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How many+复数的现在完成时态

2023-07-16 20:40:13


This summer, the hottest movie is Jurassic Park. This series of films is very popular all over the world. When I saw the first movie, I was deeply impressed by the world of dinosaurs.


The director is very talented and makes full use of computer

technology to show people a magical world. The audience can see all

kinds of dinosaurs in the movie and learn about these giant animals.



the movie, people and these animals can"t coexist, because people

always want to hurt them and get benefits. So there is always war,

dinosaurs eat people, people want to kill dinosaurs. It"s time for

humans to think about what they should do to nature.





它的构成是:主语+助动词(have/has) +动词的过去分词。(done)



jurassicworld公园在中国的澳门附近。位于澳门横琴的是一个占地2.2万多平方米的室内“体验中心”。它计划2018年末开园,将引入根据狮门影业六套电影设计的主题游览和演出。尽管如此,把《侏罗纪公园》引进主题公园依然不同寻常。这一系列反乌托邦的电影根据苏珊·柯林斯(SuzanneCollins)的小说改编,描绘的并不是《哈利·波特》式的魔法世界。帕伦承认,狮门影业最初接触的一些主题公园运营商一开始并不是特别积极。《侏罗纪世界》(Jurassic World)是环球影业和传奇影业出品的一部科幻冒险电影,为《侏罗纪公园》系列第四部,由科林·特莱沃若执导,克里斯·帕拉特、布莱丝·达拉斯·霍华德、尼克·罗宾森等主演。《侏罗纪世界》讲述科学家欧文在纳布拉尔岛上的恐龙主题公园中与迅猛龙们打成一片,并意外发生了一些事故和故事。《侏罗纪世界》的背景设置在《侏罗纪公园》故事发生22年后,纳布拉尔岛已经发展成为一个庞大的主题公园和度假胜地——侏罗纪世界。
2023-07-16 18:46:381


2023-07-16 18:46:571

jurassic world在哪里

位于夏威夷欧胡岛的古兰尼牧场被称为「好莱坞御用外景地」,是一个非常有名的景点,这片始建于1850年的私人牧场本身是一个传统的养牛牧场,囊括了欧胡岛最迷人的风光。 古兰尼牧场还有一片雨林,是「侏罗纪世界2」、「金刚:骷髅岛」、「勇敢者的游戏」等大片的取景地,吸引许多影迷前来朝圣。你可以坐上16人座的绿色吉普车,来一场丛林探险之旅。
2023-07-16 18:47:041

对《侏罗纪世界》(Jurassic World)这部影视作品感觉如何?

2023-07-16 18:47:1411


2023-07-16 18:48:137


侏罗纪公园截止到2019年7月,有5部,。1、《侏罗纪公园1》,1993年,史蒂文·斯皮尔伯格执导2、《侏罗纪公园2:失落的世界》,1997年,史蒂文·斯皮尔伯格执导3、《侏罗纪公园3》,2001年,乔·庄斯顿执导4、《侏罗纪世界》,2015年,科林·特莱沃若执导5、《侏罗纪世界》,2018年,胡安·安东尼奥·巴亚纳执导扩展资料:《侏罗纪公园1》是由史蒂文·斯皮尔伯格执导,山姆·尼尔、劳拉·邓恩、杰夫·高布伦主演的科幻冒险电影。该片讲述了约翰哈蒙德博士复制出恐龙,并建成一个恐龙“侏罗纪公园”的故事。影片《侏罗纪公园2:失落的世界》是第一部《侏罗纪公园》的续集,由史蒂文·斯皮尔伯格继续执导,杰夫·高布伦、朱丽安·摩尔和皮特·波斯尔思韦特等联袂出演,影片于1997年5月23日在美国上映。影片《侏罗纪公园3》是一部于2001年上映的美国科幻冒险片,是《侏罗纪公园》系列的第三部作品,也是该系列中唯一一部既不是由斯蒂芬·斯皮尔伯格导演,亦非根据迈克尔·克莱顿所著小说改编的电影,不过片中有部分场景来源于克莱顿的原著小说《侏罗纪公园》和《失落的世界》。《侏罗纪世界》(Jurassic World)是环球影业和传奇影业出品的一部科幻冒险电影,为《侏罗纪公园》系列第四部,由科林·特莱沃若执导,克里斯·帕拉特、布莱丝·达拉斯·霍华德、尼克·罗宾森等主演,2015年6月10日于在中国大陆上映。《侏罗纪世界2》是胡安·安东尼奥·巴亚纳执导,克里斯·帕拉特、布莱丝·达拉斯·霍华德等主演的科幻片,于2018年6月15日在中国大陆上映;2018年6月22日在北美上映。参考资料来源:百度百科——侏罗纪公园
2023-07-16 18:48:461


侏罗纪世界破解版v3.3.0.3类型:养成经营大小:17.32MB评分:9.6平台:标签:育成游戏模拟类龙系影视改编《侏罗纪世界竞技 Jurassic World The Game》是一款模拟养成的休闲游戏,游戏根据电影《侏罗纪世界》改编,在游戏中,玩家需要管理和养育既可爱又凶猛的小恐龙,但是这些都需要玩家去妥善的管理,而在游戏中玩家总觉得金币不够用,那么怎么办呢?下面作者为大家带来了侏罗纪世界竞技无限金币修改教程。 准备工作: 八门神器: 1、首先进入到游戏中,并让八门神器在后台运行。2、打开八门神器,在其中输入当前的金钱数量,选择自动搜索,可以看到现在的搜索结果还是比较多的。3、返回到游戏中,点击开始游戏,然后通过任何方式让金钱数值变动(如:买个东西等)4、然后再返回到八门神器中搜索变更后的这个数字,可以看到现在的搜索结果变少了不少。
2023-07-16 18:49:221


《乐高侏罗纪世界》是款动作冒险游戏,这款游戏是乐高系列的最新作品,在这款游戏中玩家将可以和恐龙进行接触。在这款游戏中具有四千多个积木,很多玩家们都会玩到一半不知道要怎么存档?那么下面深空高玩就为玩家们分享下关于乐高侏罗纪世界四千多万积木存档方法,玩家们一起来看看吧。全部完成度只有50%多至少还有一半可以玩 4千多万积木花不完 人物解开 98% 车子全开(仓鼠球最好用)game1.savegamedata (内有3个档应该是这个 160几K的是我的存档)PS:注意事项(存档名称可能不一样,要改成跟你的存档名称一样)....请先备份(LEGO JurassicWorld3DMGAME3DMGAME emotesavedgames)乐高侏罗纪世界(LEGO Jurassic World)中文破解版
2023-07-16 18:49:401

【来求片了】求几部与猛兽有关的比如《狮口惊魂》《人狼大战》《人猿大战》类型的电影 求大神推荐

2023-07-16 18:49:505


   Jurassic World:Saluting and Changing  The new movie released on 10th June, Jurassic Worldhas grossed nearly 600 millions in China in the first week. As a bran-newseries of the classical dinosaur movie Jurassic Park, no wonder its combinationof exciting memory and shocking modern special effects could attract so manysupporters.  Star Lord(comes from movie Guardians of the Galaxy),Chris Pratt characters this movie and trained four Velociraptors---kind ofsmall but fierce dinosaur in it. The director of original series, StevenSpielberg also superintends this new movie.The gramp would like to use the movie to recall his own youth and shakeeveryone again.  Every sequel work would use kind of way to salute itsbefore. Jurassic World is with no exception. The interesting thing is that thenew movie only undertakes the drama of the first section of Jurassic Park. Aswe all knows, the stories of the second and the third section were settled onanother island. However, the new movie demonstrates its intention to completethe whole story happened on the original island.  The familiar cap with telescope, T-shirts with thelogo of Jurassic Park and even the appearance of the site of original park.Those details of the movie are all used to salute the great movie which washonored as the example of using movie to demonstrate special effect.  As a fan of the classic series, I could hardly expressmy feeling when I was watching this elaborated movie. When the familiar background music(BGM) firstly sounded with the spectacular scene of whole park andthese amazing dinosaurs which did rich my childhood appeared again on thescreen, I knew that this movie would touch many people who enjoy the fantasticworld built by Steven Allan Spielberg like me.  What is more surprising, the movie does not only tryto satisfy returning audiences, many details try to make some new hot spot. Thegene technology is the changeless theme of the series. However, people were notcontent with the common dinosaurs anymore in Jurassic World, which becoming adifference between them and our heroes.In Jurassic World, scientists created anew kind of dinosaur(or maybe not a real kind of dinosaur), D-Rex(Diabolus Rexor Indominus Rex) to meet people`s need of freshness. The out of control ofthis powerful and high-intelligent animal becomes the basic conflict of thestory. D-Rex killed all animals it met on the island and led to the mess of thewhole park. New specie and new elements made people interested and excited,which makes the movie more popular.  Besides, the discussion of real dinosaur is a newthink spot both in and out of the movie. If we use technology to change somenatural specie for our rights, is it still the real guy that the nature expectsit to be? The movie could be a allusion of some advanced science and ferventethical arguments. The fight between T-Rex and D-Rex could be a elaborated plotto attract more audience to think about it. And the creative team expressedtheir point of view---original one always wins.      
2023-07-16 18:50:311


2023-07-16 18:50:392


原声曲目  原声资料  Bury the HatchlingThe Family That Strays Together Welcome to Jurassic WorldDoes This Dino Make Jurassic Look BigAs the Jurassic World TurnsClearly His First RodeoA Glorified Petting ZooOwen You NothingIndominus WrecksGyrosphere of InfluencePavane for a Dead ApatosaurusFits and JumpstartsThe Dimorphodon ShuffleLove in the Time of PterosauriaChasing the DragonsRaptor Your Heart OutCosta Rican StandoffThe Teeth Degree作曲家:迈克·吉亚奇诺Our Rex Is Bigger Than YoursGrowl and Make Up语种:英语  Nine-To-Survival JobThe Park Is Closed唱片公司:Back Lot MusicJurassic World Suite 发行时间:2015年6月9日
2023-07-16 18:51:101


众所周知,乐高系列游戏一向都自带作弊码,乐高侏罗纪世界同样也是如此,接下来深空高玩就给大家分享一下乐高侏罗纪世界控制台作弊码及作弊码使用方法,欢迎大家观看(ps:由于这次作弊码乃是纯手工翻译,因此有可能出现一些翻译错误,敬请谅解)。乐高侏罗纪世界秘籍:红砖 Red Brick Codes双倍得分红砖 “Studs Score Multiplier x 2″ Red Brick — 5MZ73E乐高罐侦测器红砖 “Minikit Detector” Red Brick — JYJAFX角色 Character Codes女骑兵 ACU Trooper (Female) — AU25GR男骑兵 ACU Trooper (Male) — 28SPSR卡洛斯 Carlos — VK3TP3卡特 Carter — 9GESXP库珀 Cooper — 5BETZ5韦恩·奈特和他的夏威夷衬衫 Dennis Nedry (Costa Rica) with his Hawaiian shirt — RAVKRT迪特尔·斯塔克 Dieter Stark — EKCKLC恐龙驯养者 Dino Handler Vic or Bob — YQ6S7Z艾莉 Ellie Degler — AV9DTJ乔什 Gyrosphere Operator Josh — 9NGZZQ亨利 Henry Wu (Jurassic World) — A3HC7EInGen Guard Jerry — QKBCWTInGen Hunter — 38YWVRInGen Mechanic AKA InGen Hunter 3 — RMVVB8InGen Mercenary AKA InGen Contractor — VZRSD3InGen Scout AKA InGen Hunter 1 — 8XL359Jimmy Fallon from The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon — 6MKHSGJohn Hammond (Lost World) — PR2R6YJuanito Rostagno — XTH9A3侏罗纪公园司机 Jurassic Park Driver AKA Jeep Driver — 3FE78R (unlocks Jurassic Park Responder Vehicle at the same time)侏罗纪公园看守(女) Jurassic Park Warden (Female) — 8WY3FV侏罗纪公园看守(男) Jurassic Park Warden (Male) — XJS7UY侏罗纪世界牧场工人 Jurassic World Paddock Worker — BX9Z6R侏罗纪世界游骑兵 Jurassic World Ranger — GW9TGHJurassic World Worker AKA Jurassic World Ranger (Female) — L5AU6YNash (Runway) — BRLNWCRaptor Handler Jenny — SXZ7CCS.S. Venture Crewman — 62539J男科学家 Scientist (Female) — XVXGXF女科学家 Scientist (Male) — SKKLWCUdesky (Alt) — PFEBS6Young Raptor Handler from Jurassic World — 7VNLJT恐龙 Dinosaur Codes甲龙 Ankylosaurus — PAAADT (经测试3DS和PSV也适用,下面的也是 )美颌龙 Compsognathus — KAAAWV双脊龙 Dilophosaurus — HAAAVW转基因暴龙(意为难以驯服的国王) Indominus Rex — GAAAAC肿头龙 Pachycephalosaurus — IAAADT棘龙 Spinosaurus — MAAARF剑龙 Stegosaurus — FAAAVT三角龙 Triceratops — AAAADC霸王龙(暴龙) Tyrannosaurus Rex — CAAADT迅猛龙 Velociraptor — DDDFAC载具 Vehicle CodesJurassic Park Responder Vehicle — 3FE78R (同时解锁侏罗纪公园司机 unlocks Jurassic Park Driver at the same time)最后给大家奉上乐高侏罗纪世界作弊码使用方法,在游戏中点击暂停,然后点击主菜单里面的额外内容,就可以输入作弊码,就可以实现对应的作弊效果了。
2023-07-16 18:51:231


《乐高侏罗纪世界》这款游戏是很受玩家们关注的,在这款游戏中具有壮观的场景,在这款游戏中玩家还可以跟恐龙零距离接触。游戏中的作弊码其实还是蛮重要的,为了满足广大玩家们的需求,深空高玩就为玩家们分享下关于乐高侏罗纪世界作弊码大全,玩家们一起来看看吧。怎么激活作弊码:暂停游戏 = 主菜单选择额外内容(Extras) = 输入秘籍(Enter Code)How to activate codes: You can enter these codes from the game"s Main Menu (when you pause the game) then selecting “Extras” and then “Enter Code”. After which you can activate the cheats in the menu.红砖 Red Brick Codes双倍得分红砖 “Studs Score Multiplier x 2″ Red Brick — 5MZ73E乐高罐侦测器红砖 “Minikit Detector” Red Brick — JYJAFX角色 Character Codes女骑兵 ACU Trooper (Female) — AU25GR男骑兵 ACU Trooper (Male) — 28SPSR卡洛斯 Carlos — VK3TP3卡特 Carter — 9GESXP库珀 Cooper — 5BETZ5韦恩·奈特和他的夏威夷衬衫 Dennis Nedry (Costa Rica) with his Hawaiian shirt — RAVKRT迪特尔·斯塔克 Dieter Stark — EKCKLC恐龙驯养者 Dino Handler Vic or Bob — YQ6S7Z艾莉 Ellie Degler — AV9DTJ乔什 Gyrosphere Operator Josh — 9NGZZQ亨利 Henry Wu (Jurassic World) — A3HC7EInGen Guard Jerry — QKBCWTInGen Hunter — 38YWVRInGen Mechanic AKA InGen Hunter 3 — RMVVB8InGen Mercenary AKA InGen Contractor — VZRSD3InGen Scout AKA InGen Hunter 1 — 8XL359Jimmy Fallon from The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon — 6MKHSGJohn Hammond (Lost World) — PR2R6YJuanito Rostagno — XTH9A3侏罗纪公园司机 Jurassic Park Driver AKA Jeep Driver — 3FE78R (unlocks Jurassic Park Responder Vehicle at the same time)侏罗纪公园看守(女) Jurassic Park Warden (Female) — 8WY3FV侏罗纪公园看守(男) Jurassic Park Warden (Male) — XJS7UY侏罗纪世界牧场工人 Jurassic World Paddock Worker — BX9Z6R侏罗纪世界游骑兵 Jurassic World Ranger — GW9TGHJurassic World Worker AKA Jurassic World Ranger (Female) — L5AU6YNash (Runway) — BRLNWCRaptor Handler Jenny — SXZ7CCS.S. Venture Crewman — 62539J男科学家 Scientist (Female) — XVXGXF女科学家 Scientist (Male) — SKKLWCUdesky (Alt) — PFEBS6Young Raptor Handler from Jurassic World — 7VNLJT恐龙 Dinosaur Codes甲龙 Ankylosaurus — PAAADT (经测试3DS和PSV也适用 Tested to work on 3DS & PS Vita)美颌龙 Compsognathus — KAAAWV (Tested to work on 3DS & PS Vita)双脊龙 Dilophosaurus — HAAAVW (Tested to work on 3DS & PS Vita)转基因暴龙(意为难以驯服的国王) Indominus Rex — GAAAAC (Tested to work on 3DS & PS Vita)肿头龙 Pachycephalosaurus — IAAADT (Tested to work on 3DS & PS Vita)棘龙 Spinosaurus — MAAARF (Tested to work on 3DS & PS Vita)剑龙 Stegosaurus — FAAAVT (Tested to work on 3DS & PS Vita)三角龙 Triceratops — AAAADC (Tested to work on 3DS & PS Vita)霸王龙(暴龙) Tyrannosaurus Rex — CAAADT (Tested to work on 3DS & PS Vita)迅猛龙 Velociraptor — DDDFAC (Tested to work on 3DS & PS Vita)载具 Vehicle CodesJurassic Park Responder Vehicle — 3FE78R (同时解锁侏罗纪公园司机 unlocks Jurassic Park Driver at the same time)乐高侏罗纪世界(LEGO Jurassic World)中文破解版
2023-07-16 18:51:301


2023-07-16 18:51:396


2023-07-16 18:52:032


北京环球影城是一个很大的主题公园,为了充分欣赏和体验其所有的乐趣和投资,建议考虑2天的游玩时间,下面介绍一下2天游玩的建议安排:第一天:1. 早上进入北京环球影城,先解决一些流行项目,建议尝试 Harry Potter and the Forbidden Journey、Transformers: The Ride-3D、Jurassic World Adventure等项目,这些项目是最热门的项目。2. 然后可以进入魔法师山丘区,魔法师山丘是一整天的户外竞技与游戏时光,可以尝试三弄欢喜马戏团、黑森林飞行、快乐雷霆号等。3. 下午可以回到主题公园区域,可游玩小黄人、木乃伊或者恐龙岛等主题区,其中小黄人-新场景的项目是非常受欢迎的。4. 傍晚的时候,可以景点内以及周边美食街品尝美食,例如哈利路亚的牛排、Johnny Rockets汉堡等。第二天:1. 早上进入环球影城,可以选择去过于人多拥挤的园区,例如新西兰区或者水世界。2. 接下来可以游玩好莱坞区以及迪士尼区,这些区域拥有很多非常受欢迎的项目,例如怪物史莱克,痞子闯天下,海盗之旅等。3. 下午可以前往城市演艺区,这里有许多环球场馆的专业演出,非常值得一看。例如Jet Stunt Extreme、冰雪奇缘灯光秀、蓝色碧波池等。4. 在景点结束前,可以买一些环球影城的纪念品,例如T恤、雨伞、帽子等。总之,在北京环球影城中,游客有很多选择。但是,建议根据自己的喜好和计划合理安排两天的游玩时间,并提前了解景点内的项目信息,以便能够更好地欣赏这个主题公园所提供的不同文化和娱乐内容。
2023-07-16 18:54:152


具体的翻译如下:This summer, the hottest movie is Jurassic Park. This series of films is very popular all over the world. When I saw the first movie, I was deeply impressed by the world of dinosaurs.这个夏天,最热门的电影当属于《侏罗纪公园》。这个系列电影在全世界都很受欢迎。当我看第一部的时候,就对恐龙的世界留下了很深刻的印象。The director is very talented and makes full use of computer technology to show people a magical world. The audience can see all kinds of dinosaurs in the movie and learn about these giant animals.导演很有才能,充分利用了电脑技术,给人们展示了一个神奇的世界。观众能够在电影中看到各种各样的恐龙,也学到了关于这些巨型动物的知识。In the movie, people and these animals can"t coexist, because people always want to hurt them and get benefits. So there is always war, dinosaurs eat people, people want to kill dinosaurs. It"s time for humans to think about what they should do to nature.在电影中,人们和这些动物无法共存,因为人类总想要伤害它们,获取利益。因此总是存在战争,恐龙吃人,人想要杀掉恐龙。人类该是时候思考下他们应该对大自然做些什么。这部分内容主要考察的是现在完成时的知识点:过去的动作或状态持续到现在,对现在造成的影响,可能持续发生下去。在英语时态中,“时”指动作发生的时间,“态”指动作的样子和状态。完成时态的构成分为两部分:一是助动词,二是实义动词的过去分词-ed。具体来说,用助动词have/has表示“时”,以表明动作发生的时间是在过去、现在还是将来;用过去分词来表示动作的“态”,以表明该动作已经完成,而且对现在有一定的影响。它的构成是:主语+助动词(have/has) +动词的过去分词。(done)
2023-07-16 18:57:152


...我把PSP上游戏王TF4的场地卡目录告诉你吧酸雨 高等黑暗 亚马孙的死斗场 不死世界 异界空间-A地带 古之森 水世界 海 离心分离立场 王家长眠之谷 扰乱之乡 大地力量 齿车街 雾王之城 剑斗兽之栏-圆形斗技场 清净世界 错综复杂的森林 荒野 野蛮斗技场 紫炎的霞城 死皇帝的陵墓 湿地草原 失乐园 光芒冲击 正义世界 侏罗纪世界 蜘蛛网 圣域歌声 圣地的守护结界 草原 暗之斗牛场 黑暗都市 暗黑地带 断层地带 变形斗士·场地 沙漠风暴 天空的圣域 传说之都亚特兰蒂斯 虹之古代都市 新宇宙 脑开发研究所 燃烧熔岩 鹰身女郎的狩猎场 力量区域 万魔殿-恶魔的巢穴- 光之结界 光之护封镇 蛇毒沼泽 融合之门 未来视界 黑色花园 摩天楼 摩天楼2-英雄都市 魔法族之里 魔法都市恩底弥沙 无限的降魔镜 森 山 暗 幽狱之时计塔
2023-07-16 18:57:331


OverviewDirector:Steven SpielbergWriters (WGA):Michael Crichton (novel)Michael Crichton (screenplay) ...more Release Date:11 June 1993 (USA) more Genre:Action / Adventure / Sci-Fi / Thriller more Tagline:An Adventure 65 Million Years In The Making more Plot Outline:Scientists clone dinosaurs to populate a theme park which suffers a major security breakdown and releases the dinosaurs. more Plot Synopsis:View full synopsis. (warning! may contain spoilers) Plot Keywords:Vegetarian / Genetic Engineering / Female Hacker / No Opening Credits / Mathematician more Awards:Won 3 Oscars. Another 19 wins & 15 nominations more User Comments:Great Movie! One of Spielberg"s best
2023-07-16 18:57:423


2023-07-16 18:57:572


本文部分转载自“阿则外英语笔记”,已获授权中文的“体育”是一个近代才出现的外来词语,是经由日语从欧洲语言引进的。从字面来说,“体育”的含义相当于physical education,被视为一种“教育、培养”。而英语中的sport并不是仅限于指“体育运动”,还可以表示“娱乐、好玩”的含义。从根源来说,sport的各种含义都是源于“pastime, entertainment”(娱乐)这个概念,和“work”(工作)构成相对。Sport的来源Sport给人的印象是一个英语土生土长的原生词语,但实际上却是从拉丁语中引进而来,在大约一千年前的中世纪时进入英语。Sport是拉丁语中disport这个动词的简写形式,但在简化时只去掉了半个词根。Disport相当于英语的carry away,指任意放任、不受约束地行动,也就是“玩耍娱乐”。现在人们偶尔也会使用disport yourself的说法,指“娱乐放松”,大多在幽默开玩笑时使用,带有假装正式的口气。图源:新华社在今天的英语中,sport最常用的含义是“体育运动”,既可以指这种抽象概念,也可以指具体的“体育项目”;这些含义都是在进入现代之后才出现的。在美国英语中,sport在表示“体育运动”时,大多写作sports ,复数形式;但英国英语则视之为抽象名词,是不可数的,因此不采用复数形式,例如:I"m not interested in sport.表示“好玩”的sportSport的entertainment含义,在今天的英语中仍然使用,但已经不再是主要用法,相关释义在字典词条中大多会按照常用程度排在后面。作为比较正式的说法,sport可以指enjoyment or fun,即“开玩笑、并非当真”,含义和jest或joke相近,例如:The comments were only made in sport. 那些话都是说着玩的,并非有意的。电影《侏罗纪世界》(Jurassic World)中有一句描述暴虐霸王龙(Indominus rex)的话就是这个用法:"She"s killing for sport." 她把杀戮当做消遣。在澳大利亚和新西兰的英语中,sport还作为一种“非正式用法”,作为对成年男性的友好称呼,例如:How are you doing, sport?Sport做动词还有这个意思Sport作动词用时,还可以表示得意地穿戴,或故意展示给人们看,有炫耀的成分。例如,to sport a beard,就表示故意蓄着大胡子。例句:She was sporting a T-shirt with the company"s logo on it. 她穿了一件带有公司徽标的T恤衫,很是得意。编辑:左卓来源:阿则外英语笔记
2023-07-16 18:58:041


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2023-07-16 18:58:271


你好,你可以打开讯雷,在收索栏里输入举起手来2片头插曲 ,点收索后选择你想要的插曲下载就好。 希望能帮到你。
2023-07-16 18:58:352


明星:皮特·波斯尔思韦特 英文名:Pete Postlethwaite 出生日期:1946年2月16日 国籍:英国 身高:179cm[编辑本段]参与作品有 2010-Clash of the Titans 诸神之战/泰坦之战 2007-Closing the Ring (演员).....Michael Quinlan 2006-幽灵之子 Ghost Son (演员).....Doc Szellemgyermek 2005-不朽的园丁 The Constant Gardener (演员).....Dr. Lorbeer aka Dr. Brandt 疑云杀机 / 执著的园丁 / 永远的园丁 / 无国界追凶 / 执着的园丁 魔力女战士 Aeon Flux (演员).....Keeper[编辑本段]万古流传 鬼水怪谈 Dark Water (演员).....Veeck 鬼水凶灵美国篇 Red Mercury (演员).....Gold Commander 2004-Strange Bedfellows (演员).....Russell McKenzie 2003-走向黑暗 Gone Dark (演员).....Gale 2002-刺客 Triggermen (演员).....Ben Cutler 陌生人之间 Between Strangers (演员).....John 2001-真情快递The Shipping News (演员).....Tert Card 航运新闻 / 梦魇浮生 2000-天罪 When the Sky Falls (演员).....Martin Shaughnessy 变鼠记 Rat (演员).....Hubert 1999-爱丽丝梦游仙境 Alice in Wonderland (演员).....Carpenter 动物农庄 Animal Farm (演员).....Benjamin/Farmer Jones (voice) 1998欲望天堂 Among Giants (演员).....Raymond "Ray" 1997-蛇之吻 The Serpent"s Kiss (演员).....Thomas Smithers 失落的世界:侏罗纪公园续集 The Lost World: Jurassic Park (演员).....Roland Tembo 断锁怒潮 Amistad (演员).....Holabird 勇者无惧 / 阿米斯塔德号 真相 Bandyta (演员).....Sincai 1996-飞天巨桃历险记 James and the Giant Peach (演员).....Old Man 罗密欧与茱丽叶后现代激情篇 Romeo + Juliet (演员).....Father Laurence 龙之心 Dragonheart (演员).....Gilbert of Glockenspur 魔龙传奇 / 魔幻屠龙 / 屠龙记 奏出新希望 Brassed Off (演员).....Danny 1995-非常嫌疑犯 The Usual Suspects (演员).....Kobayashi 1994-隔墙有眼 Suite 16 (演员).....Glover 第66届奥斯卡颁奖典礼 The 66th Annual Academy Awards (演员).....Himself 沙普的伙伴 Sharpe"s Company (演员).....Sgt. Obadiah Hakeswill 沙普的敌人 Sharpe"s Enemy (演员).....Sgt. Obadiah Hakeswill 1993-因父之名 In the Name of the Father (演员).....Giuseppe Conlon 1992-异形3 Alien 3 (演员).....David 最后的摩根战士 The Last of the Mohicans (演员).....Capt. Beams 水之乡 Waterland (演员).....Henry Crick (as Peter Postlethwaite) 争分夺秒 Split Second (演员).....Paulsen 1990-哈姆雷特 Hamlet (演员).....Player King 金银岛 Treasure Island (演员).....George Merry (as Peter Postlethwaite) 1988-远方的声音 Distant Voices, Still Lives (演员).....Father 1977-决斗的人 The Duellists (演员).....Man shaving Gen. Treillard (as Peter Postlethwaite)
2023-07-16 18:58:541


三傻大闹宝莱坞 讲了很多东西 很好看
2023-07-16 18:59:043

求FH DVD 021-040 编号的电影

编号:FH-021 片名:逃学威龙三部曲(1991,1992,1993)3D9 Fight Back to School +Fight Back to School II+逃学威龙三之龙过鸡年/Fight Back to School III 配置:周星驰最富盛名代表作,最新数码修复版本,全球独家DTS-ES可变宽银幕格式套装,独家全部完整石斑鱼国配,独家周星驰秘密访谈,全优化下拉三区字幕 编号:FH-022 片名:天生一对/The Parent Trap(1998,双重麻烦特别版)D9 配置:一区迪士尼独家特别版,三六区全套中文字幕,OST,六区正版国配,内附原版琳赛萝翰签名海报 编号:FH-023 片名:第五元素/The Fifth Element(1997,终极收藏版)2D9+2D5 配置:英国二区FOX特殊动画菜单,一区UE版SUPERBIT正片声轨,全套三区字幕,独家优质中文琐事字幕,OST,全球最完整之美一区SONY版、英二区FOX版、日二区派拉蒙版合计超过四小时花絮,独家高清HD影像DTS体验版 编号:FH-024 片名:骗中骗/The Sting(1973,特别收藏版)D9+D5 配置:一区环球DTS环球遗产特别收藏版,全套三区字幕,绝版OST,独家国语配音,内附1973年奥斯卡得奖上映版特殊海报复刻版 编号:FH-025 片名:恐怖蜡像馆/ House of Wax(2005)D9 配置:2005年度惊悚大片,三区华纳SE版,全套三区字幕优化下 编号:FH-026 片名:真实的谎言/TRUE LIES(1994,特别收藏版)D9+D5 配置:好莱坞动作经典最新收藏版,集合全球各区版本精华,独家版本真正完整DD 5.1国配(影院国配+央视新版),日本二区DTS版,集成三区全套字幕和德国二区独家精彩花絮,完整OST+著名探戈舞曲收录 编号:FH-027 片名:最长的一码/The Longest Yard(2005,特别收藏版)D9 配置:一区派拉蒙CE版,全套优质中文字幕,OST 编号:FH-028 片名:斗鱼/Rumble Fish (1983,特别收藏版)D9 配置:《教父三部曲》大导演弗兰西斯.科波拉经典名作,一区新发特别版,自制优质中文字幕,ost 编号:FH-029 片名:王牌对王牌/The Negotiator(1998)D9 配置:一区特别收藏版,三区字幕,经典国配,重新制作的花絮字幕,ost 编号:FH-030 片名:利物浦——2005欧洲冠军:三碟珍藏版 2D9+1D5 配置:绝对不可错过的欧洲足球冠军联赛五十年最富梦幻与神话色彩的时刻!收藏人类体育史上的又一传奇佳话!FH历时六个月艰苦制作,奉献2005年最佳体育DVD!《利物浦:2005欧洲冠军》经过FH严格甄选,全球独家三碟收藏版完整收录2005伊斯坦布尔神奇夏夜的足球神话,欧广联、格林纳达电视网、利物浦足球俱乐部联手打造全部真正16:9高清数码转制视频信号(文后附普通电视卫星转播画面与16:9官方高清转录DVD视频对比),FH更独家奉献ESPN欧冠决赛全程苏东、陈熙荣精彩中文解说及超级变态英国天空电视网全程喋喋不休精彩不断激情四射比赛全程英语解说优质中文字幕!除此之外,三碟珍藏版更首次披露红军“通向伊斯坦布尔之路”五十年欧洲冠军联赛历程,半个世纪几代红军当家球星风采一网打尽。不仅如此,走上复兴之路的伟大红军2005年度所有比赛回顾.更令所有球迷大饱眼福!本节目同时绝版收录红军经典歌曲全集《这就是安菲尔德!》LPCM声轨,与欧洲冠军联赛最大奇迹制造者们一起高歌--“You""ll never walk alone!你永远不会独行”! 编号:FH-031 片名:机器人历险记/Robots (2005,双碟DTS收藏版)D9+D5 配置:轰动全球的好莱坞全新金属3D动画巨制,市面独家DTS双碟完整收藏版,市面唯一真正精选全球最佳一区DTS版最优高清画质版本,集成三区国粤韩泰配音及独家自制中文评论字幕,完整收录与三区完全不同的一区全套精彩花絮,OST,另附送高清晰海报卡及合家欢《机器人》游戏册。 编号:FH-032 片名:风月俏佳人/Pretty Woman(1990,15周年纪念特别版)D9 配置:市场独家完整D9版本(以往市面D9版本均为欧洲二区被删剪版),一区博伟15周年纪念收藏版,独家三版本国配,OST,三区/六区中文字幕,集成二区独家经典歌曲MV 编号:FH-033 片名:暗花/The Longest Nite(1997,数码修复版)D9 配置:全球独家经典香港电影D9版本,法国二区HKV数码修复版,三区DD5.1国语配音,全套三区中文字幕,除法国二区杜琪峰精彩访谈外,集成三区花絮 编号:FH-034 片名:战栗时空(灵幻夹克)/The Jacket(2005)D9 配置:好莱坞当红玉女凯拉.奈特丽(加勒比海盗、亚瑟王)与奥斯卡影帝阿德里安.布洛迪2005最新惊竦大作,市面独家三区中文字幕及DTS版本,华纳一区版本,集成台湾三区字幕及DTS 编号:FH-035 片名:太阳神13号/Apollo 13(1995,10周年纪念终极收藏版)4D9 配置:环球一区十周年纪念双碟收藏版全新修复剧场版正片,集成环球CE版满档DTS,一区环球全新IMAX DTS体验版,完整花絮,全套一、二、三区字幕,双版完整OST,双解说评论声轨及独家优质中文字幕,全套优质花絮中文字幕(以上均由法国二区译出,全球独家全中文配置),英国二区与美国航空航天局(NASA)联合制作发行DTS版完整官方纪录影片《休斯敦!我们有了麻烦:太阳神13号》。内附《太阳神13号》1995年美国公映版海报复刻版两款。 编号:FH-036 片名:咖喱辣椒/Curry and Pepper(1990,黄金收藏版)D9 配置:寰亚经典香港电影DVD顶级收藏版第二弹,周星驰、张学友搞笑经典搭档。三区国粤语配音DTS版,全套字幕优化下拉。包装内附原版剧照收藏集复刻版。 编号:FH-037 片名:大白鲨/Jaws (1975,30周年纪念终极收藏版)2D9 配置:环球一区30周年纪念DTS限量收藏版,环球二、三区30周年纪念版全套字幕,一、二、三区完整花絮收录,OST,独家双版本中文配音,碟内附《大白鲨:30周年纪念》纪念册电子书及《大白鲨》首度公映影院宣传招贴及拍摄工作照复刻版电子图档,包装内附《大白鲨》分镜头手稿复刻珍藏册及美国首度上映海报复刻版 编号:FH-038 片名:侏罗纪公园终极收藏版(1993,1997,2001)4D9+1D5 侏罗纪公园/Jurassic Park+侏罗纪公园:失落的世界/Jurassic Park: The Lost World+侏罗纪公园3/Jurassic Park III 配置:环球又一经典系列DVD封顶版本面市。集合环球一区UE版和环球三区UE版素材,全套节目采用全球最佳二区SUPERBIT版正片,完整全套三区字幕,全球最佳三区3D动态菜单及SUPERBIT版菜单双菜单随机制作,全新制作第一、二集中影国配。特殊侏罗纪公园冒险包装,内附三部曲上映版海报复刻版。 网评:平面的PP又得打一下,FH盒脊印4D9,其实是4D9+1D5。 编号:FH-039 片名:企鹅宝贝(帝企鹅日记)/La Marche de l""empereur(2005,三碟豪华收藏版)3D9 配置:法二迪士尼THX认证DTS双碟收藏版交互式电影正片,三区三碟收藏版,独家集成中国大陆何炅、陶红,中国台湾贾静雯、戴立忍DD5.1国语配音及中国香港陈奕迅、蔡卓妍DD2.0粤语配音,OST,独家中文评论字幕,全套法国版花絮优质中文花絮字幕,内附《企鹅宝贝:南极番外篇之爱德利企鹅大冒险》变形宽银幕16:9DTS版及海量精彩花絮。 网评:一部合家欢的电影。FH盒脊印2D9+D5,其实是3D9。 编号:FH-040 片名:角斗士/Gladiator (2000,特别延展收藏版)4D9 配置:奥斯卡获奖巨片最新加长版。一区无缝双TITLE双长度完整延展版,双版本三区字幕,全新版本导评字幕,全部优化下拉及双显,剧场版额外添加导演剪辑评论字幕。独家附带全球最佳画质之《角斗士》导演剪辑剧场版本SUPERBIT版,独家复合全球发烧首选DTS ES声轨及全新DD5.1中影国配,独家附带完整双版本OST。 网评:有人通缉第四碟普通DTS正常,但DTSES有问题。
2023-07-16 18:59:171


BBC纪录片三个系列的专题目录BBC自然01野性南美洲02野性非洲03野性澳洲04野性新世界BBC自然05与猛兽同行(哺乳类全传,与猛兽同行,与巨兽同行)BBC自然06与恐龙同行(与恐龙同行特辑-海底霸王,与恐龙同行特辑-巨龙国度,海底深渊,与恐龙同行-镰刀龙探秘,与野蛮人同行,野生动物系列—蛇)BBC自然07与恐龙共舞(与恐龙共舞特别篇-异特龙之谜,异特龙制作特辑,与恐龙共舞特别篇-异特龙之谜,恐龙凶面目)BBC自然08海底世界揭密BBC自然09蓝色星球1BBC自然10蓝色星球2BBC自然11(丛林探险,尼罗河)BBC自然12(大地的声音,超级火山)BBC自然13生命的起点1BBC自然14生命的起点2地球水之旅,撒哈拉BBC自然15昆虫帝国,群体大自然BBC自然16动物摄影机,雌雄争霸战BBC自然17现代恐龙,冰雪的童话BBC自然18植物私生活BBC自然19消逝的生物,天有风云BBC自然20极地之旅1(南极之旅)BBC自然21极地之旅2(欧洲自然风光)BBC自然22哺乳类全传1BBC自然23哺乳类全传2动物奥运会(动物运动会)BBC自然24动物杀戮战场(超自然力量,狮路历程)BBC自然25飞禽传(鸟的生活1,鸟的生活2BBC自然26动物犯罪现场BBC自然27行星地球BBC文史诺曼底到柏林 敦刻尔克大撤退 杀戮战场 诺曼底大登陆 大西洋之战 纳粹警示录 太空竞赛 世纪大战:二战欧洲东线纪实 古代启示录(罗马斗兽场,成佛之路) 寻找特洛伊战争 喜马拉雅 诺亚方舟(门徒保罗,上帝之子耶稣基督,达芬奇-蒙娜丽莎的微笑) 奥斯威辛缅甸.被遗忘的战争 无名英雄 印度陆军 圣经解码 达芬奇 庞贝古城.-.最后的一天 米开朗基罗 战争之路 广岛战栗东方王子之路 艺伎的真实生活 文明的轨迹 七大工业奇迹消失的巨兽 惊世一刻 星际漫游 世界八十宝藏 成吉思汗 追踪亚历山大大帝BBC科技生命的进化 恐惧症大家谈 人类心智 人脑漫游 超级人类 宇宙无限 时间机器 人体漫游五官奥妙 地球形成的故事 制造新人类 宇宙行星探索记 人类本能 人类感官 两性奥秘----------------------------------------------------------------BBC记录片目录  数字部: BBC风云五十年(2集)  A字部:  BBC.Alien.Empire.昆虫帝国(6集)  BBC.Ancient.Apocalypse.古代启示录(4集)  BBC Ancient Rome The Rise and Fall of an Empire. 古罗马-一个帝国的兴起和衰亡(6集)  BBC.Animal Camera.动物摄影机,又名窥探生物(3集)  BBC.Animal.Battlefield.动物杀戮战场(4集)  BBC.Animal.Games.动物奥运会(1集)  BBC.Ape-Man.人类起源,又名从猿到人(3集)  BBC.A.History.of.Britain.大不列颠史/英国史(15集)  BBC.Amazon.Abyss.亚马逊深渊(5集)  BBC.Around The World In 80 Treasures.世界八十宝藏(10集)爱登堡在天堂(7集)  BBC.A Walking with Dinosaurs Special - Sea Monsters.与恐龙同行特辑 - 海底霸王(3集)  BBC Art Collection 艺术精选系列    B字部:  BBC.Battlefields.杀戮战场(4集)  BBC.Battle of The Sexes In The Animal World.雌雄争霸战又名性别的战争 (6集)  BBC.Bible.Mysteries.圣经解码(9集)  BBC.Brain.story.脑海漫游(6集)  BBC 加勒比海魔盗黑胡子/鬼盗船真面目(1集+2集)  BBC Burma The Forgotten War 缅甸:被遗忘的战争(1集)  C字部:  BBC.Colosseum.罗马竞技场(1集)    D字部:  BBC.D-Day 6.6.1944.诺曼底登陆日(2集)  BBC.D-Day to Berlin.从诺曼底到柏林(3集)  BBC.Deep Blue.深蓝(2集)  BBC.Dolphins Deep.Thinkers.2003 聪明的海豚(1集)  BBC.Dragons.Alive.2004.现代恐龙(3集)  BBC.Dunkirk.敦克尔克大撤退(3集)    E字部:  BBC.Earth Story.地球形成的故事(8集)  BBC.Earth.Ride.地球水之旅(1集)  BBC.Egypt.古埃及秘史(埃及特写)(6集)  BBC Elephant Diaries. 孤儿象日记簿(3集)  BBC.Europe.A.Natural.History.欧洲自然史(4集)    G字部:  BBC.Great.Wildlife.Moments.野生生物绝妙瞬间(1集)    H字部:  BBC.Himalaya.喜马拉雅之旅(6集)  BBC.Hiroshima.广岛(1集)  BBC.Horror in the East..战栗东方(2集)复制新人类(4集)  BBC.Human Instinct.人类本能(4集)  BBC.Human.Senses.人类感官(3集)  BBC Horizon:Einstein"s Equation of Life and Death爱因斯坦的生死方程式(1集)  BBC Horizon:Einstein"s Unfinished Symphony. 爱因斯坦的未竟交响曲(1集)  BBC Horizon:Equinox Einsteins Biggest Blunder. 爱因斯坦的最大失误(1集)  BBC Horizon The Lost Pyramids Of Caral.被遗忘的秘鲁卡拉尔金字塔(1集)  BBC Horizon:The Missing Link. 进化缺环(1集)  BBC Horizon:The Mystery Of The Jurassic. 侏罗纪之谜(1集)  BBC Horizon:Extreme Dinosaurs. 地平线:巨龙的奥秘(1集)  BBC Horizon:T.Rex, Warrior Or Wimp. 地平线:霸王龙,勇士或懦夫(1集)  BBC Horizon.-.Supermassive.Black.Holes. 视野系列之超大质量黑洞(1集)  BBC Horizon:The Day The Earth Nearly Died地平线:地球劫难日(1集)  BBC Horizon:The Lost Pyramids Of Caral地平线:被遗忘的秘鲁卡拉尔金字塔(1集)  BBC Horizon:Atlantis Reborn. 地平线:亚特兰蒂斯重生(1集)  BBC Horizon:Cloning The First Human. 地平线:克隆人的诞生(1集)  BBC Horizon:Killer Algae. 地平线:杀手海藻(1集)  BBC Horizon:The Secret Life Of Caves. 地平线:洞穴隐秘生物(1集)  BBC Blood and Flowers-In Search of the Aztecs. 血与花:寻找阿兹特克(1集)  BBC-Horizon:Saturn-Lord Of The Rings.视野:土星 (1集)  BBC.How Art Made The World 艺术创造世界(5集)    I字部:  BBC.In.Search.Of.The.Trojan.War.寻找特洛伊战争(7集)  BBC In Search Of Myths And Heroes 寻找神化和英雄(4集)  BBC In The Footsteps Of Alexander The Great 2005 跟随亚历山大大帝(4集)    J字部:海底之旅(6集)  BBC.Jungle.丛林探险(3集)  BBC.Journey.of.Life.生命之旅(5集)    K字部:  BBC.Kenneth.Clark"s.Civilisation文明(13集)  BBC.Killing For A Living为生存而杀戮(13集)    L字部:  BBC.Land.of.the.Tiger.虎的王国(6集)  BBC.LAuschwitz.The.Nazis.and.the.Final.Solution.2005.奥斯威辛.纳粹党与最终方案(奥斯威兹集中营)(6集)  BBC.The Legend Of The Holy Grail. 圣杯传说(4集)  BBC.Light.Fantastic.光之舞(4集)  BBC.Life in the Freezer.冰雪的童话(6集)  BBC.Lost.Worlds.Vanished.Lives.消逝的生物(6集)  BBC Leonardo da vinci.达芬奇(3集)  BBC Life on earth.生命的进化(15集)  BBC.Life in the Undergrowth 2005.灌丛下的生命(5集)  BBC.Living.Britain.活力英伦(6集)    M字部:  BBC.Massive.Nature.群体大自然(6集)  BBC.Michael Palin.Full Circle With Michael Palin.环球旅行(10集+2集)  BBC.Michael Palin.Hemingway Adventure.海明威历险记  BBC.Michael.Palin.Around.The.World.In.80.Days.八十天环游地球(7集+1集)  BBC.Monsters.We.Met.遭遇怪物(3集)    N字部:  BBC.Nile.2004.尼罗河(3集)  BBC.Noah and the Great Flood.诺亚方舟(1集)  BBC.Natural.World.Secrets.of.the.Maya.Underworld.玛雅之谜(1集)  P字部:  BBC.Phobias.恐惧大家谈(3集)  BBC.Planet Earth.地球(5集)极地之旅(8集)  BBC.Pompeii-The.Last.Day.庞贝古城-最后的一天(1集)  BBC.Power.of.Art.艺术的力量(8集+1集)  BBC.Pyramid.金字塔(1集)  BBC.Power of Nightmares.The Rise Of The Politics Of Fear.恶梦的力量.惊恐政治的冒起(3集)  BBC.Predators.掠夺者(6集,AVI,无字幕)  BBC.Prehistoric.America.史前美洲(6集)    S字部:  BBC.Sahara.撒哈拉大漠之旅(4集)  BBC.Saint.Paul.门徒保罗(1集)  BBC.Seven.Wonders.of.the.Industrial.World.七大工业奇迹(7集)  BBC.Secrets Of The Ancients古代的秘密(5集)  BBC.Son of God.上帝之子耶稣基督(3集)  BBC.Space.Odyssey.星际漫游(2集)  BBC.Space.宇宙无限(6集)  BBC.Space.Race 太空竞赛(4集)  BBC.State.of.the.Planet.大地的声音(3集)  BBC.Stephen Hawking"s Universe.霍金的宇宙(6集)  BBC.Super.Human.超级人类(6集)  BBC.Supernatural.超自然力量(6集)  BBC.Supersense.动物超感官(6集)  BBC.Supervolcano.超级火山:真正末日(2集)    T字部:  BBC.The Battle of The Atlantic.大西洋之战(3集)  BBC.The Human Mind.人类心智(3集)  BBC.The Life Of Birds.飞禽传(10集)  BBC.The Road to War.战争之路(4集)  BBC.The.Abyss.海底深渊(1集)  BBC.The.Blue.Planet.蓝色星球(10集)  BBC.The.Divine.Michelangelo米开朗基罗(2集)  BBC The Miracles of Jesus. 神迹透视(3集)  BBC The Human Animal.人与动物(6集)  BBC.The.Human.Body.人体漫游(8集)  BBC.The.Human.Face.五官奥妙(4集)  BBC.The.Life.Of.Buddha.成佛之路(1集)  BBC.The.Life.Of.Mammals.哺乳类全传(11集)  BBC.The.Living.Planet.活力星球(13集)  BBC.The.Nazis.A.Warning.From.History.纳粹警示录(6集)  BBC.The.Planets日月星宿(8集)  BBC.The.Private.Life.of.Plants.植物私生活(6集)  BBC.Time.Machine.时间机器(3集)  BBC.Trials.of.Live.生命之源(12集)  BBC.The.Day.the.Universe.Changed.变化的每一天  BBC Timewatch Forgotten Heroes.时代了望-无名英雄(1集)    W字部:  BBC.Walking with Dinosaurs.与恐龙同行(7集)  BBC A Walking with Dinosaurs Special- Land of Giants- The Giant Claw.巨龙国度(1集)  BBC.Walking.with.Beasts.与猛兽同行(6集)  BBC.Walking with Cavemen.与远古人同行(4集)  BBC.War of the Century.世纪大战-二战欧洲东线纪实(4集)  BBC.Weird.Nature.灵趣自然(6集)  BBC.Wild New World.野性新世界(6集)  BBC.Wild.Afica.野性非洲(6集)  BBC.Wild.Australasia.野性澳洲(6集)  BBC.Wild.Indonesia.野性印尼(3集)  BBC.Wild.South.America.野性南美洲(6集)  BBC.Wild.Weather天有风云(4集) BBC纪录片对纪录片的感觉,从央视《孙子兵法》真正开始,通过《复活的军团》加深,《新丝绸之路》、《大国崛起》让我彻底喜好上。声音的元素也是喜好之一。其后,颇有选择性地买了多部BBC近几年出版的自然历史类纪录片。说是给小可其实是给自已。很多时候要哄他才肯看的。我们小时候哪这样啊。
2023-07-16 18:59:261


2023-07-16 18:59:425


侏罗纪世界高~清 侏罗纪世界高~清 【密码:mnie】 侏罗纪世界高~清 oratleastmenpresentwhomhecouldimaginesuch,"nearthedoor,thebushes;traversedthewood,whenheeitherdiedorresignedhisoffice,wasatlastusheredintotheroomwheretheUnnamedwasexpectinghim.TheSignoradvancedtomeetDonRod
2023-07-16 19:00:411

侏罗纪世界2015 超清的资源 360网盘下载 谁有 百度网盘算了 亲

《侏罗纪世界》(Jurassic World)是环球影业和传奇影业出品的一部科幻冒险电影,为《侏罗纪公园》系列第四部,由科林·特莱沃若执导,克里斯·帕拉特、布莱丝·达拉斯·霍华德、尼克·罗宾森等主演,2015年6月10日于在中国大陆上映。《侏罗纪世界》讲述科学家欧文在纳布拉尔岛上的恐龙主题公园中与迅猛龙们打成一片,并意外发生了一些事故和故事。
2023-07-16 19:00:591


2023-07-16 19:01:072


1、《侏罗纪世界:白垩纪营地 第1-4季》免费在线观看完整版高清,求百度网盘资源2、《侏罗纪世界:白垩纪营地 第一季 2020》免费在线观看完整版高清,求百度网盘资源3、跪求好心人分享侏罗纪世界:白垩纪营地第一季2020年上映的由考萨尔穆罕默德主演的免费高清百度云资源《侏罗纪世界:白垩纪营地 第1-4季》免费在线观看完整版高清,求百度网盘资源《侏罗纪世界:白垩纪营地 第1-4季 Jurassic World: Camp Cretaceous》百度网盘高清资源免费在线观看:链接: 提取码:shly 导演:第一季: Zesung Kang、Michael Mullen、Eric Elrod、Lane Lueras、丹·瑞巴;第二季:Lane Lueras;第三季:Leah Artwick、Michael Mullen、Eric Elrod编剧: 第一季:扎克·施坦茨、尼克·琼斯;第二季:迈克尔·克莱顿、Scott Kreamer、扎克·施坦茨;第三季:Rick Williams、Bethany Armstrong Johnson、Lindsay Kerns、Sheela Shrinivas、扎克·施坦茨、Kristine Songco、Joanna Lewis主演: 第一季:考萨尔·穆罕默德、珍娜·奥尔特加、瑞恩·波特、莱妮·罗德里格兹、罗杰·克莱格·史密斯、詹姆斯·阿诺德·泰勒、肖恩·吉布朗尼、杰夫·伯格曼、小本杰明·弗洛雷斯、科斯顿·约翰、保罗·迈克尔·威廉姆斯、菲尔·巴克曼、格雷格·秦、Scott Kreamer、Secunda Wood第2-3季:保罗·迈克尔·威廉姆斯、肖恩·吉布朗尼、考萨尔·穆罕默德、珍娜·奥尔特加、瑞恩·波特、莱妮·罗德里格兹、杰夫·伯格曼、菲尔·巴克曼、小本杰明·弗洛雷斯、贾米拉·贾米尔、格伦·鲍威尔类型: 动作、科幻、动画、冒险制片国家/地区: 美国语言: 英语首播: 第一季2020-09-18(美国);第二季:2021-01-22(美国),第三季:2021-05-21(美国);第四季: 2021-12-03(美国)集数: 第1-2季:8集/季;第三季:10集;第四季:11集单集片长: 23-25分钟又名: 侏罗纪:露营白垩纪、侏罗纪世界:白垩纪、侏罗纪世界:白垩冒险营第1-4季剧情简介:六名青少年男女参加努布拉岛边境的冒险营,当恐龙在岛上引发浩劫,大伙必须团结一心,力图幸免于难。《侏罗纪世界:白垩纪营地 第一季 2020》免费在线观看完整版高清,求百度网盘资源《侏罗纪世界:白垩纪营地 第一季 Jurassic World: Camp Cretaceous Season 1(2020)》百度网盘高清资源免费在线观看:链接: 提取码:207m导演: Zesung Kang、Michael Mullen、Eric Elrod、Lane Lueras、丹·瑞巴编剧: 扎克·施坦茨、尼克·琼斯主演: 考萨尔·穆罕默德、珍娜·奥尔特加、瑞恩·波特、莱妮·罗德里格兹、罗杰·克莱格·史密斯、詹姆斯·阿诺德·泰勒、肖恩·吉布朗尼、杰夫·伯格曼、小本杰明·弗洛雷斯、科斯顿·约翰、保罗·迈克尔·威廉姆斯、菲尔·巴克曼、格雷格·秦、Scott Kreamer、Secunda Wood类型: 动作、动画、冒险制片国家/地区: 美国语言: 英语首播: 2020-09-18(美国)季数: 1集数: 8单集片长: 24分钟又名: 侏罗纪:露营白垩纪、侏罗纪世界:白垩纪、侏罗纪世界:白垩冒险营六名青少年男女参加努布拉岛边境的冒险营,当恐龙在岛上引发浩劫,大伙必须团结一心,力图幸免于难。跪求好心人分享侏罗纪世界:白垩纪营地第一季2020年上映的由考萨尔穆罕默德主演的免费高清百度云资源《侏罗纪世界:白垩纪营地第一季》百度网盘高清资源免费在线观看链接: 提取码: cb8r 《侏罗纪世界:白垩纪营地 第一季 Jurassic World: Camp Cretaceous Season 1(2020)》导演: Zesung Kang、Michael Mullen、Eric Elrod、Lane Lueras、丹·瑞巴编剧: 扎克·施坦茨、尼克·琼斯主演: 考萨尔·穆罕默德、珍娜·奥尔特加、瑞恩·波特、莱妮·罗德里格兹、罗杰·克莱格·史密斯、詹姆斯·阿诺德·泰勒、肖恩·吉布朗尼、杰夫·伯格曼、小本杰明·弗洛雷斯、科斯顿·约翰、保罗·迈克尔·威廉姆斯、菲尔·巴克曼、格雷格·秦、Scott Kreamer、Secunda Wood类型: 动作、动画、冒险制片国家/地区: 美国语言: 英语首播: 2020-09-18(美国)季数: 1集数: 8单集片长: 24分钟又名: 侏罗纪:露营白垩纪、侏罗纪世界:白垩纪、侏罗纪世界:白垩冒险营六名青少年男女参加努布拉岛边境的冒险营,当恐龙在岛上引发浩劫,大伙必须团结一心,力图幸免于难。
2023-07-16 19:01:141


好莱坞必看的20部电影有如下:1、《阿甘正传》《阿甘正传》是由罗伯特·泽米吉斯执导的电影,由汤姆·汉克斯、罗宾·怀特等人主演,于1994年7月6日在美国上映。电影改编自美国作家温斯顿·格卢姆于1986年出版的同名小说,描绘了先天智障的小镇男孩福瑞斯特·甘自强不息,最终“傻人有傻福”地得到上天眷顾,在多个领域创造奇迹的励志故事。电影上映后,于1995年获得奥斯卡最佳影片奖、最佳男主角奖、最佳导演奖等6项大奖。2、《勇敢的心》《勇敢的心》是派拉蒙影业公司出品的战争片,由梅尔·吉布森执导,梅尔·吉布森、苏菲·玛索、凯瑟琳·麦克马克等主演。影片以13-14世纪英格兰的宫廷政治为背景,以战争为核心,讲述了苏格兰起义领袖威廉·华莱士与英格兰统治者不屈不挠斗争的故事。1995年5月该片在美国上映。1996年,该片在第68届奥斯卡金像奖上获得最佳影片、最佳导演等5项奖项。3、《七宗罪》《七宗罪》是一部由大卫·芬奇执导,布拉德·皮特、摩根·弗里曼、格温妮丝·帕特洛、凯文·史派西等人主演的惊悚悬疑片。该片以罪犯约翰·杜制造的连环杀人案件为线索,从警员沙摩塞和米尔斯的视角出发,讲述了“七宗罪”系列谋杀案的故事。1995年该片在美国上映。1996年该片获得了第5届MTV电影奖最佳影片等奖项。4、《侏罗纪世界》《侏罗纪世界》(Jurassic World)是环球影业和传奇影业出品的一部科幻冒险电影,为《侏罗纪公园》系列第四部,由科林·特莱沃若执导,克里斯·帕拉特、布莱丝·达拉斯·霍华德、尼克·罗宾森等主演,2015年6月10日于在中国大陆上映。《侏罗纪世界》讲述驯龙师欧文在纳布拉尔岛上的恐龙主题公园中与迅猛龙们打成一片,并意外发生了一些事故和故事。5、《大鱼》《大鱼》是一部2003年出品的美国奇幻片,故事改编自丹尼尔·华勒斯(Daniel Wallace)于1998年出版的《大鱼老爸》(Big Fish)改编而成。由蒂姆·伯顿执导,由伊万·麦克格雷格、阿尔伯特·芬尼和杰西卡·兰格等联袂出演。影片于2003年12月10日在美国纽约率先放映。电影以孩子的口吻来叙述其爸爸传奇的一生。爱德华·布鲁姆是个喜欢吹牛的老头,总喜欢炫耀年轻时旅行推销的经历,儿子并不相信,觉得父亲很虚荣浮夸,父子关系渐渐疏离。直到父亲不久于人世,儿子决定回去见父亲最后一面,他终于领悟到父亲充满激情和想象的一生。
2023-07-16 19:01:221


  高中外研版选修六课文《朱罗纪公园》  JurassicPark—ScientificFact or Hollywood Fiction?  Steven Spielberg"s successful sci-fi adventure film follows two dinosaurexperts—Dr Alan and Dr Ellie Sattler—as they are invited by the eccentric millionaire John Hammond to visit his newamusement park on an island off Costa Rica before it opens to the public. Bycloning DNA taken from prehistoric mosquitoes, Hammond has created livingdinosaurs for his new Jurassic Park. Accompanied by Hammond"s twograndchildren, they are sent on a tour through Jurassic Park incomputer-controlled cars. But a tropical storm hits the island, knocking outthe power supply, and an employee destroys the security system so that he cansteal dinosaur embryos and sell them. The dinosaurs start to get out of control ...  So, since it is possible to clone sheep, is it possible to clone dinosaurs? Or is this just Hollywood?First, any DNA that has been taken from a preserved mosquito is only 40 millionyears old. Dinosaurs are at least 60 million years old, so even if any DNA wasfound, the mosquitoes need to be much older, and as far as we know, mosquitoes that old do not exist.  Second, although it is possible to findpreserved mosquitoes, only one male has been recovered. In fact, only femalescan absorb the DNA of another creature. Also, thereis no way of knowing if the DNA was from a dinosaur or not. Since there hasbeen no previous discovery of dinosaurs, there is nothing to compare the new sample with.  Thirdly, dinosaur DNA would not be intact after the long period of time since theirextinction. When life ends, DNA breaks down and does not repair itself.  Many questions also arise in the cloning of dinosaurs. Some of thesequestions are: What will be needed to raise a baby dinosaur from childhoodsuccessfully? What kinds of conditions do dinosaurs need to survive? What arethe diets of dinosaurs? What kinds of care would dinosaurs need in their adultlives? What would be done to protect humans from dinosaurs and vice versa? What ethical and human rights issues areraised by cloning?  So cloning dinosaurs seems scientificallyimpossible. The world is not ready for it and the materials that are needed arenot yet available. Even if it was possible to bring dinosaurs back to life theyprobably could not survive in the present day environment. Temperature, air,disease, and plants are all different today than in the era of dinosaurs.Dinosaurs are used to a completely different world and would find greatdifficulty living here. The only place that dinosaurs seem to exist today is inHollywood.
2023-07-16 19:02:091


The window of the world is located in shenzhen bay, so as to promote the world culture for the purpose, put the world wonders, historic sites, different spots, the folk dance performance pooling a garden, built a wonderful wonderful world. The window of the world scenic area divided according to five continents, with the world, and the world, international square sculpture park street, Jurassic heaven and earth to form a appearance state, the wonderful hebron, rejects amazing man-made theme park. The park spots, according to the different proportion of free copy build, sophisticated chic, these figures are remarkably true. The window of the world of the individual sights is the symphonic poem through solidification, which had its folklore performance of those is lively and vivid series of walking.When the night comes, the square in the world"s large song and dance and carnival cruise, is the window of the world theme: "the world and you were happy", show incisively and vividly, but at the same time, the beautiful shenzhen dress up more fresh color. "You give us a day, we give you a wonderful world", as long as you come here, you can make so gasp in admiration.
2023-07-16 19:02:182


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2023-07-16 19:02:461


This summer, the hottest movie must belong to the Jurassic Park. The series of Jurassic Park is very popular around the world. When I saw the first part, I was very impressed by the dinosaur"s world. The director was so talented that he made use of the computer technology to show people an amazing world. The audience could see all kinds of dinosaurs in the movie and learned something about these huge animals. In the movie, people and these big animals can"t live together, because human being always wants to hurt them and make the profit. So there is war, the dinosaurs eat people and people try to kill them. It is time for human being to think about what they should do to the nature. 这个夏天,最热门的电影当属于《侏罗纪公园》,这个电影的系列在全世界都很受欢迎。当我看第一部的时候,对恐龙的世界留下了很深刻的印象。导演很聪明,充分利用了电脑技术,给人们展示了一个神奇的世界。观众能够在电影中看到各种各样的恐龙,也学到了关于这些巨大动物的知识。在电影中,人们和这些动物无法共存,因为人类总想要伤害它们,获取利益。因此总是存在战争,恐龙吃人,人想要杀掉恐龙。人类该是时候思考下他们应该对大自然做些什么。
2023-07-16 19:02:543


1. Both English and French are spoken (speak) in Canada. 复数,被动,一般时2. More than twenty songs were sung (sing) by Na Ying that night. 复数,被动,过去时3. The paper says more trees will be grew (grow) in theCentral Parknext year. 情态,被动4. Tom was sure he would be given (give) lots of presents at tomorrow"s birthday party. 情态,被动5. Jurassic Park III is shown (show) at Shanghai Film Art Centre these days. 单数,被动,一般时表现在短时间一直进行的事情6. We were not allowed to enter the dining-hall for it cleaned (clean). 因为它才被打扫过7. Your Email messages have been sent (send) already. 复数,被动,现在已完成8. The manager said that something had already been done (already, do) to make the food better.9. Smiling faces can be seen (can, see) everywhere in our village.10. Children can be taken (can, take) good care of in the kindergarten.11. We are not allowed (not, allow) to go when the red light is on.12. Lenin spoke English inLondonbut he was not understood (not, understand). 别人不明白13. Rice will not be grew (not, grow) here next year, for the fields have been polluted.14. He said the sports meeting will not be held (not, hold) next Tuesday.15. Why? My composition has not been corrected (not, correct). 16. By last year their lost dog hadn"t been found (not, find).17. This overcoat can not be washed (can, not, wash) by hand.18. Your bicycle mustn"t be put (must, not, put) here.19. Is table tennis played (play) all over the world?20. Are these photos taken (take) inLondon?21. Is the party held (hold) next Friday?22. "Was the lift repaired (repair) from ten to twelve p.m.?" asked the detective.23. Have the money for the film tickets been collected (collect)? -----No, not yet.24. Can these magazines be taken (can, take) out of the reading room?25. May the textbook be opened (may, open) now, sir?26. Where is the fridge put (put)? The kitchen is too small.27. What must be done (must, do) before class?28. By whom is Harry Potter written (write)?29. What will happen (happen) if you put (put) a piece of ice in your mouth?30. After this rain, the river raised (rise) two meters.
2023-07-16 19:03:131

《侏罗纪公园》的英文翻译是:The Jurassic Park?

具体的翻译如下:This summer, the hottest movie is Jurassic Park. This series of films is very popular all over the world. When I saw the first movie, I was deeply impressed by the world of dinosaurs.这个夏天,最热门的电影当属于《侏罗纪公园》。这个系列电影在全世界都很受欢迎。当我看第一部的时候,就对恐龙的世界留下了很深刻的印象。The director is very talented and makes full use of computer technology to show people a magical world. The audience can see all kinds of dinosaurs in the movie and learn about these giant animals.导演很有才能,充分利用了电脑技术,给人们展示了一个神奇的世界。观众能够在电影中看到各种各样的恐龙,也学到了关于这些巨型动物的知识。In the movie, people and these animals can"t coexist, because people always want to hurt them and get benefits. So there is always war, dinosaurs eat people, people want to kill dinosaurs. It"s time for humans to think about what they should do to nature.在电影中,人们和这些动物无法共存,因为人类总想要伤害它们,获取利益。因此总是存在战争,恐龙吃人,人想要杀掉恐龙。人类该是时候思考下他们应该对大自然做些什么。这部分内容主要考察的是现在完成时的知识点:过去的动作或状态持续到现在,对现在造成的影响,可能持续发生下去。在英语时态中,“时”指动作发生的时间,“态”指动作的样子和状态。完成时态的构成分为两部分:一是助动词,二是实义动词的过去分词-ed。具体来说,用助动词have/has表示“时”,以表明动作发生的时间是在过去、现在还是将来;用过去分词来表示动作的“态”,以表明该动作已经完成,而且对现在有一定的影响。它的构成是:主语+助动词(have/has) +动词的过去分词。(done)
2023-07-16 19:03:191


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2023-07-16 19:04:317


克莱德曼 的钢琴曲
2023-07-16 19:05:0515

鱼的英文简介 急!

鱼类是最古老的脊椎动物。它们几乎栖居于地球上所有的水生环境━━从淡水的湖泊、河流到咸水的大海和大洋。 Fish is the most ancient vertebrate. They inhabit the earth almost all aquatic environments - from freshwater lakes, rivers and oceans of salty sea.  世界上现存已发现的鱼类约二万六千种,海洋中生活着占三分之二,其余的生活在淡水中。中国计有二千五百种,其中可供药用的有百种以上,常见的药用动物有海马、海龙、黄鳝、鲤鱼、鲫鱼、鲟鱼(鳔为鱼鳔胶)、大黄鱼(耳石为鱼脑石)、鲨鱼等等。另外,还常用作医药工业的原料,例如鳕鱼、鲨鱼或鳐的肝是提取鱼肝油(维生素A和维生素D)的主要原料。从各种鱼肉里可提取水解蛋白、细胞色素C、卵磷脂、脑磷脂等。河鲀的肝脏和卵巢里含有大量的河豚毒素,可以提取出来治疗神经病、痉挛、肿瘤等病症。大型鱼类的胆汁可以提制“胆色素钙盐”,为人工制造牛黄的原料。 鱼类各纲之间的差异之大就如陆生脊椎动物各纲之间。一般认为,鱼类是体滑而形如纺锤、呈流线型、具鳍、用鳃呼吸的水栖动物,但更多的种类不符合此定义。有的鱼体极长,有的极短;有的侧扁,有的扁平;有的鳍大或形状复杂,有的退化乃至消化;口、眼、鼻孔、鳃开口形状位置变化极大;有的鱼呼吸空气,浸入水中反会淹死。鱼类是人类的重要食物。过度捕捞、污染和环境变化都会破坏鱼类资源。鱼类捕食孑孓,有助於控制疟疾等蚊传疾病。鱼是行为学、生理学、生态学及医学的重要实验动物。许多鱼饲以观赏,许多种是游钓鱼。鱼体长从不足10公釐(0.4吋)至20多公尺,重约1.5克至约4,000公斤。体色多与环境一致而具隐蔽作用。有的鱼体色鲜豔,且具斑纹,有辨识意义。有的鱼能张缩色素细胞而改变体色,有的鱼能发光。 The world has been found about twenty-six thousand kinds of fish that live in the ocean, accounted for 2/3, the rest lives in fresh water. China plans to have two thousand five hundred kinds, which can be used for medicine has more than 100 kinds, common medicinal animal hippocampus, dragon, ricefield eel, carp, crucian carp, sturgeon ( bladder for fish glue ), large yellow croaker ( otolith for fish rubrum ), sharks and so on. In addition, it can be used as medicine and industrial raw materials, such as cod, shark or ray of the liver, cod liver oil is extracted ( vitamin A and vitamin D ) is the main raw material. From a variety of fish can be extracted from the hydrolysis of proteins, cytochrome C, lecithin, cephalin. Puffer liver and ovary contains a lot of tetrodotoxin, can be extracted from the treatment of neuropathy, spasticity, cancer and other diseases. Large fish bile can extract " bile pigment calcium salts ", as the artificial bezoar raw materials. Fish every class differences between the large as terrestrial vertebrates between each class. Generally, the fish is a body slide and spindle, streamlined, with fins with gills, aquatic animal, but more species do not meet this definition. Some of the fish body is extremely long, sometimes very short; some laterally compressed, some flat fin; some large or complex shape, some degradation and digestion; mouth, eyes, nostrils, gill opening shape and location vary greatly; some of the fish to breathe air, immersed in the water can drown. Is an important food fish. Overfishing, pollution and environmental change will destroy the fish resources. Fish prey wiggler, helps in the control of malaria and other mosquito borne disease. Fish behavior, physiology, ecology and important medical experimental animal. Many of the fish fed with ornamental, many are game fish. Body length from less than 10 mm ( 0.4 inch) to 20 meters, weighing about 1.5 grams to about 4000 kilograms. Body color with environment consistent and covert action. Some fish are brightly colored, and markings, identification significance. Some fish can shrink pigment cells and change its color, some fish can shine.  鱼是一种水生的冷血脊椎动物,用鳃呼吸,具有颚和鳍。现存鱼类可分为两个主要族群:软骨鱼类(如鲨鱼等)和 硬骨鱼类(线状鳍和波状鳍的鱼类)。这两种族群的鱼类都首先出现在泥盆纪早期。线状鳍鱼中较进阶的一群称为硬骨鱼,在侏罗纪时开始进化,到了今日,已变成个体数量最多的鱼类。另外也有数种已绝种的鱼类。The fish is an aquatic cold-blooded vertebrates, with gills, having a jaw and a fin. The fish can be divided into two main groups: cartilaginous fish ( such as sharks) and bony fishes ( linear fins and wavy fin fish ). The two groups of fish have first appeared in the early devonian. Linear rays of more advanced group called the bony fish, in the Jurassic began to evolve, to today, has become the largest number of fish individual. In addition several extinct fish.  鱼,相伴人类走过了五千多年历程,与人类结下了不解之缘,成为人类日常生活中极为重要的食品与观赏宠物,但人们对什么动物是“鱼”?鱼的定义应如何下,却知者甚少。随着科学的发展,人们对鱼所下的定义也发生了很大的变化。Fish, accompanied by human beings through the course of five thousand years, with human forges the indissoluble bound, become the human daily life is extremely important in food and ornamental pet, but people in what animal is " fish "? The fish should be defined how, but very few people know about it. With the development of science, people to fish the definition has changed a lot.  近五亿年前,地球上生命历程进程中发生了一次重大的飞跃,出现了最早的鱼形动物,揭开了脊椎动物史的序幕,从而导致动物界的发展,进入了一个新的历史阶段。真正的鱼类最早出现于三亿余年前,在整个悠久历史过程中,曾经生存过大量的鱼类,早已随着时间的消逝而消亡绝灭,今天生存在地球上的鱼类,仅仅是后来出现、演化而来的极小的一部分种类。Nearly five hundred million years ago, life on earth has occurred in the course of a major leap forward, the emergence of the earliest fish animal, opened in vertebrate history prologue, thereby causing the animal industry development, has entered a new historical stage. Real fishes first appeared more than three hundred million years ago, during the long historical process, once existed a large number of fish, already with the passage of time and the demise of extinction, today live in the earth of the fish, only later, evolved from the tiny a minute class.  人类在很早以前就能识别物种,给以名称,通常所说的“鱼”包括水中的所有动物,因而把许多生活在水中的动物均冠以鱼名,把鲸、海豹、大鲵(娃娃鱼)、乌贼、鱿鱼、章鱼、海星、海蜇、海绵、文昌鱼等与鱼类混为一谈。到底那些水生动物才是真正的“鱼”,对于“鱼”的划分,在不同年代有着不同的定义。Human in the very early days to identify species, given name, commonly referred to as " fish " including water all animal, so many lives in water of the animal are branded as fish, the whale, seal, giant salamander ( giant ), squid, squid, octopus, jellyfish, starfish, sponge, amphioxus, and fish be confused. All of the aquatic animal is the real " fish ", for " fish " division, at different times have different definitions.  二千几百年前古希腊哲学家柏拉图对鱼类所下的定义是:“这一类(鱼类)是由完全无知无觉的东西造出来的。变形之主以为在这一类中给予纯洁的呼吸是不再值得的,因为它们是各种罪恶的后代,而存在着不洁之心。变形之主把它们投入水中,使它们通过深厚的污泥,来呼吸那神妙而纯洁的空气。这就是鱼和牡蛎以及其他所有的水生动物,作为有了莫大的无知之罪而得到的处罚,被遥远地分离开来了”。柏拉图的观点充满了神创论。由于近代科学的发展,早已彻底否定了这种观点。Erqianjibai years ago, the ancient Greek philosopher Platon on fish is defined as: " this class ( FISH ) is completely unconscious things created. Deformation of the main thought in this category to give pure breathing is not worth it, because they are all evil offspring, and the existence of unclean hearts. Deformation of the main put them into the water, making them through the deep mud, to breathe the marvelous and pure air. This is the fish and oysters and all the other aquatic animal, as have the great ignorance of crime and punishment, be far separated ". Platon"s point of view is full of creationism. Due to the development of modern science, is already completely denies this view.  我国汉代初期的《尔雅》把动物分为虫、鱼、鸟、兽4类,其中鱼包括了鱼类、两栖类、爬行类等低等脊椎动物及鲸和虾、蟹、贝类等China"s Han Dynasty initial " Er " the animal is divided into worms, fish, birds, beast 4, wherein the fish include fish, amphibians, reptiles and other lower vertebrates and whales and shrimp, crab, and other shellfish  18世纪瑞典博物学家林奈创立了现代分类学,他在所著的《自然系统》一书中,他将动物界分为哺乳、鸟、两栖、鱼、昆虫及蠕虫等6纲。1859年,英国生物学家达尔文出版了《物种起源》一书,诞生了系统分类学。从此,鱼类的定义及包含范围也就确定下来。In eighteenth Century Swedish naturalist Lin Nai founded the modern taxonomy, he in the " natural system " in one book, he will be divided into the animal, bird, fish, amphibians, mammals, insects and worms in 6 class. In 1859, British biologist Darwin published the " origin of species " one book, the birth of systematics. Since then, the definition and scope of fishes contains is determined.  究竟那些动物属于“鱼”?现代分类学家给“鱼”下的定义是:终生生活在水里、用鳃呼吸、用鳍游泳的脊椎动物。鱼类包括园口纲、软骨鱼纲和硬骨鱼纲等三大类群、世界上已知鱼类约有26000多种,是脊椎动物中种类最多的一大类,约占脊椎动物总数的48.1%.它们绝大多数生活在海洋里,淡水鱼约有8600余种。我国现有鱼类近3千种,其中淡水鱼约1000种左右。What the animal belongs to the " fish "? Modern taxonomists to " fish " is defined by : lifetime live in water, with gills, fin swimming vertebrates. Fish include Park Export class, class Chondrichthyes and Osteichthyes, three groups, the world"s known about fish has 26000 a variety of, are vertebrates that range up to a large class of vertebrates, accounts for about 48.1%. of the total number of most of them live in the sea, about 8600 species of freshwater fish. Our country existing fish nearly 3000, of which approximately about 1000 kinds of freshwater fish.
2023-07-16 19:05:321


在国内外刊物上发表论著350余篇(部),近五年发表SCI论文80余篇。代表论著如下:1. Yang D. & Nagatomi A. 1992. A study on the Chinese Beridinae (Diptera: Stratiomyidae). South Pacific Study 12(2): 129-178.2. Yang D. & Nagatomi A. 1993. The Xylomyidae of China (Diptera). South Pacific Study 14(1): 1-84.3. Yang D. & Nagatomi A. 1994. The Coenomyiidae of China (Diptera). Memoirs of the Faculty of Agriculture Kagoshima University 30: 65-96.4. Yang D., Yang J. K. & Nagatomi A. 1997. The Rhagionidae of China (Diptera). South Pacific Study 17(2): 150pp.5. Nagatomi A. & Yang D. 1998. A review of extinct mesozoic genera and families of Brachycera (Insecta, Diptera, Orthorrhapha). Entomologist"s Monthly Magazine 134: 95-192.6. Nagatomi A., Yang J. K. & Yang D. 1999. The Chinese species and the world genera of Vermileonidae (Diptera). Tropics Monograph Series No.1: 1-154.7. Nagatomi A., Ohishi H. & Yang D. 2002. A review of the genera of Leptogastrinae (Diptera: Asilidae). The Kagoshima University Museum Monographs No.1: 1-111.8. 杨定 杨集昆 2004. 中国动物志双翅目舞虻科 34: 1-329. 科学出版社9. 杨定 译 2004. 昆虫(友国雅章 主编). 河南科学技术出版社.10. Yang D., Gaimari S. & Grootaert P. 2004. A new genus and species of Tachydromiinae (Diptera: Empididae) from the Oriental realm. Transactions of the American Entomological Society 130(4): 487-492.11. Gao C. X., Yang D. & Gaimari S. D. 2004. The subgenus Euhomoneura Malloch in the Palaearctic Realm (Diptera: Lauxaniidae). Pan-Pacific Entomologist 2003 79(3/4): 192-197.12. Yang D. & Merz B. 2004. New species of Hybos from Guangxi, China (Diptera,Empidoidea, Hybotidae). Revue Suisse de Zoologie 111 (4): 877-887.13. Zhang L., Yang D. & Masunaga K. 2005. New species of Hercostomus from Taiwan(Diptera, Dolichopididae). Entomological News 2004 115(4): 219-225. (SCI)14. Yang D., Li W. H. & Zhu F. 2005. Two new species of Rhopalopsole (Plecoptera: Leuctridae) from China. Entomological News 2004 115(5): 279-282. (SCI)15. Li W. H., Yang D. & Sivec I. 2005. Two new species of Indonemoura (Plecoptera: Nemouridae) from China. Zootaxa 893: 1-5. (SCI)16. Wang M. Q., Yang D. & Grootaert P. 2005. Chrysotimus Loew from China (Diptera: Dolichopodidae). Zootaxa 1003: 1-32. (SCI)17. Liu X. Y., Yang D., Ge S. Q. & Yang X. K. 2005. Phylogenetic review of the Chinesespecies of Acanthacorydalis from China (Megaloptera: Corydalidae). Zoologica Scripta 34:373-387. (SCI)18. Shamshev I., Grootaert P. & Yang D. 2005. Two new species of the genus Stilpon Loew from China (Diptera: Hybotidae). Genus 16(2): 299-305.19. Zhu Y. J. & Yang D. 2005. New species of Chrysosoma Guérin-Méneville (Diptera:Dolichopodidae), with a key to Chinese species. Zootaxa 1029: 47-60. (SCI)20. Zhang J. H., Yang D. & Mathis W. N. 2005. A new genus and species of Ephydridae (Diptera) from the Oriental Region. Zootaxa 1040: 31-43. (SCI)21. Xu Y. L. & Yang D. 2005. Species of Rhodesiella from Guangdong, South China (Diptera: Chloropidae). Zootaxa 1046: 49-53. (SCI)22. Masunaga K., Yang D. & Saigusa T. 2005. Taxonomy of the genus Acymatopus Takagi (Diptera: Dolichopodidae). Entomological Science 8(3): 301-311. (SCI)23. An S. W. & Yang D. 2005. Review of the genus Meromyza from China (Diptera: Chloropidae). Entomologica Fennica 16(3): 151-158. (SCI)24. Du Y. L., Song S. M. & Yang D. 2005. New species of Ceroprepes Zeller (Lepidoptera:Pyralidae: Phycitinae), with a key to Chinese species. Zootaxa 1082: 57-64. (SCI)25. Zhu Y. J., Yang D. & Masunaga K. 2005. A review of the species of Thambemyia Oldroyd (Diptera: Dolichopodidae) from China. Aquatic Insects 27(4): 299-307.26. 董慧 杨定 2005. 红火蚁入侵的种群生物学与行为遗传学. 植物保护 31(4): 18-23.27. 董慧 杨定 2005. 红火蚁分子生物学研究进展. 植物检疫 19(6): 351-354.28. 王孟卿 杨定 2005. 昆虫的雌雄二型现象. 昆虫知识 42(6): 721-725.29. Zhang K. Y., Yang D. & Ren D. 2006. The first snipe flies (Diptera: Rhagionidae) from the Middle Jurassic of Daohugou. Zootaxa (in press)
2023-07-16 19:05:491

Jah Mali的《Victory》 歌词

歌曲名:Victory歌手:Jah Mali专辑:Digital Blend Vol. 2ti:Victoryar:P.diddyal:No Way Outby:Duke_zn47 Form the motherf4ckin NC cityOne, one twoCheck me out right here yoYo, the sun don"t shine foreverBut as long as it"s here then we might as well shine togetherBetter now than never, business before pleasureP-Diddy and the Fam, who you know do it better?Yeah right, no matter what, we air tightSo when you hear somethin, make sure you hear it rightDon"t make a ass outta yourself, by assuminOur music keeps you movin, what are you provin?You know that I"m two levels above you babyHug me baby, I"ma make you love me babyTalkin crazy ain"t gonna get you nuthin but chokedAnd that jealousy is only gonna leave you brokeSo the only thing left now is God for these catsAnd BIG you know you too hard for these catsI"ma win cause I"m too smart for these catsWhile they makin up facts (uhh) you rakin up platsIn The Commision, you ask for permission to hit emHe don"t like me, him and wild wifey was wit emYou heard of us, the murderers, most shadyBeen on the low lately, the feds hate meYou hesitatin, I"m in your mama crib waitinDuct tapin, your fam destinylays in my hands, gat lays in my waistFrancis, M to the iz-H phenominalGun rest under your vest by the abdominalRhyme a few bars so I can buy a few carsAnd I kick a few flows so I can pimp a few hoesExcellence is my presence, never tenseNever hesitant, leave a nigga bent real quickReal sick, brawl nights, I perform like MikeAnyone -- Tyson, Jordan, Jacksonaction, pack guns, ridiculousAnd I"m, quick to bust, if my ends you touchKids or girl you touch, in this world I clutchTwo auto-matoes, used to call me fatsoNow you call me Castro, my rap flowsmilitant, y"all faggots ain"t killin shitOoops Cristal keep spillin shit, you overdid it homesYou in the danger zone, you shouldn"t be aloneHold hands and say it like meThe most shady, Frankie baby, fantasticGraphic, tryin to make dough, like JurassicPark did quick to spark kids who start shitSee me, only meThe Underboss of this holocaustTruly yours, Frank WhiteWe got the real live shit from front to backTo my people in the world, where the fuck you at?Where my niggaz is at? (2X)Where the fuck my bitches at?Where my bitches is at?Put your money on the table and get your math onBreak it down, split it up, get your laugh onSee you later Dog, I"ma get my stash onThere"s a bed full of money that I get my ass onI never lose the passion to go platinumSaid I"d live it up til all the cash goneAin"t that funny, only use plastic, craft itto make classics, hotter than acidP-D, rollin on your tape or CDThe girl-boy killa, no team illaThe Fam-o, ammo, is every channelWe been hot for a long time burnin like a candleWhat you can do is check your distributionMy songs bump in Houston like Scarface produced emYou ain"t gotta like me, you just madCause I tell it how it is, and you tell it how it might beWe got the shit, Mac tight, brass knuckles and flashlightsThe heaters in the two-seaters, with two midasSenoritas, kiss rings when you meet usP-Diddy run the city, show no pityI"m the witty one, Frank"s the crook from the Brook"Matty broke the neck of your coke connectNo respect squeeze off til all y"all diminishShootouts for twenty minutes, until we finishVenice took the loot, escaped, in the CoupeBreak bread, with the Kiss, Peniro, Sheek LouchBlack Rob joined the mob, it ain"t no replacin himNiggaz step up, with just Mase and "emplacin them in funerals, criminals turned arousedThe Brick City, nobody come off like P-DiddyBusiness wise, I play menHide money on the Island Cayman, y"all just betray menYou screamin, I position, competitionNother day in the life of the ComissionWe got the real live shit from front to backTo my niggaz in the world, where the fuck you at?Where my niggaz is at? (4X)Where the fuck my bitches at?Where my bitches is at?Aiyyo, can you hear me out there?Aiyyo turn me up, nobody can hear me out thereThat"s good, it"s all fucked up nowY"all know it"s all fucked up now right?What the fuck I"ma do now?What I"ma do now?Can y"all hear me out there?Can y"all hear me out there?It"s all fucked up nowWhat I"ma do now, huh?What I"ma do nowIt"s all fucked up now
2023-07-16 19:06:231

有一首歌,第一句歌词是You like,是个男的唱得。求大神帮帮我

是不是everything i do?
2023-07-16 19:04:492