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wet 的反义词

2023-07-17 08:40:31
TAG: et we wet

wet [wet]

adj. [气象][物] 潮湿的;有雨的

n. 雨天;湿气

vt. 弄湿

vi. 变湿

[ 比较级wetter 最高级wettest 过去式wet 或 wetted 过去分词wet 或 wetted 现在分词wetting

dry [drai]

adj. 干的;口渴的;枯燥无味的;禁酒的

vt. 把…弄干

vi. 变干

n. 干涸

[ 复数drys或dries 比较级drier 最高级driest 过去式dried 过去分词dried 现在分词drying.所以它的反义词是dry。


wet [wet]

adj. [气象][物] 潮湿的;有雨的

n. 雨天;湿气

vt. 弄湿

vi. 变湿

[ 比较级wetter 最高级wettest 过去式wet 或 wetted 过去分词wet 或 wetted 现在分词wetting

dry [drai]

adj. 干的;口渴的;枯燥无味的;禁酒的

vt. 把…弄干

vi. 变干

n. 干涸

[ 复数drys或dries 比较级drier 最高级driest 过去式dried 过去分词dried 现在分词drying



 英音:[drai]美音:[dra?]   1、形容词 a.      1. 干的;干燥的   The paint is not yet dry.   油漆还未干。   2. 干旱的   That state has a dry climate in winter.   该州冬天气候干燥。   3. (使)口渴的   4. (面包等)不涂奶油(果酱)的[B]   He managed to swallow a little soup and dry toast.   他设法吞下一点汤和不涂奶油的土司。   5. 无泪的   6. (酒等)不甜的,无果味的   She asked for a dry martini.   她要了一杯干马提尼酒。   7. 干枯的;(母牛)无奶的   8. 禁酒的   The ship was dry and no liquor was allowed.   船上是禁酒的,不准卖含酒精的饮料。   9. (玩笑、幽默)一本正经表达出来的;不露感情的   He had a good sense of humor and his dry accounts of the encounter delighted his listeners.   他很有幽默感,他对这次遭遇的不动声色的叙述给他的听众带来许多乐趣。   10. 枯燥乏味的   It is a dry novel.   那是本枯燥无味的小说。   2、及物动词 vt.      1. 把...弄干;使干燥   She dried her tears with a handkerchief.   她用手帕擦干了眼泪。   2. 晒干;风干   They sat in front of the fire to dry their wet clothes.   他们坐在炉火前以烘干他们的湿衣服。   3、不及物动词 vi.      1. 干,变干   Clothes dry slowly in the rainy season.   衣服在雨季不易干。   4、名词 n.



dry dry 干 dry wet是湿的意思 湿的反义词是干 英语是dry -沫沫 dry











wetter ["wetu0259] n. [助剂] 湿润剂;(印刷前纸张的)湿润工adj. 湿的;多雨的(wet的比较级)You never come back from a walk feeling worse – sometimes you come back feeling colder and wetter though, especially up here. 你散步回来永远不会让你感觉更糟—— 虽然,有时你回来时你会觉得更冷,更潮湿,尤其在这里。
2023-07-17 03:52:231


Wet是一个英文单词,形容词译为湿的, 下雨的, 懦弱的,(儿童)尿湿尿布的,名词译为湿地,液体, 窝囊废,雨天,动词译为使潮湿, 把什么弄湿。释义
2023-07-17 03:53:292


英音: [wet] 美音: [wet]副词1.潮的,湿的,潮湿的2.(天气等)有雨的,下雨的3.(油漆、墨水等)尚未干的4.(儿童)尿湿了尿布的;(尿布)尿湿的5.【英】(人)窝囊的,没有骨气的v.使潮湿;把...弄湿n.1.the wet 雨天,雨2.不可数名词:液体;尤指水3.可数名词:【英,非正式】窝囊废;软骨头
2023-07-17 03:53:581


das Wetter
2023-07-17 03:54:222


2023-07-17 03:54:301


wetter*********************************************************************************************May you be happy every day and make greatprogress ! 本题不明白,请再问;如果对你有所帮助,请及时采纳,谢谢!**********************************************************************************************
2023-07-17 03:54:372


2023-07-17 03:54:441

Drippy 和wet有什么区别

2023-07-17 03:55:041


wet的读音是:英[wet]。wet的读音是:英[wet]。wet的意思是adj.湿的;雨天的;懦弱的;n.潮气;雨天;vt.(使)弄湿。wet比较级:wetter;最高级:wettest;过去式:wet/wetted;过去分词:wet/wetted;现在分词:wetting;第三人称单数:wets。一、详尽释义点此查看wet的详细内容adj.(形容词)潮湿的,湿的,潮的,有湿气的下雨的,多雨的,雨的,雨天的尿湿尿布的,尿湿的窝囊的,没有骨气的没有骨气的,乳臭未干,少不更事,没见过世面反对禁酒的n.(名词)雨天,雨液体水湿气,潮气,水分保守党温和派成员窝囊废,软骨头潮湿,潮湿的地面,湿地下雨反对禁酒的人酒,饮酒反对派v.(动词)尿湿,尿床,尿裤子,撒尿于把...淋湿,打湿弄湿,使潮湿下雨喝酒庆祝变潮,变湿撒尿二、英英释义Noun:wetness caused by water;"drops of wet gleamed on the window"Adjective:covered or soaked with a liquid such as water;"a wet bathing suit""wet sidewalks""wet weather"containing moisture or volatile components;"wet paint"supporting or permitting the legal production and sale of alcoholic beverages;"a wet candidate running on a wet platform""a wet county"producing or secreting milk;"a wet nurse""a wet cow""lactating cows"consisting of or trading in alcoholic liquor;"a wet cargo""a wet canteen"very drunkVerb:cause to become wet;"Wet your face"make one"s bed or clothes wet by urinating;"This eight year old boy still wets his bed"三、网络解释1. wet的翻译1. 湿的:同we~串记:结婚(wed*)像一张潮湿的(wet)网(web). 同ac~e串记:每英亩(acre)田地都是受了疼痛(ache)得来的. 同~ace串记:脸面(face)肥死,鞋带(lace)勒死,步子(pace)配死,比赛种族(race)是瑞士--末尾两字为相应谐音.2. 湿声:一般在所有的效果器中尤其是时间信号处理器中都有控制旋钮分别左右干声(dry)和湿声(wet),干声代表的是原来的声音,湿声则代表经过处理后的声音. 通过控制他们之间的比例可以得出不同的声音效果.3. 潮湿:Prince独自前往纽约寻求一份录音合同. 无功而返后,自己制作出一盒录音带,得到了华纳兄弟唱片公司的欣赏. 1978年,他的首张专辑<>问世,仅进入排行榜的第163位. 其中像<>(Wet)以**为主题的抒情作品也未引起人们的兴趣.4. wet的解释4. 潮湿的:秋天(Autumn)天气是多雷雨(Thunderstorms冬天(Winter)天气是多雪(Snowy).还有各种天气的表达,多云(Cloudy)风(Windy)闪电(Lightning)冷(Cold)热(Hot),形容词凉爽的(Cool)多雾的(Foggy)温暖的(Warm)潮湿的(Wet),还有一些新的词汇例如,5.wet:wine equalisation tax; 澳洲葡萄酒平衡税6.6.wet:water bath temperature; 水浴7.wet:wine equalization tax; 或有酒类平价税8.wet:whole earth telescope; 韦塞林克质量四、例句The paper has wrinkled where it got wet.这张纸湿的地方起皱褶了。You will get wet if you go out without an umbrella.你出门不带伞会被淋湿的。A bicycle cape will protect you in wet weather.自行车雨披可以使你在雨天骑车也不致淋湿。The crowds packed into the cinema on a wet day.一大群人在雨天挤进了电影院。I stepped in a puddle and got my foot wet.我踏进一个小水潭,把脚弄湿了。I will have to wet your hair first.我要先把您的头发弄湿。五、常用短语用作形容词(adj.)a wet blanket扫兴的人 person who spoils other people"s pleasure because he is gloomyall wet湿透; 完全弄错了 thoroughly soaked; completely wrongwet behind the ears少不更事,无所适从 immature or inexperienced; naivewet through湿透 thoroughly soaked用作动词(v.)wet down (v.+adv.)把…全部弄湿 make a surface wet all overwet sth ? downIf you wet the walls down first, the surface will take the water-based paint more smoothly.如果你先把墙弄湿,那么表面就能更均匀地刷上这水性涂料。wet off (v.+adv.)以弄湿的方法来截下或断开 remove or break off (blown glass) by wettingwet sth ? offWhen you have blown the glass to the shape you want, wet the end off; you can make it smooth when it has cooled.当你把玻璃吹制成所要的形状后,把末端弄湿断开,待冷却后,末端就可以弄得很平滑。wet out (v.+adv.)使…浸湿 make thoroughly wet before dipping it in a chemical to change its colourwet sth ? outThe colour will not be evenly fixed unless the cloth is first properly wetted out.如果不把布用水浸透,那么就不会均匀地着色。六、经典引文The floor..was covered with wet and slime.出自:M. PembertonShe messed about on the river..and wasn"t afraid to get wet.出自:J. CalderShe sprawled on..the wet pavement.出自:V. GlendinningHis..shirt, wet with spray, flapped damply in the wind.出自:C. BrayfieldThey..kissed his feet, and wetted them with tears.出自:BunyanWe were caught in..showers..without being very much wetted.出自:N. HawthorneI got some water out of a..bottle..and wet the towel.出自:E. J. HowardShe wetted her palm and smoothed the hair above my ear.出自:A. Tan七、词义辨析adj.(形容词)wet, damp, moist, soaking这组词都有“潮湿的”的意思。其区别在于:1.在程度上, soaking > wet > damp > moist:soaking指完全湿了; wet指中等的潮湿; damp指不干燥,有点儿潮; moist指未完全干,还有点潮,尤其是表面潮湿。例如:I tried to squeeze the water out of my soaking skirt.我用力拧掉我那件湿透了的裙子上的水。He took off his wet shoes.他把湿鞋子脱了下来。Damp wood won"t burn.湿柴无法燃烧。The grass was moist from the morning dew.草上沾着露水,很潮湿。2.wet有时含有令人不快的意味,另外三个词则没有。例如:Her cheeks were wet with tears.她的双颊流着眼泪。v.(动词)wet, wetted这两者均为wet的过去式和过去分词,在英式英语中,除了在 wet the bed(尿床)或wet oneself(尿裤子)这类短语中, wet的过去式和过去分词通常是wetted。例如:The baby has wet its bed again.婴儿又尿床了。damp,wet,dank,moist,humid都含"潮湿的"意思。damp指"轻度潮湿, 使人感觉不舒服的"。wet指"含水分或其他液体的"、"湿的"。dank指"阴湿的"。 moist指"微湿的"、"湿润的", 常含"不十分干, 此湿度是令人愉快的"意思。humid为正式用语, 常表示"空气中湿度大的"。wet,damp,soak这些动词均有“使潮湿”之意。wet普通用词,一般指水所发挥的作用。damp指全部弄湿,侧重状态。soak多指浸没,侧重最后结果。wet的相关近义词damp、moist、raining、rainy、foolish、dampness、drizzle、liquid、moisture、rain、water、wetness、damp、dip、spray、sprinkle、steep、waterwet的相关反义词dry、resolute、strong、drywet的相关临近词wether、westward、wets、Weth、Wetz、Wete、weta、wetly、Wethy、Wetlu、Wette、Wetzl点此查看更多关于wet的详细信息
2023-07-17 03:55:141


您说的是形容词比较级,单音节形容词及少数双音节形容词直接在后面加-er,比如:cold,colder.great,greater. 在以重读闭音节结尾的形容词中,当结尾是一个元音字母加一个辅音字母时,应双写其结尾的辅音字母后再加-er.比如:fat,fatter.sad,sadder.thin,thinner.
2023-07-17 03:55:221


witter 英[u02c8wu026atu0259(r)] 美["wu026atu0259r] vi. 没完没了地唠叨琐事; [例句]They just sat there wittering about what lectures they had tomorrow.他们就坐在那儿没完没了地聊明天要听哪些讲座。[其他] 第三人称单数:witters 现在分词:wittering 过去式:wittered过去分词:wittered 形近词: wetter jitter hitter
2023-07-17 03:55:591


Ich mag sonnige Tage.
2023-07-17 03:56:092


wet[英][wet][美][wɛt]adj.湿的; 下雨的; 懦弱的; (儿童)尿湿尿布的; n.湿地; 液体; 窝囊废; 雨天; vt.使潮湿; 把…弄湿; 第三人称单数:wets过去分词:wetted复数:wetter最高级:wettest现在进行时:wetting比较级:wetter过去式:wetted以上结果来自金山词霸
2023-07-17 03:56:161

求解谜语 What gets wetter and wetter the more it dries?

ice 百度知道里有奥
2023-07-17 03:56:247


2023-07-17 03:56:557


2023-07-17 03:57:097


2023-07-17 03:58:131


das WetterEs ist heiter heute.好像是这样
2023-07-17 03:58:202

Watter 是什么意思

2023-07-17 03:58:273


2023-07-17 03:58:351

What gets wetter as it dries是什么意思是这个游戏的第二关吧?这是密码:towel
2023-07-17 03:58:448


2023-07-17 03:58:593


is taller youngerwetterheavierolderstrongerwarmer
2023-07-17 03:59:105

just as trees in wetter climates lose theirs in wetter climates 是什么意思?

just as trees in wetter climates lose theirs in wetter climates because winter arrives就像在气候比较潮湿的树会在潮湿的气候掉叶子因为冬天来临了*感觉怪怪的句子
2023-07-17 03:59:264


2023-07-17 04:00:083

求英语大师解答! 带有tte这三个字母的所有单词 (tte不分前后)

attend 参加 vignette 装饰图案 cassette 录音带 然后就是tter系列,太多了不解释: abetter,abutter,acquitter,admitter,aflutter,aglitter, allotter,antilitter,antimatter,atwitter,babysitter backscatter,batter,bedwetter,begetter,besetter, bespatter,betatter,better,bitter,blatter,blotter, bonesetter,boycotter,butter,carburetter,chatter, chitter,clatter,clutter,cotter,critter,cutter,dotter, embitter,emitter,enfetter,fatter,fetter filmsetter,fitter,flatter,flitter,flutter,flyswatter forgetter,formatter,fretter,fritter,garotter getter,gillnetter,glitter,gutter,haircutter,hairsplitter hatter,hitter,hotter,imbitter,insetter,intermitter intromitter,jitter,jotter,knitter,knotter,latter letter,litter,matter,mutter,natter,netter neurotransmitter,newsletter,nutter,omitter otter,outfitter,outglitter,pacesetter,patter permitter,petter,photosetter,phototypesetter,pinsetter pinspotter,platter,plotter,potter,putter,quitter ratter,rebutter,regretter,reletter,remitterresetter reutter,ritter,rotter,sandlotter,scatter,scutter setter,shatter,shipfitter,shutter,sitter,skitter,slitter smatter,spatter,spitter,splatter,splitter,splutter spotter,sputter,squatter,standpatter,steamfitter stonecutter,strutter,stutter,surrebutter,swatter swotter,tattertettertitter,totter,transmitter,trendsetter trotter,twitter,typesetter,unbitter,unclutte,unfetter upsetter,utter,vignetter,watter,wetter,whetter whitter,wildcatter,woodcutter,yatter 希望采纳谢谢
2023-07-17 04:00:171

it is wet today but it was wetter yesterday

It was wet yesterday but it is wetter today. 昨天很潮湿但是今天更潮湿
2023-07-17 04:00:251


2023-07-17 04:00:341


2023-07-17 04:00:411


wet, wetter, the wettest
2023-07-17 04:01:003


1 she is the tallest woman i have ever seen别急,正在更新答案
2023-07-17 04:01:102


2023-07-17 04:01:204

wet aas pushy什么意思?

wet aas pushy意思是湿原子吸收法。重点词汇wet,表示湿的;雨天的;懦弱的。wet的基本意思是“湿的,潮的”,指某物体表面有液体或处于液体状态。wet也可作“下雨的,多雨的”解。在口语中, wet还可作“没有干劲的,怯懦的”解,多用于英式英语中。wet的比较级是wetter,最高级是wettest。pushy 用法和例句1、Maybe it was because amy was being so pushy .也许是因为艾米是这么爱出风头。2、Pushy photographers were making people "s lives miserable . Newspapers had got hold of , and printed , private phone conversations .爱出风头的摄影师让他人的生活苦不堪言;报纸获取并印刷私人电话内容让人欲哭无泪。3、The cost of higher education has contributed to plummeting birth rates among pushy parents in other rich countries , too .在其他发达国家,高等教育的开销也已经导致了有进取心的父母生育率的直线下跌。
2023-07-17 04:01:281


went是动词 go的过去式,没有比较级是well 吧?比较级是 better 更好
2023-07-17 04:01:412


答:quiet; quieterlarge; largerwet; wetterheavy; heavierwell; betterbad; worselittle; lesspretty; prettierearly; earlierbig; biggerinteresting; more interestingtired; more tiredclever; clevererimportant; more importantwonderful more wonderful
2023-07-17 04:01:494

wet,today ,is,it,was,but,yesterday,wetter,it连词成句

It is wet todayuff0cbut it was wetter yesterday
2023-07-17 04:01:573

英语单词的比较级 !!越多越好!!

原级/比较级short shorterred redder high higherhot hotternice nicerlate later old elder/olderheavy heaviertall tallersmall smallerbig bigger full fuller fast faster empty emptierearly earlier easy easier safe safer funny funnier good betterwell better bad worsebadly worse ill worselittle lessmany more much more far farther/furtherdelicious more delicioususeful more useful beautiful more beautifulcareful more careful slowly more slowly
2023-07-17 04:02:113

求几道英语智力题1.What gets wetter and wetter the more it dries?2.Wh?

1 ice 2 cold 3 sponge海绵 4 offin 棺材(发明它的人不想要它,买下它的人不需要它,需要它的人不知道它.),1,1. ice 2. catch a cold 3.海绵 4.offin,0,求几道英语智力题 1.What gets wetter and wetter the more it dries? 2.What can you catch but not throw? 3.I have holes in my top and bottom,my left and right,and in the middle.But I still hold water.What am 4.The man who invented it doesn"t wat it.The man who bought it doesn"t need it.The man who needs it doesn"t know it.What is it?
2023-07-17 04:02:281


我觉得你可以这样说gehen die Vater und der Sohn nicht aus
2023-07-17 04:02:383


2023-07-17 04:02:461


more worsewettermore naughty
2023-07-17 04:02:554

What gets wetter as it drise是什么意思

What gets wetter as it dries?A towel.什么东西越干它又变得越湿?毛巾。原因有两个:1. 毛巾把人们湿的手擦干,自己就湿了2. 毛巾自己越干, 人们就越越有可能用它, 造成它变得更湿
2023-07-17 04:03:032


呵呵 有意思。感觉像中文里面:哭丧着脸,跟别人欠他钱一样。有点像。
2023-07-17 04:03:134

英语问题 :英语的比较级什么时候双写最后一个字母。

2023-07-17 04:03:303

写出比较级与最高级1big fat hot red thin wet2beautiful expensive impor

ig,bigger,biggest fat,fatter,fattest hot,hotter,hottest red,redder,reddest thin,thinner,thinnest wet,wetter,wettest beautiful,more beautiful,most beautiful expensive,more expensive,most expensive important,more important,most important interesting,more interesting,most interesting popular,more popular,most popular useful,more useful,most useful good,better,best well,better,best bad,worse,worst ill,worse,worst many,more,most much,more,most little,less,least far,farther/further,farthest/furthest
2023-07-17 04:03:371


1、The cleaners are watering the streets to make it wetter 2、I"m going to save some money for a holiday with my classmates3 I can"t go out because it is raining outside4 I forgot to say goodbye to my mother before I went to school yesterday5 the students are busy getting ready for the exam6 Mr.Li told us to keep the classroom clean every day7 when do you think he will return from America?希望对你有帮助
2023-07-17 04:04:032

is it wet

It is wet today but it was wetter yesterday. This dress is the largest in the shop .
2023-07-17 04:04:111


2023-07-17 04:04:214

long 的反义词

一写出下列的反义词 1,long - short2,old - young (new)3.light - heavy4 warm - - cold6.dry - wet7.much - little8.easy - hard9.boring - - dangerous11.ugly - pretty12.quiet - noisy13.busy - free18.big - small二写出下列的词的比较级1.long - longer2.old -older3.short -shorter4.young -younger 5.light - lighter6.warm - - cooler8.cold - colder9.wet -hotter1.heavy - heavier12.easy -easier13.small -smaller14.much -more15.many - more16.good -better17.interesting -more interesting18.frughtening - more frughtening19.delicious - more delicious 20.expensive - more expensive21.exciting - more exciting22. beautiful - more beautiful23.wonderful - more wonderful 24 dangerous - more dangerous
2023-07-17 04:04:2913

what gets wetter as it dries?如何翻译

2023-07-17 04:05:144