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清英语翻译 美国国内转机需要行李"清关",用英语怎么说?

2023-07-17 07:11:25

You may claim your luggage in N.Y. But it requires you to go customs clearance in L.A.


Your luggage can be transported directly to New York, but it needs clearance in Los Angeles


Your luggage can be shipped directly to New York, but the need for customs clearance in L.A.



间隙含义间隙配合 clearance fit区分:过渡配合是 transition fit过盈配合是interference fit2. 批准认可含义customer clearance. 清关security clearance 安全调查
2023-07-16 23:59:023


clearance英 [u02c8klu026au0259ru0259ns] 美 [u02c8klu026aru0259ns] IELTSn.清洁,清扫; [建]净空; 空隙,间隙; 放行证变形复数: clearances
2023-07-16 23:59:161


2023-07-16 23:59:437


2023-07-17 00:00:233


clearance是什么意思:清除1、Objective Research of the clinical value of caffeine clearance test. 目的评价咖啡因清除试验作为定量肝功能试验的临床应用价值。方法口服250mg咖啡因后测定二次受试者血药浓度,计算咖啡因清除率。2、Bacterial clearance rate was low ( 14. 28%). 病情重且迁延,易反复发作,细菌清除率低(14.28%)。3、The clinical application of creatinine clearance predicted from lean body weight 瘦体重法推算内生肌酐清除率的临床应用4、The evaluation of early lactate clearance rate in outcome for multiple trauma patients 早期乳酸清除率对多发伤患者预后的评估5、The regional myocardial blood flow was simultaneously monitored with hydrogen clearance methods. 同时利用氢清除法测定心肌局部血流量。6、The clearance change of other blood biochemical components has no statistic significance. 对于其他血生化组分的清除效率改变则无统计学意义。
2023-07-17 00:00:301


clearance英文意思是间隙,在Altium designer引申为是设置安全距离的意思,一般在线与焊盘,或是线与线或是敷铜间距,如图:
2023-07-17 00:00:371


2023-07-17 00:01:161


2023-07-17 00:02:121


stock clearance
2023-07-17 00:03:032

请教美国签证上的clearance received是什么意思?

clearance received 就是通过了所谓的check “administrativeprocessing”,当然是有效的,只不过下一次再办美国签证不可以免面签,有可能还要再check一次,所以要尽量提前办理
2023-07-17 00:03:553


2023-07-17 00:04:583


we have acknowleded of that this cargo has not been cleared customs yet, and it needs paying off the tariff by the receiver. If still not, the cargo would be withdrawed to the original place or destroied Please inform clients of connecting with DHL asap.
2023-07-17 00:05:185


报关一般用:Customs Declaration清关一般用:customs clearance报关英语:报关单 bill of entry; customs declaration; application to pass goods through the customs; manifest; bill of entry; report; declaration form;报关费 customs clearing charges [fee];报关港口 port of entry;报关行 agent for clearing customs; customs broker; customs house broker;报关人 declarant;报关证书 customs clearance certificate扩展资料:报关是指进出口货物装船出运前,向海关申报的手续。按照我国海关法规定: 凡是进出国境的货物,必须经由设有海关的港口、车站、国际航空站,并由货物所有人向海关申报,经过海关放行后,货物才可提取或者装船出口。报关涉及的对象可分为进出境的运输工具和货物、物品两大类。由于性质不同,其报关程序各异。运输工具如船舶、飞机等通常应由船长、机长签署到达、离境报关单,交验载货清单、空运、海运单等单证向海关申报,作为海关对装卸货物和上下旅客实施监管的依据。而货物和物品则应由其收发货人或其代理人,按照货物的贸易性质或物品的类别,填写报关单,并随附有关的法定单证及商业和运输单证报关。清关(Customs Clearance)是一个经济学术语,拼音是qīng guān。即结关,是指进出口或转运货物出入一国关境时,依照各项法律法规和规定应当履行的手续。清关只有在履行各项义务,办理海关申报、查验、征税、放行等手续后,货物才能放行,货主或申报人才能提货。同样,载运进出口货物的各种运输工具进出境或转运,也均需向海关申报,办理海关手续,得到海关的许可。货物在结关期间,不论是进口、出口或转运,都是处在海关监管之下,不准自由流通。如属于保税货物,应按“保税货物”方式进行申报,海关对应办事项及监管办法与其他贸易方式的货物有所区别。对于进口货物来说,目前国家海关认可的除临时入境之外还有两种方式:一种是一般贸易报关进口,另一种就是以快件的方式进口,就这两种进口形式来说,都具有各自的优势。参考资料来源:百度百科:报关百度百科:清关
2023-07-17 00:05:361

PCB布线出错,说是违反Clearance 和 Short-Circuit规则

2023-07-17 00:06:091


问题一:海关英语怎么说 海关英语怎么说: 海关英语就是: customs 很希望会对你有帮助。若满意请采纳,谢谢你。 问题二:出关英语怎么说 to pass the custom inspection 问题三:货物被海关查验用英语怎么表达 The goods are inspected by the Customs 问题四:东西被海关扣留了,英文怎么说 Things are detained by customs 问题五:清关用英语怎么表达 在英语表达上,Customs clearance 是指通关或清关。但意思较含糊,有一个单词liquidation,也可用作清关,指办理完结一切手续。如果不是正规的法律文件,可以使用前者。清关英语 Clear Custom 清关(动词)customs clearance 清关 (名词)(报关动词)apply to Customs(名词)Customs applicationdeclare at the customs 报关同样,载运进出口货物的各种运输工具进出境或转运,也均需向海关申报,办理海关手续,得到海关的许可。货物在结关期间,不论是进口、出口或转运,都是处在海关监管之下,不准自由流通。退运清关流程报关委托书、报检委托书、发票 箱单、提单出口时的正本出口报关单和核销单,如已退税,要开补税证明及已核销证明中文的正本情况说明(阐明退运的原因和处理方案)退运协议细节可向货代咨询进出口商向海关报关时,需提交以下单证:1、进出口货物报关单。一般进口货物应填写一式二份;需要由海关核销的货物,如加工贸易货物和保税货物等,应填写专用报关单一式三份;货物出口后需国内退税的,应另填一份退税专用报关单。2、货物发票。要求份数丹报关单少一份,对货物出口委托国外销售,结算方式是待货物销售后按实销金额向出口单位结汇的,出口报关时可准予免交。3、陆运单、空运单和海运进口的提货单及海运出口的装货单。海关在审单和验货后,在正本货运单上签章放行退还报关贡,凭此提货或装运货物。4、货物装箱单。其份数同发票。但是散装货物或单一品种且包装内容一致的件装货物可免交。由此可见,清关是报关流程中的最后一关,同时也需要引起外贸企业的重视。毕竟进行外贸往来时会涉及清关流程,特别是面对国外客户,要懂得对于清关用英语表达的说法,这样更有利于增进沟通,从而促进成交率。 问题六:"海关扣件"用英语怎么说? Customs fastener 问题七:正好遇到海关抽查,所以我们的货物要进行检查 We happened to encounter the 激pot-check of the customhouse today, so our cargo has to be checked. 问题八:海关验关放行用英文怎么说啊? 海关验关 = Customs Inspection 海关放行 = Customs Clearance Customs Clearance偿 release after checking the goods. 问题九:“出入境”用英语怎么说? 没有楼上那么多罗嗦的,就是border,例如美国海关&出入境管理局,英文全称就是:U.S.Customs & Border Protection, 这个美国海关官方网站可以验证我的说法,大家自己去看。
2023-07-17 00:06:271

什么是银行的clearance code

2023-07-17 00:06:371

Clearance Constraint (Gap=0.254mm) (All),(All)

2023-07-17 00:06:456

ad 里pcb 要重新添加一个clearance怎么添加

2023-07-17 00:07:011

请教美国签证上的clearance received是什么意思?

签证页上注明 clearance received 表示安全审核已通过,就是通过了所谓的check “administrativeprocessing”。安全审核(security check)是由美国国土安全部进行的。接受安全审核的入境者通过之后,国土安全部会通知移民局。这就是 clearance received 的意思。扩展资料:办理美国签证所需材料1、有效因私护照(距离预计归国日期半年以上),护照末页要有本人签名;2、2*2英寸(大约为51毫米*51毫米)正方形彩色免冠照片2张,并在背后用铅笔签字(三个月之内近照,背景为白色);3、签证申请人如曾经有过出境记录,需提供在所访问国家拍照的照片(本人须在照片中,并有当地标志性建筑物);4、身份证、工作证、结婚证及全家人户口本所有页复印件(若夫妻不在同一户口本上,则需另一方户口本所有页复印件);5、营业执照或营业执照副本(或者组织机构代码证)的复印件,加盖公章;6、单位简介(成立时间、性质、规模、产品、效益等),工作名片4张;7、公司出具的在职证明(用中、英文打印,也可提供带公司正规抬头的、加盖公章的空白信纸,由我公司打印);若申请人为18岁以下儿童,请提供学校准假证明;8、报名表(报名表、家属表、教育及就业细节表);9、银行近半年的银行流水单证明。参考资料:百度百科—美国签证
2023-07-17 00:07:101

请教美国签证上的clearance received是什么意思

Clearance received 就是通过了check的 “ administrative processing”,是有效的签证。但是下一次再办美国签证不能免面签,有可能还要再check一次,所以要尽量提前办理。
2023-07-17 00:07:342

名词性的“清关”是customs clearance,那请问动词性的呢?谢谢了

do customs clearance
2023-07-17 00:07:455

请教美国签证上的clearance received是什么意思

2023-07-17 00:08:033


SALE | Clearance
2023-07-17 00:08:113

high-clearance truck什么意思

2023-07-17 00:08:193

为什么英国的签证分为Visa和Entry Clearance

  “Entry Clearance” is the official term for the visa you need to enter the UK initially. This visa is commonly referred to as “entry stamp”, “entry visa”, “entry clearance”, “entry clearance stamp,” or “entry clearance visa.”  换句话说, EC只是其中一种"签证",至于为什么要有这样的区别不是很清楚,其中一个理由或许是用来统计净移民人数
2023-07-17 00:08:492

Clearance delay清关延误是什么意思

2023-07-17 00:08:593


清关资料和清关用英语怎么说 清关资料 documents for customs clearance 清关 customs clearance清关用英文怎么说? customs clearance 报关和清关用英语怎么说?报关英语有哪些 报关 declare at customs 清关 Customs clearance 清关文件英语怎么说 清关文件 Customs clearance document 清关文件 Customs clearance document 进出口清关用英语怎么说 import 英 [u02c8u026ampu0254:t] 美 [u02c8u026ampu0254:rt] n.输入;进口,进口商品;重要性;意义vt.输入,进口;对…有重大关系;意味着vi.具重要性 例句: To import from Russia, a Ukrainian firm needs Russian roubles. 要从俄罗斯进口商品,乌克兰公司就需要俄罗斯卢布。 export 英 [u02c8ekspu0254:t] 美 [u02c8ekspu0254:rt] vt.& vi.出口,输出vt.传播,输出(思想或活动)n.输出,出口;输出[出口]物 例句: To earn foreign exchange we must export. 要想获得外汇,我们必须出口。 customs clearance 英 [u02c8ku028cstu0259mz u02c8kliu0259ru0259ns] 美 [u02c8ku028cstu0259mz u02c8klu026aru0259ns] 报关;结关,海关放行 例句: Import and export customs clearance, modity inspection and all the formerbusiness agent. 进出口货物的通关、商品检验及一切港前商务代理。 Ramaxel"s Making内存是某一个牌子么? 记忆科技(深圳)有限公司 ramaxel/ 外贸中“清关”用英文怎么说 行内6年回复仅供参考 已经有仁兄回答了我稍微再更正一下 正确的清关外贸通用叫法是 CUSTOM CLEARANCE 出口贸易中的“清关”是什么意思?英文怎么说? 清关(Customs Clearance)即结关,是指进出口货物和转运货物进入或出口一国海关关境或国境必须向海关申报,办理海关规定的各项手续,履行各项法规规定的义务;只有在履行各项义务,办理海关申报、查验、征税、放行等手续后,货物才能放行,货主或申报人才能提货。同样,载运进出口货物的各种运输伐具进出境或转运,也均需向海关申报,办理海关手续,得到海关的许可。货物在结关期间,不论是进口、出口或转运,都是处在海关监管之下,不准自由流通。
2023-07-17 00:09:061

PADS9.5 设置了间距规则为什么还是报 clearance error ?

select nets,right click,show rulses,do set,OK!
2023-07-17 00:09:144

求助:护照上有"clearance received",对办理美国商务签证有什么影响?

2023-07-17 00:09:223

请教美国签证上的clearance received是什么意思

clearance received得到许可; 获得批准更多例句筛选1.It received clearance in September from the Ministry of Culture, which regulates public performances and Internet cafes.9月份,负责管理公开演出和网吧的文化部下发了许可。c.wsj.com2.Of those that have received clearance to list "in the next few weeks or months" , 11 out of 13 are from the mainland.在获得批准、将“在未来几周或几个月内”上市的13家企业中,有11家来自中国内地。3.In 2008 the rice"s developers, the Golden Rice Humanitarian Board, finally received clearance in the Philippines to conduct field trials.在2008年,金稻米人道主义委员会——这种大米的开发人员——终于在菲律宾得到许可。
2023-07-17 00:09:311

为什么英国的签证分为Visa和Entry Clearance

  “Entry Clearance” is the official term for the visa you need to enter the UK initially. This visa is commonly referred to as “entry stamp”, “entry visa”, “entry clearance”, “entry clearance stamp,” or “entry clearance visa.”  换句话说, EC只是其中一种"签证",英国的正式学生签证是一张卡,入境后需要去指定邮局领取,访客类签证就不需要取,所以直接贴了签证在护照上
2023-07-17 00:09:381


clearance 名词 清扫; 出空gap 名词 豁口, 裂口, 缺口
2023-07-17 00:10:101

Definition of Cleaning, Cleansing, Clearing and Clearance

更新1: 咁,系唔系即系一样呀? 唔该畀啲分析嚟听下啦? 更新2: 10分问题当 5分答,畀人揾咗笨添! Cleaning n. 1. 打扫;去污;清洗[U][S] We'll give the house a thorough cleaning. 我们要把房子彻底打扫一番。 2. 垃圾[P] 3. 【俚】大败;输光[S] Cleing n. 1. 净化;洗清 a. 1. 清净的 Clearing n. 1. 清除;扫除[U] 2. (森林中的)空地[C] a clearing in the jungle 丛林中的空地 3. (银行)票据交换;清算[U] 4. 票据交换总额[P] Clearance n. 1. 清除 清扫;出空 2. 空地;空隙 3. (船只)结关;出入港许可证 4. 清仓大拍卖 参考: Yahoo!字典
2023-07-17 00:10:181

clearance bargain是什么意思?

clearance是清除、清空的意思,有一个单词clearance sale是清仓销价销售。bargain有交易的意思,通常指经讨价还价后成交。合起来应该是,清仓促销活动。
2023-07-17 00:10:252

ABAQUS热接触(thermal conductance)设置里的clearance-dependency data是怎么设置?

clearance设置间隙;conductance设施热导率。例如 clearance 0;conductance 50. 间隙0时热导率50。 clearance 5;conductance 10.间隙0-5内热导率10。
2023-07-17 00:10:321

外贸上 物流双清关 英语怎么说

2023-07-17 00:10:422


  2018年12月大学英语六级词汇看图记忆汇总  clear adj. 清楚的,清澈的  例句:I made it clear to Simon that I rejected his proposal.  我清楚地告诉西蒙,我拒绝了他的建议。  clearance n.清除  例句:We have a clearance sale today.  我们今天清仓大甩卖。  intelligible adj. 可理解的  例句:This report would be intelligible only to an expert in computing.  这份报告恐怕只有对电脑专家来说才是可理解的。  clarify v.澄清,阐明  例句:I hope that what I say will clarify the situation.  我希望我说的话能澄清这一情况。  clarity n. 清楚,透明  例句:I am greatly impressed by the clarity of the sea water.  清澈的海水给我留下了深刻的印象。  explicit adj. 外在的,清楚的,直率的,(租金等)直接付款的  例句:The doctor gave me explicit instructions on when and how to take the medicine.  大夫给了我该何时服药以及如何服药的清楚的指导。  implicit adj. 暗示的,盲从的,含蓄的,固有的,不怀疑的,绝对的  例句:Her attitude was implicit in the answer she gave us.  她在给我们的答复中态度是含蓄的。  elicit vt. 得出,引出,抽出,引起  例句:Roger succeeded in eliciting the information he needed from her.  罗杰从她那里问出了他所需要的信息。  2018年12月大学英语六级词汇看图记忆汇总
2023-07-17 00:10:491

clearance received什么意思

clearance received 就是通过了所谓的check “administrativeprocessing”,当然是有效的,只不过下一次再办美国签证不可以免面签,有可能还要再check一次,所以要尽量提前办理
2023-07-17 00:10:561


2023-07-17 00:11:172

护照上为什么贴的是“entry clearance”而不是VISA?

2023-07-17 00:11:411

请教美国签证上的clearance received是什么意思

签证页上注明 clearance received 表示安全审核已通过。安全审核(security check)是由美国国土安全部进行的。接受安全审核的入境者通过之后,国土安全部会通知移民局。这就是 clearance received 的意思。clearance received:通关收讫
2023-07-17 00:11:561


And customs declarations ready to hand to the inspector 以及 通关 申报表等待核查 And customs declarations ready to hand to the inspector 以及 通关 申报表等待核查 Game time is not long , soon to clear customs 游戏的时间不长,很快就可以 通关 。 When you arrive in a country , you clear customs 汤姆:到达一个国家时要 通关 。 Hong kong maritime rescue co - ordination centre 落马洲管制站实施24小时客运 通关 24 - hour passenger clearance at border control points 在边境管制站实施24小时旅客 通关 Other related tasks will slowly clearance only know 其他关的任务就要慢慢 通关 才知道了 How long will it take us to pass through customs 办完 通关 手续要多长时间 Improve conditions at lo wu and sha tau kok 改善罗湖沙头角口岸的 通关 条件 Let me tell you some details about clearance 让我告诉你一些 通关 的细节。 The final game to land safely , or not customs 游戏到最后一定要安全着陆,否则不算 通关 。 Let me tell you some details about clearance 让我告诉你一些 通关 的细节 The certificate of fda high quapty product 获fda 通关 认证的戒烟产品 Speeding up and improving boundary crossings 加快 通关 和改善口岸衔接 Initial pves 60 , 20 eat for the crusaders can clearance 初始生命60 ,吃满20个金十字即可 通关 。 Need for imported 1 - 2 working days 办理 通关 单需要1 - 2个工作日。 Have you cleared your luggage with customs 你的行李 通关 了吗 Convenience you pass the customhouse rapidly 方便你快速 通关 。 Wiccon whether in cus toms clearance or not 船舶不管 通关 与否 Wiccon whether in cus toms clearance or not 船舶不管 通关 与否 Importexport cargo clearance at the cks international airport 中正国际机场空运进出口货物 通关 业务。 She remembered the phone call on thursday about the train ticket 她记得星期四那 通关 于火车票的电话 Have you cleared your luggage with customs 你的行李 通关 了吗 I broke it when i " m in 3rd grade 三年级的时候我就 通关 了! Alright , i " ll give you a cookie , but what " s the magic word 好,我会给你一块饼干,不过 通关 密语是什么呢? Wccon whether customs clearance or not 不管 通关 与否 Wccon whether customs clearance or not 不管 通关 与否 Immigration auto - clearance system 移民自动 通关 系统 Problems and countermeasure about crc fixed telephone development 也谈铁 通关 于固定电话网发展存在的问题及对策 This menacing enemy , and want to *** ooth customs clearance for it 这次的敌人来势汹汹,想要顺利 通关 实属不易。 It s just that our spiritual eyes are not open , so we don t see them 我会教你如何跟他们打招呼,如何快速 通关 。 Please ask your fpght attendant to provide the forms on board the aircraft ,以备入境 通关 及行李检查之用。 19th ministry your customs 第十九部等您 通关 ! Provides pany information , terminal layout , onpne services and a traffic cam -提供中港进出口报关 通关 运输服务。 Rpg games similar to the pattern of the game can get a lot of pr 游戏类似rpg的模式,在游戏中可以拿到很多道具帮助 通关 。 Many hurdles games , the patience to fight , we will be able to clear customs there 游戏有很多关卡,耐心的打,就能 通关 。 Introduction : this menacing enemy , and want to *** ooth customs clearance for it 这次的敌人来势汹汹,想要顺利 通关 实属不易。 The true love goes through customs thepassword , is can remember forever agreement 真正爱情的 通关 密码,是会记住永远的约定。 Duty rates , customs clearance and taxes can differ greatly beeen countries 各个国家或地区之间的税率 通关 和课税会有巨大差异。 Implement 24 - hour passenger clearance at lok ma chau huanggang from 27 january 一月廿七日起在落马洲皇岗口岸实行廿四小时人流 通关 Duty rates , customs clearance and taxes can differ greatly beeen countries 各个国家或地区之间的税率、 通关 和课税会有巨大差异。 I can play hard customs of the start point , there are three options related 我曾经能把hard的玩 通关 了,点start开始,有三种关选择。 Customs seizes over 1 , 000 hard disks in lok ma chau - august 27 , 2004 ( friday ) 全力向电子 通关 迈进-二四年八月二十五日(星期三) Each people all have the oneself love to go through customs thepassword , but you know 每一个人都有着自己爱情的 通关 密码,可是你知道吗? Such information shall also specify the customs procedures used for clearing the goods 五、上述信息还应详细说明货物 通关 所适用的海关手续。 There are o games colors of ornaments , green ornaments need to maximize the acquisit 我的成绩是 通关 7分30秒,得分2800 ,希望大家都超过我。 The payment of sending , duties amd taxes are paid by recipient 方式支付,以fedex国际快递运送,所有运送费用、关税和 通关 手续等由买方负责。 Those without the import pharmaceuticals customs form shall not be permitted to pass through customs 无《进口药品 通关 单》的,海关不得放行。 In the 60 seconds of time , as long as more than 60 destroyed the target can clearance 在规定的60秒钟时间内,只要打掉60个以上的目标即可 通关 。 Introduction : i can play hard customs of the start point , there are three options related 我曾经能把hard的玩 通关 了,点start开始,有三种关选择。
2023-07-17 00:12:031

510k clearance 是什么

Section 510(k) of the Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act requires device manufacturers who must register, to notify FDA of their intent to market a medical device at least 90 days in advance. This is known as Premarket Notification - also called PMN or 510(k). This allows FDA to determine whether the device is equivalent to a device already placed into one of the three classification categories. Thus, "new" devices (not in commercial distribution prior to May 28, 1976) that have not been classified can be properly identified. Specifically, medical device manufacturers are required to submit a premarket notification if they intend to introduce a device into commercial distribution for the first time or reintroduce a device that will be significantly changed or modified to the extent that its safety or effectiveness could be affected. Such change or modification could relate to the design, material, chemical composition, energy source, manufacturing process, or intended use.The purpose of a 510(k) submission is to demonstrate that a device is “substantially equivalent” to a predicate device (one that has been cleared by the FDA or marketed before 1976). The 510(k) submitter compares and contrasts the subject and predicate devices, explaining why any differences between them should be acceptable. Human data are usually not required for a 510(k) submission; this decision is made at the discretion of the FDA. Laboratory testing is almost always a requirement. Depending on the type of 510(k), the law gives the FDA either 30 or 90 days to clear the device, ask questions, or reject the application.Manufacturers may also submit a 510(k) if they alter their device. Not all changes require a 510(k) submission. In general, changes to a device"s intended use, contraindications, or basic operation require a new 510(k) clearance. Changes to blood-contacting materials, sterilization method, or performance specifications may also require a new 510(k).The FDA does not “approve” 510(k) submissions. It “clears” them. It is not legal to advertise a 510(k) cleared device as “FDA-approved.”就是:美国食品药品管理局关于医疗器械的510(K)许可。。。。。
2023-07-17 00:12:101


问题一:清关资料和清关用英语怎么说 清关资料 documents for customs clearance 清关 customs clearance 问题二:清关用英文怎么说? customs clearance 问题三:报关和清关用英语怎么说?报关英语有哪些 报关 declare at customs 清关 Customs clearance 问题四:清关文件英语怎么说 清关文件 Customs clearance document 清关文件 Customs clearance document 问题五:进出口清关用英语怎么说 import 英 [??mp?:t] 美 [??mp?:rt] n.输入;进口,进口商品;重要性;意义vt.输入,进口;对…有重大关系;意味着vi.具重要性 例句: To import from Russia, a Ukrainian firm needs Russian roubles. 要从俄罗斯进口商品,乌克兰公司就需要俄罗斯卢布。 export 英 [?eksp?:t] 美 [?eksp?:rt] vt.& vi.出口,输出vt.传播,输出(思想或活动)n.输出,出口;输出[出口]物 例句: To earn foreign exchange we must export. 要想获得外汇,我们必须出口。 customs clearance 英 [?k?st?mz ?kli?r?ns] 美 [?k?st?mz ?kl?r?ns] 报关;结关,海关放行 例句: Import and export customs clearance, modity inspection and all the formerbusiness agent. 进出口货物的通关、商品检验及一切港前商务代理。
2023-07-17 00:12:171


报关用英语怎么说? 报关 名词:customs declaration 动词: make a customs declaration 报关和清关用英语怎么说?报关英语有哪些 报关declare at customs 清关 Customs clearance 报关用英语怎么说 declare sth. at the customs apply to the 梗ustoms clearance of goods customs clearance entry 报关部门 用英语怎么说 custom clearance department 快件报关和正式报关用英语分别怎么说,挺急的。 express declaration快件报关; normal declaration正式报关。 出口和进口报关单用英语怎么说 出口和进口报关单 Export and import declaration 出口和进口报关单 Export and import declaration 报关部用英语怎么说? Customs Department 报关放行用英语怎么说 海关放行---the custom released the goods 报关员 customs specialist 报关员 customs declarer 报关员 declarant 报关员 the person 龚n charge of the declaration 报关 customs declaration 报关 custom entry 报关 clearance of goods 报关资料 英文怎么的说 DOCUMENTS FOR CUSTOMS CLEARANCE documents for customs declar礌tion declaration documents 清关用英语怎么表达 在英语表达上,Customs clearance 是指通关或清关。但意思较含糊,有一个单词liquidation,也可用作清关,指办理完结一切手续。如果不是正规的法律文件,可以使用前者。清关英语 Clear Custom 清关(动词)customs clearance 清关 (名词)(报关动词)apply to Customs(名词)Customs applicationdeclare at the customs 报关同样,载运进出口货物的各种运输工具进出境或转运,也均需向海关申报,办理海关手续,得到海关的许可。货物在结关期间,不论是进口、出口或转运,都是处在海关监管之下,不准自由流通。退运清关流程报关委托书、报检委托书、发票 箱单、提单出口时的正本出口报关单和核销单,如已退税,要开补税证明及已核销证明中文的正本情况说明(阐明退运的原因和处理方案)退运协议细节可向货代咨询进出口商向海关报关时,需提交以下单证:1、进出口货物报关单。一般进口货物应填写一式二份;需要由海关核销的货物,如加工贸易货物和保税货物等,应填写专用报关单一式三份;货物出口后需国内退税的,应另填一份退税专用报关单。2、货物发票。要求份数丹报关单少一份,对货物出口委托国外销售,结算方式是待货物销售后按实销金额向出口单位结汇的,出口报关时可准予免交。3、陆运单、空运单和海运进口的提货单及海运出口的装货单。海关在审单和验货后,在正本货运单上签章放行退还报关贡,凭此提货或装运货物。4、货物装箱单。其份数同发票。但是散装货物或单一品种且包装内容一致的件装货物可免交。由此可见,清关是报关流程中的最后一关,同时也需要引起外贸企业的重视。毕竟进行外贸往来时会涉及清关流程,特别是面对国外客户,要懂得对于清关用英语表达的说法,这样更有利于增进沟通,从而促进成交率。
2023-07-17 00:12:231

Clearance Constraint(Gap=0.254mm)(All),(All)什么意思?

因为你焊盘和引线之距离太小,违反了Clearance这个规则,你需要改一下这个规则。改了之后还是会有连着引线的焊盘会报错,可以先不管,直接自动布线,等自动布线完成后手动添加没布好的那几根线就好了焊盘(land or pad),表面贴装装配的基本构成单元,用来构成电路板的焊盘图案(land pattern),即各种为特殊元件类型设计的焊盘组合。有许多的工业文献出于IPC(Association Connecting Electronics Industries), EIA(Electronic Industry Alliance)和JEDEC(Solid State Technology Association).在设计焊盘结构时应该使用,主要的文件是IPC-SM-782《表面贴装设计与焊盘结构标准》,它提供有关用于表面贴装元件的焊盘结构的信息。当J-STD-001《焊接电气与电子装配的要求》和IPC-A-610《电子装配的可接受性》用作焊接点工艺标准时,焊盘结构应该符合IPC-SM-782的意图。如果焊盘大大地偏离IPC-SM-782,那么将很困难达到符合J-STD-001和IPC-A-610的焊接点。元件知识(即元件结构和机械尺寸)是对焊盘结构设计的基本的必要条件。
2023-07-17 00:12:301

creepage distance and clearance是什么意思

你好 很高兴回答你的问题 翻译为:creepage distance and clearance爬电距离和间隙望采纳谢谢
2023-07-17 00:12:492

什么是银行的clearance code

2023-07-17 00:12:581

请问clearance for delivery processing的意思是?

2023-07-17 00:13:063

clearance volume是什么意思

  clearance volume  英 [u02c8kliu0259ru0259ns u02c8vu0254lju:m] 美 [u02c8klu026aru0259ns u02c8vɑljum]  [释义]余隙容积;  [网络]间隙容积;  [例句]In the effect of heavy pressure, the existence of the clearance volume will reduce the efficiency of the hydraulic end.  在高压力作用下,余隙容积的存在会降低液力端的容积效率。
2023-07-17 00:13:151