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apparently,people feel relieved when the possibility of eliminating a depressing thing(such as addi

2023-07-17 10:07:52

the possibility of doing sth 并不是固定搭配,之所以是doing的形式是因为前面的介词of,介词后面必须加名词或动名词形式。eliminating a depressing thing是用来修饰the possibility 的。




明显地,显然地,显而易见形容词是apparent 显然的,明显的
2023-07-17 07:19:311


《apparently》是美国说唱歌手J. Cole的一首单曲,讲述了他在追寻音乐梦想的过程中所遇到的所有挫折和困难。下面是《apparently》歌词的详细翻译。我保持冷静,对这个世界感到困惑,我不明白,我应该为我的尽力而自豪,选择出了问题,我知道了,看着别人奔跑,而我还在原地。但我却不能停下脚步,继续前进,我已经独行了这么多年,父母期望高,越来越难满足,但我从不想着放弃,我只是勇敢地走下去。没有导师,我独自面对艰辛,生活比梦想要更加残酷,但我不要表现得很光鲜亮丽,第一次失败,我就要站起来,重新开始。,有时候我在努力逃避,我宁愿待在孤独的角落里,不再去接触这个世界,但每当我回过头看看时,我就突然意识到,我已经前进了好几步。因此,我要继续走下去,总有一天,我终将获得所向往的成功,但那不是全世界,而是我自己,让我们别再停下,一起前进吧!歌词第一句话便是“世事难料”,暗示着讲述者的不确定和迷茫。接着,“我明白,你告诉我,我需要快点成熟”,表达了自己渴望成熟和知道自己想要什么的心声。歌曲中出现了“我在大声喊却无人听见”的句子,揭示出讲述者的孤独感。同时,“我试着让自己放轻松,然而每晚我都会做噩梦”,也大大加深了这种情感。歌曲中的“我该怎么办?”强调了讲述者的无助,以及对未来缺乏信心的心态。但同时,讲述者也努力地挣扎着,试图寻找出路。最后,歌曲以“我只是需要有人告诉我,我会好起来的”作为结束,表达了讲述者想要得到帮助和安慰的渴望,同时也传递出一丝希望的信号。
2023-07-17 07:20:291

英语单词 apparently到底是显然还是似乎啊的意思啊?语气完全是相反的啊

apparently 的意思的确是模糊的, 它既有”显然“的意思, 也有”似乎“之意 要看语境 例: Apparently I was mistaken 显然我错了 Apparently he is a friendly and kind man,but actually he is a hooligan. 表面上看他似乎是一个友好和善良的人,但实际上他是流氓. 希望帮到了你,
2023-07-17 07:21:151


apparently The implications mirrored are (apparently) far-reaching反映出的言外之意(很明显)意味深长。
2023-07-17 07:21:334

apparently 加什么从句。谢谢

Apparently, 是副词, 放在句首时, 后面可以是任何对应词意的句子。例如:1). Apparently, everyone is happy.2). Apparently, the book written by him is impressed by many readers.
2023-07-17 07:21:412


所以你需要明了这个单词真正代表的含义,而不是词典上给出的单调的解释。apparently的含义是指事物“从表面现象上看起来(如何如何)”,也就是事物的外在。归结到你这个问题,She is apparently angry 就是说她看起来真的生气了(从表象来看,例如皱眉、咒骂等等),一般应当译为“她显然很气恼”。但是若结合上下文(例如语者态度轻佻、或者上下文表明这女子仅是娇嗔而已),也可以译为“她似乎很气恼(可实际上如何如何)”。其实从汉语的角度而言,“显然”跟“看起来”也颇有渊源,只不过前者偏肯定而后者偏否定。词汇的含义是跟着文段而生活、呼吸的。
2023-07-17 07:21:501


【 #英语口语# 导语】很多人都喜欢用“我不知道”、“我不确定”这样的话来回答问题。如何用英语表达不确定呢? 为大家整理了7种表述方式,大家一天用一个,一周都不重复哦!快来看看吧!! 1. Perhaps/maybe These two words are used for saying that you are not certain about something, or that something may or may not be true. 这两个词可以用在你对某事不确定的情况下,或是表达某事可能是真的也可能是假的。 Perhaps is more formal and is used in writing while maybe is used more in spoken English “perhaps”更加正式,常用在写作中,而“maybe”更多用在口语中。 e.g. I wondered if perhaps he had changed his mind about attending the party. 例句:我在想关于参加派对这件事,他是不是改变主意了。 e.g. ‘When can you give me an answer?" ‘I don"t know. Maybe tomorrow." 例句:“你什么时候能给我答复?” “不知道,也许明天吧。” 2. Probably/possibly These two words can confuse even native speakers. Probably is used for saying that something is likely to be true, and possibly that it may be true but you are not certain. 这两个词非常容易混淆。“Probably”用来表达某件事很可能是真的,“possibly”则表示这件事可能是真的,但你并不确定。 e.g. If house prices are low, it"s probably because there is a lack of demand. 例句:如果房价很低,那么很可能是因为需求少。 e.g. ‘Would you consider moving to another country for your work?" ‘Possibly, I"m not sure." 例句:“你会因为工作原因考虑移居其他国家吗?”“可能吧,我不确定。” 3. Apparently It is used when what you are saying is based on what you have heard, not on what you know is true and therefore fact. 当你听说了某件事而不是你自己确定这件事是真的的时候,你可以用“apparently”来表示这件事是事实。 e.g. Apparently, she resigned because she had an argument with her boss. 例句:显然,她辞职是因为和老板吵了一架。 e.g. There is, apparently, going to be an announcement about the new CEO tomorrow. 例句:显然,明天就会有新总裁的通知了。 4. As far as I know/ as far as I am aware These two expressions are used when you have partial (incomplete) knowledge of an issue or fact. 如果你对某个问题了解得不是很全面,就可以用这个词。 e.g. No one has complained, as far as I know. 例句:就我所知,没有人抱怨。 e.g. As far as I am aware, the invitations to the party have all been sent. 例句:就我所知,派对的邀请函已经全部发出了。 5. To the best of my knowledge This phrase is used for saying that you think something is true, but you are not completely certain. This is quite a formal expression. 当你认为某事是真的,但又不确定的时候可以用这句话。 e.g. To the best of my knowledge, no similar book has been published. 例句:就我看来,还没有类似的书出版过。 6. Not to my knowledge This is used for saying that you think something is not true, although you are not completely certain. 当你认为某事不是真的,但又不确定的时候可以用这句话。 e.g. ‘Has the report been sent yet?" ‘Not to my knowledge." 例句:“报告交上去了吗?” “我觉得没有吧。” 7. I imagine/suppose/guess These are used when you think something is probably true, but you can"t be sure. “Guess” is more frequently used in American English, although you can hear it in British English, too. “Suppose” is more characteristic of British English and is often used in the negative. 这些词可以用在当你认为某事可能是真的,但又不确定的时候。“guess”更多地出现在美式英语中,尽管也有英国人会用。但是“suppose”是更加地道的英式英语,而且经常用在否定句中。 e.g. I imagine they"ve already left for the airport. 例句:我认为他们已经离开机场了。 e.g. I suppose she must be delighted about getting the job. 例句:我认为她得到这份工作一定很开心。 e.g. I don"t suppose you"d consider staying for another week? 例句:我不认为你会再待一个星期。 e.g. I guess he will want to meet all the team members before the conference. 例句:我猜他想在会议前和团队成员见面。
2023-07-17 07:21:571


2023-07-17 07:22:041


C。attract 是吸引的意思。attack是攻击。句意:只有在很少情况下,红狼才会攻击大型动物。
2023-07-17 07:22:155


apparentlyadv.据…所知; 看来; 显然Apparently the girls are not at all amused by the whole business...据说女孩们觉得整件事情一点也不好笑。Rudolph said no more. Apparently he was a man of few words.鲁道夫没再说话。看来他是个寡言少语的人。同义词1可见地,公开地overtly visibly openly perceivably publicly discernibly2显然地evidently distinctly patently clearly noticeably obviously plainly 3表面上看,可能地,可行地pretendedly conceivably seemingly professedly ostensibly superficially
2023-07-17 07:22:442

有谁能够告诉我obviously apparently的区别?

obviously adv. 明显地 明显的 显然地 apparently adv. 显然地;似乎,表面上 明显地 似乎二者意思虽然相近,但是前者是很肯定的语气,是既定的事实。后者是揣测的语气,不一定与事实相符。
2023-07-17 07:22:522

汉议英,给出的短语必须用到(显然那间公寓一直没人住“apparently”)拜托各位了 3Q

Apparently that apartment has been left unoccupied. .has been empty. Aparently no one has been living in that apartment.
2023-07-17 07:23:011

patriotic;antagonist;apparently 这几个英语怎么读?

patriotic ——培催啊地可antagonist ——按摊哥你死特apparently ——额潘润特李
2023-07-17 07:23:094


2023-07-17 07:23:291


2023-07-17 07:23:381


tragedy(n.) 1. 悲剧体裁[U] Tragedy is a type of literature that involves death suffering or disaster. 悲剧作品是文学的一种 内容常涉及死亡 不幸和灾难。 2. (一出)悲剧[C] Shakespeare"s Hamlet is one of the best known tragedies. 莎士比亚的《哈姆雷特》是最有名的悲剧之一。 3. 悲剧性事件;惨案;灾难[C][U] The traffic accident is really a tragedy. 这次车祸真是个悲剧。 4. 悲剧因素[U] deaths(n.) 1. 死 死亡[C][U] It was a matter of life and death to them. 对他们来说这是生死攸关的事情。 2. 致死的原因[C][(+of)] 3. 毁灭 破灭 结束[U][S] 4. (常大写)死神[U] connection(n.) 1. 连接;联络;衔接[C][U][(+with/beeen)] The connection of our telephone took several hours. 我们用了好几个小时才接通了电话。 2. 关系 关联[C][U][(+with/beeen)] Trade connections existed beeen the o countries before the war. 战前两国之间有过贸易往来。 3. 接驳转运的火车(或船 飞机等)[C] The train was late and I missed my connection. 火车晚点了 我未能转上车。 4. 亲属 姻亲;社会关系[C][P1] He is a distant connection of my wife"s. 他是我妻子的一个远亲。 5. (业务上的)客户;(可资利用的)熟人[C][P1] She"s just a business connection. 她只是我的一个客户。 6. 亲属关系;业务往来[C][U] The pany has connections with a number of Japanese firms. 这家公司与几家日本商号有业务往来。 inspector(n.) 1. 检查员;视察员;督察员 2. 巡官 regional(adj.) 1. 地区的 局部的 Most regional mittees meet four times a year. 大部分地区委员会每年开会四次。 2. 整个地区的 stepdaughter(n.) 1. 妻与前夫所生的女儿;夫与前妻所生的女儿[C] Henry was accused of abusing his stepdaughter. 亨利被指控虐待他的继女。 apparently(adv.) 1. 显然地 He was apparently much surprised at the news. 他对那个消息显然感到十分惊异。 2. 表面上 似乎 Apparently she did not succeed. 看样子她没有成功。 daughter(n.) 1. 女儿;养女;媳妇 2. 妇女 3. 如女儿者;产物 后代 certfied(adj.) 1. 被证明的;有保证的;公认的 recovered(v.) vt. 1. 重新获得;重新找到 Jane recovered her lost wallet. 珍寻回了丢失的钱包。 2. 恢复;使恢复原状 Jennie made a great effort to recover herself. 珍妮努力使自己镇定下来。 She has recovered her health. 她已恢复了健康。 3. 挽回 弥补 It"s hard to recover lost time. 弥补失去的时间并不容易。 4. 【律】取得(损害赔偿);取得...的所有权 5. (填海)造(地) 围垦[(+from)] vi. 1. 恢复健康;恢复原状;恢复[(+from)] It took a long time for him to recover from a bad cold. 他患重感冒 很长时间才康复。 I think she will recover. 我想她会痊愈的。 2. 【律】胜诉 参考: Yahoo 字典 1.tragedy:悲剧体裁..例子:Tragedy is a type of literature that involves death suffering or disaster. 意思:悲剧作品是文学的一种 内容常涉及死亡 不幸和灾难。 .(一出)悲剧..例子:Shakespeare"s Hamlet is one of the best known tragedies. 意思:莎士比亚的《哈姆雷特》是最有名的悲剧之一。 悲剧性事件;惨案;灾难..例子:The traffic accident is really a tragedy. 意思:这次车祸真是个悲剧。 2.deaths:死 死亡 3.connection:连接;联络;衔接(+with/beeen)] The connection of our telephone took several hours. 我们用了好几个小时才接通了电话。 2. 关系 关联[(+with/beeen)] Trade connections existed beeen the o countries before the war. 战前两国之间有过贸易往来。 3. 接驳转运的火车(或船 飞机等) The train was late and I missed my connection. 火车晚点了 我未能转上车。 4. 亲属 姻亲;社会关系 He is a distant connection of my wife"s. 他是我妻子的一个远亲。 5. (业务上的)客户;(可资利用的)熟人 She"s just a business connection. 她只是我的一个客户。 6. 亲属关系;业务往来 The pany has connections with a number of Japanese firms. 这家公司与几家日本商号有业务往来。 4.inspector:1. 检查员;视察员;督察员.2. 巡官 5.regional:地区的 局部的 Most regional mittees meet four times a year. 大部分地区委员会每年开会四次。 6.stepdaughter:妻与前夫所生的女儿;夫与前妻所生的女儿[C] Henry was accused of abusing his stepdaughter. 亨利被指控虐待他的继女。 7.apparently:1. 显然地 He was apparently much surprised at the news. 他对那个消息显然感到十分惊异。 2. 表面上 似乎 Apparently she did not succeed. 看样子她没有成功。 8.daughter:1. 女儿;养女;媳妇 2. 妇女 3. 如女儿者;产物 后人 9.certfied:会计 10.recovered:re-cover 重盖;将...的面换成新的 recover 重新获得;重新找到 recovered-memory 有关对曾导致精神创伤经验之记忆的压制以及后来的恢复(例如凶暴或性攻击) remarkably 引人注目地;明显地;非常地 希望帮到你! 1. tragedy n. 悲剧 惨案 悲惨 灾难 Their holiday ended in tragedy when their hotel caught fire. 他们住的旅馆著了火 他们的假日就以不幸而告终。 2. deaths n. 死 死亡 致死的原因 毁灭 屠杀 avenge the death of his patriots 为他的死难同胞报仇 3. connection n. 连接 关系 接线 线路 亲戚 There is no connection beeen them. 他们之间没有什么关系。 She is a connection of mine. 她是我的一个亲戚。 That shop has a large connection. 那商店有一大批顾客。 You are in connection. 给你接通了(电话)。 4. inspector n. 检查员 巡视员 a police inspector 警察巡官 inspector"s micrometer caliper 检查用千分卡尺 5. regional adj. 整个地区的 地方地 地域性地 an autonomous region 自治区 a desert region 沙漠地带 the region of the heart 6. stepdaughter n. 继女 过继的女儿 7. apparently adv. 显然地 It was apparent to all of us. 这对我们大家都是显而易见的。 8. daughter n. 女儿 adj. 女儿的 如女儿的 关系如女儿的 daughters of China 中华女儿 9. certfied =certificate certify certain certainty ========================================== 1. =certificate n. 证书 证明书 vt. 发给证明书 以证书形式授权给... a birth certificate 出生证 a leaving certificate 毕业[肄业 离职]证书 a marriage certificate 结婚证书 ========================================== 2. =certify v. 证明 保证 He was -fied (as) insane. 他已由医生出具证书证明为精神错乱。 ========================================== 3. =certain adj. 确定的 某一个 无疑的 必然的 可靠的 pron. 某几个 某些 The soldiers faced certain death. 士兵们勇敢地面对必然来临的死亡。 There was a certain coldness in her attitude towards me. 她对我的态度有点冷淡。 ========================================== 4. =certainty n. 确定 确实的事情 I can"t say with any certainty where I shall be next week. 我不能确切地说下周我在什么地方。 ========================================== 10. recovered vt. 重新获得 恢复 使改过 vi. 痊愈 复原 胜诉 recover one"s reputation 恢复名誉 recover the lost umbrella 找回丢失的雨伞 recover the time wasted 弥补浪费的时间 recover the damages 得到赔偿 2006-12-05 22:24:07 补充: 信我的解释吧~! 因我不是使用Yahoo!字典 而是使用须要交费用的字典!!!! 2006-12-05 22:26:20 补充: 注意:9. certfied = certificate certify certain certainty 2006-12-05 22:32:25 补充: 不过 你指的certfied 其实是等于certifycertfied意思是:证明 保证例句The accounts were certfied correct.帐目业经查核证明无误。He was certfied insane.他已由医生出具证书证明为精神错乱。 1. tragedy=悲剧体裁 2.deaths=死亡 3.connection=连接 4.inspector=检查员 5.regional=地区的 6.stepdaughter= 妻与前夫所生的女儿 7.apparently=显然地 8.daughter=女儿 9.certfied(查不到) 10.recovered=重盖 no thx la 2006-12-05 22:18:10 补充: 1. tragedy=悲剧体裁2.deaths=死亡3.connection=连接4.inspector=检查员5.regional=地区的6.stepdaughter= 妻与前夫所生的女儿7.apparently=显然地8.daughter=女儿9.certfied(查不到)10.recovered=重盖no thx la 参考: yahoo 1.悲剧性事件;惨案;灾难 2.死 死亡or【废】刽子手 3.连接;联络;衔接 关系 关联 4.检查员;视察员;督察员 5.地区的 局部的 6.妻与前夫所生的女儿;夫与前妻所生的女儿 7. 显然地 表面上 似乎 8.女儿;养女;媳妇 9.??查不到 10.重新获得;重新找到 参考: Yahoo!字典
2023-07-17 07:23:451

英语it is apparently in use by the system怎么翻译?

It is apparent in use by the system.这在系统的使用中是明显的。
2023-07-17 07:24:0510

apparently(看来) 的反义词

disappear 消失
2023-07-17 07:25:041

The teacher was___ a very old man, but in fact he was only a little over fifty. Auff0eapparently..

2023-07-17 07:25:121

翻译 老师显然下了很大的功夫教学生如何做实验

it"s obvious that the teacher putted a lot of work when teaching the students how to do experiment
2023-07-17 07:25:202

Teachers apparently expect a certain amont of aggressive from boys.

apparently是副词 当然可以修饰名词此句是一般现在式 expect就不用加ed了
2023-07-17 07:25:432

apparently,people feel relieved when the possibility of eliminating a depressing thing(such as addit

第一个when 是连词 当……的时候第二个是even when 即使当the possibility of doing sth 不是一个固定搭配,只是 of 介词后面用动词-ing形式possibility of 是可能性 这句话是 很显然地,人们会觉得放心的当消除了一件压抑的事情的可能性出现了,即使这个需要一些努力和担保希望对你有帮助哦~~
2023-07-17 07:25:542


Apparently的意思有表面上;看起来;貌似;显然地;明显地;或许。1、Apparently Sound 外观完好的。2、Apparently Unaffected 纯真年代。3、apparently normoprolactinaemia 表观上血中催乳激素正常(状态)。4、apparently neutral 外表中和。相关例句:1、The giveaway,apparently,was his choice of colour.显然他对颜色的选择暴露了真相。2、Nina can,apparently,levitate a small ball between her hands.尼娜似乎能让一个小球悬浮在两手之间。3、Jeffrey has apparently never touched a computer in his life.杰弗里显然一辈子都没有摸过电脑。4、Some of the figures are apparently not accurate.这些数字有一些明显是不正确的。5、Apparently a similar transformation takes place in plants.显然这种类似的转化作用也发生于植物界。
2023-07-17 07:27:131


2023-07-17 07:27:401


Personally(就个人而言)预示着讲话者要讲自己的观点、想法了。 例句 1:Personally, I don"t think the plant will flower this summer.(就我而言,我不认为这棵植物在今年夏天会开花。) 例句 2:I can"t understand why people love watching television at night 。 Personally, I prefer to read books and chat to friends and family. (我本人实在不理解为什么人们喜欢晚上看电视。我喜欢读书、和家人、朋友聊天。)Obviously(很明显地)意思是很容易理解,很显然。例句 1:Look, she"s got her hand up, obviously she knows the answer.(她举手了,很显然她知道答案。顺便说一下,look在这里是个感叹词。) 例句 2:He can"t reach the window, obviously he is going to need a ladder. (他够不着窗户,很显然他需要一个梯子。)Apparently(表面上、显然)指的是“据我所知、能看到的” 例句 1:Apparently the class starts at 5pm. (据我所知是下午5点钟开始上课。) 例句 2:I don"t know how to get there, apparently it only takes 20 minutes, so I don"t think it is far. (我不知道怎么去那儿,好像说只需20分钟,所以应该不会太远。)
2023-07-17 07:28:131


事实上,此题摘自NCE第三册的课后练习,原文第一段:Lesson 9 Flying cats 飞猫Q: How do cats try to protect themselves when falling from great heights?Cats never fail to fascinate human beings. They can be friendly and affectionate towards humans, but they lead mysterious lives of their own as well. they never become submissive like dogs and horses. As a result, humans have learned to respect feline independence. Most cats remain suspicious of humans all their lives. One of the things that fascinaes us most about cats is the popular belief that they have nine lives. Apparently, there is a good deal of truth in this idea. A cat"s ability to survive falls is based on fact. Recently the New York Animal medical Centre made a study of 132 cas over a period of five months. All these cats had one experience in common: they had fallen off high buildings, yet only eight of them died from shock or injuries. Of course, New York is the ideal place for such an interesting study, because there is no shortage of tall buildings. There are plenty of high-rise windowsills to fall, from! One cat ,Sabrina, fell 32 storeys, yet only suffered from a broken tooth. ‘Cats behave like well-trained paratroopers," a doctor said. It seems that the further cats fall, the less they are likely to injure themselves. In a long drop, they reach speeds of 60 miles an hour and more. At high speeds, falling cats have time to relax. They stretch out their legs like flying squirrels. This increases their air-resistance and reduces the shock of impact when they hid the ground.10 _____ there is a good deal of truth in this idea. (l.7)a. As a matter of fact b. In the event c. It would seem d. Surprisingly enough练习上给的答案和解释是:10. Cit would seem (that )… ----apparently对于这道题,我也有疑问!!!,题目的意图显然是对原句中的apparently作出解释的,因为后面主句照抄不误!,问题就来了:原题句有个逗号,为何问题句中没有了逗号?是不是漏打了?如果有这个逗号,是不是正确答案就是A呢?因为没有了这个逗号,才选C的吧?那我问一下:It is said that--主语从句, It seems that-主语从句中的连词that可以省略吗?还有为什么C项用虚拟语气it would seem而不是it seems呢?因为it would seem 比it seems 的语气是更不肯定!而apperently可以用Obviously来代替的!,很明显,c项并不是最佳替换,甚至是错误的!是的,apparently 是有三个不同的解释:表面上地:明显地,似乎但是在此文中,似乎不是”似乎“,而是第二种解释。最后,选择题设计的原则:四个选项的功能、词性应该相同,另三项具有干扰性,很显然,该题中的ABD是状语性质的,与原句的apparently词性相同,功能相同,而It would seem that-选项属于句子转换而非词语解释,该项显然与另三项不同类,也就是说,如果说,此题答案是C,则也是 一失败的题,因为另三项一点干扰作用都没有!有人说了,这三项是需要有逗号的,这一个没有逗号,就可以排除三个了!而如果有了逗号呢?则只能排除C项(会出题的,有逗号,也不会出这样的C项,应该出副词性的短语才行!),接下来,还是要理解apparently在原文中的确切含义,选择三个中的一个为最佳答案。 实际上,B项也不是很有干扰性。D项倒是有一定的干扰性。如我下面所说,本书后面的练习题,有问题者不少!结论:原题设计不当,可能打字疏忽,原题中有逗号。 参考答案因逗号而误解。原作者的答案为A 新概念英语自上世纪70年代进入中国以来,经久不衰。此书是经得起考验的。不过,由中国人改版的NCE,在课文前加了听力问题,在后面加了不少的选择题,此乃何教授的学生所为吧,有不少题是有问题的。这不是原版的问题。要批判地使用。求采纳为满意回答。
2023-07-17 07:28:201


appear V.出现,显得appearing n.出现(动词appear的现在分词形式)appeared adj.出现的(动词appeare的过去式和过去分词)appearance n.出现,显露apparent adj.显然的; 外观上的apparently adv.显然地
2023-07-17 07:28:271


2023-07-17 07:28:386


【 #英语资源# 导语】很多人都喜欢用“我不知道”、“我不确定”这样的话来回答问题。如何用英语表达不确定呢? 为大家整理了7种表述方式,大家一天用一个,一周都不重复哦! 1. Perhaps/maybeThese two words are used for saying that you are not certain about something, or that something may or may not be true. 这两个词可以用在你对某事不确定的情况下,或是表达某事可能是真的也可能是假的。 Perhaps is more formal and is used in writing while maybe is used more in spoken English “perhaps”更加正式,常用在写作中,而“maybe”更多用在口语中。 e.g. I wondered if perhaps he had changed his mind about attending the party. 例句:我在想关于参加派对这件事,他是不是改变主意了。 e.g. ‘When can you give me an answer?" ‘I don"t know. Maybe tomorrow." 例句:“你什么时候能给我答复?” “不知道,也许明天吧。” 2. Probably/possibly These two words can confuse even native speakers. Probably is used for saying that something is likely to be true, and possibly that it may be true but you are not certain. 这两个词非常容易混淆。“Probably”用来表达某件事很可能是真的,“possibly”则表示这件事可能是真的,但你并不确定。 e.g. If house prices are low, it"s probably because there is a lack of demand. 例句:如果房价很低,那么很可能是因为需求少。 e.g. ‘Would you consider moving to another country for your work?" ‘Possibly, I"m not sure." 例句:“你会因为工作原因考虑移居其他国家吗?”“可能吧,我不确定。” 3. Apparently It is used when what you are saying is based on what you have heard, not on what you know is true and therefore fact. 当你听说了某件事而不是你自己确定这件事是真的的时候,你可以用“apparently”来表示这件事是事实。 e.g. Apparently, she resigned because she had an argument with her boss. 例句:显然,她辞职是因为和老板吵了一架。 e.g. There is, apparently, going to be an announcement about the new CEO tomorrow. 例句:显然,明天就会有新总裁的通知了。 4. As far as I know/ as far as I am aware These two expressions are used when you have partial (incomplete) knowledge of an issue or fact. 如果你对某个问题了解得不是很全面,就可以用这个词。 e.g. No one has complained, as far as I know. 例句:就我所知,没有人抱怨。 e.g. As far as I am aware, the invitations to the party have all been sent. 例句:就我所知,派对的邀请函已经全部发出了。 5. To the best of my knowledge This phrase is used for saying that you think something is true, but you are not completely certain. This is quite a formal expression. 当你认为某事是真的,但又不确定的时候可以用这句话。 e.g. To the best of my knowledge, no similar book has been published. 例句:就我看来,还没有类似的书出版过。 6. Not to my knowledge This is used for saying that you think something is not true, although you are not completely certain. 当你认为某事不是真的,但又不确定的时候可以用这句话。 e.g. ‘Has the report been sent yet?" ‘Not to my knowledge." 例句:“报告交上去了吗?” “我觉得没有吧。” 7. I imagine/suppose/guess These are used when you think something is probably true, but you can"t be sure. “Guess” is more frequently used in American English, although you can hear it in British English, too. “Suppose” is more characteristic of British English and is often used in the negative. 这些词可以用在当你认为某事可能是真的,但又不确定的时候。“guess”更多地出现在美式英语中,尽管也有英国人会用。但是“suppose”是更加地道的英式英语,而且经常用在否定句中。 e.g. I imagine they"ve already left for the airport. 例句:我认为他们已经离开机场了。 e.g. I suppose she must be delighted about getting the job. 例句:我认为她得到这份工作一定很开心。 e.g. I don"t suppose you"d consider staying for another week? 例句:我不认为你会再待一个星期。 e.g. I guess he will want to meet all the team members before the conference. 例句:我猜他想在会议前和团队成员见面。
2023-07-17 07:28:541


2023-07-17 07:29:033


period 强调的是一段时期,而times 强调的是一个时期,比 period的范畴大的多!其实像这些你只要平时注意体会自然就会明白了!
2023-07-17 07:29:133


1.obviously; evidently; clearly; apparently; patently clear as day; as plain as a pikestaff; as plain as the nose on one"s face
2023-07-17 07:29:321

apparently swnsitive to criticism的意思

整句是:Apparently sensitive to criticism,the bull forgot all about the matador and charged at the drunk. (公牛)显然地对挑畔很敏感,公牛完全忘记了斗牛士然后冲向那个醉鬼. 前面部分是原因状语 可以改成一个状语从句 the bull forgot all about the matador and charged at the drunk as the bull was sensitive to criticism apparently. be sencitive to表示对什么敏感 也可以用be sensitive to的现在分词形式Being sensitive to做状语 Being sensitive to criticism apparently,the bull forgot all about the matador and charged at the drunk.
2023-07-17 07:29:401


Obviously, more and more Americans start to worry about their life safety now.
2023-07-17 07:29:497


2023-07-17 07:30:043

864天与时并进:VIOLENT OUTBURST 标题怎译?及闻中问字解?

更新1: They were rushed 急送 to Queen Mary Hospital for treatment and were later discharged 出院. Police were called 被召 to the scene and arrested the attacker. The officers had earlier 早前 arrested his wife who was working as an illegal hawker on a sampan 舢板. 更新2: She called 喊叫 her hu *** and to tell him what had happened and asked him to pick up (pick up 怎解?) their son. An argument 争论 started when he returned and apparently (apparently 怎解?) picked up the chopper off the floor attacking the FEHD officers. 更新3: The above English was written from ATV Main News at 19:30. You may revise it if you like. Thanks VIOLENT OUTBURST? (火爆?) violent 是形容词 解暴力; outburst 是名词 有爆发之意 (如火山爆发). 两个字放在一起 按新闻的意思 应是指那男小贩一怒之下袭击人. pick up ..... apparently? pick up 解拾起某东西之外 也可解接. 女小贩被捕后 找男的接儿子. apparently 可解显然是 但也可解似乎是! 在新闻报导中 有时为了做到中立客观 便会加上 apparently 这些字来表示一些尚未确实的消息. 因此 上文的 apparently 是指似乎他是从地下拾起刀来袭击人的 但未经证实. 以下是 cambridge dict. 的解释: apparently Show phoics adverb 1 used to say you have read or been told something although you are not certain it is true: Apparently it"s going to rain today. Apparently he"s had enough of England and is going back to Australia. 2007-05-19 09:46:56 补充: Apparently (me Clearly here) the word {apparently} in the news report me {it seems} not 明显地 or 显然. 参考: dictionary.cambridge/define?key=3513&dict=CALD
2023-07-17 07:30:111


loud ( 形容词) + 名词inside 也是形容词 同上apparently 根据句子结构,必须填一个副词
2023-07-17 07:30:283

Apparently sensitive to criticism,the bull forgot all about the matador and charged at the drunk.

因为主语the bull发出了两个动作:forgot 是用并列连词and 连接的第二个动作的charged ,两者要对等、并在时态上一致,都用一般过去时。
2023-07-17 07:30:482


2023-07-17 07:30:581

Apparently he( )put his hand over his heart either.

选C “doesn"t need to”否定形式要调用助动词,又因为是“he”,所以用“doesn"t”。
2023-07-17 07:31:075


前者。因为如果用there is a tree is standing ,那么句子里有两个谓语了,分别是there is 以及is standing ,但是在一个英语的句子里,是不允许这样的(并列谓语除外),所以第二个亦不能理解做现在进行时。这也是为什么有谓语动词和非谓语动词之分的原因之所在。第一个句是there be 结构,加上现在分词做伴随状语的结构。类似的句子: 1.There are several boys playing football. 2.There was a girl sitting on the chair. 掌握要诀才是关键!!!
2023-07-17 07:31:585

[第154次听写]one too many是啥意思?

点击这里查看视频 我是Wind, 以前是字幕组组长. 我每天早上听写1分钟电影, 已经坚持5个月了. 你想不想找一种不那么痛苦的方式提升自己的听力? 跟我一起每天听写电影吧! one too many意思是一次, 太多了. 就是比我想见的次数多了一次, 就是指这次面试的见面是多余的. 大家可以看下这个例子体会一下 one too many用在这里, 语气应该是有一点攻击性的, 怎么大家都笑了呢, 我当时听写的时候觉得有点怪. 我去查字典发现原来one too many常用的一个意思是: 喝酒多喝了一杯. 这就是为什么大家笑了, 因为它有双关. 经常有童鞋问: 老师我怎么能自己判断出自己听错了呢? 答案就是你需要对每一个细节都去捕捉, 任何东西感觉不合理, 不对劲都要去琢磨, 去搞懂. 慢慢地你的自我纠错能力就提升了. 从第141篇开始, 我不再放出我自己听写的版本, 而是改为在答案上标记重难点, 大家特别注意一下我加粗的地方. 1 Jay says you"re pretty determined. 2 Oh, he"s been waiting outside the front of the building with some 40-pound gizmo for over a month. 3 - He said you"re smart. - Well, I like to think so. 4 - And you want to learn this business? - Yes, sir, I want to learn this business. 5 Have you already started learning on your own? 6 Absolutely. 7 - Jay? - Yes, sir. 8 How many times have you seen Chris? 9 I don"t know. One too many, apparently . 10 - Was he ever dressed like this? - No. No. Jacket and tie.
2023-07-17 07:32:241

Apparently sensitive to criticism

可以看作省略了being的现在分词短语,做状语,说明原因。全句:apparently sensitive to criticism, the bull forgot all about the matador and charged at the drunk.
2023-07-17 07:32:342

格式化硬盘出现 is apparently in use by the system错误修复

错误如下: 提示/dev/sdb5 正在被使用。 /dev/sdb5 正在被DM管理,所以我们创建文件系统时提示报错,我们手工的移除,就可以正常的创建文件系统,操作如下: 从上面可以看到dm工具确实在用。
2023-07-17 07:32:411


  十一、状语从句省略结构   Metals expand when they are heated. Metals expand 是主句;when they are heated 是状语从句。但是这个状语从句中可以省略掉they are, 句子变成:Metals expand when heated. 但是并不是所有的状语从句都可以这么省略。   这种省略从句主语的方式理论上需要满足以下两个条件:   第一、从句主语和主句主语必须保持一致;   第二、从句的谓语必须是be动词,主语和be动词同进同出,比如上面的they和are要么同时省略,要么同时保留。   例1:Although___rigid, bones exhibit a degree of elasticity that enables the skeleton to withstand considerable impact.   (A) apparently  (B) are apparently   (C) apparently their  (D) are they apparently   分析:连词although通常引导主谓完整的状语从句,当从句主语与主句主语相同、从句谓语又为系表结构时,则可省略主语和连系动词,故正确答案为(A)。Although apparently rigid = Although bones are apparently rigid, 注意bones和are必须同时省略。   因此,我们从上面的例题中来分析一下填空题中状语从句省略以后的形式:though, although, even thought, while, If, when等为引导状语从句的词;这些词后面一定+形容词(分词),主句(注意逗号的后面是主句,前面是从句)   例2:All marble is composed of crystals of the minerals calcite or dolomite, ___, are perfectly white.   (A) when, pure which  (B) when, which pure   (C) which, pure when (D) which, when pure   分析:空格前是个完整的句子,空格后是系表结构,空格处显然缺非限定性定语从句的引导词兼作从句主语。(A)、(B)不引导非限定性定语从句,可首先排除。(C)中的pure和when位置错了,故选(D)。注意when pure是插入语,同时也是省略用法when they are pure;which are perfectly white, 状语从句省略结构,   例3:___relatively costly, the diesel engine is highly efficient and needs servicing infrequently   (A) Even  (B) It is   (C) Even though (D) There is   分析:B和D填入后,都是构成两个主句,不对;Even though则引导状语从句,even though it is, 这里it is 已经省略。
2023-07-17 07:32:471


2023-07-17 07:33:162

Apparently sensitive to criticism,the bull forgot all about the matador and charged at the drunk.

1、【be sensitive to 】为固定搭配,意为 【对。。。敏感】。 criticism 是批评的意思,可意译为【挑衅】,本句意为【(公牛)显然对挑衅敏感】2、【out of the way 】也有【偏远】的意思,在这里可意译为【消失】。3、不可以,因为【look at 】后必须加宾语,即【look at sth.】。4、不是,before 为介词,构成before doing sth 这是新概念2的70几课吧,
2023-07-17 07:33:241


亡羊补牢四级翻译标准答案如下。原文:从前有个人养了一群羊,一天早上他准备出去放羊,发现少了一只。他仔细看,看到羊栏上有个窟隆。显然夜间有狼钻进羊圈叼走了羊。邻居劝他修羊栏,可是他不听。第二天他发现狼又通过窟隆叼走一只羊。他想起邻居的话,就赶快堵上窟隆,把羊栏补好。此后,他的羊再也没有被狼叼走。故事告诉我们:出了问题及时补救,可以防止蒙受更大损失。Once upon a time, a man kept a flock of sheep. One morning, he was going out to herd them but found that one was lost. After examined the sheepfold, he saw a hole. Apparently, a wolf got into the sheepfold last night and took the sheep away. Neighbors advised him to repair the sheepfold, but he did not take the advice. The next day he found that the wolf had taken another sheep through the hole. He remembered what his neighbors said, so he quickly plugged the hole to mend the sheepfold. Since then, his sheep have no longer been stolen by wolves.The story conveys to us that if something goes wrong, prompt remedies can prevent even greater losses.亡羊补牢历史典故:这故事出自战国策。战国时代,楚国有一个大臣,名叫庄辛,有一天对楚襄王说:你在宫里面的时候,左边是州侯,右边是夏侯;出去的时候,鄢陵君和寿跟君又总是随看你。你和这四个人专门讲究奢侈淫乐,不管国家大事,一定要危险啦!襄王听了,很不高兴。庄辛到赵国才住了五个月,秦国果然派兵侵楚,襄王被迫流亡到阳城。这才觉得庄辛的话不错,赶紧派人把庄辛找回来,问他有什么办法;庄辛很诚恳地说:我听说过,看见兔子牙想起猎犬,这还不晚;羊跑掉了才补羊圈,也还不迟。
2023-07-17 07:33:311


1。这里的thrown forward直接翻译是被往前丢了。联系上下文可以看出是因为急刹车的惯性“我”和examiner 都向前倾了2。grew 不仅仅指的生长 还有变化的过程就和中文中 长 感觉比较像 一般来说是长大 但是也能说经济的长,事实上也是变化了 等等。3。同样got close也包含了一个过程,意思是是靠近。如果不用got 而是was close, 那就是客观事实,公牛就在他身边的意思。而不是靠近他4.apparently sensitive to criticism中apparently sensitive to的意思没有错,是明显对啥啥敏感,而criticism指的是醉汉的行为这件事,对牛来说是一种criticism。criticism不能单说是批评 查英英字典可以发现可以解释为The expression of disapproval of someone or something based on perceived faults or mistakes。是牛的感情。我觉得也可以说一个客观事实,就是醉汉跑进来不管对牛还是对人都是一个fault
2023-07-17 07:34:271

Apparently Venice is slowly sinking into the sea. Scientists are trying to save it but by the ti

C.will have sink。是将来完成时态,注意第一句话:Apparently Venice is slowly sinking into the sea.是说威尼斯目前正在缓慢地沉如海里,后面说:科学家试图想挽救这一状况,但发现将来有一天威尼斯还是可能沉入海里。所以综合上下文,只能选C。注:请提问者及时采纳答案,作为对回答者智慧和劳动的尊重。
2023-07-17 07:34:341