barriers / 阅读 / 详情


2023-07-17 10:03:39


淡淡粉红 在告诉我 春天来临


柔和清风 轻轻掠过秀发


在亮起寂寞色彩 青蓝一色的天空里


映照著 闪烁耀眼的种种回忆 揪紧这颗心


从现在开始 我们踏出不同的道路




呐 当我们 闯到未来的地方 还可以继续欢笑吗








二人此时此刻 往下一个旅程出发


在痛苦的时候 你一直在我身旁


就是那份关怀 让我们踏步向前


把弱点隐藏著 一直逞强的自己


你毫不保留地包容了 只因我们邂逅 就此而己




只因不能制止 从内心溢满的心意


虽然如此 二人仍然互相信任






一起分享过的梦想 就算现在 仍在这里




未来 必定是从这里始动


盼望能一直珍重 我们在这里邂逅的奇迹


再见的泪水 决不忘记


尽管天各一方 你我仍紧紧连系著


从现在开始 我们踏出不同的道路






决不败下来 因为有你








二人此时此刻 往下一个旅程出发


我们必定能遇见 光辉的未来



2023-07-17 06:58:464


【graduation】意思与用法1. N-UNCOUNT 毕业 Graduation is the successful completion of a course of study at a university, college, or school, for which you receive a degree or diploma. They asked what his plans were after graduation... 他们问他毕业之后有何打算。Upon graduation he joined a small law firm. 他一毕业就进了一家小型律师事务所。2. N-COUNT 毕业典礼 A graduation is a special ceremony at university, college, or school, at which degrees and diplomas are given to students who have successfully completed their studies. ...the graduation ceremony at Yale... 耶鲁大学的毕业典礼At my brother"s high school graduation the students recited a poem. 在我弟弟的高中毕业典礼上,学生们朗诵了一首诗。3. N-COUNT 刻度线;刻度 A graduation is a line or number on a container or measuring instrument which marks a particular measurement. ...medicine bottles with graduations on them. 标有刻度线的药瓶
2023-07-17 06:59:111


2023-07-17 06:59:214


2023-07-17 06:59:513


2023-07-17 06:59:591


2023-07-17 07:00:591


可以用bachelor of, 也可以用graduate,但是不能用undergraduate,那是你仍然在读本科的意思。Bachelor degree =学士学历本科根据个人具体情况有两种表述:1、兼有学士学位:Bachelor degree (BA)2、如果没有获得学士学位只有毕业证,应该是:Undergraduate College扩展资料1、学历证和学位证区别,如果非要做类比的话,那么学历证相当于国家标准,而学位证相当于行业标准。可是就像国家标准在我国比行业标准吃香一样,对于本科及其以下学历的学生来说在国外并不存在的学历证则相对来说重要的多,当然研究生和博士生则更加注重学位。2、这从我们平日里说话谈到本科都是大学毕业,而研究生和博士研究生则会称之为硕士和博士就可以看得出来。3、从编号来看。毕业证是全国统一编号,在证书上有查询网址,而学位证是各个学校自己授权发放的,编号不是全国统一的,且证书上没有网址,只是学位证的号码含义基本一样;4、从考研来看。考研的要求是只要你有本科毕业证书,而不是你有学位证书;5、毕业证是学位证的基础,试想拿不到毕业证,怎么有资格申请学位证?研究生阶段,学位证重要,因为如果研究生阶段拿不到学位证意味着,研究生阶段你是一事无成,且考博需要的是学位证而不是毕业证。6、总的来说,毕业证是学位证的基础,本科找工作大多是看毕业证,研究生找工作是要双证,其实主要是看学位证。参考资料:百度百科:学历证
2023-07-17 07:01:164


2023-07-17 07:02:439

happy graduation是什么意思

2023-07-17 07:03:021


2023-07-17 07:03:123


放课后いつも窓からグランドを hookago itsumo mado kara gurando wo 走る君を见つめていたね hashiru kimi wo mi tsumeteitane 夕焼けが君をさらってオレンジ色に yuuyake ga kimi wosaratte orenji iro ni 溶けていったあの背番号 toke teittaano sebangou 早く大人になりたくていつも时间を hayaku otona ninaritakuteitsumo jikan wo 持て余していたあの顷に moteamashi teitaano goro ni 君は腕时计を外し手渡しながら kimi wa ude tokei wo hazushi tewatashi nagara 照れ臭そうに言ったね tere kusa souni itsutta ne 同じ明日(とき)を一绪にゆっくりと onaji ashita ( toki ) wo isyou niyukkurito 歩いていこうなんて…、 arui teikounante ..., ちょっと笑ったけど chotto waratta kedo 今时计の针を逆回しにしても ima tokei no hari wo gyaku mawashi nishitemo あの时はもう帰らないんだね ano toki wamou kaera naindane Ah Graduation Ah Graduation 2人よく来た浜辺で今 fudari yoku kita hamabe de ima 最后の手纸书き终えた sai go no tegami kaki owaeta 远く离れてしまっても tooku hanareteshimattemo 潮の香りがしたら思い出してね shio no kaori gashitara omoidashi tene ざわめく街ですれ违うクラスメート达 zawameku machi desure machigau kurasume^to tachiお互いに何となく気付かないふり o tagaini nantonaku kiduka naifuri 卒业してから半年が瞬く间に过ぎて sotsugyo shitekara hantoshi ga matataku aida ni sugogite コマ落としの日々続いてゆく koma oto shino hibi tsudui teyuku エアメールが届き见惯れた文字で eame^ru ga todoki minareta moji de 「元気ですか」なんて…、 ( genki desuka ) nante ..., 一绪の未来(とき)を isyo no mirai ( toki ) wo 歩こうと言った君は私より8时间 aruko uto itta kimi wa watashi yori 8jikanあとの今日を海の向こう生きているんだね atono kyou wo umi no mukou iki teirundane Oh my Graduation Oh my Graduation 2人よく聴いたあの曲 fudari yoku kii taano kyoku 久しぶり一人で聴いてみた hisashi buri hitori de kii temita でも何故だか心ふるえない程 时は流れた demo naze daka kokorofu ruenai hodo toki wa nagare ta Oh my Graduation Oh my Graduation 出逢いと别れを缲り返しながら deai to wakarewo kuri kaeshi nagara 人は大人になるの? hito wa otona ninaruno ? Graduation Graduation けれど淋しい时は keredo sabishi i toki wa きっとあの海へゆくのだろう… kittoano umi heyukunodarou ...
2023-07-17 07:03:193


毕业时间dateofgraduation;graduationtimeWhat"s more, many employers verify degrees and will ask you to providegraduation dates, so you might as well provide them此外,很多雇主会核实应聘者的学历,要求你提供毕业时间,所以你最好还是在简历中写明。
2023-07-17 07:03:261

Graduation with Distinction 是什么意思,完形里见到的

2023-07-17 07:04:024


   毕业 指学生在学校或训练班修业期满,达到规定要求,结束在校学习。那么你知道毕业用英语怎么说吗?下面跟着我一起来学习一下吧。   毕业的英语说法1:   graduation   毕业的英语说法2:   finish school   毕业的相关 短语   毕业典礼 commencement ; graduation ceremony   中学毕业 finish middle school ; graduate from high school   毕业晚会 graduation party ; Grad Night ;   毕业之后 after leaving school after graduation ; After graduation   毕业待遇 Graduation treatment   毕业式 commencement   毕业考试 Graduation examination ; leaving examination   毕业的英语例句:   1. "You must come to Tinsley"s graduation party." — "I"d be delighted."   “你一定要来参加廷斯利的毕业聚会。”——“我很乐意。”   2. I qualified as a doctor from London University over 30 years ago.   30多年前,我从伦敦大学毕业,取得了行医资格。   3. Without continued learning, graduates will lose their intellectual vitality.   如果不继续学习,毕业生就会失去思想上的活力。   4. At my brother"s high school graduation the students recited a poem.   在我弟弟的高中毕业典礼上,学生们朗诵了一首诗。   5. My first job was as a graduate trainee with a bank.   我的第一份工作是在一家银行做大学毕业实习生。   6. Connie did well at school and graduated with honours.   康妮在学校表现很好,以优异的成绩毕业了。   7. Harriet graduated with a first class degree in literature.   哈丽雅特毕业时获文学一级学士学位。   8. In practice a graduate tax is an administrative nightmare.   毕业税具 体操 作起来不啻一场行政噩梦。   9. You come out of university and find there are no jobs available.   从大学毕业后却找不到工作。   10. When I left school, I could walk into any job.   我毕业后可以不费吹灰之力地找到任何工作。   11. He listened to Howard give the valedictory address at high school graduation.   他听了霍华德在中学毕业典礼上作的告别演讲。   12. They were married with all the trimmings, soon after graduation.   他们毕业后不久就大操大办地结婚了。   13. Vicky and Gary attended the graduation exercises at Columbia.   维基和加里参加了哥伦比亚大学的毕业典礼。   14. For the record, most Moscow girls leave school at about 18.   需要指出的是,多数莫斯科女孩18岁从学校毕业。   15. About 40% of all students entering as freshmen graduate within 4 years.   所有入学新生中约有40%在4年内毕业。
2023-07-17 07:04:391

ClariS的《graduation》 歌词

歌曲:graduation歌手:ClariS作词:丸山真由子作曲:丸山真由子所属专辑:《BIRTHDAY》发行时间:2012-04-11歌词:淡いピンクが 春を教えてるよ优しい风が 髪をかすめていた寂しい色をしてる ブルー一色の空に眩しい思い出たちが 映って胸缔め付ける今それぞれの道 歩き出す新しい世界を筑くためにねぇ私たち 笑えているかな?辿り着く未来の场所で当たり前にみえた教室も重なりあっていた笑い声も全てがとても大事に思える二人ここから 旅立ちの瞬间辛い时には そばにいてくれたねその优しさで 前に进めたんだ弱さを隠すように 强がっていた自分をそのまま包んでくれた 君に会えた それだけで伤つけ合った日もあったよね溢れ出した想い 止まらなくてそれでも二人 信じあえたんだ强くなる 绊感じて肩并べ歩いた 帰り道语り合った梦は 今もここにかけがえのない时を过ごせたのきっとここから はじまる未来この场所で出会えた奇迹を大切にしたい ずっとさよならの涙 忘れない离れていても 繋がっている今それぞれの道 歩き出す不安や寂しさを 抱えながら明日の光 信じているんだ负けないよ 君がいるから当たり前にみえた教室も重なりあっていた笑い声も全てがとても大事に思える二人ここから 旅立ちの瞬间きっと见つける 辉く未来
2023-07-17 07:04:462


2023-07-17 07:04:562


问题一:毕业的英语单词怎么写 动词:graduate 名词:graduation 问题二:大学毕业的英文单词是什么? 如果要一个词的话,postgraduate(研究生的;研究生)也有“大学毕业后的”的意思;在英国英语里面,graduate本身就有大学毕业的意思.通常说法为graduate from the university 或graduate school 问题三:“我们毕业了!”的英语怎么说? We guaduated是正确翻译 但实际上因为是海报上的(不要求完全合乎语法,让人理解就行),而且你们应该是即耽毕业,所以We to graduate 应该可以 或者We are to graduate 问题四:英语 毕业的动词是什么 graduate 采纳吧 问题五:大学毕业证书的英文怎么说 University graduation certificate 大学毕业证书 university diploma 大学毕业证书 certificate of graduation 大学毕业证书 问题六:毕业于XX大学的XX专业 英文应该怎么写~! 5分 graduated from ×× University in **(专业)。 问题七:又到了一年一度的毕业季英文怎么说 And once again to the annual graduation season. 又到了一年一度的毕业季。 问题八:用英语翻译一下,当我大学毕业的时候。 When I graduated from colledge
2023-07-17 07:05:051


2023-07-17 07:05:401


graduation 是名词,其动词是graduate,过去式是graduated,因为结尾有字母e,直接➕d即可
2023-07-17 07:05:582

久石的《Graduation》 歌词

歌曲名:Graduation歌手:久石专辑:坏孩子的天空 Kids Return-ポリドールgraduationClariS作词:丸山真由子作曲:丸山真由子淡いピンクが 春を教えてるよ优しい风が 髪をかすめていた寂しい色をしてる ブルー一色の空に眩しい思い出たちが 映って胸缔め付ける今それぞれの道 歩き出す新しい世界を筑くためにねぇ私たち 笑えているかな?辿り着く未来の场所で当たり前にみえた教室も重なりあっていた笑い声も全てがとても大事に思える二人ここから 旅立ちの瞬间辛い时には そばにいてくれたねその优しさで 前に进めたんだ弱さを隠すように 强がっていた自分をそのまま包んでくれた 君に会えた それだけで伤つけ合った日もあったよね溢れ出した想い 止まらなくてそれでも二人 信じあえたんだ强くなる 绊感じて肩并べ歩いた 帰り道语り合った梦は 今もここにかけがえのない时を过ごせたのきっとここから はじまる未来この场所で出会えた奇迹を大切にしたい ずっとさよならの涙 忘れない离れていても 繋がっている今それぞれの道 歩き出す不安や寂しさを 抱えながら明日の光 信じているんだ负けないよ 君がいるから当たり前にみえた教室も重なりあっていた笑い声も全てがとても大事に思える二人ここから 旅立ちの瞬间きっと见つける 辉く未来
2023-07-17 07:06:041

Graduation (Friends Forever) (Lp Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Graduation (Friends Forever) (Lp Version)歌手:Vitamin C专辑:Vitamin CGraduation (Friends Forever)Vitamin CSo we talked all night about the rest of our livesWhere we"re gonna be when we turn 25I keep thinking times will never change.Keep on thinking things will always be the sameBut when we leave this year we won"t be coming backNo more hanging out cause we"re on a different trackAnd if you got something that you need to sayYou better say it right now cause you don"t have another dayCause we"re moving on and we can"t slow downThese memories are playing like a film without soundAnd I keep thinking of that night in JuneI didn"t know much of love but it came too soonAnd there was me and youAnd then we got real coolStay at home talking on the telephoneWe"d get so excited, we"d get so scaredLaughing at ourselves thinking life"s not fairAnd this is how it feels...As we go on, we rememberAll the times we had togetherAnd as our lives change, come whateverWe will still be, friends foreverSo if we get the big jobsAnd we make the big moneyWhen we look back nowWill our jokes still be funny?Will we still remember everything we learned in school?Still be trying to break every single ruleWill little brainy Bobby be the stockbroker man?Can Heather find a job that won"t interfere with her tan?I keep, I keep thinking that it"s not goodbyeKeep on thinking it"s a time to flyAnd this is how it feels....As we go on, we rememberAll the times we had togetherAnd as our lives change, come whateverWe will still be, friends forever(la la la la la la la la……)(We will still be, friends forever)Will we think about tomorrow like we think about now?Can we survive it out there?Can we make it somehow?I guess I thought that this would never endAnd suddenly it"s like we"re women and menWill the past be a shadow that will follow us "round?Will these memories fade when I leave this townI keep, I keep thinking that it"s not goodbyeKeep on thinking it"s our time to fly....As we go on, we rememberAll the times we had togetherAnd as our lives change, come whateverWe will still be, friends foreverAs we go on, we rememberAll the times we had togetherAnd as our lives change, come whateverWe will still be, friends foreverAs we go on, we rememberAll the times we had togetherAnd as our lives change, come whateverWe will still be, friends forever
2023-07-17 07:06:121

happy graduation是什么意思

2023-07-17 07:06:214

after graduation /after graduating 有什么区别

after graduation。after graduating from………
2023-07-17 07:06:315

「毕业典礼」英文怎么说?了解「毕业典礼 」各种英文说法!

毕业典礼 英文 应该怎么说呢?「毕业典礼」的英文叫做mencement ,不过它常常跟graduation搞混。 下面整理了「毕业典礼」的相关英文说法与英文例句,赶快学起来吧! 1mencement 毕业典礼 「毕业典礼」最正式的英文说法是mencement ,就是指毕业典礼当天,大家一起坐在台下听某个讲者演讲的那种场景。 当你参加毕业典礼,是否就代表你毕业了呢?当然不是,因为你有可能延毕。 例:Tomorrow is the mencement day. 明天是毕业典礼当天。 2.graduation ceremony 毕业典礼 graduation 的意思是指毕业,它是指你拿到所有学分,可以离开学校了。graduation ceremony 也可以叫做毕业典礼。 有人可能会问,graduation ceremony 跟 mencement 意思一样吗?mencement 是比较正式的说法,外国人提到毕业典礼通常也是用mencement,不过如果你要说 graduation ceremony 这词,也是可以的。 例:a graduation ceremony 毕业典礼 3.其他毕业典礼相关英文 其他毕业典礼相关英文单字: academic dress 学士服 graduation photo 毕业照 graduation party 毕业晚会 mencement speech 毕业典礼演讲 毕业 英文, 毕业典礼 英文, 毕业典礼 英文怎么说, 毕业典礼 英文说法, 毕业演讲 英文, 英文 毕业典礼
2023-07-17 07:07:001


  graduation is an important event for all of us. it is the divide between school and a full-time working life. after graduation, we are no longer students protected by parents and teachers, but a member of the real society. let"s look at the picture first.   a graduate is told by his teacher, “you must depend on yourself during your life journey after graduation…” he finds that some former graduates fly high into the sky while some experience a drastic fall.   the picture tells us a principle. graduation is not the end of your education, but the beginning of your real journey. at school, we may find we are no different from our classmates. however, there will be a great gap between us after graduation.   some may try their best to improve themselves and become the mainstay of our ear era? while some are indulged in creature comforts and give up their initial ideals.   therefore, we should remember that graduation is the beginning of our real life journey. if you want to be a person useful to society, you should make all efforts to learn as much as possible from others and improve yourself. in this way, you may fly high in the sky.
2023-07-17 07:08:471


正确的读法是分开,gra 念g "re ,du 念dio ,ation念ei tion
2023-07-17 07:09:351


2023-07-17 07:09:424


前者表示了一种状态,就是已经毕业的这种状态。后者还有一些毕业这个行为的动作在里面。例句1.After graduation from a junior middle school, he entered a senior middle school.他初中毕业后进入高中。2.University is just a beginning. I want to go study abroad after graduation.大学只是一个开始,我希望毕业后能去国外深造。3.She began her career of embroidery after graduating from a junior high school in1988.1988年初中毕业,参加工作,学习刺绣技艺。4.Wu Hubei are people, in2007 after graduating from university to work in Hangzhou.吴明是湖北人,2007年大学毕业后到杭州工作。
2023-07-17 07:09:491


gradation GRE 英 [grəˈdeɪʃn] 美 [ɡreˈdeʃən] n. (从一事物到另一事物的)渐变; (事物划分的)阶段; 等级; 刻度;复数: gradations
2023-07-17 07:09:591


2023-07-17 07:10:094


convocation(n.)召集;正式集会;graduation词典:毕业;释义:(n.) 毕业;毕业典礼;刻度,分度;分等级
2023-07-17 07:10:171


2023-07-17 07:10:385

Graduation 的中英文对照歌词?

Graduation (Friends Forever)歌词大意 我们曾整夜讨论以后的生活,谈论25岁时我们会在哪里 我常常想时间会永远不变,常常想事物会亘古永久 可是当今年离开,我们就不再回来 不会再一起结伴出游,因为我们都将有自己的生活轨迹 如果你有什么要说,现在就说吧,因为你不再有机会 因为我们在一直往前走,不能放慢脚步 记忆那样清晰,像在播放无声电影 我常常想起六月的那个夜晚,我对爱还了解太少,但它却来得那样快 我和你,我们获得了浪漫跟自信。我们呆在家里煲着电话粥 我们那样激动,也那样的胆怯,自嘲自乐,愤青似的调侃生活的不公 这就是那时的感受 (合唱) 当生活继续,我们记得所有在一起的时光 当生活改变,无论发生什么我们依然永远是朋友 若我们找到一份好工作,赚很多很多的钱 当我们回顾今天,是否还会为今天玩笑发笑? 我们还会记得在学校里学到的一切么? 是否还努力打破每一条规则? 是否聪明的小鲍比会成为股票经纪人? 是否海泽尔会找到一份工作而不受她黝黑皮肤的影响? 我常常,常常想这并不是再见 而坚持认为这正是我们展翅飞翔的时机 这就是那时的感受 (合唱) 啦啦啦啦……我们依然是永远的朋友 明天我们是否会像现在一样考虑问题? 我们能否在社会上生存?我们能否小有成就? 我猜我想的这一切永远都不会结束 突然我们都好像变成了成熟的男人女人 是否过去会像影子一样将我们包围? 是否这些记忆会随着我的离开而褪色? 我常常,常常想这并不是再见 而坚持认为这正是我们展翅飞翔的时机 (合唱)(重复) graduation (friends forever)so we talked all night about the rest of our liveswhere we"re gonna be when we turn 25i keep thinking times will never change.keep on thinking things will always be the samebut when we leave this year we won"t be coming backno more hanging out cause we"re on a different trackand if you got something that you need to sayyou better say it right now cause you don"t have another daycause we"re moving on and we can"t slow downthese memories are playing like a film without soundand i keep thinking of that night in junei didn"t know much of love but it came too soon and there was me and youand then we got real coolstay at home talking on the telephone we"d get so excited, we"d get so scaredlaughing at ourselves thinking life"s not fairand this is how it we go on, we rememberall the times we had togetherand as our lives change, come whateverwe will still be, friends foreverso if we get the big jobsand we make the big moneywhen we look back nowwill our jokes still be funny?will we still remember everything we learned in school?still be trying to break every single rulewill little brainy bobby be the stockbroker man?can heather find a job that won"t interfere with her tan?i keep, i keep thinking that it"s not goodbyekeep on thinking it"s a time to flyand this is how it we go on, we rememberall the times we had togetherand as our lives change, come whateverwe will still be, friends forever(la la la la la la la la……)(we will still be
2023-07-17 07:11:071


2023-07-17 07:11:165


问题一:"毕业典礼在什么时候”用英语该怎么说啊? 毕业典礼在什么时候 When graduation 例句: 1. 毕业典礼是什么时候? What time is the mencement? 2. 你知道什么时候举行毕业典礼吗? Do you know when the mencement is? 3. 盛大的开幕典礼是什么时候? When is the grand opening? 4. 对于他的继任者以及他会在什么时候停止工作,他一直三缄其口。 Mum"s the word on *** ith"s successor and when this lifer will call it quits. 5. 《财富》:你还记得你第一次喜欢上织锦,也就是你的专长领域,是在什么时候? Do you remember when you first fell in love with tapestries, your area of expertise? 如满意,望采纳!谢谢! 问题二:『毕业典礼』用英语怎么说 graduation ceremony; 你的采纳 我的动力 希望我能继续帮助你 问题三:毕业典礼。英语怎么说? graduation ceremony 问题四:他在毕业典礼上演讲用英语怎么说 英文原文: He makes a speech at the graduation ceremony. 英式音标: [hi?] [me?ks] [?; e?] [spi?t?] [?t; ?t] [e?] [gr?d???e??(?)n; -dj?-] [?ser?m?n?] . 美式音标: [hi] [me?ks] [e] [spitu0283] [?t; ?t] [e?] [?r?d?u?e??n] [?s?r??moni] . 问题五:2012届毕业典礼英文怎么说 The 2012 graduation mencement. 问题六:“参加侄子的毕业典礼”该怎么翻译成英文 attend my nephew"s graduating ceremony 问题七:参加女儿的大学毕业典礼英文如何说 To participate in his daughter"s college graduation ceremony 问题八:毕业典礼 英语怎么说 graduation ceremony 问题九:研究生毕业典礼英文怎么说 中文:同意她参加儿子硕士的毕业典礼。 英文:Master of allowed her to attend his son"s graduation ceremony.
2023-07-17 07:11:471


放学后总是透过窗户 注视著在运动场上奔跑的你啊 夕阳将你笼罩成一片橙色 溶解了你球衣上的背号 想早点变成大人而难以消磨时间的当时 你一边将手表取下交给我 一边带著羞怯的对我说 你说想与我一起走向同一个明天…, 虽然有点好笑 然而 如今即使时间的指针倒转 也无法回到那时候了呀 Ah Graduation 在我俩常来的海边 现在 写完了最后一封信 即使我俩就此远离 当闻到海风的味道时请你要想起喔 在扰攘的街道上擦肩而过的同班同学们 彼此假装好像不在意般 毕业后的半年转眼过去了 每天却还是持续著慢步调的日子 收到你的航空信 熟悉的字迹写著「你好吗」… 说要一起走向未来的你 生活在8个小时后海的另一边的今天呢 Oh my Graduation 我俩常听的那首歌曲 相隔许久后我一个人试著再听听看 但不知何故 心不再悸动地 时间流逝著 Oh my Graduation 人们是在不断重复的相遇与离别中 变成大人的吗? Graduation 但是当我寂寞时 我想我一定会去那个海边吧…
2023-07-17 07:12:244


2023-07-17 07:12:492


Finishing school is shortly.
2023-07-17 07:13:234


毕业季 [词典] graduation season; senior year; [例句]大学毕业季是即将降临,还是已经如火如荼,取决于你所在的地方。Depending on where you live, university graduation season is approaching or already in full swing.
2023-07-17 07:13:321


2023-07-17 07:13:5910


2023-07-17 07:14:251


是 congratulation 吧? 意思是: 祝贺, 贺词
2023-07-17 07:15:284


graduationn.毕业; 毕业典礼; 刻度,分度; 分等级
2023-07-17 07:15:372


Congratulations on graduation Congratulate you on your graduation一般Congratulate sb on doing sth
2023-07-17 07:15:472


Afer doing sth.要改成graduating
2023-07-17 07:16:203

麻烦大家翻译一下 Vitamin C的graduation!

毕业之歌so we talked all night about the rest of our lives where we"re gonna be when we turn 25 整晚我们讨论着25岁以后的生活i keep thinking times will never change. keep on thinking things will always be the same 我一直希望时事永不变,一直保留着原样but when we leave this year we won"t be coming back 但是当我们,从今以后一切回不到从前no more hanging out cause we"re on a different track 我们不会再四处闲逛因为我们的生活轨迹不再一样and if you got something that you need to say you better say it right now cause you don"t have another day 如果此刻你想说,那就趁机说吧,否则很能再找到这样的时刻cause we"re moving on and we can"t slow down 因为生活会一直向前,不可能后退these memories are playing like a film without sound 那些回忆像无声的电影在脑海里回放and i keep thinking of that night in june 我一直想着六月的夜晚i didn"t know much of love but it came too soon 我还没弄明白爱是怎么回事,它就突然降临到我头上了and there was me and you 于是你和我and then we got real cool 变得很酷stay at home talking on the telephone we"d get so excited, we"d get so scared laughing at ourselves thinking life"s not fair 待着家里通电话,我们都很兴奋,我们又很害怕我们嘲笑自己 我们觉得生活不公and this is how it feels...这就是爱的感觉 as we go on, we remember all the times we had together and as our lives change, come whatever we will still be, friends forever 我们继续 我们记得所有在一起相处的时光不论生活如何改变 不论将来发生什么 我们依然记得友谊天长地久so if we get the big jobs 如果我们找到好工作and we make the big money 如果我们挣了很多钱when we look back now 当我们回顾往事will our jokes still be funny? 我们的玩笑依然好笑吗will we still remember everything we learned in school? 我们还记得在学校里学过的那些知识吗still be trying to break every single rule 还试着去打破每一条规则吗will little brainy bobby be the stockbroker man? 小狗狗还是门卫吗can heather find a job that won"t interfere with her tan? 她能找到一份与专业有关的工作吗i keep, i keep thinking that it"s not goodbye 我一直认为这不是永别keep on thinking it"s a time to fly and this is how it feels.... 认为这是我们起飞的时刻,去感受生活的时刻as we go on, we remember all the times we had together and as our lives change, come whatever we will still be, friends forever (la la la la la la la la……) (we will still be, friends forever) (这一段与前面重复,不再翻译)will we think about tomorrow like we think about now? can we survive it out there? can we make it somehow? i guess i thought that this would never end and suddenly it"s like we"re women and men will the past be a shadow that will follow us "round? will these memories fade when i leave this town i keep, i keep thinking that it"s not goodbye keep on thinking it"s our time to fly.... as we go on, we remember all the times we had together and as our lives change, come whatever we will still be, friends forever as we go on, we remember all the times we had together and as our lives change, come whatever we will still be, friends forever as we go on, we remember all the times we had together and as our lives change, come whatever we will still be, friends forever
2023-07-17 07:16:462


2023-07-17 07:16:551


as you graduate/when you graduate/on your graduations
2023-07-17 07:17:314


Happy graduation
2023-07-17 07:17:381

graduation project是什么意思啊??

graduation season毕业季网络释义1. 毕业的季节例句:1.While some lucky college graduates will start new jobs and new lives after thisgraduation season, others will move back home with their suitcases and school loans. 大学毕业后,一部分幸运的毕业生开始了新的工作和生活,而另外一部分则是提着行李回家,而且还欠着助学贷款。
2023-07-17 07:17:521