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2023-07-17 07:02:24


the surge

  关于风的英语诗句:The Wind 风

  ~by C. G. Rossetti

  (Part I)

  Who has seen the wind?

  Neither I nor you;

  But when the leaves hang trembling,

  The wind is passing through.





  (Part II)

  Who has seen the wind?

  Neither you nor I;

  But when the trees bow down their heads,

  The wind is passing by.






  O wind , why do you never rest,

  Wandering, whistling to and fro,

  Bring rain out of the west,

  From the dim north bringing snow?





  关于风的英语诗句:I AM THE WIND

  I am the wind that wavers,

  You are the certain land;

  I am the shadow that passes

  Over the sand.

  I am the leaf that quivers,

  You--the unshaken tree;

  You are the stars that are steadfast,

  I am the sea.

  You are the light eternal,

  Like a torch I shall die...

  You are the surge of deep music,

  I--but a cry!















相信在昨天发售的机甲风格的动作类RPG游戏迸发肯定有不少玩家的关注,不少萝卜迷怕不是第一时间就入手了游戏打爆,但在开始游戏之前,我们先要了解游戏的操作,那么迸发怎么操作呢?下面深空高玩就为大家带来迸发操作介绍,一起来看看吧。操作按键移动锁定目标(中键)横向攻击竖直攻击格挡切换锁定目标互动切换弱点(滑轮)切换武器使用回血剂切换回血剂遥控飞机攻击切换遥控飞机技能冲刺跳跃打开装备灯光道具栏主菜单 迸发(TheSurge)集成DLC整合8号升级档汉化中文破解版
2023-07-16 23:49:511


这款游戏最近已经在steam上架,不少玩家冲着类魂标签想去游玩看看,那么地狱时刻好玩吗?还不知道的玩家快来看深空高玩带来的游戏内容评价吧。游戏内容评价游戏玩法:地狱时刻是黑暗之魂和The Surge的混合体。如果需要,您也可以在其中找到一点战锤40,000的影子。虽然这款游戏的玩法不及上述的任何一款,但好在起码能玩。有些武器完全没用,因为只有第一击才能生效,因此必须逃避敌人,同时尝试切换回可信赖的长剑。其中引入了一项新功能,这是以前在这类游戏中从未见过的。您使用的武器越多,它就会变得越好。游戏中每种武器下方都有一个XP栏。其中一些被蓝色条隔开。每个条形代表您的武器可获得的等级。从新功能到被动特权,它可以是任何东西。这也是您在游戏中解锁新咒语的方式。最终,您还可以使用一些AOE攻击。我不介意看到其他游戏借用这种机制,因为它真的非常酷。我最终使用了发现的所有武器,因为我想看看它们解锁了哪些新功能。升级任何远程武器要比近战武器难,因为远程武器会消耗您的SP(健康状态下的蓝条)。制作新装备在Hellpoint中也起着作用。当您在巨大的太空站的恐怖中挣扎时,您会遇到各种不同的制作材料,甚至还有一些旧武器和装甲,这些材料可以升级为更好的版本。您甚至可以在武器上增加武器,以赋予它们新的属性或简单地增加其攻击力,这实际上是最好的。在我的武器上增加元素伤害后,只是增加了原始伤害的数值,确实使其性能更好。Hellpoint的很大一部分时间都在探索您的周围环境。魂类游戏基本上是3D Metroidvanias。您会迷路,徘徊约30分钟,同时想一想下一步该如何做,同时找到一些的战利品。确定要做什么之后,您可能会回溯到以前访问过的位置以打开一个新位置。这就是这款游戏的运作方式,老实说,它在这款游戏中的运作非常出色。有几个地方我觉得需要完善的,其中最重要的一个就是这血瓶(游戏里头是注射器)竟然点裂隙不会自动恢复我去,这尼玛黑魂要是坐篝火不回原素瓶那我都不知道怎么打了。游戏里头只有死亡才能直接回满血瓶,这点实在太疼了。虽然说砍怪砍多了也回,不过坐篝火不回真的难受。这游戏的主角机动力实在爆炸,膝盖能弯曲不说,这闪避的性能余灰看了要流泪,而且锁定之后的闪避攻击自带强力追踪,感觉熟练掌握这闪避攻击就能一路通关至少我打到现在,BOSS都是靠闪避追踪攻击来打死的,不敢说无伤,但熟练了一个血瓶都没吃就过了,这闪避攻击真的顶!还有一点希望可以优化,那就是复活点到BOSS门未免也太远了,虽然说主角机动力很强,一路疾跑怪根本追不上,但这打BOSS复活跑路有点远啊,也不像黑魂有近路啥的,挺难受了。
2023-07-16 23:49:581


在迸发中,铁鼠套拥有开启反助力护盾的能力,配合低能耗无人机能实现无人机无限盾,对玩家进行游戏有着非常大的帮助,但不少玩家不知道迸发铁鼠套怎么获得,下面深空高玩就为大家带来迸发铁鼠套获得方法介绍,一起来看看吧。迸发铁鼠套装怎么获得当拿到五个硬币之后图二有五个关扎堆的地方 与贩卖机互动 能打开旁边的墙 可以拿一套铁鼠套!具体位置就在刚从图4回图2的地方 迸发(TheSurge)集成DLC整合8号升级档汉化中文破解版
2023-07-16 23:50:051


迸发作为一款like soul的游戏,玩家受苦肯定是少不了的,想必不少玩家在打黑色地狱犬的时候疯狂丢人,被其不断叫怪烦爆,那么迸发黑色地狱犬怎么打呢?下面深空高玩就为大家带来迸发黑色地狱犬简单打法介绍,一起来看看吧。迸发黑色地狱犬简单打法黑色猎犬召唤机器人是可以打断的,重点就是不要怂,不要怂,搭配上冲击力好的大剑利用前跳突刺蹭它的血。一定要不断猛打,第一次召唤机器人之后,瞄准他的头部猛打,不给他喘气机会,血条还剩一格多的时候会出现处决,我刚才就这么打过了。如果你打黑色猎犬只让他召唤一次机器人的话,你解锁boss门前的电梯,他会穿着破盔甲出现,和你硬刚。迸发(TheSurge)集成DLC整合8号升级档汉化中文破解版
2023-07-16 23:50:121


2023-07-16 23:50:214

迸发thethe surge 迸发游戏里面安全屋中的歌曲叫什么名字

CODEX,希望对大家有帮助;Users;The Surge以上就是迸发存档位置介绍;3DM版;ProgramData:::C;Steam;Documents;PublicC
2023-07-16 23:50:311


对土木工程的发展起关键作用的,首先是作为工程物质基础的土木建筑材料,其次是随之发展起来的设计理论和施工技术。每当出现新的优良的建筑材料时,土木工程就 会有飞跃式的发展。 人们在早期只能依靠泥土、木料及其它天然材料从事营造活动,后来出现了砖和瓦这种人工建筑材料,使人类第一次冲破了天然建筑材料的束缚。中国在公元前十一世纪 的西周初期制造出瓦。最早的砖出现在公元前五世纪至公元前三世纪战国时的墓室中。砖和瓦具有比土更优越的力学性能,可以就地取材,而又易于加工制作。 砖和瓦的出现使人们开始广泛地、大量地修建房屋和城防工程等。由此土木工程技术得到了飞速的发展。直至18~19世纪,在长达两千多年时间里,砖和瓦一直是土木工程的重要建筑材料,为人类文明作出了伟大的贡献,甚至在目前还被广泛采用。 钢材的大量应用是土木工程的第二次飞跃。 十七世纪70年代开始使用生铁、十九世纪初开始使用熟铁建造桥梁和房屋,这是钢结构出现的前奏。 从十九世纪中叶开始,冶金业冶炼并轧制出抗拉和抗压强度都很高、延性好、质量均匀的建筑钢材,随后又生产出高强度钢丝、钢索 。于是适应发展需要的钢结构得到蓬勃发展。除应用原有的粱、拱结构外,新兴的桁架、框架、网架结构、悬索结构逐渐推广,出现了结构形式百花争艳的局面。 建筑物跨径从砖结构、石结构、木结构的几米、几十米发展到钢结构的百米、几百米,直到现代的千米以上。于是在大江、海峡上架起大桥,在地面上建造起摩天大楼和高耸铁塔,甚至在地面下铺设铁路,创造出前所未有的奇迹。 为适应钢结构工程发展的需要,在牛顿力学的基础上,材料力学、结构力学、工程结构设计理论等就应运而生。施工机械、施工技术和施工组织设计的理论也随之发展,土木工程从经验上升成为科学,在工程实践和基础理论方面都面貌一新,从而促成了土木工程更迅速的发展。 十九世纪20年代,波特兰水泥制成后,混凝土问世了。混凝土骨料可以就地取材,混凝土构件易于成型,但混凝土的抗拉强度很小,用途受到限制。 十九世纪中叶以后,钢铁产量激增,随之出现了钢筋混凝土这种新型的复合建筑材料,其中钢筋承担拉力,混凝土承担压力,发挥了各自的优点。 二十世纪初以来,钢筋混凝土广泛应用于土木工程的各个领域。 从三十年代开始,出现了预应力混凝土。预应力混凝土结构的抗裂性能、刚度和承载能力,大大高于钢筋混凝土结构,因而用途更为广阔。土木工程进入了钢筋混凝土和预应力混凝土占统治地位的历史时期。混凝土的出现给建筑物带来了新的经济、美观的工程结构形式,使土木工程产生了新的施工技术和工程结构设计理论。这是土木工程的又一次飞跃发展。 建造一项工程设施一般要经过勘察、设计和施工三个阶段,需要运用工程地质勘察、水文地质勘察、工程测量、土力学、工程力学、工程设计、建筑材料、建筑设备、工程机械、建筑经济等学科和施工技术、施工组织等领域的知识 ,以及电子计算机和力学测试等技术。因而土木工程是一门范围广阔的综合性学科。随着科学技术的进步和工程实践的发展,土木工程这个学科也已发展成为内涵广泛、门类众多、结构复杂的综合体系。 土木工程是伴随着人类社会的发展而发展起来的。它所建造的工程设施反映出各个历史时期社会经济、文化、科学、技术发展的面貌,因而土木工程也就成为社会历史发展的见证之一。 远古时代,人们就开始修筑简陋的房舍、道路、桥梁和沟澶,以满足简单的生活和生产需要。后来,人们为了适应战争、生产和生活以及宗教传播的需要,兴建了城池、运河、宫殿、寺庙以及其他各种建筑物。 许多著名的工程设施显示出人类在这个历史时期的创造力。例如,中国的长城、都江堰、大运河、赵州桥、应县木塔,埃及的金字塔,希腊的巴台农神庙,罗马的给水工程、科洛西姆圆形竞技场(罗马大斗兽场),以及其他许多著名的教堂、宫殿等。 产业革命以后,特别是到了20世纪,一方面社会向土木工程提出了新的需求;另一方面,社会各个领域为土木工程的前进创造了良好的条件。因而这个时期的土木工程得到突飞猛进的发展。在世界各地出现了现代化规模宏大的工业厂房、摩天大厦,核电站、高速公路和铁路、大跨桥梁、大直径运输管道长隧道、大运河、大堤坝、大飞机场、大海港以及海洋工程等等。现代土木工程不断地为人类社会创造崭新的物质环境,成为人类社会现代文明的重要组成部分。 土木工程是具有很强的实践性的学科。在早期,土木工程是通过工程实践,总结成功的经验,尤其是吸取失败的教训发展起来的。从17世纪开始,以伽利略和牛顿为先导的近代力学同土木工程实践结合起来,逐渐形成材料力学、结构力学、流体力学、岩体力学,作为土木工程的基础理论的学科。这样土木工程才逐渐从经验发展成为科学。 在土木工程的发展过程中,工程实践经验常先行于理论,工程事故常显示出未能预见的新因素,触发新理论的研究和发展。至今不少工程问题的处理,在很大程度上仍然依靠实践经验。 土木工程技术的发展之所以主要凭借工程实践而不是凭借科学试验和理论研究,有两个原因:一是有些客观情况过于复杂,难以如实地进行室内实验或现场测试和理论分析。例如,地基基础、隧道及地下工程的受力和变形的状态及其随时间的变化,至今还需要参考工程经验进行分析判断。二是只有进行新的工程实践,才能揭示新的问题。例如,建造了高层建筑、高耸塔桅和大跨桥梁等,工程的抗风和抗震问题突出了,才能发展出这方面的新理论和技术。在土木工程的长期实践中,人们不仅对房屋建筑艺术给予很大注意,取得了卓越的成就;而且对其他工程设施,也通过选用不同的建筑材料,例如采用石料、钢材和钢筋混凝土,配合自然环境建造了许多在艺术上十分优美、功能上又十分良好的工程。古代中国的万里长城,现代世界上的许多电视塔和斜张桥,都是这方面的例子。Plays a key role in the development of civil engineering, is the first civil construction materials as the basis for engineering material, followed by the subsequent development of the design theory and construction technology. Whenever there is a fine new building materials, civil engineering will be a leap type development.People can only rely on the early Earth, wood and other natural materials in the construction activities, and later appeared in brick and tile that artificial materials, so that the first human to break the shackles of natural building materials. Chinese in Eleventh Century BC in the early Western Zhou Dynasty created the tile. The first brick in the fifth Century BC to the third Century BC, the tomb of the Warring States period. Brick and tile has superior mechanical properties,soil can obtain raw material locally, and easy to manufacture.Emergence of brick and tile so that people began to widely, a large number of housing construction and urban flood control engineering. This civil engineering technology has been rapid development. Until 18 ~ nineteenth Century, as long as two thousand years, brick and tile has been a major civil engineering construction materials, made a great contribution to the human civilization, and was also widely used in the present.A large number of applications of steel products is the second leap in civil engineering. In seventeenth Century 70 time began using pig iron, the early nineteenth Century began to usewrought iron bridges and the construction of housing, which is a prelude to the emergence of steel.From the beginning of the mid nineteenth Century, the metallurgical industry smelting and rolling out high tensile and compressive strength, good ductility, uniformity of the quality of construction steel, then produce high-strength steel wire, steel wire. And meet the needs for development of steel structure has been booming. In addition to the application of the original beam, arch structure, the new truss, frame, grid structure, and gradually promote the suspension structure,the form of the structure of a hundred flowers contend in beauty situation.From the brick building long-span structure, stone structure, wood structure of a few meters, the development of tens of meters to 100 meters of steel structures, several hundred meters, 1000 meters until modern. So the bridge in the river, channel, since the construction of skyscrapersand high-rise tower on the ground, even in the laying of underground railway, to create ahitherto unknown.To meet the development needs of the steel structure engineering, on the basis of Newton"s mechanics, material mechanics, structural mechanics, structural engineering design theory would emerge as the times require. Theoretical design of machinery, construction technology and organization construction also development, civil engineering from the experience of rising to become science, both in engineering practice and theoretical basis for a new, which led tomore rapid development of civil engineering.In nineteenth Century 20, Portland cement concrete was made. Concrete aggregate can obtain raw material locally, easy to concrete structures forming, but the tensile strength of concrete is very small, limited use. By the middle of the nineteenth Century, the surge in steel production,followed by a composite building material of this new type of reinforced concrete, which bear the tension steel, concrete bear the pressure, to play their respective advantages. Since the beginning of twentieth Century, each field of reinforced concrete is widely used in civilengineering.From the beginning of the thirty"s, the prestressed concrete. The crack resistance, stiffness and bearing capacity of prestressed concrete structure, much higher than the reinforced concrete structure, which uses broader. Civil engineering into the reinforced concrete and prestressed concrete dominant historical period. Concrete brings the structural form of new economic,aesthetic to the building, civil engineering so that a theory of new construction technology and engineering structure design. This is a leap in the development of civil engineering.A project to build the facilities in general to go through investigation, design and construction in three stages, need to discipline the use of geological prospecting projects, hydro geological survey, engineering survey, soil mechanics, engineering mechanics, engineering design,building materials, construction equipment, engineering machinery, building the economy, and the construction technology, construction and other fields of knowledge, as well as the computer and mechanical testing technology. Civil engineering is therefore a broad range of integrated disciplines. With the development of science and technology development and engineering practice, the civil engineering disciplines have also been developed into a comprehensivesystem of broad connotation, category numerous, complicated structure.Civil engineering is accompanied by the development of human society and the development of.It works in the construction of facilities reflect the face of social and economic development,technology, science, culture in every historical period, so the civil engineering has become one of the social and historical development of the witness.In ancient times, people began to build simple houses, roads, bridges and water channel, to meet the simple life and production needs. Later, people in order to adapt to the war, productionand dissemination of religious life and the need to build the city, canals,, palaces, temples and other buildings.Many well-known works shown in this historical period of human creativity. For example, Chinathe Great Wall, Dujiangyan, the Grande Canale, the Zhaozhou Bridge, the Yingxian Wood Tower, the Pyramid of Egypt, Greece"s Parthenon, Rome"s water supply project, Kolo Sim Arena(Rome Coliseum), and many other famous churches, palaces.After the industrial revolution, especially in twentieth Century, on one hand, the society puts forward new requirements to the civil engineering; on the other hand, each field of the society to create good conditions for the advancement of civil engineering. Thus this period of civil engineering has make a spurt of progress of development.In the rest of the world in the modern large-scale industrial plants, skyscrapers, nuclear power plants, highways and railways, long-span bridge, large diameter pipelines long tunnel, the Grande Canale, big dams, big airport, port and marine engineering etc.. Modern civil engineering to create a new physical environment for the human society, has become an important part of modern civilization of human society.Civil engineering is a very practical subject. In the early days, through the civil engineering practice, summing up successful experience, especially draw lessons from the failure of developed. From the beginning of seventeenth Century, with Galileo and Newton as a combination of pilot with the mechanics of the modern civil engineering practice, gradually formed the mechanical material mechanics, structural mechanics, fluid mechanics, rock mass, as the basis of the theory of civil engineering discipline. This experience in civil engineering from the gradually developed into a science.In the process of the development of civil engineering, engineering practice often first experience in theory, engineering accidents often show a new unforeseen factors, triggering a new theory of research and development. Yet many engineering problems, still rely on practical experience in the very great degree.
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2023-07-16 23:51:083


韩:uacfc ud30cuad34uc801uc778 uc0acub791 uc0ddud65c ub3d9uc548 Aisiuc5d0 uc0acub791ud558uae30 uc704ud558uc5ec.英:To love and to Aisi for subversive love life.
2023-07-16 23:51:164


最近浪涌在飞机飞行的数量堵塞了nation"s air-traffic 控制系统。
2023-07-16 23:51:582


问题一:冬天到了,春天还会远吗? 冬天来了,春天还会远吗? 这句话出自英国著名浪漫主义诗人雪莱的《西风颂》。 当寒冷的冬天来临时,寒风瑟瑟,万物凋零,给人萧瑟之感。但不要忘了,在冬天之后,就是春天的降临,到那时,阳光明媚,草长莺飞,万物复苏,生机勃勃。 出在黑暗、痛苦中的人,不要忘记寻找希望的光明,不要忘记,黑暗之后就是黎明。 这首诗写于英国革命时期,因此,“冬天如果来了,春天还会远吗”是写给那些生活在黑暗社会的人们,不要放弃希望,要勇于与黑暗的现实斗争,迎取胜利的光芒。 问题二:“冬天已经过去了,春天还会远吗 冬天来了,春天还会远吗?”是英国诗人雪莱《西风颂》中的诗句. 第一节 哦,狂野的西风,秋之生命的气息, 你无形,但枯死的落叶被你横扫 犹如精魂飞遁远离法师长吟, 黄的,黑的,灰的,红得像患肺痨, 染上瘟疫的纷纷落叶四散调零:哦,是你哟, 以车驾把有翼的种子催送到 黑暗的冬床上,它们就躺在那里, 像是墓中的死穴,冰冷,深藏,低贱, 直到阳春,你蔚蓝的姐妹向沉睡的大地 吹响她嘹亮的号角 (如同牧放群羊,驱送香甜的花蕾到空气中觅食就饮) 将色和香充满了山峰和平原: 狂野的精灵呵,你无处不远行; 破坏者兼保护者:听吧,你且聆听! 第二节 在你的川流之上,长空中巨流滔天, 乱云像大地上凋零的树叶, 被西风从天和海交错缠结的枝丫上吹落下来, 成为雨和电的使者:它们飘落 在你缥缈的蔚蓝波涛表面, 有如狂女的飘扬的头发在闪烁 从天穹的最遥远而模糊的边沿 直抵九霄的中天,到处都在摇曳, 欲来雷雨的卷发,对濒死的一年 你唱出了葬歌,而这密集的黑夜 将成为它广大墓陵的一座圆顶, 里面正有你的万钧之力的凝结 那是你的浑然之气,从它会迸涌 黑色的雨、冰雹和火焰:哦,你听! 第三节 是你,你将蓝色的地中海唤醒 而它曾经昏睡了一整个夏天, 被澄澈水流的回旋催眠入梦, 就在巴亚海湾的一个浮石岛边, 它梦见了古老的宫殿和楼阁 在水天辉映的波影里抖颤, 而且都生满青苔、开满花朵, 那芬芳真迷人欲醉!呵,为了给你 让一条路,大西洋的汹涌的浪波 把自己向两边劈开,而深在渊底 那海洋中的花草和泥污的森林 虽然枝叶扶疏,却没有精力 听到你的声音,它们已吓得发青, 一边颤栗,一边自动萎缩:哦,你听! 第四节 我若是一片落叶随你飘腾; 我若是一朵流云伴你飞行; 或是一个浪头在你的威力下翻滚 如果我能有你的锐势和冲劲 即使比不上你那不羁的奔放 我若能像在少年时,凌风而舞 便成了你的伴侣,悠游天空 (因为呵,那时候,要想追你上云霄, 似乎并非梦幻),又何至沦落到这等颓丧 祈求你来救我之急。 哦,举起我吧,当我是水波、树叶、浮云!我跌在人生的荆棘上,我在流血! 这被岁月的重轭所制服的生命 原是和你一样:骄傲、轻捷而不驯。 第五节 把我当作你的竖琴,当作那树丛: 尽管我的叶落了,那有什么关系! 你那非凡和谐的慷慨激越之情 定能从森林和我同奏出深沉的秋韵, 甜美而带苍凉。给我你迅猛的劲头, 狂暴的精灵!化成我吧,借你的锋芒! 请把我尘封的思想散落在宇宙 让它像枯叶一样促成新的生命! 哦,请听从这一篇符咒似的诗歌, 就把我的心声,像是灰烬和火星 从还未熄灭的炉火向人间播散! 让预言的喇叭通过我的嘴巴 把昏睡的大地唤醒吧!哦,西风啊, 如果冬天来了,春天还会远吗?...>> 问题三:冬天到了春天还会远吗这句话是谁说的 冬天到了,春天还会远吗。 是英国浪漫派诗人雪莱在《西风颂》里的名句。 现代人常常把这句话挂在嘴边,来相互勉励对方。 问题四:“冬天已经过去,春天还会远吗 雪莱的名言. 问题五:如果冬天来了春天还会远吗是谁写的 这句话出自19世纪英国著名浪漫主义诗人 雪莱 的《西风颂》。 我摘抄一下西风颂的第五节,如下: “象你以森林演奏,请也以我为琴, 哪怕我的叶片也象森林的一样凋谢! 你那非凡和谐的慷慨激越之情, 定能从森林和我同奏出深沉的秋乐, 悲怆却又甘冽。但愿你勇猛的精灵 竟是我的魂魄,我能成为剽悍的你! 请把我枯萎的思绪播送宇宙, 就象你驱遣落叶催促新的生命, 请凭借我这韵文写就的符咒, 就象从未灭的余烬r出炉灰和火星, 把我的话语传遍天地间万户千家, 通过我的嘴唇,向沉睡未醒的人境, 让预言的号角奏鸣!哦,风啊, 如果冬天来了,春天还会远吗?” 雪莱的简介: 雪莱(1792―1822),19世纪英国著名浪漫主义诗人。出生在一个古老而保守的贵族家庭。少年时在皇家的伊顿公学就读。1810年入牛津大学学习,开始追求民主自由。1811年,诗人因为写作哲学论文推理上帝的不存在,宣传无神论,被学校开除;也因此得罪父亲,离家独居。1812年,诗人又偕同新婚的妻子赴爱尔兰参加那儿人们反抗英国统治的斗争,遭到英国统治阶级的忌恨。1814年,雪莱与妻子离婚,与玛丽小姐结合。英国当局趁机对雪莱大加诽谤中伤,雪莱愤然离开祖国,旅居意大利。1822年7月8日,诗人出海航行遭遇暴风雨,溺水而亡。诗人一生创作了大量优秀的抒情诗及政治诗,《致云雀》、《西风颂》、《自由颂》、《解放了的普罗米修斯》、《暴政的假面 *** 》等诗都一直为人们传唱不衰。 问题六:"冬天到了,春天还会远吗”语出 雪莱...... 问题七:冬天已经到了,春天还会远吗?出处 西 风 颂 雪莱 一 剽悍的西风啊, 你是暮秋的呼吸, 因你无形的存在, 枯叶四处逃窜, 如同魔鬼见到了巫师, 纷纷躲避; 那些枯叶, 有黑有白, 有红有黄, 像遭受了瘟疫的群体, 哦, 你呀, 西风, 你让种籽展开翱翔的翅膀, 飞落到黑暗的冬床, 冰冷地躺下, 像一具具尸体深葬于坟墓, 直到 你那蔚蓝色的阳春姐妹凯旋归家, 向睡梦中的大地吹响了她的号角, 催促蓓蕾, 有如驱使吃草的群羊, 让漫山遍野注满生命的芳香色调; 剽悍的精灵, 你的身影遍及四方, 哦,听吧, 你既在毁坏, 又在保藏! 二 在你的湍流中, 在高空的骚动中, 纷乱的云块就像飘零飞坠的叶子, 你从天空和海洋相互交错的树丛 抖落出传送雷雨以及闪电的天使; 在你的气体波涛的蔚蓝色的表面, 恰似酒神女祭司的头上竖起缕缕 亮闪闪的青丝, 从朦胧的地平线 一直到苍天的顶端, 全都披散着 即将来临的一场暴风骤雨的发卷, 你就是唱给垂死岁月的一曲挽歌, 四合的夜幕, 是巨大墓陵的拱顶, 它建构于由你所集聚而成的气魄, 可是从你坚固的气势中将会喷迸 黑雨、电火以及冰雹; 哦, 请听! 三 你啊, 把蓝色的地中海从夏梦中 唤醒, 它曾被清澈的水催送入眠, 就一直躺在那个地方, 酣睡沉沉, 睡在拜伊海湾的一个石岛的旁边, 在睡梦中看到古老的宫殿和楼台 在烈日之下的海波中轻轻地震颤, 它们全都开满鲜花, 又生满青苔, 散发而出的醉人的芳香难以描述! 见到你, 大西洋的水波豁然裂开, 为你让出道路, 而在海底的深处, 枝叶里面没有浆汁的淤泥的丛林 和无数的海花、珊瑚, 一旦听出 你的声音, 一个个顿时胆战心惊, 颤栗着, 像遭了劫掠, 哦, 请听! 四 假如我是一片任你吹卷的枯叶, 假若我是一朵随你飘飞的云彩, 或是在你威力之下喘息的水波, 分享你强健的搏动, 悠闲自在, 不羁的风啊, 哪怕不及你自由, 或者, 假若我能像童年的时代, 陪伴着你在那天国里任意翱游, 即使比你飞得更快也并非幻想―― 那么我绝不向你这般苦苦哀求: 啊, 卷起我吧! 如同翻卷波浪、 或像横扫落叶、或像驱赶浮云! 我跃进人生的荆棘, 鲜血直淌! 岁月的重负缚住了我这颗灵魂, 它太像你了:敏捷、高傲、不驯。 五 拿我当琴吧, 就像那一片树林, 哪怕我周身的叶儿也同样飘落! 你以非凡和谐中的狂放的 *** 让我和树林都奏出雄浑的秋乐, 悲凉而又甜美。狂暴的精灵哟, 但愿你我迅猛的灵魂能够契......>> 问题八:《冬天来了,春天还会远吗》 英文版 O wild West Wind, thou breath of Autumn"s being, Thou, from whose unseen presence the leaves dead Are driven, like ghosts from an enchanter fleeing, Yellow, and black, and pale, and hectic red, Pestilence-stricken multitudes: O thou, Who chariotest to their dark wintry bed The winged seeds, where they lie cold and low, Each like a corpse within its grave, until Thine azure sister of the Spring shall blow Her clarion o"er the dreaming earth, and fill (Driving sweet buds like flocks to feed in air) With living hues and odours plain and hill: Wild Spirit, which art moving everywhere; Destroyer and preserver; hear, oh hear! II Thou on whose stream, mid the steep sky"s motion, Loose clouds like earth"s decaying leaves are shed, Shook from the tangled boughs of Heaven and Ocean, Angels of rain and lightning: there are spread On the blue surface of thine a?ry surge, Like the bright hair uplifted from the head Of some fierce Maenad, even from the dim verge Of the horizon to the zenith"s height, The locks of the approaching storm. Thou dirge Of the dying year, to which this closing night Will be the dome of a vast sepulchre, Vaulted with all thy congregated might Of vapours, from whose solid atmosphere Black rain, and fire, and hail will burst: oh hear! III Thou who didst waken from his summer dreams The blue Mediterranean, where he lay, Lull"d by the coil of his crystàlline streams, Beside a pumice isle in Baiae"s bay, And saw in sl......>> 问题九:“冬天来了,春天还会远吗”这句话是谁说的? 英国的浪漫主义诗人雪莱的> 一 哦,狂暴的西风,秋之生命的呼吸! 你无形,但枯死的落叶被你横扫, 有如鬼魅碰到了巫师,纷纷逃避: 黄的,黑的,灰的,红得像患肺痨, 呵,重染疫疠的一群:西风呵,是你 以车驾把有冀的种子摧送到 黑暗的冬床上,它们就躺在那里, 像是墓中的死穴,冰冷,深藏,低贱, 直等到春天,你碧空的姊妹吹起 她的喇叭,在沉睡的大地上响遍, (唤出嫩芽,像羊群一样,觅食空中) 将色和香充满了山峰和平原。 不羁的精灵呵,你无处不远行; 破坏者兼保护者:听吧,你且聆听! 二 没入你的急流,当高空一片混乱, 流云象大地的枯叶一样被撕扯 脱离天空和海洋的纠缠的枝干。 成为雨和电的使者:它们飘落 在你的磅礴之气的蔚蓝的波面, 有如狂女的飘扬的头发在闪烁, 从天穹的最遥远而模糊的边沿 直抵九霄的中天,到处都在摇曳 欲来雷雨的卷发,对濒死的一年 你唱出了葬歌,而这密集的黑夜 将成为它广大墓陵的一座圆顶, 里面正有你的万钧之力的凝结; 那是你的浑然之气,从它会迸涌 黑色的雨,冰雹和火焰:哦,你听! 三 是你,你将蓝色的地中海唤醒, 而它曾经昏睡了一整个夏天, 被澄澈水流的回旋催眠入梦, 就在巴亚海湾的一个浮石岛边, 它梦见了古老的宫殿和楼阁 在水天辉映的波影里抖颤, 而且都生满青苔、开满花朵, 那芬芳真迷人欲醉!呵,为了给你 让一条路,大西洋的汹涌的浪波 把自己向两边劈开,而深在渊底 那海洋中的花草和泥污的森林 虽然枝叶扶疏,却没有精力; 听到你的声音,它们已吓得发青: 一边颤栗,一边自动萎缩:哦,你听! 四 哎,假如我是一片枯叶被你浮起, 假如我是能和你飞跑的云雾, 是一个波浪,和你的威力同喘息, 假如我分有你的脉搏,仅仅不如 你那么自由,哦,无法约束的生命! 假如我能像在少年时,凌风而舞 便成了你的伴侣,悠游天空 (因为呵,那时候,要想追你上云霄, 似乎并非梦幻),我就不致像如今 这样焦躁地要和你争相祈祷。 哦,举起我吧,当我是水波、树叶、浮云! 我跌在生活底荆棘上,我流血了! 这被岁月的重轭所制服的生命 原是和你一样:骄傲、轻捷而不驯。 五 把我当作你的竖琴吧,有如树林: 尽管我的叶落了,那有什么关系! 你巨大的合奏所振起的音乐 将染有树林和我的深邃的秋意: 虽忧伤而甜蜜。呵,但愿你给予我 狂暴的精神!奋勇者呵,让我们合一! 请把我枯死的思想向世界吹落, 让它像枯叶一样促成新的生命! 哦,请听从这一篇符咒似的诗歌, 就把我的话语,像是灰烬和火星 从还未熄灭的炉火向人间播散! 让预言的喇叭通过我的嘴唇 把昏睡的大地唤醒吧!要是冬天 已经来了,西风呵,春日怎能遥远? 很好的诗哦!...>> 问题十:"冬天到了,春天还会远吗 “冬天到了,春天还会远吗”是英国浪漫派诗人雪莱在《西风颂》里的名句。 现在们人常常把这句话挂在嘴边,来相互勉励对方。 《西风颂》雪莱把我当作你的竖琴吧,有如树林: 尽管我的叶落了,那有什么关系! 你巨大的合奏所振起的音乐 将染有树林和我的深邃的秋意: 虽忧伤而甜蜜。呵,但愿你给予我 狂暴的精神!奋勇者呵,让我们合一! 请把我枯死的思想向世界吹落, 让它像枯叶一样促成新的生命! 哦,请听从这一篇符咒似的诗歌, 就把我的话语,像是灰烬和火星 从还未熄灭的炉火向人间播散! 让预言的喇叭通过我的嘴唇 把昏睡的大地唤醒吧!要是冬天 已经来了,西风呵,春日怎能遥远?
2023-07-16 23:52:061


The latestup to dateabreast of the times far out
2023-07-16 23:52:254

英文翻译 求高手帮我翻译这段中文成英文

2023-07-16 23:52:322

像是一股涌动的暗流,表面平静,实则湍急、汹涌、强劲,却又不易觉察。 这句话怎么翻译?不要形容火山喷发的

Like an undercurrent of surge, the surface calm, but it is a swift and turbulent and strong, but not easy to detect.Like undercurrent, calm on the surface, but in reality rapids, raging, strong, but difficult to detect.希望对你有帮助谢谢!望采纳!
2023-07-16 23:52:413


  recent有近来的;新近的等意思,那么你知道recent的用法吗?下面跟着我一起来学习一下,希望对大家的学习有所帮助!    recent的用法:   recent的用法1:recent的意思是“不久前的,近来的”,可用于表示某事发生于不久前的某一时间点,也可表示过去不久到现在的一段时间。   recent的用法2:recent在句中主要作前置定语,有时也作表语。   recent的用法3:recent无比较级和最高级形式。   recent的用法4:含用recent构成的时间状语中的谓语动词的时态要视recent的意义而定,如表示不久前的某一时间点,谓语动词须用一般过去时,如表示从过去不久到现在的一段时间,谓语动词则须用过去完成时。    recent的用法例句:   1. Specialists see various reasons for the recent surge in inflation.   专家们认为目前通货膨胀加剧有多种原因。   2. Recent, more dramatic use of CGI was seen in "Walking With Dinosaurs".   在纪录片《与恐龙同行》中可以看到最新的、更加生动的电脑特效技术。   3. In recent months many conservative politicians have jumped on the anti-immigrant bandwagon.   最近几个月,很多保守政客都搭上了“反移民”这班车。   4. The recent rain had churned up the waterfall into a muddy whirlpool.   最近的一场雨把瀑布搅成了泥水漩涡。   5. 673 private golf clubs took part in a recent study.   673家私人高尔夫俱乐部参与了最近的研究。   6. Rules governing student conduct relaxed somewhat in recent years.   近年来约束学生行为的规定有所放宽。   7. The most recent tenants hadn"t even cut the grass.   上一拨房客连草都没有修剪。   8. Recent events have made his central theme even more apposite.   新近发生的事情使得他的中心主题显得更加有的放矢。   9. In recent years the newspaper had been limping along on limited resources.   近年来这家报社一直在靠有限的资源艰难维持。   10. Official speeches in recent days have been larded with promises of democracy.   近日官方在讲话中满口对民主的承诺。   11. Attitudes to mental illness have shifted in recent years.   最近几年对精神病的态度已有所改变。   12. The more recent conifer plantations cannot yet compare with the old woodlands.   年代较近的针叶树林场还比不上年代久远的林场。   13. In recent years the Austrian economy has outperformed most other industrial economies.   近几年,奥地利的经济发展超过了其他多数工业国。   14. This site remained undiscovered, though long sought, until recent times.   虽经长期寻找,但该遗址直到最近才被发现。   15. New recruits have been undergoing training in recent weeks.   最近几周,新兵正在接受训练。
2023-07-16 23:52:481


  青春啊!你犹如那火红的太阳般璀璨,令我陶醉在其中;你犹如那清晨的山间景色般灵秀,令我如痴如醉;你犹如那清凉可口的山泉般铭心,让我精神抖擞……本文是,希望对大家有帮助!   篇一   Forest Picture森林美景   Calm and strange is this evening hour in the forest,   寂静又陌生,此刻林中的夜晚,   Carven domes of green are the trees by the pathway,   路边的大树,雕刻绿色的穹顶,   Infinite shadowy isles lie silent before me,   无比幽暗的岛屿静卧在眼前,   Summer is heavy with age, and leans upon Autumn.   夏日一天天地沉重,斜倚著秋。   All the land is ripe. There is no motion   大地熟透了。不见一丝波澜   Down the long bays of blue that those cloudy headlands   沿着长长的蓝色海湾,海岬阴沉沉   Sleep above in the glow of a fading sunset;   沉睡在消退中的落日余晖里;   All things rest in the will of purpose triumphant.   一切长眠于此,意志得意洋洋。   Outlines melting into a vague immensity   茫茫然,融入一片无限之中   Fade, the green gloom grows darker, and deeper the dusk:   消散,青色的幽暗更深,薄暮更重了:   Hark! a voice and laughter—the living and loving   听吧!笑声与歌声——生活与爱情   Down these fantastic avenues pass like shadows.   仿佛影子一般,穿过美妙的林荫道。   篇二   两个黄鹂鸣翠柳,一行白鹭上青天.   窗含西岭千秋雪,门泊东吴万里船.   Two yellow orioles sing in the green willows;   A flock of white egrets surge up the blue sky.   In my window is framed the snow-capped peak of Mount West.   Close by my door are moored boats from faraway Wu.   篇三   For Lucy, who called them "ghost houses".   致称它们为“鬼屋”的露西 。   Someone was always leaving Scenic Routeand never ing back.The wooden houses wait likeold wivesalong this road; they are everywhereabandoned, leaning, turning gray.   有人总是离开,且不再回来。一栋栋木屋像年老的妻子,等候在这路边;它们随处可见,被荒弃,倾斜,渐显灰朽。   Someone always tradedthe lonely beautyof hemlock and stony lakeshorefor survival, packed uphis lifeand drove off to the city.In the yards, the apple treeskeep hanging on, but the fruitgrows *** aller year by year.   有人总是为了生计,放弃铁杉和石砌的湖岸那孤独的美,打点好人生的行李包,驱车前往城市。院子里的苹果树一直都有结果,只是果子一年比一年小。   When we e this way again,the trees will have gone wild,the houses collapsed, not evenworththe human act of breaking in.Fields will have taken over.   当我们再次踏上这条路,树木早已疯长,房子坍塌了,甚至不值得人们破门而入。田野会取而代之。   What we will recognizeis the wind, the same fierce windwhich has no history.   我们将认出的是风,同样狂野的风,它没有过去。   
2023-07-16 23:53:291

2023-07-16 23:53:481

开机老这样提示开机老这样提示,Power supply surges detected during the previous power on ASUS Anti-s

2023-07-16 23:53:563


With the acceleration of the urbanization and industrialization, a weak group has shown up between the urban and the rural -----land-lost farmers. They are a large and special weak group formed between the urban and the rural, in the enclosure process, their interests are violated and the number is surging, which not only has increased the cost, but more importantly, has threaten the social stability. Thus, we can see the urgency and the importance of resolving this problem. How to solve the worries of farmers after losing their lands, how to ensure the farmers will receive reasonable compensation, appropriate resettlement, full employment and the basic social security all that is the focus of this paper.
2023-07-16 23:54:043


2023-07-16 23:54:1215

The present universal fear has been the result of a forward surge in our knowledge a

d.. 操纵,控制,当前人们普遍担心的是,我们知识的不断激增,以及物质世界中对特定危险因素的操纵.
2023-07-16 23:54:481


2023-07-16 23:55:152

smoking hot 什么意思

2023-07-16 23:55:242


1. 描写大海的英语句子 The sea water is the bright incomparable sky-blue, the sodium hyposulfite is steady like spring early morning Xihu is same.Occasionally the breeze, only blew certainly the thin certainly thin thousands of clear small wrinkle, this caused according to expose to the sun sunlight of under the first month of summer, the golden light bright water surface appeared warm Xiu to be encouraging.I ever have not seen that beautiful sea! In the sky also is the bright incomparable sky-blue, only then several piece of tissue resemble light cloud.Smooth and level in the air, like a girl, has put on certainly the beautiful blue color summer clothes, but between the neck actually revolved section of certainly thin certainly light white gauze kerchiefs。 海水是皎洁无比的蔚蓝色,海波是平稳如春晨的西湖一样。偶尔微风,只吹起了绝细绝细的千万个粼粼的小皱纹,这更使照晒于初夏之太阳光之下的,金光灿烂的水面显得温秀可喜。 我从没见过那么美的海!天空上也是皎洁无比的蔚蓝色,只有几片薄纱似的轻云。平贴于空中,就如一个女郎,穿上了绝美的蓝色夏衣,而颈间却围绕了一段绝细绝轻的白纱巾。 2. 求描写海底世界的英文句子 At the Edge of the Sea The shore is an ancient world, for as long as there has been an earth and se a there has been this place of the meeting of land and water. Yet it is a world that keeps alive the sense of continuing creation and of the relentless drive of life. Each time that I enter it, I gain some new awareness of its beauty and it sdeeper meanings, sensing that intricate fabric of life by which one creature is linked with another, and each with its surroundings.In my thoughts of the shore, one place stands apart for its revelation of exquisite beauty. It is a pool hidden within a cave that one can visit only rarely and briefly when the lowest of the year"s low tides fall below it, and perhaps from that very fact it acquires some of its special beauty. Choosing such a tide , I hoped for a glimpse of the pool. The ebb was to fall early in the morning. I knew that if the wind held from the northwest and no interfering swell ran in f rom a distant storm the level of the sea should drop below the entrance to the pool. There had been sudden ominous showers in the night, with rain like handfuls of gravel flung on the roof. When I looked out into the early morning the sky was full of a gray dawn light but the sun had not yet risen. Water and air were pallid. Across the bay the moon was a luminous disc in the western sky, suspended above the dim line of distant shore — the full August moon, drawing the tide to the low, low levels of the threshold of the alien sea world. As I watched, a gull flew by, above the spruces. Its breast was rosy with the light of the unrisen sun. The day was, after all, to be fair.Later, as I stood above the tide near the entrance to the pool, the promise of that rosy light was sustained. From the base of the steep wall of rock on which I stood, a moss covered ledge jutted seaward into deep water. In the surge at the rim of the ledge the dark fronds of oarweeds swayed smooth and gleaming as leather. The projecting ledge was the path to the small hidden cave and its pool. Occasionally a swell, stronger than the rest, rolled smoothly over the rim and broke in foam against the cliff. But the intervals between such swells were lo ng enough to admit me to the ledge and long enough for a glimpse of that fairy pool, so seldom and so briefly exposed.And so I knelt on the wet carpet of sea moss and looked back into the dark cavern that held the pool in a shallow basin. The floor of the cave was only a fewinches below the roof, and a mirror had been created in which all that grew on the ceiling was reflected in the still water below.Under water that was clear as glass the pool was carpeted with green sponge. Gray patches of sea squirts glistened on the ceiling and colonies of raft coral were a pale apricot color. In the moment when I looked into the cave a little e lfin starfish hung down, suspended by the merest thread, perhaps by only a single tube foot. It reached down to touch its own reflection, so perfectly delineated that there might have been, not one starfish, but two. The beauty of the refle cted images and of the limpid pool itself was the poignant beauty of things that are ephemeral, existing only until the sea should return to fill the little cave.By Rachel Carson 在海边 海岸是一个古老的世界。 自从有地球和大海以来,就有这个水陆相接的地方。但人们却感觉它是一个总在进行创造、生命力顽强而又充沛的世界。 每当我踏入这个世界,感觉到生物彼此之间以及每一生物与它周围环境之间,通过错综复杂的生命结构彼此相连的时候,我对它的美,对它的深层意蕴,都产生某种新的认识。每当我想起海岸,就有一个地方因为它所表现出的独特美妙而占有突出的地位。 那就是一个隐匿于洞中的水潭。平时,这个洞被海水所淹没,一年当中只有海潮降落到最低,以至低于水潭时,人们才能在这难得的短时间内看见它。 也许正应如此,它获得了某种特殊的美。我选好这样一个低潮的时机,希望能看一眼水潭。 根据推算,潮水将在清晨退下去。我知道,如果不刮西北风,远处的风暴不再掀起惊涛骇浪进行干扰,海平面就会落得比水潭的入口还低。 夜里突然下了几场预示不祥的阵雨,一把把碎石般的雨点被抛到屋顶上。清晨我向外眺望,只见天空笼罩着灰蒙蒙的曙光,只是太阳还没有升起。 水和空气一片暗淡。一轮明月挂在海湾对面的西天上,月下灰暗的一线就是远方的海岸——8月的望月把海潮吸得很低,直到那与人世隔离的海的世界的门槛。 在我观望的时候,一只海鸥飞过云杉。呼之欲出的太阳把它的腹部映成粉色。 天终于晴了。后来,当我在高于海潮的水潭入口处附近站着时,四周已是瑰红色的晨光。 从我立脚的峭岩底部,一块被青苔覆盖的礁石伸向大海的最深处。海水拍击着礁石周围,水藻上下左右地飘动,像皮面般滑溜发亮。 通往隐藏的小洞和洞中水潭的路径是那些凸现的礁石。间或。 3. 描写大海的英文语句 Walk along the Seashore-海滨漫步 A Walk along the Seashore There is much enjoyment to be gained by strolling along the seashore. Many people who live far away from the sea envy those who live near it. They sometimes form excursion parties and go there to spend their Sundays. To gaze upon a calm sea and watch the ships as they move steadily and quietly through the water is very pleasant. But on a summer day, when the air is warm and the sky is blue, it is more pleasant to walk on the shore and collect pretty pebbles, shells, and seaweed. However, the most wonderful scene of the sea is witnessed during a storm, when the waves rise and fall with much grandeur. At times they look like huge mountains with valleys between; and when they dash against the shore with a hiss and roar, they break into spray. Walking along the seashore is more than being a pleasure. The sea breezes are highly beneficial, so, a walk along the seashore is recommendable to those who are so fortunate as to live at places where the seashore is within their easy reach. The Seashore-海边 From as far as you could see on the left and right was open water and sand. The splash of small was open water and sand. The splash of pieces of seashells lay scattered on the beach and small holes covered the sand where the crabs had dug in. the wind felt soft and warm and the water not very chilling. Far in the distance the sun was changing color from a yellow to an orange and then to a red ball hanging over the horizon. The horizon was a long gray line broken once by the outline of a ship or a fisherman"s boat. Here lays the peace and tranquility that poets, writers, and artists alike try to capture in words and paint.。 4. 描写大海的英文语句 Walk along the Seashore-海滨漫步 A Walk along the Seashore There is much enjoyment to be gained by strolling along the seashore. Many people who live far away from the sea envy those who live near it. They sometimes form excursion parties and go there to spend their Sundays. To gaze upon a calm sea and watch the ships as they move steadily and quietly through the water is very pleasant. But on a summer day, when the air is warm and the sky is blue, it is more pleasant to walk on the shore and collect pretty pebbles, shells, and seaweed. However, the most wonderful scene of the sea is witnessed during a storm, when the waves rise and fall with much grandeur. At times they look like huge mountains with valleys between; and when they dash against the shore with a hiss and roar, they break into spray. Walking along the seashore is more than being a pleasure. The sea breezes are highly beneficial, so, a walk along the seashore is recommendable to those who are so fortunate as to live at places where the seashore is within their easy reach. The Seashore-海边 From as far as you could see on the left and right was open water and sand. The splash of small was open water and sand. The splash of pieces of seashells lay scattered on the beach and small holes covered the sand where the crabs had dug in. the wind felt soft and warm and the water not very chilling. Far in the distance the sun was changing color from a yellow to an orange and then to a red ball hanging over the horizon. The horizon was a long gray line broken once by the outline of a ship or a fisherman"s boat. Here lays the peace and tranquility that poets, writers, and artists alike try to capture in words and paint. 5. 跪求一篇关于“大海”或“天空”的英语诗歌 Her Playnate Is The Seaby LeonnaI watch her from the doorAs she plays along the shoreShe digs her toes into the sandBuilds a castle from the landA wave sweeps past her kneesShe giggles, as if to teaseA bucket, shovel, sand and waterEasily occupy my daughterShe has a smile, when she looks up at me My child so happy by the seaShe is alone, but not lonelyHer playmate is the sea。 6. 写大海的短诗(英文的) The Ocean"s Song by Victor Hugo We walked amongst the ruins famed in story Of Rozel-Tower, And saw the boundless waters stretch in glory And heave in power. O Ocean vast! We heard thy song with wonder, Whilst waves marked time. "Appear, O Truth!" thou sang"st with tone of thunder, "And shine sublime! "The world"s enslaved and hunted down by beagles, To despots sold. Souls of deep thinkers, soar like mighty eagles! The Right uphold. "Be born! arise! o"er the earth and wild waves bounding, Peoples and suns! Let darkness vanish; tocsins be resounding, And flash, ye guns! "And you who love no pomps of fog or glamour, Who fear no shocks, Brave foam and lightning, hurricane and clamour,-- Exiles: the rocks!" 7. 描写海的英语句子 初中水平 1、那碧绿的海面,像丝绸一样柔和,微荡着涟猗.从高处看,烟波浩渺,一望无际;而有时,海水就在你的脚边,轻轻絮语。 2、海水满盈盈的,照在夕阳之下,浪涛像顽皮的小孩子似的跳跃不定,水面上一片金光 3、屹立在岸边的沙滩上,向远处望去,只看见白茫茫的一片.海水和天空合为一体,都分不清是水还是天.正所谓:雾锁山头山锁雾,天连水尾水连天.远处的海水,在娇艳的阳光照耀下,像片片鱼鳞铺在水面,又像顽皮的小孩不断向岸边跳跃 4、看着大海,我们的心胸似乎也变得开阔了.在这种境界里,使人神清气爽,心旷神怡.海水涨潮了,海水中的波浪一个连着一个向岸边涌来.有的升上来,像一座座滚滚动的小山;有的撞了海边的礁石上,溅起好几米高的浪花,发出“哗。。哗。。”的美妙声音! 5、喜欢它安静的样子,咆哮的样子…… 望眼过去那开阔无边的大海,雄浑而苍茫,把城市的狭窄、拥挤、嘈杂全都灰望道九霄云外。 6、难忘那清爽的潮湿的带着谈谈的海腥味的海风,吹拂着人的头发、面颊、身体的每一处的感觉。就像艳丽丰盈的女人一样的诱人。 7、流淌着的河水在秋天通体泛红,好像一头巨蟒吐出的信子。 8、汹涌的河水从悬崖上咆哮而下,滔滔不绝,一泻千里。 9、海还是安安静静的,好像睡着了一样,没有风,也没有浪,海水已经凝固了,好像一块厚厚的玻璃,平躺在那儿,一动也不动. 10、浩瀚无边的湛蓝的海洋,一道道波浪不断涌来,撞击在岩石上,发出了天崩地裂的吼声,喷溅着雪白的泡沫. 11、树叶白帆,在这水天一色金光闪闪的海面上,就像几片雪白的羽毛似的,轻悠悠地漂动着,漂动着。 12、浪花是海上的奇景,可她更像一位舞蹈家,她能使人抛开烦恼,尽情地欣赏。 13、海水那么蓝,使人感到翡翠的颜色太浅,蓝宝石的颜色又太深,纵是名师高手,也难以描摹 14、阳光照在波光细细的河面上,像给水面铺上了一层闪闪发光的碎银,又像被揉皱了的绿缎。 15、海,真的海,同北方高原那片苍茫的土地一样,凝聚着一种无法言说的神秘的生命力,给人一种超越自然的深刻! 16、到秋天,山是浅黄或绛紫色的,河水是碧蓝碧蓝的,柞树的叶子火一样红,素馨花雪一样白,野艾的瓦灰,菅草的姣绿,野菊花的藕荷色,形成了色彩斑斓的图画。
2023-07-16 23:55:311


【 #四六级考试# 导语】努力的苦读,就为这一刻啰!把你的实力全部发挥,所有关爱着你的人,都会为你祝福.祈祷,相信你会考出满意的成绩,榜上有名喔!以下是 为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。 1.2021年12月大学英语四级写作高分范文   写作题目:地震   After the Wenchuan 5.12 earthquake many people wondered why so many people were killed or injured. What is the best way to prevent tragedy from earthquakes?   写作范文:Preventing Earthquake Damage   The devastating 8-magnitude Wenchuan earthquake cost at least 70,000 lives, making it the deadliest earthquake to hit China since the 1976 Tangshan earthquake. There has been a heated debate concerning how to prevent earthquake damage. In my opinion, improving building quality and constructing earthquake-resistant buildings should be made a top priority.   To begin with, improving building quality will greatly reduce the number of buildings collapsing in an earthquake, Building vulnerability is closely linked to the casualty rate in a catastrophic earthquake. The central government estimates that over 7,000 inadequately engineered schoolrooms collapsed in the earthquake. Chinese netizens have since invented a catchphrase"tofu-dreg schoolhouses to mock both the quality and the quantity of these inferior constructions that killed so many school children, Substandard building materials were used in some constructions, constituting a great potential danger to people"s lives. Therefore, improving building quality should be put on top of the government"s agenda so as to prevent much of the disastrous effects of earthquakes. Secondly, earthquake-resistant building can effectively withstand earthquakes. In the Wenchuan earthquake, many people were killed due to the low standard of earthquake-resistant buildings. China has adopted new legislation to enforce proper quake-resistant structures. Hence adopting an advanced quake-proof technique to build high-standard quake-resistant buildings is indispensable to tragedy prevention from earthquakes.   In conclusion, improving the design and the quality of buildings is the best way to prevent the tragic effects from earthquakes. (234 words) 2.2021年12月大学英语四级写作高分范文   写作题目:交通拥堵   The number of private cars in big cities like Beijing and Shanghai is growing daily bringing with it noise, pollution and traffic jams. Is it necessary to reduce the number of cars in big cities? Suggest ONE way in which this could be done.   写作范文:Increase Public Transportation   Beijing is faced with an uphill battle to improve deteriorating air quality and alleviate traffic jams caused by the surge in car use. What is the best way to decrease the number of private automobiles on the road? In my opinion, developing sustainable public transportation strategies should be given top priority.   Firstly, a well-managed and punctual public transportation system makes commuting and travelling easier and more convenient. One big headache for private car drivers is the annoying traffic jams. However, some forms of public transport, such as subway, magnetically levitated train4 and light rail transit can help commuters and travellers avoid traffic jams, greatly reducing their time wasted on the road. Furthermore, by taking public transport, people will no longer be bothered by looking everywhere for a parking place. Therefore, a service-oriented and user-focused public transportation system will definitely attract more private car owners, making it possible for the car owners to keep their cars in the garage and choose public transport. Secondly, public transport serves as an economic alternative to cars. The Chinese government will provide a total of l.3 billion yuan to help Beijing"s bus companies reduce fares to only l yuan per ride. The high oil price and auto maintenance cost deter car owners from driving their cars. Since public transport is so cheap, there should be no economic reason to drive a car in the city. 3.2021年12月大学英语四级写作高分范文   写作题目:学费和贫困生   Some students are unable to enter university because of the high cost of tuition fees. Suggest ONE way to solve this problem.   写作范文:Helping Poor Students Financially   Figures from the Ministry of Education indicate that about 2.63 million college students in China suffer from poverty, accounting for 19 percent of the total of 13.5 million students enrolled. Among them, 1.22 million are categorized as "extremely poor" students. Higher education institutes across the country should launch different programmes to provide financial aid to poor college students.   The access to financial aid can prevent poor students from dropping out of colleges and universities. Programmes such as “Green Passage" enable poor students to enroll and defer tuition payments. The ministry also encourages poor students to apply for state loans. Ministry figures show that the state loan system, introduced in 2000, has aided 2.07 million unrversity students. Furthermore, part of the tuition fees collected every year by each university should be used to help poor students, for example, by offering scholarships, tuition waivers and work-study programmes under which students help outs in libraries, teachers" offices or service departments to earn money. Last but not least, implementing a programme for the exemption of tuition and textbook fees for rural poor students and subsidies for poor boarding students can also help ease the financial burden of poor students. Statistics show that l,78 million poor students are still in need of financial help.   In conclusion, to prevent students from having to abandon their higher studies through financial difficulties, more policies concerning financial aid to poor students need to be mapped out(237 words)
2023-07-16 23:55:461


She took off the top of her bikini . 她脱去了比基尼泳装的上部。 Many old people find the bikini immodest . 许多老年人感到穿比基尼式游泳服不正派。 A girl did not have room in her bikini for her card . 姑娘家穿件游泳衣,就没处装信用卡。 The base surge at bikini menced to form at 10 or 12 seconds after the detonation。 在比基尼试验中,基浪是在爆炸后10秒或12秒开始形成。 Oh , dude , check out that orange bikini , dude 噢,老兄,看那个桔色比基尼,老兄 Russell : there are . o of them . the bikini 拉塞尔:有的,那两件式的比基尼泳衣! You watch those late - night girls in bikini shows 你在午夜收看比基尼女郎走秀。 Aqua " s russian bikini dancers put on great shows 和俄国比基尼女郎一起同台演出 " cause i just went and got me a bikini wax 因为我刚去除了毛为了穿比基尼泳装 Bikini has brought a revolution in women " s wear 比基尼带来了女装的一次革命。 You had a swimsuit on . it was a bikini 你穿了一套游泳衣.的确是比基尼 If you see a pair of bikini underwear lying around 如果你们在周围看到一条比基尼的内裤 Iike he was following the bikini pne . see that 他好像是沿著比基尼泳装的线来切看到了没 Let " s get this crown back to bikini bottom 让我们把皇冠带回比基尼岛 Miss bikini of the universe was successfully pleted 2006环球比基尼小姐大赛圆满结束2006 Bikini - clad girl on the front who invited you in 前面一位穿著比基尼的女孩在召唤著你进去。 But a black bikini , becauseshe still has to mourn 但得是黑色的比基尼。因为她还是要服丧的。 - they " re perfect . - i can " t wear a bikini -好漂亮! -我不能穿比基尼 Oh , no . how will we ever get back to bikini bottom now 哦,不,我们现在怎么回到比基尼岛去? Bikini queen says aimed to show pakistan as modern 比基尼女王称目的在展现巴基斯坦的现代感。 Browse more free bikini model pictures from our gallery 从我们的图库浏览更多免费泳装美女图片 I " m videotaping hot chicks walking in their bikinis 我正在拍那些穿著比基尼到处惹火的姑娘们 They " re perfect . - i can " t wear a bikini 好漂亮! -我不能穿比基尼 Purchase bikini model s merchandises at amazon . 返回到精彩图库 I dare not wear a bikini . a one - piece swimsuit will be fine 我不敢穿比基尼.连身式的泳衣就好了 Not some boorish bint in a bikini 不是穿著比基尼招摇过市的俗人 Not some boorish bint in a bikini 不是穿著比基尼招摇过市的俗人 Of course bikinis are just a development of the swimsuit 当然,比基尼仅仅是泳装的一种发展方向。 You should see my wife in a bikini . . . she " s a knockout 你应该看看我太太穿比基尼的样子,致命眩晕。 Buy bikini model s merchandises at amazon . 返回到精彩图库
2023-07-16 23:56:511

急急急!采纳!the door has been opened by itself.答案

open 没有被动
2023-07-16 23:56:594

英语翻译What is life?It is joy,awareness,And the music within.Kn?

生活是什么? 是欢乐, 是领悟, 是心灵深处的音乐. 它在孩子们天真的嬉戏中, 存在于人民强烈的希望里. 希望可以帮到你你,9,What is life? It is joy,awareness, And the music within. Know of it in a surge of hope, The blessings that sre bountiful. 生活是什么? 它是欢乐,意识, 在音乐。 一股希望知道它, 祝福是慷慨的。 biessings改成blessings 希望能帮到你,望采纳~,1,你好像写错了,应该是What is life? It is joy,awareness,And the music within. Know of it in a surge of hope, Theblessingsthat sre bountiful.那就是生活是什么?它是欢乐,意识,和在音乐。一股希望知道它,祝福是慷慨的。,1,生命是什么? 是欢乐,是领悟, 是心灵深处的音乐。 知道在孩子们天真的嬉戏中, 祝福,是丰富的。 (biessings应该是blessings祝福吧),0,生活是什么?它是欢乐,意识,和在音乐。一股希望知道它,biessingsSRE慷慨的,0,What is life? It is joy,awareness, And the music within. Know of it in a surge of hope, The biessings that sre bountiful. 生活是什么? 是欢乐, 是领悟, 是心灵深处的音乐。 它在孩子们天真的嬉戏中,,0,英语翻译 What is life? It is joy,awareness, And the music within. Know of it in a surge of hope, The biessings that sre bountiful. biessings 改为 blessings
2023-07-16 23:57:061

The moment I missed the boat作文?

Over the past decade, whenever the end of large and medium cities in China, a surge of heat will be rushing toward us. Christmas, the Chinese people have a strange only in the movies to see the festival, the Chinese people"s attention to a high degree of one. A certain extent, with the improvement of living standards, coupled with restrictions on firecrackers, as well as an increase in vacation travel, Christmas is almost with China"s most traditional festivals - Spring Festival - on an equal footing of.Speaking of Christmas, now 20-year-old young people are very familiar to the state on Christmas Eve, Christmas night, carnival night, know that Christmas commemorates the birth of Jesus, aware of Santa Claus, should get to know trees, hung a beautiful The lantern, gift bags, know Nazhi socks. In the last week of each year, many young people gather in small groups together to the hotel, bars and even churches to participate in Christmas celebrations, and even a lot of young parents with young children are also involved in the meantime, to experience exotic culture, brought about by the different the concept of pleasure.
2023-07-16 23:57:131


Rural and urban Saturday, the weather is good. White clouds floating leisurely in the sky, the sun in the endless blue sky full of energy in the guard. My grandpa going to see the rural landscape Tiantong, suck suck fresh air in rural areas. We take the 362 bus, after half an hour to a day to children, turned over a hill to the Tiantong Temple. Temple trees, chatting in the shade a lot of elderly people. Yi Keke tall, powerful temple guards, like pine trees, guarded day and night. Bee a good time to take advantage of this hard work in the garden to gather honey. Little turtle crawled out from the pool, lazily lying on the bamboo raft on the sun. The most famous temple is a century-old trees, big kids like us need to put him five or six enclosed. As long as a deep breath, you can feel the fresh air around. Uncle village farmers to work hard in the fields, beside the river a number of women farmers in the vegetables, washing clothes. There is neither noisy car horns, no motor vehicle emissions, can be described as paradise on earth. Side of the road there is a crystal clear stream, a surge of cold fresh spring water from the ground come up. Grandpa took me to the gourd to the former, the yellow flowers are what it is, the instrument allows absurd. I saw a yellow flower, I thought: What is it? Yes! There are yellow river area, which later became a pumpkin I did not cried: "the pumpkin!" You take a closer look, "Yes! Is a pumpkin!" "Then you look at that small is that?" I am a little dejected, "is a loofah" Grandpa asked: that red apple is the size of what? "I without hesitation, blurted out," was an apple, and is fast mature apples. "Soon as he finished, I was sent. Hastily corrected," is a tomato! "" Instrument allows it! " My grandfather told me, Although the city has many tall buildings are in rural areas but only one or two tile-roofed house. In fact, the environment in rural areas better than cities, rural areas have clean air and clear rivers Wandering off to the station, so I reluctantly got on the heart also taken with the beautiful countrysideDifferent people have different idea to live in the country or in the city. It"s much more convinient to live in the city because there are lots of supermakets, malls, subways and parks. But I like living in the country because it is much quieter. Besides I like animals very much. I can feed lots of animals, such as dogs, cats, ducks, hens and so on. What"s more, the air is fresher than in the city. I often go for a walk after supper along the beautiful path. And people are familiar with each other, they often help each other. So I prefer living in the countryside.两个作文
2023-07-16 23:57:221

On hearing the unexpected result,a surge of anger rushed over Ted. On引导什么从句?

也没有好奇的计秒表发表预言:带来新的事物 再没有比这更糟透的了:他站得笔直,戴着无框的眼镜,银色的头发,落日的美丽的红焰清澄的泉水总是闪耀的你的哈哈
2023-07-16 23:57:582

finish using soul surge in the air是什么意思?

2023-07-16 23:58:052

a surge of是什么意思及音标

随着市场需求的疲软和原油价格再创历史新高,航空公司的收入已经面临很大的压力。 Since the ban on logging many people expect a surge of timber imports. 自从禁止砍伐林木以来,许多人预计木材进口将激增。 The switching surge insulation level (SIL) is the dominant factor on EHV systems. 操作冲击绝缘水平(SIL)对超高压系统来讲是决定性因素。 The whole of the plume fell back into the surface of the water where the low-lying base surge cloud was formed 整个水柱回降到水面上,并形成紧贴海面的基浪云雾。 It failed to stimulate a surge of investment in industry. 这没有能刺激工业投资的激增。
2023-07-16 23:58:121


一、详细释义: , n. , 大浪,波涛 , 例句: ,Raoul looked and saw a white anarchy of roam and surge.,劳乌尔望过去,只看见白花花的浪沫和波涛。, 例句: ,It was a volcano that caused that surge.,那是由于火山现象所造成的大浪。, 汹涌 , 例句: ,The words were lost in the hubbub and I was thrown back by the sudden surge of bodies.,在那乱糟糟的喧嚷声中,我的话没人听见,而我却被涌上来的人们推到后面去了。, 例句: ,In the year 1091, London Bridge was destroyed by a tidal surge during a storm.,伦敦大桥曾于 1091 年在一次暴风雨中被汹涌的潮水冲毁。, 激增 [C] , 例句: ,Since the ban on logging many people expect a surge of timber imports.,自从禁止砍伐林木以来,许多人预计木材进口将激增。, 例句: ,It failed to stimulate a surge of investment in industry.,这没有能 *** 工业投资的激增。, v. , 汹涌 [I] , 例句: ,He felt the blush e up over his collar, surge under his glasses.,他感到脸自脖子一下红了,红晕直涌到了眼镜下。, 例句: ,Fish and seaweed rose, caught motionless in the surging water.,鱼和海藻浮起来,在汹涌的水流中动弹不得。, 蜂拥而来 [I,T] , 例句: ,The front desk must prepare for a surge of arrving guests.,总服务台应为大批顾客的蜂拥而至作好准备。, 例句: ,The photographers and cameramen surged forward.,摄影师和摄像师们蜂拥上前。, 激增 [I] , 例句: ,Surging imports will add to the demand for hard currency.,进口激增将增加对硬通货的需求。, 例句: ,The Freedom Party"s electoral support surged from just under 10 per cent to nearly 17 per cent.,自由党的选举支持率从区区不到10%骤升至近17%。, 二、词义辨析: , wave,ripple,surge ,这些名词均有“波浪、浪、波涛”之意。wave普通用词,指水面上移动的任何具有峯谷皱形的波动,尤指距离相等的波浪,也比喻任何类似的物体。ripple多指微风吹过水面或石头投入水中所激起的涟漪或细浪。surge词义较模糊,泛指巨浪、波涛或作比喻使用。, 三、相关短语: ,surge suppressor,电涌抑制器,涌波抑制器,surge protector,浪涌电压保护器, 四、参考例句: ,A surge of anger rushed over him.,他的气愤之情上涌。,We were preparing to surge in Afghanistan.,我们正准备增兵阿富汗。,Specialists see various reasons for the recent surge in inflation.,专家们认为目前通货膨胀加剧有多种原因。,A surge of innovation in techniques is on the horizon.,技术革新的浪潮即将出现。,The crowds surge out of the sports stadium.,观众从运动场涌出。,It failed to stimulate a surge of investment in industry.,这没有能 *** 工业投资的激增。,She felt a surge of love and desire for him.,她对他聚生爱意, *** 攻心。,That kind of surge may be a precursor to inflation.,这种飙升也许是通胀的前兆。,A surge of demonstrators broke through the fence.,汹涌而来的示威者冲破了围栏。,In the year 1091, London Bridge was destroyed by a tidal surge during a storm.,伦敦大桥曾于 1091 年在一次暴风雨中被汹涌的潮水冲毁。
2023-07-16 23:58:201

我的笔记本总是显示power surge on hub port是怎么回事

2023-07-16 23:59:122

power surges是什么意思

power surges是指电压浪涌电压浪涌指持续时间为一个周期至数个周期的电压变化
2023-07-16 23:59:203

38314: the time spent on reading has decreased with

译文:几乎随着evert 的社会阶层的减小人们花费在阅读的时间也随之减少,然后这个时期过后,匈牙利国人的阅读时间却经历一个高峰期(急剧上升的过程)。解释: the time spent on reading 是主语,= the time which (people )spent (the time) on reading , 其中,the time 在定语从句中作动词spent 的宾语,【(A spend sometime on doing something : 意思是:A(指人)花费某些时间做某事。】 A decrease with B 。 意思是:A随着B的减小而减小。下一句的主语是“the reading time of the Hungarian population ” ,谓语是" experienced " ,,宾语是“a process of surge” 。关于“evert" 这个词好像在英语中不合乎词法,请你再检查一下,回答我后,我再修改译文。然后你再选择出你认为的最佳答案。
2023-07-16 23:59:391


2023-07-16 23:56:286


2023-07-16 23:56:281


华东南地区(浙江、福建、上海)东华大学图书馆 福建工程学院图书馆 福建商业高等专科学校图书馆福建师范大学图书馆 福州大学图书馆 复旦大学图书馆杭州电子科技大学图书馆 杭州师范大学图书馆 杭州职业技术学院图书馆湖州师范学院图书馆 华东理工大学图书馆 华东师范大学图书馆华东政法大学图书馆 嘉兴学院图书馆 宁波大学图书馆泉州师范学院图书馆 上海财经大学图书馆 上海大学图书馆上海第二工业大学图书馆 上海对外贸易学院图书馆 上海工程技术大学图书馆上海交通大学图书馆 上海理工大学图书馆 上海杉达学院图书馆上海社会科学院图书馆 上海师范大学图书馆 上海水产大学图书馆上海体育学院图书馆 上海外国语大学图书馆 上海戏剧学院图书馆上海应用技术学院图书馆 上海中医药大学图书馆 绍兴文理学院图书馆台州学院图书馆 同济大学图书馆 温州大学图书馆厦门大学图书馆 厦门理工学院图书馆 仰恩大学图书馆漳州师范学院图书馆 浙江大学图书馆 浙江工商大学图书馆浙江工业大学图书馆 浙江教育学院图书馆 浙江师范大学图书馆中共上海市委党校图书馆 中国计量学院图书馆华南地区(广东、广西、海南)北京师范大学-香港浸会大学联合国际学院图书馆 北京师范大学珠海分校图书馆 佛山科学技术学院图书馆广东工业大学图书馆 广东海洋大学图书馆 广东技术师范学院图书馆广东商学院图书馆 广东水利电力职业技术学院图书馆 广东外语艺术职业学院图书馆广东药学院图书馆 广西大学图书馆 广西工学院图书馆广西民族大学图书馆 广西师范大学图书馆 广西师范学院图书馆广州大学图书馆 广东外语外贸大学图书馆 广州中医药大学图书馆广州仲恺农业技术学院图书馆 桂林电子科技大学图书馆 海口经济学院图书馆海南大学图书馆 海南经贸职业技术学院图书馆 海南师范大学图书馆海南外国语职业学院图书馆 海南医学院图书馆 海南政法职业学院图书馆海南职业技术学院图书馆 河池学院图书馆 贺州学院图书馆华南理工大学图书馆 华南农业大学图书馆 华南师范大学图书馆惠州学院图书馆 暨南大学图书馆 嘉应学院图书馆茂名学院图书馆 琼台师范高等专科学校图书馆 汕头大学图书馆韶关学院图书馆 深圳大学城图书馆 深圳大学图书馆深圳职业技术学院图书馆 顺德职业技术学院图书馆 右江民族医学院图书馆湛江师范学院图书馆 中山大学图书馆华北地区(北京、天津、河北、山西、内蒙古)保定学院图书馆 北京大学图书馆 北京大学医学图书馆北京第二外国语学院图书馆 北京服装学院图书馆 北京工商大学图书馆北京工业大学图书馆 北京航空航天大学图书馆 北京化工大学图书馆北京吉利大学图书馆 北京建筑工程学院图书馆 北京交通大学图书馆北京科技大学图书馆 北京联合大学图书馆 北京林业大学图书馆北京师范大学图书馆 北京体育大学图书馆 北京外国语大学图书馆北京信息科技大学图书馆 北京邮电大学图书馆 北京语言大学图书馆东北大学秦皇岛分校图书馆 国际关系学院图书馆 国家教育行政学院图书馆河北传媒学院图书馆 河北大学图书馆 河北建筑工程学院图书馆河北金融学院图书馆 河北理工大学图书馆 河北农业大学图书馆河北师范大学图书馆 衡水学院图书馆 华北电力大学图书馆华北煤炭医学院图书馆 廊坊武警学院图书馆 内蒙古大学图书馆内蒙古工业大学图书馆 内蒙古科技大学图书馆 内蒙古民族大学图书馆南开大学图书馆 清华大学图书馆 山西财经大学图书馆山西大学图书馆 山西农业大学图书馆 山西社会科学院图书馆山西省图书馆 山西师范大学图书馆 山西中医学院图书馆石家庄铁道学院图书馆 石家庄学院图书馆 首都师范大学图书馆首都医科大学图书馆 太原科技大学图书馆 太原理工大学图书馆天津财经大学图书馆 天津城市建设学院图书馆 天津大学图书馆天津工业大学图书馆 天津科技大学图书馆 天津理工大学图书馆天津商业大学图书馆 天津师范大学图书馆 天津外国语大学图书馆天津医科大学图书馆 天津职业大学图书馆 天津中医药大学图书馆忻州师范学院图书馆 燕山大学图书馆 中北大学图书馆中国传媒大学图书馆 中国地质大学长城学院图书馆 中国科学院文献情报中心图书馆中国科学院心理所图书馆 中国农业大学图书馆 中国青年政治学院图书馆中国人民大学图书馆 中国社会科学院文献信息中心 中国社会科学院研究生院图书馆中国石油大学(北京)图书馆 中国政法大学图书馆 中央财经大学图书馆西北地区(宁夏、新疆、青海、陕西、甘肃)北方民族大学图书馆 定西师范高等专科学校图书馆 甘肃民族师范学院图书馆甘肃农业大学图书馆 兰州大学图书馆 兰州工业高等专科学校图书馆兰州理工大学图书馆 兰州商学院图书馆 陇东学院图书馆宁夏大学图书馆 青海大学图书馆 青海师范大学图书馆石河子大学图书馆 天水师范学院图书馆 西安翻译学院图书馆西安工程大学图书馆 西安工业大学图书馆 西安交通大学图书馆西安石油大学图书馆 西北大学图书馆 西北工业大学图书馆西北师范大学图书馆 西藏民族学院图书馆 新疆财经大学图书馆新疆大学图书馆 新疆农业大学图书馆 伊犁师范学院图书馆西南地区(四川、云南、贵州、西藏、重庆)  长江师范学院图书馆 成都理工大学图书馆 成都体育学院图书馆成都信息工程学院图书馆 成都中医药大学图书馆 楚雄师范学院图书馆川北医学院图书馆 大理学院图书馆 第三军医大学图书馆电子科技大学图书馆 贵阳学院图书馆 贵州财经学院图书馆贵州大学图书馆 贵州师范大学图书馆 红河学院图书馆四川民族学院图书馆 昆明理工大学图书馆 昆明学院图书馆乐山师范学院图书馆 泸州医学院图书馆 攀枝花学院图书馆四川大学图书馆 四川交通职业技术学院图书馆 四川警察学院图书馆四川理工学院图书馆 四川师范大学图书馆 四川外语学院图书馆四川行政学院图书馆 四川音乐学院图书馆 铜仁学院图书馆西藏大学图书馆 西昌学院图书馆 西华大学图书馆西南财经大学图书馆 西南交通大学图书馆 西南民族大学图书馆西南农业大学图书馆 西南师范大学图书馆 西南石油大学图书馆西南政法大学图书馆 云南财经大学图书馆 云南大学图书馆云南警官学院图书馆 云南民族大学图书馆 云南农业大学图书馆云南师范大学图书馆 云南艺术学院图书馆 云南中医学院图书馆中国民航飞行学院图书馆 重庆大学图书馆 重庆工商大学图书馆重庆交通大学图书馆 重庆三峡医药高等专科学校图书信息中心 重庆师范大学图书馆重庆文理学院图书馆 重庆医科大学图书馆 遵义师范学院图书馆华中地区(湖北、湖南、河南、江西)安阳师范学院图书馆 长江大学图书馆 东华理工大学图书馆赣南师范学院图书馆 河南城建学院图书馆 河南大学图书馆河南工程学院图书馆 河南工程学院图书馆 河南工业大学图书馆河南经贸职业学院图书馆 河南科技大学图书馆 河南科技学院图书馆河南农业大学图书馆 河南省社会科学院图书馆 河南师范大学图书馆湖北大学图书馆 湖北第二师范学院图书馆 湖北工业大学图书馆湖北汽车工业学院图书馆 湖北师范学院图书馆 湖南大学图书馆湖南理工学院图书馆 湖南农业大学图书馆 湖南商学院图书馆湖南师范大学图书馆 华北水利水电学院图书馆 华东交通大学图书馆华中科技大学图书馆 华中农业大学图书馆 华中师范大学图书馆黄冈师范学院图书馆 黄石理工学院图书馆 吉首大学图书馆江西公安专科学校图书馆 江西蓝天学院图书馆 江西理工大学图书馆江西农业大学图书馆 江西师范大学图书馆 江西中医学院图书馆解放军信息工程大学图书馆 井冈山大学图书馆 景德镇陶瓷学院图书馆九江学院图书馆 洛阳理工学院图书馆 南昌大学科学技术学院图书馆南昌大学图书馆 南阳师范学院图书馆 平顶山学院图书馆三峡大学图书馆 武汉大学图书馆 武汉科技学院图书馆武汉理工大学图书馆 武汉体育学院图书馆 湘潭大学图书馆新乡学院图书馆 新乡医学院图书馆 信阳师范学院图书馆许昌学院图书馆 宜春学院图书馆 郑州大学图书馆郑州航空工业管理学院图书馆 郑州牧业工程高等专科学校图书馆 郑州轻工业学院图书馆郑州市图书馆 郑州铁路职业技术学院图书馆 中国地质大学(武汉)图书馆中南财经政法大学图书馆 中南大学图书馆 中原工学院图书馆周口师范学院图书馆东北地区(辽宁、吉林、黑龙江)鞍山师范学院图书馆 北华大学图书馆 渤海大学图书馆长春大学光华学院图书馆 长春大学旅游学院图书馆 长春大学图书馆长春工程学院图书馆 长春工业大学人文信息学院图书馆 长春工业大学图书馆长春理工大学光电信息学院图书馆 长春理工大学图书馆 长春师范学院图书馆大连大学图书馆 大连工业大学图书馆 大连海事大学图书馆大连交通大学图书馆 大连理工大学图书馆 大连海洋大学图书馆大连外语学院图书馆 大连医科大学图书馆 大庆师范学院图书馆大庆石油学院 东北财经大学图书馆 东北大学图书馆东北电力大学图书馆 东北林业大学图书馆 东北农业大学图书馆东北师范大学人文学院图书馆 东北师范大学图书馆 哈尔滨工程大学图书馆哈尔滨工业大学图书馆 哈尔滨理工大学图书馆 哈尔滨商业大学图书馆哈尔滨师范大学阿城学院图书馆 哈尔滨师范大学图书馆 哈尔滨医科大学图书馆黑龙江八一农垦大学图书馆 黑龙江大学图书馆 黑龙江工程学院图书馆吉林工商学院图书馆 吉林大学农学部图书馆 吉林大学图书馆吉林电子信息职业技术学院图书馆 吉林动画学院图书馆 吉林工程技术师范学院图书馆吉林华桥外国学院图书馆 吉林化工学院图书馆 吉林建筑工程学院城建学院图书馆吉林建筑工程学院建筑装饰学院图书馆 吉林建筑工程学院图书馆 吉林交通职业技术学院图书馆吉林农业大学发展学院图书馆 吉林农业科技学院图书馆 吉林省经济干部管理学院图书馆吉林师范大学图书馆 吉林医药学院图书馆 吉林艺术学院图书馆佳木斯大学图书馆 辽东学院图书馆 辽宁大学图书馆辽宁大学外国语学院图书馆 辽宁工程技术大学图书馆 辽宁工业大学图书馆辽宁科技大学图书馆 辽宁省交通高等专科学校图书馆 辽宁师范大学图书馆辽宁医学院图书馆 辽宁中医药大学图书馆 牡丹江师范学院图书馆齐齐哈尔大学图书馆 沈阳大学图书馆 沈阳工程学院图书馆沈阳工业大学图书馆 沈阳航空工业学院图书馆 沈阳化工学院图书馆沈阳建筑大学图书馆 沈阳理工大学图书馆 沈阳农业大学图书馆沈阳师范大学图书馆 沈阳体育学院图书馆 沈阳药科大学图书馆沈阳医学院图书馆 通化师范学院图书馆 延边大学图书馆中国刑事警察学校图书馆 中国医科大学图书馆华东北地区(山东、江苏、安徽)安徽财经大学图书馆 安徽大学图书馆 安徽工程科技学院图书馆安徽工业大学图书馆 安徽建筑工业学院图书馆 安徽省图书馆安徽师范大学图书馆 滨州学院图书馆 滨州职业学院图书馆常熟理工学院图书馆 常州工学院图书馆 常州机电职业技术学院图书馆德州学院图书馆 东南大学图书馆 阜阳师范学院图书馆哈尔滨工业大学(威海) 合肥工业大学图书馆 合肥师范学院图书馆合肥师范学院图书馆 合肥学院图书馆 河海大学图书馆淮北煤炭师范学院图书馆 淮海工学院图书馆 淮阴工学院图书馆淮阴师范学院图书馆 济南大学图书馆 济宁学院图书馆江南大学图书馆 江苏大学图书馆 江苏海事职业技术学院图书馆江苏警察学校图书馆 江苏科技大学图书馆 江苏省社科院图书馆金陵科技学院图书馆 金陵图书馆 聊城大学图书馆临沂师范学院图书馆 南京财经大学图书馆 南京城市职业学院图书馆南京大学图书馆 南京工业大学图书馆 南京航空航天大学图书馆南京交通职业技术学院图书馆 南京理工大学图书馆 南京林业大学图书馆南京农业大学图书馆 南京人口管理干部学院图书馆 南京师范大学泰州学院图书馆南京师范大学图书馆 南京晓庄学院图书馆 南京信息工程大学图书馆南京艺术学院图书馆 南京邮电大学图书馆 南通大学图书馆南通师范学院图书馆 青岛大学图书馆 青岛农业大学图书馆曲阜师范大学日照校区图书馆 山东财政学院图书馆 山东大学图书馆山东大学威海分校图书馆 山东工商学院图书馆 山东建筑大学图书馆山东经济学院图书馆 山东科技大学图书馆 山东理工大学图书馆山东农业大学图书馆 山东轻工业学院图书馆 山东商业职业技术学院图书馆山东社会科学院图书馆 山东省滨州医学院图书馆 山东省农业管理干部学院图书馆山东省青年管理干部学院图书馆 山东师范大学图书馆 山东英才学院图书馆苏州大学图书馆 苏州科技学院图书馆 泰山学院图书馆泰州师范高等专科学校图书馆 铜陵学院图书馆 皖西学院图书馆潍坊学院图书馆 无锡科技职业学院图书馆 徐州工程学院图书馆徐州师范大学图书馆 烟台大学图书馆 烟台师范学院(鲁东大学)图书馆盐城工学院图书馆 中国海洋大学图书馆 中国科学技术大学图书馆中国矿业大学图书馆 中国石油大学(华东)图书馆 中国药科大学图书馆
2023-07-16 23:56:291


2023-07-16 23:56:2911

l picked a bunch 什么flowers from the garden用介词填空?

a bunch of,一束,一把。
2023-07-16 23:56:313


2023-07-16 23:56:321


第四任邦德提摩西·达顿(Timothy Dalton)生于1944年,英国人,受过英国伦敦皇家戏剧艺术学校熏陶,莎剧演员,演戏经验丰富。他的邦哥带有一些沧桑感,尝试表现占士邦人性的一面,演戏有深度,票房也理想,《铁金刚勇战杀人狂魔》为占士邦加入了敢作敢为的英雄性格,令观众留下印象。 邦片后来卷入版权纠纷,1990年至1994年没有邦片出炉。因不想定形也无法超越原有的“邦德”形象,铁摩达顿1994年辞去邦哥,所以只出任过两次邦哥。1944年3月21日出生于英国威尔士Colwyn Bay。 出演邦德次数:2次 主演邦德片:《黎明生机》、《杀人执照》 提摩西·达顿是莎剧演员,威尔斯人,生于1944年3月21日,在接演007角色之前已经有丰富的表演经验,在拍片前必熟读剧本或小说。他的詹姆斯·邦德带有一些沧桑感,尝试表现出邦德人性的一面,演戏十分有深度,而票房成绩也算理想。《杀人执照》一片为邦德添加了敢作敢为的英雄性格,给观众留下深刻印象。因为在《杀人执照》后出现版权争执问题,所以在1990至1994年间没有邦德电影上映。但提摩西·达顿在1994年辞去了邦德的职务,因他不希望因演007而从此被观众“定形”。 提摩西·达顿顿虽然身材上输给前人和后辈,但那种成熟的韵味,和英雄性格,自成一派。
2023-07-16 23:56:332


一。1D 2B 3 C其实这个题几个选项都不对 4A 5D二。1ABD 2CD 3ABC 4ABCD 5ABCD三。1T 2T 3F 4T 5F
2023-07-16 23:56:261


2023-07-16 23:56:241

英语填空a___of grapes

2023-07-16 23:56:244

lie to me-brand new day的歌词

2023-07-16 23:56:232


因为开80 大脚的更新可能是没跟上 就没有任务追踪功能了 功能NPC不显示的话是你没有设置吧。按下M键 打开地图 右上方 有一个显示NPC,在其前的方框内打勾选取就可以了,就是说在“显示NPC”那句话前边的小方框里点一下就行了。至于任务追踪功能,你更新一下大脚就好了。然后进入大脚 选用任务助手。方法有二一、从小地图旁边的大脚快捷键打开大脚(任意方法打开大脚插件),在任务增强里选用“启用任务助手”即可。二、按下M键打开地图,地图右上方有一个任务增强,点一下即可。注:此任务增强可能有些繁琐,不知道你喜不喜欢用。而且刚刚点开任务助手的时候会卡一下,因为那是插件在载入你的任务信息,自然产生的卡屏。 如果不喜欢大脚的任务助手而又想要轻松做任务的话,就废弃大脚 改用 isler魔兽插件 吧。这是一款整合插件,很多主流差价的功能他都有。
2023-07-16 23:56:211


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