barriers / 阅读 / 详情


2023-07-17 10:21:11


Not every handshake and peace can heal the injury.


Like a defeated general, suffering from a personal chaos.


It"s a pity that people are slow to heat. Others are tired of it, but you are just infatuated with it.


Since you have been used to loneliness, how can you be afraid of loneliness.


How strong I am, and I have no more heart than others?


Life has too much helpless, let people insincere.


Facing the sun like sunflower, life will be full of sunshine.


Take my hand and walk with your eyes closed, and you won"t get lost.


Don"t always talk about sadness. Everyone has his own story.


Anything, as long as willing, can always become simple.


If I don"t meet the right person, I"d rather die alone.


Frustration is actually the tuition fee for success.


Contradictions, like fish that connect head to tail, exist in this world for a long time.


Miss in the memory of burning, hands can not touch, can only choose to put down.


Think about or a little sad, some people know familiar and return to zero.


You remember everything about him, but you can"t remember that he doesn"t like you.


I said break up is to be detained, but you wish me freedom.


There is no need to detain those who leave in desperation.


Because of parting, we know how to cherish.


I am a strange person, listening to songs will shed tears, think of who will not sleep.


The sweetest but first love, the most astringent regardless of memory, the most bitter but lonely.


You give the injury, my innocence thoroughly powder.


Always in the year when you don"t want to. Looking back on the other shore. Even if we find that the scene is long.


Lingering is just a moment of beauty, lost love can not be recalled.


We always say that time goes by, but we don"t know if it is the same.


Would you mind not talking? When you talk, you expose your intelligence.


Time is always old, because we always live in the past.


Take responsibility, resist the pressure, suffer is their own!


The reality taught me not to care, not to ask, not to be moved.


Where should I go, the dark future without a glimmer of light.


I didn"t envy anyone when you were with me.


When you leave, do you look back at me.


The fate of rain life, just waiting for the umbrella"s refusal.


Love is a joke that can laugh at the dead. It"s very interesting, but every sentence stings the heart.


Once the parallel lines intersect, the endless estrangement follows.


Can"t wait for inadvertent concern, but no promising can not put down.


I hope that what you strive for will be as you wish in the end.


Only by embracing ourselves can we retreat.


Let go, I can"t bear your love.


Without being lovelorn, you don"t understand love; if you don"t get frustrated, you don"t understand life.


If you cry again, I will go home and kneel on the washboard.


Always can"t help but sad, so slowly learned to hide.


If you lose something, it"s only a hundred miles. If love is lost, it is the end of the earth.


You are the best dream I have ever had, but I wake up crying.


Hurt hurt a few times, but also for love become haggard.


In this cold winter with light rain season, my heart is still cold.


I want to draw a circle, shut myself in and keep everything out.


A city, a person, guarding an empty room, cooking a person"s meal.


Looking up to the sky and laughing, we are not Penghao people.


I pretended that it didn"t matter, though I was exhausted.



2023-07-17 07:52:522


  陈松勇  傻瓜训兵营 (2006) 再见阿郎--郑古意(2003) 特警急先锋 (2000) 玻璃樽(1999) 新少林五祖 (1994) 西楚霸王 (1994) 方世玉2:万夫莫敌 (1993) 表姐,你好嘢!3 (1993) 监狱风云2之逃犯 (1991) 至尊计状元才 (1990) 悲情城市 (1989) .... 林文雄 鲁冰花 (1989) 天才不寂寞(1990) 洪熙官与方世玉 (1975) 达摩祖师传(1994)导演:袁振洋,陈松勇饰演般若多罗法师  中国台湾影视演员。生于台湾。自称出身于黑社会家庭。二十多年来既经营宝石店,又在电视剧中饰演各类角色。1989年主演侯孝贤的《悲情城市》A City of Sadness饰林文雄,获台湾金马奖最佳男主角奖。 陈松勇1945年7月1日出生在台湾。因母亲早逝,他的童年生活颇为不幸。15岁时便开始闯荡社会。18岁时到电视台充当临时演员。在服役3年后,重新在演艺界寻求发展。但他无论是台视的4年间,还是在华视的15年间,他始终未受到制作单位的重视。也因此,他收入低微,生活漂泊不定。 陈松勇在电视台期间,受蔡扬台等人的提携和引导,曾出演了《舞女》,《芳草碧连天》、《望海的日子》等影片。1989年,侯孝贤执导影片《悲情城市》。陈松勇应邀扮演林氏家庭的长子。他根据自己丰富的生活经历,结合多年的演戏经验,把剧中的角色表演得自然洒脱,分外传神,因而被港台影评界公认为是一位“面对江湖义气与家庭亲情都有真情流露的杰出演员”。这一角色也使他获得了台湾电影金马奖影帝。 台湾演员,自称出身于黑社会家庭。身形肥胖,动作夸张,喜剧感较强,尤擅出演外表粗犷豪放内心厚道热情的小人物,颇受香港商业片导演欢迎。1989年出演侯孝贤的《悲情城市》,获得第26届金马奖最佳男主角奖。1993年他与李连杰合作,出演由元奎导演的功夫喜剧片《方世玉》,饰演霸道而不失可爱的雷老虎一角,相当出彩,令观众印象深刻。随后再度与李连杰合作,出演由王晶执导的《洪熙官》(1994,又名《新少林五祖》),饰演贪财吝啬、欺软怕硬的马大善人,也相当抢戏,令人过目难忘。 其他参演影片有脍炙人口的煽情片《鲁冰花》(1989,杨立国导演)、《贩母案考》(1990,唐基明导演)、《至尊计状元才》(1990)、《监狱风云2逃犯》(1991,林岭东导演)、《表姐,你好嘢!3之大人驾到》(1993,张坚庭导演)《西楚霸王》(1994,冼杞然导演)、《特警急先锋》(1995)、《玻璃樽》(1999,谷德昭导演)、《古惑仔之胜者为王》(2000,刘伟强导演)等。 陈松勇1945年7月1日出生在台湾。因母亲早逝,他的童年生活颇为不幸。15岁时便开始闯荡社会。18岁时到电视台充当临时演员。在服役3年后,重新在演艺界寻求发展。但他无论是台视的4年间,还是在华视的15年间,他始终未受到制作单位的重视。也因此,他收入低微,生活漂泊不定。 陈松勇在电视台期间,受蔡扬台等人的提携和引导,曾出演了《舞女》,《芳草碧连天》、《望海的日子》等影片。1989年,候孝贤执导影片《悲情城市》。陈松勇应邀扮演林氏家庭的长子。他根据自己丰富的生活经历,结合多年的演戏经验,把剧中的角色表演得自然洒脱,分外传神,因而被港台影评界公认为是一位“面对江湖义气与家庭亲情都有真情流露的杰出演员”。这一角色也使他获得了台湾电影金马奖影帝。
2023-07-17 07:53:021


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2023-07-17 07:53:343


历届金马奖最佳导演获奖名单(1962—2018)2018年(第55届)获奖张艺谋 Yimou Zhang影 Shadow2017年(第54届)获奖文晏 Vivian Qu 文晏 Vivian Qu嘉年华 Angels Wear White2016年(第53届)获奖冯小刚 Xiaogang Feng我不是潘金莲 I Am Not Madame Bovary2015年(第52届)获奖侯孝贤 Hsiao-hsien Hou刺客聂隐娘 The Assassin2014年(第51届)获奖许鞍华 Ann Hui黄金时代 The Golden Era2013年(第50届)获奖蔡明亮 Ming-liang Tsai郊游 Stray Dogs2012年(第49届)获奖杜琪峰 Johnnie To夺命金 Life Without Principle2011年(第48届)获奖许鞍华 Ann Hui桃姐 A Simple Life2010年(第47届)获奖钟孟宏 Mong-Hong Chung第四张画 The Fourth Portrait2009年(第46届)获奖戴立忍 Leon Dai不能没有你 No Puedo Vivir Sin Ti2008年(第45届)获奖陈可辛 Peter Chan投名状 The Warlords2007年(第44届)获奖李安 Ang Lee色戒2006年(第43届)获奖陈可辛 Peter Chan如果·爱 Perhaps Love2005年(第42届)获奖周星驰 Stephen Chow功夫 Kung Fu Hustle2004年(第41届)获奖杜琪峰 Johnnie To大事件 Breaking News2003年(第40届)获奖麦兆辉 Alan Mak,刘伟强 Andrew Lau无间道 Infernal Affairs2002年(第39届)获奖陈果 Fruit Chan香港有个好莱坞 Hollywood Hong-Kong2001年(第38届)获奖关锦鹏 Stanley Kwan蓝宇 Lan yu2000年(第37届)获奖杜琪峰 Johnnie To枪火 The Mission1999年(第36届)获奖许鞍华 Ann Hui千言万语 Ordinary Heroes1998年(第35届)获奖陈冲 Joan Chen天浴1997年(第34届)获奖陈果 Fruit Chan香港制造 Made in Hong Kong1996年(第33届)获奖姜文 Wen Jiang阳光灿烂的日子 In the Heat of the Sun1995年(第32届)获奖侯孝贤 Hsiao-hsien Hou好男好女 Good Men, Good Women1994年(第31届)获奖蔡明亮 Ming-liang Tsai爱情万岁 Vive L"Amour1993年(第30届)获奖李安 Ang Lee喜宴 The Wedding Banquet1992年(第29届)获奖王童 T"ung Wang无言的山丘 Hill of No Return1991年(第28届)获奖王家卫 Kar Wai Wong阿飞正传 Days of Being Wild(feature film)1990年(第27届)获奖严浩 Ho Yim滚滚红尘 Red Dust1989年(第26届)获奖侯孝贤 Hsiao-hsien Hou悲情城市 City of Sadness1988年(第25届)获奖罗启锐 Alex Law七小福 Painted Faces1987年(第24届)获奖王童 T"ung Wang稻草人 Straw man1986年(第23届)获奖吴宇森 John Woo英雄本色 A Better Tomorrow1985年(第22届)获奖张毅 Yi Zhang我这样过了一生 Kuei-mei, a Woman1984年(第21届)获奖麦当雄 Johnny Mak省港旗兵 Long Arm of the Law1983年(第20届)获奖陈坤厚 Chen Kunhou小毕的故事 Growing Up1982年(第19届)获奖章国明 Alex Cheung Siuhing边缘人 Man on the Brink1981年(第18届)获奖徐克 Hark Tsui鬼马智多星 All the Wrong Clues1980年(第17届)获奖王菊金 Wong Guk-Gam六朝怪谈 The legend of the six dynasty1979年(第16届)获奖胡金铨 King Hu山中传奇 Legend of the Mountain1978年(第15届)获奖李行 Hsing Lee汪洋中的一条船 He Never Gives Up1977年(第14届)获奖张曾泽 Tseng-chai Chang笕桥英烈传 Heroes of the Eastern Skies1976年(第13届)获奖张佩成 Pei-Shing Chang狼牙口 The Venturer1975年(第12届)获奖刘艺 Liu James长情万缕 Long Way from Home1973年(第11届)获奖程刚 Kang Cheng十四女英豪 The 14 Amazons1972年(第10届)获奖李行 Hsing Lee秋决 Qiu Jue1971年(第9届)获奖丁善玺 Shan-si Ting落鹰峡 The ammunition hunters1970年(第8届)获奖张曾泽 Tseng-chai Chang路客与刀客 Lu ke yu dao ke1969年(第7届)获奖白景瑞 Ching-Zue Bai新娘与我 The Bride and I1968年(第6届)获奖白景瑞 Ching-Zue Bai寂寞的十七岁 Lonely Seventeen1967年(第5届)获奖李嘉 Li Jia 李嘉 Li Jia我女若兰 Orchids and My Love1966年(第4届)获奖李翰祥 Han Hsiang Li西施 Hsi shih1965年(第3届)获奖李行 Hsing Lee养鸭人家 Beautiful Duckling1963年(第2届)获奖李翰祥 Han Hsiang Li梁山伯与祝英台 The Love Eterne1962年(第1届)获奖陶秦 Qin Tao
2023-07-17 07:55:553


2023-07-17 07:56:031


这问题很深奥 没有答案
2023-07-17 07:56:101


好难啊 不懂
2023-07-17 07:56:191

the city of 和a city of有什么区别

a city of 是泛指的一座城市the city of 是特指某座城市
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2023-07-17 07:56:564


Guddi throws the twig away and wipes her hands on her brown dress. And begins to sing. 古蒂把那根小树枝扔出去,在棕色裙子上擦了擦手。然后她开始唱起歌来。 Guddi"s voice suggests that her throat contains magical things, impossible things. It is as though colours are singing,and each colour is a note. Chamdi"s skin breaks into ripples, and if he could fly he would go straight into the glass windows of the nearby classroom and come out unharmed. Such is the beauty of Guddi" s voice. 古蒂的歌声有着不可思议的魔力,好像是五颜六色的,每个音符都是一种颜色。祥弟的心整个荡漾了起来,如果他能飞的话,他会直接朝旁边教室的窗户飞进去,然后又原样飞出来,这就是古蒂的歌声的美妙之处。 The leaves in the trees move gently, as though the trees have felt her song, and dust rises in the air, and swirls about in a playful dance. 树叶轻轻地摇着,好像也听到了古蒂的歌声,地上的尘土飞到空中旋转,像是在顽皮地跳舞。 By the time Guddi finishes, Chamdi knows that this song is the beginning of something unearthly. So he will use unearthly words to tell her how lovely the song is. He leans towards her and whispers in her ear, "Khile Soma Kafusal." 古蒂唱完一首歌,祥弟觉得这首歌一定来自另一个世界,因此他决定用另一个世界的语言告诉古蒂这首歌有多么好听。他凑过去在古蒂耳边说:"Khile Soma Kafusal。" "What?" she says, slowly catching her breath. “什么?”古蒂说,慢慢地喘着气。 "Khile Soma Kafusal," he repeats softly. “Khile Soma Kafusal。”祥弟又轻轻地说了一遍。 "What does that mean?" “这是什么意思?” "It is spoken in the Language of Gardens. Someday I will tell you what it means." “这是花园语言,我以后告诉你是什么意思。” "Where is that language spoken?" “这种语言在哪儿用啊?” "In Kahunsha." “在卡洪莎。” "Kahunsha?" “卡洪莎?” "The city of no sadness. One day, all sadness will die, and Kahunsha will be born." “没有悲伤的城市。有一天这个世界所有的悲伤会消失,而卡洪莎就会出现。” As Chamdi whispers his secret to Guddi, he forgets, for a second, that it is night. Everything around him is luminous—the leaves, the red hair ribbon, the gravel is waiting to burst. 祥弟在把他的秘密偷偷告诉古蒂的时候,他有一刻忘了那是在夜晚。他周围的一切都染上了光晕—树叶、红发带和碎石子。 Guddi flicks the hair off her face and her brown eyes widen Her eyelashes seem to lengthen一they stretch out as if to reach Ghamdi. 古蒂把垂到脸上的头发抹开,睁大了褐色的眼睛。她的眼睫毛好像变长了,好像要伸出来碰到祥弟一样。 "Don"t be an idiot," she says. "How can such a place exist?" “别傻了,”她说,“怎么可能有这样的地方呢?” "Because of your song. Your song is so beautiful that it has the power to create a whole new city. “因为你唱的歌,那首歌太美了,它能创造出一个崭新的城市。” "Have you lost your mind?" “你是不是精神不正常了?” "Yes. And I will lose it again,and again,and again,until we are happy. You, me, Sumdi, Amma, the baby, even Dabba. Someday, we will all live together in Kahunsha." “对,我还会一次又一次地这样,直到我们过上快乐的生活。你,我,桑迪,艾玛,艾玛的孩子,还有达巴,有一天我们会在没有悲伤的城市生活在一起。” NINE 一帮孩子坐在手推车上抽着烟,桑迪也在里面,他坐在那个最小的孩子旁边,那个孩子头剃得光光的。祥弟看见那帮孩子轮着抽一支香烟,有个孩子在敲着一个马口铁罐,桑迪旁边的那个光头孩子也开始敲,不过他敲打的是桑迪那条坏腿,敲完了又趴在上面听,好像是想听听会发出什么声音。男孩们哈哈大笑,然后桑迪开始说话,祥弟意识到桑迪是在给他们讲故事,讲的是他的肋骨怎么突然变成了长牙。祥弟偷偷笑了,因为桑迪讲的可不怎么样。 A group of boys sit on a handcart and smoke. Sumdi is amongst them, seated next to the smallest boy, whose head is shaved. Chamdi watches the boys pass a cigarette from hand to hand, and wait for it to come back to them. One of the boys has a tin can and he drums on it. The bald one who sits next to Sumdi starts drumming too, but he does so on Sumdi"s polio leg,and then puts his ear to it, as though he expects it to emit a sound. The boys have a good laugh. Then Sumdi starts to speak and Chamdi realizes that Sumdi is telling them a story. It is about how his ribs will one day turn into tusks. Chamdi chuckles because Sumdi is doing is a terrible job of telling the story. 祥弟希望萨迪克夫人这时候就在他身边,能给他点忠告。他知道萨迪克夫人会说什么,偷东西是不对的。耶稣这时候没什么用,他总是沉默着。 Chamdi wishes Mrs. Sadiq were next to him right now, so she could offer him.good advice.He knows what she would say, that it is wrong to steal. Jesus would have been of no use right now. Jesus always stayed silent. “睡吧。”桑迪说。 "Go to sleep," says Sumdi. “不,我还想再待会儿。” "No,I"ll stay awake for a while." “做什么。” "And do what?" “想事情。” "Think." “想什么?” "About what?" “什么都想,我喜欢梦想。” "Anything. I"ll dream." “你醒着的时候怎么梦想?” "How can you dream while you"re awake?" “那是的梦。” "That"s the best kind of dream." “你得喝醉了才能梦得到,或者抽印度大麻,但是你没准连大麻是什么都不知道。” "You have to be drunk for that to happen. Or on ganja. But you must not even know what ganja is. "No." “的确不知道。” "Ganja is what poor people use to distract themselves from their miserable lives. But even that costs money." “大麻是穷人用来逃避悲惨命运的东西,但这也要花钱。” "That"s why I dream. Dreams are free." “这就是我要梦想的原因,梦想不要钱。” "Why are you so strange? Why can"t you be normal and spit on the road or shit in your pants?" “你怎么这么怪?你为什么不能正常点,在路上吐痰,或者拉在裤子里?” "Tell me,what"s the one thing you really want in your life?" asks Chamdi. “告诉我你真正想要的是什么?” "I want to leave Bombay." “我想离开孟买。” "That"s not a dream." “这不是梦想。” "Why not?" “为什么不是?” "Running away is not a dream. Anyway that is Bulbul"s dream." “逃离不是梦想,不管怎么样吧,那是布布的梦想。” "Who the hell is Bulbul?" “布布到底是谁?” Chamdi looks at Guddi. She smiles and then closes her eyes quickly as though a massive bout of sleep has suddenly come over her. 祥弟看着古蒂,她实然笑了一下,然后赶快闭上眼睛,好像沉重的睡意突然来袭一样。 "She is Bulbul?" asks Sumdi. "That terror, you called her a nightingale? You really are a dreamer. Now go to sleep." “她是布布?”桑迪问,“真可怕,你给她起了个夜莺的名字,你可真够能做梦的。现在去睡吧。” "Not before you answer my question." “你先回答我的问题。” "Why can"t you let me be? Go and talk to the rat if you are lonely. Here, I"ll lift the box and you can enter that hole and dream in the dark." “你为什么要缠着我?如果你闲得慌,就去跟老鼠说话吧。看,我把盒子拿起来,然后你就钻进洞里做梦了。” "What"s the one thing you really want?" “有什么东西是你真正梦想要得到的吗?” "You won"t let me sleep till I answer your question,will you?" “我不回答你的问题,你就不让我睡了,是吗?” "No." “对。” "Okay, I"ll tell you." “好,那我就告诉你。” "Truthfully." “讲实话。” "Yes,truthfully." Sumdi glances over at his sister. Her eyes stay closed. Amma stirs and then settles. A police jeep rushes past the bus stop. Ghamdi quickly imagines three blue-and-yellow-striped tigers roaring behind the jeep, serving as its siren. The police-tigers go to places the jeep cannot. They pick out the scent of thieves much better than any policeman. And they will look after the children of Bombay, treat them as their own cubs. “好,讲实话,”桑迪瞅了他妹妹一眼,古蒂闭着眼睛,艾玛动了一下又安静下来了。一辆警车冲过公共汽车站,祥弟马上想到三只蓝黄相间条纹的老虎跟在警车后面吼叫着,像警车的警报器一样。警察虎能到警车去不了的地方,它们比警察更能闻出贼的气味,它们还能照看孟买的孩子们,像对自己的虎崽一样。 "Okay," says Sumdi, holding his stiff leg. "I"ll tell you." “好,”桑迪说,他抓着那条僵硬的腿,“我告诉你。” "Good." “好的。” "But you can never repeat this to anyone. Not even back to me. And after we have had this stupid conversation, you"ll let me sleep in peace. Even if God comes and starts cooking mutton biryani in the middle of the road you" II not wake me." “但是你不能跟别人说,也不许再跟我重复。我们胡扯完之后,你就得让我好好睡觉,就算上帝来了,开始在路当中做羊肉比亚尼菜,你也不能叫醒我。” I promise. "You see this leg of mine? I"ve never been able to run. Even when I walk, I feel heavy. It"s as though all my anger collects in this leg and it gets heavier and heavier. Even when my father died,I couldn"t run to him. I got there last, after Amma and my sister. Sometimes I just wish that I wouldn"t feel so heavy So I really wish,you know, a waking dream just like yours in a way, that I will one day... No, it"s stupid. I"m sleeping." “我答应你。” "Go on, Sumdi." “看到我这条腿了吗?我从来都不能跑,就算走路都觉得沉重,就好像我的怒气都积聚在这条腿上一样,它变得越来越重。连我爸爸死的时候,我都没法朝他跑过去,最后我总算在艾玛和我妹妹后面到了那儿。有时候我只希望不会觉得这么沉重,你知道,就像你做白日梦一样,我希望有一天……算了,太傻了,我去睡了。” "What"s the point? What I wish for is impossible." “讲啊,桑迪。” "Why wish for what"s possible?" “这有什么意思啊?我希望的东西是不可能实现的。” "Is that so?" “为什么要希望能实现的东西呢?” "Yes, it"s like that." “难道不是这样吗?” "I want to fly,"he whispers. "That"s my dream. I,Sumdi, will one day fly all over Bombay, see every gulley> see all the shops,movie theatres,gambling dens, brothels, cock fights, cricket matches, and once I am done, I will fly over the sea like a champion bird, and never ever stop. I will keep on flying for the rest of my life." “不是的。” "That" s a wonderful dream."says Chamdi. “那我想飞,”桑迪小声说,“这是我的梦想。我,桑迪,有一天能飞遍孟买,看到每一条水沟,看到所有的商店、影剧院、赌场、妓院、斗鸡、板球赛,一旦我看完了这些,我就像一只冠军鸟一样,飞过大海,一直不停,我这辈子就在天上飞着了。” "But it can never come true,so what"s the use?" “这真是个很棒的梦想。”祥弟说。 Chamdi does not say anything. He wants to tell Sumdi about Kahunsha. How police-tigers will patrol the streets to keep them safe, how there will be flowers everywhere, how all the water taps will gush forth pure rainwater, and how, most of all, no one will be deformed and people will not hurt each other. “但这永远也不会成真,所以又有什么用呢?” 作者介绍: 阿诺什·艾拉尼,印度裔作家,在孟买长大,1998年移民加拿大。他不仅写小说,也写舞台剧。2004年,他的首部长篇《那残废和他的护身符》引起文坛瞩目。两年后的第二部作品《没有悲伤的城市》更是大放异彩,获美国图书馆协会2008年青少年好书提名,2007年加拿大广播公司的“全民读好书”选书,在加拿大和意大利均攻占畅销排行榜,售出美国、法国、意大利、西班牙、希腊、以色列等9国版权。 祥弟没说话,他想跟桑迪说没有悲伤的城市,警察虎怎么在街上巡逻,保护他们,怎样到处都是花,水龙头怎样喷出纯净的雨水,而且最主要的是,没有人会变成残疾,人们也不会彼此伤害。 在1993年的孟买,十岁的祥弟,自幼在孤儿院长大。他在脑海中构筑出一个祥和美好的乐土“卡洪莎”,意即“没有悲伤的城市”。面临孤儿院的拆迁,祥弟从院长口中得知父亲下落,随即带着自己沾染血迹的婴儿衣,展开了寻父之旅。他面对的不是梦想中的乐园,而是充满暴力与黑暗的孟买大街。祥弟与一对流浪街头的姐弟结伴同行,却又落入了黑道老大阿能拜的魔掌,更在当地一座印度教神庙的爆炸事件后,参与一场谋害无辜穆斯林家庭的血腥复仇行动。童年终要结束,美梦也总会清醒,哪个城市没有悲伤?身处残酷修罗场的祥弟被迫快快长大。他能否找到亲生父亲?
2023-07-17 07:57:151

2023-07-17 07:57:221

A small plane crashed into a hillside five miles east of the city, _____ all four people on board.

答案B主要测试分词短语作状语。由语境可知译文:一家小飞机撞到了城市东部五英里处一座小山边,结果飞机上四人全部遇难。从译文可知属于顺其自然的结果,故此选择现在分词killing。另外还应该注意答案:D ,to kill通常表示出乎意料的结果。例如:He hurried to the railway station to find the train has gone 。他匆忙赶到火车站,结果发现火车已经走了。(出乎意料)
2023-07-17 07:57:291

为什么full of可以用在主语后比如a girl full of sadness。

原句是the girl who is full of sadness... 这是一个定语从句,把who is 省略之后,full of 成为后置定语,修饰名词。
2023-07-17 07:57:451

sadness is a wall between two garden,求翻译

2023-07-17 07:57:538

Shenzhen has passed a new law to ban smoking in public, which canthe civilization of a city.

2023-07-17 07:58:181

以“How should we get rid of sadness?”的英语作文,不少于80字,谢谢

Nowadays,we can get a lot more things from doing sports.For one thing , we can be more healthy after doing sports, so we can be stronger and healthier. For another, when we are doing sport, it"s more easier to make friends.Because lots of sport like basketball need many people to join in, we can find the good friends. Therefore, I beliver that we can be healthy and happy when we do the sport. 希望能帮到你
2023-07-17 07:58:281

a wave of sadness run through me

2023-07-17 07:58:362

the air in the country is cleaner than ___ of a city

2023-07-17 07:58:432

catch a sense of sadness

My grandma departed this world with a sense of regret.
2023-07-17 07:58:501


问题一:请问,《清明上河图》的英文名是什么? 《清明上河图》,在英语媒体中一般以音译加注释的方法标名。常用的名称如下: Qingming shanghe tu (Ascending the River at Qingming Festival) ,painted by Zhang Zeduan。 这种译法也是官方的译法,中国负责对外宣传的中国新闻社英文稿都采用这种译法(参见:中新社: chinanews/...2) 国际学术界一般也接受这种译法,比如美国明尼苏达大学(umn)研究中国文学的客座教授Joseph R. Allen在自己的简历中提到此图时用的也是这个名称(参见 chorlauheung根据相关资料自行整理提供 问题二:求清明上河图的介绍 由来什么的。 英文版。 我觉得好,给高分。 在线等 Along The River During Ching Ming Festival in Chinese (清明上河图)was known as the work of Song Dynasty artist, Zhang Zeduan(张择端. The painting captures the daily life of people from the Song period at thecapital, bian liang (today"s Kaifeng 开封). The theme celebrates Ching Ming Festival (Qingming Festival). The entire piece was painted in handscroll format and the content reveals the lifestyle of all stratum of the society (from rich to poor) as well as different economic activities in rural areas and the city. It offers glimpse of the custumes and architecture during the period. As an artistic creation, the picture has been well revered and over the centuries, court artists of subsequent dynasties have reproduced several versions. 问题三:“清明上河图”英文怎么说? Upper river during the Qing Ming Festival 新东方的教材里出现的 问题四:清明上河图。用英语怎么说 其实拼音就好,前面加上a painting of 或a picture of,这是中国独有的东西,用拼音就行 问题五:《清明上河图》的英语怎么说 《清明上河图的英文翻译_百度翻译 《清明上河图 Qingming Festival festival_百度翻译 festival 英[?fest?vl] 美[?f?st?v?l] n. 节日; 节期; 贺宴,会演; adj. 节日的,喜庆的; [例句]Numerous Umbrian towns hold their own summer festivals of music, theatre, and dance 很多翁布里亚小镇举办自己的夏季音乐、戏剧和舞蹈节。 [其他] 复数:festivals 问题六:清明上河图用英文怎么说 清明上河图 [名] Riverside Scene at Qingming Festival; [例句]清明上河图里面可以看到悲伤和幸福的结合。 The Qingming Festival sees a bination of sadness and happiness. 问题七:清明上河图怎么翻译? 清明上河图的标准说法:Riverside Scene at Qingming Festival, Cross-stitch, .handiwork, 6m*0.75m
2023-07-17 07:58:571


1.四首有关于四季的英文诗歌 越简单越好 Bed in Summer Robert Louis Stevenson In winter I get up at night And dress by yellow candle-light. In summer, quite the other way, I have to go to bed by day. I have to go to bed and see The birds still hopping on the tree, Or hear the grown-up people"s feet Still going past me in the street. And does it seem hard to you, When all the sky is clear and blue, And I should like so much to play, To have to go to bed by day?。 2.描写四季的英文诗歌有哪些 The seasons (Robert Stevenson) Spring is gay with flower and song, Summmer is hot and days are long, Autumn is rich with fruit and grain, Winter brings snow and the New Year again. 四季歌 (罗伯特"史蒂文森) 春歌荡漾百花香, 夏季炎炎白日长, 秋天满地丰收果, 冬雪吉兆新气象. Spring Spring is life Spring is hope So is love and happiness. Spring renews. Without spring, life is forlorn. Spring is nostalgia after bitter storm. Put spring in your heart Fall Family and friends get together for Thanksgiving Autumn leaves are different colors Lots of fun jumping in leaves Leftover turkey we eat many days Winter Fun W inter Wonderland I gloo"s in the snow N ew snow falling T ubing down hills E veryone having R eindeer racing to delver presents. 3.描写四季的英文小诗 春天:Spring Spring is a delightful season. The temperatures are moderate, and the blooming trees and flowers make the city bright with colors. This is the time when we can begin to wear lighter and more brightly colored clothes and go outdoors more often. Smaller children like to bring their kites out to the spacious square. Also I enjoy going back to the village on this holiday after being in the city for the winter months. 春天是个让人欣喜的季节.气温适中,挂满绿叶的树和盛开的花朵给城市增添了明亮的色彩.在这个时节里,我们可以穿上轻便靓丽的衣服经常出门去了.小孩子们则喜欢在广阔的天空中放风筝.在城里呆了一个冬天之后,我也喜欢回到村子里度假. 夏天: Summer is the great season for all sports in the open air. It is the season for football which is often called the national sport because of its popularity. I usually watch television and read the newspaper reports about the football results of the little leagues. During the summer I like to go to the beach often because it is very close to my home. I usually go there during the summer vacation to relax after many months in school in the city. I feel very comfortable with the familiar quiet life of the villagers. 夏天是户外运动最好的季节.这是一个橄榄球的季节,橄榄球由于广受欢迎被称为全民运动.我常常看电视,看报纸,从报道中获得小联盟橄榄球赛的比赛结果.夏日里,我喜欢经常去海滩,因为那里离我家不远.在城里的学校呆了几个月后,暑假我常常去那里放松一下.此处有我很熟悉的村民们的宁静生活,这让我倍感舒适. 秋天:Autumn For me the autumn or fall starts in September when school starts its new term. I usually do some shopping. The mild weather made it very nice to study outside under the trees in a small park close to my house. I like to look up the leaves changing colors from green to red and yellow, and then brown colors. The park also has many bright fall flowers; sometimes I see a small squirrel coming down from the tree to hunt for food on the ground. On the weekends, I sometimes like to fly my kite. Usually on the street corners you can see street peddlers selling warm baked sweet potatoes. This is a nice time of the year. 我觉得秋天是在9月份新学期开始的时候来临.我常常要去买一些东西.宜人的天气让我感觉在离家不远的小公园的树下学习是件非常惬意的事.我喜欢抬起头看蓍枝头上的树叶由绿变红,变黄,然后再变褐.公园里还有许多鲜艳的秋花.有时我会见到小松鼠从树上跳到地上觅食.在周末,我有时会去放风筝.在街头的拐角处,常常会有街头小贩在卖烤红薯.秋天是一年中的好时节. 冬天:Winter Winter is very cold and windy in most parts of China. I usually look forward to the Spring Festival and the winter holiday when I can go to the south where the climate is warmer during these holidays. Also, I look forward to seeing my grandparents and my friends. Winter is the time everyone is in a festive mood. In the city, I usually do a lot of reading at home in the winter because of eh cold weather outside. 中国大部分地区的冬天是即冷又有风的。 我总是盼望着春节或寒假,到时候我就可以去南方了,当地的气候在这时会暖和的多。我也盼望着去探望我的祖父母和我的朋友。 冬天,每个人都怀着喜庆的心情。在城里,冬天的时候我经常待在家里尽情地看书,因为外面的天气非常的冷。 4.描写四季的英文小诗 春天:Spring Spring is a delightful season. The temperatures are moderate, and the blooming trees and flowers make the city bright with colors. This is the time when we can begin to wear lighter and more brightly colored clothes and go outdoors more often. Smaller children like to bring their kites out to the spacious square. Also I enjoy going back to the village on this holiday after being in the city for the winter months. 春天是个让人欣喜的季节.气温适中,挂满绿叶的树和盛开的花朵给城市增添了明亮的色彩.在这个时节里,我们可以穿上轻便靓丽的衣服经常出门去了.小孩子们则喜欢在广阔的天空中放风筝.在城里呆了一个冬天之后,我也喜欢回到村子里度假. 夏天: Summer is the great season for all sports in the open air. It is the season for football which is often called the national sport because of its popularity. I usually watch television and read the newspaper reports about the football results of the little leagues. During the summer I like to go to the beach often because it is very close to my home. I usually go there during the summer vacation to relax after many months in school in the city. I feel very comfortable with the familiar quiet life of the villagers. 夏天是户外运动最好的季节.这是一个橄榄球的季节,橄榄球由于广受欢迎被称为全民运动.我常常看电视,看报纸,从报道中获得小联盟橄榄球赛的比赛结果.夏日里,我喜欢经常去海滩,因为那里离我家不远.在城里的学校呆了几个月后,暑假我常常去那里放松一下.此处有我很熟悉的村民们的宁静生活,这让我倍感舒适. 秋天:Autumn For me the autumn or fall starts in September when school starts its new term. I usually do some shopping. The mild weather made it very nice to study outside under the trees in a small park close to my house. I like to look up the leaves changing colors from green to red and yellow, and then brown colors. The park also has many bright fall flowers; sometimes I see a small squirrel coming down from the tree to hunt for food on the ground. On the weekends, I sometimes like to fly my kite. Usually on the street corners you can see street peddlers selling warm baked sweet potatoes. This is a nice time of the year. 我觉得秋天是在9月份新学期开始的时候来临.我常常要去买一些东西.宜人的天气让我感觉在离家不远的小公园的树下学习是件非常惬意的事.我喜欢抬起头看蓍枝头上的树叶由绿变红,变黄,然后再变褐.公园里还有许多鲜艳的秋花.有时我会见到小松鼠从树上跳到地上觅食.在周末,我有时会去放风筝.在街头的拐角处,常常会有街头小贩在卖烤红薯.秋天是一年中的好时节. 冬天:Winter Winter is very cold and windy in most parts of China. I usually look forward to the Spring Festival and the winter holiday when I can go to the south where the climate is warmer during these holidays. Also, I look forward to seeing my grandparents and my friends. Winter is the time everyone is in a festive mood. In the city, I usually do a lot of reading at home in the winter because of eh cold weather outside. 中国大部分地区的冬天是即冷又有风的。 我总是盼望着春节或寒假,到时候我就可以去南方了,当地的气候在这时会暖和的多。我也盼望着去探望我的祖父母和我的朋友。 冬天,每个人都怀着喜庆的心情。在城里,冬天的时候我经常待在家里尽情地看书,因为外面的天气非常的冷。 5.谁有四季的英文诗歌 Spring is coming Birds are singing Summer is coming Boys are swimming Autumn is coming Leaves are falling Winter is coming Snowman is standing 春天到, 鸟儿啾啾到处啼。 夏天到, 儿童池中来游戏。 秋天到, 落叶萧萧秋风里。 冬天到, 雪人巍巍雪中立。 (英诗是下载的,翻译是我自己的。只希望对你有帮助。) 6.一首描写四季的英语的简短诗歌(无需作文,五年级水平,几句话就ok) (一) Spring is the start of the year, every thing begins to wake up from the long cold winter; Birds start to sing songs every morning out side the window, trees grow their new leaves. Summer comes right after the spring wind blow itself away. In summer the trees go deep green, people dress in shorts and shirts and skirts, they go swimming a lot. Autumn comes after summer, leaves turn brown and fall down to the ground, fruits and crops grow ripe and farmers harvest in their fields. Winter comes at last, wind blows and snow falls, everyone stays at home and enjoy the peace and quite of winter. (二) I like summer best!In summer,the weather is sunny and hot.I can eat my favourite food—ice creams!I"m very happy!I like swimming in the pool with my friends.In summer,the flowers are beautiful,the grss is very green.I can have a picnic with my parents.And we have fun! I like summer best!Do you like it,too? 我六年级o(∩_∩)o 7.急求关于四季的英文诗歌 Spring sigh I silently growth Collect the centennial dream You will only Can make a stare I silently The full of beautiful trees violet Butterflies fly into a drop In cold morning in heart Summer yinjuan Don"t use your enthusiasm within me In your eyes beneath I have no escape I why want to escape Let me make a wisp of smoke melting May your head long hovering Don"t use your wild or me The hurricane in your arms I have zero completion How do you know I was a residual to zero Sleep in your silence The thought of autumn Through may, miss still crazy Through shade, summer glummer The autumn Jian Jia grey She is LingPing watch Don"t look back, don"t look back Look back. Waste The soul of winter I am a happy elves Deep fragrance freely between heaven and earth Accidentally awaken you lonely soul Fall on your palm of moist then Shattered For RuShi you parching lips 下面是译文: 春之叹 我默默地生长 珍藏百年的梦想 只为行色匆匆的你 能作片刻的驻足凝望 我静静地开放 那满树美丽的淡紫啊 化作彩蝶翩然坠下 在幽冷的清晨徒然心碎神伤 夏之吟 不要 用你的热情围剿我 在你炙热的目光里 我无处逃脱 我为什么要逃脱 就让我熔化作一缕轻烟吧 好在你的头顶久久盘桓 不要 用你的狂野袭卷我 在你飓风般的拥抱里 我早已零落成泥 你如何知道 我甘愿零落成一支残荷 酣睡在你沉默的胸前 秋之思 走过五月,思念依然疯长 穿透绿荫,夏日越发忧郁 蒹葭苍苍的秋水边 是伊人伶俜的守望 莫回首啊,莫回首 回首枉神伤 冬之魂 我本是一只快乐的精灵 天地间自由地轻舞飞扬 无意惊醒你寂寥的灵魂 坠落在你温润的掌心 于是 粉身碎骨 只为濡湿你干渴的唇 谢谢请采纳 8.英语关于四季的优美句段 1。 the spring, the summer, The chilling autumn, angry winter, change Their wonted liveries; and the mazed world By their increase, now knows not which is which. - William Shakespeare, A Midsummer Night"s Dream 2.No matter how long the winter, spring is sure to follow. - Proverb from Guinea 3.Spring passes and one remembers one"s innocence Summer passes and one remembers one"s exuberance Autumn passes and one remembers one"s reverence Winter passes and one remembers one"s perseverance. - Yoko Ono, Season of Glass 4.Winter is an etching, spring a watercolor, summer an oil painting and autumn a mosaic of them all. - Stanley Horowitz 5.For man, autumn is a time of harvest, of gathering together. For nature, it is a time of sowing, of scattering abroad. - Edwin Way Teale 6.There is a harmony In autumn, and a lustre in its sky, Which through the summer is not heard or seen, As if it could not be, as if it had not been! - Percy Bysshe Shelley 7.Delicious autumn! My very soul is wedded to it, and if I were a bird I would fly about the earth seeking the successive autumns. - George Eliot 8.Winter is cold-hearted. Spring is yea and nay, Autumn is a weather-cock, Blown every way. Summer days for me. When every leaf is on its tree. - Christina Rossetti 9.Then summer fades and passes and October comes. We"ll smell smoke then, and feel an unexpected sharpness, a thrill of nervousness, swift elation, a sense of sadness and departure. - Thomas Wolfe 10. autumn is leaving tugging each others" branches two pine trees - Shiki"s Autumn Poem。 9.急求关于四季的英文诗歌 Spring sighI silently growthCollect the centennial dreamYou will onlyCan make a stareI silentlyThe full of beautiful trees violetButterflies fly into a dropIn cold morning in heartSummer yinjuanDon"t use your enthusiasm within meIn your eyes beneathI have no escapeI why want to escapeLet me make a wisp of smoke meltingMay your head long hoveringDon"t use your wild or meThe hurricane in your armsI have zero completionHow do you knowI was a residual to zeroSleep in your silenceThe thought of autumnThrough may, miss still crazyThrough shade, summer glummerThe autumn Jian Jia greyShe is LingPing watchDon"t look back, don"t look backLook back. WasteThe soul of winterI am a happy elvesDeep fragrance freely between heaven and earthAccidentally awaken you lonely soulFall on your palm of moistthenShatteredFor RuShi you parching lips下面是译文:春之叹 我默默地生长 珍藏百年的梦想 只为行色匆匆的你 能作片刻的驻足凝望 我静静地开放 那满树美丽的淡紫啊 化作彩蝶翩然坠下 在幽冷的清晨徒然心碎神伤 夏之吟 不要 用你的热情围剿我 在你炙热的目光里 我无处逃脱 我为什么要逃脱 就让我熔化作一缕轻烟吧 好在你的头顶久久盘桓 不要 用你的狂野袭卷我 在你飓风般的拥抱里 我早已零落成泥 你如何知道 我甘愿零落成一支残荷 酣睡在你沉默的胸前 秋之思 走过五月,思念依然疯长 穿透绿荫,夏日越发忧郁 蒹葭苍苍的秋水边 是伊人伶俜的守望 莫回首啊,莫回首 回首枉神伤 冬之魂 我本是一只快乐的精灵 天地间自由地轻舞飞扬 无意惊醒你寂寥的灵魂 坠落在你温润的掌心 于是 粉身碎骨 只为濡湿你干渴的唇 谢谢请采纳。
2023-07-17 07:59:061


sad是伤心,sad为形容词。。ness结尾的词为名词。。即sadness 翻译成 伤心。。。只不过是sad的名词形式
2023-07-17 08:00:513


1973 《龙争虎门》     Wits to Wits 1973 《大铁牛》     Return of the Panther 1974 《狼狈为奸》     Enter the Dragon 1980 《地狱无门》     We"re Going to Eat You 1980 《师弟出马》     The Young Master 1980 《鬼打鬼》     Encounter of the Spooky Kind 1981 《老鼠街》     The Gold Hunters 1981 《舞厅 》     The Club 1982 《龙之忍者》     Ninja in the Dragon"s Den 1982 《龙少爷》     Dragon Lord 1982 《A计划》     Project A 1983 《空心大少爷》     Just for Fun 1983 《梁上君子》     1983 《人吓人》     The Dead and the Deadly 1983 《奇谋妙计五福星》     Winners & Sinners 1984 《猫头鹰与小飞象》     The Owl vs Bumbo 1984 《神勇双响炮》     Pom Pom 1984 《鬼线人》     The Ghost Informer 1984 《鬼马天师》     Taoism drunkard 1984 《公仆》     Law with Two Phases 1985 《皇家师姐》     Yes, Madam 1985 《四眼仔》     Mummy Dearest 1985 《龙的心》     Heart of Dragon 1985 《夏日福星》     Twinkle, Twinkle, Lucky Stars 1985 《祝您好运》     Lucky Diamond 1985 《妙探孖宝》     Two Jolly Cops 1985 《警察故事》     Two Jolly Cops 1986 《神勇双响炮续集》     Rosa 1986 《阴阳奇兵》     The Young Taoism Fighter 1986 《霹雳大喇叭》     Where"s Officer Tuba 1986 《开心鬼精灵》     Love Me Vampire 1986 《流氓英雄》     The Innocent Interloper 1986 《执法先锋》     Righting Wrongs 1986 《神探朱古力》     Mr Boo VIII Chocolate Inspector 1986 《再见妈咪》     Goodbye Mammie 1986 《僵尸翻生》     New Mr. Vampire 1987 《天赐良缘》     Sister Cupid 1987 《养鬼仔》     Crazy Spirit 1987 《僵尸少爷》     Magic Story 1987 《天官赐福》     Reincarnation 1987 《表哥到》     My Cousin, the Ghost 1987 《A计划》     Project A II 1987 《喋血城市》     City on Fire 1988 《警察故事续集 》     Police Story II 1988 《鬼咁串》     Vampire Partner 1988 《烈血风云》     A Bloody Fight 1988 《大丈夫日记》     The Diary of a Big Man 1988 《神探父子兵》     In the Blood 1988 《惊魂今晚夜》     Into the Night 1988 《飞龙猛将》     Dragons Forever 1988 《继续跳舞》     Carry on Dancing 1988 《灵幻小姐》     Lady Vampire 1988 《大话神探》     Fumbling Cops 1989 《黑道福星》     Carry on Yakuzas 1989 《皇家飞凤》     Angel Enforcers 1989 《悲情城市》     City of Sadness 1989 《师姐大晒》     The Blonde Fury 1989 《奇迹》     Miracle 1989 《再见王老五》     The Bachelor"s Swan Song 1989 《猛鬼舞厅》     Ghost Ballroom 1989 《烈火街头》     Into the Fire 1989 《急冻奇侠》     Iceman Cometh 1990 《瘦虎肥龙》     Skinny Tiger & Fatty Dragon 1990 《新半斤八两》     Front Page 1990 《尸家重地》     Mortuary Blues 1990 《脂粉双雄》     Panty Hose Hero 1990 《西环的故事》     Story of Kennedy Town 1990 《天师捉奸》     Ghostly Vixen 1990 《午夜天使》     Midnight Angel 1990 《喋血风云》     Return to Action 1991 《僵尸翻生续集》     New Mr. Vampire II 1991 《赌霸》     The Top Bet 1991 《新精武门》 1991     Fist of Fury 1991 《烈火情仇》     The Godfather"s Daughter Mafia Blues 1991 《密宗威龙》     The Tantana 1991 《皇家师姐之海狼》     Sea Wolves 1991 《妖魔道》     Devil"s Vendetta 1992 《音乐僵尸》     The Musical Vampire 1992 《妙探双娇》     Beauty Investigator 1992 《五福星撞鬼》     Ghost Punting 1992 《大八卦》     Lucky Way 1993 《新碧血剑》     The Sword Stained with Royal Blood 1993 《93街头霸王》     Drug Tiger 1993 《婚礼中枪声》     Danger of the Wedding 1993 《画魂》     La Peintre 1993 《黄飞鸿之鬼脚七》     Kick Boxer 1993 《水浒传之英雄本色》     All Men Are Brothers- blood of the Leopard 1994 《终极猎杀》     Hunting List 1994 《钟馗嫁妹》     The Chinese Ghostbuster 1994 《醉拳II》     Drunken Master II 1994 《新义本无言》     All Mighty Gambler 1994 《非洲超人》     The Gods Must be Funny in China 1995 《救世神棍》     Heaven Can"t Wait 1995 《鬼巴士》     Ghostly Bus 1995 《狂野生死恋》     A Touch of Evil 1996 《运财五福星》     How to Meet the Lucky Stars 1996 《懵仔多情》     Stooge, My Love 1996 《扭计杂牌军》     Naughty Boys 1996 《危险任务》     Dangerous Duty 1997 《卧底神算》     Magic Mod 1997 《一个字头的诞生》     Too Many Ways to Be no.1 1999 《想死趁现在》     A Chance To Die 1999 《上帝之手》     Heaven of the Hope 2000 《极速僵尸》     The Vampire Combat 2000 《运转手之恋》     The Cabbie 2001 《豹女之夺命之旅》     Her Name is Cat 2 Journey to Death 2002 《京城泣血之李香君》     Prostitutes in The Years Past - Li Hsiang Chun 2003 《黑狗来了》     Black Dog is Coming 2009《爸...你好吗?》 How are you, Dad?可以从百度百科中查查
2023-07-17 08:01:001

a note of的含义,例句!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

There was a note of warning in what he said.他的话带有一种警告的口气。He replied with a note of mockery in his voice.他带着嘲笑的声调回答.I"ll make a note of that. Would you like me to confirm the appointment?我把它记下来。要我确认这次约会吗?
2023-07-17 08:01:152


1、你走了以后我唯一能做的就是:等你回来。 After you leave, the only thing I can do is wait for you to come back. 2、什么时候,才可以解开那个,未知数幸福。 When can we untie the unknown happiness. 3、年轻时你说要把生命献给爱情,后来你没死青春替你抵了命。 When you were young, you said you would give your life to love. Later, when you didn"t die, your youth saved your life. 4、夜深人静的时候,思念才会如此放肆。 In the dead of night, miss will be so presumptuous. 5、明明喜欢的是你,却要装做无关痛痒,开着你跟别人的玩笑。 Clearly like you, but to pretend to be irrelevant, you joke with others. 6、若只有梦里见你,我愿永睡不醒。 If I only see you in my dream, I will never wake up. 7、就算我在世界任何一个地方,你的消息,我都不会错过。 Even if I am anywhere in the world, I will not miss your news. 8、愿我们的快乐不缺观众,愿我们的故事都有人懂。 May our happiness not be short of audiences, and may our stories be understood. 9、找不到一个安慰自己旳借口,只能试着让自己遗忘。 Can not find an excuse to comfort themselves, can only try to let themselves forget. 10、每晚睡前,原谅所有的人和事。 Every night before going to bed, forgive all people and things. 11、彼此的想恋,在蔓延。 Each other want to love, in the spread. 12、我对虚伪的男人,只付出虚伪的爱。 I only pay hypocritical love to hypocritical men. 13、孤独的流浪,一个人漫步在街角。 Lonely wandering, a person walking in the corner. 14、能删掉的东西一定要删掉,否则会占内存。 What can be deleted must be deleted, otherwise it will occupy memory. 15、跌跌撞撞才明白了许多,舍不得却又无可奈何。 Stumble to understand a lot, reluctant but helpless. 16、牵强着的快乐,是悲伤的最高级。 Far fetched happiness is the highest level of sadness. 17、没有结局的感情,总要结束。 No ending of the feelings, always end. 18、哪里有人喜欢孤独,不过是受够了失望。 Where people like loneliness, but enough of disappointment. 19、我的爱情从未靠岸搁浅过,因为中途就返航行驶了。 My love has never been stranded, because it"s on the way back. 20、走了那么多弯路,终于回到了最想来的地方。 After so many detours, I finally returned to the place I wanted to come to. 21、棉花糖迷失最初的味道,我一个人恪守空城。 Marshmallow lost the original taste, I abide by the empty city. 22、些人,越看越陌生,一些事,越想越心痛。 Some people, the more strange to see, some things, the more I think, the more heartache. 23、我只是想简单快乐,为什么社会却如此的复杂。 I just want to be simple and happy. Why is society so complicated. 24、从未想过绝望看,直到他走的那一天。 Never thought of despair until the day he left. 25、不要到处宣泄内心,难道世上只有你有故事。 Don"t let your heart out everywhere. Are you the only one in the world who has a story. 26、我不去想象今天过后的日子,我只想好好珍惜今天。 I don"t want to imagine the days after today, I just want to cherish today. 27、我们不是女主,没有光环,有些事只有经历过才懂。 We are not female masters. We have no aura. We can only understand some things when we have experienced them. 28、现在翻翻以前的说说出来看,好像在读另一个自己。 Now turn over the previous talk to see, as if reading another self. 29、别让我再看见你,偶然碰上也不行。 Don"t let me see you again. I can"t run into you by chance. 30、这一场来历不明的幸福,我看不到出路。 I can"t see a way out for this unidentified happiness. 31、别总把悲伤挂在嘴上,每个人都有自己的故事。 Don"t always talk about sadness. Everyone has his own story. 32、有些人、承受不住多一次的失败。真懦弱! Some people can"t bear one more failure. What a coward! 33、我现在试着放下你,而不是奢望你还可以回到我身边。 I"m trying to put you down now, instead of expecting you to come back to me. 34、讲不出的难过,流不出的眼泪,最痛的沉默。 Unspeakable sadness, unspeakable tears, the most painful silence. 35、你不是我爱情中的人,但你却是给我友情最丰富的人。 You are not the one I love, but you are the one who gives me the most friendship. 36、这个世界很大,可是没有人听我说话。 The world is big, but no one listens to me. 37、承受背叛算什么,更难受的是成全背叛。 What is betrayal to bear? What is more painful is to fulfill betrayal. 38、当我转身时,早已物是人非。 When I turn around, things have changed. 39、世界真的太小、没有地方逃跑。 The world is too small to escape. 40、一别之后,两地相悬,只说是三四月,又谁知五六年。 After a farewell, the two places hung together, only in March and April, who knows five or six years. 41、我心情不好没关系,你开心就好。 It doesn"t matter if I"m in a bad mood. Just be happy. 42、摆渡红尘你牵了谁的手,而我却用岁月望瘦了春秋。 Ferry the world of mortals whose hand you hold, but I use years to look thin spring and autumn. 43、亲爱的最好不要叫出口,因为你叫了就等于说你已经屈服了。 Honey, it"s better not to call out, because if you call out, it means that you have given in. 44、如果我放弃了、不是因为我输了、而是我懂了。 If I give up, not because I lose, but because I understand. 45、假装不爱你,和假装你爱我,哪一样更残忍一点。 Pretend not to love you, and pretend you love me, which is more cruel. 46、要学会耐心等待,最好的总会在最不经意的时候出现。 Learn to be patient, the best things come when you least expect them to. 47、空山新雨后,天气晚来秋。 The empty mountain is bathed in new rain, and the arrival of night makes people feel that it is early autumn. 48、我不要任何形式的对不起,我要你对得起。 I don"t want anything. I"m sorry. I want you to be right. 49、如果你是来了还会走的人,那我宁愿错过你。 If you come and go, I"d rather miss you. 50、挤不进去的世界,就不要挤了,碍了别人的眼累了自己的心。 If you can"t squeeze into the world, don"t squeeze it. It hinders other people"s eyes and tires your heart. 51、或许,除了记忆,我们别无其他可以带走或是留下。 Maybe, we have nothing to take away or leave behind but memory. 52、从今以后你的每个明天。都跟我无关。 Every tomorrow from now on. It"s none of my business. 53、故事越少,伤痛越少。如此,回忆虽然单薄,但多半很美好。 The less stories, the less pain. In this way, although memories are thin, they are mostly beautiful. 54、我们曾经路过就不会错过,既然错过就不会再路过。 We will never miss it if we pass by. Since we miss it, we will never pass by again. 55、我们最先衰老的从来不是容貌,而是那份不顾一切的闯劲。 Our first aging has never been appearance, but that desperate aggressiveness. 56、发脾气,只是表示您的智慧不足以解决你所面临的问题。 Losing your temper just means that your wisdom is not enough to solve the problem you are facing. 57、我真的很累很累,却无人看出并给予我安慰。 I am really tired, but no one can see and comfort me. 58、他不会愧疚,说不定他现在正在为了某个女生赴汤蹈火。 He won"t feel guilty. Maybe he"s going through fire and water for a girl. 59、曾经在我眼前,却又消失不见,这是今天的第六遍。 Once in front of my eyes, but disappeared, this is the sixth time today. 60、你要静候,再静候,即使失收,始终要守。 You have to wait, and then wait, even if the loss, always keep. 61、那句话始终不敢开口,只能放在心里了。 That sentence always dare not speak, can only put in the heart. 62、剪个光光头、换你一回眸。 Cut a bald head, for you to look back. 63、虽有念但无想,从此山水不相逢。 Although there is a thought, but no thought, since then the landscape does not meet. 64、即使后来的他们有千万般好,都不及你来得早。 Even if they were as good as you, they didn"t come as early as you. 65、难过的不是情人节没人过,而是明明有爱人却还是自己过。 Sad is not Valentine"s day no one, but clearly have a lover but still their own. 66、我在寻找一个理由去为你悲伤。 I"m looking for a reason to grieve for you. 67、多希望时间不再流转,让一切停留在相拥的时刻。 I hope that time will not flow, let everything stay in the moment of embracing. 68、我从没有这样安静过,又好像从来如此。 I"ve never been so quiet, and it seems that I"ve never been. 69、有些路很远,走下去会很累,可是,不走会后悔。 Some road is very far, go down will be very tired, but, do not go will regret. 70、想不开,就不想;得不到,就不要;难为自己,何必呢? If you can"t think of it, you don"t want it; if you can"t get it, you don"t want it; if you can"t do it for yourself, why? 71、我放下尊严,放下了个性,放下了固执,都是因为你。 I put down dignity, personality and stubbornness, it"s all because of you. 72、对于我们不爱的人,真的不能付出,一旦付出就会罪孽深重。 For those we don"t love, we really can"t pay. Once we pay, we will be sinful. 73、懂了,千山万水,互道珍重不如相拥。 Understand, mountains and rivers, mutual treasure is better than embracing. 74、人一旦习惯了孤独,那才是比悲伤更悲伤的事。 Once people get used to loneliness, it is more sad than sadness. 75、分手后的思念,注定就是犯贱。 Missing after breaking up is doomed to be cheap. 76、有人说,背上行囊,就是过客;放下包袱,就找到了故乡。 Some people say that carrying luggage is a passer-by; if you put down the burden, you will find your hometown. 77、我们都太骄傲,骄傲着说不痛,谁知转过身就流泪。 We are too proud, proud to say no pain, who knows turned to tears. 78、原谅万般不舍的我,只是笑一句恕不远送。 Forgive me for not giving up, just smile, forgive not far away. 79、少谈什么天长地久,我从来不求长相厮守。 Don"t talk about forever. I never want to be together. 80、醒来的过了一天,没醒的过了一生。 Wake up a day, did not wake up a life. 81、我现在试着放下你而不是奢望你还可以回到我身边。 Now I try to put you down instead of expecting you to come back to me. 82、别人都是手牵手,我却牵着一条狗,看谁不爽,咬谁一口。 Others are hand in hand, but I am holding a dog to see who is upset and bite who. 83、每次我都选择相信,你相信是爱我的。 Every time I choose to believe, you believe that you love me. 84、为情所困的都是二货,关键是找到牢的钥匙。 The key is to find the key. 85、别人过的那叫生活,自己过的是历险记。 What others live is called life, what they live is adventure.
2023-07-17 08:01:361


1、众芳摇落独暄妍,占尽风情向小园。林逋 All the fangs shake down alone Xuan Yan, occupy the amorous feelings to the small garden. 2、万物迎春送残腊,一年结局在今宵。戴复古 All things in spring send residual wax, the end of the year tonight. 3、遥知独听灯前雨,转忆同看雪后山。纳兰性德 Far away, I hear the rain before the lamp, and I remember watching the snow behind the mountain. 4、清晨入古寺,初日明高林。常建 Early morning into the ancient temple, early Ming Gaolin. 5、没有理想的人像晕头鸡。缅甸谚语 No ideal man is like a sick chicken. 6、后夜相思,尘随马去,月逐舟行。刘过 After the night of Acacia, dust with the horse, the moon by boat line. 7、人生而自由,但无往不在枷锁之中。卢梭 Life is free, but everything is in chains. 8、知章骑马似乘船,眼花落井水底眠。杜甫 Zhizhang rides a horse like a boat, his eyes fall into the well and sleep at the bottom of the water. 9、轩冕而敬,伪也。匿就而爱,私也。曾国藩 Xuan crown and respect, false also. To love with concealment is private. 10、功有所不全,力有所不任,才有所不足。宋濂 Only when one"s work is not complete, and one"s strength is not responsible, can there be inadequacy. 11、高价买诚实,永远也值得。谚语 Honesty is always worth the price. 12、民不畏死,奈何以死惧之。道德经 The people are not afraid of death. How can they fear death. 13、没有比害怕本身更可害怕的了。培根 There is nothing more to fear than fear itself. 14、自信与自靠是坚强的柱石。英国 Self confidence and self reliance are strong pillars. 15、终南阴岭秀,积雪浮云端。祖咏 Zhongnan Yinling show, snow floating clouds. 16、青山遮不住,毕竟东流去。辛弃疾 The green mountains can"t cover it. After all, it flows eastward. 17、知识犹如人体的血液一样宝贵。高士其 Knowledge is as precious as the blood of the human body. 18、人生有情泪沾臆,江水江花岂终极!杜甫 Life is full of love and tears, river water and flower is not the ultimate! 19、前村后垄桑柘深,东邻西舍无相侵。贯休 There are deep mulberry trees in the front village and the back ridge. 20、可怜九月初三夜,露似真珠月似弓。白居易 On the third night of the third day of September, the dew is like a pearl and the moon is like a bow. 21、身体健康者常年轻。马尔夫特 Healthy people are often young. 22、笔落惊风雨,诗成泣鬼神。杜甫 Writing down the wind and rain, poetry into tears of ghosts and gods. 23、书籍是全世界的营养品。莎士比亚 Books are the nutrition of the world. 24、目断秋霄落雁,醉来时响空弦。辛弃疾 The eye breaks the autumn sky, and the wild geese fall in the sky. 25、会得离人无限意,千丝万絮惹春风。郑谷 Will leave infinite meaning, thousands of silk million Xu make spring breeze. 26、教学必须从学习者已有的经验开始。杜威 Teaching must begin with the learners" experience. 27、回首故山千里外,别离心绪向谁言?杨徽之 Looking back on the old mountain thousands of miles away, who do you want to say goodbye? 28、一个人没有朋友,就像生活里没有阳光。苏联 A person without friends is like life without sunshine. 29、斜阳照墟落,穷巷牛羊归。王维 The setting sun shines on the ruins, and cattle and sheep return to the poor lane. 30、真理是永远蒙蔽不了的。莎士比亚 Truth can never be blinded. 31、人类心灵需要理想甚于需要物质。雨果 The human mind needs ideals more than matter. 32、勿以恶小而为之,勿以善小而不为。陈寿 Don"t take evil as small as possible, don"t do good with little. 33、草长莺飞二月天,拂堤杨柳醉春烟。高鼎 The grass grows and the warbler flies in February, and the willows and willows are drunk in spring smoke. 34、扁舟昨泊,危亭孤啸,目断闲云千里。吴潜 When the boat was moored yesterday, the Wei pavilion was howling alone, and the eyes were broken and the clouds were thousands of miles away. 35、圣贤成大事者,皆从战战兢兢之心来。曾国藩 The sages who succeed in great things come from the heart of trembling. 36、成功由大量的失望铸就。肖伯纳 Success is built by a lot of disappointment. 37、仓禀无宿储,徭役犹未已。韦应物 Cang had no savings and had no corvee. 38、算韶华,又因循过了,清明时候。王雱 Calculate Shaohua, and follow the past, Qingming time. 39、风雨端阳生晦冥,汨罗无处吊英灵。贝琼 The wind and rain Dragon Boat sun lives gloomy, Miluo has no place to hang the hero. 40、顽强这就是作家技能的秘密。杰克伦敦 Tenacity is the secret of a writer"s skill. 41、三分春色描来易,一段伤心画出难。汤显祖 It"s easy to describe the spring scenery in three minutes, but it"s difficult to draw a section of sadness. 42、我们的报酬取决于我们所做出的贡献。韦特莱 Our reward depends on the contribution we make. 43、持斧伐远扬,荷锄觇泉脉。王维 With an axe, the lotus hoes the spring. 44、人要为善,先要明善始得。曾国藩 If a man wants to be good, he must know the good before he gets it. 45、秋声带叶萧萧落,莫响城头角!董士锡 Autumn vocal cord leaves Xiao Xiao fall, Mo Xiang City head corner! 46、山雪河冰野萧瑟,青是烽烟白人骨。杜甫 The mountains and rivers are bleak, and the green is the white bones of the beacon smoke. 47、半生已分孤眠过,山枕檀痕涴。纳兰性德 Half a life has been separated from sleep, sandalwood traces on the mountain pillow. 48、十年驱驰海色寒,孤臣于此望宸銮。戚继光 Ten years drive away the sea color cold, solitary minister in this Wang Chen Luan. 49、晓看天色暮看云,行也思君,坐也思君。唐寅 When you look at the sky at dawn and clouds at dusk, you will miss you when you are walking or sitting. 50、城边有古树,日夕连秋声。李白 There are ancient trees on the edge of the city. 51、夜深知雪重,时闻折竹声。白居易 The snow is heavy at night, and the sound of bamboo folding is heard. 52、耐心和恒心总会得到报酬的。爱因斯坦 Patience and perseverance will always be rewarded. 53、对秋深,离恨苦,数夜满庭风雨。孙光宪 Deep autumn, from hate bitter, night full of wind and rain. 54、风乍起,吹皱一池春水。冯延巳 The wind suddenly rises, wrinkling a pool of spring water. 55、草秀故春色,梅艳昔年妆。李世民 The grass shows the spring color, and Mei Yan used to make up in the past. 56、不成心专一事,决不能达成一志。道元 If you don"t concentrate on one thing, you can never achieve one goal. 57、伟大的事业需要始终不渝的精神。伏尔泰 Great cause needs unswerving spirit. 58、朝辞白帝彩云间,千里江陵日还。李白 During the reign of the White Emperor, the mausoleum of a thousand li River returns to the sun. 59、门外平桥连柳堤,归来晚树黄莺啼。温庭筠 Outside the gate, the bridge connects with the willow dike, and the tree warbler crows in the evening. 60、思想像胡须,不成熟就不可能长出来。伏尔泰 Thought is like a beard, it cannot grow without maturity.
2023-07-17 08:02:011


1、走过曾经的风景,竟还会误会身旁仍有你。 Past the scenery, but also misunderstood you. 2、抽烟的人有故事,喝酒的人有心事。 The smoker has a story, and the drinker has a heart. 3、昨日的温情不再,今日的哀伤和孤独同来。 Yesterday"s warmth no longer, today"s sadness and loneliness come. 4、我即使消失了,也没人会发现。 I"ll never find it even if I disappear. 5、当你转身离去的那刻起,你我已是陌生人。 When you turn around and leave, you and I are strangers. 6、你对我来说,不愿提起,又怕忘记。 You are not willing to mention it to me, and you are afraid to forget. 7、我们和好吧。这句话,越长大越说不出口。 Let"s make it up. The older the sentence, the more speechless. 8、爱若难以放进手里,何不将这双手放进心里。 If love is difficult to put into the hand, why not put the hands in the heart. 9、就让我盲了吧,看不穿你的虚情假意。 Let me blind, do not see your hypocrisy. 10、让孤独者继续如愿以偿,算是一种公道。 It is fair to keep the lonely people to do what they want. 11、生活不易,但我们还是不愿放弃与将就。 Life is not easy, but we still don"t want to give up and make it. 12、你还是那个你,只是我不想再爱你了。 You are still that you, but I don"t want to love you any more. 13、一直看手机,其实啥都没有。 I always watch my mobile phone, but I don"t have anything. 14、路长,但求路长,一路风雨又何妨。 Road chief, but to seek long road, all the way rain and rain what is the matter. 15、你是我最苦涩的等待,让我欢喜又害怕未来。 You are my most bitter waiting, let me rejoice and fear the future. 16、其实一个人很好,就是有点难过有点寂寞。 Actually, a person is very good, is a little sad and a little lonely. 17、我所谓的坚强,不过是自欺欺人的伪装。 I call it strong, but a pretense of self deception. 18、有些爱只能止于唇齿,掩于岁月。 Some love can only stop at the lips and teeth, and cover up in years. 19、真的好想疯狂的醉一次,放松疲惫的心情。 Really want to be drunk crazy once, relax tired mood. 20、不爱了就不爱你,别拿累了当借口。 If you don"t love, don"t take tired as an excuse. 21、因为自己喜欢的人不理自己了,被伤了心。 Because the person that likes doesn"t care about himself, is hurt heart. 22、整座城市都在看雨,只有我在看你带没带伞。 The whole city is watching the rain. Only I am watching you take no umbrella. 23、想一想就疼的回忆,又怎么能对别人提起。 Think about the pain of memories, and how can I mention it to others. 24、生活很累,但还是要继续。 Life is very tired, but it"s still going to be. 25、曾经爱过,仅此而已。 I love it once, that"s all. 26、宁做冷酷的恶魔,不做多情的蠢货。 Rather than be a cold devil, not a sentimental fool. 27、等失望攒够了,我就会离开。 When I have enough disappointment, I will leave. 28、不分手的恋爱,原来只是一首歌的名字。 Love without breaking up, it turns out to be the name of a song. 29、失望到极致,也就坚强到极致。 Disappointment to the extreme, also strong to the extreme. 30、在这烦躁的世界,我也跟着烦躁。 In this fidgety world, I follow it. 31、你连人都没生过,拿什么质疑人生。 You haven"t even been born, question life with anything. 32、记住,你只能活一辈子。 Remember, you can only live a lifetime. 33、我猜,你在等一个不爱你的人,爱上你。 I guess you"re waiting for someone who doesn"t love you, and you love. 34、要长大,要学会一个人抵挡千军万马。 To grow up, we should learn to resist thousands of troops and horses by one person. 35、对于乌云来说,阴天可能也是漫长的一生。 For the dark clouds, the cloudy days may also be a long life. 36、永远扭曲别人善意的人,无药可救。 There is no remedy for those who always distort others" kindness. 37、海上月是天上月,眼前人是心上人。 The moon on the sea is the moon in the sky, and the man in front of you is the one you love. 38、看在你不喜欢我的份上,我也不喜欢你好了。 For your part, I don"t like you. 39、回忆那段曾经的感情,过去的终将会过去。 Remember that past feelings, the past will eventually pass. 40、你一直摇头,说着分手没理由。 You shake your head all the time, saying there"s no reason to break up. 41、我喜欢你,没有以后,今天到头。 I like you. I don"t have to. Today. 42、某人,要幸福,就算不是我给的。 Someone, want happiness, even if not for me. 43、说好的永远在一起,只是从嘴不从心。 Say good always together, just from the mouth from the heart. 44、除了死亡,任何离开都叫,背叛。 Except death, any leave calls, betrays. 45、有时沉默,不是不快乐,只是想把心净空。 Sometimes silence, not unhappy, just want to clear the heart. 46、回忆中,总有些瞬间,能温暖整个曾经。 In memory, there are always moments that can warm the whole time. 47、久未放晴的天空,依旧留着你的笑容。 The sky has not been cleared for a long time, and still keep your smile. 48、爱你就像爱上天上的太阳,得不到碰不着。 Love you is like falling in love with the sun in the sky, can not touch. 49、别对我说对不起,我不想跟你没关系。 Don"t say sorry to me. I don"t want to have anything to do with you. 50、其实我不敢想象,没有你,生活会怎样。 Actually, I can"t imagine how life will be without you.
2023-07-17 08:02:081

a part of a city可以用那个单词替换?

a variety of=a range of=a lot of=lots of=a diversity of=a good/great many=quantities ofextensively=vastly=broadly=capaciously
2023-07-17 08:02:163

get a view of什么意思 a northern city of 是什么意思

get a view of—检查、观察某物a northern city of —某地北部的城市,该城不属于某地
2023-07-17 08:02:253

At The Chime Of A City Clock 歌词

歌曲名:At The Chime Of A City Clock歌手:Nick Drake专辑:Bryter LayterA city freezeGet on your kneesPray for warmth and green paper.A city droughtYou"re down and outSee your trousers don"t taper.Saddle upKick your feetRide the range of a London streetTravel to a local planeTurn around and come back again.And at the chime of the city clockPut up your road blockHang on to your crown.For a stone in a tin canIs wealth to the city manWho leaves his armour down.Stay indoorsBeneath the floorsTalk with neighbours only.The games you playMake people sayYou"re either weird or lonely.A city starWon"t shine too farOn account of the way you areAnd the beadsAround your faceMake you sure to fit back in place.And at the beat of the city drumSee how your friends come in twos;Or threes or more.For the sound of a busy placeIs fine for a pretty faceWho knows what a face is for.The city clownWill soon fall downWithout a face to hide in.And he will loseIf he won"t chooseThe one he may confide in.Sonny boyWith smokes for saleWent to ground with a face so paleAnd never heardAbout the changeShowed his hand and fell out of range.In the light of a city squareFind out the face that"s fairKeep it by your side.When the light of the city fallsYou fly to the city wallsTake off with your bride.But at the chime of a city clockPut up your road blockHang on to your crown.For a stone in a tin canIs wealth to the city manWho leaves his armour down.
2023-07-17 08:02:321

I dislike living in a city because of the air pollution,the crime .and the____.

2023-07-17 08:02:391

A small plane crashed into a hillside five miles east of the city, _____ all four people on board.

答案B主要测试分词短语作状语。由语境可知译文:一家小飞机撞到了城市东部五英里处一座小山边,结果飞机上四人全部遇难。从译文可知属于顺其自然的结果,故此选择现在分词killing。另外还应该注意答案:D ,to kill通常表示出乎意料的结果。例如:He hurried to the railway station to find the train has gone 。他匆忙赶到火车站,结果发现火车已经走了。(出乎意料)
2023-07-17 08:02:461

爱默生 自然 中文版

<自然> 走入孤独,远离书斋,如同远离社会一样重要。纵然无人在我身旁,当我读书或写作时,并非独处一隅。如果一个人渴望独处,就请他注目于星辰吧。那从天界下行的光芒,使人们得以出离可触摸的现世。可以这样说,我们假想,大气之所以透明,就是为了让人们看到天国的灿烂光芒。从普通城市的街道向上看,它们是如此深邃伟岸。假如星辰千年一现,人类关于上帝之城的记忆,必将世代相传,为人们长久地信仰着,珍存着,崇拜着。然而,每一晚,这些美的使者都会降临,以它们无可置疑的微笑,照亮宇宙。 星辰唤醒心中的景仰,即使它们常在,也遥远而不可触摸;而当思想敞开心门,自然景物总会留下熟稔而亲切的印迹。 自然永无恶意可憎的容颜。如同大智慧者不会因穷尽自然的和谐底蕴而失去对她的好奇之心。自然之于智慧的心灵绝非玩具。 花朵,动物,群山,它们折射着智者思维的灵光,如同它们娱乐了他纯真的童年。当我们这样谈论自然时,我们的心灵感觉,清晰独特,诗意盎然。我们在感觉着多面的自然客体和谐完整的映像。正是这映像区分了伐木工手中的圆木与诗人心中的树木。 今晨我看到那令人愉悦的风景,它们无疑是由二十到三十个农场组成。 米勒拥有这片地,洛克有那片,而曼宁是那片树林的主人。 但是他们都不能占有这片风景。只有诗人的双眼可以拥有这地平线,这是他们农场中最可贵的,却无人能凭产权而据为己有。说真话,成年人难得看到自然本身。多数人看不到太阳,至少,他们所见只是浮光略影。阳光只照亮了成人的双眼所见,却照进儿童的眼睛和心灵深处。自然的热爱者,内向和外向的感觉尚能和谐的相应,他尚能在成年时保有婴儿的心灵。与天地的交汇成为必需,就如每日的食物一样。自然当前时,奔腾的喜悦传便他全身,尽管可能他正身处现实的苦境。他是我的造物,抿灭他无关紧要的悲伤,与我同在他应欢悦,自然向他如是说。不仅阳光和夏天带来欢跃,四季的每一时分都奉献出愉悦;自然变化的每一时晨无不如是。 从懊热的午后到漆黑的子夜,四季早晚的嬗变对应并验证着人们不同的精神状态。自然既可是悲剧的,也可以是喜剧的背景。身体康健时,空气就是让人难以置信的补剂甜酿。越过空旷的公地,停留深雪潭边,注目晨昏曦微光芒,在满布乌云的天空下,并非出于特别的当头好运,我享受了完美无缺的欣喜。我欣喜以至有些胆怯。在树林里也是一样,人们抖落岁月如蛇脱旧皮,无论身处生命的哪一阶段,都会心如孩童。 在森林中,有永恒的青春。在上帝的庄园里, 气派和圣洁是主宰,四季的庆典准备就绪,客人们居此千年也不会厌倦。在森林里,我们回归理性和信仰,在那里,任何不幸不会降临于我的生命,没有任何屈辱和灾病-请留下我的双眼-是自然无法平复的。站在空旷大地之上,我的头脑沐浴于欢欣大气并升腾于无限空间,一切卑劣的自高自大和自我中心消失无踪。我变成一个透明的眼球,我化为乌有,我却遍览一切;宇宙精神的湍流环绕激荡着我。我成为上帝的一部分,我是他的微粒。密友的名字听起来陌生而无足轻重,兄弟,朋友,主人或仆从,这一切变得细碎而搅扰。我是不受拘束永恒不朽自然之美的情人。与街市和村庄相比,在旷野里,我体味到更亲切更可贵的实在。在静谧的风景里,尤其是在那遥远的地平线,我们看到自然美丽有如我们美丽自身和本性。 田野和树林带给我们心灵的巨大欢悦,指说着人类和植物的隐密关连。我并非独在而不受关注,植物向我颔首,我向它们点头。风雨中树枝摇动对我是既新鲜又熟稔。它令我惊异又让我安然。它们对于我的影响,就如同我确信自我思维妥贴所为正当时,全身涌起的超越而高尚的感情。 然而,可以肯定地说,这欢悦的力量不仅源于自然本身,它存在于人,或者说,存在于自然和人的和谐中。要谨慎节制地享有这种欢悦,这很重要。自然并不总悦人以节日盛装,昨日氤氲芬芳晶亮悦目一如为林仙嬉乐而设的同一景致,今天就可能蒙上悲伤的面纱。自然总是折射着观者的精神状态。对于在病痛中挣扎的人,他自身散发的焦虑挣扎就涵容着悲伤。当爱友逝去时,人们会对那风景感到些许漠然。当蓝天落幕于社会底层者眼前,它的壮丽也会减色。原文:Nature To go into solitude, a man needs to retire as much from his chamber as from society. I am not solitary whilst I read and write, though nobody is with me. But if a man would be alone, let him look at the stars. The rays that come from those heavenly worlds, will separate between him and what he touches. One might think the atmosphere was made transparent with this design, to give man, in the heavenly bodies, the perpetual presence of the sublime. Seen in the streets of cities, how great they are! If the stars should appear one night in a thousand years, how would men believe and adore; and preserve for many generations the remembrance of the city of God which had been shown! But every night come out these envoys of beauty, and light the universe with their admonishing smile. The stars awaken a certain reverence, because though always present, they are inaccessible; but all natural objects make a kindred impression, when the mind is open to their influence. Nature never wears a mean appearance. Neither does the wisest man extort her secret, and lose his curiosity by finding out all her perfection. Nature never became a toy to a wise spirit. The flowers, the animals, the mountains, reflected the wisdom of his best hour, as much as they had delighted the simplicity of his childhood. When we speak of nature in this manner, we have a distinct but most poetical sense in the mind. We mean the integrity of impression made by manifold natural objects. It is this which distinguishes the stick of timber of the wood-cutter, from the tree of the poet. The charming landscape which I saw this morning, is indubitably made up of some twenty or thirty farms. Miller owns this field, Locke that, and Manning the woodland beyond. But none of them owns the landscape. There is a property in the horizon which no man has but he whose eye can integrate all the parts, that is, the poet. This is the best part of these men"s farms, yet to this their warranty-deeds give no title. To speak truly, few adult persons can see nature. Most persons do not see the sun. At least they have a very superficial seeing. The sun illuminates only the eye of the man, but shines into the eye and the heart of the child. The lover of nature is he whose inward and outward senses are still truly adjusted to each other; who has retained the spirit of infancy even into the era of manhood. His intercourse with heaven and earth, becomes part of his daily food. In the presence of nature, a wild delight runs through the man, in spite of real sorrows. Nature says, — he is my creature, and maugre all his impertinent griefs, he shall be glad with me. Not the sun or the summer alone, but every hour and season yields its tribute of delight; for every hour and change corresponds to and authorizes a different state of the mind, from breathless noon to grimmest midnight. Nature is a setting that fits equally well a comic or a mourning piece. In good health, the air is a cordial of incredible virtue. Crossing a bare common, in snow puddles, at twilight, under a clouded sky, without having in my thoughts any occurrence of special good fortune, I have enjoyed a perfect exhilaration. I am glad to the brink of fear. In the woods too, a man casts off his years, as the snake his slough, and at what period soever of life, is always a child. In the woods, is perpetual youth. Within these plantations of God, a decorum and sanctity reign, a perennial festival is dressed, and the guest sees not how he should tire of them in a thousand years. In the woods, we return to reason and faith. There I feel that nothing can befall me in life, — no disgrace, no calamity, (leaving me my eyes,) which nature cannot repair. Standing on the bare ground, — my head bathed by the blithe air, and uplifted into infinite space, — all mean egotism vanishes. I become a transparent eye-ball; I am nothing; I see all; the currents of the Universal Being circulate through me; I am part or particle of God. The name of the nearest friend sounds then foreign and accidental: to be brothers, to be acquaintances, — master or servant, is then a trifle and a disturbance. I am the lover of uncontained and immortal beauty. In the wilderness, I find something more dear and connate than in streets or villages. In the tranquil landscape, and especially in the distant line of the horizon, man beholds somewhat as beautiful as his own nature. The greatest delight which the fields and woods minister, is the suggestion of an occult relation between man and the vegetable. I am not alone and unacknowledged. They nod to me, and I to them. The waving of the boughs in the storm, is new to me and old. It takes me by surprise, and yet is not unknown. Its effect is like that of a higher thought or a better emotion coming over me, when I deemed I was thinking justly or doing right. Yet it is certain that the power to produce this delight, does not reside in nature, but in man, or in a harmony of both. It is necessary to use these pleasures with great temperance. For, nature is not always tricked in holiday attire, but the same scene which yesterday breathed perfume and glittered as for the frolic of the nymphs, is overspread with melancholy today. Nature always wears the colors of the spirit. To a man laboring under calamity, the heat of his own fire hath sadness in it. Then, there is a kind of contempt of the landscape felt by him who has just lost by death a dear friend. The sky is less grand as it shuts down over less worth in the population. .
2023-07-17 08:02:541

Language is a city, to the building (of which )every human being brought a stone.

语言就像一座城市,由每个人带来的石头磊成的大厦组成。to the building 是和后面的 brought a stone 呼应的,也就是 brought a stone to the building.of which 这个从句是连结 the building 和 前面的 a city 的,也就是 the building of a city.
2023-07-17 08:03:132

【求解释】Language is a city,to the building of ___ every human being brought a stone.

B 非限制性定语从句 介词of 后用该用which
2023-07-17 08:03:211

you should( )some interesting places before you go to visit a city.为啥填think of

2023-07-17 08:03:282

a man lived in a tall building in the city of

答案:Where did live
2023-07-17 08:03:421

请问这课怎么翻译,Never before in history has a city been so completely destroyed. San

2023-07-17 08:03:492

风筝之都用英语怎么说 为什么是It is a kite city

2023-07-17 08:03:592

language is a city ,to the building of which every human being brought a stone .

human being, 人
2023-07-17 08:04:062

It was a city whose hospitals,75% of its factories and buildings and 90% of its homes were gone.

2023-07-17 08:04:133

the most important town or city of a country中文。

more than two but not very many :some 一些 the most important town or city of a country :capital 首都
2023-07-17 08:04:311

A conundrum of a city Same scenes same routes and same destinies...

我去大哥们。不要误人子弟了。瞎翻译这句话的意思是。迷宫般的城市,让人习惯看相同的景物,走相同的路线,到相同的目的地... ...
2023-07-17 08:04:392

A city in South Korea has added a new attraction to its cultural landscape(景观)—the world’s fir

小题1:C小题2:B小题3:D小题4:B小题5:D 试题分析:本文主要介绍了在韩国水原城的厕所主题文化公园。小题1:细节理解题。根据The Restroom Cultural Park in the city of Suwon is proving a huge hit with locals and tourists alike(在水原城的厕所文化公园被当地人和游客证明是一个巨大的成功)可知,本题选C。小题2:细节理解题。根据The park was built to memorize the former city mayor Sim Jae-duck, known as “Mr. Toilet”(公园的建立是为了纪念前市长Sim Jae-duck,被称作“厕所先生”)可知,本题选B。小题3:细节理解题。根据They can even sit on Mr. Kim"s original toilet, which includes a full-length glass door that mists up when it is being used(他们甚至可以坐在基姆先生最初的厕所,包括完整的一使用就会产生迷雾的玻璃门)可知,本题选D。小题4:细节理解题。根据It"s said that Mr. Sim was born in the loo of his mother"s house, so he loved toilets very much(据说,辛普森先生是出世在他母亲的房子的厕所,所以他很爱厕所)可知,本题选B。小题5:细节理解题。根据...should be the must-see…(应该必须看见)可知,本题选D。
2023-07-17 08:04:461

风筝之都用英语怎么说 为什么是It is a kite city

那是一个 风筝 城市 地道一点的就可以翻译成 风筝之都了 这主要是为了适应中国文字 更简洁一些
2023-07-17 08:05:093

It’s ________ to see such a heavy snow in our city of this season. (usual)

It"s _unusual_ to see such a heavy snow in our city of this season. (usual)根据题意应该是:我们城市在这个季节下这么大雪是不常见的希望可以帮到你,满意请采纳
2023-07-17 08:05:231

Beijing is a city with many places of interest and _____ tourists come here every year. A.mi..

D 试题分析:考查短语millions of成千上万的,其它选项不和语法,故选D。点评:hundred thousand million这些数词,表示具体数目时与基数词连用,不用复数形式,复数形式+of表示大概的比较多的数目。
2023-07-17 08:05:421