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2023-07-16 20:06:34

performance:[ pu0259"fu0254:mu0259ns ]




1.The car"s performance on corners needs to be improved.


2.The novel is considered a brilliant performance.


3.He goes through the whole performance of checking the oil and water every time he drives the car.


4.She won a gold medal for her fine performance in the contest.


5.The customer was impressed by the machine"s performance.


6.Performance is less important than reliability in a car.


7.Come and see her in performance with the new band.


8.What a performance the child made!



1.a dramatic or musical entertainment

同义词:public presentation

2.the act of performing; of doing something successfully; using knowledge as distinguished from merely possessing it

同义词:execution,carrying out,carrying into action

3.the act of presenting a play or a piece of music or other entertainment

4.process or manner of functioning or operating


5.any recognized accomplishment


performance:[ pu0259"fu0254:mu0259ns ]




1.The car"s performance on corners needs to be improved.






performance的中文意思   英 [pu0259u02c8fu0254:mu0259ns] 美 [pu0259ru02c8fu0254:rmu0259ns]   第三人称复数:performances   名词 表现; 表演; 演技; 执行   相关例句   1. He failed completely in the performance of his duty.   他完全没有履行他的职责。   2. The novel was rated a brilliant performance.   这部小说被认为是一部出色的作品。   3. Engineers will test the performance of the tires.   工程师们将测试这些轮胎的性能。   4. The theater gives two performances a day.   这座剧场一天演出两场。   5. The evening performance begins at 8 o"clock.   晚上的演出八点开始。   performance的词典解释   1. 表演;演出   A performance involves entertaining an audience by doing something such as singing, dancing, or acting.   e.g. Inside the theatre, they were giving a performance of Bizet"s Carmen.   在剧院里,他们正在演出比才的作品《卡门》。   e.g. ...her performance as the betrayed Medea...   她所演绎的遭人背叛的美狄亚   2. 表现;业绩;性能;运行情况   Someone"s or something"s performance is how successful they are or how well they do something.   e.g. That study looked at the performance of 18 surgeons...   那项研究调查了18名外科医生的工作表现。   e.g. The poor performance has been blamed on the recession and cheaper sports car imports...   业绩不佳的原因被归咎于经济衰退和低价跑车的进口。   3. (汽车的)性能   A car"s performance is its ability to go fast and to increase its speed quickly.   4. 性能卓越的;高性能的   A performance car is one that can go very fast and can increase its speed very quickly.   5. 执行;履行;做   The performance of a task is the fact or action of doing it.   e.g. He devoted in excess of seventy hours a week to the performance of his duties...   为了完成任务,他每周工作70多个小时。   e.g. The people believe that the performance of this ritual is the will of the Great Spirit.   该部族的人认为举行这种仪式是大神的意志。   performance的情景对话   娱乐   A:Hi, Bob! Weu2019ve been working hard at our lessons for a fortnight. So why donu2019t we take it easy his weekend?   喂,鲍布!这两周来我们一直在忙于学习。这个周末我们放松一下怎么样?   B:Okay! What do you suggest?   好的,你有什么主意?   A:How about seeing a play? I hear Hamlet is on at the National Theater.   去看一场戏怎么样? 我听说GJ剧场在上演《哈姆雷特》。   B:Is that so? Why not?   真的吗?为什么不呢?   A:(Looking at a newspaper.) Oh, dear me! Thereu2019s no performance at the National theater this weekend. So we have to go to cinema instead.   (一边看着报纸)哦,真糟糕!这个周末GJ剧场没有演出,因此我们只好看电影了。   B:Whatu2019s on?   放什么电影?   A:Let me seeum, Gone With the Wind. It is on at six cinemas on Saturday night.   让我看一看嗯,在放《乱世佳人》。周六晚上有六家电影院在放。   B:That sounds interesting. Which is the nearest?   很好。最近的是哪一家电影院?   A:Ah, The Royal, I think.   啊,我想是在皇家电影院。   B:What time does it start?   什么时间开始?   A:Why donu2019t we go to the 7:30 show? It is convenient to us, I think.   我们可以去看7:30 那一场好吗?我想时间很合适。   B:But we wonu2019t have enough time for dinner.   可我们没有足够的时间吃饭啊。   A:Do you want to go the earlier or the later show?   那你要看早一点的还是晚一点的?   B:Ah I fancy going the later show.   嗯我想看晚一点的吧。   A:Then, thereu2019s the 9:30 show.   那就看9:30 那一场吧。   B:Thatu2019s Okay, I think.   我想可以吧。   A:All right.   好吧。
2023-07-16 17:33:161


performance 英[pu0259u02c8fu0254:mu0259ns] 美[pu0259ru02c8fu0254:rmu0259ns] n. 表现; 表演; 演技; 执行; [例句]I had a ringside seat for the whole performance.整场表演我都坐在场边前排座位上。[其他] 复数:performances 形近词: conformance performable perform
2023-07-16 17:33:522


n.表演; 演技; 表现; 执行
2023-07-16 17:34:024


Performance是动词perform的名词形式,其意思是表演,表现。 Performance是单数形式,其复数形式是performances。例如上演,我们一般用put on performances。Most students of my classmates will put on wonderful abd meanibgful performances this evening
2023-07-16 17:34:202


2023-07-16 17:34:284

perfomances 是什么意思

2023-07-16 17:34:375


非常好many other用得不错很高兴为你解答,祝你每天都开心:)望采纳,谢谢!
2023-07-16 17:35:052

performance level是什么意思

performance level 绩效水平
2023-07-16 17:35:274


2023-07-16 17:35:387


be admitted to 固定用法
2023-07-16 17:35:565


1,这个是定从的介词固定搭配,to the degree/extent pay for2,标点符号问题不大,两个都可以用3,这个是about as happy as...,所以about as 不是一个连起来的成分
2023-07-16 17:36:124

fox factory和performance区别在哪

fox:狐狸factory:工厂performance:表演它们三个是完全不相干的词,如果要从中找出不同,则从名词单复数变形角度出发。因为只有它的复数形式是一般式(词尾加“s”),其余两个都是特殊变化:fox(狐狸)末尾加“es”factory(工厂)末尾变“y”为“i”再加“es”写法如下:fox - foxesfactory - factoriesperformance - performances另外,常见的说出单词不同(或找出不同的单词)类题,初中主要考察点,除以上所讲,还有如下几点:其汉语含义范畴不同。例如apple(苹果), banana(香蕉), pen(钢笔), orange(橙子,橘子),这四个词中找出与众不同的则为pen;其他三个词的汉语含义都属水果范畴,而“钢笔”则为文具范畴。其词性不同。例如journey(n. 旅途), map(n. 地图), swim(vi. 游泳), socks(n. 短袜),这四个词中找出不同则为swim;其他三个词词性都是名词,而“swim”词性为动词。其动词变化不同。例如say, fly, sit, draw,这四个词中不同的考量方式,会出现不同结果:a. 动词v-ing形式考量:sit 与众不同,只有它双写尾字母再加ing。(saying, flying, sitting, drawing)b. 动词v-ed形式考量:sit 与众不同,只有它的过去式与原形相同。(said, flew, sit, drew)c. 动词v-s三单形式考量:fly 与众不同,只有它的三单形式为特殊变化。(says, flies, sits, draws)
2023-07-16 17:36:191


2023-07-16 17:36:273


2023-07-16 17:36:373

英语today’s live performances怎么翻译?

today""s live performance = 今天的现场表演。
2023-07-16 17:36:457

求一篇关于介绍相声的英语作文(简单点)急用啊 英语

作文1:Introduction to XiangshengXiangsheng is a traditional type of Chinese comedy performance that has been popular for over a century. It involves two performers who exchange witty dialogue, often making fun of each other or society in a humorous way. Xiangsheng performances are filled with puns, wordplay, and satire. The performers use their voice and body language to create an entertaining show for the audience. Xiangsheng has a long history in China and is still enjoyed by many people today.相声是一种传统的中国喜剧表演,已经流行了一个多世纪。它涉及两个表演者进行机智的对话,经常以幽默的方式嘲笑对方或社会。相声表演充满了双关语、文字游戏和讽刺。表演者利用声音和肢体语言为观众创造娱乐节目。相声在中国有着悠久的历史,今天仍然受到很多人的喜爱。作文2:The Art of XiangshengXiangsheng is not only a type of comedy, but also an art form that requires skill and creativity. The performers must be quick-witted and have a deep understanding of Chinese language and culture. They also need to have good vocal technique and a sense of rhythm. Xiangsheng performances often tackle serious topics in a light-hearted way, reflecting the spirit of the Chinese people. It is a unique and entertaining form of entertainment that has become an important part of Chinese culture.相声不仅是一种喜剧,也是需要技能和创造力的艺术形式。表演者必须机智并对中文语言和文化有深入的了解。他们还需要良好的声乐技巧和节奏感。相声表演常常以轻松的方式探讨严肃的话题,反映了中国人的精神。它是一种独特而有趣的娱乐形式,已经成为中国文化的重要组成部分。作文3:Xiangsheng TodayXiangsheng is still popular in China today, with many talented performers continuing to entertain and engage audiences. However, the art form has also evolved to adapt to modern times. Performances now often incorporate modern topics and cultural references, and are even performed in different languages such as English and Spanish to reach a wider audience. Xiangsheng remains a beloved form of entertainment in China, and its continued popularity is a testament to its enduring appeal.相声在今天的中国仍然很受欢迎,许多才华横溢的表演者继续娱乐和吸引观众。然而,这种艺术形式也已经演变,以适应现代时代的需求。现在的表演经常融入现代话题和文化参考,并以不同的语言呈现,如英语和西班牙语,以吸引更广泛的观众。相声仍然是中国受人喜爱的娱乐形式,其持续的流行证明了其持久的吸引力。
2023-07-16 17:37:012


1、set in:开始(并将延续下去)set out:“开始、规划、出发2、usually频度副词,放在be 动词后面,如She is usually happy。放在行为动词之前.一般不放在句末。3、pop singer流行歌手public singer大众歌手 公共歌手folk singer民歌演唱者,民歌手4、演唱队的几场表演performances最倾向于recitals,是因为乐队是被看成一个整体,而recitals表示演出的意思。execution则表示演奏。5、occasion时刻、时机、机会situation处境、情况、形势condition环境、形势、条件times时刻、时间、时代这三个比较一下 还是和times的意思最接近。在某些条件下,意思表示是差不多的。
2023-07-16 17:38:161

帮我翻译下这篇英语课文 急 悬赏高高

THEATRE City Varieties The Headrow Leeds. Tel. 430808 Oct. 10 - 11 only A Night at the Varieties. All the fun of an old music hall with Barry Cryer, Duggle Brown, 6 dancers, Mystina, Jon Barker, Anne Duval and the Tony Harrison Trio. Laugh again at the old jokes and listen to your favourite songs. Performances: 8 pm nightly. Admission u20a4 5; under 16 or over 6: u20a4 4 York Theatre Royal St. Leonard"s Place, York. Tel. 223568 Sept. 23-Oct. 17 Groping for Words-a comedy by Sue Townsend. Best known for her Adrian Mole Diaries, Townsend now writes about an evening class which two men and a woman attend. A gentle comedy. Admission: First night, Mon.: u20a4 2; Tues-Fri: u20a4 3.25-5.50; Sat.: u20a4 3.50 -5.75. Halifax Playhouse King"s Cross Street, Halifax. Tel. 365998 Oct. 10 - 17 On Golden Pond by Ernest Thompson. This is a magical comedy about real people. A beautifully produced, well-acted play for everyone. Don"t miss it. Performances :7:30 p. m. Admission: u20a4 2. Mon.: 2 seats for the price of one. Grand Theatre Oxford Street, Leeds. Tel. 502116 Restaurant and Cafe. Oct. 1 - 17 The Secret Diary of Adrian Mole Aged 13. Sue Townsend"s musical play, based on her best-selling book. Performances: Evenings 7:45. Oct. 10 - 17, at 2:30 pm. No Monday performances
2023-07-16 17:38:377

play performance不同

play1. 名词 [c] [戏剧] [ 电视] [ 广播] 戏剧2. 名词 [u] (activity) (with toys,games etc) 游戏3. 名词 (sport) 活动performance [pu0259"fu0254u02d0mu0259ns]1. 名词 [c] [戏剧] (by actor,musician,singer,dancer) 表演2. 名词 [of play, show] 演出3. 名词 [u] [of employee, surgeon, athlete, team] 表现4. 名词 [of company, economy] 运作5. 名词 [of car, engine] 性能the team put up a good performance 该队表现良好
2023-07-16 17:38:535


"Impression West Lake" to the world famous West Lake, Sir Georg Solti Chunxiao, Quyuanfenghe, such as performing background to the West Lake, the water for the stage, the cultural heritage of the West Lake Millennium element to West Lake urban landscape, constitute the world The luxurious natural theater of the urban landscape, creating a precedent for the performance of real landscape of the world"s urban, successful interpretation of a harmonious relationship between man and nature, and really reflects the realm of Heaven. Can speak Impression West Lake is the most representative, ornamental, the most famous urban landscape performances.Impression West Lake is the impression of the third series of large-scale performance of real landscape. "Impression West Lake" with a strong history and culture of the West Lake and the beautiful natural scenery as the creative source, dig Hangzhou ancient folklore, mythology, the representative of the West Lake, cultural and historical elements to reproduce the same time with high-tech recycling practices "West Lake , a reflection of the natural charm of the shower of rain, the West Lake and West Lake. The performance of real landscape through dynamic interpretation, realistic reproduction of the connotation of Hangzhou City and the natural landscape condensed into to a high standard of art in the world launch.The live performance is a new concept of performance art, it true environmental landscape transformed into performance venues, the true life, real emotion elevated to the art, the sound effects and music of the live performances, the audience in it, feeling dreamy. Zhang Yimou Iron Triangle director the the EVOC trilogy has been a sensation. Show the contents of essential and natural landscape, leave the local landscape, loss of the stage, so it is unique and irreplaceable. The natural environment is part of the performance throughout the year different daily weather changes of the natural landscape, natural stage performance visual experience is different, the performance of real charm lies."Impression West Lake" is located in the Yue Lake, West Lake, each silent night in the charming West Lake, the picturesque southern beauty and the beauty of the ancient legend, will emerge in the night and memories bloom. If during the day and the West Lake reveal her beautiful face, then at night she will tell their own moving story.Hangzhou is a city of rich historical heritage, the West Lake is full of the sights of the human element. Impression West Lake ferret out the myths and legends of the West Lake in Hangzhou, a beautiful love story, as well as the history of the legendary form of a fragment of the show to the audience. Impression West Lake, the show is the most beautiful moment of the scenery of West Lake in Hangzhou. Impression West Lake, Hangzhou West Lake, the ultimate impression. You can find Yang Liu Yiyi Sir Georg Solti spring, summer West Lake, ten miles Hexiang the Santanyinyue of the Mid-Autumn Festival, and in winter, the Broken Bridge Impression West Lake performance.The play of the illusion of West Lake scenery fragment from the beginning of a boat carrying "her husband boarded the beginning of the" Water in the attic, all the performances there is no story, but an intention of performing. One of the most struck by the triangle rain curtain is rising from the lake, two large bird flying in the rain, accompanied by Jane Zhang singing, you can still see the scene of the White Snake and Xu Xian v. love.Performances to build a 60 × 60 over 3000 square meters of diamond-shaped stage of the lift in the mountain lake surface (usually hidden in the water), the perfect combination of high-tech sound, light, water, more than 260 professional actors, natural landscape view as the stage setting performances. Yue Hubei Ministry of the movements of the audience seating that can accommodate 2,000 people. It is neither destroy the scenic beauty of the daytime, the performances offer a vision of comfort stands as well as the audience. Through a very advanced and luxurious stage design, sound, light, shadow, fog, people to fight the real performance of a truly international-class urban landscape."Impression West Lake" is not only of cultural continuity, and more creative. In a way, "Impression West Lake" has become a converter: Hangzhou has a very profound historical and cultural heritage, but this culture is not necessarily accessible to tourists absorption, so the need for conversion. "Impression West Lake" performed better help visitors understand the connotation of a city, to experience the essence of urban culture.
2023-07-16 17:39:073


There are some games in the park this morning.
2023-07-16 17:39:1515


一定是A 。
2023-07-16 17:39:403

electrically-charged performances 是什么意思?(不要网上翻译的,

2023-07-16 17:39:486


performance 英[pu0259u02c8fu0254:mu0259ns] 美[pu0259ru02c8fu0254:rmu0259ns] n. 表现; 表演; 演技; 执行; [例句]Inside the theatre, they were giving a performance of Bizet"s Carmen.在剧院里,他们正在演出比才的作品《卡门》。[其他] 复数:performances
2023-07-16 17:40:151


performance是一个英语名词,它的意思是表演,演出;艺术上的表现,演技;性能,业绩,工作情况。其复数形式为:performances。    扩展资料   performance常见用法   performance与以下词性连用   1、形容词,如:live performance现场表演;good/poor performance很好/糟糕的`表演   2、名词,如:performance appraisal 表现评估;company performance公司业绩;job performance 工作表现   performance例句分享   I had a ringside seat for the whole performance.   整场表演我都坐在场边前排座位上。   You never allow personal problems to affect your performance   绝不要让个人问题影响你的表现。
2023-07-16 17:40:591


英语是世界上使用范围最广的语言,也是国际通用语言,所以说掌握基础的英语单词和用法是非常有必要的,下面咱们就来说说performance是什么意思。 简要回答 performance是一个英语单词,名词,意为表演;演出;艺术上的表现;演技;表现;性能;业绩;工作情况。 详细内容 performance 英 [pu0259u02c8fu0254u02d0mu0259ns] 美 [pu0259ru02c8fu0254u02d0rmu0259ns] n.表演;演出;艺术上的表现;演技;表现;性能;业绩;工作情况 复数: performances 词语搭配 live performance现场表演 good performance 很好的表演(或表现、性能) poor performance 糟糕的表演(或表现、性能) strong performance 出色的表演(或表现、性能) academic performance 学业成绩 economic performance 经济状况 sexual performance 性能力 performance appraisal 表现评估 company performance 公司业绩 job performance 工作表现 双语例句 Inside the theatre, they were giving a performance of Bizet"s Carmen. 在剧院里,他们正在演出比才的作品《卡门》。 That study looked at the performance of 18 surgeons. 那项研究调查了18名外科医生的工作表现。 He devoted in excess of seventy hours a week to the performance of his duties. 为了完成任务,他每周工作70多个小时。 The whole process is quite a performance. 整个过程相当复杂。 The Festival Of Asian Arts& Music will include two days of live performances. 亚洲艺术音乐节将安排两天的现场表演。 The job of the new director-general was to ensure that performance targets were met. 新主管的任务是确保实现业绩目标。
2023-07-16 17:41:261


2023-07-16 17:42:232


可数名词,performance |pu0259u02c8fu0254u02d0mu0259ns|noun① Countable(for entertainment) 表演 to give or put on a performance进行演出 a live performance现场演出
2023-07-16 17:43:003


2023-07-16 17:43:083

Later they may give performances in pubs or clubs

2023-07-16 17:43:183

give performances

They often went to factories to give performances. 他们常常到工厂演出。The band will give two more performances before leaving Britain. 这支乐队在离开英国前还将演出两场。She was asked to give a performance. 有人请她表演个节目。It is requested that Mary give a performance at the party. 有人请求玛丽在晚会上表演个节目。The girl was invested with a special dress to give the performance. 那个女孩为表演节目穿上一件特制衣裙。
2023-07-16 17:43:251

put on performances是什么意思

put on performances演出They put on performances to collect money for the project. 他们进行演出,为这项工程集资。
2023-07-16 17:43:521

overall performance是什么意思

performance 英[pu0259u02c8fu0254:mu0259ns] 美[pu0259ru02c8fu0254:rmu0259ns] n. 表现; 表演; 演技; 执行; [例句]Inside the theatre, they were giving a performance of Bizet"s Carmen.在剧院里,他们正在演出比才的作品《卡门》。[其他] 复数:performances
2023-07-16 17:43:591

give five performances

2023-07-16 17:44:073

talent show的汉语翻译。

具体的翻译如下:Everyone is good at something, but some people do have talent. It"s always fun to watch others show their talents. Talent shows are becoming more and more popular.每一个人都有擅长的事,但是有些人确实有天赋。观看别人展示他们的才艺总是有趣的。才艺展示越来越受欢迎。At first, there were talent shows such as American Idol and American talent show. Now, there are similar performances all over the world, such as China"s got talent show.刚开始,有像《美国偶像》和《美国达人秀》这样的才艺表演。现在,世界各地都有类似的表演,像 《中国达人秀》。All these performances have the same characteristic: they try to find the best singers, the most talented dancers, the most exciting magicians, the funniest actors and so on.所有的这些表演都有一个相同的特点:他们尽量地寻找最优秀的歌手、最有天赋的舞者、最令人兴奋的魔术师、 最滑稽的演员等等。 All kinds of people can participate in these performances. But who can play the piano best or sing best? It"s up to you.各种各样的人都可参加这些表演。但是谁能把钢琴弹得最好或者歌唱得最好听呢? 那由你决定。When people are watching a show, they usually play a role in determining the champion. And the winner can always get a very good prize.当人们现看表演时,他们通常发挥决定冠军的作用。而且获胜者总是能够得到一份非常不错的奖品。
2023-07-16 17:44:141


具体的翻译如下:Everyone is good at something, but some people do have talent. It"s always fun to watch others show their talents. Talent shows are becoming more and more popular.每一个人都有擅长的事,但是有些人确实有天赋。观看别人展示他们的才艺总是有趣的。才艺展示越来越受欢迎。At first, there were talent shows such as American Idol and American talent show. Now, there are similar performances all over the world, such as China"s got talent show.刚开始,有像《美国偶像》和《美国达人秀》这样的才艺表演。现在,世界各地都有类似的表演,像 《中国达人秀》。All these performances have the same characteristic: they try to find the best singers, the most talented dancers, the most exciting magicians, the funniest actors and so on.所有的这些表演都有一个相同的特点:他们尽量地寻找最优秀的歌手、最有天赋的舞者、最令人兴奋的魔术师、 最滑稽的演员等等。 All kinds of people can participate in these performances. But who can play the piano best or sing best? It"s up to you.各种各样的人都可参加这些表演。但是谁能把钢琴弹得最好或者歌唱得最好听呢? 那由你决定。When people are watching a show, they usually play a role in determining the champion. And the winner can always get a very good prize.当人们现看表演时,他们通常发挥决定冠军的作用。而且获胜者总是能够得到一份非常不错的奖品。
2023-07-16 17:44:301

帮我看看这个单词是哪个?写的太草了看不出来~ 到底是health和什么?

2023-07-16 17:44:483

请问 performance solution 怎么翻译成中文

performance solution 行动方案
2023-07-16 17:44:561

2 performances什么意思?

2023-07-16 17:45:031


2023-07-16 17:45:101


The house is 10 meters in length and 5 meters in width.单句改错:1.If only I could speak English well.2.Look at the cloud.It"s going to rain.3.This is the very book that I am looking for.4.People in the south usually have rice for lunch and supper.5.As many as 300 people cane to attend the meeting yesterday.6.The students in the mountains can study English on distant learning now.7.Please mark what you don"t understand while reviewing the text.单词拼写:1.The c_Charecters_____ in the dictiuonary are so small the I hace some difficulty in using it.2.The woman is a very religeious______ person who goes to church every Sunday.3.Last week we attended an exibition______ of his paintings.4.We"ve had a few disbutes______,but we"re still good friends.5.The movie______ of a remote day is still fresh in my mind.6.He changed his mind under the point______ from others.7.There is a front and a back exit______ to the building.8.The new bridge will link______ the island to the city.9.Nowadays we can see advertise______ everywhere,which give us information about goods.10.Many volunteers______ served the 2011 Shenzhen World University Games.11.My mother is out of work,so my father works hard to support______ our family.12.There are two part______ of the musical show each night.
2023-07-16 17:45:202

什么是stage performance

这篇是关于 舞台表演艺术 Stage & Performance ArtFans of the theater can look to the Internet for numerous resources on the performing arts in the U.S. and abroad. Several theater sites provide links to a variety of relative sites, while others offer extensive listings of upcoming singing, dancing, and acting performances in places like London, Los Angeles, and New York City. Some performing arts sites focus on specific cities, regions, or certain subjects such as the Tony Awards. Additional resources featured at these sites include reviews, box office totals, and data on stage and costume design and theater venues and companies. This section showcases international performing arts.
2023-07-16 17:45:381


剧场哈利法克斯剧场国王十字街,哈利法克斯。电话36599810月17日在金色池塘的厄内斯特汤普森。这是一个神奇的喜剧真实的人,一个制作精美,精湛表演给大家。请别错过这个机会。演出时间:晚上7 : 30。门票:u20a42。周一:2个席位只需支付一个大剧院牛津街,利兹。电话50211610月- 17秘密日记,阿德里安摩尔,13岁。苏汤森德的音乐剧本,根据她的畅销书。演出:晚上7 : 45。十月十日- 17,在下午2点30分。没有星期一的演出。门票:星期二星期四:u20a42 - 5;五及六:u20a42 - 6。
2023-07-16 17:45:482


perform是动词,动词是不可数的。名词词性是performance,既可做可数名词,又可做不可数名词。当performance翻译为演出,表演,表现,行为,成就的时候,是可数名词。当performance翻译为履行,执行,性能,工作情况的时候,是不可数名词。 扩展资料   Her performance displayed great art.   她的.表演展现了精湛的技艺。   His performance was absolutely superb.   他的表演精彩绝伦。   Her performance breathed wit and charm.   她的表演灵巧迷人。   Soccer performances are pleasing to the eyes.   足球表演赏心悦目。   A workout after breakfast improves gene performances.   早餐后锻炼可以改善基因表现。
2023-07-16 17:46:291


2023-07-16 17:46:534


1.How much?2.What can i do for you?/ How can i help you?3.Here you go!4.No problem/ You"re welcome5.The price is afforable6. On your own7.for sale8.the birthday9.birthday game11.volleyball game12.English speech festival15.English watch a movie18.action comedy movie20.what kind of movie( do you like?)21.Chinese Jing Opera22.Chinese action movie23.Chinese history24.with his favourite actor(actress)26.a successful actor(actress)27.during guitar29.join art club31.speak English32.speak Chinese33.chess club34.swimming club36.help37.join piano39.rock band40.performing Chinese kungfu41.two musician42.perform for us43.the e-mail drums
2023-07-16 17:47:3015

翻译:The tea art performances show how to make a perfect cup of tea with beautiful tea sets.

2023-07-16 17:47:561


2 shows2 performences
2023-07-16 17:48:184


guojiadeai - 经理 五级 7-10 07的回答完全正确,whose不光可以指人,也可以指物,关于第3点,可以用将来进行时,正如guojiadeai说的,二者的区别只是"肯定将来的事会发生"的程度不同罢了
2023-07-16 17:48:264


2023-07-16 17:48:331