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2023-07-16 23:33:31
* 回复内容中包含的链接未经审核,可能存在风险,暂不予完整展示!
1:1 [hgb] 起 初 神 创 造 天 地 。
[kjv] In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.
[bbe] At the first God made the heaven and the earth.
1:2 [hgb] 地 是 空 虚 混 沌 。 渊 面 黑 暗 。 神 的 灵 运 行 在 水 面 上 。
[kjv] And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.
[bbe] And the earth was waste and without form; and it was dark on the face of the deep: and the Spirit of God was moving on the face of the waters.
1:3 [hgb] 神 说 , 要 有 光 , 就 有 了 光 。
[kjv] And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.
[bbe] And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.
1:4 [hgb] 神 看 光 是 好 的 , 就 把 光 暗 分 开 了 。
[kjv] And God saw the light, that it was good: and God divided the light from the darkness.
[bbe] And God, looking on the light, saw that it was good: and God made a division between the light and the dark,
1:5 [hgb] 神 称 光 为 昼 , 称 暗 为 夜 。 有 晚 上 , 有 早 晨 , 这 是 头 一 日 。
[kjv] And God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And the evening and the morning were the first day.
[bbe] Naming the light, Day, and the dark, Night. And there was evening and there was morning, the first day.
1:6 [hgb] 神 说 , 诸 水 之 间 要 有 空 气 , 将 水 分 为 上 下 。
[kjv] And God said, Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it divide the waters from the waters.
[bbe] And God said, Let there be a solid arch stretching over the waters, parting the waters from the waters.
1:7 [hgb] 神 就 造 出 空 气 , 将 空 气 以 下 的 水 , 空 气 以 上 的 水 分 开 了 。 事 就 这 样 成 了 。
[kjv] And God made the firmament, and divided the waters which were under the firmament from the waters which were above the firmament: and it was so.
[bbe] And God made the arch for a division between the waters which were under the arch and those which were over it: and it was so.
1:8 [hgb] 神 称 空 气 为 天 。 有 晚 上 , 有 早 晨 , 是 第 二 日 。
[kjv] And God called the firmament Heaven. And the evening and the morning were the second day.
[bbe] And God gave the arch the name of Heaven. And there was evening and there was morning, the second day.
1:9 [hgb] 神 说 , 天 下 的 水 要 聚 在 一 处 , 使 旱 地 露 出 来 。 事 就 这 样 成 了 。
[kjv] And God said, Let the waters under the heaven be gathered together unto one place, and let the dry land appear: and it was so.
[bbe] And God said, Let the waters under the heaven come together in one place, and let the dry land be seen: and it was so.
1:10 [hgb] 神 称 旱 地 为 地 , 称 水 的 聚 处 为 海 。 神 看 着 是 好 的 。
[kjv] And God called the dry land Earth; and the gathering together of the waters called he Seas: and God saw that it was good.
[bbe] And God gave the dry land the name of Earth; and the waters together in their place were named Seas: and God saw that it was good.
1:11 [hgb] 神 说 , 地 要 发 生 青 草 , 和 结 种 子 的 菜 蔬 , 并 结 果 子 的 树 木 , 各 从 其 类 , 果 子 都 包 着 核 。 事 就 这 样 成 了 。
[kjv] And God said, Let the earth bring forth grass, the herb yielding seed, and the fruit tree yielding fruit after his kind, whose seed is in itself, upon the earth: and it was so.
[bbe] And God said, Let grass come up on the earth, and plants producing seed, and fruit-trees giving fruit, in which is their seed, after their sort: and it was so.
1:12 [hgb] 于 是 地 发 生 了 青 草 , 和 结 种 子 的 菜 蔬 , 各 从 其 类 , 并 结 果 子 的 树 木 , 各 从 其 类 , 果 子 都 包 着 核 。 神 看 着 是 好 的 。
[kjv] And the earth brought forth grass, and herb yielding seed after his kind, and the tree yielding fruit, whose seed was in itself, after his kind: and God saw that it was good.
[bbe] And grass came up on the earth, and every plant producing seed of its sort, and every tree producing fruit, in which is its seed, of its sort: and God saw that it was good.
1:13 [hgb] 有 晚 上 , 有 早 晨 , 是 第 三 日 。
[kjv] And the evening and the morning were the third day.
[bbe] And there was evening and there was morning, the third day.
1:14 [hgb] 神 说 , 天 上 要 有 光 体 , 可 以 分 昼 夜 , 作 记 号 , 定 节 令 , 日 子 , 年 岁 。
[kjv] And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years:
[bbe] And God said, Let there be lights in the arch of heaven, for a division between the day and the night, and let them be for signs, and for marking the changes of the year, and for days and for years:
1:15 [hgb] 并 要 发 光 在 天 空 , 普 照 在 地 上 。 事 就 这 样 成 了 。
[kjv] And let them be for lights in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth: and it was so.
[bbe] And let them be for lights in the arch of heaven to give light on the earth: and it was so.
1:16 [hgb] 于 是 神 造 了 两 个 大 光 , 大 的 管 昼 , 小 的 管 夜 。 又 造 众 星 。
[kjv] And God made two great lights; the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night: he made the stars also.
[bbe] And God made the two great lights: the greater light to be the ruler of the day, and the smaller light to be the ruler of the night: and he made the stars.
1:17 [hgb] 就 把 这 些 光 摆 列 在 天 空 , 普 照 在 地 上 。
[kjv] And God set them in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth,
[bbe] And God put them in the arch of heaven, to give light on the earth;
1:18 [hgb] 管 理 昼 夜 , 分 别 明 暗 。 神 看 着 是 好 的 。
[kjv] And to rule over the day and over the night, and to divide the light from the darkness: and God saw that it was good.
[bbe] To have rule over the day and the night, and for a division between the light and the dark: and God saw that it was good.
1:19 [hgb] 有 晚 上 , 有 早 晨 , 是 第 四 日 。
[kjv] And the evening and the morning were the fourth day.
[bbe] And there was evening and there was morning, the fourth day.
1:20 [hgb] 神 说 , 水 要 多 多 滋 生 有 生 命 的 物 , 要 有 雀 鸟 飞 在 地 面 以 上 , 天 空 之 中 。
[kjv] And God said, Let the waters bring forth abundantly the moving creature that hath life, and fowl that may fly above the earth in the open firmament of heaven.
[bbe] And God said, Let the waters be full of living things, and let birds be in flight over the earth under the arch of heaven.
1:21 [hgb] 神 就 造 出 大 鱼 和 水 中 所 滋 生 各 样 有 生 命 的 动 物 , 各 从 其 类 。 又 造 出 各 样 飞 鸟 , 各 从 其 类 。 神 看 着 是 好 的 。
[kjv] And God created great whales, and every living creature that moveth, which the waters brought forth abundantly, after their kind, and every winged fowl after his kind: and God saw that it was good.
[bbe] And God made great sea-beasts, and every sort of living and moving thing with which the waters were full, and every sort of winged bird: and God saw that it was good.
1:22 [hgb] 神 就 赐 福 给 这 一 切 , 说 , 滋 生 繁 多 , 充 满 海 中 的 水 。 雀 鸟 也 要 多 生 在 地 上 。
[kjv] And God blessed them, saying, Be fruitful, and multiply, and fill the waters in the seas, and let fowl multiply in the earth.
[bbe] And God gave them his blessing, saying, Be fertile and have increase, making all the waters of the seas full, and let the birds be increased in the earth.
1:23 [hgb] 有 晚 上 , 有 早 晨 , 是 第 五 日 。
[kjv] And the evening and the morning were the fifth day.
[bbe] And there was evening and there was morning, the fifth day.
1:24 [hgb] 神 说 , 地 要 生 出 活 物 来 , 各 从 其 类 。 牲 畜 , 昆 虫 , 野 兽 , 各 从 其 类 。 事 就 这 样 成 了 。
[kjv] And God said, Let the earth bring forth the living creature after his kind, cattle, and creeping thing, and beast of the earth after his kind: and it was so.
[bbe] And God said, Let the earth give birth to all sorts of living things, cattle and all things moving on the earth, and beasts of the earth after their sort: and it was so.
1:25 [hgb] 于 是 神 造 出 野 兽 , 各 从 其 类 。 牲 畜 , 各 从 其 类 。 地 上 一 切 昆 虫 , 各 从 其 类 。 神 看 着 是 好 的 。
[kjv] And God made the beast of the earth after his kind, and cattle after their kind, and every thing that creepeth upon the earth after his kind: and God saw that it was good.
[bbe] And God made the beast of the earth after its sort, and the cattle after their sort, and everything moving on the face of the earth after its sort: and God saw that it was good.
1:26 [hgb] 神 说 , 我 们 要 照 着 我 们 的 形 像 , 按 着 我 们 的 样 式 造 人 , 使 他 们 管 理 海 里 的 鱼 , 空 中 的 鸟 , 地 上 的 牲 畜 , 和 全 地 , 并 地 上 所 爬 的 一 切 昆 虫 。
[kjv] And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.
[bbe] And God said, Let us make man in our image, like us: and let him have rule over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the air and over the cattle and over all the earth and over every living thing which goes flat on the earth.
1:27 [hgb] 神 就 照 着 自 己 的 形 像 造 人 , 乃 是 照 着 他 的 形 像 造 男 造 女 。
[kjv] So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.
[bbe] And God made man in his image, in the image of God he made him: male and female he made them.
1:28 [hgb] 神 就 赐 福 给 他 们 , 又 对 他 们 说 , 要 生 养 众 多 , 遍 满 地 面 , 治 理 这 地 。 也 要 管 理 海 里 的 鱼 , 空 中 的 鸟 , 和 地 上 各 样 行 动 的 活 物 。
[kjv] And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.
[bbe] And God gave them his blessing and said to them, Be fertile and have increase, and make the earth full and be masters of it; be rulers over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the air and over every living thing moving on the earth.
1:29 [hgb] 神 说 , 看 哪 , 我 将 遍 地 上 一 切 结 种 子 的 菜 蔬 和 一 切 树 上 所 结 有 核 的 果 子 , 全 赐 给 你 们 作 食 物 。
[kjv] And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat.
[bbe] And God said, See, I have given you every plant producing seed, on the face of all the earth, and every tree which has fruit producing seed: they will be for your food:
1:30 [hgb] 至 于 地 上 的 走 兽 和 空 中 的 飞 鸟 , 并 各 样 爬 在 地 上 有 生 命 的 物 , 我 将 青 草 赐 给 它 们 作 食 物 。 事 就 这 样 成 了 。
[kjv] And to every beast of the earth, and to every fowl of the air, and to every thing that creepeth upon the earth, wherein there is life, I have given every green herb for meat: and it was so.
[bbe] And to every beast of the earth and to every bird of the air and every living thing moving on the face of the earth I have given every green plant for food: and it was so.
1:31 [hgb] 神 看 着 一 切 所 造 的 都 甚 好 。 有 晚 上 , 有 早 晨 , 是 第 六 日 。
[kjv] And God saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, it was very good. And the evening and the morning were the sixth day.
[bbe] And God saw everything which he had made and it was very good. And there was evening and there was morning, the sixth day.
2:1 [hgb] 天 地 万 物 都 造 齐 了 。
[kjv] Thus the heavens and the earth were finished, and all the host of them.
[bbe] And the heaven and the earth and all things in them were complete.
2:2 [hgb] 到 第 七 日 , 神 造 物 的 工 已 经 完 毕 , 就 在 第 七 日 歇 了 他 一 切 的 工 , 安 息 了 。
[kjv] And on the seventh day God ended his work which he had made; and he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had made.
[bbe] And on the seventh day God came to the end of all his work; and on the seventh day he took his rest from all the work which he had done.
2:3 [hgb] 神 赐 福 给 第 七 日 , 定 为 圣 日 , 因 为 在 这 日 神 歇 了 他 一 切 创 造 的 工 , 就 安 息 了 。
[kjv] And God blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it: because that in it he had rested from all his work which God created and made.
[bbe] And God gave his blessing to the seventh day and made it holy: because on that day he took his rest from all the work which he had made and done.
2:4 [hgb] 创 造 天 地 的 来 历 , 在 耶 和 华 神 造 天 地 的 日 子 , 乃 是 这 样 。
[kjv] These are the generations of the heavens and of the earth when they were created, in the day that the LORD God made the earth and the heavens,
[bbe] These are the generations of the heaven and the earth when they were made.
2:5 [hgb] 野 地 还 没 有 草 木 , 田 间 的 菜 蔬 还 没 有 长 起 来 , 因 为 耶 和 华 神 还 没 有 降 雨 在 地 上 , 也 没 有 人 耕 地 。
[kjv] And every plant of the field before it was in the earth, and every herb of the field before it grew: for the LORD God had not caused it to rain upon the earth, and there was not a man to till the ground.
[bbe] In the day when the Lord God made earth and heaven there were no plants of the field on the earth, and no grass had come up: for the Lord God had not sent rain on the earth and there was no man to do work on the land.
2:6 [hgb] 但 有 雾 气 从 地 上 腾 , 滋 润 遍 地 。
[kjv] But there went up a mist from the earth, and watered the whole face of the ground.
[bbe] But a mist went up from the earth, watering all the face of the land.


《创世记》 1:1 起初神创造天地。

《创世记》 1:2 地是空虚混沌。渊面黑暗。神的灵运行在水面上。

《创世记》 1:3 神说,要有光,就有了光。

《创世记》 1:4 神看光是好的,就把光暗分开了。

《创世记》 1:5 神称光为昼,称暗为夜。有晚上,有早晨,这是头一日。

《创世记》 1:6 神说,诸水之间要有空气,将水分为上下。

《创世记》 1:7 神就造出空气,将空气以下的水,空气以上的水分开了。事就这样成了。

《创世记》 1:8 神称空气为天。有晚上,有早晨,是第二日。

《创世记》 1:9 神说,天下的水要聚在一处,使旱地露出来。事就这样成了。

《创世记》 1:10 神称旱地为地,称水的聚处为海。神看是好的。

《创世记》 1:11 神说,地要发生青草,和结种子的菜蔬,并结果子的树木,各从其类,果子都包着核。事就这样成了。

《创世记》 1:12 于是地发生了青草,和结种子的菜蔬,各从其类,并结果子的树木,各从其类,果子都包着核。神看着是好的。

《创世记》 1:13 有晚上,有早晨,是第三日。

《创世记》 1:14 神说,天上要有光体,可以分昼夜,作记号,定节令,日子,年岁。

《创世记》 1:15 并要发光在天空,普照在地上。事就这样成了。

《创世记》 1:16 于是神造了两个大光,大的管昼,小的管夜。又造众星。

《创世记》 1:17 就把这些光摆列在天空,普照在地上。

《创世记》 1:18 管理昼夜,分别明暗。神看着是好的。

《创世记》 1:19 有晚上,有早晨,是第四日。

《创世记》 1:20 神说,水要多多滋生有生命的物,要有雀鸟飞在地面以上,天空之中。

《创世记》 1:21 神就造出大鱼和水中所滋生各样有生命的动物,各从其类。又造出各样飞鸟,各从其类。神看着是好的。

《创世记》 1:22 神就赐福给这一切,说,滋生繁多,充满海中的水。雀鸟也要多生在地上。

《创世记》 1:23 有晚上,有早晨,是第五日。

《创世记》 1:24 神说,地要生出活物来,各从其类。牲畜,昆虫,野兽,各从其类。事就这样成了。

《创世记》 1:25 于是神造出野兽,各从其类。牲畜,各从其类。地上一切昆虫,各从其类。神看着是好的。

《创世记》 1:26 神说,我们要照着我们的形像,按着我们的样式造人,使他们管理海里的鱼,空中的鸟,地上的牲畜,和全地,并地上所爬的一切昆虫。

《创世记》 1:27 神就照着自己的形像造人,乃是照着他的形像造男造女。

《创世记》 1:28 神就赐福给他们,又对他们说,要生养众多,遍满地面,治理这地。也要管理海里的鱼,空中的鸟,和地上各样行动的活物。

《创世记》 1:29 神说,看哪,我将遍地上一切结种子的菜蔬和一切树上所结有核的果子,全赐给你们作食物。

《创世记》 1:30 至于地上的走兽和空中的飞鸟,并各样爬在地上有生命的物,我将青草赐给它们作食物。事就这样成了。

《创世记》 1:31 神看着一切所造的都甚好。有晚上,有早晨,是第六日。

《创世记》 2:1 天地万物都造齐了。

《创世记》 2:2 到第七日,神造物的工已经完毕,就在第七日歇了他一切的工,安息了。








living things是什么意思

non-livingthings非生物living things词典生物网络生命; 生命进化原点; 生命体双语例句 1 You share this blessing with the animals and all other living things. 你和动物以及其他的生物一样享有这种祝福。2 Both animals and plants are living things. 动物和植物都是生物。3 No living things can live without air or water. 生物离开了空气和水都不能生存。
2023-07-16 22:01:462

英语living things怎么翻译?

你好,英语living things的意思是生物
2023-07-16 22:01:543

living things什么意思?谢谢

2023-07-16 22:02:025

living things做主语谓语用单数还是复数

living things 中文是:生物 ;做主语谓语用复数,举例如下: 1. All living things depend on the sun for their growth. 万物靠太阳生长. 2. No living things can live without oxygen. 没有氧生物就无法生存.
2023-07-16 22:02:161

living things是可数名词吗 为什么

是。living things是生动的东西。
2023-07-16 22:02:243

alive things / living things

Scientists say a need is something alive things must have in order continue to live. 原句是否有错? alive things : alive 这个形容词不会前置,须要后置,故应说 things alive. in order continue to live : in order to live 中间应不可这样插入 continue 这个动词? 是否应该写为: Scientists say a need is something that things alive must have in order that they could continue to live. 先谈living things意思是生物,即所有有生命的动/植物。然后再谈 alive意思除了”有生命”外,其实还有”现存”:still existing Longman就有一例,Ancient traditions are very much alive in rural areas. 你的句子就是用了alive这个意思,alive things即现存的东西(当然凭句子的前后,就知是指现存的生物) 希望帮到你! 2009-04-03 07:17:31 补充: allofu *** e说得对,alive这形容置多用于补语状态,但现今却用于名前前面的人越来越多,若在网上搜寻,外国人所写的文章也现alive thing等 2009-04-03 07:23:24 补充: 其实这句句子的分割,可能不是alive things,而是something alive 全句 Scientists say (that) a need is something alive things must have in order continue to live. 将alive things a need is something alive意思是:需要是存在的 2009-04-03 07:26:42 补充: 而且第二句确如allofu *** e所说,文法有错误,因为同一句有两个动词,或许这是打错字,原句可能是 things must have in order continued to live 意思是:事物必定已经有序地继续生活(或生存) 2009-04-03 07:28:39 补充: 但因没有前后文,就不知是否应将句子这样分割 alive 和 living 都是 adjective 不过意思是不同,alive是指某物仍活着,而 living 是指有生命,living things 是个常用词,解作生物,合乎句子里的上文下理。
2023-07-16 22:02:311

living things 指animals and humans 还是animals and plants

前者 该词本身指 生物
2023-07-16 22:02:392

选择题Are there any_ things on the moon

不一样的单词 意思是不一样的啊 哪怕是变形的关系 这里用D 意思是月亮上有生物吗
2023-07-16 22:02:505

选择题:Are there any _ things on the moon?A.alive 活的,有生命的
2023-07-16 22:03:0715

英语Are there any living things怎么翻译?

2023-07-16 22:03:434

living things同义词

needed by 改被动
2023-07-16 22:03:501

home to different kinds of living thing 在句中做什么成分

home to different kinds of living things是名词world的同位语。[译文]雨林的每一层都形成了自己的小世界,成为各种生物的家园。
2023-07-16 22:03:571


2023-07-16 22:04:041

Living things cannot live without air.中为什么用WITHOUT,而不用HAVE NO?

without是介词短语,用have not 的话要跟上从句的呀,比如Living things cannot live if they have not air.~
2023-07-16 22:04:203


1.feel like 1.摸起来像是…; 有…的感觉 2.想要… 2.科学的真理(如:地球绕着太阳转、太阳从东边升起等)要用一般现在时
2023-07-16 22:04:271

英语阅读题 All living things on the earth need other living things to live

2023-07-16 22:04:364

Everything living on earth each plant and animal needs other living things. Nothing lives alone.

所有生活在地球上的事情需要其他万物住.没有独自生活.大多数动物必须居住在一起,甚至植物的生长与其他的同类并拢.有时一个活的东西杀死,吃,吃.每样的生活吃另一种生活,为了生活,和他们一起形成了一个食物链,食物链是简单的,人是复杂的。所有生活在地球上的事情需要其他万物住.没有独自生活.大多数动物必须居住在一组,甚至植物的生长与其他的同类并拢.有时一个活的东西杀死,吃,吃.每样的生活吃另一种生活,为了生活,和他们一起形成了一个食物链.一些食品链是简单的,而另一些则没有.但是,所有食品链开始与太阳,所有的食品链会断裂,如果消失的环节之一. 所有的生活需要阳光生存.但只有植物可以直接利用太阳光.植物是“工厂”.他们使食品从阳光,水,土壤和空气中的东西., 植物养活所有其他的生活的东西.动物只能利用太阳的能量后,已改为由植物的食物.有些动物饲料直接在植物上,别人吃小动物.肉为食的动物吃植物间接的影响.人类怎么样?我们许多食品 链中的成员.我们吃的小麦,水稻,蔬菜,水果等.我们也吃肉和喝牛奶.这意味着太阳的能量,在被我们利用之前,必须经过植物到动物。自然是一个更伟大的事情。如果它被单独留下,任何食物链都能为每个成员提供足够的食物链,当没有足够的食物链中的任何环节,那么它的一些成员就会死去。所以平衡始终要保持。
2023-07-16 22:04:433


living 是独立的一个形容词,含义:有生命的,活着的living things 生物
2023-07-16 22:05:021


living things:creaturesbe worried: feel/be anxious get free :摆脱...; 获得自由, 获得解放 set sb. free释放某人, 使某人获得自由 make sb. free释放某人, 使某人获得自由(可用被动语态,表示主语获得自由 解放)run after :go afterin order to:so that / so as to / for 但是几个在用法上有些区别 比如 I got up early this morning in order to catch the first bus.只能用在句中 I got up early this morning so that catch the first bus.也只能用在句中 而so as to catch the first bus ,I got up early this morning.可以用在句首 同时I got up early this morning so as to catch the first bus .也可以用在句中 I got up early this morning to catch the first bus. to catch当不定式,表目的 I got up early this morning for catching the first bus. for当表目的的介词,后面动词应为现在分词fall down from :强调从哪儿跌落(补充:这里我用A表示后面出现的名词fall down A,表示从高处落下,落到相对比较低的A位置fall fromA,表示从A的位置落下来(A是下落前的位置,不是下落后的位置)fall off A,也是表示从A的位置落下来,但是强调的是A很高,而用from的时候表示A比别的高一点)allow :意思是“允许,准许”,同义词是permit.take pride in :be proud ofsure : of course/certain(ly)
2023-07-16 22:05:241

~~~~~lso, your paternal or maternal instincts come into play because helpless living things are de

Also, (your paternal or maternal instincts) (come into play) 主语 谓语(because helpless living things are depending on you, require training and encouragement and protection from enemies.) because引导的原因状语从句come into play是主句的谓语,可以译为“苏醒”。require是because引导的原因状语从句里的并列谓语之一。这个状语从句有两个谓语:are depending和require。译文:由于无助的小生命依赖你,需要你的训练、鼓励和保护,你的母爱或者父爱的本能也被唤醒了。
2023-07-16 22:05:321


我再次确认了. live做动词是居住、生活、谋生的意思. 而现场(直播)、现场(表演) 的意思既可以作形容词 也可以作副词 这里live做现场(直播)意思 如:It"s always different singing in front of live audience. 在现场观众面前演唱总是不一样的. live recording 实况录制 这里是做形容词. 如:We will be broadcasting the program live from Austin 我们将从奥斯汀现场直播这个节目. 这里是副词形式.跟在broadcasting后面 living是形容词 活着.也可以做名词 如这些词组: 形容词:living proof 活证据. in living memory 能回忆起来的,在众人们的记忆中的 living things 生物 living language 现在仍在使用的语言 名词:有生计;收入;生活方式的意思. the living 活着的人. cost of living 生活费用.生活必需品费用,3,Live on是一个动词词组-直播的意思。 你不知道这个用法吧?干嘛还分析它的词性啊!,1,这是一个副词 做现场直播讲的时候,live是可以做副词用的 我给你一个例句:The women"s 100m race is to be broadcast live right away,这是一个英文报刊上的一句话,0,我写个英语句子,大家帮我分析一个单词是什么副词还是形容词还是别的? Thanks to the satellites .football games e to us live on TV. 中的LIVE是什么词啊?如果是副词字典里是没有的,如果是形容词这么用不就和副词用法一样了吗? 对于说副词的:我在牛津大词典上查不到啊. 对于说动词词组的:那也应该是LIVING啊
2023-07-16 22:05:381

If there were no air or water,there would be no living things on the earth请问这里主句可不可改成

2023-07-16 22:05:482

Plants are very important living things. Life could not go on if there were no plants. This is ...

小题1:D小题2:B小题3:C 试题分析:这篇短文主要讲述了指物对于我们的重要性以及它们的繁殖方式.小题1:根据第一段Life could not go on if there were no plants.及下文描述,可知没有植物,人们就会死亡。故选D。小题2:短文最后一段主要介绍了不开花植物通过孢子繁殖,故接下来可能要讲述的是,孢子如何长成新的植物。故选B。小题3:这篇短文主要介绍了指物的两种繁殖方式,故有可能出自一本科学杂志,选C,一本科学杂志.点评:本文浅显易懂,层次分明,学生很容易把握文章中心内容。答题中注意带着问题阅读短文,一般就能顺利找出答题依据。对于不能直接找到根据的问题注意联系上下文,根据短文中心总结出正确答案。
2023-07-16 22:06:191


2023-07-16 22:06:404

翻译一篇英语阅读理解 在线 高悬赏

要升LV7,这任务就领了。NND, 为什么的我采纳率上不到80%?Hundreds of years ago, life was much harder than it is today. People didn"t have modern machines. There was no modern medicine, either.几百年前人们的生活要比今天的要艰苦得多,没有现代化的工具,当然也没有现代的药品。Life today has brought new problems. One of the biggest is pollution. Water pollution has made our rivers and lakes dirty. It kills our fish and pollutes our drinking water. Noise pollution makes us talk louder and become angry more easily. Air pollution is the most serious kind of pollution. It"s bad to all living things in the world.今天的生活也带来不少的问题,其中最大的就是污染。水污染已令我们的江河湖水变脏,鱼类死亡,饮用水也被污染。噪音污染使得我们要大声说话且易于动怒。其中最严重的要数空气污染了,其对世界上所有的生物都产生负面影响。Cars, planes and factories all pollute our air every day. Sometimes the polluted air is so thick that it islike a quilt over a city. This kind of quilt is called smog (烟雾).Many countries are making rules to fight pollution. Factories must now clean their water before it is thrown away, and they mustn"t blow dirty smoke into the air.汽车,飞机及工厂每天都对空气造成污染。城市上空被污染的空气有时太厚了,看起来就像条被子盖于其上一样。人们称这种“被子”为烟雾。很多国家现在制定各种措施来治理污染,工厂在排放污水前须将其净化,烟气排放前也必须减少粉尘。We need to do many other things. We can put waste things in the dustbin and do not throw it on the ground. We can to go work by bus or with our friends in the same car. If there are fewer people driving,there will be less pollution.Rules are not enough. Every person must help to fight pollution.(当然)我们也有很多事情可以做。如把垃圾扔到垃圾桶里而不是丢到地上;上班时搭公交车或者与朋友拼车而行。开车的人少一些,污染就会少一分。治理污染光有措施还不够,我们每个人都要出份力。FYI,供参考。
2023-07-16 22:06:481

Water is very important____ living things. B.for 答案选B,但我觉得是A。各位呢?并解释,谢谢。

固定短语呀,对.......重要的,....for sth, sb,一个主语是人,一个是物
2023-07-16 22:06:569

英语完形填空(Aristotle was the first to wacth living things and to ......)

Amongthe early Greeks, Aristotle was the first to watch living things andto try to (47=classify ) them to attempt to find out how life begins,and to write down his (48=observations) .Hismethods of work with the catfish are typical of his (49=不确定?precautions?) 50. float51.deposits52.sifficiently53.disadvantages54.colleagues55.inexhaustible 56.refers
2023-07-16 22:07:142

There are many kinds of____(live ) things on the earth空格填什么?为什么这样填。能带句子翻译吗?

2023-07-16 22:07:2310

carbon is found in all living things在所有活的东西中都有碳

这里“found”是表示“被发现”的意思是be found,而这句是陈述事实,所以be动词用一般现在时
2023-07-16 22:07:463

As we know, all living things have to eat food. For a man, a tiger, a fish, a bird, or even a wo

2023-07-16 22:07:551

throughout history man has had to accept the fact that all living things must die

你说的很对,是要用一般现在时,而原句正用的就是一般现在时。!!throughout history man has to accept the fact that all living things must die. has to 是个情态词!!
2023-07-16 22:08:032


2023-07-16 22:08:103

英语all living things怎么翻译?

2023-07-16 22:08:293

Water is very important ( ) living things.该用to 还是用for,为什么,

应该是for,be important to +do 指做...重要 be important for+doing或事物 指.对...重要 根据题意应是:水对有生物很重要 所以选择for
2023-07-16 22:08:361

英语作文 。 题目:Trees are important living things 。

Trees are very essential to our environment. They provide us many things which are useful for our daily lives.The most essential and major component provided by the trees is Oxygen. The trees utilize the Carbon dioxide released by us and in turn they provide us Oxygen which keeps us lively, healthy and active.We get all the minerals and vitamins needed for our proper health and growth from the fruits and other plant products like vegetables, cereals, grains, grams etc. Around the world every one is opting for the vegetarian diet as it provides a wholesome and balanced diet. The balanced diet keeps the people healthy and prevents many diseases.The roots of the trees hold the soil firmly and prevent soil erosion. This leads to the increase in the ground water level and the continuity of water cycle gets balanced resulting in good rains. Ultimately trees prevent the drought and provide greenery to the environment. Apart from taking care of the soil and water, the trees provide shelter to many animals and birds in the forests which ultimately help in the ecological balance of the nature. Having more number of trees around will reduce the hazardous effects of global warming. We are taking the trees for granted and felling them mercilessly. This will lead to a treeless environment which can not be even imagined. But the woods from cut trees also help us to make beautiful furniture and other things required for the house. The wood is used as a fuel even now in many rural areas. The trees provide us shade and the breeze will be so cool in the places where there are number trees. Many people who suffer from chronicle ailments are said to feel better when they were put in a beautiful tree surrounded areas. We must remember that the trees are very essential and we must start growing more trees in our surroundings for the sake of next generation to give them a beautiful and healthy environment. We should keep in mind that the deforestation will lead to the extinction of many animals.(绝对原创,希望您能满意...!)
2023-07-16 22:08:441

important to living things

It is important to living things. It is important for living things to do sth. 这两种用法是正确的.如果后面没有to do sth.必须用to,否则用for
2023-07-16 22:08:501

How was the living things on the earth ? 谓语为什么用单数

打印错误或者语法错误,主语是living things 复数形式,应该是were。
2023-07-16 22:09:141

阅读理解。 Plants are very important living things. Life could not go on...

1-4: ABDC
2023-07-16 22:09:211

water,air and sunshine are great importance living things;on;to C.of;on D.of;to

选D Water,air and sunshine are (of) great impotance (to) living things. 水、空气和阳光对于生物来说非常重要. (be) of importance,相当于形容词(be) important;be important to sb,对某人来说重要
2023-07-16 22:09:281

在茫茫星际,人类是孤独的吗?在外星存在其他生命吗?英语作文 200到300个单词

Across the universe,is human alone?Is there any living things out of space? As we all know,there are nine stars in the solar system:Mercury、 Venus、 Earth、Mars、Jupiter、Saturn、Uranus、Neptune、Pluto.Except for the Mars,the other stars" condition is so extreme.On these stars,there is no air,no water.And it is so hot in daylight,and so cold in at night.So,there is no life on these stars.Only the Mars is under almost the same condition with the Earth.Besides the likely time they spend on turning a round,they have almost the same air,consisting carbon and oxygen,which is the necessary condition of live. Out of solar system,millions of stars shines in the sky.Imagine!There must be some stars like the Sun,and others like the Earth and the Mars.On the same condition,living things are possible. In a word,considering the condition of the Mars and stars out of the solar system,there must be other living things in the universe.
2023-07-16 22:09:351

it is bad to all living things in the world

It"s one of the pollution that bad for all living things in the world. 这是对地球上的生命有害的污染之一.
2023-07-16 22:09:521

英语完形填空(Aristotle was the first to wacth living things and to .)

Among the early Greeks,Aristotle was the first to watch living things and to try to (47=classify ) them to attempt to find out how life begins, and to write down his (48=observations) . His methods of work with the catfish are typical of his (49=不确定?precautions?) 50.float 51.deposits 52.sifficiently 53.disadvantages 54.colleagues 55.inexhaustible 56.refers
2023-07-16 22:10:021

英语作文 . 题目:Trees are important living things

As we all know, trees have many USES, human get many benefits as follows: first, trees provide us with wood and other products. Second, their roots can allow rainwater seeping into and keep the ping soil to avoid being washed away, so the trees can prevent droughts and floods. Trees also help us to purify air, beautify life.Unfortunately, today in many parts of the world people don"t realize the importance of trees. They unplanned, a large number of cut down trees, so that the soil is destroyed, they don"t know where that no trees, the rain washed away by the soil surface, lead to flooding.We should be more trees and take good care of young trees, don"t let the forest slowly disappear, only in this way can make the forest serve man forever
2023-07-16 22:10:111

if (地球上没有空气和水),there would be no livingthings here

If there weren"t any air or water on earth, there would be no living things here.
2023-07-16 22:10:292

Water is very important for living things. Without water there can be no life on earth. All animals

2023-07-16 22:10:445


2023-07-16 22:11:006

Water is very important to living things. Without water there can be no life on the earth. All ...

小题1:D小题2:B小题3:C小题4:A 试题分析:本文介绍了水是到处可见的,它以三种形式存在,固体、液体和气体。水主要存在于江河湖海里,它是液体形式存在。在空气中的水叫水蒸气;冰是水的固体形式。小题1:这是细节理解题。根据Water is found almost everywhere. 故选D。小题2:这是细节理解题。根据When it is a liquid, you can drink it.故选B。小题3:这是细节理解题。根据Clouds are made of water. They may be made of very small drops of water. They may also be made of snow crystals(结晶体).故选 C。小题4:这是细节理解题。根据Water may be a solid or a liquid or a gas.故选A。点评:细节理解题主要考查考生对文章中具体信息的理解,常涉及年代、时间、地点、数据或其他一些事实。做这一类型的题目时,要采用查读法,即为了找出某一特定的或具体的信息而进行阅读。查读能够使读者根据文章阐述的事实做出正确的判断,选出正确的答案。这类题目有时比较直接,理解字面意思即可作答;有时比较间接,需要根据作者提供的事实进行归纳、概括和推理才能作出正确的判断。
2023-07-16 22:11:261

关于植物的英语作文 初二

Plants Plants are very important living things. Life could not go on if there were no plants. This is because plants can make food from air, water and sunlight. Animals and man cannot do so. Animals get their food by eating plants and other animals. Man gets his food by eating plants and animals, too. Therefore, animals and man need plants in order to live. If you look carefully at the plants around you, you will find that there are many types of plants. Some plants are large while others are small. Most plants are green. There are two main types of plants: flowering plants and nonflowering plants. Flowering plants have roots, stemsu2460, leaves, flowers and fruits. Almost all the trees around us are flowering plants. You can probably recognize some plants from their flowers or their fruits. Nonflowering plants include coniferous trees, mosses, liver-worts, algae and fungi. You cannot see many nonflowering plants around you. Most plants do not grow from seeds. They grow from spores. Spores are very, very small. Some spores are so small and light that they can float in the air. We may say that spores are quite similar to seeds. When these spores fall on wet and shadyu2461 places, they usually grow into new plants.
2023-07-16 22:11:331


Air You can"t see it. You can"t touch it. But you can"t live without it. What is it? It is air. Air is very important. It is all around us when we walk and play. It is all around us when we sit down or sleep. We live in air. All living things need air. We can live without food or water for a few days, but we cannot live without air for even a few minutes. When we are working or running, we need more air.When we are asleep, we need less air.
2023-07-16 22:11:432

___ important air is to living things! a.what b.what an c.what a

选择a air是不可数 然后这个句子是宾语前置 所以选A
2023-07-16 22:11:534