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2023-07-17 07:20:55
TAG: 翻译 文明


在创建文明城市过程中,我们应从身边的小事做起,不断提高自己的文明素质,是最为关键的,尤其在公共场所,每人的一举一动或许会影响这个城市的形象,或许会成为这个城市的一个个精彩画面。为此,在公共场所该遵守的文明规范,希望大家共同为创建文明城市,和谐社会而努力。 ◆市民“十不”规范与文明守则


市民文明守则:(一)热爱祖国,热爱家乡。(二)遵纪守法,维护公德。(三)讲究卫生,美化环境。(四)诚实守信,优质服务。(五)关心集体,爱护公物。(六)尊师重教,勤奋学习。(八)尊老爱幼,邻里和睦。(九)语言文明,礼貌待人。(十)艰苦奋斗,勤俭节约。 ◆怎样文明驾驶汽车


新市场营销法则 助推企业成长 电子商务营销 食品餐饮营销 建筑房产营销 消费品营销



走路必须在人行道或靠路边行走。横过车行道,须走人行横道线,在有规定的地方要自觉走过街天桥或地下通道。不准穿越、倚坐人行道、车行道和铁路道口的护栏。行人之间要相互礼让。尽量为长者、老弱病残者让路;让负重的人或孕妇、儿童先行。 ◆文明乘车要注意的问题




三忌轻信纵容,偏袒子女;四忌见难不救,幸灾乐祸;五忌家庭建筑,妨碍他人;六忌放养禽畜,有碍卫生;七忌不顾场地,栽树种花;八忌谈笑逗趣,不讲分寸;九忌经济往来,账目不清;十忌得理不让,不听劝解。 ◆升国旗时有礼仪

升国旗时,面向国旗,肃立致敬。升国旗、奏国歌时,要立正,脱帽,行注目礼,直至升旗完毕。 ◆上网做到“五要五不”




How to be a civilized citizen

In the process of creating a civilized city, we should start withsmall things around, and constantly improve their quality of civilization, is the most crucial, especially in public places,everyone"s every act and every move may affect the image of the city, the city may become a wonderful picture. Therefore, thecompliance of civilized norms in public places, hope everyone together to create a civilized city, harmonious society and efforts.Making making making the public "ten no" norms and codes of civilization

Making making public the "ten no" standard: (a) no spitting.(two) do not throw garbage. (three) no damage to property.(four) do not destroy greenbelt. (five) do not jaywalk. Six nosmoking in public areas. (seven) don"t speak dirty words. (eight)no graffiti sticker. (nine) is not a problem. (ten) not anywhere soil.

Making making civil code: (a) love the motherland, love home.(two) abide by the law, safeguard public morality. (three) pay attention to hygiene, beautify the environment. (four) honest and trustworthy, quality service. (five) the collective interest, take good care of public property. (six) respecting, study hard. (eight)the young, neighborhood harmony. (nine) the language of civilization, polite. (ten) work hard and perseveringly, thrift.Making making making ◆ how civilized driving a car

Making making must strictly obey the traffic law, a crossroadsnot red light running and violation of traffic line markings. Control the speed, do not drive fast, hero car, mump car. Not fierce turn,back and forth, not with car, not open slowly in the fast lane, notspitting, littering to car.

Electronic commerce marketing food & beverage marketingbuilding real estate marketing consumer goods marketing growthboosting enterprise market marketing rules

Making making comity non motor vehicles and pedestrians,especially in rainy and snowy, pay attention not to rain splashpedestrians. When parking should be stopped the car to the parking, do not interfere with other vehicles and pedestrian traffic. Don"t jerk the horn or a long time. Driving at night to use,the far right.

Making making the walk also has a lot of courtesy, politenessshould pay attention to

Making making walking must walk on the roadside on the sidewalk or. Crossing the driveway, must go crosswalk line, in aspecified place to consciously walk Street overpass or underpass. Not be allowed to pass through, to sit upon the sidewalk, roadway and railway crossing guardrail. Pedestrians to mutual comity. Try to make way for the elderly, the old and infirm;let the people or pregnant women, bearing children first. Makingmaking making the civilization should pay attention to the problem

Making making consciously abide by the provisions on the administration of the maintenance car, car order, manners,courtesy. In place waiting, in order to ride, not forced on. Timelybooking travel, take the initiative to produce the car pass, and accept the inspection. Do not carry dangerous goods andimpede the passengers safety items, animal ride. Keep thestation, environmental health, the car is not sound, no smoking,no spitting, do not throw waste. Take good care of the facilities in the bus station, pedaling seats, not, don"t Scribble, no damage to property. Take care of the sick and elderly pregnant passengers,active seat, do not bare bus ride took off his raincoat, rain. Assistmaintenance station attendants, the car in order to fight, andendangers the social security act.

Making making making ◆ than distant neighbors, neighborhoodalong with other

Making making a bogey abusable, beatings; two avoidgossiping, jealous of others;

Three bogey gullible indulgent, favoring children; avoid see hard not to save, take pleasure in other people"s misfortune; avoidfamily building, disturb others; bogey stocking livestock, health hazards; bogey bogey eight regardless, planting trees and flowers; and funny, do not speak of propriety; nine avoideconomic exchanges, accounts are not clear; ten avoid manages not to let, don"t listen to her. Making making making the flag has etiquette

Making making when the flag is raised, facing the national flag,standing in awe. The national flag, National Anthem rising, tostand at attention, hat, salute the flag raising, until the end.Making making making the Internet do "five to five not"

Making making should be good at learning, not browse adverse information; to be honest and friendly exchanges, don"t insult to cheat; to enhance self-protection awareness, not casual datingfriends; to maintain the network security, not to destroy the network program; to be healthy, do not indulge in the virtual space.

Making making ◆ do personal Kwame community residents

Making making community residents codes of civilization: good sanitation, not spitting, not to litter. Maintain balcony, corridorand tidy, not random items, do not throw waste. Keep the area,courtyard environment tidy, don"t park the vehicle, airing not disorderly. Take Good Care of Trees and Flowers, do not trample on the lawn, not flowers. Cultural entertainment, no noise nuisance, not excessive drinking, gambling. The neighborhood harmony, not to stir up enmity, do not trouble.





护栏的解释(1) [guardrail]∶为了避免 危险 或拦阻通行而设置的 栏杆 (2) [rail]∶木或 金属 制的轻构件,用作甲板外缘防护物 详细解释 起 保护 用的栏杆。 《解放日报》 1985.11.11:“ 几乎 所有的绿化地带都加有护栏。” 词语分解 护的解释 护 (护) ù 使不受 侵犯 和损害:保护。护卫。护理。护士。护航。护林。辩护。守护。 掩蔽,包庇: 护短 。 庇护 。 部首 :扌; 栏的解释 栏 (栏) á 遮拦的 东西 :栏杆。木栏。石栏。 养家畜的圈(刵 ):牛栏。栏厩。 报刊或广播、电视按内容、 性质 划分的版面或专门的 时间 ;亦指出版物版面的部位:栏目。专栏。 新闻 栏。 纸、书、织物上的格子:
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There are some people rode bicycles to red light,and not listen to the police"s command; Some people cross the road,but don"t walk on the sidewalk; There are some people turn over the guardrail in order for their convenience,but block the traffic; There are also some people drive after drinking,such actions already damaged public facilities,and there will have safe hidden trouble!In these circumstances,I think people should obey traffic rules,improves own quality,cherish oneself life!
2023-07-17 00:33:511


1 do not come close, it is strictly forbidden climbing 2 3 next quarters for no guardrail, pay attention to safety 4/f, chess and side door, 2 5 do not leisure, so as not to slip and falls over 6 entryway Putzu District 7 ring channel, keep clear channel 8 Hall door ring 9 10 motorcycle parking Department steep narrow, keep clear of 11 children in foster care in adults into the swimming pool 12 unde car Fu do not maintain copies of valuables and please take good care of 14 15 grass loves the parking lot, please you smile reminded not to disturb 16 treasure green, 17 from the grass starts with me there is life, Jun 18 foot pull any punches life we protect the Green,太小气,请加分
2023-07-17 00:34:262


护岸 hù àn[bank revetment;shore protection] 在河堤、海岸用石块或混凝土筑成,以保护堤岸免遭波浪击毁的建筑护臂 hù bì[bracer] 运动员用的戴在手臂上的防护套,防止臂部受伤护兵 hù bīng[body guard] 保护官吏的兵士护城壕 hù chéng háo[city moat] 城堡或其它筑垒地方围墙外面深而宽的壕沟护城河 hù chéng hé[city moat] 城堡或其他筑垒地方围墙外面深而宽的壕沟,通常注满水护持 hù chí[shield and sustain] 维护保持护短 hù duǎn[shield a fault] 自讳过失护耳 hù ěr[earflaps]∶连在帽子下边可翻上或放下的帽耳护法 hù fǎ[protect Buddhist doctrine]∶护卫佛法护国运动 hù guó yùn dòng[Campaign to Defend the Republic] 1915年袁世凯伪造民意,复辟帝制,遭到全国人民的猛烈反对,孙中山和各地人民积极进行反袁斗争。蔡锷潜赴云南、会同李烈钧、唐继尧组织护国军,兴师讨袁。1916年初,出兵贵州、四川和两广。贵州、广西、广东先后独立,袁世凯派兵入川镇压,不能取胜,被迫取消帝制,但仍想保持大总统职位,要求停战。5月岑春煊、梁启超在肇庆设军务院,提出以袁退位为讲和条件。四川、湖南相继宣布独立。北洋军将领冯国璋、段祺瑞与袁貌合神离,按兵不动,日本帝国主义决心抛弃袁世凯。袁世凯内忧外惧,于6月6日死去。此后,进步党联络西南各派实力,勾结北洋军阀段祺瑞,以黎元洪继任总统和恢复国会为条件,结束了护国运动护航 hù háng[escort]∶护送航行派兵舰护航护驾 hù jià[escort the emperor] 保驾护肩 hù jiān[shoulder pad] 〈方〉∶垫肩护脚 hù jiǎo[hose] 包脚的布护栏 hù lán[guardrail]∶为了避免危险或拦阻通行而设置的栏杆护理 hù lǐ[nurse]∶守护料理护理产妇护林 hù lín[protect a forest] 保护森林护林防火护路 hù lù[patrol and guard a road or railway] ∶巡视、保卫公路或铁路护坡 hù pō[slope protection] 为防止河流或雨水冲刷,在河堤或路边构筑的防护斜坡护前 hù qián[seek to do others down] 逞强好胜,不容许别人争先居前护身符 hù shēn fú[amulet;protective talisman] 一种小巧的装饰品(如珠宝、玉石或纪念品),上面刻有符咒、咒文或符号;据说,戴上这个护身宝贝可以防止灾祸(如疾病或魔力),或者帮助佩戴者(如赢得爱情或战争)护师 hù shī[seniornurse] 职称高于护士的护理工作者护士 hù shì[nurse] 能熟练地照料或服侍体弱者、受伤者或患病者的人;特指受过专门训练并在医生指挥下实行这种职务的人护士长 hù shì zhǎng[charge sister;head nurse] 在医务室或医院中负责病房的训练有素的护士护手 hù shǒu[handguard]护守 hù shǒu[guard] 守护护守大桥护送 hù sòng[escort]∶为护理照顾而陪同护送伤员去后方医院护腕 hù wàn[bracer]∶如击剑者或球类运动员所用的戴在手腕上防止扭伤的防护套;尤指射箭运动员戴的一种通常皮革制的防护套,以防止左腕因弓弦突然绷断而被弹伤护卫 hù wèi[guard]∶防护;守卫护膝 hù xī[kneepad]∶保护膝盖的衬垫,有时同衣服连在一起护心镜 hù xīn jìng[(of armor)round-shaped breast protector] 铠甲上保护胸部的圆形金属片护胸 hù xiōng[chest protector] 射箭时保护胸部的用品,用皮革制成护袖 hù xiù[oversleeve]〈方〉∶套袖护佑 hù yòu[bless and protect] 保护;保佑护佑一方护照 护佑 护袖 护胸 护心镜 护膝 护卫 护城河 护持 护持 护国运动 护航 护驾 护理 护士 护送
2023-07-17 00:34:331

介绍一个景点 用英文写的

2023-07-17 00:34:414


中文文章: 第一条 为加强城市交通管理,便利交通运输,维护交通安全,以适应国家经济建设的需要,制定本规则. 第二条 机关、军队、团体、企业、学校的人员、车辆驾驶员、市民以及临时来往城市的一切人员,都必须遵守本规则并听从交通民警的指挥. 第三条 机关、军队、团体、企业、学校等部门的车辆管理人员和乘车人员,不准迫使、纵容驾驶人员违犯本规则. 第四条 遇到本规则没有规定的情况,车辆、行人必须在不妨碍交通安全的原则下通行. 第五条 驾驶车辆,赶、骑牲畜,都必须在道路的右边行进. 第六条 没有经过当地公安局的同意,不准占用人行道、车行道或进行其他妨碍交通的活动. 第七条 铁道与街道交叉的路口,必须安装护栏等安全设备. 英文翻译: Article 1 in order to strengthen urban traffic management, convenient transportation, maintain traffic safety, to adapt to the needs of the national economic construction, these rules have been formulated. Article 2 organs, armed forces, organizations, enterprises and school personnel, vehicles, drivers, citizens and temporary all personnel, associate city must abide by the rules and obey the traffic police command. Article 3 organs, armed forces, organizations, enterprises, schools of various departments such as vehicle management personnel and driving personnel, no forced and conniving violates the rules professional drivers who. Article 4 meet this rules and no provisions of, vehicles, pedestrians must not interfere with under the principle of traffic safety traffic. Article 5 driving vehicles, cast, riding a beast, it must be in road on the right side of the road. Article 6 without the consent of the local public security bureau, no sidewalks, roadway or other impede traffic activities. Article 7 the railroad and street intersection, cross must be installed a guardrail etc. Safety equipment.
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Beginning at home alone, the first to lock the doors, security doors, gate, etc, will play out guardrail shut the doors and Windows, don"t forget to lock the door, prevent rogue sneak.Key to keeping good, should pay attention to the key in clothes, don"t leave them outside, prevent bad tracking home.
2023-07-17 00:34:571


问题一:如何自我保护的英语作文带翻译 Beginning at home alone, the first to lock the doors, security doors, gate, etc, will play out guardrail shut the doors and Windows, don"t forget to lock the door, prevent rogue sneak. Key to keeping good, should pay attention to the key in clothes, don"t leave them outside, prevent bad tracking home. 问题二:关于中学生自我保护的英语作文,150字左右 The electric door guard has replaced the traditional door lady in a dormitory at Shanghai Songjiang University City, within the range of many universities. In the future, more electric door guards will take the place of door ladies. The electric door guard operates under an IC card system, with students using IC cards to enter. Each resident student is issued an IC card with his/her personal information stored on it. Information like the card-holding student"s name, major, grade, and even time of entry will be stored on their IC card. The door has also been equipped with a digital eye to take video 24 hours a day 7 days a week. 问题三:自我保护的重要性英语作文 It"s?very?important?for?us?students?to?keep?ourselves?safe. Students like us, are the flower, the future hope, but there are so many danger in our lives. First, according to the rapid progress of puters, we have to learn to just go to some certain websites, learn to limit the time on the puter. The other thing is not to meet with internet friends, you don"t know them, they might be mean. Also, there are some good ways to get along with students, be nice first, of course, and help others whenever you can. Also, to get ride is very convenient in today"s world, but be careful, too. Not taking strangers" cars, no matter how nice they seems. There are a lot of things to learn, we should keep?ourselves?safe. 问题四:当我们在玩的时候应当怎么自我保护,写一篇英语作文 一、注意审题 小作文的审题(即审读材料)很重要,决定着文章的成败.因为一个小作文的材料中,往往隐含了若干个写作要求,如不细心审读,抓不到这些隐含的要求,就很容易出现错误。 二、注意语言的简洁 这一点体现在两方面.其一,小作文字数一般是100┄300字,受篇幅限制,语言要求简洁明了.其二,如果是写应用文,则语言也一定要简洁,因为语言简洁是应用文写作的最基本要求. 三、力求结构完整 小作文是片断性作文,而非篇章.虽如此,但不能一味忽略结构的完整性.一篇小作文如果能够做到结构完整,则效果会更好。 四、注意表达方式的运用 受文体的制约,一篇文章总以某种表达方式为主,同时兼用其他表达方式为主.小作文也应注意这一点.如江西省2002年中考语文小作文题为二选一,(1)通过某一情景或场面,描写你最喜欢的色彩.(2)就你最喜欢的色彩,发表议论.无论选哪一题,或描写、或议论,总得以一种表达方式为主.但如果能兼用其他表达方式,如兼用议论和抒情,表达自己对某种色彩的某中看法和喜爱之情,则能使短文大为增色.
2023-07-17 00:35:051


car audio 汽车音响等电子电器及护栏管。Car stereos and other electronic appliances and guardrail tube.
2023-07-17 00:35:141


To hunan, it had to go zhangjiajie. Can say, zhangjiajie in hunan province contains the beauty and ethnic customs. Zhangjiajie is located in xiangxi, beautiful scenery, everywhere is spectacular mountain. Mention xiangxi, everyone will think of yongsan remember however. Admittedly, before a few years go, you may encounter "bandits", but now with the development of economy, people have become more civilization, can be at ease a visit.Zhangjiajie is a locally administratered level, there are two area two county. Zhangjiajie city is in yongding area. The city is very small, business is not developed, special local product shops is pretty much. The air is not very well, the car a lot, there are no traffic lights in the streets and drove too fast. In the post office have Internet bar, where you can give your friends send E-mail, to share the joy of the journey.We came to the zhangjiajie national forest park, after go in to huangshi village. Sit cableway in huangshi village, in huangshi village have several perilous peaks can go to a look. Mountain abrupt, sightseeing lots of people, but the space is small, guardrail and low, it is a bit dangerous. Down the hill, then go stand, stand is a grand canyon, and very long, if really walk, you can sit sedan, but more expensive. The golden streams is very cool, very shallow streams, almost no fish. Walk in the stand, you can see many qifeng, some like scholar, some like the tortoise, forms. Go a long way, you will see point instantly, four tujia girl standing on the stage, there is a row of wana, visitors will be able to point, of course, is charge. They sing "mountain 18 bending" but authentic, very nice. Stand out, then the water around four door. Play a day, also to have a rest. At night I can live in the mountains, a green knee mountain villa, the condition is good, the price is a little bit expensive. In the morning, you can see a large group of wild monkey, villa has peanuts, for visitors to feed the monkey.In fact the zhangjiajie scenic half in the son of heaven mountain. The son of heaven mountain can sit cableway, want to sit ten minutes. Along with the cable car, the rise of the ground you more and more far, stand in the half empty mountains as if in your side, stretch one"s hand can reach, true have a kind of relaxed and happy feeling. Went up to the mountain, you can see YuBi peak, fairy peak. Son of heaven mountain is the highest mountain in zhangjiajie, the mountain has distinguishing feature very much, when pat "journey to the west" three dozen bones jing that a will there take the landscape. Here the mountain absolute than guilin mountain is much more beautiful. Son of heaven mountain have he long park, there is a he long like. He long park has tujia folk performance hall, visitors to visit, the inside of the tujia girl will be with you show the tujia marriage customs, do one "the groom". In the end, can also and "bride" had a group photo taken. Where the tujia girl is very pretty. Sister xiang well, look at song zuying will know. In huanglong hole, then you can see more beautiful tujia guide. If you are singleman word, might as well look for a. Don"t miss!To zhangjiajie not to fierce hole river rafting, is really a pity! Drift is best flood season, this wave is big, more exciting. Fierce hole river rafting is very long, the whole have two, three hours of road. Drifting tool is rubber dinghy, a ship can sit twelve, three people. Before the boat, must buy good play water battle tools, otherwise you will suffer. The author and a group of female compatriot pooling a ship, the result and drenched, like a drowned mouse, contact lenses and nearly wiped out. On the river, you can see many waterfalls, have a bath once, feel good.The last station is furong town, liu xiaoqing is film place. The more well-known is tofu and winkles plug meat, very delicious. In addition, kiwi is also very cheap, a piece of WuYiJin. And absolute fresh, can bring family, friends a taste.At the end of these places, zhangjiajie is almost play times. Friends still etc. What? Go to zhangjiajie!
2023-07-17 00:35:352


中文文章:第一条 为加强城市交通管理,便利交通运输,维护交通安全,以适应国家经济建设的需要,制定本规则。 第二条 机关、军队、团体、企业、学校的人员、车辆驾驶员、市民以及临时来往城市的一切人员,都必须遵守本规则并听从交通民警的指挥。 第三条 机关、军队、团体、企业、学校等部门的车辆管理人员和乘车人员,不准迫使、纵容驾驶人员违犯本规则。 第四条 遇到本规则没有规定的情况,车辆、行人必须在不妨碍交通安全的原则下通行。 第五条 驾驶车辆,赶、骑牲畜,都必须在道路的右边行进。 第六条 没有经过当地公安局的同意,不准占用人行道、车行道或进行其他妨碍交通的活动。 第七条 铁道与街道交叉的路口,必须安装护栏等安全设备。 英文翻译:Article 1 in order to strengthen urban traffic management, convenient transportation, maintain traffic safety, to adapt to the needs of the national economic construction, these rules have been formulated. Article 2 organs, armed forces, organizations, enterprises and school personnel, vehicles, drivers, citizens and temporary all personnel, associate city must abide by the rules and obey the traffic police command. Article 3 organs, armed forces, organizations, enterprises, schools of various departments such as vehicle management personnel and driving personnel, no forced and conniving violates the rules professional drivers who. Article 4 meet this rules and no provisions of, vehicles, pedestrians must not interfere with under the principle of traffic safety traffic. Article 5 driving vehicles, cast, riding a beast, it must be in road on the right side of the road. Article 6 without the consent of the local public security bureau, no sidewalks, roadway or other impede traffic activities. Article 7 the railroad and street intersection, cross must be installed a guardrail etc. Safety equipment.
2023-07-17 00:35:454


There are some people on bicycle do not listen to the order of the police and ride across the road when the red right is on .Some cut across the rode instead of waking the sidewalk;some climb over the guardrail which blocks the traffic;still ,some people even drived after they drunk wine,which will not only destroy the public facilities ,but also bright up unsafeness.In view of these conditions, I think people should obey the trafic rules ,as well as improve the quality of theirselves,and cherish their lifes.
2023-07-17 00:35:542


2023-07-17 00:36:042


【 #英语资源# 导语】五一假期真是好,五天小假乐逍遥,开心快乐来开道,好运相伴助你跑,健康平安缠你腰,吉祥如意怀中抱,幸福甜蜜眼前飘,祝你五一劳动节,心情乐陶陶!以下是 为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。 1.劳动节英语日记   Today is May 5, the fifth day of the golden week. My mother took me to Zhongshan Park.   As soon as you enter the gate, the first thing you see is a large stone tablet. In front of the stone tablet is a lake. The water in the lake flows "clattering", as if playing a beautiful song.   There are guardrails on the left and right. Behind the guardrail are pots of bright flowers, red, white, purple and yellow. They are colorful and of different varieties. They are very beautiful.   I followed my mother and walked around the stone tablet. At a glance, I saw tables and stools neatly placed in the green woods. Some big brothers and sisters are sitting on stools, studying hard with books in their hands, and some grannies and grandparents are playing poker in groups.   Then, my mother and I walked straight forward to the bumper yard. My mother bought a ticket and took a bumper car with me. "Lingling" I stepped on the accelerator and my mother controlled the steering wheel. Suddenly, a car came to us and my heart was about to jump out. At this critical moment, my mother made a sharp turn and avoided the car. I breathed a sigh of relief and admired my mother. At this time, my mother bought another ticket and said to me, "Yuhan, you have grown up. My mother bought you a ticket. Now you can take a bumper car by yourself to exercise your courage." After listening to my mother"s words, I was excited and scared, but I still summoned up my courage and walked to the bumper yard with my ticket. I handed the ticket to the ticket collector and walked into the bumper yard. There was another "bell". I stepped on the accelerator and set off. Just as I was driving steadily, a car came towards me. It was too late to dodge, so I had to obey my fate. I closed my eyes and the car hit me and pushed me forward. I quickly turned the steering wheel, but then they withdrew. My car went round and round, making me dizzy and uncomfortable.   Then, my mother took me to play pulley, color painting and fishing. It was very interesting!   However, time was limited. After a while, when the sun was shining, I followed my mother to come and go. 2.劳动节英语日记   Today is labor day. In response to the call of our superiors, the school specially took a day off to help our parents do what we can.   "Get up quickly, Xiaoyi. Today is labor day. You can"t be lazy in front of my mother!" Early in the morning, I was scared to death by my mother"s "lion roaring skill". I had to say "Bye Bye" to my beloved quilt and began a day"s work.   After dinner, I wanted to sneak out to play, but I couldn"t escape my mother"s "golden eyes" and "Wuzhishan". I was awkwardly grabbed by my mother. "You little girl, you just want to play all day. When will you know to do serious things? Wash it for me!" "Yes, ma"am!" I finally gave in to my mother.   This bowl is really hard to wash. It"s slippery all over and almost broke. Eh, didn"t mom use hot water and detergent when she washed the dishes? It turns out that these two things are useless. No wonder they haven"t been washed for a long time. I carefully brought a basin of hot water and dropped a drop of detergent. Eh, how did this bowl become so obedient? Let me control. After a while, all the dishes were washed.   "Xiaoyi is sensible and can help her mother." My mother said to me gently. Suddenly I saw some white hair on my mother"s temples. This is no longer the young mother I know. My mother worked hard for my growth and never wanted to return, but I   This labor day makes me feel much more sensible. I want to help my mother do more things within my ability. This labor day makes me very happy! 3.劳动节英语日记   Today is labor day. I got up early in the morning and looked at the beautiful environment outside the window, which made me relaxed and happy!   I went to the park with my friends. Wow, it"s so beautiful here! The grass is full of countless beautiful flowers, birds chirp in the trees and sing beautiful songs, and many old people are exercising. We play fitness equipment, play that, play this, sometimes play hide and seek, sometimes play 123 wooden people, sometimes play throw basketball, and have a good time! At more than two o"clock, we were a little tired, so we went to the canteen to buy some food and go for a walk together. The scenery on the road is also very beautiful. Although it is not as good as other places, it is a very comfortable place for us!   What a full day today! What a happy May Day! In this festival, we should exercise and work! 4.劳动节英语日记   On May Day, father-in-law sun got up earlier than me. The weather was wonderful. I went to Huai"an park with my mother, father and aunt"s little brother.   There are many people in the park. There are people who dance, practice swords and sell things. It"s very lively! Red flowers, white flowers and yellow flowers... Compete for wonders and beauty!   What attracts me most is the amusement park. As soon as I took my mother to the amusement park, I climbed onto the "space UFO" without waiting for my mother to buy a ticket. The UFO rotates and rises and falls from time to time. I kept shouting "Mom"... My mother just laughed and ignored me at all 5.劳动节英语日记   Today is May 1st, international labor day. Mom took me to grandma"s house.   When I arrived at Grandma"s house, I saw that the cherry tree in front of grandma"s house was covered with fiery red cherries, like red agates. I picked some of the reddest cherries to eat. "Wow! How sweet!" My uncle saw me and said, "let"s dig bamboo shoots!" I said, "OK." My uncle and I walked to the bamboo forest with a hoe. When we got to the bamboo forest, I saw a very fat bamboo shoot from a distance. I dug one side of the bamboo shoot first, then shoveled it towards the side where the bamboo shoot was dug, and finally dug it out. Uncle, he dug a pit with two bamboo shoots in it. It"s killing two birds with one stone!   I gave the bamboo shoots to grandma to burn. After dinner, I took a bite of bamboo shoots and said, "it"s delicious. The harvest of labor is really great!" 6.劳动节英语日记   The annual "May Day" International Labor Day is coming, and we can have a few more days off.   On May Day, my mother called me up early in the morning, saying that it was to celebrate May Day International Labor Day and decided to clean at home, so my mother and I divided our work and began to work.   I first clean up all the things on the table at home, and then wipe them with a rag; Then he began to sweep the floor with a broom and carefully cleaned every corner of the house; Finally, drag the ground all over with a mop, and my work is finished. Mother is cleaning up oil dirt and stains in the kitchen. The day passed and the family soon changed. In the evening, I helped my mother tidy up the wardrobe and didn"t finish it until more than ten o"clock.   Lying in bed, I thought: today is really a labor day worthy of the name! 7.劳动节英语日记   On May Day, my mother and I went to the "dinosaur came" park to play. When I walked into the park, I saw several fake dinosaurs. They were fierce and pattable, and their claws could move. There was a dinosaur with twins on its back, a dinosaur full of thorns, and a Tyrannosaurus Rex, a dinosaur in the park. We also saw two big fountains. There are high water column and low water column. When the wind blows, the water splashes and floats with the wind, just like surfing.   Later, my good friend Linjiao and I were playing with water. We splashed each other, and the water splashed all over us. We took the grass in Shihe road as radishes and played with pulling radishes together. Linjiao"s father was fishing by the river. He caught four fish in all. We also played all kinds of games, but we were happy!   The sun slowly set. We reluctantly said goodbye to each other and made an appointment to play again when we were free. 8.劳动节英语日记   How time flies! May day in 2022 has arrived. I went to grandma"s house these days. I"m so happy!   The three of us got up early in the morning, washed our faces, cleaned up, and went to the street to buy grandma some of her favorite food. We divided our work and bought it. We finished it in a minute. We took a car and went on the way to grandma"s house. Don"t mention how beautiful it is.   After a while, we went to grandma"s house and met grandma. We hugged her affectionately. Grandma knew I was coming and bought me a sundae. It was delicious. We had a big meal at noon and talked with grandma for a while. In the afternoon, we rushed back. 9.劳动节英语日记   Today is "May Day". I thought of a special "May Day", so my parents and I went to the provincial children"s Library as volunteers. The aunt of the library arranged us to be volunteers on the third floor. The main work of the volunteers is: first stack the books returned by the readers according to the number, and then put them on the shelf. At the same time, put the books that the readers haven"t put well. Unconsciously, after a morning, although very tired, but very happy, at the same time, I also feel the hard work of my uncles and aunts. I think everyone should be a civilized reader, so as to reduce the workload of my uncles and aunts.   I had a full "May Day", I think "labor is the most glorious"! 10.劳动节英语日记   The annual happy May Day is here again. Today, everyone in the whole company took their children to sing karaoke, and I followed my mother.   When I arrived at the karaoke hall, I saw that it was not very bright, but the lights were colorful, flickering and beautiful. Began to sing, sounded wonderful music, everyone listened quietly. The first one is a big brother. I don"t know what song he sings. He also got 98 points. It"s really great. Then a little sister sang "only mother is good in the world" and got 100 points. Everyone applauded warmly. I almost clapped my hands red. Finally, I also sang a children"s song, but the score was not high, so I was embarrassed to say.   Although my singing is not good, I had a happy may day.
2023-07-17 00:36:151


2023-07-17 00:36:256


2023-07-17 00:37:062

pavement markings是什么意思

pavement markings路面标线双语对照词典结果:pavement markings交通标志,路面标线; 例句:1.Permanent traffic control devices consists of signing, delineation, pavement markings,guardrail, and fencing. 永久性交通管制装置包括标志、圈定、路面标线、扶栏和围栏。
2023-07-17 00:37:142


2023-07-17 00:37:211


【 #英语资源# 导语】交通是国民经济的命脉,交通安全不仅关系到国民经济的发展,也与广大人民群众的生命财产密切相关。以下是 无 为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。 1.交通安全英语作文范文   Traffic safety is often ignored by people. In fact, traffic safety is around us. Especially for those who don"t obey the traffic rules.   It was a cloudy and sunny day. My mother and I were walking in the street. On the way, several junior middle school students riding bicycles came into my mother"s sight. I saw them in groups, looking very happy. They were chatting while riding bicycles. They ride to an intersection, do not obey the traffic rules, but also when the traffic light is a sundry. No matter whether you rush the red light or the green light, this behavior of running the red light adds some potential safety hazards to them.   My mother and I didn"t go far. As soon as I looked back, I didn"t expect it. At that intersection, a car came and rushed towards junior high school students. Crashed a bicycle. I heard several junior high school students screaming, one of them was injured. How can this case not teach them a lesson?   Another time, I was going to school in my father"s car. I saw an uncle running a red light, overtaking and crashing for his children"s school. Although the uncle didn"t encounter any traffic accident, I also deeply understood the meaning of "precious life".   I suddenly remembered a traffic detour: "stop at the red light, go at the green light, and stop at the yellow light."   In normal life, even if there is something urgent or competition, I will keep reminding my father not to run the red light. Sometimes my father comes home late for entertainment. I often tell him that he can"t drive after drinking. If my father doesn"t listen, I will talk to my father about the harm of driving after drinking, so that my father can wake up again and again, and then he will take a taxi home consciously.   Let"s consciously abide by the traffic rules, so that our home has no traffic hazards and no traffic troubles! 2.交通安全英语作文范文   Life is unique and precious. The world becomes wonderful because of life. Do you cherish your life? If you want to protect your life, please obey the traffic rules.   From the ancient century to the present, not only the dynasties are changing, but also science is becoming more and more developed in transportation. In a prosperous society, there are more and more vehicles on the street. Maybe at this time, your negligence or violation will not only bring inconvenience to the traffic, but also cast a shadow on your mind.   According to incomplete statistics, 21922 traffic accidents occurred in Fujian Province in 2006, 3871 people were killed, 25000 people were injured and more than 80 million yuan was lost. The death toll of traffic accidents in China has always been the first in the world in recent 10 years. How many families lost their loved ones due to the car accident; How many families are in debt because of their responsibility to compensate for car accidents   Last weekend, when my mother and I were floating across the square, we suddenly heard a scream behind us. I looked back, "Zhi..." with the harsh brake sound, a van had stopped in front of a little girl who fell to the ground. At the same time, a group of people rushed to the other side, and my mother and I crowded past. The girl was shocked and pale. After a long time, she cried. The girl"s mother leaned down and lifted up the girl"s trousers and sleeves. The bloody hands and feet were really distressing. The woman did emergency treatment for the child, so she quickly asked the van driver to take the child to the hospital. The people around said, "Hey, this girl really doesn"t obey the traffic rules. Fortunately, it"s no big deal." the car accident made me feel the seriousness of failing to obey the traffic rules. Because a moment of carelessness will bring irreparable mental harm to people.   Here, I appeal to every classmate and friend: "traffic safety depends on us all. We should establish the concept of starting from me, starting from small things and starting from now on, and everyone strives to be a good citizen who abides by traffic rules. I believe that with the joint efforts of all of us, traffic accidents must be far away from us, and tomorrow will be more happy and perfect! 3.交通安全英语作文范文   Roads, one by one, cross the city. The cars speeding on the road also bring vitality to the prosperity of the city. However, on this dynamic road, many people have paid the price of their lives because of traffic accidents.   Traffic accidents are often caused by man-made non-compliance with traffic rules. Traffic accidents can be completely avoided. As long as you don"t run the red light, climb over the guardrail, drive faster... And so on. Doing this can avoid many traffic accidents.   During the winter vacation, I took a bus to class by myself. Many people who violate traffic accidents are found: some do not take the "zebra crossing" and cross the road obliquely in order to get to the bus quickly; Some learned from Comrade Liu Xiang. No matter it was 3721, they did not look at the warning words on the guardrail and directly jumped over the guardrail. The car passed by them, which was very dangerous.   On the bus, I found that some drivers were careless: the door opened before the bus entered the station; Or the door is not closed and the accelerator has been pressed to the bottom; Some drivers drive while chatting with people nearby. No one will look at the slogan in the full carriage: for the safety of you and others, please don"t chat with the driver! Some drivers have to burst the accelerator in order to be in a hurry. A left wheel and a right wheel make the car no different from a pirate ship.   There are countless examples. Too many people are full of confidence in themselves. However, traffic accidents often occur because of too much confidence. Only one life! Drivers who expect to drive cars and people walking on the road should pay attention to safety. Because life is more important than Mount Tai. 4.交通安全英语作文范文   In a modern society, our life is inseparable from traffic, and traffic safety is also a problem that can not be ignored. We must start from me. But some people don"t pay attention to traffic safety. Have you ever thought that a little negligence may cause regret in your life.   I remember once, when I was walking home from school, I suddenly heard a "hiss -" sound of emergency braking and impact not far away. I heard that a school bus had collided with a turning car. The front of the car hit the rear of the school bus. The paint of the school bus had been knocked off, and some of it was deformed, and the car"s lights had also been knocked off. I was shocked and thought: how dangerous there are so many students on the school bus!   If the driver"s reaction was a little slow, the car"s budding flowers might have been killed by the car accident before they could bloom. The thought scared me into a cold sweat. At this time, the owners of both sides argued. I came closer and smelled that there was a bad smell of wine on the car owner. Obviously, I drank a lot of wine. At this time, the traffic police also rushed to the scene to deal with the traffic accident.   Those drunk drivers should not let their lives linger on the line of life and death; Those who don"t obey the traffic rules, please obey the traffic rules! As a primary school student, I must set an example and strictly abide by the traffic rules. 5.交通安全英语作文范文   I believe you should have heard of this word as much as I do. This word has been said thousands of times by TV news announcers since the reform and opening up, but I still want to say it this day. What does unsafe traffic mean? It means that people will lose their lives as tragically as the people in the Second World War. Life, do you understand how important a word is? You can"t buy it with gold. Can you afford it?   At the moment, the world is developing faster and faster. Human beings invented mechanical means of transportation that can make the world "small" hundreds of years ago, such as aircraft, which are supersonic at the moment. Not to mention the big ones, in the city where we live, handsome cars are flying everywhere to serve people. Smart people understand that technology is a "double-edged sword". In order to let cars know how to be humble to each other, they also invented traffic rules. But some cars take risks for a moment"s pleasure and violate the traffic rules to protect their lives. I"d rather not have a car or a plane. If you have a recommendation for traffic rules, you can put it forward instead of using action to attract the police to educate you. This is not only dangerous, it may also take your life. Don"t you think it"s worth it? People can save cars and money, but they can"t save people. Let"s not talk about yourself. Do you think you deserve to love you and the people you love? Did your parents raise you white for decades just for a funeral for a white haired man to a black haired man? But now there are traffic accidents on earth every day, but there is only one life.   Even for the hard won but easily lost life of ourselves, for the relatives who are still looking forward to returning home, we must be polite and strictly abide by the traffic rules when driving. For the earth, for life, for the perfect tomorrow of mankind, traffic safety is everyone"s responsibility.
2023-07-17 00:37:301


1.Stop at the red light and walk when it turns green. Don"t run a red light.红灯停绿灯行。不要闯红灯。2.Walk along the pavement走人行道3.Take the zebra crossing,pedestrian overpass or underpass to cross the road. 请走斑马线,禁止横穿马路。4.Whils walking in the street or on the roadside,children of pre-school age must be led by on adult.在街道或路旁行走时,学龄前儿童必须由成人陪伴。5.Don"t cross the road when a vehicle is appoaching车辆靠近时不要穿马路6.Don"t play basketballor football on the road禁止在街上打篮球和足球
2023-07-17 00:37:414


2023-07-17 00:37:502


儿童护栏围栏Children fence
2023-07-17 00:38:352


Welcome to the park,Now,You should know some rules:No.1:Don"t pick the flowers.NO.2:Don"t park the bus or carNO.3:Don"tthrow the trash anywhereNO.4:Don"t spit angwhere.NO.5:Don"t take the pets to parkNO.6:Parents please take care of your children. Visitors should not climb the guardrailNO.7:Don"t climb the trees.NO.8:Please Keep Off the Grass NO.9:No spitting NO.10:Hands Off
2023-07-17 00:38:491


1、喝酒过多伤肝,酒后驾车要命。 Drinking too much hurts the liver and driving after drinking. 2、行车都抢先,事故在后边。 The traffic is all ahead, and the accident is behind. 3、刮风下雨路滑,不要抢道回家。 It"s windy and rainy and slippery. Don"t rush home. 4、交通法规人人遵守,文明城市处处安全。 Traffic laws are observed by everyone and civilized cities are everywhere safe. 5、车祸猛如虎,千万莫马虎。 A traffic accident is as fierce as a tiger. 6、忍一忍风平浪静,让一让海阔天空。 Endure, endure, calm and calm, let one let the sky and the sky. 7、一秒钟车祸,一辈子痛苦。 A second car accident, a lifetime of pain. 8、遵守交通法规,关爱生命旅程。 Obey traffic regulations and love life journey. 9、一人出车全家念,一人平安全家福。 One person goes out to study, and the whole family reads safely. 10、违章与事故同在,守纪与安全永存。 Violation and accident are the same, discipline and safety remain forever. 11、超车超速痛快一时,酿成车祸悔恨一生。 Overtaking and speeding is a good time, causing traffic accidents and remorsing all one"s life. 12、酒性发作不由人,醉酒开车祸害深。 Alcoholic attack is not caused by people. 13、道路连者你和他,安全系着千万家。 You and him are safely connected with millions of roads. 14、宁停三分为安全,礼让三先保平安。 Ning stops three points for safety, and ity three guarantees peace first. 15、发展以市场为本,生存以安全为先。 Development is market oriented, and survival is safety first. 16、人不斜穿,不车越线,各行其道。 People do not slant, do not cross the line. 17、安全是最大的节约,事故是最大的浪费。 Safety is the biggest saving. Accidents are the biggest waste. 18、安全是生命之本,违章是事故之源。 Safety is the foundation of life, and violation is the source of accidents. 19、穿马路越护栏,不守法是隐患。 Crossing the road and crossing the guardrail is a hidden danger. 20、不讲卫生要生病,不讲安全要送命。 If you don"t talk about hygiene, you should be sick. 21、乱穿马路最危险,文明行路保安全。 Crossing the road is the most dangerous and civilized way is safe. 22、道路非比球场,不要合理冲撞。 The road is not better than the golf course. 23、礼让三先,路畅民安。 Courtesy three is the first. 24、法规记心中,三思而后行。 Keep your mind in mind. 25、出了车祸速报警,救死扶伤见真情。 There was a car accident and the alarm was reported. 26、乱穿马路,失道无助。 Crossing the road is no help. 27、步步小心,安全是金。 Step by step, safety is gold. 28、生命只有一次,平安伴君一生。 There is only one life. 29、做一名美和爱的使者。 Be a messenger of beauty and love. 30、文明礼让安全在,瞬间麻痹事故来。 Civilized courtesy safety, in a moment, paralyzing the accident. 31、威风不在车速高,安全才是第一招。 Prestige is not high speed, safety is the first move. 32、礼让礼让,人车无恙。 Courtesy and courtesy, people and cars are unharmed. 33、酒后驾车,拿命赌博。 Drink and drive, take your life and gamble. 34、享受通行权利,应尽安全义务。 To enjoy the right of passage, we should do our duty. 35、若要亲人勿牵挂,酒后不要把车驾。 Don"t worry about your family. Don"t drive after drinking. 36、庄稼离不开阳光,安全少不了规章。 Crops can not be separated from sunlight, and safety is indispensable to regulations. 37、道路连着千万家,安全连着你我他。 The road connects to tens of millions of families, safely connecting you and me. 38、铭记法规,善待生命。 Engrave laws and regulations and treat life well. 39、礼让三分平安在,抢行一秒后悔迟。 Courtesy three points in peace, seize one second regret late. 40、宁可有理让无理,不可有理对无理。 It is better to be unreasonable than unreasonable. 41、道路通行见形象,红绿灯前看修养。 Look at the image of road traffic and look at self-cultivation before the traffic lights. 42、走过春夏秋冬,安全永驻心中。 Through the spring, summer, autumn and winter, safety is always in mind. 43、赌气是罪恶之源,忍让才能保证安全。 Anger is the source of evil, and patience is the guarantee of safety. 44、走遍东西南北中,安全二字记心中。 Throughout the East, West, North and south, o words of safety are in mind. 45、要想效益好,安全最重要。 Safety is the most important thing if we want to achieve good results. 46、交通法规人人遵守,文明社区家家幸福。 Traffic laws are observed by everyone and civilized munities are happy. 47、违章横穿高速路,难免踏上黄泉路。 Illegal crossing across the expressway will inevitably lead to Huang Quan road. 48、安全带常系生命线,红绿灯常护遵章人。 Seat belts are often lifeline, and traffic lights always protect people. 49、妻子儿女望穿眼,盼你安全把家还。 Wife and children hope to wear your eyes and hope you can return home safely. 50、减速慢行勿争先,关照生命到永远。 Slow down slowly, do not rush ahead, take care of life forever. 51、遵守交规,储蓄安全。 Obey the regulations and save safely. 52、彼此让一让,路宽心舒畅。 Let each other give way and broaden the mind. 53、违章是事故的先导。 Violation is the forerunner of accidents. 54、彼此让一让,安全有保障。 Giving each other a guarantee is safe. 55、违章驾驶,害人害己。 Driving illegally, harming others and harming oneself. 56、交通法规,生命之友。 Traffic laws, friends of life. 57、谨慎驾驶千趟少,大意行车一回多。 Drive with caution and drive less. 58、安全与守法同在,事故与违法相随。 Safety and law-abiding are the same. Accidents and violations follow. 59、让与争一闪念,生与死一瞬间。 Let"s struggle for a moment. 60、没有红灯停,哪来绿灯行。 Where is the green light without stopping the red light? 61、车好、路好,安全最好。 Good car, good road, safety is the best. 62、手握方向盘,脚踩人命关。 Hold the steering wheel and foot the door. 63、各行其道,安全可靠。 Each goes its own way and is safe and reliable. 64、路为国脉,法系民魂。 The road is the national vein, the law system people"s soul. 65、酒后驾车,生命打折。 Drunk driving, life discount. 66、人行道车莫占,车行道人莫穿。 The pavement is not occupied by cars. 67、马路如虎口,劝君多留神。 The road is like a tiger"s mouth. 68、行路守法法有情,平安回家家温馨。 Law-abiding law, love, peace home home warm. 69、行路慎为本,开车礼当先。 The road is prudent and the driving ceremony is the first. 70、心存侥幸,必遭不幸。 Luck will be unfortunate. 71、宁停三分,不抢一秒。 Ning stop three minutes, do not grab a second. 72、宁绕百步远,不抢一步险。 Better to take a hundred steps than to take a risk. 73、心无交规,路有坎坷。 The road is rough without the heart. 74、开车一心一意,做人仁心仁意。 Drive wholeheartedly and be a man of benevolence and benevolence.
2023-07-17 00:38:561


黄果树,看能不能帮到你!Huangguoshu Waterfall in Guizhou guide words, ladies and gentlemen : Today we will visit scenic spots is the Huangguoshu Falls. Huangguoshu Waterfall is the first in the Fall, as well as in the world wide to the Great Falls one. In November 1982, the People"s Republic of China State Council approved, Huangguoshu Falls has been listed as a national key scenic spots. Huangguoshu waterfall from the provincial capital of Guiyang City, 137 km, Guizhou Province is located in the western Zhenning Guanling County and the contiguous counties Dabang Baishuihe River on the River tributaries on. Guiyang from traveling to Huangguoshu, about a half-hour or so. Huangguoshu Waterfall have to, you see, this is already the world famous China"s largest waterfall. Huangguoshu Falls 68 meters high, with waterfalls, waterfalls, six meters high total of 74 meters, 81 meters wide, Floodwaters in the summer, If the Yellow River Falls reversing dumping, cliffs shook, the bottom Honglei, ten passage can also hear its roar; Due to the strong impact of water flow, damage the spray can diffuse more than a few hundred meters, so that the waterfall is located on the top of the left Tsaitsu and markets often damage the mist shrouded. Visitors that the "silver rain throwing Street." Small winter and spring water, waterfalls into it from March 5 lock-down pegged to the roof, far from view, a curtain of white floated down, triumphantly Sasa, If the middle of silk, if cents differentiates the breeze held, such as ladies Wun Sha .... For hundreds of years, the majestic appearance Huangguoshu waterfall has been for many writers and scholars have marveled. Guizhou Qing Dynasty famous calligrapher, "Summer Palace" is a misnomer that the amount of those Yan Yin-in "cottage look," wrote the couplet : "White as cotton, and not bow spent shells from casual. Hongxia decorated, Mr need woven days Generation " more vivid image summed up the Huangguoshu Waterfall magnificent scenery. Now, we come to a waterfall fell Department --- rhino Tam. This takes into account the legend of gods and Tam rhinoceros named hidden underwater. Rhinoceros are no gods, no one has ever seen, but the mysterious and remote lake, there is still, no one stood Here, the chapter will train together. If sunny 10:00 or 16:00 or so, as the sunlight refraction, You can also blow through the waterfall being spun off by the rain and fog, to see which rises from the pit of seven-color rainbow, so that you Fireweed majestic appearance of Earth, Li Zhao Yan days flu. Why has this waterfall named Huangguoshu waterfall, and not what other other waterfall? According to folklore, is a tree in the edge of a waterfall tall Ficus virens, according to the local accent, "Electric" and "fruit" pronunciation, and I used to call on people to Huangguoshu, which is a statement. There is also the view that a long time ago legend waterfall nearby farmers like yellow fruit species, the edge of a waterfall has a large yellow orchards, so they made the Huangguoshu waterfall as a waterfall. And the rest of the world famous Great Falls, the Huangguoshu Falls Although no African Victoria Falls, Niagara Falls, North America, Venezuela Angel Falls is so wide, and highly ambitious, but Huangguoshu Falls has its peculiar, it is the world"s most karst areas at the Falls, is the most spectacular waterfall. The Falls is like a strange magnetic stones, in its ground and underground water, Water also adsorption eyes with a series of voice in the landscape. One of the most magical one is hidden in a waterfall gully holes in the cliff Gallery, as Wisteria cling hole, water pegged Fly, known as "Seorak." This is the world"s other great waterfall not a peculiar landscape. Ladies and gentlemen, "Seorak" has come and the Seorak length of 134 meters, which consists of six holes window 3 units hole vents and six channel formed. According to Chinese legend arranged large television drama "Journey to the West" Seorak a drama, is here filming. This is the first window hole, it"s the lowest position, the pool from the rhino-only 40 meters, but the hole is the most generous windows, 10 meters wide, In the first place, the middle two waterfalls, a river even when 2% of the Water Curtain Falls, the hole will seal all windows; Water was fourth hour began, from a few meters to 10 meters range, Min, as can be arbitrarily CDCC the curtains. This is the second hole window, it is from the window of the first hole only about 4 meters. This is a quiet world, known as the Crystal Palace. It is the heart of Seorak, is 11 meters long, nine meters high and three meters wide. A roadside springs, the clear, bright and clean water in a year round water level. Top of many hanging stalactite, the straw stalactite-like there are precious stone curl. Also on the wall hung countless Shiman, stone screens. This is the third hole window, it highlights the field, much like a balcony. This window is a hole-meter, 3-meter-long, the outside perimeter guard, visitors can stand behind the guardrail hand touch Falls, People here so called "touch waterfall Taiwan." Ladies and gentlemen, we now visit the landscape is rhino Tam Valley landscape. Look, from the waist down rhino is a one contiguous or water, followed by rhino Lake, the three Beach, Horseshoe Beach, Fish oil wells, and so on. In this series in the lake, of course, is headed by Tan rhinoceros, it was 17.7 meters deep, often splash beads coverage, in the fog Chu drowned. As long as the sun, a waterfall splashes beads often hung colorful rainbow, with people moving and unpredictable. Huangguoshu Waterfall Why so? This is because the Huangguoshu Waterfall located in the Karst region, the flow is caused by erosion. Traceability erosion crack when they arrived at upper reaches of the river erosion along the karst fracture, corrosion, erosion, abrasion, and gradually expand the pipeline, formation of holes and not charged underground river; Form into local river water after the water sink in Liuzitian ratio gradually increased, created the unique karst region capture, in-flow into water sink in Liuzitian, on the formation of water sink in Liuzitian-waterfall. With water erosion and collapse strategy has steadily increased, more and more underground river cave, So along the surface wadis clustered development of the shaft and skylights, which have continued to expand, merging, Collapse, causing the present magnificent Huangguoshu Falls and Falls downstream deeply dangerous gorge. I hope you raise your camera and shoot Huangguoshu Waterfall, stay in your memory, publicity to more people, because China is the Huangguoshu Waterfall and also belongs to the world.
2023-07-17 00:39:061

汽车音响 英文怎么说

car audio system
2023-07-17 00:39:152


1.关于交通安全的英文句子 1.不能无证驾驶,应懂的交通安全规则 .A driver should know the traffic rules and he is not allowed to drive without driving license. 2.遵守交通规则,不该闯红灯.One should obey the traffic rules and should not run the red light. 3.不应该酒后驾车。 Driving after drunk is not allowed. 4.不应该在驾车时接电话或做一些不利于开车的事. When you are driving, you should not telephone or do something harmful to driving.。 2.10句标语【英语】有关交通安全方面的 要有注解 Yield and watch for bicycles 注意自行车-公路上的) Unmarked intersection ahead (前方是没有标志的十字路口--慢行) Lane crossover with width restriction: 前方十字路口有宽度限制) Lane shift with width restriction: 前方上坡 有宽度限制 Mandatory direction of travel 主干道 Hiker"s parking: 宿营地 Customs post 海关邮筒 Detour direction sign 绕行标志 pproaching end of motorway 即将驶出高速。 Dangerous bend 弯道危险 Diverted traffic 交叉路口 Look left (right) 向左(右)看。 New hours of parking control 停车控制新时段 No entry 禁止驶人 No stopping at any time 任何时间不准停车 No thoroughfare 禁止通行 Pedestrian crossing ahead 注意前方人行横道。 Pedestrian crossing 人行横道 Please drive carefully 请小心驾驶。 Road closed 此路封闭 Slow, school 前方学校请慢行。 Speed limit of 48kmh 限速每小时48公里 The law requires you wear a seatbelt 法规要求系安全带。 3.给几句 英文交通规则 的句子 . Always buckle up. 永远系好安全带。 2. Put your children in back!把您的孩子放在后座上! 3. Never drunk drive! 决不酒后驾驶! 美国的醉酒问题很严重,酒后开车出的事故也比其他原因的事故多。据说,每五个美国人中,有三个在他的一生中,都会遇到酒后开车的大大小小的事故。各州对于酒后驾驶的处罚也非常严厉,除了罚款,扣分,试情形还要坐牢。你可能还会听说DUI Law,也就是Driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol,这条法规禁止在使用毒品,造成神志不清醒的药物和酒精的情况下开车,抓到了,处罚也非常严厉。很多美国人有去酒吧喝酒聊天的习惯,所以交通部门建议最好有一个人保持清醒以便驾驶。另外,如果真的喝多了,有些酒吧也会免费提供出租车送你回家。 4. You always have to stop at a stop sign. 在停车标志前,你永远要停。 5. In a crosswalk, pedestrians have the right of way. 在过街人行道上,行人有先行权。 4.跪求5句用英语写的交通规则 中文文章: 第一条 为加强城市交通管理,便利交通运输,维护交通安全,以适应国家经济建设的需要,制定本规则。 第二条 机关、军队、团体、企业、学校的人员、车辆驾驶员、市民以及临时来往城市的一切人员,都必须遵守本规则并听从交通民警的指挥。 第三条 机关、军队、团体、企业、学校等部门的车辆管理人员和乘车人员,不准迫使、纵容驾驶人员违犯本规则。 第四条 遇到本规则没有规定的情况,车辆、行人必须在不妨碍交通安全的原则下通行。 第五条 驾驶车辆,赶、骑牲畜,都必须在道路的右边行进。 第六条 没有经过当地公安局的同意,不准占用人行道、车行道或进行其他妨碍交通的活动。 第七条 铁道与街道交叉的路口,必须安装护栏等安全设备。 英文翻译: Article 1 in order to strengthen urban traffic management, convenient transportation, maintain traffic safety, to adapt to the needs of the national economic construction, these rules have been formulated. Article 2 organs, armed forces, organizations, enterprises and school personnel, vehicles, drivers, citizens and temporary all personnel, associate city must abide by the rules and obey the traffic police command. Article 3 organs, armed forces, organizations, enterprises, schools of various departments such as vehicle management personnel and driving personnel, no forced and conniving violates the rules professional drivers who. Article 4 meet this rules and no provisions of, vehicles, pedestrians must not interfere with under the principle of traffic safety traffic. Article 5 driving vehicles, cast, riding a beast, it must be in road on the right side of the road. Article 6 without the consent of the local public security bureau, no sidewalks, roadway or other impede traffic activities. Article 7 the railroad and street intersection, cross must be installed a guardrail etc. Safety equipment.
2023-07-17 00:39:231


法律分析:是违法,可以要求拆除,协商不成,可以通过诉讼解决。法律依据:《中华人民共和国民事诉讼法》 第一百一十九条 起诉必须符合下列条件:(一)原告是与本案有直接利害关系的公民、法人和其他组织;(二)有明确的被告;(三)有具体的诉讼请求和事实、理由;(四)属于人民法院受理民事诉讼的范围和受诉人民法院管辖。
2023-07-17 00:40:001

IA mayu gumi如果下雨了 English.ver的歌词

If It RainsThe dark blue color of the rain falling on the passing trainLooking at the world through this window, nothing seems to be the sameWaiting for the morning breeze, dewdrops on the grass and treesCome alive and dance in the light, scattering colors as they pleaseRippling, as I try to peer and seeWhat"s inside this puddle right here, an umbrella held over meRainboots hitting ground, jumping up and down, and then suddenly in my sightI thought I saw something from way back as I stared into the lightTulala, the rain falls down, knocking on the door to my heartAnd the sky remembers what may now be broken apartThe day I sat along the sidelines of the ticket gate all aloneI found a gift of warmth and love that needed a homeThe orange glow of roadside lights dotted ‘long the cloudy skyMaking shadows come and go before we bid them all goodbyeLeaving on the trail we know, footprints in the mud belowBut they lose their form and return to the days from long agoRippling, as I try to peer and seeWhat"s inside this puddle right here, an umbrella held over meWhat I saw that time was this face of mine that had spoke so honestlyI felt a brush on my knees but it was gone in a beatTulala, the rain falls down, knocking on the door to my heartAnd the sky remembers what may now be broken apartThe day I hid inside the convenience store ‘til it was late in the dayI guessed I"d buy a juice box and be on my wayWalking down the concrete road I see people coming, going, passing meFinally, folding my umbrella up, I put it in my bag with all my stuffSuddenly in the corner of my eye, I see some kids laughing and running byAs for the wish that I had pocketed, how long"s it been since I"ve lost track of it?The sun begins to drift behind the clouds and all the light becomes a pale glowI watch the city as it"s fading out, see off the colors that it used to knowThe ripples in the puddles in my view all catch the light and give off golden huesAnd as the grey rainy clouds now start to leave, twinkling stars appear, all shining throughAnd the bright moon sends out a cleansing breezeWrapping and wrapping all around meSwaying branches of the trees along the roadThere a single droplet fallsLit up by the the moon"s shimmering glow, the plaza is shining from wall to wallAnd just then, I crouched down to look at the world all aroundPast the guardrail"s line, I can see on the other sideEven though today"s such a rainy dayThe flowers of the hydrangeas smile at meAs if I were inside of a dreamTulala, the rain falls down, knocking on the door to my heartAnd the sky remembers what may now be broken apartToday comes to an end as the lights in the city fade out slowlyBut I see around tonight"s crescent moon are stars in the night sky shining brightlyI feel a breeze rushing by me, dancing ‘round this placeIt sparks something inside of me and leaves without a traceI can see it pass the buildings but it is late in the dayI guess I"ll drink my juice box and be on my way请采纳哦~
2023-07-17 00:40:071


Children can not climb the window and balcony guardrail.
2023-07-17 00:40:142


1、安全是回家唯一的捷径。 Safety is the only way home. 2、珍爱生命,严守交规。 Cherish life, strictly abide by the rules. 3、宁停三分,不抢一秒。 It"s better to stop for three minutes than to grab a second. 4、莫图一时快,肇事全家哀。 Motu quickly caused the whole family to mourn. 5、彼此让一让,安全有保障。 Make concessions to each other to ensure safety. 6、事业再成功,醉驾一场空。 Successful career, drunk driving empty. 7、手握方向盘,时刻想安全! Hold the steering wheel, always want to be safe! 8、你让我让,路路通畅。 You let me make the road clear. 9、开车不超速,安全伴一路。 Driving without speeding is a safe panion. 10、守交通规则,树文明新风。 Obey traffic rules and create a new culture of civilization. 11、心无交规,路有坎坷。 Heart has no rules, road has bumps. 12、礼则让,让则通,通则久。 Courtesy makes concessions, concessions make passes, and generalizations last. 13、交规学记用,安全你我他。 Traffic rules, safe you, me and him. 14、车行有道,交通有德。 The traffic is virtuous. 15、珍爱生命不要翻越护栏。 Cherish life and don"t jump over the guardrail. 16、交规脑后,事故眼前。 Behind the rules, before the accident. 17、懈谨慎上路,载幸福回家。 Relax and prudent on the road, carry happiness home. 18、路为国脉,法系民魂。 Road is the national context, the soul of the legal system. 19、国法如山,逃逸必捉。 National law is like a mountain, if you run away, you will catch it. 20、驾车不喝酒,路上好行走。 Driving without drinking makes it easy to walk on the road. 21、违章超载,得不偿失。 Illegal overloading is not worth the loss. 22、道路要畅通,秩序是保障。 The road should be open and order is the guarantee. 23、天天讲交通安全不是玩笑。 It"s no joke to talk about traffic safety every day. 24、记得我的爱,系好安全带。 Remember my love and fasten your seat belt. 25、酒后驾车,生命打折。 Drinking, driving, life discount. 26、铭记交规,善待生命。 Keep in mind the rules and treat life kindly. 27、车行万里路,走好每一步。 Driving thousands of miles, take every step well. 28、各行其道,安全畅通。 All walks of life are safe and unobstructed. 29、但愿人长久,千里共平安。 I hope people will be safe for a long time. 30、礼让是美德,生命有保障。 Comity is a virtue and life is guaranteed. 31、莫道行车易,违章难平安。 It"s easy to drive on a mooring road, but it"s hard to be safe if you break the rules. 32、损人是祸,让人是福。 Hurting people is a misfortune and making people happy. 33、相会有缘,相让有礼。 Meeting is fate, meeting is courteous. 34、路路用心,人人安心。 Everyone is at ease with his heart. 35、彼此让一让,路宽心更宽。 Give way to each other, and the road will be more relaxed. 36、疲劳驾驶等于方向失灵。 Fatigue driving equals direction failure. 37、开车斗气,害人害已。 Driving is harmful. 38、方向在手中安全记心中。 Direction is safe in mind. 39、祸起瞬间,防患未然。 An instant disaster prevents it. 40、一人出行,全家牵挂。 One person travels, the whole family is concerned about. 41、快车乐一时,祸起痛一生。 An express train is a joy for a while, and a misfortune is a pain for a lifetime. 42、车好、路好,安全最好。 Good car, good road, the best safety. 43、红灯短暂,生命无限。 Red light is short, life is infinite. 44、车铃开口叫,请你让开道。 The bell opens. Please let the lane open. 45、法规在心中,安全在手中。 Regulations are in the heart and safe in the hands. 46、步行靠路边,乘车不争先。 Walk by the side of the road, take the car first. 47、交通齐遵守,平安天天有。 Traffic is plied with and there is peace every day. 48、人生美好,步步小心。 Life is beautiful, be careful step by step. 49、法规记心中,三思而后行。 The law should be kept in mind, but think ice before you act. 50、勿贪近路,勿抢时间。 Don"t take shortcuts, don"t rush for time. 51、高速公路,行驶适速。 Highway, speed. 52、遵守交通法规是美德! Compliance with traffic regulations is a virtue!
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2023-07-17 00:40:441


点光源护栏管_有道翻译翻译结果:Point lights guardrail tubetube英 [tjuu02d0b]美 [tub]n. 管;电子管;隧道;电视机vt. 使成管状;把…装管;用管输送vi. 乘地铁;不及格更多释义>>[网络短语]tube 管子,夏之管,真空管
2023-07-17 00:40:521


I live in the mountains of West Virginia.,我住在弗吉尼亚西部的山区,The curvy, winding roads,山路蜿蜒曲折,and the vast woodlands,山林广袤,often lead to near misses with the local deer.,车辆长长与山中冲出来的鹿擦肩而过,The other day,有一天,I was driving my son,我开车带着儿子,to work at the sheltered workshop,送他去工坊干活,when we saw a deer in the road,我们在公路上看到一只鹿,that hadn"t been so lucky.,已经没了生机,The driver in front of me,开在前面的车的司机,suddenly swerved,突然转向,to avoid hitting the corpse,避免撞到鹿的尸体,and I quickly followed him,我很快做出同样的操作,jerking the steering wheel,猛地一转方向盘,to get back in the right lane,想要回到右边的车道,before the next blind curve.,赶在下一个视野不佳的弯道出现之前,I could see that,我能看到,the way the dead deer was lying beeen o blind curves,死掉的鹿正躺在两个视野不佳的弯道中间,we had an accident waiting to happen.,我们很可能在那里遇到车祸,After dropping my son off,我把儿子送到目的地之后,I hurried back,我赶紧掉头开回来,and saw the deer was still in the road.,发现那头死鹿还呆在路上,There was a wide spot,我发现一处宽敞的空地,on the side of the road.,就在路边,I pulled over.,我停下车,I got out of my car,我下了车,and walked up to where the deer was.,步行走到死鹿躺着的地方,Looking both ways for cars,向两边看了一下是否有车辆来去,I ran over to the body.,接着就跑到鹿的尸体旁边,It was laying in a pool of blood and excrement.,它躺在血泊中间,血泊中还有许多污秽,I reached down,我躬身,and grabbed its broken hind leg.,抓住了它已经折断的后腿,I backed up quickly,我很快往后退,dragging it behind me,后面拖着那头鹿,to the side of the road.,来到了路边,I looked down at the majestic animal,我低头看着这体型庞大的动物,as I wiped off my hands in the wet snow by the guardrail .,在护栏边溼漉漉的积雪中擦干净手上的血迹,“So sorry my friend,”,“真对不起,伙伴”,I said to him.,我对那头鹿说,I sadly walked back to my car,我怀着悲伤走回自己的车,knowing that,知道,the crows, buzzards, and other scavengers,乌鸦,秃鹫,还有其他的食腐动物,would soon take care of the remains.,很快就会把它的遗骸处理干净,I was still thinking of that beautiful deer,我一直想着那只原本美丽的鹿,later in the day,那天晚些时候,when I turned on my puter.,我打开自己的电脑,As it came on,屏幕亮时,I *** iled with surprise and delight.,我吃了一惊,欣喜微笑了,I had fotten what,我已然忘了,my most recent screen saver was:,自己最近设置的屏图片,a picture of a deer,是一只鹿,in a field of wild flowers,它站在一丛野花中,staring at the sunrise.,擡头看着日出,I wondered if,我心想,that deer"s spirit,或许那头鹿,was in a heavenly meadow right now,此刻已经在某个仙境的草地上,perhaps romping,或许它正在嬉戏,and playing with some of my own furry friends,抑或正在与许多我的毛茸茸的朋友们玩耍,who had passed.,它们都已离我而去,I wondered too,我还在想,about the time I had left here.,自己在这个世间还有多少时间,Would it be days, months, or many years?,是几天,几个月,还是许多年?,I shook my head,,我摇摇头,laughed and decided that,笑着笃信道,it didn"t matter,这无关紧要,just as long as,只要,I lived the time,在余下的光阴里,I had left with love, kindness, and joy.,我都怀着爱意,善良和喜悦过下去,May you do the same.,希望你也是如此
2023-07-17 00:40:591


住宅的栏杆立杆间距是要求净空间不大于11cm,包括横杆间距与离地间距。有规范,根据国家强制规范规定,阳台护栏立柱间净距离不得大于110毫米,总高度不得小于1100毫米。  阳台护栏英文BalconyGuardrail是阳台对外边缘的美化和防护设施,由合金管材经过焊接或组装而成。常见的低窗台距地0.5米左右,如果紧贴内墙增加0.4米护栏或栅栏肯定达到规范要求的防护措施。如果窗台台面太大,如凸窗等,小孩经常站在窗台上眺望,而且使用者也必须站到窗台上开启窗户,这时,附加在窗台上的护栏本身高度应达到0.9米。
2023-07-17 00:41:191


JTG/T D81-2017《公路交通安全设施涉及细则》JT/T 281-2007《中华人民共和国交通行业标准-公路波形梁钢护栏》GB/T 31439《波形梁钢护栏》JTGB05-01-2013《公路护栏安全性能评价标准》GB/T 18226-2000《高速公路交通工程钢构件防腐技术条件》AASHTO M 180-11《Corrugated Sheet Steal Beams for Highway Guardrail》希望以上能够帮助到您,谢谢
2023-07-17 00:41:301


中学生 take part in traffic as a important charater have to abey the rulesThe first ,中学生 couldn"t against the single light move before it allow Sencond is when 中学生 riding they should ride close to the right sideThird is don"t jump over the guardrail
2023-07-17 00:42:212


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除了像在纽约这样有着便捷公共交通服务工具的大城市生活,美国大部分地区的老百姓都得以车代步。车开得久了难免在路上发生一些小摩擦,发生小事故人没受伤倒没什么可怕的,关键就怕发生事故之后慌了神、不知如何处理。 hoolilaw的朋友小木最近刚考到驾照、买了新车没多久,驾龄尚浅也没什么处理交通事故的经验。上周她开车上班时,在一条既可右转也可直行的路口等待右转,绿灯亮起后突然从她右侧只能右转的车道上冲出一辆直行汽车,直接撞上了小木汽车的右前方。 事故发生速度之快让从未经历过交通事故的小木整个人都呆住了,处于劫后余生shock之中的她坐在车里茫然不知所措。肇事车主下车主动来找小木,竟称事故是小木的责任!一时不知如何是好的小木想打电话向朋友求助,结果发现手机居然忘记充电已经关机...最后小木只确认了双方司机没有受伤、车辆受损也不严重,现场也没拍照,仅迷迷糊糊地和对方交换了电话号码就离开了事发地点。 回到家仔细回想了一下整个事件经过,小木才开始后悔当场怎么不报警?对方的保险号码、驾照信息怎么没有要到手?哭着来找hoolilaw的时候hoolilaw也只能让她去当地警局补交一份事故报告。 于是,hoolilaw决定写一篇交通事故处理流程。收藏好hoolilaw这篇干货,下次咱真要在美帝碰上了交通事故千万别懵逼,该维护的权益一定维护好。当然,希望在外的我们都平平安安,最好用不上这篇科普。 Part 1 发生交通事故处理标准流程 在事故发生的那一瞬间,除了懵逼,你脑子里应该想些什么? 最关键的三件事: 1)有没有人受伤; 2)记下或拍下对方车辆的关键信息(包括车牌号、车的品牌/型号/颜色等等),以免对方司机肇事逃逸; 3)准备报警 由于每起事故都不尽相同、每个州的规定也有所差异,下面hoolilaw为大家总结了一般情况下处理交通事故的步骤和Tips,以备不时之需! 1. 将车辆开到安全区域内 如果没有人员受伤,并且事故只是轻微擦碰,在事故发生后比较安全的做法是将车移动到相对安全的区域,主要是下车与对方进行交涉时能够保证个人安全。尤其是在高速公路上发生轻微事故,将车辆移动到安全区域是比较稳妥的做法。 如果有人员受伤或者车辆严重损坏,不能移动车辆,那么就原地不动,立即开双闪(hazard warning light)。你可以在下车前先记录下对方车辆的上述相关信息,如果来不及拍照或拿笔写下来,就用大脑记忆吧! 2. 停车后在安全的情况下车 确定车辆完全停好、换到停车挡、拉好手刹、关掉引擎,防止车辆滑动出现二次事故。准备下车前,确认周围环境是否安全,在开门时要特别小心是否有来往车辆。如果你的车上有交通警示器(flares)或者相关紧急标志,可以在事故现场使用。 如果当时的情况下车很不安全,那你可以选择留在车上进行报警。这时你先不要解开安全带。无论是否下车,都首先要保证自己的安全。 3 . 拍照记录事故现场 在条件允许的情况下,在现场用手机拍照进行记录,将双方的车辆受损情况用图片的形式保存下来,之后在向保险公司索赔时很可能会派上用场。 4 . 确认是否有人员受伤 无论是你本人、乘客、路人还是事故中另一方车辆的司机,确认是否有任何一个人受伤。即使是轻微头晕,也不要不当回事。如果有任何形式的受伤,一定要第一时间拨打911请求医疗帮助。 5 . 拨打报警电话911 你以为只有发生大型交通事故才需要叫警察?错!即使是轻微的刮碰,如果你想通过保险赔付,就需要警方出具一份警察报告 (police report)。 在与警方电话沟通时,你需要明确你所在的地点(例如街道号码、周围的标志建筑物等),向警方详细解释发生的事故和现场情况,是否有人员受伤,你的姓名及联系方式等信息。另外,在与警方交涉时不要把事情夸大,要实事求是,但也要避免当场认错或者指责他人等行为。 很多情况下发生事故的司机对事故原因都有不同的意见,这也是需要警察出面的理由之一。另外警方也会从专业角度收集证据、记录现场的事故细节,例如刹车痕迹、撞击碎片等。 有时候由于天气原因、警力安排的问题,你在拨打报警电话后警方不能第一时间赶到案发现场,在这种情况下一般美国的加油站、便利店都有事故报告表格,事故车主也可以自行填写事故报告然后邮寄至当地警局(美国各地区对此会有相关规定,建议查询当地DMV网站)。 6 . 与事故中的另一方司机交换信息 这是交通事故处理中非常重要的一个步骤。全美五十个州都要求司机在发生交通事故后要交换双方必要信息,如果对方司机不配合,或者你有理由相信对方司机没有购买车辆保险,这时你就需要尽快联系警方,由警方出面索取相关信息。 1)司机姓名、地址、电话 牌照号 保险信息(保险公司名称、地址、电话及policy number) 车辆品牌、型号 任何目击证人的联系方式 事故所在的具体位置 处理事故的警察姓名及编号 7 . 与保险公司联系 这是在处理交通事故过程中的最后一步。在事故发生后,需要尽快与保险公司联系,向保险公司报案(file a claim),一般情况下你需要提供以下信息: 1)姓名 2)policy number 3)保险开始和截止日期 4)事故的日期与时间 5)双方司机、乘客及目击证人的姓名、地址、电话 6)双方驾照号码和车牌号 Part 2 上报vs私了 在现实生活中,碰到一些轻微的、没有造成双方受伤的事故(Fender Bender),比如车辆剐蹭这样的轻微状况、无人受伤是否还需要报警、联系保险公司呢? 1. 不报警的误区: 不想报警的原因主要是一旦有了警方的事故报告,有人担心自己的车辆就不是clean title了,这样在出售这辆汽车时会影响到销售价格。还有的同学可能觉得小嗑小碰还得劳警察叔叔大驾实在太麻烦。 其实,“发生交通事故后报警还是私了”的答案很大程度上取决于当时车祸的具体情况以及你身处于哪个州。 如果车祸中涉及到人员伤亡,那么大部分的州都要求你及时报警。另外有一些州规定,即使事故中只存在车辆受损的情况,当损失金额超过一定数额,一般是$1000或$2500以上,也需要上报。各州具体要求可以在当地DMV官网上查询到。 除了有些州规定发生事故后必须及时报警之外,警察不仅会从专业角度协助事故双方尽快解决问题,还能帮助车主避免很多后续不必要的麻烦。例如,有的事故发生后司机并未出现任何身体不适的状况,之后一旦发现需要医疗救治再联系另一位车主时,没有一份警察报告要求对方赔付就会相对比较困难。 2 . 不联系保险公司的误区 很多人都担心有了保险公司的介入后,自己每个月的汽车保险费将会上调;还有人说如果对方没买保险自己这边上报也是白搭。 首先大家需要知道,美国各州都规定车主在发生事故后需要联系自己的车辆保险公司,如果出现事故不上报可能会让情况变得更复杂,或者引起不必要的罚款。 其次,就算发生事故后两位车主协商决定“和平私了”,不联系保险公司,可如果对方司机回家后发现自己车辆的受损程度比当初认定的要严重、要你赔付更多的金额呢?如果事后对方司机反悔自行向保险公司提交了一份事故报告呢?那时候你再联系自己的保险公司处理赔付时,你的保险公司很可能将会以“你未及时提交事故报告”而驳回你的申请。 当然也不是所有情况都绝对需要第一时间联系警察、保险公司,如果你在自己家地盘发生了小型事故,例如自己汽车蹭到了自己的车库门、没人受伤、也没有另外的人员涉及到此事故,这种情况下谁也怪不了就自掏腰包解决问题吧。 Part 3 常用交通事故词汇 1)描述汽车 Bumper:保险杠 Fender:挡泥板 Headlight, Headlamp:前车灯 Taillight, Tail lamp:尾灯 Paint:汽车油漆 2)描述事故 Fender bender:无人员伤亡的小型交通事故 Bump:追尾 Scrape:剐蹭 Collision:碰撞 Hit and run:肇事逃逸 Slam on the break:紧急情况下突然踩刹车 Sideswiped:从旁边擦过 Plowed into the guardrail:撞上护栏 Skid on the icy road:在结冰路面上打滑 Roll over:翻滚关于hoolilaw Hoolilaw是hooli平台旗下的境外法律服务平台,目前已成为全美最大法律服务平台,两年期间已为超过65000人次的已赴美中国留学生提供线上法律保护。包括签证类法律服务、校园纠纷、房产类纠纷、交通事故、刑事案件、民事纠纷以及其他各类涉及法律相关的案例。 由于在中国的惯性思维,中国留学生一般不具备美国法律常识,也不具备法律咨询的习惯,往往出事了才会找律师寻求帮助,导致出现不必要的恶性后果。因此我们希望将法律服务前置,为准留学生及其家长推出法律保护计划,通过本地化的主动式服务和贯穿整个留学生涯的专属法律服务,帮助留学生顺利过渡和融入当地留学环境,并为今后的就业做好铺垫: 一、留学前通过法律知识培训课程,总结平台65000例咨询案件,指导留学生了解美国法律,主动规避留学生常见的法律风险; 二、留学中学习、生活、就业过程中出现纠纷,随时能够进行法律咨询。hoolilaw已成为法律行业的搜索引擎,30名有法律背景的法律顾问提供专业法律意见,指导学生正确的面对及处理纠纷,提高应对能力; 三、一旦涉及需要出庭的案件,将由平台法律顾问帮助学生根据案例类型和所在州匹配擅长领域的金牌律师来处理案件,使案件处理结果更有效。
2023-07-17 00:42:421


由于阳台栏杆暴露在外部,会遭受风吹日晒,所以建议选择用不锈钢的材料。以延长使用寿命以及增加美观度! 望采纳!
2023-07-17 00:43:063

Despite Your Valor 歌词

歌曲名:Despite Your Valor歌手:Write This Down专辑:Write This DownWrite This Down - Despite Your ValorTry to breathe, smile as we make our peace,Make our peace with God, Himself.Smile as we make our peace. As we...As we swiped the guardrail we said our prayers,As we lost our focus, we"re nearly there.So take my hand now, don"t be shy,I know you"ve done this before.As we swiped the guardrail we said our prayers,As we swiped the guardrail we said our prayers.Despite your valor, I"d say you"re losing control,No, nothing is impossible (you look so innocent asleep, you can"t do anything to me).Despite your valor, I"d say you"re falling apart,Just wait, this is your favorite part (you look so innocent asleep, you can"t do anything to me).Burning halos like crosses, don"t you dare cross us.Try to speak, tremble as we set you free,Set you free from life itself,Tremble as we set you free. As we...I can tear the guilt out of every sin,Let me hold the door as you stumble in.So take my hand now, don"t be shy.I know you"ve done this before.As we swiped the guardrail we said our prayers,As we swiped the guardrail we said our prayers.Despite your valor, I"d say you"re losing control,No, nothing is impossible (you look so innocent asleep, you can"t do anything to me).Despite your valor, I"d say you"re falling apart,Just wait, this is your favorite part (you look so innocent asleep, you can"t do anything to me).Burning halos like crosses, don"t you dare cross us.I warned you...I warned you...As we swiped the guardrail we said our prayers,As we swiped the guardrail we said our prayers.Despite your valor, I"d say you"re losing control,No, nothing is impossible (you look so innocent asleep, you can"t do anything to me).Despite your valor, I"d say you"re falling apart,Just wait, this is your favorite part (you look so innocent asleep, you can"t do anything to me).Burning halos like crosses, don"t you dare cross us
2023-07-17 00:43:151


2023-07-17 00:43:232


矿物? 在? 第号一个! ? 工作? 七? Takahiro 芬芳构成马塔莫罗斯? 七? 芬芳在是喧闹的guardrail 的镇? ? 超出, 它见面了? 在日落之前当它赶紧对地方点头伞是您感受方式心脏的学生的内在部份? 它保持能解开与那? 不停止速度逐渐举的这种感觉, 击中门对您? 它是狭窄的, 它? ? 大日本精神呀! ! 走? ? 这是甚而路? ? ?? 在您获得的程度上它昨天是在吗? 在您其他人您笑您不是受影响的? ? 被提炼, 它也许溢出是, 您是渴心脏的?? 这成为它的力量? 至于无法转移的这种感觉? 超出外层空间对?, 对您的胸口? ? ?? 它是狭窄的, 它? ? 头脑空气呀! ! 矿物传播在身体?, 如果象是确切没有它的天空是不尽的? 不停止速度逐渐举的这种感觉, 击中门对您? 它是狭窄的, 它? ? 大日本精神呀! ! ? 至于无法转移的这种感觉? 超出外层空间对?, 对您的胸口? ? ?? 它是狭窄的, 它? ? 头脑空气呀! !
2023-07-17 00:43:382


2023-07-17 00:43:451


2023-07-17 00:44:001


Estimated handrail square meter of #2apartment.Guardrail of #2 apartmentFor floor 1, it is around 130 square metersFor floor 2 to floor 15, it is around 160square meters per floor * 14 floors, it is 2240 square meters in totalFor stairs and the handrail of theescalator, it is around 250 square metersFor the whole building, the total quantityof the handrail is about 2620 square metersThe price is 4700 per square meter (installationexcluded), the estimated amount is 12314000The glass of the handrail is 5+5 doubling tempered glass, the shape is the same asthe sample.
2023-07-17 00:44:191


for your safety ,please do not step out of the guarddrail .To protect the hygiene of Lijiang river environment , please do not throw anythings rubish to the river .
2023-07-17 00:44:284