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2023-07-17 07:36:43
  申请美国研究生需要托福79/80分以上或者是同等雅思成绩,最高要求一般TOEFL 100分,雅思7.5。对于语言成绩要求的高低主要跟两方面因素相关:
  一是学校排名,总体来说,学校排名越高,TOEFL成绩要求也就越高。Top 30的名校也有另类,比如USC对语言没有最低的硬性要求,也常有TOEFL 80多90的学生被录取,Berkeley也真有80多被录取的案例。当然这都只是个例,不能泛论。




















  申请者进入研究所理应具备文字表达及沟通的能力。对研究生来说,能够敏捷、有效地用文字表达出他的思想和基本条件。文书也如同托福或其它英语能力测验一样,用来衡量学生英语应用能力,如果学生的英语写作能力较弱,可能会被要求上英文写作课或英语语言课程,即美国最普遍的ELI(English LanguageI titute)。




PS(或者SP、Essays)+CV+RL 字数的话,每个学校、不同专业都不一样的,建议登陆申请学校官网查询都有要求的



essays的中文意思是指随笔(essay的复数形式),短文,试图,企图。1、Of course。There are weekly assignments,a group project,two essays and the final exam。当然。每周都有作业,还有一个小组课题、两篇作业论文和一堂期末考试。2、He"s editing a book of essays by Isaiah Berlin。他正在编辑一本艾赛亚·伯林的散文集。3、This collection of essays is edited by Ellen Knight。这本散文集是由埃伦u0387奈特编选的。4、This collection of his essays and journalism amply demonstrates his commitment to democracy。他的这部散文和新闻报道集充分地证明了他对民主的奉献。5、This collection is made up of three parts poems, essays and short stories。这本集子是由诗、散文和短篇小说三部分组合而成的。
2023-07-17 01:12:061


2023-07-17 01:12:316


2023-07-17 01:12:585

essay 可数吗?

2023-07-17 01:13:146


当然有呀 PS是文书是自己学习生活经历的展示和证明 比较口语化 个性化 essay有学术目的 比较专业 倾向于学科研究 完全不一样的
2023-07-17 01:13:313


美国名校申请essay的写作必须掌握一定的写作技巧才能写出让招生人员心动的文章来,要想写出精彩的申请文书就要先了解一下essay的几个分类。我给大家总结了essay写作常见的几个类型。   美国名校申请essay指任何一种非小说性的,篇幅不长、结构简练的文章,如议论文、报道、评论、讽刺性杂文等。大学申请需要提交的全套申请材料里,申请essay是重要的关键点,很大程度直接或间接地决定学生的申请录取结果,同时也是学生和家长最难把控的申请难点。   the Common Application Essays 通用申请文书 (6选1), 附加文书additional essay,此外,不同学校也有不同的补充文书题目supplementary Essays    一. Evaluate a significant experience , achievement, risk you have taken, or ethical dilemma you have faced and its impact on you.评述一次重要的经历、成就、冒险或面临的道德困境,及其对你的影响   1. “Evaluate” -- Make Sure Your Response is Analytical(分析逻辑性的)   2. A "Significant" Experience Can Be Small   3. Donu2018t Brag(夸大,吹牛) About an "Achievement"   4. An “Ethical Dilemma“(道德两难) Doesnu2018t Need to be Newsworthy(有新闻价值的)   5. Reveal(显示,展示) Your Character    二.Discuss some issue of personal , local, national, or international concern and its importance to you.讨论一个你个人、地区、国家或国际事件及其对你的重要性   1. Be Sure to "Discuss"   2. Focusing Close to Home is Often Better   3. Donu2018t Lecture(演讲) Your Audience   4. Give Emphasis to "The Importance to You"   5. Show Why You"d Be a Good Choice for the College    三. Indicate a person who has had a significant influence on you, and describe that influence.说明一个曾经对你有重要影响的人,并描述他/她对你产生了怎样的影响   1. Push the Language in This Option   2. Think Twice About Essays on Mom or Dad   3. Donu2018t Be Star Struck (追星族)   4. Obscure Subject Matter is Fine   5. The "Significant Influence" Need Not Be Positive   6. You Are Also Writing About Yourself    四. Describe a character in fiction , a historical figure, or a creative work(as in art, music, science, etc.) that has had an influence on you, and explain that influence.描述一个曾经对你产生过重要影响的小说人物、历史人物、或者艺术、音乐、科学等创作性作品。同时描述他/她对你产生了怎样的影响   1. Don"t Do Too Much "Describing"   2. Keep the Focus on the Word "Explain"   3. Watch Out for Predictable(可预见或预知的) Choices   4. Be Careful with Fictional(虚构的,小说的) Characters   5. Donu2018t Write About Your Favorite Contemporary(当代的) Song   6. Approach the Word "Creative" in Broad Terms   7. Keep Much of the Focus on You    五. A range of academic interests, personal perspectives, and life experiences adds much to the educational mix. Given your personal background, describe an experience that illustrates what you would bring to the diversity in a college community, or an encounter that demonstrated the importance of diversity to you. 学术兴趣、个人观点、生活经验都能有效增加教育群体多样性。说明你的个人背景,描述一个个人经验,由此说明你能增添大学的多样性,或者说明一个文化多样性的校园对你的重要性   1. Diversity Isnu2018t Just About Race(种族)   2. Understand Why Colleges Want "Diversity"   3. Be Careful Describing Third-World Encounters   4. Be Careful Describing Racial Encounters(遭遇)   5. Keep Much of the Focus on You   六. Topic of your choice.你的自选主题(题目)   1. Make Sure Options 1 Through 5 Aren"t Appropriate   2. Don"t Try Too Hard To Be Clever   3. Make Sure Your Essay Is An Essay (No Poems, Drawings, etc.)   4. Reveal Yourself   以上就是美国名校申请essay写作常见的六种题材,大家在写作的时候根据自己的生活和学习经历,选择最适合自己发挥的来写申请essay.    
2023-07-17 01:13:381


essay 是作文的统称,可以写议论文,叙述文,描写东西的文章等等 如果你介绍动物的样子 ,特征等等,请不要有第一人称在里面, 例如 “I think..."如果你写的是 一个和自己有关的故事 比如,你最喜欢的一个宠物,可以用第一人称描述你们的亲密关系等等
2023-07-17 01:13:481

He wrote the most essays on Victorian novels in his class. the most为什么可以用在essays这个名词前

这里的the most 指最多的,是many的最高级,形容词,不是副词,不用来修饰形容词,用来修饰名词essay(s)
2023-07-17 01:14:041


  在准备申请材料时,我们需要准备许多东西这其中一个就是essay,它和你的PS,resume一样重要,都是一个媒介,下面一起跟着来学习一些essay的写作技巧吧。   美国研究生申请essay有哪些类型   1、Essay写作:展现diversity   你能给学校的学术或者专业发展带来什么样贡献?   2、Essay写作:展现社会责任感   请描述你曾经在工作中遇到的道德困境,你又是如何解决的?   你参加过一些对你理解公益事业非常有帮助的志愿者活动吗?   请描述一个社会现象。假设你有权力和资源供你去解决这个现象,你将采取什么样的干预措施或者进行什么样的社会变革?   3、Essay写作:展现团队合作精神   你认为什么是成功的合作?请描述一次你认为最成功的与他人的合作。   请描述一件你跟你的同事观点非常不一致的事情。你们之间的不一致如何影响了你们的工作关系?又如何影响了你们一起在做的工作或项目?又如何影响了你完成这项工作的动机?   4、Essay写作:展现Leadership   是什么让你成为一个成功的leader?你又有什么样的弱点影响你成为一个成功的leader?   5、Essay写作:展现勇敢面对挑战   你遇到过什么样的挑战或逆境,你又是如何解决的?   你生命中遇到过什么样的事件或有什么样的经历对你影响巨大,塑造了你现在的这种性格?为什么你觉得这件事对你影响深刻?   6、Essay写作:长短期目标、择校原因   你的短期和长期目标是什么?我们学校的这个项目如何满足你的学习需求,以及帮助你实现你的职业目标?   7、Essay写作:英语学习的经历   如果你的母语不是英语,请描述你是如何学习英语的。   美国研究生申请essay写作技巧   Essay不同于你的分数或者TOEFL及GRE成绩,它会更直观的反应你的个性,它会让录取委员会的老师更好的了解你,包括你的写作水平和技巧。你可以在写Essay的时候,尝试应用以下8个小技巧:   01 头脑风暴!我们都知道写文章的时候,开头其实是最难的!所以一定要对自己的研究经历、个性、品质、优缺点等等进行很好的思考,从而产生一个好的思路来开始你的Essay。   02 第一稿准备!在考虑好自己想要写的内容之后,可以先根据自己的想法列一个提纲来决定各个部分的内容和例子。开始准备写第一稿的时候,要顺着自己的思路来写,不要想着一次性写好而不敢动手。可以在成稿之后再多修改几次。   03 结构扩充!一篇Essay通常是分为三大板块:介绍+主体+结尾;主体部分可以多写几个段落来介绍自己的研究背景和经历。   04 要详细!文章要围绕问题集中陈述,选取一个合适的角度来展示和自身品质的相关性。要确保我们写的所有内容都是围绕观点论证的。   05 要新角度!根据自己的真实想法,尽可能的寻找新的角度来表达自己的观点。比如你对一个学校的喜爱,可以从他的知名校友对你的影响入手。   06 要诚实!不要想着去“讨好”录取委员会的老师们,也不要尝试去写一些你认为的他们想听到的答案。按照自己的想法,如实回答Essay的问题即可。   07 要诚实!不要想着去“讨好”录取委员会的老师们,也不要尝试去写一些你认为的他们想听到的答案。按照自己的想法,如实回答Essay的问题即可。   08 校对更正并成稿!仔细阅读你的Essay,认真审核拼写失误、打字以及语法错误。最好可以找别人来校对一下,会更容易发现其中的问题。   美国研究生申请essay写作关键点   1 Essay应该是通俗易懂的   经常看到一些Essays细节到行业的术语或者很高深的环节。内容本身的高深没有错,可是文字的高深就不对了。原因很简单,你并不确定都是谁在阅读你的ESSAY,这些人到底有多懂你的行业。隔行如隔山,不能太多的期望别人对于一个新的领域的理解力。   2 ESSAY内容为王,你是文章的问题,而不是你做的事儿   看题目大家都能理解了,辞藻再华丽,内容虚无缥缈是大忌,小伙伴在抓耳挠腮想尽各种办法考虑表达的时候不妨多思考内容的深度和广度吧,因为学校想看到的是你做了哪些事情,取得了哪些成绩,你的逻辑,你的想法和见解。另外,在表达自己取得成就的同时,切记关注与具体事件,人无论到哪都是主角。   3 Show,don"t tell   怎么样自我判断一个文章是真正的好文章?可以采用什么样的方法?建议小伙伴在写完后,把文章中所有的形容词和修饰语去掉,单纯的看文章的内容,如果这个时候,你仍然觉得写的有高度,有深度,就是很不错的申请文章。另外,想要提醒的一点是:慎用形容词, because they mean nothing!比如说,She"s very intelligent, 倒不如说She completed the task in one third the time it took people with twice her experience来的好。   4 永远不要贬低自己   自我贬低就是在自毁前程,但过分高调吹嘘自己也果断不可取,比如,在why MSF时,很常见到的写法就是am not good at ***,或者 I lack insights of ** industry等。这样的表达说明了什么呢?说明你没有足够的great,没有足够的关于对某块知识领域的见解,当然,我们确实是因为有不足,我们才去读硕士或者博士的。可是,用积极的方式,仍然可以达到你想表达你目前歹势的意思。其实很简单,比如说:My work experiences have built a solid foundation for my career goal. However, to achieve my ** goal, I need to ** 就彻底的换了一个视角。建议大家在写完了所有的文章后,在校对的时候查看下是不是每句话都是从积极角度来写的,有没有在文章中出现过自我贬低的句子。
2023-07-17 01:14:111


One of the more obvious differences between reports and essays is that reports always use sections with headings, and each of these sections has a particular purpose. As you will do in an essay, however, you are also required to analyse, evaluate and produce a line of argument to support your report outcomes.
2023-07-17 01:14:312


Neville Cardus,who wrote for the Manchester Guardian from 1917 until shortly before his death in 1975,is now known solely as a writer of essays on the game of cricket.词汇:1.write 撰稿 2.shortly before 在...之前不久 known as被认为是 4.solely仅仅 5.essay散文 6.on关于 比赛 8.cricket板球主干:Neville Cardus now known solely as a writer of essays(主语补语)定语从句:who wrote for the Manchester Guardian (状1)from 1917 until shortly before his death in 1975(状2)介词短语作后置定语:on the game of cricket句子解说:本句的主干为Neville now known solely as a writer of essays,转换成主动语态为: now know Cardus solely as a writer of essays,可见句中的as a writer of essays作 know 的宾语 Cardus 的补语, know 的逻辑主语可以推断为“人们”,即“现在人们只知道 Cardus 是一个写有关板球运动的散文作家”。参考译文:内维尔 卡杜斯,从1917年到1975年他去世前不久一直在为( for )“曼彻斯特卫报”撰稿,可现在人们只知道他是写有关板球运动的散文作家。
2023-07-17 01:14:441

He wote ____essays on Victorian novels in his cla

the most在班里他写的最多用most
2023-07-17 01:14:523

作文 how to download essays from internet

2023-07-17 01:14:592

pros and cros essays分别指什么?

2023-07-17 01:15:073


Essay是学生向美国大学展示自我个性与风采的重要申请材料。但是,很多中国学生并不明确如何撰写符合美国大学审查标准的Essay。如何通过Essay的开头,能够让Essay的审查官很清晰明了地看到申请人过去三年的经历与想法,并且有兴趣进一步深入了解这个学生,是很重要的。但是,Essay必须根据学生三年来经历的事实进行撰写,绝不可以凭 空假造。这种Essay的表达,看似容易,其实是很复杂的,因为每个学校的要求并不是整齐划一的,没有一个共同的标准,在挑选国际留学生时每所高校会有自己的偏好。因此,学生在进行Essay写作时,一定要在围绕、突现自身亮点、特质的基础上也要综合考虑所申请大学的“口味”,这样才会让自己在美国名校申请的激烈竞争中脱颖而出。
2023-07-17 01:15:172


《培根随笔》主要内容 《培根随笔》主要是一些议论性质的短文,主要讲叙培根在不同的角度看待事物的态度和想法。内容涉及到政治、经济、宗教、爱情、婚姻,友谊,艺术,教育,伦理等许多方面,其中有《谈读书》《论真理》《论嫉妒》《论死亡》《论美》等著名篇章。是培根文学方面的代表作,语言简洁文笔优美,说理透彻,警句迭出,蕴含着培根的思想精华。 该书1597年出版时只有10篇文章,1612年出版增至38篇,1625年版增至58篇,培根逝世31年后的1657年 Rawel(我手上的《培根随笔》是英文版的,这个名字是法文发音,我不会翻译)将培根未完成的随笔《论谣言》作为第59篇收入最终构成了今天流行的版本。 培根随笔是英国十七世纪著名思想家、政治家和经验主义哲学家弗兰西斯·培根所著。这位被马克思称之为“英国唯物主义和整个现代实验科学的真正始祖”的科学家,出生于豪门,自修获得律师资格并步入政界,几经波折后成为了国家重臣,最后又因一桩受贿案被国会弹劾去职。《培根随笔》主要讲叙培根在不同的角度看待事物的态度和想法。本书的内容涉及到政治、经济、宗教、爱情、婚姻、友谊、艺术、教育和伦理等,对于各种方面的.内容培根都写出了自己的想法,从字里行间透露出培根的人生态度和处事方式。 在这数十篇随笔中,给我印象最深的,是《论友谊》。他在这篇随笔中写到:“如果你把快乐告诉一个朋友,你将得到两个快乐;而如果你把忧愁向一个朋友倾吐,你将被分掉一半忧愁。”这说明在我们的生活中,朋友是我们身边必不可少的角色,他给我们的生活增添了一份色彩。当我们遇到困难时,朋友是一个可靠的支柱,让我们可以得到依赖;当我们跌倒时,朋友是一枝拐杖,扶助我们站起来,并告诉我们:“从哪里跌倒就从那里站起来!”当我们做事想半途而废时,朋友是一本备忘录,提醒我们一定要坚持到底;当我们获得成功时,朋友是一本字典,教我们下一步应该怎样做,且时刻告戒我们“胜不骄,败不馁”。朋友是可以倾诉、可以依赖、可以寻求帮助的人,我们应该珍惜身边所有的朋友,他们不仅是一种角色,他们还是我们的良师益友。 在这五十八篇随笔中,我们可以看出各有各蕴涵的深远意义,而且弗朗西斯·培根曾说:“读书足以怡情,足以傅彩,足以长才。”一个好学深思的读书人,往往是一个才情并茂,文采飞扬的人。而培根正是这样的一个人,他的随笔展现了他的文采,展现了他的人格,也展现了他的论点。我们可以将这本书读多几遍,必定会明白其中的道理。《培根随笔》作者简介 弗兰西斯·培根(Francis Bacon ,1561—1626)是英国哲学家、思想家、作家和科学家。他在逻辑学、美学、教育学方面也提出许多思想。著有《新工具》《论说随笔文集》等。 他竭力倡导“读史使人明智;读诗使人灵秀;数学使人周密;科学使人深刻;伦理学使人庄重;逻辑修辞之学使人善辩。”(Histories make men wise, poets witty, the mathematics subtle, natural philosophy deep, moral grave, logic and rhetoric able to contend)  他崇尚科学、发展科学的进步思想和崇尚知识的进步口号,一直推动着社会的进步。这位一生 追求真理的思想家,被马克思称为“英国唯物主义和整个现代实验科学的真正始祖”。他在逻辑学、美学、教育学方面也提出许多思想。著有《新工具》《论说随笔文集》等。后者收入58篇随笔,从各个角度论述广泛的人生问题,精妙、有哲理,拥有很多读者。但同时,培根也是一个男权、贵族、功利主义者。 培根的著作是多方面的,在他的所有著作中,最为广大读者所欢迎的就是这部《培根人生论》。这部随笔英文名称是《Essays》,兼有散文、论文和随笔的意义。书中有些篇章久已脍炙人口,如《论读书》、《论美》、《论爱情》、《论狡猾》、《论逆境》、《论死亡》等,而《论改革》那篇短论,看起来仿佛是为所有时代的改革家而写的。 在该书中,培根以随笔的形式,分别讨论了真理、美、善、求知、家庭、婚姻……“读史使人明智,读诗使人灵秀,数学使人周密,物理学使人深刻,伦理学便人庄重,逻辑与修辞使人善辩。”“忍耐能使灵魂宁静。无论是谁,假如丧失忍耐,也就丧失灵魂。人决不可像蜜蜂那样,把整个生命拼在对敌手的一蜇中。”“就人来说,要慎听幼稚轻率者的献策。就事来说,要慎听那种过激的言论。”书中处处可见这样通俗易懂的好句子,充满着真知灼见,闪烁着智慧之光。 在《论求知》中,培根说道:”人的天犹如野生的花草,求知学习好比修剪移栽.”可见求知可以改变人的命运,在我们的一生中是相当重要的. 在《论友谊》中,培根说道:”如果你把快乐告诉一个朋友,你将得到两个快乐;而如果你把忧愁向一个朋友倾吐,你将被分掉一半忧愁.”这说明了朋友是我们身边必不可少的一个角色。 当然,书中另一些篇章也反映了培根性格的又一个侧面——实用主义和无原则的机会主义。在《论野心》、《论韬晦》等篇章中叙述的做人之道,实际上是典型的市侩哲学。在《论帝王》、《论强国之道》、《论判乱》、《论贵族》等篇目中,他完全站在宫廷御用政治家的立场上,旨在向君王介绍统治经验和权术。
2023-07-17 01:15:241


2023-07-17 01:15:324


申请美国金融硕士的条件有很多,第一,是你的托福TOEFL或者雅思IELTS分数,很多大学的录取要求是托福80分,甚至更低,但实际上语言考试中分数高的人比比皆是,排名前100的学校,托福的录取分数高达96分以上。对雅思或托福考试分数的要求是TOEFL100分,IELTS7.0。第二,是GMAT或者GRE,如果要申请美国金融硕士,最好准备GMAT,GRE也可以但是很多学校不接受,金融硕士申请前100的学校,建议GMAT分数考到680分,这样被录取的可能性更大。除此之外,此专业对数学能力要求极高,所以数学部分要接近满分才能增加被好大学录取的几率。第三,需要准备成绩单,毕业证或者学位证。对于大四应届生,只需要准备大一到大三的成绩单和在读证明就可以。对于已经毕业的申请者,除了要准备大学四年的学习成绩单之外,还要准备好毕业证和学位证。成绩单、毕业证和学位证都需要原件和中英文对照。第四,需要准备个人简历。其中主要包括个人信息,教育背景,获奖经历,实习经历或工作经历,论文发表,专业技能,个人爱好等。个人简历是给录取委员会展示你整体的印象的文件,这样的目的性就要求个人简历必须要详略得当、一目了然,切忌_嗦重复。第五,个人陈述。个人陈述的内容要宽泛一些,主要包括个人背景,个人经验,为什么你适合这个专业,为什么选择这所学校等,写个人陈述时,要重点描述你的个人计划,这所大学如何帮助你实现你的目标。第六,Essays。金融硕士的申请材料中会有essay的写作,甚至有的学校没有个人陈述,只有essays。Essays的题目由学校亲自设定,他们只考察他们关心的内容,比如领导能力、解决问题的能力、团队合作的能力等等,所以essays是甄别申请者是否对自己学校口味的最直接的通道。第七,推荐信。推荐信数量3封,如果你是应届生, 那么其中一封必须是你的学院导师。推荐人选的第一原则是申请者与推荐人之间有直接的关系,这种关系可以是师生关系,可以是上下级关系,但是绝不能是亲属关系和朋友关系。现在99%的学校建议Online提交推荐信,所以,要保证推荐人邮箱的准确性,避免出现错收漏收邮件的情况。
2023-07-17 01:15:511

《50 CLASSIC ESSAYS:经典随笔50首》txt下载在线阅读全文,求百度网盘云资源

《50 CLASSIC ESSAYS:经典随笔50首》(马克u2022吐温)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: 提取码: d5xi书名:50 CLASSIC ESSAYS:经典随笔50首作者:马克u2022吐温豆瓣评分:8.9出版社:天津人民出版社出版年份:2013-12-1页数:416内容简介:这本《50 Classic essays:经典随笔50首》按全英文版出版,西方流行口袋本。共收集了马克u2022吐温、伯特兰u2022罗素、弗兰西斯u2022培根、拉尔夫u2022沃尔多u2022爱默生、查尔斯u2022兰姆、詹姆斯u2022艾伦等众多西方文学名家的代表作与经典名篇,全书共50篇。读者可以通过书上指定的网址,通过微盘免费下载配套的英文朗读文件,边听边读,感受地道英语文学之乐趣。对于英语学习者来讲,这是一本优秀的英语文学精读手册。This selection brings together fifty classics non-fictions, written by Henry David Thoreau, William Hazlitt, Francis Bacon, Ralph Waldo Emerson, James Allen, G. K. Chesterton, Charles Lamb, Bertrand Russel, Robert Louis Stevenson, etc,. It"s a treasure trove of fine writing and thought-provoking essays.Spare some of your time reading it each day, you must benefit from the daily accumulation of English learning.
2023-07-17 01:16:161


这个规定不仅给我们国内的申请者造成困惑,对于美国本土学生来说也是很难把握的。到底一篇essay要写多少字?如果超出500字可以吗?下面来看看纽约时报对这一问题的报道,或许能给我们指导。 College Application Essay as Haiku? For Some, 500 Words Aren"t Enough Penn Weinberger had grown attached to his college admissions essay. The topic — coping with a brother"s attention deficit disorder — was important to him. The anecdotes clicked. The characters had dimension(尺寸). The meaning, as his teachers at Hunter College High School had long advised him, was shown, not told. The only problem with Penn"s writing was the math: It was 650 words, outside the 250- to 500-word range re-established by the Common Application this spring — after a four-year experiment with no upper limit — but only now being grappled with as deadlines for early admissions approach next week. “I just had to chop down all the emotion,” Penn said. Unlike other parts of the application, which, in its online version, cuts students off midword if they exceed character limits, the personal statement will not be truncated, raising the question in school corridors: Does 500 really mean 500? In a word, no. In two words, kind of. “If a student uploaded a 500,000-word essay, there"s nothing we could do,” said Rob Killion, executive director of Common Application, which is accepted by more than 400 colleges and universities. “However, we do ask that all students follow the same rules their peers are following.” Mr. Killion said the limit was reinstated after feedback that essays had grown too long. But colleges are not told if essays exceed the limit. Jon Reider, director of college counseling at San Francisco University High School, agreed that concise writing was laudable but said the implication of a strict limit was misleading. “I worry about that kid who"s written 530 and thinks he has to cut 30 words,” he said. “It just puts another stage of anxiety in front of these kids.” Jeffrey Brenzel, dean of undergraduate admissions at Yale, said he did not stop reading if an essay ran long, but “if they go over the limit, the stakes go up.” While Penn"s classmates at Hunter have debated on Facebook whether the limit will be enforced, Duncan Hosie, a senior at San Francisco University High School, has winnowed his essay about democracy and family from 890 words to what he described as “a 500-word haiku.” Michail Paunwar, a senior in Westfield, Ind., excluded the painful hospital scenes about his father"s colon cancer, figuring admissions officers could do without “a sob story.” And a senior in New Jersey, whose first draft topped 700 words, said she decided to fictionalize portions of her piece, merging characters or events. “That really got rid of a lot of words,” she said. Then there is Eva Peter, a classmate of Penn"s at Hunter, who said the final version of her essay about liking sports and science as a girl was “a worse piece of writing” than the 700-plus word original. Characters are intact, but less vivid. The message persists, though less pointedly. “It fulfills the duty of a standard college essay,” she said with a shrug. And, at 497 words, it fulfills the mandate of the Common Application. At 500, so does this article. 天道提示:有问题?天道留学在线专家帮您解决!
2023-07-17 01:16:461


Argumentative Essays我有99%的把握这个答案是正确的..因为我有一本关于写作文的书是英文的
2023-07-17 01:16:564

essays on freedom and power是什么意思

essays on freedom and power有关自由与权力的文章双语对照例句:1.It gives them a sense of power and freedom. 因为它带给他们一种权力与自由的感觉。2.Lt has given him power and the freedom to speak. 得到权力,也有说话自由。
2023-07-17 01:18:031


《Literary Occasions》(V.S. Naipaul)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: 密码:7vja书名:Literary Occasions作者:V.S. Naipaul出版社:Vintage出版年份:2004-08-10页数:240内容简介:Nobel laureate V. S. Naipaul brings his signature gifts of observation, his ferocious impatience with received truths, and his masterfully condensed prose to these eleven essays on reading, writing, and identity—which have been brought together for the first time.Here the subject is Naipaul"s literary evolution: the books that delighted him as a child; the books he wrote as a young man; the omnipresent predicament of trying to master an essentially metropolitan, imperial art form as an Asian colonial from a New World plantation island. He assesses Joseph Conrad, the writer most frequently cited as his forebear, and, in his celebrated Nobel Lecture, “Two Worlds,” traces the full arc of his own career. Literary Occasions is an indispensable addition to the Naipaul oeuvre, penetrating, elegant, and affecting.作者简介:V.S.奈保尔// V.S.Naipaul英国著名作家。1932年生于特立尼达岛上一个印度移民家庭,50年代进入牛津大学攻读英国文学,毕业后开始写作。著有《米格尔街》、《毕司沃斯先生的房子》、《自由国度》、《游击队员》、《大河湾》、“印度三部曲”、《非洲的假面剧》等。2001年,获诺贝尔文学奖。
2023-07-17 01:18:101

高二英语 我点的地方解释一下 什么用法 为什么可以这样写

be fascinate by 是个词组 可以译为...着迷第二个你是哪里不明白?
2023-07-17 01:18:362

write a passage about downloding essays写篇英语作文,求英语达人

As a student, i am grateful to my parents for they offering me a well study environment. I think it"s the happiest thing to be with my parents. leaning Knowledge is also a happiness thing, for i can learn too much from my teachers, classmates, frineds, and good books. Living in such a warm world, how happy I am!I also have troubles. Today, my closed friend Liming borrowed my bicycle, but because of his careless, he lost it. That"s a red shiny bicycle,on its handle has a butterfly that made of green satin . Now we are trying to seek some evidences which could help us to find out where the bicycle was.My dear friends, have you seen this message, can you help me ?
2023-07-17 01:18:452


1957年,《培根论人生》在英国首次出版。至今四百多年来。它历经数次再版重印,几乎被译为人类所有的语言。这是一本划时代的哲学名著,是欧洲文艺复兴时候,古典人文价值观念的集中体现。其“文学有一种优美而庄严的韵律,给心灵以动人的美感;其论述有超人的智慧和哲学,给理智以深刻的启迪”。它与《蒙田随笔集》、《帕斯卡尔思想录》,被共同誉为欧洲近代的三大哲理散文。《培根论人生》一书是培根的处女作,也是凝聚了他毕生心血的结晶,国为直到他去世的前一年,培根仍对该收做了修改。这部书虽然篇幅不大,却可谓博大精深、包罗万象,有如一部二十四史。培根原就是一位博学之士,在此书中,他更是旁征博引,用典广泛,几乎涵盖了各类人文学科。培根还善用比喻,书中不乏睿智的格言警句,直到今日,仍能引起世人的共鸣。如果要了解培根的思想,最好的方式就是阅读这本《培根论人生》,因为此书的语言虽然通俗易懂,但内涵却极其丰富,可以说,培根的主要思想均已融合在此书的字里行间了。目录序言献辞一 论真理二 论死亡三 论宗教的统一四 论复仇五 论逆境六 论掩饰七 论子嗣八 论婚姻和独身九 论嫉妒十 论爱情十一 论高位十二 论大胆十三 论性善十四 论贵族十五 论叛乱十六 论无神论十七 论迷信十八 论游历十九 论君主二十 论进言二十一 论时机二十二 论狡猾二十三 论自私二十四 论革新二十五 论迅速二十六 论假聪明二十七 论友谊二十八 论消费二十九 论强国之道三十 论养生三十一 论猜疑三十二 论谈吐三十三 论殖民地三十四 论财富三十五 论预言三十六 论野心三十七 论假面剧和盛典三十八 论天性三十九 论习惯四十 论幸运在论真理里面
2023-07-17 01:18:552


2023-07-17 01:20:262

essay的复数是什么? 是essays还是essaies?

因为essay这个词结尾不是以一个辅音字母加y结尾的,只有以一个辅音字母加y结尾的单词,才去y变i加es 所以essay得复数是essays
2023-07-17 01:20:331

do you learn to write essays的全文

This unit is like a preamble, which you may read on your own. We are now at an advanced stage of learning where the primary goal of the composition course is to sharpen our ability to think critically, organize our thinking and present it in clear, forceful writing. This textbook is compiled for this purpose. Naturally, we would like to know how to use this book and, more broadly, how to learn more effectively in order to succeed at this stage. The question merits our thinking and discussion. Learning to write is like learning to swim. You learn to swim by being in the water, not by reading books about swimming. Similarly, when you learn to write, you learn best by writing a lot. A textbook helps, but you should never worship it. The next question to think about is: when do you think you write best? Our answer is: you write best when you have things to say and poorest when you have to say things. When you have the need to communicate some ideas, you think about how to communicate them effectively and you make an effort. A good piece of writing falls into place. By contrast, when you have to produce an essay on a topic you do not like and have to finish it the night before the writing class, you will never write well.
2023-07-17 01:20:401

《Essaysand Poemsby Ralph》txt下载在线阅读全文,求百度网盘云资源

《Essays and Poems by Ralph Waldo Emerson》(Ralph Waldo Emerson)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: 提取码: aqex书名:Essays and Poems by Ralph Waldo Emerson作者:Ralph Waldo Emerson出版社:Barnes & Noble Classics出版年份:2005-08-01页数:560内容简介:Essays and Poems , by Ralph Waldo Emerson , is part of the Barnes & Noble Classics series, which offers quality editions at affordable prices to the student and the general reader, including new scholarship, thoughtful design, and pages of carefully crafted extras. Here are some of the remarkable features of Barnes & Noble Classics :All editions are beautifully designed and are printed to superior specifications; some include illustrations of historical interest. Barnes & Noble Classics pulls together a constellation of influencesbiographical, historical, and literaryto enrich each reader"s understanding of these enduring works. 0in 0in 0pt">As an adolescent America searched for its unique identity among the nations of the world, a number of thinkers and writers emerged eager to share their vision of what the American character could be. Among their leaders was Ralph Waldo Emerson , whose essays, lectures, and poems defined the American transcendentalist movement, though he himself disliked the term. Emerson advocates a rejection of fear-driven conformity, a total independence of thought and spirit, and a life lived in harmony with nature. He believes that Truth lies within each individual, for each is part of a greater whole, a universal over-soul” through which we transcend the merely mortal.
2023-07-17 01:21:021

"Do you learn to write essays by writing bad ones

你好!Do you learn to write essays by writing bad ones你学会写论文写坏的吗
2023-07-17 01:21:172

英语作文my view on downloading essays

it depends on what a purpose one downloads essays for?if for one"s qualification approvals, test, or examination ect. it is not good. this is obviously a behaviour of fabrication. it infringes the author"s IPR.this is not good for equal competition, this is not helpful for study and research, furthermore not good for development of society. one must show his qualification by his own ideas. this need inovation, like chinese proverb says, Indigo blue is extracted from the indigo plant but is bluer than the plant it comes from. so the advantage is one could learn others" knowledge, it helps to save one"s engergy, and spare more to focus on future work, to make innovation.
2023-07-17 01:21:262

write a passage about downloding essays写篇英语作文,求英语达人

您好,原题只是说写个passage,帮您写了点,仅供您参考: It is found that during recent days, more and more students like to download essays from Internet. Is that right? As to me, it is not good for downloading essays. To complete an essay, it requires independent thinking, as well as looking for helpful resources and data for the writing. by writing essays, it can help one to learn how to express himself and improve his logical ability. However, downloading essays will do nothing good to a person. Not only he cannot get something useful, he can also be blamed to stealing from other"s intellectual property, which is definitely not right. (楼上两位的,和原题无关吧?)
2023-07-17 01:21:571


【正确】This bk was a cllcti f ssays, c-ditd by Susa Basstt ad Adr Lfvr ad first publishd i 1992.
2023-07-17 01:22:051


《Studies and Essays》(Galsworthy, John)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: 提取码: w90h书名:Studies and Essays作者:Galsworthy, John页数:136
2023-07-17 01:22:271


《Essays on Life; Art and Science》(Butler, Samuel)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: 提取码: 0255书名:Essays on Life; Art and Science作者:Butler, Samuel出版年份:2008-8页数:196内容简介:Samuel Butler (1835-1902) was a British writer strongly influenced by his New Zealand experiences. He is best known for his utopian satire Erewhon; or, Over the Range (1872) and his posthumous novel The Way of All Flesh (1903). He went up to his father"s alma mater, St. John"s College, Cambridge, in 1854. Following graduation from Cambridge, Butler lived in a low-income parish in London. In September 1859 he emigrated to New Zealand. He wrote about his arrival and his life as a sheep farmer on Mesopotamia Station in A First Year in Canterbury Settlement (1863). Erewhon; or, Over the Range revealed Butler"s long interest in Darwin"s theories of biological evolution, and in fact Darwin had, like him, visited New Zealand. His close interest in the art of the Sacri Monti is reflected in Alps and Sanctuaries of Piedmont and the Canton Ticino (1881) and Ex Voto: An Account of the Sacro Monte or New Jerusalem at Varallo-Sesia (1888).
2023-07-17 01:22:401

《Write Great Essays!》txt下载在线阅读全文,求百度网盘云资源

《Write Great Essays!》(Peter Levin)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: 提取码: sus1书名:Write Great Essays!作者:Peter Levin出版社:McGraw Hill Higher Education出版年份:2005-6-1页数:132
2023-07-17 01:22:551


《Write Great Essays!》(Levin, Peter)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: 提取码: 263y书名:Write Great Essays!作者:Levin, Peter出版年份:2005-2页数:136内容简介:This title is a must for every student with essays to write! It shows: how to deal with "academic-speak" and monster reading lists; how to choose and use an efficient reading and note-taking strategy; how to clarify awkward essay topics; how to find the right structure for your essay; and, how to avoid accusations of plagiarism. This lively, concise and to-the-point guide will help you to study and write efficiently and effectively. It offers hints and practical suggestions so you can develop good study skills and build your confidence. With this guide you can get the grades you deserve for the work you put in. No student should be without it!
2023-07-17 01:23:081


I am fond of writing,and often write some novels and proses.
2023-07-17 01:23:3510


   作文 是经过人的思想考虑和语言组织,通过文字来表达一个主题意义的记叙 方法 。作文分为 小学作文 、中学作文、大学作文(论文)。作文体裁包括: 记叙文 、 说明文 、应用文、 议论文 。那么你知道作文用英语怎么说吗?下面跟着我一起来学习一下吧。   作文的英语说法1:   composition   作文的英语说法2:   Writing   作文的英语说法3:   write a composition   作文的相关 短语 :   开放作文 Free Writing ; open-ended story ; Open-ended Composition ; open-ended composition   作文评分 composition scoring ; mark students " composition ; mark the composition   英文作文 English Composition   作文本 Composition of the ; composition book ; For text   情景作文 situational composition ; Situational writing ; situational position   作文训练 composition training ; The composition train ; writing training   作文的英语例句:   1. Now we wait for them to turn in their essays.   现在我们等着他们交上作文。   2. Have you finished your composition already? You are very speedy.   你已经写完作文了 吧 ?你动作真快.   3. Make an outline before trying to write a composition.   写作文之前先写个提纲.   4. His composition is excellent except for some grammatical mistakes.   他的作文写得很好,只有几处语法错误.   5. He merits a grade of B on his composition.   他的作文分数应该得B.   6. The composition is all right, but there is room for improvement.   这篇作文还不错, 不过还可以改进.   7. The teacher singled out one composition for class discussion.   教师挑选出一篇作文来供课堂上讨论.   8. Why didn"t you select a better subject for your composition?   你为什么不选一个好一点的作文题?   9. The correction of composition took a large part of the teacher"s time.   批改作文花去了老师的大部分时间.   10. The English curriculum should stress both composition and reading.   英语课程对作文和阅读应同样重视.   11. The composition was scored with corrections in red ink.   这篇作文用红笔批改过.   12. Your composition is well written except for a few spelling mistakes.   你的作文除了几处拼写错误外,写得很好.   13. My composition has not been completed yet.   我的作文还未写完.   14. His composition is good, yes, very good.   他的作文很好, 是的, 很好.   15. She undertook to revise my compositions.   她着手批改我的作文.
2023-07-17 01:24:001


   五个步骤让你的申请文书被美国名校相中   Every year, many international students get into their dream U.S. schools or are accepted to colleges and offered decent financial aid packages. This is not solely because of their academic performance or the extracurricular activities they have participated in, but also because of the way they presented themselves in their personal statements.   Your SAT or ACT scores and high school grades are only part of your admissions portfolio. Your application essay is a much more telling sign of your unique personality and qualifications.   With that in mind, here are five tips that will help you create a better personal statement.   每年都有许多国际生如愿进入了自己理想的美国大学,有些学生在被学校录取的同时还获得了相当不错的大学助学金。这并不只是因为他们学业成绩优异,或者参加了许多课外活动,最后能取得成功,还离不开他们在自我陈述里很好地向校方展示了自己。   你的SAT和ACT分数,又或者你的高中成绩只是你取得录取通知书的一部分条件。你的申请文书更能展现你的个人特色与个人品质。    一下的五个建议或许能帮助你写出一份更好的个人陈述,得到学校的青睐。   1. Start the process very early: This is not your typical homework assignment or school project. It can be a turning point of your life. A decent essay can help get you into a prestigious institution and change your future.   What I mean by early is that you need to start writing at least three months in advance of college application deadlines. Only by doing so can you have the chance to change topics, revise your essay, read it over, have someone criticize it and polish every word.   Moreover, for those applying to multiple schools, there may be supplemental essays depending on where you apply, which also require a substantial amount of time. In addition, many high school seniors around the world will be overwhelmed by all sorts of pressure, including graduation exams, so tackling essays early will give you a great advantage.    1、尽早提前开始你的申请文书写作   这份文书既不是一份典型的家庭作业,也不是学校留下的项目。这份文书是你人生的转折点。一份优秀的文书可以帮助你进入一所名校,改变你的未来。   我所说的尽早是你得在递交大学申请截止前至少三个月开始准备。只有这样,你才有机会有时间更改题目,修改文章,反复阅读它,打磨它。   而且,有些同学申请了好几个不同的学校,你申请哪个学校就要相对应地写一份文书,这也是需要很多时间的。另外,大部分高中的高年级学生得面对来自各方面的压力,包括很重要的毕业考试。所以提早考试文书的写作更有保障。   2. Write many drafts and try a number of topics: The majority of successful applicants that I know wrote multiple essay drafts before submitting their favorite. The reason behind this is that doing something new, like playing a new sport, requires you to put in a tremendous amount of practice until you are good enough to compete.   It is very much the same with writing an essay. For most international students, this is the first time they have put serious thought into writing a paper, let alone one in a foreign language. The first few drafts will be very rough, and you should write until your essay is flawless.   Remember, each draft is not necessarily about one particular topic. You can write two or three drafts on the same topic if it has good potential, or switch topics if necessary. In my case, I wrote seven different drafts on four different topics before submitting my personal statement to the Common Application.    2、多大写草稿,多尝试几个主题   我知道的大部分成功申请的学生都写了好几个文书,最后选出自己最喜欢的。这就好比刚开始接触一个运动项目,只有经过大量的练习,你才能更好地独立完成。   写文章也是这样。对许多留学生来说,这是他们第一次严肃认真的文书写作,更别说还要用另一种语言来书写。刚开始写出来的样板可能非常粗糙,所以你要多写,多打磨,直到最后的文章是完美的。   记住,每份草稿没必要都是一个主题,如果有必要,你可以同一话题写2到3个草稿,或者改变主题。当年我就4个不同的主题写了7份草稿。   3. Find a trustworthy person to proofread each draft: This is the stage where you know that there is likely something wrong with your drafts and you want help uncovering these issues. I strongly advise you to find people who are very experienced with English writing, and u2013 this is most important u2013 are genuinely willing to give you criticism.   These readers should be people who have an in-depth knowledge about the application process, such as U.S. college alumni or retired or current college admissions counselors, or educators who have had years of experience in English writing.   Once they let you know that there is something you need to fix, either about your essay or topic, you need to fix it or write it again immediately. When you come up with an essay that receives nods from your professional readers, you know that you are ready to submit it to a college.    3、找一个值得信任的人对每份草稿进行修改校对   这样你可以发现一些草稿里的错误,这会有助于你重新认识这些议题。我强烈建议你找一个在英语写作上特别有经验的人,能对你的文书给出批判性的建议。   这些人可以是在录取申请上很有经验,对申请文书很了解的人,比如说美国高校的一些校友或者退休的或在职的院校招生顾问,又或者有多年英语写作经验的教育工作者。   一旦他们给你建议哪些方面是需要修改的,不论是关于文章内容还是文章主题,你都要马上重新修改。直到你的文书能够得到这些专业读者的点头,你才准备好了将它递交给相对应地高校了。   4. Read successful application essays: This is not meant to encourage you to take someone else"s ideas. But reading essays of successful college applicants can help you get an idea of what admissions counselors are looking for.   Before my friend started her personal statement, she had a hard time finding something that might impress admissions counselors. When she finished reading a set of essays written by students who were accepted by Ivy League schools u2013 which she found online via a Google search u2013 she learned that they expressed the unique personalities of the writers, but were based on very simple, personal anecdotes.   She then chose a very simple yet meaningful topic to write about: taking care of her ill grandfather. Her essay was so touching that she received handwritten letters from admissions readers, complimenting her writing and offering her a spot in their class of 2017 at Washington and Lee University.u200b    4、多读一些成功申请的文书   这不是要你去窃取别人的点子。但是读些成功申请的文书可以帮助你了解招生委员会的人想要什么样的文书。   我的朋友在写她的自我陈述的时候,她花了许多时间研究到底什么样的文书可以给招生委员会的人留下深刻的印象。在她看了许多成功被常青藤名校相中的文书后,她发现这些文书很好的展示了写作者的独特个性,同时,这些文书是建立在他们自身简单的奇闻轶事上的。   于是她选了一个非常简单但很有意义的主题:照顾她生病的父亲。她的文章非常感人,还收到了来自招生委员会的手写回信,称赞她的写作,同时她也成为了华盛顿和李大学2017届的一名新生。   5. Follow the structure of a story: As the writer, you need to realize that a quality essay is built upon the general story structure of rising action, conflict and resolution.   The college application essay does not have to be like an action movie, but it has to lead the readers through the stages of curiosity, wonderment and satisfaction. Moreover, the readers will need to be so engaged in your story that they will not be distracted by any unnecessary details or redundancy.   It is best that you cut out sentences or scenes that may make the story confusing. Remember that each admissions counselor has to deal with a large pile of essays, so telling an intriguing story can make you stand out.    5、把握好文章结构   你得意识到一篇好的文章一般都遵循着故事起承转合的发展脉络。大学申请文书不一定要像一部动作电影,但是它要引导读者从好奇到想象再到最后得到满足。而且读者要全身心地投入到你所讲的故事而不会被一些不必要的细节描写或冗长的文字所分心。   你最好删掉冗长的句子和那些会让人故事歧义的描写。记住每个招生负责人有许许多多的文章需要看,所以简短精悍的故事才能让你突出重围。
2023-07-17 01:24:081

《Essaysof Schopenhauer》txt下载在线阅读全文,求百度网盘云资源

《Essays of Schopenhauer》(Schopenhauer, Arthur)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: 提取码: 3vpm书名:Essays of Schopenhauer作者:Schopenhauer, Arthur译者:Dircks, Mrs. Rudolf出版年份:2008-2页数:184内容简介:Arthur Schopenhauer (1788-1860) was a German philosopher best known for his work The World as Will and Representation. He responded to and expanded upon Immanuel Kant"s philosophy concerning the way in which we experience the world. His critique of Kant, his creative solutions to the problems of human experience and his explication of the limits of human knowledge are among his most important achievements. His metaphysical theory is the foundation of his influential writings on psychology, aesthetics, ethics, and politics which influenced Friedrich Nietzsche, Wagner, Ludwig Wittgenstein, Sigmund Freud and others. He said he was influenced by the Upanishads, Immanuel Kant, and Plato. References to Eastern philosophy and religion appear frequently in his writing. He appreciated the teachings of the Buddha and even called himself a Buddhaist. He said that his philosophy could not have been conceived before these teachings were available. He called himself a Kantian. He formulated a pessimistic philosophy that gained importance and support after the failure of the German and Austrian revolutions of 1848.
2023-07-17 01:24:151

《The Rightto Be Lazy Essays》txt下载在线阅读全文,求百度网盘云资源

《The Right to Be Lazy》(Paul Lafargue)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: 提取码: sdqd书名:The Right to Be Lazy作者:Paul Lafargue出版社:AK Press出版年份:2011-9-13页数:128内容简介:At once a masterpiece of critical theory and rip-roaring radical humor, this is one of the most spirited attacks on the notion of the "work ethic" ever to be published! Featuring a revised edition of the original English translation by Charles Hope Kerr, this collection also includes four of Paul Lafargue"s lesser-known critiques (including the "Cathecism for Investors"), as well as a biographical sketch by longtime Wobbly organizer Fred Thompson and a new introduction by Bay Area print activist Bernard Marszalek. Released in collaboration with Kerr Company to celebrate their 125th anniversary year, and including a tribute to Kerr by labor journalist Kari Lydersen.作者简介:Paul Lafargue (1842–1911) was a Cuban-born socialist revolutionary, perhaps most well-known as the charismatic son-in-law of Karl Marx.
2023-07-17 01:24:411


2023-07-17 01:24:582


2023-07-17 01:25:072


1. 大学英语课程描述(出国留学需要) 简 介: 本专业旨在培养适应我国企业改革和发展需要,德、智、体全面发展,具有良好的知识结构,较高的管理素质和较强的创新精神,能独立从事企事业部门管理工作的管理人才。培养重点在于现代管理理论、创新的管理模式、现代信息手段应用以及全球化观点与我国企业管理实践的有机结合,以期通过向我国工商界输送具有创新精神的新生力量,推动我国企业管理水平的提高。 本专业主要从组织管理、营销管理、人力资源管理、国际企业管理等工商企业管理的主要职能以及计算机和信息技术的应用等方面教学和训练来体现我校工商管理专业的特点,使学生成为能适应现代生产经营与科技进步,具备分析企业包括财务和会计等在内的各类门体的综合能力的专业管理人才。 在培养方面要求学生不仅要按计划学好管理理论及实务课程,还要在信息技术、计算机及网络应用、外语及数学等方面打好扎实的基础,具备较高的现代管理技能、自学习和自组织的创新能力。 学生在完成两年的基础课和管理类必修课学习后,可以从工商管理、旅游管理、市场营销、人力资源管理等四个方面选择专业方向,进行专业知识的学习和相关能力的培养。 发展方向: 就业前景 随着管理教学的普及和不断深入,去年,我国各种管理人员总数达3800万人,其中包括了国家机关的公务员600万人,在未来20年内,即2020年前,我国将继续持管理人员数量大国的地位,中国所需各类管理人员1000-1300万人,是中国就业人数较多的行业和热门职业。 薪酬待遇 从事管理工作的人员,薪金不定。一般在经济领域从事管理工作的人员年薪高于在 *** 机构中从事管理工作人员的年薪。 *** 机构高级管理人员的年薪高于一般管理人员,而且差距较大。 *** 机构的管理人员年薪约在1万-2万元;经济领域的管理人员年薪约在1.2万-10万元。有的在外资企业或民营大型企业集团的高级管理人员的年薪可达到几百万元。到21世纪,我国管理人员的薪金将不断提高,是各行业中增长幅度最快的职业之一。 从业条件 现代化管理方法有几百种,主要应用在管理上的有几十种,如果统论、控制论、信息论、大系统理论、系统工程、市场经济学、价值工程、时态逻辑理论等。在21世纪,科学技术的竞争是知识、人才的竞争。要实现先进的管理目标,关键在于抓好人才的管理机制和培养一大批掌握具有现代管理素质的人才。由于管理这门科学的复杂性,因此,要求管理人员不仅要具备过硬的组织协调、分析判断、开拓创新能力,而且要有特殊的素质和气魄。 应聘须知 选择管理岗位,对世界经济和科技信息要敏感,迅速收集分析、正确处理并及时作出相应的对策。因此,要求应聘管理职务的人员首先要具备较强的管理能力,并具有运用现代管理手段进行管理的才能,掌握电脑技术和网络技术。在个人素质方面,要具备较高的管理和组织协调能力,以及规划能力和应变能力,还要求有较好的自控能力。 课程介绍: 一、专 科: 国考课:大学语文、马克思主义哲学原理、计算机基础、基础英语、高等数学 市考课:管理学原理、企业会计、管理实务、企业经营战略概论、经济法概论 校考课:各校自行安排 二、专升本: *** 思想概论、外语[英语(二)、日语(二)、俄语(二)任选一门]、高等数学(二)、管理系统中计算机应用、管理学原理、国际贸易理论与实务、财务管理学、金融理论与实务、企业经营战略、组织行为学、质量管理(一)、企业管理咨询、毕业论文 2. 美国留学,课程描述 商务英语专业要中英文的,以下是课程名称。另外帮我看看我这些课程的英文名称是否正确 基础英语1-4 Essential English 1-4 (essential是根本的,必要的意思) Basic English 商务函电 Foreign Economic Contract Documents in Writing Business Letters 国际经济英语与经济报刊选读 International Economics in English & Newspaper Reading in English International Economy English& Selected Reading for economy journal (报刊包括专杂志和报纸,属可以用journal表示) 3. 中文翻译成英文----专业描述 It aim at accounting speciality it train it is socialist market Germany in which the economic constructions need, intelligently, develop in an all-round way at body. In morals of political ideology: Support the basic line of the party, have spirit that serves the people wholeheartedly, observe disciplines and obey laws, there are good social public morality and professional ethics; In professional knowledge and ability: Possess knowledge such as accountant, auditing, financial administration, tax, respect of engaged in accountant"s, auditing, financial administration, tax preparinging etc. works in and can be in the enterprises and institutions, and the high-quality inter-disciplinary talent engaged in teaching, scientific research of the relevant field; Body respect: Healthy, energetic. Main professional course includes economics, accounting principle, financial accountant, cost accounting, financial administration, auditing, senior financial accountant, management, piling and assembling and *** ysis, tax accounting, accounting for management, western financial accountant, accounting system design, accounting by EDP, operations research of financial accounting,etc.. 4. 英语课程描述 二楼的中文简介很赞啊,那我来补充一下Course Descriptions的格式吧! 一般说来一个完整的Course Description可分为三部分:名称、学时和大纲,具体格式如下: Course Descriptions 1. English Writing * credits, ? lessons(或hours,视各个学校情况而定)/week(*和?处楼主应该有具体数字) The aim of this course is to develop the preliminary writing ability of students, which includes the writing of synopsises, summaries, essays, and simple practical writings. (此处翻译二楼。其实简介写清楚这门课是干什么的、有什么目的就够了;如果想写得长一点,可以写具体的课程安排,举例见下) Week 1: An Introction to English Writing Week 2: Word Choice and Sentence Structure Week 3: Synopsis and Summary Week 4: Paragraph and Essay Week 5: Descriptive Writing Week 6: Narrative Writing Week 7: Expository Writing Week 8: Argumentative Writing(都是根据二楼简介瞎掰的) 2. The Society and Culture of English-Speaking Countries * credits, ? lessons/week …… 3. ……(以此类推) 总之老外喜欢精细具体有据可循的介绍,而且很看重学分,至于抽象的介绍两三句就够了:) 5. 急求出国留学申请材料----课程描述(英文) 情况差不多,也是国内大学没这个材料但是国外大学申请时候非要提交。百渡:夫子英文课程描述。目前已经顺利完成减免学分并完成海外大学的选课。希望也能帮到你 6. 英语翻译 英语专业 课程描述 体育:Physical Ecation 口语 Spoken English 泛读:Extensive Reading综合英语:Comprehensive English我只知道这几个,并且保证是很官方的~关于你的第二个问题:是的,必须要你成绩的中文和英文翻译各一份,拿到你们学校的留学服务中心或者外事处什么的,让人家审核以后,会给你开个“材料审核单”上面会给你盖学校的公章~如果你不在中国的话,翻译好东西,让你同学什么的帮忙去审一下也是可以的。本人就是做这个审核工作的。^_^注意一定要课程名称和分数都要对应,审核很严格的哦~ 7. 大学课程英文简介!!急!!真的很急!! 高等数学2A - High Level Mathematics 2A 建筑环境与能源应用工程概论 - Construction Environment and Energy Engineering Technology(省去”概论“用”技术“取代。概论这种东西翻译成英文听起来很像初学者) 大学化学 - Chemistry (省去大学,因为对方已经知道你是大学) 画法几何与工程制图 - Geometry and Technical Drawing 大学英语读写译,大学英语听力,大学英语口语 - Professional English Study (合并这三个科目,并改为”专业英语“,因为国外听力,读书这种事情是小学生做的,你那样写人家反而会觉得很好笑) 这些是你的课程标题,至于详细简洁这些还不够(虽然我是学设计的,我知道你的课程大致内容,但美方不一定知道)。如果你能用中文介绍你的科目,我还能帮你翻译一次。 8. 商务英语专业用英语描述 The main direction of business English is to cultivate a solid English language foundation and a systematic knowledge of international business management theory. 翻译:商务英语专业方向主要培养具有扎实的英语语言基础和较系统的国际商务管理理论知识。 It has strong practical skills and can be translated in foreign trade, foreign affairs, culture, news publishing, ecation, scientific research, touri *** and other departments. Senior English professionals in management, teaching, and research. 翻译:具有较强的实践技能,能在外贸、外事、文化、新闻出版、教育、科研、旅游等部门从事翻译、管理、教学、研究工作的英语高级专门人才。 The concept of "Business English" has been starting from today, and the starting time is not short. 翻译:“商务英语”的概念从提出到今天,起始时间已经不短了。 However, under the trend of internationalization, the English learning market is surging. Today, many training institutions have used Business English as their main training program. 翻译:但在国际化大趋势下,英语学习市场风起云涌的今天,很多培训机构又把商务英语作为了其主要的培训项目。 (8)英语专业中英文课程描述扩展阅读: 商务英语专业就业前景: 随着中国入世,众多的外国企业将在中国寻求发展的机会,而中国的企业迎来了走向世界的机遇,商业外贸领域获得了长足的发展。在这种环境下,企业之间的相互沟通和交流成为了彼此合作的重要条件。 与此同时,随着我国外贸体制改革的深化,出口经营资格实行了登记和核准制,这将使更多的企业拥有自 *** 。据调查,从目前我国的外贸出口量估计,未来五年内具有外贸出口权的公司将在现有的基础上再增加18万家,到那时我国将有36万家以上的具有进出口权的公司。 根据我国现有的具有进出口权的公司所拥有的人才的平均比例算,我国至少还需要180万的外贸人才为企业服务,而其中对商务英语人才的需求占的比重相当大。据预测,在未来10年里,英语类人才尤其是商务英语专业的人才将是最受欢迎的10类热门的人才之一。 9. 急求以下课程的英文版课程描述!! 补充:描述啊,我知识有限,不能用英文描述大部分的科目,可是我觉得名字本身就是很好的描述了。而且同一个科目可以学习的方面有很多,像摄影技术,我并不知道你学的是摄影的哪一方面,因此不能给你描述。 应用数学Application Mathematics 马克思主义政治经济学原理Marxist Principles of Political Economy 演讲与口才Speech and Eloquence 申论 我不知道是什么 “思政课”社会实践"Ideological and Political Ecation" social practice, 公文写作,Document Writing, 摄影技术,Photography, 形势与政策,Situation and Policy 管理学Management, 企业管理学Enterprise management. 计算机导论Introction to Computer Science 操作系统Operating system (Linux), 网络数据库技术与应用Neork database technology and applications, 网站开发技术Web site development technology 网络侦查与安全技术Neork detection and security technologies, 局域网组建与维护Local Area Neork and maintenance, 网络安全技术应用Neork security technology, 数据安全与恢复Data security and recovery, 动画设计Animation, 网站规划与工程设计Site planning and engineering design 计算机网络技术Computer Neork Technology, 网页设计Web Design, Linux组网技术Linux neorking technology, 计算机英语Computer English(有这门课?) 计算机信息的加密与解密Computer encryption and decryption, 计算机辅助设计Computer-aided design, 无线局域网技术Wireless LAN technology, 图形与图像处理Graphics and image processing. 10. 寻求以下几门课程的英文课程描述 就业与法(法学院) Employment and Law (Law School) 商务礼仪 Business Etiquette 创意产业经济学(工商管理学院) Creative Instry Economics (Business Administration) 工程训练(Ⅲ)(市场营销) Engineering Training (Ⅲ) (marketing) *** 思想和中国特色社会主义理论体系概论 管理思想史(工商管理学院) Mao Zedong Thought and theoretical system of sociali *** with Chinese characteristics Introction to History of Management Thought (Business Administration) 职业生涯导航 大学写作 社交礼仪 Navigation writing career, the University of Social Etiquette 家用电器原理与维修(文科班) Principle and maintenance of household appliances (Arts Stream) 希望能帮到你~
2023-07-17 01:25:141

do you learn to write essays by writing bad ones

Do you learn to write essays by writing bad ones 你学写坏文章来写文章吗?重点词汇释义Do you你愿意吗write写; 写信; 写作; 作曲essays散文( essay的名词复数 ); 文章; 企图writing写作; 文字; 文章; 笔迹; 写信; 写( write的现在分词)ones一个人,任何人,人们( one的名词复数 );玩笑,笑话
2023-07-17 01:25:221


2023-07-17 01:25:412


I主 prefer谓 take-home essays宾 because引导词 it主 is系 then really about the writing表语,...
2023-07-17 01:25:482


留学申请书 英文之最新信息,伴随着考试的结束,新一轮的留学申请热开始了,这时候你就应该多关注留学申请书 英文的最新动态,这样你才能做出最适合自己的决定。 留学申请信中须注意下列几点: (1)写明申请学校和所学专业。 (2)提供申请人的个人资历。 (3)索取申请学校相关的申请表等。 以下是一封留学英文申请信范例。 尊敬的先生: 我对贵研究生院的____系十分感兴趣,并计划申请____年秋季学期入学。我大学的GPA是____,并计划于____参加TOEFL和GRE考试。 请寄送学校目录和申请表至如下地址:____ 在申请前是先选校还是先写文章?大部分的机构都是告诉学生先选择学校,专家说:学生没有考SAT的情况下,早选校不合适,应先准备文章。因为写完了共享申请表的文章(common essays)就等于写完了所有的共享文章,做完一个学校也就几乎等于做完了所有的学校,之后有经验的顾问就可以指导学生把所有重要的材料依据各校的自主命题和各校的招生偏好,将集合所有亮点组合而成的文章元素套用在各个学校,不是碰到新题目才去写新的文章。最重要的是要把学生自身经历中好的东西,筛选好,组织好,能把最好的东西,通过学校的命题和字数限制,让学校同时看到申请者的特色和全貌。
2023-07-17 01:26:091