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当last表持续时提问用什么助动词,还有i generally travel by train 时态对吗?

2023-07-17 09:26:00














adj., adv.



adv., adj.

纵向, 纵长的


at arm"s length

在手臂伸得到的地方; (保持)一定的距 离; 疏远

at full length


全身平伸地; 挺直地

at length

最后, 终于




at some length


cannot see beyond the length of one"s nose


draw out to a great length

拖得很久, 持续了很长时间

fall [measure] all one"s length


find [have, get, know, take] the length of sb."s foot

看出某人的短处; 摸透某人以便加以控制

go (to) all [any] lengths (=go to great lengths)

竭尽全力; 走极端; 什么都做得出

go to the length of (doing)

甚至于, 不惜

go the whole length of it

彻底干, 干到底

keep sb. at arm"s length

避免与某人亲近, 对某人敬而远之

measure one"s (own) length


not the length of a street

很近的距离; 些微的差别

over [through, throughout] the length and breadth (of)

遍及, 到处

slip sb. a length

[口]惩戒某人, 谴责某人


work at arm"s length

在不利的条件下工作; 干活很吃力

length of (sb."s) days [life]




wise后缀的单词只有八个: clockwise a.&ad.顺时针方向转的; contrariwise ad. 反之; crosswise ad. 斜地; lengthwise a. 纵长; likewise ad.同样地; nowise ad. 毫不,决不; otherwise ad.另外; unwise adj.愚蠢的。 扩展资料   例句:   She walked clockwise around the circle.   她绕着圈顺时针走。   He told the children to start moving clockwise around the room.   他告诉孩子们在房间里开始按顺时针方向移动。   Once the container is full, it stays shut until you turn it clockwise.   该容器一旦满了就会保持关闭,直到你将其按顺时针方向旋转。   At dawn, a villager walked clockwise around a white stupa, set high up over the valley.   黎明时,一位村民顺时针绕着一座高悬在山谷上空的白塔走。
2023-07-17 05:30:211


wise后缀的单词只有八个。 clockwise a.顺时针方向转的; contrariwise ad. 反之,顽固地; crosswise ad. 斜地; lengthwise a. 纵长; likewise ad.同样地; nowise ad. 毫不,决不; otherwise ad.另外; unwise adj.愚蠢的 扩展资料   It would be unwise to comment on the situation without knowing all the facts.   不全面了解情况就对局势妄加评论是不明智的。   She was hurried into making an unwise choice.   她在催逼之下作出了不明智的`选择。   It would be unwise to expect too much   期望过高是不明智的。   It would be unwise for the government to think of privatisation as a means of saving money.   政府要是把私有化当作省钱之道就不明智了。   I think this is extremely unwise.   我觉得这种做法极不明智。
2023-07-17 05:30:281


纵向是竖向。词义:在生活中我们看到的左右方向理解为横向,长度方向的理解为纵向。笔画:7 + 6 笔。2个字共13笔。释义:1、非平行的;上下方向的:~比较。~联系。2、指南北方向的:京广铁路是~的,陇海铁路是横向的。英文翻译:longitudinal; vertical工程学名词:lengthwise随意规定或选择的方向,例如:(1)试样的较长方向;(2)机加工方向,即在制造过程中,材料在机器内或机器上成型和移动的方向;(3)已知某一指定性能较强的试样方向;(4)任意选定的方向,特别为期望在测量平面内所测性能均匀时,所任意选定的方向。由于有些塑料材料如薄膜、板材,增强的板材等,其物理力学性能是各向异性的。因此,在制测试样条时,需标明是纵向还是横向,以确定各向的性能。扩展资料:首先说一下,横向分析它可以让人们更好的观察东西同类各项事物间的联系,了解到各项事物间的差异,从而得容易得出某种规律,也可以更好的认清长处与不足。而纵向分析则能通过对事物在不同阶段进行对比,从而总结出事物发展的趋,更好的了解过去和规划未来。而在工程当中,如果没有特别的规定和说明,那么较长的一方则默认是纵向方,而短的一方则黑认是横向方。因此,在区别纵向和横向的时候可以通过长短进行简单的区分判断。纵向就是较长的一方,而横向就是较短的一方。此外,根据人们的思维理解习惯,习惯前后方向直观理解为上下,也就是纵向,而左右方向的理解为横向,比如左右爬行的螃蟹就被人理解成是横着走。
2023-07-17 05:30:421


2023-07-17 05:31:031


去a--加ese或直接加se 如 China Chinese Japan Japanese 改为ish England English Sweden Swedish改为ian Canada Canadian Australia Australian
2023-07-17 05:31:132

法棍 英文

法棍英文是【Baguette】。法棍双语例句:1、一只法棍或者类似的意大利面包。Baguette French bread or similar Italian bread.2、这种流行的街边小吃(也叫作法式面包披萨)是一种长的法棍面包的切片,配菜通常露在外面,配菜有腌制蘑菇、芝士和淋在上面的番茄酱。This popular street food(also known as a French bread pizza)is a baguette sliced lengthwise and traditionally served open-faced with sautéed mushrooms,cheese and a drizzle of ketchup.3、不止你我是这个样子:在每间三明治吧,每到午餐时刻,都排满了精神求助的上班族,他们拿不定主意是吃当季火鸡填料三明治,照样吃西班牙口利左腊肠加火箭生菜法棍面包。We are not alone:in every sandwich bar at lunchtime there are lines of stressed workers unable to decide between the seasonal turkey-and-stuffing sandwich or chorizo and rocket baguette.法棍介绍:法式长棍面包,Baguette是一种最传统的法式面包,以高筋面粉、低筋面粉、酵母等为主要食材制作而成,其口味是咸鲜,制作工艺是烤。法国面包的代表就是“棍子面包”,baguette原意是长条形的宝石。其制作方法是将高筋粉、低筋粉、酵母和盐混合均匀后加入清水揉成光滑的面团,再将加入黄油揉成光滑的面团,发酵30分钟后,取出,排气,二次发酵,发酵至2倍大时,取出分成三等份,静置20分钟,取面团做成圆柱状。然后将做好的生胚放进烤箱中醒发90分钟,在法棍生胚表面划出四条刀口,放入预热好的烤箱,烤至表面淡褐色,外表变硬即可。
2023-07-17 05:31:321


[in length and breadth;lengthwise and sidewise;vertically and horizontally]∶竖和横互相交错 [with great ease;freely]∶奔放自如 [move about freely;overrun]∶奔驰无阻 [unbridled;unscrupulous]∶放肆;无所顾忌 [rival political theories]∶指合纵连横
2023-07-17 05:32:112


问题一:纵观 是什么意思 纵观释义: 从全面考虑;纵览(形势等) 问题二:纵观是什么意思 从古至今,按时间顺序来完整全面地查看。。。就是“纵观” 纵观中国近代史 纵观人类历史长河 问题三:纵观是什么意思 全部看的意思 问题四:纵观人生是什么意思 纵横,纵是从竖的方面即历史的看,横是从同时代同时期看,横向的比较。 纵观人生,就是历史的看待人生。 问题五:纵观的意思 纵观:(1)恣意观看。(2)纵览,博览。 问题六:纵是什么意思 纵 zòng 部首笔画 部首:纟 部外笔画:4 总笔画:7 五笔86:XWWY 五笔98:XWWY 仓颉:VMOO 笔顺编号:5513434 四角号码:28100 Unicode:CJK 统一汉字 U+7EB5 基本字义 1. 放:~虎归山。~火。 2. 放任;不拘束:放~。~目四望。~情。~观全局。 3. 身体猛然向前或向上:~身。 4. 即使:~然。~使。~令。 5. 竖,直,南北的方向,与“横”相对:~横交错。~横捭阖(指在政治、外交上运用手段进行联合或分化)。~贯。~深。 6. 起皱纹:~花(用有皱纹的纸做成的花)。这张纸都~了。 7. 指连队编制上的“纵队”。 详细字义 〈形〉 1. (形声。从糸( mì),从声。本义:松缓) 2. 同本义 [loose] 纵,缓也。――《说文》 蓬发施纵,无形仪,不治家业。――《南齐书》 3. 又如:纵缓(松懈);纵弛(松懈;放松) 4. 南北称纵,东西称横。古作“从衡” [from north to south] 不别横之与纵。――《楚辞u30fb沈江》 纵有千古,横有八荒。――清u30fb 梁启超《饮冰室合集u30fb文集》 5. 又如:纵贯南北的京九铁路 6. 跟物体的长的一边平行的 [longitudinal;lengthwise]。如:纵波;纵目(直竖的眼睛);纵理入口(面部有竖纹衔接至口边。命相者以为饿死之相);纵剖面 7. 广泛 [extensively] 谈道之余,纵言及文辞,…,非凡子所及。――陆游《重修天封寺记》 8. 又如:纵意(任意) 〈动〉 1. 发;放 [send out;deliver;issue] 纵,一曰舍也。――《说文》 李种坐故纵死罪。――《汉书u30fb昭帝纪》。注:“谓容放之。” 夫民气纵则底。――《国语u30fb楚语》。注:“放也。” 抑纵送忌。――《诗u30fb郑风u30fb大叔于田》 纵言至于理。――《礼记u30fb仲尼燕居》 有如乘风船,一纵不可缆。――唐u30fb 韩愈《秋怀诗》之六 顺风纵火。――清u30fb 邵长蘅《青门剩稿》 2. 又如:纵目(放眼远望);纵出(放出);纵兵(发兵;出兵);纵笔(放手书写) 3. 释放;放走 [let go;set free] 奉不可失,敌不可纵。――《左传u30fb僖公三十三年》 七擒七纵。――《李靖》 纵虎归山也。――《三国演义》 4. 又如:纵囚(释放囚犯);纵出(枉法减轻刑罚或非法释放囚犯;任意放出);纵遣(释放遣发);纵舍(释放;宽放) 5. 放纵;随心所欲,不受约束,不加检点 [indulge] 纵欲而不忍。――《离骚》。按,任情肆意之谓也。 我实纵欲,而不能自克也。――《左传u30fb昭公十年》 纵之顺之。――清u30fb 龚自珍《病梅馆记》 6. 又如:若纵(如果放纵听任);纵放(言行放纵,不自检点;奔放自如,具有豪迈雄健的气势) 7. 腾跃 [jump up]。如:纵跳(腾跃欢跳;跃身跳起);纵体(跳舞时腾跃轻盈的样子) 8. 放过 [let off;let slip]。如:纵恶(姑息坏人);纵敌(放过敌人而不拦截) 9. 指合纵。战国时期苏秦游说六国诸侯,要他们联合起来西向抗秦,秦在西边,六国土地南北相连,故曰“合纵” [alley with] 必得定纵。――《史记u30fb平原君虞卿列传》 10. (纵,定纵。)又 纵之利害。 谨奉社稷而以纵。 日出而言纵。 纵定乎? 歃血而定纵。 定纵于殿上。 1. 纵然,即使 [even though;even if] 公子纵轻胜。――《史记u30fb魏公子列传》 纵有健妇把锄犁。――唐u30fb 杜甫《兵车行......>> 问题七:纵观为什么能表达是全局的意思呢? 我感觉纵观并没有全局的意思,否则也不会有纵观全局这个词语了。纵观的“纵”在这里应该是“放出”的意思,比如说还有纵目,纵览。就是极目远眺,放长眼光的意思。 问题八:纵观地球,罕逢敌手,不曾一败! 是什么意思是什么意思 纵观地球,罕逢敌手,不曾一败。这是一种表现自己实力的意思。但是一般都是出自不要脸的现代小屁孩手下。历史上没有人敢那么说。连秦始皇成吉思汗都不敢。 这句话的意思就是:在这个地球上,我从来都没有遇到过一个能对我构成威胁的对手。纵横地球从来都没有打输过一次。 真是不要脸到极点了,现在的小孩啊,哎,我一拳头就让她躺地上哭了。 问题九:纵观三千黄帝陵是什么意思 5分 黄帝陵,是中华民族始祖轩辕黄帝的陵寝,是《史记》记载的唯一一座黄帝陵 ,第一批全国重点文物保护单位,第一批国家AAAAA级旅游景区 ,国家级风景名胜区 ,第一批全国爱国主义教育示范基地 。号称“天下第一陵” ,又称“华夏第一陵” ,“中华第一陵”。位于陕西省延安市黄陵县城北桥山。黄帝陵古称“桥陵”,是历代帝王和名人祭祀黄帝的场所。历史上最早举行黄帝祭祀始于秦灵公三年(前422年),秦灵公“作吴阳上,专祭黄帝” 。自汉武帝元封元年(前110年)亲率十八万大军祭祀黄帝陵以来,桥山一直是历代王朝举行国家大祭之地,保存着汉代至今的各类文物。黄帝陵古柏群,是中国最古老、覆盖面积最大、保存最完整的古柏群 ,共8万余株,千年以上3万余株。“黄帝手植柏”距今五千余年,相传为黄帝亲手所植,是世界上最古老的柏树,被誉为“世界柏树之父”和“世界柏树之冠”。2006年,清明公祭轩辕黄帝典礼(黄帝陵祭典)活动列入第一批国家级非物质文化遗产名录。2013年11月,陕西省启动“黄帝陵祭典活动”申报世界非物质文化遗产名录工作 。2014年8月,黄帝陵列入申报世界文化遗产项目。
2023-07-17 05:32:181


2023-07-17 05:32:353


袤(Mao 第四声)广袤的天地
2023-07-17 05:32:544


2023-07-17 05:33:031

介绍博物馆英语作文 介绍博物馆的英语作文

下面是一篇关于博物馆的英语作文,希望能够对您有所帮助:Museum is a place where people can explore and learn about history, culture and art. It is an important part of our society and plays a significant role in educating and enriching people"s lives.Museums are often home to collections of valuable and rare objects from different time periods and cultures. Visitors can view exhibits of ancient artifacts, paintings, sculptures, fossils, and other interesting items that tell the story of humanity"s past, as well as the present.In addition to presenting exhibits, museums also offer educational programs and activities for all ages. These programs allow visitors to learn more about the exhibits, interact with museum staff, and engage in hands-on activities that encourage creativity and critical thinking.One of the most fascinating things about museums is how they create a bridge between the past and the present. Through the exhibits, we can see how people lived, worked, and created things in different times and places, and how this has influenced the world we live in today.In conclusion, museums are truly special places that provide us with a glimpse into the rich and diverse history and culture of our world. They offer endless opportunities for learning and discovery, and help us to better understand ourselves and the world around us. I believe that everyone should visit a museum at least once in their lifetime, as it is an experience that will stay with you forever.
2023-07-17 05:33:464


今天,我来到一个卖油条的铺子前买油条。正好赶上卖油条的人在炸油条,我便站在那儿仔细地看了起来。 只见,他先揉起了面,把面粉揉成一个面团,再撒上一点干粉,接着用擀面杖把面团压平、擀长,再用刷子轻轻地把面饼刷平,接着用刀把面饼切成一根根同样大小的“面条”,紧接着用刀背揿了一下,然后拿出一根“面条”一拉,最后,在面板上甩了两下。 现在该下油锅炸了,炸油条的人轻轻地把拉好的“面条”,放入锅中炸。只见刚放下去的“面条”,就像一条条小鱼一样,沉入油中,过了一会儿,它又浮了上来。炸油条的人拿起一双筷子,用筷子不停地翻滚着油条。渐渐地,渐渐地,小油条从白色变成了淡黄色,又从淡黄色变成了深黄色,又从深黄色变成了金黄色,小油条也好像吃了一瓶“增胖剂”一样,不断地长胖,等它长到一定程度时,这时候,油条就熟了。 等炸油条的人把一根根金灿灿、香喷喷的油条捞上来时,我就已经垂涎三尺了。 这金灿灿、香喷喷的油条,保准你吃了一根还想再来一根!
2023-07-17 05:34:271


onion既是可数名词也是不可数名词。onion的基本释义为:洋葱、洋葱头等,当onion被译为植物时,例如说“一根洋葱”或“一颗洋葱头”时,它是属于可数名词的,但当onion被译为吃的饭菜“洋葱”时,那么它就属于不可数名词了。 扩展资料   一、可数名词 onion   若当作一种植物看待,为可数名词,指“一根洋葱”“一个洋葱头”等时,那么onion就是可数名词;   I like liver and onions for dinner. 晚餐我喜欢吃肝和洋葱。   Shall I use oil or butter for frying the onions? 我用普通油还是黄油来炒洋葱呢?   Chop an onion finely. 把洋葱切细。   二、不可数名词 onion   若指作为菜吃的“洋葱”“洋葱头”,有时可数,有时不可数名词;   The soup tastes of onion. 这汤有洋葱味。   There is too much onion in the salad. 色拉里的洋葱太多。   You"ve put too much onion in the salad. 你的.色拉中洋葱太放多了。   三、onion 双语例句   例句 1. When the oil is hot, add the sliced onion   油热了后,放入切好的洋葱。   例句 2. Spread the onion slices on the bottom of the dish.   把洋葱片铺在盘底。   例句 3. Peel the onion and cut it in half lengthwise.   剥掉洋葱皮并把它纵向切成两半。   例句 4. It is made with fresh minced meat, cooked with onion and a rich tomato sauce.   这道菜用鲜肉沫加洋葱和浓郁的番茄酱做成。   例句 5. Mix the meat with the onion, carrot, and some seasoning.   把肉和洋葱、胡萝卜及一些佐料搅拌在一起。   例句 6. Fry for about 4 minutes, until the onion has softened.   煎4分钟左右,直到洋葱变软。   例句 7. Will you chop an onion up for me?   你能帮我把一个洋葱切碎吗?   例句 8. Cut the onion into paper-thin slices   把洋葱切成极薄的薄片。   例句 9. When the onion plants have hardened off, we can plant them in the garden; they should be ready soon.   洋葱苗长壮后,我们就可以把它们移植到菜园里;这些苗很快就可以移植。   例句 10. When you slice an onion, it makes your eyes sting.   切葱头辣眼睛。
2023-07-17 05:34:361


  洋葱又称球葱、圆葱、玉葱、葱头、荷兰葱等,是很常见的蔬菜品种。那么你知道洋葱的英文怎么说吗?现在跟我一起学习关于洋葱的英语知识吧。   洋葱的英文释义   onion   网 络onion;Onions;Allium cepa;Yangpa   洋葱的英文例句   我特别不喜欢洋葱。   I especially dislike onions.   洋葱不适合我的胃口。   Onion does not agree with me.   洋葱的味道一直都不散,是吗?   The smell of onions clings, doesn"t it?   他坐在火炉旁,狼吞虎咽地吃着牛肉和洋葱。   He sat by the fire, devouring beef and onions.   洋葱和百合是从球茎中长出的。   Onions and lilies grow from bulbs.   我不喜欢洋葱的味道。   I don"t like the flavour of onion.   加入洋葱碎,洋葱粉,蒜粉。   Add the minced oniononion powder and garlic powder.   她先炒洋葱再把洋葱加入炖的食物。   She browned onions before adding them to the stew.   先从洋葱的根部把洋葱一剖两半。   Cut the onion in half through the root.   Put the onions in the pan and cook until lightly browned. 将洋葱放入平底锅内,炒至略呈棕色。   Small pickling onions can be used instead of sliced ones. 小块腌洋葱可用来替代切片洋葱。   Fry for about 4 minutes, until the onion has softened. 煎4分钟左右,直到洋葱变软。   Mix the meat with the onion, carrot, and some seasoning. 把肉和洋葱、胡萝卜及一些佐料搅拌在一起。   Add the onion and cook gently for about 5 minutes. 把洋葱加进去,用文火煮大约5分钟。   Peel the onion and cut it in half lengthwise. 剥掉洋葱皮并把它纵向切成两半。   Onions can be boiled and pulped to a puree. 洋葱可以煮一下打成糊。   His onions cost 9p a lb wholesale; packing and transport costs 10p. 他的洋葱批发价每磅9便士;打包送货的话要10便士。   When the oil is hot, add the sliced onion. 油热了后,放入切好的洋葱。   Pour a kettle of boiling water over the onions. 在洋葱上倒一壶开水。   Spread the onion slices on the bottom of the dish. 把洋葱片铺在盘底。   Start by caramelizing some onions. 先将一些洋葱外面炒上焦糖。   I always grow a few red onions. 我总是喜欢种一些红洋葱。   I sliced up an onion. 我把一个洋葱切了片。   Will you chop an onion up for me? 你能帮我把一个洋葱切碎吗?   The place stinks of fried onions. 这个地方有股煎洋葱的刺鼻气味。   Peel and thinly slice the onion. 剥掉洋葱皮,然后切成薄片。   Cut the onion into paper-thin slices. 把洋葱切成极薄的薄片。   Dice the onion. 把洋葱切成丁。   Fry the onions in butter. 用黄油炒洋葱。   关于洋葱的英文阅读:洋葱可发电   Onions make you cry, add flavor to food and are touted for their medicinal benefits. Now the vegetable has another use — powering up green energy.   洋葱可以刺激得人流泪,可以在烹制食物时作为调料增加香味,而且它还有医学价值。现在,这种蔬菜又有了另外一项功能——发电。   A new system debuts that converts onion juice into electricity at Gills Onions, the largest fresh onion processor in the United States.   美国最大的洋葱加工商Gills Onions推出了一个新的发电系统,可以将洋葱汁 转换为电能。   据悉,这种用洋葱发电的新系统有望每年为该公司节省70万美元的电费,还可 为公司减少高达3万吨的温室气体排放。   The Oxnard, California — based company expects its new onion — fueled power to reduce its electric bill by $700,000 a year and cut its annual greenhouse1 gas emlssims2 by up to 30,000 tons.   不得不说,既经济,又环保,这个绿色能源的 故事 结局很圆满。但是谁能想到, 这一想法最初却源于如何处理洋葱废料这个令人头痛的问题。   The happy ending to this green energy tale, however, started with another question: how to get rid of onion waste.   史蒂文?吉尔,这家已创立25年之久的公司的合伙人说:“当我们要食用一个洋 葱时,我们首先要去掉它的头、尾,以及剥离外表的皮层,这样我们才能得到洋葱的 果肉;而在此期间洋葱已产生了 35% ~ 40%的废料。   "When we peel an onion, 35 to 40 percent of the onion comes off before we have a usable onion. Thatu2019s the top, tail and skin around the onion before you get to the meat,” said Steven Gill, co-owner of the 25-year-old company.   他们通常是把这些废料拉到野外作为肥料,但是这也是个问题。10年前,吉尔 就开始尝试利用科技来解决这一问题,这当中就包括微型燃气轮机的设ih   They used to haul the waste to the fields for compostion, but that became a problem. Ten years ago, Gill started looking at technology for a solution, including microturbines.   “We ended up shredding4 the skins as they come out of the plant and extracting all the juice, which is very high in sugars, and bacteria love that stuff,,, Gill said.   “当洋葱皮被剥离之后,我们就将其粉碎,然后在其中提取汁液。但这种洋葱汁 含糖量极高,很容易滋生细菌。“吉尔狮。   In the new system, bacteria produce methane5 gas from the juice. The gas then goes to two 300 kilowatt fuel cells, creating enough power for 460 homes. The company expects to get 35 to 40 percent of its electricity from the on-site generator.   而在新系统中,这些细菌可以通过洋葱汁产生甲烷,然后这些气体通过两块 300千瓦的燃料电池,其产生的电量足够460户居民的日常用电。该绿色发电系统有 望承担该公司35% ~ 40%的用电量。 猜你喜欢: 1. 牛用英语怎么说 2. 固定用英语怎么说 3. 会员用英语怎么说 4. 迷彩用英语怎么说 5. 贺卡用英语怎么说 6. 物品用英语怎么说
2023-07-17 05:35:242


earnest1KK: []DJ: []a.1. 认真的;诚挚的;热心的[(+in/about/over)]Mrs. White is earnest about community work.怀特太太对社区工作十分热心。She is earnest in her work.她工作很认真。Mary is an earnest worker.玛丽是一个认真的工人。2. 重要的;严肃的n.1. 认真,诚挚[U]I"m not joking; I"m in earnest.我不是开玩笑;我是认真的。earnest2KK: []DJ: []n.[S]1. 定金,保证金2. 预兆,前兆[(+of)]
2023-07-17 05:35:324


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2023-07-17 05:37:058


2023-07-17 05:37:442


回答和翻译如下 :onion .洋葱 。洋葱的复数形式 。onions .
2023-07-17 05:37:511


纵是什么意思 纵 zòng 部首笔画 部首:纟 部外笔画:4 总笔画:7 五笔86:XWWY 五笔98:XWWY 仓颉:VMOO笔顺编号:5513434 四角号码:28100 Unicode:CJK 统一汉字 U+7EB5 基本字义 1. 放:~虎归山。~火。 2. 放任;不拘束:放~。~目四望。~情。~观全域性。 3. 身体猛然向前或向上:~身。 4. 即使:~然。~使。~令。 5. 竖,直,南北的方向,与“横”相对:~横交错。~横捭阖(指在政治、外交上运用手段进行联合或分化)。~贯。~深。 6. 起皱纹:~花(用有皱纹的纸做成的花)。这张纸都~了。 7. 指连队编制上的“纵队”。 详细字义 〈形〉 1. (形声。从糸( mì),从声。本义:松缓) 2. 同本义 [loose] 纵,缓也。——《说文》 蓬发施纵,无形仪,不治家业。——《南齐书》 3. 又如:纵缓(松懈);纵弛(松懈;放松) 4. 南北称纵,东西称横。古作“从衡” [from north to south] 不别横之与纵。——《楚辞·沈江》 纵有千古,横有八荒。——清· 梁启超《饮冰室合集·文集》 5. 又如:纵贯南北的京九铁路 6. 跟物体的长的一边平行的 [longitudinal;lengthwise]。如:纵波;纵目(直竖的眼睛);纵理入口(面部有竖纹衔接至口边。命相者以为饿死之相);纵剖面 7. 广泛 [extensively] 谈道之余,纵言及文辞,…,非凡子所及。——陆游《重修天封寺记》 8. 又如:纵意(任意) 〈动〉 1. 发;放 [send out;deliver;issue] 纵,一曰舍也。——《说文》 李种坐故纵死罪。——《汉书·昭帝纪》。注:“谓容放之。” 夫民气纵则底。——《国语·楚语》。注:“放也。” 抑纵送忌。——《诗·郑风·大叔于田》 纵言至于理。——《礼记·仲尼燕居》 有如乘风船,一纵不可缆。——唐· 韩愈《秋怀诗》之六 顺风纵火。——清· 邵长蘅《青门剩稿》 2. 又如:纵目(放眼远望);纵出(放出);纵兵(发兵;出兵);纵笔(放手书写) 3. 释放;放走 [let go;set free] 奉不可失,敌不可纵。——《左传·僖公三十三年》 七擒七纵。——《李靖》 纵虎归山也。——《三国演义》 4. 又如:纵囚(释放囚犯);纵出(枉法减轻刑罚或非法释放囚犯;任意放出);纵遣(释放遣发);纵舍(释放;宽放) 5. 放纵;随心所欲,不受约束,不加检点 [indulge] 纵欲而不忍。——《离骚》。按,任情肆意之谓也。 我实纵欲,而不能自克也。——《左传·昭公十年》 纵之顺之。——清· 龚自珍《病梅馆记》 6. 又如:若纵(如果放纵听任);纵放(言行放纵,不自检点;奔放自如,具有豪迈雄健的气势) 7. 腾跃 [jump up]。如:纵跳(腾跃欢跳;跃身跳起);纵体(跳舞时腾跃轻盈的样子) 8. 放过 [let off;let slip]。如:纵恶(姑息坏人);纵敌(放过敌人而不拦截) 9. 指合纵。战国时期苏秦游说六国诸侯,要他们联合起来西向抗秦,秦在西边,六国土地南北相连,故曰“合纵” [alley with] 必得定纵。——《史记·平原君虞卿列传》 10. (纵,定纵。)又 纵之利害。 谨奉社稷而以纵。 日出而言纵。 纵定乎? 歃血而定纵。 定纵于殿上。1. 纵然,即使 [even though;even if] 公子纵轻胜。——《史记·魏公子列传》 纵有健妇把锄犁。——唐· 杜甫《兵车行......
2023-07-17 05:38:011


2023-07-17 05:38:096


1、洋葱的英语:onion,英 [??nj?n] 美 [??nj?n]。2、把洋葱片铺在盘底。Spread the onion slices on the bottom of the dish。3、剥掉洋葱皮并把它纵向切成两半。Peel the onion and cut it in half lengthwise。4、先炒洋葱,然后放进蘑菇。First cook the onions, then add the mushrooms。
2023-07-17 05:38:231


2023-07-17 05:38:432


wisewise [waiz]基本翻译adj. 聪明的;明智的;博学的vi. 了解vt. 使知道;教导网络释义Wise:智慧|厦门大学王亚南经济研究院|英明的wise up:知道|意识到wise man:哲人|花 语:贤者|智者,前人
2023-07-17 05:39:183

法国大餐用餐的礼仪作文 英语的

French Dining EtiquetteFrench eating etiquette is an important at home, at private and public celebrations and especially in restaurants and cafes. It is more like а series of lifestyle rules than an imposed series of clichés to abide while dining.When in France, you will demonstrate a serious lack of respect if you violate the eating rules. Table manners are definitely very important for foreigners to master. Never take flowers to the hostess because you are expected to send them before or after the event. You are not allowed to bring any friends or pets without asking first. However, if you happen to bring an extra person, you should give his/her name to the host. In France, the only two kinds of food that a guest is allowed to refuse are oysters and curry. The hostess should not serve them without inquiring beforehand about the guests" tastes. Dinner usually takes from two to four hours because one meal consists of several courses served separately. Guests should eat small portions of every course. Each course is brought in order and passed but one thing stays present on the table throughout the whole meal-the inevitable glass of French wine. You should leave your wineglass nearly full if you do not want more wine.The French have perfected the art of using forks and knives. Chicken and fish are cut and picked up by a special kind of table utensils. The French go so far as eating fruit with knives and forks. Salad should never be cut, you should rather try to fold the leaf and bring it to your mouth with the fork. Salad knife is present on the table but using it should be your last resort. Cheese is cut lengthwise and round cheese is cut by means of making round wedges. Do not rest your elbows on the table. Your hands should be visible but not on your lap. If you have not finished eating, cross your fork and knife on the plate with the fork over the knife. The French hate to have unexpected visitors so it is considered a blunder to drop in on a friend without letting them know in advance. You should avoid phoning after 9pm and before 10am. A firmly established tradition, is the L"Aperitiff – people get together at about half an hour before a meal to share a drink have a chat with friends, family, colleagues or neighbours.
2023-07-17 05:39:261


1.有智慧的;聪明的 2. 英明的;明智的希望帮到你,祝学习进步
2023-07-17 05:39:483


顶部 coping;crest   底部 bottom   中部 central section; middle part   倾斜 obliquity;slope   地方 locatity; district;place   中心 hub(n.轴心); center; core(n.果核,果心;精髓,要义,中心部分); focus(n.焦点,聚光点,注意活动的中心点);   前面 before; in front of;ahead   后面 behind; afterwards; back   正面 the obverse side; the right side ; directly   侧面 flank(胁;胁腹;侧面;厢房;[军]侧翼)side ;aspect   到处 everywhere   纬度 latitude   经度 longitude   东方 east; orient(n.[书]东方;[大写]亚洲,东方国家;   西方 western countries   上面 on   下面 behind,   左面 left   右面 right   east东   west西   south南   north北   northeast东北   northwest西北   southeast东南   southwest西南   front前面   in front在前面;当面   in front of在…前面;当…面   after在...之后, 在...后面   back后面的, 在后面   behind在...之后   left左边   right右边   above在...上方   on top of在...之上   over在...之上   below/down在...下面   east东   west西   south南   north北   southeast东南   southwest西南   northwest西北   northeast东北   east-southeast东南偏东   east-northeast东北偏东   south-southeast东南偏南   south-southwest西南偏南   north-northeast东北偏北   north-northwest西北偏北   west-northwest西北偏西   west-southwest西南偏西   east by north东偏北   east by south东偏南   south by west南偏西   south by east南偏东   north by west北偏西   north by east北偏东   west by north西偏北   west by south西偏南   southeast by east东南偏东   southeast by south东南偏南   southwest by west西南偏西   southwest by south西南偏南   northeast by east东北偏东   northeast by north东北偏北   northwest by north西北偏北   northwest by west西北偏西   eastward向东地(的)   westward向西地(的)   northward向北地(的)   southward向南地(的)   about在附近   after在...之后   against与…相反   ahead在…之前   aimless无方向的   along顺着,向前   anticlinal背斜的   apeak垂直着(的)   around附近地   astatic无定向的   astray偏向的   asunder在位置或方向上相互隔开地   at在…里,在…附近   away远离   axial轴向的   isotropic所有方向上都相同的   leeward背风地(的)   left左边的   left-hand左手的,左侧的   lengthwise纵向的   lengthways纵向的   levorotatory左旋的   middle中间的   multipronged有几种不同的方向的   negative反的   northeastward向东北地(的)   northwestward朝西北地(的)   oblique斜的   off远的;远离的   offward向海(的),离岸(的)   on在…上   onward向前的   one-way单向的   opposite反方向的   oriental东方的   out向外地   outside在…之外   outward外面的   over在…对面;在…顶端   parallel平行的   return倒转或改变方向的   reverse颠倒的,背面的   right右边的   right-hand右手的,右侧的   side旁边的   skew斜的   tail尾部的   to向,为了到达…而朝一个方向,在…的面前   toward朝着…的方向   tow-way双向的   under在...之下   up在上方地(的)   upon在...之上   upward向上的   occidental西方的   windward向风的   front 前   东 east;   西 west; western   南 south   北 north; northern   东北 northeast   东南 southeast   西北 northwest   西南 southwest   前方 front   后方 rear   左方 on the left   右方 on the right   back在后面   before在...之前   behind在...之后   beside在…旁边   bottom底部的   central中心的   clockwise顺时针的   close位于…边缘的   contrary相反的,逆向的   coastwise沿海岸方向   counter相反的   counterclockwise逆时针的   crisscross交叉方向的   crosswise横穿的   deep在深处的   dextrorotatory向右旋的=dextrorotary   diagonal斜的   differential差动的,涉及速度或运动方向不同的   direct顺行的   downrange顺导弹发射方向的   downstream顺流的   downwind顺风的   duplex 双向的   extreme 最远的   farther 更远地   following 后面的   fore 在前部的   forward 前部的   front 前面的   glancing倾斜的   head-to-head被安排在方向相对的直线上   in在...之内   inside在…以内   into到…里面   inward内部的
2023-07-17 05:39:551


ject == throweject 喷射;逐出 inject 注射 reject 拒绝juven == youngjuvenile 青少年 rejuvenate (使)返老还童 juvenilia 少年文艺读物just/jur == justjustify 证明正确 jurist 法学家 jury 陪审团labor == worklaborious 费力的 collaborate 合作,协作later == side;partybilateral 双边的 unilateral 单方的 equilateral 等边的leg == lawlegislate 立法 illegitimate 非法的 legislature 立法机关literat == letterliterature 文学 illiterate 文盲 semiliterate 半文盲的loc == placelocation 地点 allocate 分配 localism 地方主义lumi == light;brightilluminate 照明 illuminance 照明度 luminary 发光体,杰出人物magni == big;greatmagnificent 宏大的 magnify 放大 magnitude 巨大,广大man(u) == handmanufacture 生产,加工 manage 管理 manuscript 手稿mar == seasubmarine 潜艇 maritime 海事的,海运的 mariner 海员meter/metri == measurethermemeter 温度计 altimeter 高度计mit/miss == sendemit 放射 vomit 呕吐 transmission 播送,传送mort == deathmortal 致命的 immortal 不朽的 postmortem 死后的nomin == namenominal 名义上 nominate 提名 innominate 无名的,匿名的nounce == proclaimpronounce 发音 denounce 公开指责ortho == straight;correct orthodox 正统的 orthopaedy 矫正术pater/patr == fatherpaternal 父亲般的 patriarch (男性)族长 patricide 弑父;杀父者pathy == feelingsympathy 同情 antipathy 反感 empathy 移情ped == footpedestrain 行人 expedition 远征(队) pedal 足的;踏板pel/pulse == push;driveexpel 驱逐 impulse 冲动 dispel 驱散pend/pens == use up;hangexpense 花费 expenditure 开支 suspend 悬浮;使悬而未决phon == soundheadphone 耳机 symphony 交响乐 microphone 麦克风plic = foldduplicate 二倍的,副本 complication 综合症;并发症;复杂 implicit 含蓄的port == carryporter 脚夫 export 出口 passport 护照pose == put;placepropose 建议 dispose 处理 expose 使暴露,揭发prim == initial;firstprimary 初级的 primitive 原始的 prime 首要的,最初的psych == mindpsychology 心理学 psychoanalysis 心理分析punct == pointpunctuate 加标点 acupuncture 针灸 punctual 准时的,精确的rupt == breakcorruption 腐败 interrupt 打断 bankrupt 破产scop == see;look atmicroscopic 微观的 macroscopic 宏观的scope == instrument for observingmicroscope 显微镜 telescope 望远镜scribe/script == write;writing;look atdescribe 描述 prescription 处方sequ == followconsequence 后果 sequence 次序 sequel 结局,续集sens/sent == sense;feelingsentimental 多愁善感的 sensitivity 灵敏度 consent 赞同simil == likesimilarity 共性 simile 明喻 similar 类似的sol == alonesole 唯一的 solitary 单独的 soliloquy 独白soph == wisephilosopher 哲学家 sophisticated 老练的,尖端的 pansophic 无所不知的spec(t) == see;look atinspect 视察 expect 盼望 retrospect 回顾 suspect 怀疑prospect 展望 respect 尊敬spir == breatherespiration 呼吸 perspire 出汗 expire 死亡断气struct == buildconstructive 富有建设性的 superstructure 上层建筑 destruction 毁灭stup == be motionlessstupid 愚蠢 stupefy 使麻木;使呆若木鸡 stupor 昏迷,麻木sum == use up;take
2023-07-17 05:40:031

英语造句 急!!!!

2023-07-17 05:40:205

英语摺纸中的基本词语 例如:给你、请著看著我、正方形…………

英语摺纸中的基本词语 例如:给你、请著看著我、正方形………… 给你Here you are. 请著看著我Look at me,please. 正方形square 对摺fold 纵向对摺folded it lengthwise 把这个角向上折Pack up this angle 重复以上动作两次Repeat the above actions ice 看著我球英语 看著我球 I looked at the ball 看著我球 I looked at the ball 看著我的英语怎麼写? 我:I(主格)me(宾格) I‘m a teacher.我是一名教师。(作主语) Please give it to me.请把它给我。(作宾语) 我的:mine(名词性物主代词)(注意:名词性物主代词单独使用,不与名词连用,可以做主、表语等,但不能作定语) my(形容词性物主代词)(注意:形容词性物主代词不能单独使用,必须名词连用,只能作定语) This my book.(作定语) This book is mine.(作表语) Mine is new.(作主语) 看著我,用英语怎麼写? look at me stare at 是凝视的意思 直直地看著我 用英语 look at me straightly 正方形 的英语 Square 正方形斜著看是什麼图形? 还是正方形。 当然,说是菱形也可以。 可以是矩形 也可以是菱形 他正在看著我用英语怎麼说 他正在看著我 英文翻译 He"s looking at me 你为什麼看著我?用英语怎麼说 Why are you looking at me?
2023-07-17 05:40:451


2023-07-17 05:40:532


2023-07-17 05:41:032

英语折纸中的基本词语 例如:给你、请着看着我、正方形…………

给你:Here you are.正方形:square.请看着我:Please look at me .
2023-07-17 05:42:092

220 daN/cm lengthwise 是什么含义

2023-07-17 05:42:281


2023-07-17 05:42:372

amitec lengthwiseslicerfv-25s,应该是一个和木业相关的设备名称,求具体的中文翻译

amitec 纵向切片机 变频---25s
2023-07-17 05:42:451


2023-07-17 05:43:003


罐头食品生产许可证审查细则(2006版) 一、发证产品范围及申证单元 实施食品生产许可证管理的罐头食品是指原料经处理、装罐、密封、杀菌或无菌包装而制成的食品。罐头食品应为商业无菌、常温下能长期存放。罐头食品的申证单元为3个:畜禽水产罐头;果蔬罐头;其他罐头。 在生产许可证上应当注明获证产品名称即罐头及申证单元名称(畜禽水产罐头、果蔬罐头、其他罐头)。罐头食品生产许可证有效期为3年,其产品类别编号为0901。 二、基本生产流程及关键控制环节 (一)基本生产流程。 杀菌→无菌包装 ↑ 原辅材料处理→调配(或分选、或加热及浓缩)→装罐→密封→杀菌及冷却 (二)关键控制环节。 原材料的验收及处理、封口工序、杀菌工序。 (三)容易出现的质量安全问题。 1.原料变质造成感官指标不符合要求。2.加工过程中带入外来杂质。3.物理性胀罐或氢胀。4.马口铁罐腐蚀造成内容物变质或硫化铁污染。5.密封不良或杀菌不足造成内容物腐败变质或平酸菌败坏。6.锡超标。7.违规使用食品添加剂。 三、必备的生产资源 (一)生产场所。 罐头食品生产企业除必备的生产环境外,其厂房与设施的设计应当根据不同罐头的工艺流程进行合理布局,并便于卫生管理、清洁清理、消毒。企业应当设有原辅材料库房、成品库、加工车间、包装车间。原料有特殊贮藏要求的,企业应当具备冷库、保(常)温库和解冻间。 (二)必备的生产设备。 1. 畜禽水产罐头和其他罐头 (1)原料处理设备(如清洗设施、盐渍设施、油炸设备等);(2)配料及调味设备(如调味、过滤等设施);(3)装罐设施及密封设备(如封口机)或无菌包装设备;(4)杀菌设备(如杀菌釜或杀菌锅);(5)冷却设施或场所。 2. 果蔬罐头 (1)原料处理设备(如清洗、去皮、预煮机或漂洗桶、槽等);(2)分选设备(如去核、切块、修整等工具);(3)装罐设施及密封设备(如封口机)或无菌包装设备;(4)杀菌设备(如杀菌釜或杀菌锅);(5)冷却设施或场所。 四、产品相关标准 (一)禽水产罐头。 gb/t 13213-1991《火腿猪肉罐头》 gb/t 13515-1992《火腿罐头》 gb 13100-2005《肉类罐头食品卫生标准》 gb 14939-2005《鱼罐头卫生标准》 gb 2762-2005《食品中污染物限量》 qb/t 1352-1991《片装火腿罐头》 qb/t 1353-1991《火腿午餐肉罐头》 qb/t 1355-1991《回锅肉罐头》 qb/t 1356-1991《猪肉蛋卷罐头》 qb/t 1357-1991《香菇猪脚腿罐头》 qb/t 1359-1991《五香肉丁罐头》 qb/t 1361-1991《红烧扣肉罐头》~qb/t 1367-1991《辣味炸子鸡罐头》 qb/t 1371-1991《烤鹅罐头》~qb/t 1373-1991《油炸禾花雀罐头》 qb/t 1375-1991《熏鱼罐头》 qb/t 1376-1991《凤尾鱼罐头》 qb/t 1404-1991《榨菜肉丝罐头》 qb/t 1606-1992《红烧排骨罐头》 qb/t 1608-1992《红烧元蹄罐头》 qb/t 1609-1992《香炸鹅罐头》 qb 2299-1997《午餐肉》 qb/t 2784-2006《咸牛肉罐头》 qb/t 2785-2006《咸羊肉罐头》 qb/t 2786-2006《清蒸猪肉罐头》 qb/t 2787-2006《原汁猪肉罐头》 qb/t 2788-2006《清蒸牛肉罐头》 qb/t 3601-1999《香菇肉酱罐头》 qb/t 3602-1999《猪肉香肠罐头》 qb/t 3605-1999《豆豉鲮鱼罐头》 qb/t 3606-1999《鲜炸鲮鱼罐头》 qb/t 3608-1999《茄汁鲭鱼罐头》 (二)果蔬罐头。 gb/t 13207-1991《菠萝罐头》~gb/t 13212-1991《清水荸荠罐头》 gb/t 13516-1992《糖水桃罐头》 gb/t 13517-1992《青豌豆罐头》 gb/t 13518-1992《蚕豆罐头》 gb 11671-2003《果、蔬罐头卫生标准》 gb 7098-2003《食用菌罐头卫生标准》 gb/t 14151-1999《蘑菇罐头》 gb/t 14215-1993《番茄酱罐头》 gb 2762-2005《食品中污染物限量》 qb/t 1117-1991《什锦水果罐头》 qb/t 1378-1991《四鲜烤夫罐头》~qb/t 1392-1991《干装苹果罐头》 qb/t 1394-1991《原汁整番茄罐头》 qb/t 1396-1991《酸甜红辣椒罐头》 qb/t 1397-1991《猴头菇罐头》~qb/t 1403-1991《调味榨菜罐头》 qb/t 1406-1991《小竹笋罐头》~qb/t 1408-1991《清水冬笋罐头》 qb/t 1605-1992《清水莲藕罐头》 qb/t 1611-1992《糖水杏罐头》 qb/t 1612-1992《红焖大头菜罐头》 qb/t 1688-1993《糖水染色樱桃罐头》 qb/t 2390-1998《桃酱罐头》 qb/t 2391-1998《糖水枇杷罐头》 qb/t 3609-1999《草莓酱罐头》~qb/t 3621-1999《清水竹笋罐头》 qb/t 1607-1992《盐水红豆罐头》 (三)其他罐头。 gb 2762-2005《食品中污染物限量》 qb/t 1409-1991《花生米罐头》 qb/t 1410-1991《琥珀核桃仁罐头》 qb/t 1411-1991《咸核桃仁罐头》 qb/t 2221-1996《八宝粥罐头》 企业生产的罐头产品未包含在相关的国家标准、行业标准内的,应按相关规定,制订企业标准,企业标准应至少具备检验项目表中的☆项目,并按备案有效的企业标准考核。 五、原辅材料的有关要求 企业生产罐头所用的原辅材料必须符合相应的国家标准、行业标准、地方标准及相关法律、法规和规章的规定。企业生产罐头所使用的畜禽肉等主要原料应经兽医卫生检验检疫,并有合格证明。猪肉应选用政府定点屠宰企业的产品。进口原料肉必须提供出入境检验检疫部门的合格证明材料。不得使用非经屠宰死亡的畜禽肉。如使用的原辅材料为实施生产许可证管理的产品,必须选用获得生产许可证企业生产的合格产品。 六、必备的出厂检验设备 根据企业的出厂检验项目,要求具备相应的检验设备。 (一)分析天平(0.1mg)及台称;(二)圆筛(应符合相应要求);(三)干燥箱;(四)折光计(仪)(适用于含糖的罐头,如糖水罐头、八宝粥罐头);(五)酸度计;(六)恒温水浴锅;(七)无菌室或超净工作台;(八)微生物培养箱;(九)生物显微镜;(十)灭菌锅。 七、检验项目 罐头食品的发证检验、监督检验、出厂检验按照下列表格中所列出的相应检验项目进行,发证检验项目按该产品执行的标准进行检验。企业的出厂检验项目中注有“*”标记的,企业应当每年检验2次。 罐头食品质量安全检验项目表 序号检验项目发证监督出厂备注 ☆感官√√√ ☆净含量(净重)√√√ 固形物(含量)√√√ 有此项目要求的 氯化钠含量√√√ 脂肪(含量)√√* 水分√√* 蛋白质√√* 淀粉(含量)√√* 亚硝酸盐√√* 糖水浓度(可溶性固形物)√√√ 总酸度(ph)√√√ ☆锡(sn)√√*有此项目要求的 ☆铅(pb)√√* ☆无机砷√√*适用于肉类、鱼类及其他水产品罐头 ☆镉√√*适用于肉类和鱼类罐头 ☆锌√√* ☆总砷√√*不适用于肉类、鱼类及其他水产品罐头 ☆总汞(hg)√√*果蔬、鱼类罐头不检 ☆甲基汞√√*适用于鱼类及其他水产品罐头 总糖量√√√有此项目的罐头,如果酱罐头 番茄红素√√*有此项目的,如番茄酱罐头 霉菌计数√√* 六六六√√*仅限于食用菌罐头 滴滴涕√√* 米酵菌酸√√*仅限于银耳罐头 油脂过氧化值√√*有此项目的,如花生米罐头 黄曲霉毒素b1√√* 苯并[ α]芘√√*有此项目的,如猪肉香肠、片装火腿罐头 多氯联苯√√*仅适用于海水鱼罐头 干燥物含量√√*有此项目的,如八宝粥罐头 着色剂√√*有此项目的,如糖水染色樱桃罐头、什锦果酱罐头、苹果山楂型酱罐头 二氧化硫√√* 组胺√√*鲐鱼罐头需测指标 ☆微生物指标(商业无菌)√√√ ☆标签√√ 八、抽样方法 根据企业申请发证产品的品种,每个申证单元随机抽取1种产品进行发证检验。抽样单上按该产品的具体名称填写,注明申证单元名称。 在企业的成品库内随机抽取发证检验样品。所抽样品须为同一批次保质期内的产品,抽样基数不得少于200罐(瓶、袋),随机抽取18罐(瓶、袋)。样品分成2份。1份检验,1份备查。样品确认无误后,由抽样人员与被抽查单位在抽样单上签字、盖章、当场封存样品,并加贴封条,封条上应有抽样人员签名、抽样单位盖章及抽样日期。
2023-07-17 05:43:311

英文专业词组,Glass cloth base Laminated epoxy sheet。

应译成: 环氧玻璃布层压板环氧玻璃布层压板简称环氧板1、定义与用途环氧玻璃布层压板是由经化学处理的电工用无碱玻璃纤维布为基材,以环氧树脂作为粘合剂经热压而成的 层压制品,高温下机械强度高,高湿下电气性能稳定性好。适用于机械、电气及电子等领域。2、技术要求2、1环氧玻璃布层压板外观F3248环氧玻璃布层压板的颜色为淡青色或浅褐色。层压板表面平整、无气泡、麻坑和皱纹,允许有不影响使用的其他缺陷,如:擦伤、压痕、污点,及少量斑点。边缘应切割整齐,端面不得有分层和裂纹。2、2环氧玻璃布层压板主要性能指标Main property indication序 号No. 项 目Item 单 位Unit 试验方法Testing Method 指 标Indication 物 理 性 能 Physical Properties [1] 1 密度Density g/cm GB/T5130 ≥1.8 2 玻璃纤维含量Glass Fibre Content % —— ≥60 3 吸水性(10mm)Water Obsorption mg GB/T5130 ≤34 4 热膨胀系数Thermal Expansion Coefficient 1/℃ GB/T1036 11.1×10 5 导热系数Coefficient of Heat Conductivity w/m.k —— 0.46 机 械 性 能 Mechanical Properties 6 垂直层向弯曲强度Flexural Strengthat perpendicular to lamination 常态(23+2)℃Under normal MPa GB/T5130 ≥410 热态(150+5)℃At heat MPa ≥240 7 弯曲弹性模量Modulus of Elasticity in Flexure MPa ≥24900 8 压缩强度Compressive strength 垂直层向At perdicular lamination MPa ≥350 平行层向At parallel to lamination MPa ≥200 9 拉伸强度Tensile strength 纵向Lengthwise MPa ≥314 横向Crosswise ≥300 10 冲击强度(简支梁)Impact strength charp (无缺口)No notch 纵向Lengthwise kJ/ m ≥160 横向Crosswise ≥120 (缺口)Notched 纵向Lengthwise ≥40 横向Crosswise 11 粘合强度 Bonding strength N Q/JBQP51 ≥7660 12 平行层向剪切强度Shear strength at parallel to lamination MPa GB/T5130 ≥30 13 洛氏硬度 Rochwell strength HRM GB/T9342 ≥115 电 气 性 能 Dielectric Properties 绝缘电阻InsulationResistance 常态下 Under normal MΩ GB/T5130 ≥1.0×10 浸水(24+1)h后After Immersion for24+1h ≥5.0×10 电气强度(于90℃+2℃变压器油中1min)Dielectric strength in transformer oil at 90℃ for 1 min kv/mm ≥14.2 平行层向耐电压(于90℃+2℃变压器油中1min)Proof voltage in transformer oil at 90℃ for 1 min KV ≥45 介质损耗因数(于浸水后,1MHz时)Dielectric loss factor after immersion at 1MHz ≤0.04 介质常数(于浸水后,1MHz时)Dielectric loss Constant after immersion at 1MHz ≤5.5 表面电阻率Surface Resistivity 常态Under normal MΩ GB/T1410 ≥1.0×10 浸水(23+2℃/24h)After Immersion of 23+2℃ for 24th ≥1.0×10 体积电阻率Volume Resistivity 常态 Under normal MΩ.m ≥1.0×10 浸水(23+2℃/24h)After Immersion of 23+2℃ for 24th ≥1.0×10 相比电痕化指数Comparative Trackling Index GB/T4207 ≥200 耐 热 性 能 Thermal Properties 玻璃化转变温度TgGlass Transition Temperature ℃ IEC61006 ≥172 热压收缩率Reduction rate of Heat press % 参考ASTMD621 ≤0.40 温度指数 Thermal Index GB/T11026.1 ≥155 参考资料 1. 环氧玻璃纤维布层压板的特性 .威邦电子[引用日期2013-04-24].
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  英文短篇励志文章 篇1   You are where you are.Accept it and feel the power your acceptance gives you to move forward.   你就处在这样一个位置。接受这个事实,感受随之而来的力量,这份力量会驱使你前进。   This moment is as it is.Accept its uniqueness and experience the freedom of not having to fight against it.   此刻就是这样。接受这一刻的独特性,体验无需与之对抗的自由。   There are difficult challenges in your life.Accept them and feel the energy that will enable you to rise above them.   你的生活中充满了艰巨的挑战。接受这些挑战,鼓足勇气去战胜它们。   Accept that this is your starting point.Instead of placing judgements on it,see the real,positive value that"s already yours.You cannot change where your past priorities* and choices have brought you.Yet you can make use of the wisdom you"ve earned to create a future that fulfils your most treasured dreams.   相信此刻就是你的起点。无需再判断,看到你所具备的真正意义上的价值。你过去认为重要的事和以前做过的选择给你带来了什么都是无法改变的。然而你可以充分利用你的智慧去创造未来,实现你最珍爱的梦想。   Lovingly and gratefully accept who you"ve been,what you"ve done,what you have and where you are.For you can now transform it all into what you most wish to be.   满怀爱心和感激之情,接受现实的自己,接受你所做过的、你所拥有的以及你所处的位置。现在你可以按你的愿望去改变它们。   英文短篇励志文章 篇2   Don"t allow your troubles to get the best of you.Instead,allow those troubles to make the best of you.   不要被烦恼击败,相反,要让这些烦恼磨练出更优秀的你   Don"t tire yourself out fighting against the challenges.Instead,find new energy by embracing1 those challenges and working through them to create real value.   不要因与挑战作斗争而身心疲惫,相反,要在接受挑战、战胜挑战的过程中找到活力去创造真正的价值。   Always remind yourself that discour-agement is nothing more than a response you"ve chosen.When you find that you"ve chosen to let it be,you can just as surely choose to let it go.   时常提醒自己,气馁只不过是你自己的选择。当你发现是你选择了气馁,你当然也可以选择不这样。   Replace discouragement with determin-ation.It is your life"s energy,and you can point it in whatever direction you choose.Your most powerful response is not based only on what has already happened.Your most powerful response also takes into account what you wish to make happen next.   用决心消除气馁,这就是你生命的活力,是放之四海而皆准的。你最有力的反应不仅仅受所发生的事情的影响,而且与你期待发生的事情有一定关联。   Look forward,and envision in great detail the future you desire.Then gather all your energy,and step forward to make it be.   向前看,详尽地展望你所期盼的未来。然后集中你所有的精力,努力前进,让梦想成真   英文短篇励志文章 篇3   Life is not about just getting by.Life is about reaching ever higher,building one achievement on top of another,and creating real,meaningful value in each moment.   生活并不是过得去就行,而是需要我们每时每刻都有所超越,不断取得成就,并且创造真正的、有意义的价值。   A common stone on the ground does a great job of just getting by.You,on the other hand,are destined1 for much more spectacular things.Yes,indeed,you will certainly meet a number of challenges when you make the effort to raise your world even a little bit higher.The good thing is,you are superbly equipped to thrive on those challenges.   地上的一块普通的石子只是躺在那里就做得很好了。然而,你注定是要做大事的。是的,当你努力提升自己时,你的确会遇到许多困难,哪怕只是提升一点点。幸运的是,你有能力战胜那些挑战。   If life seems unsuccessful,it"s not because of the challenges or limitations that stand in your way.It"s because you refuse to see the exceptional opportunities that those challenges represent.   如果生活看起来并不是一帆风顺的,那并不是因为你前方的道路上有挑战或阻碍,而是因为你没有看到那些挑战中蕴藏的良机。   This is your precious and unique life,and it is absolutely worth all the trouble and effort you must go through to make it great.Within you at this moment are beautiful dreams,and you can begin to live in the direction of those dreams whenever you choose.   这是你所珍爱的、独一无二的生活。为了让它变得更美好,经历困难、付出努力都是值得的。此刻,你的内心充满着美好的梦想,只要你选择,你就可以朝着梦想的方向生活。   Let go of the false security of just getting by,and get yourself into focus on a purpose that will bring your life gloriously to life.Your very own pathway to success is just one quick step away.   摒弃生活只要过得去就行这样的错误观点,全心投入一个目标——让你的生活更加精彩。成功之路离你仅一步之遥。   英文短篇励志文章 篇4   年轻,并非人生旅程的`一段时光,也并非粉颊红唇和体魄的矫健。   它是心灵中的一种状态,是头脑中的一个意念,是理性思维中的创造潜力,是情感活动中的一股勃勃的朝气,是人生春色深处的一缕东风。   年轻,意味着甘愿放弃温馨浪漫的爱情去闯荡生活,意味着超越羞涩、怯懦和欲望的胆识与气质。而60岁的男人可能比20岁的小伙子更多地拥有这种胆识与气质。没有人仅仅因为时光的流逝而变得衰老,只是随着理想的毁灭,人类才出现了老人。   岁月可以在皮肤上留下皱纹,却无法为灵魂刻上一丝痕迹。忧虑、恐惧、缺乏自信才使人佝偻于时间尘埃之中。   无论是60岁还是16岁,每个人都会被未来所吸引,都会对人生竞争中的欢乐怀着孩子般无穷无尽的渴望。   在你我心灵的深处,同样有一个无线电台,只要它不停地从人群中,从无限的时间中接受美好、希望、欢欣、勇气和力量的信息,你我就永远年轻。一旦这无线电台坍塌,你的心便会被玩世不恭和悲观失望的寒冷酷雪所覆盖,你便衰老了—即使你只有20岁。但如果这无线电台始终矗立在你心中,捕捉着每个乐观向上的电波,你便有希望超过年轻的80岁。   所以只要勇于有梦,敢于追梦,勤于圆梦,我们就永远年轻!   千万不要动不动就说自己老了,错误引导自己!年轻就是力量,有梦就有未来!   英文全文如下:   Youth is not a time of life; it is a state of mind.It is not a matter of rosy cheeks,red lips and supple knees.It is a matter of the will,a quality of the imagination,vigor of the emotions; it is the freshness of the deep spring of life.   Youth means a temperamental predominance of courage over timidity,of the appetite for adventure over the love of ease.This often exits in a man of 60,more than a boy of 20.nobody grows merely by the number of years; we grow old by deserting our ideas.Years may wrinkle the skin,but to give up enthusiasm wrinkles the soul.Worry,fear,self-distrust1 bows the heart and turns the spirit back to dust.   Whether 60 or 16,there is in every human being"s heart the lure of wonders,the unfailing childlike appetite of what"s next and the joy of the game of living.In the center of your heart and my heart there is a wireless station; so long as it receives messages of beauty,hope,cheer,courage and power from men and from infinite,so long as you are young.   When the aerials are down,and your spirit is covered with the snows of cynicism and the ice of pessimism,then you"ve grown old,even at 20,but as long as your aerials are up,to catch waves of optimism,there"s hope you may die young at 80.   Youth is not a time of life; it is a state of mind.It is a matter of the will,a quality of the imagination,vigor of the emotions; it is the freshness of the deep spring of life.These are what I have and what we have at this period of life.So,I"m still young,yes,definitely ! Come on my fellow friends,show your energy and passion to this god damn world ! Let the universe hear our voice,see our cheek,hug our enthusiasm and witness our maturity.We"re going to create a brand new future !   英文短篇励志文章 篇5   There are two friends together to go to distant places to find the happiness of life and happiness,on the way in time to reach the target will brave the wind and dew,and encountered a roaring waves of the sea,and the sea shore is happiness and joy of heaven,about how to live through the sea,two people have different views,a a suggestion of logging near trees caused a wooden boat to cross the sea,another is that no matter which cannot be got the sea crossing,and why bother with the dead,the current dry,and then easily walk.   Then,proposed shipbuilding people every day to cut down trees,ships manufacturing hard and actively,and incidentally,learn to swim; and one day rest and sleep,then do not observe to the river sea.One day,when a friend of the ship was ready to sail out of the sea,another friend was still laughing at his stupidity.   However,a friend of shipbuilding is not angry.Just before leaving,he said something to his friend:"to do everything is not always successful,but if you don"t do everything,you will never get the chance to succeed."   Can think of to do to lay seawater over the sea,this is indeed a great idea,but unfortunately,this is just a "great" doomed to failure and creative.   The sea never dried up,and the friend of that shipyard finally reached the other side of the target after a storm.The two men later settled down on the two banks of the sea,and they also spawned many of their own descendants.One side of the sea is called the fertile land of happiness and happiness.We live in a group of people who are called diligent and courageous.The other side of the sea is called failure and loss,and live in a group of people we call lazy and cowardly.   This story tells us:   (one) it is better to stand up than to stand up by thinking.   (two) no matter how long you have gone and how tired you are,do not lie down at the door of the "successful" home.   (three) dreams are not fantasies.   英文短篇励志文章 篇6   Do not believe in your own will,never become a general.   The Warring States era,a father and his son off to war.My father has done a general,his son was just a pawn.Also a horn sounded,the thunderous drums of war,my father solemnly hold a quiver,in which a flying arrow.Father solemnly said to his son:"this is a home attack treasure arrow,with the side,the power is infinite,but must not be drawn out."   It is an extremely delicate quiver,making thick leather,with a faint light copper pan edge,look at the exposed end of the arrow.One eye can be identified with the finest peacock feathers.Son very happy,greedily suppose arrow,arrow shape,ear like whistling sound through arrow,the enemy"s coach crashed off the horse and shoot.   Sure enough,with Bao arrow son extraordinary bravery,invincible.When the horn sounded troops,the son again also could not help but victorious pride,completely abandoned his father"s exhortations,driving his strong desire to call a pull-out Bao arrow,trying to see what happens.Suddenly he was stunned.   A broken arrow,arrow bag filled with a broken arrow.   I always scoop out the broken arrow only fight it! Son in a cold sweat,as if an instant loss of the pillars of the house,came the collapse of the will.   The result is self-evident,the son died in the war.   Misty smoke,the father picked up the arrow,heavily said:"I do not believe they will never do the general."   The victory or defeat lies in a treasure arrow,how stupid,and when a person and handle the core of life to others,and how dangerous! For example,put their hopes in the children; the happiness depends on her husband; the life security lies in the unit body......   Reminder:his is an arrow,if it tough,if it is sharp,if it archery,crack shot,sharpen it,it can only save yourself.
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2023-07-17 05:40:211

把某人从学校开除是kick sb. off the school吗?

2023-07-17 05:40:233


2023-07-17 05:40:102

kick off the school year什么意思

kick_off 本意:开球,揭开序幕 也就是说,这是新的东西,解开了他的面纱! 所以应该选择 new
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