barriers / 阅读 / 详情


2023-05-19 17:04:31

不全也没事,我主要想要10.cowboy,11.The Garden of Eden,12,A Surprise for Mr.Koffer 这几篇的全文翻译,速度要快,悬赏我会提高的


Yaxley could now get inside the house, there was no way that they could return. Even

now, he could be bringing other Death Eaters in there by Apparition. Gloomy and

oppressive though the house was, it had been their one safe refuge; even, now that

Kreacher was so much happier and friendlier, a kind of home. With a twinge of regret

that had nothing to do with food, Harry imagined the house-elf busying himself over th


your fault! If anything, it was mine. . . .” Harry put his hand in his pocket and drew out Mad-Eye"s eye. Hermione recoiled,

looking horrified. “Umbridge had stuc





这个形式是正确的,在这里的用法应该是动词,译为忙什么... 即busy是表达忙什么这个动作的原形,而busying则是它的动名词形式. 就像是study是表达学习这个动作的原形,而studying则是它的动名词形式. 但是busying的用法和一般的动名词不一样,它的后面要接动名词形式.. 举个例子:A:What have you been doing? B:I have been busying (in) studying English. 这个小对话,就是它的主要用法所在,表示一直在忙着做某事,其中的in可有可无.所以括了起来.. 希望我的解释能使你有所收获.如果不明白,可以补充问题,我会尽力回答..
2023-01-03 16:03:541


busy 英[ˈbɪzi] 美[ˈbɪzi] adj. 忙碌的; 繁华的; 占线; 爱管闲事的; vt. 忙着做某事; 使奔走; 使经营; n. 〈英俚〉侦探; 包打听; [例句]What is it? I"m busy.什么事?我忙着呢。[其他] 比较级:busier 最高级:busiest 第三人称单数:busies现在分词:busying 过去式:busied 过去分词:busied
2023-01-03 16:04:013


busy的名词形式是busyness。busyness的意思是繁忙;忙碌。busy的意思是忙的,繁忙的,热闹的,使忙于。 busy基本字义 英["bɪzɪ]美[ˈbɪzɪ] adj.忙的;繁忙的;热闹的;(电话)占线的 vt.使忙于 比较级:busier 最高级:busiest 第三人称单数现在时:busies 现在分词:busying 过去分词:busied 过去时:busied busyness的双语例句 1.In the relentless busyness of modern life,we have lost the rhythym between action and rest. 在这个无情、繁忙的现代生活中,我们已经在工作和休息之间失去了平衡。 2.Disconnect from all of the busyness and reconnect with what brings you the most nourishment. 和所有的繁忙断开连接,和能带给你营养的事物重新联系。 3.Stop the busyness and really enjoy whats important to you. 停下忙碌的步伐,真正地享受对你来说重要的事情。 4.Busyness is the microscope with which we can see the disease of our selfishness and sin. 忙碌只是一个显微镜,让我们看到自己身上自私和罪的蔓延。 5.We respect busyness. 我们尊重忙碌。
2023-01-03 16:04:181


2023-01-03 16:04:255

be busy doing sth 中的busying是动名词还是现在分词,这里面得busy是形容词还是动词?

be busy doing sth —— 忙于做某事 这里动词 是动名词 教你个区分 现在分词 和 动名词 的办法:看前后主语位置能不能互换 如果互换之后,句子意思没有改变,则这里doing为动名词反之 如果互换之后 句子意思改变或者句子不成立 则这里doing为现在分词听懂没? 给你举个例子:1.动名词 Running is my favourite sport. ——跑步是我最喜欢的运动。如果互换位置之后 句子变成了:My favourite sport is runnning. ——我最喜欢的运动是跑步。两句话意思相同,说明这里的running是动名词。2.现在分词。Now,I am running. ——现在,我正在跑步。如果互换,则为:Now,running am I. 句子语序不痛 所以这里的running不再是动名词而是现在分词。表示现在正在发生的动作或出于某种状态。再给你说点动名词的作用比如现在要把一句话翻译成英语:跑步是我最喜欢的运动。不可以翻译成 Run is my favourite sport. 因为 只有名词可以做主语 动词不可以做主语动词要想做主语 要么 doing(动名词) 要么用 to do(动词不定式)所以 跑步是我最喜欢的运动这句话应该这样说:Running is my favourite sport.或者My favourite sport is running.第二个问题 busy是形容词还是动词?我给你划分一下这句话的结构:Somebody be busy doing sth.比如 I am busy doing homework.——我忙于写作业I 主语am 谓语busy 宾语doing homework 宾语从句 要求后置 这里busy既然是宾语 所以只能由名词或代词充当所以busy不可能是动词 所以是形容词 修饰后面的现在分词
2023-01-03 16:04:486


形容词 a. 1. 忙碌的,繁忙的[(+with/at/over)][(+in)][+v-ing]He is busy at work. 他忙着工作。 I am busy writing a novel. 我正忙于写小说。 Jean is busy with her work. 琼忙于自己的工作。 2. 充满活动的;热闹的Yesterday I had a busy afternoon. 昨天下午我很忙。 3. 【美】(尤指电话线)正被占用的,不通的Sorry, her phone is busy. 抱歉,她的电话正在使用中。 4. 【贬】杂乱的,使人眼花缭乱的5. 爱管闲事的
2023-01-03 16:05:177


busy意思:adj.忙碌的;无暇的;忙于(做某事);人来车往的;熙熙攘攘的;工作忙的;正被占用的;杂乱的。vt.忙着做某事。n.包打听。第三人称单数:busies;现在分词:busying;过去式:busied;过去分词:busied。busy例句:1、In a busy world, managing your time is increasingly important.在忙碌的世界里,善于利用时间变得越来越重要。2、We have a very busy day ahead of us today. 今天迎接我们的将是非常忙碌的一天。3、She is a busy woman with many calls on her time. 她是个大忙人,有很多事等着她去办。
2023-01-03 16:05:511


  busy的中文意思   英 [ˈbɪzi] 美 [ˈbɪzi]   比较级:busier最高级:busiest第三人称单数:busies现在分词:busying过去分词:busied过去式:busied   形容词 忙碌的; 繁华的; 占线; 爱管闲事的   及物动词 忙着做某事; 使奔走; 使经营   名词 〈英俚〉侦探; 包打听   相关例句   形容词   1. Yesterday I had a busy afternoon.   昨天下午我很忙。   2. The telephone line is busy.   电话占线。   3. He is busy now.   他现在很忙。   4. Jean is busy with her work.   琴忙于自己的工作。   及物动词   1. She is busying herself about the house.   她忙于家务。   2. Bill busied himself with collecting materials.   比尔忙于收集资料。   busy的词典解释   1. 忙的;忙碌的   When you are busy, you are working hard or concentrating on a task, so that you are not free to do anything else.   e.g. What is it? I"m busy...   什么事?我忙着呢。   e.g. They are busy preparing for a hectic day"s activity on Saturday...   他们正忙着准备周六一整天都安排满了的活动。   2. 繁忙的;忙碌的.   A busy time is a period of time during which you have a lot of things to do.   e.g. It"ll have to wait. This is our busiest time ...   这事得往后放。这是我们最忙碌的时候。   e.g. Even with her busy schedule she finds time to watch TV...   即使日程安排很满,她也要抽出时间看电视。   3. 全神贯注的;心无旁骛的;埋头于…的   If you say that someone is busy thinking or worrying about something, you mean that it is taking all their attention, often to such an extent that they are unable to think about anything else.   e.g. Companies are so busy analysing the financial implications that they overlook the effect on workers ...   公司忙于分析此事对财务可能产生的影响,而忽视了其对工人的影响。   e.g. Most people are too busy with their own troubles to give much help.   大多数人都忙于自己的烦心事,而无暇提供太多的帮助。   4. 使(自己)忙于   If you busy yourself with something, you occupy yourself by dealing with it.   e.g. He busied himself with the camera...   他忙着摆弄那个相机。   e.g. She busied herself getting towels ready...   她忙着把毛巾准备好。   5. 热闹的;忙碌的;熙熙攘攘的   A busy place is full of people who are doing things or moving about.   e.g. The Strand is one of London"s busiest and most affluent streets...   斯特兰德街是伦敦最繁华、最富足的街道之一。   e.g. The ward was busy and Amy hardly had time to talk.   病房里非常忙碌,埃米几乎没有时间说话。   6. 占线的   When a telephone line is busy, you cannot make your call because the line is already being used by someone else.   e.g. I tried to reach him, but the line was busy.   我试图和他联系,但他的电话占线。   busy的情景对话   就业和工作   B:How busy is your schedule?   你的工作忙吗?   A:I work (six days/ five days/ sixty hours) a week.   我一星期工作(6天/ 5天/ 60个小时)。   生活对话   B:You"re kind of down these days.   你最近看起来心情不好。   A:I"m OK.   我还好。   B:Sure? Boy problems?   真的吗?是跟男生有关的事吗?   A:No, I"m fine.   不,我很好。   B:Are you busy on the 30th?   你三十号那天有事吗?   A:No.   没事。   B:Well then, let"s go to an outdoor symphony concert. My treat!   那么,我们去一个户外的交响乐演奏会。我请客!
2023-01-03 16:06:041


2023-01-03 16:06:114


2023-01-03 16:06:282


be busy doing Sth,这是一个固定的结构,意思是忙于做某事,跟进行时无关。
2023-01-03 16:06:433


2023-01-03 16:06:577


2023-01-03 16:07:289


名词:busyness busy 形容词:忙的,繁忙的 动词:使忙于 副词:busily 形容词比较级:busier 最高级:busiest 名词:busyness 动词过去式:busied 过去分词:busied 现在分词:busying 第三人称单数:busies
2023-01-03 16:08:0711

hectic 和 busy 的区别

2023-01-03 16:08:572


2023-01-03 16:09:124


<p>busy</p><p>忙死了</p>双语对照busy[英][ˈbɪzi][美][ˈbɪzi]<p>adj.忙碌的; 繁华的; 占线; 爱管闲事的; </p><p>vt.忙着做某事; 使奔走; 使经营; </p><p>n.〈英俚〉侦探; 包打听; </p><p>第三人称单数:busies</p><p>现在进行时:busying</p><p>过去式:busied</p><p>过去分词:busied</p><p>比较级:busier</p><p>最高级:busiest</p><ol><li>1Can"t you <br />see I"m <br />busy?<p>你没看到我在忙吗?</p></li><li>2Can you see I"m <br />busy?<p>你没看到我很忙么?</p></li><li>3Seems <br />busy <br />these days.<p>看起来这些天很忙。</p></li><li>4I"ve been very busy.<p>我一直是非常忙碌的。</p></li><li><p>5Can"t you see that <br />I"m busy?<p>你没看到我正忙着吗?</p></p>固定搭配:(1)be busy doing sth.意为“忙着做某事”(2)be busy with sth.意为“忙于某事”,with后面通常接名词。例如:<br />1.The plan for the new book is on ice at the moment.I"ve been busy with too many other things.<br />写那本新书的计划暂时搁一下,我一直忙于太多其它的事情.<br />2.I was busy with my children.<br />我忙于照顾孩子.<br />3.He is busy doing his homework.<br />他正忙着做家庭作业.<br />4.I am busy working.<br />我正忙于工作.</li></ol>
2023-01-03 16:09:306


2023-01-03 16:09:597


2023-01-03 16:10:374


2023-01-03 16:10:543


I "m busy (now).
2023-01-03 16:12:066


The number you called is busy ,now.Please try again later.您拨的用户忙,请稍后再拨.
2023-01-03 16:12:475


2023-01-03 16:13:263


2023-01-03 16:13:372


美式读音:ˈbɪzi英式读音:ˈbɪzi过去式:busied过去分词:busied现在分词:busying第三人称单数:busies复数:busies比较级:busier最高级:busiest例句:1、I"m busy checking up on the attendees of the meeting.我正忙于核对会议的与会人员。2、The young man busied himself with the renovation of his new home.这个年轻男子让自己忙碌于装修新家。3、The busies in the area are under a single government administration.该地区的警官统一由政府管理。4、Kate"s busy with her homework.凯特忙着做她的家庭作业。
2023-01-03 16:13:462


busy的意思:忙碌的;热闹的;正被占用的。busy:英 [ˈbɪzi]  美 [ˈbɪzi] adj. 忙碌的;热闹的;正被占用的vt. 使忙于n. (Busy)人名;(匈)布希;(法)比西用法:[ 比较级 busier 最高级 busiest 过去式 busied 过去分词 busied 现在分词 busying 第三人称单数 busies ]短语:Busy day 忙碌的一天 ; 繁忙的一天 ; 繁忙的天 ; 忙碌充实的工作busy signal 占线 ; 忙音 ; 占线的声音 ; [通信] 占线信号busy test [通信] 占线测试 ; 忙碌状态试验 ; [计] [通信] 忙碌测试 ; 忙线测试get busy 最佳男性说唱表演 ; 唱片名例句:They are busy preparing for a hectic day"s activity on Saturday.他们正忙着为星期六这一天热闹的活动做准备。扩展资料:近义词:engaged:英 [ɪnˈɡeɪdʒd]  美 [ɪnˈɡeɪdʒd] adj. 忙碌的;使用中的;已订婚的;电话占线的;(圆柱)附墙的v. 吸引住;雇用;参加;(机器)接合;与(敌人)开战;保证;约定;同??订婚(engage 的过去式和过去分词)短语:engaged in 从事于;忙于engaged with 与?有事商谈;接洽;忙于;从事于get engaged 订婚engaged couple 已订婚的情侣例句:The new novel engaged his attention and interest. 这部新小说引起了他的注意和兴趣。
2023-01-03 16:13:571


英 ['bɪzi]释义:adj 忙碌的;热闹的;正被占用的vt 使忙于n (Busy)人名;(匈)布希;(法)比西[ 比较级 busier 最高级 busiest 过去式 busied 过去分词 busied 现在分词 busying 第三人称单数 busies ]短语:be busy with 忙于 ; 忙于干某事 ; 忙于做某事 ; 忙着扩展资料:重点词汇用法:busyadj (形容词)1、busy用作形容词的基本意思是“忙的”,通常指人经常或暂时埋头于一项工作,含有“热衷于”的意味。busy作“繁忙的; 热闹的”解时可修饰物或事物。2、busy在句中可用作定语或表语。用作表语时,其后常可接介词about, at, in, over , with引起的短语, 这些介词有时可省略,特别是当其宾语为动名词时。busy用于tooto结构时可接动词不定式。v (动词)busy既可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时,一般接oneself作宾语,常常表示“使自己忙于某事”。
2023-01-03 16:14:082


2023-01-03 16:14:2213


2023-01-03 16:15:1111

be busying doing

be busy doing sth —— 忙于做某事 这里动词 是动名词 教你个区分 现在分词 和 动名词 的办法: 看前后主语位置能不能互换 如果互换之后,句子意思没有改变,则这里doing为动名词 反之 如果互换之后 句子意思改变或者句子不成立 则这里doing为现在分词 听懂没?给你举个例子: 1.动名词 Running is my favourite sport.——跑步是我最喜欢的运动. 如果互换位置之后 句子变成了: My favourite sport is runnning.——我最喜欢的运动是跑步. 两句话意思相同,说明这里的running是动名词. 2.现在分词. Now,I am running.——现在,我正在跑步. 如果互换,则为: Now,running am I.句子语序不痛 所以这里的running不再是动名词而是现在分词.表示现在正在发生的动作或出于某种状态. 再给你说点 动名词的作用 比如现在要把一句话翻译成英语:跑步是我最喜欢的运动. 不可以翻译成 Run is my favourite sport. 因为 只有名词可以做主语 动词不可以做主语 动词要想做主语 要么 doing(动名词) 要么用 to do(动词不定式) 所以 跑步是我最喜欢的运动这句话应该这样说: Running is my favourite sport.或者My favourite sport is running. 第二个问题 busy是形容词还是动词? 我给你划分一下这句话的结构: Somebody be busy doing sth. 比如 I am busy doing homework.——我忙于写作业 I 主语 am 谓语 busy 宾语 doing homework 宾语从句 要求后置 这里busy既然是宾语 所以只能由名词或代词充当 所以busy不可能是动词 所以是形容词 修饰后面的现在分词
2023-01-03 16:16:181


2023-01-03 16:16:276


名词busyness 相关词语:busybody 管闲事的人词性相关:过去式busied 过去分词busied 第三人称单数busies 形容词比较级busier 形容词最高级busiest 副词busily 相关例句:1. Have grown up in a rural area, she is not used to the busyness of big city.因为在乡村长大,她不习惯大城市的繁忙。2. She practices the busyness of city life soon.她不久就习惯城市生活的喧闹繁忙。3. According to Dr Hallowell this busyness thing is endemic.哈洛韦尔医生表示,忙碌这种东西是一种常见病。Just trust me.
2023-01-03 16:16:494


2023-01-03 16:17:074


名词busyness 相关词语:busybody 管闲事的人词性相关:过去式busied 过去分词busied 第三人称单数busies 形容词比较级busier 形容词最高级busiest 副词busily 相关例句:1. Have grown up in a rural area, she is not used to the busyness of big city.因为在乡村长大,她不习惯大城市的繁忙。2. She practices the busyness of city life soon.她不久就习惯城市生活的喧闹繁忙。3. According to Dr Hallowell this busyness thing is endemic.哈洛韦尔医生表示,忙碌这种东西是一种常见病。Just trust me.
2023-01-03 16:17:244


busier比较级英[ˈbɪzɪə]美[ˈbɪziər]adj.忙碌的;无暇的;忙于(做某事);人来车往的;熙熙攘攘的;例句Police and motoring organizations said the roads were slightly busier than normal.警方和一些汽车组织表示,这些公路比平常稍繁忙一些。变形拓展原型busyv.第三人称单数busies现在分词busying过去分词busied过去式busiedadj.最高级busiest百度翻译智能小程序
2023-01-03 16:17:402

busy 的名词形式是?

名词:busyness busy 形容词:忙的,繁忙的 动词:使忙于 副词:busily 形容词比较级:busier 最高级:busiest 名词:busyness 动词过去式:busied 过去分词:busied 现在分词:busying 第三人称单数:busies
2023-01-03 16:17:521


busy[英]["bɪzɪ] [美][ˈbɪzi] 生词本简明释义adj.忙碌的;占线;繁华的;爱管闲事的vt.忙着做某事;使奔走;使经营n.〈英俚〉侦探;包打听第三人称单数:busies过去式:busied过去分词:busied现在分词:busying比较级:busier最高级:busiest以下结果由 金山词霸 提供柯林斯高阶英汉词典 同反义词1.ADJ-GRADED忙的;忙碌的When you are busy, you are working hard or concentrating on a task, so that you are not free to do anything else.What is it? I"m busy... 什么事?我忙着呢。They are busy preparing for a hectic day"s activity on Saturday...他们正忙着准备周六一整天都安排满了的活动。Rachel said she would be too busy to come...雷切尔说她太忙,不会来了。
2023-01-03 16:18:012


2023-01-03 16:18:102

busy一般后面跟to do还是doing啊!

be busy doing
2023-01-03 16:18:237

be busy to do sth.和be busy doing的区别

busy只有be busy doing sth的用法而没有be busy to do sth的用法。busy英 [ˈbɪzi]   美 [ˈbɪzi]  adj.忙碌的;无暇的;忙于(做某事);人来车往的;熙熙攘攘的v.忙着做某事第三人称单数: busies 现在分词: busying 过去式: busied 过去分词: busied 比较级: busier 最高级: busiest派生词: busily adv.例句:I"m afraid the doctor is busy at the moment. Can he call you back?恐怕医生现在没空。让他给你回电话行吗?扩展资料近义词1、active英 [ˈæktɪv]   美 [ˈæktɪv]  adj.(尤指体力上)忙碌的,活跃的;积极的;定期进行的;起作用的n.主动语态例句:Although he"s nearly 80, he is still very active.尽管快80岁了,他还是十分活跃。2、engaged英 [ɪnˈɡeɪdʒd]   美 [ɪnˈɡeɪdʒd]  adj.忙于;从事于;已订婚;被占用的;使用中的v.吸引住(注意力、兴趣);雇用;聘用;与…建立密切关系;尽力理解例句:They are engaged in talks with the Irish government.他们正忙着与爱尔兰政府谈判。
2023-01-03 16:18:556

was busying 对吗 。。。。。

busy是形容词,不能加ing变成动名词。I was busy 就可以了
2023-01-03 16:19:261


2023-01-03 16:19:332

busy的动名词是什么 正确加分

2023-01-03 16:19:441


2023-01-03 16:19:501


过去分词:busiedbusy英[ˈbɪzi]美[ˈbɪzi]adj.忙碌的; 繁华的; 占线; 爱管闲事的vt.忙着做某事; 使奔走; 使经营n.〈英俚〉侦探; 包打听网络忙; 忙的; 忙碌第三人称单数:busies现在分词:busying过去式:busied过去分词:busied比较级:busier最高级:busiest
2023-01-03 16:19:561


Zhang Jie is busy doing his homework.因为busy 是形容词不能加ING ,
2023-01-03 16:20:021

see you allways :busying no time to write

是翻译吗?“看到你allways :西诺没有时间写”
2023-01-03 16:20:081


2023-01-03 16:20:147


Study on the principle of performabipty in o engpsh versions of quot; teahouse quot 英译本的动态表演性原则 Due to the special characteristics of drama , the principle of drama translation should be performabipty 剧本语言的独特性决定了戏剧翻译的原则和标准不同于一般文学翻译所遵循的原则和标准。 Finally , this paper pass the calculator to imitate with the method that experiment the test , to the business that whole work traffic performance and performabipty to proceeds the *** ysis 最后,本文通过计算机模拟和实验测试的方法,对整个网络的业务性能和完成性进行了分析。 On the study of the repabipty of munication work , one is about connection , including invulnerabipty ( connectivity , cohesion ) , survivabipty and availabipty ; another is about performance which is pleted by work when ponects are in failure , namely performabipty , xwhose measure is effectiveness and performabipty 另一方面则有关网络件处于故障状态下网络所完成的性能的研究,即完成性的研究,其测度指标是网络有效度和完成度。 On the study of researches on performabipty , this dissertation integrates the performance why repabipty on ponents " level , and presents approaches for *** yzing throughput rates of ponent and terminal - pair , which are just their effectiveness . they can be used for *** yzing nonhierarchical and hierarchical work , and even all enork considering the called - busying . this is just the *** ysis of the effectiveness of work 此方法也可嵌入到迭代法用于分析无级网、有级网,在考虑被叫忙时的整个网络的业务性能,从而分析了网络的完成性指标有效度。
2023-01-03 16:20:431

what are you busying with 这个是什么意思?

2023-01-03 16:20:534