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翻译成英语 中国的古代建筑艺术历史悠久,享有巨大的成就,也造就了许多建筑上的奇迹,譬如长城。在中国

2023-07-16 21:43:29

China"s ancient architectural art has a long history and enjoys a great achievement, also has created many architectural wonders, such as the Great Wall. Architectural art in China in the process of continuous development, superior architectural techniques and artistic design makes the unique Chinese architecture be one of three big building system in the world. An important characteristic of ancient Chinese architecture is unique log framework to support the whole building structure. This framework determines the color is the main Chinese construction decoration. Original wood paint is used to prevent corrupt, then become a decorative supplies.



architectural英 [,ɑu02d0ku026a"tektu0283u0259ru0259l]美 [,ɑrku026a"tu025bktu0283u0259ru0259l]adj. 建筑学的;建筑上的;符合建筑法的
2023-07-16 21:24:171


问题一:建筑设计师英文应该怎么写 Architectural designer建筑设计师,Architect 建筑师, 从行业分类上讲,两者是有区别的 问题二:建筑设计师的英语怎么说? Architectural designer 问题三:建筑设计师英文应该怎么写 Architectural designer建筑设计师,Architect 建筑师, 从行业分类上讲,两者是有区别的 问题四:请问:建筑设计事务所英文怎么说?谢谢大家 Architectural design firm 问题五:建筑设计事务所英文怎么说 Architectural design firm 问题六:建筑结构设计用英语怎么说 architectural structure design 问题七:主创设计师英文怎么说?在名片上如何写? designer- in-chief 主创设计师,重点在“该称谓的责任”。in chief 通常用语称谓之后,表示主要的,如editor in chief:总编辑, 而如果主创设计师翻译做chief designer 的话,则是重头衔。具体看情况选用吧。又如:主治医生: doctor in charge,in charge 表示“主要负责的”,当然主创设计师也可翻译为designer-in -charge!表示主要负责设计的。不过感觉有点怪怪的~再如:Chief Architect总建筑师 Chief Designer总设计师 General Designer总设计师 以上general是全面负责, chief是主要的,所以你的主创设计师可以翻译成为designer- in-chief ! 希望对你有帮助! 问题八:建筑设计中,提出要求然后让建筑设计师设计房子的人用英语怎么说? Let the architect who designed the house 希望可以帮到你 问题九:英文翻译(建筑专业) 楼上 你不确定就不要回答呀 要是人家 用了你的 不正确 怎么办呢? 主创建筑师General Architect 参考 主任建筑师Architecture Conceptual Designer-柏景(广州)园林景观 主任建筑师 Principal Architect 参考:招聘Principal Architect-Airport 主任建筑师-机场英国阿特金斯集团 首席设计师Chief Designer 首席建筑师Architect 参考 Chief Architect X1 (首席建筑师v11.0)
2023-07-16 21:25:191

建筑师 的英文是什么?
2023-07-16 21:25:306

architectural finishes 是什么东西

2023-07-16 21:26:452

什么是建筑语言(Architectural Language)?

建筑语言(Architectural Language)指的是我们经常会用到的一些具有独特风格的空间形态和手法。统一且明确的建筑语言可以加强人们对设计第一印象,增强设计的整体性和和谐性。因此,寻找到明确的建筑语言非常重要。我们在建筑设计创作过程中用到的一些具有独特风格的空间形态和手法,统称为设计语言。对于空间设计来说,寻找到明确的设计语言非常重要,统一且明确的设计语言可以加强人们对设计第一印象,并且增强设计的整体性和和谐性。通常设计语言可以分为二维语言和空间语言两种常见类型。二维的设计语言通常是平面上的一种几何规则的表现,常见的表现形式为平面图和剖面图;而空间语言指的则是三维立体的空间原型,这种原型可用于建筑空间的推敲,通过一定的规则对其进行组合,最终形成完整的建筑。当然两种维度的设计语言不是独立的,而是可以互相转化的。在设计的初期二维设计语言的应用较为频繁,随着设计的深化逐渐转为三维形态。前期的二维设计语言此时也可以通过一系列的空间手法处理,转变成三维的空间形态。本篇文章我们将重点介绍建筑空间设计中的设计语言体系的具体用法以及一些常见的案例。对于大多数优秀的建筑设计来说,都可以从中找到一种独有的设计语言,设计师通过设计语言的转变,最终完成了建筑整体和细节的设计。优秀的设计语言在形式和功能上为空间提供了一种连续性和整体性,让使用者与建筑可以进行更深入的对话。
2023-07-16 21:26:521


Cold Architecture冰冷的建筑双语例句1Winter Cold Wind Infiltration Of Public Architecture Hall In Chilly Area 寒冷地区公共建筑门厅冬季冷风渗透问题
2023-07-16 21:27:113

英语翻译 Architectural Designer什么意思

2023-07-16 21:27:194

UCL的Architecture和Architectural Design有什么区别?

Architecture和英国普通的一年制研究生不同,是为期两年的ARB/RIBA Part 2研究生课程。因此,完成了这个课程,就算是半只脚踏入了英国注册建筑师的大门了。这可以说是一个含金量相当高的研究生课程了,所以相对来说在专业方面的要求也就更高一些。Architectural Design似乎并不像看起来的那样,相较于Architectural更侧重于设计。根据官网的介绍,这个为期一年的研究生课程大概2/3的时间都在进行以工作室为基础的设计调研中。在这门课程中,项目和论文是占到同等比重的。Architectural Design专业其实更倾向于在基于建筑设计的基础上,进行一些高科技的实验尝试。例如人工智能,计算机数字化控制制造,3D打印等等。由此可见其实相对于在课程名称上摆着的“design”,它更注重的其实是一些实践,创新性的跨学科尝试。前面提到的看起来中规中矩的Architecture (ARB/RIBA Part 2),则反而更倾向于传统建筑设计的概念,也相对更加保守。同时,这两个专业直接导向的就业前景也是完全不同的。Architecture (ARB/RIBA Part 2)由于专业程度更高,毕业后的职业选择基本上就固定在建筑师这个职业上。需要注意的是在英国,想要成为建筑师是必须要拿到ARB/RIBA这两个机构的认证的。而Architectural Design的专业程度相对来说没有那么高,选择面也会更多一些,可以从事与建筑及设计相关的专业,如建筑设计师,室内设计师等。
2023-07-16 21:27:261


architectural structure design
2023-07-16 21:27:473


Architect 建筑设计师
2023-07-16 21:28:162

construction和Architectural 有什么不同

2023-07-16 21:28:321


英语缩略词“AEC”经常作为“Architectural, Engineering, and Construction”的缩写来使用,中文表示:“建筑、工程和建筑”。英语缩写词AEC所代表英文单词,其对应的中文拼音、详细解释以及在英语中的流行度。此外,还有关于缩略词AEC的分类、应用领域及相关应用示例等。“AEC”(“建筑、工程和建筑)释义:英文缩写词:AEC英文单词:Architectural, Engineering, and Construction缩写词中文简要解释:建筑、工程和建筑中文拼音:jiàn zhù gōng chéng hé jiàn zhù缩写词流行度:1775缩写词分类:Miscellaneous缩写词领域:Construction
2023-07-16 21:28:391


the design of architectural ornament
2023-07-16 21:28:554


2023-07-16 21:29:021


2023-07-16 21:29:091


Architect啊 应该没有的吧 好简短的
2023-07-16 21:29:205


Construction Engineering Design Consulting Co., Ltd.
2023-07-16 21:29:514


这个问题的解决方法就是,在自定义工具栏中 > 自定义UI与默认设置切换器 > 将工具选项初始设置设为“Max”,用户界面设置为“DefaultUI”。你肯定是更改UI方案了,所以,每个UI的设置方案是不同的。比如你的趋向于设计装饰效果图的,所以,默认材质就自动首选Architectural了。
2023-07-16 21:29:581


The architectural design
2023-07-16 21:30:062

建筑装饰设计咨询 英文怎么翻译

architectural design consultation
2023-07-16 21:30:143

the architectural equivalent of the abstract art so popular at the time

2023-07-16 21:30:222


问题一:“建筑”用英语怎么说 建筑: building;construct;Architecture; 一是广义的 建筑 (Construction),即建设的意思;二是狭义的 建筑 (Building),即房屋 建筑 ;三是最狭义的 建筑 ( Architecture ),即 建筑 学。 问题二:建筑 英语怎么说 Architecture construction building 问题三:关于学校的建筑物的英语单词怎么写 school building教学楼 学校建筑 sports field操场 library 图书馆 dormitory 宿舍 diningroom 食堂 问题四:建筑工程设计咨询有限公司的英文怎么写,急用 Architectural Construction-engineering Design Counselling Co., Ltd. 问题五:建筑英文怎么说 学术的叫法是architecture,包含处部的建筑 construction,构筑物 building,建筑 问题六:建筑 建筑学 英文怎么说 第四个是对的, 不过他把建筑拼错了, 应该是Building才对(如果你说的建筑是指建筑物的话)。 第一个的如果是Construct也是对的(不过是正在施工的建筑)。 同时Achitect是建筑学不过也是建筑师的意思(大多是建筑师的意思, 但是建筑学的简称), 而Architecture者是建筑学而已。 by雁子~
2023-07-16 21:30:291

sculpture is the soul of architecture(译,雕塑是建筑的灵魂)英中双语

some people say that the most beactiful sound in the world is the sound of nature. but I do say. sculpture itself. may be it has something to do with my career. I"m in the construction industry. I haven"t studied some art in depth. but the beauty of art deeply attracted me. the beauty of art is produced in people"s own way. sculpting the soul is a painful process. but real architects have experienced a long process of soul sculpture. only experienced the improvement of artistic acsthetics. only through the simplification of architectural image. from popular popular art and be accepted by the society. this kind of architecture is suitable for lyricism and reflects the times. we need architects to understand the spirit of the times. and can make good use of architectural art language. through the change of shape. space the brightness of lines and the in tensiey of colors. show a certain architectural image and rhythm. achieve the purpose of exchanging thoughts and feelings with human brings.译,有人说,世界上最动听的声音,是天籁之音,但我却说,是雕塑自己,也许与我的职业有关,我是从事建筑业的,对一些艺术没深入研究过,但艺术之美,深深的吸引了我,艺术之美,是以人自己的方式产出,雕塑灵魂是一个痛苦的产出过程,但真正的建筑师,都经过漫长的灵魂雕塑过程,只有经历过艺术审美的提高,才能通过建筑形象的简括,形成大众艺术被社会接受,这种易于抒情,反映时代的建筑,就需要建筑师,既能吃透时代精神,又能运用好建筑艺术语言,通过形体,空间变化,线条明暗,色彩浓淡,表现某种建筑形象和节律,达到与人类交流思想情感的目的。 architecture is a frozen dance. what impresses me most is the cave in yan"an. you will think of yan"an spirit. it"s easy to understand here. yan"an cave is the sould of architecture. the yan"an spirit. the yan"an spirit was sculpted by thousands of communists. so. I say. sculpture is the soul of architecture. architecture of the great cause of socialism. it depends on the sculpture of every communist from me to from a group enuironment. 建筑,就是凝固的音乐,我印象最深的建筑就是延安的窑洞,就会想到延安精神,这里就很容易理解,延安窑洞建筑的灵魂是延安精神,延安精神是千千万万共产党人雕塑出来的,所以,我说,雕塑是建筑的灵魂,社会主义大业的建筑,就靠每一个共产党人来自我雕塑,形成群体环境。 sculpture in architecture. use stones. wood metal. gypsum. clay and other material. In three-dimensional space. the art of exhibition. it can exist independently and make the finishing touch on the building. bring vitality and spirituality too buildings. slowly. sculpture became an indispensable part of the construction project. so I think. sculpture of soul. need traditional culture. thought and spirit. supplemented by the existing spirit of the times. sculpt over time. to become a craftsman worthy of the name. the process of sculpting yourself. it must be accompanied by hard work. but it was a hammer and chisel self beating. it is the embodiment of perseverance and perseverance. don"t g carried away by comfort. don"t be defeated by hard work. all the beauty in the world is due to the perfection of details. 译,建筑物中的雕塑,用石,金属,石膏,泥土等材料,在三维空间内,展现的艺术,能独立存在,对建筑物起画龙点晴作用,给建筑物带来生机和灵性,慢慢的,雕塑就成为建设工程中不可获缺的一部分,由此,我联想到,灵魂的雕塑,需用传统的文化,思想,精神,辅以现有的时代风貌,进行日积月累的雕塑,才能名符其实的成为工匠人,雕塑自己的过程,必定伴随着辛苦,那可是一锤一凿的自我开发,是坚持不懈和毅力的考验,不因舒适而得意忘形,不因辛劳而败下阵来,世间所有的美好,皆因细节的完美而成。 life and death can not be controlled by fate. wealth and honor diligence and thrift. diligence means dedication. focus.lean and innovation. this is consistent with the craftsman spirit advocated by our times. so. sculpture yourself is more valuable. Nietzsche in strong will. art is the greatest stimulant of life. Influenced by him. I also feel in love with piano. chess. books. paintings and other arts. think of yourself as a sculpture. sculpt yourself with music theory. calligraphy and painting theory. architectural criticism and so on. here I give an example. explain what I gained from sculpting myself. when building in Singapore. a Trinity church held an open non Christian gathering. I was invited to the party. after pastor yang Bing bing communicated with me. what kind of builder are you. xu wei jun. are builders so good at art. is history so broad. are you so good at expressing. you have risen to9points in my heart. I really have a sense of pride. it"s like hearing the sound of nature. Thank you for your years of hard work and sculpture life. today. I finally see the results of self sculpture. 译,生死不由命,富贵全在勤和俭,勤就意味着敬业,专注,精益,创新,这与我们时代倡导的工匠精神吻合,所以,雕塑自我才更有价值,尼采在《强力意志》中说,艺术是生命的最大兴奋剂,受他的影响,我也爱上了琴,棋,书,画等艺术,把自己看作是一种雕塑,用乐理知识,书画理论,建筑批评等雕塑自己,这里我举一个例子,说明我雕塑自己的一点收获,在新加坡做建筑时,一次"三一"教会举办开放式非基督徒聚会活动,我有幸被邀请参加,杨冰冰牧师与我交流后说,你,徐卫军,什么建筑工啊,建筑工,还有艺术功底?建筑工,历史知识这么渊博?建筑工,表达能力这么棒?你,在我心里,已经升值到9分了,我听了,真有一种自豪感,仿佛听到天簌之声,(内心)感谢自己经年累月,用勤奋雕塑的人生,今天,终于看到自我雕塑成果! the soul of a building lies in its dynamic sculpture. a real person is the process of self sculpture all his life. especially in adolescence. we should do a good job in basic sculpture. it is also called not forgetting the original heart. being realistic and positive. once the habit of reading. learning. understanding and using is formed. in the professional. professional scope of excellence. conduct will continve to be kind. you will soon become a winner in life. the same is true for construction projects. start with foundation works. every process. every operation. keep improving. strict process management and standardized construction. quality control personnel. control the test. inspection inspection and acceptance. once the construction personnel Form this sculpture consciousness. the building itself has a soul. 译,一个建筑物的灵魂,就在于她的动感雕塑,一个真正的人,就是一生自我雕塑的过程,尤其是青少年阶段,要做好基础雕塑工作,也叫不忘初心,务本求实,积极向上,一旦形成读,学,悟,用的习惯,在专业职业范围内精进,品行再一直善良下去,你很快就会成为人生的赢家,建筑工程亦是如此,从基础工程开始,每一道工序,每一次操作,都精益求精,严格过程管理,规范施工,从事质量控制人员,把好试验,检验,检查,验收关,一旦施工人员形成这种雕塑意识,建筑物本身就有了灵魂。
2023-07-16 21:30:351


  建筑学专业一直是当前的热门专业,也是广受当前留学生所欢迎的专业,建筑学所需要的人才也是持续上升的,下面是我分享的“2022年本科建筑学专业课程及录取要求详细介绍”,欢迎阅读!    2022年本科建筑学专业课程及录取要求详细介绍   建筑学将设计与工程相结合,这个职业需要创造力、过硬的技术以及审美眼光。从现代住宅到摩天大楼,建筑师负责设计人们居住的空间。   和任何其他专业一样,在建筑行业中,学历高的人获得的职业机会通常会较多。申请美国大学获得建筑学学位的学生在校期间会学习建筑材料、建筑理论和建筑设计等相关知识。    专业方向   美国建筑专业最常见的研究方向分别为:建筑学(Architecture),环境设计(Environmental design)、建筑园林学(Landscape architecture),城市设计(Urban design),城市规划(Urban,community,and regional planning)。    主要课程   建筑学历史(Architectural history)   结构设计(Structural design)   建筑图形(Architectural graphics)   环境控制(Environmental controls)   基本设计原理(Design fundamental)   场地设计(Site design)   建筑设计(Architectural design)   工程力学(Engineering mechanics)   建筑理论(Architectural theory)   计算机辅助设计(Computer-aided design(CAD))   建筑材料与方法(Construction materials and methods)   建筑经济(Construction economics)   除了建筑技术和设计技巧,建筑师必须理解项目的文化背景(人类学),物质世界(物理科学),人类关系(社会科学),建筑师还必须熟悉建筑史和艺术史。通常在学习文理课程两年之后开始专业课学习。   建筑学专业最重要的课程是设计课程。   开始阶段会学习设计物体、家具、房间;   中级阶段,强调设计像图书馆、学校等小型建筑;   大四阶段会要求学生设计大型建筑。   各大学的建筑学设计课程侧重点会有不同,有些大学强调设计艺术和个人创造力,有些大学则强调工程导向,设计需围绕工程需求,为解决工程中实际问题提出评估。也有大学将两者结合,即强调设计艺术性又注重设计的科学性。在选校过程中需要做好充分的调研。    录取要求   on application   emic transcripts成绩单   /ACT(optional)   L(93+)/ITELS(6.5+)/DET(115+)   folio作品集(每个学校要求不同,罗德岛设计学院要求学生提供12-20个作品,强烈建议包含一些从实物观察所得出的绘画作品)   assignment   ege essay   er(s)of recommendation    注册建筑设计师   注册建筑设计师有以下几个步骤:   美国50个州对于获得注册建筑设计师的要求会些不同,有些需要额外确认和完成其他的要求。   1、需要一个NABB认可的职业学位   时间成本:可能5到7年   2、建筑实践经验AXP带薪实习   记录横跨6个领域的3740小时的经验和作品集,其中一半的时间累积必须要在建筑公司里获得。   时间成本:可以在学校毕业之后开始,本科生的实习经验时间也可以算在其中,大约时长是最多3年。   3、注册建筑师考试(ARE)   在完成第二步的AXP之后,可以参加此类注册建筑师考试。   时间要求:必须在完成学位5年之内完成考试   4、申请注册建筑师证   2012年,国家建筑注册委员会(NCARB)报告称,独立或签约的建筑师平均需要11年的时间才能成为行业内的注册建筑师。    就业前景   建筑学毕业的学生的职业方向为:建筑师、城市规划者、园林建筑师、建筑学历史学家、绘图设计人员、工业设计人员、以及施工项目经理。越来越多的建筑师直接为承包商和房地产开发商工作,也有很多建筑师为设计公司工作。总体上说,建筑师就业前景和建筑业的兴衰密切相关。   要在美国成为一名专业建筑师,需要获得一定的资质及实习所在州的执照,进一步学习一到三年时间,包括到公司实习三年,并且还要通过考试。由国家建筑师协会(NAAB)批准的大学本科建筑学学位在各个州都是有效的,但是你必须通过当地的建筑考试才能获得当地从业资格。   建筑学热门职位平均年工资:实习建筑师$43440,建筑设计师$58043,高级项目建筑设计师$89653。在这个行业里,男女比例73:27。    院校推荐    1、哈佛大学   作为美国久享盛誉的名校,哈佛大学的建筑学研究已经形成了浓厚的专业和学术氛围,组建了规模庞大的设计学研究生院(Graduate School of Design),下设建筑学(Architecture)、景观建筑学(Landscape Architecture)和城市规划设计(Urban Planning&Design)三大系别,为申请者提供硕士和博士学位。   哈佛大学设计学研究生院提供的硕士学位包括以下方向:   (1)设计学历史和理论(History&Theory)   (2)设计学技术(Technology&Design)   (3)不动产管理和项目管理(Real Estate&Project Management)   (4)城市化和住宅研究(Urbanization&Housing Studies)   学院同时为有志于从事建筑学学术研究的申请者提供了设计学博士(Doctor of Design)和建筑学博士(Doctor of Philosophy,Ph.D.)两种博士学位。    2、麻省理工学院   麻省理工学院(MIT)建筑学系提供四个方向的硕士学位,分别是:   (1)建筑学硕士(Master of Architecture)   (2)建筑研究科学硕士(Master of Science in Architecture Studies)。主要研究领域有:建筑史(History)、建筑艺术理论和批评(Theory and Criticism ofArchitecture and Art)、建筑技术(Architecture and Technology)、建筑设计和计算(Design and Computation)、建筑和城市化(Architecture and Urbanism)。   (3)建筑技术科学硕士(Master of Science in Building Technology)   (4)视觉艺术科学硕士(Master of Science in Visual Studies)   MIT同时还提供建筑学博士(Ph.D.),主要包括建筑史(History)、建筑艺术理论和批评(Theory and Criticism of Architecture and Art)、建筑科技、设计和计算等研究领域。   3、普林斯顿大学   普林斯顿大学建筑学院提供建筑学硕士和博士两级研究生学位,院方对国际学生设定的申请日期为12月1日,要求在此日期之前收到全部申请表格和其它材料。   建筑学院要求每位申请者提交研究生入学申请表格、本科学校官方成绩单,3封推荐信,个人申请陈述,GRE和TOEFL成绩,以及65美元申请费。学院着重考虑申请者的学术成就和专业背景,尤为注重提交的推荐信和以往设计的作品集。    4、哥伦比亚大学   哥伦比亚大学建筑规划及保护研究生院(Graduate School of Architecture,Planning and Preservation)创立于1881年,提供建筑学硕士(Master of Architecture)、高级建筑设计科学硕士(Master of Science Degree in Advanced Architectural Design)和建筑学博士( Architecture)三种学位。    5、耶鲁大学   耶鲁大学建筑学专业建立于1916年,1972年正式成为独立的学院。作为职业性而非学术研究性的机构,建筑学院没有设置博士学位,而只是提供了下列三种硕士学位:   (1)建筑学I类、II类硕士学位(Master of Architecture I&II)。前者针对本科专业为文学艺术类的学生,学制3年;后者针对已经拥有建筑学专业学位的学生,学制2年   (2)环境设计硕士(Master of Environmental Design,MED)。该学位学制2年,是以研究为导向的非职业性学位,学生也不以获得建筑师资格作为求学的最终目标   (3)联合硕士学位。包括建筑学硕士与工商管理硕士(Master of Business Administration,MBA)、建筑学硕士与环境设计硕士、建筑学硕士与环境管理硕士(Master of Environmental Management,MEM)三种联合学位。经过这三类项目的学习,学生最终能够获得两个硕士学位,成为知识结构健全的复合型人才。    6、莱斯大学   莱斯大学建筑学专业创立于1912年,设有建筑学硕士和博士两级学位。该校建筑学硕士学制灵活,有3学期、5学期和7学期三种选择,分别针对已经获得建筑学专业学位、本科主修建筑学、和本科非建筑学的学生。    7、加州大学伯克利分校   加州大学伯克利分校的建筑学院称为环境设计学院(College of Environmental Design),下设建筑学(Architecture)、城市和地区规划(City&Regional Planning)、景观建筑学和环境规划(Landscape Architecture&Environmental Planning)、城市设计(Urban Design)等四个研究方向,每个专业方向均提供硕士和博士两级学位。    8、弗吉尼亚大学   弗吉尼亚大学建筑学院在美国具有最为悠久的历史,学院设有建筑史(Architectural History)、建筑学(Architecture)、景观建筑学(Landscape Architecture)、城市和环境规划(Urban&Environmental Planning)四个研究领域,提供硕士学位和各类职业学位,艺术和建筑史专业还提供博士学位( the History of Art and Architecture)。    9、宾夕法尼亚大学   宾夕法尼亚大学的建筑学院称为设计学院(School of Design),设有建筑学(Architecture)、城市和地区规划(City&Regional Planning)、美术(Fine Arts)、历史保护(Historic Preservation)、景观建筑学(Landscape Architecture)、不动产设计与发展(Real Estate Design&Development)、城市设计(Urban Design)等专业。    10、德州大学奥斯汀分校   德州大学奥斯汀分校建筑学院设有建筑学(Architecture)、建筑史(Architectural History)、建筑研究(Architectural Studies)、社区和地区规划(Community and Regional Planning)、历史保护(Historic Preservation)、景观建筑学(Landscape Architecture)等专业,其中建筑史、社区和地区规划、历史保护三个方向提供博士学位。
2023-07-16 21:30:421

建筑有限责任公司 的英文怎么写

Architectural Co.Ltd
2023-07-16 21:30:503


1、平面设计(Graphic Design):是CI系统的视觉表现化,通过平面的表现,突出企业文化和企业形象。2、三维设计(3D Design):是一个广泛的种类、然而并不常用、在三维设计当中、多以电脑动画、工业或建筑设计的三维模型为主要创作的项目。3、千百年以来,室内设计的历史与风格固然有它自己内部的发展机制,但同时,它与社会的发展息息相关,基本保持同步的发展。以欧洲为例,古希腊盛期为城邦保护神的建筑群及庙宇室内、中世纪为宗教建筑等等,因此,历史上也形成了室内设计特有的艺术流派与风格。
2023-07-16 21:31:1914


  设计师是对设计事物的人的一种泛称。通常是在某个特定的专门领域创造或提供创意的工作,从事艺术与商业结合在一起的人。那么你知道设计师用英语怎么说吗?下面来学习一下吧。   设计师的英语说法:   designer   设计师的相关 短语 :   软件设计师 software developer   游戏设计师 game designer   总设计师 General Designer ; Chief Designer   城市设计师 civil planner   网页设计师 Web Designer   交互设计师 Interaction Designer   建筑设计师 Architectural Designer   视觉设计师 Visual Designer   设计师的英语例句:   1. She asked her son, a graphic designer, to create letterheads and stationery.   她请做平面设计师的儿子设计了信头和信笺。   2. She began a torrid love affair with a theatrical designer.   她和一位舞台设计师开始了一场狂热的恋情。   3. Stella, 21, is at art school training to be a fashion designer.   斯特拉,21岁,就读于艺术系,正接受时装设计师的培训。   4. Designer wedding dresses make wedding fashion a separate category from mainstream fashion.   著名设计师设计的婚纱使得婚纱时尚有别于主流服装时尚。   5. The Paris couturiers showed their collections for winter last week.   上周,巴黎的时装设计师们展示了他们的冬季时装作品。   6. He wears designer clothes and drives an antique car.   他穿着著名设计师设计的服装,开着一部古董车。   7. He had a designer come in and redesign the uniforms.   他请来一名设计师重新设计制服。   8. People wanted to know who this talented designer was.   人们想知道这位天才设计师是谁。   9. The two de-signers settled upon a minimalist approach.   两位设计师决定采用极简派风格。   10. Today, fashion designers are household names.   今天,时装设计师是家喻户晓的人物。   11. Armani consistently outsells all other European designers.   阿玛尼设计的时装一直都比欧洲其他所有时装设计师的作品更畅销。   12. These designers are full of fresh ideas.   这些设计师满脑子都是新创意。   13. The architect stepped back to admire his handiwork.   设计师后退一步以欣赏自己的作品。   14. Have you seen that article about young fashion designers?   你见到了关于年轻时装设计师的那篇 文章 没有?   15. The designer has chosen the complementary colours blue and orange.   设计师选取了蓝和橙黄两种对比色。
2023-07-16 21:32:331


Ancient Chinese architecture enjoys a long history and great achievements,and created many architectural miracles such as the Great Wall.In the process of its development,superior architectural techniques and artistic design were combined to make unique Chinese architecture be one of the three greatest architectural systems.Features:present Chinese timber framework and painting which are basic characteristics of Chinese architecture.Architecture styles:feature characteristics and charms of:Imperial architecture,Religious architecture (Taoist,Buddhist),Garden architecture and General architecture(Hutong ,Siheyuan).There is always deep relation between Architecture and Culture:It is certain you will learn some cultural facts in so-called Architectural culture in Fengshui and so-called Cultural architecture in Paifang.
2023-07-16 21:32:421


这是建筑几何学的一个MOD,让你建造基地时基地变得整齐!建造和移植时,单独按住键盘P键,将自动为你匹配到附近.0 或.5的网格上。(参考围墙为自动匹配到.5的网格,少了.0的)另外,建筑时如果单独按住Ctrl键,将匹配到小数点后1位。
2023-07-16 21:32:501

从高到低! 英语怎么讲

High to low 就可以了,可以不要加From。
2023-07-16 21:32:583


quantity surveying, 工程量计算property development, 物业开发civil contracting, 土建合同签署 civil contract 土建合同 architectural practices, 建筑惯例statutory board, 法令委员会不是的是一个签订合同的过程,另一个也不是。
2023-07-16 21:33:091


2023-07-16 21:33:176


建筑施工组织The construction organization建筑工程项目管理--Construction engineering project management --建筑工程技术经济学----Construction engineering technical economics --建筑设备及施工Construction equipment and construction--混凝土结构------- -- -- -- -- - concrete structure建筑施工技术--The construction technology --建筑工程造价计量与计价-----Construction engineering cost measurement and valuation of -- -- -- -- --建筑经济与企业管理Building economy and enterprise management--地基基础---- foundation -建筑工程测量Construction engineering surveying-施工工艺认识实习- construction technology of cognition practice基础工程课程设计--Basic engineering course design --建筑工程制图Architectural engineering drawing-建筑力学----- -- -- - construction mechanics-计算机绘图---Computer graphic -- -- -建筑材料Building materials-房屋建筑学课程设计Housing architecture curricula design---房屋建筑学--- building architecture --建筑制图综合实训Architectural drawing comprehensive training建筑工程测量实训Construction engineering surveying practice--建筑施工机械- building construction machinery--建筑结构设计与软件应用实训- building structure design and software application training以及大学计算机基础As well as the fundamentals of computer房屋构造课程设计Building construction course design房屋构造与识图Housing construction and see高等数学Higher mathematics建筑材料Building materials建筑工程项目管理Construction engineering project management建筑法规及应用Building codes and applications大学计算机基础University computer basis房屋构造课程设计Building construction course design房屋构造与识图Housing construction and see高等数学Higher mathematics建筑材料Building materials大学英语The university English大学语文College Chinese地基和基础The foundation and basis建筑CADArchitectural CAD建筑CAD课程设计Architectural CAD course design安装工程施工Installation engineering construction道路工程施工The road construction建筑工程施工管理Construction project construction management建筑工程质量管理Construction engineering quality management建筑结构设计软件应用The building structure design software applications施工建设实习Construction practice装饰装修工程施工Decoration engineering construction建筑工程安装管理Installation management of construction project施工组织设计Construction organization design
2023-07-16 21:33:341


2023-07-16 21:33:454

英国留学 建筑专业名校及相关入学要求

  英国留学,很多大学都开设有建筑专业课程,像爱丁堡大学、诺丁汉大学、谢菲尔德大学、纽卡斯尔大学、巴斯大学、利物浦大学和卡迪夫大学等等,这些都是比较受中国学生青睐的大学。    爱丁堡大学 The University of Edinburgh   爱丁堡大学建筑专业课程在爱丁堡艺术学院开课,作为苏格兰著名的艺术学院之一,爱丁堡艺术学院2011年正式并入爱丁堡大学,从此以后,在爱丁堡艺术学院上课的学生,学位证都是由爱丁堡大学颁发。    爱丁堡艺术学院成立于十八世纪70年代,历史悠久。学院开设的建筑类课程如下:    MSc Architectural and Urban Design   该专业适合建筑、景观建筑、城市设计等相关专业背景学生申请。     MSc by Research Architecture   该课程是一年制的研究型课程,比较适合想以后读博士的学生。    入学要求:   211大学,平均分80分左右,雅思7.0分,单项6.0分,需要提供作品和研究报告。    诺丁汉大学 The University of Nottingham   诺丁汉大学的建筑设计类课程属于建筑和建筑环境学院,该学院的前身是诺丁汉政府设计学院,成立于1843年,最初的学生是建筑类职员。    Design March   该课程侧重点在建筑专业知识的发展和应用以及先进的设计技术和设计方法。在学习过程中,学生有工作室项目,可以充分发挥自己的创作能力。   如果学生想考RIBA证书,可以在读了两学期后转到两年建筑学文凭课程的第二年去读,以便可以获得ARB/RIBA Part 2的认证(这是针对已经获得了ARB/RIBA Part 1的学生)。    Urban Design March   该课程是集研究和实践为一体的课程,让学生把他们的创新设计运用到最新的城市结构研究中并且通过此来提升城市的质量。     入学要求:   建筑相关专业背景,211大学平均分80分左右,非211大学,平均分85分左右有25%-50%建筑设计的相关课程,必须提供建筑设计相关专业,雅思6.5分,单项6.0分,托福IBT87。    谢菲尔德大学 The University of Sheffield   作为著名建筑学院之一的谢菲尔德建筑学院在英国享有盛名,在2013年泰晤士Good University Guide排名中,学校的专业排名是第四。   与此同时,大学也开设了两年的RIBA课程,针对想获得RIBA Part 2学生开设。     MArch Architecture   两年制课程,该课程获得了RIBA Part 2 和ARB的认可,学生主要在工作室学习,每年都会做设计项目。    入学要求:   建筑本科学生,一年工作经验,并且获得了RIBA Part 1或相关资格的认证。雅思7.0分,单项6.5分。    Architectural Design u2013 MA   设计为主的课程,通过学习此课程,学生可以获得设计的知识和方法,学校独立无二的实地项目让学生有机会和当地的组织。有博士课程。     入学要求:   建筑环境、建筑、景观建筑等相关专业学生申请,211大学平均分80分左右,非211大学平均分85,需要提供作品,有可能需要参加大学面试。雅思7.0分,单项6.5分。    Architecture and Town and Regional Planning - MArch   两年制课程,该课程获得了RIBA Part 2 、ARB和RTPI的认可。课程涉及到城市规划,人性化管理和建筑科学等。    入学要求:   建筑本科学生,一年工作经验,并且获得了RIBA Part 1或相关资格的认证。雅思7.0分,单项6.5分。    MA Landscape Architecture   两年制课程,专题研究方向有设计,规划和管理。学生的家长可以参加这个专题研究展示,当然也会有些公司也会趁这个机会挑选合适的员工。    入学要求:   景观或设计相关专业,例如生态学、地理学、建筑学、工程或者美术相关专业。211大学平均分80,非211大学平均分85。雅思6.5分,单项5.5分。
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问题一:作品集用英语怎么说 a collection of architectural design works 问题二:建筑设计师英文应该怎么写 Architectural designer建筑设计师,Architect 建筑师, 从行业分类上讲,两者是有区别的 问题三:建筑设计院的英文怎么说 建筑设计院 [建]building design institute 例句 该证书的取得,标志着建筑设计院在设计质量管理方面上了一个新台阶。 The certificate obtained, marking the Construction Design Institute in the design of quality management on a new level. 问题四:建筑设计师的英语怎么说? Architectural designer 问题五:请问:建筑设计事务所英文怎么说?谢谢大家 Architectural design firm 问题六:"建筑设计方案",英文怎么说? Architecture Design 就可以了,不用把每个次都翻译 问题七:建筑设计事务所英文怎么说 Architectural design firm 问题八:“建筑设计院”用英语怎么说? Architecture Design Institute 问题九:建筑结构设计用英语怎么说 architectural structure design
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__________ [A] archeological [B] architectural [C] artistic [D] anthropological

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问题一:建筑设计师英文应该怎么写 Architectural designer建筑设计师,Architect 建筑师, 从行业分类上讲,两者是有区别的 问题二:请问:建筑设计事务所英文怎么说?谢谢大家 Architectural design firm 问题三:"建筑设计方案",英文怎么说? Architecture Design 就可以了,不用把每个次都翻译 问题四:作品集用英语怎么说 a collection of architectural design works 问题五:广州市贝利纳建筑设计有限公司英文怎么翻译 广州市贝利纳建筑设计有限公司 Guangzhou City Berliner Architectural Design Co. Ltd. 广州市贝利纳建筑设计有限公司 Guangzhou City Berliner Architectural Design Co. Ltd. 问题六:建筑设计师的英语怎么说? Architectural designer 问题七:“建筑设计院”用英语怎么说? Architecture Design Institute 问题八:建筑结构设计用英语怎么说 architectural structure design 问题九:小型建筑设计的英文翻译? architecture design in miniature metaphase produc叮ion final production 问题十:建筑设计事务所英文怎么说 Architectural design firm
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AI高耸的钢铁建筑ycrapers-摩天大楼Steeltowers-钢铁塔楼Architecturalmarvels-建筑奇迹Steel giants-钢铁巨人Modern landmarks-现代地标Industrial spires-工业尖塔Metallic high-rises-金属高楼大厦Impressive steel edifices-令人印象深刻的钢铁建筑Futuristic steel designs-未来主义钢铁设计Steel skyscrapers-钢铁摩天大楼dominance-建筑主导地位Vertical steelmarvels-垂直的钢铁奇迹Iconic steelstructures-标志性钢铁建筑Steel and glass towers-钢铁和玻璃塔楼Industrial cathedrals-工业大教堂Towering metal columns-高耸的金属柱Steel engineering achievements-钢铁工程成就Impressive facades-令人印象深刻的外观Steel and glass synergy-钢铁和玻璃的协同作用Futuristic cityscapes-未来主义城市景观Architecturalinnovation-建筑创新Steel and concrete high-rises-钢铁和混凝土的高楼大厦Towering urban landscapes-高耸的城市景观Industrial steel masterpieces-工业钢铁杰作Urban icons-城市象征Steel and glass symphony-钢铁和玻璃的交响乐Structural dominance-结构的主导地位Impressive skylines-令人印象深刻的天际线Steel and concrete fusion-钢铁和混凝土的融合Towering achievements-巨大的成就Steel and glass facades-钢铁和玻璃的外观Futuristic architecture-未来主义建筑Industrial steel craftsmanship-工业钢铁工艺Sky-reaching steel structures-高耸入云的钢铁建筑Vertical city living-垂直城市生活Steel and concrete behemoths-钢铁和混凝十巨兽Urban steel dominance-城市钢铁的主导地位Iconic industrial structures-标志性工业建筑Steel and glass panoramas-钢铁和玻璃全景Architecturalgrandeur-建筑的宏伟Skyline illuminations-天际线照明Steel and concrete symphony-钢铁和混凝土的交响乐Towering modernity-高耸的现代性Urban steel wonders-城市钢铁奇观Glass and steel skyscrapers-玻璃和钢铁摩天大楼Verticalprogress-垂直进步Industrial steeldominance-工业钢铁的主导地位Urban sophistication-城市的精致Architecturalelegance-建筑的优雅Sky-high exploration-高空探索Steel and concrete integration-钢铁和混凝土的整合Towering steelachievements-巨大的钢铁成就Futuristic city planning-未来主义城市规划Iconic urban structures-标志性城市建筑Skyline symphony-天际线交响乐Steel and qlass dominance-钢铁和玻璃的主导地位Urban steel design-城市钢铁设计Architectural creativity-建筑创造力Sky-reaching dreams-追求高远的梦想Urban steel diversity-城市钢铁多样性
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建筑效果图 建筑表现图 的英文应该怎么说?

architectural rendering 建设效果图architectural expression chart 建筑表现图例句:1、According to some experiences accumulated in the course of making the computer-based architectural expression chart, this paper introduces some skills of each phase of the drafting such as the model building, exaggerating and post-treating。2、Making the computer architecture effect chart is one kind of performance art, a combination of technique and art.3、The irreplaceability of manual building effect picture。4、Recently effect drawing of building and three-dimensional animation get general application。
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  很多学生会选择去瑞典读大学,那么瑞典大学的热门专业有哪些呢?建筑与城市设计专业怎么样呢?下面和一起来看看吧!欢迎阅读。   瑞典大学热门专业之建筑与城市设计专业   瑞典 布莱京理工学院Blekinge Institute of Technology   European Spatial Planning and Regional Development 欧洲空间规划与区域发展   China Spatial Planning and Regional Development 中国空间规划与区域发展   瑞典 查尔姆斯理工大学Chalmers University of Technology   Architecture and Urban Design 建筑学与城市设计   Infrastructure and Environmental Engineering 基础建设与环境工程   Structural Engineering and Building Technology 结构工程与建筑技术   瑞典 隆德大学Lund University   Sustainable Urban Design 可持续城市设计   Energy - Efficient and Environmental Building Design 节能、环保的建筑设计   瑞典 瑞典皇家理工学院KTH Royal Institute of Technology   Architectural Lighting Design 建筑灯光设计   Architecture 建筑学   Architectural Lighting Design and Health 建筑灯光设计与健康   Sustainable Urban Planning and Design 可持续城市规划与设计   Environmental Engineering and Sustainable Infrastructure 环境工程与可持续基础建设   瑞典 瑞典农业大学SLU Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences   Landscape Architecture 园林建筑学   瑞典 斯德哥尔摩大学Stockholm University   Urban and Regional Planning 城市与区域规划   Landscape Analysis with Remote Sensing GIS and Cartography 景观分析   瑞典 吕勒奥理工大学Lulea University of Technology   Climate Sensitive Urban Planning and Building 气候敏感的城市规划和建设   瑞典 梅拉达伦大学Malardalen University   Energy Optimization for Buildings (One Year) 能量优化建筑   瑞典 于默奥大学Umea University   Spatial Planning and Development 空间规划与发展   Immediate Architectural Intervention 立即建筑干预
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The College of Architecture & Civil Engineering作者:The College of Architecture & Civil EngineeringThe College of Architecture & Civil EngineeringShenzhen UniversityThe College of Architecture and Civil Engineering of Shenzhen University (SUCACE) was founded in April 1997, combining the strength of three formerly independent faculties - Departments of Architecture, Civil Engineering, and Environmental Design. Both architectural and civil engineering faculties were among the earliest ones since the inception of the University.After nearly two decades of growth and development, SUCACE currently consists of three departments, i.e. that of Architecture, Urban Planning, and Civil Engineering. Other affiliates include the Institute of Architectural Design and Research, the press house of the magazine World Architectural Review, the Research Institute of High-rise Architecture, the Research Institute of Residential Architecture, the Decoration Engineering Company, the Research Institute of Construction Supervision, the Centre of Structure Engineering and Building Materials, the Centre of Urban Utility and Traffic Research, and the Research Institute of Building Economy and Management. Focusing on the formulation and development of the architectural and civil engineering programmes, these entities have played a promotive role in integrating teaching, research and professional practice into a cohesive educational system, which provides qualified talents for the society in general and the rapid urban development of Shenzhen in particular.The College has four undergraduate programs, i.e. architecture, urban planning, civil engineering, and construction management, and three master"s programs, i.e. architectural design and theory, architectural history and theory, and structural engineering. Two additional master"s programs – urban planning and construction management – are to be introduced in 2004. SUCACE"s architectural program is a provincial key program since 1998; it also underwent the national architectural accreditation process and was recognized as a provincial important program in Guangdong Province 2002. The College currently enrolls over 660 students and more than 60 graduate students. The faculty staff consists of 60 teachers, including 12 professors, 29 associate professors/senior engineers, and 29 lecturers/engineers.Pursuant to the demand of the Shenzhen Special Economic Zone, the College strives to integrate teaching, research, and design activities under a coordinated body of staff. Our goal is to cultivate new types of students adapted to the needs of our time.Department of ArchitectureSince its inception in September 1983, the Department of Architecture has been striving to integrate teaching, research and design practice into a cohesive didactic system. Its close cooperation with Shenzhen University Institute of Architectural Design & Research (SUIADR) has proved to be creative, practical, and international in reach. It is ranked No. 9 among all architectural schools in the country.The architectural program emphasizes trainings in professional skills and creative design thinking. After nearly two decades of search and reforms, the program features several unique characters:l Strong connections among different courses around the core course of design studio classes. The teaching of building construction and architectural drawing is integrated into design studio classes. Building structure, artistic training and graphic design classes also work closely with design studio classes.l The design studio classes emphasizes modernity and ontological thinking, as well as the ability of spatial formation and an architectonic approach in design. Students are encouraged to rely on rational analysis and empirical experience in the design process, and to use working models and computer simulation models to assist their design.l The theme studios recently incorporated into the curriculum is a new feature in the program. Conducted once a year, the theme studio attempts to provide a platform for theoretical and avant-garde design research.The Department of Architecture has 37 teachers, including 9 professors, 19 associate professors and 9 lecturers from reputable schools both in China and abroad. Most teachers have international experience by studying, working and traveling widely outside the country. Four the teachers graduate from foreign universities. The Department also reserves one teaching position every year for foreign teachers.Currently the Department enrolls 320 student mainly from local Guangdong Province and one foreign student.The Department also enjoys good teaching facilities. The newly inaugurated college complex provides generous spaces. The department library has a collection of over 35000 books and over 210 Chinese and foreign architectural and related magazines since 1980"s. The model workshop has accumulated years of experience and can process such materials as wood, cardboard, gypsum, metal, and plastic.After two decades of endeavor, the achievement of our teachers and students are widely recognized within the country. Many of our graduates continued their scholarly pursuits in universities abroad, including such reputable ones as Harvard, UCLA, MIT in the USA, and AA in England. Both our students and teachers are known for their ability to win design competitions. Many of the realized projects have won provincial, ministerial and municipal design excellence awards. Substantial advancement is made in the field of research as well. Teachers from the department constantly publish articles in leading architectural magazines. To date, over 10 books have been published. In addition to numerous research projects at provincial and municipal levels, the department has undertaken two research projects from the Chinese Natural Science Foundation.Through years of endeavor and development, the Department has established its reputation within the academic circle. The architectural program is both recognized by the university and provincial educational authorities as key program. The B. Arch. program underwent the accreditation process and was approved by the National Architectural Accreditation Board in 1996. In the same year, the department"s master"s program in architectural design and theory was approved by the State Council"s academic sub-committee. In 2001, the master"s program in architectural history and theory was also approved.Department of City PlanningAs a major subordinate entity under SUCACE, the Department of City Planning was founded in 2001. The first batch of students were enrolled in the same year. The city planning and design program grew out of the architectural program with the aim of fostering urban physical design talents.The department shares teaching facilities and staff with the architectural department and has an extended teaching staff through exchange and cooperation with numerous city planning and design professionals. Young and middle-aged teachers form the core of the teaching and research faculty, including one doctorate tutor, 8 master tutors. Most of the teachers have high academic rankings (professor or associated professor). With the Pearl Delta region in focus, teachers from the city planning and design department conducted researches in the fields of urban design and city growth, urban open spaces and landscape morphology, human habitat, and other related subjects, and have achieved national recognition.Teaching of the department places equal emphases on fundamentals and practical skills – on the one hand, trainings in basic knowledge and skills are emphasized pursuant to the practical nature of design; on the other hand, students are encourage to develop their sensitivity toward the surrounding environment, and understanding of the impact of contemporary technology, social and economic development on their field of study. By taking advantage of Shenzhen"s strategic location, the department strives to face new problems and challenges raised by contemporary society and foster quality talents which at the same time have profound understanding of the basics of the subject and are well adapted to the requirements of our time.The curriculum and teaching of the city planning program feature several unique characters:1. comprehensive design teachingBuilt upon the architectural program, the city planning curriculum expands to encompass knowledge of environmental and urban design so as to foster talents of a comprehensive understanding of urban physical planning.The first three years of the program rely on basic architectural training. In the fourth year, beginning with case studies and analysis, basic theories and practical knowledge of city planning, residential area planning and environmental design will be included in the curriculum. The fifth year will emphasize more on comprehensive training and over professional skills and knowledge.2. close link with related fieldsConnectivity among architectural, urban and environmental design is emphasized in the program. Built up a solid foundation of basic architectural training, and incorporating background knowledge of urban design, environmental design, as well as sociology, economics, cultural studies, the program will help the students to command comprehensive knowledge of physical environment.3. drawing on the strength of the architectural programThe existent faculty of SUCACE features strong design talents. Most of our teachers arequite accomplished in theoretical learning and have rich experience in planning practice. Over the years, they have provided successful planning schemes of science and technology parks, university campuses, residential areas, and urban centers. This emphasis on “practical ability” forms a sound foundation for a teaching method reminiscent of the Bauhaus tradition.4. a teaching that combines theory and practiceCity planning and design is a subject of practical application. Through nearly two decades" accumulation and development, the architectural department has establish one of the best architectural library in China. The strategic location of Shenzhen also facilitates frequent academic exchange with Hong Kong, Macau and foreign countries so that the students are constantly informed of the latest development of the planning profession. Meanwhile, close working relationship between the department and SUIADR guarantees remarkable opportunities of professional practice for teachers and students alike.5. a teaching philosophy that reflects local characteristicsShenzhen has been in the forefront of China"s reforms and open policy. It enjoys a more favorable economic development and comparatively mature market economy. Its city planning and development constantly face new challenges, while its sub-tropic climate and unique cultural factors promote an ongoing quest for relevant planning theories and methodology.Department of Civil EngineeringOriginally called the Department of Structure and Civil Engineering, this department was founded in 1984 and formally enrolled its first students in 1985. It has two majors – civil engineering and construction management. Since 1999, the department also offers a master"s program in structural engineering. Another master"s program in construction management will be offered in 2004. Almost parallel to the development of the special economic zone, two decades of endeavor by teachers and student and unwavering support from the university have resulted in a well equipped Department of Civil Engineering with a highly qualified faculty, unique teaching curriculum, and numerous research achievements. It has provided many research and engineering talents for Shenzhen Special Economic Zone in the fields of civil engineering, construction management and urban development. The department has become an influential educational institution that links teaching, research and design practice. The department has a number of important laboratories and research centers which have achieved national and provincial research awards.The Department of Civil Engineering attaches great importance to its graduate and undergraduate programs. All teachings are in conformance with relevant national requirements and adapted to local demand of Shenzhen city. Putting theory into practice has become a major feature in our teaching. The department has set up an advisory committee of educational cooperation which invites outside leading experts and professional to assist the formation of teaching curriculum and participate examinations of graduate theses. Internship in sizable construction firms or design institutes is compulsory for the students in order to ensure the acquisition of practical skills and knowledge.The department currently has 320 undergraduate students. Our students are very active in all kinds of university activities and organizations.
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CAD Drafter
2023-07-16 21:37:333

建筑效果图 建筑表现图 的英文应该怎么说?

每个词都是有很多种不一样的说法的我觉得如下都可以吧building design sketchbuilding design renderingbuilding design perspective
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建筑群的英文:architectural complex参考例句:Wye Lea is a collection of farm buildings that have been converted into an attractive complex.“怀河草地”是一处由农舍改造而成的赏心悦目的建筑群。The construction cluster is situated at the border of the greening belt.建筑群位于绿化带边缘。Detailed,large-scale diagram of part of a town,district,group of buildings,etc(城市、区、建筑群等的)详图An entrance or vestibule to a temple or group of buildings.入口,山门寺庙或建筑群的入口The building or buildings occupied by such a school or institution.校舍这样一个学校或学院的建筑或建筑群They form a graceful architectural complex of ancient temples.它们构成了优美的古庙建筑群。It is the grandest integral palace complex still remaining in China.它是中国现存规模最大的宫殿建筑群。This villa shows a distinctive elegance amid the group of buildings.在这些建筑群中,这座别墅体现出与众不同的雅致。Many ugly blocks of flats were put up in the 1960"s.许多难看的公寓式建筑群都是六十年代建造的.The track led them to a huddle of out buildings.那条小路把他们带到了一片杂乱拥挤的附属建筑群。
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