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2023-07-16 23:28:50
TAG: 020

Read 31. Introduction to Corporate governance and other ESG considerations

31a.Describe corporate governance.

the system of internal controls and procedures by individual companies are managed.

provide a framework defines the rights,roles and responsibilities of various groups within an organization.

to minimize and manage the conflicting interests between insiders and external shareowners.

Under shareholder theory,

the primary focus is interests of firm"s shareholders

-take maximization of the market value of firm"s common equity.

-conflict of interest between firm"s managers and owners(shareholders).

Under stakeholder theory is broader,

conflicts among groups have an interest in activities and performance of firm.

include shareholders,employees, supplier and customers.

31b. Describe a company"s stakeholder groups and compare interests of stakeholder groups.

shareholders-residual interest in the corporation and claim to net assets of corporation after all liabilities settled.

board of directors-to protect the interests of shareholders

In a one-tier board structure,

both company executives and non-executive board members serve on a single board of directors.

In a two-tier structure, non-executive board members serve on a supervisory board-oversee a management board, made up pf company executives

senior managers




31c. Describe principal-agent and other relationships in corporate governance and the conflicts that may arise in these relationships.

principal-agent conflict

Conflicts of interest between shareholders and managers or directors

the risk of company managers and directors is more dependent of firm performance

directors who are managers favor management interests at the expense of shareholders

directors favor one group of shareholders at the expense of another.

information asymmetry

-more information about functioning of the firm and strategic direction

-decreases the ability of shareholders or non-executive directors to monitor and evaluate whether managers are acting in the best interests of shareholders

Conflicts between groups of shareholders

related party transactions

Conflicts of interest between creditors and shareholders

Conflicts of interest between shareholders and other stakeholders

31d.Describe stakeholder management

31e. Describe mechanisms to manage stakeholder relationships and mitigate associated risks.

stakeholder management

-management of company relations with stakeholders

-based on having a good understanding of stakeholder interests

-maintain effective communication with stakeholders

stakeholder relationships based on 4 types of infrastructures: infrastructure

b.contractual infrastructure

c.organizational infrastructure

d. governmental infrastructure

annual general meeting

-provide shareholders with audited financial statement

-address the company"s performance and significant actions

corporate laws


special resolutions

extraordinary general meetings

majority voting-most votes for each single board position is elected

cumulative voting-cast all votes(shares times number of board position elections) for a single board candidate or divide among board candidates.

minority shareholders-special rights by law-company is acquired by another company.

31f.Describe functions and responsibilities of a company"s board of directors and its committees.

Board structure

one-tier board

chairman of board叫company CEO

lead independent director-ability to call meetings of independent directors, separate from meetings of full board

-a single board of directors that includes both internal and external directors.

internal directors(又叫executive directors)

-typically senior managers employed by the firm

external board members(non executive directors)-not company management.

independent directors

-Non-executive directors have no other relationship with company

employee board representatives may be a significant portion of non-executive directors.

two-tier board structure,

a supervisory board that excludes executive directors

supervisory board and management board operate independently.

management board is led by the company"s CEO.

staggered board

limits the ability of shareholders to replace board members in any one year and used less now

Board responsibilities

BoD is elected by shareholder to act in interest.

BoD is not involved in day-to-day management of company

-responsibility rests with senior management

duties of board include responsibility for

Board committees

audit committee

governance committee

nominations committee-proposes qualified candidates for election to the board,manages the search process and attempts to align the board"s composition with company"s corporate governance policies.

compensation committee/remuneration committee

-responsible for oversight of employee benefit plans and evaluation of senior managers.

risk committee-appropriate risk policy and risk tolerance of organization,

oversee the enterprise-wide risk management processes of organization

investment committee

-acquisition or projects, sale and disposal of company assets or segments, large capital expenditures

the number and size of board committees will depend on the size, complexity and nature of business.

31g. Describe market and non-market factors that can affect stakeholder relationships and corporate governance.

activist shareholders-pressure companies to hold a significant number of shares for changes and 他们认为这些改变是increase shareholder value

proxy fight-seek the proxies of shareholders to vote in favor of alternative proposals and policies

tender offer-for specific number of shares of a company to gain enough votes to take over the company.

hostile takeover-not supported by company"s management

act as incentive to influence company management

boards to pursue policies more interests of shareholders

oriented toward increasing shareholder value.

common-law system

civil law system

in general, the rights of creditors are more clearly defined than shareholders ,

not difficult to enforce through the courts.

overall, firms 1.advises funds on proxy voting and corporate governance matters.

2.provides ratings of companies" corporate governance offer practices offer another avenue to influence managements to better address the interests of shareholders.

31h. Identify potential risks of poor corporate governance and stakeholder management and identify benefits from effective corporate governance and stakeholder management.

Risks of poor governance and stakeholder mgt

corporate governance is weak, control functions of audits and board oversight is weak as well.

accounting fraud and poor record-keeping -negative implication for company performance and value.

Benefits of effective governance and stakeholder mgt

operational efficiency/formal policies/ reduce the risk of debt default or bankruptcy/

31i. Describe factors relevant to the analysis of corporate governance and stakeholder mgt

company ownership and voting structure

composition of a company"s board

management incentives and remuneration

composition of shareholders

relative strength of shareholders" rights

management of long-term risks

31j. Describe environmental and social considerations in investment analysis.

ESG investment

environmental,social and governance factors in making investment decisions

-sustainable investing/ responsible investing/socially responsible investing

31k. Describe how environmental,social and governance factors may be used in investment analysis.

Negative screening

-exclude specific companies or industries regarding human rights,environemtnal concerns or corruption.

Positive screening

-attempt to identify companies have positive ESG practices.

relative/best-in-class approach

-seek to identify companies within each industry group with the best ESG practices.

Full integration

-inclusion of ESG factors or ESG scores in traditional fundamental analysis.

Thematic investing

-invest in sectors or companies to promote specific ESG-related goals

Engagement/active ownership

-using ownership of company shares or other securities as a platform to promote improved ESG practices

Green finance-produce economic growth in a more sustainable way by reducing emissions and better managing natural resource use.

green bonds-funds raised are used for projects with positive environmental impact

overlay/portfolio tilt strategies

-used by fund and portfolio managers to manage the ESG characteristics of overall portfolios.

Risk factor/ risk premium investing

-treatment of ESG factors as an additional source of systemic factor risk



conflict不可数。conflict当用来泛指战斗和冲突时,是不可数名词,此时多用其复数形式conflicts。conflict有两种用法,分别是用作名词和动词。在用作名词时,conflict表示“争执;争论;军事冲突;战斗”的意思,在用作动词时,表示“(两种思想、信仰、说法等)冲突,抵触”的意思。常见句型1、oth sides suffered heavy casualties in the border armed conflict.在这次边界武装冲突中双方都遭到了重大伤亡。2、The hours of those two exams conflict.那两门测验的钟点互有抵触。John often comes into conflict with his boss.约翰经常和他的老板发生争执。3、This is a serious dispute, and could lead to armed conflict.这是一场严重的争执,有可能导致武装冲突。4、It is not surprising that such a view has led to very considerable conflict.这样的一种观点引起很大的分歧是不足为法的。词汇搭配conflict of…的冲突conflict with与…发生冲突。class conflict阶级对抗face conflicts with面临着与…冲突。resolve a conflict解决争端conventional conflict常规战争。domestic conflict内讧、political conflict政治分歧。armed conflict武装冲突、bloody conflict流血冲突。
2023-07-16 21:48:401


conflict 强调(内在的,潜在的) 斗争,冲突,抵触clash 强调(外在的,已经发生的) 斗争,冲突,抵触,猛撞例如:There are big conflicts of interests between these two groups, we should resolve them before they clash on each other.They clashed on each other unnecessarily, because there was no real conflict between them.
2023-07-16 21:49:203


conflict是什么跟什么冲突的意思 在这里是one aspect conflicts the other aspect,它所代表的意思是两者之间各对各相互的冲突,所以用的是单数形式 另外你这个句子前面写错了吧 应该是 Only the two aspects are connected,can a man show his talent and ability to the best advantage. 只有把这两者结合起来,一个人才能充分展示他的天赋和才华.这里后半部分 用了倒装句can a man show ,所以前面应该是only.对不对?
2023-07-16 21:49:281


2023-07-16 21:50:144

冲突是可数还是不可数名词? 就是conflict 已经被搞晕了,拜托大家找点依据来,谢了。

可数,以下说法为证 :1the conflicts between artistic and commercial... 2any principles of conflicts of laws 3conflicts would be reconcled as time gose by
2023-07-16 21:50:211

MySQL安装path conflicts怎么设置?

方法/步骤:MySQL安装文件分为两种,一种是msi格式的,一种是zip格式的。如果是msi格式的可以直接点击安装,按照它给出的安装提示进行安装(相信大家的英文可以看懂英文提示),一般MySQL将会安装在C:Program FilesMySQLMySQL Server 5.6 该目录中;zip格式是自己解压,解压缩之后其实MySQL就可以使用了,但是要进行配置。解压之后可以将该文件夹改名,放到合适的位置,个人建议把文件夹改名为MySQL Server 5.6,放到C:Program FilesMySQL路径中。当然你也可以放到自己想放的任意位置。完成上述步骤之后,很多用户开始使用MySQL,但会出现图示的错误。这是因为没有配置环境变量所致。配置环境变量很简单:我的电脑->属性->高级->环境变量选择PATH,在其后面添加: 你的mysql bin文件夹的路径 (如:C:Program FilesMySQLMySQL Server 5.6in )PATH=.......;C:Program FilesMySQLMySQL Server 5.6in (注意是追加,不是覆盖)配置完环境变量之后先别忙着启动mysql,我们还需要修改一下配置文件(如果没有配置,之后启动的时候就会出现图中的错误哦!:错误2 系统找不到文件),mysql-5.6.1X默认的配置文件是在C:Program FilesMySQLMySQL Server 5.6my-default.ini,或者自己建立一个my.ini文件,在其中修改或添加配置(如图):[mysqld]basedir=C:Program FilesMySQLMySQL Server 5.6(mysql所在目录)datadir=C:Program FilesMySQLMySQL Server 5.6data (mysql所在目录data)以管理员身份运行cmd(一定要用管理员身份运行,不然权限不够),输入:cd C:Program FilesMySQLMySQL Server 5.6in进入mysql的bin文件夹(不管有没有配置过环境变量,也要进入bin文件夹,否则之后启动服务仍然会报错误2)输入mysqld -install(如果不用管理员身份运行,将会因为权限不够而出现错误:Install/Remove of the Service Denied!)安装成功
2023-07-16 21:50:401

论文投稿中*Domain Conflicts填什么?Status 是not available 是否提交成功?

这里的domain conflicts需要输入所有作者所属单位的域名,以及其他有利益冲突单位的域名。Not Available表示仍未投稿成功。望采纳
2023-07-16 21:50:501

如何解决SVN Commit Conflict

2023-07-16 21:51:223

期刊要求的 Conflict of Interest(利益冲突)怎么写? 模板来了!

Conflict of Interest 指利益冲突,意思是个人或组织的利益可能影响到他人的利益。有时为了防患于未然,也是为了避免发生学术不端的情况,编辑会要求作者在投稿时准备好 利益冲突声明 @[TOC] 在学术论文写作中,Conflict of Interest 声明主要是为了保证学术研究的公正性和客观性。 因为在论文写作中,难免会牵扯到资金支持、学术合作等。 如在撰写论文时资金资助来源较为复杂,虽然作者个人认为其资金支持不影响这篇论文的研究过程和结论,但如果某项资金来源同其他相关研究也有一定的关系,读者就会怀疑研究数据的客观性,从而对论文的客观性产生怀疑。 此时,就会要求作者写上 Conflict of Interest 声明。 需声明的 Conflict of Interest 一般有两种情况 如研究赞助商支持、旅费津贴等 在写 Conflict of Interest 声明时,要说明资助或者津贴的确切金额、对研究起到的作用和影响。注意论文有财务关系上的Conflict of Interest时,保证信息的透明度是非常重要的。 如个人关系,学术关系等,这些关系可能会引发潜在的利益冲突。 利益冲突声明其实并不难写,其篇幅要求不多,内容简短清晰即可。 我遇到的期刊都是需要单独的一个 word 文件。 当论文可能产生利益冲突时,我们要在声明中首先阐明自己的角色,然后介绍详情。并且要做出相应的承诺,声明论文在写作过程中并未受到影响。 或者,当论文写作时收到了赞助,不过之后又涉及到与另一家公司的合作,这个时候也要说明以上情况,并且出示赞助款项明细,保障论文写作过程中的公正透明。 最后,如果您的文章并未涉及到其他人或组织的利益,那就在文中直接声明:未发现有潜在的利益冲突。 如果没有财务,利益的纠纷,这种情况是最好写的。直接一句话搞定。 或者 就像这样,单独写一个 word 上传就好了。 I am employed by (hereinafter referred to as the company) on (date) of (date) in the library, and I declare the following on the conflict of interest:I promise to avoid conflicts of interest (even superficial conflicts) with the company, its shareholders and its customers. A kind of I undertake to ensure that my personal conduct is in accordance with the following guidelines and to report appropriately when there is a potential for actual or potential conflict. These conflicts of interest may be caused by my immediate family members, other members of my family or stakeholders. Therefore, the prohibited sexual behaviors involved in this commitment also involve my immediate family members, other members of my family or stakeholders. I promise that I will write to the president or vice president of the company about the conflicts of interest caused or possible to be caused by my immediate family members, other members of my family or stakeholders Presentation. 笔者首先介绍了自己和公司的情况,之后阐述了会在哪些方面产生产权或者利益的冲突。 This research is supported by company A and may lead to the development of products that may have been licensed by company B in which I have A business and/or financial interest. I have fully disclosed these interests to Taylor and have developed an approved plan to manage any potential conflicts that may arise from such an arrangement. 阐明了这篇论文在两个公司之间的赞助与科研方面的利益冲突。用词精准合适,并在最后提到了解决的计划,结构严谨内容充实,也是一篇好例文。 According to policy as well as my moral obligation, as the researchers report I am a consultant from a company in financial and/or commercial interests. May be limited by the attached paper reports the research. I have been to Taylor and Francis fully revealed these interests, and I have worked out a plan for approval to manage any potential conflicts caused by the participation. 这篇声明言简意赅地阐明了自己的写作背景和立场,并且交代了可能会产生的利益冲突。在我们自己的论文写作中,也可以按照这个版式写。 参考链接: 我是Tina, 我们下篇博客见~ 白天工作晚上写文,呕心沥血 觉得写的不错的话最后, 求点赞,评论,收藏
2023-07-16 21:51:281


the time conflicted.
2023-07-16 21:51:594


Classmate conflicts among senior middle school students are often heard on campus over recent years. These conflicts make the excitement of campus life grow grey and have bad effects on both their living and learning. Classmate conflicts often rise from daily tiny things such as space where to store books or notes. When personalities don"t mix the specifics can tear classmates apart and sometimes even lead to serious conflicts. Besides the fact that classmates hold different attitudes towards certain issues is another factor causing these conflicts. Classmate conflicts are harmful and need to be settled. Though many people think that school discipline can soften the conflicts I believe learning to be tolerant with each other can play a more constructive role because it teaches students flexibility and the art of compromise. Meanwhile communication contributes to the solution to this problem since many of these conflicts result from misunderstanding 试题分析:考查开放式作文,考生在写作时要注意根据英文提示,切忌偏题,短文主要谈的是“同学间的矛盾问题”,描述自己的饮食习惯,要求分析一下产生矛盾或冲突的原因,并谈谈应如何正确地与同学相处。考生要紧紧抓住这些特点,结合生活中的一个事例,适当展开自己的想象。,开放式作文难就难在没有要点,给考生自由发挥的余地大,但也增加了难度,有的考生会觉得无话可说,这时可以充分利用所给的信息,展开陈述,但要符合英语习惯,句式选择要富有变化。在写作的过程中注意句型的多样化和连接词的使用。要求考生用地道的英语表达自己的观点,要求观点明确,驾驭语言的能力强,选择词汇的时候要选择相对高级的词汇,也要运用多种句型,让文章更有变化。难度在于选择合适的词汇和句型表达文章需要的意思,可以变换使用一些容易驾驭的句子或者词汇实现同样的目的。在写作的时候要运用合适的连接词把要点串联起来,使文章成为一个整体。【亮点说明】 Classmate conflicts often rise from daily tiny things such as space where to store books or notes. 这句话用的是疑问词+不定式做定语, the fact that classmates hold different attitudes towards certain issues is another factor causing these conflicts. 这句话是用同位语从句, Though many people think that school discipline can soften the conflicts I believe learning to be tolerant with each other can play a more constructive role because it teaches students flexibility and the art of compromise. 这句话是个复杂句:里面有让步状语从句,宾语从句,动名词做主语, communication contributes to the solution to this problem since many of these conflicts result from misunderstanding 还有Meanwhile和 Besides这样的关联词也要经常使用。
2023-07-16 21:52:561

vb 引用Excel时提示name conflicts with existing module

这个错误翻译过来就是“与现有的模块名称冲突”,也就是说同时引用了两个接口或者类名相同的东西,题主看看是不是还同时引用了 WPS 的东西?只能引用一个哟
2023-07-16 21:53:051

短文改错 It is very common that conflicts between

It is very common that conflicts between teachers and students often happens【happen】.For example,a girl in our class didn"t hand 【hand in】her homework yesterday,and was criticizes【criticized】 by our English teacher.She felt it was unfair and talked back to the teachers,which made the teacher very angry.Later,it turned out that the girl didn"t feel good the day before yesterday. But in most cases,conflicts between people 【加come】from misunderstanding.If the girl had realized that the teacher did so just for his sake ,or the teacher had first【firstly】 asked the girl that why she didn"t finish her homework,the conflict would have been avoided.Therefore,teachers and students should communicate much【more】 and understand each other. In my opinion,put yourself in other"s shoes is the key to avoid conflicts.
2023-07-16 21:53:142

conflict ,fight, struggle的区别

War 大型战争fight 打架Conflict 心里的冲突Struggle 奋斗,努力
2023-07-16 21:53:282

请问这段yacc代码为啥编译的时候提示一句话:conflicts: 2 shift/reduce

这个问题是在编译 SFS 0.7.2的时候遇到的。 下面是部分源代码: #ifndef}; 编译提示:firstp等变量都没有在这段区域内定义。。 Experience:
2023-07-16 21:53:371


2023-07-16 21:53:481

利益冲突的英语翻译 利益冲突用英语怎么说

conflicts of interest
2023-07-16 21:54:133

Conflicts with others are common in everyday life.

在每天的生活中和别人的冲突是非常常见的。 在昨天午后的篮球赛中, 苏华和李江再抢球中撞到了彼此。他们开始了大喊大叫之后变成了非常恐怖的冲突。用于预防这样的争吵,我们需要对彼此更宽容。对和谐的生活非常重要。原谅被人是个美德,特别在这个竞争非常激烈的社会中。不要责备别人我们更应该互相交流。不要太自我中心要体贴。我们需要聪明的面对冲突。
2023-07-16 21:54:254

mysql.中selected name conflicts with existing table teachers 什么意思

这个提示的意思是没选择数据库。如果是使用软件(如navicat、SQL yog等)来创建数据库的话,先点一下软件左边的数据库名称,选中要创建的表所属数据库,再新建表。一、KILL掉系统里的MySQL进程:killall -TERM mysqld二、用以下命令启动MySQL,以不检查权限的方式启动:safe_mysqld –skip-grant-tables &三、用空密码方式使用root用户登录 MySQL:mysql -u root扩展资料:MySQL是一个关系型数据库管理系统,由瑞典MySQL AB 公司开发,目前属于 Oracle 旗下产品。MySQL 是最流行的关系型数据库管理系统之一,在 WEB 应用方面,MySQL是最好的 RDBMS (Relational Database Management System,关系数据库管理系统) 应用软件之一。MySQL是一种关系数据库管理系统,关系数据库将数据保存在不同的表中,而不是将所有数据放在一个大仓库内,这样就增加了速度并提高了灵活性。
2023-07-16 21:54:401


Unresolved-conflicts-exist-for-some-items.某些项目存在未解决的冲突。items项目双语对照词典结果:itemsn.物料项目 (任何一种自制或采购的零部件或组装件,如最终产品、部件、子部件、零件或原材料); 条( item的名词复数 ); 一项; 一则; 一件商品(或物品); 易混淆单词:ITEMS以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.Spend money on items that you understand. 把钱花在你熟悉的项目上。
2023-07-16 21:55:121

请教各位投稿中"Conflict of Interest"如何来写

向外文杂志投稿时,Conflict of interest statement可以按照如下格式写!Conflict of interest statementWe declare that we have no financial and personal relationships with other people or organizations that can inappropriately influence our work, there is no professional or other personal interest of any nature or kind in any product, service and/or company that could be construed as influencing the position presented in, or the review of, the manuscript entitled, “”简洁一点的话,除非论文的作者因论文涉及到商业利益问题,编辑才会要求写得很清楚,不然一般用如下也可:Conflict of Interest一般都在参考文献之前啊,这个要求在abstract和文章末尾陈述啊。当然,你也可以自己改动为合适的词句!比如:Conflict of interestThe authors declared that they have no conflicts of interest to this work.We declare that we do not have any commercial or associative interest that represents a conflict of interest in connection with the work submitted
2023-07-16 21:55:291

投稿后编辑发来“Conflict of Interest”请问什么意思

有些杂志是要求提交"Conflict of Interest"的,该期刊需要作者阐明"Conflict of Interest",即其他单位或个人与作者之间可能存在经济、雇佣关系、专利等各方面的利益冲突,作者应当如实说明这些关系,以免日后引起不必要的纠纷,同时也为编辑作出决定提供参考。如果没有这些问题,作者可以说“There are no conflicts of interest”。不过该期刊是要求作者在稿件正文的最后来说明,而你投的杂志要求单独上传,至于具体内容应该是一样的
2023-07-16 21:56:351

Disagreements,conflicts and compromises are a part of what it means to be human problmes.

2023-07-16 21:56:481


2023-07-16 21:57:104


2023-07-16 21:58:031


someone has predicted that if there is no tobacoo on the earth ,coflicts are on the way in the way.It seems to be an exaggeration,but the harm of tobacoo is underestimated.
2023-07-16 21:58:102

英语作文80字 关于引起宿舍纷争,争吵的原因。要求用到列举法:First, Second,...,Finally...

What"s the fuck !
2023-07-16 21:58:192

a,b,c 之间存在矛盾 翻译成英语

There is contradiction among a and b and c
2023-07-16 21:58:306


  潜在的利益冲突。作者:没有报道冲突。  所有作者机构提交了ICMJE形式披露潜在的利益冲突。冲突,编辑认为相关手稿的内容已经披露。
2023-07-16 21:58:543

请大神看看一句话有没有错“However,conflicts and even local war

2023-07-16 21:59:021

投稿后编辑发来“Conflict of Interest”请问什么意思

是不是 利益冲突的意思啊
2023-07-16 21:59:132


无关, 只与conflicts有关。就是说对于同一个key来说,如果conflicts越多,查找效率就越慢。worst case 是O(n),不过这种情况极其少见,所以正常的查找效率接近O(1). 而且conflicts和查找表的长度无关。
2023-07-16 21:59:232


Title: How to Solve Conflicts with Parents - A 600-word EssayIn modern society, due to the accelerated pace of life and the deepening generation gap, many young people have conflicts with their parents. These conflicts may involve various issues, such as academic performance, lifestyle habits, and marriage choices. As young people, we should try our best to handle these conflicts calmly in order to maintain a healthy family relationship.Firstly, we need to recognize that parents are one of the most important people in our lives. They provide us with the necessities of life and brought us into this world. Even after we have grown up, they still treat us as their children. Therefore, we need to understand and respect them.Secondly, we need to actively seek communication and exchange with our parents. We should try to understand their viewpoints, listen to their advice, and also tell them our own thoughts and decisions. Through good communication, we can better understand each other, reduce misunderstandings, and avoid conflict.Thirdly, we need to remain calm and rational when dealing with conflicts. When we have disagreements with our parents, we should not be impatient or agitated, as this will only make the problem more complex. Instead, we should calmly face the problem, analyze its root cause, and try to find a solution. If we cannot solve it immediately, we can try to temporarily put it aside and come back to it when everyone has calmed down.Finally, we need to learn to compromise and tolerate. The conflicts with parents may not always be completely resolved, as there may be differences in thinking and lifestyle habits between the two generations. In this case, we need to learn to accept and respect each other"s positions, seek compromise and balance.In conclusion, conflicts with parents are not inevitable. We need to understand them, communicate, remain calm and rational, seek solutions, and learn to compromise and tolerate. Only in this way can we build a good family relationship and grow up more healthily.
2023-07-16 21:59:324

BBRC的"Conflicts of Interest form"应该怎么写

2023-07-16 22:00:004

vb 引用Excel时提示name conflicts with existing module

这个错误翻译过来就是“与现有的模块名称冲突”,也就是说同时引用了两个接口或者类名相同的东西,题主看看是不是还同时引用了 WPS 的东西?只能引用一个哟
2023-07-16 22:00:181

abaqus中keyword error是什么意思

删除。比如出现的是这个词条 in keyword *CONFLICTS, file "Job-1.inp",那么你就打开菜单栏里的Model里的Eidt keyword 会出现一个input命今流~~你要做的是把含CONFLICTS的错误词条删除,因为它是 is generated by Abaqus/CAE,意思是由Abaqus/CAE自动产生的。类似的提示什么词条找什么词条。对于你的这个问题,出错是在与装配、部件assembly, instance, part有关的词条,你可以试着找NORMAL词条删除或放错位置is misplaced。
2023-07-16 22:00:251

summary of conflicts是什么意思

summary of conflicts冲突概要summary of conflicts冲突概要
2023-07-16 22:00:331


Secretary of the communityDirector of communityConflict mediationConvenient service
2023-07-16 22:00:403

have a conflict with还是have conflict with

如果只有一个冲突便用 have a conflict with如经常冲突便用 have conflicts with
2023-07-16 22:00:541


2023-07-16 22:01:115


你好,以下是我的翻译,希望对你有所帮助:Managers and staff conflict Conflict is a member of business organizations, groups, organizations generate exchange differences, there argument, confrontation, resulting in mutual tension. Employees of its own internal conflicts are not here to discuss the contents of the The type of conflict, conflict within the individual: If the fish and bear"s paw can not have both conflicts between individuals: if the problem, objectives of knowledge, attitude, position individual and group conflict: the individual and the conflict between sub-cultural groups: conflict within organizations different departments: longitudinal conflict + conflict + lateral line / function role conflict conflict: individual organizations take different roles in the conflict (for sales of the veterans) inter-organizational conflict The correct principles of conflict management, not individuals: things and personal grievances to maintain separate problem-solving, fairness and justice: not partial to either side to keep an open mind: empathy as a win-win with divergent thinking: one country two systems Communication problems and resolve conflicts caused by: through formal channels of communication; and direct communication between parties; proactive communication; communication skills training
2023-07-16 22:01:412


在古代的时候由于交通的不发达,东西方文化的差异比较显著,甚至连疆域接壤的两个国家:中国和印度都各自产生了文明并且朝着各自的方向发展。古印度地区是世界四大文明古国的发祥地之一,千百年来李静无数朝代和岁月的变迁,有着深厚的文化沉淀和底蕴。古印度处在东亚和中亚的交界处,紧邻印度洋,地域的特殊性也使得其成为了文化交融的地方。In ancient times owing to underdeveloped traffic, the East-West cultural differences between East and West were more significant, even the two countries that have segments of common border, China and India,created their own civilization, and developed towards their own directions. Ancient India region was one of the birthplaces of the world"s four ancient civilizations, had experienced the evolution of countless dynasties and time for thousands of years, and had a profound cultural and heritage. The ancient India was located in the junction of East and Central Asia, close to the Indian Ocean, the geographical specificity had made it a place of cultural fusion.现在的印度,巴基斯坦,孟加拉国在以前一直是一个国家。直到上个世纪五十年代才开始分裂为巴基斯坦和印度,之后的七十年代巴基斯坦又分裂为孟加拉国和孟加拉国。印度国内宗教主要以印度教为主,也有一部分把穆斯林。长久以来这两个教派之间冲突不断,我们时常可以在电视上看到一些因为教派矛盾而产生的流血冲突,这种暴力的行为,令人非常遗憾。Today"s India, Pakistan, Bangladesh were belonging to one country in the past. It was divided into Pakistan and India until 1950s and further split into Pakistan and Bangladesh in 1970s. The religion in India mainly is Hinduism, some is the Muslims. There are continuous conflicts between the two sects, we can often see a number of bloodshed conflicts arising because of sectarian contradiction, and these violent actions are very regrettable.印度是世界第二大人口大国,有着丰富的劳动力资源和能源。同时,过多的人口也给印度带来了很多麻烦:医疗,教育,贫富差距等矛盾日益明显。就如XX给我们看的明信片中的一些图片:一个双眼通红的残疾乞讨者,贫民区街口水管边的孩子。这些图片都凸显了现代印度发展中所面临的问题,也体现出古印度文化和当代印度文化在现代的一些冲突。India is the world"s second largest populous country, has abundant labor resources and energy. Meanwhile, too much of the population has brought to India a lot of troubles: the contradictions about health care, education, the gap between the poor and the rich, etc. have become an increasingly obvious. As can been seen in the pictures of some postcards XX showed to us: a disabled beggar with red eyes, some children by the waterpipe at the slum blocks, etc. These pictures have highlighted the problems faced in the development of modern India, also reflected some conflicts between the ancient Indian culture and contemporary Indian culture in modern India.
2023-07-16 22:01:517

conflicts may arise between tourst and local resi

2023-07-16 22:02:231


2023-07-16 22:02:313

The specified address conflicts with another address.

2023-07-16 22:02:382


One possible version:  Conflicts with others are common in everyday life. During the basketball game yesterday afternoon, Su Hua and Li Jiang, who are good friends, bumped into each other, trying to catch the ball. Then they started shouting and yelling, and it turned into a horrible quarrel.  To be honest, it was Su"s fault but Li was also to blame — they were not calm enough and both said some really mean things. They cared too much about winning and losing. As a matter of fact, blocking, pushing and bumping are just part of a tough game. Fortunately, after the head teacher"s instruction, they forgave each other very soon and became good friends again.   In my opinion, to avoid such conflicts, we should be kind to one another. It is also a virtue to forgive and forget, especially in such a competitive and stressful society. Instead of blaming each other, we should communicate more and put ourselves in others" place. Don"t be self-centered and try to be considerate. We must learn to handle conflicts calmly and wisely.
2023-07-16 22:02:471


In our daily life, conflicts and disputes among us, our friends and familes are inevitable. So what should we do with this conflicts when they occur? Now let me introduce you these sentences, which can lighten the atmosphere in the conflicts.Now we have already learnt these sentences, I hope they will provide help when you encounter/have conflict with friends.您觉得这个答案对您有帮助吗?
2023-07-16 22:02:553

想问问,一直收到这个信息,Folders in your mailbox have name conflicts,hotmail的,想问问什么好?

邮箱中的一个或多个文件夹与其他人或系统保留名称的名称冲突。具有这些名称的文件夹不能由您的IMAP电子邮件程序下载。笔记请使用您的Web浏览器连接到您的邮箱并重命名这些文件夹。 重命名后,这些文件夹将正确显示在您的IMAP电子邮件应用程序中。
2023-07-16 22:03:052


Hello, Li Hua, do not be discouraged, believe in yourself your best, your best friend is, you should communicate with your friends, talk things out, do not destroy this thing between friends Friendship, no brothers, no basketball.
2023-07-16 22:03:332

this merge request contains merge conflicts一般是什么造成的

git status tells you about the state of your working directory tree and your index (where staged changes live) relative to the latest commit on the current branch. The output you"re seeing means that the files on your disk exac
2023-07-16 22:03:401