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2023-07-16 23:45:27
TAG: 策略 营销


1. 2004年,可口可乐(Coca-Cola)在英国推出了Dasani品牌,将其命名为“瓶装勇气”,口号是“勇气在生活中是不可或缺的”,忽略了spunkwater这个词在英国俚语中是精液的意思。

mountain dew

2004年2月10日,可口可乐公司在英国市场推出了一款产品,但由于使用了“spunk”(勇气)这个词,结果酿成了一场公关灾难。他们的瓶装水Dasani也因声称是“纯净水”而陷入争议,尽管根据《食品杂货商》(the Grocer)上的一篇文章,这种水被视为来自伦敦周边地区Sidcup郊区的自来水。英国当局还在水中发现了一种疑似致癌物的溴酸盐。他们随后召回了50万瓶,并将该品牌从英国市场撤下。

2. 当激浪(Mountain Dew)开始一项为其新软饮料命名的在线投票时,收到的主要建议是“希特勒没有做错”、“把奶奶赶出去”和“F男孩”。


除此之外,有人黑进了这个页面,贴出了一条横幅,上面写着“露露山向以色列摩萨德致敬,因为他在9/11摧毁了三座塔楼!”。后来,激浪发表声明称,“Dub the Dew”是我们的客户在当地发起的营销活动,不是激浪,



mountain dew


4. 高伦雅芙尝试用“痤疮?只是问你男朋友该怎么做。哦,是的,你没有男朋友。”不用说,它以一种完全不同的方式震惊了人们。

化妆品公司往往依赖于人们在营销产品时所面临的不安全感。高伦雅芙也不例外,尽管商场里只有少数人看到了广告活动,但它还是在“改变世界”(World Change)平台上激发了一份反对它的请愿书。还有一个男性版本,据说是这样写的:“哦,对了,你还没有女朋友。


Mountain Dew 是什么东西?

2023-07-16 22:36:572


2023-07-16 22:37:041

国外有一种饮料的名字是Mountain Dew

这是大家都在找的激浪饮料英文名称:Mountain Dew   百事可乐公司荣誉产品。   属于碳酸饮料系列。  550ML的PET包装和330ML的罐装。   PET包装分两种颜色:荧光绿色、草绿色   均为柠檬可乐口味的碳酸饮料碳酸饮料含有气体,即二氧化碳 二氧化碳会刺激胃液分泌,胃酸过多容易感觉腹胀,降低食欲,而减少日常饮食摄食。饮食中若营养素摄取不足会影响正常生长发育、学习效果、运动成绩、工作表现和身体健康。
2023-07-16 22:37:141

Diet Mountain Dew 歌词翻译

2023-07-16 22:37:372


2023-07-16 22:38:275

问:我男高中生,刚才一个女同学在我空间留言如下:Diet mountain dew, baby,

你的同学是雷粉啊真激动。喜欢打雷的都是好女孩 看的出来她喜欢你很久了 你要抓紧 好吗。
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名词短语 表示这类的言行
2023-07-16 22:39:251


林肯公园的what have done
2023-07-16 22:39:332


英语日常用语--摘自CCTV希望杂志论坛(转) ▲Potluck Party :一种聚餐方式,主人准备场地和餐具,叁加的人必须带一道菜准备饮料,最好事先问问主人的意思。 ▲Pull over! 把车子开到旁边。 ▲Drop me a line! 写封信给我。 ▲Give me a ring. = Call me! 来个电话吧! ▲For here or to go?堂食或外卖。 ▲cool; That"s cool! 等于国内年轻人常用的囗语“酷!”,表示不赖嘛!用于人或事均可。 ▲What"s up? = What"s happening? = What"s new? 见面时随囗问候的话“最近在忙什么?有什么新鲜事吗?一般的回答是“Nothing much!”或“Nothing new!” ▲Cut it out! = Knock it out!= Stop it! 少来这一套!同学之间开玩笑的话。 ▲Don"t give me a hard time! 别跟我过不去好不好! ▲Get yourself together! 振作点行不行! ▲Do you have the time? 现在几点钟?(可别误以为人家要约你出去。) ▲Hang in there. = Don"t give up. = Keep trying. 再撑一下。 ▲Give me a break ! 你饶了我吧!(开玩笑的话) ▲Hang on. 请稍候。 ▲Blow it. = Screw up. 搞砸了。 ▲What a big hassle. 真是个麻烦事。 ▲What a crummy day. 多倒霉的一天。 ▲Go for it. 加油 ▲You bet. = Of course. 当然;看我的! ▲Wishful thinking. 一厢情愿的想法。 ▲Don"t be so fussy! 别那么挑剔好不好。 ▲It"s a long story. 唉!说来话长。 ▲How have you been? = How are you doing? 你过得如何?近来可好? ▲Take things for granted. 自以为理所当然。 ▲Don"t put on airs. 别摆架子。 ▲Wishful thinking. 一厢情愿的想法。 ▲Don"t be so fussy! 别那么挑剔好不好! ▲Give me a lift! = Give me a ride! 送我一程吧! ▲Have a crush on someone. 迷恋某人。 ▲What"s the catch? 有什么XXXXX? ▲Party animal. 开Party狂的人(喜欢叁加舞会的人)。 ▲Pain in the neck. =Pain in the ass. 讨厌的东西、人或事。 ▲Skeleton in the closet. 家丑 ▲Don"t get on my nerve! 别把我惹毛了! ▲Afat chance. =A poor chance. 机会很小。 ▲Don"t put on airs! 别摆架子! ▲I am racking my brains. 我正在绞尽脑汁。 ▲She"s a real drag. 她真有点碍手碍脚。 ▲Spacingout.=daydreaming. 做白日梦。 ▲I am so fed up. 我受够了! ▲It doesn"t go with your dress. 跟你的衣服不配。 ▲What"s the point? = What are you trying to say? 你的重点是什么? ▲By all means.=Definitely. 一定是。 检举 回答人的补充 2009-04-28 13:06 ▲Let"s get a bite. = Let"s go eat. 去吃点东西吧! ▲I"ll buy you a lunch (a drink; a dinner). = It"s on me. =My treat. 我请客 ▲Let"s go dutch. 各付各的 ▲My stomach is upset. 我的胃不舒服 ▲diarrhea 拉肚子 ▲吃牛排时,waitor 会问“How would you like it ?”就是问“要几分熟?”的意思,可以选择are,medium 或well-done。 ▲I am under the weather. =I am not feeling well. 我不太舒服! ▲May I take a rain check? 可不可改到下次?(例如有人请你吃饭,你未能赴约,只好请他改到下一次。) ▲I am not myself today. 我今天什么都不对劲! ▲Let"s get it straight. 咱们把事情弄清楚! ▲What"s the rush! 急什么! ▲Such a fruitcake! 神经病! ▲I"ll swing by later. =I"ll stop by later. 待会儿,我会来转一下。 ▲I got the tip straight from the horse"s mouth. 这个消息是千真万确的(tip指消息)! ▲easy as pie = very easy = piece of cake 很容易。 ▲flunk out 被当掉。 ▲take french leave 不告而别。 ▲I don"t get the picture. =I don"t understand. 我不明白。 ▲You should give him a piece of your mind. 你应该向他表达你的不满。 ▲hit the road = take off = get on one"s way 离开。 ▲Now he is in the driver"s seat =He is in control now. 检举 回答人的补充 2009-04-28 13:08 ▲Keep a low profile (or low key). 采取低姿态。 ▲Kinky =bizarre =wacky =weird 古怪的。 ▲klutz (=clutz) =idiot 白痴、笨蛋。 ▲know one"s way around 识途老马。 ▲lion"s share 大部份。 ▲tailgate 尾随(尤其跟车跟得太近)。 ▲take a back seat. 让步。 ▲take a hike =leave me alone =get lost 滚开。 ▲hit the hay =go to bed 睡觉。 ▲Can you give me a lift? =Can you give me a ride? 载我一程好吗? ▲green hand 生手、没有经验的人。 ▲moonshine = mountain dew 指私酿的烈酒(威士忌)或走私的酒。胡说八道也可用moonshine。His story is plain moonshine. ▲chill out =calm down =relax(来自黑人英语) ▲rip off =steal;I was ripped off.我被偷了;rip off 也常被用为“剥夺”My right was ripped off. 权利被剥夺(来自黑人英语)。 ▲我们称美国大兵为G.I.(Government Issue) or GI Joe, 德国兵或德国佬为Fritzor Kraut,称英国佬为John Bull,日本人为Jap.或Nip,犹太人为Jew都是很不礼貌的称呼。 ▲mess around (with) 瞎混;Get to work. Don"t mess around.赶快工作,别瞎搅和。 ▲snob 势利眼。 ▲sneak in,sneak out 偷偷溜进去,溜出来。sneakers 运动鞋。 ▲She is such a brown-noser. 她是个马屁精。 ▲This is in way over my head. 对我而言这实在太难了。
2023-07-16 22:39:431


说到咖啡,有些人喜欢热咖啡,而有些人则喜欢加冰。无论是夏日清晨的一杯冰咖啡,工作前的一杯热咖啡,还是下雪天的一杯热拿铁咖啡,毫无疑问,美国人喜欢咖啡,或者至少喜欢咖啡因。 我们用它清醒大脑,保持专注,完成工作。但是关于使用世界上最广泛的精神活性物质的两个古老问题仍然存在: 喝多少咖啡算多? 它真的对你的 健康 有好处吗? 世界各地的研究都试图解决咖啡对 健康 的影响,但结果各不相同。一项研究表明,咖啡可以降低患心血管疾病的风险,而另外一些 健康 专家则表示,咖啡会增加患心血管疾病的风险。关于三分之二美国成年人每天都在喝的饮料,这些简单问题的答案令人难以捉摸。 首先,少吃奶油和糖。 只要你少吃奶油和糖,咖啡就不会像能量饮料和苏打水等其他含咖啡因的东西那样容易发胖,一杯普通的黑咖啡的热量几乎为零,根本不含脂肪。 但并不是每个人都像星巴克菜单建议的那样喝黑咖啡。往咖啡里加太多的奶油或糖,可能会给它本身带来对 健康 的积极影响大打折扣。 “我们都知道糖有副作用。”宾夕法尼亚州立大学营养学教授 Penny Kris Etherton 向美国心脏协会介绍到:“即使你添加的糖没有超过你的卡路里需求,仍然会对益处产生消极影响,因为糖是一种消极的食物成分。” 多少咖啡算多? 关于一个人应该喝多少咖啡, 健康 界一直存在分歧。 在最近的研究中,《美国临床营养学杂志 American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 》今年3月得出了结论,每天喝6杯8盎司(约合3.8克)或更多的咖啡,会使患心血管疾病的风险增加22%,这项研究调查了近35万人。 同样,2013年南卡罗莱纳大学的研究人员在结束一项32年的研究后发现,55岁以下的男性或女性每周平均饮用28杯以上咖啡(每天4杯)与死亡率更高。 但另一项研究发现,即使是非常高的咖啡摄入量也可能是安全的。英国心脏基金会(British Heart Foundation)资助的一项研究表明,每天喝25杯咖啡是安全的。然而这项研究只调查了英国各地约8000人。 多项研究发现,每天喝四杯咖啡是安全的。甚至联邦饮食指南也建议,每天喝三到五杯8盎司的咖啡(约含400毫克咖啡因)也是 健康 饮食的一部分。 克利夫兰诊所(Cleveland Clinic)心脏和血管研究所(Heart and Vascular Institute)的首席学术官 Steven Nissen 博士告诉《今日美国 USA TODAY 》,没有一个具体的每日摄入限制量可以适用于所有人,他不建议饮用量超过四到五杯。 “记住,咖啡因的生物半衰期是七到九个小时。所以,如果你早上喝了很多咖啡,睡觉时间咖啡因作用已经过去。但是,如果你整天不停地喝咖啡你可能会失眠,这确实是个问题。” 并不是所有人对咖啡因的反应都是一样的,所以如果你感到咖啡因有某些负面症状,比如失眠或焦虑,不要犹豫,请立刻减少咖啡的摄入量。 但是咖啡对你有好处吗? 很多研究,比如上面提到的那些,都表明最多四杯咖啡是一个安全的量,但它真的对你有益吗?有几项研究将正常饮用咖啡与 健康 益处联系起来,但并没有证明两者之间的因果关系。 根据之前提到的 AJCN 研究,不喝咖啡的人比每天喝一到两杯咖啡的人患心血管疾病的几率高11%。研究发现,饮用无咖啡因饮料的人患心血管疾病的几率也要高出7%。 美国国立卫生研究院(National Institutes of Health)的一项研究也有类似的发现:那些每天至少喝三杯咖啡的人的死亡风险低10%,这项研究调查了40多万年龄在50岁到71岁之间的男性和女性。 此外,《内科学年鉴》上的两项研究支持了同样的观点:喝几杯咖啡可以延年益寿。一项针对18.5万美国人的研究显示,与不喝咖啡的人相比,他们的死亡几率低18%。另一项由52万欧洲人参与的研究还发现,每天喝几杯咖啡的人的死亡风险比不喝咖啡的人要低。 然而,值得注意的是,这些研究只是观察咖啡饮用和 健康 之间的趋势,并不能确定咖啡是否真的对 健康 有益。 在这方面,Nissen 坚决反对咖啡能积极降低心血管疾病风险的观点。“我一点也不相信。”他说。“这些是所谓的观察性研究,它们不是优化的对照性试验,质量不高,结果不可靠,我不会为了降低患心脏病的风险而喝咖啡。” Nissen 认为咖啡是一种中性物质——它不会对你的 健康 有积极的益处,但适量的咖啡也不一定对你有害。“我给病人的建议是,如果你喜欢咖啡,又想喝,那很可能是安全的。当然,除非你有心律问题,你可以会有增加的心悸的风险。”Nissen 说。“除了这个例外,我不认为有任何证据表明这是有害的,但我也不认为这是有益的。” 然而,特殊类型的咖啡,如法压式咖啡、斯堪的纳维亚式咖啡和浓缩,具有强大的胆固醇促进剂,可将胆固醇水平提高6%至8%。 那么儿童和青少年呢? 当然,咖啡因并不仅限于成年人,正如你可能预期的那样,18岁及以下的人应该更谨慎地对待咖啡因摄入。 美国儿科学会建议12到18岁的孩子将咖啡因的摄入量控制在每天100毫克——大约一杯咖啡,一杯到两杯茶或者两到三杯苏打水。虽然很少,也有一些关于青少年与咖啡因的不好案例。 2017年南卡罗来纳州16岁高中生 Davis Allen Cripe 死于咖啡因过,他在大约两小时内喝了大量的健怡激浪(Diet Mountain Dew)、麦当劳的咖啡拿铁和一种功能饮料。 原文链接: 作者:Jay Cannon 翻译:Maggie Yu 校对:黄丹阳 Dani
2023-07-16 22:39:521

you are no good for me为什么不是not

意思不一样的。you are no good for me 的意思是“你对我来说没什么(好处/用)you are not good (enough) for me 你对来说不够好
2023-07-16 22:40:002


曾经风靡全球的碳酸饮料,在消费升级、健康观念意识越来越强以及被贴上“不健康”标签的背景下,市场每况愈下,碳酸饮料“双雄”业绩惨淡。由于过量的糖分摄会导致健康问题,全球已经有数十个国家和地区实施“糖税”。在此推动下,碳酸饮料厂商开始争夺无糖市场。碳酸饮料类产品是在一定条件下充入二氧化碳气的饮料,其添加有能产生泡沫和刺激味道的二氧化碳,喝下之后产生一种令人愉快的味道,在20世纪曾经风靡全球。碳酸饮料可分为果汁型、果味型、可乐型、低热量型、其他型等,常见有可乐、雪碧、芬达、七喜、美年达等。其中果汁型碳酸饮料指含有2.5%及以上的天然果汁;果味型碳酸饮料指以香料为主要赋香剂,果汁含量低于2.5%;可乐型碳酸饮料指含有可乐果、白柠檬、月桂、焦糖色素;低热量型指以甜味剂全部或部分代替糖类的各型碳酸饮料和苏打水;其它型碳酸饮料:乳蛋白碳酸饮料、冰淇淋汽水等。产业链解析碳酸饮料产业链上游为碳酸饮料加工及灌装层。按照生产加工方法的不同,碳酸饮料的生产流程分为“一次灌装法”和“二次灌装法”,所需要的设备有糖浆调配设备、碳酸化设备、洗瓶设备、灌装设备等。中游为碳酸饮料的流通,碳酸饮料主要出现在超市、商场、电子商务等场景售卖,肯德基、麦当劳等餐饮企业直接供应。下游则为碳酸饮料消费者。上游:生产设备向高速、多用、高精度方向发展碳酸饮料生产线由自动冲瓶机、常压灌装机、自动封口机、输送系统组合而成整条生产线呈直线型,是分体的流水线,目前整个碳酸饮料加工设备的市场规模约为70亿美元。从生产商来看,碳酸饮料生产设备技术水平较高的国家有德国、美国、意大利和瑞典等,主要厂商有利乐拉伐(瑞士)、GEA Group Aktiengesellschaft(德国)、阿法拉伐(瑞典)、克朗斯(德国)、斯必克流体(美国)、KHS(德国)等。亚洲的日本虽起步比较晚,却发展很快,在国际市场也占有一定地位。为了适应饮料工业大生产,以获取最佳经济效益的需要,饮料设备越来越趋向于高速度、高精度及大型化。如碳酸饮料生产线设备的灌装速度最高可达2000罐/min,非碳酸饮料设备的灌装阀头数有50-100头,灌装速度最高可达1500罐/min。近年来,随着碳酸饮料市场的不断发展,中国成为碳酸饮料加工设备的重要购买商。拜师、可口可乐等饮料巨头近年将亚洲国家作为开发重点,投入巨资拓张市场。中游:被贴上“不健康”标签 市场整体较为低迷碳酸饮料“失宠”曾经风靡全球的碳酸饮料,在居民健康意识不断提高以及碳酸饮料替代品日益更新的情况下,市场日渐低迷,在消费者心中逐渐失宠。根据Euromonitor的统计数据显示,2019年碳酸饮料在软饮料行业中市场份额从曾经的前三下滑至第四位,占比为14.94%。市场整体走低当下消费者口味不断变化,碳酸饮料市场低迷。2013-2019年,我国碳酸饮料产量整体呈波动态势,2015-2017年连续下滑,2018年与上年基本持平,为1744.6万吨;2019-2020年产量开始上升,2019年为1845.3万吨,同比增长5.8%;2020年1-8月为1300.4万吨,同比增长1.3%。同时,我国碳酸饮料的市场规模整体下滑,2013年约为782亿元,期间历经增长再下降,至2019年约为864亿元,2013-2019年的年均复合增长率为-1.65%。此外,从全球市场也可看出,2014-2019年全球碳酸饮料复合增速为-0.8%。值得注意的是,尽管前两年我国碳酸饮料市场出现较大的滑坡,但在2019年市场有所恢复,消费者对碳酸饮料仍然存在刚需。下游:销售渠道越来越多元化目前,中国软饮料的分销渠道主要包括传统渠道(批发市场、农贸市场等)、现代渠道(大卖场、综合超市、连锁便利店等)、餐饮渠道、电商渠道以及其他渠道。2014-2019年,中国软饮料市场中传统渠道占比由49.4%降至44.0%,其他的渠道占比都有所增加,其中现代渠道从20.4%增加至22.3%,电商渠道从4.5%增加至6.1%。未来,中国软饮料的销售渠道将会越来越多元化,如便利店、电商平台、自动贩卖机等,以此增加消费者购买产品的便利性,从而提高产品的消费频率。“甜蜜的负担” 糖税”之下市场存在诸多不确定性少/减糖已成为全世界人民关注的话题,根据Canadean数据调查显示,全球有51%的消费者认为糖对身体健康有消极影响。2019年国务院印发《国务院关于实施健康中国行动的意见》,鼓励全社会参与减盐、减油、减糖,研究完善盐、油、糖包装标准。世卫组织认为过量食糖是导致肥胖、糖尿病等生活方式疾病流行的原因之一,按照世卫组织2019年7月公布的标准,成年人每日标准糖分摄入量为25克,而市场上的主流碳酸饮料,1罐含糖量超过了25克。近年来,世界各国近年纷纷尝试推行少糖政策,新加坡是首个禁止高糖广告的国家。而对糖的特意征税,很多国家早已推行,英国、法国、挪威、墨西哥等许多国家和美国的部分城市,都有专门的“糖税”。英国在2018年公布的糖税税率显示,含糖量超过5 g/100 mL的汽水收取每升约1.6元人民币,若超过8g/100 mL则收取每升约2.1元人民币。中国目前还没有糖税的收取,但是根据各个国家的趋势,以及糖税对于民众医疗健康的帮助,也不排除立法收税的可能性,这给碳酸饮料市场带来了更多的不确定性。双雄持续霸占碳酸饮料市场我国碳酸饮料工业起步较晚,20世纪初,随着帝国主义入侵,汽水设备和生产技术进入我国,1927年可口可乐公司在上海及天津设厂生产,打开了中国碳酸饮料的市场。随后,百事可乐加入竞争,至今,碳酸饮料市场仍然是可口可乐和百事可乐的天下。2019年,可口可乐占据着59.5%的市场份额,百事可乐占32.7%的市场份额。可口可乐受益于广泛的消费者基础,以及丰富的产品线,依靠可乐和雪碧两款霸主级产品在碳酸饮料行业的根基难以撼动。可口可乐公司成立于1886年,比百事可乐早了十几年。其于1927年进入中国市场,1949年之后退出了中国市场;1978年,可口可乐与中粮集团达成了合作,再一次进入中国市场。目前,可口可乐在中国的业务主要由中粮可口可乐和太古可口可乐负责,旗下碳酸饮料产品主要有可口可乐、雪碧、芬达、健怡可口可乐、醒目等。百事可乐公司则成立于1903年,1981年与中国政府签约并在深圳兴建百事可乐灌装厂,正式进入中国市场。2011年康师傅收购百事可乐在中国的饮料业务。百事旗下的碳酸饮料产品主要有百事可乐、美年达、七喜、激浪等。可口可乐VS百事可乐:发展侧重点不同近年来,可口可乐公司和百事可乐公司的经营业绩均呈波动下滑态势,很大一部分原因是因为碳酸饮料的衰落。在美国,整个碳酸饮料最早下滑的情况出现在1998年,自2005年起至今,连续多年呈现持续下滑趋势。而对于中国市场来说,碳酸饮料的持续下滑始于2000年。而2019年,两大公司的经营业绩开始回升,究其原因,除了公司自身的转型探索外,还得益于目前的消费环境,不断崛起的年轻消费群体对可乐产品有执念。具体来看,在营业收入层面,百事可乐大幅领先,2019财年实现营业收入671.6亿美元,同比增长4%;同期可口可乐营收372.7亿美元,同比增长9%。但是,可口可乐在净利润方面表现较为亮眼。2019财年,可口可乐净利润为89.2亿美元,同比增长39%;百事可乐净利润为73.14亿美元,同比下滑42%。从整体发展来看,可口可乐盈利能力略微高于百事可乐。2015-2020财年前三季度,可口可乐公司的销售利润率除2018年低于百事可乐外,其余年份均高于百事可乐,2019财年和2020财年前三季度甚至是百事可乐公司的两倍。值得注意的是,在两大公司的营收继续增长的情况下,百事可乐的净利润却出现了近40%的下滑。对此,快消行业专家表示,这是由于两大可乐企业发展的侧重点不同所导致的。可口可乐的产品创新能力较强,其净利润的增长很大程度上归功于饮料新品的拉动;而百事可乐目前的定位是食品饮料企业,其食品业务将会与相关的国际大型企业、区域龙头企业竞争,需要投入大量的营销、人员等费用,这无疑拉低了企业的净利润水平。2020年碳酸饮料市场出现转机2020年以来,新冠肺炎疫情的蔓延对整个饮料行业造成了巨大的冲击。根据尼尔森数据显示,2020年上半年,饮料行业整体销量同比衰退7.5%,销售额同比衰退9.0%。不过,一直被唱衰的碳酸饮料却成为了2020年上半年饮料行业的最大赢家。2020年上半年,中粮可乐的汽水品类收入73.82亿元,同比增长3.4%;此外,太古可乐在中国内地的汽水业务增长4%。康师傅碳酸饮料及其他业务(主要是百事可乐在中国的业务)营收67.05亿,同比增长8.20%。而可口可乐负责人表示,得益于碳酸饮料品类的增长推动,中国正重回强劲增长的轨道。寻求发展新方向 逐鹿无糖饮料市场在全民健康时代,果汁、粗粮饮品、醋饮料等主打“健康概念”的产品成为饮料市场新宠,而糖税的征收也使得碳酸饮料供应商们将原先的无糖汽水系列摆上货架。作为饮料界的两大巨头,可口可乐和百事可乐在无糖碳酸饮料领域一直处于标杆地位。在“无糖经济”的风口下,两家企业也在加紧布局无糖碳酸饮料市场。可口可乐的主力无糖碳酸饮料品牌,包括零糖雪碧、零糖可乐、零糖芬达、可乐纤维+,雪碧纤维+以及无糖气泡水品牌怡泉(Schweppes)。百事可乐则主要包括无糖七喜、轻怡百事、极度百事(Pepsi Max)、无糖激浪(Mountain dew)、新无糖气泡品牌Bubly以及无糖果汁汽水Izze。在传统碳酸饮料受到各种更注重健康的消费趋势的挑战之下,无糖和跨界混合或将成为未来发展趋势。更多本行业研究分析详见前瞻产业研究院《中国软饮料行业产销需求与投资预测分析报告》。
2023-07-16 22:40:171 请告诉视频的背景音乐。。。最好有下载链接。。。

“A piece of moving visual poetry comprised of delicate lines” which “extend and intertwine to form a variety of unique landscapes”. “As the song resolves, these many threads of the writer"s unconscious mind and memory separate and dissipate, trailing the single line that began the song.”The Cinematic Orchestra is a British jazz and electronic outfit, created in the late 1990s by Jason Swinscoe, previously here with To Build a Home.Lilac Wine is one of the ten cover songs produced to celebrate the 50th anniversary of Dr. Martens.The music video has been directed by Vanessa Marzaroli and produced at Blind. Calligraphy: Bill Kemp. Creative agency: Exposure USA.Bonus video: Look, The Bird Works. “Un pezzo di poesia visiva formato da linee delicate” che “si estendono ed intrecciano a formare una varietà di paesaggi unici”. “Nel finale, tutte queste manifestazioni della mente inconscia del narratore si separano e si dissipano, inseguendo la singola riga da cui ha avuto inizio il pezzo.”I Cinematic Orchestra sono una formazione britannica di musica jazz ed elettronica, fondata da Jason Swinscoe, già qui con To Build a Home.Lilac Wine è una delle dieci cover prodotte per celebrare il 50° anniversario di Dr. Martens.Il video musicale è stato diretto da Vanessa Marzaroli e prodotto presso Blind. Calligrafia: Bill Kemp. Agenzia creativa: Exposure USA.Video bonus: Look, The Bird Works. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2010 has become the year where larger, sometimes corporate forces have latched onto the indie scene. Between Converse and Mountain Dew and Levi"s and Adult Swim, there have been a gamut of new songs and covers of classics done by excellent artists. And while it"s gone undetected by me to this point, Dr. Martens is doing the same thing to celebrate their 50th anniversary. With artists like Noisettes, The Duke Spirit and N.A.S.A. covering Buzzcocks, Sham 69 and Max Romeo, respectively, there are lots of cult classics on display, and they are all lovingly redone.The Cinematic Orchestra daringly covers Jeff Buckley"s hauntingly fragile and beautiful “Lilac Wine” from his lone, definitive album Grace. It"s faithful to the original"s timbre, and while it doesn"t take it anywhere new, it ends up being a nice reminder of a much beloved artist. Jason Swinscoe – founder and lead singer of The Cinematic Orchestra – has a voice similar to Jeff Buckley"s, so it doesn"t sound unnatural, and the song gets a little more dressed up with the addition of strings.(NOTE: I was unaware that this was also a Nina Simone cover, so thanks to commenter Todd for pointing that out. I should do a little more due diligence next time.)Head over to Dr. Martens" website to check out the rest of the free tracks, which you can get for an email address and your name, and check out the Jeff Buckley cover below. Coming on September 17th is the most intriguing entry – a cover of Cold War Kids" “Something Is Not Right With Me” by Michael Davis of MC5 and D.O.A. fame. Stick around for that.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------看着晕... 看不懂... = =大概是为了庆祝什么品牌50周年 什么丁香葡萄酒的10个封面而专门制作的歌曲 可能是放在广告或者宣传CD用的 是一个专门的团队 词曲都是原创的 歌手好像还是盲人之类之类的 = =【全部复制到地址栏】 lost myself on a cool damp nightGave myself in that misty lightWas hypnotized by a strange delightUnder a lilac treeI made wine from the lilac treePut my heart in its recipeIt makes me see what I want to seeand be what I want to beWhen I think more than I want to thinkDo things I never should doI drink much more that I ought to drinkBecause (it) brings me back you...Lilac wine is sweet and heady, like my loveLilac wine, I feel unsteady, like my loveListen to me... I cannot see clearlyIsn"t that she coming to me nearly here?Lilac wine is sweet and heady where"s my love?Lilac wine, I feel unsteady, where"s my love?Listen to me, why is everything so hazy?Isn"t that she, or am I just going crazy, dear?Lilac Wine, I feel unready for my love...
2023-07-16 22:40:253


West Lake, located in the center of Hangzhou, is one of the most famous scenic spots in China. It is surrounded by mountains on three sides and covers an area of about 6.39 square kilometers. The lake is divided into five sections by three causeways, and is known for its beautiful scenery, cultural heritage, and historical significance.West Lake is famous for its natural beauty, with its clear water, green hills, and beautiful gardens. The lake is surrounded by many scenic spots, such as the Leifeng Pagoda, the Lingyin Temple, the Su Causeway, and the Broken Bridge. These attractions are famous for their unique architecture, beautiful scenery, and rich cultural heritage.West Lake is also famous for its cultural significance. It has been a source of inspiration for many poets, writers, and artists throughout Chinese history. Many famous poems and paintings have been created based on the beauty of West Lake. In addition, West Lake has also played an important role in Chinese history, serving as a strategic location for military defense and a center for economic and cultural exchange.Today, West Lake is a popular tourist destination for both domestic and international travelers. Visitors can enjoy a leisurely boat ride on the lake, stroll along the causeways, or explore the many temples and pagodas around the lake. The lake is particularly beautiful during the spring, when the cherry blossoms are in full bloom, and during the autumn, when the leaves turn golden.In conclusion, West Lake is a beautiful and culturally significant scenic spot that has played an important role in Chinese history and culture. It is a must-see destination for anyone visiting Hangzhou or the surrounding areas, and is sure to leave a lasting impression on all who visit.
2023-07-16 22:41:033


你玩的是flower garden吧!
2023-07-16 22:41:326


Beijing is in the national climate division in the semi-humid warm temperate continental monsoon climate zone. However, the complexity within the landscape, mountain peaks and plains of disparity between the relative height, which cause significant climate vertical zones. Roughly to 700-800 meters above sea level for the sector, this sector the following to the plains, for the warm temperate semi-humid monsoon climate; this sector over the mountains to temperate semi-humid - semi-arid monsoon climate; about the elevation of 1,600 meters above the semi-humid to cold temperate - humid monsoon climate. 可能这些词汇对你有帮助:1、meteorology 气象学 atmosphere 大气 climate 气候 elements 自然力量(风、雨) temperature 气温 frost 霜 hail 冰雹 snow 雪 thunder 雷 wind 风 mist 雾 cloud 云 haze 霾 rain 雨 downpour, shower 暴雨 storm, tempest 暴风雨 ightning 闪电 land wind 陆风 hurricane 飓风 cyclone 旋风 typhoon 台风 whirlwind 龙卷风 gale 季节风 gust of wind 阵风 breeze 微风 fog 浓雾 dew 露水 humidity 潮湿 freeze 冰冻 snowflake 雪花 snowfall 降雪 waterspout 水龙卷 dead calm 风平浪静 Indian summer 小阳春 drought 干旱 2、冬季季风气候 winter monsoon climate 亚热带气候 sub-tropical climate 季风气候 monsoon climate 闪电 lightning 微风 gentle breeze 和风 moderate breeze 甘霖 welcome rain 冰柱 icicle 疾风 near gale 大风 gale 3、mild温暖 cool凉爽cloudy多云overcast/dull/gloomy阴天 snowy有雪foggy有雾frosty霜冻chilly微冷misty薄雾 damp潮湿wet雨天drizzle小雨 shower阵雨 thundery shower雷阵雨pour/downpour大雨storm暴风雨 thundery storm雷雨sleet雨夹雪 light snow 小雪 blizzard暴风雪hail/hailstone冰雹 windy有风 breezy微风阵阵 gentle wind和风 gale wind 大风 heavy/high wind大风 windy and dusty风沙 stormy wind暴风 gust阵风 piercing wind寒风
2023-07-16 22:41:481


无论是在学校还是在社会中,大家都接触过作文吧,借助作文可以宣泄心中的情感,调节自己的心情。那么你有了解过作文吗?下面是我整理的五年级英语作文6篇,欢迎大家借鉴与参考,希望对大家有所帮助。 五年级英语作文 篇1 My Favorite Animal My favorite animal is rabbit. Its name is Sweet. Sweet has long ears. It"s very small. It"s white. It has a short tail. It has red eyes. It likes eating carrots. It likes jumping. I like it very much. It"s lovely. It"s my best friend. I like the rabbit. 【参考翻译】 我最喜欢的动物 我最喜欢的动物是兔子。它的名字是甜甜。甜甜有长耳朵。它非常小。它是白色的。它有短短的尾巴。它有红红的眼睛。它喜欢吃萝卜。它喜欢跳。我非常喜欢它。它是可爱的。它是我最好的朋友。我喜欢兔子。 五年级英语作文 篇2 I have many friend.Do you know who they are?Are they my pet? No.Are they my classmates?No. Let me tell you:they are my favourit book. I like books very much.I like reading science book,cartoonbook so on.not only let me know how wonderful the word is but also teach me how to be a good person in the society,they give me great pleasure. I love books! 五年级英语作文 篇3 At 7 o "clock in the morning, the whole family got up quickly, after breakfast. We arrived in the north station on a Thursday, palace. Grandma see us pleasantly surprised, hurriedly put the tea into my hand, call me hot to eat, and then, we brought the necessary supplies up the mountain to grave ancestor worship. On a steep mountain road, left foot, right foot, climb across the stumps, thorns, I had a try, finally climbed up the first hill. After a while, we climbed up the mountain again, in grandpa"s grave, I happily say: "grandpa, we came to see you. 五年级英语作文 篇4 Many people like the weekends, so do I . Now let me tell you about my weekends. My weekends are so colourful. Saturday morning, I usually climb a mountain. Then, I go to the zoo to visit my new friends Ben. In the afternoon, I usually do homework and read books. On Sunday, I usually do sports, play games, watch TV and read books. Last weekend, I went to a zoo with my parents. Suddenly I saw a little monkey. It was hurt. We took care of him. Dad said:How about naming it Ben? We said: Great ! We were so happy! But Ben cant live with us. So we gived it to the zoo. I was sad. Next weekend. Im going to visit my new friend Ben. I am going to play with him. It is going to be a happy moment. I like my weekends! 五年级英语作文 篇5 我的理想就如夜空的点点繁星,不计其数,而且还在不断地变换着。 My ideal is like the stars in the night sky, countless, and constantly changing. 我人生的第一个理想是成为一个美食家,民以食为天,只要你是人,就一定是离不开食物的,人是铁,饭是钢,一顿不吃饿得慌。当我对一道道美味可口的食物垂涎三尺,对饭菜飘来的香味抵挡不住时,我就立志一定要成为一个吃遍大江南北的美食家,对各地名菜作出我的评价,我对美食家只是三分钟的热度,没过多久,我就放弃了这个理想,从此我的美食家梦破碎了,灰飞烟灭。 The first ideal of my life is to be a gourmet. Food is the most important thing for the people. As long as you are human, you can"t live without food. People are iron, and rice is steel. You can"t eat without hunger. When I covet a delicious food and can"t resist the smell of the food, I am determined to be a gourmet who has been eating all over the country and making my evaluation of famous dishes everywhere. I am only three minutes hot to the gourmet. Soon, I gave up this ideal. Since then, my gourmet dream has been broken and gone. 没过多久,我对珠宝设计产生了微妙的兴趣,闪耀夺目的珠宝佩带在身上不仅能够为你找回自信,而且还可以增添你高贵的气质,我的理想发生了微妙的变化,从美食家变成了珠宝设计师。我想成为一位的珠宝设计师,我设计的作品可以佩戴在大家的身上,来来往往的人们身上都有我设计的`作品,那是一件多么快乐的事情啊!珠宝设计师最需要的灵感,有了灵感她就可以设计出许多杰出的作品,灵感来自生活:一滴晶莹的露珠,一朵待放的花苞,一片嫩绿的新叶都能制成美丽的珠宝饰品。我要利用各种珠宝的特性,运用我学过的知识,采用我的灵感,设计出许许多多珠宝饰品,让许多爱美的人变得美丽。 Before long, I had a subtle interest in jewelry design. Shining jewelry can not only bring you confidence, but also add your noble temperament. My ideal has changed subtly, from a gourmet to a jewelry designer. I want to be a jewelry designer. My works can be worn on everyone. People come and go have my works. How happy it is! Jewelry designers need inspiration most. With inspiration, she can design many outstanding works. Inspiration comes from life: a drop of crystal dew, a flower bud to be put, a new green leaf can be made into beautiful jewelry. I want to make use of the characteristics of all kinds of jewelry, use the knowledge I have learned, and use my inspiration to design many jewelry and make many people who love beauty beautiful. 说实话我当珠宝设计师是为了天天摸宝石,所以我现在一定要好好学习,才能为了我天天摸宝石的理想变成现实! To be honest, I worked as a jewelry designer to touch gemstones every day, so I must study hard now to make my ideal of touching gemstones every day come true! 五年级英语作文 篇6 五年级下册英语作文 一.请介绍一下你自己的日常作息,不少于30个单词。 I get up at 6:50 in the morning. I do morning exercises at 7:10. I go to school at 7:30. I have English class at 10:00. I eat dinner at 6:00 in the evening. I do my homework at 7:00. I go to bed at 10:00. 二.请以“My favourite season”为题 范文1 My favourite season is spring. The weather is warm. I can wear my sweater. I can fly kites. I can plant trees, too. The trees are green. The flowers are colourful. 范文2 My favourite season is summer. The weather is hot and sunny. I can wear my T-shirt. I can swim in the sea. I can eat ice-cream. The sky is blue. The clouds are white. 范文3 My favourite season is fall. The weather is cool. I can wear my shirt. I can climb mountains. I can go hiking, too. I can eat many fruits. The trees are yellow. 范文4 My favourite season is winter. The weather is very cold. I can wear my sweater. I can skate. I can make a snowman, too. I can sleep a long time. 三.写一写,你所在或你熟悉的一个地方的四季情况。(至少5句话) There are four seasons in a year. I live in Guangzhou City. It"s warm in spring. I can plant trees. It"s hot and sunny in summer. I can swim in the swimming pool. In autumn, it"s cool and windy. I can fly a kite and climb the mountain with my friends. In winter, It"s not too cold. I can wear my sweater. 四.描写一种你最喜爱的动物,要对它进行外形描写。 My favorite animal is the rabbit. It"s white. It"s very small. It has long ears. It has a short tail. It has red eyes. It likes eating carrots. It likes jumping. It"s lovely. I like it very much. 五.描写你的学校。 My school is very beautiful. In the school, there are school building, canteen and a big gym. In front of the school building is a big colorful and beautiful flowerbed. There are roses, lilies, sunflowers and tulips in it. In the school building, there are classrooms, music rooms, computer rooms, art rooms and clinic. The playground and gym are big too. We can do more exercise on the playground or in the gym. I like my school very much. Welcome to my school.
2023-07-16 22:41:571


1. 求一篇介绍兰州五泉山的英语短文 Wuquan mountain lies in the northwest part of Gaolan Mountain, which stands in the south part of the downtown area in Lanzhou City, Gansu Province. The wuquan park, the largest in Lanzhou, occupies 266,400 square meters on wuquan Mountain.There are always legends and stories behind beautiful scenic spots in China. Five Springs Park is no exception. In the Western Han Dynasty (206 B.C.- 24 A.D.), a famous general, Huo Qubing, was dispatched by the Emperor to go on a punitive expedition to the Hun people, a minority group who lived in the northwestern part of China at that time. Since the troops had traveled from Chang"an (now Xian ), General Huo and his soldiers were exhausted when they arrived at the foot of Gaolan Mountain. They couldn"t find any water nearby, so General Huo forcefully jabbed his horsewhip five times into the ground. Abruptly five springs spurted water into the air. Thereafter the locals called the mountain the wuquan Mountain. While this story sounds surreal, the quality and the quantity of the five springs are true. They have flowed and served the locals for several thousand years. In 1955, it was officially opened as a park. Local authorities added a zoo, an amusement park for *** s and another for children.The Middle Peak of the Wuquan Mountain, the highest point in the park, reaches 1,600 meters . It serves as the park axis. Ganlu Spring, Juyue Spring, and Mozi Spring are distributed over the Middle Peak area. Meng Spring and Hui Spring are located on either side of Middle Peak.When you pass the Tibetan Buddhi *** Mani Temple, you will see the first spring, Ganlu Spring, on the top of the mountain. Ganlu means sweet dew or timely rain in English. Ancient Chinese emperors and officials often asked the god in charge of agriculture in heaven to bring rain to assure a harvest in the ing year. They prayed and offered sacrifices at an altar on the mountaintop. Thus when it rained, people considered it timely rain or sweet dew.Juyue Spring is the most magical one among the five springs because of its unique location. This spring is in the shape of a well. Ju means to hold something in o hands, while Yue means the moon. When bined, these o characters mean this spring could hold the moon in her hands. What a beautiful picture! Especially around the time of Middle Autumn Day, you can very clearly see the shadow of the moon reflecting in the spring.Mozi Spring means to touch or feel the stone to learn the gender of a fetus. Because a Buddha in charge of birth is worshiped in the Dizang Temple near the Mozi Spring, people believe the Mozi Spring can tell whether it will be a boy or a girl.The last o springs are located on the o sides of Middle Peak. The spring on the east side is Meng Spring. It is said that if people use the water from this spring to make Meng Tea, which is produced on Mt. Meng, Sichuan Province, the flavor will be extraordinary. The other spring was named Hui Spring. Hui means benefiting someone. The quantity of Hui Spring was so great that it even met local water supply needs, however today the flow is less.The five springs are not the only tourist mag, but also a famous scenic religious spot. Wenchang Temple, Butterfly Pavilion, Golden Buddha Temple, Mahavira Hall, Wanyuan Pavilion, Thousand Buddha Temple, etc., are arranged along a passage on Wuquan Mountain. Corridors and stone steps, which add artistic atmosphere to the park, and connect the buildings.The natural beauty of the five springs is enhanced by verdant groves while the temples make it a famous religious destination. Five Springs Park and wuquan mountain not only offer visitors a place to relax, but also provide a place to learn about Buddhi *** in china.。 2. 三台山一日游英语作文 在这风和日丽,春冬明媚的一个周未,我威风凛凛的来到了小蜜蜂作文班。 刚来到蜜蜂班,老师便兴高采烈喊出一句:呀!同学们,今天老师呢,就带你们去三台山游一趟!同学们听了,异口同声的说,Ye!GO!GO!GO!说完,大家便狂牛一般冲出了教室,来到院子里,规规矩矩的排好队,于是在老师的一声命令下,我们出发了…… 一路上,阳光普照在我们孩子们的小脸上。不时还吹来几阵暖和的微风。 来 到三台山的山脚下,我们大家纷纷跑进商店里,买起水来。上山了,我们走的是陡峭的山路,一眼望上去,千千万万个石梯在等待着我们,我差点晕过去了!上山时 人们不时发出嘻闹声、欢笑声把这静静的空山震成了热闹非凡的大山。 一路上,一个又一个的同学发出叹息声(因为太多的石梯了,同学们十分的累)但是大伙还是 笑嘻嘻的。就在这时,我因为太注意周围的山水了,一不小心脚下一滑,差点就成了悟空一般,一个跟头,摔几千万米了…… 经过九牛二虎之力,我们成功登上了山顶,我们气叹吁吁,上气不接下气,都坐在了休息亭里。 不一会儿,我们开始做游戏了,我们走到三台山的另一面,有的捉迷藏,有的玩起了卡片,还有的在石牌下心情的嘻闹…… 我们在这山上嘻闹了一个上午,该下山了,我们带着依依不舍、快乐的心情回家了。In this weather, a sunny weekend in spring and winter, I came to the majestic-looking bee position class.Just came to the bee class, the teacher will be happy to shout out a: ah! Students, today the teacher, take you to the three Taishan tour! Listening to the students, said by mon consent, Ye! GO! GO! GO! With that, we will be crazy cattle rushed out of the classroom, came to the yard, the rules of the row of good team, so in the teacher"s mand, we set out。 Along the way, the sun shines in our children face. From time to time, a few warm breeze.Came to the foot of the mountain of Taishan three, we have run into the store, buy water to. Up the mountain, we go is a steep mountain road, a look at the mountain, a thousand stone steps waiting for us, I almost fainted! Mountain people chattering laughter issued from time to time, the quiet mountain earthquake became a bustling mountain. Along the way, a clas *** ate a sigh, because too much of the stone stairs, clas *** ates very tired) but everyone is *** iling. At this time, I because of too much attention to the surrounding landscape, accidentally slipped, almost became the monkey general, a somersault, throwing tens of meters。 After a Herculean effort, we managed to climb up to the top of the hill, we sigh pant, gas not connected under the gas, are sitting in a rest in the pavilion. Not and in a short while, we began to play games, we went to the three mountain on the other side, some hide and seek, some playing cards, and in the Shipai mood hee downtown。We in this mountain playing in a morning, the mountain, we brought home a happy mood, reluctant to part.。 3. 一日游英语作文 简单一点的 不要太深奥的 简单明了 My visit to the Yellow Mountain【By Kaiser3344】 The yellow mountain is one of the most famous mountains in china . it lies in the south of anhui . every year thousands of chinese and foreigners pay a visit there . It"s not far from here . it takes you about three hours to get there by bus . you can also go there by train or by plane . while you are climbing the mountain , you can enjoy the sea of clouds ,wondrous pines and unique rocks around you . in the early morning when the sun rises ,the sky looks very beautiful . It"s really a nice place to visit . 【楼主】完全按照要求来的,若不满意,请继续追问!!。 4. 英语作文宜昌一日游写出时间天气活动 I went to the zoo with my friends last Sunday.It was hot and sunny that day.It took us about o hours to get there by bus.There were thousands of people in the zoo.We saw lots of animals,such as,pandas,kangaroos,polar bears,gifaffes,elephants,tigers,wolves,snakes and so on.We also saw the elephant show.The elephants were so clever that they could do lots of things like us.At noon we had a picnic in the zoo.。 5. 急求~ Yesterday evening,we got on the long-distance buswhich was supposed to arrive at Shenzhen at about 6: 30 a.m. next day. At first the bus went slowly, we all felt a little impatient.Though the seats which could change to deckers were soft,I still got a bit of turnness for the proceeded rolling of the bus. The ceiling had three bus-TV sets and was playing Hongkong films continuesly which made me sleepy and be wildered. It had been a long time until the bus took another o pasengers from Shao"an at 24:00 。After that,the bus finally drive into the high-speed-road and then began to quicken. I clearly known everything happende because I was too excited to fall asleep—I had been preparing for this trip since I know when to go to Hongkong. It is accepted that Hongkong is knownto everyone as one of the most prosperous and expensive cities in the world. This would be my first time to visit HK, I hope that I coule enjoy this journey as much as I like. Mom and Dad insistedt that we should take food and drinks as much as we can because the high consumer in Hongkong. It made our baggage very heavy. But maybe all the food will disappear when we e back—we will eat them out! Up to the second morning I had just slept no more than 4 hours……Cheer up! We will arrive Hongkong soon! 6. 有关家长兰州的旅游英语作文200字左右,作文要体现吃,住,行,游 I love traveling. Traveling not only broadens my horizons but also opens my eyes to the world. What"s more, it refreshes me. You can go to Disneyland and experience what it"s like to be “a child again!” You can visit one of the “seven wonders of the world,” such as the Grand Canyon and feel the magnificence of nature! You can taste the “magicial” ice water on a glacier, which can help you bee more beautiful and make you live longer. Just fet all trifles and burdens that you have in your mind. Experience is a type of living knowledge. You"ll be sure to experience many new things when traveling. You don"t even need a tour guide if you long for more freedom. Just don"t fet to bring your backpack!。 7. 野游的一天英语作文 Yesterday was Father"s day. I and my father, mother, sister, brother went to GuiLin by car . In the morning we came down the mountain. I saw wooded mountains, wild flowers bloom. We climb up the hill along the mountain path. Come halfway up the mountain, I feel a little tired. Dad said to me:"LuYing, don"t do anything halfway". So I insisted reached the top, the top of the scenery so beautiful.Down the hill, we went boating in the lake. In the evening we went to eat rice noodles, had a good day.。 8. 英语作文家乡一日游的计划 My hometown in Quanzhou.Quanzhou is known as the cultural capital of East Asia, maritime Silk Road starting point, Seashore, the City of Light. "Look Xi"an underground, to the point of view of Quanzhou," walking in the middle of the city, the eternal legacy will still inadvertently flashed repeatedly, both restrained and unrestrained deep stretch again。
2023-07-16 22:42:061


一些常见的量词及搭配: 1.一般性的表示个数的量词: 这一组中主要有piece, bit, item, article 等词,但piece具有独特的地位,在使用其他词的地方一般都可使用piece 代替之.比如: piece a piece of meat/paper/bread/music/information/furniture/machinery, etc. 一片肉/一张纸/一片面包/一首曲子/一条信息/一件家具/一台机器等 bit a bit of news/wood/advice/trouble, etc. 一条消息/一块木头/一条建议/一件麻烦事等 item an item of news/crime/program/business, etc. 一条新闻/一宗罪行/一个项目/一笔生意等 article an article of export/ furniture/ clothing/ luggage, etc. 一宗出口/一件家具/一件衣服/一件行李等 2.以形状表示个数的量词: bar a bar of chocolate/candy 一块巧克力/一块糖 bunch a bunch of flowers/grapes/ keys 一束花/一串葡萄/一串钥匙 cake a cake of soap/ice一块肥皂/一块冰 cluster a cluster of stars/flowers/animals一群星/一束花/一群动物 comb a comb of bananas 一串香蕉 drop a drop of rain/ blood 一滴雨/一滴血 ear an ear of corn/wheat一棒玉米/一穗麦子 flight a flight of stairs/arrows/sparrows一段楼梯/一阵箭雨/一群麻雀 flock a flock of workmen/criminals/boys 一群工人/一伙罪犯/一群男孩 head a head of cabbage/cauliflower/sheep 一头卷心菜/一块花菜/一头羊 lump a lump of sugar/coal/clay一块糖/一块煤/一块土 spiral a spiral of mosquito incense 一盘蚊香 slice a slice of meat/bread/beef一片肉/一片面包/一块牛肉 swarm a swarm of bees一群蜜蜂 bevy a bevy of beauties/girls/ladies 一群美人/一群女孩/一群女士 gathering a gathering of friends一帮朋友 clump a clump of trees一丛树林 pack a pack of rascals/wolves一群流氓/一群狼 3.表示容积的词: bottle a bottle of ink/milk/wine 一瓶酒/一瓶牛奶/一瓶葡萄酒 bowl a bowl of rice/porridge 一碗米饭/一碗粥 pail a pail of water 一桶水 glass a glass of beer 一杯啤酒 cup a cup of tea 一杯茶 handful a handful of soil 一抔土 spoonful a spoonful of oil 一汤匙油 mouthful a mouthful of snow 一口雪 truckload a truckload of steel 一卡车钢材 a packet of cigarette一包烟 4.表示行为动态的量词: fit a fit of laughter 一阵笑声 peal a peal of thunder 一阵雷声 flash a flash of light 一道闪电 display a display of force 一番武力展示 提供一些英语中"量词"词组 在英语中,有很多量词词组,例如:a group of,a flock of, a bunch of,a bundle of等等.为了方便广大英语学习者更好地掌握,本文对量词词组粗略地归纳了以下的特点,具体表现为: 特点一:英语量词词组所表示的数或量,大致可归纳为四种类型,即定量、不定量、大量和少量. 1.表示定量的量词词组,譬如: a couple of(两个、一对)—a couple of days,a couple of players,a couple of times a cupful of(一满杯)—a cupful of jelly,a cupful of water a portion of(一份/客)—a portion of duck,a portion of roast beef 2.表示不定量的量词词组,譬如: a majority of(大多数/大半)—a majority of opinions,a majority of votes an atom of(一点)—an atom of food,an atom of truth a spell of(一阵/一段时间)—a spell of fine weather,a spell of coughing 3.表示大量的量词词组,譬如: a flood of—a flood of ink(洋洋大篇),a flood of tears(泪如泉涌) a heap of—a heap of earth(一堆泥土),a heap of customers(许多顾客) a mountain of—a mountain of debts(债台高筑),a mountain of difficulties(困难重重) 4.表示少量的量词词组,譬如: a drop of—a drop of fever(有点热度),a drop of dew(一点露水) a particle of—a particle of feeling(一丝感情),a particle of dust(一点灰尘) a shadow of—a shadow of doubt(一点怀疑),a shadow of freedom(一点自由) 特点二:有些数量词组修饰可数名词,有些数量词组修饰不可数名词,还有些则两者均可修饰. 1.修饰不可数名词的量词词组,譬如: a bit of—a bit of English(一点英语),a bit of good advice(一些好意见),a bit of interest(一点兴趣) a shred of—a shred of evidence(一点证据),a shred of cloth(少量布),a shred of reputation(一点声誉) a sheet of—a sheet of glass(一块玻璃),a sheet of water(一片汪洋) 2.修饰可数名词的量词词组,譬如: a cluster of—a cluster of flowers(一簇花),a cluster of spectators(一群观众),a cluster of bright stars(闪烁群星) a string of—a string of pearls(一串珠子),a string of curses(连续不断的咒骂),a string of excuses(一连串借口) a scram of—a scram of mosquitoes(一群蚊子),a scram of geese(一群鹅),a scram of children(一群孩子) 3.修饰(不)可数名词的量词词组,譬如: a body of—a body of bees(一群蜜蜂),a body of cold air(一股冷空气),a body of facts(许多事实) a block of—a block of ice(一大块冰),a block of flats(一幢公寓),a block of houses(一排房子) a chain of—a chain of ideas(一系列想法),a chain of accidents(一连串事故),a chain of proof(一连串证据) 特点三:有些数量词组的搭配是固定的,而有些搭配则比较灵活. 1.搭配固定的量词词组,譬如: a barrel of—a barrel of beer(一桶啤酒),a barrel of crude oil(一桶原油) a basket of—a basket of eggs(一篮鸡蛋),a basket of apples(一篮苹果) a line of—a line of trees(一行树),a line of poetry(一行诗) 2.搭配较灵活的量词词组,譬如: a piece of—a piece of paper(一张纸),a piece of furniture(一件家具),a piece of equipment(一台设备) a round of—a round of spirit(一巡酒),a round of diplomatic talks(一轮外交谈判),a round of toast(一片烤面包) a bar of—a bar of chocolate(一块巧克力),a bar of soap(一条肥皂),a bar of light(一束光)【俊狼猎英】团队为您解答,祝您开心~
2023-07-16 22:42:141


2023-07-16 22:42:224

有听过diet mountain dew这首英文歌曲的吗?我就想知道这首歌想要表达什么意思?懂得来

《Diet Mountian Dew》是拉娜·德雷演唱的歌曲,收录于专辑《Born to Die》中。You"re no good for me  你对我来说并不是那么好  Baby you"re no good for me  宝贝,你并不适合我  You"re no good for me  你不适合我  But baby I want you, I want  但宝贝,你是我想要的,我想要的  Diet Mountain Dew baby New York City  激浪轻怡,宝贝,在这座纽约城  Never was there ever a girl so pretty  从来没有过这样漂亮的女孩  Do you think we"ll be in love forever?  你觉得我们会一直爱下去吗?  Do you think we"ll be in love?  你认为我们真的会相爱吗?  Diet Mountain Dew baby New York City  激浪轻怡,宝贝,这座纽约城  Can we hit it now low down and gritty  或许我们可以坚韧不拔的攻下它  Do you think we"ll be in love forever?  你觉得我们会一直爱下去吗?  Do you think we"ll be in love?  你觉得我们会相爱吗?  Baby put on heart-shaped sunglasses  宝贝,戴上心形太阳镜吧  Cause we"re gonna take a ride  因为我们将要踏上旅程  I"m not gonna listen to what the past says  我并没有打算顾及我们的过去  I been waiting up all night  我一直彻夜不眠  Take another drag turn me to ashes  不如把我拖入深渊化为灰烬吧Ready for another lie  为下一个谎言做准备  Says he"s gonna teach me just what fast is  他说要让我学会什么才是速度  Say it"s gonna be alright  什么事儿也不会有 宝贝  Diet Mountain Dew baby New York City  激浪轻怡,宝贝,在这座纽约城  Never was there ever a girl so pretty  从来没有过这样漂亮的女孩  Do you think we"ll be in love forever?  你觉得我们会一直爱下去吗?  Do you think we"ll be in love?  你认为我们真的会相爱吗?  Diet Mountain Dew baby New York City  激浪轻怡,宝贝,这座纽约城  Can we hit it now low down and gritty  或许我们可以坚韧不拔的攻下它  Do you think we"ll be in love forever?  你觉得我们会一直爱下去吗?  Do you think we"ll be in love?  你觉得我们会相爱吗?  Let"s take Jesus off the dashboard  撞上耶稣也不要紧 把他从仪表盘上抛开吧  Got enough on his mind  已经无法在接受他的想法  We both know just what we"re here for  我们都清楚的知道我们留在这儿的理由  Saved too many times  只是大多数时候藏之心底  Maybe I like this roller coaster  也许我喜欢这过山车般的快感Maybe it keeps me high  也许可一直让我们精神振奋  Maybe the speed it brings me closer  也许这速度给我满足感  I could sparkle up your eye  我可以使你眼冒金星 等着吧  Diet Mountain Dew baby New York City  激浪轻怡,宝贝,在这座纽约城  Never was there ever a girl so pretty  从来没有过这样漂亮的女孩  Do you think we"ll be in love forever?  你觉得我们会一直爱下去吗?  Do you think we"ll be in love?  你认为我们真的会相爱吗?  Diet Mountain Dew baby New York City  激浪轻怡,宝贝,这座纽约城  Can we hit it now low down and gritty  或许我们可以坚韧不拔的攻下它  Do you think we"ll be in love forever?  你觉得我们会一直爱下去吗?  Do you think we"ll be in love?  你觉得我们会相爱吗?  You"re no good for me  你对我来说并不是那么好  Baby you"re no good for me  宝贝,你并不适合我  You"re no good for me  你不适合我  But baby I want you, I want  但宝贝,你是我想要的,我想要的  You"re no good for me  你对我来说并不是那么好  Baby you"re no good for me  宝贝,你并不适合我  You"re no good for me  你不适合我  But baby I want you, I want  但宝贝,你是我想要的,我想要的  Baby stopping at 7eleven  宝贝在711停下吧  There in his white pontiac heaven  那里有他白色的庞蒂亚克天堂  Do you think we"ll be in love forever?  你认为我们会爱到永远吗?  Do you think we"ll be in love?  你认为我们会相爱吗?Diet Mountain Dew baby New York City  激浪轻怡,宝贝,在这座纽约城  Never was there ever a girl so pretty  从来没有过这样漂亮的女孩  Do you think we"ll be in love forever?  你觉得我们会一直爱下去吗?  Do you think we"ll be in love?  你认为我们真的会相爱吗?  Diet Mountain Dew baby New York City  激浪轻怡,宝贝,这座纽约城  Can we hit it now low down and gritty  或许我们可以坚韧不拔的攻下它  Do you think we"ll be in love forever?  你觉得我们会一直爱下去吗?  Do you think we"ll be in love?  你觉得我们会相爱吗?  You"re no good for me  你对我来说并不是那么好  Baby you"re no good for me  宝贝,你并不适合我  You"re no good for me  你不适合我  But baby I want you, I want  但宝贝,你是我想要的,我想要的
2023-07-16 22:42:421

Diet Mountain Dew 歌词

歌曲名:Diet Mountain Dew歌手:Lana Del Rey专辑:Born To DieDiet Mountain DewLana Del ReyYou"re no good for meBaby you"re no good for meYou"re no good for meBut baby I want you, I want youDiet mountain dew, baby, New York CityNever was there ever a girl so prettyDo you think we"ll be in love foreverDo you think we"ll be in loveDiet mountain dew, baby, New York CityNever was there ever a girl so prettyDo you think we"ll be in love foreverDo you think we"ll be in loveBaby put on heart shaped sunglassesCause we gonna take a rideI"m not gonna listen to what the past saysI"ve been waiting up all nightTake another drag turn me to ashesReady for another lie?Says he"s gonna teach me just what fast isSay it"s gonna be alrightDiet mountain dew, baby, New York CityNever was there ever a girl so prettyDo you think we"ll be in love forever?Do you think we"ll be in love?Diet mountain dew, baby, New York CityNever was there ever a girl so prettyDo you think we"ll be in love forever?Do you think we"ll be in love?Let"s take Jesus off the dashboardGot enough on his mindWe both know just what we"re here forSaved too many timesMaybe I like this roller coasterMaybe it keeps me highMaybe the speed it brings me closerI could sparkle up your eyeDiet mountain dew, baby, New York CityNever was there ever a girl so prettyDo you think we"ll be in love forever?Do you think we"ll be in love?Diet mountain dew, baby, New York CityNever was there ever a girl so prettyDo you think we"ll be in love forever?Do you think we"ll be in love?You"re no good for meBaby you"re no good for meYou"re no good for meBut baby I want you, I want youYou"re no good for meBaby you"re no good for meYou"re no good for meBut baby I want you, I want youDiet mountain dew, baby, New York CityNever was there ever a girl so prettyDo you think we"ll be in love forever?Do you think we"ll be in love?Baby stoppin" at seven elevenThere in his white Pontiac heavenDo you think we"ll be in love forever?Do you think we"ll be in love?Diet mountain dew, baby, New York CityNever was there ever a girl so prettyDo you think we"ll be in love forever?Do you think we"ll be in love?Diet mountain dew, baby, New York CityNever was there ever a girl so prettyDo you think we"ll be in love forever?Do you think we"ll be in love?You"re no good for meBaby you"re no good for meYou"re no good for meBut baby I want you, I want youYou"re no good for meBaby you"re no good for meYou"re no good for meBut baby I want you, I want youYou"re no good for meBaby you"re no good for meYou"re no good for meBut baby I want you, I want you
2023-07-16 22:42:501


2023-07-16 22:42:591

求音乐Diet Mountain Dew MP3

2023-07-16 22:43:071


Wuquan mountain lies in the northwest part of Gaolan Mountain, which stands in the south part of the downtown area in Lanzhou City, Gansu Province. The wuquan park, the largest in Lanzhou, occupies 266,400 square meters on wuquan Mountain.There are always legends and stories behind beautiful scenic spots in China. Five Springs Park is no exception. In the Western Han Dynasty (206 B.C.- 24 A.D.), a famous general, Huo Qubing, was dispatched by the Emperor to go on a punitive expedition to the Hun people, a minority group who lived in the northwestern part of China at that time. Since the troops had traveled from Chang"an (now Xian ), General Huo and his soldiers were exhausted when they arrived at the foot of Gaolan Mountain. They couldn"t find any water nearby, so General Huo forcefully jabbed his horsewhip five times into the ground. Abruptly five springs spurted water into the air. Thereafter the locals called the mountain the wuquan Mountain. While this story sounds surreal, the quality and the quantity of the five springs are true. They have flowed and served the locals for several thousand years. In 1955, it was officially opened as a park. Local authorities added a zoo, an amusement park for adults and another for children.The Middle Peak of the Wuquan Mountain, the highest point in the park, reaches 1,600 meters . It serves as the park axis. Ganlu Spring, Juyue Spring, and Mozi Spring are distributed over the Middle Peak area. Meng Spring and Hui Spring are located on either side of Middle Peak.When you pass the Tibetan Buddhism Mani Temple, you will see the first spring, Ganlu Spring, on the top of the mountain. Ganlu means sweet dew or timely rain in English. Ancient Chinese emperors and officials often asked the god in charge of agriculture in heaven to bring rain to assure a harvest in the coming year. They prayed and offered sacrifices at an altar on the mountaintop. Thus when it rained, people considered it timely rain or sweet dew.Juyue Spring is the most magical one among the five springs because of its unique location. This spring is in the shape of a well. Ju means to hold something in two hands, while Yue means the moon. When combined, these two characters mean this spring could hold the moon in her hands. What a beautiful picture! Especially around the time of Middle Autumn Day, you can very clearly see the shadow of the moon reflecting in the spring.Mozi Spring means to touch or feel the stone to learn the gender of a fetus. Because a Buddha in charge of birth is worshiped in the Dizang Temple near the Mozi Spring, people believe the Mozi Spring can tell whether it will be a boy or a girl.The last two springs are located on the two sides of Middle Peak. The spring on the east side is Meng Spring. It is said that if people use the water from this spring to make Meng Tea, which is produced on Mt. Meng, Sichuan Province, the flavor will be extraordinary. The other spring was named Hui Spring. Hui means benefiting someone. The quantity of Hui Spring was so great that it even met local water supply needs, however today the flow is less.The five springs are not the only tourist magnet, but also a famous scenic religious spot. Wenchang Temple, Butterfly Pavilion, Golden Buddha Temple, Mahavira Hall, Wanyuan Pavilion, Thousand Buddha Temple, etc., are arranged along a passage on Wuquan Mountain. Corridors and stone steps, which add artistic atmosphere to the park, and connect the buildings.The natural beauty of the five springs is enhanced by verdant groves while the temples make it a famous religious destination. Five Springs Park and wuquan mountain not only offer visitors a place to relax, but also provide a place to learn about Buddhism in china.
2023-07-16 22:43:281


【 #英语资源# 导语】母亲的爱是无私,是伟大的。在感恩节到来之际你最感恩的人是妈妈吗?以下是 为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。 1.感恩节英语作文:感恩妈妈   "Grateful heart, thank you for being with me all my life, giving me the courage to be myself..." whenever I hear this song, I think of my mother.   "I come from chance like a dust", in fact, everyone comes from chance. When hundreds of millions of sperm snatch an egg, man"s birth shows unparalleled luck. However, if there is no mother, there will be no us. It is the mother who gave us life. Thinking of this, I want to deeply thank you, my mother.   "Who can see my vulnerability". Yeah, who can? If you are a stranger, you may not look at you at all. However, as a mother, your words and deeds, smiles and smiles have been deeply engraved in her mind. Who knows us better than mother? Thinking of this, I want to deeply thank you, my mother.   "Although the world is wide, this road is difficult to go.". The road of heaven and earth is actually the road of life. When we were young, our mother helped us toddler; When we were young, our mother gave us confidence and encouragement; When we grow up, mother will help us in her unique way. The road of life is too long, but mother always walks with us. Thinking of this, I want to deeply thank you, my mother.   "I"ve seen all the ups and downs in this world.". When we are discouraged, it is our mother who encourages us with kind words; When we are sad, it is our mother who comforts us with warm words. Mother has paid too much for us. Thinking of this, I want to deeply thank you, my mother.   Grateful heart, thank you for being with me all my life, so that I have the courage to be myself; Grateful heart, thank you, mother! 2.感恩节英语作文:感恩妈妈   Dear mom:   Hello! Thank you for taking care of me over the years. I"m here to say, "thank you!" your maternal love is like Du Fu"s poem "sneaking into the night with the wind, moistening things silently." it"s subtle, but it"s always timely and priceless!   When I was ill, it was you who took good care of me; When it rained and thundered, it was you who came to pick me up from school regardless of everything; When I encounter difficulties and setbacks, you encourage me; When I failed, you comforted me calmly; In my   Whenever I come home from school, I can always see the sun shining in. You are painting lead by the window. The painting is so realistic and detailed. I can"t help trying. I drew according to you, but due to careless observation, the shadow disappeared, the highlight disappeared, and even the gradient did not know where to go. You looked at my ugly painting and said, "well, it"s good for you to paint like this for the first time. But you have to cheer up and work hard to paint me like this. Mom was much worse than you when she was a child. She painted so well and practiced it day by day." then you gave me careful advice and taught me bit by bit... My painting skills improved a lot in a few days, That"s all your work! Even the art teacher praised me for my good painting.   Remember once, in winter, you were washing clothes, but the water was ice and cold, which made your hands red, but you didn"t care, because you know that if you don"t wash clothes, there will be no clean clothes at home. I wanted to help, but you refused. You said, "don"t wash. The water is cold. You"ll catch a cold." "what about you?" I asked. You said, "I"m in good health and won"t catch a cold." I didn"t argue when I saw your persistence. 3.感恩节英语作文:感恩妈妈   The most ordinary in the world is the mother, and the greatest is also the mother.   Mother is our mountain and our water. Mother loves us everywhere and takes care of us. In order to let us grow up happily, mother can save everything. For us, mother can cook and wash clothes for us no matter how tired and lucky she is. No matter how tired she is, her mother won"t say it. She just sticks to it... How can her weak body shoulder such a hard work!   Maternal love is like air, sunshine and water. If you have it, you will have the treasures in the world. You can"t exchange anything. It makes ordinary life full of color, but without it, even if there are treasures in the world, it is just a pile of goods. In my life, which is not a storm, someone always loves to take care of me, listen to me silently, and share the sadness and pain with me. Even if I have a little success in my study, I will cheered for me. She is my beloved mother - an ordinary woman. I can"t remember how many times my mother told me. She always told me all aspects of life and didn"t get tired of it, paving the cornerstone for me on the road of growth. I was once moved by her infatuation. Looking at the world, how many people can care about me and take care of me as much as my mother. With the crisp sound of dew dripping in the morning, the moment my mother kissed my face, maternal love came to me. Looking at my mother"s busy figure, I want to say: Mom, you"ve worked hard. But I still can"t call it out. Maybe what you expect is not just that word. What you hope is the success I strive to achieve!   It was a few years ago that I found white hair on my mother"s head. When I called out in surprise, "Mom, you have white hair on your head." mother, you just smiled and didn"t even complain about fatigue. Mother, you have been doing the same but different things every day for decades. isn"t it? My child, I grow up day by day and understand how considerate you are, but you still take care of me as always.   Lao Tzu once said, "if the water is good, the water is good for all things without dispute." if a moral person is like water, then the mother is water, the mother"s heart is as clear as water, her nature is as soft as water, and her open mind is as silent as water.   Mother"s love is a simple love without carving. It is all over every corner of your study and life. Think about it, it"s meaningful; One taste, endless aftertaste
2023-07-16 22:43:351


The person is the life of slaves. Enslavement blocked with reproach people ever day, with the blood of people covered all night long.From the day I was born to now has seven thousand years, but what I see is the taming of slaves and locked with a chain of prisoners.I traveled all over the world. On the way of life, I have seen the light and dark. Settled in a cave from people living in modern buildings until the people I have seen. But so far I have seen, weighed down by heavy burden only head, was placed locked hands and knelt in front of idols knees.I as people from Babylon to Paris, from Nineveh to New York. Everywhere I see footprints on the ground next to the sand have traces of the chains, forest, and valleys of repeating throughout your generations during moaning.I walked into the palace, stand on the throne, and the altar in front of the platform. In any place I see: workers is the slave traders, a businessman is the military"s slave, the rulers of the military are slaves, ruler is the abbe slave, is the abbe idol slave, and the idol is demon unreal changes, is the skull of the phantom of the mountain.I went into the hall glamorous people, and went into the rank of the hut. I"ve been to decorated with ivory and gold HuaWu, also traveled to cluster the spectre of despair and provide a god of death. I saw the baby was formed the enslavement, children side literacy, one side is to learn to obey, little girl to wear the docile, soft as lining of dress, the women lie in disgrace and receives"s bed.I and a generation and a generation of people together, from Congo river walk to the Euphrates river side, to the Nile river mouth, the sinai to the mountains, to Athens square, the church of Rome, to Constantinople narrow streets, tall buildings qi to London. I see, enslavement, always honor, dignity and neck and neck. I see, the young men and women on the altar as a sacrifice, enslavement, for god is exalted; This wine with sweet dew, blessed the enslavement to the ruler; People in the enslavement of incense before setting, regard him as a prophet: kneel before him, to serve him golden rules. In servitude, driven by the people kill each other, but this behavior say * * kingdom. People in front of enslavement bowed down, down the earth god is subservient said the shadow on the; People follow the desire of houses burned enslavement, destroyed villages, said this is equal and love; People all tickets fountain of energy and time, dedicated to enslavement and said this is wealth and business......Enslavement of numerous, essence, only one, it has many forms, content is constant. Servitude-this is a sign from some tricky disease; The children from parents put it there with life bear down; The sowing time in years it soil, and then harvest, as in a year a season of harvest another season of the fruit.This is what I met enslsvement of grotesque.Blindness. -it put today"s life and the life of our fathers contact together; He forced people"s hearts in traditional bow before; It makes young body full of old spirit, and they become a place only ashes and corruption of the grave things.Dumb servitude. The man-it rationing detestable woman; The girl to his aversion to the man"s bed cotton-padded mattress; Made his like feet wore a too narrow shoes, and also like the dirty shoe beneath the grass.Deaf servitude. -it forces people to cater to the tastes, besmear they like colors, wear their favorite clothes; It is the voice of the people into the echo, take people of the body becomes a shadow.Enslsvement of lame. -it forced the strong con artists in the bow before; Forcing their will subject to the ambitious of the oddest; It put them into RenSui sport machine.Enslsvement of white hair. -it keep the children"s heart from the high places of the sun shines push the abyss of pain; Here poverty and ignorance wandering side by side, humiliation and despair, near a; The children in the suffering in the growth of the life in sin, and evil with wanderlust and death.The spotted servitude. -it is not according to the value of the item to buy things, don"t call items was name. It put the fraud was called smart, the talk is called the learned; It said weakness is docile, said is a majestic cowardice.LuoJuan enslsvement of feet. -it with threats to force the weak running your tongue and say some unreliable language and not out of the desire without; These people like pieces of cloth, and let the hand of the poor throwing it.Humpback subservient. With a group of people-it for another batch of rule of law.Scabbed subservient. -it WangGuanShou to the sons of emperor.Black subservient. -it Li a sinner innocent children.For enslavement and enslavement. -this is the power of inertia.When I because a generation and follow a generation of people and tired, and when I looked at the people because of the travel and tired, I sat alone in ghost in the valleys, went to the ancient the spectre of hiding here, the future of the phantom here expects his incarnation of the moment. Here I saw a pale ghost, looked at the sun, through the alone. I asked him, "who are you? Call what name?" He replied: "my name is--free." I say: "you of the children are in where?" He answered me: "a sacrifice on the cross. A have to leprosy. The third is not dead is born."Ghost disappeared in mist.
2023-07-16 22:43:431


2023-07-16 22:44:013


1、独时想起你;落泪时想搂住你;开心时想扑向你;兴奋时想吻你。一切尽在这四个字:我需要你! I think of you all the time; I want to hold you when I cry; I want to pounce on you when I am happy; I want to kiss you when I am excited. All in these four words: I need you! 2、你是岸,我是船,你是太阳,我为你转,幸福有你才能算,给我世界都不换。 You are the shore, I am the boat, you are the sun, I turn for you, happiness can be calculated with you, give me the world is not changed. 3、你像一股温暖的春风,激起了我心海里爱的波澜;你像一片轻柔的云彩,缚获住我多情的视线。 You are like a warm spring breeze, arousing the waves of love in my heart; you are like a gentle cloud, holding my amorous sight. 4、如果你在我身边,我会娶你;如果有来生,我要你嫁给我;如果你走过我身旁,我一定不会错过你。 If you are by my side, I will marry you; if there is an afterlife, I want you to marry me; if you walk by me, I will not miss you. 5、倒不是怕他会跟上来,而是怕我的心没有随我的脚步跟上来。 Not that he would follow, but that my heart would not follow my footsteps. 6、你像那沾满露珠的花瓣,给我带来一室芳香;你像那划过蓝天的鸽哨,给我带来心灵的静远和追求。 Like the petals covered with dew, you bring me a room of fragrance; like the pigeon whistle across the blue sky, you bring me the quiet soul and pursuit. 7、有情之人,天天是节。一句叮咛,一笺相传;一份相思,一心相盼;一份爱意,一生相恋! Every day is a festival for those who are in love. A word of warning, a note of legend; a love, a longing; a love, a lifetime love! 6550 8、把细线拴着的钱包丢在大街上,自己在暗处拉着线,一旦你来捡钱包,就猛然把钱包和你拽走! Throw the wallet tied to the string in the street, pull the string in the dark, once you e to pick up the wallet, you suddenly pull the wallet and you away! uuuuuuuuuuu 9、时间的巨轮无法抹去我对你的思念纵使海枯石烂,你的身影永存于我心中。 The great wheel of time can"t erase my yearning for you, even if the sea dries up and the rocks rot, your figure will remain in my heart forever. 10、我不知道是否应该打开窗棂让小雨飘进屋来,我不知道面对春天的期待,我该付出怎样的爱。 I don"t know if I should open the window and let the rain drift in. I don"t know what kind of love I should give in the face of the expectations of spring. 11、初升的朝阳我可以错过,落日的余辉我可以错过,只有你我不能错过,你是我今生无悔的选择! The rising sun I can miss, the setting sun afterglow I can miss, only you I can not miss, you are my regretless choice in this life! 12、假如你是我梦中那只收桅待泊的船,我愿是那静静的湾,荡着轻柔的浪,舒展着迷人的滩。 If you were the ship in my dream, I would like to be the quiet bay, with gentle waves and charming beaches. 13、我好喜欢你呦,我喜欢你的鼻子,我喜欢你的眼睛,我还喜欢你经常对我发怒得样子。真的好喜欢你! I like you so much. I like your nose, I like your eyes, and I like the way you often get angry with me. Really like you! 14、你要知道爱情是自私的!所以我的心中至今没有溶入半点的杂念。其实,你只要回头便知我心只有你! You know love is selfish! So I haven"t got any misconceptions in my heart so far. In fact, you only need to look back to know that my heart is only you! 15、日子在不同的空间流逝,想念在不同的时间来临,不管世事如何的变迁,你永远是我的最爱。 Days pass in different spaces, Miss ing at different times, no matter how the world changes, you will always be my favorite. 16、我是你菜里的盐,没有我一切就失去了味道。我是你冬天里的太阳,夏天里的冰棒,阴天的大雨伞。 I am the salt in your dish. Without me everything loses its flavor. I am the sun in winter, the ice lolly in summer, the umbrella in cloudy day. 17、玫瑰开在九月里,我的心中只有你,好想和你在一起,没有什么送给你,只有一句我爱你! Roses open in September, my heart only you, want to be with you, nothing to give you, only a sentence I love you! 18、不是恋爱的感觉让我幸福而是爱上你的感觉让我幸福。 It"s not the feeling of love that makes me happy, but the feeling of falling in love with you that makes me happy. 19、我以为天是蓝色的,可是他却是灰色的。我以为心是静的,可是他却是跳动的。我真的很想你! I thought the sky was blue, but he was grey. I thought my heart was still, but he was beating. I really miss you. 20、人说相思苦,离人心上苦缠绵。我说相思难,山高路远难相见。一点愁感慨万千,红豆应无言。 People say that love is bitter, leaving people"s hearts. I say it"s hard to miss each other, but it"s hard to see each other on a high mountain. A little sadness, red beans should be silent. 21、我心里有个小秘密你想不想知道?让风悄悄告诉你,我喜欢你,真的好喜欢。 I have a little secret in my heart. Do you want to know it? Let the wind tell you quietly, I like you, really like it. 22、也希望你更加努力,不要放弃自己,有一天你会得到自己的幸福! Also hope you work harder, don"t give up yourself, one day you will get your own happiness! 23、遇见你是偶然的,喜欢你是自然的,爱上你是毅然的,得到你是欣然的,伴你一生是必然的。 Meeting you by chance, liking you is natural, falling in love with you is resolute, getting you is glad, acpanying you for life is inevitable. 24、用你的名字和我的姓氏成就这故事,从此以后无忧无愁,故事平淡但当中有你已经足够! Use your name and my surname to acplish this story, from now on, no worries, the story is plain, but you are enough! 25、数不完的星星,数不完的记忆。弹起我心中的吉它,让心曲飞向远方,伴你进入甜甜的梦乡。 Countless stars, countless memories. Pick up the guitar in my heart, let my heart fly far away, acpany you into sweet dreams. 26、你的幸福我来建筑,你的顽固我来让步,你的糊涂我来弥补。 Your happiness I build, your stubbornness I concede, your confusion I make up. 27、即使全世界都背叛你,我也会站在你身边背叛全世界。 Even if the whole world betrays you, I will stand beside you and betray the whole world. 28、我的眼睛深情地注视着你的眼睛,就像大海般蔚蓝,纯净得揉不进一粒小小的细沙。 My eyes look at your eyes affectionately, as blue as the sea, pure enough not to rub a *** all sand. 29、每一天都为你心跳,每一刻都被你感动,每一秒都为你担心。有你的感觉真好。 Every day heartbeat for you, every moment is touched by you, every second worries about you. It"s good to have you. 30、喝了你酿的爱情的酒,如果没有续杯,情愿渴一辈子。 Drink the wine of love you brew, if there is no refill, would like to thirst for a lifetime. 31、不知为什么,只要有你在我身边,我的心便不再惶惶不安。 I don"t know why, as long as you are by my side, my heart will no longer panic. 32、我偷听到你对上帝说你非我不嫁,所以我不想你背叛上帝嘛! I overheard you say to God that you are not marrying me, so I don"t want you to betray God! 33、心已经被撕碎,散在空气里飞,像花朵已枯萎,无法再次收回。 Heart has been torn, scattered in the air, like flowers have withered, can not be retrieved. 34、如果思念是阑尾至少可以摘除,但对我来说思念却是心脏! If missing is appendix can be removed at least, but for me missing is heart! 35、鱼对水说:你看不见我的眼泪,因为我在水里。水说:我能感觉到你的眼泪,因为你在我心里。 Fish said to the water: You can"t see my tears, because I am in the water. Water said: I can feel your tears, because you are in my heart. 36、我之所以活到现在的全部意义,就是为了此刻能与你相遇。 The whole point of living up to now is to meet you at this moment. 37、很后悔认识了你,你让我感受到你不在我身边时的痛苦。 I regret knowing you. You made me feel the pain when you were not around me. 38、我愿变成一个瞎子,我不想看任何东西,却只想看得到你,我的眼里只要能看到你就够了。 I want to be blind. I don"t want to see anything, but I just want to see you. I just want to see you in my eyes.
2023-07-16 22:44:071


苏州外国语学校一般不招成绩比较差的学生。在那里你可以学到标准英文。美国英语的最大特点,是拼写和发音一致。如brother,拼写时有一个字母r,所以它就要把这个字母r的发音念出来,又如fast,这是一个重读闭音节字,所以字母a要念它的短音。又如clerk,美国英语就按重读r音节中的er的发音规则来念,还要注意卷舌。再如美国英语把剧院这个字写成theater,而不是theatre,是因为它原来的拼写与发音不一致。基本概念:元音和辅音。美国英语中有26个字母,其中a、e、i、o、u为元音字母,其余21个是辅音字母,其中w和y字母有时当元音字母用,它们是半元音字母,如:crwth 克鲁斯琴,my 我的。元音字母在单字里,主要有两种读音,一种是长元音,一种叫短元音。辅音字母r具有特殊性质,因为它发卷舌音,所以,它出现在元音字母后面的时候,这个元音字母就要发成卷舌长元音。绝对开音节——元音字母是音节中的最后一个字母,如这个音节为重读音节,这个元音字母就发成长元音。e me 我 be 是 he 他 she 她 ye 这个,那个(古英语定冠词) we 我们i I 我 pie 派 die 死 lie 躺 tie 领带o go 去 no 不u mu 希腊字母μ nu 希腊字母ν Sue 苏 blue 蓝的 glue 胶水y sky 天空 fly 飞 dry 干的 spy 间谍 shy 害羞的 cry 哭 my 我的发音宝典一,相对开音节。元音字母后面跟着一个辅音字母和一个不发音的元音字母e,如这个音节为重读音节,这个元音字母就发成长元音。a-e cape 斗篷,岬角 name 名字 tape 磁带 age 年龄 sage 贤人e-e these 这些 i-e bite 咬 five 五 kite 风筝o-e rose 上升 nose 鼻子 rope 粗绳 note 音符u-e tube 试管 cube 正方体 June 六月(注意,u的长音为/ju/,但是u在舌尖中音之后要念/u/,这又是一个发音宝典了,放在发音宝典七中:blue 蓝的,flute 笛子)y type 打字发音宝典二,闭音节。元音字母后面跟着一个或几个辅音字母,如这个音节为重读音节时,这个元音字母就发成短元音。a mat 垫子 map 地图 bag 袋子 cat 猫 fan 风扇 hat 帽子 bat 球拍 apple 苹果e egg 鸡蛋 well 井 red 红的 hen 母鸡 pen 钢笔 bed 床 bell 铃i lick 舔 six 六 bib 围嘴儿 pig 猪 pin 别针 kiss 亲吻 ink 墨水 hill 丘陵o ox 公牛 on 在……上面 octupus 章鱼 box 盒子 socks 短袜 operate 动手术,操作 ostrich 鸵鸟u sun 太阳 umbrella 雨伞 bus 巴士 gun 枪 nut 核桃 uncle 伯父,叔父,舅父 under 在……下面发音宝典三,l、m、n为英语中最长的辅音,前面的元音字母的发音往往延长,发成长元音。only 只 both 两者都 roll 滚动,卷 don"t 不 won"t 将不 comb 梳头al call 打电话 tall 高的 fall 秋天 ball 球 wall 墙壁al half 一半 calf 小牛 salmon 鲑鱼al palm 手掌 calm 冷静的发音宝典四、元音字母组合的发音,两个元音字母并列,只发一个元音字母的名称音,如:ai tail 尾巴 rain 下雨 paint 油漆 pain 疼痛 jail 监狱 nail 钉子 rail 铁轨 maid 仆人ay bay 海湾 ray 射线 way 路 say 说 hay 干草 pay 付钱 May 五月 lay 放置ee reeds 芦苇 eel 鳗鱼 bee 蜜蜂 peel 剥皮 jeep 吉普车 feel 感觉 see 看见 teeth 牙齿ea sea 海 meat 肉 peanut 核桃 peach 桃子 eagle 鹰 leaf 树叶 pea 豌豆ey key 钥匙oa road 路 toast 土司 toad 蟾蜍 coal 煤 goat 山羊 boat 船 coat 上衣 soap 肥皂ow rainbow 彩虹 pillow 枕头 yellow 黄的 window 窗口 hollow 中空的 bowl 碗 row 划 low 低的ui suit 适合 juice 果汁 fruit 水果发音宝典五和六,字母c和g有硬音和软音的区别:c cap 帽子 count 数 car 汽车 coffee 咖啡 cat 猫 cow 母牛 cake 蛋糕 cup 杯子c circle 圆 cent 一分 cycle 周期g garden 花园 gate 大门 goat 山羊 goose 鹅,母鹅 golf 高尔夫球 gold 金子g gentle 温和的 giant 巨大的 gym 体育馆有时为了让c和g发/k/和/g/的声音,特别在单字里加一个字母u,这时u不发音:biscuit 烤饼 circuit 电路 guess 猜 guest 客人 guide 指导 guy 家伙(口语)s sun 太阳 sofa 沙发 silver 银 sink 下沉,水槽 sign 标记 soap 肥皂 six 六 seven 七qu question 问题 quarrel 争吵 quilt 被子 quiet 安静的 queen 女王 quarter 四分之一在字尾出现que时,e不发音,qu发/k/:antique 古董 physique 体格 technique 技术h hat 帽子 hen 母鸡 head 头 home 家 hand 手 hammer 锤子 house 房子 horse 马h在单字里有时不发音:hour 小时 ah 啊 oh 哦 blah 等等 ohm 欧姆r音节——元音字母后面跟着字母r,这个音节为重读音节时,这个元音字母就要发成卷舌长元音。or porch 门廊 pork 猪肉 horse 马 horn 号角 fort 防波堤 morning 早上 corn 玉米 fork 叉子ar arm 手臂 armchair 扶手椅 car 小汽车 card 卡片 cart 二轮马车 farm 农场 park 公园 garden 花园ur turtle 海龟 surf 冲浪 turkey 火鸡 Turkey 土耳其 fur 皮毛 hurt 疼痛 purse 钱包 nurse 护士er mermaid 美人鱼ir birthday 生日 circus 马戏团 dirty 脏的 dirt 尘土 bird 鸟 circle 圆 girl 女孩,女儿sh sheep 羊 shirt 衬衫 ship 船 fish 鱼 dish 盘子 push 推 shoes 鞋子 shovel 铲子th brother 兄弟 feather 羽毛 leather 皮革 father 父亲 mother 母亲th thumb 大拇指 three 三 bathmat 浴室地垫 thirsty 渴的 thief 小偷 bath 浴缸 mouth 嘴巴 teeth 牙齿ch beach 海滨 lunch 午餐 cheese 芝士 bench 长凳 church 教堂 chicken 鸡 chair 椅子 cherry 樱桃ch在法文中会发sh,如:chef 主厨 machine 机器 chalet 农舍 Chicago 芝加哥ph photo 照片 elephant 大象 telephone 电话 trophy 奖杯 pharmacy 药房 alphabet 字母表gh right 正确的 sight 看见 night 夜晚 tight 紧的 light 灯,光 fight 打架 sigh 叹气 high 高的不发音的gh,前面的元音会发长元音。ee coffee 咖啡 committee 委员会 been 是(过去分词)人们为了避免用手写体(也叫圆体字)书写的文件上的辨认困难,规定,凡是字母u与m、n、v、w相邻时,元音字母u要改写成o,这时的o发短元音。other 其它的 another 另一个 mother 母亲 brother 兄弟 nothing 没有东西 son 儿子 ton 一吨 won 赢得,韩圆 monk 僧侣 among 在……三者以上之间 cover 覆盖 dove 鸽子come 来 become 变成 some 一些 sponge 海绵类似的单字中,元音字母o要改写成a,所以w后面的a发短元音。watch 观看 swamp 湿地 quantity 数量 quality 质量 what 什么ei eight 八 reign 统治 neighbor 邻居 feign 假装 vein 血管ei receive 接受 receipt 收据 seize 捕捉 either 也(不)neither 也不(注意,c、s之后的/i/音,或者是/e/音都用ei表示,其余字母后的/i/音都用ie表示)au August 八月 sauce 沙司 sausage 香肠 naughty 调皮的 applause 掌声au有时发a的短音。laugh 笑 laughter 笑声 aunt 阿姨发a的长元音。gauge 仪表aw paw 爪子 draw 画 saw 锯子,看见 straw 稻草 strawberry 草莓 lawn 草坪ew dew 露水 few 几乎没有 view 视野 hew 砍 new 新的 nephew 侄子 newspaper 报纸双元音ou和oi的发音:ou house 房子 out 在……外面 mouth 嘴巴 mouse 鼠标 count 数 fountain 喷水池 mountain 山 shout 叫喊ou有时发单元音或双元音/o/,如:you 你 silhouette 显影 route 路线shoulder 肩膀 soul 灵魂touch 触摸cough 咳could 能 should 应该 would 将要注意,ou后面有r时,就要发卷舌音,如:four 四 pour 倾倒 court 法庭 source 源泉our 我们的 hour 小时 sour 酸的tour 旅游 gourd 葫芦courage 勇气 nourish 养育 courtesy 礼节oor是一个卷舌音字母组合,发/or/音,如:door 门 floor 地板ow owl 猫头鹰 tower 塔 crown 皇冠 clown 小丑 cow 母牛 towel 毛巾 flower 花 brown 棕的,褐的oi coin 硬币 oil 油 point 指 noise 噪声 coil 盘绕 boil 沸腾 soil 土壤 poison 毒药oy oyster 牡蛎 boy 男孩 cowboy 牛仔 soy 大豆 toy 玩具oo moon 月亮 zoo 动物园 roof 屋顶 rooster 公鸡 boots 靴子 food 食物 spoon 药匙 room 房间oo book 书籍 cookie 饼干 woods 森林 wool 羊毛 hook 钩住 look 看 foot 脚 cook 厨师oo blood 血 flood 洪水oo brooch 胸针注意,两个音节的分界线上有双写的rr,则分属于前后两个音节,前面的音节属于重读闭音节,而不是重读r音节,元音发短音,而不是卷舌长元音,如:marry 结婚 merry 快乐的 mirror 面镜两个音节的分界线上有-r-时,重读元音也发短元音,如:Paris 巴黎 very 很 spirit 精神 bury 埋葬(这里的u发短元音e)两个音节之间没有辅音字母,元音字母分属不同的音节,如:peony 牡丹花 poem 诗 ruin 毁坏 dial 拨号发音宝典八,成音节,词尾的l、m、n常与另一个辅音构成音节,这个音节属于非重读音节。这些音节里有字母e,但这时的字母e在词尾不发音。发音宝典九,c、sc的发音,有时发sh的音。如:social 社会的 fascism 法西斯主义发音宝典十,t、ss、s的发音,发sh,如nation 国家 discussion 讨论 revision 复习发音宝典十一、t的发音,如ch,如:nature 自然 statue 雕塑。发音宝典十二,eau的发音。eau一般在英语里发/ju/,但在法语字里发/o/。eau beauty 美人 beautiful 美丽的eau beau 美的(法语)bureau 衣橱,衣柜五个元音字母及组合在非重读音节里发弱元音。y rainy 下雨的 sunny 晴天的 puppy 小狗 pony 小马 baby 婴儿 happy 快乐的元音字母后面加上r之后,在非重读音节里发卷舌弱元音。er sister 姐妹 brother 兄弟 under 在……下面 rooster 公鸡 winter 冬天 marker 记号笔 mother 母亲只要你用心学,一定能学好英语这门语言,希望我能帮助到你。
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p—rod 是什么?

Paul Rodriguez保罗·罗德里奇斯1984年12月31日出生于加利福尼亚州北岭市 现居住加利在福尼亚州西米****   20世纪90年代末,保罗的大名开始在洛杉矶滑板族中不胫而走,人们称他为“神童”。当时保罗年仅14岁,再加上他的玩伴也非常出色(滑板名人埃里克·科斯顿(Eric Koston)和凯瑞姆·坎贝尔(Kareem Campbell)),因此,人们都认为他将会大有作为,而保罗也的确不负众望,被《TransWorld Skateboarding》杂志评选为2003年度新人奖,还拍摄了大量的动作视频,而这些动作现在已成为滑板界的标准:City Stars的《Street Cinema》、TW Skateboarding的《In Bloom》及Girl Skateboard的《Yeah Right》。   当年轻的保罗和他的滑板鞋长期赞助商 ES 品牌的合约即将到期时,他竟出人意料地与刚成立不久的耐克滑板部开始洽谈,此举让业界为之哗然。2004年初,双方达成合作,耐克正式成为这位滑板巨星的赞助商。   这位寡言却意志坚定的洛杉矶小伙子是否会令人失望呢?丝毫没有。2004年底,作为耐克的签约滑板明星,保罗向人们展现了他的所有才华:他在与耐克合作的第一年就获得了第10届夏季极限运动锦标赛的金牌(Summer X Games)。2005年3月27日,耐克SB推出了Zoom Air Paul Rodriguez滑鞋,这也是公司有史以来的第一双签名滑板鞋。2005年8月,为了证明自己并非是“只会一招的小马驹”,保罗在洛杉矶第11届极限运动锦标赛以惊人绝技再度夺冠。   2005年底,保罗制作了个人的滑板短片《The Forecast》,而 2006年成为他最忙碌的一年。继承了父亲的表演天赋(保罗的父亲是一位喜剧演员),保罗决定出演更多影片,他先后在两部影片中担纲角色,这两部影片分别是独立电影《Vicious Circle》和职业滑手罗布·戴德克(Rob Dyrdek)制作的影片《Street Dreams》。2007年,保罗的第二双签名鞋Zoom Paul Rodriguez II问世,同时,保罗延续着他的滑板传奇并参与了Nike SB的电影《Nothing But the Truth》的拍摄。   2008年,滑板天王保罗·罗德里奇斯继续创造佳绩:Maloof Money Cup第一名(世界上奖金最高的滑板赛事)、极限运动比赛银牌、Dew Tour极限巡回赛全部比赛第二名。这一年,保罗在事业和家庭方面可谓是双喜临门:他在加利福尼亚州的恩西诺(Encino)开设了自己的鞋店Primitive,同年他又喜得千金,体会到初为人父的喜悦和自豪。   2009年,保罗和Nike SB再次联手。8月8日,他的第三双耐克签名鞋将在全球范围正式上市,为了庆祝新款运动鞋和运动服的发布,Nike SB制作了电视广告《今天是个好日子》(Today Was a Good Day),灵感来源于冰块酷八(Ice Cube)的1993年经典嘻哈单曲《好日子》(It was a Good Day)。   广告片选取了冰块酷八的一些片段以及多位耐克签约运动员的精彩出演,包括科比·布莱恩特、埃里克·科斯顿(Eric Koston)、兰斯·莫特恩(Lance Mountain)及瑟蒂斯·比斯利(Theotis Beasley)。   保罗总会做出一些惊人之举,让他的粉丝和整个行业为之震惊,令人无法捉摸。这位滑板者凭借着他自身的魅力,及他在比赛和影片中无与伦比的表现,始终屹立在滑板运动的顶端。保罗与耐克的合作将持续下去,期待在今后长久的协作中推出更多惊喜之作。
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音乐喷泉公园喷泉公园(fountains valley)是比勒陀利亚人潮最多的周末休闲区和野餐的地点。约翰内斯堡动物园约翰内斯堡动物园(johanndsburg zoo)拥有3000种以上的哺乳动物、鸟类和爬虫类。黄金矿脉城黄金矿脉城是一个主题公园,距离约堡市区约 5公里,就建设在首次发现并开采黄金的地方。桌山桌山,状如平桌,虽仅有1067米,却因贴近开普敦市而被该市政府选为“南非之美”的宣传路标。罗本岛南非的罗本岛平均每天要接待上千名游客,这里的博物馆正努力把罗本岛建成南非客流量最大的地方。维多利亚港维多利亚与阿尔弗雷德港湾,是开普敦市中心最繁华的区域之一。先民纪念馆比勒陀利亚有个先民纪念馆,里面陈列着南非的历史。先民纪念馆是个很有特点的建筑,象一个石头垒的高大雄伟的土堡,外墙上镶嵌着先人雕塑。进门后是个圆形是大厅,圆形的内墙是一圈白色大理石浮雕,表现了南非人迁徙、被杀戮、征战、争取和平等场面。比勒陀利亚动物园普勒多利亚动物园(pretoria zoo)位于布姆街,是世界上最大的动物园之一,园内的动物超过3500种。游客可乘缆车上达岛笼兽上方的了望台。动物园前方有一片街头市场,贩卖木刻、篮筐、石刻。教堂广场比勒陀利亚是南非的行政首都,也是南非的交通枢纽,南半球空中交通必经之路,面积600平方公里。人口中白人、黑人各占一半。这里有许多空地,还有100多座公园、自然保护区和一座出色的动物园。彼得斯堡彼得斯堡有「小挪威」之称的彼得斯堡,除了五月中旬的挪威独立纪念有热闹的庆典活动外,彼得斯堡也是个悠静的好去处,近郊有壮观的莱康特冰河,以及弗列得瑞克湾的巨鲸可欣赏。豪特湾豪特湾是开普敦最有名的海湾之一,它藏于两山之间。乘船行十几分钟,来到一个叫德克岛的海岛附近这个岛离陆地只有百多米距离。喷泉谷喷泉谷是比勒陀利亚人潮最多的周末休闲区和野餐的地点。除了健行步道、游乐场和游泳池以外,这里还提供一趟小型火车之旅,路线贯穿整个喷泉谷,沿途风光明媚。波涛谷波涛谷是失落城中最重要的主题乐园,由娱乐中心经过时光之桥,或由皇宫酒店下台阶经过罗马剧场都能到达。国会大厦国会大厦位于华盛顿25米高的国会山上,是美国的心脏建筑。国会大厦建于1793-1800年,与华盛顿的多栋重要建筑一样,亦未幸免于1814年英美战争的损毁。开普敦半岛开普敦半岛 有“小欧洲”之誉,目前是南非第二大城,仅次于约翰内斯堡。由于300多年来数易其主,因此充满多元文化色彩,成为南非的立法首都。太阳城皇宫大酒店皇宫大酒店 车辆驶出南非第一大城市约翰内斯堡,向西北方行驶在平坦的非洲的旷野上,窗外的贫民窟逐渐被半荒漠化景象所替代,两个小时行驶了187公里。布莱德河峡谷布菜德河峡谷(Blyde River Canyon)位于南非克鲁格国家公园西边的布莱德河峡谷自然保护区,是姆普马兰加省仅次于姆普马兰加国家公园的观光景点。克鲁格国家公园克鲁格国家公园总部设在斯库库扎。1893年辟为公园,原名为萨比野生 位置 动物保护区,后经扩大,于1926年改今名。克鲁格为 荷兰人后裔,19世纪后期曾在境内建立南非共和国桌山(Mountain Table),状如平桌,虽仅有1067米,却因贴近开普敦市而被该市政府选为“南非之美”的宣传路标。桌山自然保护区的成立,虽然辟南非最先成立的克鲁格国家公园晚了半个世纪以上,然而就因它较接近市区的地理位置,更能代表者南非人民与大自然共存共荣的精神。大康斯坦夏葡萄酒庄园大康斯坦夏葡萄酒庄园位于开普敦市南半岛区康斯坦夏谷地的中央地带,是南非最古老的葡萄酒庄园,距今已有300多年历史。它背靠桌山南麓,面向福尔斯湾,日照充足,雨量丰沛,有着得天独厚的地理位置和气候条件。1685年,开普敦第一任荷兰总督西蒙·范德斯代尔(Simon van der Stel)选址此处建园并命名为康斯坦夏,1705年开始出产优质红酒。1712年范去世后,庄园几经易手,被分成几块,其中现在的大康斯坦夏庄园最为兴盛,出产的葡萄酒享誉世界,受到拿破仑、路易·菲利普国王等王宫贵族的青睐。酒园曾一度因病虫害而衰败,19世纪末被政府接管。1993年后,该酒园由政府指定的7人托管委员会管理,所有收入用于对庄园的维护。阿多大象公园在伊莉莎白港北边100公里处有一专门保育大象区,称作阿多大象国家公园(Addo Elephant National Park)。此公园建于1931年,由Trollopee创建,以专门保护非洲大象为主,初期只有11头大象,从1943年至1960年间,南非开普省地区的大象有计划的迁移入该园区内,使现今园内共有超过150头大象。纳马夸兰花海南非共和国位于非洲大陆最南端,是世界上最多元化最有魅力的国家之一。世界上没有哪个国家能将现代文明与原始自然美结合得如此天衣无缝。南非国家的历史算不上悠久,但是七彩缤纷的人文文化,就象这片古老的大陆一样悠远宽广。从原始部落歌舞到欧陆风格的小镇,从古老的黄金城到现代化的大都会,这里都应有尽有,绚丽多姿。南非拥有极为丰富的自然和人文旅游资源,是世界最负盛名的旅游度假圣地之一。号称 "旅游一国等于旅游全世界"素有"非洲中的欧洲"之称。丰富而原始的野生动物保护区、绮丽优良的港口、四通八达的高速公路、纯美憩静的葡萄酒乡、以及遍及全国和三千公里海岸线的自然保护区,,种族繁多是南非的又一特色,故有“彩虹之国”称誉,每年都吸引着大量的海外游客。约翰内斯堡南非最大城市,世界最大的产金中心约翰内斯堡( Johannesburg )素有“黄金之城”之称。位于东北部法尔河上游高地,海拔1754米。是德兰士瓦州黄金矿脉的中心。1880年,这里只是一座以两条牛的价值换来的农场。1886年建有一探矿站,随着金矿的发现和开采发展为城市。1928年建为市。四周绵延240公里的地带内有几十个金矿。市区街道下有一英里多深的坑道,进出频繁。埃洛夫大街一带是闹市区,商店、银行和旅馆等集中于此。市政厅建于1915年。市内有博物馆和教堂等建筑。公园和草地占城市面积1/10左右。著名的朱伯特公园在城中心的高地上,内有美术馆。此外还有密尔勒公园、唐纳德·麦凯公园、埃利斯公园等,市东北郊有开普敦公园。动物园位于史末资大道,其面积颇广,有花园和小湖。北郊有占地43英亩的植物园和占地26英亩的梅尔罗斯鸟类保护区。游客还可到市内的钻石加工厂去参观。城内种族隔离和种族歧视状况严重,城西南25公里的索韦托,是南非黑人最集中的隔离区。1976年6月16日,南非政权在这里制造了骇人听闻的索韦托惨案,激起全世界人民的愤怒谴责。太阳城这是一个古老的非洲神话, 在一个海天覆盖的丛林中, 有一座城堡, 记载着一段传奇美丽的故事….开普敦开普敦位于南非最南端,又名角城,是南非最古老的城市,亦为非洲的一颗海上明珠,风景怡人,并拥有繁忙的卓湾港口,还有渔村、广大的葡萄园、景色优美的海岸公路及半岛两侧无数美丽的海滩,如海点、基利夫顿等,都是深受水目运动者喜爱的渡假胜地。高1067公尺的桌山可算是开普敦的标志,其山顶好象是用刀锋削平,如桌般平坦、全山均为沙岩叠片构成,高出海拔3690尺,山顶巨大瀑布仿如白云弥漫,向角城倾泻,游客可乘吊车直线升空,抵达峻崖峭壁,西眺大西洋,东望印度洋,仿如置身于仙境。约翰内斯堡艺廊位于朱伯特公园(Joubert Park)里的约翰内斯堡艺廊(Johannesburg Art Gallery)坐落在一座结合古今建筑学的迷人建筑物里。馆中拥有足以代表国际及南非艺术的收藏和一间收藏品超过2500件的版画陈列室。非洲部落艺术的展出地点则在维瓦特兰大学的葛楚波赛尔艺廊(Gertrude Posel Gallery),该馆专门展出逐渐消失的非洲艺术品,如面具、头饰和珠饰细工等。约翰内斯堡动物园约翰内斯堡动物园(Johanndsburg Zoo)拥有3000种以上的哺乳动物、鸟类和爬虫类。狮子、大象、长颈鹿,以及大型猿类的围场四周只有壕沟划分,完全没有铁栏杆,因此大受游客欢迎。另外新设计的北极熊栖息地,以及人可在里头来回走动的大鸟笼也同样受到游客的青睐。位于约翰内斯堡地方的米德兰德(Midrand)有座特兰斯瓦蛇园(Transvaal Snake Park),园里展出各式各样的非洲蛇,布景相当吸引人。一天两次,专为游客表演如何抽取世上最毒毒蛇的毒液。音乐喷泉公园晚上,音乐喷泉公园内无数喷泉水柱随着音乐的节奏,或起或落,忽高忽低,配合着五彩灯光的变化,左摇右摆,就象无数仙女在闻声起舞。开放时间:夏季每天晚上19:30-21:00,冬季每晚18:30-20:00开放供人观赏。走出非洲博物馆坐落于一个老市场中,有些像一座戏剧市场。收集和展出一些精美的绘画作品,以及模拟金矿和黑人聚居地的建筑。地址:Bree大街121号开放时间:周二到周日9点到17点开放比勒陀利亚比勒陀利亚(Pretoria)是南非的行政首都,也是南非的交通枢纽,南半球空中交通必经之路,面积600平方公里。人口中白人、黑人各占一半。比勒陀利亚动物园普勒多利亚动物园(Pretoria Zoo)位于布姆街,是世界上最大的动物园之一,园内的动物超过3500种。游客可乘缆车上达岛笼兽上方的辽望台。动物园前方有一片街头市场,贩卖木刻、篮筐、石刻。开放时间:每天上午8:30-下午5:00。德维尔特印度豹饲养站德维尔特印度豹饲养站(De Wildt Cheetah Breeding Station)位于由比勒陀利亚往布里茨(Brits)途中的R566公路沿线。以前,人们都以为囚禁中的印度豹无法繁衍后代,但在德维尔特却证明这个观点是错误的。在德维尔特进行的工作同时显示非常罕见的帝王猎豹(身上花纹成条纹而非一般印度豹身上的斑点状)并不一定是一种独特的种类,而是帝王猎豹的父母双方都拥有隐性基因所造成的结果。另外在这座保护区里还可以看见野狗、野猫及棕色土狼。克鲁格国家公园天刚破晓,低沉的狮吼如箭划破微微泛蓝的夜空;远远传向公园的每一个角落,唤醒了尚在沉睡中的人们及动物....这便是南非克鲁格国家公园一天的开始。喷泉谷喷泉谷(Fountains Valley)是比勒陀利亚人潮最多的周末休闲区和野餐的地点。除了健行步道、游乐场和游泳池以外,这里还提供一趟小型火车之旅,路线贯穿整个喷泉谷,沿途风光明媚。鲁德普拉特水库(Roodeplaat Dam)在比勒陀利亚北方,是钓鱼、乘游艇、水上运动和游泳的理想地点。万德布姆自然保护区(Wonderboom Nature Reserve)位于该市北郊的马格雷斯堡(Magaliesberg)。本区主要有株一颗树龄1000年的无花果树神木,高23公尺,直经50公尺, 13根主干四面扩展在1公顷的土地上。绿市广场位于开普敦市区与圣乔治街相邻的绿市广场,是一座历史悠久的跳蚤市场,可追溯到18世纪,花匠们利用此处出售货物。这个古意盎然的鹅卵石广场,虽不见出售花卉,取而代之的是各式非洲风格的手工艺品河流行服饰摊位。而周边的圣乔治人行道商圈、教会街和长街也有各具特色的商店和工艺品引人驻足。古鲁特教堂是绿市广场的古地标,黑色的外观与绿市广场黝黑的圆石地板相互辉映,这座1704年由荷兰人所建的教堂,为全南非最古老的教堂之一,目前仍是附近居民做礼拜的神圣教堂。奥茨霍恩奥茨霍恩是鸵鸟的世界!这里的鸵鸟农场,被选为南非10个最受欢迎的观光景点。1863年,这个城市建立,与此同时,鸵鸟产业也在这一时间兴起了。当时,很多因饲养鸵鸟而发家的农户,在这里建造起了鸵鸟宫殿(Feather Palace)。至今这里仍保留着很多这样的建筑,十分有趣。时光之桥时光之桥长约100米,是一座人行桥,在太阳城的失落城里。皮拉内山国家公园皮拉内山国家公园在太阳城附近,太阳城里的酒店都有免费班车可以到达。在这里,可以看到著名的非洲五霸——大象、狮子、花豹、非洲水牛和犀牛,这些霸气十足的动物都能叫人感受到王者风范!当然,还有其他很多的野生动物,都可以在这里看到。约翰内斯堡野生园南非之所以成为旅游胜地,主要是因为当地各类繁多且形态优美的野生动物,因此,参观当地一座大型野生动物园,看看生活在此的狮子、大象、长颈鹿和羚羊,成为游客不可错过的一项体验。假使你没机会一游大型野生动物园,不妨到市中心附近的小型动物园走走。位于霍尼都(Honeydew)的狮子园(Lion Park)和附近的克鲁格斯多普野生动物保护区(Krugersdorp Ganme Peserve)都有许多狮子和羚羊,而且距离约翰内斯堡市不到半小时车程。金礁石城金礁石城是位于约翰内斯堡中心部向南6公里处的,在采金矿遗址上建立的主题公园。是约翰内斯堡最为有名的观光景点,无论是饭店还是旅行社组织的市内观光旅行中肯定包括的。来约翰内斯堡旅游的人几乎都要到这里来。虽然星期六下午、星期日城市的商店都不营业,但是,即使是这样这里的人也还是大多。好望角好望角位于半岛南部的有7750公顷,规模很大的自然保护区,好望角和开普角都在保护区内。这里除乘观光汽车游览以外,任何汽车禁止入内。自然保护区内,绽放着被称为Fynbos、Protea、Efica (Heath)的花卉等各种植物;生活着南非羚羊、鹿、斑马、猫鼬、鸵鸟、狒狒等动物。除此之外,在近海处还有海豚、海狗等在游弋,如果运气好的话在8月--11月期间还能看到鲨鱼。斯泰伦博斯开普敦的西边,是地中海式气候的肥沃土壤,从很早以前这里就开始为制作葡萄酒种植大量的葡萄。甫非最早的葡萄酒,是1659年,在开普敦的创建者JanvanRiebeeck的参与下酿造的。他发现,开普敦的气候与葡萄酒的著名产地西班牙,法国相似。在这之后,由于殖民地的开拓者们的积极参与,南非的葡萄酒酿制造业发展起来了;特别是在技术上,因被法国驱除出境的胡格诺新教徒的参与,而得到提高。在这30年,南非的葡萄酒,通过在世界性比赛中获奖,而得到世界各地人们的认可。花园大道澳沃贝格地区以东,沿着从海德堡到斯托姆河延续的海岸公路,森林,湖泊,悬崖,溪谷,沙滩,花园等,一个又一个的美丽风景展现在你面前。这条路线被称作花园路线。在内陆部分,有海拔在1000-1700米的奥特尼夸、齐齐卡马山脉横跨东西。越过这个山脉,就是奥茨胡恩等平原地带了,从途中的关口要道眺望连绵群山,景色十分壮美。布莱德河峡谷位于克鲁格国家公园西边的布莱德河峡谷自然保护区,是姆普马兰加省仅次于姆普马兰加国家公园的观光景点。看到布莱德河与1000米高的大峡谷交织在-起的壮观景色,任何人都会为此感慨。沿这个保护区的纵向开通有532R和534R,又称为帕诺拉马路线,是位置很好的驾车游览线路。在这里可以享受到只有南非才有的那种和谐景观。被评为最受欢迎景点的第二位。还可以一同参观皮尔格里姆雷斯特、莱登堡等展现南非开拓史的周边城镇。津巴布韦遗迹津巴布韦主要景点之一,是南部非洲最具有代表性的巨大石造建筑遗迹。由曾经在11--19世纪繁荣一时的摩诺摩塔巴王国,在11世纪建造完成。说起来,津巴布韦在西纳语中是"石之家"的意思。国名起源于这处遗迹。黄金矿城黄金城在约堡南部,是在金矿旧址上建立的主题公园,也是约翰内斯堡最出名的旅游点。园内逼真地重现了18世纪后期到19世纪初期淘金热潮时黄金城的建筑,有反映当时繁荣的银行、邮局、警察局、餐厅、酒吧等。乘着喷着蒸气缓缓行进的老式火车,流览着这些古老建筑,游客仿佛回到了18世纪。黄金城的矿井曾挖到地下3200米深处,现在游客最多可下到地下220米处参观当时开采黄金的实际作业状况。还可以参观黄金的实际融解和浇铸金币的过程。国会大厦位于南非行政首都—比勒陀利亚先民博物馆先民博物馆位于南非行政首都班托市郊的一座小山上,所谓先民博物馆就是反映南非玻尔人与本地祖鲁人斗争的历史,也就是历史上有名的玻尔之战。此建筑物也称之为沃特勒克斯纪念碑。整个建筑物雄伟稳重,有非常厚重的雕塑感。建筑物上方为一个大的穹顶,穹顶上有一个孔,阳光可以射进来,每年的12月16日12点(也就是玻尔战争中西河之战的那天)阳光直接射到在建筑物底层设置的墓碑上,射进的阳光象征上帝对沃特勒克斯人的祝福。整个建筑物的四角有四座与整个建筑融为一体的人物雕塑,他们分别代表四位沃特勒克斯的领袖,全部由灰白色花岗岩刻制而成。在主体建筑之前有一组青铜雕塑——《母与子》,主要是表现在此次战争中妇女和儿童发挥的极为重要和独特的作用,因为妇女在整个战争中为保存并发展文化和基督教表现出极大的决心。建筑物的外侧正前方雕有一个巨大的非洲水牛头,由于水牛被认为是非洲最危险的野生动物,由水牛的头保护纪念碑免受外来人的侵害。四周围墙上刻有战争时代的货车图形,并以此来象征对纪念碑的保护。联合广场南非行政首都比勒陀利亚的联合广场市政厅市政厅建于1915年。市内有博物馆和教堂等建筑。公园和草地占城市面积1/10左右。著名的朱伯特公园在城中心的高地上,内有美术馆。此外还有密尔勒公园、唐纳德·麦凯公园、埃利斯公园等,市东北郊有开普敦公园。动物园位于史末资大道,其面积颇广,有花园和小湖。北郊有占地43英亩的植物园和占地26英亩的梅尔罗斯鸟类保护区。游客还可到市内的钻石加工厂去参观。城内种族隔离和种族歧视状况严重,城西南25公里的索韦托,是南非黑人最集中的隔离区。1976年6月16日,南非政权在这里制造了骇人听闻的索韦托惨案,激起全世界人民的愤怒谴责。失落城关于失落之城有一个古老的传说,在西方拥有文明之前,来自中非的游牧民族,在“太阳之谷”建造了一座空前伟大的城,其山光水色巧夺天工,令人赞叹,但后来的一场毁灭性的大地震,使得该城市被熔浆所掩,成为传说中的失落之城。为了实现这个梦想,科斯纳不惜耗资8亿3千万兰特,用了28个月的时间,于1992年12月终让传说中的失落之城重现世上。失落之城开幕后,城内千奇百怪且不乏韵律趣味的娱乐世界,成了世界各国游客纷纷造访太阳城的目的之一。据称,每年到访太阳城的游客超越3百万人次,人数有增无减。迷失之城内的每一样景物,完全仿造传说古城的模样,随处可见破裂倒塌的石柱、巨门,很容易让人错觉误堕时光隧道,走入古代。信号山信号山是位于桌山一侧,因正午时鸣炮而得名的海拔350米的小山。其另一端因外形象狮子头又被称为狮头山。信号山是晚上观赏被誉为世界三大夜景之一的开普敦夜景的最佳地点。在山上有多个角度欣赏美妙的景色。光彩夺目、晶莹剔透、一望无际的连绵几十公里的火树银花令人叹为观止、流连忘返。豪特湾豪特湾是开普敦最有名的海湾之一,它藏于两山之间。乘船行十几分钟,来到一个叫德克岛的海岛附近,这个岛离陆地只有百多米距离。小岛方圆顶多几千平方米吧,没有树,也没见花草,光秃秃的石头。岛上全是海豹,据说有几千只。我们的船贴近海岛慢速行驶,那海豹的各种姿态都看得清楚,有趴地安祥休息的,有爬来爬去的,有互相厮咬的,有纵身下海的,也有从海中正艰难爬上岸的。有的海豹又肥又大,胜过一头肥猪。岛边的海里,水清见底,也是海豹的世界,它们或跃出海面,或翘起尾巴摆水,或两头在一起嬉戏,或相互追逐,千姿百态,惹人喜爱。开普半岛好望角是南非西南端一个长4.8公里的岩石岬角。所谓"岬角",即伸向海中的尖形陆地。在葡萄牙文和英文中,岬角均称"开普"(cabo和cape)。南非西南沿海多岬角,其中好望角名气又大,因而这一带的好些地方都以"开普"命名。整个地区原来统称开普省,现在则分为北开普、东开普和西开普三个省。原开普省的首府,也是南非的立法首都,即开普敦。横贯这一带的山脉叫开普山。好望角所在地叫开普半岛,半岛南部有个开普自然保护区,延伸于40 公里海岸边的凡波斯花盛产高原栖息着许多不同种类的羚羊与鸟类。
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CD1 仙境 Wonderland01. The Wind Of Change 变幻之风02. Annie"s Wonderland 安妮的仙境03. Star Of Baghdad 巴格达之星04. The Daylight 曙光05. Annie"s Song 安妮之歌06. Laterna Magica 魔幻时刻07. Adiemus 阿迪玛斯08. Your Smile 你的笑靥09. La Provence 普罗文斯10. Little Mermaid 小美人鱼11. Trilogy 三部曲12. Three Times A Lady 钟爱一生13. Mandy"s Song 曼蒂14. The Best Friends 挚友CD2 寂静山林 The Sounds Of Silence01. El Condor Pasa 老鹰之歌02. The Sounds Of Silence 寂静之音03. I Swear 誓言04. Imagine 想象05. Chariots Of Fire 火战车06. Sacrifice 奉献07. One Moment In Time 真爱时光08. Song For The Lord 赞美主09. Into Red Velvet 红丝绒10. If You Leave Me Now 若你离去11. I Want To Know What Love Is 爱的真谛12. Tim"s Lullaby 摇篮曲13. Moment Of Fantasy 白日梦14. Airy Voices 空灵之声CD3 春野 One Day in Spring01. One day in spring 春野02.The miracle of your eyes 你眼中的奇迹03. Morning air 晨雾04. Breath of the wind 风的气息05. Fairyland 梦境06. Beatrix 敲打07. Mountain stream 山涧08. Snowdreams 雪之梦09. Windmills 风车10. Heaven"s gate 天堂之门11. Earth melody 大地之歌12. My song for you 为你写的歌13. Melody of hope 希望的旋律14. Nebula 星云CD4 蓝色天际 Heaven Blue01. Indian Dreams 印第安之梦02. Magic winds 魔法风03. Endless Horizon 无垠地平线04. Visions 幻觉05. After the rain 雨后06. Birds over the rainbow 飞跃彩虹07. Fly away 远走高飞08. Along in the night 走过长夜09. Nights of Barcelona 巴塞罗纳之夜10. Indian summerrain 印第安夏天的雨11. Song of the Mayas 马雅12. Jupiter 木星13. Machu Picchu 沙漠旷野14. Solar winds 太阳风CD5 迷雾森林 Forest Mist01. Gold Wings 希望之翼02. Neptune 海王星03. Diamonds 钻石04. New Morning 清晨05. Starry Sky 满天星06. Mother Nature 反璞归真07. The First Snowflakes 初雪08. Sunset Glow 日落09. Tenderness 款款柔情10. The Purple Butterfly 紫蝴蝶11. Melody Of Love 真爱12. Spring-Water 春水13. Blue Lagoon 蓝色珊瑚14. Morning Sun 朝阳CD6 日光海岸 Sunny Bay01. A Woodland Night 森林中的一夜02. Childhood Memory 童年03. Irish Lullaby 爱尔兰摇篮曲04. Whistle Of The Wind 风的呢喃05. Irish Meditation 翩翩起舞06. Luna 月光07. Children"s Eyes 童真08. Ancient Poem 古诗09. Just A Little Smile 浅笑10. Flying High 高飞11. White Sand Of Barbados 巴贝多的白沙12. Moonlight Of Capri 卡布里的月光13. African Sunset 非洲日落14. Goodbye Little Susy 告别小苏西15. Peaceful life 平安一生CD7 梦花园 Garden of Dreams01. Turning by Suzanne Ciani 流转起舞 - 苏珊希雅妮02. Dream Catcher by Secret Garden 追梦人 – 秘密花园03. Beyond the Sundial by Kevin Kern 跨越日光 - 凯文柯恩04. Adagio in Minor by Yanni 抒情小调 - 雅尼05. Zarabanda by Karl Jenkins 萨拉邦德舞 - 凯尔真金斯06. 辉く季节の中で 在辉煌的季节中 - 神思者07. Lauren by David Friedman 罗兰 - 大卫费德曼08. Give Me Your Hand by George Winston 执子之手 - 乔治温斯顿09. The Soong Sister by Kitaro 宋家王朝 - 喜多郎10. Ortaffa by Jean - Francois Maljean 欧塔妃 - 尚马龙11. Beyond the Invisible by Enigma 隐喻 - 谜乐团12. Hymn by Vangelis 赞美诗 - 范吉利斯13. The Golden Land by Ceredwen 黄金大地 - 圣恩乐团14. Breakout by Ronan Hardiman 突围 - 罗南哈德曼CD8 琉璃湖畔 Crystal Lake01. Mystica 秘密02. Marco Polo 马可波罗03. Raindrops on Your Face 雨04. Summerwaltz 夏日华尔兹05.Black windmill 黑风车06.Japanese girl 东方女孩07. The Wings of Ikarus 依卡路斯的羽翼08.Theme From Missing思念09.Sparkling Raindrops涟漪10. Blue Love Theme 忧郁的爱11.A Day Without Rain 晴天12.Aqua Blue 水蓝13.White Moon Over Tibet 西藏的月14. Loverletter to You 情书CD9 微风山谷 Breezy Valley01. Love me tonight 今夜爱来临02. Dreaming in the moonlight 梦于月光中03. Song of the angles 天使群聚之歌04. Mars and Venus 火星金星05. Indian Summer 印第安的夏天06. Love of my life 一生爱恋07. Sunset Valley 落日幽谷08. If I love again 再一次爱09. Heaven on earth 人间天上10. Good morning sunshine 日出晨安11. For your heart only 唯心所识12. Green leaves of spring 春枝绿叶13. The way of the wind 微风吹拂的方式14. Snow 静静的雪CD10 月光水岸 Moonlight Bay01. Caribbean Blue 加勒比海蓝02. Rainbow River 彩虹河03. Hijo De La Luna 月亮之子04. The Book of Life 生命之书05. Moonglow 月光06. Mystic Zone 奇幻领域07. Lonely Hearts 寂寞心事08. Celtic Waltz 克尔特华尔滋09. The Glory Way 光明之路10. Watermark 水印11. Morning Mood 晨歌12. Winter Dreams 冬梦13. La Valse D"Amelie 艾蜜莉圆舞曲14. Law of the Lord 神律CD11 雾色山脉 Misty Land01. Orinoco Dreams 奥里诺科之梦02. Beyond The Memory Of Man 曼岛的遥远记忆03. May It Be 但愿如此《魔戒首部曲》主题曲04. Lonely Whistler 寂寞口笛手05. Serenade In Green 绿意小夜曲06. Adagio Of The Highland 高地慢板07. Incredible Stars 奇幻银河08. Crystal Ball 水晶球09. World Of Difference 异世界10. River Of Dreams 梦河11. The Holy Garden 圣洁花园12. Careless Eyes 漫不经心的眼神13. Into The West 《魔戒三部曲-王者再临》主题曲14. The Lady And The Earl 淑女与伯爵15. Dragon Heart 龙心CD12 翡翠谷 Emerald Valley01. The Way to Heaven 天堂之路02. Athair Ar Neamh 天上之父03. Kiss of A Fairy 精灵之吻04. Amarantine 永恒之约05. Night Waltz 夜之华尔滋06. White Sand Shore 白沙湾07. The Golden Harp 黄金竖琴08. The Colours of Love 爱的颜色09. The Day of Truth 真实的一天10. Sea of Clarity 清澈海洋11. Clear Sky Over the Mountain 翻越山岭的晴朗天空12. Ballerina 芭蕾女伶13. Garden of Peace 平和花园14. Rose of Tralee 爱尔兰玫瑰15. The Holy Flame 圣火NO.13 旭日之丘 Sunrise Hill01. April 四月之春02. Holy Spirit 大地圣灵03. Eternal Ring 永恒之戒04. Holy Water 天赐圣水05. First Rose in Spring 春天第一朵玫瑰06. Limerick 利墨瑞克(爱尔兰)07. The Foggy Dew迷雾水珠(爱尔兰抗暴民歌)08. Temple of Pearl 珍珠神殿09. Children Of Atlantis 亚特兰提斯的孩子10. Shadow on The Sky 天空的影子11. The Long Way Home 漫漫归乡路12. Misty River 雾色之河13. Princess Of The Moon 月光仙子14. The Ancient Book 远古之书15. Rara Avis 稀世珍宝
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南非著名建筑音乐喷泉公园喷泉公园(fountains valley)是比勒陀利亚人潮最多的周末休闲区和野餐的地点。约翰内斯堡动物园约翰内斯堡动物园(johanndsburg zoo)拥有3000种以上的哺乳动物、鸟类和爬虫类。黄金矿脉城黄金矿脉城是一个主题公园,距离约堡市区约 5公里,就建设在首次发现并开采黄金的地方。桌山桌山,状如平桌,虽仅有1067米,却因贴近开普敦市而被该市政府选为“南非之美”的宣传路标。罗本岛南非的罗本岛平均每天要接待上千名游客,这里的博物馆正努力把罗本岛建成南非客流量最大的地方。维多利亚港维多利亚与阿尔弗雷德港湾,是开普敦市中心最繁华的区域之一。先民纪念馆比勒陀利亚有个先民纪念馆,里面陈列着南非的历史。先民纪念馆是个很有特点的建筑,象一个石头垒的高大雄伟的土堡,外墙上镶嵌着先人雕塑。进门后是个圆形是大厅,圆形的内墙是一圈白色大理石浮雕,表现了南非人迁徙、被杀戮、征战、争取和平等场面。比勒陀利亚动物园普勒多利亚动物园(pretoria zoo)位于布姆街,是世界上最大的动物园之一,园内的动物超过3500种。游客可乘缆车上达岛笼兽上方的了望台。动物园前方有一片街头市场,贩卖木刻、篮筐、石刻。教堂广场比勒陀利亚是南非的行政首都,也是南非的交通枢纽,南半球空中交通必经之路,面积600平方公里。人口中白人、黑人各占一半。这里有许多空地,还有100多座公园、自然保护区和一座出色的动物园。彼得斯堡彼得斯堡有「小挪威」之称的彼得斯堡,除了五月中旬的挪威独立纪念有热闹的庆典活动外,彼得斯堡也是个悠静的好去处,近郊有壮观的莱康特冰河,以及弗列得瑞克湾的巨鲸可欣赏。豪特湾豪特湾是开普敦最有名的海湾之一,它藏于两山之间。乘船行十几分钟,来到一个叫德克岛的海岛附近这个岛离陆地只有百多米距离。喷泉谷喷泉谷是比勒陀利亚人潮最多的周末休闲区和野餐的地点。除了健行步道、游乐场和游泳池以外,这里还提供一趟小型火车之旅,路线贯穿整个喷泉谷,沿途风光明媚。波涛谷波涛谷是失落城中最重要的主题乐园,由娱乐中心经过时光之桥,或由皇宫酒店下台阶经过罗马剧场都能到达。国会大厦国会大厦位于华盛顿25米高的国会山上,是美国的心脏建筑。国会大厦建于1793-1800年,与华盛顿的多栋重要建筑一样,亦未幸免于1814年英美战争的损毁。开普敦半岛开普敦半岛 有“小欧洲”之誉,目前是南非第二大城,仅次于约翰内斯堡。由于300多年来数易其主,因此充满多元文化色彩,成为南非的立法首都。太阳城皇宫大酒店皇宫大酒店 车辆驶出南非第一大城市约翰内斯堡,向西北方行驶在平坦的非洲的旷野上,窗外的贫民窟逐渐被半荒漠化景象所替代,两个小时行驶了187公里。布莱德河峡谷布菜德河峡谷(Blyde River Canyon)位于南非克鲁格国家公园西边的布莱德河峡谷自然保护区,是姆普马兰加省仅次于姆普马兰加国家公园的观光景点。克鲁格国家公园克鲁格国家公园总部设在斯库库扎。1893年辟为公园,原名为萨比野生 位置 动物保护区,后经扩大,于1926年改今名。克鲁格为 荷兰人后裔,19世纪后期曾在境内建立南非共和国桌山(Mountain Table),状如平桌,虽仅有1067米,却因贴近开普敦市而被该市政府选为“南非之美”的宣传路标。桌山自然保护区的成立,虽然辟南非最先成立的克鲁格国家公园晚了半个世纪以上,然而就因它较接近市区的地理位置,更能代表者南非人民与大自然共存共荣的精神。大康斯坦夏葡萄酒庄园大康斯坦夏葡萄酒庄园位于开普敦市南半岛区康斯坦夏谷地的中央地带,是南非最古老的葡萄酒庄园,距今已有300多年历史。它背靠桌山南麓,面向福尔斯湾,日照充足,雨量丰沛,有着得天独厚的地理位置和气候条件。1685年,开普敦第一任荷兰总督西蒙·范德斯代尔(Simon van der Stel)选址此处建园并命名为康斯坦夏,1705年开始出产优质红酒。1712年范去世后,庄园几经易手,被分成几块,其中现在的大康斯坦夏庄园最为兴盛,出产的葡萄酒享誉世界,受到拿破仑、路易·菲利普国王等王宫贵族的青睐。酒园曾一度因病虫害而衰败,19世纪末被政府接管。1993年后,该酒园由政府指定的7人托管委员会管理,所有收入用于对庄园的维护。阿多大象公园在伊莉莎白港北边100公里处有一专门保育大象区,称作阿多大象国家公园(Addo Elephant National Park)。此公园建于1931年,由Trollopee创建,以专门保护非洲大象为主,初期只有11头大象,从1943年至1960年间,南非开普省地区的大象有计划的迁移入该园区内,使现今园内共有超过150头大象。纳马夸兰花海南非共和国位于非洲大陆最南端,是世界上最多元化最有魅力的国家之一。世界上没有哪个国家能将现代文明与原始自然美结合得如此天衣无缝。南非国家的历史算不上悠久,但是七彩缤纷的人文文化,就象这片古老的大陆一样悠远宽广。从原始部落歌舞到欧陆风格的小镇,从古老的黄金城到现代化的大都会,这里都应有尽有,绚丽多姿。南非拥有极为丰富的自然和人文旅游资源,是世界最负盛名的旅游度假圣地之一。号称 "旅游一国等于旅游全世界"素有"非洲中的欧洲"之称。丰富而原始的野生动物保护区、绮丽优良的港口、四通八达的高速公路、纯美憩静的葡萄酒乡、以及遍及全国和三千公里海岸线的自然保护区,,种族繁多是南非的又一特色,故有“彩虹之国”称誉,每年都吸引着大量的海外游客。约翰内斯堡南非最大城市,世界最大的产金中心约翰内斯堡( Johannesburg )素有“黄金之城”之称。位于东北部法尔河上游高地,海拔1754米。是德兰士瓦州黄金矿脉的中心。1880年,这里只是一座以两条牛的价值换来的农场。1886年建有一探矿站,随着金矿的发现和开采发展为城市。1928年建为市。四周绵延240公里的地带内有几十个金矿。市区街道下有一英里多深的坑道,进出频繁。埃洛夫大街一带是闹市区,商店、银行和旅馆等集中于此。市政厅建于1915年。市内有博物馆和教堂等建筑。公园和草地占城市面积1/10左右。著名的朱伯特公园在城中心的高地上,内有美术馆。此外还有密尔勒公园、唐纳德·麦凯公园、埃利斯公园等,市东北郊有开普敦公园。动物园位于史末资大道,其面积颇广,有花园和小湖。北郊有占地43英亩的植物园和占地26英亩的梅尔罗斯鸟类保护区。游客还可到市内的钻石加工厂去参观。城内种族隔离和种族歧视状况严重,城西南25公里的索韦托,是南非黑人最集中的隔离区。1976年6月16日,南非政权在这里制造了骇人听闻的索韦托惨案,激起全世界人民的愤怒谴责。太阳城这是一个古老的非洲神话, 在一个海天覆盖的丛林中, 有一座城堡, 记载着一段传奇美丽的故事….开普敦开普敦位于南非最南端,又名角城,是南非最古老的城市,亦为非洲的一颗海上明珠,风景怡人,并拥有繁忙的卓湾港口,还有渔村、广大的葡萄园、景色优美的海岸公路及半岛两侧无数美丽的海滩,如海点、基利夫顿等,都是深受水目运动者喜爱的渡假胜地。高1067公尺的桌山可算是开普敦的标志,其山顶好象是用刀锋削平,如桌般平坦、全山均为沙岩叠片构成,高出海拔3690尺,山顶巨大瀑布仿如白云弥漫,向角城倾泻,游客可乘吊车直线升空,抵达峻崖峭壁,西眺大西洋,东望印度洋,仿如置身于仙境。约翰内斯堡艺廊位于朱伯特公园(Joubert Park)里的约翰内斯堡艺廊(Johannesburg Art Gallery)坐落在一座结合古今建筑学的迷人建筑物里。馆中拥有足以代表国际及南非艺术的收藏和一间收藏品超过2500件的版画陈列室。非洲部落艺术的展出地点则在维瓦特兰大学的葛楚波赛尔艺廊(Gertrude Posel Gallery),该馆专门展出逐渐消失的非洲艺术品,如面具、头饰和珠饰细工等。约翰内斯堡动物园约翰内斯堡动物园(Johanndsburg Zoo)拥有3000种以上的哺乳动物、鸟类和爬虫类。狮子、大象、长颈鹿,以及大型猿类的围场四周只有壕沟划分,完全没有铁栏杆,因此大受游客欢迎。另外新设计的北极熊栖息地,以及人可在里头来回走动的大鸟笼也同样受到游客的青睐。位于约翰内斯堡地方的米德兰德(Midrand)有座特兰斯瓦蛇园(Transvaal Snake Park),园里展出各式各样的非洲蛇,布景相当吸引人。一天两次,专为游客表演如何抽取世上最毒毒蛇的毒液。音乐喷泉公园晚上,音乐喷泉公园内无数喷泉水柱随着音乐的节奏,或起或落,忽高忽低,配合着五彩灯光的变化,左摇右摆,就象无数仙女在闻声起舞。开放时间:夏季每天晚上19:30-21:00,冬季每晚18:30-20:00开放供人观赏。走出非洲博物馆坐落于一个老市场中,有些像一座戏剧市场。收集和展出一些精美的绘画作品,以及模拟金矿和黑人聚居地的建筑。地址:Bree大街121号开放时间:周二到周日9点到17点开放比勒陀利亚比勒陀利亚(Pretoria)是南非的行政首都,也是南非的交通枢纽,南半球空中交通必经之路,面积600平方公里。人口中白人、黑人各占一半。比勒陀利亚动物园普勒多利亚动物园(Pretoria Zoo)位于布姆街,是世界上最大的动物园之一,园内的动物超过3500种。游客可乘缆车上达岛笼兽上方的辽望台。动物园前方有一片街头市场,贩卖木刻、篮筐、石刻。开放时间:每天上午8:30-下午5:00。德维尔特印度豹饲养站德维尔特印度豹饲养站(De Wildt Cheetah Breeding Station)位于由比勒陀利亚往布里茨(Brits)途中的R566公路沿线。以前,人们都以为囚禁中的印度豹无法繁衍后代,但在德维尔特却证明这个观点是错误的。在德维尔特进行的工作同时显示非常罕见的帝王猎豹(身上花纹成条纹而非一般印度豹身上的斑点状)并不一定是一种独特的种类,而是帝王猎豹的父母双方都拥有隐性基因所造成的结果。另外在这座保护区里还可以看见野狗、野猫及棕色土狼。克鲁格国家公园天刚破晓,低沉的狮吼如箭划破微微泛蓝的夜空;远远传向公园的每一个角落,唤醒了尚在沉睡中的人们及动物....这便是南非克鲁格国家公园一天的开始。喷泉谷喷泉谷(Fountains Valley)是比勒陀利亚人潮最多的周末休闲区和野餐的地点。除了健行步道、游乐场和游泳池以外,这里还提供一趟小型火车之旅,路线贯穿整个喷泉谷,沿途风光明媚。鲁德普拉特水库(Roodeplaat Dam)在比勒陀利亚北方,是钓鱼、乘游艇、水上运动和游泳的理想地点。万德布姆自然保护区(Wonderboom Nature Reserve)位于该市北郊的马格雷斯堡(Magaliesberg)。本区主要有株一颗树龄1000年的无花果树神木,高23公尺,直经50公尺, 13根主干四面扩展在1公顷的土地上。绿市广场位于开普敦市区与圣乔治街相邻的绿市广场,是一座历史悠久的跳蚤市场,可追溯到18世纪,花匠们利用此处出售货物。这个古意盎然的鹅卵石广场,虽不见出售花卉,取而代之的是各式非洲风格的手工艺品河流行服饰摊位。而周边的圣乔治人行道商圈、教会街和长街也有各具特色的商店和工艺品引人驻足。古鲁特教堂是绿市广场的古地标,黑色的外观与绿市广场黝黑的圆石地板相互辉映,这座1704年由荷兰人所建的教堂,为全南非最古老的教堂之一,目前仍是附近居民做礼拜的神圣教堂。奥茨霍恩奥茨霍恩是鸵鸟的世界!这里的鸵鸟农场,被选为南非10个最受欢迎的观光景点。1863年,这个城市建立,与此同时,鸵鸟产业也在这一时间兴起了。当时,很多因饲养鸵鸟而发家的农户,在这里建造起了鸵鸟宫殿(Feather Palace)。至今这里仍保留着很多这样的建筑,十分有趣。时光之桥时光之桥长约100米,是一座人行桥,在太阳城的失落城里。皮拉内山国家公园皮拉内山国家公园在太阳城附近,太阳城里的酒店都有免费班车可以到达。在这里,可以看到著名的非洲五霸——大象、狮子、花豹、非洲水牛和犀牛,这些霸气十足的动物都能叫人感受到王者风范!当然,还有其他很多的野生动物,都可以在这里看到。约翰内斯堡野生园南非之所以成为旅游胜地,主要是因为当地各类繁多且形态优美的野生动物,因此,参观当地一座大型野生动物园,看看生活在此的狮子、大象、长颈鹿和羚羊,成为游客不可错过的一项体验。假使你没机会一游大型野生动物园,不妨到市中心附近的小型动物园走走。位于霍尼都(Honeydew)的狮子园(Lion Park)和附近的克鲁格斯多普野生动物保护区(Krugersdorp Ganme Peserve)都有许多狮子和羚羊,而且距离约翰内斯堡市不到半小时车程。金礁石城金礁石城是位于约翰内斯堡中心部向南6公里处的,在采金矿遗址上建立的主题公园。是约翰内斯堡最为有名的观光景点,无论是饭店还是旅行社组织的市内观光旅行中肯定包括的。来约翰内斯堡旅游的人几乎都要到这里来。虽然星期六下午、星期日城市的商店都不营业,但是,即使是这样这里的人也还是大多。好望角好望角位于半岛南部的有7750公顷,规模很大的自然保护区,好望角和开普角都在保护区内。这里除乘观光汽车游览以外,任何汽车禁止入内。自然保护区内,绽放着被称为Fynbos、Protea、Efica (Heath)的花卉等各种植物;生活着南非羚羊、鹿、斑马、猫鼬、鸵鸟、狒狒等动物。除此之外,在近海处还有海豚、海狗等在游弋,如果运气好的话在8月--11月期间还能看到鲨鱼。斯泰伦博斯开普敦的西边,是地中海式气候的肥沃土壤,从很早以前这里就开始为制作葡萄酒种植大量的葡萄。甫非最早的葡萄酒,是1659年,在开普敦的创建者JanvanRiebeeck的参与下酿造的。他发现,开普敦的气候与葡萄酒的著名产地西班牙,法国相似。在这之后,由于殖民地的开拓者们的积极参与,南非的葡萄酒酿制造业发展起来了;特别是在技术上,因被法国驱除出境的胡格诺新教徒的参与,而得到提高。在这30年,南非的葡萄酒,通过在世界性比赛中获奖,而得到世界各地人们的认可。花园大道澳沃贝格地区以东,沿着从海德堡到斯托姆河延续的海岸公路,森林,湖泊,悬崖,溪谷,沙滩,花园等,一个又一个的美丽风景展现在你面前。这条路线被称作花园路线。在内陆部分,有海拔在1000-1700米的奥特尼夸、齐齐卡马山脉横跨东西。越过这个山脉,就是奥茨胡恩等平原地带了,从途中的关口要道眺望连绵群山,景色十分壮美。布莱德河峡谷位于克鲁格国家公园西边的布莱德河峡谷自然保护区,是姆普马兰加省仅次于姆普马兰加国家公园的观光景点。看到布莱德河与1000米高的大峡谷交织在-起的壮观景色,任何人都会为此感慨。沿这个保护区的纵向开通有532R和534R,又称为帕诺拉马路线,是位置很好的驾车游览线路。在这里可以享受到只有南非才有的那种和谐景观。被评为最受欢迎景点的第二位。还可以一同参观皮尔格里姆雷斯特、莱登堡等展现南非开拓史的周边城镇。津巴布韦遗迹津巴布韦主要景点之一,是南部非洲最具有代表性的巨大石造建筑遗迹。由曾经在11--19世纪繁荣一时的摩诺摩塔巴王国,在11世纪建造完成。说起来,津巴布韦在西纳语中是"石之家"的意思。国名起源于这处遗迹。黄金矿城黄金城在约堡南部,是在金矿旧址上建立的主题公园,也是约翰内斯堡最出名的旅游点。园内逼真地重现了18世纪后期到19世纪初期淘金热潮时黄金城的建筑,有反映当时繁荣的银行、邮局、警察局、餐厅、酒吧等。乘着喷着蒸气缓缓行进的老式火车,流览着这些古老建筑,游客仿佛回到了18世纪。黄金城的矿井曾挖到地下3200米深处,现在游客最多可下到地下220米处参观当时开采黄金的实际作业状况。还可以参观黄金的实际融解和浇铸金币的过程。国会大厦位于南非行政首都—比勒陀利亚先民博物馆先民博物馆位于南非行政首都班托市郊的一座小山上,所谓先民博物馆就是反映南非玻尔人与本地祖鲁人斗争的历史,也就是历史上有名的玻尔之战。此建筑物也称之为沃特勒克斯纪念碑。整个建筑物雄伟稳重,有非常厚重的雕塑感。建筑物上方为一个大的穹顶,穹顶上有一个孔,阳光可以射进来,每年的12月16日12点(也就是玻尔战争中西河之战的那天)阳光直接射到在建筑物底层设置的墓碑上,射进的阳光象征上帝对沃特勒克斯人的祝福。整个建筑物的四角有四座与整个建筑融为一体的人物雕塑,他们分别代表四位沃特勒克斯的领袖,全部由灰白色花岗岩刻制而成。在主体建筑之前有一组青铜雕塑——《母与子》,主要是表现在此次战争中妇女和儿童发挥的极为重要和独特的作用,因为妇女在整个战争中为保存并发展文化和基督教表现出极大的决心。建筑物的外侧正前方雕有一个巨大的非洲水牛头,由于水牛被认为是非洲最危险的野生动物,由水牛的头保护纪念碑免受外来人的侵害。四周围墙上刻有战争时代的货车图形,并以此来象征对纪念碑的保护。联合广场南非行政首都比勒陀利亚的联合广场市政厅市政厅建于1915年。市内有博物馆和教堂等建筑。公园和草地占城市面积1/10左右。著名的朱伯特公园在城中心的高地上,内有美术馆。此外还有密尔勒公园、唐纳德·麦凯公园、埃利斯公园等,市东北郊有开普敦公园。动物园位于史末资大道,其面积颇广,有花园和小湖。北郊有占地43英亩的植物园和占地26英亩的梅尔罗斯鸟类保护区。游客还可到市内的钻石加工厂去参观。城内种族隔离和种族歧视状况严重,城西南25公里的索韦托,是南非黑人最集中的隔离区。1976年6月16日,南非政权在这里制造了骇人听闻的索韦托惨案,激起全世界人民的愤怒谴责。失落城关于失落之城有一个古老的传说,在西方拥有文明之前,来自中非的游牧民族,在“太阳之谷”建造了一座空前伟大的城,其山光水色巧夺天工,令人赞叹,但后来的一场毁灭性的大地震,使得该城市被熔浆所掩,成为传说中的失落之城。为了实现这个梦想,科斯纳不惜耗资8亿3千万兰特,用了28个月的时间,于1992年12月终让传说中的失落之城重现世上。失落之城开幕后,城内千奇百怪且不乏韵律趣味的娱乐世界,成了世界各国游客纷纷造访太阳城的目的之一。据称,每年到访太阳城的游客超越3百万人次,人数有增无减。迷失之城内的每一样景物,完全仿造传说古城的模样,随处可见破裂倒塌的石柱、巨门,很容易让人错觉误堕时光隧道,走入古代。信号山信号山是位于桌山一侧,因正午时鸣炮而得名的海拔350米的小山。其另一端因外形象狮子头又被称为狮头山。信号山是晚上观赏被誉为世界三大夜景之一的开普敦夜景的最佳地点。在山上有多个角度欣赏美妙的景色。光彩夺目、晶莹剔透、一望无际的连绵几十公里的火树银花令人叹为观止、流连忘返。豪特湾豪特湾是开普敦最有名的海湾之一,它藏于两山之间。乘船行十几分钟,来到一个叫德克岛的海岛附近,这个岛离陆地只有百多米距离。小岛方圆顶多几千平方米吧,没有树,也没见花草,光秃秃的石头。岛上全是海豹,据说有几千只。我们的船贴近海岛慢速行驶,那海豹的各种姿态都看得清楚,有趴地安祥休息的,有爬来爬去的,有互相厮咬的,有纵身下海的,也有从海中正艰难爬上岸的。有的海豹又肥又大,胜过一头肥猪。岛边的海里,水清见底,也是海豹的世界,它们或跃出海面,或翘起尾巴摆水,或两头在一起嬉戏,或相互追逐,千姿百态,惹人喜爱。开普半岛好望角是南非西南端一个长4.8公里的岩石岬角。所谓"岬角",即伸向海中的尖形陆地。在葡萄牙文和英文中,岬角均称"开普"(cabo和cape)。南非西南沿海多岬角,其中好望角名气又大,因而这一带的好些地方都以"开普"命名。整个地区原来统称开普省,现在则分为北开普、东开普和西开普三个省。原开普省的首府,也是南非的立法首都,即开普敦。横贯这一带的山脉叫开普山。好望角所在地叫开普半岛,半岛南部有个开普自然保护区,延伸于40 公里海岸边的凡波斯花盛产高原栖息着许多不同种类的羚羊与鸟类。
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1.表示定量的量词词组,譬如: a couple of(两个、一对)—a couple of days,a couple of players,a couple of times a cupful of(一满杯)—a cupful of jelly,a cupful of water a portion of(一份/客)—a portion of duck,a portion of roast beef 2.表示不定量的量词词组,譬如: a majority of(大多数/大半)—a majority of opinions,a majority of votes an atom of(一点)—an atom of food,an atom of truth a spell of(一阵/一段时间)—a spell of fine weather,a spell of coughing 3.表示大量的量词词组,譬如: a flood of—a flood of ink(洋洋大篇),a flood of tears(泪如泉涌) a heap of—a heap of earth(一堆泥土),a heap of customers(许多顾客) a mountain of—a mountain of debts(债台高筑),a mountain of difficulties(困难重重) 4.表示少量的量词词组,譬如: a drop of—a drop of fever(有点热度),a drop of dew(一点露水) a particle of—a particle of feeling(一丝感情),a particle of dust(一点灰尘) a shadow of—a shadow of doubt(一点怀疑),a shadow of freedom(一点自由) 特点二:有些数量词组修饰可数名词,有些数量词组修饰不可数名词,还有些则两者均可修饰. 1.修饰不可数名词的量词词组,譬如: a bit of—a bit of English(一点英语),a bit of good advice(一些好意见),a bit of interest(一点兴趣) a shred of—a shred of evidence(一点证据),a shred of cloth(少量布),a shred of reputation(一点声誉) a sheet of—a sheet of glass(一块玻璃),a sheet of water(一片汪洋) 2.修饰可数名词的量词词组,譬如: a cluster of—a cluster of flowers(一簇花),a cluster of spectators(一群观众),a cluster of bright stars(闪烁群星) a string of—a string of pearls(一串珠子),a string of curses(连续不断的咒骂),a string of excuses(一连串借口) a scram of—a scram of mosquitoes(一群蚊子),a scram of geese(一群鹅),a scram of children(一群孩子) 3.修饰(不)可数名词的量词词组,譬如: a body of—a body of bees(一群蜜蜂),a body of cold air(一股冷空气),a body of facts(许多事实) a block of—a block of ice(一大块冰),a block of flats(一幢公寓),a block of houses(一排房子) a chain of—a chain of ideas(一系列想法),a chain of accidents(一连串事故),a chain of proof(一连串证据) 特点三:有些数量词组的搭配是固定的,而有些搭配则比较灵活. 1.搭配固定的量词词组,譬如: a barrel of—a barrel of beer(一桶啤酒),a barrel of crude oil(一桶原油) a basket of—a basket of eggs(一篮鸡蛋),a basket of apples(一篮苹果) a line of—a line of trees(一行树),a line of poetry(一行诗) 2.搭配较灵活的量词词组,譬如: a piece of—a piece of paper(一张纸),a piece of furniture(一件家具),a piece of equipment(一台设备) a round of—a round of spirit(一巡酒),a round of diplomatic talks(一轮外交谈判),a round of toast(一片烤面包) a bar of—a bar of chocolate(一块巧克力),a bar of soap(一条肥皂),a bar of light(一束光)
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适合儿童的英语词汇大全   很多父母希望从小培养孩子的英语,为了方便大家,下面整理了一些适合儿童的英语词汇,希望对大家有所帮助!    一、水果名称(fruit 水果)   apple 苹果——banana 香蕉——pear 梨——orange 橙子——Watermelon 西瓜——grape葡萄——peach桃——strawberry草莓——betel nut 槟榔——carambola 杨桃——cherry 樱桃——chestnut 栗子——coconut 椰子——cumquat 金桔——date 枣子——durian 榴莲——filbert 榛子——grape 葡萄——guava 番石榴——haw 山楂——honey-dew melon 哈蜜瓜——juicy peach 水蜜桃——kiwifruit 猕猴桃——lemon 柠檬——litchi 荔枝——longan 龙眼——loquat 枇杷——mango 芒果——nectarine 油桃 ——olive 橄榄——papaya (Pawpaw) 木瓜——persimmon柿子——pineapple 凤梨——pomelo 柚子——plum 梅子——sapodilla 人参果。    二、颜色的英语(colours颜色)   red红——blue蓝——yellow黄——green绿——white白——black黑——purple紫——orange橙——brown棕。    三、动物英语名称(animals动物)   cat猫——dog狗——pig猪——duck鸭——rabbit兔——horse马——elephant大象——ant蚂蚁——fish鱼——bird鸟——eagle鹰 ——beaver海狸——snake蛇——mouse老鼠——squirrel松鼠——kangaroo袋鼠——monkey猴——panda熊猫——bear熊——lion狮子——tiger老虎——fox狐狸——zebra斑马——deer鹿——giraffe长颈鹿——goose鹅——hen母鸡——turkey火鸡——lamb小羊——sheep绵羊——goat山羊——cow奶牛——donkey驴——squid鱿鱼——lobster龙虾——shark鲨鱼——seal海豹——sperm whale抹香鲸——killer whale虎鲸。    四、人物英语名称(people人物)   friend朋友——boy男孩——girl女孩——child孩子——baby婴儿 ——kid小孩——son儿子——daughter女儿——classmate同学——mother母亲——father父亲——sister姐妹——brother兄弟——uncle叔叔/舅舅——man男人——woman女人——Mr.先生——Miss小姐——lady女士/小姐——mom妈妈——dad爸爸——parents父母——grandparents祖父母 ——grandma/grandmother(外)祖母——grandpa/grandfather(外)祖父——aunt姑姑——cousin堂(表)兄弟/堂(表)姐妹——queen女王——visitor参观者——neighbour邻居——principal校长——university student大学生——pen pal笔友——tourist旅行者——robot机器人。    五、身体英语名称(body身体)   hair 头发——head 头——eye 眼睛——face 脸——neck 脖子——arm 手臂——leg 腿——hand 手——foot 脚——toe 脚趾——finger 手指 ——ear 耳朵——nose 鼻子——mouth 嘴巴——tooth 牙齿——shoulder 肩膀——knee 膝盖。    六、食品、饮料(food & drink)   rice米饭——bread面包——beef牛肉——milk牛奶——water水——egg蛋——fish鱼——tofu豆腐——cake蛋糕——hot dog热狗——hamburger汉堡包——French fries炸薯条——cookie曲奇——biscuit饼干——jam果酱——noodles面条——meat肉——chicken鸡肉——pork猪肉——mutton羊肉——vegetable蔬菜——salad沙拉——soup汤——ice冰——ice-cream冰淇淋——Coke可乐——juice果汁——tea茶——coffee咖啡——breakfast早餐 ——lunch午餐——dinner/supper晚餐——meal一餐    七、蔬菜英语名称(vegetables)   eggplant茄子——green beans青豆——tomato西红柿——potato土豆——cucumber黄瓜——onion洋葱——carrot胡萝卜——cabbage卷心菜。    八、衣服英语名称(clothes)   jacket夹克衫——shirt衬衫——T-shirt丅恤衫——skirt短裙子——dress连衣裙——jeans牛仔裤——pants长裤——socks袜子——shoes鞋子——sweater毛衣——coat上衣——raincoat雨衣——shorts短裤——sneakers网球鞋——slippers拖鞋——sandals凉鞋——boots靴子——hat(有沿的)帽子——cap便帽——sunglasses太阳镜——tie领带——scarf围巾——gloves手套——trousers裤子——cloth布。    九、交通工具英语名称(vehicles)   bike自行车——bus公共汽车——train火车——boat小船——ship轮船——yacht快艇——car小汽车——taxi出租车——jeep吉普车——van小货车/面包车——plane/airplane飞机——subway/underground地铁——motor cycle摩托车。    十、植物英语名称(plants)   flower花——grass草——tree树——seed种子——sprout苗——plant植物——rose玫瑰——leaf叶子。    十一、气象英语名称(weather)   cold寒冷的——warm温暖的——cool凉爽的——snowy下雪的——sunny晴朗的——hot炎热的——rainy下雨的——windy有风的——cloudy多云的——weather report天气预报。    十二、地点英语名称(locations)   home家——room房间——bedroom卧室——bathroom卫生间——living room起居室——kitchen厨房——classroom教室——school学校——park公园——library图书馆——post office邮局——police office警察局 ——hospital医院——cinema电影院——bookstore书店——farm农场——zoo动物园——garden花园——study书房——playground操场——canteen食堂——teacher"s office教师办公室——library图书馆——gym体育馆——washroom卫生间——art room绘画教室——computer room计算机教室——music room音乐教室——TV room电视机房——flat公寓——company公司——factory工厂——fruit stand水果摊——pet shop宠物商店——nature park自然公园——theme park主题公园——science museum科学博物馆——the Great Wall长城——supermarket超市——bank银行——country国家 ——village乡村——city城市——hometown家乡——bus stop公交车站。    十三、职业英语名称(jobs职业)   teacher教师——student学生——doctor医生——nurse护士——driver司机——farmer农民——singer歌唱家——writer作家——actor男演员 ——actress女演员——artist画家——TV reporter电视台记者——engineer工程师——accountant会计——policeman(男)警察——salesperson销售员——cleaner清洁工——baseball player棒球运动员——assistant售货员——police警察。    十四、景物英语名称(nature)   river河流——lake湖泊——stream河/溪——forest森林——path小道——road公路——house房子——bridge桥——building建筑物——rain雨——cloud云——sun太阳——mountain山——sky天空——rainbow彩虹——wind风——air空气——moon月亮。    十五、星期英语名称(week)   Monday星期一——Tuesday星期二——Wednesday星期三——Thursday星期四——Friday星期五——Saturday星期六——Sunday星期天——weekend周末。    十六、月份英语名称(months)   Jan. (January)一月——Feb.(February)二月——Mar.(March)三月 ——April四月——May五月——June六月——July七月——Aug.(August)八月——Sept.(September)九月——Oct.(October)十月——Nov.(November)十一月——Dec.(December)十二月。    十七、综合   课程(classes):sports体育运动——science科学——Moral Education 思想品德课——Social Studies社会课——Chinese语文——math数学——PE体育课——English英语课。   国家、城市(countries& cities):China/PRC中国——America/USA美国——UK联合王国——England英国——Canada/CAN加拿大——Australia澳大利亚——New York纽约——London伦敦——Sydney悉尼——Moscow莫斯科——Cairo开罗。   季节(seasons):spring春——summer夏——fall/autumn秋——winter冬。   方位(directions):south南——north北 east东——west西——left 左边——right右边。   患病(illness):have a fever发烧——hurt疼痛——have a cold感冒——have a toothache牙疼——have a headache头疼——have a sore throat喉咙疼。    十八、杂物(other things)   window窗户——door门——desk课桌——chair椅子——bed床——computer计算机——board写字板——fan风扇——light灯 ——teacher"s desk讲台——picture图画;照片——wall墙壁——floor地板——curtain窗帘——trash bin垃圾箱——closet壁橱——mirror镜子——end table床头柜——football/soccer足球——present礼物——walkman随身听——lamp台灯——phone电话——sofa沙发——shelf书架——fridge冰箱——table桌子——TV电视——air-conditioner空调——key钥匙——lock锁——photo照片——chart图表——plate盘子——knife刀——fork叉——spoon勺子——chopsticks筷子——pot锅——gift礼物——toy玩具——doll洋娃娃——ball球——balloon气球——kite风筝——jigsaw puzzle拼图游戏——box盒子——umbrella伞——zipper拉链——violin小提琴——yo-yo溜溜球——nest鸟窝——hole洞——tube管子——toothbrush牙刷——menu菜单——e-card电子卡片——e-mail电子邮件——trafficlight交通灯——money钱——medicine药。    十九、数词(numbers)   one一——two二——three三——four四——five五——six六——seven七——eight八——nine九——ten十——eleven十一——twelve十二——thirteen十三——fourteen十四——fifteen十五——sixteen十六——seventeen十七——eighteen十八——nineteen十九——twenty二十——thirty三十——forty四十——fifty五十——sixty六十——seventy七十——eighty八十——ninety九十——forty-two四十二——hundred百——one/a hundred and   thirty-six一百三十六——first第一——second第二——third第三——fourth第四——fifth第五——eighth第八——ninth第九——twelfth第十二——twentieth第二十——thirtieth第三十——fortieth第四十——fiftieth第五十——sixtieth第六十——seventieth第七十——eightieth第八十——ninetieth第九十——fifty-sixth第五十六。    二十、形容词(adj.)   big大的——small小的——long长的——tall高的——short短的;矮的——young年轻的——old旧的;老的——strong健壮的——thin瘦的 ——active积极活跃的——quiet安静的——nice好看的——kind和蔼亲切的——strict严格的——smart聪明的——funny滑稽可笑的——tasty好吃的——sweet甜的——salty咸的——sour酸的——fresh新鲜的——favourite最喜爱的——clean干净的——tired疲劳的——excited兴奋的——angry生气的——happy高兴的——bored无聊的——sad忧愁的——taller更高的 ——shorter更矮的——stronger更强壮的.——older年龄更大的——younger更年轻的——bigger更大的——heavier更重的——longer更长的——thinner更瘦的——smaller更小的——good好的——fine好的——great很好的——heavy 重的——new新的——fat胖的——happy快乐的——right对的——hungry饥饿的——cute逗人喜爱的——little小的——lovely可爱的——beautiful漂亮的——colourful色彩鲜艳的——pretty漂亮的——cheap便宜的——expensive昂贵的——juicy多汁的——tender嫩的——healthy健康的——ill有病的——helpful有帮助的——high高的——easy简单的——proud骄傲的——sick有病的——better更好的——higher更高的。    二十一、介词(prep.)   in在……里——on在……上;在……时候——under在……下面——near在……的旁边——behind在……后边——next to与……相邻——over在……上面——in front of在……前面。    二十二、代词(pron.)   I我——we我们——you你;你们——he他——she她——it它——they他(她,它)们——my我的——our 我们的——your你的;你们的——his他的——her她的。   [ 适合儿童的英语词汇大全 ]相关文章:   1.考博英语词汇大全   2.有关雨的英语词汇大全   3.职务职场英语词汇大全   4.CCNA专业英语词汇大全   5.外贸英语词汇大全   6.关于圣诞节的英语词汇大全   7.计算机英语词汇大全   8.电气专业英语词汇大全   9.容易混淆的高考英语词汇大全   10.2015年最新考研英语词汇大全 ;
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【 #励志名言# 导语】一句好的励志名言,可以使人精神振奋,激起你的斗志。学会在讲话交流中多运用名言,可以增加你说话的内涵以及文采,下面是由 无 给大家分享的理想主义的英文励志名言,欢迎借鉴! 1.理想主义的英文励志名言   1、理想如灯,照亮了我的前程。   Ideal is like a lamp, illuminating my future.   2、事业常成于坚忍,毁于急躁。   Business is often accomplished by perseverance and destroyed by impatience.   3、理想如空山新雨,涤净人心。   Ideal is like empty mountain and new rain, which cleanses people"s heart.   4、理想是芽,开出美丽的花。   Ideal is a bud, a beautiful flower.   5、生活可变,理想不可变!   Life is changeable, ideal is immutable!   6、理想,能给天下不幸者以欢乐。   Ideal can bring joy to the unfortunate.   7、应知重理想,更为世界谋。   We should pay attention to our ideals and strive for the world.   8、理想状态是有节制的热爱。   The ideal is moderate love.   9、理想如石上清泉,汩汩作响。   Ideal is like a spring on a stone, gurgling.   10、理想是云,落下霏霏细雨。   Ideal is cloud, falling drizzle. 2.理想主义的英文励志名言   1、理想是光,照亮黑暗的街。   Ideal is light, lighting up the dark street.   2、理想是街,走出自己的路。   Ideal is the street, out of their own way.   3、现实是此岸,理想是彼岸。   Reality is the shore, ideal is the other shore.   4、理想是灯,照亮夜行的路。   Ideal is a lamp, illuminating the road at night.   5、别和我谈理想,给我一个姑娘。   Don"t talk about ideals with me. Give me a girl.   6、扬理想之风帆,抵成功之彼岸。   The sail of ideal, the other side of success.   7、理想是苗,长成参天大树。   The ideal is to grow seedlings into towering trees.   8、理想是花,结出甜美的果。   Ideal is a flower that bears sweet fruit.   9、理想是火,点燃熄灭的灯。   Ideal is fire, light the lamp that goes out.   10、理想是雪,滋润土地的水。   Ideal is snow, water that moistens the land. 3.理想主义的英文励志名言   1、理想是事实之母。   Ideal is the mother of fact.   2、沉浸理想,直面现实。   Immerse in the ideal and face the reality.   3、成功的奥秘在于目标的坚定。   The secret of success lies in the firm aim.   4、别和我谈理想,戒了。   Don"t talk about ideals with me. Quit.   5、没有理想的人,不伤心。   People without ideals are not sad.   6、理想很丰满,独得太阳恩宠。   Ideal is very full, only the favor of the sun.   7、我是一个没什么理想的人。   I am a person with no ideal.   8、现实很骨感,理想很丰满!   Reality is very bony, ideal is very full!   9、理想其实如梦,从来都在。   The ideal is like a dream. It"s always there.   10、理想是露,滋润枯萎心灵。   Ideal is dew, moistening withered soul. 4.理想主义的英文励志名言   1、理想是泉,引领新生希望。   Ideal is the spring, leading the new hope.   2、母鸡的理想不过是一把糠。   A hen"s ideal is nothing but a handful of chaff.   3、人光有理想,还是不够的。   It is not enough to have ideals.   4、理想是石,敲出星星之火。   Ideal is a stone, a spark.   5、追逐自己的理想,活在幸福里!   Pursue their own ideals, live in happiness!   6、星河滚烫,你是人间理想。   You are the ideal in the world.   7、理想是光,照溶寒冬的雪。   Ideal is light, light dissolves winter snow.   8、生活的理想就是理想的生活。   The ideal of life is the ideal life.   9、理想如松间明月,朗照万物。   Ideal is like the moon among pines, shining on all things.   10、理想是云,化作及时的雨。   Ideal is the cloud, turned into timely rain. 5.理想主义的英文励志名言   1、志小则易足,易足则无由进。   Small ambition leads to easy feet, and easy feet lead to no progress.   2、理想是人生的一个终点。   Ideal is an end of life.   3、理想是树,抽出稚嫩的芽。   Ideal is a tree, sprouting tender buds.   4、理想是甘泉,滋润枯干的心。   Ideal is the spring, moistening the dry heart.   5、理想有多远,才能走多远。   How far is the ideal, how far can we go.   6、理想是雨,滋润久旱的树。   The ideal is rain, moistening the long dry trees.   7、理想是人生的太阳。   Ideal is the sun of life.   8、失去理想,想要抱抱。   Lose the ideal, want to hold.   9、为自己的理想而奋斗,而努力。   Strive for your ideal and work hard.   10、理想是雨,聚成浩瀚的海。   Ideal is the rain, gathered into a vast sea.
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The cow that"s first up gets the first of the dew. 早起母牛先得露。 Not all butter that the cow yields. 母牛所产的未必全是黄油。 Many good cows have evil calves. 很多好母牛,会生坏小犊。 You cannot sell the cow and sup the milk. 不能既要卖母牛,又想喝牛奶。 Old oxen have stiff horns. 牛老角硬。 The ox is never woe, till he to the harrowgo. 挂耙去耕地,牛才知辛苦。 An ox is taken by the horns, and the man by the tongue. 牛因角被执,人因舌陷身。 If the ox falls, whet your knife. 牛一倒,快磨刀;人遭难,众人踩。 The black ox has trod on his foot. 祸事临头。 The ox when weariest treads surest. 牛困走得稳。 No one knows the luck of a lousycalf. 邋遢小牛的运气如何,谁也不知道. He has an ox on his tongue. 心事重得张不开口. An old ox makes a straight furrow. 老牛犁沟直.(生姜还是老的辣) You cannot flay the same ox twice. 一头牛不能剥两次皮。 You cannot sell the cow and sup the milk. 你不可能出售乳牛,同时又要喝牛奶。
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有名的英语辅导讥构都还蛮.好. 我以前在ABC天卞英语中心学习过 外教很有耐心所以我上课时会多读多说多练多问多听 学习内容确实对英语帮助很大 可以自己去看看听听课..真人发音,一般需要最好是有老师录音。现在市面上有完全真人发音的基本都是正版光盘或者书籍配套mp,而网络流行的,基本都是利用机器模拟真人发声,其实也是因为在一定程度上受音频文件大小控制所致。目前词典第版,现行正在测试,其发音很一般,不过也可以作为标准发音了。不过我可以给你一个建议,去听新东方课程的录音,它也有相配套的学习,只不过不是你要的词典形式而已。如果需要可以给你发一个。英语学习绝对是个积累的过程,语音发音习惯也不是一朝一夕就能练成的,祝你早日成功。
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我是重庆崽儿 歌词的英语翻译版本

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21. Dilations for operator-valued systems of imprimitivity acting on Banach spaces, in preparation (with D. Han and D.R. Larson).20. Cb-frames and the completely bounded approximation property for operator spaces, in preparation (with Z. Ruan).19. Generalized-lush spaces and the Mazur-Ulam property, submitted (with X. Huang and D. Tan).18. Upper and lower estimates for schauder frames and atomic decompositions, submitted (with K. Beanland and D. Freeman).17. A note on the Mazur-Ulam property of almost-CL-spaces, submitted (with D. Tan).16. Operator-valued measures, dilations, and the theory of frames, Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society, to appear, 88+ pages (with D. Han, D.R. Larson and B. Liu).15. Minimal and maximal unconditional bases with respect to framings, Acta Mathematics Sinica, English Series, to appear.14. Hilbert-Schauder frame operators, Operators and Matrices 7 (2013) 91-99.13. Two notes on maps preserving equality of distance and approximate surjective isometries, Mathematics Application (2012) (with G. Lu).12. Upper Beurling density of systems formed by translates of finite sets of elements in $L^p(R^d)$, Banach Journal of Mathematical Analysis 6 (2012) 86-97 (with B. Liu).11. On shrinking and boundedly complete Schauder frames of Banach spaces, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 365 (2010) 385-398. ArXiv10. A characterization of Schauder frames which are near-Schauder bases, Journal of Fourier Analysis and Applications 16 (2010) 791-803 (with B. Zheng).9. A note on extension of isometric embedding from a Banach space $E$ into the universal space $ell_infty(Gamma)$, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 363 (2010) 220-224.8. I. Isometric extension problem and its developments; II. Duality theory for Schauder frames of Banach spaces, PH.D Thesis, Nankai University, 2009.7. On extension of isometries and approximate isometries between unit spheres, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 352 (2009) 749-761 (with L. Zhang).6. On the isometric extension problem: a survey. Stability of functional equations and applications, Tamsui Oxford Journal of Mathematics Science 24 (2008) 339-354 (with L. Li).5. 1-Lipschitz mappings between unit spheres of Banach spaces, Acta Mathematics Sinica (Chinese Series) 50 (2007) 1063-1070.4. On extension of isometries between unit spheres of $scr L^infty(Gamma)$-type space and a Banach space $E$, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 333 (2007) 959-970.3. Discussion and application of nonsurjective isometries between the unit spheres of two $l^infty$-spaces, Acta Mathematics Scientia Series A Chinese Edition 27 (2007) 385-391.2. Isometries between the unit spheres of $l^eta$-sum of strictly convex normed spaces, Acta Mathematics Sinica (Chinese Series) 50 (2007) 227-232.1. On the Aleksandrov problem and the extension of isometries between unit spheres, Nonlinear Functional Analysis and Applications 11 (2006) 841-850.
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筚路蓝缕(bì lù lán lǚ ),成语,驾着简陋的车,穿着破烂的衣服去开辟山林。
2023-07-16 22:40:345

泣求 You set me free 歌词翻译...

and i love you so 我是如此的爱你 and i love you so 我是如此的爱你 the people ask me how 人们问我是怎样 how i"ve lived till now 是怎样活到现在的 i tell them i don"t know 我知识告诉他们 我也不清楚 i guess they understand 我猜想他们也许会明白的 how lonely life has been 生活是多么的孤独 but life began again 可你牵我手的那天 the day you took my hand 生活再次开启了 and yes i know how lonely(loveless)life van be 是的 我知道生活有多孤独 the shadows follow me 阴影笼罩着我 and the night won"t set me free 黑夜不放过我 but i don"t let the evening get(bring)me down 但是我不会让黑夜把我压倒 now that you"re around me 现在你就在我身边 and you love me too 你也爱着我 your thoughts are just for me 你的思想只是为我准备的 you set my sporot free 你让我重获自由 i"m happy that you do 你做的一切地狱让我高兴 the book of life is brief 生活之书是很短暂的 and once a page is read 当你读过第一页时 all but love is dead 除了爱一切都已死了 that is my belief 那是我的信仰 and i love you so 我是如此的爱你 the people ask me how 人们问我是怎样 how i"ve lived till now 怎样的活到现在 i tell them i don"t know 我告诉他们 我不知道
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