(ETA) Northern Mariana Islands 30 days   北马里亚纳群岛 30日   帕劳 30日 Palau 30 days   巴布亚新几内亚 60日落地签证,PGK100(游客),PGK500(商务)Papua New Guinea 60-day visa issued upon arrival for PGK100 (tourist), PGK500 (business)   法属玻利尼西亚 90日 French Polynesia 90 days   萨摩亚 60日 Samoa 60 days   所罗门群岛 3个月 Solomon Islands 3 months   托克劳 免费航游许可证可于萨摩亚阿皮亚申办 Tokelau free cruising permit can be obtain in Apia, Samoa   汤加 31天免费落地签证 Tonga 31-day visa issued upon arrival (free of charge)   图瓦卢 1个月 Tuvalu 1 month   瓦努阿图 30日 Vanuatu 30 days   瓦利斯和富图纳群岛 90日 Wallis and Futuna 90 days   落地签证 US$10   厄瓜多尔 Ecuador 90 days   萨尔瓦多El Salvador 90日落地签证,$10 旅游卡   福克兰群岛 Falkland Islands 3 months   法属圭亚那 French Guiana 90 days   格陵兰 Greenland 3 months   格林纳达 Grenada 3 months   瓜德罗普 Guadeloupe 90 days   危地马拉 Guatemala 90 days   圭亚那 Guyana 3 months   海地 Haiti 3 months   洪都拉斯 Honduras 3 months   牙买加 Jamaica 免签证入境   马提尼克 Martinique 90 days   墨西哥 Mexico 180 days   蒙特塞拉特岛 Montserrat 3 months   荷属安地列斯 Netherlands Antilles 14 days   尼加拉瓜 Nicaragua 90 days   巴拿马Panama 30日旅游卡落地签证 US$5   秘鲁 Peru 90 days   波多黎各 Puerto Rico   圣巴泰勒米岛 Saint Barthélemy 90 days   圣基茨和尼维斯 Saint Kitts and Nevis 14 days   圣卢西亚 Saint Lucia 6 weeks   圣马丁 Saint Martin 90 days   圣皮埃尔和密克隆群岛 Saint Pierre and Miquelon 90 days   圣文森特和格林纳丁斯 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 1 month   特立尼达和多巴哥 Trinidad and Tobago 3 months   特克斯和凯科斯群岛 Turks and Caicos Islands 30 days   美国 United States 6 months、   乌拉圭 Uruguay 3 months   委内瑞拉Venezuela 3 months   英属维京群岛 British Virgin Islands 30 days   英属维京群岛 United States Virgin Islands 6 months   亚洲 Asia   亚美尼亚 21日落地签证,US$30   阿塞拜疆 30日落地签证,US$100   巴林Bahrain 14日落地签证,BHD5   文莱 14日   柬埔寨 Cambodia 30日落地签证,US$20(游客),US$25(商务)   中国 People"s Republic of China 48小时转机(只上海)   台湾 Republic of China 30日   格鲁吉亚 360日   中国香港 Hong Kong 90日   印尼 Indonesia 30日落地签证   伊朗 Iraq (only Iraqi Kurdistan) 14日落地签证(只Kish Island)(可预办电子签证(ETA))   伊拉克(只Kurdistan) visa issued upon arrival at Erbil Airport only (free of charge)   以色列 Israel 3个月   日本 Japan 90日   约旦 Jordan 落地签证,JOD10   韩国 South Korea 6个月   科威特 Kuwait 3个月落地签证,KWD5   吉尔吉斯斯坦 Kyrgyzstan 1个月落地签证,US$36-70(商务),US$35(个人游客),US$55(多人游客)   老挝 Laos 30日落地签证,US$42   黎巴嫩 Lebanon 1个月落地签证(免费)   澳门 Macau 30日   马来西亚 Malaysia 3个月   马尔代夫 Maldives 30日   尼泊尔 Nepal 60日落地签证,US$30   阿曼 Oman 1个月落地签证,OMR6   菲律宾 Philippines 21日   卡塔尔 Qatar 21日落地签证,QAR55   新加坡 Singapore 30日   斯里兰卡 Sri Lanka 30日   泰国 Thailand 30日 with a max total of 90 days spent in a 6 month period   东帝汶 Timor-Leste 30日落地签证,US$30   阿拉伯联合酋长国 30日   也门 Yemen 1个月落地签证,YER10,500   欧盟国家 EU   奥地利 3个月半年 Austria 3 months in a half year   比利时 3个月半年 Belgium 3 months in a half year   保加利亚 3个月半年Bulgaria 3 months in a half year   塞浦路斯 3个月半年Cyprus 3 months in a half year   捷克 3个月半年Czech Republic 3 months in a half year   丹麦 3个月半年Denmark 3 months in a half year   爱沙尼亚 3个月半年Estonia 3 months in a half year   芬兰 3个月半年Finland 3 months in a half year   法国 3个月半年France 3 months in a half year   德国 3个月半年Germany 3 months in a half year   希腊 3个月半年Greece 3 months in a half year   匈牙利 3个月半年Hungary 3 months in a half year   爱尔兰 3个月半年Ireland 3 months in a half year   意大利 3个月半年Italy 3 months in a half year   拉脱维亚 3个月半年Latvia 3 months in a half year   立陶宛 3个月半年Lithuania 3 months in a half year   卢森堡 3个月半年Luxembourg 3 months in a half year   马耳他 3个月半年Malta 3 months in a half year   荷兰 3个月半年Netherlands 3 months in a half year   波兰 3个月半年Poland 3 months in a half year   葡萄牙 3个月半年Portugal 3 months in a half year   罗马尼亚 3个月半年Romania 3 months in a half year   斯洛伐克 3个月半年Slovakia 3 months in a half year   斯洛文尼亚 3个月半年Slovenia 3 months in a half year   西班牙 3个月半年Spain 3 months in a half year   瑞典 3个月半年Sweden 3 months in a half year   英国 6个月United Kingdom 6 months   非欧盟国家   阿尔巴尼亚 1个月及入境税:10Albania 1 month with entry tax : 10   安道尔 90日Andorra 90 days   亚美尼亚 120日落地签证明斯克第二机场落地签证收50美元   波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那 90日Bosnia and Herzegovina 90 days   克罗地亚 90日Croatia 90 days   法罗群岛 3个月Faroe Islands 3 months (same as Denmark)   直布罗陀 免费落地签证Gibraltar visa-free access   根西岛 6个月Guernsey 6 months (same as UK)   冰岛 3个月半年Iceland 3 months in a half year   马恩岛 6个月Isle of Man 6 months (same as UK)   泽西岛 6个月Jersey 6 months (same as UK)   列支敦士登 3个月半年Liechtenstein 3 months in half a year (same as Switzerland)   马其顿共和国 90日Macedonia 90 days   摩尔多瓦 90日Moldova 90 days   摩纳哥 90日Monaco 90 days   黑山 90日Montenegro 90 days   挪威 3个月半年Norway 3 months in half a year   圣马利诺 90日San Marino 90 days   塞尔维亚 90日Serbia 90 days   瑞士 3个月半年Switzerland 3 months in half a year   土耳其 3个月落地签证,US$60或45乌克兰90日Ukraine 90 days   梵蒂冈 90日半年Vatican City 90 days in half a year
2023-07-17 10:08:201

4分钟阅读:【英文版】Fluent in 3 months(Benny Lewis)

如果这套方法帮作者自学二十多门语言,那么对于任何人学习任何一门语言不是不可能。 如果你google : how to learn French,排在前面的是fluentin3months.com的博文。如果你搜索,怎么样学习西班牙,普通话,或者其他语言,排在前面的也是这个网站的博文。甚至,你随便搜索一个关于语言的问题,很有可能还会读到这个博客的文章。 这个博客的创始人,fluentin3months 也就是这本书的作者,Benny Lewis。Benny 如今是语言界的大红人,能流利说二十多种语言。很难想象,他曾经在西班牙学了半年语言,确是一个不吭声的大菜鸟。 很久之前就阅读过他的博客。虽然这本书里仍然有旧内容,但总体来说,系统地把他的“三个月学习”理论阐述清楚了。我对这三点印象深刻: the language 一个人能够说多少种语言? 本书就这个问题进行探讨,虽然没有得出一个具体的数字,但是给一个答案,直到学习新的一门语言对之前的语言造成影响。如果反推,因为时间、经历、能力等等“原因”(其实是借口)而不能掌握一门语言,显得有些滑稽。 所以作者说,最重要的一项是激情,有了passion,什么都会有可能。因为有激情的人,才可能在学习的语言中感受自己,在这场旅行中去寻找自己,才会把困难最终当成享受。 也许,这本书的方法真的不是适用于每一个成人自学者,至少对那些本来不喜欢语言的人就不适用。 三个月内流利的说一门外语的方法是什么? 作者首先提出,按照《牛津字典》对于fluency的定义,他连自己的母语都还说不流利! 流利,只是一种概念。我们不能用流利来衡量一个人的语言水平,水平意味着可以量化。作者引入了欧洲语言标准系统CEFRL,一个将多语言纳入考评标准的系统。在这个标准之下,学习者可以被量化评测。通常,水平达到了B2,就算是流利了。 那么,我们的问题变成了:三个月内达到B2的方法是什么? 一个字:说。 作者列举的办法都是在补充这一核心,去聊天室,和真人对话,参加语言活动...... 说多少才合适? 就作者自身的情况,在从零基础到流利的阶段,他只投入10-20%进行听和读。 可以不用去到该国家就能流利掌握该语言吗? 答案是肯定的。 大多数人以为,出了国,就在语言环境中了,就有利于自己学外语了。但是事实上呢?作者说,在二十一岁时,他选择了去西班牙Vanlencia学习西语,他在那里呆了六个月。六个月里,他都是说英文。六个月后,当他发誓只说西班牙语的时候,有的西班牙朋友就不在找他玩了。那些人,都想和他练英语。 live the language 并不等于 live in that country。在现在网络如此发达,资源如此共享的时候,我们可以足不出户的学习。 那么,学外语最好的地方是: I find it"s not being in the country that produce a successful language speaker, but that no one was allowed to speak English. (我发现,不是要在那个国家才能成为一个说好一门语言,而是在不允许说英语的地方) 任何一个想学习一门新语言的人; 尤其是痛苦挣扎的英语学习者。
2023-07-17 10:08:271


2023-07-17 10:09:023


a vacation for three months
2023-07-17 10:09:136


It takes me three months to finish this work
2023-07-17 10:09:314

交往3个月纪念 用英文怎么说

Contacts 3 months memorial
2023-07-17 10:09:393

三个月后是我的生日 英语

It will be my birthday three months later
2023-07-17 10:09:474


it is valid for at least three months
2023-07-17 10:09:565

他已经在家待了三个月 用什么时态来翻译好啊?

2023-07-17 10:10:113


It"s his turn to stay here for 3 months.
2023-07-17 10:10:182

侧田的《3 Months》 歌词

歌曲名:3 Months歌手:侧田专辑:红牛新能量音乐计划top45侧田 - 3 Months词:侧田 曲:侧田你很久没有说 你说你多爱我在北京的世界 难过的只有我我爱你的野蛮 babe爱你的麻烦和你快有两年 好想没人在身边我因为太爱你才这么罗嗦我一直一直说不要在难过快赶走我们心里面的寂寞不要再跟你离开 冷漠已经三个月零五天没有说已经三个月零五天没有说已经三个月零五天没有说已经三个月零五天没有说爱我已经三个月零五天没有说
2023-07-17 10:10:371

3months ago是什么意思?

你好!3 months ago3个月前
2023-07-17 10:10:461


2023-07-17 10:10:568


问题一:三个月后 用英语怎么说? three months later 问题二:三个月后的三种不同英文版翻译 three months later after three months in three months 为你解答,敬请采纳,Good luck。 问题三:三个月 用英语怎么说 three months 问题四:三个月以后用英语怎么说 three months later 问题五:第三个月用英语怎么说 the third month 问题六:三月是一年中的第三个月用英语句子怎么说 三月是一年中的第三个月 March is the third month of the year. 问题七:亲!三个月后再见!英语 Dear, see you in three month! 或者 Honey, I will see you in 3 month! 或者 Darling, see you in three month! 都可以。 如对于我的解答有问题,欢迎继续追问~ 如果满意,请点击“采纳为满意答案”,谢谢:)
2023-07-17 10:11:111

apple arcade free for 3 months是什么意思

apple arcade free for 3 months是苹果街机免费3个月的意思
2023-07-17 10:11:281

英文点讲: ”电脑要每三年检查一次, 电视只要3个月检查一次.”

Hi Computers need to be inspected once every three years while TV sets need to be checked up just once every three months. 886 电脑要每三年检查一次 电视只要3个月检查一次 The puter must inspect every three years one time so long as the television three months inspects one time "电脑要每三年检查一次 电视只要3个月检查一次." Personal puter required routine check once every 3 years. As for television it requires checking once every 3 months. 参考: Own 电脑要每三年检查一次 电视只要3个月检查一次 Computers need to be serviced once every three years whereas televisions require servicing only once every three months. Computers need to do check-ups every three years and TVs need to do check-ups every three months. Hope I helped =] To check a puter every three years 3 months as long as the TV check. 参考:|en|%E9%9B%BB%E8%85%A6%E8%A6%81%E6%AF%8F%E4%B8%89%E5%B9%B4%E6%AA%A2%E6%9F%A5%E4%B8%80%E6%AC%A1%2C%20%E9%9B%BB%E8%A6%96%E5%8F%AA%E8%A6%813%E5%80%8B%E6%9C%88%E6%AA%A2%E6%9F%A5%E4%B8%80%E6%AC%A1
2023-07-17 10:11:351


I have spent 3 months here.或者 I have been here for 3 months.
2023-07-17 10:11:433


2023-07-17 10:11:501


3 months holiday
2023-07-17 10:12:081


Above quotation is valid within 3 months.
2023-07-17 10:12:175

He lived in London for 3 months , during ____ time he learned some English.

2023-07-17 10:12:325

她在北京待过3个月 英语怎么说? 注意:人现在已经不在那了,已经回来了.

She has lived in Beijing for 3 months She stayed in Beijing for 3 months
2023-07-17 10:12:451

in about 3 months用什么提问how longhows oon

in about 3 months用how soon;for about 3 months用how long
2023-07-17 10:12:531


I 都不知道
2023-07-17 10:13:003

He lived in London for 3 months,during_time he learned some English

1、which 可以指代 that time ,但是并不是说,它一定要指代 that time 。2、which time 是一个完全可以的用法,并且也为大家所认可。语言本身就是人们交流的工具,语法则是为了使我们更好明白语言怎么使用而做出的总结。既然大众认可,那么which time 完全 可以使用。3、这个就是非限制性定语从句了,用that显然不行,这个不用多做解释了吧。如果不明白,记住就行了,大家的语言习惯,可以没有任何道理的,有些东西可以讲出个一二三,但是有些东西就是大家的习惯,不需要什么高深的理由。
2023-07-17 10:13:103

He has bought the bike for over 3 months. 错在哪儿?

2023-07-17 10:13:185

英语翻译 如题,帮翻译几个词, 期初库存、本期库存、货龄大于三个月

期初库存:Beginning Inventory 或者Opening Inventory 本期库存:Current Inventory 货龄大于三个月:The stock age is over 3 months.
2023-07-17 10:13:321


2023-07-17 10:13:435