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撑架 英文怎么说

2023-07-16 20:04:33
TAG: 英文



撑架 [chēng jià]




撑架:bracket | crank | corbel


撑架 stretcher



担架的英文:litterstretcherstrutcher参考例句:The stretcher-bearers saluted and said thank you.抬担架的人行礼道谢。An ambulance service was organized and I joined in as a stretcher bearer.组织了一个救护队,我成了该队的一名担架队员。An ambulance officer brought a stretcher for the injured woman.救护车工作人员带来了一副担架抢救受伤女子。The patient groaned painfully as he was lifted onto the stretcher病人被抬上担架时在痛苦地呻吟着。We carried the wounded man on a stretcher.我们用担架抬这位伤员。We helped them to stretcher the jury.我们也帮助他们用担架抬伤员。The patient groaned as he was lifted onto the stretcher病人在被抬上担架时痛苦地叫喊起来。"barrow:a flat, rectangular tray or cart with handles at each end."担架,独轮车:一个扁平的长方形托架,两端都有手把。A flat, rectangular tray or cart with handles at each end.担架,独轮车一个扁平的长方形托架,两端都有手把They put the stretcher down and went in. The porter came out with them他们放下担架,走了进去。回来时带来了一个门房。
2023-07-16 17:36:291


2023-07-16 17:36:561

They brought him in on a stretcher.这句有两个介词,是错的吗?

这两个介词不一样bring in是固定搭配的词组,in不是介词而是相当于辅助动词完成动作表达的副词on the stretcher的on是地点状语的引导词,是介词
2023-07-16 17:37:032

「英语二三事」 -- 伞

「伞」 世界上第一把伞在中国出世(appear/ be invented),而后经过约3500年的发展,逐渐成为一种日常消费品(a consumer product),品种多样且用途广泛。 随着时间的发展(as time goes by),伞也逐渐演变出不同的功能与形态。 「伞的构成」 伞的组要构成为伞骨(rib)、伞面(canopy)和伞柄(handle)。常见伞柄包括弯形伞柄(crook handle), C型伞柄(C-handle)等。除以上主要构成外,伞的其他部分还包括:支骨(stretcher)、中棒(shaft)、上巢(notch)、下巢(runner)、子弹头(cap)、珠尾(tip)、伞尾(ferrule)、上弹簧(top spring)、下弹簧(bottom spring)等。 「伞的分类 按用途分类(purpose): ① 雨伞(umbrella) ② 遮阳伞(parasol) ③ 晴雨伞(sun & rain umbrella) ④ 沙滩伞(beach umbrella) ⑤ 高尔夫伞(golf umbrella) ⑥ 滑翔伞(paraglider) 沙滩伞(beach umbrella) 高尔夫伞(golf umbrella) 滑翔伞(paraglider) 按折数分类(Fold): ① 直杆伞/一折伞(stick umbrella) ② 折叠伞(folding/fodable umbrellas):二折伞(two fold umbrella)、三折伞(three fold umbrella)、五折伞(five fold umbrella)。 折叠伞(folding/fodable umbrellas) 按伞布材料分类(materials of canopy): ① 尼龙伞(nylon umbrella) ② 塑料伞(plastic umbrella) ③ 油纸伞(oil-paper umbrella) 塑料伞(plastic umbrella) 油纸伞(oil-paper umbrella) 按外形分类(appearance/shape): ① 翻转雨伞(inverted umbrella) ② 酒瓶伞(wine bottle umbrella) 翻转雨伞(inverted umbrella) 酒瓶伞(wine bottle umbrella) 「伞的用途」 伞用途广泛(be widely-used),涉及生活中的诸多领域(umbrellas and parasols have found their way into many areas)。 ① 遮挡阳光与风沙雨雪(protect somebody from sun, rain, snow, wind, sand…) ② 作为鸡尾酒或其他饮料的装饰物(a decoration of cocktails or other drinks) ③ 防御攻击或用于攻击(for protection against attacks or as a weapon of attack) ④ 在宗教、建筑、摄影、艺术等领域的作用(uses in religion, architecture, photography, art, etc.)
2023-07-16 17:37:101


你好!脚蹬pedal 英[u02c8pedl] 美[u02c8pu025bdl] n. 踏板; 脚蹬子; 垂足线; vt. 踩自行车的踏板; 骑自行车; adj. 踏板的; 脚的; [例句]She was too tired to pedal back.她太累了,没力气骑自行车回去。
2023-07-16 17:37:201


2023-07-16 17:37:372


Haiti after the earthquake, the Chinese government 16, with a plane with late 13 million yuan worth of disaster relief materials, including tents, stretcher, food, medicine, clothing, etc. The Red Cross society of China also donated 1 million dollars
2023-07-16 17:37:562


1 electricity电2. wheelchair轮椅
2023-07-16 17:38:056


矩阵的迹 trace 方阵对角元素之和 Singular value decompostion 奇异值分解非常有用,对于矩阵A(p*q),存在U(p*p),V(q*q),B(p*q)(由对角阵与增广行或列组成),满足A = U*B*V U和V中分别是A的奇异向量,而B中是A的奇异值。AA"的特征向量组成U,特征值组成B"B,A"A的特征向量组成V,特征值(与AA"相同)组成BB"。因此,奇异值分解和特征值问题紧密联系。 如果A是复矩阵,B中的奇异值仍然是实数。 SVD提供了一些关于A的信息,例如非零奇异值的数目(B的阶数)和A的阶数相同,一旦阶数确定,那么U的前k列构成了A的列向量空间的正交基。 在数值分析中,由于数值计算误差,测量误差,噪声以及病态矩阵,零奇异值通常显示为很小的数目。 将一个矩阵分解为比较简单或者性质比较熟悉的矩阵之组合,方便讨论和计算。由于矩阵的特征值和特征向量在化矩阵为对角形的问题中占有特殊位置, 因此矩阵的特征值分解。。。尽管矩阵的特征值具有非常好的性质,但是并不是总能正确地表示矩阵的“大小”。矩阵的奇异值和按奇异值分解是矩阵理论和应用中十分重要的内容,已成为多变量反馈控制系统最重要最基本的分析工具之一,奇异值实际上是复数标量绝对值概念的推广, 表示了反馈控制系统的输出/输入增益,能反映控制系统的特性。《鲁棒控制。。倾斜转弯导弹》 昨天看了一个网页,,知道了奇异值分解就是把矩阵A分解成hanger,stretcher,aligner的三重积。从几何意义上讲矩阵A乘以几何图形(用数值序列x,y代表),相当于对几何图形先扭转,再拉伸,再扭转。从这里也知道,“正交”的概念特别有用。一对最简单的正交基(orthogonal basis,perpframe)是p1 = [cos(s) sin(s)],p2 = [-sin(s) cos(s)],它可以用于几何变换。
2023-07-16 17:38:191


  在现实生活或工作学习中,大家都不可避免地要接触到作文吧,借助作文可以宣泄心中的情感,调节自己的心情。还是对作文一筹莫展吗?以下是我整理的英语话题作文6篇,欢迎阅读,希望大家能够喜欢。 英语话题作文 篇1   (湖北宜昌)下面是汶川地震中的一张照片。它记录了一个叫郎铮的三岁男孩在地震十小时后被解放军从废墟(debris)中救出(rescue)。躺在担架(stretcher)上的他慢慢地举起右手向救他的人敬礼(salute to)。请你以"感动"为题,用英语简单描述这个故事并写出你的感想。   要求:故事描述要包括提供的所有信息。字数:80---100。短文开头已给出,不计入总字数。   Moved   At 14:28 on May 12, an earthquake broke out in Wenchuan. Soon people all over China went to the rescue. _______________   _____________________________________________________   _____________________________________________________   _____________________________________________________   _____________________________________________________   Moved   At 14:28 on May 12, an earthquake broke out in Wenchuan. Soon people all over China went to the rescue. A three-year-old boy named Lang Zheng was rescued from the debris by the PLA men ten hours after the earthquake. While he was lying on the stretcher, he slowly raised his right hand and saluted to the soldiers. His salute not only expressed his thanks to the people who saved him, but also moved the people around him. I was also deeply moved by his salute. As a three-year-old boy, he knew that the first thing to do was to express his thanks after he was saved. It is the good nature of the Chinese people. 英语话题作文 篇2    社会类话题    医患关系   We believe with the promotion of medical ethics, the relationship between doctors and patients will become more harmonious.   我们相信随着医德的提升,医患关系将变得更加和谐。    盲目跳槽   Before every blind jump, we should keep in mind that it has to take a certain period of time before understands himself and then achieves great success.   每次盲目跳槽之前,我们要铭记只有在一定的时间后我们才能了解自己并且取得成功。    男女平等   Women will contribute to the society as much as men do, as we should give the same stage to perform.   女性和男性一样能为社会做贡献,因此我们要给他们一个平等的舞台表现。    空巢现象   In a word, only when the young and the elderly make joint efforts can the elderly parents spend their remaining years in happiness.   总之,只有年轻人和老年人共同努力,老年父母才能拥有幸福的晚年。    邻里缺少沟通   What I believe is that we should be aware of the necessity to step out of the doors and build a friendly relationship with others. In return , a warmer and more harmonious society could become possible.   我认为我们必须意识到走出房门去建立友好的人际关系是非常必要的。这样才能可能构建一个更温暖更和谐的社会。    冷漠   In a word, each individual should pay more attention to others as well as the world outside.   一句话,每个个体也要从自己的世界走出来,更多地注意他人和外部世界。    五一长假   All in all, I hope that government would adjust the schedule and let people enjoy a true week-long vacation.   总之,我希望政府能调整计划让人们享受一个真正的长假。 英语话题作文 篇3   题目:   Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30minutes to write a short essay entitled The Damageof E-waste. You should write at least 150 wordsfollowing the outline given below.   1. 随着电子设备的`增多,电子垃圾也越来越多   2. 电子垃圾的危害很多   3. 为此,我们应该……   范文:   The Damage of E-waste   Electronic waste, or e-waste, has become anissue of serious concern to the public as a growingnumber of electronic items are discarded in landfillsevery year. Many consumers are not aware that electronics like computers and cell phonesactually contain toxins that can leach out into the soil and damage the environment.   E-waste compounds pose hazards to the environment as well as the human beings. Tostart with, when exposed to heat, the components of e-waste release toxic fumes and gas,polluting the air and causing global environmental problems. When circuit breakersdeteriorate, they release toxins, such as mercury, that pollute groundwater. In addition toits damaging effect on the environment, researchers have now linked e-waste to adverseeffects on human health.   In my view, it"s high time that the damage of e-wasted should be realized by the public andmeasures should be taken to cope with this issue. One idea is to put greater responsibility onthe companies that produce the goods. It should be mandatory for them to taking theabandoned items back and dispose them in an environmentally-friendly manner. 英语话题作文 篇4   Mid-autumn Festival is a popular and important lunar harvest festival celebrated by Chinese people.The festival is held on the 15th day of the eighth month in the Chinese calendar.There are some traditions in this holiday.For example,people would have a big dinner with there families.After dinner,they often enjoy the full moon which is round and bright.The other tradition of mid-autumn festival is eating moon cake.Moon cake is the essential of that day,which means reunion.As time goes by,there are various kinds of moon cakes,but they are much more expensive than before.I like mid-autumn festival because my families will get together.   中秋节是被中国人庆祝的一个受欢迎,重要的节日.中秋节是在中国农历八月十五.这里还有一些传统节日:例如,人们会同家人吃一顿丰盛的晚餐.晚饭后,他们通常赏月,月亮又圆又亮.其他传统的中秋节都要吃月饼.那一天,月饼是必不可少的,这意味着团圆.随着时间的推移,有各种各样的月饼,比起以前,它们更昂贵.我喜欢中秋节,因为我的家人会在一起. 英语话题作文 篇5   Dear Peter,   I remember you told me you were interested in China. Our school is looking for an English teacher, whose mother tongue is English. You will teach some courses to senior high students. They, who have at least three years of English learning experience, are going to learn the following four courses: speaking, writing, Britain Today and America Today. If you would come here, you have the chance to choose three of them for teaching. You need teach 12 hours a week. If you get the job, you are supposed to work as an advisor to our students" English club or our school"s English newspaper. That is to say, in spare time you will select some articles, which are fit for the students from English papers, English magazines and the Internet, and edit the articles from students.   If you are interested in the job or have any question, please let me know. I look forward to your reply.   Yours,   Li Hua 英语话题作文 篇6   Dear teacher,   How times flies! I have to say goodbye to you now. Thank you, my dear teacher.   Youre one of the best teachers in our school. You teach us so well. You often help me with my studies. When Im in trouble, you always give good advice. With your help, Ive made much progress in my studies. Im lucky to be your student.   Ill never forget you. No matter where Im going, well be together forever.   Best wishes   Yours,   Robert/Emma
2023-07-16 17:38:301


碰焊机 Welding machine、Butt Welder油压拉伸机 Hydraulic stretcher、Hydraulic stretch压焊缝机 Pressure welding machine
2023-07-16 17:38:371


矩阵的迹 trace 方阵对角元素之和 Singular value decompostion 奇异值分解非常有用,对于矩阵A(p*q),存在U(p*p),V(q*q),B(p*q)(由对角阵与增广行或列组成),满足A = U*B*V U和V中分别是A的奇异向量,而B中是A的奇异值。AA"的特征向量组成U,特征值组成B"B,A"A的特征向量组成V,特征值(与AA"相同)组成BB"。因此,奇异值分解和特征值问题紧密联系。 如果A是复矩阵,B中的奇异值仍然是实数。 SVD提供了一些关于A的信息,例如非零奇异值的数目(B的阶数)和A的阶数相同,一旦阶数确定,那么U的前k列构成了A的列向量空间的正交基。 在数值分析中,由于数值计算误差,测量误差,噪声以及病态矩阵,零奇异值通常显示为很小的数目。 将一个矩阵分解为比较简单或者性质比较熟悉的矩阵之组合,方便讨论和计算。由于矩阵的特征值和特征向量在化矩阵为对角形的问题中占有特殊位置, 因此矩阵的特征值分解。。。尽管矩阵的特征值具有非常好的性质,但是并不是总能正确地表示矩阵的“大小”。矩阵的奇异值和按奇异值分解是矩阵理论和应用中十分重要的内容,已成为多变量反馈控制系统最重要最基本的分析工具之一,奇异值实际上是复数标量绝对值概念的推广, 表示了反馈控制系统的输出/输入增益,能反映控制系统的特性。《鲁棒控制。。倾斜转弯导弹》 昨天看了一个网页,,知道了奇异值分解就是把矩阵A分解成hanger,stretcher,aligner的三重积。从几何意义上讲矩阵A乘以几何图形(用数值序列x,y代表),相当于对几何图形先扭转,再拉伸,再扭转。从这里也知道,“正交”的概念特别有用。一对最简单的正交基(orthogonal basis,perpframe)是p1 = [cos(s) sin(s)],p2 = [-sin(s) cos(s)],它可以用于几何变换。
2023-07-16 17:38:561


矩阵的迹 trace 方阵对角元素之和 Singular value decompostion 奇异值分解非常有用,对于矩阵A(p*q),存在U(p*p),V(q*q),B(p*q)(由对角阵与增广行或列组成),满足A = U*B*V U和V中分别是A的奇异向量,而B中是A的奇异值。AA"的特征向量组成U,特征值组成B"B,A"A的特征向量组成V,特征值(与AA"相同)组成BB"。因此,奇异值分解和特征值问题紧密联系。 如果A是复矩阵,B中的奇异值仍然是实数。 SVD提供了一些关于A的信息,例如非零奇异值的数目(B的阶数)和A的阶数相同,一旦阶数确定,那么U的前k列构成了A的列向量空间的正交基。 在数值分析中,由于数值计算误差,测量误差,噪声以及病态矩阵,零奇异值通常显示为很小的数目。 将一个矩阵分解为比较简单或者性质比较熟悉的矩阵之组合,方便讨论和计算。由于矩阵的特征值和特征向量在化矩阵为对角形的问题中占有特殊位置, 因此矩阵的特征值分解。。。尽管矩阵的特征值具有非常好的性质,但是并不是总能正确地表示矩阵的“大小”。矩阵的奇异值和按奇异值分解是矩阵理论和应用中十分重要的内容,已成为多变量反馈控制系统最重要最基本的分析工具之一,奇异值实际上是复数标量绝对值概念的推广, 表示了反馈控制系统的输出/输入增益,能反映控制系统的特性。《鲁棒控制。。倾斜转弯导弹》 昨天看了一个网页,,知道了奇异值分解就是把矩阵A分解成hanger,stretcher,aligner的三重积。从几何意义上讲矩阵A乘以几何图形(用数值序列x,y代表),相当于对几何图形先扭转,再拉伸,再扭转。从这里也知道,“正交”的概念特别有用。一对最简单的正交基(orthogonal basis,perpframe)是p1 = [cos(s) sin(s)],p2 = [-sin(s) cos(s)],它可以用于几何变换。
2023-07-16 17:39:031


  无论在学习、工作或是生活中,大家对作文都不陌生吧,作文根据写作时限的不同可以分为限时作文和非限时作文。你知道作文怎样才能写的好吗?下面是我精心整理的话题英语作文9篇,欢迎阅读与收藏。 话题英语作文 篇1   History proves that the evolvement road of the new emergence never fails to be bumpy. It can be undeniable that the frictions between the novel and the traditional are intrinsically inevitable. Fortunately, newly emerging things will eventually survive and thrive despite the fact that they are more likely to be in a cramped and harsh environment at first. However, census has not been reached among scholars on how the innovative conquer all the adversities and finally win the battle. As far as I am concerned, it is the innumerable conflicts between the new and the old that boosts the novelty to proliferate. 话题英语作文 篇2   Should College Students Be Allowed to GetMarried?   There is no denying the fact that it is a hotly debated topic today whether college studentsshould be allowed to get married. Some time ago, the ban was lifted by some universities onstudents getting married. To this people"s attitudes differ sharply. Some hold the positive view.They say that most college students are adults and that it is a basic right for those who havereached the appropriate ages to get married. Besides, they argue that with their biological andemotional needs met, these students will study better. // The ban on this means a severeviolation of human rights.   Many others, however, hold the negative/opposite view. They claim that the university orcollege is a place to study instead of a community to lead family life. Allowing college studentsto get married would adversely affect their study. For instance, they would spend too muchtime attending their family and love, unable to concentrate on their school work.   As far as I am concerned,// Weighing the arguments of both sides, I believe that it is OKto allow college students to get married. Anyway, this is their freedom. Actually, we don"t haveto worry too much because facts have shown that most college students would choose not toget married in the face of such fierce competition and heavy school work.   (或) As far as I am concerned,// Weighing the arguments of both sides, I believe thatcollege students should not be allowed to get married. Though mostly adults, they are actuallyimmature psychologically. Their wishes to get married are, more often than not, impulses.Besides, as students, they are not ready to support a family financially. 话题英语作文 篇3   There was an earthquake in Ya"an at about 8 o"clock on April 20, 20xx. Many houses fell down. 192 people were killed and more than10,000 people were hurt. After the earthquake, the doctors, nurses, firemen and volunteers from all over the country hurried to the scene and tried to cure the survivors. Some businesses donated many things such as clothes, food, water and medicine to the local people. Some pop stars organized charity shows to raise money. The local government took action actively to search for more lost people and helped them out of sadness. I hope the people there can cheer up and rebuild their homes as soon as possible. We must try our best to help them.   20xx年4月20日八点,雅安发生了地震。许多房屋倒塌。192人死亡,超过10000人受伤。地震后,各地的医生、护士、消防队员和志愿者赶到现场,试图治愈幸存者。有些企业捐赠了许多东西,比如衣服、食品、水和药品等,给当地人民。一些流行歌星举办慈善演出,以筹集资金。当地政府积极采取行动寻找更多失去的人,并帮助他们走出悲伤。我希望那里的人们能尽快振作起来,尽快重建家园。我们必须尽力帮助他们。 话题英语作文 篇4   Ten years later, I have already graduated from university, perhaps with a good work. Good luck, the boss"s daughter would watch me, I have a house, car and, of course, beautiful women to accompany. I will make a lot of money to my parents buy a lot they like. I will live very happy!   Ten years later, maybe I"ll become a professional basketball player, because I like playing basketball, I would raise many animals, so some heavy things to do to the robot. In Ten years, maybe I will become a policeman, to help people grasp the bad guys, fighting crime, become a hero.   Ten years later, I thought that I will become a doctor, because may help many people, I want to go to Paris to live, heard that is very beautiful, I will live with I best friend in the apartment, at that time, the child did not need to go to school, they at home through the computer study, in my family also had the robot, might help us to do many housework, I in the future life will not need the money, because the thing could be free, I good anticipated that I the future life, I will wait not to be anxious! 话题英语作文 篇5   I m writing to discuss about whether our parents should accompany us studying at school.   We do have different opinions on this matter. Most of us think our parents should not accompany us studying at school since it make us fall into the habit of dependence, so that we won t form the good habit of studying.   What s more, it is harmful for us to form the habit of controlling ourselves. At the same time it affects our parents work, studies and rest.While about 30% of my classmates think it necessary for our parents to accompany us studying at school. Accompanying us studying at school can let us have more time to study. Besides, we shall be more healthy with their care. On the other hand our parents can help us set up our aim, urge us to finish our task, encourage us to overcome difficulties and get us into the good habit of studying.   我想讨论关于 父母有没有必要陪读 这个问题。   在这个问题上我们有不同的观点. 70%的同学认为父母不应当陪读,这样会使我们养成依赖的坏习惯,而不利于养成学习的"好习惯,更严重的是,它不利于我们将来自控能力的培养;同时,它影响了父母的工作、学习和休息。30%的学生认为父母有必要陪读。陪读使我们有更多的时间学习,使我们的身体更健康;另一方面,陪读能帮助我们确立学习目标,督促我们完成学习任务,鼓励我们独立解决困难,养成良好的学习习惯。 话题英语作文 篇6   (湖北宜昌)下面是汶川地震中的一张照片。它记录了一个叫郎铮的三岁男孩在地震十小时后被解放军从废墟(debris)中救出(rescue)。躺在担架(stretcher)上的他慢慢地举起右手向救他的人敬礼(salute to)。请你以"感动"为题,用英语简单描述这个故事并写出你的感想。   要求:故事描述要包括提供的所有信息。字数:80---100。短文开头已给出,不计入总字数。   Moved   At 14:28 on May 12, an earthquake broke out in Wenchuan. Soon people all over China went to the rescue. _______________   _____________________________________________________   _____________________________________________________   _____________________________________________________   _____________________________________________________   Moved   At 14:28 on May 12, an earthquake broke out in Wenchuan. Soon people all over China went to the rescue. A three-year-old boy named Lang Zheng was rescued from the debris by the PLA men ten hours after the earthquake. While he was lying on the stretcher, he slowly raised his right hand and saluted to the soldiers. His salute not only expressed his thanks to the people who saved him, but also moved the people around him. I was also deeply moved by his salute. As a three-year-old boy, he knew that the first thing to do was to express his thanks after he was saved. It is the good nature of the Chinese people. 话题英语作文 篇7   Do you often practice your English Writing? Why/ why not?   Do you like helping others? Why/ why not? Do you like watching movies in your spare time? Why/ why not?   Would you please say something about a place you have visited?   Can you say something about your favorite teacher?   What is the happiest thing in your life? Why? 话题英语作文 篇8   l have a best friend.her name is tina.we have many difference and similarities.she likes to do the same things as me.and she can make me laugh.but she is less more outgoing than me.she is very quiet.however,we both like reading.and do well in english.but she is smarter than me and l work harder than her.   l think friends are like books-you don`t need a lot of them as long as they are good. 话题英语作文 篇9   Qianshan is a new economic zone with a population of more than three hundred thousand. Before the reform and opening up, Qianshan was only a small fishing-dominated village. There was no industry developing here and there were only a couple of schools. However, with the reform and opening up, everything has greatly changed. From then on, many foreign investors invest in here, which promotes rapid economic growth. Many large factories and a large port have been built. The port connects with many cities at home and abroad. In addition, there is train station and airport. They contribute a well-developed transportation system. Education has been greatly developed and the first university has been built here. There has been three thousand students graduated from this university. I am sure that Qianshan will be more international in the near future.
2023-07-16 17:39:121

Marine was carried on stretcher improvised from a machine gun. 这句英语的定语前加个which可以吗?

improvised from a machine gun 是过去分词短语充当定语,属于非谓语动词短语,相当于定语从句 which was improvised from a machine gun,可见不等于只在过去分词前加一关系代词 which。
2023-07-16 17:39:321


矩阵的迹 trace 方阵对角元素之和 Singular value decompostion 奇异值分解非常有用,对于矩阵A(p*q),存在U(p*p),V(q*q),B(p*q)(由对角阵与增广行或列组成),满足A = U*B*V U和V中分别是A的奇异向量,而B中是A的奇异值。AA"的特征向量组成U,特征值组成B"B,A"A的特征向量组成V,特征值(与AA"相同)组成BB"。因此,奇异值分解和特征值问题紧密联系。 如果A是复矩阵,B中的奇异值仍然是实数。 SVD提供了一些关于A的信息,例如非零奇异值的数目(B的阶数)和A的阶数相同,一旦阶数确定,那么U的前k列构成了A的列向量空间的正交基。 在数值分析中,由于数值计算误差,测量误差,噪声以及病态矩阵,零奇异值通常显示为很小的数目。 将一个矩阵分解为比较简单或者性质比较熟悉的矩阵之组合,方便讨论和计算。由于矩阵的特征值和特征向量在化矩阵为对角形的问题中占有特殊位置, 因此矩阵的特征值分解。。。尽管矩阵的特征值具有非常好的性质,但是并不是总能正确地表示矩阵的“大小”。矩阵的奇异值和按奇异值分解是矩阵理论和应用中十分重要的内容,已成为多变量反馈控制系统最重要最基本的分析工具之一,奇异值实际上是复数标量绝对值概念的推广, 表示了反馈控制系统的输出/输入增益,能反映控制系统的特性。《鲁棒控制。。倾斜转弯导弹》 昨天看了一个网页,,知道了奇异值分解就是把矩阵A分解成hanger,stretcher,aligner的三重积。从几何意义上讲矩阵A乘以几何图形(用数值序列x,y代表),相当于对几何图形先扭转,再拉伸,再扭转。从这里也知道,“正交”的概念特别有用。一对最简单的正交基(orthogonal basis,perpframe)是p1 = [cos(s) sin(s)],p2 = [-sin(s) cos(s)],它可以用于几何变换。
2023-07-16 17:39:401


Pazhao prefer to leave, I refused stretcher或者是,Rather crawls is leaving, I reject the stretcher
2023-07-16 17:39:473


2023-07-16 17:40:161


case的意思是: 事例,情形,案例
2023-07-16 17:40:262


1 在定语从句中,要看 direction在从句中作什么成分,作状语就用where,做主语或宾语 用which。要分析句子成分的23 同上 恩 英语师门语言 ,和汉语是一样一样的 要灵活 哦~
2023-07-16 17:40:492


2023-07-16 17:41:092

Marine was carried on stretcher improvised from a machine gun. 这句英语的定语前加个which可以吗?

可以加上 "which",使句子变为 "Marine was carried on a stretcher which was improvised from a machine gun."加上 "which" 可以使句子更加清晰,表明 "improvised from a machine gun" 是修饰 "stretcher" 的,避免读者误解为描述 "carry" 的动作。但是整个句子的意思并没有改变。
2023-07-16 17:41:422


辅音字符 ch 共有四种读音 辅音字符 ch 的读音比较复杂,共有以下的四种。其中 #1, #2 的读音占大多数。#3 的读音占少数。 #4 的读音极少并且只出现在词尾。 #1. 读音与汉语拼音中的读音接近。单词有 chaste, cheese, China, choke, choose, chat, chess 棋类, chip, chop, chuck, choice, chow mien炒面, merchant商人, orchard 果园, 在词尾时 rich, inch 英寸, much, each, teach, coach, lunch, arch, catch, watch, witch 女巫, stretch, stretcher n.担架. #2. 读音 [k]. 单词有 character, chemistry 化学, chorus 合唱队, chromium 铬, Christmas 圣诞节, school, schedule, echo 回声, headache 头痛, toothache 牙痛, mechanical 机械的, technical 技术的 在词尾时 stomach 肚子, loch n.湖, Mach n.马赫数 #3. 读音 sh . 单词有 chef(饭馆里的)厨师, chassis 底盘, Chicago 芝加哥, brochure 小册子, Chevrolet 雪福兰(汽车商标)= Chevy, machine 机器, 说明:chef, chassis, brochure 均来自法语,所以读音为 sh 。 #4. 限于少数单词,在词尾时读音为“寄”。单词有 spinach 菠菜, Greenwich 格林尼治, sandwich 三明治。
2023-07-16 17:41:491


辅音字符 ch 共有四种读音 辅音字符 ch 的读音比较复杂,共有以下的四种。其中 #1, #2 的读音占大多数。#3 的读音占少数。 #4 的读音极少并且只出现在词尾。 #1. 读音与汉语拼音中的读音接近。单词有 chaste, cheese, China, choke, choose, chat, chess 棋类, chip, chop, chuck, choice, chow mien炒面, merchant商人, orchard 果园, 在词尾时 rich, inch 英寸, much, each, teach, coach, lunch, arch, catch, watch, witch 女巫, stretch, stretcher n.担架. #2. 读音 [k]. 单词有 character, chemistry 化学, chorus 合唱队, chromium 铬, Christmas 圣诞节, school, schedule, echo 回声, headache 头痛, toothache 牙痛, mechanical 机械的, technical 技术的 在词尾时 stomach 肚子, loch n.湖, Mach n.马赫数 #3. 读音 sh . 单词有 chef(饭馆里的)厨师, chassis 底盘, Chicago 芝加哥, brochure 小册子, Chevrolet 雪福兰(汽车商标)= Chevy, machine 机器, 说明:chef, chassis, brochure 均来自法语,所以读音为 sh 。 #4. 限于少数单词,在词尾时读音为“寄”。单词有 spinach 菠菜, Greenwich 格林尼治, sandwich 三明治。
2023-07-16 17:41:571


辅音字符 ch 共有四种读音 辅音字符 ch 的读音比较复杂,共有以下的四种。其中 #1, #2 的读音占大多数。#3 的读音占少数。 #4 的读音极少并且只出现在词尾。 #1. 读音与汉语拼音中的读音接近。单词有 chaste, cheese, China, choke, choose, chat, chess 棋类, chip, chop, chuck, choice, chow mien炒面, merchant商人, orchard 果园, 在词尾时 rich, inch 英寸, much, each, teach, coach, lunch, arch, catch, watch, witch 女巫, stretch, stretcher n.担架. #2. 读音 [k]. 单词有 character, chemistry 化学, chorus 合唱队, chromium 铬, Christmas 圣诞节, school, schedule, echo 回声, headache 头痛, toothache 牙痛, mechanical 机械的, technical 技术的 在词尾时 stomach 肚子, loch n.湖, Mach n.马赫数 #3. 读音 sh . 单词有 chef(饭馆里的)厨师, chassis 底盘, Chicago 芝加哥, brochure 小册子, Chevrolet 雪福兰(汽车商标)= Chevy, machine 机器, 说明:chef, chassis, brochure 均来自法语,所以读音为 sh 。 #4. 限于少数单词,在词尾时读音为“寄”。单词有 spinach 菠菜, Greenwich 格林尼治, sandwich 三明治。
2023-07-16 17:42:041


chirstams【u02c8kru026asmu0259s】,ch发/k/, 类似的还有school
2023-07-16 17:42:133


辅音字符 ch 共有四种读音 辅音字符 ch 的读音比较复杂,共有以下的四种。其中 #1, #2 的读音占大多数。#3 的读音占少数。 #4 的读音极少并且只出现在词尾。 #1. 读音与汉语拼音中的读音接近。单词有 chaste, cheese, China, choke, choose, chat, chess 棋类, chip, chop, chuck, choice, chow mien炒面, merchant商人, orchard 果园, 在词尾时 rich, inch 英寸, much, each, teach, coach, lunch, arch, catch, watch, witch 女巫, stretch, stretcher n.担架. #2. 读音 [k]. 单词有 character, chemistry 化学, chorus 合唱队, chromium 铬, Christmas 圣诞节, school, schedule, echo 回声, headache 头痛, toothache 牙痛, mechanical 机械的, technical 技术的 在词尾时 stomach 肚子, loch n.湖, Mach n.马赫数 #3. 读音 sh . 单词有 chef(饭馆里的)厨师, chassis 底盘, Chicago 芝加哥, brochure 小册子, Chevrolet 雪福兰(汽车商标)= Chevy, machine 机器, 说明:chef, chassis, brochure 均来自法语,所以读音为 sh 。 #4. 限于少数单词,在词尾时读音为“寄”。单词有 spinach 菠菜, Greenwich 格林尼治, sandwich 三明治。
2023-07-16 17:42:201


辅音字符 ch 共有四种读音 辅音字符 ch 的读音比较复杂,共有以下的四种。其中 #1, #2 的读音占大多数。#3 的读音占少数。 #4 的读音极少并且只出现在词尾。 #1. 读音与汉语拼音中的读音接近。单词有 chaste, cheese, China, choke, choose, chat, chess 棋类, chip, chop, chuck, choice, chow mien炒面, merchant商人, orchard 果园, 在词尾时 rich, inch 英寸, much, each, teach, coach, lunch, arch, catch, watch, witch 女巫, stretch, stretcher n.担架. #2. 读音 [k]. 单词有 character, chemistry 化学, chorus 合唱队, chromium 铬, Christmas 圣诞节, school, schedule, echo 回声, headache 头痛, toothache 牙痛, mechanical 机械的, technical 技术的 在词尾时 stomach 肚子, loch n.湖, Mach n.马赫数 #3. 读音 sh . 单词有 chef(饭馆里的)厨师, chassis 底盘, Chicago 芝加哥, brochure 小册子, Chevrolet 雪福兰(汽车商标)= Chevy, machine 机器, 说明:chef, chassis, brochure 均来自法语,所以读音为 sh 。 #4. 限于少数单词,在词尾时读音为“寄”。单词有 spinach 菠菜, Greenwich 格林尼治, sandwich 三明治。
2023-07-16 17:42:381


辅音字符 ch 共有四种读音 辅音字符 ch 的读音比较复杂,共有以下的四种。其中 #1, #2 的读音占大多数。#3 的读音占少数。 #4 的读音极少并且只出现在词尾。 #1. 读音与汉语拼音中的读音接近。单词有 chaste, cheese, China, choke, choose, chat, chess 棋类, chip, chop, chuck, choice, chow mien炒面, merchant商人, orchard 果园, 在词尾时 rich, inch 英寸, much, each, teach, coach, lunch, arch, catch, watch, witch 女巫, stretch, stretcher n.担架. #2. 读音 [k]. 单词有 character, chemistry 化学, chorus 合唱队, chromium 铬, Christmas 圣诞节, school, schedule, echo 回声, headache 头痛, toothache 牙痛, mechanical 机械的, technical 技术的 在词尾时 stomach 肚子, loch n.湖, Mach n.马赫数 #3. 读音 sh . 单词有 chef(饭馆里的)厨师, chassis 底盘, Chicago 芝加哥, brochure 小册子, Chevrolet 雪福兰(汽车商标)= Chevy, machine 机器, 说明:chef, chassis, brochure 均来自法语,所以读音为 sh 。 #4. 限于少数单词,在词尾时读音为“寄”。单词有 spinach 菠菜, Greenwich 格林尼治, sandwich 三明治。
2023-07-16 17:42:461


横木的解释[stretcher] 家具(如桌椅)腿 之间 起称固作用的横撑木;家具的底架中两腿之间的支撑 详细解释 (1).横置木柴。 《诗·陈风·衡门》 “衡门之下,可以 栖迟 ” 毛 传:“衡门,横木为门,言浅陋也。” (2).横置之木。 唐 赵嘏 《寻僧》 诗之二:“溪户无人谷鸟飞,石桥横木挂禅衣。” 词语分解 横的解释 横 é 跟地面 平行 的,与“竖”、“直” 相对 :横梁。横楣。横额。横幅。横批。横披(长条形横幅字画)。横匾。横标。横空。 左右 向的,跟目视方向垂直的,与“竖”、“直”、“纵”相对:横写。横排。横向。横斜。 木的解释 木 ù 树类植物的通称:树木。 乔木 。灌木。木石(树木和石头,喻没有知觉和 情感 的 东西 )。缘木求鱼。 木料、木制品:木材。木器。木刻。木匠。木已成舟。 棺材:棺木。 质朴 :木讷( 朴实 迟钝)。 呆笨:木鸡。
2023-07-16 17:42:531


画布 ,用于绘制油画的麻布或涂有石膏的布画布画布是指一种厚重的机织织物,用作油画或丙烯画的(SUPPORT)。画布表面涂刷白色底层(GROUND)以供绘画使用。标准的油画布以卷为单位销售,它由坚固、经过特殊编织的亚麻(LINEN)制成,其中大部分从比利时和爱尔兰进口。较便宜可选作代替品的是厚重的棉布,但这是一种不太为人所接受的代替品。因为用在绘画中,一片裁切的画布被平头钉钉在画布框(CHASSIS)或画架(STRETCHER)边框上而被紧紧地拉直。七彩画布是指多种颜色的画布
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  How the Accident Had Happened如何发生了意外   Recently,a doctor in a hospital emergency room was treating a man with a broken arm.He asked how the accident had happened.   So,what about the broken arm? the doctor asked.The patient told him he wouldn"t believe it,but this is what happened.   He was in the bathroom preparing to take a shower when he suddenly heard terrible scream from his wife in the living room.Without waiting to dress,he rushed into the living room and found his wife pointing under the couch,yelling Snake,snake! He grabbed a broom and was on his hands and knees looking under the couch when the family"s dog wandered into the roon.The dog walked up behind him and touched him with his cold,wet nose.For the man,already on edge and expecting to confront a snake,that cold nose was quite a shock;he lunged forward so violently that he hit the edge of the couch and knocked himself out.His wife,thinking that her husband had had a heart attack,called the rescue squad.They arrived and loaded the man up onto the stretcher.He suddenly revived and insisted that he was quite all right and that they should put the stretcher down.They panicked and dropped the stretcher with the man on it.In attempting to break his fall,he broke his arm instead.Well,the two rescue squad men suddenly looked down and saw a long snake crawling out from undr the couch at their feet.   最近,一个医院急诊室里的一位医生正在用一个断胳膊治疗一个男人,他问他怎么了。   那么,断胳膊呢?医生问,病人告诉他,他不会相信,但这是发生了什么事。   他是在浴室里准备采取淋浴时,他突然听到可怕的尖叫声从他的妻子在客厅。无需等待打扮,他匆忙走进客厅,发现他的妻子指点下沙发,叫喊着蛇,蛇!相反,它期待和感动,他抓起一把扫帚,他的手和膝盖下寻找沙发在家庭的狗走进鲁恩。这只狗走在他身后他他的冷,湿鼻子。为人,已经在边缘面对一条蛇,,冷的鼻子很震惊;他猛冲向前如此猛烈,他击中了边的沙发上,敲了一下自己。他的.妻子,思维,她的丈夫有心脏病发作,被称为救援队。他们到达装的男人上了担架。他突然恢复和坚持,他是相当的所有权利,他们应该把担架放下来。他们惊慌失措,放下担架的人。在试图打破他的秋天,他摔断了胳膊。嗯,这两个救援队男子突然往下看,看到一个长的蛇爬出在床脚下
2023-07-16 17:43:071


Christmas ["kru026asmu0259s] 辅音字符 ch 共有四种读音 1. 读音与汉语拼音中的读音接近。单词有 chaste, cheese, China, choke, choose, chat, chess 棋类, chip, chop, chuck, choice, chow mien炒面, merchant商人, orchard 果园, 在词尾时 rich, inch 英寸, much, each, teach, coach, lunch, arch, catch, watch, witch 女巫, stretch, stretcher n.担架. 2. 读音 [k]. 单词有 character, chemistry 化学, chorus 合唱队, chromium 铬, Christmas 圣诞节, school, schedule, echo 回声, headache 头痛, toothache 牙痛, mechanical 机械的, technical 技术的 在词尾时 stomach 肚子, loch n.湖, Mach n.马赫数 3. 读音 sh . 单词有 chef(饭馆里的)厨师, chassis 底盘, Chicago 芝加哥, brochure 小册子, Chevrolet 雪福兰(汽车商标)= Chevy, machine 机器, 说明:chef, chassis, brochure 均来自法语,所以读音为 sh 。 4. 限于少数单词,在词尾时读音为“寄”。单词有 spinach 菠菜, Greenwich 格林尼治, sandwich 三明治。
2023-07-16 17:43:141

Andrew Paul Woodworth的Thick Black Mark的歌词

in starless sky above the weatheri only hide to sleep on stretcheranother thick black markupon the thin white heartif i can prove my heart was bigger than my eagle would i expect my friends to forget me for the things i made me wrongif my behavior made me better than my fancy heartwould i demand i be counted among the clean and stand and strongright or wrong right or wrongthe primitive like booze rocks and showsthe tiny green above an infanti think we sleep too muchand starve ourselves of sunif i can prove my heart was bigger than my eagle would i expect my friends to forget me for the things i made me wrongif my behavior made me better than my fancy heartwould i demand i be counted among the clean and stand and strongright or wrong right or wrongif i can prove my heart was bigger than my eagle would i expect my friends to forget me for the things i made me wrongif my behavior made me better than my fancy heartwould i demand i be counted among the clean and stand and strongright or wrong right or wrong
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carry 携带, 载, 带, 携, 搬运, 提
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  下面是我整理的case相关 短语 ,希望对大家有帮助。   case短语用法   1. in case   (1) 如果,万一(用作连词,表示条件)。如:   In case he comes, let me know. 如果他来,告诉我一声。   If case I forget, please remind me about it. 万一我忘记,请请醒我一下。   (2) 以防,免得(用作连词,表示目的)。如:   You"d better take your umbrella, in case it rains.你最好带上伞,以防下雨。   Be quiet in case you should wake the baby. 安静些,免得把婴儿吵醒。   (3) 以防万一,免得(用作副词):   You had better carry some money in case. 你最好带些钱,以防万一(要用)。   It may not rain, but you had better take an umbrella incase. 可能不会下雨,但你最好还是带把雨伞,以防万一。   2. in any case 不管怎样,无论如何。如:   In any case, youu2019ll have to be at the station by nine. 无论如何你九点钟得赶到车站。   It may rain tomorrow, but we are going home in any case. 明天可能下雨,但不管怎样我们都打算回家去。   3. in case of 如果,万一,以防(用作介词,表示条件或目的)。如:   In case of fire, call 119. 万一失火,就打119电话。   Take an umbrella with you in case of rain. 带把雨伞,以防下雨。   4. in no case 绝不,在任何情况下都不。如:   You should in no case tell her about it. 你绝不能把此事告诉她。   注:若置于句首, 句子 用倒装。如:   In no case should you give up. 你绝不能放弃。   5. in that case 既然那样,假若是那样的话。如:   In that case come a little earlier. 既然那样,就早些来。   You donu2019t like your job? In that case why donu2019t you leave? 你不喜欢你的工作,那你为什么不辞掉呢?   6、in the case of 就u2026来说,至于u2026u2026,在u2026u2026情况下   In the case of learning English, we must practise a lot.   就 学习英语 来我们必须大量练习。   In the case of learning Chinese, misconceptions persist.   在华文的学习方面,有些人还是存有错误观念。   in case引导条件状语从句或表示否定意义的目的状语从句   in case of+名词、代词 句首表条件“假使,万一”;句末表目的“以防”   in the case of+名词、代词、动名词   case的习惯用语   a case in point 左证; 恰当的例子   a case of conscience 良心问题   a case of crabs [常与 come off, turn out, turn up 连用][美俚]失败   a case of dog eat dog 残酷的竞争; 损人利已的角逐   a gone case [美俚]无可救药的事[人]   a hard case 无可救药或顽固不化的人; 难对付的人 处境困难或可怜的人 难办的事; 难治之症 古里古怪冒冒失失的家伙   agreed case 【律】两起(对于诉讼事实)都无异议的案件   as is often the case 这是常有的事   as the case may be 看情况, 根据具体情况而定   as the case might be 看情况, 根据具体情况而定   as the case stands 在目前的情况下, 就现有的情况而论   basket case 截去手脚的人 手脚瘫痪的人   be the case with ...的情况是   get down to cases [美、口]开始谈正经事   Hard cases make bad law. [谚]难以处理的案件造成法律上的例外。   have a case on [俚]迷上[爱上]某人   in any case 无论如何, 总之   in case 假使, 如果, 万一   in case of 万一..., 如果发生...   in evil case 身体不好, 境况不佳   in good case 健康, 生活富裕   in nine cases out of ten 十之八九   in no case 决不   in that case如果是那样的话   in the case of 就...来说, 关于   in this case 假如这样的话   It is not the case. 情况不是这样; 并非事实。   This is not the case. 情况不是这样; 并非事实。   That is not the case. 情况不是这样; 并非事实。   just in case 以防(万一)   leading case 【律】经常被援引的案件   make out a case for 为...进行辩护   make out one"s case 证明自已有理   meet the case 恰当, 符合要求, 解决问题   mentalcase [口]精神病患者   open and shutcase 一目了然的案件, 显而易见   out of case 不健康; 境况不好   put the case for 为...辩护   put the case (that) 假定, 推测   stretcher case 重伤员   such being the case 在这种情况下, 既然如此   test case 【律】判例 [美]试诉   vanity case 女人盛化妆品的小手提包[小脂粉盒]   walking case 【医】门诊病人; 轻伤员
2023-07-16 17:44:281


1. 英文作文写景的怎样写 My Favourite TV Programme Nowadays the 26th Olympic Games are being held in AtLanta. It is the most popular program all over the world and also my favourite progamme. In 1992 I was watching the 25th Olympic Games on TV with my schoolmates in China. We cheered at every success the Chinese athelets had. As the Chinese national flag was rising and the national anthem ringing in my ears I was moved to tears just as the medalists. It is the happiest moment for them and for me. I am proud of being a Chinese. Now that I am in America, things are different. I am so near to the games yet so far away emotionally from those watching around lite. Whenever the Chinese made a mistake, the Americans cheered, which angered me greatly. Each country wants every gold medal. That is understandable. The problem is that they have so much prejudice against our motherland. I admired Wang Yifu"s courage and stamina. He lost his gold medal because of his illness. As soon as he regretfully put down his gun, he fell unconscious and was earried away on a stretcher. Mo Huilen also lost her gold medal painfully. The young girl was not satisfied with a silver and braved for the gold at the risk of losing it. She showed the true spirit of sport *** anship. I sing in praise of them even if they lose. In my opinion we should praetice what we preach and stick to the Olympic creed that the most important thing in the Olympic Games is not to win but to take part, just as the most important thing in life is not the triumph but the struggle. The essential thing is not to have conquered but to have fought wen. 2. “欣赏美景”用英语怎么说 英语翻译:Enjoy the beautiful scenery . 一、重点词汇 欣赏:appreciate; enjoy; admire; sympathetic; justice 美景:beauty; beautiful scenery [landscape]; fine view; picture 二、例句 1、有那个女人在场,他欣赏美景的兴致也就给破坏了。 The presence of the woman spoiled his enjoyment of the view. 2、人们在欣赏美景的同时,加入了自己的想象。 When people enjoyed the sights here, they added in some of their imaginations. 3、大部分时候,我们都是在静静地航行,或是读书,或是打盹儿,或是欣赏美景。 For the most part we sailed along silently, reading, napping, and enjoying the view. 扩展资料: 英语中关于景色的不同表达及用法 1、scene :指具体的、局部的或一时的景色,可以是自然形成的,也可人工造成的。 2、sight:侧重指旅游观光的风光,包括城市景色或自然风光景色。也指人造景物或奇特的景色。 3、scenery : 指一个国家或某一地区的整体自然风景。 4、view :普通和词,多指从远处或高处所见的景色。 5、landscape: 多指在内陆的自然风光。 参考资料:百度翻译 3. 描写景色的英语作文 带翻译 英:Do not know how long the effect, as if the fight was a nervous gradually revealing the known, the field from its broad chest in long plume from the atmosphere on the slopes and there is water ongenerally spread at the Qingming, round trees and crops have begun to sway in the breeze, the leaves bee calm and. Dew back in the early morning and evening wetting the ridge, quietly put up the field. Lu Lan also came upquietly afloat, no longer go back to the valley. Although the sun is still bright, but the pain is no longer the backbone of Sunburn people bee, Kiyosumi, as if it was weak, and can not be distilled into a field, it is the field of reconciliation and the like; 。 。 Autumn is here! 中:不知道从多久起,仿佛一场紧张的拼搏终于渐渐地透出了分晓,田野从它宽阔的胸膛里透过来一缕悠悠的气息,斜坡上和坝子上有如水一般的清明在散开,四下里的树木和庄稼也开始在微风里摇曳,树叶变得从容而宽余。露水回来了,在清晨和傍晚润湿了田埂,悄悄地挂上田间。露岚也来到了坝子上,静静地浮着,不再回到山谷里去。阳光虽然依旧明亮,却不再痛炙人的脊梁,变得宽怀、清澄,仿佛它终于乏力了,不能蒸融田野了,也就和田野和解了似的;……秋天来了! 4. 初中的关于美景的英文文章 Me and parents together with touri *** , and then on the road to see a lot of beautiful scenery, to a village, discover, days are so blue, cloud, are so white, the air is so fresh, the river is so clear, I saw a lot of fish in water and the freedom of swimming, but also hear the birds singing in the trees。 5. 求描写景色的英文,最好中英文互译的 一个引人入胜的美景秋 我从来没有见过这么美丽的街道,轨道要确切。 没有人会忘记这一次他就在于他的眼睛吸收的景色。这条赛道长直。 的许多树木站在线两边的轨道。他们是如此之高,大,旺盛的轨道几乎是分开外。 因此,当走,你会觉得如果你是在一个走廊形成树木。没有人能够理解伟大的性质,直至他陶醉的完美景观特别是在秋季和冬季。 在落日的秋天,赛道已成为黄金world.Leaves是在空气中飘扬的风就像danclng蝴蝶。更多的覆盖地面,给黄河追踪厚毛毯。 树变成褐色。这些东西看上去那么的令人印象深刻,因为在布朗是唯一的颜色除了金。 因此,黄金叶,黄金跟踪和金阳光打扮成世界上辉煌的袍子。 在黎明的冬天,但是,世界上出现了银牌摆在我们面前。 现在一切都为白色。相反的飞行树叶,白雪饰品世界的精彩演出安特斯和地面已经改变了外套。 甚至阳光变成银牌。如果没有叶子,广交朋友的树木积雪和作好准备的圣诞。 银雪,银跟踪,银树和银的阳光,银色的世界也有它的魅力。 看完后我的介绍,也许你有一个愿望,享受它。 然后不要犹豫。让我们去寻找它。 A Fascinating Scenery In Autumn I have never seen such a beautiful street, a track to be exact. Nobody will fet it once he rests his eyes on the absorbing scenery. The track is long and straight. A great many trees stand in line on either side of the track. They are so high, big and exuberant that the track is almost separated from the outside. Hence, when walking along it, you will feel as if you were in a corridor which is formed by trees. No one can understand the great nature until he is intoxicated by the perfect landscape especially in autumn and winter. At sunset in autumn, the track has bee a golden world.Leaves are fluttering in the air with the wind just like the danclng butterflies. More have covered the ground, giving the track a thick yellow blanket. The trees have turned brown. They look so impressive, because here brown is the only color besides golden. So golden leaves, a golden track and golden sunshine dress up the world in a splendid gown. At dawn in winter, however, a silver world appears before us. Now everything is white. Instead of the flying leaves, the white snow ornaments the world with its wonderful perform antes and the ground has changed its coat. And even the sunshine turns silver. Without leaves, the trees make friends with snow and prepare themselves for the Christmas. Silver snow, a silver track, silver trees and silver sunshine, the silver world also has its charm. After reading my introduction, maybe you have a desire to enjoy it. Then don"t hesitate. Let"s go to seek it.。 6. 用英文描写景物的作文(150字)要用中文翻译过来 SNOW At dusk,the weather became colder while the sky was gray,and the cold wind was blowing strongly.It seemed that it was going to snow soon. A moment later,the snowflakes began to fall quietly.Soon the land before my eyes was all white,like a beautiful blanket.Then it snowed more and more heavily.The trees were all covered with white quilts.The whole city became a silver world. The next morning,it stopped snowing and cleared up.I went into the yard.Looking far away,I saw a beautiful silver white world.A group of children were playing happily.Some were throwing snowballs to each other,others were making a snowman.Snow seemed to bring us warm and wishes.Cold as it was,nobaby felt cold in the white world. I love snow,because it is pure white.It brings us hope and vigour. 雪黄昏,天气变冷,天空变成灰色,冷风强劲地吹着。似乎很快就要下雪了。 一会儿,雪花儿静静地飘落下来。很快眼前的大地变白了,像个美丽的毯子。然后,雪越下越大。树儿披上了厚厚的棉被。整个城市变成了银色的世界。 第二天早晨,雪停了,天气晴朗了。我走进院子里,远远望去,我看见了一个美丽的银白色的世界,一群孩子正在快活地做游戏。一些在互相掷雪球,其他的在堆雪人。雪似乎给我们带来了温暖和祝福。尽管天气很冷,但是没有人在这白色的世界中感觉到寒冷。 我喜爱雪,因为它的纯净。它带给我们希望和活力。 7. 写景作文(英文)(带翻译) At the beginning of wild flowers, all opened, red, purple, pink, yellow, like a green carpet at the bright spots in large, Swarms of bees in the flowers from the busy sucking, zygomorphic, hard to fly. Midsummer, hot days only dare even dragonfly with shade, as if afraid to fly in sunshine hurt his wings. Without air, no clouds wind, head round sun, all the trees all slouched and lazily stood there. July midsummer,sky without a cloud, the hot sun parched the earth, the water in the river, the ground soil hot *** oke. 开头的野花,所有打开,红色、紫色、粉红色、黄色,像一个绿色的地毯亮点在大,成群的蜜蜂在花丛中从繁忙的吸吮,两侧对称的,很难飞起来。 盛夏,炎热的日子里才敢甚至蜻蜓的树荫,好像害怕飞在阳光伤害他的翅膀。 没有空气,没有云风,头一轮太阳,所有的树都没精打采地懒洋洋地站在那里,。 7月仲夏,天空没有云,热的太阳炙烤着大地,河里的水,地面土壤热烟。 8. 跪求英文写景作文 我来回答:Winter Fun Winter Grandpa hurriedly picked up the girl fall classes, came to our side, it brings the biting wind, the sight brought dead branches Ning Han, so we feel that winter is ing! Up in the morning, sky fog. Milky fog enveloped the earth, and everywhere vast expanse of whiteness. Walking along the street, Ji Shibu not see the shadows on the outside; from the fog looked in front of buildings, trees can only glimpses. Vapor, and heard the sound can not see shadows, only the headlights like eyes and a blinking of. Winter brings cold air across every corner, that is fine no wind when the days are dry and cold dry and cold. Piteously bare trees stand along the road in Riverside, has finally yielded to the vibrant grass, yellow. Grass flowers have already gone to sleep. North wind blows, *** all trees struggling in the cold; grass prostrate on the ground, as if afraid of this sudden wind. In such cold weather, you can also see some fear the strong wind. The campus of the flag stage, flashing a green figure with a. It is slim rows of cypress trees, in the cold winter, the cypress as rich vibrant green. Street in Riverside, planting many cycads. It was narrow, elongated leaves in the bitter winter flashing green light, to an increase of white winter green, dotted the winter. Winter"s morning, but very lively. Riverside Park, the training of people everywhere. Blowing in the fog, the silhouette is constantly shaking. Young people dressed as athletes, and they did. They ran, hopping, vibrant, excited. Elderly people are out of the house, radiant hand in the grass, stretching, kick the legs, also from time to time to jump. Do not look at them the elderly, exercise together better than young people in poor, they doggedly fight with the biting cold. Look back to the other side, with seven-year-old children also followed with great people like to exercise the model with their breathless, his head fly from the heat. See ah, how vigorous winter! I like winter because it can temper the will of the people bee even stronger. You finally e winter!。
2023-07-16 17:44:361

建筑工程里的 英语有哪些?

2023-07-16 17:44:443


2023-07-16 17:44:511

请教一个词:“Lè shè(sè)〔意思为“垃圾”〕”

2023-07-16 17:45:123


珠宝行业大5中5小5是什么意思 您好 注:小三为标价三位数里面的100-300 中三为标价三位数里面的400-600 大三为标价三位数里面的700-900 同理 小四为标价四位数里面的1000-3000 以此类推 小五指的是1-3W  有不明白的地方请继续追问 如果回答能帮到您的话,还望采纳回答,谢谢 是标价价位的意思。 小五:10000-30000W 中五:40000-60000W 大五:70000-90000W 专业术语解释: 1、克拉: 这个词来源于一种叫作carob的植物种子,在古代人们用它来测量重量,一克拉等于200mg,142克拉等于一盎司,克拉可进一步划分为分,100分等于1克拉,半克拉的钻石也就是50分(大约100毫克)。 2、净度: 净度是通过对能看得见的瑕疪的数量与位置判断来确定的。基本上来说,宝石的净度等级愈高,价值就愈高。 3、瑕疪: 大多数宝石包含有细小的天然成份,称作瑕疪。按照定义,包裹体属于宝石的内部缺陷,他们增加了独特性与个别特征。包裹体也是一种令人感到兴奋的关于真实性的黄金验印,它可以记录下宝石的形成过程中与自然的关系。 宝石的净度可以通过判断所能看得见的包裹体的数量与位置来判断。基本上,净度等级越高,宝石的价值越大。通常,包裹体并不影响光泽度,宝石的光彩与火彩不影响价值。 4、闪光/火光: 当宝石反射光线,从切面发出的点点光芒称为闪光/火光。 5、 *** 太厚/切割太深: 当宝石腰部以下比例太深,光线会由底部或旁边流走,失却光彩,火光没什么好。 6、露底/切割太浅: 当宝石腰部以下比例太浅,光线会由底部或旁边流走,失却光彩,宝石价值会变低。 珠宝行业中 OMS 是什么意思 OMS abbr.Organic Mass Spectrometry <有机质谱测定法>( 珠宝行业中的车龙是什么意思 车花吧!车花是珠宝行业一门手工艺术, 如果是车花的话,那么车龙因该是在成品刻一条龙的意思, 珠宝行业中钻戒几分是什么意思 钻戒最大的有十几克拉,一克拉在普通人当中就很大啦,所以钻戒几分是指一克里面的几分之几! 珠宝行业里的金兑金是什么意思?怎么计算 就是以你购买时发票上的金价,和兑换时的金价,进行交易,但是会收取百分之几的费用。 中国保险箱专家网为您解答! 请问earring plug 什么意思 珠宝行业的 stretcher 什么意思 earring plug 耳机插头 stretcher 撑架(比如撑项链展示等的架子或模具吧) 珠宝行业前景 珠宝行业正在面临新一轮的洗牌,国际著名品牌会占主导地位,小品牌将会举步维艰。相信大家都会有印象,在八年前,人们结婚必买的就是钻石饰品,而且是一套一套的买,戒指项链耳环一种也不少,过生日或者纪念日也会买个红蓝宝石作为礼物送给她。但是现在,消费者的购买意愿发生了改变,改变的原因有两方面,一,金融危机的爆发使消费者没有更多的钱去购买可有可无的奢侈品,二,珠石类商品价格的不稳定使消费者对其贵重性产生了不信任感。所以,珠宝行业面临着严峻的考验,消费者不再钟情于钻石宝石,而对保值性较强的黄金和唯一性较强的翡翠饰品产生了强烈的购买欲望。加工方面前景不容乐观,现在几乎没有人再去打收拾,珠宝类包括黄铂金类的依旧换新售后已经非常完善。 希望能解决您的问题。 想做珠宝行业,但是不知道珠宝行业前景如何 珠宝行业前景还是很不错的,因为现在结婚不管有没有钱都要买珠宝。 珠宝行业的前景 已经很成熟了。只要熟悉这个行业,入了行,肯定能大赚。
2023-07-16 17:45:181


翻译如下螺栓拉伸器Bolt stretcher例句螺栓拉伸器的工作原理及用途。The working principle and use of the bolt tensioner are introduced in this paper.
2023-07-16 17:45:281


问题一:帽子英语怎么写 常用的是 cap 和 hat cap 英音:[k?p]美音:[k?p] 无边便帽;制服帽;(表示职业,等级等的)帽子 hat 英音:[h?t] 美音:[h?t] (有边的)帽子[C] She was wearing a white hat. 她戴着一顶白帽子。 问题二:鸭舌帽用英语怎么翻译 peaked cap 问题三:鸭舌帽的英文是什么 鸭舌帽peaked cap casquette 有不会的可以再问我 问题四:帽子的英文? cap [kAp] n. 帽子, 军帽, (瓶)帽, (笔)帽 vt. 戴帽子, 盖在...顶上 chapeau [FA5pEu] n. 帽子 dicer [5daisE] n. 玩掷骰子游戏者, 帽子, 小礼帽 hat [hAt] n. 帽子 vt. 戴帽子 headgear [5hed^IE(r)] n. 头饰, 帽子 请采纳。 问题五:帽子个部分的英文名称怎么讲 制帽hatting 制帽材料 hatting 帽胚 hat felt 帽里 lining 帽圈 hat band 帽边 hat brim 帽檐 cap peak;peak;visor 帽顶 top of hat 帽护耳 cap tab;earflap;earlap;the eartab 帽徽 cap cockade;cap insignia;cockade 帽饰绒球 cap pompon 帽饰流苏 cap tassel 帽带 hat ribbon 帽木模 hat block;block;cap piece;blockhead 帽撑 cap stretcher 帽架 hat tree;hatrack;hat stand 挂帽钉 hat peg 问题六:帽子用英语怎么写? 我知道的有两种: hat和cap! 网络上还有: chapeau 问题七:帽子用英语怎么写? Cap 问题八:有两顶帽子的英文单词怎么写 请百度一下 问题九:―这是谁的帽子? ―是他的。 英文怎么写 Whose hat is this. This is his. ~亲,如果你认可我的回答,请点击【采纳为满意回答】按钮~ ~手机提问的朋友在客户端上评价点【采纳回答】即可。 ~你的采纳是我前进的动力~~ O(∩_∩)O,互相帮助,祝共同进步!
2023-07-16 17:46:081

jog along中文翻译

For years the business just kept jogging along . 多年来生意仅仅是平平。 We jogged along merrily easard . 我们快快活活地朝东慢慢前进。 The bus jogged along . 那辆公共汽车上下颠簸地行驶。 We must jog along somehow . 我们得一步步干下去。 He jogged along for some miles until he came to a hedge . 他慢腾腾地走了几里路,来到一堵篱笆前。 For years the business just kept jogging along 多年来生意仅仅是平平而已。 The wagon jogged along on the rough road 马车沿著崎岖不平的道路颠簸前行。 Jog : the carriage jogged along the rough road 马车沿著崎岖不平的道路颠簸著缓缓行进。 The wagon jogged along ( a rough track ) 马车(沿凹凸不平的小路)颠簸前行 ( on the way ) look , people are jogging along the river (在路上)看,人们正沿著河边慢跑。 Their pves just jog along in the quiet farm from day to day 他们的生活在平静的农场上安然地过了一天又一天。 Keep step ! aie ! these peasants ! cried an officer , seizing them by the shoulders , as they jogged along , jolting the stretcher 一个军官吆喝道,抓住那些走得不稳颠动担架的农夫的肩膀,叫他们停下来。 Brand new aqua - friendly area , outdoor aqua - friendly education recreation ground , indoor spa fitness hall , jogging along city beach and playing in the swimming lake - you are invited to join us in 2006 全新的亲水体验区,户外亲水教育休闲室内spa健身,徜徉城?沙滩悠游游泳湖,敬请期待。 It was 10am and i was doing my 12km jog along the scenic seaside with blue skies , blue - green seas , green trees , colorful flowers , birds chirping and sweet floral fragrance 上午10点,我沿著新加坡风景如画的海边进行12公里的慢跑,碧海蓝天,绿绿的树,五彩的花,鸟儿在欢唱,空气中弥漫著醉人的芳香。 When she saw the booklet , she said : gee , i seem to have seen this master before ! finally , she revealed that several times while she and her hu *** and were riding a motorbike on the way to the yangming center , they had seen a nun jogging along the road 封面上这位师父我好像看过!原来有好几次她跟她先生骑摩托车经过阳明山道场附近的时候,看到一位出家人在路上跑步,她就觉得很奇怪,因为下雨天那位出家人也在跑步,即使她没有穿雨衣,看起来好像也不会淋湿。
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