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Ghost 操作失误!求高手挽救硬盘数据!!EasyRecovery

2023-05-19 17:05:39
TAG: over cover co cove









不用这么麻烦啊!自己去买一个有简易系统(直接从光盘启动的简易系统)的系统盘,就是装系统的那种盘,进入了简易系统就可以看到原来的E F等盘,在借个移动硬盘把资料烤出来,OK

* 回复内容中包含的链接未经审核,可能存在风险,暂不予完整展示!
所有前提是硬盘没有物理损坏,以diskedit(诺顿2.0 for windows中获取),diskman(华军软件园),norton(d版),unfomat(其它兼容的反格式化软件也可)等软件为基础,如果多少精通一下下汇编就再理想不过啦!呵呵~~~~ 好,万事就绪!先说一下当系统分区表被误操作或病毒破坏时会出现的现象。1:启动显示no rom basic。2:启动显示invalid partition table。3:无显示(如遭cih毒手)。4:提示硬盘逻辑分区错误无法正常识别(如提示逻辑盘符超过z,并切fdisk等程序无法识别)5:对于award bios可能还会提示硬盘无法初始化(没用过ami的,不知道会有什么显象……) 知道了表象现在来研究一下本质,我尽可能简单的解释一下硬盘的物理结构和各种参数。众所周知,硬盘的主引导区位于硬盘的0柱0面1区包含有若干分区表项,共有64字节。其中每个分区项有16字节包括以下一些信息: 第一字节,是引导标志,其中80为活动分区00为非活动分区。 第二字节,起始磁头,表明分区的起始位置。 第二字节,表示起始扇区,其中低六位(简单说就是*右面的六位)为起始扇区,高二位为起始柱面(有时也会加上第四字节)。 第三字节,表示硬盘柱面信息。 第四字节,确定起始柱面的的低八位。 第五字节,决定分区的类型,06代表fat16,0b代表fat32,63代表unix分区。 第6字节: 终止磁头 第7字节: 低6位为终止扇区, 高2位与第8字节为终止柱面 第8字节: 终止柱面的低8位 第9-12字节: 该分区前的扇区数目 第13-16字节: 该分区占用的扇区数目 扩展分区的信息位于上面所示的硬盘分区表中,逻辑分区的信息则位于扩展分区的起始扇区,可通过查找上面的表得到起始地址“x面/x扇区/x柱”所对应的扇区。分区信息的16个字节表示的是逻辑驱动器(d:e:……)的起始和结束地址。了解这些后当分区表破坏后我们就能利用各种软件来进行手工恢复,如果没有就手的软件的话那么fdisk/mbr手工填写参数也马马虎虎啦!呵呵~~~ 手工恢复分区时推荐使用全中文界面且支持虚拟操作的diskman!至于大名鼎鼎的diskedit因为操作过于复杂非老鸟甚用!不然一时失手可能连哭都来不及……。 具体步骤是 1:检查c盘活动分区有效标志80是否存在。 2:编辑0柱1磁头1扇区,查看末尾是否有55aa的有效标志。 3:根据自己分区的情况依次检查分区的类型标志,引导标志和系统标志是否与自己的硬盘相同如不同就改为正确的。致此分区引导记录应该被恢复的七七八八了。 4:选择diskman菜单中重建分区表一项,从0柱0磁头2扇区以自动或者交互两种方式开始扫描硬盘,建议对硬盘参数有较深了解的人选择交互方式,由于自己对自己的硬盘比较了解所以成功的可*性大些。不了解的人还是选择自动好些……至此,运气好的话应该可以恢复硬盘的使用了,如果只是分区有问题加之上天保佑的话至此能进入98也是有可能的!备份好必要的数据后最好重新分区并且foimat /u。如果不能使用但可以用启动盘引导后可以得到硬盘的控制权就是说可以进入分区,这时可以使用一些杀毒软件(kv3000)的重建分区功能。毕竟人家正规军的办法比起咱这土办法应该还是牢*些的。如果还不成的话那我也只好拿出最后的法宝了!用debug搞定它! 事先声明,下面这段debug我只用过一次,虽然幸运的成功了但不保证适用于所有硬盘,而且说实话我的debug水平也就是马马虎虎应付场面的,实在不够牢*,只提供一下思路,大家用的时候最好搞清楚再来。如果实在没着了照搬也成,反正已经不能用了也不会有更烂的后果……不过至于到底会出现什么后果没我责任哦!呵呵~~~~~ debug a 100 mov ax,201 */以下三行是对寄存器的操作 mov bx,200 moc cx,1 int 13 */调用中断13对硬盘写操作 int 3 g=200 d 3b0 3ff e 3be 80 */针对引导区添入引导区有效标志80 e 102 3 g-100 到这如果还搞不定那我也没办法了……只好送修或者找人用专用设备读出残存的数据,不过花费银子不菲,不如买了新的省心!呵呵~~~~ 恢复分区说完了现在聊一下如何恢复数据。由于恢复数据和硬盘大小参数密切相关所以不能具体到没一块硬盘这里也只是给一下大致的操作方法,具体到每人的硬盘还要根据自己的具体情况来搞定。 答案补充
1:假设c全毁(一般我们见势不妙都会立刻关机所以除c外其它硬盘不会受到太大的损失)需要恢复d上的文件(我们大多数重要文件不会存在c盘吧?)。按上面的方法先恢复分区,如果有一个大小及逻辑分区都相同或者至少不是差得很夸张的完好硬盘就最理想不过!只需备份下它的分区表恢复即可!(对于仅有分区表被毁的现象此种恢复方法应列为第一优先的考虑!) 2:这里就要用到diskedit了。恢复分区重新启动后运行diskedit d:/m按f6以分区表方式查找,一般可以找到x道1头1扇区(x值难以确定)。由于从1磁头开始那么其为第一逻辑分区即d的可能很大,如此则其原始连接应在x道0头1扇区,通过info-> driver info查看该扇区得到原主分区的结束位置。因为主分区一般开始于0道0头1扇,现在可以大致确定下主分区的信息了。 3:执行tools->recalcuate partition添入刚刚得到的参数重新计算分区,然后写入到硬盘并重新启动。 4:format c:/s重新填充c的引导信息 答案补充
5:再重启,执行(un)format /z:8 d:恢复d的原始簇值(因为如此恢复分区簇的数量和原先的数量不同的可能性较大) 6:如为fat32分区则以diskedit /m维护模式编辑磁盘将主分区表中1c2h中的0600改为0b00将fat清零为重新格式化fat32做准备 7:重新启动后先运行format /z:8 d:完成后在进行反格式化unformat此时文件应该大部恢复。当然可能部分文件名字会有出入但不会变化太大。 注:此种恢复操作是针对fat16如果分区为fat32那可以省不少的事,但个别时候操作上可能更繁琐些。 - C.° 回答采纳率:82.1% 2009-03-24 20:32 你可以先用光盘启动电脑,在WINPE下,用DISKGENIUS可以搜索到丢失的分区。答案补充
fdisk /mbr 是重建主引导记录,就是第一扇区里的那小段程序,不会动到最后连的分区表。答案补充




fo 即follow,unfo 即unfollow,最早出现在Twitter里。fo意思可以理解为收听(某个人的发言);unfo 可以理解为取消收听,现在一般用在微博上。LZ玩微博的话慢慢就会明白的
2023-01-03 16:32:091


2023-01-03 16:32:152


就是费城76人队(1982-1983赛季) 总成绩65胜17负,胜率79.3%。主力阵容有摩西·马龙、“J博士”朱利叶斯·欧文、托尼、奇克斯和鲍勃·琼斯。由于76人队直接进入半决赛,所以每轮都是7战4胜。马龙在复赛前发誓说:“FO!FO!FO!”,“FO”就是“FOUR” (四),意思是76人队将全部以4:0过关斩将夺得冠军。结果马龙的预言只差一场,他们在半决赛中4:0横扫对手后,在东部决赛中只输给雄鹰队一场,最后又以4:0击败湖人队夺得总冠军。后每一位选手在他们的冠军戒措上刻“FO”的字样。
2023-01-03 16:32:316


fo原来是推特上的,就是follow ,,..等于微博的 关注.同理:unfo 就是unfollow 等于 取消关注 ...
2023-01-03 16:32:542

Thank you for your existence! I was touched! Unfo

2023-01-03 16:33:063

unfoid3D Network 怎么设置成中文

unfoid3D Network 设置成中文步骤:打开一个项目,创建一个场景。2.在菜单栏中,创建一个空的GameObject,改名为ChineseFontObject,这个对象作为GUI的容器来使用。3.在Project中创建一个GUI Skin,改名为ChineseFontSkin。4.在Inspector对上面创建的ChineseFontSkin进行一些小设置,例如将Button中Normal的Text Color改成黄色/将Label中Normal的Text Color改成绿色。
2023-01-03 16:33:181


Growth record allIn the springInscribed on the word treeOur dormitory, our loveAnd tonight, I hugged the lonely to sleepVideo essay, live momentXX city sceneryUnforgettable campusLive moment · image articlesOnce there was a silly girlSuper files
2023-01-03 16:33:249


激活你账户的步骤。。为保护你滴账户安全,已经冻结啦。可能是账户没什么交易或者想通过不正常渠道进入你账户引起滴~ 按下面的按钮,它会将激活连接发送到你滴邮箱~。一旦你点击了邮箱里的激活链接,你的账户就可以用啦。注意:同样要查看垃圾邮件文件夹,并且阅读以下安全提示1,为了账户安全,不要告诉别人你的身份证,EMAIL,密码~~~2,建议3个月换一次密码。3,避免在不同的站点使用同样的账号和密码4,上网安全,不要上不良网站也别下载盗版软件。5,不要再盗版服务器上玩,你的信息不安全且这是不合法的。6.在公用电脑上使用后要清除个人信息。
2023-01-03 16:34:014


“对您造成的不便我深感抱歉”用英文怎么说, 如何用英语说“对您造成的不便我深感抱歉”? 1、i"m very sorry for the inconvenience of what we give you 2、I"m sorry for bothering you 3、Inconvenience caused to you I am deeply sorry 4、i am really sorry for troubling you 5、I am deeply sorry for your inconvenience caused by me. 6、I feel so sorry that made you unfotable. 7、Creates to you inconveniences me to deeply feel the regret 8、"We apologize for the inconvenience" 给贵司造成的不便,我司深感抱歉的英文怎么说 Inconvenient creates which for the expensive department, our pany deeply feels the regret 为此给您带来的不便深感抱歉 英文怎么讲? Sorry for my bothering. 求大神翻译成英语: 对此带来的不便我深感抱歉 I feel deeply regreted for the inconvenience. 对由次带来的不便深感抱歉 愿这一年不再蹉跎,不再为一点小事伤心动怒,也不再为一些小人愤愤不平。失败不可怕,怕的是没有尽力,学会独立,告别依赖,对软弱的自己说再见,从容面对生活。踏实一些,你想要的,岁月统统会还给你。人生苦短,不必遗憾,若是美好,叫做精彩,若是糟糕,叫做经历。忘却一切烦恼,开心度过每一天。 给你们造成的不便我深表歉意! 用英语怎么说? I"m terribly sorry for the inconveniences it has caused to you. 由于网路问题而对您造成的不便我们表示十分歉意!请帮忙翻成英文,谢谢!急! 问题:应该是inconvenience !brought 比impose 好点,口语化而且包含广阔。 We are very sorry about the inconvenience we brought you due to the neork problems. 抱歉,英文怎么说? I"m sorry. So sorry, I"m very/really/terribly/awfully/extremely sorry.(十分抱歉) 我对此真的十分抱歉。 I"m sorry about that. 我感到十分抱歉. I am terribly sorry for it. 还有劳驾,不好意思,抱歉excuse me 深感抱歉Much to my regret
2023-01-03 16:34:161


被其他艺人演绎过的歌曲S.H.ERemember-『S.H.E青春株式会社2002』作曲/编曲:Jade Valerie Villalon/Roberto Geoman RosanAlways On My Mind-『S.H.E Together 2003.01』Read My Mind-『Jade 2002』【SweetBox】作曲/编曲: Jade Valerie Villalon/Roberto Geoman Rosan/Heiko Schmidt爱情的海洋-『S.H.E 美丽新世界2003.01』Every Time-『Classified 2001』【SweetBox】作曲/编曲:Jade Valerie Villalon/Roberto Geoman Rosan/Heiko Schmidt爱呢-『S.H.E 美丽新世界2003.01』That Night-『Classified 2001』【SweetBox】作曲/编曲:Roberto Geoman Rosan/Heiko Schmidt痛快-『S.H.E Encore 2004.11』由GEO编写摇滚部分作曲:左安安编曲:Roberto Geoman Rosan(OT)我爱你-『S.H.E Encore 2004.11』More Than Love-『After The Lights 2004』【SweetBox】作曲/编曲:Jade Valerie Villalon/Roberto Geoman Rosan(OT为其他艺人首发。此曲为she首发,sweetbox版本为原始版及母带。)(OT)Super Star-『S.H.E Super Star 2003.08』China Girl-『Adagio 2004』【SweetBox】作曲/编曲:Jade Valerie Villalon/Roberto Geoman Rosan(OT为其他艺人首发。此曲为she首发,sweetbox版本为原始版及母带。)宇宙小姐-『S.H.E FM S.H.E [我的电台...(未来电台版)]2008.09.23』Crush-『Out Of The Box 2007.11.04』【Jade Valerie】作曲/编曲:Jade Valerie Villalon/Roberto Geoman Rosan天亮了-『S.H.E FM S.H.E [我的电台...(未来电台版)]2008.09.23』Like A Bird-『Bittersweet Symphony 2008.03.05』【Jade Valerie】作曲/编曲:Jade Valerie Villalon/Roberto Geoman Rosan我爱烦恼-『S.H.E FM S.H.E [我的电台...(未来电台版)]2008.09.23』原曲非Jade/盒子创作,但中文版本由GEO编写摇滚部分,原曲为This Is My Life-Dobson Fefe作曲:Dobson Fefe/Steinberg Billy/Alexander Josh 编曲:Roberto Geoman Rosan注:以上歌曲中我爱你、Super Star均为S.H.E首发,SWEETBOX的版本就是原始版及DEMO(母带),而且这两首歌都是由该华研(she唱片公司)发行。本多RURU第几次-『本多RURU Single 2001』Every Time-『Classified 2001』【SweetBox】作曲/编曲:Jade Valerie Villalon/Roberto Geoman Rosan/Heiko SchmidtYummy五分熟-『Yummy Yummy』Don"t Push Me-『Jade 2002』【SweetBox】作曲/编曲:Jade Valerie Villalon/Roberto Geoman Rosan陈明真想你的瞬间-『陈明真 两个』Every Time-『Classified 2001』【SweetBox】作曲/编曲:Jade Valerie Villalon/Roberto Geoman Rosan/Heiko Schmidt七朵花魔咒-『七朵花七朵花』Unforgiven-『Jade 2002』【SweetBox】作曲/编曲:Jade Valerie Villalon/Roberto Geoman Rosan浜崎あゆみ(滨崎步) Ayumi Hamasaki(OT)Rainy Day -『滨崎步 Miss Understood 2006.01.01』Every Step-『Addicted 2006.03.01』【SweetBox】作曲/编曲:Roberto Geoman Rosan(OT)Pride-『滨崎步 Miss Understood 2006.01.01』Pride-『Addicted 2006.03.01』【SweetBox】』作曲/编曲:Roberto Geoman Rosan(OT)Ladies Night-『滨崎步 Miss Understood 2006.01.01』Ladies Night-『Addicted 2006.03.01』【SweetBox】作曲/编曲:Roberto Geoman Rosan(OT)In The Corner -『滨崎步 Miss Understood 2006.01.01』In The Corner【SweetBox】作曲/编曲:Roberto Geoman Rosan/Tasuku(OT)Beautiful Day -『滨崎步 Miss Understood 2006.01.01Beautiful Girl-『Addicted 2006.03.01』【SweetBox】作曲/编曲:Roberto Geoman Rosan(OT)Bold And Delicious-『滨崎步 Miss Understood 2006.01.01』Bold And Delicious-『Addicted 2006.03.01』【SweetBox】作曲/编曲:Roberto Geoman Rosan(以上6首歌曲全部为Ayu首发。sweetbox版本为原始版及母带。另外,部分曲目Jade早在2005年韩国演唱会中演唱过。其后部分曲目由AVEX公司在AYU发行后的两个月后给SWEETBOX发行。)ASHSuper StarChina Girl-『Adagio 2004』【SweetBox】作曲/编曲:Jade Valerie Villalon/Roberto Geoman RosanU;NeeOh! Punch(2005)【 U;Nee 】Don"t Push Me-『Jade 2002』【SweetBox】作曲/编曲:Jade Valerie Villalon/Roberto Geoman Rosan白智英Crush (JADE与白智英合唱)【SweetBox】Crush-『Out Of The Box 2007.11.04』【Jade Valerie】作曲/编曲:Jade Valerie Villalon/Roberto Geoman Rosan神话Kim Dong WanYou Don"t Know Me -『Out Of The Box(韩国版)2008.04.26』【Jade Valerie】(JADE与Kim Dong Wan合唱)You Don"t Know Me-『Out Of The Box 2007.11.04』【Jade Valerie】作曲/编曲:Jade Valerie Villalon/Roberto Geoman RosanSkye Alexandra SweetnamSuper StarChina Girl-『Adagio 2004』【SweetBox】作曲/编曲:Jade Valerie Villalon/Roberto Geoman Rosan[注:括号中标注的是JADE演唱的原曲或亲自演绎的英文版本以及所在专辑名称、发行年份]以上歌曲中翻唱作品为:《Remember》(S.H.E)《爱情的海洋》(S.H.E)《爱呢》(S.H.E)《Always On My Mind》(S.H.E)《宇宙小姐》(S.H.E)《天亮了》(S.H.E)《五分熟》(YUMMY)《第几次》(本多RURU)《魔咒》(七朵花)《想你的瞬间》(陈明真)JADE与其音乐制作人GEO特别为其他艺人创作的作品:< Superstar> (S.H.E)< 我爱你> (S.H.E)< Bold & Delicious> (滨崎步)< In The Corner> (滨崎步)< Beautiful Day> (滨崎步)< Rainy Day> (滨崎步)< Pride> (滨崎步)< Ladies" Night> (滨崎步)演唱歌曲1000 Words1000 Words [Orchestra Version]A Whole New WorldAddictedAddictedAddicted [Subaru Commercial Version]Addicted [Pot Black Mix]Addicted [Trance Mix]AddictedAddicted [A Capella]AddictedAddicted [Rich Rich Remix]Addicted [Rich Rich Remix] [A Capella]Addicted [Rich Rich Remix]Addicted [Live in Seoul]After The LightsAfter The Lights [Raw Treasures demo]After The Lights [Live in Seoul]AlrightAlright [Acoustic Version]Always On My MindBeautifulBeautiful GirlBold & DeliciousBold & Delicious [Live in Seoul]Break DownBoyfriendBoyfriendBoyfriendBoyfriend [Sunbeam Remix]BoyfriendBrown Haired BoyChyna GirlCinderellaCinderella [Electric Spice Mix]CinderellaCrazyCrazyCrown Of ThornsCrushDon"t Push MeDon"t Push Me [Acoustic Version]Don"t Push Me [Live in Seoul]Don"t Push Me [Christmas Show 2005]Don"t Push Me [Mnet Countdown]Don"t Push Me [MBC HD 2006]Don"t WannaKill YouDreamsEasy Come,Easy GoEasy Come,Easy Go [Acoustic]Easy Come,Easy Go [Demo Version]Every StepEvery Step [Live in Seoul]Every TimeEvery TimeEvery Time [All Grown Up Version]Every Time [Live in Seoul]EverybodyEverything"s Gonna Be Alright [Jade"s Version]Everything"s Gonna Be Alright [Reborn Classic Version]Everything"s Gonna Be Alright [Reborn]Everything"s Gonna Be Alright [Live in Seoul]FallingFalling (Demo Version)Far AwayFly AwayFool AgainFor The LonelyFor The Lonely [Demo Version]For The Lonely [Even Sweeter Version]For The Lonely [Geo"s Mix]For The Lonely [No Drum Mix]For The LonelyFor The Lonely [Jiggy Joint Remix]For The Lonely [Live in Seoul]For The Lonely [MBC HD 2006]For The LonelyGirl From TokyoGod On VideoGracelandGraceland [Live in Seoul]Happy TearsHate Without FrontiersHate Without Frontiers [Demo Version]Heartbreaker [Demo Version]Here Comes The SunHere Comes The Sun [Live in Seoul]Human SacrificeHuman Sacrifice [Acoustic Version]I Don"t Wanna BeI"ll Be ThereIn the Corners [Demo Version]Killing Me D.JKilling Me D.J [Demo Version]Killing Me D.J [European Version]LacrimosaLadies" NightLadies" Night [Live in Seoul]LibertyLiberty [Live in Seoul]Liberty/Adriana [Demo Version]Life Is CoolLife Is Cool [Kerosin Remix]Life Is CoolLife Is Cool [Futah Remix]Life Is Cool [Jiggy Joint Raggaeton Remix]Life Is Cool [Jiggy Joint Remix]Life Is Cool [Live in Seoul]Lighter Shade Of BlueLighter Shade Of Blue (Here On My Own) [Acoustic Version]Lighter Shade Of Blue (Here on my Own) [European Version]Lighter Shade Of Blue (Here on my Own) [H-Run-Dadas Remix]Lighter Shade Of Blue (Here on my Own)Merry X-MasMillion MilesMiss YouMore Than LoveNot DifferentNot Different (I Laugh, I cry)Not Your Doctor [Acoustic]O Come All Ye FaithfulOn The RadioOne KissOver & OverOxygenPiano In The DarkPretty In PinkPridePride [Live in Seoul]Read My MindRead My Mind [Acoustic]Read My Mind [Crystal Edition]Read My Mind [Extended Crystal Edition]Read My Mind [Merry Crystal Edition]Read My Mind [Jazztronic Version]Read My Mind [Live in Seoul]Real EmotionRememberSacredSacrificeScreamSilent NightSo DamnedSomewhereSorryStaySuperstarTestimonyThat NightThe Winner Takes It AllThis ChristmasTime Of My LifeTour De FranceTrying To Be Me [Radio Version]Trying To Be Me [A Capella]Trying To Be MeUnforgivenUnforgiven [Acoustic Version]Unforgiven [Geo"s Remix]UnfogivenUtopiaUtopia [Acoustic Version]Vaya Con DiosVaya Con Dios [Live in Seoul]WaterfallWe can work it outYou Can"t HideM-1 Minute By Minute M-2 Bullet ProofM-3 I Know You"re Not AloneM-4 Air RaidM-5 Under The InfluenceM-6 Shot Gun /M-7 DizzyM-8 Fever-9 Nothing Bout NothingM-10 EchoM-11 Undo This HurtM-12 I Don"t Give A Damm /M-13 OnceM-14 Indestructible /M-15 Remember This DanceM-16 Everything"s Gonna Be Alright(* BONUS TRACK),M-17 Everything"s Gonna Be Alright-Reborn- / BONUS TRACK)
2023-01-03 16:34:221


《纯情宝贝:密爱钻石富豪》百度网盘txt最新全集下载:链接: 提取码:unfo简介:她替陌生男人代孕生下双胞胎。五年后,他的儿子穿着限量版小西装,冷酷高傲;她的儿子却笑得像只喜羊羊。两个孩子一模一样,气质截然不同。那一刻,他咆哮如雷:女人,你竟敢偷走我一个儿子!(精彩片段)某电视相亲节目上,主持人问:小盆友,你怎么也来相亲?我爸又老又渣,我替妈妈找情人,甩掉他!额?所以你要撬你爸墙角?没错,非诚勿扰!电视机前的冷酷男人,看着荧幕里的小盆友,眸光一冷,女人,你死定了!    
2023-01-03 16:34:311

什么是 rohs 认证

2023-01-03 16:34:416

怎么玩好Instagram : )

2023-01-03 16:35:091

以An unforgattable trip 为题的50词作文 (经历以及感受)

Last holiday I went to Beijing with my father. As we all know,Beijing is the capital of our country,and ther are many places of interest there. We went to the Great Wall first. Oh my god! I can hardly describe it! It"s so long,and it"s really great! I neally couldn"t imagine how it built!I took a lot of photos there. It"s unforgettable. And then we visited the Tian"an Men Square,also,we had fun there.This trip in Beijing let me fell the excellent things in our country. I"ll never forget this trip! I want to go there again!
2023-01-03 16:35:152

英语翻译 一天之内

Time is like a river, the left bank of which is the unfogotten memory and the right bank is the ages of youth that is worth holding. What runs in this river is the vague sadness. There are so many good things in the world but few of them belong to you. Watch the flowers blossoming and fading and be calm whether glories or shames are with you; keep an eye on clouds gathering or scattering and don"t mind their coming and going. In this ever-changing, profane world, it is a good mental state for us to treat everything in a common attitude. Happy every day!百度教育团队【海纳百川团】
2023-01-03 16:35:246


图1 。一典型hierachy 。 然而, NCIA 由一种严谨理论支持。另一方面, 比较被使用在AHP pairwise 是mutiplicative 和因而按比率。Salo 争辩说, 特选区别应该被使用为比较以便"AHP 构成multiattribute 价值测量的一个定量地意味深长的变形。" 因为由Dodd 指出, 然而, 这是太简单的事: 近的平等属性比较有效地是区别,当那些属性有一个另外数量级是比率。这是currrent 研究范围。但是, MAHP empiricizes 这个反常现象以战略共同对数字分析员是, 解释领域的线性化。 Funamental, 和不充分地解决, 问题关系正常化和相互依赖性在属性之间并且被开发。更加基本问题被介入在等级制度的方法学由Dodd 和Donegan 谈论。 怎么数据绘图可能是被使用的钛对用途十字架扩大AHP 的应用冲击是, 线性计分被显示。(这可能是有用的与大和non-hierarchical 网络打交道) 。使用这些, 我们能与投掷有趣的光比较这些三方法学的结果在他们的可靠性。结果生产了由AHP 的形式, MAHP 的修改过的分析hiearchy 过程, 构想修订一些AHP 缺点, 并且被给。 爱丁堡方法 这unfomalized 方法被使用了在耐心区域的防火安全评估爱丁堡调查在医院。它使用相互影响分析在不同的水平在系统。各个元素的重要性被估计在一Likert 等级, 以价值形式0 到5, 相对各个元素在水平上立刻在它之上。因而,各个水平在hierachy 有一个伴生的矩阵, 列nimber 合计元素nimber 在那个水平和列数, 元素的数量在被倍增在相似情况下当几份蛋糕食谱矩阵可能以成份的费用的矩阵乘产生不同的蛋糕的成本价。
2023-01-03 16:35:471


  游乐园是一件很开心的事情,那么关于游乐园的 英语 作文 应该怎么写呢?以下是我为大家整理的,有关游乐园的英语作文,希望大家喜欢。   游乐园的英语作文 范文 篇一   This morning, the air is fresh, the weather was very sunny, sunny, I and my mother to buy clothes, the store of people coming and going, particularly exciting, buy the clothes, we went to a nearby park to play.   Went to the amusement park, I saw a beautiful fountain, fountain stood many heat in the photograph, also see a lot of people in the appreciation of the exotic flowers and rare herbs, there are people who play in the playground in the game, and we play together.   We first went to the pirate ship side, bought a ticket, sit on the pirate ship.   The pirate ship launched, we fasten the safety belt, the pirate ship turn ah turn, sitting on top of the people screaming, rang people bashing t thaw, the pirate ship, we went to buy the ring, five ring, I throw, but did not expect to throw a Amoy mud little doll, brother Gao Xing face joy bloom.   Now it"s him, he gently away, was thrown into a tumbler, then three, was thrown into the car, chess, and goldfish. After the play, we ate there went home happily.   To play really happy playground!   游乐园的英语作文范文篇二   I went Hangzhou Paradise Park with my relatives last weekend.It"s about a half hour drive from the center of Hangzhou.   This is a pretty big park,which includes a water park.We came he remainly to swim,so we did not spend a lot of time looking at the other attractions,like the roller coaster,pirateship,etc.However,we noticed that quite a lot of equipment was not working for what ever reason.   The water park was OK,The swimming area is kep tpretty clean.The water slidesare not very steep,but only accessible for people that are taller than 1.5m,which was a little bit of adisappointment for my nephew.   Next to the water park,thereareafew small restaurants.We went to a North Chinese dumpling restaurant,which served pretty goodfood.   Overall.if you want to come here to enjoy the attractions you may bedisappointed.the water park serves it spurpose.   游乐园的英语作文范文篇三   I went to the amusement park with my friends last weekend,and we had a good time.   At first,we went to the roller coaster.It"s really excited.And then,we went to 3D cinima,and saw a movie together.To tell you the truth,it was a little boring.At last ,we went to the corsair .And we all screamed   It"s an unfogettable experience for me.And I want to go to that amusement park again!   游乐园的英语作文范文篇四   Yesterday, my friends with I went to amusement park. We got a lot of fan. We got there was 10 o"clock and we haven"t eatten anything in that time,so we dicided to eat something. We ate some buger and hotdog, drink some juice. after that meal.   W played much things such as span house, roller coaster,bumper car, a pirate boat, shooter and so on .   I think the best time is with friends to play in amusement park. 看了去游乐园的英语作文还看: 1. 小学英语作文:熊猫去游乐园 2. 去动物园英语作文五年级 3. 一次旅行英语作文4篇 4. 游乐园英文怎么说
2023-01-03 16:35:531

The Unforgiven 和The Unforgiven II分别表达了什么意思?

2023-01-03 16:36:032


  小朋友们都很喜欢去游乐园,那么怎么写关于游乐园的 英语 作文 呢?以下是我为大家整理的,有关游乐园的英语作文,希望大家喜欢。   游乐园的英语作文一   I went Hangzhou Paradise Park with my relatives last weekend.It"s about a half hour drive from the center of Hangzhou.   This is a pretty big park,which includes a water park.We came he remainly to swim,so we did not spend a lot of time looking at the other attractions,like the roller coaster,pirateship,etc.However,we noticed that quite a lot of equipment was not working for what ever reason.   The water park was OK,The swimming area is kep tpretty clean.The water slidesare not very steep,but only accessible for people that are taller than 1.5m,which was a little bit of adisappointment for my nephew.   Next to the water park,thereareafew small restaurants.We went to a North Chinese dumpling restaurant,which served pretty goodfood.   Overall.if you want to come here to enjoy the attractions you may bedisappointed.the water park serves it spurpose.   游乐园的英语作文二   I went to the amusement park with my friends last weekend,and we had a good time.   At first,we went to the roller coaster.It"s really excited.And then,we went to 3D cinima,and saw a movie together.To tell you the truth,it was a little boring.At last ,we went to the corsair .And we all screamed   It"s an unfogettable experience for me.And I want to go to that amusement park again!   游乐园的英语作文三   Yesterday, my friends with I went to amusement park. We got a lot of fan. We got there was 10 o"clock and we haven"t eatten anything in that time,so we dicided to eat something. We ate some buger and hotdog, drink some juice. after that meal.   W played much things such as span house, roller coaster,bumper car, a pirate boat, shooter and so on .   I think the best time is with friends to play in amusement park.   游乐园的英语作文四   This morning, the air is fresh, the weather was very sunny, sunny, I and my mother to buy clothes, the store of people coming and going, particularly exciting, buy the clothes, we went to a nearby park to play.   Went to the amusement park, I saw a beautiful fountain, fountain stood many heat in the photograph, also see a lot of people in the appreciation of the exotic flowers and rare herbs, there are people who play in the playground in the game, and we play together.   We first went to the pirate ship side, bought a ticket, sit on the pirate ship.   The pirate ship launched, we fasten the safety belt, the pirate ship turn ah turn, sitting on top of the people screaming, rang people bashing t thaw, the pirate ship, we went to buy the ring, five ring, I throw, but did not expect to throw a Amoy mud little doll, brother Gao Xing face joy bloom.   Now it"s him, he gently away, was thrown into a tumbler, then three, was thrown into the car, chess, and goldfish. After the play, we ate there went home happily.   To play really happy playground!游乐园英语作文相关推荐: 1. 游乐园英文怎么说 2. 去游乐园玩的小学生日记 4. 游乐园的英文怎么读
2023-01-03 16:36:111


2023-01-03 16:36:176

SAT 语法问题

1being unfouned是正在被建造, 去掉being2. n doing/done 修饰n; s v o, doing/done 修饰主语。 所以store 不能wandering. 3. pressing a button 主语是MK 如果这样说,主语就成了vacuum cleaner4.句子是过去是,has led 是现在时间范畴,改成: led 即可
2023-01-03 16:36:401


sorry.My english is bad.
2023-01-03 16:36:466

求WWE的PPV大赛的中英文 对比

是的不假 每年都是这几个 但是 WWE会做出调整 有时候 不一定 就是哪个月 是哪场大赛
2023-01-03 16:37:103


2023-01-03 16:37:222


good evening,ladies and gentlemen.Welcome to our Holloween party held by ....Thank for very much your attendence!We have prepared spectacular performances and interesting games for you.i hope you all enjoy yourselves!now let"s begin~! A:How time flies!there"s not enough time for me to enjoy it! B:yeah.I really have a good time tonight. A:Have you got to know some knowledge about Holloween,...(name) B:Yes,but not much. A:doesn"t matter,please go on. B:as we all know,Holloween is the day to drive evil spirits awayas well as to celebrate our harvest in the year. to me ,one of the best presents I recieve is my new friends here.I love you ,guys! A:thank you!well,it"s time to say goodbye now.But again,let"s express our gratitude to the staff who brought us such a fantastic gala.we may not have such a good time without them.thank you! ladies and gentlemen,thank you for your coming again.wish all of you can have a plentiful harvest new year!see you! (开场白) gonnd晚上,男孩和女孩,女士们,我们的万圣节gentlemen.Welcome党,是由....首先,我们举行了协会的代表,我想人组为您attendence.actually我们最深切的感谢。特别是我们准备了一些演出和toninght小游戏,我们希望大家能有一个愉快和unfogettable晚上。
2023-01-03 16:37:314


2023-01-03 16:37:454


2023-01-03 16:38:006


Fly to the sky成员 注:Brian是出生在美国的拥有美籍的韩国人 韩文名: ????(Brian)、???(原名:朱珉奎) 韩文发音: Joo Min Gyu 身高 :176cm (BB在08年HAHA电台说实际身高为172.69cm ) 体重 :60KG 鞋码 :290MM 腰围 :29 inc 衣服号码 :100 brian刚出道时(5张) 个性 :开朗活泼 学历 : H.ashton marsm school(1-4年级) Emma c. attales(5-8年级) Holy spirit high school(9-12年级) 大学 :RUTGERS UNIVERSITY 1年级 (美国罗格斯大学) 东国大学 (?????)(BRIAN曾经在这个大学注册,但是没去上学) 家庭 :父母(在一家叫泰姬陵的赌场做发牌员),一个哥哥 ,嫂子,两个侄女(??? ???)[朱孝恩 朱孝利] 血型 :A 星座: 魔羯座 视力 :左:1.5 右1.5 宗教 :基督教 习惯 :咬指甲,碰手指 兴趣 :看电影,篮球,上网聊天 特长 :ENGLISH RAP MAKING & RAPXINKE 喜欢的颜色 :蓝色 喜欢的饮 料:桃味NESYI 喜欢的食物 :PASTA。蘑菇牛肉铁板饭 喜欢的餐厅 :意大利式的餐厅 喜欢的服饰 :HIO HOP型的 喜欢的香水 :AKUADI 喜欢的单词 :GOD BLESS 喜欢的人的类型 :有趣的 不喜欢人的类型 :沉默少语的 想见的演员 :车太贤 最想采访的明星 :JINUSEAN,刘承俊,GOD的 TEAWOO 做梦都想见的电影明星 :正在锡 采访的时候不可缺的人物 : FTTS 在演艺圈最想知道的事 :演技和收益是否成正比 口头禅 :EN ~~~好啊``` 喜欢的艺人 :HOT, GOD的TEA WOO,BLACK BEAT,朴孝信 brain生活照(11张) 喜欢的电影 : PIMILE MAN 解除压力的方 法:把心里话告诉亲密的人 宝贝 :家人。FANY的信和礼物。FTTS 理想的异性 :小巧可爱、开朗活泼 喜欢哪种女孩 :大眼睛,功课好,有幽默感的女孩子 喜欢的歌手 :Michael Jackson、 JAY-Z、NAS、NSYNC 座右铭 :相信上帝那么所有的好事都会来到 编辑本段二、从业经历 一九九九年,SM Entertainment宣布,继H.O.T.、神话、S.E.S.等大获成功的组合之后,会力棒一队二人组合,并定名为Fly To The Sky(飞行青少年),还以「韩国第一队二人R&B组合」作为宣传重点,结果又再奏效,韩国及中港台等地又多了一队大受欢迎的组合。〝飞行青少年Fly to the Sky〞意味着飞翔于未来的梦想与希望,由Brian及Fany两位拥有演唱实力以及迷人的外貌的大男孩所组成。 FTTS的两位成员Brian及Fany背景相当不同,Brian出生于美国,并于当地接受教育,所以他能操一口流利的英语,他自少的梦想是做歌星,所以读书时常常参加大小歌唱比赛。Brian抱着想要成为歌手的梦想,独自搭机从洛杉矶到韩国比赛,结果以压倒性的成绩获选。至於Fany则是地道韩国人,喜欢运动,予人阳光青年的感觉,亦是因为这个优点,他终於被星探发掘出来,一动一静的两位男孩子,就组成了FTTS。 一九九九年十二月,FTTS推出首张专辑,经唱片公司的悉心部署下,FTTS成绩斐然,大碟总销量超过八十万张,主打曲〈Day By Day〉中两人一唱一和,精彩的R&B旋律为他们建立了一个感觉清新而舒服的形象,再加上师兄们H.O.T.拔刀相助,参与多首作品的制作,对FTTS亦帮助不少。 FTTS的第二专辑于二零零一年中推出,两位成员无论在歌路与外形上均成熟了不少,主打曲〈Confession〉继续大受欢迎。他们在中台两地等有不少歌迷,还常到当地宣传和演出,每次皆获得疯狂支持。 新专辑名为《真爱无限》,曲风主要是以正统R&B旋律为主,第一主打、同时也是Title Song的〝Day by Day〞是以暗恋为主题的情歌,虽然语言难懂,但凭柔和的旋律便足 以让人感动许久,并拍摄了一动一静两支不同版本的MTV! 此外,专辑中还有H.O.T.的Kang Ta的创作曲〝In my Dream〞,H.O.T.所有团员也亲自参与了rap的部份;第二主打〝Fly to the Sky〞中更可见两人歌舞俱佳的演出。 编辑本段三、成就和荣誉(一)、主要作品 1、组合专辑 FTTS曾推出专辑 : 1st :《Day By Day》 作品集图册(10张) 2nd : 《约定》 3rd :《Sea Of Love》 4th :《Missing You》 Live:《1st live concert - Unfogettable》 5th :《Gravity》 6th: 《Transition》 7th: 《No Limitations》 remake Album:《Recollection》 8th: 《Decennium》 2、个人专辑 Brian的个人专辑 唱片名称 :《The Brian》 歌手:Brian 发行时间:2006年12月19日 唱片类型:POP [专辑介绍] 2006年上半年有两位人气最高的男人,他们的音乐比以前更加的成熟有魅力,他们是韩国最棒的双人组合,他们叫Fly to the Sky。 Fly to the Sky的两名成员都是多才多艺的万能艺人,现在成员Brian带着他华丽的音乐来到了歌迷面前。这张《The Brian》的音乐制作由成功改变Fly to the Sky风格的黄世俊担任。专辑中的吉他、鼓、口琴等的乐器声有80%是录制的实际乐器演奏声。尤其口琴的演奏使歌曲更加的赋有抒情色彩。另外,像著名的作曲家曹奎满、李尚仁、全承宇、M.S.C等的鼎力相助和著名作词家赵恩姬、尹思罗等的参与使整张专辑增添了不少色彩。 聆听Brian的歌曲,可以感受到他的多种色彩,但这绝不是他的转型成果,而是他把过去没有带给大家的魅力一一给我们展现的结果。Koreaguy/文 [专辑曲目] 01. 活在冬季里的一年 02. 不要走 03. First Date 04. 因为不再爱了 05. 变得相似 06. 不要说 07. 绅士 08. 黑色眼泪 09. 眼泪之中 10. 渴望!渴望! (feat. 尹东勋(Trespass)) 11. All I Know 12. 渴望!渴望! (Remix) 唱片名称 :《Manifold》 歌手:Brian 发行时间:2009年12月10日 唱片类型:POP 专辑介绍 装载21世纪对具时尚都市性的情感与未来怀抱抱负的brian使出浑身解数的第二张专辑 1999-2010 在过去的10年间一直孜孜不倦固守着歌谣界潜力股的brian以精心打造的个人专辑为自己10年的职业生涯递进新的高度,而努力夺取成功决定性的一分! 1999年以FTTS的身份如歌谣界中的彗星一般登场,夺取150万张的高销售额与各种音乐奖项突飞猛进的r&b明星brian作为暂新的出发点公开了其正规个人专辑<Manifold> 名叫“多才多艺(Manifold)”新专辑是之前2006年12月发表的首张个人专辑3年后,作为给我们送达的作品,通过个人努力具有音乐性成果与其本身意志强有力表现的专辑 不管怎样此张专辑是brian本人直接制作统领的,意味着这是第一次的“独辑”,既是把专辑拆借来看也依然自然流畅。ftts活动时4年间并肩合作的经纪人李周兴,现公司代表一起成立了“on point娱乐公司”。以韩国sony music公司的合作,作为展开其海外发展的道路的开端。对于不论是英语还是中国话都运用自如的brian来说仿佛如虎添翼。 展示其多姿多彩风貌的此张专辑集合了许多有实力的音乐人才,还有着超群的歌唱力与优秀的嗓音的brian在专辑中装载呈现出具有都市性的意境。 对于一段时间里活跃于综艺节目的brian,未能见到其音乐部分而遗憾的歌迷朋友们来说,此次专辑可以把这些烦恼放下。就连brian最喜欢的格言都是“如果没有热情又怎么取得巨大的成功”的话(*此后半句不太明白) 1. Dreaming 2. ? ?? 我爱的女人(feat. ????) 3. One Step 4. Erase 5. Tell Me Baby(feat. Day Day of Dalmatian) 6. Lock Me Up 7. Bullet 8. Move It 9. ??? ??? ???? 爱上朋友的女人 (feat. ??? tablo & ??? ? mithra jin) 10. ??? ???…若是泪水干涸... 11. Do It(Move It English Ver.) 12. Tears Run Dry (??? ??? 若是泪水干涸… English Ver.) 13. Bullet (English Ver.) Brian最新单曲《In My Head》(Feat.Jason Derulo 原唱:Jason Derulo) 他还上过很多综艺节目,像女杰,XMAN,夜心万万,童言俱乐部某些期都能看到他的身影哦,可以搜视频看一下的。O(∩_∩)O~
2023-01-03 16:38:271

(she/her)name is lucy应该选那个?

I have a friend.Her name is LinDan.She is ten years old .Her telephone number is 66968988.Hier school card is 75665677.Her English name is Lucy green.
2023-01-03 16:38:335


2023-01-03 16:38:533


1. 关于写游南通水上乐园的作文,不少于500字 授人以鱼不如授人以渔,以下是写作方法: 1、了解新课标的要求, 新课标规定的“写作能力要求”能写记叙文,简单的说明文、议论文和一般应用文,做到思想感情真实、健康,内容具体,中心明确,条理清楚,文字通顺,不写错别字,正确使用标点符号,格式正确,书写规范、工整。初步养成修改文章的习惯。在实际考查中,初中作文考试的重要内容大多是写记叙文,因此掌握记叙文的写作尤为重要。 2、了解作文的评分标准 依据大纲对写作的要求,作文评分标准一般从以下三个方面进行给分,第一是书写,要求书写时字迹工整,标点正确,书写格式规范,都符合要求这项一般占作文分的四分之一,约10分左右。第二是内容。要求作文符合题意,中心明确,内容具体。这部分约占作文总分的三分之一,约占20分左右。第三,是表达,要求作文的结构合理,详略得当,语言顺畅,叙述具体、描写议论得当。这部分约占作文总分的二分之一,30分左右。 从评分标准可以看出,中考作文对书写、中心、语言表达三个方面要求比较高。 学法指导 1.学会确立中心 确立中心最好的办法是学会列提纲。根据题目的要求,思考作文想说明一个什么道理(即文章的中心),然后再考虑选那些材料来写,确定详略,再安排结构,将这个提纲写好后,再二次审题,看自己的提纲是否符合题目要求,如有差误,有时修改(避免成文后才再改,已经来不及了)确得文章能扣题,符合题意。 2.学会恰当地运用描写、议论等表达方式。 作文中凡是能突出中心事件、人物都要有详细地描写,如《合作》一文,详写的部分应是你如何与别人共同完成一件事,那么,你们之间如何合作的过程就非要具体描写不可,而与中心无关的内容,就可以简单几句话略写,甚至不写。 在记叙文中恰当地议论也是非常必要的,一般出现在开头、结尾。在结尾时适当地进行议论可以起到画龙点睛、突出中心的作用。要注意的问题是:议论的语句一定要缘事而发,针对记叙的内容,或谈它的意义,或揭示其规律,或表明自己的态度。 3.注意的几个问题 ①要有语言的储备库 作文平时要多读书,好的文章要背下来,精彩的词句段应抄下来。 ②要有语言的实践训练 平时应加强写作的片段练习,比如仿写续写改写缩写扩写 ③要精写和多写相结合。 好文章不是写出来的是改出来的;勤动笔,以我手写我心 怎样写应试作文 2. 南通方特水上乐园作文 此刻,不上学,不被沉重的书包压垮在地,不被困难和陷阱并围的知识包裹,同学们乘上通往“极乐”的车。快,快,快把书包暂时都扔到角落,背上装有食物的旅包,向梦寐以求的观音山游乐园出发! 晴晴的天,蓝蓝的云,到站后的我胆战心惊。一声声的尖叫,既让我害怕,又让我跃跃欲试的高级游戏——波浪大翻滚。经过三波的同学,终于到我了。不知 怎么的,脚不听使唤了,斗啊斗。我想放弃,却又不舍得走。忐忑不安的我下定决心,想:还好有买保险啊!走就走!我上去后,不关是脚,全身都要垮了,命悬一 线的时刻,企不另我丢魂落魄?安全带,OK!“铃——”本像上课铃的声音,却比往常要来得恐怖。升高,我闭上眼,不时好奇地往下看,很快就后悔了,可接二 连三地看,真是个死性不改的家伙。下面的水喷着,时不时在我向下翻滚的时候,使劲得喷,吓得哦鬼哭狼嚎。我开始扯的着喉咙大喊,几乎发出了有史以来最高的 分贝。上上下下,呜呜啊啊,机器无情地控制住了我们的声音,没办法啊,大家都是“明知山有虎,偏向虎山行!”终于, *** 的第一轮过去了,当我下去时,手早 出汗了,脸烧得通红。接下来的一班,像宇航员归来采访时似得冲上来问我们:“好玩吗?恐怖吗? *** 吗?”毋庸置疑,当然!虽回答不同,但意思却相同。 种种 *** ,种种兴奋,种种紧张,尽在观音山·梦幻海岸主题乐园。放飞心灵,接受自由,放下苦恼,来这只为三个字“玩,玩,玩!” 3. 南通水上乐园一日游(400字) 夏日炎炎,醒暑难熬,爸爸妈妈和叔叔带我来到了路桥水上乐园游玩消热。我们开着车,不一会儿,便到达了目的地。我们来到了大门口,只见上面写着7个醒目的大字--水上乐园欢迎您。我们环望四周,处处是人群,人山人海。我们买好了票进去,里面有卖羊肉串、可乐饮料、小吃类的小摊都有,又有露天茶厅,乐园里风景如画,蓝天碧水,绿草如茵,人们在水里尽情地游泳、嬉戏,十分热闹。 我们换好了泳装,买了一副泳镜,租了一个游泳圈,做了做热身运动,便去参加冲浪。这个人造的浪波涛汹涌。连绵起伏,时猛时柔,变化多端。有的人套着圈,任浪拍打,有的人不畏巨浪,向它挑战,还有的小朋友们则站在谁浅的地方玩水。我和爸爸妈妈一起抱着游泳圈,随着浪拍打,漂来漂去,可舒服了。哈哈,冲浪可真好啊! 冲浪结束了,我们来到了漂流河。由于这里的水会流动,人们静静地躺在游泳圈上,让它漂动,似乎是刚才玩累了,现在要好好的“养精蓄锐”。漂着漂着,我们来到了了漂流河的飞瀑下。这瀑布水倾泻着,却又壮观。水珠四溅,泛起了一朵朵千姿百态的水花,真如李白所写的这句:飞六直下三千尺,疑是银河落九天。爸爸带着我和妈妈穿过瀑布,训练起我的耐性和速度,不一会儿,在爸爸的训练下,我的游泳技术变“更上一层楼”了。 “涛涛,快啊!爸爸带你去玩最最 *** 的高空滑翔梯!”我拉着爸爸的手,望了望滑翔梯。只见它足足有4层楼那么高啊,令人望而生畏,可爸爸硬要拉我去。只见去滑梯的人都不怕,个个神采飞扬,只有我胆小。我来到顶上,人们滑的花样很多,有两个人一起滑下去其中一个人抓住另一个脚的;有的人像开炮似的,一个连一个滑下去;还有的则赶紧抱住游泳圈,坐着滑下去。可我怎么也没有勇气。这时,和我年龄相访的同学滑了下去。我见了心想:男孩子天不怕,地不怕,我豁出去了。爸爸叫我不要怕,还告诉我要脚朝上,头朝下,像做仰卧起坐一样。轮到我了,我壮起胆子,照着爸爸说的话做,滑了下去。上坡时,速度并不快,到了下坡速度极快,我紧闭眼睛,耳边响起了阵阵风声,脑子里一片空白,脸色变白,心跳加快,呼吸急促,最后终于落入水中。我这才回过神来,回想起刚才一幕幕情景,真是又 *** 又惊险,我竟玩上了隐,害怕早已经抛到了九霄云外去了。 一阵阵的�狗绱道矗褂兴克康牧挂猓豢匆咽峭砩�7点,我们依依不舍地离开了水上乐园,踏上了回家的路。 4. 写狼山水上乐园的作文50字 学会观察对于写好作文有着巨大的奠基和推动作用,离开了观察,你往往会感到难以下笔.愿你学会观察,不断培养,提高赞成的观察能力,在写作实践中取得得大的进步. 三、意高则文胜 立意,就是确立文章的中心和意图.那么文章在立意时要注意哪些问题呢? (一)立意要正确 正确是文章立意的第一要义,所谓正确就是要保证文章的感情和思想观点正确,符合客观事物的本质和规律,符合我国基本政治原则,符合人的基本道德要求,能给人以积极的启发. (二)立意要专一 5. 南通水上乐园英语作文 I went to the amusement park with my friends last weekend,and we had a good time. At first,we went to the roller coaster.It"s really excited.And then,we went to 3D cinima,and saw a movie together.To tell you the truth,it was a little boring.At last ,we went to the corsair .And we all screamed It"s an unfogettable experience for me.And I want to go to that amusement park again 6. 水世界水上乐园的作文怎么写500字 暑假刚开始的第二天,刚好是周末,爸爸妈妈不用上班,就带我去水上乐园玩。吃过午饭午睡过后,我们都精神饱满,准备去水上乐园。出发之前,妈妈做足了功课,把我们的全套装备都准备好了。我自己还特别小心,将我的泳衣、游泳镜、救生圈等装备装在我自己的小包里,生怕忘了。出门的时候,我还特别提醒了妈妈,别忘了带防晒霜,外面这么大的太阳,别晒黑了就不那么性感漂亮了。妈妈直夸我。 一切准备就绪之后,爸爸就开着车子,载着我们向水上乐园进发。不到半个小时,我们就来到了水上乐园,来水上乐园玩的人真多,大多数是小孩和漂亮的阿姨。我们迫不及待地买票、排队、进场、去更衣室换衣服,不一会儿,我就跳到了游泳池里,如一只快乐的鱼儿在水里游来游去。等我潜了几次水后,爸爸妈妈才姗姗来迟,有了爸爸的保护,我就没了顾忌,向深水区游去。潜到深水区,才发现水底的凉凉的,和水面上真是冰火两重天。 我在游泳池里热身过后,就去水上的娱乐项目那里玩。那里有沙滩、有模拟的冲浪、有水上滑滑梯、有水上独木桥等很多很多的有了项目。 我和妈妈去玩高空俯冲滑滑梯,我们先爬上三层楼那么高的平台,平躺在滑滑梯的顶端,由工作人员指导我们滑下去,一开始,我还有点担心害怕,担心出现意外。突然,妈妈帮我轻轻一推,我整个人如离弦之箭滑了下去,我像一个鱼雷一样在滑滑梯的水面上滑行,滑到一半,当初的那些担心和害怕早就被抛到九霄云外了,我只感到速度带给我的 *** 。没过30秒,我就滑到底下的水潭里,我整个人都被惯性冲到水底下,像一个铁球一样往下沉,我赶紧向下划水,我慢慢地冒出了水面,还每等我回过神来,妈妈也从上面俯冲下来,我来不及避开,和妈妈在水中来了个大大的拥抱。 后来,我又晚了几次才过瘾,才去找其它的好玩项目。再过水上独木桥的时候,我竟然掉下水好几次,每次从水里爬起来的时候,都像一直可怜的落汤鸡。 7. 水上乐园写日记 今天下午,妈妈、小姨带着我和表弟来到了新城区的福宁水上乐园玩。 到了以后,我看到水上乐园分为游泳池、男女浴室和小买部,不过游泳池有两个,分别是浅水泳池和深水泳池。 我们换好泳衣和泳裤之后,便来到了浅水泳池。巧的是,我们遇到了妞妞表姐和她的妈妈,大家都很开心。妈妈便让舅妈教我游泳,舅妈先让我吸一口气,潜入水里,练习潜水,因为我带着泳镜,所以在水里也能看到一定范围内的物体,哇,真有趣呀!潜了一会儿以后,舅妈又教我学习漂浮的技术,也是吸一口气,然后象睡觉一样趴在水上,慢慢地漂过去,原来漂浮是这样呀,我一遍一遍地练习,终于我的“漂浮技术”进步了。 我们一直玩到天黑,大家才依依不舍地离开了泳池,今天一天真开心呀! 8. 水上乐园作文四百字 今天,我和爸爸,朋友南南,还有他的父母一起去水上乐园玩。我们一路怀着愉快的心情在车上坐着,慨不得一步就到。 “到了!”南南大叫。我和他都兴高采烈地下了车。 我们匆匆忙忙的换好衣服,就迫不及待地跑进泳池。真是人山人海,热闹非凡。在池里,男女老少穿着各色各样的泳衣,像是水里不同斑纹的鱼儿尽情地游跃。 水上乐园游玩项目真多,我们最喜欢玩飞流冲浪,借了两人泳圈,我和叔叔就先玩了,我爬到顶上,在顶上往前看,看到了水上乐园漂亮的全景,往下看,看到了弯弯曲曲的滑道。还未开始玩,我的心就像跳出来一样,我们准备冲下去了。因为第一次,我和叔叔心里甭提有多高兴了。服务员帮我们放了下去,碰到一个转弯,我紧张地闭上眼睛,”哗,”一声,我的心像飞了出来。一下子就到了最后,”啪”一声,冲下了小池里,我的心情真愉快和 *** 。 这么多游玩项目之中, 我第二喜欢的是冲浪。时起时伏的波浪,总是不停地向我们招手。我们被吸引过去了, 走过去越近,波浪就越大。 我们几个人全部冲向了最前面,浪一冲来, 我们就一跳,像避开宠大动物的攻击,又像一阵阵清风吹过身旁。这时南南坐在泳圈里,手舞足蹈。爸爸兴致勃勃把南南的泳圈弄得四脚朝天。 南南惊慌失措,他的母亲大吃一惊,我和爸爸/叔叔都开怀大笑。 我们开心的玩着,月亮出来了,星星闪烁了,不知不觉又过了美好的一天。 9. 去水上乐园来写作文,题目是什么 水上乐园 暑假真是无趣啊!没有同学在身边陪我玩耍。忽然一阵风吹来了一个喜讯:我能去石狮市游泳馆游泳咯!我真是皆大欢喜皆大欢喜呀。。。。。。于是我带上必要的东西后,做着摩托车以光速前进。 到了游泳馆,我们交了门票,穿上泳裤,带上泳圈,来到了儿童区。这里的水深八分米,里面大多数是小朋友,有嬉戏的,水花溅得人满头露水;有潜水的,一脑子扎进去,我想应该很难受吧;有在儿童游乐区玩的,玩的不亦乐乎,连腔也不管呢!我一眼看到了滑滑梯,水上应该比陆地好玩吧!我做上滑滑梯,没想到这么滑,一失手“咕咚”一生,像炮弹一样轰进水里,哇,怎么这样,我还没准备呢!有点可怕的,我就以龟速游到了水上乐园,这有喷泉,像下雨似的,湿漉漉的,我十分艰难的踩着一不丁点的地方,一步小心滑了下来,哎哟,脚疼疼。休息一会儿,我再次爬了上去,成功了!我被水洗刷着,找了个隧道滑梯,一下冲了下去,来不及躲的人,被弄的够腔的。 到了回家的时间了,我恋恋不舍的离开了——石狮市游泳馆 10. 名师辅导写的好的水上乐园作文400字 今天,爸爸说;源源,咱妹明天和甜甜去辉县的水上乐园吧。"我听后,乐的一蹦三尺高。等待这一天的到来,对于别人只是短短的一会,而对于我简直就是漫长的一个世纪。 到站了,只见这里有好似高入云霄的水上滑梯,有潺潺流淌的环流河…… 到了游泳池旁,只见这里的水清澈见底,便迫不急待地跳入水中。在水里、我好似如鱼得水一般,好不快活。‘去冲浪了"不知谁喊了一声,我听见了便和甜甜抱着游泳圈来到了冲浪池。 冲浪开始了,我先是听见惊天动地的呼啸声,而后大浪就像无数只妖精的魔爪、向我扑来。巨浪到了我这里。像一只有力的大手,一会把我托起来、一会又把我摔下去,爽极了。 我问甜甜;你敢去最高的水上滑梯吗、好逞强的甜甜说;有什么不敢的,我和甜甜到了最高处,我怀里像揣了一只小兔子,嗵嗵直跳。我回头望了望甜甜,只见她脸色苍白地对我说;源源姐,你先滑。为了树立姐姐的榜样,我只好打肿脸充胖子。 死要面子活受罪的滑了下去。刚开始,滑得还算顺利,突然。一个急转弯出现在我面 前,我想;完了、完了,这下要被甩出去了。"我吓得闭上了眼睛,过了一会,我睁开了眼睛,发现那个急转弯已经滑过去了。‘哗"一阵水花过后,我安全地滑到了水池里。接着,我又滑了一次、两次…。 嘿,这个水上乐园真是让人回味无穷呀。
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诸位推荐一下经典有名的摇滚乐 说唱乐 还有摇滚乐队

自己百度先听点流行的吧,像GREEN DAY之类的朋克
2023-01-03 16:39:114


由制作人Geo(参与过Ace of Base、CultureBeat、Falco、N-Tune & Fusion的音乐制作)一手打造、TinaHarris担纲主唱的知名流行音乐组合「Sweetbox糖果盒子」。从1995年开始推出首支单曲「Booyah - Here WeGo」,隔年发行第2首单曲「Shakalaka」,不仅立即在电台、各大舞吧引起了不小的回响,其中第2首单曲还是纽约的舞曲榜3周冠军。接著1997年一首取样自巴哈名曲「G弦之歌」的「Everything"s Gonna BeAlright」传唱全球,在英国、全欧洲、日本与美国告示牌都登上销售排行。不仅如此,Sweetbox还赢得了日本葛莱美两项大奖-「最佳国际艺人」与「年度最佳歌曲」,该歌曲还在当地电台的国际点播榜Top10中停留了8周之久。如此耀眼的成绩,让Sweetbox的专辑被全球47个国家所来发行,一共创下了3千万张的绝佳销售。 在如此惊人的成功与2年的紧凑巡回行程后,因著主唱Tina的离开,1998年正式拆夥Sweetbox也随之解散。可是制作人Geo却没有忘记初衷,始终在找寻新的灵感与音乐方向,期待再次激发不一样的创作火花,然而这个问题在现任Sweetbox主唱身上找到了答案。1999年一次偶然机会下,Geo与他的伙伴Heiko Schmidt在L.A.遇见了JadeVillalon(现任主唱),双方相谈甚欢一拍即合,不论是Jade的歌声、音乐内涵、才华或是亲和迷人的个性,都令Geo与Heiko感觉到这就是等待许久的音乐新出路。 几周之后,三人达成共识,Geo与Jade合组另一个新的音乐组合,而且继续延用原来的组合名称。於是Sweetbox就此重生,但是因著Jade的音乐创作能力,修正音乐路线走出了新的方向:少许的舞曲、少许的嘻哈、更加地流行且注重更流畅的旋律性。不久,2000年发行了的第2张专辑「Clssified」,重新出发所展现的多元化音乐风格,巧妙地融合Pop、摇滚、古典与世界音乐,果然再次吸引了众人的瞩目。专辑中的歌曲,行云流水的律动带出女主唱Jade戏剧性的歌声,不仅开启歌迷的想像空间,而且扣人心弦。不论是出自Edward Grieg手笔的「TryingTo Be Me」,或是取样Ennio Morricone电影音乐”La Califfa”的「For TheLonely」,皆在世界各地引起不小回响,此外还为国内号称“亚洲女子第一天团”的S.H.E.量身打造的「Superstar」,也是收录在这专辑中。 再次尝到扬名国际的滋味后,Jade与Geo重回录音室闭关2个月制作新专辑。新专辑的音乐,就如她自我描述所言:「这次的专辑更直真切地反映我的个性、想法和心情…」当然与前张专辑隔了几年,你很容易便从音乐中体会中Jade的成长,借由更多歌曲与流动的音符中,进入她的心门。感受她尚未流失的趣闻,试著去分享Jade生命中每一件难得体验。不论是快乐或是感伤的一面,你会发现Jade是位直来直往、爽朗的女孩,虽然想法很成熟却不像一般世故歌手那样的复杂而虚假。真的很难想像,这些生活历练是一位年仅21岁的女孩所诠释出来的意境。在快歌方面,像是「Don"t PushMe」、「Falling」、「Easy Come, EasyGo」等,Jade所带给歌迷,不只是轻快的节拍,而是自由的律动提供歌迷更多想像的空间。专辑所呈现出的,我想再多言语都难以形容,必须亲自透过Jade的音乐,才能带给你全部的感动。至于慢歌部份,如「Lighter Shade OfBlue」,所散发出丰富情感,可说是已经达到流行乐所表现的深度极限;而主打歌「Read MyMind」,就像是深入浅出的抒情小品,细细地点缀著这张一气呵成的深情音乐杰作,也难怪S.H.E.再次慧眼独具地,翻唱这首歌做为她们第2张专辑主打歌。总之要形容这样难得优质的流行艺人专辑,就如它的专辑名称一样
2023-01-03 16:39:262

英文演讲稿 the scientist I admire 急!!!

2023-01-03 16:39:351


tion process is an unfo
2023-01-03 16:39:412


莎士比亚说 再好的东西都有失去的一天 No matteM how good things aMe lost one day 再深的记忆也有淡忘的一天 And then theMe aMe unfoMgettable memoMies of the day 再爱的人,也有远走的一天 Me-loved,but also a day to flee 再美的梦也有苏醒的一天 And then the United States also have to wake up the dMeam of the day 该放弃的决不挽留,该珍惜的决不放手 The Metention will neveM give up,neveM let go of the tMeasuMe 分手后不可以做朋友,因为彼此伤害过 Can not be fMiends afteM bMeaking up,because the two sides huMt 也不可以做敌人,因为彼此深爱过 The enemy can not do,because loving each otheM too
2023-01-03 16:39:501


王若琳--for no reason(Joanna的,必须好听吖~~)王若琳--玫瑰玫瑰我爱你(经典)王若琳--vincent(伤感)王若琳--三个人的晚餐王若琳--times of your life王若琳--亲密爱人(同一首歌,不同的人,就是不一样的感觉~)友弟--分离(友弟声音很独特,每个音都很到位,丝丝入扣的那种,一听就是对音乐有自己独特见解的~)norah jones--sinkin" soonnorah jones--chasing pirates(新歌,要的就是这种感觉)norah jones--don"t know why(蓝莓之夜插曲)郝蕾--再回首(这首真的很blues,老歌唱出了新感觉~~)小野丽莎--Jambalaya(日本爵士女王,一把吉他的悠闲~~~赵薇在情深深雨蒙蒙里唱过,名字叫小冤家。。。)小野丽莎--yesterday(披头士的,跟原唱各有千秋~~)小野丽莎--moon river(赫本也唱过,小野丽莎版本更有种悠闲自在,遗世独立的感觉)小野丽莎--la vie en rose(玫瑰人生)小野丽莎--i wish you love小野丽莎--every breath you take(好听)小野丽莎--country road take me home(经典乡村音乐,几年前佳能总裁小泽秀树还在某节目上弹唱过,貌似是波士堂~~反正当时觉得超好听,立刻就下载了)小野丽莎--c"est si bon(著名香颂)小野丽莎--cachito(铃声,轻快,哒哒哒~~~)芝华士--when you know(芝华士广告原声,不知道谁唱的,总之很好听~~)The Righteous Brothers--unchained melody(人鬼情未了里,最经典的那首~)hanson--i will come to you(大众广告。。。)tangerine kitty--Dumb ways to die(下载的同名款游戏里的音乐,人物都超可爱,萌死了~~~)sophie zelmani--i can"t change(真正的格调主义,唱出心里的感觉了,看歌词)猫王--can"t help falling in love(好听)猫王--love me tender(猫王的深情,特别喜欢歌名里tender这个词~)michael buble--me and mrs.jones(布雷绝对是个有着好声音的好男人~~o(>_<)o ~~)michael buble--all of me(听到会想跟着轻轻摆动身体的那种)michael buble--lost(很细腻,丝绒般的男声,歌词某版本翻译的很美)michael buble--whatever it takes(开头就喜欢上)michael buble--always on my mind(听完就忍不住跟着哼you are always on my mind~~~)michael buble--everything(轻快的调调,啦啦啦,这男人好可爱~~~)michael buble--kissing a fool(标准的爵士乐的感觉)michael buble--crazy love(布雷最好听的哦,米有之一~~~~~(≧▽≦)/~)michael buble--home(好男人,不解释~~)michael buble--haven"t met you yet(无法自拔的喜欢~~~)michael buble--santa baby(绅士的品格有出现哦^_^)michael buble--let it snow(一听就喜欢的调调)nat king cole--walkin" my baby back home(纳京高与辛纳屈齐名~~~~)nat king cole--perfidia(上世纪四十年代的感觉)nat king cole--unfogettable--(深情的男声总是能让人陶醉其中)nat king cole--for sentimental reasons(敢不敢再细腻一点~~~)nat king cole--fly me to the moon(很多人唱过,独爱他这个版)nat king cole--aquellos ojos verdes(好听)nat king cole--love(轻快的爱)nat king cole--looking back(单独作为钢琴曲也是很美的)nat king cole--quizas quizas quizas(《花样年华》里有过,爱极~!其他的不听没关系,这首不听会后悔的~~!!我就是因为这首才开始听他的)Jazon marz--i"m yours(好啦,成功从纳京高的上世纪回到本世纪了。。。^_^)李宗泫--我的爱(这个算是流行乐了,还是想推荐下。。。)Olivia ong--要你管(会跟着哒哒哒的爵士,空间背景音乐)林忆莲--问(这首也是很多人唱过,但是高潮部分她唱出了爵士的味道,我觉得很美,加之声音又很独特)林忆莲--梦醒时分(林忆莲才能唱出的伤感的味道~)---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------从个人收藏的一千多首音乐里挑出来的哈,手都打酸了,希望你会喜欢~~~(^o^)/~
2023-01-03 16:39:561


我没有把有贴图的文件导进去过!~~~UNfoid3d我一般用来展UV!~~~检查模型点重叠的问题。你出的问题可能是mesk和poly转换时的法线问题!~~~~调整UV我还是在3D里做!~~放松UV我用DEEP UV结合默认3D UV放松。
2023-01-03 16:40:091


还在为写作时词汇匮乏而挠破头皮吗?还在写作时搜肠刮肚却只能想到good和many吗?还在为作文拿不到高分而苦苦哀嚎吗?记下下面的高频词汇替换!高分作文跑着来找你!Abundant(充足的;丰富的) → ample / plentiful / generousAttract one"s attention → capture one"s attentionAmazing → incredible / unbelievable / improbable / fabulous / wonderful / fantastic / astonishing / astounding / awesome / extraordinary / spectacular / magnificentAngry → furious / enraged / wrathful / indignant / exasperated / mad / aroused / inflamedAdvice → suggestion / recommendation / instruction / tip / direction / admonition / counsel / proposalAspect → facet / demension / sphereBrave → courageous / bold / fearlessBig → vast / massive / enormous / tremendous / titantic / considerable / giantBoring → dull / tiresome / tediousCommon → commonplace / universal / pervasiveClever → intelligent / bright / wise / smart / clear-sighted / astute / sharp-witted / leery / resourcefulCause → give rise to / lead to / result in / triggerCan → be able to do / be capable of doing sth. / have access to / be competent to do / have the ability to doDifferent → various / a variety of / varieties of / diverseDifficult → demanding / laborious / formidableDoubtful → skeptical / suspicious / incredulousEnergetic → dynamic / animated / vigorousFamous → renowned / noticeable / notable / exceptional / ditinguished / eminent / prominentFocus(重视) → put emphasis on / emphasize / highlight / attach importance to / give priority toGood → excellent / outstanding / distinguished / extraordinary / remarkable / superior / tremendous / decentGet → obtain / attain / achieve / acquire / have access to / gain / reap / procureHelpful → favorable / beneficial / rewarding / contribute toHave → enjoy / possess / ownHappy → delightful / cheerful / glad / pleased / elated / joyful / jubilant / blissful / chuffed / upbeat / chipper / thrilled / ebullient / ecgtaticHarmful → damaging / ruinous / destructive / dreadful / unfoavorable / adverse / negative / deteriorating / inferior / devastatingImportant → vital / crucial / prominent / cardinal / significant / critical / essential / indispensable / profound(意义深远的) / far-reaching(影响广泛的) /Interesting → amusing / entertaining / engagingIgnore(忽视) → neglect / overlook / fail to take into accountMany → quite number of / a considerable number of / an overwhelming majority of / vast majority of / a crowd of / a host of / multitude of / plenty of / scores of / dozens of / large amount of / a great deal of( 这两个后接不可数名词) / an ocean of / enormous / an army ofNew → brand-new / novel / up to date / fresh / span-new / spick-and-span(崭新的;一尘不染的) / fire-new / span-new(崭新的) / in mint condition / neo-(前缀-新的)Only → solely / unique / merelyPoor → needy / in need / impoverished / in povertyPay attention to → pour attention toReasonable → sound / rational / sensiblePeple/person → individuals / characters / folks / youngsters / adolescent / inhabitant / citizens / mankind / dweller / residentProblem → issue / trouble / matterRich → wealthy / well-heeled / well-to-doShould → be supposed to/ought toSome → a slice of / quite a few / severalSolve → deal with / handle / tackle / work out / settle / cope with / addressSad → depressed / gloomy / under the weather / frustratedsb. take interest in/sb. be interested in → sth appeals to sb. / sth exerts a tremendous fascination on sb.Think → reckon / habor the idea that / take the attitude that / hold the view that / it is widely/universally shared/acknowledged that / claim / believe / assume / maintain / argue / ponder / mediate / advocate / contend / deem / claim / be convinced that /Thing → business / matter / affairUnnecessary → avoidable / hardly necessary / hardly inevitableVery → exceedingly / extremely / intenselyWalk/Read → coverWorried → anxious / apprehensive / fraughtWay → method / measure / solution / approach /Want → long for doing sth. / yearn for doing sth. / be thirsty to / thirst for doing sth / eager to do / intend to do / tend to do
2023-01-03 16:40:151


链接:提取码: h2as《紧急911 第一季 Panic 9-1-1 Season 1》类型: 真人秀制片国家/地区: 美国语言: 英语首播: 2012-11-29季数: 1集数: 10单集片长: 43分钟This one hour program features real audio recordings between a 911 dispatch operator and a victim who is in imminent danger and has called 911 for police assistance. The real audio calls are supported with excerpts of interviews with individuals who know the victim, excerpts of an interview with the dispatcher and images, video and music and statements supporting the story unfo...
2023-01-03 16:40:202


  小朋友们都很喜欢去游乐园,那么怎么写关于游乐园的 英语 作文 呢?以下是我为大家整理的,有关游乐园的英语作文,希望大家喜欢。   游乐园的英语作文一   I went to the amusement park with my friends last weekend,and we had a good time.   At first,we went to the roller coaster.It"s really excited.And then,we went to 3D cinima,and saw a movie together.To tell you the truth,it was a little boring.At last ,we went to the corsair .And we all screamed   It"s an unfogettable experience for me.And I want to go to that amusement park again!   游乐园的英语作文二   Yesterday, my friends with I went to amusement park. We got a lot of fan. We got there was 10 o"clock and we haven"t eatten anything in that time,so we dicided to eat something. We ate some buger and hotdog, drink some juice. after that meal.   W played much things such as span house, roller coaster,bumper car, a pirate boat, shooter and so on .   I think the best time is with friends to play in amusement park.   游乐园的英语作文三   This morning, the air is fresh, the weather was very sunny, sunny, I and my mother to buy clothes, the store of people coming and going, particularly exciting, buy the clothes, we went to a nearby park to play.   Went to the amusement park, I saw a beautiful fountain, fountain stood many heat in the photograph, also see a lot of people in the appreciation of the exotic flowers and rare herbs, there are people who play in the playground in the game, and we play together.   We first went to the pirate ship side, bought a ticket, sit on the pirate ship.   The pirate ship launched, we fasten the safety belt, the pirate ship turn ah turn, sitting on top of the people screaming, rang people bashing t thaw, the pirate ship, we went to buy the ring, five ring, I throw, but did not expect to throw a Amoy mud little doll, brother Gao Xing face joy bloom.   Now it"s him, he gently away, was thrown into a tumbler, then three, was thrown into the car, chess, and goldfish. After the play, we ate there went home happily.   To play really happy playground!   游乐园的英语作文四   I went Hangzhou Paradise Park with my relatives last weekend.It"s about a half hour drive from the center of Hangzhou.   This is a pretty big park,which includes a water park.We came he remainly to swim,so we did not spend a lot of time looking at the other attractions,like the roller coaster,pirateship,etc.However,we noticed that quite a lot of equipment was not working for what ever reason.   The water park was OK,The swimming area is kep tpretty clean.The water slidesare not very steep,but only accessible for people that are taller than 1.5m,which was a little bit of adisappointment for my nephew.   Next to the water park,thereareafew small restaurants.We went to a North Chinese dumpling restaurant,which served pretty goodfood.   Overall.if you want to come here to enjoy the attractions you may bedisappointed.the water park serves it spurpose.游乐园的英语作文相关推荐: 1. 游乐园英语作文 2. 有关旅游的英语作文 3. 有关旅游大学英语作文范文 4. 小学英语作文:熊猫去游乐园 5. 有关参观动物园英语作文带翻译
2023-01-03 16:40:351


  小朋友们都很喜欢去游乐园,那么怎么写关于游乐园的 英语 作文 呢?以下是我为大家整理的,有关游乐园的英语作文,希望大家喜欢。   游乐园的英语作文一   I went to the amusement park with my friends last weekend,and we had a good time.   At first,we went to the roller coaster.It"s really excited.And then,we went to 3D cinima,and saw a movie together.To tell you the truth,it was a little boring.At last ,we went to the corsair .And we all screamed   It"s an unfogettable experience for me.And I want to go to that amusement park again!   游乐园的英语作文二   Yesterday, my friends with I went to amusement park. We got a lot of fan. We got there was 10 o"clock and we haven"t eatten anything in that time,so we dicided to eat something. We ate some buger and hotdog, drink some juice. after that meal.   W played much things such as span house, roller coaster,bumper car, a pirate boat, shooter and so on .   I think the best time is with friends to play in amusement park.   游乐园的英语作文三   This morning, the air is fresh, the weather was very sunny, sunny, I and my mother to buy clothes, the store of people coming and going, particularly exciting, buy the clothes, we went to a nearby park to play.   Went to the amusement park, I saw a beautiful fountain, fountain stood many heat in the photograph, also see a lot of people in the appreciation of the exotic flowers and rare herbs, there are people who play in the playground in the game, and we play together.   We first went to the pirate ship side, bought a ticket, sit on the pirate ship.   The pirate ship launched, we fasten the safety belt, the pirate ship turn ah turn, sitting on top of the people screaming, rang people bashing t thaw, the pirate ship, we went to buy the ring, five ring, I throw, but did not expect to throw a Amoy mud little doll, brother Gao Xing face joy bloom.   Now it"s him, he gently away, was thrown into a tumbler, then three, was thrown into the car, chess, and goldfish. After the play, we ate there went home happily.   To play really happy playground!   游乐园的英语作文四   I went Hangzhou Paradise Park with my relatives last weekend.It"s about a half hour drive from the center of Hangzhou.   This is a pretty big park,which includes a water park.We came he remainly to swim,so we did not spend a lot of time looking at the other attractions,like the roller coaster,pirateship,etc.However,we noticed that quite a lot of equipment was not working for what ever reason.   The water park was OK,The swimming area is kep tpretty clean.The water slidesare not very steep,but only accessible for people that are taller than 1.5m,which was a little bit of adisappointment for my nephew.   Next to the water park,thereareafew small restaurants.We went to a North Chinese dumpling restaurant,which served pretty goodfood.   Overall.if you want to come here to enjoy the attractions you may bedisappointed.the water park serves it spurpose.游乐园的英语作文相关推荐: 1. 游乐园英语作文 2. 有关旅游的英语作文 3. 有关旅游大学英语作文范文 4. 小学英语作文:熊猫去游乐园 5. 有关参观动物园英语作文带翻译
2023-01-03 16:40:401


2023-01-03 16:40:451

Don"t Forget To Say I Love You 歌词

歌曲名:Don"t Forget To Say I Love You歌手:Jeanette专辑:Undress to the BeatJeanette - Don"t Forget to say I Iove Youmama i love you more than i can sayyou help me find my waydon"t worry if i am far awayhey sister you are the best friend i"ve ever hadwhen you are around my heart is gladand breast my heart to see sadsometimes unfored things can changeeverything everyday so don"t waitdon"t forget to say i love youcause you never knowyou never know when it"s time for us to goso unforget to say i love yousay it everyday and everywherecause you never knowoh...but i don"t knowi love you so........daddy i love you more than i can sayyou show me my waydon"t worry if i am far awaymy love i wanna share my life with you(life with you)you make me live within blueand with you my dream come truesometimes unfored things can changeeverything everyday so don"t waitdon"t forget to say i love youcause you never knowyou never know when it"s time for us to goso unforget to say i love yousay it everyday and everywherecause you never knowbut i don"t knowi love you soi love you sodon"t forget to saydon"t forget to sayi love youdon"t forget to say....i love you
2023-01-03 16:40:501


十大金属乐队 1. Black Sabbath (金属的开山鼻祖) 2. Iron Maiden (把金属普及到千家万户) 3. Metallica (商业上最成功的金属团) 4. Judas Priest 5. Motorhead 6. Slayer 7. Megadeth 8. Venom (黑金属的始作俑者) 9. Pantera 10. Death (最早的也是最重要的死亡金属乐队)
2023-01-03 16:40:552


An unforgetful experience. This summer vocation ,I paid a visit to DaTong . There , I had an unfogetful experience. I went to Yungang Shiku . I was deeply impressed with the amazing solid statues.How clever the people in the past! There ,I took a lot of photos, and bought many souvoniers .Many people went there to visit ,including some foreigners . It took me about three hours to enjoy the senery there. I nearly forget the time. I am now planning to go there again . What an amazing and unfogetful experience!
2023-01-03 16:41:031

A Twist Of Fate 歌词

歌曲名:A Twist Of Fate歌手:齐豫专辑:藏爱的女人life is a bookeachday is a pageeach word a moment in timeand as you reedthe story unfousit"s there to see in your mindin my berg of memoryare words I don"t understandsomeone else has written therea pen and a different handas I look backand think of the pastwould I have chosen this wayone never knowswhat life has instoreyou live it day by dayA twist of fateIt is too lateI don"t care what you will do"Cause I"m not coming back to youA twist of fateTurn on the the big red light"Cause here I comeGonna tell the worldHe"s the greatest scumWhen you defied my loveI told my heartThat if I fall againI"ll leave this partGive me strength GodGive me faith"Cause I will need you nowA twist of fateI can"t thik straightWhen I"m walking out that doorI"m not coming back no moreA twist of fateIt is too lateI don"t care what you will do"Cause I"m not coming back to youA twist of fateAre you lonesome ?look at your pastWhat did you do to make it last ?Are you It"s the way, I wanna beI know that you"ll be missing meYou"ll be missing meA twist of fateI can"t thik straightWhen I"m walking out that doorI"m not coming back no moreA twist of fateIt is too lateI don"t care what you will do"Cause I"m not coming back to youA twist of fateRAP
2023-01-03 16:41:081


Dear Mrs. jefferson, Words could hardly express my heart-felt thanks for an unforgetble visit to your house last weekend.I can"t believe that right now I am writing to you from across the oceans . It seems just like yesterday that we were sitting together,chatting,laughing and eating. I had such great time there. I not only enjoyed the delicious American foods that your wife made, but also I learn so much about American culture.You have a good sense of humor. It is such a joy listening to your talk.Right now I still have this time lag. I will go back to my college next week. I was told that you will visit China this summer. I wonder if you could come to Guilin for a visit. This is a beautiful city. You will definitly enjoy the scenery of this little city with green mountains ,fantastic caverns and crystal clear Li river.Please do bring wife and your kids with you.My wife and I will welcome you with our open arms. Please remember" The road to a friend"s house is never long." Once again I would like to thank you for your hospitality. best regards xxx
2023-01-03 16:41:173


I went to the amusement park with my friends last weekend,and we had a good time.At first,we went to the roller coaster.It"s really excited.And then,we went to 3D cinima,and saw a movie together.To tell you the truth,it was a little boring.At last ,we went to the corsair .And we all screamedIt"s an unfogettable experience for me.And I want to go to that amusement park again
2023-01-03 16:41:271


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