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2023-07-17 06:45:49
TAG: lost st os






I lost my keys – 我丢了我的钥匙。


He felt lost in the big city – 他在这个大城市里感到很迷失。


They were lost in the forest – 他们在森林中迷路了。





He lost the game – 他输了比赛。


I lost my temper – 我发脾气了。


She lost her job – 她失去了工作。



除了是形容词和动词之外,Lost也可以被用作名词。 这里是Lost用作名词时的一些例子:


The search for the lost treasure – 对于失落的宝藏的搜索。


The survivors were found after being lost for three days – 经过三天的搜索之后,幸存者们被找到了。


The lost are remembered – 我们不会忘记已故者。





The hikers were lost in the woods – 登山者迷失在树林中。


The driver got lost and had to ask for directions – 司机迷路了,不得不寻求指引。




lost的读音为:英[lu0252st]美[lu0254u02d0st]。含义为迷路的;迷失的;失去的;丢失的;丧失的;无法恢复的;得不到的;无法再找到的;无法再造的。 基本字义 lost 英[lu0252st] 美[lu0254u02d0st] adj. 迷路的;迷失的;失去的;丢失的;丧失的;无法恢复的;得不到的;无法再找到的;无法再造的 v. 遗失;丢失;(因事故、年老、死亡等)损失,丧失,失去;被…夺去 lose的过去分词和过去式 双语例句 1.lost-and-found items 招领的失物 2.I"ve lost an earring. 我掉了一只耳环。 3.Get lost, baldy. 滚开,秃子。 4.Waterford have lost player-manager Brendan Ormsby. 沃特福德队失去了队员兼教练布伦丹u2022奥姆斯比。 5.Oh, sir. I lost my passport. 哦,警官,我丢了护照。
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lost 意味丢失通常指找不到的意思,比如丢失了身份证之类。EG:Carl"s father lost his job last month. 卡尔的父亲上个月失业了。 (这份工作已经“找不到”了,要找新工作了。)left 则多指遗留,遗忘之类的丢失,比如丢失在了家里,只要回去就能拿到,并不是找不到了。EG:I left my keys behind. 我忘了带钥匙了。 (是没带钥匙在身边,不是说钥匙不见了,找不到了。)
2023-07-16 23:16:011


"lost" 在英语中是一个形容词,可以翻译为 "丢失的"、"迷失的" 或 "失落的",具体取决于语境。下面将对这几个含义进行解释:"丢失的":当 "lost" 用来描述物体或东西不见了或无法找到时,可以翻译为 "丢失的"。例如,"I can"t find my lost keys."(我找不到我的丢失的钥匙。)这里的 "lost" 指的是钥匙被遗失或不见了。"迷失的":当 "lost" 用来描述人或动物在未知地区或陌生环境中迷路或迷失方向时,可以翻译为 "迷失的"。例如,"The hiker got lost in the dense forest."(这位徒步旅行者在茂密的森林中迷失了方向。)这里的 "lost" 指的是徒步旅行者迷路了。"失落的":当 "lost" 用来描述人的情感状态,表示感到失望、沮丧或无助时,可以翻译为 "失落的"。例如,"She felt lost after her best friend moved away."(她的最好的朋友搬走后,她感到失落。)这里的 "lost" 指的是她因为失去朋友而感到失落和孤独。
2023-07-16 23:16:091


loss是名词:损失,遗失,失败,如it"s a big loss lose是动词(动词原形);遗失,浪费,错过,使失去,如lose something lost是形容词:失去的,丧失的,错过的,同时也是lose的过去式和过去分词.
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2023-07-16 23:17:051


lost lost [lu0252st; lu0252st] 动词 lose 的过去式.过去分词 形容词 (无比较级、最高级) 1 a.失去的,遗失的,丢失的; 行踪不明的 territory 失地 memory 失去的记忆 b.[从…]消失的[to] She was to sight. 她消失不见 Hope was to him. 他失去了希望 His glory will be to him. 光荣将不再属于他 2 输了的,未能赢的 a game 输了的比赛 →lost cause. 3 a.浪费的,白费的 labor 白费力气,徒劳 b.[对人]无效的,不奏效的[on,upon] (cf.lose v.t.6 b) My advice was not upon her. 我的劝告对她并非无效(她听从了我的劝告) 4 a.已死亡的; 破损的,毁坏的 souls 永坠地狱的 [已毁灭无法得救的] 灵魂 give up for 当作死掉而放弃 b.灭亡的 (cf.lose v.t.9) 5 迷路的,迷失的; 迷惑的,困惑的,茫然的 a child 迷路的孩子 sheep 迷途的羔羊 a look 困惑的 [茫然的] 神色 迷路,迷失; 不知所措 6 沉迷 [于思考] 的,著迷的[in] (cf.losev.t.5) He was in reverie [thought]. 他陷于幻想 [沉思] 7(文语)不受…的影响的,不感到…的,对…无动于衷的[to] He was to pity [shame]. 他不知什么是怜悯 [羞耻] get lost (1) →5 (2)(俚)滚!,滚出去! the lost and found (美)失物招领处
2023-07-16 23:17:121


单词 "lost" 的发音是 /lu0252st/,其中 /l/ 是清辅音,/u0252/ 是开后圆唇元音,/s/ 是气流摩擦音,/t/ 是闭塞音。读起来时,需要重点注意到 /s/ 和 /t/ 两个音的发音,让它们处于更前的位置,这样才能更准确地发出单词 "lost"。“lost”这个单词其实是一个多义词,其基本义是“失去”“迷失”,但在实际应用中,它也可作为形容词、名词等,有许多使用方法和固定搭配。以下就是一些常见的用法和搭配:lost电影1. 形容词:失踪的;迷失的;迷路的;迷茫的。例如:He is lost in thought.(他沉思中。)The lost sheep was found.(丢失的绵羊被找到了。)2. 名词:“失物”“被迷路的人”“逝去的人”“失败”等意义。例如:I reported my lost belongings to the police.(我向警察报告了我的失物。)The lost are those who have no one to turn to.(被迷路的人是那些没有亲人可以依靠的人。)We mourn the passing of those who are lost.(我们哀悼已逝去的人。)I felt a great sense of loss when we lost the game.(我们输了比赛,我感到很失落。)3. 过去分词:表示“失去”“丢失”的状态。例如:I have lost my phone.(我把手机弄丢了。)The football team lost the championship game.(足球队在冠军比赛中遭遇失败。)4. 固定搭配:- be/get lost: 表示“迷路”或“不知所措”。例如:I am lost in this unfamiliar city.(在这个陌生的城市中我迷失了。)- lost and found: 失物招领处。例如:I found my wallet at the lost and found.(我在失物招领处找到了我的钱包。)- lose hope/friends/confidence: 失去希望、朋友和信心。例如:Don"t lose hope, things will get better.(不要失去希望,事情会变得更好的。)- lost cause: 没有胜利希望,不值得追求的目标。例如:I"m afraid the project is a lost cause.(这个项目恐怕是一场无望的失败。)总之,单词“lost”不仅仅只有失去和迷失的意思,还有其他的含义。我们可以根据不同的语境和语言需求来使用它,并结合其不同的用法和固定搭配,增强语言表达能力。
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v. (动词)1、lose的基本意思是“丢失”“失去”,指因事故、过失、不幸、死亡等原因失去拥有的东西等,含有不能再找回来的意思,也可指人失去了品性、信念、态度等或陷入沉思或埋头于某事物之中。还可引申表示人在比赛、辩论中输掉或某人浪费有用的、宝贵的事物诸如机会、时间、优点等。lose在作不及物动词时还可表示“(表)走慢了”。是动词lose的过去式和过去分词形式。单词于1300年左右进入英语,直接源自中古英语的lost,意为被打败。相关例句:He is hunting for his lost book.他正在寻找一本丢失的书。扩展资料:一、单词用法:v.(动词)1、lose用作及物动词时,后接名词或代词作宾语,有时可接双宾语,表示“使…失去”。2、lose是瞬间动词,通常不与表示一段时间的状语连用。二、词义辨析:lose, forget, leave这组词都有“遗忘”的意思。其区别在于:1、lose指由于着急而一时想不起来。例如:2、forget指由于记忆上的忽略而对某人或某物失去了印象,这种“忘记”可能只是暂时的,也可能是长久的,且有“疏忽,忽略”之义。例如:3、leave指忘记带了某物,有较强的感情色彩,强调“不在”。
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lose的意思 vt. 失去,错过,遗失,耽搁 vi. 损失,输掉,走慢,降低价值 变形:过去式: lost; 现在分词:losing; 过去分词:lost; 扩展资料 lose可以用作动词 lose的基本意思是“丢失”“失去”,指因事故、过失、不幸、死亡等原因失去拥有的东西等,含有不能再找回来的`意思,也可指人失去了品性、信念、态度等或陷入沉思或埋头于某事物之中。还可引申表示人在比赛、辩论中输掉或某人浪费有用的、宝贵的事物诸如机会、时间、优点等。lose在作不及物动词时还可表示“(表)走慢了”。 lose用作及物动词时,后接名词或代词作宾语,有时可接双宾语,表示“使…失去”。 lose是瞬间动词,通常不与表示一段时间的状语连用。 lose用作动词的用法例句 I lost my wallet yesterday.我昨天丢了钱包。 It"s only the second time the team has lost a match this season.那仅仅是本赛季该队的第二次失利而已。 The game will lose its relish when you grow old.你年纪大了以后,就会发现这种游戏的趣味大打折扣了。 lose用作动词的用法例句 Merely to maintain is to lose in the end.止步不前,终将遭到失败。 We have got so many debts; we have nothing more to lose.我们已经背负了这么多债务,实在损失不起了。 Does your watch gain or lose?你的表走得快,还是走得慢?
2023-07-16 23:19:121


lost 英[l?st] 答案
2023-07-16 23:20:422


我一点都不喜欢语文这门课程。用英语表达:I don"t like the course of Chinese at
2023-07-16 23:17:221


2023-07-16 23:17:251

关册my holiday plan为题的50字英文作文

I am very happy ,because I will have a long holiday! I can do many things I want to do . First,I want to go to hangzhou ,Iam going to see west lake .It is must very beautiful.Then I am going to shanghai ,It is the biggest city of China .I will to see The Oriental Pearl TV Tower .Next I am going to HongKong.There are many huge shopping center,Iwill buy many presents for my friends.It is a busy holiday ,but I think it is a great trip!
2023-07-16 23:17:271


Dear li Ming: Tomorrow I"m going to a trip with my mother,but I have a cat and unattended.My mother and I will come back after a week,Would you please help me to look after my lovely cat?My cat need about a glass of milk and some cat food every day。It is very nice not defecate indiscriminately。It will not run and interfere with your normal rest。I will thank you very much, after I come back to bring you a souvenir. yours, dave
2023-07-16 23:17:302


The enpire of the rising sun
2023-07-16 23:17:309

long before和long long ago的区别是什么?

通俗点讲 long long ago 通常用于口语 当用在书面语时 在ago 后面加一个逗号再加上你要说的事情 而 long before 则是指在某件事发生很久后 所以在before 后直接加已经发生的事情
2023-07-16 23:17:361

my holiday plan 英语作文简单的50个字母左右

  The summer vacation is coming.We will have a two-month holiday.I am going to relax myself.I will visit my granparents and spend two weeks with them.I am going to help my grandparents with the housework.Of course,I am going hiking with my grandparents.Perhaps,I am going to take a short trip.My parents and I decide to go to the beach because we like swimming in the sea.Besides,I am going to visit my old friends.I think we will have a happy time together.I will be a middle school student in a new term,so I am going to make some preparations.I am sure,I will have a busy holiday.
2023-07-16 23:17:371


I am Dave.There are 4 members in my family,my father Dave,my mother Hall,my sister Alan and me.My father has a friend named Mary,my mother has a friend called Peter.My father has 8 ping-pong bats,My mother collect 6 basketballs,Alan has 9 soccer balls.My father like french fries.My mother always eats salad.Alan like chicken very much.That"s my family.
2023-07-16 23:17:371

At school many things happen to us. We may feel excited when we have success in a school play. ...

小题1:C小题2:D小题3:B小题4:D小题5:C 小题1:细节理解题。结合We may feel excited when we have success in a school play可知答案。小题2:细节理解题。结合Miss Wang, has taught us a good way of remembering things to make our own yearbook. 可知答案。小题3:细节理解题。结合A yearbook is a kind of book which is used to keep the memory of exciting moments. 可知答案。小题4:推理判断题。结合It"s usually made at the end of the year. 可知答案。小题5:细节理解题。结合Finally our teacher helped us to put the things together. We had our first yearbook.和文章最后两段可知答案。
2023-07-16 23:17:401


得名由来:“三言”,由冯梦龙编著,《喻世明言》,《警世通言》,《醒世恒言》三部小说集的总称.”二拍“,由凌蒙初编著,《初刻拍案惊奇》和《二刻拍案惊奇》二部的总称. 内容 :”三言“中通过对旧本的收录和修改,再加上作者自创的故事,构成章,每一章都通过一个故事告诉大家一个道理.“二拍”通过作者自创的故事,反映了市民生活观、价值观、思想意识,贯穿整个小说的思想原则是“奉劝世人行好事,到头原是自周全”.
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2023-07-16 23:17:421

the empire on which the sun never sets”中为什么有介词on?

是的,the Empire which the Sun never sets 肯定不对。下面说明为什么不对:这个短语不是个完整的句子,the Empire 做为名词,后带一个定语从句,构成了一个名词性结构。学过定语从句的都知道,连接词通常在从句中指代某部分内容,或主语或宾语或状语。这里的连接词就是指代状语。on 是在其之上的意思,on which 中的 which 是指代 the Empire,就是 “在帝国的土地上” 的意思。on which 几乎可以等同于 where,即这个短语可以写成 the Empire where the Sun never sets。为了强调日不落帝国的威风及其疆土之大,这里不用 where 而是用 on which。如果把定语从句转换为主句,你就会容易看到介词 on 是从哪里来的了:The Sun never sets on the Empire. 定语从句中的主语是 the Sun,不是 the Empire,连接词在定语从句里起的实际作用是状语,所以要在前面加上介词 on。比较一下这个短语:the Empire which never has a sunset,定语从句的主语是 the Empire,所以连接词前面没有 on。如果你硬要拿掉题述短语前面这个 on,那你就得把它写成 the Empire which the Sun never sets on,但这肯定不是好的文法。总之这个 on 是不可或缺的。怎样,这下明白了吧?
2023-07-16 23:17:461


大卫,有人在愚人节戏弄了你?是的,一个朋友要我去化妆舞会,我去到却没有发现化妆舞会,我是唯一一个穿化妆衣服的人,我很难堪,你呢?上次愚人节,我的闹钟响了 ,我赶快起床、洗刷、穿好衣服去学校,到了之后学校没有人在那 ,约一个小时之后同学们才到,我意识到我的弟弟愚弄了我他?恩恩,他把闹钟调块一小时,你呢?周.愚人节那天你怎么样?嗯,去年3月31那天我朋友打电话告诉我第二天又一场数学考试,我到了数学教师累坏了,因为,为了考试我整晚在学习,我的同学们在笑我,我们根本没有考试
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2023-07-16 23:17:483


1.三言二拍是指明代五本著名传奇短篇小说集及拟话本集的合称。 2.“三言”即《喻世明言》、《警世通言》、《醒世恒言》的合称。 3.作者为明代冯梦龙。 4.“二拍”则是中国拟话本小说集《初刻拍案惊奇》和《二刻拍案惊奇》的合称。 5.作者凌蒙初。
2023-07-16 23:17:491

my winter holiday plan怎么写

英语作文:My winter holiday plan.My winter holiday plans are :1). Get sufficient sleeping to compensate insufficient sleep in the last term.2). Get as many red envelopes as possible in the spring festival period.3). Watch 5 movies at least.4). Go out for dinners with my friends.5). Go KTV with my friends.6). Of course, finish my homework before the end of holiday.
2023-07-16 23:17:532


Britain, the full name of The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, the local British Isles northwest of mainland Europe, surrounded by the North Sea, English Channel, the Celtic Sea, the Irish Sea and the Atlantic Ocean.United Kingdom of Great Britain from the island of England, Wales and Scotland, northeast of the island of Ireland, Northern Ireland and a series of subsidiary islands together form an island nation in Western Europe. In addition to the local community, it also has fourteen overseas territories, with a total population of over 64 million, with England national human subjects.Glorious Revolution of 1688 established the British monarchy, Britain is the world"s first industrialized country, the first industrial revolution, the rapid growth of national power. 18th century to the early 20th century, the territory of British rule across all seven continents, is the world"s most powerful nation, known as the sun does not empire.Britain is a highly developed capitalist countries. One of Europe"s largest economy, its citizens have a higher standard of living and a good social security system. As one of the Commonwealth Heads of States, the EU, the Schengen Member States and the Group of Eight, a founding member of NATO, the United Kingdom but also the five permanent members of the UN Security Council
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2023-07-16 23:17:561


·会议论文(Conference papers):包括在大会、会议和座谈会上发表的论文;·年鉴(The Yearbook):IFLA的出版物的历史整理;·Anthos:IFLA机关出版物,关于IFLA的最重要的活动以及一些非正式的个人事件;新闻通讯(The Newsletter)·景观设计学教育与实践国际机会指南(Guide to International Opportunities in Landscape Architecture Education and Internships);·景观和城市规划词典(Dictionary.Landscape and Urban Planning);·其他:世界景观设计师名录,1989;IFLA为UNESCO大典所作的条目注释:人类景观(1977);人居环境学:“景观设计与规划”。
2023-07-16 23:17:561

英语作文my holiday plan 50词 要一般将来时

The summer vacation is coming. We will have a two-month holiday. I am going to relax myself. I will visit my granparents and spend two weeks with them. I am going to help my grandparents with the housework. Of course, I am going hiking with my grandparents. Perhaps, I am going to take a short trip. My parents and I decide to go to the beach because we like swimming in the sea. Besides, I am going to visit my old friends. I think we will have a happy time together. I will be a middle school student in a new term, so I am going to make some preparations. I am sure, I will have a busy holiday.
2023-07-16 23:17:181

纪念册 英文

memory volume
2023-07-16 23:17:183


三言二拍的解释五部短篇小说集的总称。指 明 冯梦龙 纂辑的《 喻世明言 》、《警世通言》、《醒世恒言》和 明 凌濛初 编著的《初刻拍案惊奇》、《二刻拍案惊奇》。 鲁迅 《 中国 小说史略》第二一篇:“三言二拍,印本今颇难观,可借此窥其大略也。” 词语分解 三言的解释 .三句话。《 左传 ·昭公十四年》:“ 平丘 之会,数其贿也,以宽 卫国 , 晋 不为暴。归 鲁 季孙 ,称其诈也,以宽 鲁国 , 晋 不为虐。 邢侯 之狱,言其贪也,以宽 鲁国 , 晋 不为颇。三言而 二拍的解释 《初刻拍案惊奇》与《二刻拍案惊奇》的合称。 鲁迅 《中国小说史略》第二一篇:“三《言》二《拍》,印本今颇难觏,可借此窥其大略也。”
2023-07-16 23:17:181

Long Long ago造句不少于五句

1.Long long ago,the people were all the fish.2.Long long ago,she was a baby.3.Long long ago,l only one years old.4.Long long ago,my father was a boy.5.Long long ago,he only had one pen.
2023-07-16 23:17:111

三言二拍是指什么啊 ?

冯梦龙编的“三言”,是《喻世明言》《警世通言》《醒世恒言》三部小说集的总称。《喻世明言》亦称《古今小说》,但“古今小说”实为“三言”的通称。“三言”每集40篇,共120篇。分别刊于天启元年(1621)前后、天启四年(1624)、七年(1627)。这些作品有的是辑录了宋元明以来的旧本,但一般都做了不同程度的修改;也有的是据文言笔记、传奇小说、戏曲、历史故事,乃至社会传闻再创作而成,故“三言”包容了旧本的汇辑和新著的创作,是我国白话短篇小说在说唱艺术的基础上,经过文人的整理加工到文人进行独立创作的开始。它“极摹人情世态之歧,备写悲欢离合之致”(笑花主人《今古奇观序》),是宋元明三代最重要的一部白话短篇小说的总集。它的出现,标志着古代白话短篇小说整理和创作高潮的到来。在“三言”的影响下,凌蒙初编著了《初刻拍案惊奇》(刊于1628年)和《二刻拍案惊奇》(刊于1632年)各40卷,人称“二拍”。凌蒙初(1580—1644),字玄房,号初成,别号即空观主人,乌程(今浙江吴兴)人。18岁补廪膳生,后科场一直不利。55岁时,以优贡授上海县丞,后擢徐州通判并分署房村。崇祯十七年(1644),李自成部进逼徐州,忧愤而死。他一生著述甚多,而以“二拍”最有名。“二拍”与“三言”不同,基本上都是个人创作,“取古今来杂碎事可新听睹、佐谈谐者,演而畅之”(《二刻拍案惊奇小引》)。它已经是一部个人的白话小说创作专集。“卷帙浩繁,观览难周”(笑花主人《今古奇观序》),故从中选取40种成《今古奇观》。后三百年中,它就成为一部流传最广的白话短篇小说的选本。三言中每一章都讲了一个道理,但有的章节秽语甚多,而有的则故事情节引人入胜,比如《醒世恒言》中有一章《卖油郎独占花魁》讲了油郎秦重寻父、花魁娘子寻夫从良过程中两人从相识到相爱的美好故事。“三言”所收录的作品,无论是宋元旧篇,还是明代新作和冯梦龙拟作,都程度不同地经过冯梦龙增删和润饰。这些作品,题材广泛,内容复杂。有对封建官僚丑恶的谴责和对正直官吏德行的赞扬,有对友谊、爱情的歌颂和对背信弃义、负心行为的斥责。更值得注意的,有不少作品描写了市井百姓的生活。如《施润泽滩阙遇友》、《蒋兴哥重会珍珠衫》、《杜十娘怒沉百宝箱》、《卖油郎独占花魁》等。在这些作品里,强调人的感情和人的价值应该得到尊重,所宣扬的道德标准、婚姻原则,与封建礼教、传统观念是相违悖的。这是充满生命活力的市民思想意识的体现。“三言”中的优秀作品,既重视故事完整,情节曲折和细节丰富,又调动了多种表现手段,刻画人物性格。它的刊行,推动了短篇小说的发展和繁荣,标志着中国短篇白话小说的民族风格和特点已经形成。 “二拍”的有些作品反映了市民生活和他们的思想意识。如《转运汉遇巧洞庭红》写商人泛海经商事,可以看出明末商人们追求钱财的强烈欲望。《乌将军一饭必酬》、《叠居奇程客得助》等重视商业描写,在以往的短篇小说中非常罕见。有些作品提出在爱情婚姻生活中要求男女平等的观点。如《李将军错认舅》,描写了刘翠翠和金定忠贞不渝的爱情。先是翠翠迫使父母放弃“门当户对”的习俗陈规而和金定结合,后翠翠被李将军虏去作妾,金定又历尽艰辛,终于找到了翠翠。但迫于将军权势,不得以夫妻相认,最后以双双殉情来表示他们之间的至死不渝的感情。“二拍”善于组织情节,因此多数篇章有一定的吸引力,语言也较生动。但从总的艺术魅力来说,它比“三言”差得多。三言在线阅读:。二拍在线阅读:
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my holiday plan 怎么写

写计划要用一般将来时,结构是: be going to do, will doThe summer vacation is coming. We will have a two-month holiday. I am going to relax myself. I will visit my granparents and spend two weeks with them. I am going to help my grandparents with the housework. Of course, I am going hiking with my grandparents. Perhaps, I am going to take a short trip. My parents and I decide to go to the beach because we like swimming in the sea. Besides, I am going to visit my old friends. I think we will have a happy time together. I will be a middle school student in a new term, so I am going to make some preparations. I am sure, I will have a busy holiday.
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我要一篇八年上册的英语短文scrapbooking is a was popular for more?

Boy:Hey,Grandma,what钬檚 in this box? Grandma:Oh,nothing really钬 Just a few old keepsakes. B:Keepsakes? G:Young man,you know what a keepsake is ! B:No,I don钬檛.I really don钬檛. G:Well,it钬檚 something you keep.It钬檚 something that gives you a lot of memories. B:Oh.What钬檚 this? G:Now don钬檛 go just digging around in there!...Hmmm,let钬檚 see钬?that钬檚 my first diary. B:Can I钬? G:No,you can钬檛 read it!It钬檚 personal!I wrote about my first boyfriend in there.He became your grandfather! B:Oh,ok钬?Well then,what钬檚 that?It has your picture in it. G:That钬檚 my passport.YOU can see,I traveled to Europe by ship. B:What钬檚 that big book? G:My yearbook.It钬檚 my high school book of memories. B:Class of 1961!Boy,that钬檚 old! G:That钬檚 about enough out of you,young man.I think it钬檚 time we put this box away and钬?br/>Listening 2 At the age of thirteen,I took my first trip alone.I went to visit my grandparents in Los Angeles.I felt very nervous about traveling so far,but my mother said,钬凄on钬檛 worry.You钬檒l be fine.钬 I got on the airplane and talked for a long time to a very nice woman who sat next to me.My grandparents met me at the airport and took me to their home.I stayed there for two weeks,and I had so much fun with them!It was my first time in Los Angeles,and I saw lots of really interesting places.In the end,I didn钬檛 want to go home! Listening 3 Making memories A popular new hobby is scrapbooking---making beautiful books to hold special memories.Scrapbook pages can include photos,drawings,journal entries.It钬檚 not hard to make a scrapbook that you will enjoy for many years.Here are the steps.. 1.Choose a theme for your scrapbook pages.Some examples:钬沦chool days,钬 钬 Family travel,钬 钬淢emories of my grandparents,钬 钬 Baby钬檚 first year.钬滭br/>2.Select photos for each page.Two or three really good photos are better than ten so-so photos. 3.Find other paper keepsakes to use with your photos.Look for old newspaper clippings,postcards,tickets,report cards,letters--- anything made of paper.Use your imagination! 4.Design the pages.Put photos and keepsakes together on each page and move them around until you find a layout that you like. 5.Glue your photos and keepsakes into place.Then decorate your pages with felt pens,paint,and stickers.Use your imagination! 6.Label your pages.This is the most important step!Remember to write down the Ws钬 of your photos:Who,What,Where,When,and Why.This will make your scrapbook much more interesting and valuable in the future. Listening 4 Yearbooks in the United States Most high schools in the United States publish a yearbook.The yearbook es out once a year,usually in the spring.It is a record of the school year---- a 钬渂ook of memories钬 for the students. Inside a yearbook is each student钬檚 photo.The seniors are graduating soon,and their photos appear first.Next are the juniors.They are one year behind the seniors.Next e the sophomores,or second-year students.The last photos are the first-year students,the freshmen.The yearbook is not only about students.The teachers have photos,too. The yearbook also has photos and descriptions of sports teams,academic subjects,and extracurricular activities.These are activities students do after school,such as the chess club and Spanish club.There is even a yearbook club.Students in this club write,design,and take photos all year for the yearbook.At the end of the year,the book is printed. In the yearbook,some students receive special titles.The seniors vote and choose the 钬渃lass clown钬?a funny student),the 钬 most likely to succeed钬 ( a student everyone thinks will be successful),and the 钬 best dressed钬 (a student with a good fashion sense).There are also other awards and categories. Students typically sign each other钬檚 yearbooks.This is especially important for the seniors,because they are graduating.Students write notes to each other,such as,钬 We had a lot of fun,钬 or 钬 I钬檒l never forget you.钬 They also write about all the fun and funny experiences they shared in school together. Keys: OL1:A.2-passport; 1-diary; 3-yearbook B.1.boyfriend 2.Europe,ship 3.sixties OL2:B.1.13; 2.To vist his grandparents; 3.Yes.He talked for a long time to a nice woman; 4.He had lots of fun with his grandparents and he saw lots of interesting places.In the end,he even didn钬檛 want to go home. OL3:B.1.Scrapbooking is making beautiful books to hold special memories.Photos,pictures,etc.can be included in scrapbooks.2.Old newspaper clippings,postcards,tickets,report cards,letters. 3.The Ws钬 of the photos:who,what,where,when and why.4.钬沦chool days钬?钬淔amily travel钬?钬淢emories of my grandparents钬?钬淏aby钬檚 first year钬?5.Use imagination to design the pages,and then decorate them with felt pens,paint and stickers. OL4:A 1.Most high school in the US; 2.Because they are graduating soon.3.Yes; 4.At the end of the year.5.It means a student with a good fashion sense.; 3.seniors; 4.sports; 5.yearbook; 6.titles; 7.sign; 8.memories OL5 1.choose; 2.wear; 3.bracelet; 4.ring; 5.favorite keepsake; 6.pendant; 7.she was in college; 8.had no friends; 9.remind her to be strong; 10.perfect jewelry.,1,我要一篇八年上册的英语短文scrapbooking is a was popular for more then 500 years .求全文.百度搜不到
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2023-07-16 23:17:024

韩氏兄弟合唱团的《Yearbook》 歌词

歌曲名:Yearbook歌手:韩氏兄弟合唱团专辑:迷失方向Dear Amy, see you in SeptemberHope that you remember me next yearHey Jamie, you"ve been a great friend to meI hope that I"ll still see you around here"Cause I"m looking through the yearbook then I find that empty spaceThere"s a name without a picture, but I can"t forget his faceTell me where did he go, I want to knowWhere did Johnny go?It says, "Picture unavailable" right hereMore than sad, it makes me mad to know somebody knowsThere"s a lying in your silence. Tell me where did Johnny go?Poor Katie, she won"t even speak his nameNone of us will ever be the sameIt"s quiet in the halls, but I hear echoing off the walls.The rumors of Johnny"s mystery"Cause I"m looking through the yearbook then I find that empty spaceNo he never wrote me nothing, but I can"t forget his faceWhere did he go?Ohhh. There"s a lying in your silence. Tell me where did Johnny go?Ohhh. There"s a lying in your silence. Tell me where did Johnny go?Sometimes I think I hear him calling out my nameSometimes I wonder if maybe we"re to blameIt"s been a year now and a lot of things have changedBut I keep thinking about Johnny. I keep turning to that page.Where did he go I want to know, Where did he go I want to know?Ohhh. There"s a lying in your silence. Tell me where did Johnny go?Ohhh. There"s a lying in your silence. Tell me where did Johnny go?
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Long long ago there was a bad king.All of his people hated him. One hot day he was taking a walk along a river when he decided to have a swim in it.He was a good swimmer,but while he was in the river,he suddenly felt ill,and was nearly die.At that time two farmers were working in the field nearby,they came over,jumped into the river,and he was saved.They didn"t know who he was until they pulled him out of the water. The king was happy.He said to the two farmers,"Ask for anything,and I"ll give it to you.I"m the richest in the world.And today you have saved my life." "Don"t tell anybody that we have saved you."
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Long long ago的原唱

这首歌已经没有所谓的原唱了,一首源于英国,流行于美国的民歌。世界上太多人唱过了。而且这曲子也是成为几乎所有中国“琴童”的练习曲。一些的音乐盒也有这歌。《Long, Long Ago》这首歌曲是英国歌曲作家、剧作家托马斯·黑恩·贝理(Thomas Haynes Bayly, 1797-1839)于1833年创作的。他创作的其它歌曲还包括《Gaily the Troubadour》。这首歌曲在十年后才发表,当时贝理已经去世。当一家费城杂志的编辑Rufus Griswold在1843年出版一个贝理的诗歌和歌曲选集的时候,这首歌曲第一次与世人见面。贝理本来给这首曲子命名《The Long Ago》,是Griswold将其改为《Long, Long Ago》。这首歌曲立即流行,并成为1843年全美最流行的歌曲。 托马斯·黑恩·贝理1797年10月13日出生在英国Bath城的一个富有家庭。贝理的父亲希望他成为一名律师,但他却在家呆了几年后去牛津学习宗教。他后来娶了一位富家女并且停止了学业。他们生有两个女儿和一个儿子。他们幸福生活了六年,直到他们的儿子死去。后来,贝理的身体变坏并且面临经济上的破落。他转而靠写作谋生。1839年4月42岁的贝理因病去世。
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年鉴是一种工具书,把某个领域中一年内的重大事件、重要依据、文献资料等分门别类地编纂起来,供人们查,这就是年鉴。 在西方,年鉴和年刊通称,英文名称都叫yearbook。 我国年鉴已有600多年的历史。成书于14世纪40年代的《宋史·艺文志》中就有《年鉴》一卷,可是已经失传。 解放前,我国曾陆续出版过一些综合性年鉴(《中国年鉴》、《世界年鉴》、《申报年鉴》);地方性年鉴(如《上海市年鉴》、《台湾年鉴》);专业性年鉴(如《中国经济年鉴》、《中国电影年鉴》)。其中《中国年鉴》1924年由商务印书馆出版,可说是当代出版史上最早的一部综合性年鉴。 我国年鉴出版工作的大发展是在80年代。1980年首先出版的是《中国百科年鉴》、《中国出版年鉴》和《世界经济年鉴》等。到1981年出现了“年鉴热”,年鉴品种增到二十多种,近年又陆续有所增加。 年鉴大体可分综合性年鉴和专业性年鉴两类、前者如百科年鉴、统计年鉴等,后者如经济年鉴、历史年鉴、文艺年鉴、出版年鉴等。 年鉴的“年”一般是按出书年份标识,内容为上一个年度的资料。例如:1985年的年鉴,主要发表1984年的资料。由于年鉴具有史料价值,有些年鉴也把前若干年的部分历史资料列为重要内容。
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