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Brianstorm 歌词

2023-07-17 08:58:50
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歌手:Arctic Monkeys
专辑:iTunes Festival_ London 2011 - EP

Arctic Monkeys - Brianstorm
www.h**.cn 元熙 love 叶轩
Top marks for not tryin"
So kind of you to bless us with your effortlessness
We"re grateful and so strangely comforted
And I wonder are you puttin" us under
Cause we can"t take our eyes off the t-shirt
and ties combination
Well see you later, innovator
Some want to kiss some want to kick you
There"s not a net you couldn"t slip through
Or at least that"s the impression I get
cause you"re smooth and you"re wet
And she"s not aware yet but she"s yours
She"ll be sayin" use me
Show me the jacuzzi
I imagine that it"s there on a plate
Your rendezvous rate means that
you"ll never be frightened
to make them wait for a while
I doubt it"s your style not to get
what you set out to acquire
The eyes are on fire
You are the unforecasted storm
(Brian)Calm, collected, and commandin"
(Top marks for not tryin")
You made the other stories standin"
With your renditions and jokes
Bet there"s hundreds of blokes that have wept
cause you"ve stolen their ...thunder
Are you puttin" us under
Cause we can"t take our eyes off the t-shirt
and ties combination
Well see you later, innovator
www.h**.cn 元熙 love 叶轩




2023-07-17 04:22:191


    蒙娜丽莎卫浴简介  蒙娜丽莎集团是康体设备有限公司,致力于卫浴、康体产品的研制、开发、生产。拥有一批经验丰富、激情拼搏的员工,拥有占地面积15000M3的现代化厂房生产基地,本着待人以诚、执事以信的经营宗旨,公司规模不断扩大,业绩蒸蒸日上,业务遍及欧美、中东、东南亚及中国三十几个省市、自治区,公司为中国游泳池运动协会装备委员会会员、中国建筑协会会员、广州市建筑装饰会理事单位。  该公司严格按照ISO9000质量标准生产“蒙娜丽莎”蒸汽房、jacuzzi、淋浴房等卫浴产品、泳池桑拿设备,并提供专业的工程设计、安装、施工及咨询业务。生产的“蒙娜丽莎MONALISA”卫浴产品获得了“中国名优产品”称号,并通过了中国3C电气认证、欧洲CE电器认证,并推出采用中美技术合作的“彩虹RAINBOW”专利型泳池过滤系统,该产品结构紧凑、机电一体化、过滤周期短、安装简单快捷,成为传统泳池设备的换代品。  蒙娜丽莎卫浴生产、开发卫生洁具,所生产的蒙娜丽莎卫浴以人体工程学为主题设计,线条简洁流畅,造型大方华丽。蕴含艺术美的修饰。灵巧而不失沉稳,质朴而不失优雅,庄重而富有生气,自然和谐,动静有度,让您的人生充满洁净和亮丽。  蒙娜丽莎卫浴严谨的质量保证体系函盖了从产品设计、原料采购、生产过程到售后服务的全过程,每一个环节,确保了阿波罗卫浴的高品质。  土巴兔在线免费为大家提供“各家装修报价、1-4家本地装修公司、3套装修设计方案”,还有装修避坑攻略!点击此链接:【】,就能免费领取哦~
2023-07-17 04:22:261


库拉玛提的房型有:1#名称:沙滩别墅(Beach Villa)2#名称:按摩浴缸沙滩别墅(Beach Villa with Jacuzzi)3#名称:高级按摩浴缸沙滩别墅(Superior Beach Villa with Jacuzzi)4#名称:豪华按摩浴缸沙滩别墅(Deluxe Beach Villa with Jacuzzi)5#名称:双卧沙滩楼房(Two-Bedroom Beach House)6#名称:按摩浴缸水上别墅(Water Villas with Jacuzzi)7#名称:豪华水上别墅(Deluxe Water Villa)8#名称:水上泳池别墅(Water Villas with Pool)9#名称:泳池别墅(Pool Villa)10#名称:豪华水上泳池别墅(Thundi Water Villas with Pool)11#名称:蜜月泳池别墅(Honeymoon Pool Villa)关于库拉玛蒂简介· 开业时间:2010年建成开业,属于全球酒店集团(Universal Hotels)· 地理位置:拉斯度环礁,距离马累59公里· 岛屿大小:又称K岛,马尔代夫最大的岛屿之一,绕岛一圈基本需要1个多小时。这个岛有一条很长的拖尾沙滩,景色无以伦比,拍照非常漂亮。· 上岛方式:水飞上岛,大约30分钟;快艇上岛,大约1小时 。· 餐食:有含三餐和一价全包2种打包套餐可选,性价比高· 房间:总共有290间房,有11种房型可以选,蜜月游、带小孩都可以选适合的房型。· 沙滩和浮潜:浮潜B级4星,免费租用浮潜三宝,在水屋旁边浮潜就能看到很多鱼,也可选择付费出海浮潜。沙滩A级,沙质细腻。库拉玛蒂注重细节和人性化服务,活动丰富,有设备精良的医疗中心、儿童乐园、浮潜培训中心、外币兑换点、纪念品店等。同时还非常注重环保,岛上有300年树龄的榕树,海钓坚持钓且放生的理念,还有自家无土栽培蔬菜的种植园。
2023-07-17 04:22:431


2023-07-17 04:22:571


例句:Thejacuzziwastoosmalltostretchoutin.这个极可意浴缸太小了,躺不下。Itsadangerousstretchofroad.那段路很不安全。I stumble o 扩展资料 例句:Thejacuzziwastoosmalltostretchoutin.这个极可意浴缸太小了,躺不下。 Itsadangerousstretchofroad.那段路很不安全。 I stumble on this life advices in my folder that I found on net before. 在我的文件夹里,我无意中发现了这些人生小忠告,那是我以前在网上找到的`。 Number of times winners will take out crumpled, handwritten notes and stumbleover their acceptance speeches: 5. 得奖人拿出褶皱的,手写的小纸条,颤微微地念出获奖感言的次数:5次。
2023-07-17 04:23:191


你好!按摩浴池Massage bath
2023-07-17 04:23:293


2023-07-17 04:23:351


疫情期间美国的Costco开市客的户外产品需求非常之大,同时Costco的户外SPA设施非常热销。 很多没在海外社区,尤其是独立屋居住生活过的人是很难理解的。比如,美国人超级热爱在院子里泡澡做SPA浴。这种设备为什么疫情期间美国比基尼销售特别好?这个Jacuzzi(按摩浴缸)通常是摆在后院一角,具备加热功能,和泳池并不冲突。有条件的就在泳池边上搭建一个可以按摩,可以加热的Jacuzzi,没有条件的就直接买一个Jacuzzi(按摩浴缸)放到后院一角。周末下班了男主人或女主人去泡泡,享受一下闲时的度假感觉。 这种热爱很多华人或者亚洲人都很难适应。以洛杉矶为例,天黑后和白天的气温相差特别大,全年晚上基本都在10摄氏度左右,在院子里泡SPA其实外面温度非常低的。但是,白人,黑人,西班牙裔的墨西哥人,食物里的芝士和高蛋白营养充分,身体热量充足,都是非常不怕冷的。在清凉的室外,依然喝着红酒,泡着SPA在院子里享受。 根据近期谷歌疫情期间的一个数据,居然,居然,居然,比基尼产品成为这次疫情下的一个热销产品。而跟我沟通的一家大型的出海品牌也给我反馈了这个销售事实。只是国内的市场,品牌推广人员都以为比基尼当作一种生活的情趣物品了,这是一个对真正用户消费场景的误判。 疫情Stay Home期间,穿比基尼的场景不在海滩,不在泳池,而是在院子里的SPA。其实,直接到后院去泡SPA的应用场景,比起海滩泳池的应用场景更加高频,更加实用。 最后,另外一个消费场景就是美国人不会泡完SPA就跟咱们国人一样,拿着比基尼手洗揉搓一下,找根竹竿凉干它。大部分的城市是不允许在室外晒衣物的,所以他们的做法就是直接扔到洗衣机里放着,洗完后一次性用烘干机烘干全部衣服。一般一个家庭一周左右洗一次衣物,这样他们因为宅家,每周泡多几次的按摩浴池后,就得在线上赶紧下单买多几套比基尼就很正常了。 选择大于努力,跨境出海,搞懂海外用户的消费场景,是去选品,去设计产品,去推广品牌的重要前提。
2023-07-17 04:23:421


squash 造句 l played the squash in gymnasium yesterday afternoon
2023-07-17 04:24:0210


泡澡的英文是take a bath或是have a bath。近义词冲澡是take a shower或者have a shower,两个动词都可以。但是注意:Bath这个词除了表示泡澡,它还可以表示浴缸,但是在美式英语中,浴缸可能会用到Bath tub或者直接说Tub。bath也可以表示浴室。所以它的意思挺广泛的,要根据具体的文章上下文来判断它到底说的是浴缸,浴室还是泡澡。例句:He enjoys taking a bath in the public bath.他很享受在公共浴室泡澡。那说完泡澡我们就来说说泡温泉吧。其实泡温泉说白了就是在温泉里面泡个澡,所以它的表达也非常的简单,就叫做take a bath in hot spring。温泉:hot spring,直译过来:热热的泉水;take a bath in hot spring也就是直接在take a bath后面加了一个地点状语。当然聪明的你还可以各种延伸啦。比如说take a bath in the Jacuzzi在按摩浴缸里面泡个澡。An active ingredient in the hot spring heightens the medicinal effect of a warm bath.温泉里的一种活性成分能提高温泉浴的医疗效果。
2023-07-17 04:24:311


just 刚好japanese 日本人juice 果汁jeep 吉普jeans 牛仔裤jacket 夹克jab 戳jam 果酱jug 大口瓶
2023-07-17 04:24:575


2023-07-17 04:25:162


2023-07-17 04:25:243


  壁球是一种对墙击球的室内运动,因球在猛烈触及墙壁时发出类似英文“SQUASH”的声音而得名。那么你知道吗?下面我为大家带来壁球的英语说法,希望对大家的学习有所帮助。   壁球的英语说法:   squash   壁球相关英语表达:   壁球学会 Squash Club   软式壁球 squash   加拿大壁球 canadian squash   玩壁球 Played squash   快乐壁球 happy squash   壁球的英语例句:   1. In the squash court his chief aim is to flatten me.   在壁球场上他的主要目标就是击败我。   2. Amazing place he"s got there—squash courts, swimming pool, jacuzzi, the works.   他的那个地方真是太棒了——壁球场、游泳池、 *** 浴池,一应俱全。   3. Squash was once thought to offer all-round fitness.   人们曾一度认为打壁球可以进行全身性锻炼。   4. He hurt his back playing squash.   他打壁球时背部受伤了。   5. She tore ligament in her ankle while she was playing squash.   她在打壁球时把踝部韧带拉伤了.   6. Sue is one of the new breed of British women squash players who are making a real impact.   休是英国新一代的女子壁球运动员,她们的影响正在显现出来。   7. He spent all day playing rackets on the beach, a plebeian sport if there ever was one.   他一整天都在海滩玩壁球,再没有比这更不入流的运动了。   8. I sweated off ten pounds in a week by playing squash every day.   我每天打壁球,一个星期体重减轻了十磅.   9. To this list add boxing, hockey, squash and table tennis.   除此之外,还有拳击 、 曲棍球 、 壁球和乒乓球.   10. Do you want to try your hand at squash?   你想试试打壁球 吗 ?   11. Squash can be dangerous if your opponent has a long follow - through.   如果你的对手击球后的弧形动作较大,此时壁球就有一定的危险性.   12. CHANDLER : Hey, you just wanna about racquetball and hang out here?   钱德乐: 嘿, 你是不是不想打壁球了就待在这儿?   13. After work, a lot of people enjoy aBgamebof tennis or squash.   许多人工余喜欢打网球或壁球.   14. There"s no squash and stretch in that.   没有什么壁球在这一段.   15. Make sure you learn fencing and squash.   一定要学剑道和壁球.
2023-07-17 04:25:391

世界十大高端卫浴品牌 这些品牌产品都好奢侈啊

现在的卫浴品牌很多,广告也是做得很响亮的,相信很多人都能说出几个品牌名来,譬如说、九牧、法恩莎之类的,也算是比较好的品牌了,但是大家就不一定知道世界世界十大高端卫浴品牌了,这些品牌的产品随便拿一样都是奢侈品,普通人是舍不得买的。 1.唯宝卫浴 唯宝卫浴是当之无愧的世界十大高端卫浴品牌,至今已经传承了两百多年了,不仅有经典的品质,还非常的时尚、创新,卫生洁具、康体设备和日用陶瓷等产品。 2.当代 Dornbracht卫浴这个品牌是非常高品质的,摆脱了大工业批量生产的现状,大部分都是手工制品,连它的设计也是挑不出毛病的。 3.劳芬卫浴 劳芬卫浴也是世界十大高端卫浴品牌,它是瑞士第一家卫浴用品制造商,其地位和品质就跟瑞士手表和军刀一样,有着一百多年的发展历史,将洗浴文化与设计完美结合。 4.pozzi-ginori 这是一个同样有着两百多年的悠长历史,属于白金级别的精品陶瓷,而后宝兹归属新乐陶集团旗下,才开始引领卫浴行业发展。 5.Novellini 它是义大利高端卫浴品牌,有着极简主义和奢侈的定位特点,主要是以生产和销售高档卫浴洁具为主,特别是多功能淋浴房和涡流 *** 浴缸产品数顶级地位。 6.Duravit 同样在世界十大高端卫浴品牌中的杜拉维特的地位就跟劳斯莱斯一样的,以自行设计陶瓷卫生设备和浴室家俱为主。 7.KALLISTA 它是全球卫浴最大的生产商科勒集团旗下最高端的品牌,专为政界名流和知名艺人量身定制的全系列卫厨空间的整体方案。 8.丹麦莎卫浴 不仅是世界十大高端卫浴品牌,还是丹麦最大的水龙头生产商,至今单柄混水龙头在全球市场仍然占据支配地位。 9.Jacuzzi 这个品牌的卫浴在国际上也是比较有名的,它开发出了世界第一套 *** 浴缸、第一套SPA, 它们家的泵浦推进系统、喷射技术、气流控制和产品设计都是相当不错的。 10.THG THG是法国高端的浴室配件制造商,主要生产高品质的龙头、五金配件及卫浴产品,有着精湛的制作工艺。 编辑小结:以上就是关于世界十大高端卫浴品牌的介绍,这十个品牌在行业中是非常高端的, 甚至称得上奢侈,这么昂贵的卫浴产品不用多说,品质也是其他普通牌子望尘莫及的,买不起也可以多了解了解。
2023-07-17 04:25:461


2023-07-17 04:26:177

求Fill Me In 的中文歌词

All right) 好的(Come on) 来吧(Can you fill me in) 你可以向我解释么I was checking this girl next door 我在观察隔壁的女孩When her parents went out 当她的父母出去了She phoned said hey boy, come on right around 她打来电话说:快过来吧So I knock at the door 所以我敲了门You was standing with a bottle of red wine 你拿了瓶红酒站在那里Ready to pour 准备大喝一场Dressed in all that Satin and Lace to the floor 你衣服上的锻带蕾丝落在地面So I went in 我走了进去Then we sat down start kissing 然后我们坐下开始亲吻Caressing 热切的亲吻Told me about Jacuzzi 你给我讲了按摩浴缸Sounded interesting 挺起来很有趣So we jumped right in 所以我们跳了进去All calls diverted to answerphone 所有的电话都转到自动答录机Please a message after the tone 请在滴声后留言I"m not being mean 我并不觉得我该感到惭愧Her Parents were kinda cool 她的父母人很好But they ran a fine line between me and you 但他们在我和你之间拉了一条线We were just doing things young people end up doing 我们只是在做年轻人会做的事Parents trying to find out what we were up to 家长一直想不通我们在做什么Saying why were you creeping round late last night 告诉我为什么昨晚很晚的时候你还在蹑手蹑脚Why did I see two shadows moving in your bedroom light 为什么在你卧室的光里我看到两个人的影子在移动Now you"re dressed in black 现在你穿着黑色的衣服When I left you were dressed in white 而当我离开你就穿白色的衣服Can you fill me in 你能向我解释么?Calls diverted to answerphone 电话转移到了答录机Red wine bottle half the contents gone 红酒只剩下了半瓶Midnight return Jacuzzi turned on 半夜回来,按摩浴缸是开着的Can you fill me in 你能向我解释么?Whenever the coast was clear and she"d ask me to come out 晚上退潮的时候(这句不知道对不对) 她叫我出去I"d say hey girl, come on right around 我说,嘿,到我这来吧So she knocked at the door 所以她敲了门I was standing with the keys in my hand to the 4x4 我拿着车钥匙(4x4可能是车)站在那里Jumped in my ride 跳进我的车里Chucked in where nobody saw 到一个没有人能看到的地方The club we went in 我们走进酒吧We got down down down to the rhythm 当我们沉浸在音乐的节奏里Saw it was early morning 发现天已经要亮了Thought we"d better be leaving 我们最好离开这里了So I gave you my jacket for you to hold 我把我的外套给了你Told you to wear it coz you felt cold 告诉你如果冷的话就穿上它I"m not being mean 我并不觉得惭愧I didn"t mean to break the rules 我不是有意破坏规矩I weren"t trying to play your Mum and Dad for fools 我并不是想把你父母当成傻瓜一样玩弄We were just doing things young people end up doing 我们只是做年轻人会做的事情Parents trying to find out what we were up to 家长却不懂我们在做什么Saying why can"t you keep your promises no more 告诉我为什么你不能信守你的承诺Say you"ll be home by 12 come strolling in at 4 你说你会12点回家,却在外面晃到凌晨4点Out went the girls but leaving with the boy next door 和你的女朋友出去,却和隔壁的男孩离开Can you fill me in 你能向我解释么?Wearing a jacket who"s property 穿着什么人的夹克Said you"d been queuing for a Taxi 你说你等出租车的时候排了很长的队But you left all your money on the TV 但是你的钱却留在电视机上Can you fill me in 你能向我解释么?(Can you fill me in) 你能向我解释么?All they seem to do 他们做的事Is be checking up on you 都是在检验你Baby 宝贝(Craig David)Watching our every move 观察我们的每个行动Think some day they might approve 也许哪天他们会同意Baby 宝贝Why were you creeping round late last night 为什么昨天很晚你还蹑手蹑脚Why did I see two shadows moving in your bedroom light 为什么我在你卧室的光里看到两个影子Now you"re dressed in black 现在你穿着黑色的衣服When I left you were dressed in white 当我离开你却穿白色Can you fill me in 你能向我解释么?(Can you fill me in) 你能向我解释么?Calls diverted to answerphone 电话转移到答录机Red wine bottle half the contents gone 红酒只剩下半瓶Midnight return Jacuzzi turned on 午夜回来按摩浴缸是开着的Can you fill me in 你能向我解释么(Can you fill me in) 你能向我解释么?
2023-07-17 04:26:441


2023-07-17 04:26:563


丝娃娃别名素春卷,是一种贵阳街头最常见的小吃。Silk dolls, known as vegetarian spring rolls, are one of the most popular snacks on the streets of Guiyang.
2023-07-17 04:28:062


  游轮用于搭载乘客从事旅行、参观、游览活动的各类客运机动船只的统称。又称游船、旅游船。游轮是一种提供享乐旅程的客轮,船上的娱乐设施及奢华服务,被视为旅程中不可缺少的重要部份。我为你找到了世界上最大的豪华游轮“海洋绿洲号”,来感受一下吧!    世界上最大的豪华游轮“海洋绿洲号”   “海洋绿洲号”基本概述:   “海洋绿洲号”(Oasis of the Seas)属于皇家加勒比国际游轮(Royal Caribbean International),是目前为止全球最大、造价最高的邮轮,其级别属绿洲级。海洋绿洲号共耗资9亿欧元(约14亿美元), 长361.8米、宽63.4米,高出水面部分72米,航速为22.6节,要比泰坦尼克号还要大3倍多,比次之的邮轮海洋自由号还重6万吨拥有16层甲板和2000个客舱,可乘载6000名乘客,船上还拥有一座大型购物商场、众多酒吧饭店, 一座足球场大小的户外圆形剧场以及攀岩墙等体育设施;甚至设计了可以伸缩的烟囱,以便通过海峡桥梁。该船由韩国STX造船厂的芬兰子公司建造,完成之后正式超过同属该公司海洋自由号,并于2009年12月1日由美国劳德岱堡港首航,驶往海地,主要负责加勒比海航线。。据了解,这艘漂移在海上的游轮城市将以美国佛罗里达州劳德岱尔堡为港口,执行加勒比海东、西航线,首航将推出4晚行程。    “海洋绿洲号”邮轮体型:   重量5倍于泰坦尼克号。海洋绿洲号无疑将是邮轮建造史上的又一个奇迹,史上能够“最大、最豪华”自诩的邮轮并不多,著名的泰坦尼克也是其中之一。   显示,当年的“泰坦尼克”全长约269米,宽28米,有11层楼高,重4.6万吨,造价共花费7500万英镑。1912年4月首航时,搭载乘客2224人。在上世纪初,这样大的邮轮还史无前例,也就难怪建造者为它取名“泰坦尼克”,自信这艘海上巨无霸永远不会沉没。但是,和今天的“海洋绿洲号”相比,“泰坦尼克”简直就是小巫见大巫了。仅从吨位上讲,“绿洲号”就是“泰坦尼克”的5倍多,而它的长度和高度也是“泰坦尼克”望尘莫及的。整个建造过程极其复杂消耗近40万个钢材部件,4万5千个装配组件及220个分段,全部生产过程都是在芬兰奈斯塔造船系统(NESTIX)下进行管理和控制的。    “海洋绿洲号”娱乐设施:   1、中心建公园   绿洲号上“最绿”的,同时也是最让它像一座城市的地方是位于邮轮第八层的“中央公园”,这是整艘邮轮核心的露天综合休闲区。   “中央公园”总面积约为1900平方米,中心区域是三座各具风格的花园。三座花园中栽种着来自加勒比的热带花卉、灌木和足足超过两层半甲板高的参天大树。   藤蔓花园以景致为主,邮轮请来了加勒比当地人对这些多数人平时难得一见的热带植物进行讲解,并传授园艺知识。“国际象棋花园”则有一张巨大的棋盘,任何人都可以上去挑战一番。此外游客还可在汇集名家作品的“雕塑花园”里流连一番。将三座花园团团包围的是八层甲板上的354间船舱,其中有80间窗户面向中央公园,游客可以从上面俯瞰这个公园的景色。   2、美食享不停   要想打发海上的漫漫长夜,餐馆、酒吧、商店也必不可少。“中央公园”里分布着7家餐厅和咖啡馆,既有需要穿戴光鲜才能享用美食的高级餐厅、只在晚间开放的牛排屋,也有可供全家人享受露天聚会的托斯卡纳风味意大利餐馆。   咖啡馆里的下午茶包括新鲜出炉的三明治和面包。餐后您还可以到Vintages酒吧小酌。Vintages酒吧一直是皇家加勒比公司邮轮上的保留项目,“绿洲号”上的店面更大,酒单也更丰富。酒足饭饱后,游客还可以逛逛道路两旁的小店。   3、疯狂嘉年华   整个中央公园最吸引人的焦点当属全球独一无二的海上旋转木马。它的尺寸与游乐园里的完全相同,是用白杨木手工打造、耗时6个月手绘完成的,相信无论孩子还是成年人都将对其终身难忘。   如果说酒吧、商店和旋转木马只是“海洋绿洲号”休闲娱乐大餐中的“开胃菜”,那么“主菜”应该是中央公园内的“水剧场”。剧场造型接近于古罗马竞技场,水是最主要的游乐项目。这里将有全球最大、最深的淡水游泳池,池底可以任意升降。白天,游客可以在这里尽情的游泳、放松和晒日光浴,如果有兴趣,还可以参加下午开始的职业潜水课程。夜色降临后,五颜六色的灯光亮起,各种水上表演拉开帷幕,这里就会进入嘉年华式的狂欢气氛。高台跳水表演、足以冲上20米高空的、配合音乐和光电效果不断变幻的喷泉、花样游泳表演和水球赛会持续一整个夜晚。为了让更多的观众看到这样的表演,水下安装的摄像机会将拍摄的图像投射到泳池侧面巨大的LED屏幕上。    “海洋绿洲号”邮轮客舱:   超豪华Loft套房   “独一无二”是“海洋绿洲号”最值得骄傲的标签,这一点同样体现在船舱中。   皇家加勒比公司大胆地推翻传统邮轮上造型和功能都很保守的船舱,他们将城市居住概念带到了海上,成为行业内第一家推出Loft式客舱的公司。   Loft式客舱是整艘邮轮上最高级别的船舱,共有28套,又细分为“皇家Loft套房”、“天空Loft套房”和“贵族Loft套房”。   “皇家Loft套房”共有25套,是所有Loft套房中面积最大、级别最高的,141平方米可以同时居住6个人,房间中有架小型钢琴、私人游泳池、室内和露天餐厅、一个图书馆,还有面积达78.3平方米的海景露台,从超大LCD电视到Jacuzzi浴缸一应俱全,房间随处可见后现代抽象油画,床铺一律配备了白色的羽绒被,从地面直通天花板的落地窗让美丽的海景一览无余,楼上和楼下都有浴室和卫生间,男女淋浴喷头分开,浴室中的镜子经过特殊处理,不会受到水雾的影响变模糊,无处不在的精致奢华透露出居住者的尊贵身份。   除了Loft套房,邮轮还提供6种不同级别的套房,这些套房中最小的可以容纳4人居住,最大的可以同时容纳14个人,最大的套房中仅卫生间和浴室就达到8个,更不用提52寸的LCD电视,可供多人用餐的露台和大理石浴缸了。一些房间中还融入了充满乐趣和惊喜的新鲜设计理念,比如一种客舱的浴室墙壁四面通体都是玻璃,仿佛有种露天沐浴的感觉。
2023-07-17 04:28:161

这就是街舞袁冶是谁 这就是街舞袁冶个人资料微博

这就是街舞袁冶是谁? 袁冶在网上的资料并不是很多,她的微博名称是袁冶Yessie_1758,微博中也是经常@疯麦-CrazyTempo,不知道是不是她的男友呢? 袁冶曾多次赴日本及泰国Asia camp进修,师从杏仁豆腐、Jacuzzi、Ellen Kim、Koharu、Rie Hata、Hollywood、Miguel、Ami、Akanen、Bobby Newberry、Ohji、Shabba-doo、Elite Force、Camillo、Kato、Yasu等国际知名舞者。 这就是街舞袁冶个人资料 微博昵称:袁冶Yessie_1758 所在地:江苏 性别:女 生日:1990年6月20日 舞龄: 9年 大学:南京财经大学 (2008年)新闻学院 高中:东华高级中学 (2005年) 擅长舞种: Jazz/Hip hop/Dancehall 国家体育总局CSDA全国街舞执委会江苏分委副秘书长 国家体育总局CSDA全国街舞执委会认证Street Jazz一级教练、Hip hop二级教练 2017年WOD中国总决赛第五名,最佳服饰奖 2015年“决战凤城河”泰州街舞大赛冠军 2016ASIA CAMP亚洲集训营URBAN DANCE编舞大赛最佳视频制作奖 2014年江苏省Dance Together街舞齐舞大赛Vol.2 冠军作品编舞
2023-07-17 04:28:411


  餐厅就是指在一定场所,公开地对一般大众提供食品、饮料等餐饮的设施或公共餐饮屋。那么,你知道餐厅的的英文是什么吗?   餐厅 [cān tīng]   餐厅的英文释义:   dining-hall   restaurant   dining-room   dining room   lunchroom   refectory   餐厅的英文例句:   按学生人数,我们应该建三个餐厅。   In proportion to the number of students we should build 3 dining rooms.   餐厅的名字未必能告诉你很多它所供应的食物。   The name of a restaurant won"t necessarily tell you much about the food it serves.   他十二点五十分在餐厅吃午餐。   At twelve-fifty, he ate lunch in a restaurant.   餐厅里端出来的食物对许多人来说量是太多了。   Servings in restaurants are too large for many people.   我们在餐厅见吧。   Let"s meet in the restaurant.   他在餐厅里大吃大喝,真丢脸。   He made a real pig of himself at the restaurant.   Isabella"s餐厅地处上西区一座七层高、带有金属火灾逃生口的红砖建筑底层,餐厅里满是享用着美式食品的父母和孩子。明亮的餐厅可以俯瞰对面的学校。   The bright dining room overlooks the school opposite.   餐厅还提供各种假日选单。餐厅一月关闭。   You can reserve the jacuzzi and the solarium against an extra charge.   餐厅所有人想给他们的餐厅安装护壁板。   The owners wanted to dado their dining room.   他勃然大怒,猝然离开餐厅。   He was vexed and flounced out of the dining room.   他们把圆桌面滚到餐厅里。   They rolled the round tabletop into the dining hall.   她打电话让餐厅给她送一杯咖啡来。   She sent round to the restaurant for a cup of coffee.   在皇家餐厅举行了祝捷盛宴。   A grand victory banquet was served in the royal dining room.   不要允许孩子制造出过多的噪音,或让他们站到椅子上,抑或是在餐厅到处乱跑。因为这样不安全而且也会打扰到其他客人。   Do not permit the child to make undue noise, get out of the chair, or run aroundthe restaurant because it is not safe and is unfair to other customers.   我们尽量不雇佣在别的餐厅工作过的服务员……他们懂得如何欺骗,并且有自己对工作的理解,而这常常和我们的观念相矛盾。   We try not to hire waiters, who have an experience of working in otherrestaurants… They know how to cheat and have their own understandings of thework, which often contradict our conception.   在我们的餐厅我们拒绝提供最基本的服务。   We refuse to offer the most basic service in our restaurant.   许多流浪汉聚集在这家餐厅的后面找寻食物。   Many vagabonds gathered at the back of this restaurant to find food.   还有一件事,你们的餐厅在哪里?   One more thing, where is your restaurant?   我第一次遇见塞布是在莫斯科奥运会餐厅的台阶上。那是在1980年,当时他刚刚获得奥运金牌。   I met Seb for the first time on the steps of the Olympic restaurant in Moscow in1980 when he had won gold.   为了克服倦怠,欧布斯说,双方应集中于增加关系的情趣,这些情趣可以是简单的如一间新开的餐厅或是度假地。   To overe ennui, Orbuch said, both parties should focus on adding spice to the relationship, which can be as simple as a new restaurant or vacation spot.   美国人喜欢这些餐厅的食物并且将其作为更好地了解他人以及其生活方式的机会。   Americans enjoy the foods in these restaurants as well as the opportunity tobetter understand the people and their way of life.   这个餐厅是他的构想。   The restaurant is his vision.   如果你始终如一地锻炼,每个月可以去一次你喜欢的餐厅,吃任何你想吃的。   Once a month, if you"ve exercised consistently, go to your favorite restaurant, and get whatever you want.   请务必随时带着它,在餐厅和酒吧里吃饭或喝酒后记账时请出示这个证才行,您到服务台取房间的钥匙时也得出示它。   Please make sure that you have it with you all the time. You need to show it whenyou sign in for your meals and drinks in the restaurants and the bars.   另一人说,在一个度假胜地,人们正在庆祝的时候,如果你连餐厅账单都支付不起,而你周围的每个人都知道这一点,谁还想出门?   As another said, Who wants to go out in a resort town where people arecelebrating if you can"t pay a restaurant tab and everybody around you knows it?
2023-07-17 04:28:471


意思为 按摩浴缸
2023-07-17 04:29:073

克雷格·大卫Fill Me In 的歌词

I was checking this girl next doorWhen her parents went outShe phoned said hey boy,come on right aroundSo I knock at the doorYou was standing with a bottle of red wineReady to pourDressed in all that Satin and Lace to the floorSo I went inThen we sat down start kissingCaressingTold me about JacuzziSounded interestingSo we jumped right inAll calls diverted yo answerphonePlease a message after the toneI"m not being meanHer parents were kinda coolBut they ran a fine line between me and youWw were just doing things young people end up doingParents trying to find out what we were up toSaying why were you creeping round late last nightWht did I see two shadows moving in your bedroom last lightNow you"re dressed in blackWhen I left you were dressed in whiteCan you fill me inCalls diverted to answerphoneRed wine bottle half the concent goneMidnight return Jacuzzi turned onCan you fill me inWhenever the coast was clear and she"d ask me to come outI"d say hey girl,come on right aroundSo she knocked at the doorI was standing with the key in my hand to the 4×4Jumped in my rideChucked in where nobody sawThe club we went inWe got down down down to the rhythmSaw it was early morningThought we"d better be leavingSo I gave you to my jacket for you to holdTold you to wear it coz you felt coldI"m not being meanI didn"t mean to break the rulesI weren"t trying to play your Mum and Dad for foolsWe were just doing things young people end up doingParents trying to find out what we were up toSaying why can"t you keep your promise no moreSay you"ll be home by 12 come strolling in at 4Out went the girl but leaving with the boy next doorCan you fill me inWearing a jacket who"s propertySaid you"d been queuing for a TaxiBut you left all your money on the TVCan you fill me in(Can you fill me in)All them seem to doIs be checking up on youBaby(Craing David)Watching our every moveThink some day they might approveBabyWhy were you creeping round late last nightWhy did I see two shadows moving in your bedroom lightNow you"re dressed in blackCan you fill me in(Can you fill me in)Calls diverted to answerphoneRed wine bottle half the concents goneMidnight return Jacuzzi turned onCan you fill me in是这个吗?
2023-07-17 04:29:141

克雷格·大卫Fill Me In 的歌词

I was checking this girl next doorWhen her parents went outShe phoned said hey boy,come on right aroundSo I knock at the doorYou was standing with a bottle of red wineReady to pourDressed in all that Satin and Lace to the floorSo I went inThen we sat down start kissingCaressingTold me about JacuzziSounded interestingSo we jumped right inAll calls diverted yo answerphonePlease a message after the toneI"m not being meanHer parents were kinda coolBut they ran a fine line between me and youWw were just doing things young people end up doingParents trying to find out what we were up toSaying why were you creeping round late last nightWht did I see two shadows moving in your bedroom last lightNow you"re dressed in blackWhen I left you were dressed in whiteCan you fill me inCalls diverted to answerphoneRed wine bottle half the concent goneMidnight return Jacuzzi turned onCan you fill me inWhenever the coast was clear and she"d ask me to come outI"d say hey girl,come on right aroundSo she knocked at the doorI was standing with the key in my hand to the 4×4Jumped in my rideChucked in where nobody sawThe club we went inWe got down down down to the rhythmSaw it was early morningThought we"d better be leavingSo I gave you to my jacket for you to holdTold you to wear it coz you felt coldI"m not being meanI didn"t mean to break the rulesI weren"t trying to play your Mum and Dad for foolsWe were just doing things young people end up doingParents trying to find out what we were up toSaying why can"t you keep your promise no moreSay you"ll be home by 12 come strolling in at 4Out went the girl but leaving with the boy next doorCan you fill me inWearing a jacket who"s propertySaid you"d been queuing for a TaxiBut you left all your money on the TVCan you fill me in(Can you fill me in)All them seem to doIs be checking up on youBaby(Craing David)Watching our every moveThink some day they might approveBabyWhy were you creeping round late last nightWhy did I see two shadows moving in your bedroom lightNow you"re dressed in blackCan you fill me in(Can you fill me in)Calls diverted to answerphoneRed wine bottle half the concents goneMidnight return Jacuzzi turned onCan you fill me in是这个吗?
2023-07-17 04:29:211


(All right)(Come on)Can you fill me in(Can you fill me in)i was checking this girl next door when her parents went outshe"d phone say hey boy come on right aroundso i knock on the door you were standing with a bottle of redwine ready to pourdressed in long black satin laced to the floorso i went inthen we sat down start kissing caressingtold me "bout jacuzzi sounded interestingso we jumped right inall calls diverted to answerphoneplease leave a message after the tonei mean me her parents were kinda coolbut they were the fine line between me youwe were just doing things young people in love doparents trying to find out what we were up tosaying why were you creeping "round last nightwhy could i see two shadows moving in your bedroom lightnow your dressed in black when i left you were dressed in whitecan you fill me in?calls diverted to answerphonered wine bottle half the contents gonemidnight return jacuzzi turned oncan you fill me in?whenever the coast was clear she"d ask me to comei"d say hey girl come on right aroundso she knocked at the doori was standing with the keys in my hand to the 4x4jumped in my ridechecking that noboby saw the club we went we got downbounce bounce to the rhythmsaw it was early morningthought we"d better be leavingso i gave you my jacket for you to holdtold you to wear it cos you felt coldi mean me her didn"t to break the rulesweren"t trying to play your mum dad for foolswe were just doing things young people in love doparents trying to find out what we were up tosaying why can"t you keep your promises no moresaying you"ll be home by 12 come strolling in at 4out with your girls but leaving with the boy next doorcan you fill me in?wearing a jacket who"s propertysaid you"d been queuing for a taxibut you left all your money on the tvcan you fill me in?all they seem to dois be checking up on you babywatching are every movethink someday the might approvebabywhy were you creeping "round last nightwhy could i see two shadows moving in your bedroom lightnow your dressed in black when i left you were dressed in whitecan you fill me in?calls diverted to answerphonered wine bottle half the contents gonemidnight return jacuzzi turned oncan you fill me in?
2023-07-17 04:29:291


1. 在片子的一开始,主人出游后,宠物鼠Roddy在家里快活自在玩耍,有一个看电影的场景,这个桥段在影射007电影。Roddy拿着玩具枪射DVD机子的碟片仓门,但是视角是从DVD碟子中间的孔看过去的,所以整个效果就象007电影一开始那样,007缓步走来,视角是敌人的枪管,然后007突然转身开枪。另外,之前选择片子里也影射了007电影,看的那张碟名字叫《Die Again Tomorrow》,很显然在指007的两部电影《Tomorrow Never Dies》(明日帝国)和《Die Another Day》(择日而亡)。2. SID: Let me lay this out for you. This place is mine now.Sid says, "Jump," you say, "How high?" Comprende?Fetch us some Pop-Tarts from the kitchen, Jeeves. Be snappy about it.RODDY: Yes, sir. Right away, sir.SID: That"s more like it.RODDY: - But before breakfast is served... perhaps sir would care to take a whirl in the Jacuzzi.下水道老鼠Sid觉得宠物鼠Roddy家实在太好了,决定要留下来,Roddy立刻有了危机感,于是要赶走Sid,于是有了上面的这段对话。Sid says, "Jump," you say, "How high?" 字面意思Sid要你跳,你只能问要跳多高?这个相当于汉语里说我让你往西走,你就不能往东走,你得乖乖的按照我说的去做。Pop-tarts是著名的Kellogg谷类食品公司生产的一种果酱馅饼。Jeeves并不是Roddy的名字,而是指英国小说家和喜剧作家P.G. Wodehouse创作的小说里那位聪明机灵、花样百出的男仆 Jeeves ,常常帮自己的主人——迷迷糊糊的英国绅士 Bertie Wooster解决难题。That"s more like it的意思是 这才像话嘛!Jacuzzi:按摩浴缸。英语里有不少产品名字来自于公司本身,比如 xerox 施乐公司,也可以指复印机。3. 后来Roddy自以为下水道老鼠Sid没见过市面,打算把Sid带到洗手间的坐便器给他来个所谓的按摩洗浴。结果Sid识破诡计,把Roddy推下了坐便器,冲到了下水道里去。在流往下水道的途中,Roddy突然撞到了一条小丑鱼,小丑鱼张口便问“Have you seen my dad?”这个其实在影射动画片《海底总动员》(Finding Nemo)里小丑鱼找爸爸的故事。
2023-07-17 04:29:442

按摩浴缸英文叫什么 不是 massage bathtub 听起来叫啥zha ku zei... 求大人们解决~谢啦

2023-07-17 04:30:042


  stretch表示伸展; 延伸; 持续的意思,那么你知道stretch的短语有哪些吗?接下来我为大家整理了stretch的短语搭配,希望对你有帮助哦!   stretch的短语:   at full stretch   1. 尽量伸展(身体部位)   at a stretch   1. 不停地,连续地,一口气地   我经常不得不连续工作20小时以上。   I often had to work for over twenty hours at a stretch.   2. 勉强地;尽量地   它的目标是一个年龄组的人,即成年人,或者勉强扩大到包括商科学生。   it is aimed at one age group, adults, or, at a stretch, business studies students.   by no (或 not by any) stretch of the imagination   1. 任凭如何异想天开也不是,怎么想象也不是   卡尔无论如何也称不上好看。   by no stretch of the imagination could Carl ever be called good-looking.   stretch one"s legs   1. (久坐后)散步   stretch a point   1. (因特殊情况)作出让步,通融   既然你的女儿常来我这里看病,我就破一次例。   since your daughter is one of my regular patients, I"m stretching a point.   stretch one"s wings   stretch (one"s) legs   1. 散步:散步,尤指在长坐一段时间后   同义词辨析:   extend, lengthen, stretch, prolong   这些动词含有"伸展,延长"或"延伸"之意。   extend : 指时间或空间的延长,也可指影响和使用范围等的扩大。   lengthen : 指把长度或期限拉长或延长,其反义是shorten。   stretch : 指长度的延伸以及宽度的增加。   prolong : 通常指时间上延长得超过了一般或正常的限度。   stretch的短语例句:   1. It is better to stretch the tight muscles first.   最好先伸展一下僵硬的肌肉。   2. I stopped at the square and got out to stretch my legs.   我在广场处停下来,下车活动活动腿脚。   3. I"m trying to move on and stretch myself with something different.   我正想换工作,想尝试点不一样的事情来挑战一下自己。   4. Stand straight and stretch the left hand to the right foot.   站直身体,伸左手够右脚.   5. Nearby there is a stretch of white sand beach perfect for sunbathing.   附近有一片白色沙滩,是沐日光浴的绝佳场所。   6. This stretch of Lost River was broader and deeper.   洛斯特里弗的这片水域又宽又深。   7. The jacuzzi was too small to stretch out in.   这个“极可意”浴缸太小了,躺不下。   8. Their films are exciting and really stretch the imagination.   他们的电影非常精彩且发人深省。   9. He was about to stretch out his hand to grab me.   他正要伸手抓我。   10. Her husband was not a womaniser by any stretch of the imagination.   她老公绝对不是个拈花惹草的人。   11. He would study for eight to ten hours at a stretch.   他会一口气学习8到10个小时。   12. He offered his lighter at full stretch.   他伸长胳膊把打火机递了过去。   13. It"s a dangerous stretch of road.   那段路很不安全。   14. It"s a very dangerous stretch of road.   这是一段非常危险的路。   15. Everyone would be working at full stretch.   每个人都将全力以赴。
2023-07-17 04:30:111


2023-07-17 04:30:241

ジャグジー 的英文是什么?

2023-07-17 04:30:312

求一首英文歌,开头唱两遍if...的句子然后to get you的英文歌,欢快轻松的,女歌手唱的

My love will get you home
2023-07-17 04:30:442


QUEEN ETHELBURGA"S COLLEGE   Queen Ethelburga"s College欢迎年龄11至18岁的女孩入读,该校座落于英国的东北部。学校招收的女生必须富有多方面的才能,而该校的教职员亦会尽他们的努力,希望能确保所有女生在离校后都能充满自信心,并知道怎样利用在学校内所学会的一切运用在日常生活中。   校内的学生成绩优异,在过去数年的公开考试中均有出色的表现,例如在GCSE考试中有接近90%的合格率,而在A-level考试中更曾经有100%的合格率。学校又提供英语强化班,帮助海外生打好英文基础,适应全面的英语教学。而为了配合各学员不同的兴趣,学校又提供多个公开考试的科目给学生选择,A-level的科目有16个,而GCSE的科目则有多个20个。   大部份学生会选读四或五个A-level科目。除了传统的科目以外,学校还会提供其他有趣的学科选择,包括商科、演绎、和BHSAI骑术课程等。很多学生都会在A-Level中选读通识课程(General Study),务求学习广泛的知识。另外,学校又设有一个资料齐全的职业辅导组,帮助同学选择大学课程、实习见工技巧和填写UCAS表格,该校更会鼓励中六女生参加年轻企业计划和爱丁堡奖励计划。   中六学生不需要穿校服,但他们需穿着整洁的服装。校内之学生均可享用学校齐备之设施,例如健身室和休闲室等。星期天早上,中六学生可以于早课后到游泳池游泳,或悠闲地阅读报纸,又可写信给家人或朋友,校园内更设有一个桑拿室和日光浴室。学校又会定期安排学员参观歌剧院、艺术馆和博物馆和欣赏芭蕾舞表现等。而学校与学校之间的联校活动亦十分多。   该校学生的宿舍生活亦十分舒适,例如学生可享用高级的设施,包括自修室、泡茶设施、直接拨出及打入的电话、录音机、收音机/录音带/CD播放中心、时间控制之电影和录音机。另外,还有一个Jacuzzi浴室和一个宁静的温习房、Pentium多媒体电脑供应。舍内又有一个大厨房和客厅,休息室有20个频道之卫星电视和录音机,更有各报纸和杂志。    需入学评核考试 每年叁个学期,每学期学费:小学 £5,885 (06)   中学 £7,995 (06)    学生人数: 537人(女校)    位于: York 临近机场:Leeds/Bradford 英语辅导班:有 师生比例: 1:11 寄宿生比率:60%
2023-07-17 04:30:521


    蒙娜丽莎卫浴简介  蒙娜丽莎集团是康体设备有限公司,致力于卫浴、康体产品的研制、开发、生产。拥有一批经验丰富、激情拼搏的员工,拥有占地面积15000M3的现代化厂房生产基地,本着待人以诚、执事以信的经营宗旨,公司规模不断扩大,业绩蒸蒸日上,业务遍及欧美、中东、东南亚及中国三十几个省市、自治区,公司为中国游泳池运动协会装备委员会会员、中国建筑协会会员、广州市建筑装饰会理事单位。  该公司严格按照ISO9000质量标准生产“蒙娜丽莎”蒸汽房、jacuzzi、淋浴房等卫浴产品、泳池桑拿设备,并提供专业的工程设计、安装、施工及咨询业务。生产的“蒙娜丽莎MONALISA”卫浴产品获得了“中国名优产品”称号,并通过了中国3C电气认证、欧洲CE电器认证,并推出采用中美技术合作的“彩虹RAINBOW”专利型泳池过滤系统,该产品结构紧凑、机电一体化、过滤周期短、安装简单快捷,成为传统泳池设备的换代品。  蒙娜丽莎卫浴生产、开发卫生洁具,所生产的蒙娜丽莎卫浴以人体工程学为主题设计,线条简洁流畅,造型大方华丽。蕴含艺术美的修饰。灵巧而不失沉稳,质朴而不失优雅,庄重而富有生气,自然和谐,动静有度,让您的人生充满洁净和亮丽。  蒙娜丽莎卫浴严谨的质量保证体系函盖了从产品设计、原料采购、生产过程到售后服务的全过程,每一个环节,确保了阿波罗卫浴的高品质。  
2023-07-17 04:30:581


铃酱now! 铃酱now!! 铃酱铃酱铃酱now!!!铃酱now! 铃酱now!! 铃酱铃酱铃酱now!!!连君now! 连君now!! 连君连君连君now!!! 连君now! 连君now!! 连君连君连君now!!! 连君now! 连君now!! 连君连君连君now!!!连君now! 连君now!! 连君连君连君now!!! (^ω^≡^ω^) 喔喔喔喔 连什麼的就是会吐舌装傻而被绅士先生们称之为吐舌装傻连,全身都湿透就好了。 连什麼的就是,在感觉不错地收录帅气的连的歌曲的录音途中 在视线的正前方看见了小虫而「呀!」一声的悲呜起来然後前功尽废就好了。 连什麼的就是,努力地变装而後说「不给我糖果就我就来捣蛋哦!」 明明这样说了手指所指着的桌子上却放着平日早餐所吃的香蕉 「香蕉也算糖果吗?」这样想着的同时又很听话地把整根香蕉大口大口地默默咀嚼就好了。(^ω^≡^ω^) 喔喔喔喔 连什麼的就是,因为表演的庆功宴而去saizeriya情绪高涨起来而把饮品吧的饮品混合起来喝了下去後 被朋友婉转地责骂了一顿,夜晚时就把头埋在枕头裏啪哒啪哒地踢着腿就好了 连什麼的就是,会对其他主人的家裏的连说 「我家裏的浴室是-,Jacuzzi?Bath?来的哦!」 之类的话然後为这模糊的记忆而自豪,却被回答「我家也有水龙头这样东西哦-」, 侧着头的同时也说,「这样呀......」乾脆卷成一团就好了。 (^ω^≡^ω^) 喔喔喔喔 对着铃酱大谈无聊的笑话,过一会儿她便想露出一副冷淡的眼神似的。 那样的铃酱有一天,「连他真奇怪呢」这样说, 然後因为她一副很高兴的样子说着连所说过的超无聊的笑话所以不禁想要狠狠的嫉妒起来。连君now! 连君now!! 连君连君连君now!!! 连君now! 连君now!! 连君连君连君now!!! 连君now! 连君now!! 连君连君连君now!!! 连君now! 连君now!! 连君连君连君now!!! (^ω^≡^ω^) おっおっおっおっo o o o(^ω^≡^ω^) 喔喔喔喔 连什麼的就是,「今年一定要尽早把暑假的功课完成哦!」的那样下定决心 然後刚要把功课取出来的时候,才发现功课全都忘记带回家而受到挫折, 然後直到开学日前也完全失去了那份干劲就好了。 连什麼的就是,在想要结识路上偶遇的野猫时 在公园的草丛中一动不动一声不响,然後不仅从短裤所露出来的裸足被很多蚊子咬了结果就连猫也给逃跑掉就好了。 (^ω^≡^ω^) 喔喔喔喔 连什麼的就是,被问及圣诞礼物方面想要什麼, 「要从多啦A梦的道具中选一样的话:四次元百宝袋」 的这样顺势地回答了却又「我想要圣诞老人的袋」这样回答了,隔天早上在枕边, 发现真的只放着一个布袋并为此而绝望就好了。 连什麼的就是,「新一年来到了的话我也要改变呢!」的这样叫喊着 然後往美容院把头发弄成了méche发型,却被铃君小声地说「那可是违反校规的会被扣分的哦」 结果一日後就打回原形就好了。 (^ω^≡^ω^) 喔喔喔喔 铃酱她,把连叫了过来,不管连的反抗地推着连的背部, 就这样从被炉那边取了一个橘子然後放在自己的头上, 然後小声的说了一句「镜音饼」之类的,所以真的好想吃下去呀。 连君now! 连君now!! 连君连君连君now!!! 连君now! 连君now!! 连君连君连君now!!! 连君now! 连君now!! 连君连君连君now!!! 连君now! 连君now!! 连君连君连君now!!! 连君now! 连君now!! 连君连君连君now!!! 连君now! 连君now!! 连君连君连君now!!! 连君now! 连君now!! 连君连君连君now!!! 连君now! 连君now!! 连君连君连君now!!!请采纳w 中文字幕mv:
2023-07-17 04:31:231


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2023-07-17 04:31:401


2023-07-17 04:31:512


  餐厅就是指在一定场所,公开地对一般大众提供食品、饮料等餐饮的设施或公共餐饮屋。那么你知道是什么吗?下面来学习一下吧。    餐厅英语单词1   restaurant    餐厅英语单词2   dining room    餐厅英语单词3   lunchroom    餐厅的英语例句:   他端著盘子来到餐厅。   He carried the plate through to the dining room.   这家餐厅小巧精致,绿意盎然,令人感到非常惬意。   The restaurant is *** all and green and very weling.   餐厅的名字未必能告诉你很多它所供应的食物。   The name of a restaurant won"t necessarily tell you much about the food it serves.   他十二点五十分在餐厅吃午餐。   At twelve-fifty, he ate lunch in a restaurant.   餐厅里端出来的食物对许多人来说量是太多了。   Servings in restaurants are too large for many people.   他在餐厅里大吃大喝,真丢脸。   He made a real pig of himself at the restaurant.   The bright dining room overlooks the school opposite.   餐厅还提供各种假日选单。餐厅一月关闭。   You can reserve the jacuzzi and the solarium against an extra charge.   我们在餐厅见吧。   Let"s meet in the restaurant.   按学生人数,我们应该建三个餐厅。   In proportion to the number of students we should build 3 dining rooms.   餐厅所有人想给他们的餐厅安装护壁板。   The owners wanted to dado their dining room.   根据法律,所有餐厅都必须在店外明示用餐价格。   By law all restaurants must display their prices outside.   这场角逐割裂了不同的餐厅、总统、国家。   It has divided restaurants, presidents, and nations.   我听说他经常光顾汉普斯特德的卡津餐厅。   I hear he frequents the Cajun restaurant in Hampstead.   可选的额外专案包括在顶级餐厅学习厨艺。   Optional extras include cooking tuition at a top restaurant.   一辆轻便马车将把你送到主餐厅,以沙滩上的一支舞结束这个晚上。   A buggy ferries you down to the main restaurant to finish the evening with a dance on the beach.   也许你不该再去那家餐厅吃饭了。   Maybe you shouldn"t eat in that restaurant anymore.   这家餐厅由帕洛阿尔托附院经营,收益用来资助露西尔·帕卡德儿童医院。   The restaurant is operated by the Palo Alto Auxiliary for the benefit of the Lucile Salter Packard Children"s Hospital.   我们在阿特尔伯勒的一家餐厅里吃的饭。   We had dinner at a restaurant in Attleborough.
2023-07-17 04:32:351


鸳鸯英文:mandarin duck。一、鸳鸯的相关短语鸳鸯牛排:Chateaubriand ; Mandarin duck steak鸳鸯梅:Coupled plum blossom火鸳鸯:The Wild Couple二、英语例句1、Jack and his missis are as happy as two lovebirds now.杰克和他太太现在是一对快乐的鸳鸯。2、It was claimed she cavorted with a police sergeant in a Jacuzzi but she denies this.据称,她和一个巡佐在极可意浴缸里玩鸳鸯浴,但是她并不承认。3、The most favored prostitute in the brothel used the alias Yuan Yang.这所妓院花魁的花名叫鸳鸯.4、Can egg of an affectionate couple fall really blood pressure?鸳鸯蛋真的能降血压吗?5、Lakka - trees ripen two by two And mandarin - ducks die side by side.梧桐相待老,鸳鸯会双死.6、Mandarin duck pot characteristics: a red one white, plement each other.特色鸳鸯锅: 一红一白、相得益彰.7、This is Jiangjun Cliff . On the right, it is Yuanyang waterfall.这是将军巖,在右边是鸳鸯瀑布.8、This theatre has love seats, only the tickets are too expensive.这家剧院设有鸳鸯座儿, 只是票价太高.9、In the zoo pond, the mandarin ducks are swimming in pairs.动物园的池塘里,鸳鸯正在成双成对地戏水.10、This couple makes an exquisite pair of calling cards.他们夫妇专门找人精心制作了鸳鸯名片.11、Empty hands no hawks allure.舍不得金弹子,打不到巧鸳鸯.12、Wale : We can eat a Fondue.我们可以吃鸳鸯火锅.
2023-07-17 04:32:411

Shaggy的《Boombastic》 歌词

歌曲:Boombastic演唱:ShaggyMr. BoombasticWhat you want is some boombastic romantic fantastic loverShaggyMr. Lover loverMmm, a Mr. Lover lover heee girlMr. Lover loverMmm, a Mr.Lover loverShe call me Mr. BoombasticTell me fantastic, touch me on me backShe says I"m Mr. me fantastic, touch me on me backShe say I"m Mr. Ro...Smooth just like a silkSoft and coddly hug me up like a quiltI"m a lyrical lover no take me fi no filthWith my sexual physique Jah know me well buildOh me oh my well well can"t you tellI"m just like a turtle crawling out of my shellGal you captivate my body put me under a spellWith your cus cus perfume I love your sweet smellYou are the only young girl who can ring my bellAnd I can take rejection so you tell me go to hellI"m Boombastic tell me fantastic, touch me on me backShe says I"m Mr. me fantastic she touch me on me backShe says I"m Mr. boom boom boom boomBoom...bastic tell me fantastic touch me on me backShe call me Mr. me fantastic she touch me on me backShe says I"m Mr. boom boomGee wheeze baby pleaseLet me take you to an island of the sweet cool breezeYou don"t fell like drive well baby hand me the keysAnd I will take you to a place and set your mind at easeDon"t you tickle my foot bottom ha ha baby pleaseDon"t you play with my nose cause I might ha chum sneezeWell a you a the bun and a me a the cheeseAnd if a me a the rice well baby love you the peasI"m Boombastic tell me fantastic touch me on me backShe says I"m Mr. Ro...o...o...manticTell me fantastic touch me on me backShe says I"m Mr. boom boomBoommm...bastic tell me fantastic touch me on me backShe says I"m Mr. Ro...o...manticTell me fantastic touch me on me backShe says I"m Mr. boom boomI you say give me your loving gal your loving well goodI want your loving gal give it like you shouldA give me your loving girl your loving well goodI want your loving gal you remember the wooWould you like to kiss and carressRub down every strand of hair pon my chestI"m Boombastic rated as the bestThe best you should get nothing more nothing lessGive me your digits jot down your addressI"ll bet you confess when you put me to the testThat I"m Boombastic tell me fantastic touch me on me backShe says I"m Mr. Ro...o...manticTell me fantastic touch me on me back she says I"m Mr. BoomBoommm...bastic tell me fantastic touch me on me backShe says I"m Mr. Ro...o...o...manticTell me fantastic touch me on me backShe says I"m Mr. Boombastic, whatGal your admiration it a lick me from the startWith some physical attraction gal you know to feel the sparkA man of few words naw go tell you no sweet talkNaw go laba laba laba and a chat pure partI"ll get straight to the point like a arrow or a dartCome lay down in a my jacuzzi and get some bubble bathOnly sound you will here is the beating of my heartAnd we will mmm... mmm... and have some sweet pillow talkI"m Boombastic tell me fantastic touch me on me backShe says I"m Mr. Rooo...manticTell me fantastic she tickle on me back She says I"m Mr. boom,Boommm...bastic tell me fantastic touch me on me backShe says I"m Mr. Ro...o...o...manticTell me fantastic touch me on me backShe says I"m Mr. Boombastic,who"s the girlsmooth...
2023-07-17 04:33:051


2023-07-17 04:33:121

Robbie Williams的《Do Me Now》 歌词

歌曲名:Do Me Now歌手:Robbie Williams专辑:MisunderstoodBell Biv DeVoe - Do Me!Take a look at meTell me do you like what you seeDo you think you canDo you think you can do me?Kiss me pretty, babyTouch me all overGirl, what makes you think you can do meDo you think you can do me, girlDo me, baby (Ho...ooh...)Do me, baby (Do you think you can)Do me, baby (Do me)Do me, babyGirl, let your hair downTake off your clothes and leave on your shoesWould you mind if I looked at you for a momentBefore I make sweet loveBackstage, under age, adolescentHow ya doin"? Fine, she repliedI sighed, I like to do the wild thingAction took placeKinda wet, don"t forgetThe J, the I, the M, the M, the Y, y"allI need a body bagDo me, baby (Oh...oh...oh...)Do me, baby (You can do me when you wanna do me)Do me, baby (Yeah...yeah...)Do me, baby (Mmm...ho...ho...ooh...yeah...)Do me, baby (I like it in the morning time, yeah)Do me, baby (Sometimes I love it in the evening, baby, yeah)Do me, baby (Can you do me all over, girl, yeah, yeah)Do me, babyThe time was 6 o"clock on the Swatch watchNo time to chill, got a date, can"t be lateHey, the girl is gonna do meMove to the Jacuzzi, ooh, that bootySmack it up, flip it, rub it down, oh, noDo me, baby (Yeah...)Do me, baby (Oh, baby, I like it just like that)Do me, baby (And I love the way you do it to me, baby, yeah)Do me, baby (Oh, move just a little bit closer)You can do me in the morningYou can do me in the nightYou can do me when you wanna do meYou can do me in the morningYou can do me in the nightYou can do me when you wanna do meOh, come on and sweat meWill you just take a little bit, yeahThat"s the way I like it, babyCome on over hereLet me caress your beautiful bodyKiss you from head to toeI"ll make you sweat, yeahWe"re gonna train up in here all the way9 to 5, babyYou just sweat, babyThat"s the way I like to do itRun you all over with some hot oilAnd just watch your body shineI just wannaI just wanna lay your beautiful body down by the fireplace, babyAnd make love to you all, all nightOh, yeahI love you, baby, yeahOh...ho...Oh, yeah
2023-07-17 04:33:301

求joe 的歌the love scene 中英文歌词。谢谢啦。(*^__^*) 嘻嘻……

The Love Scene(爱情场景) joeYeah Ooh...hoo...ooh...Well, well, well, well, well, babyHoo...hoo...babyMmm...hmm...mmm...mmm...Listen, baby (这些就不用翻了吧 )(Take one) Baby lyin" on the bed,Exotic fantasies goin" through her head(场景1) 我亲爱的就躺在床上,一些奇怪的想法开始出现在她脑中(Take two) I jump into my SL6,I gotta make my way to the crib mad quick(场景2 )我打开了我的SL6(某牌子音响吧), 我要用我自己的方法让床high的更快(Take three) I see my baby as I step inside,She"s staring at me with those bedroom eyes(场景3)我一进去就看到了她,她正用朦胧的眼神看着我(Take four) Honey sippin" on some Chardonnay,The sex is even better when she"s feeling that way我的爱人正在小口抿着夏敦埃酒,当她那样想的时候**的感觉会更好All I want to do right now is love her down (Ooh)我想做的所有,就是和她**I don"t give a damn about who hears the sound (Ooh...)我不在乎谁会听到这些声响We"ll be in the groove until the sun comes up (Yeah)我们要一直持续,直到天亮Together we"ll get lost inside the love我们就这样一起沉浸在爱情中Let"s make a love scene, steamy and blue让我们来完成这个爱的场景,又湿又huangErotic memories for an audience of two是我们俩个爱的记忆And we"ll make a love scene, let the foreplay begin让我们来做这个场景,让它从前戏开始And replay each moment again and again and again然后重复每一个瞬间,一遍又一遍(Take five) The Jacuzzi"s just "bout ready for us,We step into the water and you tremble at my touch(场景5)按摩浴缸已经准备好了。我们进入了浴缸而且你因我的抚摸而颤抖(Take six) I see you gettin" steamin" hot。Girl, it ain"t just the bubbles that"s been hittin" the spot( 场景6)我看到你好像都让蒸汽发热了。亲爱的,可不仅仅是那些泡泡在触你的**Take it off, take it off, take it off till you get enough (Whoa...whoa...whoa...whoa...)脱下吧,都脱下吧,直到你觉得已经满足Anyway that you like, it"s okay, come and get my love (Whoa...oh...ho...ho...yea...)你想要怎样我都可以,来吧,来得到我的爱Ooh, I"m gonna keep lovin", I"m gonna keep lovin" you, baby(When the curtain drops) Oh我要继续爱你,继续爱你baby(当帘子掉下的时候)We won"t stop (We won"t stop), we won"t stop (我们不要停~(不要停)Girl, I"m down to take a sip from your cup (No, no, no, no, no, no, no)亲爱的,我要继续往下,在你的杯子那里啜饮If you drink from my fountain of love (Oh, ho)如果你在我的爱泉里畅饮"69 was a very good year (Do you remember, girl)1969是一个非常好的时间(女孩 你还记得吗)If you know what I mean, my dear (Ooh, baby)如果你明白我的意思,亲爱的翻译完了 呵呵~
2023-07-17 04:33:371


Boombastic歌词:歌曲:Boombastic演唱:ShaggyMr. BoombasticWhat you want is some boombastic romantic fantastic loverShaggyMr. Lover loverMmm, a Mr. Lover lover heee girlMr. Lover loverMmm, a Mr.Lover loverShe call me Mr. BoombasticTell me fantastic, touch me on me backShe says I"m Mr. me fantastic, touch me on me backShe say I"m Mr. Ro...Smooth just like a silkSoft and coddly hug me up like a quiltI"m a lyrical lover no take me fi no filthWith my sexual physique Jah know me well buildOh me oh my well well can"t you tellI"m just like a turtle crawling out of my shellGal you captivate my body put me under a spellWith your cus cus perfume I love your sweet smellYou are the only young girl who can ring my bellAnd I can take rejection so you tell me go to hellI"m Boombastic tell me fantastic, touch me on me backShe says I"m Mr. me fantastic she touch me on me backShe says I"m Mr. boom boom boom boomBoom...bastic tell me fantastic touch me on me backShe call me Mr. me fantastic she touch me on me backShe says I"m Mr. boom boomGee wheeze baby pleaseLet me take you to an island of the sweet cool breezeYou don"t fell like drive well baby hand me the keysAnd I will take you to a place and set your mind at easeDon"t you tickle my foot bottom ha ha baby pleaseDon"t you play with my nose cause I might ha chum sneezeWell a you a the bun and a me a the cheeseAnd if a me a the rice well baby love you the peasI"m Boombastic tell me fantastic touch me on me backShe says I"m Mr. Ro...o...o...manticTell me fantastic touch me on me backShe says I"m Mr. boom boomBoommm...bastic tell me fantastic touch me on me backShe says I"m Mr. Ro...o...manticTell me fantastic touch me on me backShe says I"m Mr. boom boomI you say give me your loving gal your loving well goodI want your loving gal give it like you shouldA give me your loving girl your loving well goodI want your loving gal you remember the wooWould you like to kiss and carressRub down every strand of hair pon my chestI"m Boombastic rated as the bestThe best you should get nothing more nothing lessGive me your digits jot down your addressI"ll bet you confess when you put me to the testThat I"m Boombastic tell me fantastic touch me on me backShe says I"m Mr. Ro...o...manticTell me fantastic touch me on me back she says I"m Mr. BoomBoommm...bastic tell me fantastic touch me on me backShe says I"m Mr. Ro...o...o...manticTell me fantastic touch me on me backShe says I"m Mr. Boombastic, whatGal your admiration it a lick me from the startWith some physical attraction gal you know to feel the sparkA man of few words naw go tell you no sweet talkNaw go laba laba laba and a chat pure partI"ll get straight to the point like a arrow or a dartCome lay down in a my jacuzzi and get some bubble bathOnly sound you will here is the beating of my heartAnd we will mmm... mmm... and have some sweet pillow talkI"m Boombastic tell me fantastic touch me on me backShe says I"m Mr. Rooo...manticTell me fantastic she tickle on me back She says I"m Mr. boom,Boommm...bastic tell me fantastic touch me on me backShe says I"m Mr. Ro...o...o...manticTell me fantastic touch me on me backShe says I"m Mr. Boombastic,who@s the girlsmooth...
2023-07-17 04:33:451


海滩与湖泊之间有一段通道,海滩别墅单独的建立,成扇形,是唯一既美观形状又宽阔的别墅。室外阳台通向双人大床的房间。别墅设施齐全,配有宽大长沙发椅。浴室位于户外的私人庭院里。Beach Suite with Private Pool,带有私人池海滩套房(5个单位)100平方米套房与别墅相似,但也有不同之处。阳台走廊是通向客房,是一个无外界干扰的安静环境。可移动的门连接客房和睡房。位于私人庭院里的浴室配有一个大浴缸和日光浴,可进行休息或者雨浴。Water Villa,水上别墅(40个单位)73平方米位于岛屿的最东北部,通过人行桥可到达。40间的水上别墅建筑新颖,有一种乡村般的秀丽感。拥有私人阳台,甲板通向具有强大魅力的湖泊。设施齐全的浴室可以眺望美丽的湖泊和侧面以水装饰的美景。房屋编号600系列(601~640),其中610~622阳台面向东方,可以很好地看到日出。Jacuzzi Water Villa,配可按摩浴缸水上别墅(35个单位)76平方米人行道连接大陆岛屿,水上别墅提供齐全的生活用品。正方形的别墅别具新颖和极其隐私,开敞式平面布置可供眺望,配有一个私人的可按摩日光浴室。房屋编号400系列(401~435)Water Suite with Private Pool,配有私人池的水上套房(5个单位)76平方米这是一个私人的世界,豪华的装饰,是旅客一个最好的选择。设施齐全的水上套房提供有宽大的私人池和阳台。房间,客房和浴室全都可通向宽敞的甲板,向外眺望,一片美丽的自然景色出现在眼前。
2023-07-17 04:33:541


2023-07-17 04:34:071


您好:Auckland has been a hot spot for an awfully long time, but the reasons have quite fortunately changed. New Zealand"s largest city and prime international gateway resides on some 48 volcanoes, but it"s been 600 years since lava flowed from any of them. Those volcanic hills have created great park space, fabulous (惊人的;难以置信的)panoramic views and twin harbors filled with watercraft. In fact, Auckland"s nickname is The City of Sails. It"s a sprawling metropolitan area (actually four cities) of more than one million souls, including the largest concentration of Polynesians on the planet. And it"s known for its multicultural flair. The big attraction is all that waterfront property and the leisure pursuits that go with it. On land, there"s a variety of museums (including a highly regarded Maritime Museum) and the famed Kelly Tarlton"s Aquarium, with its sharks and penguins and masses of sea life. Attractions : NZ National Maritime Museum New Zealand"s leading maritime museum in the heart of Auckland"s vibrant waterfront. Discover New Zealand"s seafaring history in over 14 world class galleries. Sail the harbour aboard a heritage vessel. Waiwera Thermal Resort From the roaring, whirling twister and dual speed slide, to the sheer luxury of soaking in the Hibiscus pool watching movies on the large screen, to the relaxation of a soothing massage, to the intimate seclusion of rising steam, soft music and cascading waterfalls of the private spas, sauna and Jacuzzi (‘极可意"浴缸,周边可喷水按摩的小浴池,源自商标名)- Waiwera Thermal Resort"s naturally heated water provides something for everybody - only 25 mins north of Auckland on State Highway 1. Kelly Tarlton"s Antarctic Encounter and Underwater World See colonies of King and Gentoo Penguins, watch them swim and plunge beneath the ice cap, then travel deep beneath the ocean and come face to face with the awesome predators of the deep - SHARKS - only centimetres away. Auckland Zoo Home to New Zealand"s largest collection of native and exotic animals. Explore the Tropical Rainforest, Hippo River, Pridelands (African savannah) & Primate Trail. Discover Wilderness New Zealand. Experience Sealion and Penguin Shores where Sealions can be seen through an amazing underwater viewing window.希望对您的学习有帮助【满意请采纳】O(∩_∩)O谢谢欢迎追问O(∩_∩)O~祝学习进步~
2023-07-17 04:34:171


如果是新手玩的话 先打上无敌的秘籍然后根据任务的操作慢慢练 这游戏通关之后你会发现你自己的技术比以前有很大的进步! 不妨听我的试一试
2023-07-17 04:34:263

一首英文歌很好听中间有yes yes这两句歌词是女的唱的 整首歌好像是男女合唱 节奏优雅又有点小情

歌曲: Yes Every day I see myEvery day I see my dreamEvery day I see my dreamEv-ev-every day I see my dreamEvery day I see myEvery day I see my dreamEvery day I see my dream(I see my dream son)Every time I dive in my poolIt"s hard to be humbleWhen I do the breastroke through an underground tunnelAnd come up on the other side in a jacuzziBeing greeted by two naked models with suds on there bootiesThey give me hugs and lots of kissesAnd they ask me what my wishesI say go and call your bitchesCause there"s gonna be a partyNext they wash my body as a teamAnd then the say "foo your royal penis is clean"And I"m likeYes it"s on and poppinYes the party"s rockinYes the cutie shockinYes and there ain"t no stoppinEvery day I see my dreamEvery day I see myEvery day I see my dreamEvery day I see my dreamEv-ev-every day I see my dreamEvery day I see myEvery day I see my dreamEvery day I see my dreamWakin up next to a beautiful girlStep outside to say hello to my beautiful worldGrandma"s cookin breakfast she makes pancakes the bestI check my MySpace and I got alotta friend requestsYESSI get to dancin" cause I,Walk throungh my mansion cause I,Own property from California to the Hamptons and ISip sum of my water fountain that spits sodaLook out the window and wave down my next door neighbour Oprah huhI go check and see how my albums doin todayThe group LMFAO goes double platnium heyyyI gotta party man that"s how I liveSo I take my elevator to the club in my crib likeYes it"s on and poppinYes the party"s rockinYes the cutie shockinYes and there ain"t no stoppinEvery day I see my dreamEvery day I see myEvery day I see my dreamEvery day I see my dreamEv-ev-every day I see my dreamEvery day I see myEvery day I see my dreamEvery day I see my dream
2023-07-17 04:35:021